patient rights emr patient advocacy ehr meaningful use patients hit hospice hitech patient art advocacy street art patient safety social media blue button the walking gallery patient voice health policy arts pharmacy epatients palliative care art electronic medical records 73 cents crowdfund idea spread culture shift toys big data emr. patient advocacy health care visual arts policy and advocacy patient portal end of life eol mental health pharmaceutical drug health 2.0 qr codes education stephen king buffy the vampire slayer ihi advocacy diabetes community business painting cancer women in hit caregivers pati medical school mass media public health o activism abuse aces icons ghostbusters organ donation glados patient harm open notes open data data access cms hen quality of life special education patient education e-patient pharma cpoe pharmaceutical fred holliday ii agency for healthcare research and quality ahrq onc meta data tags tagging quality control evidence-based medicine quality management hospital consumer adoption hcahps regina benjamin metro bus ogo sport ring regina holliday special ed compliance 73 cents patient advocacy medicine hhs hitpol
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