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1. Real-time Systems Development
                         Dr Rob Williams

                                                       12 : 01
                                               Enter car number first

                                                              1hr 40p

                                             Press for        Sun free
                                              ticket          Sat free


Fig. 1.2 Real-time Systems
can seem like juggling
                                        Fig. 1.3 A familiar
                                         real-time application

              Fig. 1.4 Complexity management is essential
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                • Specified limit on system response latency
                • Event-driven scheduling
                • Low-level programming
                • Software tightly coupled to special hardware
                • Dedicated specialised function
                • The computer may be inside a control loop
                • Volatile variables
                • Multi-tasking implementation
                • Run-time scheduling
                • Unpredictable environment
                • System intended to run continuously
                • Life-critical applications

                     Fig. 1.5a Features of real-time systems


          Fig. 1.5b Response time sensitivity
                                                Fig. 1.5c Interrupt preemption

start:        clr.w iflag                     *clear down interrupt flag

             pea bisr                        * MFPint()
             move.w #mfpCTS,-(sp)            *insert new ISR address into the
             move.w #13,-(sp)                *assumes 16 mfp vectors from $100
             trap #XBIOS
             addq.l #8,sp

             move.w #mfpCTS,-(sp)            *Jenabint()
             move.w #27,-(sp)                *enable the CTS interrupt on the
             trap #XBIOS
             addq.l #4,sp

                        Fig. 1.5d Low level programming
18/6/09                                                                                 3

1 ms, a millisecond, one thousandth of a second,                                   10-3
1 µs, a microsecond, one millionth of a second,                                    10-6
1 ns, a nanosecond, one thousandth of a millionth of a second,                     10
1 ps, a picosecond, one millionth of a millionth of a second,                      10-12
1 fs, a femtosecond, one thousandth of a millionth of a millionth of a second,     10

                1 year          32 nHz      year number roll over
                6 months        64 nHz      GMT < - > BST changeover
                8 hrs           30 µHz      AGA coal stove cycle time
                10 s            0.1 Hz      photocopier page printing
                1s              1 Hz        time-of-day rate
                300 ms          3 Hz        typing speed
                300 ms                      human reaction time
                150 ms          7 Hz        mechanical switch bounce time
                15 ms           70 Hz       motor car engine speed
                                260 Hz      middle C
                                440 Hz      Concer t pitch A
                1 ms            1 khz       serial line data rate
                125 µs          8 khz       digitized speech, telephone quality
                64 µs           15.6 kHz    TV line rate
                50 µs                       Mc68000 interrupt latency
                0.5 µs          2 MHz       Mc68000 instruction rate
                0.074 µs        13.5 MHz    video data rate
                0.050 µs                    semiconductor RAM access time
                0.01 µs         100 MHz     Ethernet data rate
                10 ns           100 MHz     memor y cycle, PC motherboard
                2.5 ns          400 MHz     logic gate delay
                555 ps          1.8 GHz     cellular telephone transmissions
                500 ps          2 Gz        single instruction issue, Pentium IV
                0.3 ps          3 THz       infra-red radiation
                16 fs           600 THz     visible light

               10       3
             2 ≈ 10         1000, known as 1 Kilo
             220 ≈ 106      1000_000, known as 1 Mega
             230 ≈ 109      1000_000_000, known as 1 Giga
             240 ≈ 1012     1000_000_000_000, known as 1 Tera
              50     15     1000_000_000_000_000, known as 1 Peta
             2 ≈ 10
             260 ≈ 1018     1000_000_000_000_000_000, known as 1 Exa

                        Fig. 1.5x Timing parameters, slow to fast
18/6/09                                                                         4

                                -                          Heater
                                            DAC                          Oven
                                +                          Driver

          Fig. 1.5e Specialized hardware, feedback control loops


                    System Bus

             volatile          I/O Subsystem           source
              data                                        count
          Main Memory
                                                    DMA Controller

             Fig. 1.5f Volatile variables with a DMA controller

                                    T2               T3

                        T1                                          T4

            Fig. 1.5g Real-time Systems = Deferred Scheduling,

                               "Late Sequencing"
18/6/09                                         5

                Fig. 1.5h Uncertainty


             Fig. 1.5i Non-stop service

          Fig. 1.5j Life risking applications
18/6/09                                                           6


                     Fig. 1.6 Structures in r-t programs

                  Asynchronous                Synchronous
                  Unpredictable                Scheduled
                     events                    Processing

      Fig. 1.7 Rapid response is compromised for processing efficiency

Y:2.00V/div                       X:0.1 ms/div       Single        A1 STOP

 Fig. 1.8a Voltage from a key switch showing a contact bounce of nearly 1ms


                 Fig. 1.8b Mechanical and Optical switches
18/6/09                                                                                          7

                                                             10 k



                                   Fig. 1.8c Switch debouncing logic

                    Sampling Pulses


                                                  A                 B             C

                                   Fig. 1.8d Sampling too infrequently

    A       B

1       2       3   4     5    6     7    8   9       10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

                    Fig. 1.8e Aliasing error through sampling too slowly:
                              only 20 sample points in 12 cycles

                        Y:0.1V/div                          X:10ms/div   Single        A1 STOP

                    Fig. 1.8f A light sensor showing 100 Hz mains flicker
18/6/09                                                        8


      loop for 100 msec {
         if (input_bit)
             l_count++; } temp1 =

      loop for 100 msec {
         if (!input_bit)
             l_count++; } temp2 =

                Fig. 1.9 Voltage to Frequency Converter

                                     170 ns

                       laser pulse            echo returning
                        emerging                from 50m

                   Fig. 1.10 Light travels very fast!
18/6/09                                                                                                                     9

                           Fig. 1.11 Motor drive timing issues

             Hewlett   546455D                            Measure
             Packard                                                                           Storage
                                           Volts    Time     Curses               RunStop Single      Auto          Erase

                                           Trace    Setup                         Horizontal              Trigger

                                           Auto    Display    Print
                                                                                     Main       Pattern         Mode
                                              Volts/Div               Volts/Div

                                                   A1                   A2                     Digitall
                                               Position               Position
                                                             +                                     D0-D15

                                                   A1                   A2

   Fig. 1.12 Oscilloscopes can display timing information for debugging






                           Fig. 1.13 Direct access to hardware
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                      • Dedicated and Periodic polling
                      • Interrupt driven
                      • Direct Memory Access (DMA)

                    Fig. 1.14a Different I/O Techniques

                                 User Code

                                      librar y

                                 O/S Routines



          Fig. 1.14b Software access to hardware

                                                              Spin polling
  do {
    while (!(INP(STATUS) & RXRDY)) { };             * wait for data *
  } while (*pch++ = INP(RXDATA));                   * NULL ? *

        MOV EDI,PCH        ;init pointer to start of data buffer
  TLOOP: IN AL,STATUS      ;read status port
        TEST AL,RXRDY      ;test device status bit
        JZ TLOOP           ;blocking: if no data, go again

  DATAIN: IN AL,RXDATA ;data from Rx port & clr RXRDY flag
        OR AL,AL       ;test for EOS marker
        JZ COMPLETE    ;jmp out if finished
        MOV [EDI],AL ;save character in data buffer
        INC EDI
        JMP TLOOP      ;back for more input
  COMPLETE: ....       ;character string input complete

          Fig. 1.15 Example input polling loop in C and asm code
18/6/09                                                  11


                Fig. 1.16a Expensive software failures

          "Hardware degrades despite maintenance,
                   software degrades because of it."

                  Fig. 1.16b A depressing aphorism
18/6/09                                                                         12

             2. Implementing a Simple RTS

            rob > ps -A | wc -l
                      Fig. 2.2 Linux workstation multi-tasking


                               task1       isr 1   isr 2      isr 3




                  Fig. 2.3 simple task loop with interrupt routines
                                                                            jitter from
                                                                           & IF-ELSE
          task1        task2           task3          task4           t5

                     Fig. 2.4 Jitter: code runtime uncertainty
18/6/09                                                              13

                                       Brr Brr!
                                       Brr Brr

                     Fig. 2.5 Telephonic interruptions

                            • How?
                            • When?
                            • Which?

                        Fig. 2.6 Scheduling issues

          Fig. 2.7 Task Rentry, restoring the volatile environment

              • Explicit coding, cooperative scheduling,
              • R-t hll, co-routining support,
              • RTE, preemptive and cooperative scheduling,
              • O/S, priority-based tasking through system calls.

              Fig. 2.8 Multi-tasking implementation options
18/6/09                                                                   14

                 • Disable task switching during a critical access,
                 • Serialize all critical data accesses,
                 • Semaphore process queues for access control.

                   Fig. 2.9 Techniques for protecting critical data

          |<      Outputs         >|      | Inputs |
          2 3 4 5     6   7   8   9 25 10 11 12 13 Parallel Por t
                                                       pin numbers


   LED                                                                     1

               Fig. 2.10 Using the PC parallel port for i/o programming
18/6/09                                                                       15

/* Outputs slow binary count to printer port (Centronics lines 2-9),
   while waiting for printer status bit 0x40 (Centronics line 10) to be set.
   Must be run as root
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <time.h>

#define SLOW 500000000
#define CONTROL_REG   0x37A
#define STATUS_REG    0x379
#define DATA_REG      0x378
#define SWITCH1       0x40

main () {
       int i;
       unsigned char c;
       struct timespec tr, tt={ 0, SLOW };


          while ((inb(STATUS_REG) & SWITCH1)) {    // check an input switch for a quit
                 outb(0xff&i, DATA_REG);     // output pattern to LEDS
                 nanosleep( &tt, &tr);

                     Fig. 2.10b Basic programmed I/O under Linux

                     • Stepper
                     • DC with brushed commutator
                     • AC Brushless Induction (Squirrel Cage)
                     • DC Brushless
                     • Servo
                     • Universal with Commutator

                            Fig. 2.11 Types of electric motor
18/6/09                                                                                            16
                   S                                                      N
                                      2                                                                 4
                  N               S            N        N                N             N      N             S
                   N                                                         S

                   S                                                      N
                   S              N             S       S                 S            S       S            N
 Stator                               2                                                                 4
  coil             N                                                         S
 Armature      Position 1                  Position 2                 Position 3           Position 4

            Fig. 2.12a Three steps in the operation of a stepper motor
                      (based on Lawrence and Mauch, 1987)

                                              Rotor cog             Stator coil

                                      N                         S

                       Fig. 2.12b Cross-section of stepper motor

                       Magnetic           Coil 1                             Coil 2

                    Stator                ABC                                    DEF
                 magnetic poles

               Fig. 2.12c Exploded view of a small stepper motor
                                          Coil 1                Coil 2

                                  S                 N       S            N

                                      A B C                     D E F

                                            V+                   V+
                        Fig. 2.12d Activation of bifilar stator coils
18/6/09                                                 17

             Stator Coil Excitation Sequence
                         A     C     D      F     B&E
          Full Stepping Mode, single excitation
          Position 1     On    Off   Off    Off   V+
          Position 2     Off   Off   On     Off   V+
          Position 3     Off   On    Off    Off   V+
          Position 4     Off   Off   Off    On    V+
          Full Stepping Mode, double excitation
          Position 1     On    Off   Off    On    V+
          Position 2     On    Off   On     Off   V+
          Position 3     Off   On    On     Off   V+
          Position 4     Off   On    Off    On    V+
          Half Stepping Mode, double excitation
          Position 1     On    Off   Off    Off   V+
          Position 1.5   On    Off   On     Off   V+
          Position 2     Off   Off   On     Off   V+
          Position 2.5   Off   On    On     Off   V+
          Position 3     Off   On    Off    Off   V+
          Position 3.5   Off   On    Off    On    V+
          Position 4     Off   Off   Off    On    V+
          Position 4.5   On    Off   Off    On    V+

               Fig. 2.12e Driving a Stepper Motor
18/6/09                                                            18

                                 1. Bodge
                                 2. Bloat
                                 3. Buy

          Fig. 2.13 Psychology or Life-cycle of a Systems Programmer

          1. Entrepreneur - innovation, risk, speed
          2. Bureaucrat - planned, documented, thorough
          3. Technician - product maintenance, stability, care

                         Fig. 2.14 Engineering Styles
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/* Example driver routine for a dual, two phase stepper motor */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "../PIO.h"        //gcc keypad.c -L. -lfab -o keypad
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>

typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned int DWORD;

// alternative driving patterns for a dual, two phase stepper motor

const BYTE steptab1[] = {8, 4, 2, 1, 8, 4,   2, 1, 8, 4, 2, 1, 8, 4, 2, 1};
const BYTE steptab2[] = {9,12, 6, 3, 9,12,   6, 3, 9,12, 6, 3, 9,12, 6, 3};
const BYTE steptab3[] = {8,12, 4, 6, 2, 3,   1, 9, 8,12, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, 9};
int control, portA, portB, portC;
int portCstatus = 0; // motor attached to    C0-C3 of 8255 PIO

void inithw(void) {
  int x=0x90;
  initFAB(&control, &portA, &portB, &portC);
  write(control, &x, 1);      // 8255 mode 0
void stepit(void) {
  static int step;
  int s;
  step = (step++)&0x0F;
  s = steptab2[step];
  portCstatus = (s & 9)|((s&2)<<1)|((s&4)>>1);
  write(portC, &portCstatus, 1);
int main () {
  struct timeval tim;
  BYTE key;
  DWORD then, now, rround;

    initFAB(&control, &portA, &portB, &portC);
    gettimeofday(&tim, 0);
    now = tim.tv_sec*1000000 + tim.tv_usec;
    while (1) {
             rround =0;
             then = now+4000;
             if (now > then) rround = 1;    // roll round flag
          while (rround ? (now > then):(then > now)) {
                gettimeofday(&tim, 0);
                now = tim.tv_sec*1000000 + tim.tv_usec;
             //printf("%d pc=%x     r", then, portCstatus);
    } // while
    closeFAB(&control, &portA, &portB, &portC);
      return 0;
18/6/09                                                                                       20

                   3. Basic Input and Output

                                         System Bus
                           A0-A19            A0-A20              D0-D7           R/W
                           D0-D7              D0-D7              A0-A1           ALE
                              1 MB PROM          2 MB RAM           status reg
                                                                   command reg
                                                 C/S                             chip
                       0        C/S
                                                                     data regs
                                               I/O C/S
                  1 from 8
              address decoder

Fig. 3.2a Memory-mapped I/O, showing the address decoding for a 24 bit CPU

 Device Size           Pins           24 bit Address bus                                Address range

 PROM1    1MB         20            000x ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++                  00 0000 - 0F FFFF
 RAM1     2MB         21            001+ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++                  20 0000 - 3F FFFF
 RAM2     2MB         21            010+ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++                  40 0000 - 5F FFFF
 RAM3     2MB         21            011+ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++                  60 0000 - 7F FFFF
 I/O        4B         2            111x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx++                  E0 0000 - E0 0003
                                                                                  E0 0004 - E0 0007
                                                       aliases          E0 0008 - E0 000B
                                                                                  E0 000C - E0 000F
                                                                                   . . .
 + - used internally by device
 x - unused, don’t care
 1 - needs to be a 1 for memory decoding
 0 - needs to be a 0 for memory decoding

                 Fig. 3.2b Memory map for the previous system
18/6/09                                                               21

                       Addr1        Addr2           Addr3

               ALE     valid        valid           valid

              Read     fetch       read
                                                    por t
              Write                                 write


                         instr      data            data

                                           10 ns    time-base

          Fig. 3.2c Bus activity while accessing memory-mapped ports

                       Addr1        Addr2           Addr3

               ALE     valid        valid           valid

              Read     fetch       read
                                                    por t
              Write                                 write


                         instr      data            data

                                           10 ns   time-base

             Fig. 3.3 Bus activity while accessing I/O-mapped ports
18/6/09                                                                                                                                                  22

                                                          • Command
                                                          • Status
                                                          • Data

                                     Fig. 3.4a Types of Port Register


           Functional Description                                                                                                                 I/O
                                                                                                    +5V                            GROUP A       PA0
           Data Bus Buffer                                                           POWER
                                                                                                              GROUP A               PORT A
                                                                                   SUPPLIES         GND
                                                                                                              CONTROL                 (8)
           This three-state bi-directional 8-bit buffer is used to interface
           the 82C55A to the system data bus. Data is transmitted or                                                                              I/O
           received by the buffer upon execution of input or output                                                                GROUP A       PC4
                                                                                   BI-DIRECTIONAL                                   PORT C
           instructions by the CPU. Control words and status informa-                 DATA BUS                                      UPPER
                                                                                                                                      (4)         I/O
           tion are also transferred through the data bus buffer.                               DATA                                             PC3-
                                                                                   D7-D0        BUS                                GROUP B       PC0
                                                                                               BUFFER               8-BIT           PORT C
           Read/Write and Control Logic                                                                         INTERNAL            LOWER
                                                                                                                DATA BUS              (4)
           The function of this block is to manage all of the internal and
           external transfers of both Data and Control or Status words.                                                                           I/O
                                                                                     RD        READ                                              PB7-
                                                                                     WR                       GROUP B                            PB0
           It accepts inputs from the CPU Address and Control busses                 A1
                                                                                               WRITE          CONTROL              GROUP B
                                                                                              CONTROL                               PORT B
           and in turn, issues commands to both of the Control Groups.               A0        LOGIC                                  (8)
           (CS) Chip Select. A “low” on this input pin enables the
           communcation between the 82C55A and the CPU.
           (RD) Read. A “low” on this input pin enables 82C55A to send                 CS
           the data or status information to the CPU on the data bus. In            FIGURE 1. 82C55A BLOCK DIAGRAM. DATA BUS BUFFER,
           essence, it allows the CPU to “read from” the 82C55A.                              READ/WRITE, GROUP A & B CONTROL LOGIC
           (WR) Write. A “low” on this input pin enables the CPU to
           write data or control words into the 82C55A.                            (RESET) Reset. A “high” on this input initializes the control
           (A0 and A1) Port Select 0 and Port Select 1. These input                register to 9Bh and all ports (A, B, C) are set to the input
           signals, in conjunction with the RD and WR inputs, control              mode. “Bus hold” devices internal to the 82C55A will hold
           the selection of one of the three ports or the control word             the I/O port inputs to a logic “1” state with a maximum hold
           register. They are normally connected to the least significant           current of 400µA.
           bits of the address bus (A0 and A1).
                                                                                   Group A and Group B Controls
                              82C55A BASIC OPERATION                               The functional configuration of each port is programmed by
                                                                                   the systems software. In essence, the CPU “outputs” a con-
                                                 INPUT OPERATION                   trol word to the 82C55A. The control word contains
            A1     A0    RD     WR    CS              (READ)                       information such as “mode”, “bit set”, “bit reset”, etc., that ini-
                                                                                   tializes the functional configuration of the 82C55A.
             0      0     0      1     0    Port A → Data Bus
                                                                                   Each of the Control blocks (Group A and Group B) accepts
             0      1     0      1     0    Port B → Data Bus                      “commands” from the Read/Write Control logic, receives
                                                                                   “control words” from the internal data bus and issues the
             1      0     0      1     0    Port C → Data Bus                      proper commands to its associated ports.
                                                                                   Control Group A - Port A and Port C upper (C7 - C4)
             1      1     0      1     0    Control Word → Data Bus
                                                                                   Control Group B - Port B and Port C lower (C3 - C0)
                                                OUTPUT OPERATION
                                                                                   The control word register can be both written and read as
                                                                                   shown in the “Basic Operation” table. Figure 4 shows the
                                                                                   control word format for both Read and Write operations.
             0      0     1      0     0    Data Bus → Port A
                                                                                   When the control word is read, bit D7 will always be a logic
                                                                                   “1”, as this implies control word mode information.
             0      1     1      0     0    Data Bus → Port B

             1      0     1      0     0    Data Bus → Port C

             1      1     1      0     0    Data Bus → Control

                                                 DISABLE FUNCTION

             X      X     X      X     1    Data Bus → Three-State

             X      X     1      1     0    Data Bus → Three-State


  Fig. 3.4b Data Sheet (page 3) for a Harris 82C55A, Parallel Port I/O Chip
18/6/09                                                          23

                Port address   Function
                3F8-3FFH       COM1
                3F0-3F7H       FDC
                3C0-3DFH       Graphics card
                3B0-3BFH       Graphics card
                380-38CH       SDLC controller
                378-37FH       LPT1
                2F8-2FFH       COM2
                278-27FH       LPT2
                210-217H       Expansion unit
                200-20FH       Games por t
                1F0-1F8H       Primar y IDE controller
                170-178H       Secondary IDE controller
                0E0-0FFH       8087 coprocessor slot
                0C0-0DFH       DMA controller (4 channels)
                0A0-0BFH       NNI reset
                080-09FH       DMA controller (4 channels)
                060-07FH       Digital i/o
                040-05FH       Counter/timer
                020-02FH       PIC
                000-01FH       DMA

Fig. 3.4c A Listing of PC I/O-mapped Port Addresses with Standard Function

            Mode 0 - basic byte-wide input and output ports
            Mode 1 - bytes passed by strobed (async) handshake
            Mode 2 - tri-state bus action

               Fig. 3.4d Modes of Activity for an i8255 PIO
18/6/09                                                                                                24

          D7   D6   D5     D4    D3   D2   D1   D0   Control Register

                                                            C0 - C3: 1 - input, 0 - output

                                                            B0 - B7: 1 - input, 0 - output

                                                            Mode: 0 - basic, 1 - strobed

                                                            C4 - C7: 1 - input, 0 - output

                                                            A0 - A7: 1 - input, 0 - output

                                                            Mode: 00 - basic, 01 - strobed, 10 - bus

                                                                 1 - set port modes

                Fig. 3.4e Control Register Functions for the 8255 PPI

// Win-98 init an 8255 at 0x1f3: Port A IN; B OUT; C OUT

 outp((short)0x1F3, 0x90);                       // Initialize 8255 Command Register

                         System buses operate at                      500 Mbyte/sec
                         Blocks of characters moved at                100 Mbyte/sec
                         Ethernet transfers data at                   10 Mbytes/sec
                         Telephone call needs                         8 Kbyte/sec
                         Serial lines frequently run at               1 Kbyte/sec
                         Epson printers operate at                    100 byte/sec
                         Keyboards send at                            4 byte/sec

                                Fig. 3.5a Relative speeds of operation
18/6/09                                                    25

               Intermittant                    spin
                  timed                        polling

            Fig. 3.5b Dedicated and Intermittent Polling

 rob> su
 Password: ******
 root> ls -al duckshoot
 root> -rwxr-xr-x 1 rob rob 14336 Apr 17 11:26 duckshoot
 root> chown root:root duckshoot
 root> ls -al duckshoot
 root> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14336 Apr 17 11:26 duckshoot
 root> chmod +s duckshoot
 root> ls -al duckshoot
 root> -rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 14336 Apr 17 11:27 duckshoot
 root> exit
 rob> ./duckshoot
                  Fig. 3.6a Root access to ports

                  Fig. 3.6b Duckshoot sequence
18/6/09                                                                       26

/* duckshoot.c,
 * demo of parallel port facilities   for I/O
 * Trigger button has to be relaxed   between shots
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <parapin.h>                  // gcc -O duckshoot.c -lparapin -o duckshoot
#define OUTPUT_PINS 0x00FF
#define INPUT_PINS 0xF000             // obtained from parapins.h

void right_rot(unsigned char * f) {
  unsigned char t = *f;
    *f = (*f>>1) | ((t & 1) ? 0x80 : 0);

void left_rot(unsigned char * f) {
  unsigned char t = *f;
    *f = (*f<<1) | ((t & 0x80) ? 1 : 0);

void put_byte(unsigned char b) {
  unsigned int i, mask=1;
  for (i=0; i<8; i++)
     if (b & mask<<i)

int main() {
  unsigned char flock = 0x0f;       // initial flock of 4 ducks
  int i, snore, trigger, direction;

  if (pin_init_user(LPT1) < 0)    exit(0);

  pin_output_mode(OUTPUT_PINS);       // 8 LEDs to display current state of flock
  pin_input_mode(INPUT_PINS);         // direction, speed, and trigger

  while (flock && flock<0xFF) {       // continue until flock empty or full

    put_byte(flock);                  // update LED display
    printf(" %2x n", flock);

    if (pin_is_set(LP_PIN12) )

    trigger = pin_is_set(LP_PIN10); // get state of trigger

    direction = pin_is_set(LP_PIN13);   // get direction of flight


    if(trigger && !pin_is_set(LP_PIN10))
         flock /= direction ? 0x01 : 0x80;
18/6/09                                                27

      if (direction)                 // rotate flock

    if (flock==0)                    // end of game!
          printf("You won!nn");
          printf("You lost!nn");

    for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
      set_pin(OUTPUT_PINS);   usleep(100000);
      clear_pin(OUTPUT_PINS); usleep(100000);
    return 0;
18/6/09                                                           28

   /* Example of Linux tcsetattr( ) function to disable
      keyboard blocking & buffering, for single char entry */
   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <sys/termios.h>
   #include <ctype.h>

   void setterm(void) {
     struct termios kbd;
     tcgetattr(0, &kbd);                   // file descriptor 0 = stdin
       kbd.c_lflag &= ∼(ICANON);
       kbd.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
       kbd.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
     tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &kbd); //console device

   main ( ) {
     int letter = ’a’;
       setterm( );
       while (letter != ’q’) {
         letter = getchar( );
             Fig. 3.7a Reconfiguring Keyboard Input on Linux

      int fd;
      struct termios tty;

      fd = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);
      if (fd <0) {perror("failed to open /dev/ttyS0"); exit(-1); }

      tcgetattr(fd, &tty);
          tty.c_lflag &= ∼(ICANON);
          tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
          tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
      tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tty);

                   Fig. 3.7b Setting the Linux COM port
      #include <unistd.h>
      #include <fcntl.h>

      main( ) {
      int fd;
      fd = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_RDWR);
      if (fd <0) {perror("failed to open /dev/lp0"); exit(-1); }
      fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);

          Fig. 3.7c Setting non-blocking devices using fcntl( )
18/6/09                                                         29



                                 System Bus

                       Memor y

          Fig. 3.8a Using the CPU Interrupt Req and Ack Lines

                          • External interrupts
                          • System errors
                          • TRAP instructions

                      Fig. 3.8b Exception Types
18/6/09                                                                                  30

                               Interrupt Request

                        System Bus

              Memor y                I/O A                 I/O B           I/O C

            Fig. 3.9a Many interrupting devices on one Int Req

                               Interrupt Request
                             Int Ack

                        System Bus

               Main                          IVR                   IVR             IVR
              Memor y                I/O A                 I/O B           I/O C

      Fig. 3.9b Vectored Interrupts with daisy-chain prioritization Line

                            Controller         IVR table

                                                      Interrupt Requests

                        System Bus

                                       I/O A                  I/O B           I/O C
             Memor y

             Fig. 3.9c Vectored Interrupts Using PIC hardware
18/6/09                                                                              31

                        • Device Polling
                        • Device Returns Vector
                        • Interrupt Controller (PIC)

                       Fig. 3.9d Device Identification

                                           Interrupt request

                           main()                          I/O chip


                               IVT                     Device
                           Memor y

             Fig. 3.9e Locating ISRs using IVR facilities

                                         100 Hz                  monostable
          50 Hz line                                                    Power fail
          frequency                                                     interrupt

                                                                         50 Hz
              1        2   2         1
                                                               J-K flip-flop


          Fig. 3.10 Sources of power line interrupt signals
18/6/09                                                                                               32

       Int  Function           Source                                                                       IRQ1
      77   Hard Disk2          IRQ15                                                                        IRQ3
                                                     PIC 1
      76   Hard Disk1          IRQ14        to
      75   8087                IRQ13    Pentium                                                             IRQ5
      74   PS/2 Mouse          IRQ12                                                                        IRQ6
      73   Soundcard           IRQ11
      72   Network             IRQ10
      71   Redirected          IRQ2                                                                    IRQ8
      70   RTC                 IRQ8                                                                    IRQ9
                                                                             PIC 2
      18    BIOS/TOD           INT                                                                    IRQ13
      17    BIOS/softboot      INT                                                                    IRQ14
      16    BIOS/print         INT                                                                    IRQ15
      15    BIOS/KBD           INT
      14    BIOS/comms         INT
      13    BIOS/disk          INT
      12    BIOS/msize         INT
      11    BIOS/check         INT
      10    BIOS/Video         INT           IRQ7   IRQ6   IRQ5        IRQ4       IRQ3        IRQ2    IRQ1     IRQ0

      0F    LPT1:              IRQ7
      0E    FDC                IRQ6                          PIC Interrupt Mask Register (21H)

      0D    SoundCard          IRQ5                                       1 -disable

      0C    COM1:              IRQ4                                       0 - enable

      0B    COM2:              IRQ3
                                                    EOI                  0           0          I2     I1          I0
      0A    ----               IRQ2
      09    KBD:               IRQ1                          PIC Interrupt Control Register (20H)
      08    System Timer       IRQ0                           EOI - write 1, reenable interrupts

      07                                                     I0-I2 - read, current interrupt number

      05    Screen dump to printer
      04    Numeric Overflow
      03    Breakpoint
      02    NMI, Power fail
      01    Single Step Trace
      00    Integer Divide Error

           Fig. 3.11a Part of the PC IVT and related PIC connections
18/6/09                                                                       33
                                            PIC IVR table


                          main()                       I/O chip



                          Memor y

            Fig. 3.11b Locating Interrupt Service Routines

           deferred                 isr 1     isr 2   isr 3    Top Half
           ser vice                                           immediate
            queue                                             Bottom Half


                  Fig. 3.12 Deferred Interrupt Processing
18/6/09                                                                       34

                         • I/O data transfer request
                         • Software TRAP (SVC)
                         • Machine Failure
                         • Real-time Tick
                         • Run-time Software Error
                         • System Reset or Watchdog

                  Fig. 3.13a Possible Sources of Interrupts

                               System             Privilege
                                                          Interrupt request

          Fig. 3.13b How interrupts assist operating system security

                                    Global data



               Fig. 3.15a Using global data for communication
18/6/09                                                                   35

                            • disable interrupts
                            • serialise the access
                            • use a semaphore

          Fig. 3.15b Alternative solutions to protecting a critical resource
18/6/09                                                                                   36

                                                Data Variables          Display Routines
            ISR                                  in Memory
          msecs++                       msecs        990                   Display secs

                                        secs         59
                                                                          Display mins

          msecs = 0                     mins         59
                                         hrs         01                    Display hrs

          secs = 0

          mins = 0                              Hours            Mins             Secs

           hrs = 0

                Fig. 3.15c Real-time Clock and Time-of-day Display
18/6/09                                                                                   37

                                                     Tick Flag

                        Interrupt                                               No tick
               ISR                  Data Variables
                                     in Memory

                            msecs        990
                                                                  msecs = 0
                             secs        59


                             mins        59

                                                                   secs = 0
Fig. 3.15d Using a Tick     Flag
                             hrs         01                        mins++


                                                                  mins = 0


                                                                   hrs = 0


                                                                 Display secs

                                                                 Display mins

                                                                 Display hrs
18/6/09                                                                      38

                                         Data Buffer

                                 Tx                          Tx Interrupt
                    putc( )      Dev                          request
                                                       ISR                  Tx data

                                          Receive               UART
                                         Data Buffer

                                 Rx                                         Rx data
                    getc( )      Dev                         Rx Interrupt
                                Driver                        request

                     Fig. 3.16 Using Buffered, Interrupt-driven I/O
18/6/09                                                                                   39

     4. Cyclic Executives on Bare Hardware
                                                                         clock interrupt

                                                              rtc isr

                                                                               tick flag

                task 1      task 2    task 3       task 4        Burn        ?

                                                                    Test for 20 msec tick

                Fig. 4.2 Timed Cyclic Loop with Burn Task

                                20 ms

                      Fig. 4.3a The 50 Hz R-t Clock, or Tick

                        Clock                          RTC
                                         System Bus


                         Fig. 4.3b Generating the R-t Tick

          Interrupt      - event driven preemption, rapid response
          Clock          - periodic scanning with fixed runtime
          Base           - no strict requirements, background activity

           Fig. 4.3c Task priority levels for a cyclic executive
18/6/09                                                                                  40

                                      task 3.odd
                  task 1   task 2                        task 4     Burn      ?
                                      task 3.even                              Test
                                                                              for tick

                 Fig. 4.4 Cyclic Loop with a Split Clock Task

                            2 ms allocated per slot

            t1       t1     t1      t1      t1       t1       t1     t1
            t2       t3     t2      t3      t2       t3       t2     t3
            t4       t4     t4      t4      t4       t4       t4     t4
            t5      burn   burn   burn     burn     burn     burn   burn

            0        1      2         3      4       5        6      7

          Fig. 4.5a A 16 ms Time Frame with 8 execution slots

                             Clock                                   Base
                             Sched                                   Sched




                             Slot 0       Slot 1           Slot 7
                                    Frame for Clock Tasks

                   Fig. 4.5b Cyclic Executive Task Scheme
18/6/09                                                                  41

          RTC      RxRdy
           isr       isr
                  Slot 0        Slot 1   Slot 2     Slot 3    Level


                     20 ms

                 Fig. 4.6 Execution with Interrupt, Clock & Base Tasks
18/6/09                                                                       42

/* Demo table-based cyclic task dispatcher for Linux with multiple task slots*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#define SLOTX 4
#define CYCLEX 5
#define SLOT_T 5000                       // 5 sec slot time

    int tps, cycle=0, slot=0;
    clock_t now, then;
    struct tms n;

    void one() {                            // task code
      printf("task 1   runningn");
    void two() {
      printf("task 2   runningn");
    void three() {
      printf("task 3   runningn");
    void four() {
      printf("task 4   runningn");
    void five() {
      printf("task 5   runningn");
    void burn() {
      clock_t bstart   = times(&n);

      while ( ((now=times(&n))-then) < SLOT_T*tps/1000 ) {
                   /* burn time here */
      printf("burn time = %2.2dmsnn", (times(&n)-bstart)*1000/tps);
      then = now;
      cycle = CYCLEX;
    void (*ttable[SLOTX][CYCLEX])() = {
       {one, two,    burn, burn, burn},
       {one, three, burn, burn, burn},
       {one, four, burn, burn, burn},
       {burn, burn, burn, burn, burn}
    main () {
       tps = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
       printf("clock ticks/sec = %dnn", tps));
       while (1) {
         for(slot=0; slot<SLOTX; slot++)
           for(cycle=0; cycle<CYCLEX; cycle++)
              (*ttable[slot][cycle])();    // dispatch next task from table
18/6/09                                                                                43

           Fig. 4.8b Optical or Manual Crosspoint Switch

                                                                       5v        10K

                                                      16 Button Keypad
                                                         0   1    2    3
                                            A 2          4   5    6    7
                                          4 bit
                                           i/p 1         8   9    10   11
              Microprocessor System Bus

                                              0        12    13   14   15


                                           C 2
                                          4 bit
                                          o/p 1

                                          8 bit
                                                       4 Digit LED Display

          Fig. 4.8a Engineer’s Console: Keypad and Display
18/6/09                                                             44

/* Keypad (16 switches) scanner and 7-seg digit LED refresh tasks
 *   needs to be run at least every 20ms (50Hz minimum)
 *   Linux version, 28-2-04
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "../PIO.h"
#include <sys/termios.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define COLSX 4
#define ROWSX 4

typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned int DWORD;

DWORD keyflags;
BYTE colsel=0;
BYTE ktrue[COLSX];      //current true keypad status
BYTE kedge[COLSX];
BYTE kchange[COLSX];    //1 - key status changed
BYTE digits[COLSX] ={3,2,1,0};
const BYTE segtab[] = {0xC0,0xF9,0xA4,0xB0,0x99,0x92,0x82,
const BYTE keytab[] = {1,2,3, 15,4,5,6,14,7,8,9,13,10,0,11,12};

int   control, portA, portB, portC;
int   portAstatus = 0;
int   portBstatus = 0;
int   portCstatus = 0;

void initFAB(int *control, int *porta, int *portb, int *portc);
void closeFAB (int *control, int *porta, int *portb, int *portc);

void inithw(void) {
  int x;
  initFAB(&control, &portA, &portB, &portC);
  x = 0x90;
  write(control, &x, 1);      // mode 0
18/6/09                                                                        45

BYTE colscan(void) {
  int i;
  BYTE know;
  colsel = (++colsel) % COLSX;
  portCstatus = (BYTE) (01 << colsel);
  portBstatus = segtab[digits[colsel]];
  write(portB, &portBstatus, 1);
  write(portC, &portCstatus, 1);
  read(portA, &portAstatus, 1);
  kpd2[colsel] = kpd1[colsel];
  kpd1[colsel] = kpd0[colsel];
  kpd0[colsel] = (BYTE)portAstatus;

    kchange[colsel] = (kpd0[colsel] / kpd1[colsel]) | (kpd1[colsel] / kpd2[colsel]);
    know = (kpd2[colsel] & ∼kchange[colsel]) | (ktrue[colsel] & kchange[colsel]);
    kedge[colsel] = (know / ktrue[colsel]) & know;
    ktrue[colsel] = know;
    keyflags = 0;
    keyflags |= ktrue[0] & 0x0F;
    keyflags |= (ktrue[1] & 0x0F) << 4;
    keyflags |= (ktrue[2] & 0x0F) << 8;
    keyflags |= (ktrue[3] & 0x0F) << 12;
    keyflags &= 0x0000ffff;
    for(i=0; keyflags&1; keyflags>>=1) i++;
     return i;
int main () {
  struct tms *tim;
  BYTE key;
  DWORD then;
  while (1) {
            key = colscan();
            if (key <16) {
                                digits[0]=   keytab[key];
                                digits[1]=   16;
                                digits[2]=   key % 10;
                                digits[3]=   key / 10;
              } else {
                                digits[0]=   16;
                                digits[1]=   16;
                                digits[2]=   16;
                                digits[3]=   16;
              printf(" key = %x n", key);
              then = (DWORD)times(&tim)+1;
                while (then > (DWORD)times(&tim)) { };
    closeFAB(&control, &portA, &portB, &portC);
      return 0;
18/6/09                                                                   46

          5. Finite State machines - design tool
                  INPUTS                                       OUTPUTS
                   sources                                      sinks
                 timer alarm         controller
                 bread loaded                           cooking element
                 bread lowered                          buzzer
                 cooking time                           star t timer
                 release button                         warming element
                 warm button
                 smoke sensor

                 Fig. 5.2a Context diagram for a toaster

                            Input              Type     Rate
                      timer alarm              bool     0.2
                      bread loaded             bool     0.01
                      bread lowered            bool     0.01
                      cooking time             BYTE      -
                      release button            bool     ?
                      warm button              bool      ?
                      smoke sensor             bool      ?
                      cooking element             bit   0.01
                      buzzer                      bit   0.2
                      star t timer                bit   0.2
                      warming element             bit   0.01

                             Fig. 5.2b Fully specifying I/O
18/6/09                                                                           47

                               bread loaded

                         Waiting                              Holding cooking
                           0                                     1    time i/p
                                    Heater off    no bread            bread lowered
                 Warmer off         Release bread

                   Buzz                                Heater on           Toggle
                  Set timer release                    Star t timer      keepwarm
                             button              time alarm
                                                 OR smoke
                                                 OR release
                 timer Warming                                Cooking warm
                 alarm    3                                      2    button
                                Buzz                time alarm & warm
                              Heater off            OR release & warm
                              Warmer on
                               Set timer

                           Fig. 5.3 Example FSD: the toaster


                                   Trigger       Action
                            State 0 event                 State 1

            Fig. 5.4a States, Transitions, Trigger Events and Actions

          state:        unchanging, waiting condition
          transition:    valid routes between states, triggered by events
          event:        triggers transition between states, often an input
          action:       activity/procedure undertaken on entry to a new state

               Fig. 5.4b Component Parts of Finite State Diagrams
18/6/09                                                                                           48

                                              Entr y           Exit
                                              Action     St1 Action

                                  Fig. 5.4c Entry, State and Exit Actions

                                                        Star t pressed
               Timed out                                 & door shut
                                                                                           Trigger Event
              Unlock Door            Loading            Open fill valve
                                                           cnt=0                             Action list

          Holding                                                 Filling
                                  Water low                                          Full
                                   & cnt<2                                        & cnt==0
                            open water valve                                    Close fill valve
                             Drain pump off                                       Heater on
                                                    & cnt>0
                                                      wc=0                  Heating
               Timed out                            Set timer
                                                close water valve
               Motor off                                                              Water hot
               Set timer
                                                                                      Heater off
                                                                                      Set Timer
          Spinning                                Drain on        Pause1
                                                   cnt++                                     Tumbling
                                     Draining                                Timed out         (cw)
                      Water low                                             motor on CW
                      & cnt>=2                       Timed out                                          Timed out
                                                                             Set timer
                    Drain pump off                   motor off                                             motor off
                        Fan on                       Set timer                                             Set timer
                      Timer set                                                                             Nrot++
                                                                 ATumbling                    Pause2
                                                                              Timed out
                                                                            motor on CCW
                                                                              Set timer

                                   Fig. 5.5 FSD for a Washing Machine
18/6/09                                                                                                 49

                                                                                            Induction Loop
                                                   c--                       L1                Detectors
                                                                                                .......... . ........... .. . .. ......... .. .
                                                                                                             ...                   ....                  ..
                                                  c--                                        ............................................................
                                                                                              . .. . . . .. . .
                                                                                            ...... ...... ...... ....... .... ...
                                                                                                 . . .                                       . .
               00                          10 11 00                          L2
                                          00                                           Vehicles
                S5              S1                S9          11
          10                   10                             10              00
                     00                           10
           S4              S2               S6            S10                S8
                                     01                            00
          00                   01            00          01                   01
                          11                                  11
                                S3                  S11                 S7
                                       00   00
                                        c++                              00
                                    c++       01

                     Fig. 5.6a FSD for a Vehicle Induction Loop Detector Unit

                                Data         Conditions        Exiting from         Go to
                                                                  State             State
                           Star t pressed
                           & Door Shut                         Waiting            Filling
                           Water Full        & cnt==0          Filling            Heating
                           Water Hot                           Heating            Pause1
                                             Time Out          Pause1             TumbleCCW
                                             Time Out          TumbleCCW          Pause2
                                             Time Out          Pause2             TumbleCW
                                             Time Out          TumbleCW           Pause1
                                             Nrot>4            Pause1             Draining
                           Water Low         & cnt<2           Draining           Filling
                           Water Low         & cnt>=2          Draining           Spinning
                                             Time Out          Spinning           Holding
                                             Time Out          Holding            Waiting

                     Fig. 5.6b An Event Table, with data values and conditions
18/6/09                                                                                     50

kettle weight sensor.
Tea pot weight sensor.
Water heater control relay.
Radio power control relay.
Aler t buzzer.
Reading light relay.
User control panel with selection buttons.

                                    Press Next
                                                                                  Press Forward
                                   advance digit
                                                   Press Next
            Timed out | cancel       Waiting
                 radio off
                                                    Morning Tea
                                 Radio On             set timer
                                  radio on

                       Timed out & Radio only
                                                                    Timed out & Buzz selected
                             Radio on, set timer
                                                                            star t buzzer
                                                     Timed out & Tea
                                                        kettle on
                                         Boiling                       Buzzing

                                        Kettle empty
                                     kettle off, radio on,
                                           set timer
                                             Cancel Alarm
                                    Buzz off, Radio on, set timer

                        Fig. 5.9 FSD for a Teas-made Bedside Alarm
18/6/09                                                           51

          Open valve


                 Pause1     TumbleCCW              Pause2      TumbleCW
                motor off   motor CCW              motor off   motor CW
                Set timer    Set timer             Set timer   Set timer

           Heating            Draining
                                             Cancel pressed
          Heater On           Pump on

              Fig. 5.10a Washing Machine as a Hierarchical FSD
18/6/09                                                                             52

      NEXT                                SET

      INCR                                END

     Fig. 5.10b Digital watch buttons
                   Display h                             Clock

                        TOD            set                        minAlarm
                                next                                           min       incr
                                       set                        hour      next
                                                                              hour incr
             alarm                 set                            day       next
                         next                                                  day       incr
           Cleared                  Set                          month next
                                                                             month incr
                                                                  year      next
      Fig. 5.10c Hierarchical statechart
            for the digital watch                                              year incr

                            Alarm                     AppClass            aState

              Silent        Bell
                                                                 State1            StateN

                                                 Fig. 5.12 OO state design pattern
          Fig. 5.11 Parallel statecharts
18/6/09                                                                   53

          6. Finite state machines - implementation

                   • sequential code closely following the FSD, used by OOP
                   • multiple CASE: case/switch statement to model the FSD
                   • based on goto-labels
                   • FST: Finite State Table method
                   • Object oriented design pattern with dynamic states

                         Fig. 6.2a Implementation Techniques for FSDs

            SetCooktim                                           keepwarm SetCooktim

                                     Bread in
          Cook     Waiting                                          Holding
                                                                     Bread Cook
          time       0                                                 1
                                                      No Bread              time
           Warmer off                 Heater off                          Cook Request
                                    Release bread

              Buzz                                          Heater on        Toggle
             Set timer     Bread                            Set timer      keepwarm
                           raised                      Time up
                                                      OR Smoke
                                                      OR Raised
                   Warming                                         Cooking
                      3                                              2          Warm
                                  Buzz                    Time up & warm
                                Heater off               OR Raised & warm
                                Warmer on
                                 Set timer
                         Fig. 6.2b Finite State Diagram for the Toaster
18/6/09                                                         54



                                Holding                     Toggle
                                            SetCooktime   keepwarm

                               Heater on
                               Set timer

                 Heater off    Cooking         Toggle
               Release bread     2           keepwarm

                               Heater off
                               Warm on

                               Warming        Buzz
          Warm off                           Set timer

            Fig. 6.3 Algorithmic State Machine for a Toaster
18/6/09                                                                   55

/* toaster1.c, direct sequential coding of FSD for Linux */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define BREADIN ’B’
#define BREADUP ’N’
#define RELEASE ’R’
#define WARMTOGGLE ’T’
#define COOKRQ ’C’
#define BUZZTIME 5

main() {
clock_t delay, cooktime=1;
struct tms n;
int key = ’0’;
unsigned int warm = 0;
unsigned int tps;

      nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
      tps = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);        // ticks per second

while (1) {
      do {
             do {
                   do {
                         if (isdigit(key)) cooktime = (key - ’0’);
printf("WAITING 0, Cook time=%2d secs    r", cooktime); // State 0
                         key = getch();
                   } while (toupper(key) != BREADIN);
                   do {
                         if (isdigit(key)) cooktime = (key - ’0’);
                         if (key==WARMTOGGLE) warm=!warm;
printf("HOLDING 1, Cook time=%2d secs, Warming %s, r",cooktime,(warm)?"ON":"OFF");
                         key = toupper(getch()); //State 1
                   } while (key!=COOKRQ && key!=BREADUP);
             } while (key != COOKRQ);
             printf("nheater turned onn");
             delay = times(&n) + cooktime*tps;
             do {
               if (key == WARMTOGGLE) warm = !warm;
printf("COOKING 2, Warming %s, time=%3.1d r",(warm)?"ON":"OFF",(delay-times(&n))/tps);
                    key = toupper(getch());
             } while ((delay > times(&n)) && (key!=RELEASE)); //State 2
      } while (!warm);
      do {
        delay = times(&n) + BUZZTIME*tps;
        do {
           printf("WARMING 3    r");
        } while (delay > times(&n));           //State 3
      } while (toupper(getch()) != RELEASE); }
18/6/09                                                                    56

/* toaster2.c, a keyboard/screen simulation using Linux timing & i/o
   Implemented using switch/case with centralised input scanning
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <ncurses.h>     // compile with: gcc toaster2.c -lncurses -otoaster2
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define   FOREVER 1
#define   COOKRQ ’C’
#define   BREADIN ’B’
#define   BREADUP ’N’
#define   RELEASE ’R’
#define   WARMTOGGLE ’T’
#define   BUZZTIME 5
#define   WAITING 0
#define   HOLDING 1
#define   COOKING 2
#define   WARMING 3

unsigned int events, state, state_events;
clock_t cooktime, targettick;
struct tms n;
int keep_warm;
unsigned int ccount, tps;
int key;

void wait() {
void hold() {
      printf("Holding breadnr");
void cook() {
      printf("Heater on full, set delay for cooking timenr");
      printf("Cooking toast for %d secsnr", cooktime);
      targettick = times(&n) + cooktime*tps; // setting cooking period
void warm() {
      printf("07 07 07 Buzz, Heater on half, set delay for buzznr");
      targettick = times(&n) + BUZZTIME*tps; // 5sec interval on buzzer
      printf("Toast ready and warmingnr");
void off() {
      printf("007 007 007 Buzz, Timer off, Heater Offnr");
      printf("Toast readynr");
void buzz() {
      printf("007 007 007 BUZZ, BUZZ, Warming, set delay for next buzznr");
      targettick = times(&n) + BUZZTIME*tps; // 5sec interval on buzzer
void setcooktime() {
      cooktime = key - ’0’;
      printf("ncooking time set to %d secsnr", cooktime);
void toggle() {
      keep_warm = !keep_warm;
      printf("ntoggle warming status to %snr", (keep_warm ? "ON":"OFF"));
18/6/09                                                  57
main() {
      state = 0;
      nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
      tps = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
while (FOREVER) {
      key = 0;
      key = toupper(getch());
      printf("State = %2d    r",state);
  switch (state) {
  case WAITING:
      if (key == BREADIN) {
            state = HOLDING;
      else if (isdigit(key) ){
      else if (key == WARMTOGGLE) {
  case HOLDING:
      if (key == BREADUP) {
            state = WAITING;
      else if (isdigit(key) ){
      else if (key == WARMTOGGLE) {
      else if (key == COOKRQ) {
            state = COOKING;
  case COOKING:
      if (key == WARMTOGGLE) {
      if ( targettick < times(&n) || key == BREADUP) {
            if (keep_warm) {
                   state = WARMING;
            } else {
                   state = WAITING;
  case WARMING:
      if ( targettick < times(&n) ){
      if(key == RELEASE) {
            state = WAITING;
} } }
18/6/09                                                                                                             58


                                    Init                 Toasting

                                                                           * forever
                                                             1 slice


                     °                                   °                                  °                                  °
   Waiting 0                           Holding 1                          Cooking 2                         Warming 3
                     event                               event                              event                              event

        *                                   *                                  *                                  *
                             °                      toggle
                                                                 °                     timeup
                                                                                                    °                      timeup

input                               input                              input                              input
             do          state                   do           state                 do             set                 do             set
            action        =0                    action         =1                  action        index                action        index

                                                              time                              toggle                             nobread

                             °                                   °                                  °                                  °

             do          state                   do           state                 do             set                 do             set
            action        =1                    action         =1                  action        index                action        index

                                                              cook                              wtimeup
                                                                 °                                  °

                                                 do           state                 do             set
                                                action         =2                  action        index


                                                 do           state
                                                action         =0

                                 Fig. 6.4 Structure chart equivalent for the toaster FSD
18/6/09                                                                    59

/* toaster3.c, a keyboard/screen simulation for Linux timing & i/o.
   Implemented using goto/label jump structure
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ncurses.h>    //link to gcc toaster3.c -lncurses -otoastie
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define   COOKRQ ’C’
#define   BREADIN ’B’
#define   BREADUP ’N’
#define   RELEASE ’R’
#define   WARMTOGGLE ’T’
#define   BUZZTIME 5

clock_t targettick, cooktime;
struct tms n;
int keep_warm = ∼0;
int key, tps;

void wait() {
printf("Waiting    nr");
void hold() {
  printf("Holding bread    nr");
void cook() {
  printf("Heater on full, set delay for cooking timenr");
  printf("Cooking toast for %d secsrn", cooktime);
  targettick = times(&n) + cooktime*tps; // setting cooking period
void warm() {
  printf("Buzz, Heater on half, set delay for buzznr");
  printf("Toast ready and warmingnr");
  targettick = times(&n) + BUZZTIME*tps; // 5sec interval on buzzer
void off() {
  printf("Buzz, Timer off, Heater Offnr");
  printf("Toast ready and coolingnr");
void buzz() {
  targettick = times(&n) + BUZZTIME*tps; // 5sec interval on buzzer
void setcooktime() {
  cooktime = key - ’0’;
  targettick = times(&n) + cooktime*tps;
  printf("ncooking time set to %d secsnr", cooktime);
void toggle() {
  keep_warm = !keep_warm;
  printf("ntoggle warming status to %snr", (keep_warm ? "ON":"OFF"));
18/6/09                                                            60

main() {
struct tms n;
      nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
      tps = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);

printf("WAITING 0       r");
      key = toupper(getch());
      if (key == BREADIN) {
               goto Holding;
      if (isdigit(key)) {
      goto Waiting;
printf("HOLDING 1, Warming is %s r", (keep_warm) ? "ON":"OFF");
      key = toupper(getch());
      if (key == BREADUP) {
               goto Waiting;
      if (key == COOKRQ) {
               goto Cooking;
      if (key == WARMTOGGLE) keep_warm = ∼keep_warm;
      if (isdigit(key)) setcooktime();
      goto Holding;
printf("COOKING 2        r");
      key = toupper(getch());
      if ( (targettick < times(&n)) || (key == RELEASE)) {
               if (keep_warm) {
                      goto Warming;
               } else {
                      goto Waiting;
      if (key == WARMTOGGLE) {
      goto Cooking;
printf("WARMING 3        r");
      if (targettick > times(&n)) {
          key = getch();
          if (toupper(key) == RELEASE) {
               goto Waiting;
        } else {
      goto Warming;
18/6/09                                                     61

                       0                  STATESX-1


          events                    FST



              Fig. 6.6 Finite State Table layout
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
Real-time Systems Design (part I)
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Real-time Systems Design (part I)

  • 1. 1. Real-time Systems Development Dr Rob Williams P 12 : 01 Enter car number first Tariff 1hr 40p Press for Sun free ticket Sat free Coins Fig. 1.2 Real-time Systems can seem like juggling Fig. 1.3 A familiar real-time application Fig. 1.4 Complexity management is essential
  • 2. 18/6/09 2 • Specified limit on system response latency • Event-driven scheduling • Low-level programming • Software tightly coupled to special hardware • Dedicated specialised function • The computer may be inside a control loop • Volatile variables • Multi-tasking implementation • Run-time scheduling • Unpredictable environment • System intended to run continuously • Life-critical applications Fig. 1.5a Features of real-time systems Now! Fig. 1.5b Response time sensitivity Fig. 1.5c Interrupt preemption start: clr.w iflag *clear down interrupt flag pea bisr * MFPint() move.w #mfpCTS,-(sp) *insert new ISR address into the move.w #13,-(sp) *assumes 16 mfp vectors from $100 trap #XBIOS addq.l #8,sp move.w #mfpCTS,-(sp) *Jenabint() move.w #27,-(sp) *enable the CTS interrupt on the trap #XBIOS addq.l #4,sp Fig. 1.5d Low level programming
  • 3. 18/6/09 3 1 ms, a millisecond, one thousandth of a second, 10-3 1 µs, a microsecond, one millionth of a second, 10-6 -9 1 ns, a nanosecond, one thousandth of a millionth of a second, 10 1 ps, a picosecond, one millionth of a millionth of a second, 10-12 -15 1 fs, a femtosecond, one thousandth of a millionth of a millionth of a second, 10 1 year 32 nHz year number roll over 6 months 64 nHz GMT < - > BST changeover 8 hrs 30 µHz AGA coal stove cycle time 10 s 0.1 Hz photocopier page printing 1s 1 Hz time-of-day rate 300 ms 3 Hz typing speed 300 ms human reaction time 150 ms 7 Hz mechanical switch bounce time 15 ms 70 Hz motor car engine speed 260 Hz middle C 440 Hz Concer t pitch A 1 ms 1 khz serial line data rate 125 µs 8 khz digitized speech, telephone quality 64 µs 15.6 kHz TV line rate 50 µs Mc68000 interrupt latency 0.5 µs 2 MHz Mc68000 instruction rate 0.074 µs 13.5 MHz video data rate 0.050 µs semiconductor RAM access time 0.01 µs 100 MHz Ethernet data rate 10 ns 100 MHz memor y cycle, PC motherboard 2.5 ns 400 MHz logic gate delay 555 ps 1.8 GHz cellular telephone transmissions 500 ps 2 Gz single instruction issue, Pentium IV 0.3 ps 3 THz infra-red radiation 16 fs 600 THz visible light 10 3 2 ≈ 10 1000, known as 1 Kilo 220 ≈ 106 1000_000, known as 1 Mega 230 ≈ 109 1000_000_000, known as 1 Giga 240 ≈ 1012 1000_000_000_000, known as 1 Tera 50 15 1000_000_000_000_000, known as 1 Peta 2 ≈ 10 260 ≈ 1018 1000_000_000_000_000_000, known as 1 Exa Fig. 1.5x Timing parameters, slow to fast
  • 4. 18/6/09 4 Desired temp - Heater DAC Oven + Driver ADC Temperature value Signal Condn Fig. 1.5e Specialized hardware, feedback control loops CPU System Bus data volatile I/O Subsystem source data count Main Memory DMA Controller data Fig. 1.5f Volatile variables with a DMA controller T2 T3 T1 T4 Fig. 1.5g Real-time Systems = Deferred Scheduling, or: "Late Sequencing"
  • 5. 18/6/09 5 Fig. 1.5h Uncertainty BT Fig. 1.5i Non-stop service Fig. 1.5j Life risking applications
  • 6. 18/6/09 6 •SEQ •IT •SEL •PAR •CRIT Fig. 1.6 Structures in r-t programs Asynchronous Synchronous Unpredictable Scheduled events Processing Fig. 1.7 Rapid response is compromised for processing efficiency Y:2.00V/div X:0.1 ms/div Single A1 STOP Fig. 1.8a Voltage from a key switch showing a contact bounce of nearly 1ms Light beam Fig. 1.8b Mechanical and Optical switches
  • 7. 18/6/09 7 5v 10 k 0V switch Fig. 1.8c Switch debouncing logic Sampling Pulses missed! Events A B C Fig. 1.8d Sampling too infrequently A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Fig. 1.8e Aliasing error through sampling too slowly: only 20 sample points in 12 cycles Y:0.1V/div X:10ms/div Single A1 STOP Fig. 1.8f A light sensor showing 100 Hz mains flicker
  • 8. 18/6/09 8 V v2f loop for 100 msec { if (input_bit) h_count++; else l_count++; } temp1 = tempX*h_count/(l_count+h_count) loop for 100 msec { if (!input_bit) h_count++; else l_count++; } temp2 = tempX*h_count/(l_count+h_count) Fig. 1.9 Voltage to Frequency Converter 170 ns laser pulse echo returning emerging from 50m Fig. 1.10 Light travels very fast!
  • 9. 18/6/09 9 Fig. 1.11 Motor drive timing issues Hewlett 546455D Measure Packard Storage Volts Time Curses RunStop Single Auto Erase Trace Setup Horizontal Trigger Edge Auto Display Print Main Pattern Mode Analogl Volts/Div Volts/Div Advanced A1 A2 Digitall Position Position + D0-D15 − A1 A2 ON Fig. 1.12 Oscilloscopes can display timing information for debugging Application Operating Hard- ware System Programs Fig. 1.13 Direct access to hardware
  • 10. 18/6/09 10 • Dedicated and Periodic polling • Interrupt driven • Direct Memory Access (DMA) Fig. 1.14a Different I/O Techniques User Code HLL librar y O/S Routines HAL Hardware Polling Loop Fig. 1.14b Software access to hardware RxRDY Spin polling do { while (!(INP(STATUS) & RXRDY)) { }; * wait for data * } while (*pch++ = INP(RXDATA)); * NULL ? * MOV EDI,PCH ;init pointer to start of data buffer TLOOP: IN AL,STATUS ;read status port TEST AL,RXRDY ;test device status bit JZ TLOOP ;blocking: if no data, go again DATAIN: IN AL,RXDATA ;data from Rx port & clr RXRDY flag OR AL,AL ;test for EOS marker JZ COMPLETE ;jmp out if finished MOV [EDI],AL ;save character in data buffer INC EDI JMP TLOOP ;back for more input COMPLETE: .... ;character string input complete Fig. 1.15 Example input polling loop in C and asm code
  • 11. 18/6/09 11 ? 5 Fig. 1.16a Expensive software failures "Hardware degrades despite maintenance, software degrades because of it." Fig. 1.16b A depressing aphorism
  • 12. 18/6/09 12 2. Implementing a Simple RTS rob > ps -A | wc -l 66 rob> Fig. 2.2 Linux workstation multi-tasking init task1 isr 1 isr 2 isr 3 task2 task3 task4 Fig. 2.3 simple task loop with interrupt routines accumulated jitter from interrupts & IF-ELSE task1 task2 task3 task4 t5 Fig. 2.4 Jitter: code runtime uncertainty
  • 13. 18/6/09 13 Brr Brr! Brr Brr Fig. 2.5 Telephonic interruptions • How? • When? • Which? Fig. 2.6 Scheduling issues Fig. 2.7 Task Rentry, restoring the volatile environment • Explicit coding, cooperative scheduling, • R-t hll, co-routining support, • RTE, preemptive and cooperative scheduling, • O/S, priority-based tasking through system calls. Fig. 2.8 Multi-tasking implementation options
  • 14. 18/6/09 14 • Disable task switching during a critical access, • Serialize all critical data accesses, • Semaphore process queues for access control. Fig. 2.9 Techniques for protecting critical data |< Outputs >| | Inputs | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 25 10 11 12 13 Parallel Por t pin numbers 220Ω Switch LED 1 14 Fig. 2.10 Using the PC parallel port for i/o programming
  • 15. 18/6/09 15 /* Outputs slow binary count to printer port (Centronics lines 2-9), while waiting for printer status bit 0x40 (Centronics line 10) to be set. Must be run as root */ #include <asm/io.h> #include <time.h> #define SLOW 500000000 #define CONTROL_REG 0x37A #define STATUS_REG 0x379 #define DATA_REG 0x378 #define SWITCH1 0x40 main () { int i; unsigned char c; struct timespec tr, tt={ 0, SLOW }; iopl(3); while ((inb(STATUS_REG) & SWITCH1)) { // check an input switch for a quit i++; outb(0xff&i, DATA_REG); // output pattern to LEDS nanosleep( &tt, &tr); } } Fig. 2.10b Basic programmed I/O under Linux • Stepper • DC with brushed commutator • AC Brushless Induction (Squirrel Cage) • DC Brushless • Servo • Universal with Commutator Fig. 2.11 Types of electric motor
  • 16. 18/6/09 16 S N 1 2 4 Motor N S N N N N N S Top 3 N S S N 3 Motor Bottom S N S S S S S N Stator 2 4 1 coil N S Rotating Armature Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Fig. 2.12a Three steps in the operation of a stepper motor (based on Lawrence and Mauch, 1987) Rotor cog Stator coil Axle N S Fig. 2.12b Cross-section of stepper motor Magnetic Coil 1 Coil 2 rotor Stator ABC DEF magnetic poles Fig. 2.12c Exploded view of a small stepper motor Coil 1 Coil 2 S N S N A B C D E F V+ V+ Fig. 2.12d Activation of bifilar stator coils
  • 17. 18/6/09 17 Stator Coil Excitation Sequence A C D F B&E Full Stepping Mode, single excitation Position 1 On Off Off Off V+ Position 2 Off Off On Off V+ Position 3 Off On Off Off V+ Position 4 Off Off Off On V+ Full Stepping Mode, double excitation Position 1 On Off Off On V+ Position 2 On Off On Off V+ Position 3 Off On On Off V+ Position 4 Off On Off On V+ Half Stepping Mode, double excitation Position 1 On Off Off Off V+ Position 1.5 On Off On Off V+ Position 2 Off Off On Off V+ Position 2.5 Off On On Off V+ Position 3 Off On Off Off V+ Position 3.5 Off On Off On V+ Position 4 Off Off Off On V+ Position 4.5 On Off Off On V+ Fig. 2.12e Driving a Stepper Motor
  • 18. 18/6/09 18 1. Bodge 2. Bloat 3. Buy Fig. 2.13 Psychology or Life-cycle of a Systems Programmer 1. Entrepreneur - innovation, risk, speed 2. Bureaucrat - planned, documented, thorough 3. Technician - product maintenance, stability, care Fig. 2.14 Engineering Styles
  • 19. 18/6/09 19 /* Example driver routine for a dual, two phase stepper motor */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "../PIO.h" //gcc keypad.c -L. -lfab -o keypad #include <sys/time.h> #include <ctype.h> typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned int DWORD; // alternative driving patterns for a dual, two phase stepper motor const BYTE steptab1[] = {8, 4, 2, 1, 8, 4, 2, 1, 8, 4, 2, 1, 8, 4, 2, 1}; const BYTE steptab2[] = {9,12, 6, 3, 9,12, 6, 3, 9,12, 6, 3, 9,12, 6, 3}; const BYTE steptab3[] = {8,12, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, 9, 8,12, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, 9}; int control, portA, portB, portC; int portCstatus = 0; // motor attached to C0-C3 of 8255 PIO void inithw(void) { int x=0x90; initFAB(&control, &portA, &portB, &portC); write(control, &x, 1); // 8255 mode 0 } void stepit(void) { static int step; int s; step = (step++)&0x0F; s = steptab2[step]; portCstatus = (s & 9)|((s&2)<<1)|((s&4)>>1); write(portC, &portCstatus, 1); } int main () { struct timeval tim; BYTE key; DWORD then, now, rround; initFAB(&control, &portA, &portB, &portC); gettimeofday(&tim, 0); now = tim.tv_sec*1000000 + tim.tv_usec; while (1) { rround =0; then = now+4000; if (now > then) rround = 1; // roll round flag while (rround ? (now > then):(then > now)) { gettimeofday(&tim, 0); now = tim.tv_sec*1000000 + tim.tv_usec; //printf("%d pc=%x r", then, portCstatus); } stepit(); } // while closeFAB(&control, &portA, &portB, &portC); return 0; }
  • 20. 18/6/09 20 3. Basic Input and Output CPU A0-A23 D0-D7 System Bus A0-A19 A0-A20 D0-D7 R/W D0-D7 D0-D7 A0-A1 ALE A21-A23 1 MB PROM 2 MB RAM status reg I/O command reg C/S chip 0 C/S data regs I/O C/S 7 1 from 8 address decoder Fig. 3.2a Memory-mapped I/O, showing the address decoding for a 24 bit CPU Address Device Size Pins 24 bit Address bus Address range PROM1 1MB 20 000x ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ 00 0000 - 0F FFFF RAM1 2MB 21 001+ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ 20 0000 - 3F FFFF RAM2 2MB 21 010+ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ 40 0000 - 5F FFFF RAM3 2MB 21 011+ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ 60 0000 - 7F FFFF I/O 4B 2 111x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx++ E0 0000 - E0 0003  E0 0004 - E0 0007 aliases  E0 0008 - E0 000B  E0 000C - E0 000F . . . + - used internally by device x - unused, don’t care 1 - needs to be a 1 for memory decoding 0 - needs to be a 0 for memory decoding Fig. 3.2b Memory map for the previous system
  • 21. 18/6/09 21 Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Address ALE valid valid valid data Read fetch read por t Write write M/IO instr data data Data 10 ns time-base Fig. 3.2c Bus activity while accessing memory-mapped ports Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Address ALE valid valid valid data Read fetch read por t Write write M/IO instr data data Data 10 ns time-base Fig. 3.3 Bus activity while accessing I/O-mapped ports
  • 22. 18/6/09 22 • Command • Status • Data Fig. 3.4a Types of Port Register 82C55A Functional Description I/O PA7- +5V GROUP A PA0 Data Bus Buffer POWER GROUP A PORT A SUPPLIES GND CONTROL (8) This three-state bi-directional 8-bit buffer is used to interface the 82C55A to the system data bus. Data is transmitted or I/O PC7- received by the buffer upon execution of input or output GROUP A PC4 BI-DIRECTIONAL PORT C instructions by the CPU. Control words and status informa- DATA BUS UPPER (4) I/O tion are also transferred through the data bus buffer. DATA PC3- D7-D0 BUS GROUP B PC0 BUFFER 8-BIT PORT C Read/Write and Control Logic INTERNAL LOWER DATA BUS (4) The function of this block is to manage all of the internal and external transfers of both Data and Control or Status words. I/O RD READ PB7- WR GROUP B PB0 It accepts inputs from the CPU Address and Control busses A1 WRITE CONTROL GROUP B CONTROL PORT B and in turn, issues commands to both of the Control Groups. A0 LOGIC (8) RESET (CS) Chip Select. A “low” on this input pin enables the communcation between the 82C55A and the CPU. (RD) Read. A “low” on this input pin enables 82C55A to send CS the data or status information to the CPU on the data bus. In FIGURE 1. 82C55A BLOCK DIAGRAM. DATA BUS BUFFER, essence, it allows the CPU to “read from” the 82C55A. READ/WRITE, GROUP A & B CONTROL LOGIC FUNCTIONS (WR) Write. A “low” on this input pin enables the CPU to write data or control words into the 82C55A. (RESET) Reset. A “high” on this input initializes the control (A0 and A1) Port Select 0 and Port Select 1. These input register to 9Bh and all ports (A, B, C) are set to the input signals, in conjunction with the RD and WR inputs, control mode. “Bus hold” devices internal to the 82C55A will hold the selection of one of the three ports or the control word the I/O port inputs to a logic “1” state with a maximum hold register. They are normally connected to the least significant current of 400µA. bits of the address bus (A0 and A1). Group A and Group B Controls 82C55A BASIC OPERATION The functional configuration of each port is programmed by the systems software. In essence, the CPU “outputs” a con- INPUT OPERATION trol word to the 82C55A. The control word contains A1 A0 RD WR CS (READ) information such as “mode”, “bit set”, “bit reset”, etc., that ini- tializes the functional configuration of the 82C55A. 0 0 0 1 0 Port A → Data Bus Each of the Control blocks (Group A and Group B) accepts 0 1 0 1 0 Port B → Data Bus “commands” from the Read/Write Control logic, receives “control words” from the internal data bus and issues the 1 0 0 1 0 Port C → Data Bus proper commands to its associated ports. Control Group A - Port A and Port C upper (C7 - C4) 1 1 0 1 0 Control Word → Data Bus Control Group B - Port B and Port C lower (C3 - C0) OUTPUT OPERATION The control word register can be both written and read as (WRITE) shown in the “Basic Operation” table. Figure 4 shows the control word format for both Read and Write operations. 0 0 1 0 0 Data Bus → Port A When the control word is read, bit D7 will always be a logic “1”, as this implies control word mode information. 0 1 1 0 0 Data Bus → Port B 1 0 1 0 0 Data Bus → Port C 1 1 1 0 0 Data Bus → Control DISABLE FUNCTION X X X X 1 Data Bus → Three-State X X 1 1 0 Data Bus → Three-State 3 Fig. 3.4b Data Sheet (page 3) for a Harris 82C55A, Parallel Port I/O Chip
  • 23. 18/6/09 23 Port address Function 3F8-3FFH COM1 3F0-3F7H FDC 3C0-3DFH Graphics card 3B0-3BFH Graphics card 3A0-3AFH 380-38CH SDLC controller 378-37FH LPT1 300-31FH 2F8-2FFH COM2 278-27FH LPT2 210-217H Expansion unit 200-20FH Games por t 1F0-1F8H Primar y IDE controller 170-178H Secondary IDE controller 0E0-0FFH 8087 coprocessor slot 0C0-0DFH DMA controller (4 channels) 0A0-0BFH NNI reset 080-09FH DMA controller (4 channels) 060-07FH Digital i/o 040-05FH Counter/timer 020-02FH PIC 000-01FH DMA Fig. 3.4c A Listing of PC I/O-mapped Port Addresses with Standard Function Mode 0 - basic byte-wide input and output ports Mode 1 - bytes passed by strobed (async) handshake Mode 2 - tri-state bus action Fig. 3.4d Modes of Activity for an i8255 PIO
  • 24. 18/6/09 24 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Control Register C0 - C3: 1 - input, 0 - output B0 - B7: 1 - input, 0 - output Mode: 0 - basic, 1 - strobed C4 - C7: 1 - input, 0 - output A0 - A7: 1 - input, 0 - output Mode: 00 - basic, 01 - strobed, 10 - bus 1 - set port modes Fig. 3.4e Control Register Functions for the 8255 PPI // Win-98 init an 8255 at 0x1f3: Port A IN; B OUT; C OUT outp((short)0x1F3, 0x90); // Initialize 8255 Command Register System buses operate at 500 Mbyte/sec Blocks of characters moved at 100 Mbyte/sec Ethernet transfers data at 10 Mbytes/sec Telephone call needs 8 Kbyte/sec Serial lines frequently run at 1 Kbyte/sec Epson printers operate at 100 byte/sec Keyboards send at 4 byte/sec Fig. 3.5a Relative speeds of operation
  • 25. 18/6/09 25 Dedicated Intermittant spin timed polling polling Fig. 3.5b Dedicated and Intermittent Polling rob> su Password: ****** root> ls -al duckshoot root> -rwxr-xr-x 1 rob rob 14336 Apr 17 11:26 duckshoot root> chown root:root duckshoot root> ls -al duckshoot root> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14336 Apr 17 11:26 duckshoot root> chmod +s duckshoot root> ls -al duckshoot root> -rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 14336 Apr 17 11:27 duckshoot root> exit rob> ./duckshoot Fig. 3.6a Root access to ports Fig. 3.6b Duckshoot sequence
  • 26. 18/6/09 26 /* duckshoot.c, * demo of parallel port facilities for I/O * Trigger button has to be relaxed between shots */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <parapin.h> // gcc -O duckshoot.c -lparapin -o duckshoot #define OUTPUT_PINS 0x00FF #define INPUT_PINS 0xF000 // obtained from parapins.h void right_rot(unsigned char * f) { unsigned char t = *f; *f = (*f>>1) | ((t & 1) ? 0x80 : 0); } void left_rot(unsigned char * f) { unsigned char t = *f; *f = (*f<<1) | ((t & 0x80) ? 1 : 0); } void put_byte(unsigned char b) { unsigned int i, mask=1; for (i=0; i<8; i++) if (b & mask<<i) set_pin(LP_PIN[i+2]); else clear_pin(LP_PIN[i+2]); } int main() { unsigned char flock = 0x0f; // initial flock of 4 ducks int i, snore, trigger, direction; if (pin_init_user(LPT1) < 0) exit(0); pin_output_mode(OUTPUT_PINS); // 8 LEDs to display current state of flock pin_input_mode(INPUT_PINS); // direction, speed, and trigger while (flock && flock<0xFF) { // continue until flock empty or full put_byte(flock); // update LED display printf(" %2x n", flock); if (pin_is_set(LP_PIN12) ) snore=250000; else snore=50000; trigger = pin_is_set(LP_PIN10); // get state of trigger direction = pin_is_set(LP_PIN13); // get direction of flight usleep(snore); if(trigger && !pin_is_set(LP_PIN10)) flock /= direction ? 0x01 : 0x80;
  • 27. 18/6/09 27 if (direction) // rotate flock right_rot(&flock); else left_rot(&flock); }; if (flock==0) // end of game! printf("You won!nn"); else printf("You lost!nn"); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { set_pin(OUTPUT_PINS); usleep(100000); clear_pin(OUTPUT_PINS); usleep(100000); } clear_pin(OUTPUT_PINS); return 0; }
  • 28. 18/6/09 28 /* Example of Linux tcsetattr( ) function to disable keyboard blocking & buffering, for single char entry */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/termios.h> #include <ctype.h> void setterm(void) { struct termios kbd; tcgetattr(0, &kbd); // file descriptor 0 = stdin kbd.c_lflag &= ∼(ICANON); kbd.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; kbd.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &kbd); //console device } main ( ) { int letter = ’a’; setterm( ); while (letter != ’q’) { letter = getchar( ); putchar(’.’); } } Fig. 3.7a Reconfiguring Keyboard Input on Linux int fd; struct termios tty; fd = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK); if (fd <0) {perror("failed to open /dev/ttyS0"); exit(-1); } tcgetattr(fd, &tty); tty.c_lflag &= ∼(ICANON); tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tty); Fig. 3.7b Setting the Linux COM port #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> main( ) { int fd; fd = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_RDWR); if (fd <0) {perror("failed to open /dev/lp0"); exit(-1); } fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); .... } Fig. 3.7c Setting non-blocking devices using fcntl( )
  • 29. 18/6/09 29 Interrupt Request CPU Int Ack System Bus Main I/O Memor y Fig. 3.8a Using the CPU Interrupt Req and Ack Lines • External interrupts • System errors • TRAP instructions Fig. 3.8b Exception Types
  • 30. 18/6/09 30 Interrupt Request CPU System Bus Main Memor y I/O A I/O B I/O C Fig. 3.9a Many interrupting devices on one Int Req Interrupt Request CPU Int Ack System Bus Main IVR IVR IVR Memor y I/O A I/O B I/O C Fig. 3.9b Vectored Interrupts with daisy-chain prioritization Line Programmable Interrupt Controller IVR table Interrupt Requests CPU System Bus Main I/O A I/O B I/O C Memor y Fig. 3.9c Vectored Interrupts Using PIC hardware
  • 31. 18/6/09 31 • Device Polling • Device Returns Vector • Interrupt Controller (PIC) Fig. 3.9d Device Identification Interrupt request CPU Intr Ack IVR main() I/O chip isr IVT Device Memor y Fig. 3.9e Locating ISRs using IVR facilities Retriggerable 100 Hz monostable 10k 50 Hz line Power fail frequency interrupt 50 Hz interrupt 1 2 2 1 J-K flip-flop Opto-couplers Fig. 3.10 Sources of power line interrupt signals
  • 32. 18/6/09 32 IRQ0 Int Function Source IRQ1 Number 77 Hard Disk2 IRQ15 IRQ3 PIC 1 76 Hard Disk1 IRQ14 to IRQ4 75 8087 IRQ13 Pentium IRQ5 interrupt 74 PS/2 Mouse IRQ12 IRQ6 IRQ7 73 Soundcard IRQ11 72 Network IRQ10 71 Redirected IRQ2 IRQ8 70 RTC IRQ8 IRQ9 IRQ10 ........... IRQ11 PIC 2 IRQ12 18 BIOS/TOD INT IRQ13 17 BIOS/softboot INT IRQ14 16 BIOS/print INT IRQ15 15 BIOS/KBD INT 14 BIOS/comms INT 13 BIOS/disk INT 12 BIOS/msize INT 11 BIOS/check INT 10 BIOS/Video INT IRQ7 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQ1 IRQ0 0F LPT1: IRQ7 0E FDC IRQ6 PIC Interrupt Mask Register (21H) 0D SoundCard IRQ5 1 -disable 0C COM1: IRQ4 0 - enable 0B COM2: IRQ3 EOI 0 0 I2 I1 I0 0A ---- IRQ2 09 KBD: IRQ1 PIC Interrupt Control Register (20H) 08 System Timer IRQ0 EOI - write 1, reenable interrupts 07 I0-I2 - read, current interrupt number 06 05 Screen dump to printer 04 Numeric Overflow 03 Breakpoint 02 NMI, Power fail 01 Single Step Trace 00 Integer Divide Error Fig. 3.11a Part of the PC IVT and related PIC connections
  • 33. 18/6/09 33 PIC IVR table CPU Interrupt request main() I/O chip isr Device IVT Memor y Fig. 3.11b Locating Interrupt Service Routines prioritised deferred isr 1 isr 2 isr 3 Top Half ser vice immediate routine queue Bottom Half deferred CPU Fig. 3.12 Deferred Interrupt Processing
  • 34. 18/6/09 34 • I/O data transfer request • Software TRAP (SVC) • Machine Failure • Real-time Tick • Run-time Software Error • System Reset or Watchdog Fig. 3.13a Possible Sources of Interrupts User System Privilege Privileged facilities Interrupt request Fig. 3.13b How interrupts assist operating system security Global data main() isr() Fig. 3.15a Using global data for communication
  • 35. 18/6/09 35 • disable interrupts • serialise the access • use a semaphore Fig. 3.15b Alternative solutions to protecting a critical resource
  • 36. 18/6/09 36 Data Variables Display Routines ISR in Memory Interrupt request msecs++ msecs 990 Display secs secs 59 Display mins msecs = 0 mins 59 secs++ hrs 01 Display hrs secs = 0 mins++ mins = 0 Hours Mins Secs hrs++ hrs = 0 rte Fig. 3.15c Real-time Clock and Time-of-day Display
  • 37. 18/6/09 37 Tick Flag Interrupt No tick request tickF++ tickF=0 msecs++ ISR Data Variables in Memory N msecs 990 msecs = 0 secs++ secs 59 N mins 59 secs = 0 Fig. 3.15d Using a Tick Flag hrs 01 mins++ N mins = 0 hrs++ N hrs = 0 N Display secs Display mins Display hrs
  • 38. 18/6/09 38 Transmit Data Buffer Tx Tx Interrupt putc( ) Dev request Driver Tx ISR Tx data User Receive UART Applctn Data Buffer Rx ISR Rx Rx data getc( ) Dev Rx Interrupt Driver request Fig. 3.16 Using Buffered, Interrupt-driven I/O
  • 39. 18/6/09 39 4. Cyclic Executives on Bare Hardware clock interrupt rtc isr tick flag task 1 task 2 task 3 task 4 Burn ? Test for 20 msec tick Fig. 4.2 Timed Cyclic Loop with Burn Task 20 ms Fig. 4.3a The 50 Hz R-t Clock, or Tick System CPU Clock RTC Interrupt Request System Bus Main CTC Memory Fig. 4.3b Generating the R-t Tick Interrupt - event driven preemption, rapid response Clock - periodic scanning with fixed runtime Base - no strict requirements, background activity Fig. 4.3c Task priority levels for a cyclic executive
  • 40. 18/6/09 40 task 3.odd task 1 task 2 task 4 Burn ? task 3.even Test for tick Fig. 4.4 Cyclic Loop with a Split Clock Task 2 ms allocated per slot t1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t2 t3 t2 t3 t2 t3 t2 t3 t4 t4 t4 t4 t4 t4 t4 t4 t5 burn burn burn burn burn burn burn t6 t7 burn 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fig. 4.5a A 16 ms Time Frame with 8 execution slots Clock Base Sched Sched RTC Rx Tx •• ISRs Base tasks Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 7 Frame for Clock Tasks Fig. 4.5b Cyclic Executive Task Scheme
  • 41. 18/6/09 41 Interrupt RTC RxRdy Level isr isr Clock Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Level Base Level 20 ms Time interrupts Fig. 4.6 Execution with Interrupt, Clock & Base Tasks
  • 42. 18/6/09 42 /* Demo table-based cyclic task dispatcher for Linux with multiple task slots*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/times.h> #define SLOTX 4 #define CYCLEX 5 #define SLOT_T 5000 // 5 sec slot time int tps, cycle=0, slot=0; clock_t now, then; struct tms n; void one() { // task code printf("task 1 runningn"); sleep(1); } void two() { printf("task 2 runningn"); sleep(2); } void three() { printf("task 3 runningn"); sleep(3); } void four() { printf("task 4 runningn"); sleep(4); } void five() { printf("task 5 runningn"); sleep(5); } void burn() { clock_t bstart = times(&n); while ( ((now=times(&n))-then) < SLOT_T*tps/1000 ) { /* burn time here */ } printf("burn time = %2.2dmsnn", (times(&n)-bstart)*1000/tps); then = now; cycle = CYCLEX; } void (*ttable[SLOTX][CYCLEX])() = { {one, two, burn, burn, burn}, {one, three, burn, burn, burn}, {one, four, burn, burn, burn}, {burn, burn, burn, burn, burn} }; main () { tps = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); printf("clock ticks/sec = %dnn", tps)); while (1) { for(slot=0; slot<SLOTX; slot++) for(cycle=0; cycle<CYCLEX; cycle++) (*ttable[slot][cycle])(); // dispatch next task from table } }
  • 43. 18/6/09 43 Fig. 4.8b Optical or Manual Crosspoint Switch 5v 10K 16 Button Keypad 3 1 0 1 2 3 0 A 2 4 5 6 7 4 bit 1 i/p 1 8 9 10 11 Microprocessor System Bus 1 0 12 13 14 15 3 1 1 C 2 4 bit 0 o/p 1 1 0 5v B 8 bit o/p 330Ω 4 Digit LED Display Fig. 4.8a Engineer’s Console: Keypad and Display
  • 44. 18/6/09 44 /* Keypad (16 switches) scanner and 7-seg digit LED refresh tasks * needs to be run at least every 20ms (50Hz minimum) * Linux version, 28-2-04 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "../PIO.h" #include <sys/termios.h> #include <ctype.h> #define COLSX 4 #define ROWSX 4 typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned int DWORD; DWORD keyflags; BYTE colsel=0; BYTE kpd0[COLSX]; BYTE kpd1[COLSX]; BYTE kpd2[COLSX]; BYTE ktrue[COLSX]; //current true keypad status BYTE kedge[COLSX]; BYTE kchange[COLSX]; //1 - key status changed BYTE digits[COLSX] ={3,2,1,0}; const BYTE segtab[] = {0xC0,0xF9,0xA4,0xB0,0x99,0x92,0x82, 0xF8,0x80,0x90,0x88,0x83,0xA7,0xA1,0x86,0x8E,0xFF}; const BYTE keytab[] = {1,2,3, 15,4,5,6,14,7,8,9,13,10,0,11,12}; int control, portA, portB, portC; int portAstatus = 0; int portBstatus = 0; int portCstatus = 0; void initFAB(int *control, int *porta, int *portb, int *portc); void closeFAB (int *control, int *porta, int *portb, int *portc); void inithw(void) { int x; setterm(); initFAB(&control, &portA, &portB, &portC); x = 0x90; write(control, &x, 1); // mode 0 }
  • 45. 18/6/09 45 BYTE colscan(void) { int i; BYTE know; colsel = (++colsel) % COLSX; portCstatus = (BYTE) (01 << colsel); portBstatus = segtab[digits[colsel]]; write(portB, &portBstatus, 1); write(portC, &portCstatus, 1); for(i=0;i<1000;i++); read(portA, &portAstatus, 1); kpd2[colsel] = kpd1[colsel]; kpd1[colsel] = kpd0[colsel]; kpd0[colsel] = (BYTE)portAstatus; kchange[colsel] = (kpd0[colsel] / kpd1[colsel]) | (kpd1[colsel] / kpd2[colsel]); know = (kpd2[colsel] & ∼kchange[colsel]) | (ktrue[colsel] & kchange[colsel]); kedge[colsel] = (know / ktrue[colsel]) & know; ktrue[colsel] = know; keyflags = 0; keyflags |= ktrue[0] & 0x0F; keyflags |= (ktrue[1] & 0x0F) << 4; keyflags |= (ktrue[2] & 0x0F) << 8; keyflags |= (ktrue[3] & 0x0F) << 12; keyflags &= 0x0000ffff; for(i=0; keyflags&1; keyflags>>=1) i++; return i; } int main () { struct tms *tim; BYTE key; DWORD then; inithw(); while (1) { key = colscan(); if (key <16) { digits[0]= keytab[key]; digits[1]= 16; digits[2]= key % 10; digits[3]= key / 10; } else { digits[0]= 16; digits[1]= 16; digits[2]= 16; digits[3]= 16; } printf(" key = %x n", key); then = (DWORD)times(&tim)+1; while (then > (DWORD)times(&tim)) { }; } closeFAB(&control, &portA, &portB, &portC); return 0; }
  • 46. 18/6/09 46 5. Finite State machines - design tool INPUTS OUTPUTS sources sinks micro- timer alarm controller bread loaded cooking element bread lowered buzzer cooking time star t timer release button warming element warm button smoke sensor Fig. 5.2a Context diagram for a toaster Input Type Rate Hz timer alarm bool 0.2 bread loaded bool 0.01 bread lowered bool 0.01 cooking time BYTE - release button bool ? warm button bool ? smoke sensor bool ? Output cooking element bit 0.01 buzzer bit 0.2 star t timer bit 0.2 warming element bit 0.01 Fig. 5.2b Fully specifying I/O
  • 47. 18/6/09 47 Toggle keepwarmSetCooktime bread loaded Waiting Holding cooking 0 1 time i/p Buzz Heater off no bread bread lowered Warmer off Release bread Buzz Heater on Toggle Set timer release Star t timer keepwarm button time alarm OR smoke OR release timer Warming Cooking warm alarm 3 2 button pressed Buzz time alarm & warm Heater off OR release & warm Warmer on Set timer Fig. 5.3 Example FSD: the toaster Transition Trigger Action State 0 event State 1 Fig. 5.4a States, Transitions, Trigger Events and Actions state: unchanging, waiting condition transition: valid routes between states, triggered by events event: triggers transition between states, often an input action: activity/procedure undertaken on entry to a new state Fig. 5.4b Component Parts of Finite State Diagrams
  • 48. 18/6/09 48 Entr y Exit Action St1 Action Action Fig. 5.4c Entry, State and Exit Actions Star t pressed Timed out & door shut Trigger Event Unlock Door Loading Open fill valve cnt=0 Action list Holding Filling Water low Full & cnt<2 & cnt==0 open water valve Close fill valve Drain pump off Heater on Full & cnt>0 wc=0 Heating Timed out Set timer close water valve Motor off Water hot Set timer Heater off Nrot=0 Set Timer Nrot>4 Spinning Drain on Pause1 cnt++ Tumbling Draining Timed out (cw) Water low motor on CW & cnt>=2 Timed out Timed out Set timer Drain pump off motor off motor off Fan on Set timer Set timer Timer set Nrot++ ATumbling Pause2 (ccw) Timed out motor on CCW Set timer Fig. 5.5 FSD for a Washing Machine
  • 49. 18/6/09 49 Induction Loop c-- L1 Detectors OFF .......... . ........... .. . .. ......... .. . .......................................................... ... .... .. c-- ............................................................ . .. . . . .. . . ...... ...... ...... ....... .... ... . . . . . 00 10 11 00 L2 00 Vehicles S5 S1 S9 11 11 10 10 10 00 00 10 S4 S2 S6 S10 S8 01 00 00 01 00 01 01 11 11 S3 S11 S7 00 00 c++ 00 c++ 01 OFF c++ Fig. 5.6a FSD for a Vehicle Induction Loop Detector Unit Data Conditions Exiting from Go to State State Star t pressed & Door Shut Waiting Filling Water Full & cnt==0 Filling Heating Water Hot Heating Pause1 Time Out Pause1 TumbleCCW Time Out TumbleCCW Pause2 Time Out Pause2 TumbleCW Time Out TumbleCW Pause1 Nrot>4 Pause1 Draining Water Low & cnt<2 Draining Filling Water Low & cnt>=2 Draining Spinning Time Out Spinning Holding Time Out Holding Waiting Fig. 5.6b An Event Table, with data values and conditions
  • 50. 18/6/09 50 kettle weight sensor. Tea pot weight sensor. Water heater control relay. Radio power control relay. Aler t buzzer. Reading light relay. User control panel with selection buttons. Press Next Press Forward advance digit value++ Setting Press Next Timed out | cancel Waiting radio off Morning Tea Radio On set timer radio on Timing Timed out & Radio only Timed out & Buzz selected Radio on, set timer star t buzzer Timed out & Tea kettle on Boiling Buzzing Kettle empty kettle off, radio on, set timer Radio Cancel Alarm Buzz off, Radio on, set timer Fig. 5.9 FSD for a Teas-made Bedside Alarm
  • 51. 18/6/09 51 Filling Open valve Washing Pause1 TumbleCCW Pause2 TumbleCW motor off motor CCW motor off motor CW Set timer Set timer Set timer Set timer Heating Draining Cancel pressed Heater On Pump on Fig. 5.10a Washing Machine as a Hierarchical FSD
  • 52. 18/6/09 52 NEXT SET INCR END Fig. 5.10b Digital watch buttons Setting set Display h Clock TOD set minAlarm next next min incr set hour next Alarm hour incr alarm set day next Alarm next day incr Cleared Set month next next month incr year next Fig. 5.10c Hierarchical statechart for the digital watch year incr next Display Alarm AppClass aState Setting Silent Bell State1 StateN Fig. 5.12 OO state design pattern Fig. 5.11 Parallel statecharts
  • 53. 18/6/09 53 6. Finite state machines - implementation • sequential code closely following the FSD, used by OOP • multiple CASE: case/switch statement to model the FSD • based on goto-labels • FST: Finite State Table method • Object oriented design pattern with dynamic states Fig. 6.2a Implementation Techniques for FSDs Toggle SetCooktim keepwarm SetCooktim Bread in Cook Waiting Holding Bread Cook time 0 1 No Bread time Buzz Warmer off Heater off Cook Request Release bread Buzz Heater on Toggle Set timer Bread Set timer keepwarm raised Time up OR Smoke OR Raised Timeup Warming Cooking 3 2 Warm button pressed Buzz Time up & warm Heater off OR Raised & warm Warmer on Set timer Fig. 6.2b Finite State Diagram for the Toaster
  • 54. 18/6/09 54 Init Waiting SetCooktime 0 Holding Toggle SetCooktime keepwarm 1 Heater on Set timer Buzz Heater off Cooking Toggle Release bread 2 keepwarm Buzz Heater off Warm on Warming Buzz Warm off Set timer 3 Fig. 6.3 Algorithmic State Machine for a Toaster
  • 55. 18/6/09 55 /* toaster1.c, direct sequential coding of FSD for Linux */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <ncurses.h> #include <sys/times.h> #include <unistd.h> #define BREADIN ’B’ #define BREADUP ’N’ #define RELEASE ’R’ #define WARMTOGGLE ’T’ #define COOKRQ ’C’ #define BUZZTIME 5 main() { clock_t delay, cooktime=1; struct tms n; int key = ’0’; unsigned int warm = 0; unsigned int tps; initscr(); cbreak(); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); tps = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); // ticks per second while (1) { do { do { putchar(’n’); do { if (isdigit(key)) cooktime = (key - ’0’); printf("WAITING 0, Cook time=%2d secs r", cooktime); // State 0 key = getch(); } while (toupper(key) != BREADIN); putchar(’n’); do { if (isdigit(key)) cooktime = (key - ’0’); if (key==WARMTOGGLE) warm=!warm; printf("HOLDING 1, Cook time=%2d secs, Warming %s, r",cooktime,(warm)?"ON":"OFF"); key = toupper(getch()); //State 1 } while (key!=COOKRQ && key!=BREADUP); } while (key != COOKRQ); printf("nheater turned onn"); delay = times(&n) + cooktime*tps; do { if (key == WARMTOGGLE) warm = !warm; printf("COOKING 2, Warming %s, time=%3.1d r",(warm)?"ON":"OFF",(delay-times(&n))/tps); key = toupper(getch()); } while ((delay > times(&n)) && (key!=RELEASE)); //State 2 } while (!warm); putchar(’n’); do { putchar(’007’); delay = times(&n) + BUZZTIME*tps; do { printf("WARMING 3 r"); } while (delay > times(&n)); //State 3 } while (toupper(getch()) != RELEASE); } }
  • 56. 18/6/09 56 /* toaster2.c, a keyboard/screen simulation using Linux timing & i/o Implemented using switch/case with centralised input scanning */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <ncurses.h> // compile with: gcc toaster2.c -lncurses -otoaster2 #include <sys/times.h> #include <unistd.h> #define FOREVER 1 #define COOKRQ ’C’ #define BREADIN ’B’ #define BREADUP ’N’ #define RELEASE ’R’ #define WARMTOGGLE ’T’ #define BUZZTIME 5 #define WAITING 0 #define HOLDING 1 #define COOKING 2 #define WARMING 3 unsigned int events, state, state_events; clock_t cooktime, targettick; struct tms n; int keep_warm; unsigned int ccount, tps; int key; void wait() { printf("Waitingnr"); } void hold() { printf("Holding breadnr"); } void cook() { printf("Heater on full, set delay for cooking timenr"); printf("Cooking toast for %d secsnr", cooktime); targettick = times(&n) + cooktime*tps; // setting cooking period } void warm() { printf("07 07 07 Buzz, Heater on half, set delay for buzznr"); targettick = times(&n) + BUZZTIME*tps; // 5sec interval on buzzer printf("Toast ready and warmingnr"); } void off() { printf("007 007 007 Buzz, Timer off, Heater Offnr"); printf("Toast readynr"); } void buzz() { printf("007 007 007 BUZZ, BUZZ, Warming, set delay for next buzznr"); targettick = times(&n) + BUZZTIME*tps; // 5sec interval on buzzer } void setcooktime() { cooktime = key - ’0’; printf("ncooking time set to %d secsnr", cooktime); } void toggle() { keep_warm = !keep_warm; printf("ntoggle warming status to %snr", (keep_warm ? "ON":"OFF")); }
  • 57. 18/6/09 57 main() { state = 0; printf("nn"); initscr(); cbreak(); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); tps = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); while (FOREVER) { key = 0; key = toupper(getch()); printf("State = %2d r",state); switch (state) { case WAITING: if (key == BREADIN) { state = HOLDING; } else if (isdigit(key) ){ setcooktime(); } else if (key == WARMTOGGLE) { toggle(); } break; case HOLDING: if (key == BREADUP) { state = WAITING; } else if (isdigit(key) ){ setcooktime(); } else if (key == WARMTOGGLE) { toggle(); } else if (key == COOKRQ) { cook(); state = COOKING; } break; case COOKING: if (key == WARMTOGGLE) { toggle(); break; } if ( targettick < times(&n) || key == BREADUP) { off(); if (keep_warm) { warm(); state = WARMING; } else { state = WAITING; } } break; case WARMING: if ( targettick < times(&n) ){ buzz(); } if(key == RELEASE) { off(); state = WAITING; } break; } } }
  • 58. 18/6/09 58 Toaster Init Toasting * forever 1 slice state Operation ° ° ° ° Waiting 0 Holding 1 Cooking 2 Warming 3 event event event event * * * * time ° toggle ° timeup ° timeup ° input input input input do state do state do set do set action =0 action =1 action index action index time toggle nobread bread ° ° ° ° do state do state do set do set action =1 action =1 action index action index cook wtimeup ° ° do state do set action =2 action index nobread ° do state action =0 Fig. 6.4 Structure chart equivalent for the toaster FSD
  • 59. 18/6/09 59 /* toaster3.c, a keyboard/screen simulation for Linux timing & i/o. Implemented using goto/label jump structure */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ncurses.h> //link to gcc toaster3.c -lncurses -otoastie #include <sys/times.h> #include <unistd.h> #define COOKRQ ’C’ #define BREADIN ’B’ #define BREADUP ’N’ #define RELEASE ’R’ #define WARMTOGGLE ’T’ #define BUZZTIME 5 clock_t targettick, cooktime; struct tms n; int keep_warm = ∼0; int key, tps; void wait() { printf("Waiting nr"); } void hold() { printf("Holding bread nr"); } void cook() { printf("Heater on full, set delay for cooking timenr"); printf("Cooking toast for %d secsrn", cooktime); targettick = times(&n) + cooktime*tps; // setting cooking period } void warm() { printf("Buzz, Heater on half, set delay for buzznr"); printf("Toast ready and warmingnr"); targettick = times(&n) + BUZZTIME*tps; // 5sec interval on buzzer } void off() { printf("Buzz, Timer off, Heater Offnr"); printf("Toast ready and coolingnr"); } void buzz() { targettick = times(&n) + BUZZTIME*tps; // 5sec interval on buzzer putchar(’007’); } void setcooktime() { cooktime = key - ’0’; targettick = times(&n) + cooktime*tps; printf("ncooking time set to %d secsnr", cooktime); } void toggle() { keep_warm = !keep_warm; printf("ntoggle warming status to %snr", (keep_warm ? "ON":"OFF")); }
  • 60. 18/6/09 60 main() { struct tms n; initscr(); cbreak(); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); noecho(); tps = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); Waiting: printf("WAITING 0 r"); key = toupper(getch()); if (key == BREADIN) { hold(); goto Holding; } if (isdigit(key)) { setcooktime(); } goto Waiting; Holding: printf("HOLDING 1, Warming is %s r", (keep_warm) ? "ON":"OFF"); key = toupper(getch()); if (key == BREADUP) { wait(); goto Waiting; } if (key == COOKRQ) { cook(); goto Cooking; } if (key == WARMTOGGLE) keep_warm = ∼keep_warm; if (isdigit(key)) setcooktime(); goto Holding; Cooking: printf("COOKING 2 r"); key = toupper(getch()); if ( (targettick < times(&n)) || (key == RELEASE)) { if (keep_warm) { warm(); goto Warming; } else { off(); goto Waiting; } } if (key == WARMTOGGLE) { toggle(); } goto Cooking; Warming: printf("WARMING 3 r"); if (targettick > times(&n)) { key = getch(); if (toupper(key) == RELEASE) { off(); goto Waiting; } } else { buzz(); } goto Warming; }
  • 61. 18/6/09 61 states 0 STATESX-1 0 events FST {VALID, NEXT_STATE, ACTION} EVENTSX-1 Fig. 6.6 Finite State Table layout