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The Enjoy-Yourself-to-Sleep Method
If you’d like your before-sleep activities to:
… Not continue the day’s dietary deprivation, but allow you
to indulge a little,
… Not be boring and like work, (but
all about enjoyment and entertainment),
… Not become weird or woo-woo, just because they're
healthy but allow you to do stuff you love (watch Netflix or
… Have nothing to do with perfection, and all to do with
…Then you should probably continue reading.
Because that’s what this method is all about.
If you already have a sense people that you know would need something like this
a way to get sleepy entertaining enough that they'll see no reason to drug themselves
(watch 5 hours of things they don't even enjoy, 5 bows of Ben & Jerry's or whatever)
a way let go, at the end of the day, which leads to sleep rather than keeps them
awake - then it will take you 1 sec to share this with those people, and you do it
by clicking the links below
This is the “enjoy yourself” night ritual method. No
deprivation, and no going to bed knowing the whole
day was essentially "work" (only to wake up to hell
again in the morning). Instead, we schedule & ritualize
what we wish we were always doing; letting go,
relaxing and recharging.
Let’s get into it.
Clearly distinguish awake-time and sleep-time
Sleep-time starts at a set time that you decide. Why set..? Because, in
order for your body to actually make something a habit, it needs to be
exact. Deciding on 9pm (or whatever) as the time when "sleep starts", and
then repeating it will set a new rule for the body to follow (and it adapts a
hell of a lot faster than we’d think; only we never find out because we keep
forcing our bodies in the wrong direction).
By the way, does 9pm sound boring…? It’s definitely not. I never said,
“sleep time means going straight to bed” or “sleep time equals boring
yourself to death”. Not at all. The exact opposite, in fact - we go full
throttle in the opposite direction :).
Sleep time is when you switch from work-mode to
So, in essence: the method is about carving out time for yourself –
and schedule it - every day, to just let go, relax and enjoy
yourself. It's like a meeting at work. ...Only awesome.
Actually, you know what…? From now on we’ll refer
to it 100% as enjoy-mode.
I thought this would be a good point to make, before elaborating on any
of this. Batteries need recharging, and relaxation and enjoyment is
how it's done. So, whenever you catch yourself thinking “I should be
working – can’t shut off at 9 pm”, remind yourself that "Enjoyment
now=tomorrow I'm getting more done".
Ritualize enjoyment
Why: Much better sleep. You allow the body to get back to its natural state
(9pm is when it naturally starts preparing for sleep, but also 10:30 or 11pm
is a hell of a lot better than staying up with lights on, working away until
2am . …That moment of “waking up again” is our bodies turning into using
spare batteries; and, as you might have guessed, doing that every single
day isn’t exactly good. …Especially not with bad sleep added on-top).
Ritualized enjoyment at the end of every day restores batteries. It
shuts off the dulling, subconscious work-obsession. You know, that place
where you’re not quite working, yet not quite letting it go; and thereby
wasting time you should’ve spent with your family (in a way that doesn’t
give you results, which keeps gnawing at you, your life quality and your
family time, day in and day out until – hopefully – you wake up, some
day, and decide it’s time for a change).
With this little x-pm ritual in place, you will know that - at a certain time,
every day - you’re going to stop working and enjoy myself. Non-
negotiably. Whatever you do, at that point, is not work. …Not until you
legitimately find a way to unite the two (and, if you’re anything like I was,
you’re far from it now).
Enjoyment and relaxation=productivity
Before going into the step-by-step action items, I want to hint at what we’re
getting at here… We’ll attack this from several angles – using sound,
clothing, stuff we do and alarms (yep, probably a weird-sounding combo).
Let’s look at the action items…
1. Decide on a time for moving over to enjoy-time. 9pm is ideal, and
easier than you think (you really don't have to be asleep really soon
– can just make sure you're really relaxed, while watching a movie).
2. Create a daily cellphone reminder, 30min before, or so (this
reminder tells you enjoy-mode is up).
3. Set an actual alarm – there has to be sound (which I think is default
with cellphone alarms) – going off at the moment you want to make
the enjoy-time switch). Why…? It will act just like the bells that, in
school, told us class was over (or just like Mazlov’s dogs, if you know
of that story; they started drooling, when they heard the sound of
bells, because they *knew* food was coming). In other words: It tells
our bodies – nervous system, brain, whatever - that it’s time to
change what we’re doing. Makes it way easier, and – slowly but
surely – automatizes the work-to-sleep-mode-switch
4. Create a vibe of relaxation and sleepiness. Think of clothing or
beverages or music that get you relaxed… Anything you associate with
relaxation is what you want. And whatever lacks association to work. If
you wouldn’t do it, think it or wear it at work, it’s probably the right
thing. The idea is to think of anything that comes naturally when you think
"enjoy-mode". No activities yet - just the stuff to wear, drink, eat or listen
to. It’s the vibe we’re after – so anything in the world that you associate to
relaxation and sleepiness is perfect.
4. Think of activities you want to engage in. This can be anything – but,
to make it more compelling, make it the kind of stuff you never allow
yourself to do anymore. The things you wish you gave yourself time to, but
that you think you’ve “grown out of”; because you’re a “serious adult”, now.
Well, you know what…? Fuck serious adult – we live once and, given how
you bust your ass every day, you deserve some rejuvenation (and,
besides, it will probably make your ass-busting more productive).
Maybe, since you began dealing with business, you feel that video games
isn’t “acceptable” (again, the serious adult chiming in with words of self-
help wisdom). Well, you know what…? If playing video games relaxes you
and gives you joy, while overworking steals time from your family, years
from your life and makes you depressed… Who’s the serious adult now?
Pick an activity as childish as possible, relaxing as possible or that
you lose yourself in.
Make the ritual easy, fun & sustainable
We're told - by guru 1, guru 2 or guru 3 - that we need rituals. We may
have even tried getting one (maybe you have one, lying on your mental
shelf, collecting dust, taking up space and sucking energy). Well, what
most people don’t tell us is that we're imperfect. …That our life
experiences have taken us to different places and headspaces; which
means a lot of things won't work for me, or you, personally. In addition, we
haven’t got unlimited willpower
(especially at the end of the day), so pretending we will do anything we set
our minds to is stupid. We won't -- we need ways to make what needs to
be done easy and fun, so it becomes sustainable.
So, let’s have a look at how that’s done.
Be flexible. We cannot ever allow this to be rigid. Rigid means
work and work definitely doesn't mean enjoy-mode. Above, I tell
you to pick certain things just to get started and get an idea of this
whole thing. But, after that point – and at any other point – you’re
more than welcome to venture outside the box. Be flexible in
any way that fits and makes sense to you. If your work glues you to
a screen, alone, all day long while you’re an extrovert, then
perhaps watching a movie isn’t what you should be doing but go
out and meet people. Have a look at your situation, try things,
see what happens and act according to what did happen.
Don’t bore yourself. Ever. No need. If you’re grown tired of x podcast, find
a new one (and if you can’t find a new one in x category, go to y; maybe it
will have things in common, with x, so you learn new things, enrich your
life or makes your ritual more interesting and easier to maintain).
If x music no longer excites/relaxes you, find a new one. Other people
have spotify-playlists you can check out, you can go on and
find related bands, you can go on the tune-in radio app to find awesome
radio channels with your kind of music (introducing you to new groups and
If you’re not into step-by-step things, then don’t make it a step-by-step
ritual. You could include some things as permanent items, but make those
the stuff like “pouring glass of water”, rather than “watch x kind of
movie” (or even “watch movie”). This isn’t about the activity but the
c) Play around with everything, all the time
If you feel like doing x thing, do x thing, if you feel like play some not-
so-relaxing music tonight, then do that. Just, just play.
d) In the beginning, the habit is the only thing to think about
…And, for that to happen, the right relationship to your ritual is the one and
only priority – go into full-on enjoy-mode or just don’t bother. You DON’T
want to be bored or feel like you’re back in school, because then this will
never become part of life. Long-term is the only term – aim at making it
automatic for you in 6 months – rather than perfection tomorrow. …
Because perfection won't happen. And it wouldn’t matter if it did, or even
be good, because;
1. One day's results is one day’s results (you can only get 100% today, but 50%
times 30 - the days of a month - is 15x as much as a day can produce)
2. Perfection would bore the fuck out of you and set standards that could
never become automatic. And automatic=definition of habitual.
Perfection-minded would mean: only fresh spinach with no spices.
Put gasoline on your enjoyment-fireb)
Habit-minded would mean: making sure to always wilt spinach into your
pasta sauce (100% taste-neutral & impossible to notice for anyone).
Takes 2 minutes, you'll never notice it and you'll feel good as hell about
having done it.
Perfection: 30min of meditation, in complete silence and crosslegged,
two times a day.
Habit: A deep breath first thing when you wake up (you can always do
ten more, but starting will never be hard).
Three final thoughts on this little method
1. Just have fun and start moving toward the goal. You’re not yet in a
place where your body naturally shuts down and “goes to sleep”.
You’re not there yet, and no one knows when you’ll get there, but you
can take action and you can make every action enjoyable, relaxing
and inspiring (it's essentially a choice between habitually drugging
yourself at night, and feeling like shit 90% while doing it, or have fun
and feel great).
Whenever you get bored, instantly switch things around to do what
you enjoy, get excited doing or are inspired by. It may not be the
most relaxing thing but it’s the one you can keep doing (and,
besides, your ability to pick the best things, as well as how relaxed
you are naturally, will improve over time).
3. Do whatever you want, as long as it’s relaxing or enjoyable.
Most important things to
Batteries need recharging, and relaxing, enjoying yourself is the way
to recharge them
This isn’t about an activity but a result.
the right relationship to this is the one and only priority – make it
enjoy-time or just don’t bother
So, what do you think…? It's
important that you actually do
something about your sleep.
If you did like this, how are you going
to make sure this becomes second-
nature in your life…? Not saying you
will necessarily do the exact same
things, but how will you make sure
your days end with relaxation,
enjoyment and time to let go…? I
mean, it’s your life. You can’t wait for
it. If you want any feedback, I’m more
than happy to give it to you. If you’d
like it, just hit me up (and why not add
me) at:
Twitter: @LetUsReinvent
Worth spending $1 to re-define
health as something inspiring, simple
& enjoyable...?
If you like the health-approach, here - the simplicity, the breathe of fresh air,
the focus on enjoyment, the acceptance of mistake, the clarity - then you'll
love what I have to talk to you about now... It's something created for people
like you - people with an actual life, who want to live life more than anything
else, but at the same time know life is 10x better with great
health. ...And is stuck in a huge dilemma.
I created a simple, incredibly low time-requirement
health course,all about living an amazing life without
having your health suffer (in fact, taking simple steps
to an amazing life is, in my approach, what gives
amazing health; which is just as cool as it sounds).
The Amazing-Life-Amazing-Health System
This is about health as something:
...Simple, that doesn’t take a lot of time or work, where you just do the
absolute most important things and forget the rest even exists (what would
that do to stress levels, and how much more energy would you have to put on
what you actually want to have energy for; how much more enjoyable would
the ice cream be, how much more of your nights could you count as “magical”
because you let go of that nagging, “is this healthy” voice, when eating or
drinking or something, because you knew the 20% that made 80% of the
difference and you kept it to that…? How much more could you enjoy people,
and they enjoy you, if you didn’t have this constant, unconscious or conscious,
health-nagging, and could instead just let go).
. ..Where you didn’t have to go spend hours learning about health, because the
homework was already done, and condensed into bite-sized pieces for you to
just go and apply (how much time, mental energy and positive emotions does
this free up for the person who has to be healthy yet hates the thought of
studying minutiae..? And what kind of experiences could that bring into her
life, that the dread, boredom and overwhelm of trying to fit together a million
health-pieces made impossible)
...Forgiving and all about enjoying yourself (your worst mistakes and slip-ups
being no exceptions, but literally enjoyed as it happens; which makes sense as
shame is the reason we go to comfort food in the first place)
...Something as simple as trying things, to see what works, and then continue
to do more of that (constantly aiming to do it all in a fun, inspiring way). If
..Health as something you can achieve, not only through “eating right” or
“working out”, but via making sure you have amazing experiences in your life
and making sure you feel inspired and grateful as often as possible
If you’d like to read about an opportunity (starting at
$1) to try that exact approach, click on this link
If you feel crazy, and want to try the $1 trial right
away, you can just send $1 to paypal account – along with a mail, to that
same address, so I know where to send the first week’s
material. This $1 trial will certainly not be available
forever -- it all depends on how much maintenance it
requires (if it requires a lot, will I offer it at $1…?
Makes no sense).
If you’re kind of curious about what I have,
but don’t want to think about investing
anything right now, check out more free
resources below (which should prove to you,
by what it does for you, that I’m worth
listening to)
4 Simple Dietary Guidelines that Make Eating a
Healthy Source of Joy
If your experience when it comes to food has too little of this in it:
…Stress- and guilt-free (because you're allowed to fail)
…Zero deprivation, and none of the endless bleed-out of what's fun and exciting
that is so easy to make eating into (because you're allowed to eat what you do like)
…Incredibly tasty (because you learn some simple techniques, to make that
happen, and the truth about your taste-buds)
…Then just click here
Enjoyable, Relaxed & Inspiring Step-by-step
Morning Ritual
Do your mornings start out relaxed, focused on bringing in the best nutrition – for
not only your body but mind and soul – in a way that’s highly inspiring and
If not, try this
Another thing…
If, right now, you’re loving my approach and
wish it could be applied to all of health,
then… Well, maybe it can ;). While you
surely can apply this approach – common
sense, constant variation and reading
feedback – I’m talking about something way
more exciting…
I’m talking about health as something:
…Simple, that doesn’t take a lot of time or work, where
you just do the absolute most important things and
forget the rest
…That doesn’t force you to go spend hours learning
about health, because someone already did the homework
and condensed that into bite-sized pieces for you to just
go and apply
…Forgiving and all about enjoying yourself (where a
mistake, even the worst kind, is forgiven while it
happens; where it’s insisted we enjoy our guilty
pleasures; which makes sense since shame is the reason
we go back to comfort food)
…Health as something you can achieve, not only by
“eating right” or “working out”, but via making sure
you have amazing experiences in your life and are
inspired and grateful as often as possible,
…A result you reach simply by trying things out, to see
what works, and then continue doing more of what
(with a constant aim at fun, inspiration & relaxation). If
you’d like to read about an opportunity (starting at $1)
to try just that approach, click on this link
If you feel crazy, and are willing to risk $1 to try it
right away, you can just send $1 to this PayPal account – along with an email, saying
"I ordered the health system", so I know where to send
the first week’s material and can thank and congratulate
you . There is no catch whatsoever to this; it makes
perfect sense for me to offer one week for $1, because all
I personally have to do is send you an email (and, as I
know just how awesome this method is, I’m pretty sure
there’s a good chance you’ll want to continue).
If you’d prefer to talk to me personally - about this
opportunity, and/or have with questions about the sleep
habit solution – then feel free to contact me via:
Twitter: @LetUsReinvent
Skype: Search for
If you like my vibe & my approach to things and want to
explore, no cost, access to my take on productivity and/or
copywriting insight by someone who coaches IM thought
leaders on copywriting, then check out below resources
My Other Resources
Productivity Resources
Free resources
If your 9-5 holds you back, by any of the following:
...Making you feel like a sheep,
...Having you do things that have nothing to do with what you're called to in life,
...Laughing in the face of your Olympus-like capabilities,
Or in any other way feeling like a waste of 40+ hours a week, could-be-used-for-realizing-
dreams energy & not to mention your unbelievable potential, then keep reading. Below is a
document where I gave a woman feedback on her to-do:s that day, in a way that:
...Turned a repetitive activity into excitement (perfect for a lot of 9to5:s),
...turned cleaning into that day's workout
...gave meaning where you’d never expect to find it.
If you're not in a 9to5, but you know life would be better if you were better at reaching
your goals, then you should know that this feedback radically improved the productivity of a
multimillionaire (I gave him feedback on his specific tasks, which you can get, too). So it should
have dramatic results applied anywhere. Check it out here:
Paid Solutions
This is where you can get personal made-a-multimillionaire-more-productive feedback, for the price of a
night out (which can then be forever referred to and modified to any area of life):
Copywriting Resources
Free resources
If you’re sick and tired of “sales” holding you back – because it makes you feel:
...Like you're taking from the people you most want to help (whom helping them for free would make
your day)…
…Like someone you’re not, in all the negative ways,
…feeling like you’re doing something you wouldn’t want for your worst enemies,
…And that this keeps you from delivering what your people need, and from you continuing to do
what you live for, then this is for you:
5-step honest conversation copywriting formula
If you’re tired of how copywriting makes you feel:
… confused, like you don’t know how to start, or end (and the steps inbetween are pure mystery)
… overwhelmed, because there seems to be so much to do (and if you don't do everything, nothing can
work and is just a waste of time), or
… distanced from the very people you want to help the most,
then try my simple & easy-to-use, mutually inspiring and empowering, 5-step honest conversation
copywriting formula, by clicking here
Paid solutions
If you want my personal help, to turn your copy into friendly, conversational absolute magic,
this quickly, and dramatically, transforms the copywriting skill of caring coaches and is the
precise service a bestselling, international keynote speaker and IM thought leader depends on
for his copywriting (even though he could go to anyone in the global copywriting elite)
If you’ve liked the friendly, communicative, inspiring and helpful tone of the conversation in
here, you might want to hear about how to make it a natural part of your own writing (through
“implanting” a child-on-christmas exciting, Greek-mythology-inspiring, lunch-with-buddha-
relaxed copywriting practice as a natural, takes-no-extra-time part of everyday life). If so,
have a look here
Again: if you don’t want more information, but rather
speak to me – maybe to see what kind of person I am,
and whether I should be trusted with your money -
then feel free to contact me via:
Twitter: @LetUsReinvent
Skype: Search for
Enjoy-Yourself-to-Sleep Method

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Enjoy-Yourself-to-Sleep Method

  • 1. The Enjoy-Yourself-to-Sleep Method If you’d like your before-sleep activities to: … Not continue the day’s dietary deprivation, but allow you to indulge a little, … Not be boring and like work, (but all about enjoyment and entertainment), … Not become weird or woo-woo, just because they're healthy but allow you to do stuff you love (watch Netflix or whatever), … Have nothing to do with perfection, and all to do with relaxation, …Then you should probably continue reading. Because that’s what this method is all about. If you already have a sense people that you know would need something like this – a way to get sleepy entertaining enough that they'll see no reason to drug themselves (watch 5 hours of things they don't even enjoy, 5 bows of Ben & Jerry's or whatever) a way let go, at the end of the day, which leads to sleep rather than keeps them awake - then it will take you 1 sec to share this with those people, and you do it by clicking the links below This is the “enjoy yourself” night ritual method. No deprivation, and no going to bed knowing the whole day was essentially "work" (only to wake up to hell again in the morning). Instead, we schedule & ritualize what we wish we were always doing; letting go, relaxing and recharging.
  • 2. Let’s get into it. Clearly distinguish awake-time and sleep-time Sleep-time starts at a set time that you decide. Why set..? Because, in order for your body to actually make something a habit, it needs to be exact. Deciding on 9pm (or whatever) as the time when "sleep starts", and then repeating it will set a new rule for the body to follow (and it adapts a hell of a lot faster than we’d think; only we never find out because we keep forcing our bodies in the wrong direction). By the way, does 9pm sound boring…? It’s definitely not. I never said, “sleep time means going straight to bed” or “sleep time equals boring yourself to death”. Not at all. The exact opposite, in fact - we go full throttle in the opposite direction :). Sleep time is when you switch from work-mode to enjoy-mode. So, in essence: the method is about carving out time for yourself – and schedule it - every day, to just let go, relax and enjoy yourself. It's like a meeting at work. ...Only awesome. Actually, you know what…? From now on we’ll refer to it 100% as enjoy-mode.
  • 3. I thought this would be a good point to make, before elaborating on any of this. Batteries need recharging, and relaxation and enjoyment is how it's done. So, whenever you catch yourself thinking “I should be working – can’t shut off at 9 pm”, remind yourself that "Enjoyment now=tomorrow I'm getting more done". Ritualize enjoyment Why: Much better sleep. You allow the body to get back to its natural state (9pm is when it naturally starts preparing for sleep, but also 10:30 or 11pm is a hell of a lot better than staying up with lights on, working away until 2am . …That moment of “waking up again” is our bodies turning into using spare batteries; and, as you might have guessed, doing that every single day isn’t exactly good. …Especially not with bad sleep added on-top). Ritualized enjoyment at the end of every day restores batteries. It shuts off the dulling, subconscious work-obsession. You know, that place where you’re not quite working, yet not quite letting it go; and thereby wasting time you should’ve spent with your family (in a way that doesn’t give you results, which keeps gnawing at you, your life quality and your family time, day in and day out until – hopefully – you wake up, some day, and decide it’s time for a change). With this little x-pm ritual in place, you will know that - at a certain time, every day - you’re going to stop working and enjoy myself. Non- negotiably. Whatever you do, at that point, is not work. …Not until you legitimately find a way to unite the two (and, if you’re anything like I was, you’re far from it now). How: Enjoyment and relaxation=productivity
  • 4. Before going into the step-by-step action items, I want to hint at what we’re getting at here… We’ll attack this from several angles – using sound, clothing, stuff we do and alarms (yep, probably a weird-sounding combo). Let’s look at the action items… 1. Decide on a time for moving over to enjoy-time. 9pm is ideal, and easier than you think (you really don't have to be asleep really soon – can just make sure you're really relaxed, while watching a movie). 2. Create a daily cellphone reminder, 30min before, or so (this reminder tells you enjoy-mode is up). 3. Set an actual alarm – there has to be sound (which I think is default with cellphone alarms) – going off at the moment you want to make the enjoy-time switch). Why…? It will act just like the bells that, in school, told us class was over (or just like Mazlov’s dogs, if you know of that story; they started drooling, when they heard the sound of bells, because they *knew* food was coming). In other words: It tells our bodies – nervous system, brain, whatever - that it’s time to change what we’re doing. Makes it way easier, and – slowly but surely – automatizes the work-to-sleep-mode-switch 4. Create a vibe of relaxation and sleepiness. Think of clothing or beverages or music that get you relaxed… Anything you associate with relaxation is what you want. And whatever lacks association to work. If you wouldn’t do it, think it or wear it at work, it’s probably the right thing. The idea is to think of anything that comes naturally when you think "enjoy-mode". No activities yet - just the stuff to wear, drink, eat or listen to. It’s the vibe we’re after – so anything in the world that you associate to relaxation and sleepiness is perfect. 4. Think of activities you want to engage in. This can be anything – but, to make it more compelling, make it the kind of stuff you never allow yourself to do anymore. The things you wish you gave yourself time to, but that you think you’ve “grown out of”; because you’re a “serious adult”, now. Well, you know what…? Fuck serious adult – we live once and, given how you bust your ass every day, you deserve some rejuvenation (and, besides, it will probably make your ass-busting more productive).
  • 5. Maybe, since you began dealing with business, you feel that video games isn’t “acceptable” (again, the serious adult chiming in with words of self- help wisdom). Well, you know what…? If playing video games relaxes you and gives you joy, while overworking steals time from your family, years from your life and makes you depressed… Who’s the serious adult now? Pick an activity as childish as possible, relaxing as possible or that you lose yourself in. Make the ritual easy, fun & sustainable We're told - by guru 1, guru 2 or guru 3 - that we need rituals. We may have even tried getting one (maybe you have one, lying on your mental shelf, collecting dust, taking up space and sucking energy). Well, what most people don’t tell us is that we're imperfect. …That our life experiences have taken us to different places and headspaces; which means a lot of things won't work for me, or you, personally. In addition, we haven’t got unlimited willpower (especially at the end of the day), so pretending we will do anything we set our minds to is stupid. We won't -- we need ways to make what needs to be done easy and fun, so it becomes sustainable. So, let’s have a look at how that’s done. a) Be flexible. We cannot ever allow this to be rigid. Rigid means work and work definitely doesn't mean enjoy-mode. Above, I tell you to pick certain things just to get started and get an idea of this whole thing. But, after that point – and at any other point – you’re more than welcome to venture outside the box. Be flexible in any way that fits and makes sense to you. If your work glues you to a screen, alone, all day long while you’re an extrovert, then perhaps watching a movie isn’t what you should be doing but go out and meet people. Have a look at your situation, try things, see what happens and act according to what did happen.
  • 6. Don’t bore yourself. Ever. No need. If you’re grown tired of x podcast, find a new one (and if you can’t find a new one in x category, go to y; maybe it will have things in common, with x, so you learn new things, enrich your life or makes your ritual more interesting and easier to maintain). If x music no longer excites/relaxes you, find a new one. Other people have spotify-playlists you can check out, you can go on and find related bands, you can go on the tune-in radio app to find awesome radio channels with your kind of music (introducing you to new groups and bands). If you’re not into step-by-step things, then don’t make it a step-by-step ritual. You could include some things as permanent items, but make those the stuff like “pouring glass of water”, rather than “watch x kind of movie” (or even “watch movie”). This isn’t about the activity but the result. c) Play around with everything, all the time If you feel like doing x thing, do x thing, if you feel like play some not- so-relaxing music tonight, then do that. Just, just play. d) In the beginning, the habit is the only thing to think about …And, for that to happen, the right relationship to your ritual is the one and only priority – go into full-on enjoy-mode or just don’t bother. You DON’T want to be bored or feel like you’re back in school, because then this will never become part of life. Long-term is the only term – aim at making it automatic for you in 6 months – rather than perfection tomorrow. … Because perfection won't happen. And it wouldn’t matter if it did, or even be good, because; 1. One day's results is one day’s results (you can only get 100% today, but 50% times 30 - the days of a month - is 15x as much as a day can produce) 2. Perfection would bore the fuck out of you and set standards that could never become automatic. And automatic=definition of habitual. Perfection-minded would mean: only fresh spinach with no spices. Put gasoline on your enjoyment-fireb)
  • 7. Habit-minded would mean: making sure to always wilt spinach into your pasta sauce (100% taste-neutral & impossible to notice for anyone). Takes 2 minutes, you'll never notice it and you'll feel good as hell about having done it. Perfection: 30min of meditation, in complete silence and crosslegged, two times a day. Habit: A deep breath first thing when you wake up (you can always do ten more, but starting will never be hard). Three final thoughts on this little method 1. Just have fun and start moving toward the goal. You’re not yet in a place where your body naturally shuts down and “goes to sleep”. You’re not there yet, and no one knows when you’ll get there, but you can take action and you can make every action enjoyable, relaxing and inspiring (it's essentially a choice between habitually drugging yourself at night, and feeling like shit 90% while doing it, or have fun and feel great). 2. Whenever you get bored, instantly switch things around to do what you enjoy, get excited doing or are inspired by. It may not be the most relaxing thing but it’s the one you can keep doing (and, besides, your ability to pick the best things, as well as how relaxed you are naturally, will improve over time). 3. Do whatever you want, as long as it’s relaxing or enjoyable. Most important things to remember: Batteries need recharging, and relaxing, enjoying yourself is the way to recharge them This isn’t about an activity but a result. the right relationship to this is the one and only priority – make it enjoy-time or just don’t bother
  • 8. DONE  So, what do you think…? It's important that you actually do something about your sleep. If you did like this, how are you going to make sure this becomes second- nature in your life…? Not saying you will necessarily do the exact same things, but how will you make sure your days end with relaxation, enjoyment and time to let go…? I mean, it’s your life. You can’t wait for it. If you want any feedback, I’m more than happy to give it to you. If you’d
  • 9. like it, just hit me up (and why not add me) at: Email: Twitter: @LetUsReinvent Facebook: Linked-in:ästö/23/22/b65 Worth spending $1 to re-define health as something inspiring, simple & enjoyable...? If you like the health-approach, here - the simplicity, the breathe of fresh air, the focus on enjoyment, the acceptance of mistake, the clarity - then you'll love what I have to talk to you about now... It's something created for people like you - people with an actual life, who want to live life more than anything else, but at the same time know life is 10x better with great health. ...And is stuck in a huge dilemma. I created a simple, incredibly low time-requirement health course,all about living an amazing life without having your health suffer (in fact, taking simple steps to an amazing life is, in my approach, what gives amazing health; which is just as cool as it sounds).
  • 10. The Amazing-Life-Amazing-Health System This is about health as something: ...Simple, that doesn’t take a lot of time or work, where you just do the absolute most important things and forget the rest even exists (what would that do to stress levels, and how much more energy would you have to put on what you actually want to have energy for; how much more enjoyable would the ice cream be, how much more of your nights could you count as “magical” because you let go of that nagging, “is this healthy” voice, when eating or drinking or something, because you knew the 20% that made 80% of the difference and you kept it to that…? How much more could you enjoy people, and they enjoy you, if you didn’t have this constant, unconscious or conscious, health-nagging, and could instead just let go). . ..Where you didn’t have to go spend hours learning about health, because the homework was already done, and condensed into bite-sized pieces for you to just go and apply (how much time, mental energy and positive emotions does this free up for the person who has to be healthy yet hates the thought of studying minutiae..? And what kind of experiences could that bring into her life, that the dread, boredom and overwhelm of trying to fit together a million health-pieces made impossible) ...Forgiving and all about enjoying yourself (your worst mistakes and slip-ups being no exceptions, but literally enjoyed as it happens; which makes sense as shame is the reason we go to comfort food in the first place) ...Something as simple as trying things, to see what works, and then continue to do more of that (constantly aiming to do it all in a fun, inspiring way). If ..Health as something you can achieve, not only through “eating right” or “working out”, but via making sure you have amazing experiences in your life and making sure you feel inspired and grateful as often as possible
  • 11. If you’d like to read about an opportunity (starting at $1) to try that exact approach, click on this link If you feel crazy, and want to try the $1 trial right away, you can just send $1 to paypal account – along with a mail, to that same address, so I know where to send the first week’s material. This $1 trial will certainly not be available forever -- it all depends on how much maintenance it requires (if it requires a lot, will I offer it at $1…? Makes no sense). If you’re kind of curious about what I have, but don’t want to think about investing anything right now, check out more free resources below (which should prove to you, by what it does for you, that I’m worth listening to) 4 Simple Dietary Guidelines that Make Eating a Healthy Source of Joy If your experience when it comes to food has too little of this in it: …Stress- and guilt-free (because you're allowed to fail) …Zero deprivation, and none of the endless bleed-out of what's fun and exciting that is so easy to make eating into (because you're allowed to eat what you do like)
  • 12. …Incredibly tasty (because you learn some simple techniques, to make that happen, and the truth about your taste-buds) …Then just click here Enjoyable, Relaxed & Inspiring Step-by-step Morning Ritual Do your mornings start out relaxed, focused on bringing in the best nutrition – for not only your body but mind and soul – in a way that’s highly inspiring and enjoyable…? If not, try this Another thing… If, right now, you’re loving my approach and wish it could be applied to all of health, then… Well, maybe it can ;). While you surely can apply this approach – common sense, constant variation and reading feedback – I’m talking about something way more exciting… I’m talking about health as something:
  • 13. …Simple, that doesn’t take a lot of time or work, where you just do the absolute most important things and forget the rest …That doesn’t force you to go spend hours learning about health, because someone already did the homework and condensed that into bite-sized pieces for you to just go and apply …Forgiving and all about enjoying yourself (where a mistake, even the worst kind, is forgiven while it happens; where it’s insisted we enjoy our guilty pleasures; which makes sense since shame is the reason we go back to comfort food) …Health as something you can achieve, not only by “eating right” or “working out”, but via making sure you have amazing experiences in your life and are inspired and grateful as often as possible, …A result you reach simply by trying things out, to see what works, and then continue doing more of what works (with a constant aim at fun, inspiration & relaxation). If you’d like to read about an opportunity (starting at $1) to try just that approach, click on this link If you feel crazy, and are willing to risk $1 to try it right away, you can just send $1 to this PayPal account
  • 14. – along with an email, saying "I ordered the health system", so I know where to send the first week’s material and can thank and congratulate you . There is no catch whatsoever to this; it makes perfect sense for me to offer one week for $1, because all I personally have to do is send you an email (and, as I know just how awesome this method is, I’m pretty sure there’s a good chance you’ll want to continue). If you’d prefer to talk to me personally - about this opportunity, and/or have with questions about the sleep habit solution – then feel free to contact me via: Email: Twitter: @LetUsReinvent Facebook: Linked-in:ästö/23/22/b65 Skype: Search for If you like my vibe & my approach to things and want to explore, no cost, access to my take on productivity and/or copywriting insight by someone who coaches IM thought leaders on copywriting, then check out below resources
  • 15. My Other Resources Productivity Resources Free resources If your 9-5 holds you back, by any of the following: ...Making you feel like a sheep, ...Having you do things that have nothing to do with what you're called to in life, ...Laughing in the face of your Olympus-like capabilities, Or in any other way feeling like a waste of 40+ hours a week, could-be-used-for-realizing- dreams energy & not to mention your unbelievable potential, then keep reading. Below is a document where I gave a woman feedback on her to-do:s that day, in a way that: ...Turned a repetitive activity into excitement (perfect for a lot of 9to5:s), ...turned cleaning into that day's workout ...gave meaning where you’d never expect to find it. If you're not in a 9to5, but you know life would be better if you were better at reaching your goals, then you should know that this feedback radically improved the productivity of a multimillionaire (I gave him feedback on his specific tasks, which you can get, too). So it should have dramatic results applied anywhere. Check it out here: 20services/More%20than%20Survive%20Your%209- 5/Tasklist%20Turbo%20Examples?preview=Patty%2C+Tasklist+Turbo+Example.pdf
  • 16. Paid Solutions This is where you can get personal made-a-multimillionaire-more-productive feedback, for the price of a night out (which can then be forever referred to and modified to any area of life): exciting/192696 Copywriting Resources Free resources If you’re sick and tired of “sales” holding you back – because it makes you feel: ...Like you're taking from the people you most want to help (whom helping them for free would make your day)… …Like someone you’re not, in all the negative ways, …feeling like you’re doing something you wouldn’t want for your worst enemies, …And that this keeps you from delivering what your people need, and from you continuing to do what you live for, then this is for you: ef%20Bullshit-1.pdf?dl=0 5-step honest conversation copywriting formula If you’re tired of how copywriting makes you feel: … confused, like you don’t know how to start, or end (and the steps inbetween are pure mystery) … overwhelmed, because there seems to be so much to do (and if you don't do everything, nothing can work and is just a waste of time), or … distanced from the very people you want to help the most, then try my simple & easy-to-use, mutually inspiring and empowering, 5-step honest conversation copywriting formula, by clicking here
  • 17. Paid solutions If you want my personal help, to turn your copy into friendly, conversational absolute magic, this quickly, and dramatically, transforms the copywriting skill of caring coaches and is the precise service a bestselling, international keynote speaker and IM thought leader depends on for his copywriting (even though he could go to anyone in the global copywriting elite) exciting-steps/124477 If you’ve liked the friendly, communicative, inspiring and helpful tone of the conversation in here, you might want to hear about how to make it a natural part of your own writing (through “implanting” a child-on-christmas exciting, Greek-mythology-inspiring, lunch-with-buddha- relaxed copywriting practice as a natural, takes-no-extra-time part of everyday life). If so, have a look here Again: if you don’t want more information, but rather speak to me – maybe to see what kind of person I am, and whether I should be trusted with your money - then feel free to contact me via: Email: Twitter: @LetUsReinvent Facebook: Linked-in:ästö/23/22/b65 Skype: Search for