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A Generic Virtual Machine Approach for Programming
Microcontrollers : the OMicroB Project
Steven Varoumas 1,2,3 Basile Pesin 1
Benoît Vaugon 4 Emmanuel Chailloux 1,2
Sorbonne Université
Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6) - Sorbonne Université
Centre d’Étude et De Recherche en Informatique et Communications (CÉDRIC) - CNAM
Armadillo, 46 bis, rue de la République, 92170 Vanves, France
IRILL, Sorbonne Université
1 Context
– Programming microcontrollers : the virtual machine approach
– Motivations of the OMicroB project
– The OCaml language
2 OMicroB : a generic OCaml VM designed for microcontrollers
– Compilation chain
– Optimizations
– Measurements
3 Extensions
- Hardware abstractions with functors
- Synchronous programming for critical softwares
4 Conclusion
• Simplified computer (computation unit, memory, inputs/output peripherals)
• Typically programmed in C / assembly language
• Used in (sometimes critical) embedded systems (automotive, trains, . . .)
– Low cost
– Low energy use
Various specifications
• Various architectures (PIC, AVR, ARM, . . .)
• 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits architectures
• Wide range of CPU speeds : from 1MHz to 300MHz
• RAM (data) : from a few bytes upto 1MiB
• Flash (program) : from 4 KiB to a few MiB
The VM approach to microcontrollers’ programming
Microcontrollers (µC) can be difficult to program
• C / assembly programming can be error-prone
• Offers little hardware abstraction
• Few checks at compile time
• Hard to debug
The Virtual Machine (VM) Approach
VM of a programming langage implemented for microcontrollers
• Allows running bytecode of higher-level languages directly on µC (easier, safer
• Offers a layer of abstraction over the hardware
• Increases the portability of code
• Can decrease the size of code
The VM approach to microcontrollers’ programming : examples
High level languages on microcontrollers
• Picobit : Scheme on PIC 18
• MicroPython : Python on STM32 and ARM
• MicroEJ : Java on ARM and RX600
• OCaPIC : OCaml for PIC
– OCaml virtual machine implemented in PIC18 assembly.
– Allows the execution of the OCaml language on a PIC18.
– Comes with : simulators, library for external displays . . .
– OCamlClean : tool for removing dead code and useless memory allocations
But ...
Most of these VMs are specific to some hardware architecture(s)
Motivations of the OMicroB project
What we wanted
• A modern, expressive, high level language (OCaml)
• Used for programming microcontrollers starting with ones with very limited
resources (a few kB of RAM)
• Portable accross various architectures and configurable
8 bits
16 MHz
8 KiB of RAM
256 KiB of flash memory
8 bits
16 MHz
2.5 KiB of RAM
32 KiB of flash memory
The OCaml language
Chosen language : OCaml (
• Developped by INRIA (Gallium team)
• Multi paradigms programming language (functional, imperative, object-oriented)
• High-level language with powerful constructions and expressiveness
(parametrized modules, pattern matching, lambdas, objects, exceptions . . .)
• Improved safety by static typing with type inference.
• Its Virtual Machine (the ZAM) is very lightweight (148 bytecode instructions)
and efficient
(* map : (’a -> ’b) -> ’a list -> ’b list *)
let rec map f l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| h::t -> (f h)::( map f t)
(* filter : (’a -> bool) -> ’a list -> ’a list *)
let rec filter f l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| h::t -> if (f h) then h::( filter f t) else (filter f t)
let main =
let l1 = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ] in
let l2 = filter (fun x -> x mod 2 = 0) l1 in
map (fun x -> x + 1) l2
OMicroB : Generic OCaml VM for microcontrollers
Our contribution : OMicroB
• OCaml on Microcontroller’s Boards
• OCaml virtual machine implemented in C
• Generic : execution of all of the OCaml language on all microcontrollers with a
C compiler (Arduino/AVR, PIC, Nucleo/ARM, . . .)
• Offers hardware abstraction : automatic memory management (garbage collector)
• Configurable (size of values, GC, . . .)
• Static analysis dedicated at optimising performances (size and speed)
• Factorizable analyses (over the bytecode and the C interpreter)
• Free software (CeCILL License)
OMicroB : compilation chain
bytecode C file
+ runtime
OMicroB : Example (ocamlc & ocamlclean)
(* int -> int *)
let rec facto n =
match n with
| 0 -> 1
| x -> facto (x -1) * x
let main =
Arduboy.init ();
Arduboy.print_int (facto 4);
Arduboy.display ()
OCaml bytecode :
1 ACC 0
3 ACC 0
10 CONST 1
12 CLOSUREREC 1 0 1 []
13 CONST 0
14 CCALL 1 0 (* ocaml_arduboy_init() *)
15 CONST 4
17 APPLY 1
18 CCALL 1 1 (* ocaml_arduboy_print_int() *)
19 CONST 0
20 CCALL 1 2 (* ocaml_arduboy_display() *)
21 POP 1
Bytecode embedding in a C file : bc2c
The bc2c tool “transforms” the bytecode file into a C file by embeding the OCaml
program into various C variables :
• The bytecode instructions (array of “opcode_t”) in flash memory
• The OCaml stack (array of “value”)
• The OCaml heap (array of “value”)
• The OCaml global variables (array of “value”)
• An array of pointers to C primitives
• A global accumulator variable
N.B : The OCaml VM uses an uniform representation of values (of type “value”)
bc2c : optimizations
bc2c performs several static analysis at compile time in order to optimize speed and
memory use :
Compacting bytecode
• Instructions encoded on 8 bits + specialized instructions for arguments < 4 bytes
⇒ Reduces size of code and read speed by a factor of almost 4
Tailor-made interpreter
• Only the code for the used bytecode instructions is compiled in the final program.
Partial evaluation of the program
• The OCaml program is executed at compile time upto the first I/O
• Dump of the state of the memory (heap & stack) into the C file
⇒ Quicker and lighter programs
OMicroB : Example (output of bc2c)
/* ... */
opcode_t const ocaml_bytecode [ OCAML_BYTECODE_BSIZE ]
= {
/* 0 */ OCAML_BRANCH_1B ,
/* 1 */ 17,
/* 2 */ OCAML_ACC0 ,
/* 4 */ 11,
/* 5 */ OCAML_ACC0 ,
/* 6 */ OCAML_PUSHACC1 ,
/* 8 */ -1,
/* 10 */ OCAML_APPLY1 ,
/* 11 */ OCAML_MULINT ,
/* 12 */ OCAML_RETURN ,
/* 13 */ 1,
/* 14 */ OCAML_CONST1 ,
/* 15 */ OCAML_RETURN ,
/* 16 */ 1,
/* 17 */ OCAML_C_CALL1 ,
/* 18 */ 0,
/* 19 */ OCAML_CONSTINT_1B ,
/* 20 */ 4,
/* 21 */ OCAML_PUSHACC1 ,
/* 22 */ OCAML_APPLY1 ,
/* 23 */ OCAML_C_CALL1 ,
/* 24 */ 1,
/* 25 */ OCAML_CONST0 ,
/* 26 */ OCAML_C_CALL1 ,
/* 27 */ 2,
/* 28 */ OCAML_POP ,
/* 29 */ 1,
/* 30 */ OCAML_STOP
value ocaml_heap[ OCAML_HEAP_WOSIZE * 2] = {
/* 0 */ Make_header (1, Closure_tag),
/* 1 */ Val_codeptr (2)
value acc = Val_int (0);
value ocaml_stack[ OCAML_STACK_WOSIZE ] = {
/* 0 */ Val_int (0),
/* (...) */
/* 63 */ Init_val_block (4 * 1)
void * const ocaml_primitives [ OCAML_PRIMITIVE_NUMBER ]
= {
(void *) &ocaml_arduboy_init ,
(void *) &ocaml_arduboy_print_int ,
(void *) & ocaml_arduboy_display
Interpreter and runtime
Intepreting bytecode
The interpreter reads the program (stored in flash) generated by bc2c and modify the
different variables (heap, stack, accumulator, . . .) depending on the instruction :
Example :
/* ... */
/* ‘ASSIGN n‘ assigns the nth level of the stack to the current acc value */
sp[read_uint8 ()] = acc;
acc = Val_unit;
/* ... */
The runtime
• Standard runtime library able of handling lists, arrays, floats, references, strings,
generic comparison, . . .
• Memory reuse with two Garbage Collection algorithms (Stop and Copy, Mark and
• Possibilities to interface OCaml with C code (FFI)
• A simulator runs the VM and displays the state of input/output pins of the
• As well as the interaction with various external components (matrix display,
buttons, led, . . .) by describing the circuit in a text file
• Various levels of trace
• Not yet generic
⇒ Debugging is made easier by not flashing the program
Benchs and results
Measurements done on PC, and on Arduino Mega board :
• ATmega2560 microcontroller : 16MHz ; Flash : 256kB ; Ram : 8kB
• GC : Stop and Copy
• Length of values : 32 bits
• Compiler : avr-gcc with -O2 optimization level
Speed measurements :
Program Time (ocamlrun) Time (OMicroB Time (OMicroB RAM usage
(s) on PC) (s) on MCU) (s) (heap+stack) (B)
oddeven 0.28 0.62 2.262 1003
sieve 0.04 0.07 0.390 1825
deriv 0.03 0.05 0.250 1946
integr 0.04 0.06 0.379 1849
Size measurements :
Program Bytecode Size of the RAM stack size heap size
size (B) exec. (B) (B) (words) (words)
Manhattan distance 744 24 210 5555 900 350
Solilet 413 18 322 5069 800 450
Snake 1376 21 238 1768 35 300
Flash and RAM size for the snake game :
Taylor-made Size in flash Size in RAM Stack-size Heap-size
no 27.9 ko 2*1.33 ko 2*64 values 2*300 values
yes 17.3 ko
Bytecode size optimizations (snake) : 30.16 ko
−−−−−−→ 6.9 ko
−−−→ 2.1 ko
Hardware abstractions using functors
(** Interface for SPI communication *)
module type SPI = sig
val init: unit -> unit
val transmit: char -> char
(** Connect as a slave *)
module SPISlave: Circuits.SPI
(** Connect as a master, with a SS pin *)
module SPIMaster(SC: sig
val ssPin : pin
end): Circuits.SPI
Master (BBC micro :bit) code
module%comp SPIM = SPIMaster(ssPin = PIN0)
let _ =
SPIM.init ();
let c = SPIM.transmit ’m’ in
Screen. print_string (String.make 1 c)
Slave (Arduino) code
module%comp MyDisp = MakeLCD(
rsPin = PIN9;
enablePin = PIN8;
d4Pin = PIN5;
d5Pin = PIN4;
d6Pin = PIN3;
d7Pin = PIN2;
let _ =
MyDisp.init ();
SPISlave.init ();
while true do
let c = SPISlave.transmit ’s’ in
MyDisp. print_string (String.make 1 c)
A hardware abstraction application : the MicroPong game
module I2C = I2C(struct let addr = 0x3C end)
module Scr = SSD1306(I2C)
module%comp LedL = Led(pin = PIN1)
module%comp LedR = Led(pin = PIN2)
module%comp SPIM = SPIMaster(ssPin = PIN0)
Radio.send ("sr" ^ string_of_int !scoreR );
Radio.send ("sl" ^ string_of_int !scoreL );
leftY := int_of_char (SPIM.transmit !scoreL );
rightY := Radio.recv ()
Extension to synchronous programming / critical systems
Synchronous Programming
• Synchronous programming is well adapted to microcontrollers
ERTSS 2016 “Concurrent Programming of Microcontrollers, a Virtual Machine
• Model of concurrent programming on critical applications
• No allocation during a synchronous instant (→ no GC)
• No unbound loops
Example (OCaLustre) :
let%node rising_edge (in_f) ~return:(out_f) =
out_f := in_f && (not (false ->> in_f ))
let%node press_switch (button) ~return:(led) =
button_pressed := rising_edge (button );
led := false ->> (if button_pressed then (not led) else led)
(N.B. a ->> b ≡ a0, b0, b1, b2, . . . )
Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) computation
• We can associate a WCET for each (non-allocating) bytecode instruction
• Deduce the WCET of a synchronous instant
Our solution offers
• A lightweight virtual machine
• providing an expressive programming model
• that offers safety (static typing) and guarantees (WCET for the synchronous
• as well as an easier debug process
• all while being portable and configurable
• and keeping good performances
⇒ Well suited to (critical) embedded systems
Future works
• Integrating new architectures into the OMicroB project (ESP, PIC32, ...)
• User-friendly Development Environment
• A more generic simulator (bundled with the IDE)

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#OSSPARIS19 : Publier du code Open Source dans une banque : Mission impossibl...#OSSPARIS19 : Publier du code Open Source dans une banque : Mission impossibl...
#OSSPARIS19 : Publier du code Open Source dans une banque : Mission impossibl...Paris Open Source Summit
#OSSPARIS19 : Libre à vous ! Raconter les libertés informatiques à la radio -...
#OSSPARIS19 : Libre à vous ! Raconter les libertés informatiques à la radio -...#OSSPARIS19 : Libre à vous ! Raconter les libertés informatiques à la radio -...
#OSSPARIS19 : Libre à vous ! Raconter les libertés informatiques à la radio -...Paris Open Source Summit
#OSSPARIS19 - Le logiciel libre : un enjeu politique et social - Etienne Gonn...
#OSSPARIS19 - Le logiciel libre : un enjeu politique et social - Etienne Gonn...#OSSPARIS19 - Le logiciel libre : un enjeu politique et social - Etienne Gonn...
#OSSPARIS19 - Le logiciel libre : un enjeu politique et social - Etienne Gonn...Paris Open Source Summit
#OSSPARIS19 - Conflits d’intérêt & concurrence : la place de l’éditeur dans l...
#OSSPARIS19 - Conflits d’intérêt & concurrence : la place de l’éditeur dans l...#OSSPARIS19 - Conflits d’intérêt & concurrence : la place de l’éditeur dans l...
#OSSPARIS19 - Conflits d’intérêt & concurrence : la place de l’éditeur dans l...Paris Open Source Summit
#OSSPARIS19 - Table ronde : souveraineté des données
#OSSPARIS19 - Table ronde : souveraineté des données #OSSPARIS19 - Table ronde : souveraineté des données
#OSSPARIS19 - Table ronde : souveraineté des données Paris Open Source Summit
#OSSPARIS19 - Comment financer un projet de logiciel libre - LUDOVIC DUBOST, ...
#OSSPARIS19 - Comment financer un projet de logiciel libre - LUDOVIC DUBOST, ...#OSSPARIS19 - Comment financer un projet de logiciel libre - LUDOVIC DUBOST, ...
#OSSPARIS19 - Comment financer un projet de logiciel libre - LUDOVIC DUBOST, ...Paris Open Source Summit
#OSSPARIS19 - BlueMind v4 : les dessous technologiques de 10 ans de travail p...
#OSSPARIS19 - BlueMind v4 : les dessous technologiques de 10 ans de travail p...#OSSPARIS19 - BlueMind v4 : les dessous technologiques de 10 ans de travail p...
#OSSPARIS19 - BlueMind v4 : les dessous technologiques de 10 ans de travail p...Paris Open Source Summit
#OSSPARIS19 - Tuto de première installation de VITAM, un système d'archivage ...
#OSSPARIS19 - Tuto de première installation de VITAM, un système d'archivage ...#OSSPARIS19 - Tuto de première installation de VITAM, un système d'archivage ...
#OSSPARIS19 - Tuto de première installation de VITAM, un système d'archivage ...Paris Open Source Summit
#OSSPARIS19 - Cryptpad : la collaboration chiffrée - LUDOVIC DUBOST, CEO XWik...
#OSSPARIS19 - Cryptpad : la collaboration chiffrée - LUDOVIC DUBOST, CEO XWik...#OSSPARIS19 - Cryptpad : la collaboration chiffrée - LUDOVIC DUBOST, CEO XWik...
#OSSPARIS19 - Cryptpad : la collaboration chiffrée - LUDOVIC DUBOST, CEO XWik...Paris Open Source Summit
OSSPARIS19 - Customer Content Management: GED et CRM combiné - MICHAËL GENA, ...
OSSPARIS19 - Customer Content Management: GED et CRM combiné - MICHAËL GENA, ...OSSPARIS19 - Customer Content Management: GED et CRM combiné - MICHAËL GENA, ...
OSSPARIS19 - Customer Content Management: GED et CRM combiné - MICHAËL GENA, ...Paris Open Source Summit

Mais de Paris Open Source Summit (20)

#OSSPARIS19 : Control your Embedded Linux remotely by using WebSockets - Gian...
#OSSPARIS19 : Control your Embedded Linux remotely by using WebSockets - Gian...#OSSPARIS19 : Control your Embedded Linux remotely by using WebSockets - Gian...
#OSSPARIS19 : Control your Embedded Linux remotely by using WebSockets - Gian...
#OSSPARIS19 : The evolving (IoT) security landscape - Gianluca Varisco, Arduino
#OSSPARIS19 : The evolving (IoT) security landscape - Gianluca Varisco, Arduino#OSSPARIS19 : The evolving (IoT) security landscape - Gianluca Varisco, Arduino
#OSSPARIS19 : The evolving (IoT) security landscape - Gianluca Varisco, Arduino
#OSSPARIS19: Construire des applications IoT "secure-by-design" - Thomas Gaza...
#OSSPARIS19: Construire des applications IoT "secure-by-design" - Thomas Gaza...#OSSPARIS19: Construire des applications IoT "secure-by-design" - Thomas Gaza...
#OSSPARIS19: Construire des applications IoT "secure-by-design" - Thomas Gaza...
#OSSPARIS19 : Detecter des anomalies de séries temporelles à la volée avec Wa...
#OSSPARIS19 : Detecter des anomalies de séries temporelles à la volée avec Wa...#OSSPARIS19 : Detecter des anomalies de séries temporelles à la volée avec Wa...
#OSSPARIS19 : Detecter des anomalies de séries temporelles à la volée avec Wa...
#OSSPARIS19 : Supervision d'objets connectés industriels - Eric DOANE, Zabbix
#OSSPARIS19 : Supervision d'objets connectés industriels - Eric DOANE, Zabbix#OSSPARIS19 : Supervision d'objets connectés industriels - Eric DOANE, Zabbix
#OSSPARIS19 : Supervision d'objets connectés industriels - Eric DOANE, Zabbix
#OSSPARIS19: Introduction to scikit-learn - Olivier Grisel, Inria
#OSSPARIS19: Introduction to scikit-learn - Olivier Grisel, Inria#OSSPARIS19: Introduction to scikit-learn - Olivier Grisel, Inria
#OSSPARIS19: Introduction to scikit-learn - Olivier Grisel, Inria
#OSSPARIS19 - Fostering disruptive innovation in AI with JEDI - André Loesekr...
#OSSPARIS19 - Fostering disruptive innovation in AI with JEDI - André Loesekr...#OSSPARIS19 - Fostering disruptive innovation in AI with JEDI - André Loesekr...
#OSSPARIS19 - Fostering disruptive innovation in AI with JEDI - André Loesekr...
#OSSPARIS19 : Comment ONLYOFFICE aide à organiser les travaux de recherches ...
#OSSPARIS19 : Comment ONLYOFFICE aide à organiser les travaux de recherches  ...#OSSPARIS19 : Comment ONLYOFFICE aide à organiser les travaux de recherches  ...
#OSSPARIS19 : Comment ONLYOFFICE aide à organiser les travaux de recherches ...
#OSSPARIS19 : MDPH : une solution collaborative open source pour l'instructio...
#OSSPARIS19 : MDPH : une solution collaborative open source pour l'instructio...#OSSPARIS19 : MDPH : une solution collaborative open source pour l'instructio...
#OSSPARIS19 : MDPH : une solution collaborative open source pour l'instructio...
#OSSPARIS19 - Understanding Open Source Governance - Gilles Gravier, Wipro Li...
#OSSPARIS19 - Understanding Open Source Governance - Gilles Gravier, Wipro Li...#OSSPARIS19 - Understanding Open Source Governance - Gilles Gravier, Wipro Li...
#OSSPARIS19 - Understanding Open Source Governance - Gilles Gravier, Wipro Li...
#OSSPARIS19 : Publier du code Open Source dans une banque : Mission impossibl...
#OSSPARIS19 : Publier du code Open Source dans une banque : Mission impossibl...#OSSPARIS19 : Publier du code Open Source dans une banque : Mission impossibl...
#OSSPARIS19 : Publier du code Open Source dans une banque : Mission impossibl...
#OSSPARIS19 : Libre à vous ! Raconter les libertés informatiques à la radio -...
#OSSPARIS19 : Libre à vous ! Raconter les libertés informatiques à la radio -...#OSSPARIS19 : Libre à vous ! Raconter les libertés informatiques à la radio -...
#OSSPARIS19 : Libre à vous ! Raconter les libertés informatiques à la radio -...
#OSSPARIS19 - Le logiciel libre : un enjeu politique et social - Etienne Gonn...
#OSSPARIS19 - Le logiciel libre : un enjeu politique et social - Etienne Gonn...#OSSPARIS19 - Le logiciel libre : un enjeu politique et social - Etienne Gonn...
#OSSPARIS19 - Le logiciel libre : un enjeu politique et social - Etienne Gonn...
#OSSPARIS19 - Conflits d’intérêt & concurrence : la place de l’éditeur dans l...
#OSSPARIS19 - Conflits d’intérêt & concurrence : la place de l’éditeur dans l...#OSSPARIS19 - Conflits d’intérêt & concurrence : la place de l’éditeur dans l...
#OSSPARIS19 - Conflits d’intérêt & concurrence : la place de l’éditeur dans l...
#OSSPARIS19 - Table ronde : souveraineté des données
#OSSPARIS19 - Table ronde : souveraineté des données #OSSPARIS19 - Table ronde : souveraineté des données
#OSSPARIS19 - Table ronde : souveraineté des données
#OSSPARIS19 - Comment financer un projet de logiciel libre - LUDOVIC DUBOST, ...
#OSSPARIS19 - Comment financer un projet de logiciel libre - LUDOVIC DUBOST, ...#OSSPARIS19 - Comment financer un projet de logiciel libre - LUDOVIC DUBOST, ...
#OSSPARIS19 - Comment financer un projet de logiciel libre - LUDOVIC DUBOST, ...
#OSSPARIS19 - BlueMind v4 : les dessous technologiques de 10 ans de travail p...
#OSSPARIS19 - BlueMind v4 : les dessous technologiques de 10 ans de travail p...#OSSPARIS19 - BlueMind v4 : les dessous technologiques de 10 ans de travail p...
#OSSPARIS19 - BlueMind v4 : les dessous technologiques de 10 ans de travail p...
#OSSPARIS19 - Tuto de première installation de VITAM, un système d'archivage ...
#OSSPARIS19 - Tuto de première installation de VITAM, un système d'archivage ...#OSSPARIS19 - Tuto de première installation de VITAM, un système d'archivage ...
#OSSPARIS19 - Tuto de première installation de VITAM, un système d'archivage ...
#OSSPARIS19 - Cryptpad : la collaboration chiffrée - LUDOVIC DUBOST, CEO XWik...
#OSSPARIS19 - Cryptpad : la collaboration chiffrée - LUDOVIC DUBOST, CEO XWik...#OSSPARIS19 - Cryptpad : la collaboration chiffrée - LUDOVIC DUBOST, CEO XWik...
#OSSPARIS19 - Cryptpad : la collaboration chiffrée - LUDOVIC DUBOST, CEO XWik...
OSSPARIS19 - Customer Content Management: GED et CRM combiné - MICHAËL GENA, ...
OSSPARIS19 - Customer Content Management: GED et CRM combiné - MICHAËL GENA, ...OSSPARIS19 - Customer Content Management: GED et CRM combiné - MICHAËL GENA, ...
OSSPARIS19 - Customer Content Management: GED et CRM combiné - MICHAËL GENA, ...


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#OSSPARIS19 : A virtual machine approach for microcontroller programming : the OMicroB project -

  • 1. A Generic Virtual Machine Approach for Programming Microcontrollers : the OMicroB Project Steven Varoumas 1,2,3 Basile Pesin 1 Benoît Vaugon 4 Emmanuel Chailloux 1,2 1 Sorbonne Université 2 Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6) - Sorbonne Université 3 Centre d’Étude et De Recherche en Informatique et Communications (CÉDRIC) - CNAM 4 Armadillo, 46 bis, rue de la République, 92170 Vanves, France IRILL, Sorbonne Université 10/12/2019
  • 2. 1/19 Outline 1 Context – Programming microcontrollers : the virtual machine approach – Motivations of the OMicroB project – The OCaml language 2 OMicroB : a generic OCaml VM designed for microcontrollers – Compilation chain – Optimizations – Measurements 3 Extensions - Hardware abstractions with functors - Synchronous programming for critical softwares 4 Conclusion
  • 3. 2/19 Context Microcontrollers • Simplified computer (computation unit, memory, inputs/output peripherals) • Typically programmed in C / assembly language • Used in (sometimes critical) embedded systems (automotive, trains, . . .) – Low cost – Low energy use Various specifications • Various architectures (PIC, AVR, ARM, . . .) • 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits architectures • Wide range of CPU speeds : from 1MHz to 300MHz • RAM (data) : from a few bytes upto 1MiB • Flash (program) : from 4 KiB to a few MiB
  • 4. 3/19 The VM approach to microcontrollers’ programming Microcontrollers (µC) can be difficult to program • C / assembly programming can be error-prone • Offers little hardware abstraction • Few checks at compile time • Hard to debug The Virtual Machine (VM) Approach VM of a programming langage implemented for microcontrollers • Allows running bytecode of higher-level languages directly on µC (easier, safer programming) • Offers a layer of abstraction over the hardware • Increases the portability of code • Can decrease the size of code
  • 5. 4/19 The VM approach to microcontrollers’ programming : examples High level languages on microcontrollers • Picobit : Scheme on PIC 18 • MicroPython : Python on STM32 and ARM • MicroEJ : Java on ARM and RX600 • OCaPIC : OCaml for PIC – OCaml virtual machine implemented in PIC18 assembly. – Allows the execution of the OCaml language on a PIC18. – Comes with : simulators, library for external displays . . . – OCamlClean : tool for removing dead code and useless memory allocations But ... Most of these VMs are specific to some hardware architecture(s)
  • 6. 5/19 Motivations of the OMicroB project What we wanted • A modern, expressive, high level language (OCaml) • Used for programming microcontrollers starting with ones with very limited resources (a few kB of RAM) • Portable accross various architectures and configurable ATmega2560 8 bits 16 MHz 8 KiB of RAM 256 KiB of flash memory ATmega32u4 8 bits 16 MHz 2.5 KiB of RAM 32 KiB of flash memory
  • 7. 6/19 The OCaml language Chosen language : OCaml ( • Developped by INRIA (Gallium team) • Multi paradigms programming language (functional, imperative, object-oriented) • High-level language with powerful constructions and expressiveness (parametrized modules, pattern matching, lambdas, objects, exceptions . . .) • Improved safety by static typing with type inference. • Its Virtual Machine (the ZAM) is very lightweight (148 bytecode instructions) and efficient (* map : (’a -> ’b) -> ’a list -> ’b list *) let rec map f l = match l with | [] -> [] | h::t -> (f h)::( map f t) (* filter : (’a -> bool) -> ’a list -> ’a list *) let rec filter f l = match l with | [] -> [] | h::t -> if (f h) then h::( filter f t) else (filter f t) let main = let l1 = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ] in let l2 = filter (fun x -> x mod 2 = 0) l1 in map (fun x -> x + 1) l2
  • 8. 7/19 OMicroB : Generic OCaml VM for microcontrollers Our contribution : OMicroB • OCaml on Microcontroller’s Boards • OCaml virtual machine implemented in C • Generic : execution of all of the OCaml language on all microcontrollers with a C compiler (Arduino/AVR, PIC, Nucleo/ARM, . . .) • Offers hardware abstraction : automatic memory management (garbage collector) • Configurable (size of values, GC, . . .) • Static analysis dedicated at optimising performances (size and speed) • Factorizable analyses (over the bytecode and the C interpreter) • Free software (CeCILL License)
  • 9. 8/19 OMicroB : compilation chain OCaml file ocamlc OCaml bytecode ocamlclean OCaml bytecode C file bc2c gcc avr-gcc sdcc gcc-arm interpreter + runtime
  • 10. 9/19 OMicroB : Example (ocamlc & ocamlclean) (* int -> int *) let rec facto n = match n with | 0 -> 1 | x -> facto (x -1) * x let main = Arduboy.init (); Arduboy.print_int (facto 4); Arduboy.display () OCaml bytecode : 0 BRANCH 12 1 ACC 0 2 BRANCHIFNOT 10 3 ACC 0 4 PUSHACC 1 5 OFFSETINT -1 6 PUSHOFFSETCLOSURE 0 7 APPLY 1 8 MULINT 9 RETURN 1 10 CONST 1 11 RETURN 1 12 CLOSUREREC 1 0 1 [] 13 CONST 0 14 CCALL 1 0 (* ocaml_arduboy_init() *) 15 CONST 4 16 PUSHACC 1 17 APPLY 1 18 CCALL 1 1 (* ocaml_arduboy_print_int() *) 19 CONST 0 20 CCALL 1 2 (* ocaml_arduboy_display() *) 21 POP 1 22 STOP
  • 11. 10/19 Bytecode embedding in a C file : bc2c bc2c The bc2c tool “transforms” the bytecode file into a C file by embeding the OCaml program into various C variables : • The bytecode instructions (array of “opcode_t”) in flash memory • The OCaml stack (array of “value”) • The OCaml heap (array of “value”) • The OCaml global variables (array of “value”) • An array of pointers to C primitives • A global accumulator variable N.B : The OCaml VM uses an uniform representation of values (of type “value”)
  • 12. 11/19 bc2c : optimizations bc2c performs several static analysis at compile time in order to optimize speed and memory use : Compacting bytecode • Instructions encoded on 8 bits + specialized instructions for arguments < 4 bytes ⇒ Reduces size of code and read speed by a factor of almost 4 Tailor-made interpreter • Only the code for the used bytecode instructions is compiled in the final program. Partial evaluation of the program • The OCaml program is executed at compile time upto the first I/O • Dump of the state of the memory (heap & stack) into the C file ⇒ Quicker and lighter programs
  • 13. 12/19 OMicroB : Example (output of bc2c) /* ... */ opcode_t const ocaml_bytecode [ OCAML_BYTECODE_BSIZE ] = { /* 0 */ OCAML_BRANCH_1B , /* 1 */ 17, /* 2 */ OCAML_ACC0 , /* 3 */ OCAML_BRANCHIFNOT_1B , /* 4 */ 11, /* 5 */ OCAML_ACC0 , /* 6 */ OCAML_PUSHACC1 , /* 7 */ OCAML_OFFSETINT_1B , /* 8 */ -1, /* 9 */ OCAML_PUSHOFFSETCLOSURE0 , /* 10 */ OCAML_APPLY1 , /* 11 */ OCAML_MULINT , /* 12 */ OCAML_RETURN , /* 13 */ 1, /* 14 */ OCAML_CONST1 , /* 15 */ OCAML_RETURN , /* 16 */ 1, /* 17 */ OCAML_C_CALL1 , /* 18 */ 0, /* 19 */ OCAML_CONSTINT_1B , /* 20 */ 4, /* 21 */ OCAML_PUSHACC1 , /* 22 */ OCAML_APPLY1 , /* 23 */ OCAML_C_CALL1 , /* 24 */ 1, /* 25 */ OCAML_CONST0 , /* 26 */ OCAML_C_CALL1 , /* 27 */ 2, /* 28 */ OCAML_POP , /* 29 */ 1, /* 30 */ OCAML_STOP }; value ocaml_heap[ OCAML_HEAP_WOSIZE * 2] = { /* 0 */ Make_header (1, Closure_tag), /* 1 */ Val_codeptr (2) }; value acc = Val_int (0); value ocaml_stack[ OCAML_STACK_WOSIZE ] = { /* 0 */ Val_int (0), /* (...) */ /* 63 */ Init_val_block (4 * 1) }; void * const ocaml_primitives [ OCAML_PRIMITIVE_NUMBER ] = { (void *) &ocaml_arduboy_init , (void *) &ocaml_arduboy_print_int , (void *) & ocaml_arduboy_display };
  • 14. 13/19 Interpreter and runtime Intepreting bytecode The interpreter reads the program (stored in flash) generated by bc2c and modify the different variables (heap, stack, accumulator, . . .) depending on the instruction : Example : /* ... */ /* ‘ASSIGN n‘ assigns the nth level of the stack to the current acc value */ #ifdef OCAML_ASSIGN case OCAML_ASSIGN : { TRACE_INSTRUCTION ("ASSIGN"); sp[read_uint8 ()] = acc; acc = Val_unit; break; } #endif /* ... */ The runtime • Standard runtime library able of handling lists, arrays, floats, references, strings, generic comparison, . . . • Memory reuse with two Garbage Collection algorithms (Stop and Copy, Mark and Compact) • Possibilities to interface OCaml with C code (FFI)
  • 15. 14/19 Simulation Simulator • A simulator runs the VM and displays the state of input/output pins of the microcontroller • As well as the interaction with various external components (matrix display, buttons, led, . . .) by describing the circuit in a text file • Various levels of trace • Not yet generic ⇒ Debugging is made easier by not flashing the program
  • 16. 15/19 Benchs and results Measurements done on PC, and on Arduino Mega board : • ATmega2560 microcontroller : 16MHz ; Flash : 256kB ; Ram : 8kB • GC : Stop and Copy • Length of values : 32 bits • Compiler : avr-gcc with -O2 optimization level Speed measurements : Program Time (ocamlrun) Time (OMicroB Time (OMicroB RAM usage (s) on PC) (s) on MCU) (s) (heap+stack) (B) oddeven 0.28 0.62 2.262 1003 sieve 0.04 0.07 0.390 1825 deriv 0.03 0.05 0.250 1946 integr 0.04 0.06 0.379 1849 Size measurements : Program Bytecode Size of the RAM stack size heap size size (B) exec. (B) (B) (words) (words) Manhattan distance 744 24 210 5555 900 350 Solilet 413 18 322 5069 800 450 Snake 1376 21 238 1768 35 300 Flash and RAM size for the snake game : Taylor-made Size in flash Size in RAM Stack-size Heap-size interpreter no 27.9 ko 2*1.33 ko 2*64 values 2*300 values yes 17.3 ko Bytecode size optimizations (snake) : 30.16 ko ocamlclean −−−−−−→ 6.9 ko bc2c −−−→ 2.1 ko
  • 17. 16/19 Hardware abstractions using functors (** Interface for SPI communication *) module type SPI = sig val init: unit -> unit val transmit: char -> char end (** Connect as a slave *) module SPISlave: Circuits.SPI (** Connect as a master, with a SS pin *) module SPIMaster(SC: sig val ssPin : pin end): Circuits.SPI Master (BBC micro :bit) code module%comp SPIM = SPIMaster(ssPin = PIN0) let _ = SPIM.init (); let c = SPIM.transmit ’m’ in Screen. print_string (String.make 1 c) Slave (Arduino) code module%comp MyDisp = MakeLCD( rsPin = PIN9; enablePin = PIN8; d4Pin = PIN5; d5Pin = PIN4; d6Pin = PIN3; d7Pin = PIN2; ) let _ = MyDisp.init (); SPISlave.init (); while true do let c = SPISlave.transmit ’s’ in MyDisp. print_string (String.make 1 c) done
  • 18. 17/19 A hardware abstraction application : the MicroPong game module I2C = I2C(struct let addr = 0x3C end) module Scr = SSD1306(I2C) module%comp LedL = Led(pin = PIN1) module%comp LedR = Led(pin = PIN2) module%comp SPIM = SPIMaster(ssPin = PIN0) Radio.send ("sr" ^ string_of_int !scoreR ); Radio.send ("sl" ^ string_of_int !scoreL ); leftY := int_of_char (SPIM.transmit !scoreL ); rightY := Radio.recv ()
  • 19. 18/19 Extension to synchronous programming / critical systems Synchronous Programming • Synchronous programming is well adapted to microcontrollers ERTSS 2016 “Concurrent Programming of Microcontrollers, a Virtual Machine Approach” • Model of concurrent programming on critical applications • No allocation during a synchronous instant (→ no GC) • No unbound loops Example (OCaLustre) : let%node rising_edge (in_f) ~return:(out_f) = out_f := in_f && (not (false ->> in_f )) let%node press_switch (button) ~return:(led) = button_pressed := rising_edge (button ); led := false ->> (if button_pressed then (not led) else led) (N.B. a ->> b ≡ a0, b0, b1, b2, . . . ) Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) computation • We can associate a WCET for each (non-allocating) bytecode instruction • Deduce the WCET of a synchronous instant
  • 20. 19/19 Conclusion Our solution offers • A lightweight virtual machine • providing an expressive programming model • that offers safety (static typing) and guarantees (WCET for the synchronous extension) • as well as an easier debug process • all while being portable and configurable • and keeping good performances ⇒ Well suited to (critical) embedded systems Future works • Integrating new architectures into the OMicroB project (ESP, PIC32, ...) • User-friendly Development Environment • A more generic simulator (bundled with the IDE)