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San Francisco - 29 May 2013
to MCollective
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Who am I?
• Puppet user since 0.22.x
• Architect of MCollective
• Author of Extlookup and Hiera
• Developer at Puppet Labs London
• Blog at
• Tweets at @ripienaar
• Volcane on IRC
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
What is MCollective?
Framework for building server
orchestration and parallel job execution
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
• Server Addressing
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
• Server Addressing
• Logging
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
• Server Addressing
• Logging
• Connectivity
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
• Server Addressing
• Logging
• Connectivity
• Authentication,Authorization and Auditing
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
• Server Addressing
• Logging
• Connectivity
• Authentication,Authorization and Auditing
• Data Structures andValidation
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
• Server Addressing
• Logging
• Connectivity
• Authentication,Authorization and Auditing
• Data Structures andValidation
• Generated or Custom User Interface
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
• Server Addressing
• Logging
• Connectivity
• Authentication,Authorization and Auditing
• Data Structures andValidation
• Generated or Custom User Interface
• Shell Completion
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
• Server Addressing
• Logging
• Connectivity
• Authentication,Authorization and Auditing
• Data Structures andValidation
• Generated or Custom User Interface
• Shell Completion
• Ruby based with debuggers and unit/integration testing
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
• Server Addressing
• Logging
• Connectivity
• Authentication,Authorization and Auditing
• Data Structures andValidation
• Generated or Custom User Interface
• Shell Completion
• Ruby based with debuggers and unit/integration testing
• Synchronous, Asynchronous and Hybrid comms modes
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
• Server Addressing
• Logging
• Connectivity
• Authentication,Authorization and Auditing
• Data Structures andValidation
• Generated or Custom User Interface
• Shell Completion
• Ruby based with debuggers and unit/integration testing
• Synchronous, Asynchronous and Hybrid comms modes
• ...everything is pluggable
Framework provides
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
CLI Overview
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Default CLI
$ mco rpc puppet status
Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28
==> ] 28 / 28
Applying: false
Daemon Running: false
Enabled: true
Idling: false
Status: stopped
Summary of Daemon Running:
stopped = 28
Summary of Enabled:
enabled = 28
Summary of Idling:
false = 28
Summary of Status:
stopped = 28
Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 270.99 ms
Pluggable source of
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Default CLI
$ mco rpc puppet status
Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28
==> ] 28 / 28
Applying: false
Daemon Running: false
Enabled: true
Idling: false
Status: stopped
Summary of Daemon Running:
stopped = 28
Summary of Enabled:
enabled = 28
Summary of Idling:
false = 28
Summary of Status:
stopped = 28
Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 270.99 ms
Completion Progress
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Default CLI
$ mco rpc puppet status
Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28
==> ] 28 / 28
Applying: false
Daemon Running: false
Enabled: true
Idling: false
Status: stopped
Summary of Daemon Running:
stopped = 28
Summary of Enabled:
enabled = 28
Summary of Idling:
false = 28
Summary of Status:
stopped = 28
Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 270.99 ms
Results in a Human
friendly format
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Default CLI
$ mco rpc puppet status
Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28
==> ] 28 / 28
Applying: false
Daemon Running: false
Enabled: true
Idling: false
Status: stopped
Summary of Daemon Running:
stopped = 28
Summary of Enabled:
enabled = 28
Summary of Idling:
false = 28
Summary of Status:
stopped = 28
Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 270.99 ms
Summary for the
entire result set
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Default CLI
$ mco rpc puppet status
Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28
==> ] 28 / 28
Applying: false
Daemon Running: false
Enabled: true
Idling: false
Status: stopped
Summary of Daemon Running:
stopped = 28
Summary of Enabled:
enabled = 28
Summary of Idling:
false = 28
Summary of Status:
stopped = 28
Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 270.99 ms
28 RPC results
across 3 countries
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Default CLI
$ mco rpc libvirt domaininfo domain=devco_net
Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 4
==> ] 4 / 4
Autostart: true
CPU Time: 1652031000000000
Current Snapshot: false
Managed Save: false
Max Memory: 2097152
Memory: 2097152
Number of Snapshots: 0
Persistent: true
Snapshots: []
State Code: 1
State: Running
UUID: a6e10d5b-fa5a-8d0c-cbc2-d63b1043970a
VCPUs: 2
Finished processing 4 / 4 hosts in 340.09 ms
4 results, only
shows most
appropriate 1
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Default CLI
$ mco rpc libvirt domaininfo domain=devco_net -j -I
"statusmsg": "OK",
"data": {
"max_memory": 2097152,
"num_of_snapshots": 0,
"state": 1,
"memory": 2097152,
"cputime": 1652082980000000,
"has_current_snapshot": false,
"state_description": "Running",
"has_managed_save": false,
"autostart": true,
"persistent": true,
"vcpus": 2,
"uuid": "a6e10d5b-fa5a-8d0c-cbc2-d63b1043970a",
"snapshots": [
"sender": "",
"agent": "libvirt",
"action": "domaininfo",
"statuscode": 0
Everything is DATA
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Server Addressing
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Class Filters
$ mco package status httpd -C /apache/
Server Addressing
Nodes with Puppet Classes /apache/
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Fact Filters
$ mco package status httpd -F country=uk
Server Addressing
Nodes with the custom fact “country”
set to “uk”
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Identity Filters
$ mco package status httpd -I
Server Addressing
One specific node called “”
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Simple Combined Fact and Class Filters
$ mco package .... -W “country=uk /apache/”
Server Addressing
Nodes in the UK with Puppet Classes
matching /apache/
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Compound Statements for facts, classes and data
$ mco .. -S “((country=uk and /apache/) 
or customer=acme) 
and puppet().config_retrieval_time > 30"
Server Addressing
UK nodes with Apache in addition to all
nodes for “customer=acme” where
Puppet compiles are slow
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Request Security
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
SSL Security setup for user “rip”
securityprovider = ssl
plugin.ssl_client_private = /home/rip/.mcollective.d/rip-private.pem
plugin.ssl_client_public = /home/rip/.mcollective.d/rip.pem
Pluggable - PSK, SSL,AES, SSH, etc
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Authorization rules for “puppet” agent
policy default deny
allow cert=rip runonce environment=production customer=acme
Set by security system
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Authorization rules for “puppet” agent
policy default deny
allow cert=rip runonce environment=production customer=acme
List of Actions
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Authorization rules for “puppet” agent
policy default deny
allow cert=rip * environment=production apache
allow cert=dev runonce maintenance().scheduled=true
Facts, Classes and Data Plugins
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Pluggable audit output - this is for Logstash
{'@source_host' => "",
 '@tags' => [],
 '@type' => 'mcollective-audit',
 '@source' => 'mcollective-audit',
 '@timestamp' => "2013-05-27T18:18:22.000000+0100",
'@fields' => {'uniqid' => "cebb1eed9d505ce1a699dce9c5e1fb39",
               'request_time' => "2013-05-27T18:18:22.000000+0100",
               'callerhost' => "",
               'caller' => "cert=rip",
               'agent' => "puppet",
               'action' => "runonce",
               'data' => {}},
               '@message' => " invoked agent
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Quick Agent Guide
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
MCollective Agents
• Units of addressable logic
• An agent has actions - package agent has
update, status, install, uninstall etc
• Written in Ruby, actions can be Python,
PHP, Perl and others
• Deployable for interactive commands,
background daemons, SOA style services,
• Optional custom user interfaces
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Generate a skeleton agent
$ mco plugin generate agent nrpe actions=runcommand
Created plugin directory : nrpe
Created DDL file : nrpe/agent/nrpe.ddl
Created Agent file : nrpe/agent/nrpe.rb
Writing an Agent
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
DDL File describes the agent for UI
generation and input validation
metadata :name => "nrpe",
         :description => "NRPE Agent",
         :author => "R.I.Pienaar <>",
         :license => "ASL2.0",
         :version => "0.1",
         :url => "",
         :timeout => 10
action "runcommand", :description => "Run a preconfigured NRPE command" do
    input :command,
          :prompt      => "Command",
          :description => "NRPE command to run",
          :type        => :string,
          :validation  => 'A[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+z',
          :optional    => false,
          :maxlength   => 50
    output :exitcode,
           :description  => "Exit Code from the Nagios plugin",
           :display_as   => "Exit Code",
           :default      => 3
Writing an Agent
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Agent logic
module MCollective
  module Agent
    class Nrpe<RPC::Agent
      action "runcommand" do
        reply[:exitcode] = run(get_nrpe_command(request[:command]),
                               :stdout => :output,
                               :stderr => :output,
                               :chomp  => true)
      def get_nrpe_command(command)
        # not shown
Writing an Agent
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Ready to deploy...
Writing an Agent
$ mco plugin package
Created RPM and SRPM packages for mcollective-nrpe-agent
Created RPM and SRPM packages for mcollective-nrpe-common
$ ls -l *rpm
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
...but test your code first using
mcollective-test gem
Writing an Agent
describe "nrpe agent" do
  describe "#runcommand" do
    before do
      @agent ="nrpe",
:agent_file => “agent/nrpe.rb”).plugin
    it "should return correct status" do
      result =, :command => "rspec")
      result.should be_successful
      result.should have_data_items(:exitcode=>0)
Custom matchers
and helpers
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Post deployment, interact using
standard RPC user interface
Writing an Agent
$ mco rpc nrpe runcommand command=check_load
Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28
* [ ============================================================> ]
28 / 28 Request Aborted
Summary of Exit Code:
OK : 27
Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 418.42 ms
Agents can provide custom
aggregation plugins
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
...or web interfaces with auto-generated
user interfaces based on the DDL
Writing an Agent
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
...or web interfaces with auto-generated
user interfaces based on the DDL
Writing an Agent
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
New in MCollective 2
• Entirely rewritten messaging layer
• Asynchronous mode
• Additional non-broadcast based comms
• Reliable messaging with TTLs and Queues
• Batched mode to affect nodes in groups
• Improved RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ support
• Pluggable discovery against your own source of truth
• Data plugins for discovery, data query and ACLs
• Plugin Generators and Packaging
• Improved Security
• MS Windows Support
• DDL based pluggableValidation on clients and servers
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Better Docs
• New Deployment Guide -
• Improved ActiveMQ docs for MCollective - http://
• ...agent development reference docs up next
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
More turnkey plugins
with dedicated
developer. Improved
plugin ecosystem.
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Complex workflow
orchestration scripts
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
Improved support for
background and long
running commands
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
SOA like framework
R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar
twitter: @ripienaar
github: ripienaar
freenode: Volcane
vagrant demo:

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Introduction to MCollective - SF PUG

  • 1. R.I.Pienaar San Francisco - 29 May 2013 Introduction to MCollective
  • 2. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Who am I? • Puppet user since 0.22.x • Architect of MCollective • Author of Extlookup and Hiera • Developer at Puppet Labs London • Blog at • Tweets at @ripienaar • Volcane on IRC
  • 3. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar What is MCollective? Framework for building server orchestration and parallel job execution systems
  • 4. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Framework provides
  • 5. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar • Server Addressing Framework provides
  • 6. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar • Server Addressing • Logging Framework provides
  • 7. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar • Server Addressing • Logging • Connectivity Framework provides
  • 8. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar • Server Addressing • Logging • Connectivity • Authentication,Authorization and Auditing Framework provides
  • 9. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar • Server Addressing • Logging • Connectivity • Authentication,Authorization and Auditing • Data Structures andValidation Framework provides
  • 10. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar • Server Addressing • Logging • Connectivity • Authentication,Authorization and Auditing • Data Structures andValidation • Generated or Custom User Interface Framework provides
  • 11. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar • Server Addressing • Logging • Connectivity • Authentication,Authorization and Auditing • Data Structures andValidation • Generated or Custom User Interface • Shell Completion Framework provides
  • 12. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar • Server Addressing • Logging • Connectivity • Authentication,Authorization and Auditing • Data Structures andValidation • Generated or Custom User Interface • Shell Completion • Ruby based with debuggers and unit/integration testing Framework provides
  • 13. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar • Server Addressing • Logging • Connectivity • Authentication,Authorization and Auditing • Data Structures andValidation • Generated or Custom User Interface • Shell Completion • Ruby based with debuggers and unit/integration testing • Synchronous, Asynchronous and Hybrid comms modes Framework provides
  • 14. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar • Server Addressing • Logging • Connectivity • Authentication,Authorization and Auditing • Data Structures andValidation • Generated or Custom User Interface • Shell Completion • Ruby based with debuggers and unit/integration testing • Synchronous, Asynchronous and Hybrid comms modes • ...everything is pluggable Framework provides
  • 15. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar CLI Overview
  • 16. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Default CLI $ mco rpc puppet status Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28 * [ ========================================================== ==> ] 28 / 28 Applying: false Daemon Running: false Enabled: true Idling: false Status: stopped . . Summary of Daemon Running: stopped = 28 Summary of Enabled: enabled = 28 Summary of Idling: false = 28 Summary of Status: stopped = 28 Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 270.99 ms Pluggable source of truth
  • 17. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Default CLI $ mco rpc puppet status Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28 * [ ========================================================== ==> ] 28 / 28 Applying: false Daemon Running: false Enabled: true Idling: false Status: stopped . . Summary of Daemon Running: stopped = 28 Summary of Enabled: enabled = 28 Summary of Idling: false = 28 Summary of Status: stopped = 28 Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 270.99 ms Completion Progress
  • 18. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Default CLI $ mco rpc puppet status Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28 * [ ========================================================== ==> ] 28 / 28 Applying: false Daemon Running: false Enabled: true Idling: false Status: stopped . . Summary of Daemon Running: stopped = 28 Summary of Enabled: enabled = 28 Summary of Idling: false = 28 Summary of Status: stopped = 28 Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 270.99 ms Results in a Human friendly format
  • 19. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Default CLI $ mco rpc puppet status Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28 * [ ========================================================== ==> ] 28 / 28 Applying: false Daemon Running: false Enabled: true Idling: false Status: stopped . . Summary of Daemon Running: stopped = 28 Summary of Enabled: enabled = 28 Summary of Idling: false = 28 Summary of Status: stopped = 28 Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 270.99 ms Summary for the entire result set
  • 20. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Default CLI $ mco rpc puppet status Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28 * [ ========================================================== ==> ] 28 / 28 Applying: false Daemon Running: false Enabled: true Idling: false Status: stopped . . Summary of Daemon Running: stopped = 28 Summary of Enabled: enabled = 28 Summary of Idling: false = 28 Summary of Status: stopped = 28 Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 270.99 ms 28 RPC results across 3 countries
  • 21. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Default CLI $ mco rpc libvirt domaininfo domain=devco_net Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 4 * [ ========================================================== ==> ] 4 / 4 Autostart: true CPU Time: 1652031000000000 Current Snapshot: false Managed Save: false Max Memory: 2097152 Memory: 2097152 Number of Snapshots: 0 Persistent: true Snapshots: [] State Code: 1 State: Running UUID: a6e10d5b-fa5a-8d0c-cbc2-d63b1043970a VCPUs: 2 Finished processing 4 / 4 hosts in 340.09 ms 4 results, only shows most appropriate 1
  • 22. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Default CLI $ mco rpc libvirt domaininfo domain=devco_net -j -I [ { "statusmsg": "OK", "data": { "max_memory": 2097152, "num_of_snapshots": 0, "state": 1, "memory": 2097152, "cputime": 1652082980000000, "has_current_snapshot": false, "state_description": "Running", "has_managed_save": false, "autostart": true, "persistent": true, "vcpus": 2, "uuid": "a6e10d5b-fa5a-8d0c-cbc2-d63b1043970a", "snapshots": [ ] }, "sender": "", "agent": "libvirt", "action": "domaininfo", "statuscode": 0 } ] Everything is DATA
  • 23. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Server Addressing
  • 24. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Class Filters $ mco package status httpd -C /apache/ Server Addressing Nodes with Puppet Classes /apache/ applied
  • 25. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Fact Filters $ mco package status httpd -F country=uk Server Addressing Nodes with the custom fact “country” set to “uk”
  • 26. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Identity Filters $ mco package status httpd -I Server Addressing One specific node called “”
  • 27. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Simple Combined Fact and Class Filters $ mco package .... -W “country=uk /apache/” Server Addressing Nodes in the UK with Puppet Classes matching /apache/
  • 28. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Compound Statements for facts, classes and data $ mco .. -S “((country=uk and /apache/) or customer=acme) and puppet().config_retrieval_time > 30" Server Addressing UK nodes with Apache in addition to all nodes for “customer=acme” where Puppet compiles are slow
  • 29. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Request Security
  • 30. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar SSL Security setup for user “rip” securityprovider = ssl plugin.ssl_client_private = /home/rip/.mcollective.d/rip-private.pem plugin.ssl_client_public = /home/rip/.mcollective.d/rip.pem Authentication Pluggable - PSK, SSL,AES, SSH, etc
  • 31. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Authorization rules for “puppet” agent policy default deny allow cert=rip runonce environment=production customer=acme Authorization Set by security system
  • 32. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Authorization rules for “puppet” agent policy default deny allow cert=rip runonce environment=production customer=acme Authorization List of Actions
  • 33. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Authorization rules for “puppet” agent policy default deny allow cert=rip * environment=production apache allow cert=dev runonce maintenance().scheduled=true Authorization Facts, Classes and Data Plugins
  • 34. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Pluggable audit output - this is for Logstash {'@source_host' => "",  '@tags' => [],  '@type' => 'mcollective-audit',  '@source' => 'mcollective-audit',  '@timestamp' => "2013-05-27T18:18:22.000000+0100", '@fields' => {'uniqid' => "cebb1eed9d505ce1a699dce9c5e1fb39",                'request_time' => "2013-05-27T18:18:22.000000+0100",                'callerhost' => "",                'caller' => "cert=rip",                'agent' => "puppet",                'action' => "runonce",                'data' => {}},                '@message' => " invoked agent puppet#runonce"} Auditing
  • 35. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Quick Agent Guide
  • 36. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar MCollective Agents • Units of addressable logic • An agent has actions - package agent has update, status, install, uninstall etc • Written in Ruby, actions can be Python, PHP, Perl and others • Deployable for interactive commands, background daemons, SOA style services, etc • Optional custom user interfaces
  • 37. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Generate a skeleton agent $ mco plugin generate agent nrpe actions=runcommand Created plugin directory : nrpe Created DDL file : nrpe/agent/nrpe.ddl Created Agent file : nrpe/agent/nrpe.rb Writing an Agent
  • 38. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar DDL File describes the agent for UI generation and input validation metadata :name => "nrpe",          :description => "NRPE Agent",          :author => "R.I.Pienaar <>",          :license => "ASL2.0",          :version => "0.1",          :url => "",          :timeout => 10 action "runcommand", :description => "Run a preconfigured NRPE command" do     input :command,           :prompt      => "Command",           :description => "NRPE command to run",           :type        => :string,           :validation  => 'A[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+z',           :optional    => false,           :maxlength   => 50     output :exitcode,            :description  => "Exit Code from the Nagios plugin",            :display_as   => "Exit Code",            :default      => 3     .     .     . end Writing an Agent
  • 39. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Agent logic module MCollective   module Agent     class Nrpe<RPC::Agent       action "runcommand" do         reply[:exitcode] = run(get_nrpe_command(request[:command]),                                :stdout => :output,                                :stderr => :output,                                :chomp  => true)       end       def get_nrpe_command(command)         # not shown       end     end   end end Writing an Agent
  • 40. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Ready to deploy... Writing an Agent $ mco plugin package Created RPM and SRPM packages for mcollective-nrpe-agent Created RPM and SRPM packages for mcollective-nrpe-common $ ls -l *rpm mcollective-nrpe-agent-0.1-1.noarch.rpm mcollective-nrpe-agent-0.1-1.src.rpm mcollective-nrpe-common-0.1-1.noarch.rpm mcollective-nrpe-common-0.1-1.src.rpm
  • 41. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar ...but test your code first using mcollective-test gem Writing an Agent describe "nrpe agent" do   describe "#runcommand" do     before do       @agent ="nrpe", :agent_file => “agent/nrpe.rb”).plugin     end     it "should return correct status" do       @agent.expects(:get_nrpe_command).returns("/bin/true")       result =, :command => "rspec")       result.should be_successful       result.should have_data_items(:exitcode=>0)     end   end end Custom matchers and helpers
  • 42. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Post deployment, interact using standard RPC user interface Writing an Agent $ mco rpc nrpe runcommand command=check_load Discovering hosts using the mongo method .... 28 * [ ============================================================> ] 28 / 28 Request Aborted UNKNOWN Summary of Exit Code: OK : 27 WARNING : 1 UNKNOWN : 0 CRITICAL : 0 Finished processing 28 / 28 hosts in 418.42 ms Agents can provide custom aggregation plugins
  • 43. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar ...or web interfaces with auto-generated user interfaces based on the DDL Writing an Agent
  • 44. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar ...or web interfaces with auto-generated user interfaces based on the DDL Writing an Agent
  • 45. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar New in MCollective 2 • Entirely rewritten messaging layer • Asynchronous mode • Additional non-broadcast based comms • Reliable messaging with TTLs and Queues • Batched mode to affect nodes in groups • Improved RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ support • Pluggable discovery against your own source of truth • Data plugins for discovery, data query and ACLs • Plugin Generators and Packaging • Improved Security • MS Windows Support • DDL based pluggableValidation on clients and servers
  • 46. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Future
  • 47. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Better Docs • New Deployment Guide - mcollective/deploy/ • Improved ActiveMQ docs for MCollective - http:// • ...agent development reference docs up next
  • 48. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar More turnkey plugins with dedicated developer. Improved plugin ecosystem.
  • 49. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Complex workflow orchestration scripts
  • 50. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Improved support for background and long running commands
  • 51. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar SOA like framework
  • 52. R.I.Pienaar | | | @ripienaar Questions? twitter: @ripienaar email: blog: github: ripienaar freenode: Volcane vagrant demo: