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Life’s Toughest Challenges
Into Your
Greatest Opportunities
(Or, 8 Building Blocks to Turn Every Problem
Into a Good Thing)
Sermonsinstones,and goodineverything.
How do you approach life’s
When you hear the word “struggle”
what comes to mind?
How do we build a life worth living?
One that we are proud of?
How Do You Solve Your Problems?
The most successful people on the planet find
a way to turn every difficulty into their
greatest hits collection. And most of them
used a variation of the 8 principles I’ll lay
out here. They find a way to make sure that
failure does not destroy them, but is the very
reason they prosper.
Here’s the Secret
Benjamin Franklin was Wrong
There are three things in this world that are certain:
death, taxes, and adversity.
Call it what you want: adversity, struggle, challenge,
failure, obstacles…we ALL stare it down at one point or
another each day, week, month, and year of our lives.
What’s the story YOU tell yourself about
adversity? Because the story you tell
yourself will decide your fate. Adversity
creates opportunity. Each moment should be
leaned into, not avoided.
We can learn the skills necessary to use
adversity to our advantage. Respected
research in brain science and psychology
reveal how. And to boot, human stories from
around the world demonstrate it’s
I’ve built a formula for developing a
skillset for the inevitable battles with
adversity. Worked on together, you’ll be able
to turn every adversity moment to your
advantage. Sports provides a powerful vessel
in which to illustrate these principles. Here’s
a sneak peek at how you can use them to
overcome adversity
Principle ONE
“And the day came when the risk to remain
tight in a bud was more painful than the risk
it took TO BLOSSOM” - Anais Nin
The growth mindset is the cornerstone…the
keystone habit, to using adversity to your
advantage. The growth mindset is the first
step – and the most important one – in
getting everything right.
“In a fixed mindset students believe their basic
abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are
just fixed traits…In a growth mindset students
understand that their talents and abilities can
be developed through effort, good teaching and
persistence. They don’t necessarily think
everyone’s the same or anyone can be Einstein,
but they believe everyone can get smarter if
they work at it” – Carol Dweck, Acclaimed
Bill Walsh – hall of fame head coach and GM of the San Francisco
49ers – effectively used the principles of growth mindset to change
the San Francisco 49ers from worst team in the NFL to a winning
dynasty. HE focused everyone – from the receptionist to the
quarterback – to do everything through the lens of learning and
growth. Whether it was tying your shoelace or throwing the winning
touchdown, everything was done through his standard of
performance. Today, he is now known as one of the most PROLIFIC AND
innovative coaches of all time.
Principle TWO
The understanding of the process is crucial. By
really knowing anD understanding the process
we can take advantage of our “human compound
interest”. The more we focus on the process
rather than the outcome, the more we focus on
practicing rather than the trophy, the more
likely we will get the trophy. Focusing on the
small steps makes the big steps PSYCHOLOGCIALLY
and psychically surmountable.
Michelle Kwan – the most decorated figure skater in u.s. history –
spent her entire skating career “respecting the process”. After a
disappointing silver medal in the 1998 Olympics, people questioned
why she was returning to compete in the 2002 Olympic games. Kwan
responded “When people say I stayed to win the Olympics, no, I stayed
in to tRY and win the olympics”. It wasn’t the end goal that mattered
– It was the work that did. It was the drip-drip-drip process of
constantly learning, constantly improving, that mattered to her. She
ended her career career with five world championships and nine u.s.
Principle THREE
“To be in hell is to drift;
to be in heaven is to steer”
- George Bernard Shaw
Focus on what you can control
We are all faced with constraints – whether
social, racial, or socioeconomic. Stoicism
posits that focusing on what we cannot
control is a destructive emotion, and that the
healthier, more productive strategy is to
focus on what we can control. And they’re
right. Wasting our mental energy on things we
can’t influence distracts our mind from
thoughts and action that can benefit us and
Jim Abbott was a remarkable athlete. As of 2014, there
have been 239 no-hitters in Major League Baseball
history. Jim Abbott was one of them. Yet, what makes this
no-hitter more unique than anything – and what makes
Jim’s athletic life more unique than anything else – is
that he was born with no right hand. It was a constraint
that made him focus on what he could control. And
despite his impediment, he not only succeeded, but
succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.
Jim abbott
Principle FOUR
Depending on our self-awareness, we adjust
how and where we improve our circumstances.
Based on our self-awareness, we apply a
narrative about what our lives are and how
we should go about it.
THE science OF self-awareness
D u r i n g h i s f i r s t s e a s o n i n t h e N F L w i t h t h e n e w yo r k g i a n t s , v i n c e
l o m b a r d i d i d n ’ t g e t t h e r e s p e c t f r o m h i s p l ay e r s t h at h e wa n t e d . H i s
p l ay e r s d i d n ’ t v i b e w i t h h i s aw k wa r d , h a r d e n e d c o a c h i n g s t y l e , a n d a s
h i s f i r s t y e a r p r o g r e s s e d , t h e t o l l wa s u n b e a r a b l e . B u t l o m b a r d i
l o o k e d i n s i d e h i m s e l f. H e a p p r o a c h e d t h e m o s t r e s p e c t e d p l ay e r s o n
t h e o f f e n s e , h at i n h a n d , t o s e e h o w h e c o u l d i m p r o v e a n d e a r n t h e i r
r e s p e c t. A n d s u r e e n o u g h , h e c h a n g e d . S o d i d t h e p l ay e r s . V i n c e
l o m b a r d i w o n f i v e n f l c h a m p i o n s h i p s , i n c l u d i n g t h e f i r s t t w o s u p e r
b o w l s . T h e s u p e r b o w l t r o p h y i s n a m e d i n h i s h o n o r .
Principle FIVE
“He who has a why to live for can bare almost
any how” – friedrich nietzche
The clarity of PURPOSE
It’s not about how much money you can make or how
many cars you can buy. It’s about focusing on a
higher purpose – something larger than yourself.
In positive psychology, more notably in Seligman’s
research, the good life, the pleasant life, and the
full life are all very much available options. But
the full life offers the most: it’s the life where you
have the pleasures, the engagement , the purpose,
and the mission. Focus on the goals that are bigger
than you, while also channeling your efforts closer
to a higher purpose, and you’ll reap the benefits.
Terry fox
Terry Fox – a young Canadian athlete – was diagnosed
with cancer, just when his collegiate athletic career
was starting to look up. When he was forced to amputate
his leg, Fox noticed the other children in the hospital.
Their suffering was something he would never forget.
Fox started a movement – the Marathon for Hope – to
raise $1 dollar for every Canadian in the country. After
his death, the results of his efforts soon exceeded
anything he would ever dream of - $650 million, while
also increasing cure rates for osteosarcoma by 80%.
Today, he is a celebrated hero in Canada.
Principle SIX
“great heroes need great sorrows and burdens, or half
their greatness goes unnoticed. It is all part of the fairy
tale.” - Peter s. beagle
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Standing on the shoulders of giants is about using
the stories of those around you to propel you even
further than you thought possible.
From the war-torn, snowy pastorals of the American
Revolution to the penniless, New Yorker arguments
of your grandparents, from big to small, thousands
of years to just now, all lives have been defined by
struggle. But to overcome that struggle, people
appreciated the adversity around them. People
appreciated the stories of those who had overcome
much greater odds. And they used these narratives
to fuel their own lives.
BILL BELICHICKB i l l b e l i c h i c k i s t h e h e a d c o a c h o f t h e n e w e n g l a n d pat r i o t s , a n d a
6 -t i m e s u p e r b o w l c h a m p i o n . W i t h a l l o f b e l i c h i c k ’ s s u c c e s s , h e
b e l i e v e s h e o w e s m u c h t o t h e o p p o r t u n i t i e s p r o v i d e d t o h i m . H e
s ta n d s o n t h e s h o u l d e r s o f g i a n t s . F o r m a n y r e a s o n s : t h e f o r t i t u d e
o f h i s g r a n d pa r e n t s e m i g r at i n g t o t h e U . S . , t h e c o a c h e s , o w n e r s , a n d
p l ay e r s t h at d e v e l o p e d t h e g a m e o f f o o t b a l l i n t o t h e s p o r t i t i s
t o d ay, a n d t h e p e o p l e i n h i s t o r y w h o h av e a l l o w e d u s t o b e f r e e ,
s a f e , a n d pav e d t h e way f o r t h e p u r s u i t o f h a p p i n e s s . A n d m o s t o f
a l l , h i s fat h e r , s t e v e . T h i s b e l i e f p r o v i d e s t h e c o n t e x t a n d
b l u e p r i n t t o s u c c e e d , t h r o u g h m e n t o r s h i p, e f f o r t, a n d c h a r a c t e r .
Principle SEVEN
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree
and I will spend the first four
sharpening the axe” – Abraham
What it takes to be cool
Training is authority. As obvious as it may seem,
preparation is really at the center of doing anything
well. You prepare, you do well, you’re cool. You don’t
prepare, and it’s a disaster.
We can learn to be cool under adversity if we treat it
like we do a sporting event. If we treat adversity with
the right preparation, we give ourselves the
opportunity to better deal with it under pressure.
When we prepare, we can keep a cool head under
pressure because we’ve already tasted the pressure.
Arthur Ashe carried himself the way he played tennis - with
serenity and grace. Whether he was facing tennis giants like Jimmy
Connors and Bjorn Borg in the 70’s or talking to inner-city youth,
his ability to be cool under pressure and even-keel was his
greatest and most crucial asset. For an African-American tennis
legend back in a time of great racial prejudice with the added
burden of HIV, Ashe’s coolness on and off the court was nothing
short of inspiring.
Principle EIGHT
“do not spoil what you have by desiring
what you have not; remember that what
you now have was once among the things
you only hoped for” - epicurus
The importance of feeling lucky
Appreciate the magnitude of your moment here on
Earth as an irrefutable byproduct of the
historical human response to adversity.
With perspective, we can remove ourselves from
snap judgments, from getting too high or too low
on ourselves, and become grateful for the work
put in before us. From your friends to your co-
workers, adversity touches everyone you know. As
much as you want to avoid it, better to meditate in
it’s wake rather than be held in it’s grip.
LOU GEHRIG“ Fa n s , f o r t h e pa s t t w o w e e k s yo u h av e b e e n r e a d i n g a b o u t t h e b a d b r e a k
I g o t. Y e t t o d ay I c o n s i d e r m y s e l f t h e l u c k i e s t m a n o n t h e fa c e o f t h i s
e a r t h . I h av e b e e n i n b a l l pa r k s f o r 1 7 y e a r s a n d h av e n e v e r r e c e i v e d
a n y t h i n g b u t k i n d n e s s a n d e n c o u r a g e m e n t f r o m yo u fa n s ”
- L o u G e h r i g , M L B p l ay e r , a f t e r b e i n g d i a g n o s e d w i t h A L S , a m u s c l e
d e g e n e r at i v e d i s e a s e

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The Game of Adversity: 8 Principles to Turn Life's Toughest Moments into Your Greatest Opportunities

  • 1. How To TURN Life’s Toughest Challenges Into Your Greatest Opportunities (Or, 8 Building Blocks to Turn Every Problem Into a Good Thing)   N I C K D I N A R D O
  • 3. How do you approach life’s challenges? When you hear the word “struggle” what comes to mind? How do we build a life worth living? One that we are proud of? How Do You Solve Your Problems?
  • 4. The most successful people on the planet find a way to turn every difficulty into their greatest hits collection. And most of them used a variation of the 8 principles I’ll lay out here. They find a way to make sure that failure does not destroy them, but is the very reason they prosper. Here’s the Secret
  • 5. Benjamin Franklin was Wrong FRANKLIN ONCE SAID “IN THIS WORLD NOTHING CAN BE CERTAIN, EXCEPT DEATH AND TAXES. HE WAS WRONG. There are three things in this world that are certain: death, taxes, and adversity. Call it what you want: adversity, struggle, challenge, failure, obstacles…we ALL stare it down at one point or another each day, week, month, and year of our lives.
  • 6. What’s the story YOU tell yourself about adversity? Because the story you tell yourself will decide your fate. Adversity creates opportunity. Each moment should be leaned into, not avoided.
  • 7. We can learn the skills necessary to use adversity to our advantage. Respected research in brain science and psychology reveal how. And to boot, human stories from around the world demonstrate it’s power.
  • 8. I’ve built a formula for developing a skillset for the inevitable battles with adversity. Worked on together, you’ll be able to turn every adversity moment to your advantage. Sports provides a powerful vessel in which to illustrate these principles. Here’s a sneak peek at how you can use them to overcome adversity
  • 9. Principle ONE “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took TO BLOSSOM” - Anais Nin MINDSET
  • 10. THE GROWTH MINDSET The growth mindset is the cornerstone…the keystone habit, to using adversity to your advantage. The growth mindset is the first step – and the most important one – in getting everything right.
  • 11. “In a fixed mindset students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits…In a growth mindset students understand that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence. They don’t necessarily think everyone’s the same or anyone can be Einstein, but they believe everyone can get smarter if they work at it” – Carol Dweck, Acclaimed Psychologist THE GROWTH MINDSET
  • 12. Bill Walsh – hall of fame head coach and GM of the San Francisco 49ers – effectively used the principles of growth mindset to change the San Francisco 49ers from worst team in the NFL to a winning dynasty. HE focused everyone – from the receptionist to the quarterback – to do everything through the lens of learning and growth. Whether it was tying your shoelace or throwing the winning touchdown, everything was done through his standard of performance. Today, he is now known as one of the most PROLIFIC AND innovative coaches of all time. BILL WALSH
  • 14. The understanding of the process is crucial. By really knowing anD understanding the process we can take advantage of our “human compound interest”. The more we focus on the process rather than the outcome, the more we focus on practicing rather than the trophy, the more likely we will get the trophy. Focusing on the small steps makes the big steps PSYCHOLOGCIALLY and psychically surmountable. THE SANCTITY OF PROCESS
  • 15. Michelle Kwan – the most decorated figure skater in u.s. history – spent her entire skating career “respecting the process”. After a disappointing silver medal in the 1998 Olympics, people questioned why she was returning to compete in the 2002 Olympic games. Kwan responded “When people say I stayed to win the Olympics, no, I stayed in to tRY and win the olympics”. It wasn’t the end goal that mattered – It was the work that did. It was the drip-drip-drip process of constantly learning, constantly improving, that mattered to her. She ended her career career with five world championships and nine u.s. championships.” MICHELLE KWAN
  • 16. Principle THREE “To be in hell is to drift; to be in heaven is to steer” - George Bernard Shaw Focus on what you can control
  • 17. We are all faced with constraints – whether social, racial, or socioeconomic. Stoicism posits that focusing on what we cannot control is a destructive emotion, and that the healthier, more productive strategy is to focus on what we can control. And they’re right. Wasting our mental energy on things we can’t influence distracts our mind from thoughts and action that can benefit us and others. THE POWER OF CONTROL
  • 18. Jim Abbott was a remarkable athlete. As of 2014, there have been 239 no-hitters in Major League Baseball history. Jim Abbott was one of them. Yet, what makes this no-hitter more unique than anything – and what makes Jim’s athletic life more unique than anything else – is that he was born with no right hand. It was a constraint that made him focus on what he could control. And despite his impediment, he not only succeeded, but succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Jim abbott
  • 20. SELF-AWARENESS IS A SENSE OF KNOWINg WHO YOU ARE, WHAT YOU’RE DOING, AND HOW THIS ALL FITS INTO THE COMPLICATED CHAOS OF YOUR LIFE. Depending on our self-awareness, we adjust how and where we improve our circumstances. Based on our self-awareness, we apply a narrative about what our lives are and how we should go about it. THE science OF self-awareness
  • 21. D u r i n g h i s f i r s t s e a s o n i n t h e N F L w i t h t h e n e w yo r k g i a n t s , v i n c e l o m b a r d i d i d n ’ t g e t t h e r e s p e c t f r o m h i s p l ay e r s t h at h e wa n t e d . H i s p l ay e r s d i d n ’ t v i b e w i t h h i s aw k wa r d , h a r d e n e d c o a c h i n g s t y l e , a n d a s h i s f i r s t y e a r p r o g r e s s e d , t h e t o l l wa s u n b e a r a b l e . B u t l o m b a r d i l o o k e d i n s i d e h i m s e l f. H e a p p r o a c h e d t h e m o s t r e s p e c t e d p l ay e r s o n t h e o f f e n s e , h at i n h a n d , t o s e e h o w h e c o u l d i m p r o v e a n d e a r n t h e i r r e s p e c t. A n d s u r e e n o u g h , h e c h a n g e d . S o d i d t h e p l ay e r s . V i n c e l o m b a r d i w o n f i v e n f l c h a m p i o n s h i p s , i n c l u d i n g t h e f i r s t t w o s u p e r b o w l s . T h e s u p e r b o w l t r o p h y i s n a m e d i n h i s h o n o r . VINCE LOMBARDI
  • 22. Principle FIVE “He who has a why to live for can bare almost any how” – friedrich nietzche The clarity of PURPOSE
  • 23. THE CLARITY OF PURPOSE It’s not about how much money you can make or how many cars you can buy. It’s about focusing on a higher purpose – something larger than yourself. In positive psychology, more notably in Seligman’s research, the good life, the pleasant life, and the full life are all very much available options. But the full life offers the most: it’s the life where you have the pleasures, the engagement , the purpose, and the mission. Focus on the goals that are bigger than you, while also channeling your efforts closer to a higher purpose, and you’ll reap the benefits.
  • 24. Terry fox Terry Fox – a young Canadian athlete – was diagnosed with cancer, just when his collegiate athletic career was starting to look up. When he was forced to amputate his leg, Fox noticed the other children in the hospital. Their suffering was something he would never forget. Fox started a movement – the Marathon for Hope – to raise $1 dollar for every Canadian in the country. After his death, the results of his efforts soon exceeded anything he would ever dream of - $650 million, while also increasing cure rates for osteosarcoma by 80%. Today, he is a celebrated hero in Canada.
  • 25. Principle SIX “great heroes need great sorrows and burdens, or half their greatness goes unnoticed. It is all part of the fairy tale.” - Peter s. beagle STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS
  • 26. Standing on the shoulders of giants Standing on the shoulders of giants is about using the stories of those around you to propel you even further than you thought possible. From the war-torn, snowy pastorals of the American Revolution to the penniless, New Yorker arguments of your grandparents, from big to small, thousands of years to just now, all lives have been defined by struggle. But to overcome that struggle, people appreciated the adversity around them. People appreciated the stories of those who had overcome much greater odds. And they used these narratives to fuel their own lives.
  • 27. BILL BELICHICKB i l l b e l i c h i c k i s t h e h e a d c o a c h o f t h e n e w e n g l a n d pat r i o t s , a n d a 6 -t i m e s u p e r b o w l c h a m p i o n . W i t h a l l o f b e l i c h i c k ’ s s u c c e s s , h e b e l i e v e s h e o w e s m u c h t o t h e o p p o r t u n i t i e s p r o v i d e d t o h i m . H e s ta n d s o n t h e s h o u l d e r s o f g i a n t s . F o r m a n y r e a s o n s : t h e f o r t i t u d e o f h i s g r a n d pa r e n t s e m i g r at i n g t o t h e U . S . , t h e c o a c h e s , o w n e r s , a n d p l ay e r s t h at d e v e l o p e d t h e g a m e o f f o o t b a l l i n t o t h e s p o r t i t i s t o d ay, a n d t h e p e o p l e i n h i s t o r y w h o h av e a l l o w e d u s t o b e f r e e , s a f e , a n d pav e d t h e way f o r t h e p u r s u i t o f h a p p i n e s s . A n d m o s t o f a l l , h i s fat h e r , s t e v e . T h i s b e l i e f p r o v i d e s t h e c o n t e x t a n d b l u e p r i n t t o s u c c e e d , t h r o u g h m e n t o r s h i p, e f f o r t, a n d c h a r a c t e r .
  • 28. Principle SEVEN “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe” – Abraham Lincoln WHAT IT TAKES TO BE COOL
  • 29. What it takes to be cool Training is authority. As obvious as it may seem, preparation is really at the center of doing anything well. You prepare, you do well, you’re cool. You don’t prepare, and it’s a disaster. We can learn to be cool under adversity if we treat it like we do a sporting event. If we treat adversity with the right preparation, we give ourselves the opportunity to better deal with it under pressure. When we prepare, we can keep a cool head under pressure because we’ve already tasted the pressure.
  • 30. ARTHUR ASHE Arthur Ashe carried himself the way he played tennis - with serenity and grace. Whether he was facing tennis giants like Jimmy Connors and Bjorn Borg in the 70’s or talking to inner-city youth, his ability to be cool under pressure and even-keel was his greatest and most crucial asset. For an African-American tennis legend back in a time of great racial prejudice with the added burden of HIV, Ashe’s coolness on and off the court was nothing short of inspiring.
  • 31. Principle EIGHT “do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for” - epicurus FEELING LUCKY
  • 32. The importance of feeling lucky Appreciate the magnitude of your moment here on Earth as an irrefutable byproduct of the historical human response to adversity. With perspective, we can remove ourselves from snap judgments, from getting too high or too low on ourselves, and become grateful for the work put in before us. From your friends to your co- workers, adversity touches everyone you know. As much as you want to avoid it, better to meditate in it’s wake rather than be held in it’s grip.
  • 33. LOU GEHRIG“ Fa n s , f o r t h e pa s t t w o w e e k s yo u h av e b e e n r e a d i n g a b o u t t h e b a d b r e a k I g o t. Y e t t o d ay I c o n s i d e r m y s e l f t h e l u c k i e s t m a n o n t h e fa c e o f t h i s e a r t h . I h av e b e e n i n b a l l pa r k s f o r 1 7 y e a r s a n d h av e n e v e r r e c e i v e d a n y t h i n g b u t k i n d n e s s a n d e n c o u r a g e m e n t f r o m yo u fa n s ” - L o u G e h r i g , M L B p l ay e r , a f t e r b e i n g d i a g n o s e d w i t h A L S , a m u s c l e d e g e n e r at i v e d i s e a s e