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Unseen children:
under the spotlight
Unseen children: under the spotlight
Matthew Coffey HMI
Regional Director, South
Twitter: Ofsted_Mcoffey
Hashtag: #OfstedSE
Unseen children: under the spotlight
Sir Michael Wilshaw
Her Majesty’s Chief
Inspector, Ofsted
Unseen children: under the spotlight
Dr John Dunford OBE
National pupil premium
Using the Pupil Premium to narrow the
gap across the south-east
7 March 2014
John Dunford
National Pupil Premium Champion
The priorities
Raising achievement
closing the gap
PP pupils
Other pupils
The ambition
"Our data shows it doesn't matter if you go to a school
in Britain, Finland or Japan, students from a privileged
background tend to do well everywhere.What really
distinguishes education systems is their capacity to
deploy resources where they can make the most
difference.Your effect as a teacher is a lot bigger for a
student who doesn't have a privileged background than
for a student who has lots of educational resources.“
Andreas Schleicher – OECD
Pupil premium: the gap in 2013
 The gap gets wider as pupils get older:
 19% gap (60%: 79%) in level 4 at 11
 27% gap (38%: 65%) in 5A-CsEM at 16
 Big variations between schools and between LAs
 Level 4 gap: Newham 4%; Hampshire 22%; Kent 23%;W Berks 25%;
Wokingham 29%
 GCSE gap: London under 20%; Surrey 32%; Hampshire 35%;W Berks
35%;Wokingham 39%
 Attainment of PP pupils
 Level 4: Camden 79%; Reading/W Berks 56%;West/East Sussex 55%;
Wokingham 54%
 GCSE:Tower Hamlets 63%;W Berks 32%; Hampshire 31%; IoW 29%;
Bracknell Forest 27%
 Smallest gaps in schools with high or low FSM
Percentage of Key Stage 4 pupils eligible for free school meals attaining the GCSE
by secondary schools, in deciles from low to high proportions of pupils eligible for free
school meals
Data based on 2012 Key Stage 4 validated data. Figures represent all open secondary schools that have had a published section 5 inspection as at 31 December 2012. Schools with percentage
figures exactly on the decile boundary have been included in the lower decile.
Focus for the pupil premium
 Prioritise gaps: Deprivation – Looked-after children –
Gender – Ethnic group
 There are good and bad ways to close the gap, so focus
on raising attainment of PP-eligible learners
 Use evidence of what works
 Using curriculum to raise FSM attainment
 Focus relentlessly on the quality of teaching and learning
The evidence
 The government isn’t telling schools how to
close the gap
 It’s for schools to decide how to use PP
The evidence
 Seeking out excellent practice in other schools
 Using the Education Endowment Foundation toolkit
 Using conclusions from Ofsted surveys
Professional networks
 Seeking out excellent practice in closing gap
 Looking out, not looking up
 Encouraging staff to build professional networks
– policy isn’t just made in the head’s office
 Local, regional, national, international evidence
 How effective are your networks?
 Who can help you to build new networks?
 Start a pupil premium co-ordinators’ network
EEF Toolkit
Small group tuition
• Intensive tuition in small groups is very effective.
• Pupils are usually grouped according to current level of attainment or
specific need.
• It is important to assess pupils’ needs accurately and provide work at a
challenging level with effective feedback and support.
• The cost effectiveness of one-to-two and one-to-three indicates that
greater use of these approaches would be productive in schools.
• Professional development and evaluation are likely to increase the
effectiveness of small group tuition.
Small group
4 months £££
High impact for
moderate cost
Evidence from Ofsted
 Reports on PP – Sept 2012 and Feb 2013
 Successful approaches:
 Unsuccessful approaches
 Unseen children: access and achievement 20 years on
Evidence from Ofsted: successful approaches
 PP funding ring-fenced to spend on target group
 Maintained high expectations of target group
 Thoroughly analysed which pupils were under-achieving + why
 Used evidence to allocate funding to big-impact strategies
 High quality teaching, not interventions to compensate for poor
 Used achievement data to check interventions effective and made
adjustments where necessary
 Highly trained support staff
 Senior leader with oversight of how PP funding is being spent
 Teachers know which pupils eligible for PP
 Able to demonstrate impact
 Involve governors
Evidence from Ofsted: less successful approaches
 Lack of clarity about intended impact of PP spending
 Funding spent on teaching assistants, with little impact
 Poor monitoring of impact
 Poor performance management system for support staff
 No clear audit trail of where PP money was spent
 Focus on level 4 or grade C thresholds, so more able under-achieved
 PP spending not part of school development plan
 Used poor comparators for performance, thus lowering expectations
 Pastoral work not focused on desired outcomes for PP pupils
 Governors not involved in decisions about the PP spending
Choosing your school strategies
 Whole-school strategiesWhole-school strategies
 Needs of individual pupilsNeeds of individual pupils
 Long-term
 Short-term
 Teaching and learning strategiesTeaching and learning strategies
 Improving numeracy and literacyImproving numeracy and literacy
 Improving test and exam resultsImproving test and exam results
 Raising aspirationsRaising aspirations
 Pastoral support strategiesPastoral support strategies
…which specifically
benefit FSM pupils
…which benefit FSM and
other under-achieving pupils
STRATEGIES ...which benefit
all pupils
…which targets social mobility
Targeted strategies for FSM pupils might include…
• Explicit school-level strategy to identify and support FSM pupils e.g.
through targeted funding
• Incentives and targeting of extended services and parental support
• Subsidising school trips and other learning resources
• Additional residential and summer camps
• Interventions to manage key transitions between stages or between
• Dedicated senior leadership champion, or lead worker to co-ordinate
support programme
Targeted strategies for under-performing and other pupils might include…
• Early intervention and targeted learning interventions
• One-to-one support and other ‘catch-up’ provision
• Rigorous monitoring and evaluation of impact of targeted interventions
• Extended services (e.g. breakfast and after-school clubs, including
homework and study support) and multi-agency support
• Targeted parental engagements, including raising aspirations and
developing parenting skills
• In-school dedicated pastoral and wellbeing support and outreach
• Developing confidence and self-esteem through pupil voice,
empowering student mentors, sport, music, or other programmes such
…which specifically benefit
FSM pupils
…which benefit FSM and
other under-achieving pupils
Whole school strategies might include…
• Quality teaching and learning, consistent across the school,
supported by strong CPD culture, observation/moderation and
• Engaging and relevant curriculum, personalised to pupil needs
• Pupil level tracking, assessment and monitoring
• Quality assessment for learning
• Effective reward, behaviour and attendance policies
• High quality learning environment
• Inclusive and positive school culture, underpinned by values and
‘moral purpose’ that all pupils will achieve
• Effective senior leadership team with ambition, vision, and high
expectations of staff and all pupils
STRATEGIES ...which benefit
all pupils
Source: Rea and Hill , 2011, Does School-to-School Support close the gap? National College for School Leadership
National College project on closing the gaps
 NLEs working in supported schools to narrow the gap
 CTG must be coherent with wider school improvement
 Overcome barriers
 Critical role of data
 Staff take ownership of strategies
 Audit effectiveness of intervention strategies
 Build into performance management
 Create sustainable change
 Draw on good practice elsewhere
National College Project on CTG
Seven principles about effective support from system leaders
1)Work on closing gaps needs to be part of the initial diagnostic or
terms of engagement
2)Leadership approaches will be different depending on the role of the
system leader
3)Importance of using the data to expose issues, gaps and progress of
targeted pupils
4)Importance of following up the data with a review of the barriers - to
understand where the priorities that need attention
5)Use evidence on what works to help determine the appropriate
strategies to raise attainment with targeted pupils
6)Wider application of interventions to focus on whole school issues
where the data or analysis of barriers showed this is necessary
7)Monitor progress and evaluate the impact of the interventions
National College Project on CTG
Five barriers which NLEs encountered
1)NLEs had to work to gain consent to, and real ownership of, the need
to address the issue
2)Data and tracking evidence didn’t exist or wasn’t robust enough on
which to base action to close gaps in attainment
3)Some schools didn’t believe that focussing on closing gaps was right
for them at that time – too many other whole school issues to resolve
first; others that CTG was not seen as a priority – until the data review
exposed that it was
4)Communication within the supported school was poor and so the
value and impact of the work was dissipated or lost
5)Interventions were not always successful. This should be a basis for
further analysis, learning, and revised/new interventions, rather than
despondency at failure
…which benefit FSM and
other under-achieving pupils
• A commitment to social justice
and to improving life chances
for children who are
• A commitment to building
honest and trusting
relationship between senior
leaders in NSS and partner
• Commitment to learning from
a partner school with a
different socio-economic
• Resilience in persevering with
tough challenges
• A willingness to adapt and
learn from experience as
projects develops
• Ability to analyse and quickly
understand and prioritise the
challenges and context facing the
partner school
• Ability to select and deploy the
strategies appropriate to the context
that will help to improve the
systems, culture and practice in the
partner school
• Good judgement in understanding
how to balance interventions
focused on whole school, target
groups and FSM pupils
• Ability to use and track data and act
on the implications down to
individual pupil level
• Ability to change culture and
• Ability to communicate and engage
pupils, staff and parents in a change
• NLE reviews the pupil level
performance data at the point of
‘due diligence’ to establish
• NLE and staff from the NSS model
and coach effective interventions
for targeted pupils
• NLE and staff from NSS help to
establish effective monitoring and
tracking systems which allow the
NLE to engage the school leaders in
the partner school in discussion
about the progress of the FSM
• NLE supports the improvement of
effective relations and
communications with parents
• Coaching and mentoring from NLE
and NSS staff help to re-energise
the partner school’s culture and
moral purpose “reminding all of us
why we became teachers in the
first place” (Deputy from a NSS)
Source: Rea and Hill , 2011, Does School-to-School Support close the gap? National College for School Leadership
 Accountability for impact of the pupil premium
 School by school
 Area-wide
 At a system level
 Creating a good audit trail
 Building your own data sets
 Accountability direct to parents
Creating a good audit trail
 Outcome measures
 FSM / Non-FSM attainment over time
 Gap over time
 Attendance over time
 Progress
 Destination data
 The audit trail
 PP funding
 Strategies adopted
 Implementation
 Monitoring mechanisms and results
 Measured impact
 Evaluating each strategy: ‘What does this mean?’
 Improving: ‘What do we do now?’
  29
Accountability to parents
 Obligation to report to parents on PP policies and impact
 Publish an online account of PP amount and plans to spend it
 At end of year, publish what you spent it on and the impact
 Lots of school templates on the internet
 … but this is about much more than accountability …
 … using support to use PP more effectively …
 … using curriculum to close the gaps …
An international perspective
“Today schooling needs to be much more about ways of
thinking, involving creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving
and decision-making.”
Andreas Schleicher – OECD
TES 16 November 2012
Using curriculum freedoms
 School curriculum bigger than National Curriculum
 What curriculum does a C21 young person need?
 What curriculum does most for disadvantaged?
 Developing knowledge, skills and personal qualities
 What skills and personal qualities to develop?
 CBI list?
 Your own list?
 Prepared for effective study, work-ready, life-ready
The starting
Get buy-in at
Use evidence
to decide
Training in
Make an
National Pupil Premium Champion
Contact John Dunford at
Twitter: @johndunford
Unseen children:
under the spotlight
Unseen children: under the spotlight
Dr Kevan Collins
Chief Executive, Education
Endowment Foundation
Closing the gap – follow the evidence…
Ofsted South East leadership conference
7 March 2014
• The EEF is an independent charity dedicated to breaking the
link between family income and educational achievement.
• In 2011 the Education Endowment Foundation was set up by Sutton
Trust as lead charity in partnership with the Impetus Trust. The EEF
is funded by a Department for Education grant of £125m and will
spend over £220m over its fifteen year lifespan.
• In 2013, the EEF was named with The Sutton Trust as the
government-designated ‘What Works’ centre for improving
education outcomes for school-aged children.
The EEF approach
We believe that more
evidence can help.
But what does
it mean in
An evidence-informed approach
can help us:
•Capture the maximum possible
benefit from spending
•Focus our effort where it will make
the most difference
•Resist fads and fakes
Applying evidence in practice
External evidence summarised in the Toolkit
can be used to inform choices.
Step 2: Identifying possible solutions
Evaluate the impact of your decisions and
identify potential improvements for the future.
Step 4: Did it work?
Mobilise the knowledge and use the findings
to inform the work of the school to grow or stop
the intervention.
Step 5: Securing and spreading change
Applying the ingredients of effective
Step 3: Giving the idea the best chance of success
Identify school priorities using internal data
and professional judgement.
Step 1: Decide what do you want to achieve
Step 1: Decide what you want to achieve
• Capacity to analyse school level data – reading between
the lines
• Benchmark performance against similar schools –
establishing an authentic challenge
• Aligning priorities with the values and ethos of the school
- making the moral case
Local systems need the support of intelligence led and data savvy
• There are 428 secondary schools (15% of
our data set) in which the average GCSE
point score of FSM pupils exceeds the
national average for all pupils (276.7 points).
In the graph these are schools above the
horizontal blue line.
• These top performing schools come from
across the spectrum of disadvantage
(ranging from 1% FSM school intake to
• FSM pupils in schools with a low and high
proportions of FSM students score higher
than schools in between. This “smile effect”
could be explained by:
1) FSM pupils in schools with low
proportions of FSM students benefiting
from peer effects
2) FSM pupils in schools with high
proportions of FSM students benefitting
from specialisation 44
The imperative: Key Stage 4 top
Note: this analysis excludes independent, special and selective schools
Step 2: Identify potential solutions
• Cast the net wide when trawling for solutions
• Focus on ‘disciplined innovation’ and evidence of
• Orchestrating the evidence to meet the problem
Local systems need to reach beyond the school to harness resources
that improve learning and wider outcomes for children
Step 2: Identify potential solutions
Three rules of thumb
1. Use the evidence as a
starting point for discussion
2. Dig deeper into what the
evidence actually says
3. Understand the ‘active
ingredients’ of implementation
Step 2: Identify potential solutions
• The capacity to secure implementation is a defining
feature of effective leadership
• Identifying and isolating the ‘active ingredients’
• Establishing capacity to work through cycles of
Local systems can identify and highlight excellent practice and
provide cost effective professional development opportunities
Step 3: Give the solution the best chance of success
Applying evidence in practiceStep 4: Evaluate the impact
We’ve published a DIY Evaluation Guide with Durham
University, which introduces the principles of evaluation
• Testing the evidence in context did the
approach work here?
• Was it worth the effort and cost?
• What made it work, and how can it be improved
next time?
Local systems can provide authentic
benchmarks and promote peer challenge
Step 5: Making innovation stick
• Moving from what we know to what we do
• Evidence as the foundation for demanding
reliable systems
• Establishing the process for ongoing change and
Effective local systems demonstrate a culture of ambition and
shared responsibility – the way we do things here…
We believe that more
evidence can help…
…but what does it mean
for you?
topics in
schools participating
in projects
pupils involved
in EEF projects
spend over
lifetime of the
funded to
Question Time
Market stall
Group A – presenting
Group B – browsing while
eating #OfstedSE
Market stall
Group B – presenting
Group A – browsing while
eating #OfstedSE
Sir Michael’s Challenge
‘Give me something
incredibly positive to write
about in 2018’
Questions for this afternoon
 What is your strategy for raising achievement for
disadvantaged pupils?
 Is this proving successful? How do you know? Does
everyone share the same view of this around the table?
 Are you making the best use of resources in schools; are
you using expertise like teaching schools and National
 How successfully are converter academies and local
authorities liaising and engaging with one another?
Questions for this afternoon
 How do you measure success and how are collaboratives,
schools and individual teachers held to account for
 Are there any ideas that have been picked up today that
would make you think differently about how you do things?
Anything from the London Challenge?
 How could HMI support your endeavours? Can you commit
today to meeting again; to confirming the next steps?

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Using Pupil Premium to narrow attainment gaps in the south-east

  • 1. Unseen children: under the spotlight #OfstedSE
  • 2. Unseen children: under the spotlight Matthew Coffey HMI Regional Director, South East Twitter: Ofsted_Mcoffey Hashtag: #OfstedSE #OfstedSE
  • 3. Unseen children: under the spotlight Sir Michael Wilshaw Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Ofsted #OfstedSE
  • 4. Unseen children: under the spotlight Dr John Dunford OBE National pupil premium champion #OfstedSE
  • 5. Using the Pupil Premium to narrow the gap across the south-east 7 March 2014 John Dunford National Pupil Premium Champion 5
  • 8. The ambition "Our data shows it doesn't matter if you go to a school in Britain, Finland or Japan, students from a privileged background tend to do well everywhere.What really distinguishes education systems is their capacity to deploy resources where they can make the most difference.Your effect as a teacher is a lot bigger for a student who doesn't have a privileged background than for a student who has lots of educational resources.“ Andreas Schleicher – OECD 8
  • 9. Pupil premium: the gap in 2013  The gap gets wider as pupils get older:  19% gap (60%: 79%) in level 4 at 11  27% gap (38%: 65%) in 5A-CsEM at 16  Big variations between schools and between LAs  Level 4 gap: Newham 4%; Hampshire 22%; Kent 23%;W Berks 25%; Wokingham 29%  GCSE gap: London under 20%; Surrey 32%; Hampshire 35%;W Berks 35%;Wokingham 39%  Attainment of PP pupils  Level 4: Camden 79%; Reading/W Berks 56%;West/East Sussex 55%; Wokingham 54%  GCSE:Tower Hamlets 63%;W Berks 32%; Hampshire 31%; IoW 29%; Bracknell Forest 27%  Smallest gaps in schools with high or low FSM 9
  • 10. Percentage of Key Stage 4 pupils eligible for free school meals attaining the GCSE benchmark by secondary schools, in deciles from low to high proportions of pupils eligible for free school meals Data based on 2012 Key Stage 4 validated data. Figures represent all open secondary schools that have had a published section 5 inspection as at 31 December 2012. Schools with percentage figures exactly on the decile boundary have been included in the lower decile.
  • 11. Focus for the pupil premium  Prioritise gaps: Deprivation – Looked-after children – Gender – Ethnic group  There are good and bad ways to close the gap, so focus on raising attainment of PP-eligible learners  Use evidence of what works  Using curriculum to raise FSM attainment  Focus relentlessly on the quality of teaching and learning 11
  • 12.
  • 13. The evidence  The government isn’t telling schools how to close the gap  It’s for schools to decide how to use PP 13
  • 14. The evidence  Seeking out excellent practice in other schools  Using the Education Endowment Foundation toolkit  Using conclusions from Ofsted surveys  14
  • 15. Professional networks  Seeking out excellent practice in closing gap  Looking out, not looking up  Encouraging staff to build professional networks – policy isn’t just made in the head’s office  Local, regional, national, international evidence  How effective are your networks?  Who can help you to build new networks?  Start a pupil premium co-ordinators’ network locally? 15
  • 17. Small group tuition • Intensive tuition in small groups is very effective. • Pupils are usually grouped according to current level of attainment or specific need. • It is important to assess pupils’ needs accurately and provide work at a challenging level with effective feedback and support. • The cost effectiveness of one-to-two and one-to-three indicates that greater use of these approaches would be productive in schools. • Professional development and evaluation are likely to increase the effectiveness of small group tuition. Approach Average impact Cost Evidence estimate Summary Small group tuition 4 months £££ High impact for moderate cost
  • 18. Evidence from Ofsted  Reports on PP – Sept 2012 and Feb 2013  Successful approaches:  Unsuccessful approaches  Unseen children: access and achievement 20 years on 18
  • 19. Evidence from Ofsted: successful approaches  PP funding ring-fenced to spend on target group  Maintained high expectations of target group  Thoroughly analysed which pupils were under-achieving + why  Used evidence to allocate funding to big-impact strategies  High quality teaching, not interventions to compensate for poor teaching  Used achievement data to check interventions effective and made adjustments where necessary  Highly trained support staff  Senior leader with oversight of how PP funding is being spent  Teachers know which pupils eligible for PP  Able to demonstrate impact  Involve governors
  • 20. Evidence from Ofsted: less successful approaches  Lack of clarity about intended impact of PP spending  Funding spent on teaching assistants, with little impact  Poor monitoring of impact  Poor performance management system for support staff  No clear audit trail of where PP money was spent  Focus on level 4 or grade C thresholds, so more able under-achieved  PP spending not part of school development plan  Used poor comparators for performance, thus lowering expectations  Pastoral work not focused on desired outcomes for PP pupils  Governors not involved in decisions about the PP spending
  • 21. Choosing your school strategies  Whole-school strategiesWhole-school strategies  Needs of individual pupilsNeeds of individual pupils  Long-term  Short-term  Teaching and learning strategiesTeaching and learning strategies  Improving numeracy and literacyImproving numeracy and literacy  Improving test and exam resultsImproving test and exam results  Raising aspirationsRaising aspirations  Pastoral support strategiesPastoral support strategies 21
  • 22. TARGETED STRATEGIES FOR PUPILS ELIGIBLE FOR FSM …which specifically benefit FSM pupils STRATEGIES FOR UNDER- PERFORMING PUPILS …which benefit FSM and other under-achieving pupils WHOLE SCHOOL STRATEGIES ...which benefit all pupils GOVERNMENT POLICY …which targets social mobility
  • 23. EXAMPLE STRATEGIES TO CLOSE ATTAINMENT GAPS BETWEEN PUPILS ELIGIBLE FOR FREE SCHOOL MEALS AND THEIR PEERS Targeted strategies for FSM pupils might include… • Explicit school-level strategy to identify and support FSM pupils e.g. through targeted funding • Incentives and targeting of extended services and parental support • Subsidising school trips and other learning resources • Additional residential and summer camps • Interventions to manage key transitions between stages or between schools • Dedicated senior leadership champion, or lead worker to co-ordinate support programme Targeted strategies for under-performing and other pupils might include… • Early intervention and targeted learning interventions • One-to-one support and other ‘catch-up’ provision • Rigorous monitoring and evaluation of impact of targeted interventions • Extended services (e.g. breakfast and after-school clubs, including homework and study support) and multi-agency support • Targeted parental engagements, including raising aspirations and developing parenting skills • In-school dedicated pastoral and wellbeing support and outreach • Developing confidence and self-esteem through pupil voice, empowering student mentors, sport, music, or other programmes such as SEALTARGETED STRATEGIES FOR PUPILS ELIGIBLE FOR FSM …which specifically benefit FSM pupils STRATEGIES FOR UNDER- PERFORMING PUPILS …which benefit FSM and other under-achieving pupils Whole school strategies might include… • Quality teaching and learning, consistent across the school, supported by strong CPD culture, observation/moderation and coaching • Engaging and relevant curriculum, personalised to pupil needs • Pupil level tracking, assessment and monitoring • Quality assessment for learning • Effective reward, behaviour and attendance policies • High quality learning environment • Inclusive and positive school culture, underpinned by values and ‘moral purpose’ that all pupils will achieve • Effective senior leadership team with ambition, vision, and high expectations of staff and all pupils WHOLE SCHOOL STRATEGIES ...which benefit all pupils Source: Rea and Hill , 2011, Does School-to-School Support close the gap? National College for School Leadership
  • 24. National College project on closing the gaps  NLEs working in supported schools to narrow the gap  CTG must be coherent with wider school improvement policies  Overcome barriers  Critical role of data  Staff take ownership of strategies  Audit effectiveness of intervention strategies  Build into performance management  Create sustainable change  Draw on good practice elsewhere 24
  • 25. National College Project on CTG Seven principles about effective support from system leaders 1)Work on closing gaps needs to be part of the initial diagnostic or terms of engagement 2)Leadership approaches will be different depending on the role of the system leader 3)Importance of using the data to expose issues, gaps and progress of targeted pupils 4)Importance of following up the data with a review of the barriers - to understand where the priorities that need attention 5)Use evidence on what works to help determine the appropriate strategies to raise attainment with targeted pupils 6)Wider application of interventions to focus on whole school issues where the data or analysis of barriers showed this is necessary 7)Monitor progress and evaluate the impact of the interventions 25
  • 26. National College Project on CTG Five barriers which NLEs encountered 1)NLEs had to work to gain consent to, and real ownership of, the need to address the issue 2)Data and tracking evidence didn’t exist or wasn’t robust enough on which to base action to close gaps in attainment 3)Some schools didn’t believe that focussing on closing gaps was right for them at that time – too many other whole school issues to resolve first; others that CTG was not seen as a priority – until the data review exposed that it was 4)Communication within the supported school was poor and so the value and impact of the work was dissipated or lost 5)Interventions were not always successful. This should be a basis for further analysis, learning, and revised/new interventions, rather than despondency at failure 26
  • 27. STRATEGIES FOR UNDER- PERFORMING PUPILS …which benefit FSM and other under-achieving pupils EXAMPLES OF LEADERSHIP ATTRIBUTES AND SKILLS NEEDED BY NLEs TO HELP CLOSE GAPS IN ATTAINMENT … KEY ATTRIBUTES • A commitment to social justice and to improving life chances for children who are disadvantaged • A commitment to building honest and trusting relationship between senior leaders in NSS and partner schools • Commitment to learning from a partner school with a different socio-economic context • Resilience in persevering with tough challenges • A willingness to adapt and learn from experience as projects develops • Ability to analyse and quickly understand and prioritise the challenges and context facing the partner school • Ability to select and deploy the strategies appropriate to the context that will help to improve the systems, culture and practice in the partner school • Good judgement in understanding how to balance interventions focused on whole school, target groups and FSM pupils • Ability to use and track data and act on the implications down to individual pupil level • Ability to change culture and aspirations • Ability to communicate and engage pupils, staff and parents in a change process KEY SKILLS KEY EXAMPLES • NLE reviews the pupil level performance data at the point of ‘due diligence’ to establish priorities • NLE and staff from the NSS model and coach effective interventions for targeted pupils • NLE and staff from NSS help to establish effective monitoring and tracking systems which allow the NLE to engage the school leaders in the partner school in discussion about the progress of the FSM pupils • NLE supports the improvement of effective relations and communications with parents • Coaching and mentoring from NLE and NSS staff help to re-energise the partner school’s culture and moral purpose “reminding all of us why we became teachers in the first place” (Deputy from a NSS) Source: Rea and Hill , 2011, Does School-to-School Support close the gap? National College for School Leadership
  • 28. Accountability  Accountability for impact of the pupil premium  School by school  Area-wide  At a system level  Creating a good audit trail  Building your own data sets  Accountability direct to parents 28
  • 29. Creating a good audit trail  Outcome measures  FSM / Non-FSM attainment over time  Gap over time  Attendance over time  Progress  Destination data  The audit trail  PP funding  Strategies adopted  Implementation  Monitoring mechanisms and results  Measured impact  Evaluating each strategy: ‘What does this mean?’  Improving: ‘What do we do now?’   29
  • 30. Accountability to parents  Obligation to report to parents on PP policies and impact  Publish an online account of PP amount and plans to spend it  At end of year, publish what you spent it on and the impact  Lots of school templates on the internet  … but this is about much more than accountability …  … using support to use PP more effectively …  … using curriculum to close the gaps … 30
  • 31. An international perspective “Today schooling needs to be much more about ways of thinking, involving creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making.” Andreas Schleicher – OECD TES 16 November 2012 31
  • 32. Using curriculum freedoms  School curriculum bigger than National Curriculum  What curriculum does a C21 young person need?  What curriculum does most for disadvantaged?  Developing knowledge, skills and personal qualities  What skills and personal qualities to develop?  CBI list?  Your own list?  Prepared for effective study, work-ready, life-ready 32
  • 33. 33
  • 34. The starting point Get buy-in at school Use evidence to decide strategy Training in depth Change practice Make an impact Evaluate effectiveness
  • 35. National Pupil Premium Champion Contact John Dunford at Twitter: @johndunford 35
  • 36. Unseen children: under the spotlight #OfstedSE
  • 37. Unseen children: under the spotlight Dr Kevan Collins Chief Executive, Education Endowment Foundation #OfstedSE
  • 38. Closing the gap – follow the evidence… Ofsted South East leadership conference 7 March 2014 @EducEndowFoundn
  • 39. Introduction • The EEF is an independent charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement. • In 2011 the Education Endowment Foundation was set up by Sutton Trust as lead charity in partnership with the Impetus Trust. The EEF is funded by a Department for Education grant of £125m and will spend over £220m over its fifteen year lifespan. • In 2013, the EEF was named with The Sutton Trust as the government-designated ‘What Works’ centre for improving education outcomes for school-aged children.
  • 41. We believe that more evidence can help. But what does it mean in practice? An evidence-informed approach can help us: •Capture the maximum possible benefit from spending •Focus our effort where it will make the most difference •Resist fads and fakes
  • 42. Applying evidence in practice External evidence summarised in the Toolkit can be used to inform choices. Step 2: Identifying possible solutions Evaluate the impact of your decisions and identify potential improvements for the future. Step 4: Did it work? Mobilise the knowledge and use the findings to inform the work of the school to grow or stop the intervention. Step 5: Securing and spreading change Applying the ingredients of effective implementation. Step 3: Giving the idea the best chance of success Identify school priorities using internal data and professional judgement. Step 1: Decide what do you want to achieve 42
  • 43. Step 1: Decide what you want to achieve • Capacity to analyse school level data – reading between the lines • Benchmark performance against similar schools – establishing an authentic challenge • Aligning priorities with the values and ethos of the school - making the moral case Local systems need the support of intelligence led and data savvy partners
  • 44. • There are 428 secondary schools (15% of our data set) in which the average GCSE point score of FSM pupils exceeds the national average for all pupils (276.7 points). In the graph these are schools above the horizontal blue line. • These top performing schools come from across the spectrum of disadvantage (ranging from 1% FSM school intake to 61%). • FSM pupils in schools with a low and high proportions of FSM students score higher than schools in between. This “smile effect” could be explained by: 1) FSM pupils in schools with low proportions of FSM students benefiting from peer effects 2) FSM pupils in schools with high proportions of FSM students benefitting from specialisation 44 The imperative: Key Stage 4 top performers Note: this analysis excludes independent, special and selective schools
  • 45. Step 2: Identify potential solutions • Cast the net wide when trawling for solutions • Focus on ‘disciplined innovation’ and evidence of promise • Orchestrating the evidence to meet the problem Local systems need to reach beyond the school to harness resources that improve learning and wider outcomes for children
  • 46. Step 2: Identify potential solutions
  • 47. Three rules of thumb 1. Use the evidence as a starting point for discussion 2. Dig deeper into what the evidence actually says 3. Understand the ‘active ingredients’ of implementation
  • 48. Step 2: Identify potential solutions
  • 49. • The capacity to secure implementation is a defining feature of effective leadership • Identifying and isolating the ‘active ingredients’ • Establishing capacity to work through cycles of implementation Local systems can identify and highlight excellent practice and provide cost effective professional development opportunities Step 3: Give the solution the best chance of success
  • 50. Applying evidence in practiceStep 4: Evaluate the impact We’ve published a DIY Evaluation Guide with Durham University, which introduces the principles of evaluation • Testing the evidence in context did the approach work here? • Was it worth the effort and cost? • What made it work, and how can it be improved next time? Local systems can provide authentic benchmarks and promote peer challenge
  • 51. Step 5: Making innovation stick • Moving from what we know to what we do • Evidence as the foundation for demanding reliable systems • Establishing the process for ongoing change and innovation Effective local systems demonstrate a culture of ambition and shared responsibility – the way we do things here…
  • 52. We believe that more evidence can help… …but what does it mean for you? 33 topics in the Toolkit 2,300 schools participating in projects 502,000 pupils involved in EEF projects £220m estimated spend over lifetime of the EEF 72 projects funded to date 52
  • 54. Market stall Group A – presenting Group B – browsing while eating #OfstedSE
  • 55. Market stall Group B – presenting Group A – browsing while eating #OfstedSE
  • 56. Sir Michael’s Challenge ‘Give me something incredibly positive to write about in 2018’
  • 57. Questions for this afternoon  What is your strategy for raising achievement for disadvantaged pupils?  Is this proving successful? How do you know? Does everyone share the same view of this around the table?  Are you making the best use of resources in schools; are you using expertise like teaching schools and National Leads?  How successfully are converter academies and local authorities liaising and engaging with one another?
  • 58. Questions for this afternoon  How do you measure success and how are collaboratives, schools and individual teachers held to account for improvements?  Are there any ideas that have been picked up today that would make you think differently about how you do things? Anything from the London Challenge?  How could HMI support your endeavours? Can you commit today to meeting again; to confirming the next steps?

Notas do Editor

  1. You can shop for a solution but it’s important to cast the net wide and…
  2. You can shop for a solution but it’s important to cast the net wide and…
  3. The relationship between spending and results is not linear. This graph answers the “why not just give us more money?” question. It will always be important to think about how we spend our resources.
  4. “Do the right stuff not just more stuff.”
  5. Systems: compliance and leadership. EEF approach: authentic authority for all.