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ERP is as essential as the electricity that keeps the lights on.
Yet 55% to 75% of ERP projects fail to meet their objective.
Soruce: Gartner research estimate
7.5 of 10Of your companies have technology driven
ERP solutions that don’t meet their objective.
So the question really is…
The best run conglomerates make the
world run better
Creating relevance at a time
when Conglomerates are shifting
from Gen 1 ERP systems to Gen
2 Cloud based ERP systems.
• Complex organization structures
• Varied stakeholders
• Failure to be the first choice or even
in the consideration set as a
consulting partner.
• Using competitor products
The problem
Establishing Company S as the
leading Consultant & partner
that Conglomerates can turn to
while solving complex business
problems and while seeking to
improve efficiency across
functions & verticals through
the use of technology.
A snapshot of key
With conglomerates looking for cost &
operational efficiencies in their ERP operations
across Asia, they turn to SaaS ERP solutions
that support strategic enterprise initiatives at
enterprise scale.
Conglomerates have multiple subsidiaries of various sizes and
industries and their requirements for technology driven solutions
vary and are combined with the complexity of varied markets and
infrastructure across Asia.
Enterprises with legacy on-premises systems are seeking to
optimize and seek cost savings through cloud based solutions,
reducing the need for in-house infrastructure. This is the perfect
time to upsell cloud based ERP backed by consultancy services.
Soruce: Vendor Landscape SaaS ERP Applications 2017 by Paul Hamerman Forrester
Tailored to industry specific
requirements, oriented towards
digital business and services.
There is a shift in enterprises
replacing on-premises legacy
ERP solutions particularly in
financial accounting and other
core functions to move to a
SaaS model.
How SaaS ERP will evolve
While systems need to be
tailored to global business
requirements such as currencies
& languages, the systems also
need to factor in local
requirements whether they are
legal, accounting etc.
Everyone knows us for ERP
SaaS is the defacto
deployment model
(Across conglomerates)
(Finance & Logistics)
How Company S
continues to stay
as a consultant
Company S is known for its Enterprise grade
ERP solutions.
It already has expertise across Asia and a
growing customer base that is a result of demand
generation programs.
As a cloud based ERP SaaS provider its
solutions are more cost effective than Gen 1
It backs this offering with reporting features such
as data visualization, forecasting tools, machine
learning operations software etc.
Company S expertise and ancillary offerings
come together to allow you to give you a smarter
overview and insights to run your enterprises
Our reason why
The real decision maker is tangentially
involved in the decision making process,
participating in initial kick off and final
SaaS is perceived to be a lower level risk and
the decision making is often delegated to
Thus during the last 5-10% of the buying
experience a new decision maker enters the
foray who needs to be engaged with from
There is often a disconnect between the end
user and the influencers
A typical SaaS buying experience has over
27 distinct steps.
There is often a disconnect between the end
user and the influencers
Clients complete 60% of their buying process
before engaging with a vendor.
They actively consume literature by
themselves and even pick and opt for a trial
by themselves.
Snippets from the ground zero
of decision making for SaaS
Manages ERP selection and
deployment projects based on
business process requirements.
His day is filled with weekly
catch ups and WIPs
Has over 15 years of experience
in ERP and business critical
systems with background in
procurement & SCM.
Looks for a convenient resource
to get mission critical ERP
ERP Application Lead
The junior most rung of the
ladder, does the heavy
lifting and is tasked to head
projects that improve
business processes. Digital
A bachelor of engineering
he loves a good challenge.
Looks to collaborate
meaningfully & efficiently
across internal
Engineering executive
Establishes the company wide
technology vision, advises on
technology matters and helps short
list technology partners while
working with other department
Has over 20 years of experience is
as much a people person as he is a
tech enthusiast.
Looks for business clarity & agility
While a C-Suite member may start the ball
rolling and be there to sign on the dotted
line, it is often an army of other decision
makers and influencers who iron out the
details and make the decisions that matter
when turning to an ERP consultant or
deploying a software.
A snapshot
Of influencers
& stakeholders
Source: Based on excerpts and insights from ERP specialists LinkedIn Profiles.
Source: Forrester Research Global Business Technographics Software Survey 2016
How do we address such varied audiences with
a relevant narrative?
We l o o k a t w h a t t h e y va l u e …
Bain’s B2B
value pyramid
The B2B value pyramid serves as a potential
communication framework that extolls the kind of value
proposition we need to talk about and connecting it with
our proposition of ‘The Best Run Conglomerates Make
the World Run Better.
Inspirational Value
Individual Value
business value
Functional Value
Ease of doing
Source: B2B Elements of Value Bain & Company
Using Bain’s B2B
Value Pyramid
to talk to stakeholders & as
communication pillars
Each pillar provides a communication opportunity of
topics that we may connect to conglomerates about
when talking about our offerings.
Inspiration Value: CTO & C-Suite
Individual Value: Executives & Department heads
Ease of Doing Business Value: Line Managers
Functional Value: Line managers & Millennial decision
Table Stakes: Finance, Procurement teams, IT
The Insight:
A l l t h e s t a k e h o l d e r s a t t h e e n d o f t h e d a y a r e p e o p l e w h o a r e t i m e p o o r a n d
w h o s e e k t o b a l a n c e t h r e e c o m m o n p i l l a r s t o a c h i e v e b u s i n e s s a g i l i t y, q u i c k
d e p l o y m e n t s a n d c o s t s a v i n g s .
( R e g a r d l e s s o f w h i c h l a y e r o f t h e p y r a m i d t h e y o p e r a t e o n )
T h e s e p i l l a r s a r e :
C onvenience C ollaborat ion C larit y
How do I use the
solution to address
my business
Can I collaborate
effectively and
efficiently with
Well thought
through solutions
that are easy to
Our communication needs to demonstrate use
cases that demonstrates how our solutions
deliver operational business efficiencies and
Crafting a relevant purpose lead narrative for conglomerates
Our communication needs to provide the utility
value of effective collaboration, being more agile
and reducing the demands of collaborations while
implementing technology solutions.
Our communication needs to deliver quick and
easy access to insights and technology
opportunities to clearly identify how solutions
sync with business objectives.
How we bring this alive
What if
Yo u h a d a c c e s s t o y o u r p e r s o n a l t e c h n o l o g y c o n s u l t a n t . A p e r s o n a l t r a i n e r
t o s o l v e y o u r e n t e r p r i s e l e v e l p r o b l e m s ?
A p e r s o n w h o h a s a w e a l t h o f p r a c t i c a l k n o w l e d g e d e p l o y i n g E R P s y s t e m s
f o r c o n g l o m e r a t e s a n d w h o h a s e a s y a c c e s s t o a r e p o s i t o r y o f u s e c a s e s ,
t i p s a n d t r i c k s t o g i v e y o u y o u r m u c h n e e d e d c o m p e t i t i v e a d v a n t a g e .
A p e r s o n w h o h e l p s d e f i n e p r o j e c t c l a r i t y, i s a l w a y s c o l l a b o r a t i v e a n d i s
c o n v e n i e n t l y a v a i l a b l e w h e n e v e r y o u n e e d h i m .
I n t r o d u c i n g
Mr Earp
H e h e l p s t h e b e s t r u n c o n g l o m e r a t e s m a k e t h e w o r l d r u n b e t t e r
Mr Earp is a personification of the
simplicity of doing business with company
S. An embodiment of clarity and
collaboration. He is a resource that can
be tapped into at any time to solve a
query. A platform that combines a wealth
of executional knowledge and assists in
matching business requirements with
tailor made solutions using a combination
of machine learning, chat bots and AI.
An artificial intelligence powered content delivery platform that combines chat bots, voice
assistants and integrates into existing collaboration environments like Slack. An aide with a
sense of humour that helps you achieve what you set out to achieve, keeping everyone
abreast of developments and providing meaningful and timely insights. He speaks your local
language. He’s accessible from your phone. He works on a subscription model.
We need to personalize what is otherwise a very impersonal technology solution. We need to
build an image of being an always-on consultant that is just a click away, supported in tandem
by a team of well qualified people. We want him to be able to match search queries to
solutions and potential sales opportunities and close the loop. Bridge the gap between internal
team stake holders and our consultants.
We connect across channels that our stakeholders already consume content from. We
introduce our campaign across social media – Facebook and LinkedIn being our prime focus.
We whet their appetite with a sneak peek and then drive them to our new Progressive Web
App platform / dedicated app.
Mr Earp is not just one of us. He is all of us. He is an embodiment of
our consulting approach connecting and consolidating our shared
knowledge in a manner that is accessible to all.
He provides a unique opportunity to segue into relevant tertiary and
complementary technology solution offerings to solve your business
Apart from providing valuable insights, he helps in guiding
collaboration best practices and gives you an overview of how your
project execution maps to the company goals.
Mr Earp is all about helping you serve your customers & the world
better. He helps improve your life by helping you find much needed
clarity, convenience and collaboration when working on Enterprise
level projects. .
Regardless of how and where you connect with him, he’s accessible
on channels you are already present on, whether its Facebook,
LinkedIn or your company Slack account.
Establishing the brand tonality of
Mr Earp through Facebook &
Slack integration. Think of this
as accessing an ERP wiki via
chat or voice.
Using Linkedin Groups and
communities to lead discussion
about consulting solutions
offerings by seeding thought
pieces and to all our company
page followers.
Responding to people queries
with potential solution thought
Chat bot integration answers
queries, pushes to platform for articles.
Showcases promotional videos
A repository that consolidates case
studies, use cases and matches
problem queries with answers and
guides to internal company
stakeholders to connect with.
Housed in a progressive web app
with native app support &
leverages IBM Watson. Supported
by real world experts through a real
time help desk. Available in
regional languages.
Inspiration Value
CIO, CTO & C-Suite
Individual Value
Executives & Department
Ease of Doing Business
Line Managers
Functional Value
Line managers & Millennial
decision makers
Table Stakes
Finance, Procurement
teams, IT
Dedicated Platform CLARITY
AI enabled search (voice &
text) for technology use
cases / studies that focus on
achievements of
streamlining with SaaS,
company best practices etc
matched against company
goals. Links to podcasts,
Provides certification to team
members on successful
deployments. Tools to
provide progress overview
like automated timelines &
status updates of
Providing tools to collaborate
better while deploying. Like
a Slack Bot that you can
query to get answers to
common questions and
prompts to keep everyone
on track.
Providing a framework for
better migrations and
scalability of systems.
Checklists & case studies to
make operations easier for
line managers.
Easy access to product
Tools to mix match modules
and analyze cost benefit
Providing a LinkedIn Group where these stakeholders can
interact with each other and provide insights and case study
materials. The LinkedIn group is moderated by Mr Earp.
Provide video excerpts and best practices.
Create a LinkedIn profile
and chat bot for Mr Earp to
address common queries
and guide people to blog
articles. He can also reach
out to stakeholders via
Facebook Create videos of Mr Earp
and talk about different
issues that your teams face
in deploying ERP in a way
that is similar to the Old
Spice Man and I’m a Mac
and I’m a PC videos. Drive
traffic to our dedicated
Create a Facebook chat bot
to answer common queries
related to project
deployments, finance
queries, etc by linking to
case studies. Let the chat
bot log tickets for you on the
dedicated platform for
Inspiration Value
CTO & C-Suite
Individual Value
Executives & Department
Ease of Doing Business
Line Managers
Functional Value
Line managers & Millennial
decision makers
Table Stakes
Finance, Procurement
teams, IT
Spotify Promote case studies
connected to business best
practices and ERP
deployments. Sponsor focus
playlists and business
Create case study pod casts
for people who are
interested in better
integration and working with
cross functional teams.
YouTube Create a YouTube channel
for Mr Earp and talk about
leadership tips and ways to
optimize your ERP
Draw visual analogies
between complex ERP
systems and other systems
you may interact with in
everyday life.
Create a web documentary
series that covers effective
tips for ERP module
implementation and FAQs.
Platform launch
Teaser Video posts about how
the best run conglomerates are
shaping society and how
collaboration & clarity drives
Video posts talking about a more
personal way & collaborative to
solve enterprise level solutions.
introducing Mr Earp.
Video posts of Mr Earp talking
about how to use the platform
features to discover new
technology solutions and
collaborate better on existing
Platform feature teaser
landing page
Creation of LinkedIn Groups for
ERP solutions. Sharing case study
articles around technology
solutions in Conglomerates
focused on finance modules and
matching this to real world finance
Create LinkedIn video posts
introducing Mr Earp and ‘Earp’s
earnest take on all things tech
& ERP.’
LinkedIn ads to focus on the
launch of our new platform for
Conglomerates seeking
Enterprise level solutions.
Launch Facebook, Alexa and
Slack chat bots that engages in
conversations answering
simple ERP questions.
Upgrade the chat bots and
Alexa skill to draw answers
from our platform and push
visitors to the new platform.
Create a Spotify podcast that
focusses on collaborating
across diverse and complex
teams for enterprise level
technology solutions.
Sponsor Spotify Focus
playlists while introducing Mr
Earp as the person who lets
you focus on making your
world run better.
A 20% increase in time spent on our
Facebook page after bot implementation
and 10% article consumption on LinkedIn /
LinkedIn Groups based on active followers
of our page.
An estimate of 50 qualified solution
queries during the three month window
per market based on interactions with our
AI driven platform, slack bot and facebook
chat bot question funnels.
An estimate of 5% awareness of Mr Earp’s
offering from the existing Facebook fan
base based on promoted post exposure
to the new campaign.
Also factoring in subscribers to our new
AI driven platform.
Bridging executional gaps,
streamlining work flows and
connecting stakeholders.
Aligning stakeholders to company
goals and executional best
Being a 24/7 resource for your
enterprise level technology
Consolidating past executions and case
A one of a kind technology enablement
platform spanning platforms.
A brand embodiment narrative that speaks
across stakeholders

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ERP SaaS Case Study

  • 1. ERP is as essential as the electricity that keeps the lights on. Yet 55% to 75% of ERP projects fail to meet their objective. Soruce: Gartner research estimate
  • 2. 7.5 of 10Of your companies have technology driven ERP solutions that don’t meet their objective. SO IF YOU WERE A CONGLOMERATE WITH 10 SUBSIDARIES
  • 3. WHO YOU GONNA CALL? So the question really is…
  • 5. The best run conglomerates make the world run better THE MESSAGE THE CONTEXT Creating relevance at a time when Conglomerates are shifting from Gen 1 ERP systems to Gen 2 Cloud based ERP systems. • Complex organization structures • Varied stakeholders • Failure to be the first choice or even in the consideration set as a consulting partner. • Using competitor products THE CHALLENGE 2 3 1Defining The problem Establishing Company S as the leading Consultant & partner that Conglomerates can turn to while solving complex business problems and while seeking to improve efficiency across functions & verticals through the use of technology.
  • 6. A snapshot of key market characteristics With conglomerates looking for cost & operational efficiencies in their ERP operations across Asia, they turn to SaaS ERP solutions that support strategic enterprise initiatives at enterprise scale. ADOPTION PATTERNS VARY Conglomerates have multiple subsidiaries of various sizes and industries and their requirements for technology driven solutions vary and are combined with the complexity of varied markets and infrastructure across Asia. MARKETS ARE RELOOKING AT EXISTING ERP DEPLOYMENTS Enterprises with legacy on-premises systems are seeking to optimize and seek cost savings through cloud based solutions, reducing the need for in-house infrastructure. This is the perfect time to upsell cloud based ERP backed by consultancy services. Soruce: Vendor Landscape SaaS ERP Applications 2017 by Paul Hamerman Forrester Localized Opportunities Tailored to industry specific requirements, oriented towards digital business and services. Industry Focus There is a shift in enterprises replacing on-premises legacy ERP solutions particularly in financial accounting and other core functions to move to a SaaS model. Enterprise Scale How SaaS ERP will evolve While systems need to be tailored to global business requirements such as currencies & languages, the systems also need to factor in local requirements whether they are legal, accounting etc.
  • 7. BRANDING Everyone knows us for ERP SaaS is the defacto deployment model DEPLOYMENT EXPERTISE (Across conglomerates) REFERENCEABLE USE CASES INDUSTRY SPECIALISATION (Finance & Logistics) MULTITENANCY OFFERINGS FOR CONGLOMERATES How Company S continues to stay relevant as a consultant Company S is known for its Enterprise grade ERP solutions. It already has expertise across Asia and a growing customer base that is a result of demand generation programs. As a cloud based ERP SaaS provider its solutions are more cost effective than Gen 1 ERP. It backs this offering with reporting features such as data visualization, forecasting tools, machine learning operations software etc. Company S expertise and ancillary offerings come together to allow you to give you a smarter overview and insights to run your enterprises better. Our reason why
  • 8. The real decision maker is tangentially involved in the decision making process, participating in initial kick off and final decision. SaaS is perceived to be a lower level risk and the decision making is often delegated to others Thus during the last 5-10% of the buying experience a new decision maker enters the foray who needs to be engaged with from scratch. There is often a disconnect between the end user and the influencers NEAR INVISIBLE INFLUENCERS A typical SaaS buying experience has over 27 distinct steps. There is often a disconnect between the end user and the influencers LAYERED PROCESSES Clients complete 60% of their buying process before engaging with a vendor. They actively consume literature by themselves and even pick and opt for a trial by themselves. EDUCATED BUYERS Snippets from the ground zero of decision making for SaaS Source: THE SAAS BUYING EXPERIENCE: MAPPING HOW BUSINESSES BUY SOFTWARE By Scott Albro
  • 9. Manages ERP selection and deployment projects based on business process requirements. His day is filled with weekly catch ups and WIPs Has over 15 years of experience in ERP and business critical systems with background in procurement & SCM. Looks for a convenient resource to get mission critical ERP answers KELVIN CHUA ERP Application Lead The junior most rung of the ladder, does the heavy lifting and is tasked to head projects that improve business processes. Digital native. A bachelor of engineering he loves a good challenge. Looks to collaborate meaningfully & efficiently across internal stakeholders DESMOND TAN Engineering executive Establishes the company wide technology vision, advises on technology matters and helps short list technology partners while working with other department heads. Has over 20 years of experience is as much a people person as he is a tech enthusiast. Looks for business clarity & agility ANTONIO VALENTINO CTO While a C-Suite member may start the ball rolling and be there to sign on the dotted line, it is often an army of other decision makers and influencers who iron out the details and make the decisions that matter when turning to an ERP consultant or deploying a software. A snapshot Of influencers & stakeholders Source: Based on excerpts and insights from ERP specialists LinkedIn Profiles.
  • 10. Source: Forrester Research Global Business Technographics Software Survey 2016
  • 11. How do we address such varied audiences with a relevant narrative? We l o o k a t w h a t t h e y va l u e …
  • 12. Bain’s B2B value pyramid The B2B value pyramid serves as a potential communication framework that extolls the kind of value proposition we need to talk about and connecting it with our proposition of ‘The Best Run Conglomerates Make the World Run Better. Inspirational Value Individual Value business value Functional Value Ease of doing Source: B2B Elements of Value Bain & Company
  • 13. Using Bain’s B2B Value Pyramid to talk to stakeholders & as communication pillars Each pillar provides a communication opportunity of topics that we may connect to conglomerates about when talking about our offerings. Inspiration Value: CTO & C-Suite Individual Value: Executives & Department heads Ease of Doing Business Value: Line Managers Functional Value: Line managers & Millennial decision makers Table Stakes: Finance, Procurement teams, IT
  • 14. The Insight: A l l t h e s t a k e h o l d e r s a t t h e e n d o f t h e d a y a r e p e o p l e w h o a r e t i m e p o o r a n d w h o s e e k t o b a l a n c e t h r e e c o m m o n p i l l a r s t o a c h i e v e b u s i n e s s a g i l i t y, q u i c k d e p l o y m e n t s a n d c o s t s a v i n g s . ( R e g a r d l e s s o f w h i c h l a y e r o f t h e p y r a m i d t h e y o p e r a t e o n ) T h e s e p i l l a r s a r e : C onvenience C ollaborat ion C larit y
  • 15. CONVENIENCE How do I use the solution to address my business objectives CLARITY Can I collaborate effectively and efficiently with stakeholders. COLLABORATION Well thought through solutions that are easy to adapt. Our communication needs to demonstrate use cases that demonstrates how our solutions deliver operational business efficiencies and convenience.Convenience Collaboration Crafting a relevant purpose lead narrative for conglomerates Clarity THE THREE PILLARS Our communication needs to provide the utility value of effective collaboration, being more agile and reducing the demands of collaborations while implementing technology solutions. Our communication needs to deliver quick and easy access to insights and technology opportunities to clearly identify how solutions sync with business objectives.
  • 16. How we bring this alive
  • 17. What if Yo u h a d a c c e s s t o y o u r p e r s o n a l t e c h n o l o g y c o n s u l t a n t . A p e r s o n a l t r a i n e r t o s o l v e y o u r e n t e r p r i s e l e v e l p r o b l e m s ? A p e r s o n w h o h a s a w e a l t h o f p r a c t i c a l k n o w l e d g e d e p l o y i n g E R P s y s t e m s f o r c o n g l o m e r a t e s a n d w h o h a s e a s y a c c e s s t o a r e p o s i t o r y o f u s e c a s e s , t i p s a n d t r i c k s t o g i v e y o u y o u r m u c h n e e d e d c o m p e t i t i v e a d v a n t a g e . A p e r s o n w h o h e l p s d e f i n e p r o j e c t c l a r i t y, i s a l w a y s c o l l a b o r a t i v e a n d i s c o n v e n i e n t l y a v a i l a b l e w h e n e v e r y o u n e e d h i m .
  • 18. I n t r o d u c i n g Mr Earp H e h e l p s t h e b e s t r u n c o n g l o m e r a t e s m a k e t h e w o r l d r u n b e t t e r
  • 19. Mr Earp is a personification of the simplicity of doing business with company S. An embodiment of clarity and collaboration. He is a resource that can be tapped into at any time to solve a query. A platform that combines a wealth of executional knowledge and assists in matching business requirements with tailor made solutions using a combination of machine learning, chat bots and AI. INTRODUCING MR EARP WHO OR WHAT IS MR EARP An artificial intelligence powered content delivery platform that combines chat bots, voice assistants and integrates into existing collaboration environments like Slack. An aide with a sense of humour that helps you achieve what you set out to achieve, keeping everyone abreast of developments and providing meaningful and timely insights. He speaks your local language. He’s accessible from your phone. He works on a subscription model. WHY DO WE NEED HIM We need to personalize what is otherwise a very impersonal technology solution. We need to build an image of being an always-on consultant that is just a click away, supported in tandem by a team of well qualified people. We want him to be able to match search queries to solutions and potential sales opportunities and close the loop. Bridge the gap between internal team stake holders and our consultants. HOW DO WE INTRODUCE HIM We connect across channels that our stakeholders already consume content from. We introduce our campaign across social media – Facebook and LinkedIn being our prime focus. We whet their appetite with a sneak peek and then drive them to our new Progressive Web App platform / dedicated app.
  • 20. Mr Earp is not just one of us. He is all of us. He is an embodiment of our consulting approach connecting and consolidating our shared knowledge in a manner that is accessible to all. A PERSONIFICATION OF OUR CONSULTING MINDSET 01 He provides a unique opportunity to segue into relevant tertiary and complementary technology solution offerings to solve your business problems. CONVERSATIONS ABOUT OUR OTHER OFFERINGS 02 Apart from providing valuable insights, he helps in guiding collaboration best practices and gives you an overview of how your project execution maps to the company goals. BRINGING STAKEHOLDERS CLOSER 05 Mr Earp is all about helping you serve your customers & the world better. He helps improve your life by helping you find much needed clarity, convenience and collaboration when working on Enterprise level projects. . AWARENESS OF OUR BRANDING 03 Regardless of how and where you connect with him, he’s accessible on channels you are already present on, whether its Facebook, LinkedIn or your company Slack account. REAL TIME CONNECTING ACROSS RELEVANT CHANNELS 04 HOW HE HELPS CHANGE PERCEPTIONS
  • 21. Establishing the brand tonality of Mr Earp through Facebook & Slack integration. Think of this as accessing an ERP wiki via chat or voice. CHAT BOTS & ALEXA APP Using Linkedin Groups and communities to lead discussion about consulting solutions offerings by seeding thought pieces and to all our company page followers. Responding to people queries with potential solution thought LINKEDIN Chat bot integration answers queries, pushes to platform for articles. Showcases promotional videos FACEBOOK A repository that consolidates case studies, use cases and matches problem queries with answers and guides to internal company stakeholders to connect with. Housed in a progressive web app with native app support & leverages IBM Watson. Supported by real world experts through a real time help desk. Available in regional languages. CROSS DEVICE PLATFORM EXECUTING ACROSS PRIMARY TOUCH POINTS
  • 22. Inspiration Value CIO, CTO & C-Suite Individual Value Executives & Department heads Ease of Doing Business Value Line Managers Functional Value Line managers & Millennial decision makers Table Stakes Finance, Procurement teams, IT Dedicated Platform CLARITY AI enabled search (voice & text) for technology use cases / studies that focus on achievements of streamlining with SaaS, company best practices etc matched against company goals. Links to podcasts, Provides certification to team members on successful deployments. Tools to provide progress overview like automated timelines & status updates of deployments COLLABORATION Providing tools to collaborate better while deploying. Like a Slack Bot that you can query to get answers to common questions and prompts to keep everyone on track. CONVENIENCE Providing a framework for better migrations and scalability of systems. Checklists & case studies to make operations easier for line managers. CONVENIENCE Easy access to product specifications. Tools to mix match modules and analyze cost benefit analysis. LinkedIn CLARITY Providing a LinkedIn Group where these stakeholders can interact with each other and provide insights and case study materials. The LinkedIn group is moderated by Mr Earp. Provide video excerpts and best practices. CLARITY Create a LinkedIn profile and chat bot for Mr Earp to address common queries and guide people to blog articles. He can also reach out to stakeholders via Inmail. Facebook Create videos of Mr Earp and talk about different issues that your teams face in deploying ERP in a way that is similar to the Old Spice Man and I’m a Mac and I’m a PC videos. Drive traffic to our dedicated platform. Create a Facebook chat bot to answer common queries related to project deployments, finance queries, etc by linking to case studies. Let the chat bot log tickets for you on the dedicated platform for CONNECTING EXECUTIONS TO THE VALUE PYRAMID
  • 23. Inspiration Value CTO & C-Suite Individual Value Executives & Department heads Ease of Doing Business Value Line Managers Functional Value Line managers & Millennial decision makers Table Stakes Finance, Procurement teams, IT Spotify Promote case studies connected to business best practices and ERP deployments. Sponsor focus playlists and business podcasts. Create case study pod casts for people who are interested in better integration and working with cross functional teams. YouTube Create a YouTube channel for Mr Earp and talk about leadership tips and ways to optimize your ERP implementation. Draw visual analogies between complex ERP systems and other systems you may interact with in everyday life. Create a web documentary series that covers effective tips for ERP module implementation and FAQs. OTHER OPTIONAL EXECUTIONS & THE VALUE PYRAMID
  • 24. LINKEDINPLATFORM CHAT & VOICE SPOTIFYFACEBOOK HOW THIS MAY ROLL OUT Month1Month2Month3 Platform launch Teaser Video posts about how the best run conglomerates are shaping society and how collaboration & clarity drives them. Video posts talking about a more personal way & collaborative to solve enterprise level solutions. introducing Mr Earp. Video posts of Mr Earp talking about how to use the platform features to discover new technology solutions and collaborate better on existing projects. Platform feature teaser landing page Creation of LinkedIn Groups for ERP solutions. Sharing case study articles around technology solutions in Conglomerates focused on finance modules and matching this to real world finance issues. Create LinkedIn video posts introducing Mr Earp and ‘Earp’s earnest take on all things tech & ERP.’ LinkedIn ads to focus on the launch of our new platform for Conglomerates seeking Enterprise level solutions. Launch Facebook, Alexa and Slack chat bots that engages in conversations answering simple ERP questions. Upgrade the chat bots and Alexa skill to draw answers from our platform and push visitors to the new platform. Create a Spotify podcast that focusses on collaborating across diverse and complex teams for enterprise level technology solutions. Sponsor Spotify Focus playlists while introducing Mr Earp as the person who lets you focus on making your world run better.
  • 25. METRICS TO MEASURE SUCCESS BY A 20% increase in time spent on our Facebook page after bot implementation and 10% article consumption on LinkedIn / LinkedIn Groups based on active followers of our page. CONTENT ENGAGEMENT An estimate of 50 qualified solution queries during the three month window per market based on interactions with our AI driven platform, slack bot and facebook chat bot question funnels. SOLUTION QUERIES An estimate of 5% awareness of Mr Earp’s offering from the existing Facebook fan base based on promoted post exposure to the new campaign. Also factoring in subscribers to our new AI driven platform. PRODUCT AWARENESS
  • 26. Bridging executional gaps, streamlining work flows and connecting stakeholders. COLLABORATION Aligning stakeholders to company goals and executional best practices. CLARITY Being a 24/7 resource for your enterprise level technology solutions. CONVENIENCE Consolidating past executions and case studies A DEPTH OF EXPERIENCE A one of a kind technology enablement platform spanning platforms. AN ACCESSIBLE PLATFORM A brand embodiment narrative that speaks across stakeholders A PERSONAL TOUCH IN CONCLUSION THE MR EARP APPROACH