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Pythran: Static Compilation of
Parallel Scientific Kernels
a.k.a. Python/Numpy compiler for the
Proudly made in Namek by &serge-sans-paille pbrunet
Serge « sans paille » Guelton
$ w h o a m i
s g u e l t o n
R&D engineer at on compilation for security
Associate researcher at Télécom Bretagne
Pierrick Brunet
$ w h o a m i
p b r u n e t
R&D engineer at on parallelismINRIAlpes/MOAIS
Pythran in a snake shell
A Numpy-centric Python-to-C++ translator
A Python code optimizer
A Pythonic C++ library
Core concepts
Focus on high-level constructs
Generate clean high level code
Optimize Python code before generated code
Vectorization and Paralllelism
Test, test, test
Bench, bench, bench
Ask StackOverflow
when you're looking for test cases[...]numba-or-cython-acceleration-in-
i m p o r t n u m p y a s n p
d e f G r a y S c o t t ( c o u n t s , D u , D v , F , k ) :
n = 3 0 0
U = n p . z e r o s ( ( n + 2 , n + 2 ) , d t y p e = n p . f l o a t 3 2 )
V = n p . z e r o s ( ( n + 2 , n + 2 ) , d t y p e = n p . f l o a t 3 2 )
u , v = U [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ] , V [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ]
r = 2 0
u [ : ] = 1 . 0
U [ n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r , n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r ] = 0 . 5 0
V [ n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r , n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r ] = 0 . 2 5
u + = 0 . 1 5 * n p . r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ( n , n ) )
v + = 0 . 1 5 * n p . r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ( n , n ) )
f o r i i n r a n g e ( c o u n t s ) :
L u = ( U [ 0 : - 2 , 1 : - 1 ] +
U [ 1 : - 1 , 0 : - 2 ] - 4 * U [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ] + U [ 1 : - 1 , 2 : ] +
U [ 2 : , 1 : - 1 ] )
L v = ( V [ 0 : - 2 , 1 : - 1 ] +
Thread Summary
My code is slow with Cython and Numba
Best Answer
You need to make all loops explicit
Cython Version
c i m p o r t c y t h o n
i m p o r t n u m p y a s n p
c i m p o r t n u m p y a s n p
c p d e f c y t h o n G r a y S c o t t ( i n t c o u n t s , d o u b l e D u , d o u b l e D v , d o u b l e F , d o u b l e k ) :
c d e f i n t n = 3 0 0
c d e f n p . n d a r r a y U = n p . z e r o s ( ( n + 2 , n + 2 ) , d t y p e = n p . f l o a t _ )
c d e f n p . n d a r r a y V = n p . z e r o s ( ( n + 2 , n + 2 ) , d t y p e = n p . f l o a t _ )
c d e f n p . n d a r r a y u = U [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ]
c d e f n p . n d a r r a y v = V [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ]
c d e f i n t r = 2 0
u [ : ] = 1 . 0
U [ n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r , n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r ] = 0 . 5 0
V [ n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r , n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r ] = 0 . 2 5
u + = 0 . 1 5 * n p . r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ( n , n ) )
v + = 0 . 1 5 * n p . r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ( n , n ) )
c d e f n p . n d a r r a y L u = n p . z e r o s _ l i k e ( u )
c d e f n p . n d a r r a y L v = n p . z e r o s _ l i k e ( v )
c d e f i n t i , c , r 1 , c 1 , r 2 , c 2
c d e f d o u b l e u v v
Pythran version
Add this line to the original kernel:
# p y t h r a n e x p o r t G r a y S c o t t ( i n t , f l o a t , f l o a t , f l o a t , f l o a t )
$ p y t h o n - m t i m e i t - s ' f r o m g r a y s c o t t i m p o r t G r a y S c o t t ' ' G r a y S c o t t ( 4 0 , 0 . 1 6 , 0 . 0
1 0 l o o p s , b e s t o f 3 : 5 2 . 9 m s e c p e r l o o p
$ c y t h o n g r a y s c o t t . p y x
$ g c c g r a y s c o t t . c ` ` - s h a r e d - f P I C - o g r a y s c o t t . s o
$ p y t h o n - m t i m e i t - s ' f r o m g r a y s c o t t i m p o r t G r a y S c o t t ' ' G r a y S c o t t ( 4 0 , 0 . 1 6 , 0 . 0
1 0 l o o p s , b e s t o f 3 : 3 6 . 4 m s e c p e r l o o p
$ p y t h r a n g r a y s c o t t . p y - O 3 - m a r c h = n a t i v e
$ p y t h o n - m t i m e i t - s ' f r o m g r a y s c o t t i m p o r t G r a y S c o t t ' ' G r a y S c o t t ( 4 0 , 0 . 1 6 , 0 . 0
1 0 l o o p s , b e s t o f 3 : 2 0 . 3 m s e c p e r l o o p
p y t h o n - c o n f i g - - c f l a g s - - l i b s
Lessons learnt
Explicit is not always better than implicit
Many ``optimization hints'' can be deduced by the compiler
High level constructs carry valuable informations
I am not saying Cython is bad. Cython does a great job. It is just
pragmatic where Pythran is idealist
Compilation Challenges
u = U [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ]
U [ n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r , n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r ] = 0 . 5 0
u + = 0 . 1 5 * n p . r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ( n , n ) )
Array views
Value broadcasting
Temporary arrays creation
Extended slices composition
Numpy API calls
Optimization Opportunities
L u = ( U [ 0 : - 2 , 1 : - 1 ] + U [ 1 : - 1 , 0 : - 2 ]
- 4 * U [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ] + U [ 1 : - 1 , 2 : ] + U [ 2 : , 1 : - 1 ] )
Many useless temporaries
Lucould be forward-substituted
SIMD instruction generation opportunities
Parallel loop opportunities
Pythran Usage
$ p y t h r a n - - h e l p
u s a g e : p y t h r a n [ - h ] [ - o O U T P U T _ F I L E ] [ - E ] [ - e ] [ - f f l a g ] [ - v ] [ - p p a s s ]
[ - m m a c h i n e ] [ - I i n c l u d e _ d i r ] [ - L l d f l a g s ]
[ - D m a c r o _ d e f i n i t i o n ] [ - O l e v e l ] [ - g ]
i n p u t _ f i l e
p y t h r a n : a p y t h o n t o C + + c o m p i l e r
p o s i t i o n a l a r g u m e n t s :
i n p u t _ f i l e t h e p y t h r a n m o d u l e t o c o m p i l e , e i t h e r a . p y o r a . c p p
f i l e
o p t i o n a l a r g u m e n t s :
- h , - - h e l p s h o w t h i s h e l p m e s s a g e a n d e x i t
- o O U T P U T _ F I L E p a t h t o g e n e r a t e d f i l e
- E o n l y r u n t h e t r a n s l a t o r , d o n o t c o m p i l e
- e s i m i l a r t o - E , b u t d o e s n o t g e n e r a t e p y t h o n g l u e
- f f l a g a n y c o m p i l e r s w i t c h r e l e v a n t t o t h e u n d e r l y i n g C + +
c o m p i l e r
- v b e v e r b o s e
- p p a s s a n y p y t h r a n o p t i m i z a t i o n t o a p p l y b e f o r e c o d e
g e n e r a t i o n
- m m a c h i n e a n y m a c h i n e f l a g r e l e v a n t t o t h e u n d e r l y i n g C + +
Sample Usage
$ p y t h r a n i n p u t . p y # g e n e r a t e s i n p u t . s o
$ p y t h r a n i n p u t . p y - E # g e n e r a t e s i n p u t . c p p
$ p y t h r a n i n p u t . p y - O 3 - f o p e n m p # p a r a l l e l !
$ p y t h r a n i n p u t . p y - m a r c h = n a t i v e - O f a s t # E s o d M u m i x a m !
Type Annotations
Only for exported functions
# p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 0 ( )
# p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 1 ( i n t )
# p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 2 ( f l o a t 3 2 [ ] [ ] )
# p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 2 ( f l o a t 6 4 [ ] [ ] )
# p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 2 ( i n t 8 [ ] [ ] [ ] )
# p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 3 ( ( i n t , f l o a t ) , i n t l i s t , s t r : s t r d i c t )
Pythran Compilation Flow
IR input.cpp
Optimization loop
import ast
gcc [...]
Front End
100% based on the astmodule
Several standard module (incl. partial Numpy)
Polymorphic functions
ndarray, list, tuple, dict, str, int, long, float
Named parameters, default arguments
Does not Support
Non-implicitely typed code
Global variable
Most Python modules (no CPython mode!)
User-defined classes…
Middle End
Iteratively applies high level, Python-aware optimizations:
Interprocedural Constant Folding
For-Based-Loop Unrolling
Forward Substitution
Instruction Selection
Scalar Renaming
dead Code Elimination
Fun Facts: can evaluate pure functions at compile time ☺
Back Ends
Python Back End
Useful for debugging!
C++11 Back End
C++11 implementation of __builtin__ numpy
Lazy evaluation through Expression Templates
Relies on OpenMP, nt2and boost::simdfor the
parallelization / vectorization
C++11: Typing
the W.T.F. slide
Pythran translates Python implicitly statically typed polymorphic
code into C++ meta-programs that are instanciated for the user-
given types, and specialize them for the target architecture
C++11: Parallelism
Array operations and several numpy functions are written using
OpenMP and Boost.simd
OpenMP 3 support, ported to Python
# o m p p a r a l l e l f o r r e d u c t i o n ( + : r )
f o r i , v i n e n u m e r a t e ( l ) :
r + = i * v
A collection of high-level benchmarks
Code gathered from StackOverflow + other compiler code base
Mostly high-level code
Generate results for CPython, PyPy, Numba, Parakeet, Hope
and Pythran
Most kernels are too high level for Numba and Hope…
no parallelism, no vectorisation (, no fat)
(Num)Focus: growcut
From the Numba codebase!
# p y t h r a n e x p o r t g r o w c u t ( f l o a t [ ] [ ] [ ] , f l o a t [ ] [ ] [ ] , f l o a t [ ] [ ] [ ] , i n t )
i m p o r t m a t h
i m p o r t n u m p y a s n p
d e f w i n d o w _ f l o o r ( i d x , r a d i u s ) :
i f r a d i u s > i d x :
r e t u r n 0
e l s e :
r e t u r n i d x - r a d i u s
d e f w i n d o w _ c e i l ( i d x , c e i l , r a d i u s ) :
i f i d x + r a d i u s > c e i l :
r e t u r n c e i l
e l s e :
r e t u r n i d x + r a d i u s
d e f g r o w c u t ( i m a g e , s t a t e , s t a t e _ n e x t , w i n d o w _ r a d i u s ) :
c h a n g e s = 0
s q r t _ 3 = m a t h . s q r t ( 3 . 0 )
h e i g h t = i m a g e . s h a p e [ 0 ]
(Num)Focus: growcut
Academic Results
Pythran: Enabling Static Optimization of Scientific Python
Programs, S. Guelton, P. Brunet et al. in CSD, 2015
Exploring the Vectorization of Python Constructs Using
Pythran and Boost SIMD, S. Guelton, J. Falcou and P. Brunet,
in WPMVP, 2014
Compiling Python modules to native parallel modules using
Pythran and OpenMP Annotations, S. Guelton, P. Brunet
and M. Amini, in PyHPC, 2013
Pythran: Enabling Static Optimization of Scientific Python
Programs, S. Guelton, P. Brunet et al. in SciPy, 2013
Powered by Strong Engineering
Preprequisite for reproductible science
2773 test cases, incl. unit testing, doctest, Continuous
integration (thx !)
Peer-reviewed code
Python2.7 and C++11
Linux, OSX (almost okay), Windows (on going)
User and Developer doc:
Hosted on
Releases on PyPi: $ pip install pythran
: $ apt-get install pythran
Custom Debian repo
We need more peons
Pythonic needs a serious cleanup
Typing module needs better error reporting
OSX support is partial and Windows support is on-going
numpy.randomand numpy.linalg
Serge Guelton, Pierrick Brunet, Mehdi Amini, Adrien
Merlini, Alan Raynaud, Eliott Coyac…
, , →You←
#pythran on FreeNode,, GitHub repo
Silkan NumScale

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Mais de Pôle Systematic Paris-Region

OSIS19_IoT :Transparent remote connectivity to short-range IoT devices, by Na...
OSIS19_IoT :Transparent remote connectivity to short-range IoT devices, by Na...OSIS19_IoT :Transparent remote connectivity to short-range IoT devices, by Na...
OSIS19_IoT :Transparent remote connectivity to short-range IoT devices, by Na...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS19_Cloud : SAFC: Scheduling and Allocation Framework for Containers in a ...
OSIS19_Cloud : SAFC: Scheduling and Allocation Framework for Containers in a ...OSIS19_Cloud : SAFC: Scheduling and Allocation Framework for Containers in a ...
OSIS19_Cloud : SAFC: Scheduling and Allocation Framework for Containers in a ...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS19_Cloud : Qu’apporte l’observabilité à la gestion de configuration? par ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Qu’apporte l’observabilité à la gestion de configuration? par ...OSIS19_Cloud : Qu’apporte l’observabilité à la gestion de configuration? par ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Qu’apporte l’observabilité à la gestion de configuration? par ...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS19_Cloud : Performance and power management in virtualized data centers, ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Performance and power management in virtualized data centers, ...OSIS19_Cloud : Performance and power management in virtualized data centers, ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Performance and power management in virtualized data centers, ...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS19_Cloud : Des objets dans le cloud, et qui y restent -- L'expérience du ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Des objets dans le cloud, et qui y restent -- L'expérience du ...OSIS19_Cloud : Des objets dans le cloud, et qui y restent -- L'expérience du ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Des objets dans le cloud, et qui y restent -- L'expérience du ...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS19_Cloud : Attribution automatique de ressources pour micro-services, Alt...
OSIS19_Cloud : Attribution automatique de ressources pour micro-services, Alt...OSIS19_Cloud : Attribution automatique de ressources pour micro-services, Alt...
OSIS19_Cloud : Attribution automatique de ressources pour micro-services, Alt...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS19_IoT : State of the art in security for embedded systems and IoT, by Pi...
OSIS19_IoT : State of the art in security for embedded systems and IoT, by Pi...OSIS19_IoT : State of the art in security for embedded systems and IoT, by Pi...
OSIS19_IoT : State of the art in security for embedded systems and IoT, by Pi...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
Osis19_IoT: Proof of Pointer Programs with Ownership in SPARK, by Yannick Moy
Osis19_IoT: Proof of Pointer Programs with Ownership in SPARK, by Yannick MoyOsis19_IoT: Proof of Pointer Programs with Ownership in SPARK, by Yannick Moy
Osis19_IoT: Proof of Pointer Programs with Ownership in SPARK, by Yannick MoyPôle Systematic Paris-Region
Osis18_Cloud : Virtualisation efficace d’architectures NUMA
Osis18_Cloud : Virtualisation efficace d’architectures NUMAOsis18_Cloud : Virtualisation efficace d’architectures NUMA
Osis18_Cloud : Virtualisation efficace d’architectures NUMAPôle Systematic Paris-Region
Osis18_Cloud : DeepTorrent Stockage distribué perenne basé sur Bittorrent
Osis18_Cloud : DeepTorrent Stockage distribué perenne basé sur BittorrentOsis18_Cloud : DeepTorrent Stockage distribué perenne basé sur Bittorrent
Osis18_Cloud : DeepTorrent Stockage distribué perenne basé sur BittorrentPôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS18_IoT: L'approche machine virtuelle pour les microcontrôleurs, le projet...
OSIS18_IoT: L'approche machine virtuelle pour les microcontrôleurs, le projet...OSIS18_IoT: L'approche machine virtuelle pour les microcontrôleurs, le projet...
OSIS18_IoT: L'approche machine virtuelle pour les microcontrôleurs, le projet...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS18_IoT: La securite des objets connectes a bas cout avec l'os et riot
OSIS18_IoT: La securite des objets connectes a bas cout avec l'os et riotOSIS18_IoT: La securite des objets connectes a bas cout avec l'os et riot
OSIS18_IoT: La securite des objets connectes a bas cout avec l'os et riotPôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS18_IoT : Solution de mise au point pour les systemes embarques, par Julio...
OSIS18_IoT : Solution de mise au point pour les systemes embarques, par Julio...OSIS18_IoT : Solution de mise au point pour les systemes embarques, par Julio...
OSIS18_IoT : Solution de mise au point pour les systemes embarques, par Julio...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS18_IoT : Securisation du reseau des objets connectes, par Nicolas LE SAUZ...
OSIS18_IoT : Securisation du reseau des objets connectes, par Nicolas LE SAUZ...OSIS18_IoT : Securisation du reseau des objets connectes, par Nicolas LE SAUZ...
OSIS18_IoT : Securisation du reseau des objets connectes, par Nicolas LE SAUZ...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS18_IoT : Ada and SPARK - Defense in Depth for Safe Micro-controller Progr...
OSIS18_IoT : Ada and SPARK - Defense in Depth for Safe Micro-controller Progr...OSIS18_IoT : Ada and SPARK - Defense in Depth for Safe Micro-controller Progr...
OSIS18_IoT : Ada and SPARK - Defense in Depth for Safe Micro-controller Progr...Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
OSIS18_IoT : RTEMS pour l'IoT professionnel, par Pierre Ficheux (Smile ECS)
OSIS18_IoT : RTEMS pour l'IoT professionnel, par Pierre Ficheux (Smile ECS)OSIS18_IoT : RTEMS pour l'IoT professionnel, par Pierre Ficheux (Smile ECS)
OSIS18_IoT : RTEMS pour l'IoT professionnel, par Pierre Ficheux (Smile ECS)Pôle Systematic Paris-Region
PyParis 2017 / Un mooc python, by thierry parmentelat
PyParis 2017 / Un mooc python, by thierry parmentelatPyParis 2017 / Un mooc python, by thierry parmentelat
PyParis 2017 / Un mooc python, by thierry parmentelatPôle Systematic Paris-Region

Mais de Pôle Systematic Paris-Region (20)

OSIS19_IoT :Transparent remote connectivity to short-range IoT devices, by Na...
OSIS19_IoT :Transparent remote connectivity to short-range IoT devices, by Na...OSIS19_IoT :Transparent remote connectivity to short-range IoT devices, by Na...
OSIS19_IoT :Transparent remote connectivity to short-range IoT devices, by Na...
OSIS19_Cloud : SAFC: Scheduling and Allocation Framework for Containers in a ...
OSIS19_Cloud : SAFC: Scheduling and Allocation Framework for Containers in a ...OSIS19_Cloud : SAFC: Scheduling and Allocation Framework for Containers in a ...
OSIS19_Cloud : SAFC: Scheduling and Allocation Framework for Containers in a ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Qu’apporte l’observabilité à la gestion de configuration? par ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Qu’apporte l’observabilité à la gestion de configuration? par ...OSIS19_Cloud : Qu’apporte l’observabilité à la gestion de configuration? par ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Qu’apporte l’observabilité à la gestion de configuration? par ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Performance and power management in virtualized data centers, ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Performance and power management in virtualized data centers, ...OSIS19_Cloud : Performance and power management in virtualized data centers, ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Performance and power management in virtualized data centers, ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Des objets dans le cloud, et qui y restent -- L'expérience du ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Des objets dans le cloud, et qui y restent -- L'expérience du ...OSIS19_Cloud : Des objets dans le cloud, et qui y restent -- L'expérience du ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Des objets dans le cloud, et qui y restent -- L'expérience du ...
OSIS19_Cloud : Attribution automatique de ressources pour micro-services, Alt...
OSIS19_Cloud : Attribution automatique de ressources pour micro-services, Alt...OSIS19_Cloud : Attribution automatique de ressources pour micro-services, Alt...
OSIS19_Cloud : Attribution automatique de ressources pour micro-services, Alt...
OSIS19_IoT : State of the art in security for embedded systems and IoT, by Pi...
OSIS19_IoT : State of the art in security for embedded systems and IoT, by Pi...OSIS19_IoT : State of the art in security for embedded systems and IoT, by Pi...
OSIS19_IoT : State of the art in security for embedded systems and IoT, by Pi...
Osis19_IoT: Proof of Pointer Programs with Ownership in SPARK, by Yannick Moy
Osis19_IoT: Proof of Pointer Programs with Ownership in SPARK, by Yannick MoyOsis19_IoT: Proof of Pointer Programs with Ownership in SPARK, by Yannick Moy
Osis19_IoT: Proof of Pointer Programs with Ownership in SPARK, by Yannick Moy
Osis18_Cloud : Pas de commun sans communauté ?
Osis18_Cloud : Pas de commun sans communauté ?Osis18_Cloud : Pas de commun sans communauté ?
Osis18_Cloud : Pas de commun sans communauté ?
Osis18_Cloud : Projet Wolphin
Osis18_Cloud : Projet Wolphin Osis18_Cloud : Projet Wolphin
Osis18_Cloud : Projet Wolphin
Osis18_Cloud : Virtualisation efficace d’architectures NUMA
Osis18_Cloud : Virtualisation efficace d’architectures NUMAOsis18_Cloud : Virtualisation efficace d’architectures NUMA
Osis18_Cloud : Virtualisation efficace d’architectures NUMA
Osis18_Cloud : DeepTorrent Stockage distribué perenne basé sur Bittorrent
Osis18_Cloud : DeepTorrent Stockage distribué perenne basé sur BittorrentOsis18_Cloud : DeepTorrent Stockage distribué perenne basé sur Bittorrent
Osis18_Cloud : DeepTorrent Stockage distribué perenne basé sur Bittorrent
Osis18_Cloud : Software-heritage
Osis18_Cloud : Software-heritageOsis18_Cloud : Software-heritage
Osis18_Cloud : Software-heritage
OSIS18_IoT: L'approche machine virtuelle pour les microcontrôleurs, le projet...
OSIS18_IoT: L'approche machine virtuelle pour les microcontrôleurs, le projet...OSIS18_IoT: L'approche machine virtuelle pour les microcontrôleurs, le projet...
OSIS18_IoT: L'approche machine virtuelle pour les microcontrôleurs, le projet...
OSIS18_IoT: La securite des objets connectes a bas cout avec l'os et riot
OSIS18_IoT: La securite des objets connectes a bas cout avec l'os et riotOSIS18_IoT: La securite des objets connectes a bas cout avec l'os et riot
OSIS18_IoT: La securite des objets connectes a bas cout avec l'os et riot
OSIS18_IoT : Solution de mise au point pour les systemes embarques, par Julio...
OSIS18_IoT : Solution de mise au point pour les systemes embarques, par Julio...OSIS18_IoT : Solution de mise au point pour les systemes embarques, par Julio...
OSIS18_IoT : Solution de mise au point pour les systemes embarques, par Julio...
OSIS18_IoT : Securisation du reseau des objets connectes, par Nicolas LE SAUZ...
OSIS18_IoT : Securisation du reseau des objets connectes, par Nicolas LE SAUZ...OSIS18_IoT : Securisation du reseau des objets connectes, par Nicolas LE SAUZ...
OSIS18_IoT : Securisation du reseau des objets connectes, par Nicolas LE SAUZ...
OSIS18_IoT : Ada and SPARK - Defense in Depth for Safe Micro-controller Progr...
OSIS18_IoT : Ada and SPARK - Defense in Depth for Safe Micro-controller Progr...OSIS18_IoT : Ada and SPARK - Defense in Depth for Safe Micro-controller Progr...
OSIS18_IoT : Ada and SPARK - Defense in Depth for Safe Micro-controller Progr...
OSIS18_IoT : RTEMS pour l'IoT professionnel, par Pierre Ficheux (Smile ECS)
OSIS18_IoT : RTEMS pour l'IoT professionnel, par Pierre Ficheux (Smile ECS)OSIS18_IoT : RTEMS pour l'IoT professionnel, par Pierre Ficheux (Smile ECS)
OSIS18_IoT : RTEMS pour l'IoT professionnel, par Pierre Ficheux (Smile ECS)
PyParis 2017 / Un mooc python, by thierry parmentelat
PyParis 2017 / Un mooc python, by thierry parmentelatPyParis 2017 / Un mooc python, by thierry parmentelat
PyParis 2017 / Un mooc python, by thierry parmentelat


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PyData Paris 2015 - Track 3.2 Serge Guelton et Pierrick Brunet

  • 1. Pythran: Static Compilation of Parallel Scientific Kernels a.k.a. Python/Numpy compiler for the mass Proudly made in Namek by &serge-sans-paille pbrunet
  • 2. /us Serge « sans paille » Guelton $ w h o a m i s g u e l t o n R&D engineer at on compilation for security Associate researcher at Télécom Bretagne QuarksLab Pierrick Brunet $ w h o a m i p b r u n e t R&D engineer at on parallelismINRIAlpes/MOAIS
  • 3. Pythran in a snake shell A Numpy-centric Python-to-C++ translator A Python code optimizer A Pythonic C++ library
  • 4. Core concepts Focus on high-level constructs Generate clean high level code Optimize Python code before generated code Vectorization and Paralllelism Test, test, test Bench, bench, bench
  • 5. Ask StackOverflow when you're looking for test cases[...]numba-or-cython-acceleration-in- reaction-diffusion-algorithm i m p o r t n u m p y a s n p d e f G r a y S c o t t ( c o u n t s , D u , D v , F , k ) : n = 3 0 0 U = n p . z e r o s ( ( n + 2 , n + 2 ) , d t y p e = n p . f l o a t 3 2 ) V = n p . z e r o s ( ( n + 2 , n + 2 ) , d t y p e = n p . f l o a t 3 2 ) u , v = U [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ] , V [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ] r = 2 0 u [ : ] = 1 . 0 U [ n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r , n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r ] = 0 . 5 0 V [ n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r , n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r ] = 0 . 2 5 u + = 0 . 1 5 * n p . r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ( n , n ) ) v + = 0 . 1 5 * n p . r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ( n , n ) ) f o r i i n r a n g e ( c o u n t s ) : L u = ( U [ 0 : - 2 , 1 : - 1 ] + U [ 1 : - 1 , 0 : - 2 ] - 4 * U [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ] + U [ 1 : - 1 , 2 : ] + U [ 2 : , 1 : - 1 ] ) L v = ( V [ 0 : - 2 , 1 : - 1 ] +
  • 6. Thread Summary OP My code is slow with Cython and Numba Best Answer You need to make all loops explicit
  • 7. Cython Version c i m p o r t c y t h o n i m p o r t n u m p y a s n p c i m p o r t n u m p y a s n p c p d e f c y t h o n G r a y S c o t t ( i n t c o u n t s , d o u b l e D u , d o u b l e D v , d o u b l e F , d o u b l e k ) : c d e f i n t n = 3 0 0 c d e f n p . n d a r r a y U = n p . z e r o s ( ( n + 2 , n + 2 ) , d t y p e = n p . f l o a t _ ) c d e f n p . n d a r r a y V = n p . z e r o s ( ( n + 2 , n + 2 ) , d t y p e = n p . f l o a t _ ) c d e f n p . n d a r r a y u = U [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ] c d e f n p . n d a r r a y v = V [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ] c d e f i n t r = 2 0 u [ : ] = 1 . 0 U [ n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r , n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r ] = 0 . 5 0 V [ n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r , n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r ] = 0 . 2 5 u + = 0 . 1 5 * n p . r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ( n , n ) ) v + = 0 . 1 5 * n p . r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ( n , n ) ) c d e f n p . n d a r r a y L u = n p . z e r o s _ l i k e ( u ) c d e f n p . n d a r r a y L v = n p . z e r o s _ l i k e ( v ) c d e f i n t i , c , r 1 , c 1 , r 2 , c 2 c d e f d o u b l e u v v
  • 8. Pythran version Add this line to the original kernel: # p y t h r a n e x p o r t G r a y S c o t t ( i n t , f l o a t , f l o a t , f l o a t , f l o a t ) Timings $ p y t h o n - m t i m e i t - s ' f r o m g r a y s c o t t i m p o r t G r a y S c o t t ' ' G r a y S c o t t ( 4 0 , 0 . 1 6 , 0 . 0 1 0 l o o p s , b e s t o f 3 : 5 2 . 9 m s e c p e r l o o p $ c y t h o n g r a y s c o t t . p y x $ g c c g r a y s c o t t . c ` ` - s h a r e d - f P I C - o g r a y s c o t t . s o $ p y t h o n - m t i m e i t - s ' f r o m g r a y s c o t t i m p o r t G r a y S c o t t ' ' G r a y S c o t t ( 4 0 , 0 . 1 6 , 0 . 0 1 0 l o o p s , b e s t o f 3 : 3 6 . 4 m s e c p e r l o o p $ p y t h r a n g r a y s c o t t . p y - O 3 - m a r c h = n a t i v e $ p y t h o n - m t i m e i t - s ' f r o m g r a y s c o t t i m p o r t G r a y S c o t t ' ' G r a y S c o t t ( 4 0 , 0 . 1 6 , 0 . 0 1 0 l o o p s , b e s t o f 3 : 2 0 . 3 m s e c p e r l o o p p y t h o n - c o n f i g - - c f l a g s - - l i b s
  • 9. Lessons learnt Explicit is not always better than implicit Many ``optimization hints'' can be deduced by the compiler High level constructs carry valuable informations I am not saying Cython is bad. Cython does a great job. It is just pragmatic where Pythran is idealist
  • 10. Compilation Challenges u = U [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ] U [ n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r , n / 2 - r : n / 2 + r ] = 0 . 5 0 u + = 0 . 1 5 * n p . r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ( n , n ) ) Array views Value broadcasting Temporary arrays creation Extended slices composition Numpy API calls
  • 11. Optimization Opportunities L u = ( U [ 0 : - 2 , 1 : - 1 ] + U [ 1 : - 1 , 0 : - 2 ] - 4 * U [ 1 : - 1 , 1 : - 1 ] + U [ 1 : - 1 , 2 : ] + U [ 2 : , 1 : - 1 ] ) Many useless temporaries Lucould be forward-substituted SIMD instruction generation opportunities Parallel loop opportunities
  • 12. Pythran Usage $ p y t h r a n - - h e l p u s a g e : p y t h r a n [ - h ] [ - o O U T P U T _ F I L E ] [ - E ] [ - e ] [ - f f l a g ] [ - v ] [ - p p a s s ] [ - m m a c h i n e ] [ - I i n c l u d e _ d i r ] [ - L l d f l a g s ] [ - D m a c r o _ d e f i n i t i o n ] [ - O l e v e l ] [ - g ] i n p u t _ f i l e p y t h r a n : a p y t h o n t o C + + c o m p i l e r p o s i t i o n a l a r g u m e n t s : i n p u t _ f i l e t h e p y t h r a n m o d u l e t o c o m p i l e , e i t h e r a . p y o r a . c p p f i l e o p t i o n a l a r g u m e n t s : - h , - - h e l p s h o w t h i s h e l p m e s s a g e a n d e x i t - o O U T P U T _ F I L E p a t h t o g e n e r a t e d f i l e - E o n l y r u n t h e t r a n s l a t o r , d o n o t c o m p i l e - e s i m i l a r t o - E , b u t d o e s n o t g e n e r a t e p y t h o n g l u e - f f l a g a n y c o m p i l e r s w i t c h r e l e v a n t t o t h e u n d e r l y i n g C + + c o m p i l e r - v b e v e r b o s e - p p a s s a n y p y t h r a n o p t i m i z a t i o n t o a p p l y b e f o r e c o d e g e n e r a t i o n - m m a c h i n e a n y m a c h i n e f l a g r e l e v a n t t o t h e u n d e r l y i n g C + +
  • 13. Sample Usage $ p y t h r a n i n p u t . p y # g e n e r a t e s i n p u t . s o $ p y t h r a n i n p u t . p y - E # g e n e r a t e s i n p u t . c p p $ p y t h r a n i n p u t . p y - O 3 - f o p e n m p # p a r a l l e l ! $ p y t h r a n i n p u t . p y - m a r c h = n a t i v e - O f a s t # E s o d M u m i x a m !
  • 14. Type Annotations Only for exported functions # p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 0 ( ) # p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 1 ( i n t ) # p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 2 ( f l o a t 3 2 [ ] [ ] ) # p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 2 ( f l o a t 6 4 [ ] [ ] ) # p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 2 ( i n t 8 [ ] [ ] [ ] ) # p y t h r a n e x p o r t f o o 3 ( ( i n t , f l o a t ) , i n t l i s t , s t r : s t r d i c t )
  • 15. Pythran Compilation Flow AST IR input.cpp Optimization loop import ast gcc [...]
  • 16. Front End 100% based on the astmodule Supports Several standard module (incl. partial Numpy) Polymorphic functions ndarray, list, tuple, dict, str, int, long, float Named parameters, default arguments Generators… Does not Support Non-implicitely typed code Global variable Most Python modules (no CPython mode!) User-defined classes…
  • 17. Middle End Iteratively applies high level, Python-aware optimizations: Interprocedural Constant Folding For-Based-Loop Unrolling Forward Substitution Instruction Selection Deforestation Scalar Renaming dead Code Elimination Fun Facts: can evaluate pure functions at compile time ☺
  • 18. Back Ends Python Back End Useful for debugging! C++11 Back End C++11 implementation of __builtin__ numpy itertools… Lazy evaluation through Expression Templates Relies on OpenMP, nt2and boost::simdfor the parallelization / vectorization
  • 19. C++11: Typing the W.T.F. slide Pythran translates Python implicitly statically typed polymorphic code into C++ meta-programs that are instanciated for the user- given types, and specialize them for the target architecture
  • 20. C++11: Parallelism Implicit Array operations and several numpy functions are written using OpenMP and Boost.simd Explicit OpenMP 3 support, ported to Python # o m p p a r a l l e l f o r r e d u c t i o n ( + : r ) f o r i , v i n e n u m e r a t e ( l ) : r + = i * v
  • 21. Benchmarks A collection of high-level benchmarks Code gathered from StackOverflow + other compiler code base Mostly high-level code Generate results for CPython, PyPy, Numba, Parakeet, Hope and Pythran Most kernels are too high level for Numba and Hope…
  • 22. Benchmarks no parallelism, no vectorisation (, no fat)
  • 23.
  • 24. (Num)Focus: growcut From the Numba codebase! # p y t h r a n e x p o r t g r o w c u t ( f l o a t [ ] [ ] [ ] , f l o a t [ ] [ ] [ ] , f l o a t [ ] [ ] [ ] , i n t ) i m p o r t m a t h i m p o r t n u m p y a s n p d e f w i n d o w _ f l o o r ( i d x , r a d i u s ) : i f r a d i u s > i d x : r e t u r n 0 e l s e : r e t u r n i d x - r a d i u s d e f w i n d o w _ c e i l ( i d x , c e i l , r a d i u s ) : i f i d x + r a d i u s > c e i l : r e t u r n c e i l e l s e : r e t u r n i d x + r a d i u s d e f g r o w c u t ( i m a g e , s t a t e , s t a t e _ n e x t , w i n d o w _ r a d i u s ) : c h a n g e s = 0 s q r t _ 3 = m a t h . s q r t ( 3 . 0 ) h e i g h t = i m a g e . s h a p e [ 0 ]
  • 26. Academic Results Pythran: Enabling Static Optimization of Scientific Python Programs, S. Guelton, P. Brunet et al. in CSD, 2015 Exploring the Vectorization of Python Constructs Using Pythran and Boost SIMD, S. Guelton, J. Falcou and P. Brunet, in WPMVP, 2014 Compiling Python modules to native parallel modules using Pythran and OpenMP Annotations, S. Guelton, P. Brunet and M. Amini, in PyHPC, 2013 Pythran: Enabling Static Optimization of Scientific Python Programs, S. Guelton, P. Brunet et al. in SciPy, 2013
  • 27. Powered by Strong Engineering Preprequisite for reproductible science 2773 test cases, incl. unit testing, doctest, Continuous integration (thx !) Peer-reviewed code Python2.7 and C++11 Linux, OSX (almost okay), Windows (on going) User and Developer doc: Hosted on Releases on PyPi: $ pip install pythran : $ apt-get install pythran Travis Custom Debian repo
  • 28. We need more peons Pythonic needs a serious cleanup Typing module needs better error reporting OSX support is partial and Windows support is on-going numpy.randomand numpy.linalg
  • 29. THE END AUTHORS Serge Guelton, Pierrick Brunet, Mehdi Amini, Adrien Merlini, Alan Raynaud, Eliott Coyac… INDUSTRIAL SUPPORT , , →You← CONTRIBUTE #pythran on FreeNode,, GitHub repo Silkan NumScale