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        John Backus
     Turing Award 1977
     For profound, influential, and lasting
 contributions to the design of practical high
level programming systems, notably through
    his work on FORTRAN, and for seminal
   publication of formal procedures for the
  specification of programming languages.

               Turing Centenary Celebrations
                  Persistent Systems Ltd.

                         February 2013
Our Story

Science & Technology in the 50s
High Level Language – HLL the ideas
The Backus-Naur-Form – BNF
Fortran and FP

History: The 1950s

Computer Science
Technology @ IBM
Backus' work in this talk

                    WW 2

 1930            1940                  1950   1960
History: Computer Science
 Turing (1936)                                       Grace                              Hart &
                  Shannon                                                                Levin
                   (1937)                                                               (1962)
    Turing                                           (1952)
   Machines                                                         McCarthy
                 Information                                         (1958)       Self hosting
                   Theory                                                          Compiler
  Post (1936)                                      Compiler
                               von Neumann            +                 LISP         (Lisp)
     Post                       Architecture     Idea of HLL
   machines                        (1945)
                                            Chomsky           Fortran          (1959)
                          Eckert &
                                            (~ 1955)          (1957)

Turing (1937)               (1943)             CFG

                                       WW 2                                    ALGOL

       1930                     1940                      1950                   1960
History: Technology @ IBM
Type IV
Tabulator    IBM 801
 (1928)      Cheque
             machine        IBM 603
              (1934)        Multiplier
                                         IBM SSEC
                                                         IBM 701
                                                                   IBM 1401

                                WW 2

    1930                   1940                   1950             1960
History: Technology @ IBM

              IBM 701                                      IBM 704
• 2048 words of 36 bits each                • Full 36 bit instructions

• Williams tubes memory                     • Magnetic core memory, 4096 36-bit words

• 18 bit instructions                       • 4000 instructions per second
  (Bits: 1 Sign, 5 Opcodes, 12 Address)
• 2 programmer accessible registers         • 5 programmer accessible registers

                                            • Fortran and Lisp available
                                             (Lisp CAR/CDR originate here)

Backus' work: 1950-1980




1950             1960                  1970        1980
The Fortran Story
High Level Languages

The idea and the 1950s technology
John Backus and the SpeedCode interpreter
John Backus and FORTRAN for the IBM 704
The (probable) reasons for success

HLL: The Idea and Solution

                             Programs should be

                                  written in a

                         language that is close

                             to English rather than

                               in machine code

                             or languages close

                               to machine code

Backus' SpeedCode HLL
Inspired by difficulties on the SSEC
  – the Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator

First HLL on an IBM machine

Support floating point computation in decimal

Speedcode was an interpreter
 – ease of use over system resources

Used about 30% of system memory!

Ran 10-20 times slower than machine code
HLL: Backus and FORTRAN

SpeedCode experience

Hardware costs override Software costs

Compile to machine code

NOTE: No scanner, parser, assembler, linker, etc.

Complete definition, design and implementation

HLL: Backus and FORTRAN

HLL: Backus and FORTRAN

HLL: Backus and FORTRAN

HLL: The Idea and Solution
                       Example Fortran Program and its Compilation

C ---6-----------------------------------------------------------------|
C     Compute the Madelung energy.
      PROGRAM Madelung
C     Ref: Bagno et. al. Adv. Phys.
C ---|-----------------------------------------------------------------|
      INTEGER*4      MaxAtm ! Max ions
      PARAMETER      (MaxAtm = 10)
      REAL*8         SigmaC, SqrSigmaC, CellVol
      COMPLEX*16     Ionic_structure_factor
      REAL*8         XIon (MaxAtm), YIon (MaxAtm)
      REAL*8         SqDist (MaxAtm, MaxAtm, 0:(MaxL - 1))

C Program start:
 10   FORMAT (A50, F19.10) ! Display a STRING + DOUBLE PREC. number

     CALL Initialise (XIon, MaxAtm)
     Eii = 0.0D0
     READ (5, *) nAtom
     READ (5, *) Ks2Max
     SqrSigmaC = SigmaC * SigmaC
     CellVol = Box_length * Box_length * Box_length
     DO I = 1, nAtom
        READ (5, *) XIon (I), YIon (I), ZIon (I), Ion_Type (I)

HLL: The Idea and Solution
                       Example Fortran Program and its Compilation

C ---6-----------------------------------------------------------------|
C     Compute the Madelung energy.
      PROGRAM Madelung
C     Ref: Bagno et. al. Adv. Phys.
C ---|-----------------------------------------------------------------|
      INTEGER*4      MaxAtm ! Max ions
      PARAMETER      (MaxAtm = 10)
      REAL*8         SigmaC, SqrSigmaC, CellVol
      COMPLEX*16     Ionic_structure_factor                                Mark
                     XIon (MaxAtm), YIon (MaxAtm)
                     SqDist (MaxAtm, MaxAtm, 0:(MaxL - 1))
C Program start:
 10   FORMAT (A50, F19.10) ! Display a STRING + DOUBLE PREC. number

     CALL Initialise (XIon, MaxAtm)
     Eii = 0.0D0
     READ (5, *) nAtom
     READ (5, *) Ks2Max
     SqrSigmaC = SigmaC * SigmaC
     CellVol = Box_length * Box_length * Box_length
     DO I = 1, nAtom
        READ (5, *) XIon (I), YIon (I), ZIon (I), Ion_Type (I)

HLL: The Idea and Solution
                       Example Fortran Program and its Compilation

C ---6-----------------------------------------------------------------|
C     Compute the Madelung energy.
      PROGRAM Madelung
C     Ref: Bagno et. al. Adv. Phys.
C ---|-----------------------------------------------------------------|
      INTEGER*4      MaxAtm ! Max ions
      PARAMETER      (MaxAtm = 10)                                         Organize
      REAL*8         SigmaC, SqrSigmaC, CellVol
      COMPLEX*16     Ionic_structure_factor
      REAL*8         XIon (MaxAtm), YIon (MaxAtm)                          “sentences”
      REAL*8         SqDist (MaxAtm, MaxAtm, 0:(MaxL - 1))

C Program start:
 10   FORMAT (A50, F19.10) ! Display a STRING + DOUBLE PREC. number
     CALL Initialise (XIon, MaxAtm)
     Eii = 0.0D0                                                           and
     READ (5, *) nAtom
     READ (5, *) Ks2Max
     SqrSigmaC = SigmaC * SigmaC
     CellVol = Box_length * Box_length * Box_length
     DO I = 1, nAtom
        READ (5, *) XIon (I), YIon (I), ZIon (I), Ion_Type (I)

HLL: The Idea and Solution
                       Example Fortran Program and its Compilation

C ---6-----------------------------------------------------------------|     Map to H/W Ops
C     Compute the Madelung energy.
      PROGRAM Madelung
      IMPLICIT NONE                                                        # STRUCTURE
C     Ref: Bagno et. al. Adv. Phys.                                        # ...
C ---|-----------------------------------------------------------------|   # MaxAtm: 4 Bytes at 0x00AC89021
      INTEGER*4      MaxAtm ! Max ions                                     # …
      PARAMETER      (MaxAtm = 10)                                         # Eii:    8 bytes at 0x00C098AF4
      REAL*8         SigmaC, SqrSigmaC, CellVol                            # ...
      COMPLEX*16     Ionic_structure_factor                                # I:      4 bytes at 0x00000001
      REAL*8         XIon (MaxAtm), YIon (MaxAtm)                          # ...
      REAL*8         SqDist (MaxAtm, MaxAtm, 0:(MaxL - 1))                 #
                                                                           # OPERATIONS
C Program start:                                                           #
 10   FORMAT (A50, F19.10) ! Display a STRING + DOUBLE PREC. number        call Initialise
                                                                           movf 0x00C098AF4, 0
     CALL Initialise (XIon, MaxAtm)                                        ...
     Eii = 0.0D0                                                           mov 0x00000001, 1
     READ (5, *) nAtom                                                     L1: cmp 0x00000001, nAtom
     READ (5, *) Ks2Max                                                    je L2
     SqrSigmaC = SigmaC * SigmaC                                           # I/O Operations
     CellVol = Box_length * Box_length * Box_length                        inc 0x00000001
     DO I = 1, nAtom                                                       jmp L1
        READ (5, *) XIon (I), YIon (I), ZIon (I), Ion_Type (I)
     ENDDO                                                                 L2: call GPERMK
     CALL GPERMK (IGX, IGY, IGZ)                                           # ...
     STOP                                                                  leave

HLL: FORTRAN Success – Why?
SpeedCode: Ease of use vs. Execution speed

Hardware costs > Software costs

In tune with: “Computers = Number crunching”

Solved a pressing problem of the users
 Efficient use of investment in H/W

Large user base (and hence code) was created

The BNF Story
Backus Naur Form (BNF)
The Idea

The History

BNF – an example

Why Generative Grammars?

BNF – Generative Grammars

BNF – Generative Grammars

BNF – Generative Grammars

            The Problem

Produce “new symbols from finite symbols”

        → “a set of rules to how to”

BNF – Generative Grammars
                   The Solution

       Describe the structure of production

    BNF: Syntax to describe the structure
Given: “Set of alphabets” & “Set of punctuations”

Word              :: concatenation of one or more alphabets
WordSeparators     :: Subset (Space, comma, …)
Sentence           :: One or more of Word + WordSeparators
SentenceSeparator :: Subset (Period, Question, …)
Paragraph         :: One or more of
                      Sentence + SentenceSeparator
BNF – Some History
 First known description: Panini for Sanskrit
    BNF = PBF (CACM, 10(3), 137, 1967)

Devised for Algol 58 by Backus and
 simplified for Algol 60 by Peter Naur

Is NOT a “Normal” form

Linguists (e.g. Bloomfield, Chomsky):
   formalizing language

Mathematicians (Thue, Post, Turing):
  formal abstract rewrite systems
Grammar – Example

      Example Grammar Fragment: (The C Programming Language, Appendix, K&R)
translation-unit := external-declaration | translation-unit external-declaration
external-declaration := function-definition | declaration
function-definition := declaration-specsopt declarator declaration-listopt compound-statement
declaration := declaration-specs init-declarator-listopt ;
declaration-list := declaration | declaration-list declaration
declaration-specs := storage-class-spec declaration-specsopt |
                     type-spec             declaration-specsopt |
                     type-qualifier        declaration-specsopt
storage-class-spec := one of [auto | register | static | extern | typedef ]
type-spec := one of [void | char | short | int | long | float | double | signed | unsigned …]
type-qualifier := one of [const | volatile]


Grammar – Example
                                   Production rule
      Example Grammar Fragment: (The C Programming Language, Appendix, K&R)
translation-unit := external-declaration | translation-unit external-declaration
external-declaration := function-definition | declaration
function-definition := declaration-specsopt declarator declaration-listopt compound-statement
declaration := declaration-specs init-declarator-listopt ;
declaration-list := declaration | declaration-list declaration
declaration-specs := storage-class-spec declaration-specsopt |
                     type-spec             declaration-specsopt |
                     type-qualifier        declaration-specsopt
storage-class-spec := one of [auto | register | static | extern | typedef ]
type-spec := one of [void | char | short | int | long | float | double | signed | unsigned …]
type-qualifier := one of [const | volatile]


Grammar – Example
                                   Production rule
      Example Grammar Fragment: (The C Programming Language, Appendix, K&R)
translation-unit := external-declaration | translation-unit external-declaration
external-declaration := function-definition | declaration
function-definition := declaration-specsopt declarator declaration-listopt compound-statement
declaration := declaration-specs init-declarator-listopt ;
declaration-list := declaration | declaration-list declaration
declaration-specs := storage-class-spec declaration-specsopt |
                     type-spec             declaration-specsopt |
                     type-qualifier        declaration-specsopt
storage-class-spec := one of [auto | register | static | extern | typedef ]
type-spec := one of [void | char | short | int | long | float | double | signed | unsigned …]
type-qualifier := one of [const | volatile]


Grammar – Example
 Non terminal                      Production rule
      Example Grammar Fragment: (The C Programming Language, Appendix, K&R)
translation-unit := external-declaration | translation-unit external-declaration
external-declaration := function-definition | declaration
function-definition := declaration-specsopt declarator declaration-listopt compound-statement
declaration := declaration-specs init-declarator-listopt ;
declaration-list := declaration | declaration-list declaration
declaration-specs := storage-class-spec declaration-specsopt |
                     type-spec             declaration-specsopt |
                     type-qualifier        declaration-specsopt
storage-class-spec := one of [auto | register | static | extern | typedef ]
type-spec := one of [void | char | short | int | long | float | double | signed | unsigned …]
type-qualifier := one of [const | volatile]


The FP Story
Backus and FP
Backus and FP

The problem as Backus saw it

Some background to see Backus' solution

The FP language

Backus: Why FP
         Scalar product program

c = 0
for i := 1 step 1 to n do
      c := c + a[i] * b[i]

IP =   (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans)

Backus: Why FP
         Scalar product program                          Points to ponder

                                             Statements operate on “invisible” state
                                             according to complex rules.

                                             Not hierarchical

                                             Dynamic and Repetitive

c = 0                                        Word-at-a-Time computation using
                                            repetition and modification
for i := 1 step 1 to n do
      c := c + a[i] * b[i]                   Part of data (n) is in program. Hence no
                                            generality (works for vectors of length n)
IP =   (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans)
                                             Names its arguments, i.e. works for
                                            vectors a and b only.

                                             “Housekeeping” is scattered
                                            e.g. for i := …. Difficult to separate

Backus: Why FP
         Scalar product program

                                            Execute assignment many times to
                                            gradually achieve desired result

                                             Word-at-a-time thinking = Assignment!

                                             Word-at-a-time transition rules

c = 0                                        von Neumann bottleneck = assignment
for i := 1 step 1 to n do                   Statements:
      c := c + a[i] * b[i]                  Few useful mathematical properties

IP =   (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans)              PL = % framework + % changeable parts
                                            Conventional PL: High, rigid % framework

                                             Conventional PL
                                              = High level von Neumann computer

Backus: Why FP

“In fact, conventional languages create
 unnecessary confusion in the way we think
 about programs.”

– John Backus

Models of Computation
  Turing                               Calculus
Machines                                Calculus

  Partial                                Markov
Recursive                                 Markov
 Recursive                             Algorithms

Models of Computation
  Turing                               Calculus
Machines                                Calculus

  Partial                                Markov
Recursive                                 Markov
 Recursive                             Algorithms
                All are equivalent
PRF: Core Idea
PRF: Partial (µ) Recursive Functions

 How to get the set of all computable functions?

 Functions =
  Some simple functions       +
  Function forming operations

PRF: Set of all functions generated as prescribed

λCalculus: Core Idea
An algorithm requires answers to four questions:
1. Who are the participants?           Variable
2. What is the transformation?         Abstraction
3. When to transform?                  Application
4. How to transform?                   βReduction

Note: The “where” question is not relevant!
Backus' Language Proposal: FP

Build programs by combining functions as in PRF

Conventional programming: value level
 manipulate values to eventually obtain result

Backus' proposal: function level
 new programs from other programs & functionals

Backus' Language Proposal: FP

 FP programs, f, map a value to another value

 Functions are either primitive or built from
program forming operations – functionals

 Some primitive functions:
 constant functions - constant: x = x
 selector functions - i:<x1, …,xi, …, xn> = xi

Backus' Language Proposal: FP
  Some functionals:

  composition - f∗g:x = f:(g:x)
  construction - [f1,...,fn]:x = <f1:x,...,fn:x>
  conditional - (h => f;g)
  apply-to-all - αf:<x1, …, xn> = <f:x1, …, f:xn>
insert-right - /f: <x>=x
                   /f: <x1, …, xn>=f:<x1, /f:<x1, …, xn>>
                   /f: < > = unit f

Backus' Language Proposal: FP
         Scalar product program                          Points to ponder

                                             Statements operate on “invisible” state
                                            according to complex rules.

                                             Not hierarchical

                                             Dynamic and Repetitive

c = 0                                        Word-at-a-Time computation using
                                            repetition and modification
for i := 1 step 1 to n do
      c := c + a[i] * b[i]                   Part of data (n) is in program. Hence no
                                            generality (works for vectors of length n)
IP =   (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans)
                                             Names its arguments, i.e. works for
                                            vectors a and b only.
(Trans):    Transpose
(α *) :     Apply “*”                        “Housekeeping” is scattered
                                             e.g. for i := …. Difficult to separate
(/ +) :     Insert “+”

Backus' Language Proposal: FP
         Scalar product program                        How does IP work?

                                           IP:<<1,2,3>, <6,5,4>>
                                             = (/ +) • (α *) • Trans:
                                                <<1,2,3>, <6,5,4>>
c = 0                                        = (/ +) • (α *):
for i := 1 step 1 to n do                      <<1,6>, <2,5>, <3,4>>
      c := c + a[i] * b[i]                   = (/ +) •
                                               <*:<1,6>, *:<2,5>, *:<3,4>>
IP =   (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans)               = (/ +) <6,10,12>
                                             = +:<6, +:<10,12>>
(Trans):    Transpose                        = +:<6,22>
                                             = 28
(α *) :     Apply “*”
(/ +) :     Insert “+”

Backus' Language Proposal: FP
c = 0
for i := 1 step 1 to n do                    IP =   (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans)
      c := c + a[i] * b[i]

 Statements operate on “invisible” state       No hidden states or complex rules
according to complex rules.
                                               Hierarchical: Built from simpler ones
 Not hierarchical
                                               Static and non-repetitive: structure helps
 Dynamic and Repetitive                       understanding it; no mental execution

 Word-at-a-Time computation using              Operates on whole conceptual units
repetition and modification
                                               No useless data is part of the program.
 Part of data (n) is in program. Hence no     Hence completely general.
generality (works for vectors of length n)
                                               Does not name arguments.
 Names its arguments, i.e. works for          No extra substitution rules required.
vectors a and b only.
                                               “Housekeeping” forms are minimal.
 “Housekeeping” is scattered
e.g. for i := …. Difficult to separate

Backus: Why FP

“In fact, conventional languages create
 unnecessary confusion in the way we think
 about programs.”

– John Backus

John Backus & Computation Today

   Still in use – “Favourite” HPC language
   Looks very much like C/C++ today
   In active use, but usually indirectly in
  YACC/Bison code
   Encouraged R&D in functional programming
 von Neumann bottleneck?
   We still suffer from it

Thank you


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Life and Work of Dr. John Backus | Turing100@Persistent

  • 1. FORTRAN, BNF, FP John Backus Turing Award 1977 For profound, influential, and lasting contributions to the design of practical high level programming systems, notably through his work on FORTRAN, and for seminal publication of formal procedures for the specification of programming languages. Turing Centenary Celebrations Persistent Systems Ltd. February 2013
  • 2. Our Story Science & Technology in the 50s High Level Language – HLL the ideas The Backus-Naur-Form – BNF Fortran and FP
  • 3. History: The 1950s Computer Science Technology @ IBM Backus' work in this talk WW 2 1930 1940 1950 1960
  • 4. History: Computer Science Turing (1936) Grace Hart & Shannon Levin Hopper (1937) (1962) Turing (1952) Machines McCarthy Information (1958) Self hosting First Theory Compiler Post (1936) Compiler von Neumann + LISP (Lisp) Post Architecture Idea of HLL machines (1945) BNF Chomsky Fortran (1959) Eckert & (~ 1955) (1957) Mauchly Turing (1937) (1943) CFG ENIAC Equivalence Proof WW 2 ALGOL 1930 1940 1950 1960
  • 5. History: Technology @ IBM Type IV Tabulator IBM 801 (1928) Cheque Clearing machine IBM 603 (1934) Multiplier (1946) IBM SSEC (1948) IBM 701 (1952) IBM 1401 Transistor Computer (1959) WW 2 1930 1940 1950 1960
  • 6. History: Technology @ IBM IBM 701 IBM 704 • 2048 words of 36 bits each • Full 36 bit instructions • Williams tubes memory • Magnetic core memory, 4096 36-bit words • 18 bit instructions • 4000 instructions per second (Bits: 1 Sign, 5 Opcodes, 12 Address) • 2 programmer accessible registers • 5 programmer accessible registers • Fortran and Lisp available (Lisp CAR/CDR originate here)
  • 7. Backus' work: 1950-1980 Fortran BNF FP 1950 1960 1970 1980
  • 9. The Fortran Story
  • 10. High Level Languages The idea and the 1950s technology John Backus and the SpeedCode interpreter John Backus and FORTRAN for the IBM 704 The (probable) reasons for success
  • 11. HLL: The Idea and Solution Programs should be written in a language that is close to English rather than in machine code or languages close to machine code
  • 12. Backus' SpeedCode HLL Inspired by difficulties on the SSEC – the Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator First HLL on an IBM machine Support floating point computation in decimal Speedcode was an interpreter – ease of use over system resources Used about 30% of system memory! Ran 10-20 times slower than machine code
  • 13. HLL: Backus and FORTRAN SpeedCode experience Hardware costs override Software costs Compile to machine code NOTE: No scanner, parser, assembler, linker, etc. Complete definition, design and implementation
  • 14. HLL: Backus and FORTRAN
  • 15. HLL: Backus and FORTRAN Source: Wikipedia
  • 16. HLL: Backus and FORTRAN
  • 17. HLL: The Idea and Solution Example Fortran Program and its Compilation C ---6-----------------------------------------------------------------| C Compute the Madelung energy. PROGRAM Madelung IMPLICIT NONE C Ref: Bagno et. al. Adv. Phys. C ---|-----------------------------------------------------------------| INTEGER*4 MaxAtm ! Max ions PARAMETER (MaxAtm = 10) REAL*8 SigmaC, SqrSigmaC, CellVol COMPLEX*16 Ionic_structure_factor REAL*8 XIon (MaxAtm), YIon (MaxAtm) REAL*8 SqDist (MaxAtm, MaxAtm, 0:(MaxL - 1)) C Program start: 10 FORMAT (A50, F19.10) ! Display a STRING + DOUBLE PREC. number CALL Initialise (XIon, MaxAtm) Eii = 0.0D0 READ (5, *) nAtom READ (5, *) Ks2Max SqrSigmaC = SigmaC * SigmaC CellVol = Box_length * Box_length * Box_length DO I = 1, nAtom READ (5, *) XIon (I), YIon (I), ZIon (I), Ion_Type (I) ENDDO CALL GPERMK (IGX, IGY, IGZ) STOP END
  • 18. HLL: The Idea and Solution Example Fortran Program and its Compilation C ---6-----------------------------------------------------------------| C Compute the Madelung energy. PROGRAM Madelung IMPLICIT NONE C Ref: Bagno et. al. Adv. Phys. C ---|-----------------------------------------------------------------| INTEGER*4 MaxAtm ! Max ions PARAMETER (MaxAtm = 10) REAL*8 SigmaC, SqrSigmaC, CellVol COMPLEX*16 Ionic_structure_factor Mark REAL*8 REAL*8 XIon (MaxAtm), YIon (MaxAtm) SqDist (MaxAtm, MaxAtm, 0:(MaxL - 1)) Individual Tokens C Program start: 10 FORMAT (A50, F19.10) ! Display a STRING + DOUBLE PREC. number CALL Initialise (XIon, MaxAtm) Eii = 0.0D0 READ (5, *) nAtom READ (5, *) Ks2Max SqrSigmaC = SigmaC * SigmaC CellVol = Box_length * Box_length * Box_length DO I = 1, nAtom READ (5, *) XIon (I), YIon (I), ZIon (I), Ion_Type (I) ENDDO CALL GPERMK (IGX, IGY, IGZ) STOP END
  • 19. HLL: The Idea and Solution Example Fortran Program and its Compilation C ---6-----------------------------------------------------------------| C Compute the Madelung energy. PROGRAM Madelung IMPLICIT NONE C Ref: Bagno et. al. Adv. Phys. C ---|-----------------------------------------------------------------| INTEGER*4 MaxAtm ! Max ions PARAMETER (MaxAtm = 10) Organize REAL*8 SigmaC, SqrSigmaC, CellVol COMPLEX*16 Ionic_structure_factor into REAL*8 XIon (MaxAtm), YIon (MaxAtm) “sentences” REAL*8 SqDist (MaxAtm, MaxAtm, 0:(MaxL - 1)) C Program start: 10 FORMAT (A50, F19.10) ! Display a STRING + DOUBLE PREC. number Find Structure CALL Initialise (XIon, MaxAtm) Eii = 0.0D0 and READ (5, *) nAtom READ (5, *) Ks2Max Operations SqrSigmaC = SigmaC * SigmaC CellVol = Box_length * Box_length * Box_length DO I = 1, nAtom READ (5, *) XIon (I), YIon (I), ZIon (I), Ion_Type (I) ENDDO CALL GPERMK (IGX, IGY, IGZ) STOP END
  • 20. HLL: The Idea and Solution Example Fortran Program and its Compilation C ---6-----------------------------------------------------------------| Map to H/W Ops C Compute the Madelung energy. PROGRAM Madelung IMPLICIT NONE # STRUCTURE C Ref: Bagno et. al. Adv. Phys. # ... C ---|-----------------------------------------------------------------| # MaxAtm: 4 Bytes at 0x00AC89021 INTEGER*4 MaxAtm ! Max ions # … PARAMETER (MaxAtm = 10) # Eii: 8 bytes at 0x00C098AF4 REAL*8 SigmaC, SqrSigmaC, CellVol # ... COMPLEX*16 Ionic_structure_factor # I: 4 bytes at 0x00000001 REAL*8 XIon (MaxAtm), YIon (MaxAtm) # ... REAL*8 SqDist (MaxAtm, MaxAtm, 0:(MaxL - 1)) # # OPERATIONS C Program start: # 10 FORMAT (A50, F19.10) ! Display a STRING + DOUBLE PREC. number call Initialise movf 0x00C098AF4, 0 CALL Initialise (XIon, MaxAtm) ... Eii = 0.0D0 mov 0x00000001, 1 READ (5, *) nAtom L1: cmp 0x00000001, nAtom READ (5, *) Ks2Max je L2 SqrSigmaC = SigmaC * SigmaC # I/O Operations CellVol = Box_length * Box_length * Box_length inc 0x00000001 DO I = 1, nAtom jmp L1 READ (5, *) XIon (I), YIon (I), ZIon (I), Ion_Type (I) ENDDO L2: call GPERMK CALL GPERMK (IGX, IGY, IGZ) # ... STOP leave END
  • 21. HLL: FORTRAN Success – Why? SpeedCode: Ease of use vs. Execution speed Hardware costs > Software costs In tune with: “Computers = Number crunching” Solved a pressing problem of the users Efficient use of investment in H/W Large user base (and hence code) was created
  • 22. The BNF Story
  • 23. Backus Naur Form (BNF) The Idea The History BNF – an example
  • 30. Why Generative Grammars?
  • 31. BNF – Generative Grammars
  • 32. BNF – Generative Grammars
  • 33. BNF – Generative Grammars The Problem Produce “new symbols from finite symbols” → “a set of rules to how to”
  • 34. BNF – Generative Grammars The Solution Describe the structure of production BNF: Syntax to describe the structure Given: “Set of alphabets” & “Set of punctuations” Word :: concatenation of one or more alphabets WordSeparators :: Subset (Space, comma, …) Sentence :: One or more of Word + WordSeparators SentenceSeparator :: Subset (Period, Question, …) Paragraph :: One or more of Sentence + SentenceSeparator
  • 35. BNF – Some History First known description: Panini for Sanskrit BNF = PBF (CACM, 10(3), 137, 1967) ( Devised for Algol 58 by Backus and simplified for Algol 60 by Peter Naur Is NOT a “Normal” form Linguists (e.g. Bloomfield, Chomsky): formalizing language Mathematicians (Thue, Post, Turing): formal abstract rewrite systems
  • 36. Grammar – Example Example Grammar Fragment: (The C Programming Language, Appendix, K&R) translation-unit := external-declaration | translation-unit external-declaration external-declaration := function-definition | declaration function-definition := declaration-specsopt declarator declaration-listopt compound-statement declaration := declaration-specs init-declarator-listopt ; declaration-list := declaration | declaration-list declaration declaration-specs := storage-class-spec declaration-specsopt | type-spec declaration-specsopt | type-qualifier declaration-specsopt storage-class-spec := one of [auto | register | static | extern | typedef ] type-spec := one of [void | char | short | int | long | float | double | signed | unsigned …] type-qualifier := one of [const | volatile] ...
  • 37. Grammar – Example Production rule Example Grammar Fragment: (The C Programming Language, Appendix, K&R) translation-unit := external-declaration | translation-unit external-declaration external-declaration := function-definition | declaration function-definition := declaration-specsopt declarator declaration-listopt compound-statement declaration := declaration-specs init-declarator-listopt ; declaration-list := declaration | declaration-list declaration declaration-specs := storage-class-spec declaration-specsopt | type-spec declaration-specsopt | type-qualifier declaration-specsopt storage-class-spec := one of [auto | register | static | extern | typedef ] type-spec := one of [void | char | short | int | long | float | double | signed | unsigned …] type-qualifier := one of [const | volatile] ...
  • 38. Grammar – Example Production rule Example Grammar Fragment: (The C Programming Language, Appendix, K&R) translation-unit := external-declaration | translation-unit external-declaration external-declaration := function-definition | declaration function-definition := declaration-specsopt declarator declaration-listopt compound-statement declaration := declaration-specs init-declarator-listopt ; declaration-list := declaration | declaration-list declaration declaration-specs := storage-class-spec declaration-specsopt | type-spec declaration-specsopt | type-qualifier declaration-specsopt storage-class-spec := one of [auto | register | static | extern | typedef ] type-spec := one of [void | char | short | int | long | float | double | signed | unsigned …] type-qualifier := one of [const | volatile] ... Terminal
  • 39. Grammar – Example Non terminal Production rule Example Grammar Fragment: (The C Programming Language, Appendix, K&R) translation-unit := external-declaration | translation-unit external-declaration external-declaration := function-definition | declaration function-definition := declaration-specsopt declarator declaration-listopt compound-statement declaration := declaration-specs init-declarator-listopt ; declaration-list := declaration | declaration-list declaration declaration-specs := storage-class-spec declaration-specsopt | type-spec declaration-specsopt | type-qualifier declaration-specsopt storage-class-spec := one of [auto | register | static | extern | typedef ] type-spec := one of [void | char | short | int | long | float | double | signed | unsigned …] type-qualifier := one of [const | volatile] ... Terminal
  • 40. The FP Story
  • 41. Backus and FP
  • 42. Backus and FP The problem as Backus saw it Some background to see Backus' solution The FP language
  • 43. Backus: Why FP Scalar product program c = 0 for i := 1 step 1 to n do c := c + a[i] * b[i] IP = (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans)
  • 44. Backus: Why FP Scalar product program Points to ponder Statements operate on “invisible” state according to complex rules. Not hierarchical Dynamic and Repetitive c = 0 Word-at-a-Time computation using repetition and modification for i := 1 step 1 to n do c := c + a[i] * b[i] Part of data (n) is in program. Hence no generality (works for vectors of length n) IP = (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans) Names its arguments, i.e. works for vectors a and b only. “Housekeeping” is scattered e.g. for i := …. Difficult to separate
  • 45. Backus: Why FP Scalar product program Execute assignment many times to gradually achieve desired result Word-at-a-time thinking = Assignment! Word-at-a-time transition rules c = 0 von Neumann bottleneck = assignment for i := 1 step 1 to n do Statements: c := c + a[i] * b[i] Few useful mathematical properties IP = (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans) PL = % framework + % changeable parts Conventional PL: High, rigid % framework Conventional PL = High level von Neumann computer
  • 46. Backus: Why FP “In fact, conventional languages create unnecessary confusion in the way we think about programs.” – John Backus
  • 47. Models of Computation λλ Turing Turing Calculus Machines Calculus Machines Partial Partial Markov Recursive Markov Recursive Algorithms Algorithms Functions Functions
  • 48. Models of Computation λλ Turing Turing Calculus Machines Calculus Machines Partial Partial Markov Recursive Markov Recursive Algorithms Algorithms Functions Functions All are equivalent
  • 50. PRF: Core Idea PRF: Partial (µ) Recursive Functions How to get the set of all computable functions? Functions = Some simple functions + Function forming operations PRF: Set of all functions generated as prescribed
  • 51. λCalculus: Core Idea An algorithm requires answers to four questions: 1. Who are the participants? Variable 2. What is the transformation? Abstraction 3. When to transform? Application 4. How to transform? βReduction Note: The “where” question is not relevant!
  • 52. Backus' Language Proposal: FP Build programs by combining functions as in PRF Conventional programming: value level manipulate values to eventually obtain result Backus' proposal: function level new programs from other programs & functionals
  • 53. Backus' Language Proposal: FP FP programs, f, map a value to another value Functions are either primitive or built from program forming operations – functionals Some primitive functions: constant functions - constant: x = x selector functions - i:<x1, …,xi, …, xn> = xi
  • 54. Backus' Language Proposal: FP Some functionals: composition - f∗g:x = f:(g:x) construction - [f1,...,fn]:x = <f1:x,...,fn:x> conditional - (h => f;g) apply-to-all - αf:<x1, …, xn> = <f:x1, …, f:xn> insert-right - /f: <x>=x /f: <x1, …, xn>=f:<x1, /f:<x1, …, xn>> /f: < > = unit f
  • 55. Backus' Language Proposal: FP Scalar product program Points to ponder Statements operate on “invisible” state according to complex rules. Not hierarchical Dynamic and Repetitive c = 0 Word-at-a-Time computation using repetition and modification for i := 1 step 1 to n do c := c + a[i] * b[i] Part of data (n) is in program. Hence no generality (works for vectors of length n) IP = (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans) Names its arguments, i.e. works for vectors a and b only. (Trans): Transpose (α *) : Apply “*” “Housekeeping” is scattered e.g. for i := …. Difficult to separate (/ +) : Insert “+”
  • 56. Backus' Language Proposal: FP Scalar product program How does IP work? IP:<<1,2,3>, <6,5,4>> = (/ +) • (α *) • Trans: <<1,2,3>, <6,5,4>> c = 0 = (/ +) • (α *): for i := 1 step 1 to n do <<1,6>, <2,5>, <3,4>> c := c + a[i] * b[i] = (/ +) • <*:<1,6>, *:<2,5>, *:<3,4>> IP = (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans) = (/ +) <6,10,12> = +:<6, +:<10,12>> (Trans): Transpose = +:<6,22> = 28 (α *) : Apply “*” (/ +) : Insert “+”
  • 57. Backus' Language Proposal: FP c = 0 for i := 1 step 1 to n do IP = (/ +) • (α *) • (Trans) c := c + a[i] * b[i] Statements operate on “invisible” state No hidden states or complex rules according to complex rules. Hierarchical: Built from simpler ones Not hierarchical Static and non-repetitive: structure helps Dynamic and Repetitive understanding it; no mental execution Word-at-a-Time computation using Operates on whole conceptual units repetition and modification No useless data is part of the program. Part of data (n) is in program. Hence no Hence completely general. generality (works for vectors of length n) Does not name arguments. Names its arguments, i.e. works for No extra substitution rules required. vectors a and b only. “Housekeeping” forms are minimal. “Housekeeping” is scattered e.g. for i := …. Difficult to separate
  • 58. Backus: Why FP “In fact, conventional languages create unnecessary confusion in the way we think about programs.” – John Backus
  • 59. John Backus & Computation Today Fortran Still in use – “Favourite” HPC language Looks very much like C/C++ today PBNF In active use, but usually indirectly in YACC/Bison code FP Encouraged R&D in functional programming von Neumann bottleneck? We still suffer from it

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  1. Thanks to the [email_address]
  2. The economic history – the great depression and WW2 Salient features of evolution of info proc tech