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Fabrics Finishing Department
Baroibagh, Enayet Nagar, Fatullah Nrayangonj
Date: 10/10/2022
wemwgjøvwni ivngvwbi ivwng
Md Mizanur Rahman
AGM (Dyeing Finishing)
Cell: +8801911309216
Presented By
Daily Work Schedule
wdwbwks Gi cÖavbZg †gwkb
Main Machine of Finishing,
¸iæZ¡c~b© Kvh©¨vwa: Improtence
1. Kvco‡K ïKv‡bv, Fabrics dry
2. Kvc‡oi mvBR wVK Kiv, Width Adjust
3. wRGmGg wVK ivLv, GSM Control
4. ms‡KvPb ÿgZv ivk Kiv, Shrinkage Control
5. UzBó ‡Kv›Uj Kiv, Twist control
6. Av`ªZv †Kv›Uªj Kiv, Moisture Control
7. wnU †mU Kiv, hvnv j¨vKiv Kvc‡oi w¯’wZ¯’vcKZv eRvq ivLv|
8. ‡fvBs †Kv›Uj Kiv
9. K¨vwg‡Kj e¨envi Kiv
mZ©KZv: Caution:
 AwZwi³ †U¤úv‡iPv‡ii Kvi‡b †mW bó n‡q †h‡Z cv‡i| Shade destroy by
excess temperature
 wbwUs c¨vivwgUvi m¤ú©‡K AwÁZv bv _vK‡j, wRGmGg, mvBR Ges wms‡KR Gi
mgm¨v n‡Z cv‡i| Must be understand about knitting
 Kvc‡oi MVb AbyhvB †gwkb †mU Avc wb‡Z n‡e| Fabrics stracture wise
set the machine
 Kvc‡oi Kvjvi AbyhvB , †gwkb fvj fv‡e cwi®‹vi Ki‡Z n‡e| Shade wise
check machine need clean or not
 ‡gwkb cwi¯‹vi ivL‡Z n‡e, Zv bv n‡j Av¸b jvMvi m¤¢bv _v‡K| Keep
clean all time in machine otherwise fire any time
 ‡KwgK¨vj e¨env‡i mgq, e¨envi wewa Rvbv _vK‡Z n‡e| Must be knows
Chemical use procedure
 ‡Kvb iKg †Ubkb _vK‡Z cvi‡e bv, BbcyU I AvDU cy‡Ui mgq| Entrys &
Output must keep tension free
What is function-
1. Temperature
2. Padder Pressure
3. Overfeed
4. Underfeed
5. Dancing / Load Cell
6. Centering Roller
7. Auto Sensor
8. Weft straightening (Mahlo)
9. Blower
10. Exhaust
11. Circulation Fan
12. Air Cooling
‡U·UvBj †gwk‡bi Dwell time wKt
Kvco ÷¨v›Uvi †gwk‡bi wnwUs P¨v¤¢vi AwZµg
Ki‡Z †h mgq UzKz jv‡M ZvB Dwell time
Pin Hole in Selvage
1. If width Excess from
2. If you set the width in
Stenter less then Required
3. Blower Speed more, Should
be less from Maximum
4. Delivery side Excess
tension/ Pull the Fabrics
Calculation Productivity
Width x GSM x Speed
1000 x 39.37
= KG / Minute
•35% wcK-Ad n‡j 800 †KwR Kvc‡o cvwb
jvM‡e=800×35%=280 wjUvi
•mdUbvi hw` 20 MÖvg/wjUvi nq,
280×2%=5.6 †KwR
•35% wcK-Ad n‡j 800 †KwR Kvc‡o cvwb
jvM‡e=800×35%=280 wjUvi
•mdUbvi hw` 20 MÖvg/wjUvi nq,
280×2%=5.6 †KwR
wms‡KR wVK Kivi wnmvet
Shrinkage L-2% W-12%
Required GSM- 160 Width- 84”
Actual GSM-154 Width- 85
Shrinkage L-10% W- +4%
Required GSM- 160 Width- 84”
Actual GSM-154 Width- 85
cwiPvjbvi wb‡`©kbv
Guideline for Finishing,
wdwbwks Kivi wb‡`©wkKv
We have to Ensue SOP
‡d¬vi cwi¯‹vi ivLv
‡d¬vi cwi¯‹vi ivLv
1. hÎZÎ Kvco _vK‡Z cvi‡e bv
2. Pjv‡divi RvqMv cwi¯‹vi ivL‡Z n‡e
3. Kvco †W‡K ivL‡Z n‡e
4. ‡ivj Kiv †Kvb Kvco Uªwj‡Z ivL‡Z cvi‡e bv
5. me©”P 5w`‡bi †ewk ‡Kvb Kvco, wdwbwms Kiv Qvov
_vK‡e bv
6. cÖwZwU †døvi gwbUwis Kivi Rb¨ `vwqZ¡ cÖvß †jvK
Av‡Qb, Hme †døv‡i †Kvb †ivj A_ev G‡jv‡gj Ae¯’vq
cvIqv †M‡j Hme †jvK Reve w`wnZvi AvIZvq Avm‡e
Lycra Fabrics we have to Process
wdwbwks Kivi wb‡`©wkKv
Heat Set procedure-
•1. wnU‡mU t - mvavibZ j¨vKiv Kvc‡o WvBs Kivi c~‡e© wnU‡mU
Ki‡Z nq| KviY Kvc‡oi mvBR wVK ivLv Ges wRGmGg wVK Kiv
I j¨vKiv‡K Kvc‡oi mv‡_ mgvšÍivj fv‡e ¯’vqx Kiv|
•K. Kvc‡o wKªR/fvR co‡e, hvnvi GB RvZxq Kvc‡oi cÖavb
•L. mvBR/Wvqv GKB iæ‡j wewfboe n‡Z cv‡i|
•M. ‡μvKiv‡bv ‡μvKiv‡bv †`Lv hv‡e|
•N. wRGmGg wewfboe RvqMvq Kg †ewk cvIqv hv‡e Ges
cÖ‡qvR‡bi Zzjbvq A‡bK †ekx _vK‡e|
•wK fv‡e wnU‡mU Kiv nq t- wKDwis ZvcgvÎv
180-210 wWMwi †mw›U‡MÖW Ges Wz‡qj UvBg 45-55
†m‡K›U, j¨vKivi †Wwiqv‡ii Dc‡i cÖavbZ wbe©i K‡i Ges
÷ª¨v›Uvi †gwk‡bi wnwUs †P¤¢v‡ii DciI A‡bK As‡k wbf©i
K‡i| mvavibZ 180 wRGmGg †_‡K wb‡Pi w`‡Ki wRGmGg
Gi Kvc‡oi †MÖ wRGmGg †ewk _v‡K 10-15% Avi 180
wRGmGg Gi Dc‡ii Kvc‡o †MÖ wRGmGg mvavibZ Kg ev
mgvb _vK‡Z cv‡i| wnU‡m‡Ui gva¨‡g jÿgvÎvq
‡cŠQv‡bv n‡q _v‡K|
•K. wZb fv‡e cÖaviZ wnU‡mU Kiv n‡q _v‡K-
•- K¨vwg‡Kj/Mig cvwb e¨envi K‡i- wbwUs I‡qj I fvR cÖwZ‡iva K‡i|
•- WªvB, w÷ªg w`‡q- wRGmGg †ewk I cÖWvKkb †ewk Kivi Rb¨|
•- Iqvk K‡i,- †cÖvcvi wnU‡mU nq, wKš‘ e¨q eûj
•L. wK wK wel‡qi Dci wfwË K‡i wnU‡mU Kiv n‡q _v‡K-
• - wbwUs †gwk‡bi e¨vÛ Abymv‡i
•- wbwUs ZvwiL Abymv‡i
•- wRGmGg Abymv‡i
•- j¨vKov e¨vÛ Abymv‡i
•- WvBs Kvjv‡ii % Abymv‡i
We have to implement personal life
¸iæZ¡ c~Y© wb‡`©wkKv cwi¯‹vi cwiPbœZvi Rb¨
We have to smart
আমাদের স্মার্ টহদে হদে
SMART Analysis
Practical picture
‡Kb DB_ cªvw_©K¨ cvIqv hvq
1. †iv‡ji mvBW wQov _vK‡j
2.‡mj‡fR MvBW A‡Uv KvR bv Ki‡j|
3.‡mj‡fR MvBW G GRvBg Wvó Rg‡j
4.‡gwkb Pvjy Ae¯’vq DB_ evov‡j Ges
5.wcb †_‡K Kvco Ly‡j †M‡j|
Training Program
- wmwjwUsGic~‡e©WvBsGiUªwj,Lvwjn‡j,WvBsGwb‡qhv‡e
- wmwjwUsKiviRb¨,÷¨v›UviKivic‡iLvwjn‡j†mBUªwj,wmwjwUse¨enviKi‡e|
- ÷¨v›UviKiviRb¨,K¤ú±Kivic‡i,Lvwjn‡j†mBUªwj,÷¨v›Uvi†gwk‡be¨enviKi‡e|
- Ab¨vb¨†gwk‡biRb¨Hme†gwk‡biUªwjLvwjn‡je¨enviKi‡Zn‡e|
†gvevBj †dvb
e¨envi m¤ú~Y© eÜ|
Kv‡Ri mgq------
Production Incentive
Drcv`b cÖ‡Yv`bv
Avgv‡`i cÖwZgv‡m Drcv`b cÖ‡Yv`bv
†`Iqvi cwiKíbv i‡q‡Q (cÖwZw`b hw` †Kvb
e¨w³ Drcv`‡bi jÿ¨gvÎv AR©b K‡i)
We have Plan given to Production
Incentive Every Month (Every day
if any person achieve Production
gvbyl cv‡i bv, Ggb KvR †bB |
There is no work
that people can’t do
Thanks Lots

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Finishing Training Program.pdf

  • 1. Fabrics Finishing Department Baroibagh, Enayet Nagar, Fatullah Nrayangonj Date: 10/10/2022 wemwgjøvwni ivngvwbi ivwng
  • 2. Md Mizanur Rahman AGM (Dyeing Finishing) Cell: +8801911309216 Presented By
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. wdwbwks Gi cÖavbZg †gwkb Main Machine of Finishing,
  • 7.
  • 8. ¸iæZ¡c~b© Kvh©¨vwa: Improtence 1. Kvco‡K ïKv‡bv, Fabrics dry 2. Kvc‡oi mvBR wVK Kiv, Width Adjust 3. wRGmGg wVK ivLv, GSM Control 4. ms‡KvPb ÿgZv ivk Kiv, Shrinkage Control 5. UzBó ‡Kv›Uj Kiv, Twist control 6. Av`ªZv †Kv›Uªj Kiv, Moisture Control 7. wnU †mU Kiv, hvnv j¨vKiv Kvc‡oi w¯’wZ¯’vcKZv eRvq ivLv| 8. ‡fvBs †Kv›Uj Kiv 9. K¨vwg‡Kj e¨envi Kiv
  • 9. mZ©KZv: Caution:  AwZwi³ †U¤úv‡iPv‡ii Kvi‡b †mW bó n‡q †h‡Z cv‡i| Shade destroy by excess temperature  wbwUs c¨vivwgUvi m¤ú©‡K AwÁZv bv _vK‡j, wRGmGg, mvBR Ges wms‡KR Gi mgm¨v n‡Z cv‡i| Must be understand about knitting parameter  Kvc‡oi MVb AbyhvB †gwkb †mU Avc wb‡Z n‡e| Fabrics stracture wise set the machine  Kvc‡oi Kvjvi AbyhvB , †gwkb fvj fv‡e cwi®‹vi Ki‡Z n‡e| Shade wise check machine need clean or not  ‡gwkb cwi¯‹vi ivL‡Z n‡e, Zv bv n‡j Av¸b jvMvi m¤¢bv _v‡K| Keep clean all time in machine otherwise fire any time  ‡KwgK¨vj e¨env‡i mgq, e¨envi wewa Rvbv _vK‡Z n‡e| Must be knows Chemical use procedure  ‡Kvb iKg †Ubkb _vK‡Z cvi‡e bv, BbcyU I AvDU cy‡Ui mgq| Entrys & Output must keep tension free
  • 10. What is function- 1. Temperature 2. Padder Pressure 3. Overfeed 4. Underfeed 5. Dancing / Load Cell 6. Centering Roller 7. Auto Sensor 8. Weft straightening (Mahlo) 9. Blower 10. Exhaust 11. Circulation Fan 12. Air Cooling
  • 11. ‡U·UvBj †gwk‡bi Dwell time wKt Kvco ÷¨v›Uvi †gwk‡bi wnwUs P¨v¤¢vi AwZµg Ki‡Z †h mgq UzKz jv‡M ZvB Dwell time
  • 13. Pin Hole in Selvage 1. If width Excess from Required 2. If you set the width in Stenter less then Required 3. Blower Speed more, Should be less from Maximum 4. Delivery side Excess tension/ Pull the Fabrics
  • 14. Calculation Productivity Width x GSM x Speed 1000 x 39.37 = KG / Minute
  • 15. mdUbvi •35% wcK-Ad n‡j 800 †KwR Kvc‡o cvwb jvM‡e=800×35%=280 wjUvi •mdUbvi hw` 20 MÖvg/wjUvi nq, 280×2%=5.6 †KwR
  • 16. mdUbvi •35% wcK-Ad n‡j 800 †KwR Kvc‡o cvwb jvM‡e=800×35%=280 wjUvi •mdUbvi hw` 20 MÖvg/wjUvi nq, 280×2%=5.6 †KwR
  • 17. wms‡KR wVK Kivi wnmvet Shrinkage L-2% W-12% Required GSM- 160 Width- 84” Actual GSM-154 Width- 85 Shrinkage L-10% W- +4% Required GSM- 160 Width- 84” Actual GSM-154 Width- 85
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. Guideline for Finishing, wdwbwks Kivi wb‡`©wkKv
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. We have to Ensue SOP ‡d¬vi cwi¯‹vi ivLv
  • 28. ‡d¬vi cwi¯‹vi ivLv 1. hÎZÎ Kvco _vK‡Z cvi‡e bv 2. Pjv‡divi RvqMv cwi¯‹vi ivL‡Z n‡e 3. Kvco †W‡K ivL‡Z n‡e 4. ‡ivj Kiv †Kvb Kvco Uªwj‡Z ivL‡Z cvi‡e bv 5. me©”P 5w`‡bi †ewk ‡Kvb Kvco, wdwbwms Kiv Qvov _vK‡e bv 6. cÖwZwU †døvi gwbUwis Kivi Rb¨ `vwqZ¡ cÖvß †jvK Av‡Qb, Hme †døv‡i †Kvb †ivj A_ev G‡jv‡gj Ae¯’vq cvIqv †M‡j Hme †jvK Reve w`wnZvi AvIZvq Avm‡e
  • 29. Lycra Fabrics we have to Process wdwbwks Kivi wb‡`©wkKv
  • 30. Heat Set procedure- •1. wnU‡mU t - mvavibZ j¨vKiv Kvc‡o WvBs Kivi c~‡e© wnU‡mU Ki‡Z nq| KviY Kvc‡oi mvBR wVK ivLv Ges wRGmGg wVK Kiv I j¨vKiv‡K Kvc‡oi mv‡_ mgvšÍivj fv‡e ¯’vqx Kiv| Zvbvn‡j- •K. Kvc‡o wKªR/fvR co‡e, hvnvi GB RvZxq Kvc‡oi cÖavb mgm¨v| •L. mvBR/Wvqv GKB iæ‡j wewfboe n‡Z cv‡i| •M. ‡μvKiv‡bv ‡μvKiv‡bv †`Lv hv‡e| •N. wRGmGg wewfboe RvqMvq Kg †ewk cvIqv hv‡e Ges cÖ‡qvR‡bi Zzjbvq A‡bK †ekx _vK‡e|
  • 31. •wK fv‡e wnU‡mU Kiv nq t- wKDwis ZvcgvÎv 180-210 wWMwi †mw›U‡MÖW Ges Wz‡qj UvBg 45-55 †m‡K›U, j¨vKivi †Wwiqv‡ii Dc‡i cÖavbZ wbe©i K‡i Ges ÷ª¨v›Uvi †gwk‡bi wnwUs †P¤¢v‡ii DciI A‡bK As‡k wbf©i K‡i| mvavibZ 180 wRGmGg †_‡K wb‡Pi w`‡Ki wRGmGg Gi Kvc‡oi †MÖ wRGmGg †ewk _v‡K 10-15% Avi 180 wRGmGg Gi Dc‡ii Kvc‡o †MÖ wRGmGg mvavibZ Kg ev mgvb _vK‡Z cv‡i| wnU‡m‡Ui gva¨‡g jÿgvÎvq ‡cŠQv‡bv n‡q _v‡K|
  • 32. •K. wZb fv‡e cÖaviZ wnU‡mU Kiv n‡q _v‡K- •- K¨vwg‡Kj/Mig cvwb e¨envi K‡i- wbwUs I‡qj I fvR cÖwZ‡iva K‡i| •- WªvB, w÷ªg w`‡q- wRGmGg †ewk I cÖWvKkb †ewk Kivi Rb¨| •- Iqvk K‡i,- †cÖvcvi wnU‡mU nq, wKš‘ e¨q eûj •L. wK wK wel‡qi Dci wfwË K‡i wnU‡mU Kiv n‡q _v‡K- • - wbwUs †gwk‡bi e¨vÛ Abymv‡i •- wbwUs ZvwiL Abymv‡i •- wRGmGg Abymv‡i •- j¨vKov e¨vÛ Abymv‡i •- WvBs Kvjv‡ii % Abymv‡i
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. We have to implement personal life ¸iæZ¡ c~Y© wb‡`©wkKv cwi¯‹vi cwiPbœZvi Rb¨
  • 42. We have to smart আমাদের স্মার্ টহদে হদে
  • 47. ‡Kb DB_ cªvw_©K¨ cvIqv hvq 1. †iv‡ji mvBW wQov _vK‡j 2.‡mj‡fR MvBW A‡Uv KvR bv Ki‡j| 3.‡mj‡fR MvBW G GRvBg Wvó Rg‡j 4.‡gwkb Pvjy Ae¯’vq DB_ evov‡j Ges Kgv‡j| 5.wcb †_‡K Kvco Ly‡j †M‡j|
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 64. Uªwje¨enviwewa- - wmwjwUsGic~‡e©WvBsGiUªwj,Lvwjn‡j,WvBsGwb‡qhv‡e - wmwjwUsKiviRb¨,÷¨v›UviKivic‡iLvwjn‡j†mBUªwj,wmwjwUse¨enviKi‡e| - ÷¨v›UviKiviRb¨,K¤ú±Kivic‡i,Lvwjn‡j†mBUªwj,÷¨v›Uvi†gwk‡be¨enviKi‡e| - Ab¨vb¨†gwk‡biRb¨Hme†gwk‡biUªwjLvwjn‡je¨enviKi‡Zn‡e|
  • 65. †gvevBj †dvb e¨envi m¤ú~Y© eÜ| Kv‡Ri mgq------
  • 67. Avgv‡`i cÖwZgv‡m Drcv`b cÖ‡Yv`bv †`Iqvi cwiKíbv i‡q‡Q (cÖwZw`b hw` †Kvb e¨w³ Drcv`‡bi jÿ¨gvÎv AR©b K‡i) We have Plan given to Production Incentive Every Month (Every day if any person achieve Production Target)
  • 68. gvbyl cv‡i bv, Ggb KvR †bB | There is no work that people can’t do