design thinking - ein überblick

Inga Wiele Há 10 anos

The Future of Banking

dmcgroup Há 9 anos

Unternehmenspräsentation emotion banking 2013

emotion banking Há 13 anos

Business Model Course Day 1 (in German)

Alexander Osterwalder Há 16 anos

Hubble Innovations @ Metamorphosis

Henny Steiniger Há 12 anos

Corporate Startup: Disruptive Innovation mit Lean Startup & Design Thinking

Institute for Business Innovation Há 10 anos

Innovation Lab as a Service - Ein Erfahrungsbericht

OPITZ CONSULTING Deutschland Há 6 anos

Human-Centered Design Methods & Tools

Jake Truemper Há 7 anos

Human Centered Design

Joel Fariss Há 8 anos