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Journal of Occupational Health Psychology                                           Copyright 1998 by the Educational Publishing Foundation
1998, Vol. 3, No. 4, 322-355                                                                                            1076-8998/98/$3.00

                             The Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ):
                         An Instrument for Internationally Comparative
                        Assessments of Psychosocial Job Characteristics
                        Robert Karasek                                                 Chantal Brisson
            University of Massachusetts Lowell                                           Laval University

                      Norito Kawakami                                   Irene Houtman and Paulien Bongers
                          Gifu University                                   National Institute for Work and Health

                                                      Benjamin Amick
                                                New England Medical Center

                Part I discusses the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), designed to measure scales assessing
                psychological demands, decision latitude, social support, physical demands, and job insecurity.
                Part II describes the reliability of the JCQ scales in a cross-national context using 10,288 men and
                6,313 women from 6 studies conducted in 4 countries. Substantial similarity in means, standard
                deviations, and correlations among the scales, and in correlations between scales and demographic
                variables, is found for both men and women in all studies. Reliability is good for most scales.
                Results suggest that psychological job characteristics are more similar across national boundaries
                than across occupations.

   This article consists of three parts. Part I introduces            Part II reports the cross-national validity, for men
the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) as a tool for                  and women, of the JCQ scales in six broadly
psychosocial job assessment. First, a description of               representative populations from four advanced indus-
scales and their underlying theoretical concepts is                trial societies: the United States, Canada, the
presented. This is followed by a discussion of                     Netherlands, and Japan. JCQ scale means, standard
empirical issues in the development of the question-               deviations, reliabilities, and correlations are com-
naire and its validity. Part I concludes with a                    pared. Part III reviews comparison of the intercountry
discussion of measurement issues, administrative                   and interoccupation differences in the scales, dis-
issues, and future challenges.                                     cusses specific scales issues, and discusses the
                                                                   implications of the study for interpretation of
                                                                   psychosocial job assessment questionnaires.
   Robert Karasek, Department of Work Environment,
University of Massachusetts Lowell; Chantal Brisson,                                           PART I
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Laval
University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; Norito Kawakami,
School of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Gifu                    The Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ):
University, Gifu, Japan; Irene Houtman and Panlien
Bongers, National Institute for Work and Health, Amster-                Psychosocial Job Assessment Instrument
dam; Benjamin Amick, The Health Institute, New England
Medical Center, Boston.                                                              Instrument Overview
   The Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) is copyrighted.
Users should request the instrument from the JCQ Center               The JCQ is a self-administered instrument de-
(see the JCQ UsagePolicy section). The JCQ is provided             signed to measure social and psychological character-
with research documentation to most users free of charge,
but commercial and very large research projects pay a usage        istics of jobs. The best-known scales--(a) decision
fee to support comparative reliability analysis and instru-        latitude, (b) psychological demands, and (c) social
ment development on a nonprofit basis through the JCQ              support--are used to measure the high-demand/low-
Center, University of Massachusetts Lowell.                        control/low-support model of job strain development.
   Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-            The demand/control model predicts, first, stress-related
dressed to Robert Karasek, Department of Work Environ-
ment, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Massachusetts           risk and, second, active-passive behavioral correlates of
01854.                                                             jobs. Other aspects of work demands are assessed as well:

SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE                                        323

(d) physical demands and (e) job insecurity. The            psychological strain occur when the psychological
instrument has a recommended length of 49 questions.        demands are high and the worker's decision latitude
   All scales can be used for microlevel, job-              is low: job strain. Low social support at work further
characteristic analytic purposes, such as assessing the     increases risk. A second set of hypotheses, related to
relative risks of individuals' exposures to different       what might be called good stress, involves active
work settings to predict job-related illness develop-       behavior development under conditions of high
ment, psychological distress, coronary heart disease,       demands and high decision latitude, which predict
musculoskeletal disease, and reproductive disorders.        motivation, new learning behaviors, and coping
The scales also allow testing of hypotheses about           pattern development (of course, the active behavior
activation, worker motivation, and job satisfaction         hypotheses are contingent on demands not being too
and have been used for such studies. The conceptual         high). The reverse is predicted for low demands
framework underlying the JCQ allows its application         coupled with low decision latitude: a very unmotivat-
in social policy as a measure of work quality               ing job setting leading to negative job learning or
(Karasek, 1998), in addition to the more commonly           gradual loss of previously acquired skills.
assessed work quantity issues: wages, hours, and               A dynamic version of the model integrates the job
benefits. Broader economic development issues of            strain and active behavior hypotheses with personal-
skill utilization as well as social costs of market-based   ity characteristics measuring accumulated strain and
economic development are beginning to be addressed          self-esteem development (Karasek & Theorell, 1990)
(Karasek & Theorell, 1990) using the instrument. No         with the goal of predicting strain development and
personality orientation scales or measures of non-job       learning over time. The model is based on measures
stressors are included--two areas in which the user         of psychological demands of work combined with a
may want to supplement the instrument.                      measure of task control and skill use (decision
   The JCQ has been translated into over a dozen            latitude). The psychological demand dimension re-
languages. The instrument is nationally standardiz-         lates to "how hard workers work" (mental work load;
able by detailed occupation in several countries,           Meshkati, Hancock, & Rahami, 1990), organization
providing an occupational scoring system. An active         constraints on task completion, and conflicting
users' group supports usage of the JCQ, and an              demands. It includes subscales shown in Table 1
international board of researchers decides on policy        (Subscales 2a, 2b; see Karasek & Theorell, 1990).
and development issues.                                     The "recommended version" includes additional
                                                            specific measures of cognitive workload (Subscaies
                                                            2c, 2d).
    JCQ Scales and Their Theoretical Bases

   The JCQ arose out of the adaptive response to
serve the new empirically based areas of social             Scales la and lb: Components of Decision
epidemiology, behavioral medicine, and psychosocial         Latitude--Skill Discretion and Decision
job analysis, requiring a multidisciplinary theoretical     Authority
model. Because the primary theoretical model upon
which the JCQ is based and discussions of alternative         The worker's control over the performance of his
scale formulations in its domain are extensively            or her own job is measured by two theoretically
reviewed elsewhere (de Jonge & Kompier, 1997;               distinct subdimensions of decision latitude that are
Karasek, 1979, 1997; Karasek & Theorell, 1990;              usually highly correlated: skill discretion and deci-
Kristensen, 1995, 1996; Landsbergis, SchnaU, War-           sion authority (Karasek & Theorell, 1990). Skill
ren, Schwartz, & Pickering, 1994), this article only        discretion (Subscale la) is measured by a set of
presents outlines of those arguments by way of an           questions that assess the level of skill and creativity
introduction to the JCQ scales.                             required on the job and the flexibility permitted the
                                                            worker in deciding what skills to employ (similar to
                                                            variety; e.g., Hackman & Lawler, 1971). A second
Scale 1: Decision Latitude and Scale 2:                     subdimension, decision authority (Subscale lb),
Psychological Demands                                       assesses the organizationally mediated possibilities
                                                            for workers to make decisions about their work
   The most commonly used demand/control model              (autonomy; e.g., Hackman & Lawler, 1971). A
hypothesis (Karasek, 1979, 1997; Karasek & Theo-            question on skills required by the job allows
rell, 1990) predicts that the most adverse reactions of     assessment of skill underutilization (Subscale lc). A
324                                            KARASEK El" AL.

Table 1
Scales and Numbers of Questions in the Full Recommended JCQ and the "Core QES"
                   Scale                                     Core QES JCQ                   Full recommended JCQ
1. Decision latitude
   a. Skill discretion                                              6                                 6
   b. Decision authority                                            3                                 3
   c. Skill underufilization                                        2b                                2b
   d. Work group decision authority (new)                                                             3
   e. Formal authority (new)                                                                          2
   f. Union/representative influence (new)                                                            3
2. Psychological demands and mental workload
   a. General psychological demands                                 4                                 5
   b. Role ambiguity                                                1                                 1
   c. Concentration (new)                                                                             1
   d. Mental work disruption (new)                                                                    2
3. Social support
   a. Socioemotional (coworker)                                     2                                 2
   b. Instrumental (coworker)                                       2                                 2
   c. Socioemotional (supervisor)                                   2                                 2
   d. Instrumental (supervisor)                                     2                                 3
   e. Hostility (coworker) (new)                                                                       1
   f. Hostility (supervisor) (new)                                                                     1
4. Physical demands
   a. General physical loading                                      1                                 1
   b. Isometric load (new)                                                                            2
   c. Aerobic load (new)                                                                              2
5. Job insecurity
   a. Generaijob insecurity                                         3                                 4
   b. Skill obsolescence (new)                                                                        2
Total que~ions                                                    27                                  49
Note. JCQ = Job Content Questionnaire; QES = Quality of Employment Surveys.
a Eight new scales/dimensions and additional items were added to make the Recommended JCQ format.   b Education was
also used in this scale.

third, macrolevel component of decision latitude          high demand and high control, has high-prestige
assesses the possibility of participatory influence on    occupations: public officials, physicians, engineers,
organization level issues, as well as union and           nurses, and managers of all kinds. The passive job
work-group participation (Subscales ld, le, If).          quadrant (lower left), with low demands and low
   The JCQ integrates use of both individual and          control, has clerical workers such as billing clerks,
occupation-based conceptions of job characteristics.      and low-status service personnel such as janitors. The
The occupation-based job characteristic assessments       high-strain quadrant (lower right), with high demands
yield an effective communication tool for interpreting    and low control, has machine-paced operatives such
the meaning of the otherwise abstract psychosocial
                                                          as assemblers, cutting operatives, freight handlers, as
JCQ scales in terms of specific jobs situations, and
                                                          well as other low-status service operatives such as
provide a source of validating information about job
                                                          waiters. Occupations with high percentages of
situations. As an example: When the two JCQ job
                                                          women are frequent (garment stitchers, waitresses,
characteristic scales---decision latitude and psycho-
logical demands--are arrayed as a four-quadrant           telephone operators, and other nurse's aides). Low-
diagram, they define the strain and active behavior       strain self-paced occupations (upper left) often
hypotheses of the demand/control model. These can         involve significant training and self-pacing, such as
be used to display (see Figure 1) average job             repairmen, linemen, and natural scientists. Kristensen
characteristics of occupations in U.S. Census occupa-     (1996) reconceptualized the four quadrants above
tion codes and the U.S. Quality of Employment             respectively as qualified work, surveillance work,
Surveys (QES) database (Karasek & Theorell, 1990).        tempo work, and craftsman's work. Kristensen
In Figure 1, the active job quadrant (upper right) with   identified the linkages to structural and technological
Decision          l


                     • Natural                 Programmer Farmer
                       Scientist              •         ~]~ Teacher--H.S.

                                     • Publc
                                    • Officials • Physician
                           +0.50     Bank Officer
           • Lineman                    • Clerk
                           • Foreman       Supervisor
                     O Repairman..~ O Nurse

 I         I
                     o_Machinist • Carpenter
                       I         I                I     il~ Fireman
                           Stationary         • Health • Off. Computer
                         • EngineerA~ I         Technician Operator
                                 _ WBilling Clerk
• Watchman                       WSales Clerk
                              • Dispatcher
                                              • Gas Station
                              O Janitor          Attendant
                                             • Cutting      tWaitress
                              • Miner    -      OperativeO Nurse's Aide
                                      O        • Freight handler
                                        Construction • Telephone
                                        Laborer         Operator/,f--~
                                                  "         " Keypuncher / Si t n t ~
                                                                 ~ /Gm a '~gh O

                                                         O Assembler-
                                                           electric/trans, mfg.

     Figure I. The occupational distribution of psychological demands and decision latitude
     (U.S. male and female workers; N = 4,495). From "The Political Impfications of Psychosocial
     Work Redesign: A Model of the Psychosocial Class S~ucture" (p. 177), by R. A. Karasek, in
     J. V. Johnson and G. Johansson (Eds.), The Psychosocial Work Environment: Work
     Organization, Democratization, andHealth, 1991, Amityville, N-Y:Baywood. Copyright 1989
     by Baywood Publishing Company. Reprinted with permission.
326                                               KARASEK ET AL.

developments in production processes, thus making it         the Job Insecurity Scale section) because specific
more useful in job redesign contexts.                        events of unemployment are relatively low frequency,
                                                             even when the fear of job insecurity can be more
Scale 3: Social Support                                      widely experienced (Subscale 5a). The job insecurity
                                                             effect can depend on the labor market requirements
   The demand/control model has been expanded by             for particular skills, limiting future career develop-
Johnson (Johnson, 1986; Johnson & Hall, 1988) with           ment possibilities (Subscale 5b).
the addition of social support as a third dimension.
The primary hypothesis, that jobs which are high in
                                                                    Theoretical Interpretation of Scales
demands, low in control, and also low in social
support at work carry the highest risk of illness, has
                                                                      and Implications: Sociological
been empirically successful in a number of chronic                      and Psychological Origins
disease studies (Johnson, 1989; Karasek & Theorell,
                                                                The JCQ provides advantages to researchers by
1990). Karasek and Theorell (1990), Karasek, Trian-
                                                             integrating strengths of multiple disciplines. How-
tis, and Chaudhry (1982), and Johnson and Hall
                                                             ever, it also presents the JCQ users with the challenge
(1988) discussed the differential impacts of support
                                                             of reconcifing multiple scientific literaanes when findings
from coworkers and from supervisors and, within
                                                             are reported. We briefly outline major linkages below.
these, the separate impacts of instrumental and
                                                                The primary hypotheses of the JCQ, resulting from
socioemotional support, respectively (Subscales 3a,
                                                             the demand/control model, are both psychological
3b, 3c, 3d). Interpersonal hostility is also included as a
                                                             and sociological in nature and methodology. The JCQ
measure of social support deficit (Subscales 3e, 3f). The
                                                             is sociological in that it presumes existence of
social support addition acknowledges the need of any
                                                             socially "objective" environments that systemati-
theory of job stress and behavior development to assess
                                                             cally affect individual well-being and behavior. There
social relations at the workplace.
                                                             is a focus on (a) major social institutional settings, (b)
                                                             broad population groups, (c) covariance of measures
Scale 4: Physical Demands                                    with major demographic categories, and (d) its
                                                             hypotheses, which evolved from sociological life
   The "demanding costs" of work activity are not            stress and illness as well as work alienation traditions.
just mental but also physical. Indeed, the more              Also, consistent with much sociological literature,
traditional concept of workloads involves physical           associations are usually controlled for social class (for
loads. Physiological effects of stress on the cardiovas-     contrasting perspectives, see Ganster & Schaubroeck,
cular system, the effectiveness of mental functioning,       1991; Karasek & Theorell, 1990).
and general fatigue are shown in much research                  However, there are also differences with classic
literature to depend on both mental and physical             sociological approaches. The JCQ is based on a
loads, and thus this measure is also included in the         theoretical foundation that implies an alternative,
JCQ. Although the original QES questionnaire                 psychosocial class model, which appears to predict
contains only a single item on physical exertion             health outcomes more effectively than the conven-
(Subseale 4a), the recommended form of the JCQ               tional class model (Karasek, 1997, 1998; Karasek &
includes static (Subscale 4b) as well as dynamic             Theorell, 1990, chapters 5, 9, 10). Kristensen (1996)
physical loads (Subscale 4c), both shown to be               and Karasek and Theorell (1990) noted that the scales
important for musculoskeletal disorder development.          and methods also lend themselves to understanding of
                                                             the social and technological structure of production
Scale 5: Job Insecurity                                      processes. Such associations allow interpretation of
                                                             JCQ findings for human capital and economic
   Work's psychological burden consists not only of          development studies.
the work of carrying out the task but also in the               A variety of methodological techniques from both
human costs of adapting to labor market dynamics.            sociology and psychometrics are used: scale reliabil-
These have become increasingly important in the last         ity analysis, scale construction techniques, multilevel
several years, because the global economy has had            causal analyses, and data reduction techniques such
job-displacing effects in many countries and in-             as factor analysis. The JCQ uses sociological
creased reported job insecurity (Lohr, 1996). Measure-       questionnaire assessment methods to collect valid
ment of these items poses statistical challenges (see        data on social environments. The JCQ occupation
SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE                                        327

approach uses the worker's occupation as an alterna-          Empirical Basis of JCQ Scale Development
tive unit of analysis to the individual's own job
reports, allowing linkage to other insights available       Origin: Stage IfPre-1984
for occupational experience.
                                                               The JCQ has developed in stages. Historically, the
   The JCQ also reflects a psychological focus and is
                                                            origin of the instrument, which predates the "recom-
probably used more often by psychologists than by
                                                            mended version JCQ" in 1985, involved analyses of
sociologists. It addresses classic psychological topics
                                                            broad pools of job characteristic survey data in two
such as the behavioral basis for emotion-driven
                                                            countries. The core questions for the JCQ scales are
psychological distress, psychosomatic illness develop-
                                                            taken from the three nationally representative samples
ment, and changes in microlevel behavior related to         of the much analyzed QES gathered by the University
social situations. There is a presumption that psycho-      of Michigan Survey Research Center in 1969, 1972,
social experiences are a major determinant of health        and 1977 for the U.S. Department of Labor. Each of
and well-being, mediated by the neurophysiological          the three QES surveys was eclectically designed and
mechanisms, as well as behavioral pathways.                 surveyed over 1,000 aspects of work experience, in a
   Psychologically, the JCQ--demand/control method          manner often using different questions from survey to
reflects a stimulus approach, as opposed to a               survey. Our research group (Karasek et al., 1988;
relational approach, which emphasizes personal              Schwartz, Pieper, & Karasek, 1988) conducted
cognitive interpretation of the person-environment          extensive statistical analyses, analyses of theoretical
relationship. The JCQ assumes that behavior is, to a        coherence, and analyses of individual questions
significant extent, generated by social environments        predicting efficiency for these large groups of
and their constraints outside the individual. The           questions in the early 1980s. These confirmed that
cognitive psychological claim that decision choices         major aspects of the core content of the psychosocial
constitute the primary mental workload is contrary to       work experience could be captured by the small
the demand/control hypothesis that social demands           number of QES questions. On this basis, a small
are moderated by the behavioral degree of freedom           subset of the questions was selected to create the Job
that decision opportunities present (Karasek, 1997).        Characteristic Linkage System (Schwartz et al.,
The JCQ-demand/control approach also often treats           1988). Approximately two thirds of the linkage
emotional response as a dependent variable derived          system questions were sufficiently similar (with
from work-related behaviorial requirements.                 minor adaptations and corrections) across the years to
   There are also significant congruencies with             yield common assessment of absolute scale scores: a
psychophysiology, as well as some differences in            QES-based JCQ "core" (see Table 1, column 2). The
focus. Most previous stress theories were developed         three QES survey question sets had 27 questions in
to describe reactions to "inevitable" acute stress in       common in the psychosocial area, which allowed
                                                            development of a pooled sample of all 4,900
situations threatening biological survival (Cannon,
                                                            respondents, still by far the largest nationally
 1914; Seyle, 1936/1976). The demand/control model
                                                            representative U.S. data set on psychosocial job
was, however, developed for work environments in
                                                            characteristics. This core serves as the source of
which stressors are chronic, not initially life threaten-
                                                            standard score data for JCQ occupational mean scores
ing, and are the products of sophisticated human
                                                            and a basis for time-related comparisons in the scales
organizational decision making. The controllability of      (statistical reliability is discussed in Karasek &
the stressor was found to be important and appears to       Theorell, 1990, Appendix 1).
have become even more important as we develop                  The validation for the utility of such scales was
even more complex demands and limitations on                also developed from a similar set of questions in
individual behavior. However, significant consistency       longitudinal, Swedish nationally representative data-
with classic psychophysiology is demonstrated by            bases, which could be analyzed extensively for
Frankenhaeuser and Johansson's (1986) psychologi-           covariations with other social and individual data
cal research, which shows the congruence of two             (Karasek, 1976, 1979; Karasek & TheoreU, 1990) and
primary patterns of physiological response (adrena-         which had extensive health outcome data. These
line related and cortisol related) with the main            analyses, while confirming the demand/control model
hypotheses of the demand/control model--allowing            utility, also illuminated the importance of demo-
linkage among physiological response, social situa-         graphic, occupational, and social relations data, and
tion, and emotional response patterns.                      broadly assessed work demand and hazard data
328                                             KARASEK ET AL.

(Karasek et al., 1981; Karasek, Schwartz, & Pieper,        should assess a single underlying theoretical con-
1983) and implied that a future measurement                struct. In JCQ design, true statistical reliability is
instrument should not be restricted to the demand/         sometimes balanced against a goal of a specific
control task questions alone.                              content interpretability. Thus, the scales are also
                                                           composed of subscales with separate interpretability
                                                           (see Table 1 and discussion above), a goal which
Stage II: JCQ Recommended Version--1985
                                                           competes with scale statistical reliability. The ques-
   The next stage was the development of the JCQ           tions should also be standardizable questions. The
Recommended Version 1.1 in response to request for         JCQ has also had the goal of covering the most
an instrument to assess the psychosocial hypotheses        important aspects of qualitative work situations with a
and demand/control models. This is the current             small enough number of scales that the interactions
version of the instrument. The design of the current       between the scales can be feasibly examined.
JCQ was initiated by request from the U.S. National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's request for scales
                                                           Toward "Objective "Assessment:
for the U.S. Framingham Offspring Study. The JCQ
                                                           Rating Versus Evaluation
authors were aware of the length limitations posed by
research teams in national survey designs and the             An important goal of the JCQ is gathering
hesitancy of other researchers adopting question sets      "objective" data about work environments relevant
not of their own design, thus, the design of the new       for prevention-oriented goals of improving social and
JCQ instrument in 1984 focused on a very short,            psychological working conditions. The Swedish
efficient questionnaire that could be self-administered    Level of Living Survey (Johansson, 1971) was a
in 15 rain, with minimal participant guidance.             methodological guide: The bias in the questionnaire
   The original QES core was not theoretically precise     response by the participant, while inevitable, was
in several areas (particularly psychological and           designed to be minimized. The questions are designed
physical demands). To add precision to the theoretical     to report about, but not evaluate, the participant's
constructs of the QES core, to expand theoretical          usual or main job. Thus, the JCQ questions use simple
coverage of both psychological and physical de-            language so there are meaningful responses possible
mands, to expand job insecurity and social support         by all employed respondents, presented in a language
scale coverage, and to assist in discriminant validity,    simple enough to be understood by participants at all
we included additional newly drafted questions (see        education levels. The response set is designed to
Table 1, column 1) to the QES questions, yielding the      assess the validity of the statement about the work
present set of scales used in the JCQ data sets. These     environment on a 4-point scale, facilitating the
expansions formed the Recommended JCQ Instru-              similar quantitative weighting of questions.
ment Version (see Table 1, column 2), with 49                 Use of participants' own questionnaire reports
questions, which is the most commonly used version         about their jobs, of course, automatically introduces
(14 additional new questions and 8 additional QES          self-perceptions--the source of the major critique of
questions had been added beyond the original core).        validity of instruments such as the JCQ (see the
Additional question sets cover physical work hazards,      Implication for Broad Interpretability of Psychoso-
computer interfaces, customer interaction, and psycho-     cial JCQs section). In many cases, self-reports on job
logical strain scales. An update of the recommended        conditions are the only feasible information-gathering
version in 1995 (Version 1.5) included pilot versions      strategy about workers' detailed social working
of a set of global economy questions and more              conditions. For example, it would take an outside
standardizable psychological strain scales.                observer much time to understand the social support
                                                           situation of the worker. Frese and Zapft (1988)
JCQ Focus and Scale Design Criteria                        claimed that the risk of self-report bias depends on the
                                                           degree to which the questions require a complex
   The multiple goals underlying JCQ construction          burden of evaluative cognition by the participant. The
introduce competing design criteria: (a) standard          JCQ objective assessment goal means that the
scale reliability assessment, (b) coverage breadth, (c)    questions attempt to minimize this self-reflexive
scale length economy, (d) scale number economy, and        component: They report about jobs, but minimize
(e) specific content interpretability. A pure concept of   evaluation of them. Questions of the type "lack of
statistical reliability means that a set of questions      decision making is important for me" and "the time
SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE                                        329

pressures are too much for me" are replaced by               The same occupational basis that provides the
questions that emphasize simple assessments of            standardized scores is also the basis of an often
environmental conditions only, such as: "I have           utilized occupational score linkage system (Schwartz
freedom to make decisions about my job" and "My           et al., 1988). The JCQ job characteristic scales can be
job requires I work fast." Such linguistic distinctions   linked to other databases through U.S. three-digit
have been considered quite significant in other           census occupation codes (1970) and also to four-digit
psychological research contexts: for example, state-      U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (industry
trait response differentiations based on phrasing         classification) codes. This database linkage system
differences such as "Today I feel angry" versus "I        allows psychosocial job content scores to be associ-
usually feel angry."                                      ated with health and productivity outcomes in
   Sources of difficulty remain, however. Self-           national or company databases already in existence
reflexive judgments remain in two psychological           (such as U.S. Census, Commerce, or U.S. National
demand questions: "work hard" and "work fast" (see        Center for Health Statistics data), for which direct
Appendix A). Also, the JCQ goal of broad coverage         questionnaire data collection would not be feasible.
on jobs characteristics with a short set of questions
means that many questions elicit summary judgments
                                                          Aggregate Scoring Methods for Work Groups
about some quality of the job (skill requirements,
decision possibilities). Questions about more specific       Bias of findings could potentially occur with
job situations could avoid this problem, but would        self-reported psychosocial work environment and
likely make the questionnaire longer or the questions     dependent variables such as depression, exhaustion,
unjudgable by some respondents, and therefore the         and dissatisfaction (see the Implications for Broad
responses difficult to compare across groups.             Interpretability of Psychosocial JCQs section). One
                                                          remedy is to aggregate self-report responses by work
                                                          groups with similar work situations, thus diluting
Occupation-Based Analysis
                                                          individual biases (Kristensen, 1996). This is, of
and Score Standardization                                 course, the basis of the occupation database linkage
   In addition to direct administration of JCQ            system suggested above, but systems of mixed
questionnaires to workers, the JCQ system offers a        self-report and work-group aggregated assessment
second set of occupation-based methodologies. There       have also been successfully applied (Vahtera, Pentti,
is an extensive system of JCQ scores scales by            & Uutela, 1996).
detailed occupation and gender in several countries          The alternative of expert observations is certainly
that is the basis of (a) the JCQ occupational score       theoretically desirable, but in practice it has problems.
standardization system and (b) the occupational           Expert observations are costly, time consuming, and
linkage system.                                           in assessment of social interactions do not obviously
   Detailed scoring procedures for the JCQ scales are     generate more accurate measures resulting in low
described in the JCQ Questionnaire and User's Guide       interrater reliability. There are also theoretical biases
(Karasek, 1985). Most of the scales have been             involved in the very concept of standard "expert"
standardized by detailed occupation codes for several     measures: It is much easier to measure the easily
national populations (for the U.S. population: Karasek    observed, repetitive quality of the low-status assembly-
& Theorell, 1990, Appendix; Schwartz et al., 1988;        line jobs than the diverse tasks of nigh-status
with related scales standardized in Sweden [work          managers or professionals. Thus, measurement reli-
exposure matrix: Johnson & Johansson, 1991;               ability for the most potent set of psychosocial job
Johnson & Stewart, 1993]). The JCQ questions can be       characteristics (decision latitude, skill, and decision
compared to national scale scores for detailed census     autonomy) is probably correlated with scale level--a
code by sex and by four-digit industry code. This         complex confounding of content and validity (for all
allows unique assessment of differences between a         methodologies, not just the JCQ).
target group and "national norms" for psychosocial
job dimensions. This allows JCQ users involved in         Scale Statistical Validity
practically oriented job analyses, small populations,
or single-plant studies to compare their findings with       The most substantial compilation of reliability
national averages on the scales (broken down by sex,      findings is presented in the following section (Part II).
occupation, and industry).                                However, previous reliability analyses of the scales
330                                            KARASEK ET AL.

very similar to the JCQ scales have been published         update has cataloged 41 studies of the major coronary
for the U.S. national populations (Q.E.S. database:        heart disease risk factors (blood pressure, serum
Karasek & Theorell, 1990, Appendix 1; Schwartz et          cholesterol, and smoking) testing associations with
al., 1988). Kawakarni and Fujigaki (1996) and              job strain. In over a dozen studies of blood pressure
Kawakami, Kobayashi, Araki, Haratani, and Furui            using sophisticated ambulatory assessment technolo-
(1995) published the first studies on the reliability of   gies, all show either positive or mixed positive
recommended format JCQ scales (omitting physical           results. However, less-sophisticated blood pressure
demands and job insecurity). The study concluded           measurement technologies show no consistent associa-
that the JCQ is reliable for Japanese populations and      tions, and smoking and cholesterol have mixed
found Japanese occupation scale ratings that are           positive and null associations.
similar to those in the United States (see Appendix A).       Consistent associations between mental strain and
Brisson et al. (in press) showed JCQ scale reliabilities   JCQ-like scales are also reported (see Bourbonnais,
to be good and confirmed the scale structure               Busson, Moisan, & Vezina, 1996; Karasek &
(Larocque, Brisson, & Blanchet, in press) from both        Theorell, 1990), but differential effects of job
random population survey and a white-collar survey         characteristics are noted. Measures of exhaustion and
from Quebec, Canada. A 1993 large-scale sample in          burnout are more consistently associated with high
the United States (Amick, Mangione, & Wu, 1998)            psychological demands, whereas depression and
reported JCQ scales to be reliable, as well as scale       anxiety measures are more strongly associated with
structure confirmation, but some scales differ signifi-    low decision latitude.
cantly from the recommended JCQ format. Sante                 Occupational musculoskeletal injury prediction is
Quebec (1994) showed acceptable JCQ scale reliabili-       reviewed by Bongers, de Winter, Kompier, and
ties in the Netherlands, but some factor structure         Hildebrandt (1993), who found support for the
differences arose.                                         predictive utility of the demand/control/support model,
                                                           particularly for upper extremity disorders. Many
                                                           additional studies using the demand/control model
Predictive Validity                                        and JCQ scales have been undertaken since then,
                                                           including associations with pregnancy disorders
   It is beyond the scope of this article to review the
                                                           (Brandt & Neilsen, 1992; Fenster et al., 1995)and
extensive research literature using the JCQ and
                                                           immune system disfunctions (Kawakami & Fujigaki,
JCQ-like scales to predict illness (much research is
                                                           1996; Peters et al., 1998).
based on similar, but not exactly equivalent scales).
Comprehensive reviews are presented by Marmot and
Theorell (1988), Kristensen (1989), Schnall and
                                                            JCQ Measurement and Administrative Issues
Landbergis (1994), Kristensen (1995), Kasl (1996),
and Tbeorell and Karasek (1996). However, in
summary, it can be stated that the JCQ scales and          JCQ Administration
JCQ-like scales demonstrate substantial predictive
validity with respect to stress-related chronic disease       The JCQ is designed for self-administration and
in international and U.S. research.                        has often been included as a section in other
   Job strain and heart disease associations constitute    questionnaire instruments in which a short introduc-
the broadest base of empirical support for the model.      tory sentence about how to respond to the questions is
JCQ scales or similar scales associate significantly       included. The completion time is short, approxi-
with cardiovascular mortality using a wide range of        mately 15 min for the full recommended version.
methodologies. Landsbergis (augmenting his earlier         Professional assistance, such as the research person
review [Schnall & Landsbergis, 1994] by personal           reviewing the instructions, has also often occurred.
communication, December 1997) tabulated 72 pub-               In addition to the standard JCQ questions, JCQ
lished studies of cardiovascular disease (CVD) or          users are encouraged to add their own specific
CVD risk factors testing associations with job strain      "umbrella questions" that refer to the measurement
using JCQ-like scales. Of the 36 studies investigating     of specific job conditions in the surveyed work sites.
CVD or mortality, over two thirds showed positive          Although the umbrella questions would differ be-
associations (i.e., either all significant or mixed        tween studies, they could be factor analyzed with the
significant positive results) with job strain, and many    other JCQ questions and correlated with the standard
of these were positive cohort studies. Landsbergis's       JCQ scales used as reference points.
SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE                                       331

JCQ Breadth of Use and Scale Consistency                  back translation into English submitted to the JCQ
                                                          Center, and a copy of the translated instrument.
   The instrument has been selected for large studies        Adaptation of the JCQ for housework and home-
of job conditions in the United States, Canada,           role work, student status, and unemployment has also
Europe, and Japan. The JCQ is being used by large         been undertaken but presents challenges because
studies in Europe (over 50,000 participants) and          these less-structured social roles mean less specific
Japan (over 40,000 participants) for the study of job     questionnaire language. Adaptation of the JCQ for
strain, heart disease, and absenteeism. The short         low-education workers and workers in less economi-
length and predictive validity appear to be the major     cally developed countries for Spanish-speaking work-
reasons for its success. Length is mentioned as a         ers has also been undertaken.
crucial instrument parameter by many users (a
substantial number would like an even shorter
instrument; there is no validated shorter instrument
                                                          JCQ Usage Policy
with standardizable scores at present). Because of the
                                                             The JCQ is copyrighted and not published in the
active international collaboration by JCQ researchers,
                                                          public domain; however, it is the goal of the JCQ
the effort invested bymany individual JCQ projects in
                                                          Center to make it available to all researchers who
the past is now yielding collective benefits with the
                                                          request it with substantial supporting documentation,
development of comparative databases that further
                                                          and to promote scientific development in the area
enhance the data interpretability of each study.          through a users' network. The JCQ Questionnaire and
                                                          User's Guide and research documentation are pro-
JCQ Usage Study: Compliance                               vided free of charge to most users. However, JCQ use
With Recommended Format                                   by large research studies (over 750 participants) and
                                                          commercial users requires payment of per-nse
   The JCQ has retained the same recommended              charges. Registration in a JCQ users' project database
format (Version 1.1) since 1985 (see Appendix C). To      for the users' network for all users and a copy of the
test the consistency of scale use and to assess the       researcher's JCQ and demographic data for future
utilization of the JCQ, in 1995 Robert Karasek            reliability analyses (large studies only) are required.
conducted a survey of all contactable JCQ users.          Contact the JCQ Center, Department of Work
From the 246 recorded requests, 130 projects were         Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell,
estimated to have been completed by that time. The        Lowell, Massachusetts 01854, for details of policy,
most consistently used scales are the decision latitude   fees, and requirements.
scales, with 85% reporting compliance with the
standard version. Psychological demands has 69%
                                                                Summary of lnstrument Description
using the recommended nine-question version and
another 19% using the older five-question (QES core)
                                                                 and Notes on Future Challenges
version. Standard version social support was used            To summarize description of the instrument, we
74% of the time. However, physical demands are            include at this point several comments that reflect
included in only 58% of the studies and job insecurity    information in the second, empirical section of this
in only 36% of the studies. The skill utilization         article.
question, important for work quality policy and              1. The 1995 study of usage consistency demon-
productivity outcomes, is included in 42% of these        strates that the JCQ has provided a common set of
studies.                                                  scales used with consistency throughout almost 100
                                                          studies, including large national studies, of psychoso-
Translations Into Other Languages                         cial factors at work. This breadth of use is a unique
                                                          occurrence for measurement of psychosocial work
   Authorized translations of the full JCQ instrument     characteristics in the United States and internation-
from English, which have been specifically approved       ally, and it helps to overcome the major scientific
and which are available from the JCQ Center, are          deficit of such instruments: the lack of comparative
French-Canadian, French-Belgium, Flemish-Bel-             assessment capability across databases (see discus-
gium, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, and Japanese.     sion in Santer & Murphy, 1995).
Other language translations are in process. The              2. As a result of the empirical review in the
authorized process requires requesting permission, a      following section (Part II of this article), the JCQ
332                                             KARASEK ET AL.

recommended version since 1985 (and provisionally                 b. For psychological workload and social
augmented in 1995) remains the "recommended                 support, improved scale performance may require
version." The need to expand from the earlier "QES          linguistic tool development and local consensual
core questions" is validated. In particular, some of        validation of response meanings. Additional measure-
these additions are crucial for continued psychosocial      ment methods beyond questionnaire use involving
research: Job insecurity is of increasing importance        observations or interview methods that can be linked
because of the global economy, and the physical             to the JCQ are also needed. Parts of these activities
demand scale is of increasing importance because of         may involve establishing new languages for social
the increasing prevalence of musculoskeletal disor-         policy purpose in these areas---a social advocacy task.
ders in many countries. The "skill level required"                c. Dropout of highly "stressed" participants
questions (the seventh skill discretion question) is        from studies, especially in more rigorous scientific
crucial for work-quality policy discussions.                protocols, appears to be a much larger problem than
   The predictive validity of the scales, while not         previously assumed and is growing as stresses of
reviewed in detail in this article, is probably the major   modern life make participation in scientific studies
reason for the success of the instrument. In general, it    difficult for certain groups (temporary and transitional
can be concluded that the JCQ seems to be potentially       employees, marginal economic groups in all settings,
useful in capturing important elements of psychoso-         and many populations outside of the developed
cial experience at work in many countries, and thus         industrial countries).
allows an internationally comparative understanding               d. Organization-level job factors are also not
of "qualitative costs" and "benefits of work."              studied in the JCQ, and their effects on determining
   On the basis of the findings of the analysis of 12       job structures appear to be significant (Warren, 1998).
separate male and female populations, we can find no        Whether this analysis needs to be a part of an
compelling reasons to reject the JCQ scales on the          expanded JCQ or separate measurements approach,
basis of inconsistency of means and standard                such topics should be explored for further compara-
deviations or Cronbach alpha reliability. However,          tive analyses.
factor analyses results noted above do raise questions            e. New work patterns that involve computer-
about inclusion of certain questions, a potential basis     based communication, network communication, and
for future revision of the JCQ scales.                      mass-media communication serve as the mode of
   Although some of the tables in the empirical             social coordination in ever larger numbers of social
reliability test (Part II of this article) are based on     activities. These may require significantly altered
restricted forms of some scales in order to ensure          methodologies for assessing psychosocial work
compatibility with several older databases, the largest     experience.
of the new studies now being collected in Europe and              f. Quantitative work aspects of work (particu-
Japan include almost complete versions of all of the        larly hours of work, spouse work time, income, etc.)
recommended JCQ scales, which further bolsters the          certainly need no proof of importance but should be
utility of using the full scales in the future.             simultaneously gathered and used along with JCQ
   3. Although an integrated review of the JCQ scale's      assessments when broad policy implications are to be
shortcomings and future improvement directions is           understood.
beyond the scope of this article, some preliminary                g. Psychosocial experiences outside of work in
observations about future challenges for the JCQ can        the home and community, and across the life span
be made, reflecting both this article and the current       (jointly with work experience) must be made a part of
social context of rapidly changing working conditions.      psychosocial analytic frameworks even when work-
      a. The area of work quality needs to be opened        place effects are the primary scientific focus.
up to international political and economic policy                 h. The creative behavior side of psychosocial
discussions, an important challenge given the accelera-     workplace behavior needs to be given further
tion of global economic linkages. JCQ expansions,           measurement emphasis, including social interactions
such as the pilot versions of the JCQ global economy        which make it possible. To start, more attention
scales, could assist this. Assessment of socially           should be paid to existing active job hypotheses to
determined possibilities for control, demand, and           facilitate further integration with the active coping
social integration deriving from broad global eco-          health and well-being research themes of psychoso-
nomic changes could be assessed.                            cial research. This extension would also allow new
SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE                                       333

forms of nonmarket productive output to be better         and heart disease in U.S. and Swedish samples but
assessed, and would assist comprehensive dialogue         found different retrospectively reported ratings for
about costs and benefits of "the new work organiza-       work and family stressors in the two countries (with
tion." "Conducive economic policy" could serve as         work being less important in the United States). Kasl
one basis for this expansion (Karasek, 1998; Karasek      (1996) speculated that the toll of unemployment and
& Theorell, 1990).                                        the nature of work in general is less important for U.S.
     i. Modified assessment methods for psychoso-         workers than for European workers. However, this
cial working conditions in less-developed economies       has not been tested with direct empirical data on
must also be integrated with existing JCQ scales          individual work situations in broadly representative
usage, which has primarily focused on developed           populations.
countries. These must assess the relationship between        Additionally, there has been much discussion of
psychosocial work costs and benefits and more             international differences in work organizational cul-
conventional economic rewards and demographic             tures, as when Japanese just-in-time assembly meth-
transformations.                                          ods were introduced into the United States and
                                                          Europe (Berggren, 1992). One empirical investiga-
                                                          tion of work organization and company policies
                      PART 1I                             across seven automobile manufacturers in four
                                                          countries shows that "teamwork" is very differently
                                                          understood due to national (Japanese, French, Italian,
      International Comparison o f the JCQ                and German) differences, regional, and company
            Scales in Four Countries                      culture (Frieling, Freiboth, Henniges, & Saager,
                                                          1997), although the relative magnitude of intercom-
                                                          party versus intercountry sources was not assessed.
   Trends in working conditions show increased risks         Some useful internationally comparative findings
to well-being arising from social and psychological       exist for scales very similar to the JCQ. Typical of
characteristics of work in Europe and Japan in            these findings are U.S., Swedish, and Japanese studies
reported national statistics (Dhondt, 1994, 1998;         which show that the ranking of occupations on
Paoli, 1997; Shimomitzu & Levi, 1992). Available          decision latitude scales is very similar in the United
anecdotal reports in the United States in the 1990s       States, Japan, and Sweden (see Appendix B).
also suggest growing problems of work-relate.d            Unfortunately, the utility of many studies that are
pressures. Comparative assessment of these psychoso-      potentially similar is limited by lack of truly
cial exposures between countries in the global            comparable scales in each study. In general, absolute
economy could open up the area of "work quality" to       scale scores are important for JCQ research because
international political and economic policy discus-       they allow comparative analysis of national and
sions. However, significant progress requires interna-    occupational differences and facilitate comparative
tional comparisons with standardized instruments--an      formulation of some "job strain" definitions. Also,
area in which progress has so far been slight. The        although validation studies for the JCQ scales have
international comparisons would also provide an           been published for some populations, the cross-
important reference standard for many homogeneous         national validity of the JCQ has not been systemati-
population studies. These challenges motivate the         cally assessed. Neither has the comparative reliability
present investigation.                                    and validity of the JCQ scales been tested separately
   Most international comparative analyses of work        for male and female workers. Hall (1994) argued for
focus on economic outcomes. It is well known that         the importance of examining women's job character-
there are national differences in the distribution of     istics separately. International comparisons of poten-
income, with greater disparities (i.e., higher standard   tial gender differences could be useful because female
deviations) occurring in the United States between        labor participation patterns vary significantly by
high and low incomes than in Canada, Europe, or           COuntry.
Japan. Furthermore, these disparities have increased         From a psychometric perspective, the process of
in recent years in the United States.                     scale validation will often examine scale reliability
   Similar differences might be expected for psycho-      statistics across multiple populations, with the
social job characteristics. For example, Orth-Gomer       presumption that the scale should perform in a similar
(1979) reported similar associations between stress       manner across populations. Differences between the
334                                                 KARASEK ET AL.

populations themselves are not the focus. However,                                       Method
from a sociological perspective, the population
differences or similarities are of interest. We will also                             Populations
follow psychometric tradition and assess the consis-
tency of the scale performance across populations. In              The six populations studied come from the United States
the case of job characteristics, the most common                (2), Canada-Quebec (2), the Netherlands, and Japan (see
                                                                Table 2). The number of participants in each study ranged
sociological hypothesis would be that major national            from 580 to 6,053 for a total of 16,601 participants (38%
differences do exist in scale characteristics, because          women and 62% men). The participation rates ranged from
the JCQ reflects organizational characteristics of the          65% to 93% (see Table 2). The age boundaries span the full
major social institutional framework of m o d e m               adult working life, age 20 to 65 (retirement age), but the
                                                                Japanese sample's age span is from age 20 to 60. Part-time
societies--frameworks that have been demonstrated
                                                                workers are included if work time is greater than 20 hr/week
to differ between countries from many perspectives.             except for the two Canadian samples, which include only
                                                                full-time workers (->35 hr/week).
                                                                   Two populations include the full occupational spectrum--
                       Objectives                               managers and professionals, clericals, line workers in white-
                                                                and blue-collar occupations, and services workers----based
   The main objective of the study is to compare mean           on random samples of their geographical location work-
values, reliability, and validity of the JCQ scales             forces: (a) the U:S. QES samples from the 1970s (three
                                                                separate national samples combined; see Karasek &
across six studies conducted in four different
                                                                Theorell, 1990, Appendix 1) and (b) the Quebec province
countries. Complementary objectives are (a) to assess           stratified random (Sante-Quebec, 1994) sample from 1990.
the extent of similarities and differences found under          Three other samples are broadly inclusive of the full
relatively different national contexts (the United              occupational spectrum from manager to line worker: the
States, Quebec-Canada, the Netherlands, and Japan);             more recent U.S. New England Medical Center (NEMC)
                                                                sample, the Dutch sample, and the Japanese sample. The
(b) to assess potential differences by gender; and (c)          U.S. NEMC data include representative samples from all
to compare these differences to published findings              status levels in 16 large U.S. workplaces in seven
about scale differences due to occupation.                      corporations (full samples of 12 middle-sized workplaces

Table 2
Population Definition for the Studies
      Study country        Date          N           %            instrument                      Population type
U.S. QES                   1970s      4,319         73      QES/JCQ                   National random population sample
                                     M = 2841
                                     F = 1478
U.S. NEMC                  1994       6,053         71      Base JCQ (modified) a      Broadly representative: 16 large
                                                                                         employers, blue and white collar
                                     M = 3676
                                     F = 2377
Canada-Quebec              1990        1,232        77      Full JCQ (minus)b          Provincial, stratified random
                                     M = 707                                               population sample
                                     F = 525
Canada-Quebec-white        1994       2,666         73e     Full JCQ (minus)b          Regional, 8 companies
  collar only                        M = 1364       65a
                                     F = 1302
Netherlands                1994        1,751        86      Full JCQ                   Broadly representative: 34 compa-
                                     M = 1228                                             hies, blue and white collar (limited
                                     F = 523                                             job mobility/variety)
Japan                      1993          580        93      Full JCQ (minus) b         2 companies, blue and white collar
                                     M = 472
                                     F = 108
Note. QES = Quality of Employment Surveys; JCQ = Job Content Questionnaire; NEMC = New England Medical
Center; M = male; F = female.
a Some signlficandy different scales.
b Minus some scales.
¢ Participation for the full population who completed the psychological demands and decision latitude scales.
d Participation for the population who completed also the social support scales.
SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE                                                      335

and random samples of 4 very large workplaces, representa-            researcher sent the tabulated data to RK, who constructed
tive of the U.S. workforce in many respects) but omit                 the final tables.
workers in smaller companies, a lesser fraction of the
workforce. The Dutch sample includes white- and blue-
collar workers from 34 companies, across a range of                                             Analyses
company sizes and industry branches. It deviates from
random selection in that only workers with relatively fixed              All analyses were conducted separately for women and
work locations and a limited number of tasks were selected            men in the six populations. Mean values and standard
to facilitate physical ergonomic job assessments (however,            deviations of each scale were calculated. We used an
this does not exclude professionals such as teachers, nurses,         analysis of variance (ANOVA) to evaluate statistical
and some managers). The Japanese sample (Haratani et al.,             differences between scale means across populations. Given
 1997) includes white- and blue-collar workers from two               that the samples are large, statistically significant differences
companies with fairly technically sophisticated output                between means across populations are expected even for
(telecommunications and power utility). The sixth sample, the         small and potentially nonmeaningful differences. Therefore,
second Canadian database from Quebec, is conapesed of only            the proportion of variance explained by the study site was
white-collm workers employed in eight white-collar organiza-          presented to quantify the magnitude of the variations
tions engaged in semipublic, public, or private service activities.   between means. Reliability of the scales was assessed by the
                                                                      internal consistency as measured by the Cronbach's alpha
                                                                      coefficients. Concurrent validity was assessed by correla-
                         Instrument                                   tions between scales and subscales and by correlation of
                                                                      scales with age a n d education. To assess variability in
                                                                      correlation coefficients, we computed range and mean
   Our intent was to use the full recommended JCQ scales              correlations across the six samples. A simple scale was used
(Karasek, 1985). However, some questions were missing in              to quantify variability on the basis of the range of correlation
some of the older studies. Therefore, the "lowest common              coefficients among the six populations: L = low variability
denominator of questions" was found to maximize compara-              (i.e., a difference between the highest and the lowest
tive possibilities. For psychological demands, the five-              correlations coefficients < .20); M = moderate variability
question QES version is used, because the full nine-question          (i.e., a difference that varies from .20 to .35); and H = high
version was only available in four of the studies (for all            variability (i.e., a difference > .35).
correlations, separate tabulations have been made for the full           Some factorial validity analyses conducted in these
nine-questions version). For the physical demands scale,              populations axe summarized here, but no tables are
although five of the studies had the one-question version,            presented because of space limitations. The exact methodolo-
only the relatively recent Dutch sample had the full                  gies of these analyses are not always consistent across
recommended five-question scale, and thus, most tabula-               populations. Separate factor analyses of decision latitude
tions are based on the one-question version. Only the                 and psychological demands; then decision latitude, psycho-
Canadian sample had the five-question social support scale,           logical demands, and social support; and finally, all scales
but all of the other samples had a QES-based four-question            together have been reported. Sometimes the two decision
version, which is used in the tables. No study had the full           latitude subscales and the psychological demand scale have
six-question job insecurity scale, thus a special two-question        been tested as two factors, sometimes as three. All analyses
version of the scale, available in three studies (U.S. QES;           were conducted using standard statistical analysis programs
U.S. NEMC; and the Netherlands), was computed only for                (Study 1, 5, 6; SAS Institute, 1990; and Study 2, 3, 4; Stata
this article. The original English version of the JCQ was             Statistical Software, 1997).
used, or validated tramlafions in French (Brisson, Dion, et al.;
Brisson, Larocque, et al., 1998; Larocque, Brisson, & Blanchet,
in press), in Dutch (Houtman, 1995; Reuvers et al., 1998), and in      Comparison of Between-Occupation Variance
Japanese (Kawakami & Fujigaki, 1996; Kawakawi et al.,                         and Occupational Rankings
                                                                         Although consistent coding of occupations across all the
                                                                      databases was not possible for this article, the use of
                      Data Collection                                 interoccupation differences in job characteristics present an
                                                                      important reference standard for assessing the relative
   The instrument was self-administered in most studies               importance of intercountry differences. Thus, the results for
(Study 1, 2, 4, 5, 6) or administered during a face-to-face           the one study database that does have an interoecupation
interview (Study 3). Self-administration was usually done at          ANOVA (U.S. QES) are included here, and an occupational
the workplace. Workers were allowed by their employers to             ANOVA for scales similar to the JCQ in Sweden is also
fill in the questionnaire during regular working hours.               presented (Swedish scales from Johnson and Stewart, 1993;
Although data on all samples had previously been collected,           U.S. scales from the U.S. QES study in this article; Schwartz
tabulated, and in some eases published by participating               et al., 1988). The Swedish analysis is based on a similar
researchers, this previous material did not always follow             scale for decision latitude; however, the support scale in
exact JCQ guidelines or was not presented in a comparable             Sweden is only a "possibility-of" assessment (mainly
manner. Therefore, for the parpose of the present article, one        instrumental) and only for coworkers. Also, the Swedish
of us (RK) requested participating researchers to retabulate          psychological demand scale is assessed more subjectively
data following defined JCQ guidelines (as modified above)             and has fewer questions than the U.S. scales. The
to allow meaningful comparisons. Each participating                   between-occupation variance reported is a percentage of the
336                                                KARASEK ET AL.

Cronbach alpha reliable scale variance (this represents           For psychological demands (five items), the U.S.
between .60 and .75 of the total variance for the Swedish      NEMC women's population is higher than others, but
scales). An additional person-based demographic contribu-
tion to psychosocial scales between occupation is also         otherwise there are no major deviations for men or
reported in both U.S. and Swedish studies. This addition       women on this scale. The physical demands scale
increases the variance somewhat, of course, not because of     does not show consistently higher levels for men than
the job alone, but because of the interaction of person and    for women. It shows a substantially lower level in the
job (e.g., the additional effect of age on the decision
anthority of managers). This effect is roughly corrected for   U.S. NEMC sample than in the U.S. QES sample. The
in the Swedish sample by assuming the same average             job insecurity scale (based on the specially calculated
contributions from demographics in Sweden as in the United     comparable subscale across populations) shows a
States, averaged across scales.                                substantially higher level in the 1990s in the United
   The rankings of occupations on the JCQ decision latitude
scale are compared for the seven occupations reported in       States than it did in the 1970s.
Kawakami et al.'s (1995) two-company study, compared              One highly consistent finding observed in all
with the JCQ scale rankings of the same occupations in the     studies is the gender differences in skill discretion and
U.S. and Swedish nationally random samples, The U.S. and
                                                               decision authority. Indeed, women have consistently
Japanese studies use the JCQ scales reported in this study,
whereas a similar, non-JCQ scale is used in Sweden             lower scale means for both these subscales. These
(Johnson, Stewart, Friediund, Hall, & Theorell, 1990).         gender differences tend to be smaller in the Quebec
                                                               stratified random population sample than in the other
                                                               samples. The gender differences average about a
                         Results                               quarter of the population's standard deviation.
                                                                  The scale standard deviations are generally higher,
Means and Standard Deviations of JCQ Scales                    as would be expected in the first three populations,
                                                               which have broadly representative samples, than in
   The means are very similar across studies (see              others in which restrictions of populations do occur,
Table 3). Although the difference between means are            for both men and women. In three representative
statistically significant among the studies for all            samples, the standard deviations are very similar on
scales, the proportions of the variance of scale scores        all scales.
explained by study site are small, that is, generally
less than 5% for men and women for the more reliable
scales. Within men samples, the proportions ex-
                                                                      Internal Consistency of JCQ Scales
plained ranged from 1% to 4% for decision latitude,
psychological demands, supervisor support, and                    Internal consistency of the scales tend to be similar
coworker support (averaging 2.5%). These propor-
                                                               across populations and between men and women (see
tions were, respectively, 6% and 9% for physical
                                                               Table 4). The Cronbach's alpha coefficients are
demands and job insecurity, where only three studies
                                                               generally acceptable (overall average alpha for
have data and there are reliability limitations for the
                                                               women is .73 and for men is .74). The highest and
scale forms included in the study. Within women
                                                               most acceptable values of the coefficients are found
samples, the proportions explained ranged from 3%
                                                               for the decision latitude, physical demands, supervi-
to 10% for decision latitude, psychological demands,
                                                               sor support, and coworker support scales. However,
job insecurity, supervisor support, and coworker
                                                               the psychological demands scale, with five questions,
support (averaging 4.8%), whereas it was much
                                                               is only borderline (Nunnaly & Bernstein, 1994).
greater (17%) for the single-question physical de-
mand scale.                                                    Some minor deviations occur for the skill discretion
   Although differences between samples are gener-             scale, which falls to borderline levels in the Dutch
ally small, some specific tendencies can be observed.          study for men and women and for the decision
The decision latitude means are the highest in the two         authority scale for men. However, taken as a single
Quebec samples for both men and women. The                     scale, the decision latitude scale has quite acceptable
decision latitude means and more specifically the              coefficients. The skill discretion scale has a low
decision authority means are lower in the U.S. QES             reliability for Japanese men but is acceptable for
(1970s) sample than in the U.S. NEMC (1994)                    Japanese women. Decision latitude has good reliabil-
sample for both men and women. The decision                    ity in Japanese women but remains low for men. The
latitude means are the lowest in Japan and U.S. QES            job insecurity scale also has low coefficients in two
(1970) in both men and women, although for women,              out of the three populations for which data are
the Netherlands sample is as low as Japan's.                   available.

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338                                                KARASEK ET AL.

Table 4
Cronbach 's Alpha Reliability Coefficients of the Job Content Questionnaire Scales
Among Men and Women in Six Samples
                                                                       Study sample
                                      U.S.       U,S.        Canada-        Canada-
              Scale                   QES       NEMC         Quebec        Quebec-W        Netherlands         Japan       M
Skill discretion                       .75        .79          .79             .80             .67              .59       .732
Decision authority                     .69        .70          .71             .70             .61              .66       .678
Decision latitude                      .83        .84          .86             .86             .77              .68       .807
Psychological demands (9 items)         --        --           .68             .75             .74              .72       .723
Psychological demands (5 items)        .63        .71          .59             .67             .57              .61       .630
Physical demands                       NA         NA           --              --              .86b             --        .860
Job insecurity                         .60a       .74          --              --              .49              --        .610
Supervisor support                     .85        .80          --              .82             .83              .89       .838
Coworker support                       .80        .72          --              .72             .78              .74       .752
Skill discretion                       .71        .75          .78             .79             .65              .80       .747
Decision authority                     .72        .64          .70             .63             .70              .68       .678
Decision latitude                      .80        .81          .85             .84             .77              .84       .818
Psychological demands (9 items)         --        --           .72             .72             .69              .72       .713
Psychological demands (5 items)        .62        .72          .63             .64             .51              .65       .628
Physical demands                       NA         NA           --              --              .79b             --        .790
Job insecurity                         .47c       .76          --              --              .52              --        .583
Supervisor support                     .83        .84          --              .83             .83              .87       .840
Coworker support                       .81        .75          --              .69             .82              .76       .766
Note. QES = Quality of Employment Surveys; NEMC = New England Medical Center; Quebec-W = white-collar only.
Dashes indicate no data available.
a 0.53 for the three-item scale of job insecurity, b For the five-item scale of physical demands,     c 0.41 for the three-item
scale of job insecurity.

          Correlations Between JCQ Scales                      and coworker support scales, two subcomponents of
                    and Subscales                              the social support scale, are correlated at .40.
                                                               Generally, there is little difference in the decision
  The correlations between JCQ scales and subscales            latitude scale's two subcomponents, skill discretion
represent 26 possible correlations (decision latitude          and decision authority, in correlations with the other
correlations with its subscales are excluded). When            scales. One exception is the Japanese men for whom
analyzed separately for women and for men, these               the skill discretion coefficients are three times as large
produce a matrix of 52 possible correlations (see              as the decision authority coefficients for both
Table 5). Across study populations, 33 correlations            supervisor and coworker support. The decision
show low variability, 12 show moderate variability,            latitude scale correlates strongly (given moderate
and 7 show high variability. In a number of cases, the         scale reliability) with the two social support subcom-
variability occurs from extreme values observed in             ponents; it correlates moderately with psychological
the Japanese population (some of the idiosyncratic             demands and negatively with physical work and job
Japanese findings may be due to the very small                 insecurity.
women's sample; see below). If we exclude these                   The psychological demand scale displays a low and
extreme values, 39 correlations (75%) have low                 very variable positive correlation with decision
variability across populations.                                latitude for both men and women (all the high-
   Review of specific associations reveals the struc-          variability associations are from the psychological
ture of the JCQ scale relations. Decision latitude is the      demand scale). However, in the above studies, only
additive combination of skill discretion and decision          the U.S. women's sample of the 1970s and the Dutch
authority scales, which are consistently correlated at         sample shows the negative correlation, which is
about .55 for both men and women. The supervisor               associated with an increased prevalence of the "job
SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE                                        339

strain" combination. The correlation is actually            age correlations with any scale. Education has strong
strongly positive in the small sample of Japanese           negative correlations with decision latitude and
women. Correlations of psychological demands with           physical demands, but low correlations otherwise.
decision latitude are somewhat higher for men than          There is a moderately strong and consistent negative
for women. The findings for the nine-questionversion        association between age and education (about -.20)
of the psychological demand scale show similar              in all of the samples (which is much stronger for the
variability.                                                Japanese women). These correlations may reflect
   The psychological demands scale varies across            intergenerational differences in education levels
populations in its correlation with physical demands.       (lower levels for older generation workers) and the
It is strongly positive in two out of three populations     broad age range (20 to 65 years) of included
where it is available, but very low in the third one (the   participants.
U.S. NEMC sample). Psychological demands has                   The Japanese sample has substantially different
major associational variability with supervisor sup-        correlations of decision latitude scale with age and
port: In the U.S. QES it is strongly negatively             education than the other populations. There is no
correlated, in Japan it is uncorrelated, and in other       association between education and either skill discre-
populations it has a low correlation. Physical              tion or decision authority for the Japanese men and
demands show a consistent negative association with         negative correlations for the Japanese women, but a
decision latitude, and correlations are stronger for        strong positive association exists in all other samples.
men than for women. Job insecurity shows generally          For the Japanese women, a high positive association
consistent associations with other scales, particularly     between age and psychological demands is also
a moderately strong negative correlation with the           observed. Additionally, they have a high positive
decision latitude, supervisor, and coworker support         correlation between age and skill discretion and a
scales.                                                     weaker negative correlation between education and
   Correlations between the nine-item version of the        skill discretion (although this correlation reduces to
psychological demands scale and other JCQ scales            zero when age is adjusted; Kawakami et al., 1995).
are shown in Table 6. The correlation between the           Correlations of supervisor support and decision
five-item and the nine-item versions is high (.88). The     latitude with education are also very small for the
variability of associations with other scales remains       Japanese sample but are strongly positive for the
with the nine-item version (among the four popula-          other samples.
tions for which it is available). The nine-item version        Several consistent gender-related exceptions are
has a more positive overall correlation with decision       observed. Demands are in general more consistently
latitude.                                                   related to decision latitude for men than for women:
   The physical demands scale displays a low and            Physical demands are more highly negatively corre-
variable positive correlation with job insecurity for       lated with decision latitude and education for men,
both men and women and a low and negative                   and psychological demand associations with decision
correlation with supervisor and coworker support,           latitude are somewhat higher for men than for
except for the U.S. QES women's sample and the              women. Physical demands are more highly negatively
Japanese women's sample.                                    correlated with education for men than for women,
                                                            and psychological demands are negatively correlated
                                                            with age for men, except for the Dutch sample, but
         Correlations of JCQ Scales With                    weaker for women, except for the Japanese sample
               Age and Education                            and for one Canadian sample, in which correlations
                                                            for men and women are nearly the same.
   Correlations of JCQ scales with age and education
represent 32 possible correlations (see Table 7). Of
these, 16 display low variability across populations,                Factorial Validity of JCQ Scales
10 show moderate variability,and 6 show high variability.
Here particularly, extreme values are observed in the          The U.S. population from the 1970s shows a clear
Japanese sample. After excluding them, 26 correla-          factor pattern corresponding to the JCQ scales for
tions (81%) have low variability across populations.        men (which is not surprising because this was the
   The correlations with age and education are, in          JCQ defining base sample) and also for women. Also
general, lower than those observed between the JCQ          in the United States, the NEMC sample from the early
scales and subscales themselves. There are no strong        1990s shows a confirming pattern for most factors for
340              KARASEK       ET AL.



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  • 1. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Copyright 1998 by the Educational Publishing Foundation 1998, Vol. 3, No. 4, 322-355 1076-8998/98/$3.00 The Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ): An Instrument for Internationally Comparative Assessments of Psychosocial Job Characteristics Robert Karasek Chantal Brisson University of Massachusetts Lowell Laval University Norito Kawakami Irene Houtman and Paulien Bongers Gifu University National Institute for Work and Health Benjamin Amick New England Medical Center Part I discusses the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), designed to measure scales assessing psychological demands, decision latitude, social support, physical demands, and job insecurity. Part II describes the reliability of the JCQ scales in a cross-national context using 10,288 men and 6,313 women from 6 studies conducted in 4 countries. Substantial similarity in means, standard deviations, and correlations among the scales, and in correlations between scales and demographic variables, is found for both men and women in all studies. Reliability is good for most scales. Results suggest that psychological job characteristics are more similar across national boundaries than across occupations. This article consists of three parts. Part I introduces Part II reports the cross-national validity, for men the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) as a tool for and women, of the JCQ scales in six broadly psychosocial job assessment. First, a description of representative populations from four advanced indus- scales and their underlying theoretical concepts is trial societies: the United States, Canada, the presented. This is followed by a discussion of Netherlands, and Japan. JCQ scale means, standard empirical issues in the development of the question- deviations, reliabilities, and correlations are com- naire and its validity. Part I concludes with a pared. Part III reviews comparison of the intercountry discussion of measurement issues, administrative and interoccupation differences in the scales, dis- issues, and future challenges. cusses specific scales issues, and discusses the implications of the study for interpretation of psychosocial job assessment questionnaires. Robert Karasek, Department of Work Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Chantal Brisson, PART I Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; Norito Kawakami, School of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Gifu The Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ): University, Gifu, Japan; Irene Houtman and Panlien Bongers, National Institute for Work and Health, Amster- Psychosocial Job Assessment Instrument dam; Benjamin Amick, The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston. Instrument Overview The Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) is copyrighted. Users should request the instrument from the JCQ Center The JCQ is a self-administered instrument de- (see the JCQ UsagePolicy section). The JCQ is provided signed to measure social and psychological character- with research documentation to most users free of charge, but commercial and very large research projects pay a usage istics of jobs. The best-known scales--(a) decision fee to support comparative reliability analysis and instru- latitude, (b) psychological demands, and (c) social ment development on a nonprofit basis through the JCQ support--are used to measure the high-demand/low- Center, University of Massachusetts Lowell. control/low-support model of job strain development. Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- The demand/control model predicts, first, stress-related dressed to Robert Karasek, Department of Work Environ- ment, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Massachusetts risk and, second, active-passive behavioral correlates of 01854. jobs. Other aspects of work demands are assessed as well: 322
  • 2. SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE 323 (d) physical demands and (e) job insecurity. The psychological strain occur when the psychological instrument has a recommended length of 49 questions. demands are high and the worker's decision latitude All scales can be used for microlevel, job- is low: job strain. Low social support at work further characteristic analytic purposes, such as assessing the increases risk. A second set of hypotheses, related to relative risks of individuals' exposures to different what might be called good stress, involves active work settings to predict job-related illness develop- behavior development under conditions of high ment, psychological distress, coronary heart disease, demands and high decision latitude, which predict musculoskeletal disease, and reproductive disorders. motivation, new learning behaviors, and coping The scales also allow testing of hypotheses about pattern development (of course, the active behavior activation, worker motivation, and job satisfaction hypotheses are contingent on demands not being too and have been used for such studies. The conceptual high). The reverse is predicted for low demands framework underlying the JCQ allows its application coupled with low decision latitude: a very unmotivat- in social policy as a measure of work quality ing job setting leading to negative job learning or (Karasek, 1998), in addition to the more commonly gradual loss of previously acquired skills. assessed work quantity issues: wages, hours, and A dynamic version of the model integrates the job benefits. Broader economic development issues of strain and active behavior hypotheses with personal- skill utilization as well as social costs of market-based ity characteristics measuring accumulated strain and economic development are beginning to be addressed self-esteem development (Karasek & Theorell, 1990) (Karasek & Theorell, 1990) using the instrument. No with the goal of predicting strain development and personality orientation scales or measures of non-job learning over time. The model is based on measures stressors are included--two areas in which the user of psychological demands of work combined with a may want to supplement the instrument. measure of task control and skill use (decision The JCQ has been translated into over a dozen latitude). The psychological demand dimension re- languages. The instrument is nationally standardiz- lates to "how hard workers work" (mental work load; able by detailed occupation in several countries, Meshkati, Hancock, & Rahami, 1990), organization providing an occupational scoring system. An active constraints on task completion, and conflicting users' group supports usage of the JCQ, and an demands. It includes subscales shown in Table 1 international board of researchers decides on policy (Subscales 2a, 2b; see Karasek & Theorell, 1990). and development issues. The "recommended version" includes additional specific measures of cognitive workload (Subscaies 2c, 2d). JCQ Scales and Their Theoretical Bases The JCQ arose out of the adaptive response to serve the new empirically based areas of social Scales la and lb: Components of Decision epidemiology, behavioral medicine, and psychosocial Latitude--Skill Discretion and Decision job analysis, requiring a multidisciplinary theoretical Authority model. Because the primary theoretical model upon which the JCQ is based and discussions of alternative The worker's control over the performance of his scale formulations in its domain are extensively or her own job is measured by two theoretically reviewed elsewhere (de Jonge & Kompier, 1997; distinct subdimensions of decision latitude that are Karasek, 1979, 1997; Karasek & Theorell, 1990; usually highly correlated: skill discretion and deci- Kristensen, 1995, 1996; Landsbergis, SchnaU, War- sion authority (Karasek & Theorell, 1990). Skill ren, Schwartz, & Pickering, 1994), this article only discretion (Subscale la) is measured by a set of presents outlines of those arguments by way of an questions that assess the level of skill and creativity introduction to the JCQ scales. required on the job and the flexibility permitted the worker in deciding what skills to employ (similar to variety; e.g., Hackman & Lawler, 1971). A second Scale 1: Decision Latitude and Scale 2: subdimension, decision authority (Subscale lb), Psychological Demands assesses the organizationally mediated possibilities for workers to make decisions about their work The most commonly used demand/control model (autonomy; e.g., Hackman & Lawler, 1971). A hypothesis (Karasek, 1979, 1997; Karasek & Theo- question on skills required by the job allows rell, 1990) predicts that the most adverse reactions of assessment of skill underutilization (Subscale lc). A
  • 3. 324 KARASEK El" AL. Table 1 Scales and Numbers of Questions in the Full Recommended JCQ and the "Core QES" Scale Core QES JCQ Full recommended JCQ 1. Decision latitude a. Skill discretion 6 6 b. Decision authority 3 3 c. Skill underufilization 2b 2b d. Work group decision authority (new) 3 e. Formal authority (new) 2 f. Union/representative influence (new) 3 2. Psychological demands and mental workload a. General psychological demands 4 5 b. Role ambiguity 1 1 c. Concentration (new) 1 d. Mental work disruption (new) 2 3. Social support a. Socioemotional (coworker) 2 2 b. Instrumental (coworker) 2 2 c. Socioemotional (supervisor) 2 2 d. Instrumental (supervisor) 2 3 e. Hostility (coworker) (new) 1 f. Hostility (supervisor) (new) 1 4. Physical demands a. General physical loading 1 1 b. Isometric load (new) 2 c. Aerobic load (new) 2 5. Job insecurity a. Generaijob insecurity 3 4 b. Skill obsolescence (new) 2 Total que~ions 27 49 Note. JCQ = Job Content Questionnaire; QES = Quality of Employment Surveys. a Eight new scales/dimensions and additional items were added to make the Recommended JCQ format. b Education was also used in this scale. third, macrolevel component of decision latitude high demand and high control, has high-prestige assesses the possibility of participatory influence on occupations: public officials, physicians, engineers, organization level issues, as well as union and nurses, and managers of all kinds. The passive job work-group participation (Subscales ld, le, If). quadrant (lower left), with low demands and low The JCQ integrates use of both individual and control, has clerical workers such as billing clerks, occupation-based conceptions of job characteristics. and low-status service personnel such as janitors. The The occupation-based job characteristic assessments high-strain quadrant (lower right), with high demands yield an effective communication tool for interpreting and low control, has machine-paced operatives such the meaning of the otherwise abstract psychosocial as assemblers, cutting operatives, freight handlers, as JCQ scales in terms of specific jobs situations, and well as other low-status service operatives such as provide a source of validating information about job waiters. Occupations with high percentages of situations. As an example: When the two JCQ job women are frequent (garment stitchers, waitresses, characteristic scales---decision latitude and psycho- logical demands--are arrayed as a four-quadrant telephone operators, and other nurse's aides). Low- diagram, they define the strain and active behavior strain self-paced occupations (upper left) often hypotheses of the demand/control model. These can involve significant training and self-pacing, such as be used to display (see Figure 1) average job repairmen, linemen, and natural scientists. Kristensen characteristics of occupations in U.S. Census occupa- (1996) reconceptualized the four quadrants above tion codes and the U.S. Quality of Employment respectively as qualified work, surveillance work, Surveys (QES) database (Karasek & Theorell, 1990). tempo work, and craftsman's work. Kristensen In Figure 1, the active job quadrant (upper right) with identified the linkages to structural and technological
  • 4. Decision l L'tit:dAichite_Lc t Engineer • Natural Programmer Farmer O Scientist • ~]~ Teacher--H.S. • Publc WIFManager-trade • Officials • Physician +0.50 Bank Officer • Lineman • Clerk • Foreman Supervisor O Repairman..~ O Nurse I I o_Machinist • Carpenter 050 / +0.5~ Psychological Demands k- 1 I I I il~ Fireman t Stationary • Health • Off. Computer • EngineerA~ I Technician Operator _ WBilling Clerk ~lhDeliveryman • Watchman WSales Clerk I • Dispatcher -0.5o- • Gas Station O Janitor Attendant • Cutting tWaitress • Miner - OperativeO Nurse's Aide O • Freight handler Construction • Telephone Laborer Operator/,f--~ " " Keypuncher / Si t n t ~ ~ /Gm a '~gh O ae r~ stitcher,-,,~.,~ O Assembler- electric/trans, mfg. Figure I. The occupational distribution of psychological demands and decision latitude (U.S. male and female workers; N = 4,495). From "The Political Impfications of Psychosocial Work Redesign: A Model of the Psychosocial Class S~ucture" (p. 177), by R. A. Karasek, in J. V. Johnson and G. Johansson (Eds.), The Psychosocial Work Environment: Work Organization, Democratization, andHealth, 1991, Amityville, N-Y:Baywood. Copyright 1989 by Baywood Publishing Company. Reprinted with permission.
  • 5. 326 KARASEK ET AL. developments in production processes, thus making it the Job Insecurity Scale section) because specific more useful in job redesign contexts. events of unemployment are relatively low frequency, even when the fear of job insecurity can be more Scale 3: Social Support widely experienced (Subscale 5a). The job insecurity effect can depend on the labor market requirements The demand/control model has been expanded by for particular skills, limiting future career develop- Johnson (Johnson, 1986; Johnson & Hall, 1988) with ment possibilities (Subscale 5b). the addition of social support as a third dimension. The primary hypothesis, that jobs which are high in Theoretical Interpretation of Scales demands, low in control, and also low in social support at work carry the highest risk of illness, has and Implications: Sociological been empirically successful in a number of chronic and Psychological Origins disease studies (Johnson, 1989; Karasek & Theorell, The JCQ provides advantages to researchers by 1990). Karasek and Theorell (1990), Karasek, Trian- integrating strengths of multiple disciplines. How- tis, and Chaudhry (1982), and Johnson and Hall ever, it also presents the JCQ users with the challenge (1988) discussed the differential impacts of support of reconcifing multiple scientific literaanes when findings from coworkers and from supervisors and, within are reported. We briefly outline major linkages below. these, the separate impacts of instrumental and The primary hypotheses of the JCQ, resulting from socioemotional support, respectively (Subscales 3a, the demand/control model, are both psychological 3b, 3c, 3d). Interpersonal hostility is also included as a and sociological in nature and methodology. The JCQ measure of social support deficit (Subscales 3e, 3f). The is sociological in that it presumes existence of social support addition acknowledges the need of any socially "objective" environments that systemati- theory of job stress and behavior development to assess cally affect individual well-being and behavior. There social relations at the workplace. is a focus on (a) major social institutional settings, (b) broad population groups, (c) covariance of measures Scale 4: Physical Demands with major demographic categories, and (d) its hypotheses, which evolved from sociological life The "demanding costs" of work activity are not stress and illness as well as work alienation traditions. just mental but also physical. Indeed, the more Also, consistent with much sociological literature, traditional concept of workloads involves physical associations are usually controlled for social class (for loads. Physiological effects of stress on the cardiovas- contrasting perspectives, see Ganster & Schaubroeck, cular system, the effectiveness of mental functioning, 1991; Karasek & Theorell, 1990). and general fatigue are shown in much research However, there are also differences with classic literature to depend on both mental and physical sociological approaches. The JCQ is based on a loads, and thus this measure is also included in the theoretical foundation that implies an alternative, JCQ. Although the original QES questionnaire psychosocial class model, which appears to predict contains only a single item on physical exertion health outcomes more effectively than the conven- (Subseale 4a), the recommended form of the JCQ tional class model (Karasek, 1997, 1998; Karasek & includes static (Subscale 4b) as well as dynamic Theorell, 1990, chapters 5, 9, 10). Kristensen (1996) physical loads (Subscale 4c), both shown to be and Karasek and Theorell (1990) noted that the scales important for musculoskeletal disorder development. and methods also lend themselves to understanding of the social and technological structure of production Scale 5: Job Insecurity processes. Such associations allow interpretation of JCQ findings for human capital and economic Work's psychological burden consists not only of development studies. the work of carrying out the task but also in the A variety of methodological techniques from both human costs of adapting to labor market dynamics. sociology and psychometrics are used: scale reliabil- These have become increasingly important in the last ity analysis, scale construction techniques, multilevel several years, because the global economy has had causal analyses, and data reduction techniques such job-displacing effects in many countries and in- as factor analysis. The JCQ uses sociological creased reported job insecurity (Lohr, 1996). Measure- questionnaire assessment methods to collect valid ment of these items poses statistical challenges (see data on social environments. The JCQ occupation
  • 6. SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE 327 approach uses the worker's occupation as an alterna- Empirical Basis of JCQ Scale Development tive unit of analysis to the individual's own job reports, allowing linkage to other insights available Origin: Stage IfPre-1984 for occupational experience. The JCQ has developed in stages. Historically, the The JCQ also reflects a psychological focus and is origin of the instrument, which predates the "recom- probably used more often by psychologists than by mended version JCQ" in 1985, involved analyses of sociologists. It addresses classic psychological topics broad pools of job characteristic survey data in two such as the behavioral basis for emotion-driven countries. The core questions for the JCQ scales are psychological distress, psychosomatic illness develop- taken from the three nationally representative samples ment, and changes in microlevel behavior related to of the much analyzed QES gathered by the University social situations. There is a presumption that psycho- of Michigan Survey Research Center in 1969, 1972, social experiences are a major determinant of health and 1977 for the U.S. Department of Labor. Each of and well-being, mediated by the neurophysiological the three QES surveys was eclectically designed and mechanisms, as well as behavioral pathways. surveyed over 1,000 aspects of work experience, in a Psychologically, the JCQ--demand/control method manner often using different questions from survey to reflects a stimulus approach, as opposed to a survey. Our research group (Karasek et al., 1988; relational approach, which emphasizes personal Schwartz, Pieper, & Karasek, 1988) conducted cognitive interpretation of the person-environment extensive statistical analyses, analyses of theoretical relationship. The JCQ assumes that behavior is, to a coherence, and analyses of individual questions significant extent, generated by social environments predicting efficiency for these large groups of and their constraints outside the individual. The questions in the early 1980s. These confirmed that cognitive psychological claim that decision choices major aspects of the core content of the psychosocial constitute the primary mental workload is contrary to work experience could be captured by the small the demand/control hypothesis that social demands number of QES questions. On this basis, a small are moderated by the behavioral degree of freedom subset of the questions was selected to create the Job that decision opportunities present (Karasek, 1997). Characteristic Linkage System (Schwartz et al., The JCQ-demand/control approach also often treats 1988). Approximately two thirds of the linkage emotional response as a dependent variable derived system questions were sufficiently similar (with from work-related behaviorial requirements. minor adaptations and corrections) across the years to There are also significant congruencies with yield common assessment of absolute scale scores: a psychophysiology, as well as some differences in QES-based JCQ "core" (see Table 1, column 2). The focus. Most previous stress theories were developed three QES survey question sets had 27 questions in to describe reactions to "inevitable" acute stress in common in the psychosocial area, which allowed development of a pooled sample of all 4,900 situations threatening biological survival (Cannon, respondents, still by far the largest nationally 1914; Seyle, 1936/1976). The demand/control model representative U.S. data set on psychosocial job was, however, developed for work environments in characteristics. This core serves as the source of which stressors are chronic, not initially life threaten- standard score data for JCQ occupational mean scores ing, and are the products of sophisticated human and a basis for time-related comparisons in the scales organizational decision making. The controllability of (statistical reliability is discussed in Karasek & the stressor was found to be important and appears to Theorell, 1990, Appendix 1). have become even more important as we develop The validation for the utility of such scales was even more complex demands and limitations on also developed from a similar set of questions in individual behavior. However, significant consistency longitudinal, Swedish nationally representative data- with classic psychophysiology is demonstrated by bases, which could be analyzed extensively for Frankenhaeuser and Johansson's (1986) psychologi- covariations with other social and individual data cal research, which shows the congruence of two (Karasek, 1976, 1979; Karasek & TheoreU, 1990) and primary patterns of physiological response (adrena- which had extensive health outcome data. These line related and cortisol related) with the main analyses, while confirming the demand/control model hypotheses of the demand/control model--allowing utility, also illuminated the importance of demo- linkage among physiological response, social situa- graphic, occupational, and social relations data, and tion, and emotional response patterns. broadly assessed work demand and hazard data
  • 7. 328 KARASEK ET AL. (Karasek et al., 1981; Karasek, Schwartz, & Pieper, should assess a single underlying theoretical con- 1983) and implied that a future measurement struct. In JCQ design, true statistical reliability is instrument should not be restricted to the demand/ sometimes balanced against a goal of a specific control task questions alone. content interpretability. Thus, the scales are also composed of subscales with separate interpretability (see Table 1 and discussion above), a goal which Stage II: JCQ Recommended Version--1985 competes with scale statistical reliability. The ques- The next stage was the development of the JCQ tions should also be standardizable questions. The Recommended Version 1.1 in response to request for JCQ has also had the goal of covering the most an instrument to assess the psychosocial hypotheses important aspects of qualitative work situations with a and demand/control models. This is the current small enough number of scales that the interactions version of the instrument. The design of the current between the scales can be feasibly examined. JCQ was initiated by request from the U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's request for scales Toward "Objective "Assessment: for the U.S. Framingham Offspring Study. The JCQ Rating Versus Evaluation authors were aware of the length limitations posed by research teams in national survey designs and the An important goal of the JCQ is gathering hesitancy of other researchers adopting question sets "objective" data about work environments relevant not of their own design, thus, the design of the new for prevention-oriented goals of improving social and JCQ instrument in 1984 focused on a very short, psychological working conditions. The Swedish efficient questionnaire that could be self-administered Level of Living Survey (Johansson, 1971) was a in 15 rain, with minimal participant guidance. methodological guide: The bias in the questionnaire The original QES core was not theoretically precise response by the participant, while inevitable, was in several areas (particularly psychological and designed to be minimized. The questions are designed physical demands). To add precision to the theoretical to report about, but not evaluate, the participant's constructs of the QES core, to expand theoretical usual or main job. Thus, the JCQ questions use simple coverage of both psychological and physical de- language so there are meaningful responses possible mands, to expand job insecurity and social support by all employed respondents, presented in a language scale coverage, and to assist in discriminant validity, simple enough to be understood by participants at all we included additional newly drafted questions (see education levels. The response set is designed to Table 1, column 1) to the QES questions, yielding the assess the validity of the statement about the work present set of scales used in the JCQ data sets. These environment on a 4-point scale, facilitating the expansions formed the Recommended JCQ Instru- similar quantitative weighting of questions. ment Version (see Table 1, column 2), with 49 Use of participants' own questionnaire reports questions, which is the most commonly used version about their jobs, of course, automatically introduces (14 additional new questions and 8 additional QES self-perceptions--the source of the major critique of questions had been added beyond the original core). validity of instruments such as the JCQ (see the Additional question sets cover physical work hazards, Implication for Broad Interpretability of Psychoso- computer interfaces, customer interaction, and psycho- cial JCQs section). In many cases, self-reports on job logical strain scales. An update of the recommended conditions are the only feasible information-gathering version in 1995 (Version 1.5) included pilot versions strategy about workers' detailed social working of a set of global economy questions and more conditions. For example, it would take an outside standardizable psychological strain scales. observer much time to understand the social support situation of the worker. Frese and Zapft (1988) JCQ Focus and Scale Design Criteria claimed that the risk of self-report bias depends on the degree to which the questions require a complex The multiple goals underlying JCQ construction burden of evaluative cognition by the participant. The introduce competing design criteria: (a) standard JCQ objective assessment goal means that the scale reliability assessment, (b) coverage breadth, (c) questions attempt to minimize this self-reflexive scale length economy, (d) scale number economy, and component: They report about jobs, but minimize (e) specific content interpretability. A pure concept of evaluation of them. Questions of the type "lack of statistical reliability means that a set of questions decision making is important for me" and "the time
  • 8. SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE 329 pressures are too much for me" are replaced by The same occupational basis that provides the questions that emphasize simple assessments of standardized scores is also the basis of an often environmental conditions only, such as: "I have utilized occupational score linkage system (Schwartz freedom to make decisions about my job" and "My et al., 1988). The JCQ job characteristic scales can be job requires I work fast." Such linguistic distinctions linked to other databases through U.S. three-digit have been considered quite significant in other census occupation codes (1970) and also to four-digit psychological research contexts: for example, state- U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (industry trait response differentiations based on phrasing classification) codes. This database linkage system differences such as "Today I feel angry" versus "I allows psychosocial job content scores to be associ- usually feel angry." ated with health and productivity outcomes in Sources of difficulty remain, however. Self- national or company databases already in existence reflexive judgments remain in two psychological (such as U.S. Census, Commerce, or U.S. National demand questions: "work hard" and "work fast" (see Center for Health Statistics data), for which direct Appendix A). Also, the JCQ goal of broad coverage questionnaire data collection would not be feasible. on jobs characteristics with a short set of questions means that many questions elicit summary judgments Aggregate Scoring Methods for Work Groups about some quality of the job (skill requirements, decision possibilities). Questions about more specific Bias of findings could potentially occur with job situations could avoid this problem, but would self-reported psychosocial work environment and likely make the questionnaire longer or the questions dependent variables such as depression, exhaustion, unjudgable by some respondents, and therefore the and dissatisfaction (see the Implications for Broad responses difficult to compare across groups. Interpretability of Psychosocial JCQs section). One remedy is to aggregate self-report responses by work groups with similar work situations, thus diluting Occupation-Based Analysis individual biases (Kristensen, 1996). This is, of and Score Standardization course, the basis of the occupation database linkage In addition to direct administration of JCQ system suggested above, but systems of mixed questionnaires to workers, the JCQ system offers a self-report and work-group aggregated assessment second set of occupation-based methodologies. There have also been successfully applied (Vahtera, Pentti, is an extensive system of JCQ scores scales by & Uutela, 1996). detailed occupation and gender in several countries The alternative of expert observations is certainly that is the basis of (a) the JCQ occupational score theoretically desirable, but in practice it has problems. standardization system and (b) the occupational Expert observations are costly, time consuming, and linkage system. in assessment of social interactions do not obviously Detailed scoring procedures for the JCQ scales are generate more accurate measures resulting in low described in the JCQ Questionnaire and User's Guide interrater reliability. There are also theoretical biases (Karasek, 1985). Most of the scales have been involved in the very concept of standard "expert" standardized by detailed occupation codes for several measures: It is much easier to measure the easily national populations (for the U.S. population: Karasek observed, repetitive quality of the low-status assembly- & Theorell, 1990, Appendix; Schwartz et al., 1988; line jobs than the diverse tasks of nigh-status with related scales standardized in Sweden [work managers or professionals. Thus, measurement reli- exposure matrix: Johnson & Johansson, 1991; ability for the most potent set of psychosocial job Johnson & Stewart, 1993]). The JCQ questions can be characteristics (decision latitude, skill, and decision compared to national scale scores for detailed census autonomy) is probably correlated with scale level--a code by sex and by four-digit industry code. This complex confounding of content and validity (for all allows unique assessment of differences between a methodologies, not just the JCQ). target group and "national norms" for psychosocial job dimensions. This allows JCQ users involved in Scale Statistical Validity practically oriented job analyses, small populations, or single-plant studies to compare their findings with The most substantial compilation of reliability national averages on the scales (broken down by sex, findings is presented in the following section (Part II). occupation, and industry). However, previous reliability analyses of the scales
  • 9. 330 KARASEK ET AL. very similar to the JCQ scales have been published update has cataloged 41 studies of the major coronary for the U.S. national populations (Q.E.S. database: heart disease risk factors (blood pressure, serum Karasek & Theorell, 1990, Appendix 1; Schwartz et cholesterol, and smoking) testing associations with al., 1988). Kawakarni and Fujigaki (1996) and job strain. In over a dozen studies of blood pressure Kawakami, Kobayashi, Araki, Haratani, and Furui using sophisticated ambulatory assessment technolo- (1995) published the first studies on the reliability of gies, all show either positive or mixed positive recommended format JCQ scales (omitting physical results. However, less-sophisticated blood pressure demands and job insecurity). The study concluded measurement technologies show no consistent associa- that the JCQ is reliable for Japanese populations and tions, and smoking and cholesterol have mixed found Japanese occupation scale ratings that are positive and null associations. similar to those in the United States (see Appendix A). Consistent associations between mental strain and Brisson et al. (in press) showed JCQ scale reliabilities JCQ-like scales are also reported (see Bourbonnais, to be good and confirmed the scale structure Busson, Moisan, & Vezina, 1996; Karasek & (Larocque, Brisson, & Blanchet, in press) from both Theorell, 1990), but differential effects of job random population survey and a white-collar survey characteristics are noted. Measures of exhaustion and from Quebec, Canada. A 1993 large-scale sample in burnout are more consistently associated with high the United States (Amick, Mangione, & Wu, 1998) psychological demands, whereas depression and reported JCQ scales to be reliable, as well as scale anxiety measures are more strongly associated with structure confirmation, but some scales differ signifi- low decision latitude. cantly from the recommended JCQ format. Sante Occupational musculoskeletal injury prediction is Quebec (1994) showed acceptable JCQ scale reliabili- reviewed by Bongers, de Winter, Kompier, and ties in the Netherlands, but some factor structure Hildebrandt (1993), who found support for the differences arose. predictive utility of the demand/control/support model, particularly for upper extremity disorders. Many additional studies using the demand/control model Predictive Validity and JCQ scales have been undertaken since then, including associations with pregnancy disorders It is beyond the scope of this article to review the (Brandt & Neilsen, 1992; Fenster et al., 1995)and extensive research literature using the JCQ and immune system disfunctions (Kawakami & Fujigaki, JCQ-like scales to predict illness (much research is 1996; Peters et al., 1998). based on similar, but not exactly equivalent scales). Comprehensive reviews are presented by Marmot and Theorell (1988), Kristensen (1989), Schnall and JCQ Measurement and Administrative Issues Landbergis (1994), Kristensen (1995), Kasl (1996), and Tbeorell and Karasek (1996). However, in summary, it can be stated that the JCQ scales and JCQ Administration JCQ-like scales demonstrate substantial predictive validity with respect to stress-related chronic disease The JCQ is designed for self-administration and in international and U.S. research. has often been included as a section in other Job strain and heart disease associations constitute questionnaire instruments in which a short introduc- the broadest base of empirical support for the model. tory sentence about how to respond to the questions is JCQ scales or similar scales associate significantly included. The completion time is short, approxi- with cardiovascular mortality using a wide range of mately 15 min for the full recommended version. methodologies. Landsbergis (augmenting his earlier Professional assistance, such as the research person review [Schnall & Landsbergis, 1994] by personal reviewing the instructions, has also often occurred. communication, December 1997) tabulated 72 pub- In addition to the standard JCQ questions, JCQ lished studies of cardiovascular disease (CVD) or users are encouraged to add their own specific CVD risk factors testing associations with job strain "umbrella questions" that refer to the measurement using JCQ-like scales. Of the 36 studies investigating of specific job conditions in the surveyed work sites. CVD or mortality, over two thirds showed positive Although the umbrella questions would differ be- associations (i.e., either all significant or mixed tween studies, they could be factor analyzed with the significant positive results) with job strain, and many other JCQ questions and correlated with the standard of these were positive cohort studies. Landsbergis's JCQ scales used as reference points.
  • 10. SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE 331 JCQ Breadth of Use and Scale Consistency back translation into English submitted to the JCQ Center, and a copy of the translated instrument. The instrument has been selected for large studies Adaptation of the JCQ for housework and home- of job conditions in the United States, Canada, role work, student status, and unemployment has also Europe, and Japan. The JCQ is being used by large been undertaken but presents challenges because studies in Europe (over 50,000 participants) and these less-structured social roles mean less specific Japan (over 40,000 participants) for the study of job questionnaire language. Adaptation of the JCQ for strain, heart disease, and absenteeism. The short low-education workers and workers in less economi- length and predictive validity appear to be the major cally developed countries for Spanish-speaking work- reasons for its success. Length is mentioned as a ers has also been undertaken. crucial instrument parameter by many users (a substantial number would like an even shorter instrument; there is no validated shorter instrument JCQ Usage Policy with standardizable scores at present). Because of the The JCQ is copyrighted and not published in the active international collaboration by JCQ researchers, public domain; however, it is the goal of the JCQ the effort invested bymany individual JCQ projects in Center to make it available to all researchers who the past is now yielding collective benefits with the request it with substantial supporting documentation, development of comparative databases that further and to promote scientific development in the area enhance the data interpretability of each study. through a users' network. The JCQ Questionnaire and User's Guide and research documentation are pro- JCQ Usage Study: Compliance vided free of charge to most users. However, JCQ use With Recommended Format by large research studies (over 750 participants) and commercial users requires payment of per-nse The JCQ has retained the same recommended charges. Registration in a JCQ users' project database format (Version 1.1) since 1985 (see Appendix C). To for the users' network for all users and a copy of the test the consistency of scale use and to assess the researcher's JCQ and demographic data for future utilization of the JCQ, in 1995 Robert Karasek reliability analyses (large studies only) are required. conducted a survey of all contactable JCQ users. Contact the JCQ Center, Department of Work From the 246 recorded requests, 130 projects were Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell, estimated to have been completed by that time. The Lowell, Massachusetts 01854, for details of policy, most consistently used scales are the decision latitude fees, and requirements. scales, with 85% reporting compliance with the standard version. Psychological demands has 69% Summary of lnstrument Description using the recommended nine-question version and another 19% using the older five-question (QES core) and Notes on Future Challenges version. Standard version social support was used To summarize description of the instrument, we 74% of the time. However, physical demands are include at this point several comments that reflect included in only 58% of the studies and job insecurity information in the second, empirical section of this in only 36% of the studies. The skill utilization article. question, important for work quality policy and 1. The 1995 study of usage consistency demon- productivity outcomes, is included in 42% of these strates that the JCQ has provided a common set of studies. scales used with consistency throughout almost 100 studies, including large national studies, of psychoso- Translations Into Other Languages cial factors at work. This breadth of use is a unique occurrence for measurement of psychosocial work Authorized translations of the full JCQ instrument characteristics in the United States and internation- from English, which have been specifically approved ally, and it helps to overcome the major scientific and which are available from the JCQ Center, are deficit of such instruments: the lack of comparative French-Canadian, French-Belgium, Flemish-Bel- assessment capability across databases (see discus- gium, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, and Japanese. sion in Santer & Murphy, 1995). Other language translations are in process. The 2. As a result of the empirical review in the authorized process requires requesting permission, a following section (Part II of this article), the JCQ
  • 11. 332 KARASEK ET AL. recommended version since 1985 (and provisionally b. For psychological workload and social augmented in 1995) remains the "recommended support, improved scale performance may require version." The need to expand from the earlier "QES linguistic tool development and local consensual core questions" is validated. In particular, some of validation of response meanings. Additional measure- these additions are crucial for continued psychosocial ment methods beyond questionnaire use involving research: Job insecurity is of increasing importance observations or interview methods that can be linked because of the global economy, and the physical to the JCQ are also needed. Parts of these activities demand scale is of increasing importance because of may involve establishing new languages for social the increasing prevalence of musculoskeletal disor- policy purpose in these areas---a social advocacy task. ders in many countries. The "skill level required" c. Dropout of highly "stressed" participants questions (the seventh skill discretion question) is from studies, especially in more rigorous scientific crucial for work-quality policy discussions. protocols, appears to be a much larger problem than The predictive validity of the scales, while not previously assumed and is growing as stresses of reviewed in detail in this article, is probably the major modern life make participation in scientific studies reason for the success of the instrument. In general, it difficult for certain groups (temporary and transitional can be concluded that the JCQ seems to be potentially employees, marginal economic groups in all settings, useful in capturing important elements of psychoso- and many populations outside of the developed cial experience at work in many countries, and thus industrial countries). allows an internationally comparative understanding d. Organization-level job factors are also not of "qualitative costs" and "benefits of work." studied in the JCQ, and their effects on determining On the basis of the findings of the analysis of 12 job structures appear to be significant (Warren, 1998). separate male and female populations, we can find no Whether this analysis needs to be a part of an compelling reasons to reject the JCQ scales on the expanded JCQ or separate measurements approach, basis of inconsistency of means and standard such topics should be explored for further compara- deviations or Cronbach alpha reliability. However, tive analyses. factor analyses results noted above do raise questions e. New work patterns that involve computer- about inclusion of certain questions, a potential basis based communication, network communication, and for future revision of the JCQ scales. mass-media communication serve as the mode of Although some of the tables in the empirical social coordination in ever larger numbers of social reliability test (Part II of this article) are based on activities. These may require significantly altered restricted forms of some scales in order to ensure methodologies for assessing psychosocial work compatibility with several older databases, the largest experience. of the new studies now being collected in Europe and f. Quantitative work aspects of work (particu- Japan include almost complete versions of all of the larly hours of work, spouse work time, income, etc.) recommended JCQ scales, which further bolsters the certainly need no proof of importance but should be utility of using the full scales in the future. simultaneously gathered and used along with JCQ 3. Although an integrated review of the JCQ scale's assessments when broad policy implications are to be shortcomings and future improvement directions is understood. beyond the scope of this article, some preliminary g. Psychosocial experiences outside of work in observations about future challenges for the JCQ can the home and community, and across the life span be made, reflecting both this article and the current (jointly with work experience) must be made a part of social context of rapidly changing working conditions. psychosocial analytic frameworks even when work- a. The area of work quality needs to be opened place effects are the primary scientific focus. up to international political and economic policy h. The creative behavior side of psychosocial discussions, an important challenge given the accelera- workplace behavior needs to be given further tion of global economic linkages. JCQ expansions, measurement emphasis, including social interactions such as the pilot versions of the JCQ global economy which make it possible. To start, more attention scales, could assist this. Assessment of socially should be paid to existing active job hypotheses to determined possibilities for control, demand, and facilitate further integration with the active coping social integration deriving from broad global eco- health and well-being research themes of psychoso- nomic changes could be assessed. cial research. This extension would also allow new
  • 12. SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE 333 forms of nonmarket productive output to be better and heart disease in U.S. and Swedish samples but assessed, and would assist comprehensive dialogue found different retrospectively reported ratings for about costs and benefits of "the new work organiza- work and family stressors in the two countries (with tion." "Conducive economic policy" could serve as work being less important in the United States). Kasl one basis for this expansion (Karasek, 1998; Karasek (1996) speculated that the toll of unemployment and & Theorell, 1990). the nature of work in general is less important for U.S. i. Modified assessment methods for psychoso- workers than for European workers. However, this cial working conditions in less-developed economies has not been tested with direct empirical data on must also be integrated with existing JCQ scales individual work situations in broadly representative usage, which has primarily focused on developed populations. countries. These must assess the relationship between Additionally, there has been much discussion of psychosocial work costs and benefits and more international differences in work organizational cul- conventional economic rewards and demographic tures, as when Japanese just-in-time assembly meth- transformations. ods were introduced into the United States and Europe (Berggren, 1992). One empirical investiga- tion of work organization and company policies PART 1I across seven automobile manufacturers in four countries shows that "teamwork" is very differently understood due to national (Japanese, French, Italian, International Comparison o f the JCQ and German) differences, regional, and company Scales in Four Countries culture (Frieling, Freiboth, Henniges, & Saager, 1997), although the relative magnitude of intercom- Rationale party versus intercountry sources was not assessed. Trends in working conditions show increased risks Some useful internationally comparative findings to well-being arising from social and psychological exist for scales very similar to the JCQ. Typical of characteristics of work in Europe and Japan in these findings are U.S., Swedish, and Japanese studies reported national statistics (Dhondt, 1994, 1998; which show that the ranking of occupations on Paoli, 1997; Shimomitzu & Levi, 1992). Available decision latitude scales is very similar in the United anecdotal reports in the United States in the 1990s States, Japan, and Sweden (see Appendix B). also suggest growing problems of work-relate.d Unfortunately, the utility of many studies that are pressures. Comparative assessment of these psychoso- potentially similar is limited by lack of truly cial exposures between countries in the global comparable scales in each study. In general, absolute economy could open up the area of "work quality" to scale scores are important for JCQ research because international political and economic policy discus- they allow comparative analysis of national and sions. However, significant progress requires interna- occupational differences and facilitate comparative tional comparisons with standardized instruments--an formulation of some "job strain" definitions. Also, area in which progress has so far been slight. The although validation studies for the JCQ scales have international comparisons would also provide an been published for some populations, the cross- important reference standard for many homogeneous national validity of the JCQ has not been systemati- population studies. These challenges motivate the cally assessed. Neither has the comparative reliability present investigation. and validity of the JCQ scales been tested separately Most international comparative analyses of work for male and female workers. Hall (1994) argued for focus on economic outcomes. It is well known that the importance of examining women's job character- there are national differences in the distribution of istics separately. International comparisons of poten- income, with greater disparities (i.e., higher standard tial gender differences could be useful because female deviations) occurring in the United States between labor participation patterns vary significantly by high and low incomes than in Canada, Europe, or COuntry. Japan. Furthermore, these disparities have increased From a psychometric perspective, the process of in recent years in the United States. scale validation will often examine scale reliability Similar differences might be expected for psycho- statistics across multiple populations, with the social job characteristics. For example, Orth-Gomer presumption that the scale should perform in a similar (1979) reported similar associations between stress manner across populations. Differences between the
  • 13. 334 KARASEK ET AL. populations themselves are not the focus. However, Method from a sociological perspective, the population differences or similarities are of interest. We will also Populations follow psychometric tradition and assess the consis- tency of the scale performance across populations. In The six populations studied come from the United States the case of job characteristics, the most common (2), Canada-Quebec (2), the Netherlands, and Japan (see Table 2). The number of participants in each study ranged sociological hypothesis would be that major national from 580 to 6,053 for a total of 16,601 participants (38% differences do exist in scale characteristics, because women and 62% men). The participation rates ranged from the JCQ reflects organizational characteristics of the 65% to 93% (see Table 2). The age boundaries span the full major social institutional framework of m o d e m adult working life, age 20 to 65 (retirement age), but the Japanese sample's age span is from age 20 to 60. Part-time societies--frameworks that have been demonstrated workers are included if work time is greater than 20 hr/week to differ between countries from many perspectives. except for the two Canadian samples, which include only full-time workers (->35 hr/week). Two populations include the full occupational spectrum-- Objectives managers and professionals, clericals, line workers in white- and blue-collar occupations, and services workers----based The main objective of the study is to compare mean on random samples of their geographical location work- values, reliability, and validity of the JCQ scales forces: (a) the U:S. QES samples from the 1970s (three separate national samples combined; see Karasek & across six studies conducted in four different Theorell, 1990, Appendix 1) and (b) the Quebec province countries. Complementary objectives are (a) to assess stratified random (Sante-Quebec, 1994) sample from 1990. the extent of similarities and differences found under Three other samples are broadly inclusive of the full relatively different national contexts (the United occupational spectrum from manager to line worker: the States, Quebec-Canada, the Netherlands, and Japan); more recent U.S. New England Medical Center (NEMC) sample, the Dutch sample, and the Japanese sample. The (b) to assess potential differences by gender; and (c) U.S. NEMC data include representative samples from all to compare these differences to published findings status levels in 16 large U.S. workplaces in seven about scale differences due to occupation. corporations (full samples of 12 middle-sized workplaces Table 2 Population Definition for the Studies Participant Study country Date N % instrument Population type U.S. QES 1970s 4,319 73 QES/JCQ National random population sample M = 2841 F = 1478 U.S. NEMC 1994 6,053 71 Base JCQ (modified) a Broadly representative: 16 large employers, blue and white collar M = 3676 F = 2377 Canada-Quebec 1990 1,232 77 Full JCQ (minus)b Provincial, stratified random M = 707 population sample F = 525 Canada-Quebec-white 1994 2,666 73e Full JCQ (minus)b Regional, 8 companies collar only M = 1364 65a F = 1302 Netherlands 1994 1,751 86 Full JCQ Broadly representative: 34 compa- M = 1228 hies, blue and white collar (limited F = 523 job mobility/variety) Japan 1993 580 93 Full JCQ (minus) b 2 companies, blue and white collar M = 472 F = 108 Note. QES = Quality of Employment Surveys; JCQ = Job Content Questionnaire; NEMC = New England Medical Center; M = male; F = female. a Some signlficandy different scales. b Minus some scales. ¢ Participation for the full population who completed the psychological demands and decision latitude scales. d Participation for the population who completed also the social support scales.
  • 14. SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE 335 and random samples of 4 very large workplaces, representa- researcher sent the tabulated data to RK, who constructed tive of the U.S. workforce in many respects) but omit the final tables. workers in smaller companies, a lesser fraction of the workforce. The Dutch sample includes white- and blue- collar workers from 34 companies, across a range of Analyses company sizes and industry branches. It deviates from random selection in that only workers with relatively fixed All analyses were conducted separately for women and work locations and a limited number of tasks were selected men in the six populations. Mean values and standard to facilitate physical ergonomic job assessments (however, deviations of each scale were calculated. We used an this does not exclude professionals such as teachers, nurses, analysis of variance (ANOVA) to evaluate statistical and some managers). The Japanese sample (Haratani et al., differences between scale means across populations. Given 1997) includes white- and blue-collar workers from two that the samples are large, statistically significant differences companies with fairly technically sophisticated output between means across populations are expected even for (telecommunications and power utility). The sixth sample, the small and potentially nonmeaningful differences. Therefore, second Canadian database from Quebec, is conapesed of only the proportion of variance explained by the study site was white-collm workers employed in eight white-collar organiza- presented to quantify the magnitude of the variations tions engaged in semipublic, public, or private service activities. between means. Reliability of the scales was assessed by the internal consistency as measured by the Cronbach's alpha coefficients. Concurrent validity was assessed by correla- Instrument tions between scales and subscales and by correlation of scales with age a n d education. To assess variability in correlation coefficients, we computed range and mean Our intent was to use the full recommended JCQ scales correlations across the six samples. A simple scale was used (Karasek, 1985). However, some questions were missing in to quantify variability on the basis of the range of correlation some of the older studies. Therefore, the "lowest common coefficients among the six populations: L = low variability denominator of questions" was found to maximize compara- (i.e., a difference between the highest and the lowest tive possibilities. For psychological demands, the five- correlations coefficients < .20); M = moderate variability question QES version is used, because the full nine-question (i.e., a difference that varies from .20 to .35); and H = high version was only available in four of the studies (for all variability (i.e., a difference > .35). correlations, separate tabulations have been made for the full Some factorial validity analyses conducted in these nine-questions version). For the physical demands scale, populations axe summarized here, but no tables are although five of the studies had the one-question version, presented because of space limitations. The exact methodolo- only the relatively recent Dutch sample had the full gies of these analyses are not always consistent across recommended five-question scale, and thus, most tabula- populations. Separate factor analyses of decision latitude tions are based on the one-question version. Only the and psychological demands; then decision latitude, psycho- Canadian sample had the five-question social support scale, logical demands, and social support; and finally, all scales but all of the other samples had a QES-based four-question together have been reported. Sometimes the two decision version, which is used in the tables. No study had the full latitude subscales and the psychological demand scale have six-question job insecurity scale, thus a special two-question been tested as two factors, sometimes as three. All analyses version of the scale, available in three studies (U.S. QES; were conducted using standard statistical analysis programs U.S. NEMC; and the Netherlands), was computed only for (Study 1, 5, 6; SAS Institute, 1990; and Study 2, 3, 4; Stata this article. The original English version of the JCQ was Statistical Software, 1997). used, or validated tramlafions in French (Brisson, Dion, et al.; Brisson, Larocque, et al., 1998; Larocque, Brisson, & Blanchet, in press), in Dutch (Houtman, 1995; Reuvers et al., 1998), and in Comparison of Between-Occupation Variance Japanese (Kawakami & Fujigaki, 1996; Kawakawi et al., and Occupational Rankings 1995). Although consistent coding of occupations across all the databases was not possible for this article, the use of Data Collection interoccupation differences in job characteristics present an important reference standard for assessing the relative The instrument was self-administered in most studies importance of intercountry differences. Thus, the results for (Study 1, 2, 4, 5, 6) or administered during a face-to-face the one study database that does have an interoecupation interview (Study 3). Self-administration was usually done at ANOVA (U.S. QES) are included here, and an occupational the workplace. Workers were allowed by their employers to ANOVA for scales similar to the JCQ in Sweden is also fill in the questionnaire during regular working hours. presented (Swedish scales from Johnson and Stewart, 1993; Although data on all samples had previously been collected, U.S. scales from the U.S. QES study in this article; Schwartz tabulated, and in some eases published by participating et al., 1988). The Swedish analysis is based on a similar researchers, this previous material did not always follow scale for decision latitude; however, the support scale in exact JCQ guidelines or was not presented in a comparable Sweden is only a "possibility-of" assessment (mainly manner. Therefore, for the parpose of the present article, one instrumental) and only for coworkers. Also, the Swedish of us (RK) requested participating researchers to retabulate psychological demand scale is assessed more subjectively data following defined JCQ guidelines (as modified above) and has fewer questions than the U.S. scales. The to allow meaningful comparisons. Each participating between-occupation variance reported is a percentage of the
  • 15. 336 KARASEK ET AL. Cronbach alpha reliable scale variance (this represents For psychological demands (five items), the U.S. between .60 and .75 of the total variance for the Swedish NEMC women's population is higher than others, but scales). An additional person-based demographic contribu- tion to psychosocial scales between occupation is also otherwise there are no major deviations for men or reported in both U.S. and Swedish studies. This addition women on this scale. The physical demands scale increases the variance somewhat, of course, not because of does not show consistently higher levels for men than the job alone, but because of the interaction of person and for women. It shows a substantially lower level in the job (e.g., the additional effect of age on the decision anthority of managers). This effect is roughly corrected for U.S. NEMC sample than in the U.S. QES sample. The in the Swedish sample by assuming the same average job insecurity scale (based on the specially calculated contributions from demographics in Sweden as in the United comparable subscale across populations) shows a States, averaged across scales. substantially higher level in the 1990s in the United The rankings of occupations on the JCQ decision latitude scale are compared for the seven occupations reported in States than it did in the 1970s. Kawakami et al.'s (1995) two-company study, compared One highly consistent finding observed in all with the JCQ scale rankings of the same occupations in the studies is the gender differences in skill discretion and U.S. and Swedish nationally random samples, The U.S. and decision authority. Indeed, women have consistently Japanese studies use the JCQ scales reported in this study, whereas a similar, non-JCQ scale is used in Sweden lower scale means for both these subscales. These (Johnson, Stewart, Friediund, Hall, & Theorell, 1990). gender differences tend to be smaller in the Quebec stratified random population sample than in the other samples. The gender differences average about a Results quarter of the population's standard deviation. The scale standard deviations are generally higher, Means and Standard Deviations of JCQ Scales as would be expected in the first three populations, which have broadly representative samples, than in The means are very similar across studies (see others in which restrictions of populations do occur, Table 3). Although the difference between means are for both men and women. In three representative statistically significant among the studies for all samples, the standard deviations are very similar on scales, the proportions of the variance of scale scores all scales. explained by study site are small, that is, generally less than 5% for men and women for the more reliable scales. Within men samples, the proportions ex- Internal Consistency of JCQ Scales plained ranged from 1% to 4% for decision latitude, psychological demands, supervisor support, and Internal consistency of the scales tend to be similar coworker support (averaging 2.5%). These propor- across populations and between men and women (see tions were, respectively, 6% and 9% for physical Table 4). The Cronbach's alpha coefficients are demands and job insecurity, where only three studies generally acceptable (overall average alpha for have data and there are reliability limitations for the women is .73 and for men is .74). The highest and scale forms included in the study. Within women most acceptable values of the coefficients are found samples, the proportions explained ranged from 3% for the decision latitude, physical demands, supervi- to 10% for decision latitude, psychological demands, sor support, and coworker support scales. However, job insecurity, supervisor support, and coworker the psychological demands scale, with five questions, support (averaging 4.8%), whereas it was much is only borderline (Nunnaly & Bernstein, 1994). greater (17%) for the single-question physical de- mand scale. Some minor deviations occur for the skill discretion Although differences between samples are gener- scale, which falls to borderline levels in the Dutch ally small, some specific tendencies can be observed. study for men and women and for the decision The decision latitude means are the highest in the two authority scale for men. However, taken as a single Quebec samples for both men and women. The scale, the decision latitude scale has quite acceptable decision latitude means and more specifically the coefficients. The skill discretion scale has a low decision authority means are lower in the U.S. QES reliability for Japanese men but is acceptable for (1970s) sample than in the U.S. NEMC (1994) Japanese women. Decision latitude has good reliabil- sample for both men and women. The decision ity in Japanese women but remains low for men. The latitude means are the lowest in Japan and U.S. QES job insecurity scale also has low coefficients in two (1970) in both men and women, although for women, out of the three populations for which data are the Netherlands sample is as low as Japan's. available.
  • 16. SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE 337 ~ ~ I I ~ 0 z ~~11~ II " ~v ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ° c~ ~,~.~ ~ . ~~ ~ ' ~
  • 17. 338 KARASEK ET AL. Table 4 Cronbach 's Alpha Reliability Coefficients of the Job Content Questionnaire Scales Among Men and Women in Six Samples Study sample U.S. U,S. Canada- Canada- Scale QES NEMC Quebec Quebec-W Netherlands Japan M Men Skill discretion .75 .79 .79 .80 .67 .59 .732 Decision authority .69 .70 .71 .70 .61 .66 .678 Decision latitude .83 .84 .86 .86 .77 .68 .807 Psychological demands (9 items) -- -- .68 .75 .74 .72 .723 Psychological demands (5 items) .63 .71 .59 .67 .57 .61 .630 Physical demands NA NA -- -- .86b -- .860 Job insecurity .60a .74 -- -- .49 -- .610 Supervisor support .85 .80 -- .82 .83 .89 .838 Coworker support .80 .72 -- .72 .78 .74 .752 Women Skill discretion .71 .75 .78 .79 .65 .80 .747 Decision authority .72 .64 .70 .63 .70 .68 .678 Decision latitude .80 .81 .85 .84 .77 .84 .818 Psychological demands (9 items) -- -- .72 .72 .69 .72 .713 Psychological demands (5 items) .62 .72 .63 .64 .51 .65 .628 Physical demands NA NA -- -- .79b -- .790 Job insecurity .47c .76 -- -- .52 -- .583 Supervisor support .83 .84 -- .83 .83 .87 .840 Coworker support .81 .75 -- .69 .82 .76 .766 Note. QES = Quality of Employment Surveys; NEMC = New England Medical Center; Quebec-W = white-collar only. Dashes indicate no data available. a 0.53 for the three-item scale of job insecurity, b For the five-item scale of physical demands, c 0.41 for the three-item scale of job insecurity. Correlations Between JCQ Scales and coworker support scales, two subcomponents of and Subscales the social support scale, are correlated at .40. Generally, there is little difference in the decision The correlations between JCQ scales and subscales latitude scale's two subcomponents, skill discretion represent 26 possible correlations (decision latitude and decision authority, in correlations with the other correlations with its subscales are excluded). When scales. One exception is the Japanese men for whom analyzed separately for women and for men, these the skill discretion coefficients are three times as large produce a matrix of 52 possible correlations (see as the decision authority coefficients for both Table 5). Across study populations, 33 correlations supervisor and coworker support. The decision show low variability, 12 show moderate variability, latitude scale correlates strongly (given moderate and 7 show high variability. In a number of cases, the scale reliability) with the two social support subcom- variability occurs from extreme values observed in ponents; it correlates moderately with psychological the Japanese population (some of the idiosyncratic demands and negatively with physical work and job Japanese findings may be due to the very small insecurity. women's sample; see below). If we exclude these The psychological demand scale displays a low and extreme values, 39 correlations (75%) have low very variable positive correlation with decision variability across populations. latitude for both men and women (all the high- Review of specific associations reveals the struc- variability associations are from the psychological ture of the JCQ scale relations. Decision latitude is the demand scale). However, in the above studies, only additive combination of skill discretion and decision the U.S. women's sample of the 1970s and the Dutch authority scales, which are consistently correlated at sample shows the negative correlation, which is about .55 for both men and women. The supervisor associated with an increased prevalence of the "job
  • 18. SPECIAL SECTION: JOB CONTENT QUESTIONNAIRE 339 strain" combination. The correlation is actually age correlations with any scale. Education has strong strongly positive in the small sample of Japanese negative correlations with decision latitude and women. Correlations of psychological demands with physical demands, but low correlations otherwise. decision latitude are somewhat higher for men than There is a moderately strong and consistent negative for women. The findings for the nine-questionversion association between age and education (about -.20) of the psychological demand scale show similar in all of the samples (which is much stronger for the variability. Japanese women). These correlations may reflect The psychological demands scale varies across intergenerational differences in education levels populations in its correlation with physical demands. (lower levels for older generation workers) and the It is strongly positive in two out of three populations broad age range (20 to 65 years) of included where it is available, but very low in the third one (the participants. U.S. NEMC sample). Psychological demands has The Japanese sample has substantially different major associational variability with supervisor sup- correlations of decision latitude scale with age and port: In the U.S. QES it is strongly negatively education than the other populations. There is no correlated, in Japan it is uncorrelated, and in other association between education and either skill discre- populations it has a low correlation. Physical tion or decision authority for the Japanese men and demands show a consistent negative association with negative correlations for the Japanese women, but a decision latitude, and correlations are stronger for strong positive association exists in all other samples. men than for women. Job insecurity shows generally For the Japanese women, a high positive association consistent associations with other scales, particularly between age and psychological demands is also a moderately strong negative correlation with the observed. Additionally, they have a high positive decision latitude, supervisor, and coworker support correlation between age and skill discretion and a scales. weaker negative correlation between education and Correlations between the nine-item version of the skill discretion (although this correlation reduces to psychological demands scale and other JCQ scales zero when age is adjusted; Kawakami et al., 1995). are shown in Table 6. The correlation between the Correlations of supervisor support and decision five-item and the nine-item versions is high (.88). The latitude with education are also very small for the variability of associations with other scales remains Japanese sample but are strongly positive for the with the nine-item version (among the four popula- other samples. tions for which it is available). The nine-item version Several consistent gender-related exceptions are has a more positive overall correlation with decision observed. Demands are in general more consistently latitude. related to decision latitude for men than for women: The physical demands scale displays a low and Physical demands are more highly negatively corre- variable positive correlation with job insecurity for lated with decision latitude and education for men, both men and women and a low and negative and psychological demand associations with decision correlation with supervisor and coworker support, latitude are somewhat higher for men than for except for the U.S. QES women's sample and the women. Physical demands are more highly negatively Japanese women's sample. correlated with education for men than for women, and psychological demands are negatively correlated with age for men, except for the Dutch sample, but Correlations of JCQ Scales With weaker for women, except for the Japanese sample Age and Education and for one Canadian sample, in which correlations for men and women are nearly the same. Correlations of JCQ scales with age and education represent 32 possible correlations (see Table 7). Of these, 16 display low variability across populations, Factorial Validity of JCQ Scales 10 show moderate variability,and 6 show high variability. Here particularly, extreme values are observed in the The U.S. population from the 1970s shows a clear Japanese sample. After excluding them, 26 correla- factor pattern corresponding to the JCQ scales for tions (81%) have low variability across populations. men (which is not surprising because this was the The correlations with age and education are, in JCQ defining base sample) and also for women. Also general, lower than those observed between the JCQ in the United States, the NEMC sample from the early scales and subscales themselves. There are no strong 1990s shows a confirming pattern for most factors for
  • 19. 340 KARASEK ET AL. x_. @ I I I I I ~t 4t I i I I I I I I I I I il I I I i I ..~ k. k. i I I I I I I I ~CYZ