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Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías
Comandante Supremo de la Revolución Bolivariana
Nicolás Maduro Moros
Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Jorge Alberto Arreaza Montserrat
Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la República Bolivariana
de Venezuela
Maryann del Carmen Hanson Flores
Ministra del Poder Popular para la Educación
Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte
Viceministra de Programas de Desarrollo Académico
Trina Aracelis Manrique
Viceministra de Participación y Apoyo Académico
Conrado Jesús Rovero Mora
Viceministro para la Articulación de la
Educación Bolivariana
Viceministro de Desarrollo para la Integración de la
Educación Bolivariana
Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte
Directora General de Currículo
Neysa Yrama Navarro
Directora General (E) de Educación Media y Técnica
Cuarto Año
Nivel de Educación Media del Subsistema de Educación Básica
Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este material sin
autorización del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
© Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
Esquina de Salas, Edi8cio Sede, parroquia Altagracia,
Caracas, Distrito Capital
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación, 2013
Primera edición: Mayo 2013
Tiraje: 400.000 ejemplares
Depósito Legal: lf51620134281791
ISBN: 978-980-218-364-7
República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Coordinación General de la Colección Bicentenario
Maryann del Carmen Hanson Flores
Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte
Coordinación General Logística y de Distribución de la
Colección Bicentenario
Franklin Alfredo Albarrán Sánchez
Coordinación Logística
Deyanira D’Jesús Urbáez Salazar
Jhonny José Quintero Páez
Yrene Lucrecia Duarte Hurtado
Coordinación General de la serie Inglés
Rosa López de D’Amico
Coordinación Editorial
Isabel C. Faneyth Serrano
Autoras y Autores
Isabel C. Faneyth Serrano
Rosa López de D’Amico
Yvemar Peraza M.
Yvonne Saulny
Manuel Adrián Arrioja
Ligia Álvarez
Isabel Carrillo
Belkys Blanco
Gretel Hernández
Josil Jose8na Murillo
Asesoría Curricular
Isabel C. Faneyth Serrano
Rosa López de D’Amico
Jorge Enrique González
Andrés Carmelo Algara
Ligia Álvarez
Yvemar Peraza M.
Isabel Carrillo
Corrección de Lenguaje
Mark Gregson
Coordinación de Arte
Gilberto Abad VIvas
Diseño Grá8co
Gilberto Abad Vivas
Kelly Gerardin Calderón Labrador
Braulio González
José Alberto Lostalé
José Ángel Díaz
Julio César Aguiar
Morelys Rivas Fonseca
Rafael Pacheco Rangel
Rosanna Galucci
Samuel González
Víctor Silva
Yassamy Moreno Pérez
Suministro de papel: INVEPAL
A las y los docentes
My Fourth Victory es un libro hecho con mucho amor y profesionalismo, especialmente para
nuestras y nuestros estudiantes, así como también para ustedes estimadas y estimados colegas.
Como docentes especialistas en la enseñanza de idiomas modernos, nos ha preocupado la
enseñanza del idioma inglés, en nuestros centros educativos desde hace algún tiempo. Es por esto que nos
hemos esmerado en elaborar este hermoso material para ayudarles, junto con su experiencia y su bagaje
de conocimientos, a cumplir con esta ardua tarea, como es el enseñar un idioma extranjero. Es algo que
va más allá de plani8car las actividades, dar una clase, asignar una tarea, evaluar a través de una prueba,
de reunirse con las y los representantes para conversar acerca del rendimiento estudiantil. Se trata de que
a esta persona que tendremos en nuestras manos, la ayudemos a conocer sus talentos, a desarrollar sus
habilidades, a potenciar sus conocimientos, a valorar lo suyo y a trabajar para mejorarlo y hacerlo más
grande al pasar el tiempo. En este libro, creamos diferentes actividades y temas para lograr tales objetivos,
asumiendo que nuestras y nuestros estudiantes son cada vez más exigentes y que podemos hacerlos
conocedores de sus deberes y derechos, merecedores de lo mejor.
Cada tema introductorio fue seleccionado con tópicos interesantes para ser desarrollados con
sencillez en una discusión sana y enriquecedora, en la cual se promueva la exposición de opiniones con
respeto a las opiniones de los demás. La idea es que vean el idioma inglés como un medio para adquirir
conocimientos. Que podamos transmitirles el mensaje de que al hablar, entender, leer y escribir en inglés,
aumenta su nivel de comunicación, a tal punto, que puedan estar al día con lo que ocurre a nivel mundial
y a su vez puedan transmitir lo de su entorno a personas de otros países, pues este idioma nos abre las
puertas al mundo.
Así, pues, estimadas y estimados colegas, aquí está el fruto de un gran esfuerzo para contribuir en
esta loable labor de educar y formar al ciudadano que nuestra patria necesita, los cuales sean proactivos,
comunícativos, reMexivos, que amen y de8endan la patria venezolana, para hacerlo cada vez mejor,
tomando en cuenta lo importante que es el vivir bien.
A el (la) estudiante
Querido (a) estudiante:
Bienvenido a cuarto año! Un año maravilloso donde vas a continuar aumentando tu nivel de
conocimiento, conversarás sobre las diferentes carreras que te ofrece nuestro sistema de estudios y
de otros temas que ocurren a nivel mundial que nos afectan como habitantes de este planeta.
Este libro fue especialmente diseñado para ti con mucho amor y dedicación. Contiene temas
actuales, sencillos y sobre todo de interés para ti y para todos. Cada lección tiene el propósito de mostrarte
la información de manera sencilla para que accedas a los contenidos con facilidad. Podrás notar que se
presentan varios temas con diversos tipos de ejercicios que ayudan a desarrollar y 8jar cada situación.
El idioma inglés, como ya lo sabes, tiene varias características que debes recordar siempre para facilitar
su adquisición: se escribe de una manera y se pronuncia de otra, la(s) palabra(s) que describe(n) va(n)
delante del sustantivo, y algunas otras que seguramente ya has ido descubriendo. Lo que debes tener
presente es que es un medio para comunicarte diferente al tuyo. Y que como tal, debes familiarizarte con
todos los aspectos aunque te parezcan extraños. Solo ten en cuenta que son diferentes.
Este año que ya tienes conocimiento del idioma que has adquirido en primero, segundo y tercer
año, tenemos el GLOSSARY en inglés y unas interesantes lecturas adicionales al 8nal del libro. Todo esto
para complementar tu formación integral.
lees y escribes en inglés. Además de estar en armonía con tu entorno escolar, pues es una asignatura más,
estás en contacto con el mundo entero: puedes recibir y dar información a nivel mundial. Este es el idioma
que se usa para todas las transacciones comerciales, comunicaciones en el campo aeronáutico, cientí8co
y en todas las carreras donde pueda tener inherencia la tecnología actual. Así pues, te invito a aprovechar
disfrutar esta edición y, a la vez te exhorto a que te prepares cada vez mejor para que asumas tu rol en
la sociedad que tanto te necesita y espera por ti y tu aporte para hacer de esta una PATRIA GRANDE,
segura y productiva.
Lesson 6 - I haven t / She hasn t / I hadn t 48
I will…
01- I’ll be a great…
Presente continuo.
Futuro “going to”. Will.
Cláusulas with “if” and “when”
Who did you… with?
Have to…
02- I’ll be…if I…
03- My holidays…
…but not
Hablar y escribir acerca de
eventos que solían llevarse
a cabo en el pasado, causa
y efecto, experiencias.
ReMexionar acerca de
experiencias y eventos del
pasado su relación con la
realidad y que podemos
hacer para transformarlo.
04- Did you know
Used to. Pasado simple.
Presente perfecto. Pasado
perfecto. Por qué…, porque…
Conjunciones: Conectores:
según su función: adición,
contraste, resultado, propósito.
Adverbs: ever, always, never, etc
Prepositions: for since
05- Joining…
06- I haven’t / She
hasn’t / I hadn’t…
Comentar y escribir acerca
de conMictos comunes
entre padres e hijos.
Valorar la buena
comunicación en la familia
y la comunidad para
fortalecer valores de amor
y respeto hacía una cultura
de paz
07-…by yourself.
Pronombres: reMexivos,
posesivos, objetivos, etc.
Pronombres relativos: who,
which, where, whose, etc. Primer
If I… verb (present tense) …I
will+verb (base form)…
Cláusulas negativas y
a8rmativas. Preguntas (simples
y de información), respuestas.
08- He is the one
09- Who…?
ReMexionar acerca de
situaciones probables y
Comentar y escribir
oraciones acerca de
situaciones imposibles
de modi8car pues ya
Analizar y buscar posibles
soluciones a situaciones
presentadas que
puedan contribuir con
la transformación de la
10- If I…
Segundo condicional:
If … +verb (past form)…, …
would+verb (base form)…
Review of past tense verbs.
Review of past participles.
Tercer condicional If …had
+verb (past participle form)…,
… would have +verb (past
participle form)…
11- What would…
12- It wouldn’t have
happened if I…
Utilizar Valorar el uso“it”en
expresiones que muestran
habilidad, percepción,
arrepentimiento y acuerdo.
Utilizar otros usos de“it”en
diálogos y párrafos cortos.
13- It’s easy for me
It+verb to be+adjective to…
It +verb+to me(that)
It+verb to be+adjective/ adverb.
It+verb to be+adjective
What is the weather like?
14- It seems to me
15- It’s sunny.
Utilizar estructuras en
forma tanto oral como
escrita con verbos seguidos
-nombre o pronombre
16- She oWered to…
… to (verb)…
…makes me to (verb)…
…mind verb-ing …
17- He wants me
18- We enjoy reading
Usar preguntas de
con8rmación al 8nal de la
19-…,are you?
…,aren’t you? …,are you?
…,is she? …,isn’t she?
…,don’t you? …,do you?
...haven’t you?´…,hasn’t she?
…will you? …,won’t you?
Todos los tiempos verbales
20-…,do you?..
21-…,have you?
…built by…
Utilizar la Voz Pasiva en
conversaciones y párrafos
para relatar hechos que
“alguien”lleva a cabo.
Asimismo, contrastar con
Voz Activa.
22- …is made by… …is made by…
It is made of…
…is being made by…
was made by…
…was being made by…
…has been made by…
…willl be made by…
Is … made by…?
Was… made by?
(Todos los cambios en los
tiempos verbales señalados)
23- …was made
24- …willl be made
Unit One: I will...8
Read the following paragraph
“The future starts today, not tomorrow”.
When choosing a career, students should consider certain aspects related to their interests, abilities, and
working preferences. Therefore when selecting a career, students should not choose a career at random
or based on tradition. It must be the result of a reMection about knowing themselves, the current study
opportunities locally and nationally, motivation, awareness of the occupational world, and so on. When
choosing a career, they are also deciding what their future job will be and how they will be part of the
working force for the development of their country. For further information they can visit the web site of
the National Universities Council in which they could 8nd the universities, careers and national training
programs available in Venezuela.
1. When choosing a career you should follow your abilities.
2. You have to ask your friends for their preferences, when choosing a career.
3. You have to study the most common career in your country.
4. There are two areas of knowledge.
5. There is no webpage information about careers in your country.
6. The study opportunities information in Venezuela is restricted.
Basic Sciences
Engineering, Architecture and Technology
Based on the previous paragraph, write T (True) or F (False) in the following statements. Correct the false
ones. Support your statements.
Sea and Agro Sciences
Health Science
Education Science
Social Science
Humanities, Letters and Arts
Science and Military Arts
Unit One: I will... 9
Alicia I really don’t know what to study.
Diego Where would you like to work?
Alicia You mean, where will I work?
Diego Yes, where do you see yourself in the future?
Alicia Um… I am curious about oil. I’d like to work at PDVSA.
Diego Good point! Now, there are many working areas in
Alicia Where can I get that information?
Diego Check the webpage of PDVSA and later visit the
webpage of the OPSU study opportunities book.
Read the dialogue. Practice it with a partner.
WILL + VERB is used for predictions or statements of facts
about the future.
BE + GOING TO + VERB is used in talking about a plan for
the future that somebody had in mind.
BE + VERB-ING is used in talking about a plan for the future
that somebody discussed with someone else.
10 Unit One: I will...
1.Will all the students register at the OPSU national
university entry system by the end of this week?
- Yes, they will. They will register in the OPSU web
- No, they won’t. They will do it next week.
2. Are you going to study engineering?
- Yes. I am going to study chemical engineering.
- No, I am not. I’m going to study law.
3. Are you doing anything special tomorrow?
- Yes I’m taking the vocational test tomorrow
- No, I’m not. I’m staying home.
Some Technical Careers
Air tra>c controller
A person who controls the Mow
of airplanes in an airport.
Aeronautical Station Operator
They receive and send messages
in the airport.
Search and Rescue O>cer
of rescue after an air accident.
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. ReMect about it
There many universities and technical
institutes in Venezuela where you can
study many diWerent careers. They are
/ institutes. The list is extensive and
you can 8nd them in the OPSU study
opportunities book. You will be surprised
by the variety that you can 8nd there.
Why do think people study short or long careers?
What does each acronym stand for?
11Unit One: I will...
Complete the following statements with a career and the name of the university or institute.
1. I am going to study _______________ at __________________________.
2. Berta is going to study _______________ because she is good at_______.
4. Luis is checking the web page for technical careers. He’d like __________.
Inés Will you take the vocational test?
Alberto Vocational test? What test is that?
Inés It is the test that helps us to identify our abilities!
Alberto Really? How come?
Inés It is an electronic test with items that will show your
tendency for a speci8c area of knowledge.
Alberto That will be helpful. I’ll take it.
Inés We all have to take it!
According to a report by UNESCO, Venezuela has
Latin America’s second-highest rate of enrollment in
higher education: 83 percent. This 8gure rivals that
of developed countries like Finland (92 percent).The
average rate of enrollment for the region stands at
29.6 percent.
12 Unit One: I will...
Complete the chart in your notebook. Write the statement in the required tense.
1. I’m going to study Chemistry. 1.
2. 2. She will enroll in UNEARTE.
3. He is going to study at the Venezuela Military
4. 4. They will study environmental engineering.
Listen to the teacher and identify the statements according to the purpose of the speaker.
Prediction Intention Arrangement
Check about Venezuelan’s universities in the
following link.You will 8nd a list of public and
private universities / institutes.
13Unit One: I will...
Sports Science Sociology
Biology Architecture Languages Arts
Journalism Psychology Veterinary English
Education Biochemistry Pharmacy History
Economy Administration Mathematics Statistics
Nursing Accounting Nutrition Geology
Agriculture Management Dentistry Music
Choose one of these careers and write about it. Then report to the class.
In your notebook, write questions to the following answers.
1. _______________? 1. I’ll study in my hometown.
2. _______________? 2. He’s going to study to be a 8re8ghter.
3. _______________? 3. Yes. She is going to choose accounting.
4. _______________? 4. No, they won’t. They will study hospitality and tourism.
L. ASK ME...
14 Unit One: I will...
Read the proverbs and talk about them. Support your statements.
b. Taxi driver d. Fishermanc. Hairdresser
g. Cook h. Tailor
e. Seamstress
i. Plumber j. Farmer
a. Homemaker
f. Janitor
“Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the
living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better”.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Work digni8es a person’s life, or at least it should”
Match the pictures with the jobs. Write the letter on the line given.
Look at the mind map.
“A sound mind in a sound body”.
“Mens sana in corpore sano”.
“The greatest wealth is health”
Health is the general condition of a person’s mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury
or pain (as in“good health”or“healthy”).TheWorld Health Organization (WHO) de8ned health in its broader
sense as“a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease
or in8rmity”. Health is maintained and improved not only through the advancement and application of
health science, but also through the eWorts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the individual and society.
The main determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment,
and the person’s individual characteristics and behavior.
What is this reading about?
Now answer these questions.
1. What does it mean to be in good health?
2. Are you in good health?
17Unit One: I will...
Jorge Lifestyle is very important to have quality of life.
Josil What do you mean?
Jorge We need to practice exercise, eat healthy food and have
a positive attitude.
Josil So if we eat healthy food and exercise regularly we will
have good health.
Jorge It does help, but there are other elements.
Josil Like what?
Jorge You have to reduce stress and get enough sleep at night.
Read the dialogue and practice it with a partner
Type I: condition possible to ful8ll
if clause main clause
Simple Present will-future (or Modal + verb)
1. Will you change your eating habits if your doctor asks you to go on a healthy diet?
Yes. If my doctor asks me to go on a healthy diet I will change my eating habits.
2. What will you do if you want to lose weight very soon?
If I want to lose weight very soon, I will start doing regular exercise .
Will + subject+ verb + complement if + subject + verb + complement?
18 Unit One: I will...
Read the following quote.
Live in rooms full of light
Avoid heavy food
Be moderate in the drinking of wine
Take massage, baths, exercise, and gymnastics
Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water
Change surroundings and take long journeys
Strictly avoid frightening ideas
Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements
Listen to music.
Aulus Cornelius Celsus
What elements do you need to consider if you want to have a healthy life according to Cornelius? Is there
a balance in the activities he mentions?
19Unit One: I will...
Read the following clauses. In your notebook write the other clause to get meaningful statements.
1. If I want to be healthy,
________________________ .
2. Will you exercise daily
________________________ ?
3. If Thomas gets enough sleep every night,
________________________ .
4. What leisure activity will you do
Look at the picture. Read the following quote.
“Everyone should be his own physician. We ought to assist and not force nature.
Eat with moderation what agrees with your constitution. Nothing is good for the
body but what we can digest. What medicine can produce digestion? Exercise.
What will recruit strength? Sleep. What will alleviate incurable ills? Patience”.
Why do you think Voltaire refers to nutrition, exercise and patience as related to health? Support your
20 Unit One: I will...
The groundwork of all happiness is health.
James Leigh Hunt
To keep the body in good health is a duty,
otherwise we shall not be able to keep our
mind strong and clear.
“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not
too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”
“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement
and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather
will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”
Thomas Edison
Translate the following quotes into spanish. Discuss them. In your notebook, write a list of the pieces of
advice they suggest.
Listen to your teacher carefully and write the sentences in your notebook.
21Unit One: I will...
Key determinants of an individual’s health.
Lifestyle: personal decisions that can be said to
contribute to balance, or lead to unhealthy imbalance.
Environmental factors: all those related to health
external to the human body and over which the
individual has little or no control;
Biomedical factors: all aspects of health, physical
and mental, developed within the human body as
inMuenced by genetic characteristics.
In your notebook, write a dialogue based on the following quote.
“If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and
happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.”
Elbert Hubbard
22 Unit One: I will...
In your notebook write three questions related to the following passage.
Recreation is an activity of leisure (or free time, which is spent away from business, work,
and domestic chores). It also excludes time spent on necessary activities such as eating,
sleeping and, where it is compulsory, education. Recreation is an essential element of
human being. Recreational activities are often done for amusement, or pleasure.
Read the following rhyme and practice it with your partner.Then create or 8nd a rhyme based on the topic
of this lesson.
The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they’ll ease
Your will they’ll mend
And charge you not a shilling.
Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990.
L. ASK ME...
Lesson 3
My holidays...
I will...
“Actions speak louder than words”.
Look at the following words.
MAY 1st
JUNE 24th
JULY 5th
APRIL 19th
NOV. 18th
FEB. 12th
JULY 24th
Read the passage and answer the questions below
A holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law in which normal activities, especially business or work, are
suspended or reduced. Generally holidays are intended to allow individuals to celebrate or commemorate
something of cultural or religious signi8cance. Holidays may be designated by governments, religious
institutions, or other groups or organizations. The concept of holidays has most often originated as
religious observances. The intention of a holiday was typically to allow individuals to tend to religious
duties associated with important dates on the calendar. In most modern societies, holidays serve as much
of a recreational function as anything else.
What is a holiday?
Who designates a holiday?
What was the purpose of celebrating a holiday in the past?
What do people do on holidays?
What do they suggest to you?
25Unit One: I will...
Practice the following dialogue with a partner.
Alex Where did you go on your last vacation?
Yanire I went to Mochima National Park.
Flor Cool! In my case I went to the Andes.
Ciro How nice! We breathed pure air in Canaima.
Alex Great! You all had time to visit nice places. We went to the Capanaparo river.
Ciro If I have the chance next year, I’ll go there. I love rivers.
26 Unit One: I will...
1. What will you see if you go to the Capanaparo River?
If you go to the Capanaparo River, you will see a very diverse
fauna and the Marisela monument, the one from the famous
Rómulo Gallegos’novel.
2. Where will you go for carnival if you have the opportunity
to decide?
If I have the opportunity to decide, I will go to El Callao to
enjoy the famous carnival.
3.What will Henry have to do if he wants to get to the highest
station in Merida’s cable car?
If he wants to get to the highest station, he will have to
remember to slow down the pace to get used to the altitude.
27Unit One: I will...
Now, let’s learn about the diWerent holidays we celebrate in our country.
Read the following passage about the classi8cation of holidays.
National holidays: Nations and
territories observe holidays based
on events of signi8cance to their
history. For example, Venezuelans
celebrate Independence Day, on
July 5th
with military parades.
Secular holidays: Several secular
Day or Arbor Day, internationally,
and across multi-country regions,
organizations. But they are not
strictly holidays as time oW work
is rarely given. E.g., World Physical
Activity day is April 6th
Religious holidays: Many holidays
are linked to faith and religion.
Christian holidays are de8ned as
part of the liturgical year.The main
ones are Easter and Christmas.
Name some other holidays in Venezuela, when and how we celebrate them.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate information.
1. If you go to La Victoria, Aragua State on February 12th
, you ________(see) the parade.
2. We will participate in La Paradura del Niño if you __________ in The Andes on February 2nd
3. If people want to ________the beach for carnival, they will have to plan it in advance.
National holidaySecular holiday Religious holiday
April 19th
Independence day.
Woman’s day March 8th
The Nativity scene / The Manger
(Christmas) December 25th
28 Unit One: I will...
The word holiday is derived from the
notion of“Holy Day”.
It originally referred to special religious
days. In modern use, it means any special
day of rest or relaxation, as opposed to
normal days away from work or school.
In your notebook, translate the following statements into English.
1. ¿Dónde está el aeropuerto más grande de Venezuela?
2. ¿Tomará usted un vuelo si tiene que viajar a Puerto Ayacucho?
3. ¿Cuándo tomará usted sus vacaciones?
4. Si desea acampar en nuestro hermoso país, usted encontrará magní8cos parques nacionales.
Some people inVenezuela like to travel by plane
when they go on vacation. So they use our
modern airports very often. We have national
and international airports. Our biggest one is
Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetía.
and national Mights such as Santiago Mariño,
Arturo Michelena, La Chinita, Jacinto Lara, to
mention but a few.
Now it is your turn to share information about
other airports in our country.
29Unit One: I will...
Listen to your teacher carefully. And write the dictation in your notebook.
In English we can 8nd two connotations of
the word‘holiday’:
a.‘a day oW’. July 5th
is a National Holiday.
b. ‘vacation’. Where will you go on summer
holiday this year?.
Petrica Let’s go to FITVEN this afternoon.
Aníbal FITVEN? What does FITVEN stand for?
Petrica It stands for Venezuela’s International Tourism Fair!
Aníbal Tourism? I didn’t know anything about it.
Petrica It’s wonderful! ______________________________.
Aníbal If I go there, what ___________________________?
Petrica If you go there, you will _______________________.
Aníbal __________________________________________
Read the following conversation and complete the missing information.
In your notebook, write questions to the following answers.
1. ____________________________________________________________?
Yes, it is. Recreation is very important for our health.
2. ____________________________________________________________?
Leisure activities provide relaxation and happiness.
3. ____________________________________________________________?
No, we won’t. We will travel by bus.
4. ___________________________________________________________ ?
One of the goals of FITVEN is bringing together an exhibit of all of the Venezuelan cultural diversity
and the warmth of our people in one place.
Write an acrostic poem.
L. ASK ME...
30 Unit One: I will...
Unit Two: ...but not anymore.32
“The past remembered is a good guide for the future”.
Look at the picture. Read the following dialogue.
Did you know that Venezuela’s 8rst name was the United States of Venezuela?
Wow! I didn’t know that.
Yes. And did you know that we used to have more land than what we have now?
Really? How is that?
Well, in 1941, President Eleazar López Contreras signed a land border treaty with
the president of Colombia and we lost 108,000 km ². 
That’s a pity!
Map of Venezuela of 1890
1. ____________________________________________________________?
Venezuela’s 8rst name was the United States of Venezuela.
2. ____________________________________________________________?
We lost 108,000 km ² of land. 
3. ____________________________________________________________?
Eleazar López Contreras was.
Write the questions to the following answers.
Eleazar López Contreras
Unit Two: ...but not anymore. 33
Manuel: Did you know that Venezuela used to have a diWerent
Daniel: Yes, the one from 1961.
Manuel: Yes, but there used to be others.
Daniel: Really? How many constitutions have we had?
Manuel: We have had 20 constitutions.
Daniel: Wow, that’s too many!
Manuel: Yes, I know.
Read the dialogue and practice it with a partner.
Constitution of the States of Venezuela
First Federal Constitution
December 21 1811
used to + in8nitive
didn’t use to + in8nitive
Did + subject + use to + in8nitive
Used to:
to talk about a habit or regular activity in the past that doesn’t happen now.
to describe situations in the past which don’t exist now.
Abrmative: Venezuela used to have another name.
Negative: Venezuela didn’t use to be the size it is now.
Questions: Did we use to have another constitution?
He used to collect stamps.
Our Mag and shield used to be diWerent.
There used to be less trabc than today.
34 Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
This used to be the Manzanares River in the 1900s.
Essolene used to bring gasoline to Venezuela.
Caracas used to have a trolley.
35Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Read the paragraph and complete the sentences.
The United States ofVenezuela was the obcial name of the Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela between 1864 
and  1953. In  1830, when it is separated from Great Colombia, the country’s obcial name is identi8ed with
the Republic of Venezuela. Its 8rst capital was Valencia and its 8rst president, José Antonio Páez. In 1864,
with the triumph of Federalism, the obcial name became that of the United States of Venezuela, and
remained so until 1953, year in which it retook the name of Republic of Venezuela. In the government
of Hugo Chávez Frías, the name of the nation became Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
1. The 8rst capital of the Republic of Venezuela was____________________.
2. The obcial name of Venezuela in 1864 used to be____________________.
3. Venezuela separated from Great Colombia in_____________________.
ReMect about:
What other things did Venezuela used to have besides a diWerent name?
Follow the instruccions below and write three statements in your notebook.
36 Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Roberto: I didn’t know Venezuela’s Mag used to have seven stars.
Susana: Yes. Venezuela also used to be diWerent.
Roberto: What do you mean?
Susana: I mean, it didn’t use to have so much trabc.
Roberto: Yeah, I know. It didn’t use to be so noisy.
Susana: What about what people used to eat then?
Roberto: I don’t know. I guess they used to eat the same food we
eat now.
1863 1905
Great Eastern State (consisted of Barcelona, Cumaná an
Great Guzmán Blanco State (Bolívar, Guárico, Guzmán
Blanco and Nueva Esparta.
Great Carabobo State (Carabobo and Nirgua).
Great State of Los Andes of North West (Barquisimeto
and Yaracuy except the department of Nirgua).
Great State of South West (Cojedes, Portuguesa and
Zamora (Barinas).
Great State of Los Andes (Mérida, Tachira and Trujillo).
Great State of Bolívar (Guayana and Apure).
Great Satate of Falcón Zulia (Zulia and Falcón).
37Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Match the sentences on the left with the sentences on the right. Write the letter on the line given.
1. I used to eat a lot of chocolate but ___ a. now she works in Maracay.
2. Caracas used to have a trolley but___ b. now it has 8.
3. When I was younger, I didn’t use to eat cheese but ___ c. I often used to go to the theater.
4. Venezuela’s Mag used to have 7 stars but ___ d. now it has a subway.
5. When I lived in the city ___ e. now I eat it a lot.
6. Carmen used to work in Caracas but__ f. now I’m on a diet.
Listen carefully and 8ll in the blanks.
Mr. Sánchez ______ ______ collect Venezuelan stamps. He _____ _____ put them in a _______, and his
wife ______ _____ throw them away. Mr. Sánchez _______ them out of the garbage and _______ them
back in the drawer one day _____ ______ to put them in the scrapbook left some ordinary pieces of paper
and his wife ______ _____ them ______. That was the end of this story.
“Used to”vs. Simple Past
Both Simple Past and “Used to” can be used to describe
past habits, past facts and past generalizations; however,
“used to” is preferred when emphasizing these forms
of past repetition in positive sentences. On the other
hand, when asking questions or making negative
sentences, Simple Past is preferred.
used to play the piano.
 you play the piano when you were young?
did not play the piano when you were young.
38 Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Estefanía and Pablo used to go out together. But then Estefanía got tired of Pablo. Describe how things
have changed.
1. __________________________________________________________.
2. __________________________________________________________.
3. __________________________________________________________.
4. __________________________________________________________.
Write questions to the following answers.
1. ___________________________________________________________?
Venezuela used to have eight major states.
2. ___________________________________________________________?
No, she didn’t. My grandmother didn’t use to drive.
3. ___________________________________________________________?
She used to work for PDVSA.
I used to
But now
I always
But I never
I once
But now I
If I could
I would
I never
But I might
I can't
But I can
I won't
But I might
I used to
But now I
Write your own‘used to’poem
L. ASK ME...
4040 Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
“There’s no place like home.”
Read the f
According to the reading, are the following statementsTrue (T) or False (F)? Correct the false ones. Support
your ideas.
1. Venezuela is mostly bilingual.
2. In addition to Spanish, the Constitution recognizes three indigenous languages.
3. Arab people, in addition to Spanish, speak Italian.
4. Less than 1% of the population speaks indigenous languages.
4141Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Complete the sentences with these linking words: as a result, so, but, also.
1. I would like to see an old Venezuelan map, _______ let’s go to the library.
2. We want to go around Venezuela; _______ we don’t seem to 8nd the time.
3. Venezuela lost some land. _______, today’s map is diWerent.
4. Our country _______ experienced immigration from other Latin American countries.
Expressing Contrast But, however, although, though, even though, in spite of.
Stating Results Thus, as a result, so.
Adding Further Support Besides, also, moreover, in addition to.
Providing Reasons Because, in order to, so that, since, as, for this reason, therefore.
Expressing contrast Although Venezuela lost part of its border, it still has a lot of land.
Stating Results Venezuela is divided into 8 regions As a result, the Mag has 8 stars.
Adding Further Support
In addition to the 23 states, Venezuela has 12 Federal
Providing Reasons
The stilt houses reminded Américo Vespucio of the city of Venice.
For this reason he named the region Veneziola.
42 Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Read the paragraph and answer the questions below.
Hinterland is a tributary region, either rural, urban or both, that is closely linked economically with a
nearby town or city. The term is also used to refer to the rural area around a city or town. It is characterized
by a less dense population and infrastructure. In shipping usage, a port’s hinterland is the area that it
serves, both for imports and for exports. The size of a hinterland can depend on geography, but also on
the ease, speed, and cost of transportation between the port and the hinterland. George G. Chisholm
(Handbook of Commercial Geography, 1888) transcribed the German word hinterland (land in back of), as
hinderland, and used it to refer to the backcountry of a port or coastal settlement. By the early 20th century
the backcountry or tributary region of a port was usually called its hinterland.
1. How is a hinterland linked to a city?
2. How is the word hinterland used in shipping?
Which areas does Venezuela have as hinterlands?
Complete the following sentences in your notebook..
1. President Chávez changed the Constitution although…
2. The Constitution says that justice is important as well as…
3. The state is committed to not only protect, but…
4. In addition to the usual three powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, the new constitution adds… 
43Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
The fauna of Carabobo state mainly inhabits the tropical forests, surrounding grassland and mountainous
landscapes. Though a richly inhabited land, the pollution of many of its lakes and rivers has caused the
wildlife of Carabobo to be transformed and mutilated, adapting itself in order to survive. The vast majority
of wildlife that remains is predominately birds due to their ability to be able to My in search of cleaner water.
What can you do in order to save Valencia lake?
Nueva Esparta State (“New Sparta”) is named
for the heroism shown by its inhabitants
during the Venezuelan War of Independence,
deemed similar to that of the Spartan soldiers
of Ancient Greece.
44 Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
In your notebook, translate the following sentences into English.
1. Además de Los Roques, Venezuela tiene otras islas.
2. La gasolina en Venezuela es barata porque está subsidiada.
3. Aunque Venezuela tiene mucha tierra desocupada, la mayoría de su gente vive en Caracas.
Listen to your teacher carefully. Write the sentences in your notebook.
Linking words for comparison
as well as, both... and, compared to,
in the same way, likewise, as well, by
comparison, similarly.
Example: Carabobo State is a Central
State as well as Aragua State.
45Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Use the linking words: although, therefore, because, in addition to, besides, but, as a result and so, to write
a paragraph in your notebook about Venezuela.
1. ____________________________________________________________.
No, I don’t. Although I live in Venezuela, I don’t know my territory well.
2. ____________________________________________________________.
In addition to oil, we also export plantain.
3. ____________________________________________________________.
In the 17th century, indigenous people lived in Venezuela as well as many Europeans.
4. ____________________________________________________________.
Venezuela changed as a result of the expansion of the colonial system.
Write questions to the following answers.
L. ASK ME...
48 Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
“No bees, no honey; no work, no money”.
Read the following dialogue.
Renato is having an interview about a job at a restaurant.
Answer these questions about the interview in your notebook.
What jobs are available at the restaurant?
What position does Renato want to apply for?
Has Renato had any experience as a waiter?
What is the main requirement to get the job?
So, you´re here to apply for the cashier’s position.
Actually, Mr. González, I’d prefer the waiter’s
position, instead.
Have you worked as a waiter before?
Yes. I’ve worked at some restaurants and cafes
around here.
Have you taken any courses related to it?
No, but I’d be willing to.
Well, 8rst of all you need to update your food
handling course. Then we’ll talk again.
Do you mean you’ll hire me?
Only if you have taken the course. Come back as
soon as you do that.
Thank you.
49Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Read the dialogue and practice it in groups of three.
Renato is talking to a couple of friends about the job interview he had.
Carlos: Hey! There you are. Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you high and low!
Renato: Hi, Carlos. Hi, Miguel. Really? I had told you about the interview for the part-time job, guys.
Miguel: That’s true! We forgot that. How did it go?
Renato: Not bad. But I have to do a food-handling course before applying for the waiter position.
Carlos: Waiter? I thought you wanted the cashier’s position.
Renato: I made up my mind. I’d like to work in something more dynamic where I can be closer to people.
50 Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Present Perfect
Have / Has + past participle
A>rmative form Negative form Interrogative form
You have
done it.
You haven’t
done it.
done it?
hasn’t Has
haven’t Have
A: Where have you worked?
B: I have worked in some hotels since I turned 16. What about Tina? Has
she ever worked?
A: No, she hasn’t. She has only helped me at the restaurant for a couple of
Past Perfect
Had + past participle
A>rmative form Negative form Interrogative form
had done it.
hadn’t done it Had
done it.
A: What had you done when our boss arrived?
B: I had changed the beds sheets. What about you? Had you done
A: No, I hadn’t. I had only watched TV since I arrived.
51Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Some part hospitality time jobs
Chef F&B Supervisor Housekeeper Sales assistant
Read the following text and answer the question.
Centros de Capacitación Turística Regionales (CCTR)
CCTR are training centers created by the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela aimed at strengthening
the skills and practical knowledge of the workers of the tourism and hospitality industry. They provide
the tourism system with the necessary improvements to achieve high quality services outside and inside
the country, through hands-on courses, in both operational and administrative areas, such as: cuisine,
room service, marketing and sales, information management, entertainment and recreation, personnel
management and operational training. CCTR oWer their courses in the following State-run hotels:
Hotel Venetur Maracaibo in Zulia
Hotel Venetur Puerto La Cruz in Anzoátegui.
Hotel Venetur Margarita in Nueva Esparta.
Hotel Venetur Alba Caracas in Distrito Capital.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense.
1. Renato _____________ (8nish) his food handler course already.
2. He _______________ (study) there since Mr. González ____________ (interview) him.
3. Mr. González wanted to hire him that day, but he __________ (not/take) the course when he had
the interview.
4. He _________ (think) about taking a cooking course the following month.
52 Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Here are some of the reasons why a career in hospitality is great. Read the six ones that are given and say
what the last two refer to.
Reasons why hospitality jobs are great
You make people’s day
Your business is all about people. It’s about making people happy. 
It’s creative
Hospitality is creative. You are creating a product — be that food,
drink, or an experience — and there’s always new ways of making
it more enjoyable for your customers.
It opens a door to the world
Every country has a hospitality industry, and the skills you learn
here are readily transferable, meaning that a career in hospitality
can very easily be the key to discovering new countries, new
culture and new people.
There’s no need to get stuck
In the space of a few years, you may move between receptionist
jobs, reservations manager to concierge and beyond. Where else
could you get that sort of variety?
You can take on early responsibility
If you work hard, acquire your quali8cations, get on with customers
and colleagues, and show initiative, very soon you’ll 8nd yourself in
a senior position managing people and projects.
Not 9-5
It involves a great deal of variety, not only in terms of the hours you
work, but also the work you do during those hours.
Great atmosphere 
It’s a safe bet
(Retrieved from:
53Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Venezuela is one of South America’s most diverse
countries, featuring 25 diWerent eco-systems
that encompass mountains, rain forests, savanna
and coastal reefs. The Amazon and the Orinoco,
two of the world’s major rivers, are in our blessed
country, too.
In your notebook, translate the following statements into English.
1. ¿Dónde has trabajado?
2. Reina había decidido optar por el cargo de Gerente de Mercadeo y Ventas.
3. Él ha contratado tres personas a medio tiempo.
4. ¿Qué hace un camarero?
Listen to the order in the description of these jobs and number them.
FB manager
Sales Assistant
54 Unit Two: ...but not anymore.
Present perfect:
An action that started in the past and continues to
the present:
I have lived in this city for six months.
An action that happened before now (unspeci8ed
I have been to Japan twice.
Past perfect:
An action that happened before a time in the past
This morning, I discovered that I had left my
computer on the night before.
In pairs, write your own conversation in your notebook. You are in a job interview for a FB position at a 5
star hotel.
Write questions to the following answers in your notebook.
1. ___________________? Yes. I have taken some hospitality training courses.
2. ___________________? He’d like to apply for the cashier’s position.
3. ___________________? No, she has never worked.
4. ___________________? Because he hadn’t taken the food-handling course.
5. ___________________? I like the marketing and sales area.
L. ASK ME...
Unit Three: Who?56
Lesson 7
By yourself
Problems between parents and children education begins at home and all the family can solve them. Some
years ago children who are now parents were mastered, controlled and manipulated by a punitive force.
But today things have changed. Nowadays, communication can help us to solve conMicts.
ConMicts between parents and children are dibcult to control. Many parents recognize that the old
methods of punishment based on fear, domination and guilt do not work. Parents who allow too much to
their children do not oWer the parental control that they need.When children have the control they get out
of the parents’hands.
ConMicts betweenparents and children can have diWerent side eWects and the children of today are much
more sensitive than the previous generations were as they are capable of more, but they are negatively
inMuenced by the methods of education such as shouting, physical punishment, humiliation, shame and
prohibition. In the past, punishing children with physical punishment for fear leads them to know and
respect the rules. Today, physical punishment causes the exact opposite eWect and children respond to
violence with violence.
Unit Three: Who? 57
Answer the following questions related to the text above.
1. Where do problems of parents and children begin?
2. Where must these problems be solved?
3. Who can solve such problems?
4. Is there any diWerence between children’s control today and yesterday?
5. What are the methods of punishment mentioned in the text?
6. What kind of eWects can physical punishment have?
Read the following dialogue. Then practice it with a partner.
MOTHER Good morning, Mr. Rondón. I have an appointment with you today.
COUNSELOR Yes, Mrs. Mijares. We have to talk about your son’s school performance.
He has gotten bad grades during this term. He is neither studying nor
doing his homework.
MOTHER I don’t know what to do. I have scolded and punished him but he hasn’t
changed his behavior. He is at the computer until late at night every
day. He isn’t getting enough sleep, either.
COUNSELOR First of all, it is necessary to speak to him. Don’t either scold or punish
him. He needs help. Let me talk to him.
MOTHER Thank you very much, Mr. Rondón. I am really worried about him.
Unit Three: Who?58
1. Juan gave the pen to Paola.
2. Rodolfo looks at Betty with love.
3. Loida is doing her homework.
4. The house is Carlos and Miriam´s.
5. This is Roberto and Christian´s house.
He gave it to her.
He looks at her with love
She is doing it.
This house is theirs.
This is their house.
Unit Three: Who? 59
6. Emilia and I look at ourselves in the mirror
before leaving home.
7. Give the piece of paper to Pedro and me.
8. This is her dictionary.
9. Whose pencil is this?
We look at ourselves in the
mirror before leaving home.
Give it to us.
This is hers.
It´s mine.
My mother has too much
work, so all of us are
going to help with the
We have to turn oW theTV
when we are doing our
homework in order not to
lose concentration.
The Moras are moving
to a new house. All the
family, including the dog,
is helping.
The children don’t want to
help with the chores.That’s
a schedule showing each
Unit Three: Who?60
Read the following paragraph.
Helping out at home is a way of contributing to improve our family union. Our home is like a team, and
in order to have it run well, it is necessary that all its members help. You can help in the following tasks at
Going to the grocery store, folding and putting away clean clothes, setting and clearing the table, washing
and putting away the dishes, feeding and walking family pets, etc.
Do you help at home?
What speci8c tasks do you do?
What can you do to improve family life?
Substitute the underlined words for the corresponding pronouns.
María always helps her parents in the housework.
Mildred sets and clears the table at dinner time.
Pedro folds clean clothes.
Manuel feeds and walks the dog.
These clothes are my mother´s
Set the table Clear the table
Rake the leaves in
the yard
Water the plants
Unit Three: Who? 61
Having lunch
If one of the members has a problem, this problem will be
less heavy if it is shared. Eating together sets the stage for
conversation and sharing. While eating, it is advisable to
turn oW the TV and enjoy the meal. If schedule permits,
talk and enjoy the conversation. This must become a
sacred ritual and in this way, parents and children will
communicate with each other.
Does your family eat together? When? (every day/on the
weekend / once a month)
In your notebook, translate the following sentences into English.
1. Usualmente ayudo a mis padres en los quehaceres del hogar.
2. Después de estudiar y hacer mis tareas tengo un poco de diversión.
3. La comunicación familiar es realmente importante para nosotros.
4. Los problemas de mis hermanos y hermanas son míos también.
Add three more of your own.
Unit Three: Who?62
With your teacher, write a dialogue in your notebook about the following situation: The Peñas are going
to move out next week. Mr. Peña got a new job in another city. Ramón and Blanca are brother and sister,
aged 15 and 16 respectively, who don’t want to move, because they think they will lose their friends. Their
parents are trying to convince them that they won’t lose friends but will make new ones.
Write questions to the following answers.
1. Yes, communication among family members is really important.
2. Going to the grocery store, taking out the garbage, and setting and clearing the table are some
of our tasks.
3. No, it’s not yours. It’s mine.
Add three more of your own.
Write these sentences in your notebooks. Listen to your teacher and 8ll in the blanks with the word(s)
you hear.
To avoid that a ______gets worse when people are too ____to listen to one another, it’s necessary to pay
attention to these suggestions:
Try to_______.
Put _____aside.
Don’t _______the other person while he / she is speaking.
Listen to ____________and try to understand what they mean.
Communicate ____________.
L. ASK ME...
Lesson 8
He is the one who...?
Unit Three: Who?
“A trouble shared is a trouble halved”.
Read the following dialogue.
A Problem is something which is dibcult to deal with.
Having problems is part of the community. If you
want to 8nd a good solution, it is necessary to analyze
troubles. Dibculties sometimes begin at home and
their solution has to come from home too. But when
these problems aWect a community, solutions have to
come from an organized group of people. They are the
ones who will face the problem. Analyzing community
problems means to think carefully about reasons why
they exist and then identify possible solutions and a
plan for improvement. These are the actions which will
lead to community coexistence.
Circle true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones
1 Problems don’t have solutions.
2 A 8rst step to solve problems is to identify how they are solved.
3 To solve a problem we have to identify why they exist.
4 Problems never begin at home.
5 Solving problems in a community will make its people get along well.
65Unit Three: Who?
Read the following dialogue. Then practice it with your partner.
Mother Do you want to talk to me?
Neighbor Oh, Yes! We are having some trouble in the community!
Mother Yes? Well, you know, I work all day. What is happening?
Neighbor We have loud neighbors.
Mother Really? Fortunately, they haven’t bothered me because I’m always out.
Neighbor But the music comes from your house.
Mother From my house?
Neighbor Yes, it’s your son’s music. When he returns from school he plays it too loud. You
have to talk to him because he is the person that is disturbing the community.
Mother Oh! I’m very sorry. I didn’t know anything. I will talk to him right away.
Unit Three: Who?66
She is the mother who / that works all day.
That is the house whose residents play music with loud bass.
Were these chairs the ones which / that I brought for the meeting?
The following actions lead to a better community coexistence.
He doesn’t park his motorcycle
on the sidewalk.
He gives her seat to the
elderly on the bus.
When playing music, I use a
reasonable volume level.
RELATIVE CLAUSES give additional information by using relative pronouns
Relative pronouns
Who is used for people Which is used for animals or things
That is used for people, animals and things
Whose is used to indicate possession
Unit Three: Who? 67
Read the following text and think about it.
Education begins and ends at home. A child’s 8rst teachers and guidance-counselors are his / her parents.
The teacher in school is his / her second teacher. Mom and Dad are primary 8gures in the children’s life at
Sometimes, the youth of today think that if adults misbehave, then they have the right to imitate them, so
it is convenient that adults give their children good examples.
What’s your opinion about the topic of this text? 
Fill in the blanks with who / whose / which.
1. This is the girl ____________speaks English very well.
2. That’s the teacher ___________started the Conversation Group Match in fourth year.
3. That’s the leading group __________works for our community.
4. Are these the people ________ are going to be responsible for applying the project?
5. Those were the colors _________ we used to paint the classrooms last year.
There cannot be life or human existence without struggle and
conMict. ConMict is part of our conscience. Denying conMict, we
ignore even the most common aspects of our vital and social
experience. Trying to escape conMict, we preserve the status quo.
None of this is easily accomplished, and I would not like to leave
readers with the impression that wanting is enough to change the
world. Desire is fundamental, but it is not enough. It is also necessary
to know how to want, to learn how to want, which implies learning
how to 8ght politically with tactics adequate to our strategic dreams.
Adapted from: (pages 50-51) Paulo Freire’s EducationalTheory. Analyst:
John Lyons
Are conMicts necessary?
What’s important about them?
What’s your opinion about this reading?
Unit Three: Who?68
In your notebook, translate the following sentences into English.
1. Aquellas son las personas que saben convivir en su comunidad.
2. Aquellos son los jóvenes que protegen a los animales en este lugar..
3. Esta es la comunidad que da el ejemplo de buen comportamiento.
Add three more of your own.
Unit Three: Who? 69
Listen to your teacher carefully. Write the sentences in your notebook.
In your notebook, write your own conversation based on the following situation: Pedro is a widower who
works all day long. His neighbors are complaining about his son because the boy plays music with loud
bass at home while he’s absent. He talks to him to make him understand that his behavior is not correct. He
oWers to spend more time with him.
Write questions to the following answers.
1. No, he’s not the one that makes too much noise.
2. She is the one who gave her seat to that old woman.
3. Yes, this parrot is the one which sings songs.
Add three more on your own.
Read and enjoy the following poem.
I Cultivate a White Rose
By Jose Marti
I cultivate a white rose
In July as in January
For the sincere friend
who gives me his hand frankly.
And for the cruel person who tears out
the heart with which I live,
I cultivate neither nettles nor thorns:
I cultivate a white rose.
a. Find a sentence with a relative pronoun.
b. Translate the poem.
c. What’s the message of the poem?
L. ASK ME...
Unit Three: Who?70
Lesson 9
Unit Three: Who?
“No man is an island”.
Read the following dialogue.
Can you take William and me to the movies on Saturday?
No, dear. I will be busy. But I think you are old enough to go to the movies by yourselves.
Really? That’s great! Then, if I 8nish my homework, can we go today after class?
Don’t push it, my dear. Today is Thursday and you have a math test tomorrow morning.
1 The girl asks her mother if she can go to the movies by herself.
2 The girl is old enough to go to the movies by herself.
3 The mother says that she can go to the movies any day.
4 She can go to the movies with her friend.
73Unit Three: Who?
Read the following dialogue in pairs. Practice it with a partner.
Teenage boy Dad, are we going to go to the baseball game next week?
Father Maybe, if you pass your English test and 8nish all your work at home.
Teenage boy Why are you concerned? I know I will pass the test.
Father I am worried because your grades are very low this term. So, if you work hard
and pass the test and 8nish your work here, we’ll go to the game.
Teenage boy I see, dad. I’ll do my best. You’ll be proud of me.
Father I am already proud of you. I just want you to be aware that your family and
your studies are your priorities.
A conditional sentence type 1 has two clauses:
The if- clause and the main clause
If + present tense + will / can / may / must + verb
It is used when a situation is real or when it can be possible.
Conditional sentences can be declarative, negative and interrogative.
Declarative sentence: If you pass the subject, we will go to the baseball game.
Negative sentence: If I don’t go to the game, I will have to wait for one year.
Interrogative sentence: What can you do, if you want to improve your English?
Unit Three: Who?74
If I have money, I’ll visit my grandparents next week.
If Leo doesn’t call you, you can call him.
If you practice a lot, you may become a member of the team.
If it rains, we must wear our raincoats and boots and take our umbrellas.
Will you come back tomorrow if he is busy now?
Worried / ConcernedSatisRed
Tidy / Neat Messy
Unit Three: Who? 75
Read the following text and think about it.
If you think about relationships in your life, you will realize that you don’t just have a boyfriend / girlfriend.
You have a mother and a father, brothers and sisters, neighbors, teachers, classmates and many others.
Some relationships are good and positive; others, unfortunately, are negative or dibcult. If you have a
good relationship, you will have respect, care, support and trust. If you are in a negative relationship, you
will 8nd bullying, pressure, lack of con8dence, and abuse.
What kind of relationships are you in, good or bad?
In your notebook, change the following sentences into the negative form.
If she works hard, she will pass the English test.
If you have positive relationships with your parents, you will be successful.
If we respect our friends, we will be respected too.
Mom, I want to talk about a very important thing.
I’m worried. What happened?
Nothing really. If I get a tattoo, will you get mad at me?
A tattoo? This is a very important decision. You have to consider that it will be permanent and
dangerous for your health. Tattoos can cause problems in your future: you will never be able to
donate organs, if you want to. Besides, some academies don’t accept people with tattoos. And
there are some other things.
Really? I didn’t know that. I will 8nd out a little bit more before making a decision.
Thanks for asking and considering my opinion.
Unit Three: Who?76
Match the de8nition with the appropriate word. Write the letter of the word on the line given.
a) tidy - b) satisRed - c) worried - d ) proud
1. Pleased because you have achieved something. _______
2. Feeling pleased and satis8ed about something that you own or have done. _______
3. Thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen. _______
4. Arranged neatly and in order. _______
Listen to your teacher and write the sentences in your notebook.
Unit Three: Who? 77
In your notebook,
a. Change the following sentences to zero conditional.
1. She’ll be grounded for a month if she gets bad grades this term.
2. You will be respected if you show respect for the people here.
3. If I want to learn about technology I will read more research papers.
b. Write four sentences on your own: two with zero conditional and two with conditional type 1.
Write questions to the following answers.
1. Teenagers ask their parent if they can get home late.
2. No, parents should not abuse their adolescent children.
3. If parents and children communicate, they will have good relationships.
Add two more of your own.
L. ASK ME...
Read and enjoy the following poem.
For Whom The Bell Tolls
John Donne
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend’s were.
Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
Lesson 10
If I...
Unit Four: Conditions...?80
“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”.
Look at the pictures. Describe them.
Planet Earth is our home, and people are damaging it, ignoring the consequences of their actions. The
planet is home to millions of species of life, including humans. It means that the damage they cause
aWects everything.The human perspective regarding the Earth is widely viewed from a globally integrated
perspective. This is reMected in a growing environmental movement that is concerned about humankind’s
eWects on the planet. There are serious environmental issues we are facing. Ignorance may be bliss, but it’s
getting increasingly dibcult to ignore the damage we are doing to the environment, especially when we
see and feel the eWects so close to us. These are some of the biggest environmental threats that Mother
Earth and consequently society is facing: a) Climate Change; b) Deforestation; c) Pollution; d) Loss of
diversity; e) Melting Polar Ice-Caps and Rising Sea Levels; f) Oceanic Dead Zones; g) Explosive Population
Answer the following questions:
1. What consequences of climate change do you know?
2. Why is it important to know about the melting polar Ice-caps?
Unit Four: Conditions...? 81
Read the following dialog and practice it.
César Did you watch the news about global warming?
Lina Yes, I did. I was surprised to know about that phenomenon.
César Now I know why we had such heavy rains.
Lina Yes, precipitation increased across the globe, on average.
César Besides, ice is melting worldwide.
Lina How does it impact us in Venezuela?
César The sea level gets higher and impacts the coastal area.
Lina If we knew about this issue, we would be more careful on how to use our
If clause Main clause
Simple past form +
+ verb (base form)could
82 Unit Four: Conditions...?
1. If we knew about climate change, we would make a campaign about it.
What would you do if you knew about climate change?
2. The teacher could explain about global warming this week to the class if she had time.
When could the teacher explain about global warming to the class?
3. Yes. If people stopped throwing trash in the sea, diversity loss might decrease.
Might diversity loss decrease If people stopped throwing trash in the sea?
Greenhouse gasses
It is a gas in an atmosphere that
the thermal infrared range.
CFC - ChloroMuorocarbon
It is an organic compound that
derivative of methane and ethane.
It is an ice mass that covers less
than 50,000 km² of land area.
Compact Muorescent light bulb Fossil fuels
83Unit Four: Conditions...?
Look at the picture. Read the passage and discuss it with your partners.
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Warming
of the climate system is unequivocal, and scientists are almost 95% certain that it is primarily caused by
increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of
fossil fuels and deforestation. Most countries are Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change. The 8nal objective of the Convention is to prevent dangerous human interference of the
climate system.
Now that you know about global warming, please 8nd out about its eWects.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in parenthesis.
1. If people _______ (replace) regular light bulbs with
compact Muorescent light bulbs, they would save energy.
2. Would you ________ (turn oW) the TV if you were not
watching it?
3. If we _______ (plant) more trees, we might have better
possibilities of breathing clean oxygen.
4. If you drove less, you ______ _______ (crate) fewer
84 Unit Four: Conditions...?
Read the passage, discuss with your partner
As the past two decades have shown, trying to get global agreement
on tackling climate change seems to be futile. By comparison,
more focused and limited interests of elites, however, are easier
to push through, such as wars based on geopolitical threats (real
and imaginary), or economic crises (where banks and other elites
most responsible for the crises are bailed out by ordinary citizens).
Furthermore, as the West has generally shown in the past decade
or more (even when their economies were doing well) paying now
for something that seems to be a problem in the future is hard to
accept. It is easier, therefore, to stall and keep blaming China, India
and other emerging nations despite the historical inequality of those
emissions. But ignoring that makes it easier to hope these emerging
nations will pick up the burden of addressing emission rises.
Doha 2012. 18th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference
a. Based on the readings, debate the topics in small groups.
85Unit Four: Conditions...?
Listen to your teacher carefully and mark T (true) or F (false). Correct the false ones. Remember to use your
Discuss the meaning of the following proverbs. Then write your own reMection
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last 8sh
been caught will we realise we cannot eat money.
Indian Proverb
86 Unit Four: Conditions...?
In your notebook translate the following answers in English. Then write the questions.
1. Muchas personas están preocupadas por los daños al ambiente.
2. Si, estamos sufriendo el aumento de la temperatura en el planeta.
3. En la convención del cambio climático las naciones toman decisiones.
4. Si. El aumento de los gases causa incremento en la temperatura.
5. El objetivo de la convención es prevenir la contaminación del planeta.
Read and discuss the following sayings. Practice them. Then, write one of your own.
“Green revolution a best solution to arrest pollution”.
“Modern technology owes ecology an apology”.
L. ASK ME...
Lesson 11
What would...if...?
88 Unit Four: Conditions...?
“We never know the worth of water till the well is dry”.
Read the following passage.
Water is essential for all dimensions of life. Over the past few decades, the use of water has increased, and
in many places water availability is falling into crisis levels. More than eighty countries, with forty percent
of the world’s population, are already facing water shortages, while by year 2020 the world’s population
will double. The costs of water infrastructure have risen dramatically. The quality of water in rivers and
underground has deteriorated, due to the pollution by waste and contaminants from cities, industry
and agriculture. Ecosystems are being destroyed, sometimes permanently. Over one billion people lack
safe water, and three billion lack sanitation; eighty per cent of infectious diseases are waterborne, killing
millions of children each year.
Taken from Water Policy Reform Program, 1999
Were you aware of this situation?
89Unit Four: Conditions...?
Please write (T) for true or (F) false to the following statements.
1. Water is an essential element for human survival.
2. The world water crisis just started.
3. Millions of children die because of poor sanitation.
4. The quality of water in river has got better.
Read and practice the following dialogue
Antonio I didn’t know that there was a global water crisis.
Yanire How come? It has been on TV.
Antonio But I watch TV and I haven’t seen anything about tha
Yanire Well, the crisis is not just with water, our planet Earth has been
aWected by human beings wrong doings.
Antonio So, it is something to worry about, because we live in it
Yanire Of course, it is a serious concern.
Antonio So we’d better start taking care of it as we do with our plan
If clause Main clause
If …had +verb (past participle
form)… +
have + verb (past participle
90 Unit Four: Conditions...?
1. If we had known about the water crisis, we would have made a campaign at school.
What would you have done if you had known about the water crisis before?
2. Governments worldwide could have prevented water pollution if they had controlled
industries’waste disposals long ago.
What could governments have done to prevent water pollution?
3. Yes. If people had had better living conditions, sanitation might have been improved.
Might sanitation have been improved if people had had better living conditions?
It refers to the provision of facilities and
services for the safe disposal of human
urine and feces. It also refers to the
maintenance of hygienic conditions,
through services such as garbage
collection and wastewater disposal.
(Adapted from WHO) http://www.who.
These are systems that protect human health, through
prevention of human contact with the risks of wastes as well
as the treatment and proper disposal of sewage wastewater.
If we hadn’t had the appropriate care with the sanitation
service, we would have been openly exposed to risks that
can be physical, microbiological, biological or chemical
agents of disease. Wastes that can cause health problems
include human and animal feces, solid wastes, domestic
wastewater, industrial wastes and agricultural wastes.
What would have happened in the world if we hadn’t had sanitation service?
91Unit Four: Conditions...?
Read the following facts.
Taken from United Nations report (2015)
What does the article say about drinking water and sanitation facilities in our planet? Do you have this
service in your neighborhood?
Target 7.C: (Millennium Development Goals)
Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and
basic sanitation.
source of drinking water and, at the current pace, 605 million people will still lack coverage in 2015.
developing regions as a whole. The greatest progress was achieved in Eastern and Southern Asia.
92 Unit Four: Conditions...?
Complete with the appropriate verb form.
Water ________ (cover) 71% of the Earth’s surface.
On Earth, 96.5% of the planet’s water is _______ (8nd) in oceans,
1.7% in groundwater, 1.7% in glaciers and in the ice caps of
Antarctica and Greenland, a small fraction in other large water
bodies, and 0.001% in the air and precipitation.
Only 2.5% of the Earth’s water is _________ (consider) freshwater,
and 98.8% of that water is _______(locate) in ice and groundwater.
Less than 0.3% of all freshwater _____(be) in rivers, lakes, and the
Discuss the following two ideas.
1.“Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink”.
We are surrounded by things you cannot make use
of. (There is so much salt water that you can’t drink.
Freshwater is only 2.5%. Out of it just 1.3% is surface
water, which serves most of life’s needs).”
“More than one-half of the world’s major rivers are
being seriously depleted and polluted, degrading and
the health and livelihood of people who depend upon
them for irrigation, drinking and industrial water”
Serageldin - Chairman of the World Commission on
Water for the 21st Century - (1999)
Write two conclusions. Report to the class.
93Unit Four: Conditions...?
a. Based on the readings debate the topics in small groups.
b. List recommendations to have a rational use of water.
Listen to your teacher carefully and mark T (true) or F (false). Correct the false ones.
94 Unit Four: Conditions...?
Write a short dialog based on the video suggested below.
Translate the proverbs and its meanings. Then write a question to each one.
Blood is thicker than water.
(Family is more important than anyone or anything
In deep water.
(In a place you are not feeling comfortable).
He is wet behind the ears.
(He still has a lot to learn about life).
To discover warm water.
(Something that is very obvious).
To be in troubled waters.
(To be in a dibcult position).
To have water up to the throat.
(To have few chances to succeed).
“Water is too precious to be wasted”(41”)
What can we do?
Translate these sayings. Can you 8nd a similar one in your own language?
“They are like water and 8re/ They are like devil and holy water”.
(These two people are absolutely contrasting).
“It is raining cats and dogs”.
It is raining heavily.
L. ASK ME...
96 Unit Four: Conditions...?
“I make green look good because I recycle, reduce  reuse.”
Look at the pictures and read the passage.
The world population is growing, and currently each
human being adds signi8cant waste to the planet over
his or her lifetime. The natural resources on our planet
earth are limited so we must do our best to conserve,
recycle and reuse whenever possible. Not only are
natural resources limited, but recycling eWorts can
signi8cantly reduce additional waste that will not only
harm the planet today, but future generations as well.
The danger of global climate change has forced people
to take drastic measures to cut down on pollution levels
to slow down since we haven’t been able to eradicate this
phenomenon. In view of this serious situation, necessary
targets for recycling are also being set by governments
around the world.
Adapted from
Are you familiar with the term recycling?
Do you recycle?
Please write (T) for true or (F) false to the following statements. Correct the false ones. Support your
1 The world population is getting smaller
2 There is not much waste.
3 Natural resources are limited.
4 Recycling is a way to cut down pollution.
97Unit Four: Conditions...?
Read and practice the following dialogue.
Luisy What is recycling?
Lina Recycling is to reduce trash?
Aless Well, it is a process to change materials into new products to prevent waste of
potentially useful materials
Luisy But it is something very complex.
Lina No, it isn’t. Anybody can recycle.
Aless If we wanted we could recycle materials made of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles.
Luisy I understand, so recycling could be done at home but also industries could do it.
Alex If everybody had participated in recycling activities and programs, our planet would
have been in better conditions.
if + Simple Past, main clause with Conditional I
(= would + In8nitive)
if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have +
Past Participle)
Example: If I knew about recycling, I would recycle
all the material I have at home.
Example: If I had had known about recycling, I
would have recycled all the material I had at home.
It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition
will be ful8lled.
It is impossible that the condition will be ful8lled
because it refers to the past.
98 Unit Four: Conditions...?
Exceptions for Conditional Sentences
Condition refers to: IF Clause Main Clause
future action Simple Present If they want paper…
Future I …they will get it.
Imperative …get it.
Modal Auxiliary …they can get it.
action going on now
If Felix is taking a
rest, …
Future I …I won’t talk to him
Imperative …don’t talk to him
Modal Auxiliary …you cannot talk to
him now.
8nished action Present Perfect
If Laura has got a
new job,
Future I …I will call her
Imperative …call her.
Modal Auxiliary …we can call her.
improbable action should + InRnitive
Should Henry pass
math this term, …
Future I …I will help him.
Imperative …help him
Modal Auxiliary …we can help him
present facts Simple Present If I get a good grade, Simple Present …I am happy.
Conditional Sentences Type I (likely)
Conditional Sentences Type II (unlikely)
Condition refers to: IF Clause Main Clause
past Simple Past
If I had a lot of
time, …
Conditional I …I would help him.
consequence in the
Simple Past If I saw her, … Conditional II …I would greet her.
Conditional Sentences Type III (impossible)
Condition refers to: IF Clause Main Clause
past Past Perfect If I had had them, … Conditional III …I would have
handed them out.
past Past Perfect
If Ann had studied
Conditional III …she would have
passed the test.
99Unit Four: Conditions...?
The word WASTE
Uncultivated land Gradual loss or decrease by
use, wear, or decay
Garbage, rubbish, excrement
—often used in plural.
1. Bring your own reusable cloth
bag to purchase groceries. If you
forget it, insist on paper, and pack
as many goods in one bag as
2. Try to reduce the amount of
products in bulk.
3. Have any paper statements
that are normally mailed to you
such as bills, 8nancial statements,
newsletters, etc, e-mailed to you,
4. Buy products that are packaged
of Styrofoam.
5. Try to avoid disposable items,
such as paper plates, cups, and
6. When wrapping presents, opt
for reusable gift bags instead of
wrapping paper - or maybe even
reuse wrapping paper.
Ways to reduce the amount of trash we create
100 Unit Four: Conditions...?
In your notebook, complete the sentences using “If” conditional II or III, according to the situation.
1 They are ecologists, so if they sent you a present, they …
2 If I had known about the damage caused by plastic bags, I …
3 I would have bought just recycle products if I…
4 If I had known that so many tress were being cut I …
Live green
Love green
Be Green
We are just mankind…without
the earth we’re nothing.
Man’s Treasure”.
Read the poem. Talk about it.
101Unit Four: Conditions...?
Watch the following videos and write your impressions.
The origin of stuW (7’35”) Part 1
The origin of stuW (9’13”) Part 2  3
What did you know about the story of things?
What do you think about the story of things?
Listen to your teacher carefully. And write the dictation in your notebook.
Write your own conversation
There are many things we can recycle. Look at the following videos:
How To Recycle HDPE Plastic (High Density Polyethylene) - a simple
method (14’56”)
1000 creative ideas to recycle plastic bottles
102 Unit Four: Conditions...?
In your notebooks, write questions to the following answers. Then translate them into Spanish.


. 1
The following stanza belongs to the song‘Is this the world we created...?’It was written by Freddie Mercury
 Brian May. What do you think it is about?
Is this the world we created
What did we do it for
Is this the world we invaded
Against the law
So it seems in the end
Is this what we’re all living for today
The world that we created.
You can listen to the whole version in the following link:
L. ASK ME...
104 Unit Five: It...
“Step by step, one goes a long way.”
When you decide to practice a sport you have to
sport for recreational or competitive purposes. Many
competitive sports begin at early ages. For instance,
gymnastics is a sport that girls begin when they are
4 or 5 years old and practice it for about ten or more
years. There are diWerent disciplines within this sport
such as: artistic gymnastics (men  women), rhythmic
gymnastics, trampoline, aerobics, and acrobatics.
In artistic gymnastics it’s easy for a gymnast to do
wonderful exercises for example: cartwheel, round oW,
Mic-Mac, and so on. In our country gymnastics has had an
interesting history since the 1960s. In the last Olympic
Games in London 2012, Jessica Lopez, from Venezuela,
was the only Venezuelan gymnast in this event.
For more information check http.//www.mindeporte.
Read the following passage …
Read the following sentences about the previous paragraph and write in your notebooks“T”for True or“F”
for False. Correct the false ones. Support your answers.
1. Children begin to practice gymnastics at the age of 2
2. Gymnasts do Mic-Mac.
3. There are no disciplines in gymnastics.
4. Skills are not important to practice a sport.
105Unit Five: It...
Complete the following paragraph.
Jessica López practices _______________. Gymnastics is divided in diWerent disciplines such as:
____________________, ________________________, ________________, _________________ and
________________________. Some exercises in artistic gymnastics are: ___________________________
, _____________________ and ___________________. Jessica participated in ____________ Olympic
Games in 2012. She is from ________________.
1. Is it easy for you to practice gymnastics?
2. It`s not easy for me to practice gymnastics. It`s dibcult.
3. Is it easy for a fencer to play table tennis?
4. No, it`s not easy for him to play table tennis.
106 Unit Five: It...
Dalia Contreras -Taekwondoist Andreina Pinto - Swimmer Fabiola Ramos - Table tennis player
Daniela Larreal - Cyclist Alejandra Benítez - Fencer Leidys Brito - Archer
Angel Aponte - Karateka Oscar Monterola -
Paralympic runner
Paralympic athletes
107Unit Five: It...
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions
In our country there are several sports that athletes are practicing in all states. Some sports are more
popular than others; they could be practiced for recreational purposes or competitive ones if you want
to get to international level competitions or even the Olympic or Paralympic Games. Some sports are:
gymnastics (rhythmic and artistic), archery, swimming, fencing, table tennis, tae kwon do, boxing, athletics,
cycling, and so on. To practice a sport you need skills and dedication. Sometimes when friends are having
holidays you are training in the morning and in the afternoon. It’s normal for high performance athletes
to do their trainings but it’s dibcult for their friends to understand it. But the satisfaction the athlete feels
when representing his/her country is unique!
1. Is it easy to practice an Olympic or a Paralympic sport?
2. Do you think that practicing a competitive sport is easy?
3. Are you interested in practicing a sport that includes trainings six days a week?
4. Would you like to become an Olympic athlete?
1. – It’s _______for Jessica to take a 4 hour gymnastics training a day.
2. - It`s ______for a swimmer to train every day.
3. - It`s easy for a _______________ to use a sword, but it`s ______________ for her to practice archery.
4. - ______ easy for Dalia to practice taekwon do, but it`s ______________for her to swim.
Valeria Do you practice a sport?
Juan José Yes, I love swimming. And you?
Valeria I practice gymnastics. I’m training hard because I have a competition
next month.
Juan José Really? You are a talented girl.
Valeria Well, It’s easy for me to train gymnastics every day, but it`s dibcult for
me to play volleyball.
Juan José Ha, ha, ha. It’s easy for me to swim, but it’s dibcult for me to practice
Valeria Ha, ha, ha! For me too.
108 Unit Five: It...
Naomi Soazo is the 8rstVenezuelan woman to compete
in the Paralympic Games and win a Gold medal! She
competed in judo events for the visually impaired and
She is so far the only Venezuelan, in any sport, to have
won a gold medal at the Paralympic Games.
Beijing 2008
Read the information above again and then, in your notebook, write:
a. questions with“what”,“when”,“where”.
b. a short paragraph about the athletes who participated in the Olympics.
Listen to your teacher and the select the appropriate option.
1 Swimmer ____ Player ____ Judoka _____
2 Fencing_____ Cycling ____ Wrestling_____
3. Cyclist _____ Archer___ Taekwondoist___
109Unit Five: It...
Rubén Limardo in 2012 won Venezuela’s second gold medal
in the Olympic Games. He competed in the individual épée
competition winning Venezuela’s 8rst ever fencing medal.
Write about any of these athletes.
Medal Name Games Sport Event
3 Bronze Arnoldo Devonish 1952 Helsinki Athletics Men’s triple jump
3 Bronze Enrico Forcella 1960 Rome Shooting
Men’s 50 metre riMe
1 Gold Francisco Rodriguez 1968 Mexico City Boxing Men’s light Myweight
2 Silver Pedro Gamarro 1976 Montreal Boxing Men’s welterweight
2 Silver Bernardo Piñango 1980 Moscow Boxing Men’s bantamweight
3 Bronze Marcelino Bolivar 1984 Los Angeles Boxing Men’s light Myweight
3 Bronze Omar Catari 1984 Los Angeles Boxing Men’s featherweight
3 Bronze Rafael Vidal 1984 Los Angeles Swimming Men’s 200m butterMy
3 Bronze Adriana Carmona 2004 Athens Taekwondo Women +67 kg
3 Bronze Israel Jose Rubio 2004 Athens Weightlifting Men’s featherweight
3 Bronze Dalia Contreras 2008 Beijing Taekwondo Women −49 kg
1 Gold Rubén Limardo 2012 London Fencing Men’s épée
110 Unit Five: It...
Write questions to the following answers.
1. _______________? 1. Noemi Soazo.
2. _______________? 2. Judo.
3. _______________? 3. Fencing.
4. _______________? 4. He won a Gold medal.
Find the following sports: fencing, cycling, football, swimming, gymnastics, table tennis, archery, tae kwon
do in the alphabet soup. Good luck.
L. ASK ME...
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
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Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano
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Coleccion bicentenario-libro-de-ingles-4to-ano

  • 1.
  • 2. Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías Comandante Supremo de la Revolución Bolivariana Nicolás Maduro Moros Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Jorge Alberto Arreaza Montserrat Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Maryann del Carmen Hanson Flores Ministra del Poder Popular para la Educación Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte Viceministra de Programas de Desarrollo Académico Trina Aracelis Manrique Viceministra de Participación y Apoyo Académico Conrado Jesús Rovero Mora Viceministro para la Articulación de la Educación Bolivariana Viceministro de Desarrollo para la Integración de la Educación Bolivariana Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte Directora General de Currículo Neysa Yrama Navarro Directora General (E) de Educación Media y Técnica Inglés Cuarto Año Nivel de Educación Media del Subsistema de Educación Básica Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este material sin autorización del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación DISTRIBUCIÓN GRATUITA © Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Esquina de Salas, Edi8cio Sede, parroquia Altagracia, Caracas, Distrito Capital Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación, 2013 Primera edición: Mayo 2013 Tiraje: 400.000 ejemplares Depósito Legal: lf51620134281791 ISBN: 978-980-218-364-7 República Bolivariana de Venezuela Coordinación General de la Colección Bicentenario Maryann del Carmen Hanson Flores CoordinaciónPedagógicadelaColecciónBicentenario Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte Coordinación General Logística y de Distribución de la Colección Bicentenario Franklin Alfredo Albarrán Sánchez Coordinación Logística Deyanira D’Jesús Urbáez Salazar Jhonny José Quintero Páez Yrene Lucrecia Duarte Hurtado Coordinación General de la serie Inglés Rosa López de D’Amico Coordinación Editorial Isabel C. Faneyth Serrano Autoras y Autores Isabel C. Faneyth Serrano Rosa López de D’Amico Yvemar Peraza M. Yvonne Saulny Manuel Adrián Arrioja Ligia Álvarez Isabel Carrillo Belkys Blanco Gretel Hernández Josil Jose8na Murillo Asesoría Curricular Isabel C. Faneyth Serrano Rosa López de D’Amico Jorge Enrique González Andrés Carmelo Algara Ligia Álvarez Yvemar Peraza M. Isabel Carrillo Corrección de Lenguaje Mark Gregson Coordinación de Arte Gilberto Abad VIvas Diseño Grá8co Gilberto Abad Vivas Diagramación Kelly Gerardin Calderón Labrador Ilustración Braulio González José Alberto Lostalé José Ángel Díaz Julio César Aguiar Morelys Rivas Fonseca Rafael Pacheco Rangel Rosanna Galucci Samuel González Víctor Silva Yassamy Moreno Pérez Suministro de papel: INVEPAL
  • 3. A las y los docentes My Fourth Victory es un libro hecho con mucho amor y profesionalismo, especialmente para nuestras y nuestros estudiantes, así como también para ustedes estimadas y estimados colegas. Como docentes especialistas en la enseñanza de idiomas modernos, nos ha preocupado la enseñanza del idioma inglés, en nuestros centros educativos desde hace algún tiempo. Es por esto que nos hemos esmerado en elaborar este hermoso material para ayudarles, junto con su experiencia y su bagaje de conocimientos, a cumplir con esta ardua tarea, como es el enseñar un idioma extranjero. Es algo que va más allá de plani8car las actividades, dar una clase, asignar una tarea, evaluar a través de una prueba, de reunirse con las y los representantes para conversar acerca del rendimiento estudiantil. Se trata de que a esta persona que tendremos en nuestras manos, la ayudemos a conocer sus talentos, a desarrollar sus habilidades, a potenciar sus conocimientos, a valorar lo suyo y a trabajar para mejorarlo y hacerlo más grande al pasar el tiempo. En este libro, creamos diferentes actividades y temas para lograr tales objetivos, asumiendo que nuestras y nuestros estudiantes son cada vez más exigentes y que podemos hacerlos conocedores de sus deberes y derechos, merecedores de lo mejor. Cada tema introductorio fue seleccionado con tópicos interesantes para ser desarrollados con sencillez en una discusión sana y enriquecedora, en la cual se promueva la exposición de opiniones con respeto a las opiniones de los demás. La idea es que vean el idioma inglés como un medio para adquirir conocimientos. Que podamos transmitirles el mensaje de que al hablar, entender, leer y escribir en inglés, aumenta su nivel de comunicación, a tal punto, que puedan estar al día con lo que ocurre a nivel mundial y a su vez puedan transmitir lo de su entorno a personas de otros países, pues este idioma nos abre las puertas al mundo. Así, pues, estimadas y estimados colegas, aquí está el fruto de un gran esfuerzo para contribuir en esta loable labor de educar y formar al ciudadano que nuestra patria necesita, los cuales sean proactivos, comunícativos, reMexivos, que amen y de8endan la patria venezolana, para hacerlo cada vez mejor, tomando en cuenta lo importante que es el vivir bien.
  • 4. A el (la) estudiante Querido (a) estudiante: Bienvenido a cuarto año! Un año maravilloso donde vas a continuar aumentando tu nivel de conocimiento, conversarás sobre las diferentes carreras que te ofrece nuestro sistema de estudios y de otros temas que ocurren a nivel mundial que nos afectan como habitantes de este planeta. Este libro fue especialmente diseñado para ti con mucho amor y dedicación. Contiene temas actuales, sencillos y sobre todo de interés para ti y para todos. Cada lección tiene el propósito de mostrarte la información de manera sencilla para que accedas a los contenidos con facilidad. Podrás notar que se presentan varios temas con diversos tipos de ejercicios que ayudan a desarrollar y 8jar cada situación. El idioma inglés, como ya lo sabes, tiene varias características que debes recordar siempre para facilitar su adquisición: se escribe de una manera y se pronuncia de otra, la(s) palabra(s) que describe(n) va(n) delante del sustantivo, y algunas otras que seguramente ya has ido descubriendo. Lo que debes tener presente es que es un medio para comunicarte diferente al tuyo. Y que como tal, debes familiarizarte con todos los aspectos aunque te parezcan extraños. Solo ten en cuenta que son diferentes. Este año que ya tienes conocimiento del idioma que has adquirido en primero, segundo y tercer año, tenemos el GLOSSARY en inglés y unas interesantes lecturas adicionales al 8nal del libro. Todo esto para complementar tu formación integral. Esimportantequeestésenteradodetodaslasposibilidadesquetienescuandohablas,comprendes, lees y escribes en inglés. Además de estar en armonía con tu entorno escolar, pues es una asignatura más, estás en contacto con el mundo entero: puedes recibir y dar información a nivel mundial. Este es el idioma que se usa para todas las transacciones comerciales, comunicaciones en el campo aeronáutico, cientí8co y en todas las carreras donde pueda tener inherencia la tecnología actual. Así pues, te invito a aprovechar disfrutar esta edición y, a la vez te exhorto a que te prepares cada vez mejor para que asumas tu rol en la sociedad que tanto te necesita y espera por ti y tu aporte para hacer de esta una PATRIA GRANDE, segura y productiva.
  • 5. Índice Lesson 6 - I haven t / She hasn t / I hadn t 48
  • 6. CONTENIDOS Y PROPÓSITOS DE 4° AÑO UNIDAD PROPÓSITOS LECCIONES GRAMÁTICA 1 I will… REPASO DE 3er AÑO: Futuro. 01- I’ll be a great… Presente continuo. Futuro “going to”. Will. Cláusulas with “if” and “when” Where…?I What…? Who did you… with? Should Have to… 02- I’ll be…if I… 03- My holidays… 2 …but not anymore. Hablar y escribir acerca de eventos que solían llevarse a cabo en el pasado, causa y efecto, experiencias. ReMexionar acerca de experiencias y eventos del pasado su relación con la realidad y que podemos hacer para transformarlo. 04- Did you know what…? Used to. Pasado simple. Presente perfecto. Pasado perfecto. Por qué…, porque… Conjunciones: Conectores: según su función: adición, contraste, resultado, propósito. Adverbs: ever, always, never, etc Prepositions: for since 05- Joining… 06- I haven’t / She hasn’t / I hadn’t… 3 Who…? Comentar y escribir acerca de conMictos comunes entre padres e hijos. Valorar la buena comunicación en la familia y la comunidad para fortalecer valores de amor y respeto hacía una cultura de paz 07-…by yourself. Pronombres: reMexivos, posesivos, objetivos, etc. Adjetivos. Pronombres relativos: who, which, where, whose, etc. Primer condiciona: If I… verb (present tense) …I will+verb (base form)… Cláusulas negativas y a8rmativas. Preguntas (simples y de información), respuestas. 08- He is the one who… 09- Who…? 4 Connditions…? ReMexionar acerca de situaciones probables y condiciones. Comentar y escribir oraciones acerca de situaciones imposibles de modi8car pues ya ocurrieron Analizar y buscar posibles soluciones a situaciones presentadas que puedan contribuir con la transformación de la realidad. 10- If I… Segundo condicional: If … +verb (past form)…, … would+verb (base form)… Review of past tense verbs. Review of past participles. Tercer condicional If …had +verb (past participle form)…, … would have +verb (past participle form)… 11- What would… if…? 12- It wouldn’t have happened if I…
  • 7. CONTENIDOS Y PROPÓSITOS DE 4° AÑO 5 It… Utilizar Valorar el uso“it”en expresiones que muestran habilidad, percepción, arrepentimiento y acuerdo. Utilizar otros usos de“it”en diálogos y párrafos cortos. 13- It’s easy for me to… It+verb to be+adjective to… It +verb+to me(that) It+verb to be+adjective/ adverb. It+verb to be+adjective What is the weather like? 14- It seems to me (that).. 15- It’s sunny. 6 Actions Utilizar estructuras en forma tanto oral como escrita con verbos seguidos de: -in8nitivo -nombre o pronombre -verbo-ing 16- She oWered to… … to (verb)… …makes me to (verb)… …mind verb-ing … 17- He wants me to… 18- We enjoy reading … 7 …,right? Usar preguntas de con8rmación al 8nal de la oración. 19-…,are you? …,aren’t you? …,are you? …,is she? …,isn’t she? …,don’t you? …,do you? ...haven’t you?´…,hasn’t she? …will you? …,won’t you? Todos los tiempos verbales estudiados. 20-…,do you?.. 21-…,have you? 8 …built by… Utilizar la Voz Pasiva en conversaciones y párrafos para relatar hechos que “alguien”lleva a cabo. Asimismo, contrastar con Voz Activa. 22- …is made by… …is made by… It is made of… …is being made by… was made by… …was being made by… …has been made by… …willl be made by… Is … made by…? Was… made by? (Todos los cambios en los tiempos verbales señalados) 23- …was made by… 24- …willl be made by…
  • 8. Unit One: I will...8 Read the following paragraph “The future starts today, not tomorrow”. When choosing a career, students should consider certain aspects related to their interests, abilities, and working preferences. Therefore when selecting a career, students should not choose a career at random or based on tradition. It must be the result of a reMection about knowing themselves, the current study opportunities locally and nationally, motivation, awareness of the occupational world, and so on. When choosing a career, they are also deciding what their future job will be and how they will be part of the working force for the development of their country. For further information they can visit the web site of the National Universities Council in which they could 8nd the universities, careers and national training programs available in Venezuela. AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE 1. When choosing a career you should follow your abilities. 2. You have to ask your friends for their preferences, when choosing a career. 3. You have to study the most common career in your country. 4. There are two areas of knowledge. 5. There is no webpage information about careers in your country. 6. The study opportunities information in Venezuela is restricted. Basic Sciences Engineering, Architecture and Technology Based on the previous paragraph, write T (True) or F (False) in the following statements. Correct the false ones. Support your statements. A. LET’S EXPLORE! Sea and Agro Sciences Health Science Education Science Social Science Humanities, Letters and Arts Science and Military Arts B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 9. Unit One: I will... 9 Alicia I really don’t know what to study. Diego Where would you like to work? Alicia You mean, where will I work? Diego Yes, where do you see yourself in the future? Alicia Um… I am curious about oil. I’d like to work at PDVSA. Diego Good point! Now, there are many working areas in PDVSA. Alicia Where can I get that information? Diego Check the webpage of PDVSA and later visit the webpage of the OPSU study opportunities book. Read the dialogue. Practice it with a partner. PURPOSE EXPLANATION 1. PREDICTIONS WILL + VERB is used for predictions or statements of facts about the future. 2. INTENTIONS BE + GOING TO + VERB is used in talking about a plan for the future that somebody had in mind. 3. ARRANGEMENTS BE + VERB-ING is used in talking about a plan for the future that somebody discussed with someone else. C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS: FUTURE TENSES
  • 10. 10 Unit One: I will... EXAMPLES 1.Will all the students register at the OPSU national university entry system by the end of this week? - Yes, they will. They will register in the OPSU web page. - No, they won’t. They will do it next week. 2. Are you going to study engineering? - Yes. I am going to study chemical engineering. - No, I am not. I’m going to study law. 3. Are you doing anything special tomorrow? - Yes I’m taking the vocational test tomorrow morning. - No, I’m not. I’m staying home. Some Technical Careers Air tra>c controller A person who controls the Mow of airplanes in an airport. Aeronautical Station Operator They receive and send messages in the airport. Search and Rescue O>cer Theyorganizespecialoperations of rescue after an air accident. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. ReMect about it There many universities and technical institutes in Venezuela where you can study many diWerent careers. They are classi8edinpublicandprivateuniversities / institutes. The list is extensive and you can 8nd them in the OPSU study opportunities book. You will be surprised by the variety that you can 8nd there. UBV – UCV – UNERG – UPEL – UNEFA - UCLA - UNES ULA – UNELLEZ – LUZ – UDS – UNEY – UNEXPO – IUAC – UC – USB - UMC – CULTCA – UNA – UPT – UNESR – CUC – UDO -UMBV – UNEFM – UNEG – UNEARTE – IUTB – IUTET – CUHELAV Why do think people study short or long careers? What does each acronym stand for? F. READING AND REFLECTING E. VOCABULARY
  • 11. 11Unit One: I will... Complete the following statements with a career and the name of the university or institute. 1. I am going to study _______________ at __________________________. 2. Berta is going to study _______________ because she is good at_______. 3.Elviswillstudy_______________because__________________________. 4. Luis is checking the web page for technical careers. He’d like __________. Inés Will you take the vocational test? Alberto Vocational test? What test is that? Inés It is the test that helps us to identify our abilities! Alberto Really? How come? Inés It is an electronic test with items that will show your tendency for a speci8c area of knowledge. Alberto That will be helpful. I’ll take it. Inés We all have to take it! G. LET’S APPLY According to a report by UNESCO, Venezuela has Latin America’s second-highest rate of enrollment in higher education: 83 percent. This 8gure rivals that of developed countries like Finland (92 percent).The average rate of enrollment for the region stands at 29.6 percent. H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 12. 12 Unit One: I will... Complete the chart in your notebook. Write the statement in the required tense. FUTURE GOING TO SIMPLE FUTURE 1. I’m going to study Chemistry. 1. 2. 2. She will enroll in UNEARTE. 3. He is going to study at the Venezuela Military Academy. 3. 4. 4. They will study environmental engineering. Listen to the teacher and identify the statements according to the purpose of the speaker. Prediction Intention Arrangement Check about Venezuelan’s universities in the following link.You will 8nd a list of public and private universities / institutes. de_Venezuela I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND J. ALL EARS
  • 13. 13Unit One: I will... Medicine TelecommunicationsEngineering SpecialEducation InternationalStudies PoliticalScience ComputerScience ManagementDisaster Sports Science Sociology InternationalBusiness CivilEngineering PhysicalTherapy PhysicalEducation SocialWork Law Biology Architecture Languages Arts Journalism Psychology Veterinary English Education Biochemistry Pharmacy History Economy Administration Mathematics Statistics Nursing Accounting Nutrition Geology Agriculture Management Dentistry Music Choose one of these careers and write about it. Then report to the class. In your notebook, write questions to the following answers. 1. _______________? 1. I’ll study in my hometown. 2. _______________? 2. He’s going to study to be a 8re8ghter. 3. _______________? 3. Yes. She is going to choose accounting. 4. _______________? 4. No, they won’t. They will study hospitality and tourism. L. ASK ME... K. LET S CREATE
  • 14. 14 Unit One: I will... Read the proverbs and talk about them. Support your statements. LET´S HAVE FUN b. Taxi driver d. Fishermanc. Hairdresser g. Cook h. Tailor e. Seamstress i. Plumber j. Farmer a. Homemaker f. Janitor “Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better”. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Work digni8es a person’s life, or at least it should” Proverb. Match the pictures with the jobs. Write the letter on the line given.
  • 15.
  • 16. 16 Look at the mind map. “A sound mind in a sound body”. “Mens sana in corpore sano”. “The greatest wealth is health” Virgil Health is the general condition of a person’s mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in“good health”or“healthy”).TheWorld Health Organization (WHO) de8ned health in its broader sense as“a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or in8rmity”. Health is maintained and improved not only through the advancement and application of health science, but also through the eWorts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the individual and society. The main determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and the person’s individual characteristics and behavior. What is this reading about? Now answer these questions. 1. What does it mean to be in good health? 2. Are you in good health? A. LET’S EXPLORE! B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 17. 17Unit One: I will... Jorge Lifestyle is very important to have quality of life. Josil What do you mean? Jorge We need to practice exercise, eat healthy food and have a positive attitude. Josil So if we eat healthy food and exercise regularly we will have good health. Jorge It does help, but there are other elements. Josil Like what? Jorge You have to reduce stress and get enough sleep at night. Read the dialogue and practice it with a partner CONDITIONAL IF CLAUSE Type I: condition possible to ful8ll if clause main clause Simple Present will-future (or Modal + verb) EXAMPLES 1. Will you change your eating habits if your doctor asks you to go on a healthy diet? Yes. If my doctor asks me to go on a healthy diet I will change my eating habits. 2. What will you do if you want to lose weight very soon? If I want to lose weight very soon, I will start doing regular exercise . QUESTION Will + subject+ verb + complement if + subject + verb + complement? D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 18. 18 Unit One: I will... Read the following quote. Live in rooms full of light Avoid heavy food Be moderate in the drinking of wine Take massage, baths, exercise, and gymnastics Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water Change surroundings and take long journeys Strictly avoid frightening ideas Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements Listen to music. Aulus Cornelius Celsus What elements do you need to consider if you want to have a healthy life according to Cornelius? Is there a balance in the activities he mentions? F. READING AND REFLECTING E. VOCABULARY
  • 19. 19Unit One: I will... Read the following clauses. In your notebook write the other clause to get meaningful statements. 1. If I want to be healthy, ________________________ . 2. Will you exercise daily ________________________ ? 3. If Thomas gets enough sleep every night, ________________________ . 4. What leisure activity will you do ________________________? Look at the picture. Read the following quote. “Everyone should be his own physician. We ought to assist and not force nature. Eat with moderation what agrees with your constitution. Nothing is good for the body but what we can digest. What medicine can produce digestion? Exercise. What will recruit strength? Sleep. What will alleviate incurable ills? Patience”. Voltaire Why do you think Voltaire refers to nutrition, exercise and patience as related to health? Support your statements. G. LET’S APPLY H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 20. 20 Unit One: I will... The groundwork of all happiness is health. James Leigh Hunt To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Buddha “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” Hippocrates “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.” Plato “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” Thomas Edison Translate the following quotes into spanish. Discuss them. In your notebook, write a list of the pieces of advice they suggest. Dictation Listen to your teacher carefully and write the sentences in your notebook. J. ALL EARS I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 21. 21Unit One: I will... Key determinants of an individual’s health. Lifestyle: personal decisions that can be said to contribute to balance, or lead to unhealthy imbalance. Environmental factors: all those related to health external to the human body and over which the individual has little or no control; Biomedical factors: all aspects of health, physical and mental, developed within the human body as inMuenced by genetic characteristics. In your notebook, write a dialogue based on the following quote. “If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.” Elbert Hubbard K. LET’S CREATE
  • 22. 22 Unit One: I will... In your notebook write three questions related to the following passage. Recreation is an activity of leisure (or free time, which is spent away from business, work, and domestic chores). It also excludes time spent on necessary activities such as eating, sleeping and, where it is compulsory, education. Recreation is an essential element of human being. Recreational activities are often done for amusement, or pleasure. Read the following rhyme and practice it with your partner.Then create or 8nd a rhyme based on the topic of this lesson. The best six doctors anywhere And no one can deny it Are sunshine, water, rest, and air Exercise and diet. These six will gladly you attend If only you are willing Your mind they’ll ease Your will they’ll mend And charge you not a shilling. Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990. L. ASK ME... LET´S HAVE FUN
  • 23.
  • 24. 24 Lesson 3 My holidays... I will... “Actions speak louder than words”. Look at the following words. RELIGIOUS CELEBRATION OCTOBER 12th FUN VACATION EASTER MARCH 19th CARNIVAL NICE JAN 1st MAY 1st JUNE 24th JANUARY 15th COOL MARCH 8th TRAVEL PUBLIC HOLIDAYS SHARE DEC. 31st JULY 5th APRIL 19th AUGUST 3rd ENJOY APRIL 23rd NATIONAL DAY DECEMBER 17th RELAX APRIL 22nd NOV. 18th FEB. 12th JULY 24th SLEEP CHRISTMAS Read the passage and answer the questions below A holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law in which normal activities, especially business or work, are suspended or reduced. Generally holidays are intended to allow individuals to celebrate or commemorate something of cultural or religious signi8cance. Holidays may be designated by governments, religious institutions, or other groups or organizations. The concept of holidays has most often originated as religious observances. The intention of a holiday was typically to allow individuals to tend to religious duties associated with important dates on the calendar. In most modern societies, holidays serve as much of a recreational function as anything else. What is a holiday? Who designates a holiday? What was the purpose of celebrating a holiday in the past? What do people do on holidays? What do they suggest to you? A. LET’S EXPLORE! B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 25. 25Unit One: I will... Practice the following dialogue with a partner. Alex Where did you go on your last vacation? Yanire I went to Mochima National Park. Flor Cool! In my case I went to the Andes. Ciro How nice! We breathed pure air in Canaima. Alex Great! You all had time to visit nice places. We went to the Capanaparo river. Ciro If I have the chance next year, I’ll go there. I love rivers. INFORMATION QUESTIONS WITH IF CLAUSE TYPE I WH - WORD + WILL + SUBJECT + VERB + IF CLAUSE? D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 26. 26 Unit One: I will... 1. What will you see if you go to the Capanaparo River? If you go to the Capanaparo River, you will see a very diverse fauna and the Marisela monument, the one from the famous Rómulo Gallegos’novel. EXAMPLES 2. Where will you go for carnival if you have the opportunity to decide? If I have the opportunity to decide, I will go to El Callao to enjoy the famous carnival. 3.What will Henry have to do if he wants to get to the highest station in Merida’s cable car? If he wants to get to the highest station, he will have to remember to slow down the pace to get used to the altitude.
  • 27. 27Unit One: I will... Now, let’s learn about the diWerent holidays we celebrate in our country. Read the following passage about the classi8cation of holidays. National holidays: Nations and territories observe holidays based on events of signi8cance to their history. For example, Venezuelans celebrate Independence Day, on July 5th with military parades. Secular holidays: Several secular holidaysareobserved,suchasEarth Day or Arbor Day, internationally, and across multi-country regions, ofteninconjunctionwithinternational organizations. But they are not strictly holidays as time oW work is rarely given. E.g., World Physical Activity day is April 6th Religious holidays: Many holidays are linked to faith and religion. Christian holidays are de8ned as part of the liturgical year.The main ones are Easter and Christmas. Name some other holidays in Venezuela, when and how we celebrate them. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate information. 1. If you go to La Victoria, Aragua State on February 12th , you ________(see) the parade. 2. We will participate in La Paradura del Niño if you __________ in The Andes on February 2nd . 3. If people want to ________the beach for carnival, they will have to plan it in advance. National holidaySecular holiday Religious holiday April 19th ,1810 Independence day. Woman’s day March 8th The Nativity scene / The Manger (Christmas) December 25th F. READING AND REFLECTING E. VOCABULARY G. LET’S APPLY
  • 28. 28 Unit One: I will... ‘holiday’Etymology: The word holiday is derived from the notion of“Holy Day”. It originally referred to special religious days. In modern use, it means any special day of rest or relaxation, as opposed to normal days away from work or school. In your notebook, translate the following statements into English. 1. ¿Dónde está el aeropuerto más grande de Venezuela? 2. ¿Tomará usted un vuelo si tiene que viajar a Puerto Ayacucho? 3. ¿Cuándo tomará usted sus vacaciones? 4. Si desea acampar en nuestro hermoso país, usted encontrará magní8cos parques nacionales. Some people inVenezuela like to travel by plane when they go on vacation. So they use our modern airports very often. We have national and international airports. Our biggest one is Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetía. Butwealsohaveothersthatreceiveinternational and national Mights such as Santiago Mariño, Arturo Michelena, La Chinita, Jacinto Lara, to mention but a few. Now it is your turn to share information about other airports in our country. I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 29. 29Unit One: I will... Dictation Listen to your teacher carefully. And write the dictation in your notebook. In English we can 8nd two connotations of the word‘holiday’: a.‘a day oW’. July 5th is a National Holiday. b. ‘vacation’. Where will you go on summer holiday this year?. Petrica Let’s go to FITVEN this afternoon. Aníbal FITVEN? What does FITVEN stand for? Petrica It stands for Venezuela’s International Tourism Fair! Aníbal Tourism? I didn’t know anything about it. Petrica It’s wonderful! ______________________________. Aníbal If I go there, what ___________________________? Petrica If you go there, you will _______________________. Aníbal __________________________________________ Read the following conversation and complete the missing information. J. ALL EARS K. LET’S CREATE
  • 30. In your notebook, write questions to the following answers. 1. ____________________________________________________________? Yes, it is. Recreation is very important for our health. 2. ____________________________________________________________? Leisure activities provide relaxation and happiness. 3. ____________________________________________________________? No, we won’t. We will travel by bus. 4. ___________________________________________________________ ? One of the goals of FITVEN is bringing together an exhibit of all of the Venezuelan cultural diversity and the warmth of our people in one place. Write an acrostic poem. H- O- L- I- D- A- Y- L. ASK ME... LET´S HAVE FUN 30 Unit One: I will...
  • 31.
  • 32. Unit Two: ...but not anymore.32 “The past remembered is a good guide for the future”. Look at the picture. Read the following dialogue. Did you know that Venezuela’s 8rst name was the United States of Venezuela? Wow! I didn’t know that. Yes. And did you know that we used to have more land than what we have now? Really? How is that? Well, in 1941, President Eleazar López Contreras signed a land border treaty with the president of Colombia and we lost 108,000 km ².  That’s a pity! Map of Venezuela of 1890 1. ____________________________________________________________? Venezuela’s 8rst name was the United States of Venezuela. 2. ____________________________________________________________? We lost 108,000 km ² of land.  3. ____________________________________________________________? Eleazar López Contreras was. Write the questions to the following answers. A. LET’S EXPLORE! Isabel: Diana: Isabel: Diana: Isabel: Diana: Eleazar López Contreras B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 33. Unit Two: ...but not anymore. 33 Manuel: Did you know that Venezuela used to have a diWerent constitution? Daniel: Yes, the one from 1961. Manuel: Yes, but there used to be others. Daniel: Really? How many constitutions have we had? Manuel: We have had 20 constitutions. Daniel: Wow, that’s too many! Manuel: Yes, I know. Read the dialogue and practice it with a partner. Constitution of the States of Venezuela First Federal Constitution December 21 1811 USED TO EXAMPLES D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE used to + in8nitive didn’t use to + in8nitive Did + subject + use to + in8nitive Used to: to talk about a habit or regular activity in the past that doesn’t happen now. to describe situations in the past which don’t exist now. Abrmative: Venezuela used to have another name. Negative: Venezuela didn’t use to be the size it is now. Questions: Did we use to have another constitution? He used to collect stamps. Our Mag and shield used to be diWerent. There used to be less trabc than today.
  • 34. 34 Unit Two: ...but not anymore. This used to be the Manzanares River in the 1900s. Essolene used to bring gasoline to Venezuela. Caracas used to have a trolley. E. VOCABULARY
  • 35. 35Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Read the paragraph and complete the sentences. The United States ofVenezuela was the obcial name of the Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela between 1864  and  1953. In  1830, when it is separated from Great Colombia, the country’s obcial name is identi8ed with the Republic of Venezuela. Its 8rst capital was Valencia and its 8rst president, José Antonio Páez. In 1864, with the triumph of Federalism, the obcial name became that of the United States of Venezuela, and remained so until 1953, year in which it retook the name of Republic of Venezuela. In the government of Hugo Chávez Frías, the name of the nation became Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 1. The 8rst capital of the Republic of Venezuela was____________________. 2. The obcial name of Venezuela in 1864 used to be____________________. 3. Venezuela separated from Great Colombia in_____________________. ReMect about: What other things did Venezuela used to have besides a diWerent name? 1.____________________________________________________________. Abrmative 2.__________________________________________________________. Negative 3.__________________________________________________________. Question F. READING AND REFLECTING G. LET’S APPLY Follow the instruccions below and write three statements in your notebook.
  • 36. 36 Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Roberto: I didn’t know Venezuela’s Mag used to have seven stars. Susana: Yes. Venezuela also used to be diWerent. Roberto: What do you mean? Susana: I mean, it didn’t use to have so much trabc. Roberto: Yeah, I know. It didn’t use to be so noisy. Susana: What about what people used to eat then? Roberto: I don’t know. I guess they used to eat the same food we eat now. 1863 1905 Great Eastern State (consisted of Barcelona, Cumaná an Maturin). Great Guzmán Blanco State (Bolívar, Guárico, Guzmán Blanco and Nueva Esparta. Great Carabobo State (Carabobo and Nirgua). Great State of Los Andes of North West (Barquisimeto and Yaracuy except the department of Nirgua). Great State of South West (Cojedes, Portuguesa and Zamora (Barinas). Great State of Los Andes (Mérida, Tachira and Trujillo). Great State of Bolívar (Guayana and Apure). Great Satate of Falcón Zulia (Zulia and Falcón). H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 37. 37Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Match the sentences on the left with the sentences on the right. Write the letter on the line given. 1. I used to eat a lot of chocolate but ___ a. now she works in Maracay. 2. Caracas used to have a trolley but___ b. now it has 8. 3. When I was younger, I didn’t use to eat cheese but ___ c. I often used to go to the theater. 4. Venezuela’s Mag used to have 7 stars but ___ d. now it has a subway. 5. When I lived in the city ___ e. now I eat it a lot. 6. Carmen used to work in Caracas but__ f. now I’m on a diet. Listen carefully and 8ll in the blanks. Mr. Sánchez ______ ______ collect Venezuelan stamps. He _____ _____ put them in a _______, and his wife ______ _____ throw them away. Mr. Sánchez _______ them out of the garbage and _______ them back in the drawer one day _____ ______ to put them in the scrapbook left some ordinary pieces of paper and his wife ______ _____ them ______. That was the end of this story. “Used to”vs. Simple Past Both Simple Past and “Used to” can be used to describe past habits, past facts and past generalizations; however, “used to” is preferred when emphasizing these forms of past repetition in positive sentences. On the other hand, when asking questions or making negative sentences, Simple Past is preferred. Examples: used to play the piano.  you play the piano when you were young? did not play the piano when you were young. J. ALL EARS I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 38. 38 Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Estefanía and Pablo used to go out together. But then Estefanía got tired of Pablo. Describe how things have changed. 1. __________________________________________________________. 2. __________________________________________________________. 3. __________________________________________________________. 4. __________________________________________________________. Write questions to the following answers. 1. ___________________________________________________________? Venezuela used to have eight major states. 2. ___________________________________________________________? No, she didn’t. My grandmother didn’t use to drive. 3. ___________________________________________________________? She used to work for PDVSA. LET´S HAVE FUN I used to But now I always But I never I once But now I If I could I would I never But I might I can't But I can I won't But I might I used to But now I Write your own‘used to’poem L. ASK ME... K. LET S CREATE
  • 39.
  • 40. 4040 Unit Two: ...but not anymore. “There’s no place like home.” Read the f According to the reading, are the following statementsTrue (T) or False (F)? Correct the false ones. Support your ideas. 1. Venezuela is mostly bilingual. 2. In addition to Spanish, the Constitution recognizes three indigenous languages. 3. Arab people, in addition to Spanish, speak Italian. 4. Less than 1% of the population speaks indigenous languages. A. LET’S EXPLORE! B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 41. 4141Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Complete the sentences with these linking words: as a result, so, but, also. 1. I would like to see an old Venezuelan map, _______ let’s go to the library. 2. We want to go around Venezuela; _______ we don’t seem to 8nd the time. 3. Venezuela lost some land. _______, today’s map is diWerent. 4. Our country _______ experienced immigration from other Latin American countries. Expressing Contrast But, however, although, though, even though, in spite of. Stating Results Thus, as a result, so. Adding Further Support Besides, also, moreover, in addition to. Providing Reasons Because, in order to, so that, since, as, for this reason, therefore. EXAMPLES Expressing contrast Although Venezuela lost part of its border, it still has a lot of land. Stating Results Venezuela is divided into 8 regions As a result, the Mag has 8 stars. Adding Further Support In addition to the 23 states, Venezuela has 12 Federal Dependencies. Providing Reasons The stilt houses reminded Américo Vespucio of the city of Venice. For this reason he named the region Veneziola. D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 42. 42 Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Read the paragraph and answer the questions below. Hinterland is a tributary region, either rural, urban or both, that is closely linked economically with a nearby town or city. The term is also used to refer to the rural area around a city or town. It is characterized by a less dense population and infrastructure. In shipping usage, a port’s hinterland is the area that it serves, both for imports and for exports. The size of a hinterland can depend on geography, but also on the ease, speed, and cost of transportation between the port and the hinterland. George G. Chisholm (Handbook of Commercial Geography, 1888) transcribed the German word hinterland (land in back of), as hinderland, and used it to refer to the backcountry of a port or coastal settlement. By the early 20th century the backcountry or tributary region of a port was usually called its hinterland. 1. How is a hinterland linked to a city? ____________________________________________________________. 2. How is the word hinterland used in shipping? ____________________________________________________________. Which areas does Venezuela have as hinterlands? Complete the following sentences in your notebook.. 1. President Chávez changed the Constitution although… 2. The Constitution says that justice is important as well as… 3. The state is committed to not only protect, but… 4. In addition to the usual three powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, the new constitution adds…  G. LET’S APPLY F. READING AND REFLECTING
  • 43. 43Unit Two: ...but not anymore. The fauna of Carabobo state mainly inhabits the tropical forests, surrounding grassland and mountainous landscapes. Though a richly inhabited land, the pollution of many of its lakes and rivers has caused the wildlife of Carabobo to be transformed and mutilated, adapting itself in order to survive. The vast majority of wildlife that remains is predominately birds due to their ability to be able to My in search of cleaner water. What can you do in order to save Valencia lake? Nueva Esparta State (“New Sparta”) is named for the heroism shown by its inhabitants during the Venezuelan War of Independence, deemed similar to that of the Spartan soldiers of Ancient Greece. H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 44. 44 Unit Two: ...but not anymore. In your notebook, translate the following sentences into English. 1. Además de Los Roques, Venezuela tiene otras islas. ___________________________________________________________. 2. La gasolina en Venezuela es barata porque está subsidiada. ___________________________________________________________. 3. Aunque Venezuela tiene mucha tierra desocupada, la mayoría de su gente vive en Caracas. ___________________________________________________________. Dictation Listen to your teacher carefully. Write the sentences in your notebook. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________. Linking words for comparison as well as, both... and, compared to, in the same way, likewise, as well, by comparison, similarly. Example: Carabobo State is a Central State as well as Aragua State. J. ALL EARS I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 45. 45Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Use the linking words: although, therefore, because, in addition to, besides, but, as a result and so, to write a paragraph in your notebook about Venezuela. 1. ____________________________________________________________. No, I don’t. Although I live in Venezuela, I don’t know my territory well. 2. ____________________________________________________________. In addition to oil, we also export plantain. 3. ____________________________________________________________. In the 17th century, indigenous people lived in Venezuela as well as many Europeans. 4. ____________________________________________________________. Venezuela changed as a result of the expansion of the colonial system. Write questions to the following answers. K. LET S CREATE L. ASK ME...
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48. 48 Unit Two: ...but not anymore. “No bees, no honey; no work, no money”. Read the following dialogue. Renato is having an interview about a job at a restaurant. Answer these questions about the interview in your notebook. What jobs are available at the restaurant? ____________________________________________________________. What position does Renato want to apply for? ____________________________________________________________. Has Renato had any experience as a waiter? ____________________________________________________________. What is the main requirement to get the job? ____________________________________________________________. Interviewer: Renato: Interviewer: Renato: Interviewer: Renato: Interviewer: Renato: Interviewer: Renato: So, you´re here to apply for the cashier’s position. Actually, Mr. González, I’d prefer the waiter’s position, instead. Have you worked as a waiter before? Yes. I’ve worked at some restaurants and cafes around here. Have you taken any courses related to it? No, but I’d be willing to. Well, 8rst of all you need to update your food handling course. Then we’ll talk again. Do you mean you’ll hire me? Only if you have taken the course. Come back as soon as you do that. Thank you. A. LET’S EXPLORE! B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 49. 49Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Read the dialogue and practice it in groups of three. Renato is talking to a couple of friends about the job interview he had. Carlos: Hey! There you are. Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you high and low! Renato: Hi, Carlos. Hi, Miguel. Really? I had told you about the interview for the part-time job, guys. Miguel: That’s true! We forgot that. How did it go? Renato: Not bad. But I have to do a food-handling course before applying for the waiter position. Carlos: Waiter? I thought you wanted the cashier’s position. Renato: I made up my mind. I’d like to work in something more dynamic where I can be closer to people. C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 50. 50 Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Present Perfect Have / Has + past participle A>rmative form Negative form Interrogative form You have done it. You haven’t done it. Have I you done it? He She it has He She it hasn’t Has he she it We You They have We You They haven’t Have we you they Examples A: Where have you worked? B: I have worked in some hotels since I turned 16. What about Tina? Has she ever worked? A: No, she hasn’t. She has only helped me at the restaurant for a couple of weeks. Past Perfect Had + past participle A>rmative form Negative form Interrogative form I You He She it We You They had done it. I You He She It We You They hadn’t done it Had I you he she it we you they done it. Examples A: What had you done when our boss arrived? B: I had changed the beds sheets. What about you? Had you done everything? A: No, I hadn’t. I had only watched TV since I arrived. D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS
  • 51. 51Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Some part hospitality time jobs Chef F&B Supervisor Housekeeper Sales assistant Read the following text and answer the question. Centros de Capacitación Turística Regionales (CCTR) CCTR are training centers created by the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela aimed at strengthening the skills and practical knowledge of the workers of the tourism and hospitality industry. They provide the tourism system with the necessary improvements to achieve high quality services outside and inside the country, through hands-on courses, in both operational and administrative areas, such as: cuisine, room service, marketing and sales, information management, entertainment and recreation, personnel management and operational training. CCTR oWer their courses in the following State-run hotels: Hotel Venetur Maracaibo in Zulia Hotel Venetur Puerto La Cruz in Anzoátegui. Hotel Venetur Margarita in Nueva Esparta. Hotel Venetur Alba Caracas in Distrito Capital.
  • 52.
  • 53. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense. 1. Renato _____________ (8nish) his food handler course already. 2. He _______________ (study) there since Mr. González ____________ (interview) him. 3. Mr. González wanted to hire him that day, but he __________ (not/take) the course when he had the interview. 4. He _________ (think) about taking a cooking course the following month. F. READING AND REFLECTING E. VOCABULARY G. LET’S APPLY
  • 54. 52 Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Here are some of the reasons why a career in hospitality is great. Read the six ones that are given and say what the last two refer to. Reasons why hospitality jobs are great You make people’s day Your business is all about people. It’s about making people happy.  It’s creative Hospitality is creative. You are creating a product — be that food, drink, or an experience — and there’s always new ways of making it more enjoyable for your customers. It opens a door to the world Every country has a hospitality industry, and the skills you learn here are readily transferable, meaning that a career in hospitality can very easily be the key to discovering new countries, new culture and new people. There’s no need to get stuck In the space of a few years, you may move between receptionist jobs, reservations manager to concierge and beyond. Where else could you get that sort of variety? You can take on early responsibility If you work hard, acquire your quali8cations, get on with customers and colleagues, and show initiative, very soon you’ll 8nd yourself in a senior position managing people and projects. Not 9-5 It involves a great deal of variety, not only in terms of the hours you work, but also the work you do during those hours. Explain: Great atmosphere  It’s a safe bet H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT (Retrieved from:
  • 55. 53Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Venezuela is one of South America’s most diverse countries, featuring 25 diWerent eco-systems that encompass mountains, rain forests, savanna and coastal reefs. The Amazon and the Orinoco, two of the world’s major rivers, are in our blessed country, too. In your notebook, translate the following statements into English. 1. ¿Dónde has trabajado? ___________________________________________________________. 2. Reina había decidido optar por el cargo de Gerente de Mercadeo y Ventas. ___________________________________________________________. 3. Él ha contratado tres personas a medio tiempo. ___________________________________________________________. 4. ¿Qué hace un camarero? ___________________________________________________________. Listen to the order in the description of these jobs and number them. Housekeeper FB manager Sales Assistant Chef J. ALL EARS I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 56. 54 Unit Two: ...but not anymore. Present perfect: An action that started in the past and continues to the present: I have lived in this city for six months. An action that happened before now (unspeci8ed time) I have been to Japan twice. Past perfect: An action that happened before a time in the past This morning, I discovered that I had left my computer on the night before. In pairs, write your own conversation in your notebook. You are in a job interview for a FB position at a 5 star hotel. Write questions to the following answers in your notebook. 1. ___________________? Yes. I have taken some hospitality training courses. 2. ___________________? He’d like to apply for the cashier’s position. 3. ___________________? No, she has never worked. 4. ___________________? Because he hadn’t taken the food-handling course. 5. ___________________? I like the marketing and sales area. L. ASK ME... K. LET’S CREATE
  • 57.
  • 58. Who? Unit Three: Who?56 Lesson 7 By yourself Problems between parents and children education begins at home and all the family can solve them. Some years ago children who are now parents were mastered, controlled and manipulated by a punitive force. But today things have changed. Nowadays, communication can help us to solve conMicts. ConMicts between parents and children are dibcult to control. Many parents recognize that the old methods of punishment based on fear, domination and guilt do not work. Parents who allow too much to their children do not oWer the parental control that they need.When children have the control they get out of the parents’hands. ConMicts betweenparents and children can have diWerent side eWects and the children of today are much more sensitive than the previous generations were as they are capable of more, but they are negatively inMuenced by the methods of education such as shouting, physical punishment, humiliation, shame and prohibition. In the past, punishing children with physical punishment for fear leads them to know and respect the rules. Today, physical punishment causes the exact opposite eWect and children respond to violence with violence.
  • 59. Unit Three: Who? 57 Answer the following questions related to the text above. 1. Where do problems of parents and children begin? 2. Where must these problems be solved? 3. Who can solve such problems? 4. Is there any diWerence between children’s control today and yesterday? 5. What are the methods of punishment mentioned in the text? 6. What kind of eWects can physical punishment have? Read the following dialogue. Then practice it with a partner. MOTHER Good morning, Mr. Rondón. I have an appointment with you today. COUNSELOR Yes, Mrs. Mijares. We have to talk about your son’s school performance. He has gotten bad grades during this term. He is neither studying nor doing his homework. MOTHER I don’t know what to do. I have scolded and punished him but he hasn’t changed his behavior. He is at the computer until late at night every day. He isn’t getting enough sleep, either. COUNSELOR First of all, it is necessary to speak to him. Don’t either scold or punish him. He needs help. Let me talk to him. MOTHER Thank you very much, Mr. Rondón. I am really worried about him. D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 60. Unit Three: Who?58 PRONOUNS PERSONAL OBJECT POSSESSIVE REFLEXIVE SINGULAR I ME MINE MYSELF YOU YOU YOURS YOURSELF HE HIM HIS HIMSELF SHE HER HER HERSELF IT IT ITS( UNUSUAL) ITSELF PLURAL WE US OURS OURSELVES YOU YOU YOURS YOURSELVES THEY THEM THEIRS THEMSELVES EXAMPLES 1. Juan gave the pen to Paola. 2. Rodolfo looks at Betty with love. 3. Loida is doing her homework. 4. The house is Carlos and Miriam´s. 5. This is Roberto and Christian´s house. He gave it to her. He looks at her with love She is doing it. This house is theirs. This is their house. D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS
  • 61. Unit Three: Who? 59 6. Emilia and I look at ourselves in the mirror before leaving home. 7. Give the piece of paper to Pedro and me. 8. This is her dictionary. 9. Whose pencil is this? We look at ourselves in the mirror before leaving home. Give it to us. This is hers. It´s mine. My mother has too much work, so all of us are going to help with the household. We have to turn oW theTV when we are doing our homework in order not to lose concentration. The Moras are moving to a new house. All the family, including the dog, is helping. The children don’t want to help with the chores.That’s whytheparentsarewriting a schedule showing each shift. E. VOCABULARY
  • 62. Unit Three: Who?60 Read the following paragraph. Helping out at home is a way of contributing to improve our family union. Our home is like a team, and in order to have it run well, it is necessary that all its members help. You can help in the following tasks at home: Going to the grocery store, folding and putting away clean clothes, setting and clearing the table, washing and putting away the dishes, feeding and walking family pets, etc. Do you help at home? What speci8c tasks do you do? What can you do to improve family life? Substitute the underlined words for the corresponding pronouns. María always helps her parents in the housework. Mildred sets and clears the table at dinner time. Pedro folds clean clothes. Manuel feeds and walks the dog. These clothes are my mother´s Chores Set the table Clear the table Rake the leaves in the yard Water the plants F. READING AND REFLECTING G. LET’S APPLY
  • 63. Unit Three: Who? 61 Having lunch Communicationamongfamilymembersisreallyimportant. If one of the members has a problem, this problem will be less heavy if it is shared. Eating together sets the stage for conversation and sharing. While eating, it is advisable to turn oW the TV and enjoy the meal. If schedule permits, talk and enjoy the conversation. This must become a sacred ritual and in this way, parents and children will communicate with each other. Does your family eat together? When? (every day/on the weekend / once a month) In your notebook, translate the following sentences into English. 1. Usualmente ayudo a mis padres en los quehaceres del hogar. 2. Después de estudiar y hacer mis tareas tengo un poco de diversión. 3. La comunicación familiar es realmente importante para nosotros. 4. Los problemas de mis hermanos y hermanas son míos también. Add three more of your own. I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 64. Unit Three: Who?62 With your teacher, write a dialogue in your notebook about the following situation: The Peñas are going to move out next week. Mr. Peña got a new job in another city. Ramón and Blanca are brother and sister, aged 15 and 16 respectively, who don’t want to move, because they think they will lose their friends. Their parents are trying to convince them that they won’t lose friends but will make new ones. Write questions to the following answers. 1. Yes, communication among family members is really important. 2. Going to the grocery store, taking out the garbage, and setting and clearing the table are some of our tasks. 3. No, it’s not yours. It’s mine. Add three more of your own. Write these sentences in your notebooks. Listen to your teacher and 8ll in the blanks with the word(s) you hear. To avoid that a ______gets worse when people are too ____to listen to one another, it’s necessary to pay attention to these suggestions: Try to_______. Put _____aside. Don’t _______the other person while he / she is speaking. Listen to ____________and try to understand what they mean. Communicate ____________. J. ALL EARS L. ASK ME... K. LET’S CREATE
  • 65.
  • 66. Lesson 8 He is the one who...? 64 Who? Unit Three: Who? “A trouble shared is a trouble halved”. Read the following dialogue. A Problem is something which is dibcult to deal with. Having problems is part of the community. If you want to 8nd a good solution, it is necessary to analyze troubles. Dibculties sometimes begin at home and their solution has to come from home too. But when these problems aWect a community, solutions have to come from an organized group of people. They are the ones who will face the problem. Analyzing community problems means to think carefully about reasons why they exist and then identify possible solutions and a plan for improvement. These are the actions which will lead to community coexistence. Circle true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones T F 1 Problems don’t have solutions. 2 A 8rst step to solve problems is to identify how they are solved. 3 To solve a problem we have to identify why they exist. 4 Problems never begin at home. 5 Solving problems in a community will make its people get along well. B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND A. LET’S EXPLORE!
  • 67. 65Unit Three: Who? Read the following dialogue. Then practice it with your partner. Mother Do you want to talk to me? Neighbor Oh, Yes! We are having some trouble in the community! Mother Yes? Well, you know, I work all day. What is happening? Neighbor We have loud neighbors. Mother Really? Fortunately, they haven’t bothered me because I’m always out. Neighbor But the music comes from your house. Mother From my house? Neighbor Yes, it’s your son’s music. When he returns from school he plays it too loud. You have to talk to him because he is the person that is disturbing the community. Mother Oh! I’m very sorry. I didn’t know anything. I will talk to him right away. C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 68. Unit Three: Who?66 EXAMPLES She is the mother who / that works all day. That is the house whose residents play music with loud bass. Were these chairs the ones which / that I brought for the meeting? The following actions lead to a better community coexistence. He doesn’t park his motorcycle on the sidewalk. He gives her seat to the elderly on the bus. When playing music, I use a reasonable volume level. RELATIVE CLAUSES RELATIVE CLAUSES give additional information by using relative pronouns Relative pronouns Who is used for people Which is used for animals or things That is used for people, animals and things Whose is used to indicate possession E. VOCABULARY D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS
  • 69. Unit Three: Who? 67 Read the following text and think about it. Education begins and ends at home. A child’s 8rst teachers and guidance-counselors are his / her parents. The teacher in school is his / her second teacher. Mom and Dad are primary 8gures in the children’s life at home. Sometimes, the youth of today think that if adults misbehave, then they have the right to imitate them, so it is convenient that adults give their children good examples. What’s your opinion about the topic of this text?  Fill in the blanks with who / whose / which. 1. This is the girl ____________speaks English very well. 2. That’s the teacher ___________started the Conversation Group Match in fourth year. 3. That’s the leading group __________works for our community. 4. Are these the people ________ are going to be responsible for applying the project? 5. Those were the colors _________ we used to paint the classrooms last year. There cannot be life or human existence without struggle and conMict. ConMict is part of our conscience. Denying conMict, we ignore even the most common aspects of our vital and social experience. Trying to escape conMict, we preserve the status quo. None of this is easily accomplished, and I would not like to leave readers with the impression that wanting is enough to change the world. Desire is fundamental, but it is not enough. It is also necessary to know how to want, to learn how to want, which implies learning how to 8ght politically with tactics adequate to our strategic dreams. Adapted from: (pages 50-51) Paulo Freire’s EducationalTheory. Analyst: John Lyons Are conMicts necessary? What’s important about them? What’s your opinion about this reading? F. READING AND REFLECTING G. LET’S APPLY H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 70. Unit Three: Who?68 In your notebook, translate the following sentences into English. 1. Aquellas son las personas que saben convivir en su comunidad. 2. Aquellos son los jóvenes que protegen a los animales en este lugar.. 3. Esta es la comunidad que da el ejemplo de buen comportamiento. Add three more of your own. I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 71. Unit Three: Who? 69 Dictation Listen to your teacher carefully. Write the sentences in your notebook. In your notebook, write your own conversation based on the following situation: Pedro is a widower who works all day long. His neighbors are complaining about his son because the boy plays music with loud bass at home while he’s absent. He talks to him to make him understand that his behavior is not correct. He oWers to spend more time with him. J. ALL EARS K. LET’S CREATE
  • 72. Write questions to the following answers. 1. No, he’s not the one that makes too much noise. 2. She is the one who gave her seat to that old woman. 3. Yes, this parrot is the one which sings songs. Add three more on your own. Read and enjoy the following poem. I Cultivate a White Rose By Jose Marti I cultivate a white rose In July as in January For the sincere friend who gives me his hand frankly. And for the cruel person who tears out the heart with which I live, I cultivate neither nettles nor thorns: I cultivate a white rose. a. Find a sentence with a relative pronoun. b. Translate the poem. c. What’s the message of the poem? L. ASK ME... LET´S HAVE FUN Unit Three: Who?70
  • 73.
  • 74. Lesson 9 Who...? 72 Who? Unit Three: Who? “No man is an island”. Read the following dialogue. Can you take William and me to the movies on Saturday? No, dear. I will be busy. But I think you are old enough to go to the movies by yourselves. Really? That’s great! Then, if I 8nish my homework, can we go today after class? Don’t push it, my dear. Today is Thursday and you have a math test tomorrow morning. Tina: Mother: Tina: Mother: ReadthefollowingsentencesandselectTforTrueandFforFalse.Correctthefalseones.Useyournotebook. 1 The girl asks her mother if she can go to the movies by herself. 2 The girl is old enough to go to the movies by herself. 3 The mother says that she can go to the movies any day. 4 She can go to the movies with her friend. B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND A. LET’S EXPLORE!
  • 75. 73Unit Three: Who? Read the following dialogue in pairs. Practice it with a partner. Teenage boy Dad, are we going to go to the baseball game next week? Father Maybe, if you pass your English test and 8nish all your work at home. Teenage boy Why are you concerned? I know I will pass the test. Father I am worried because your grades are very low this term. So, if you work hard and pass the test and 8nish your work here, we’ll go to the game. Teenage boy I see, dad. I’ll do my best. You’ll be proud of me. Father I am already proud of you. I just want you to be aware that your family and your studies are your priorities. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1 A conditional sentence type 1 has two clauses: The if- clause and the main clause If + present tense + will / can / may / must + verb It is used when a situation is real or when it can be possible. Conditional sentences can be declarative, negative and interrogative. Declarative sentence: If you pass the subject, we will go to the baseball game. Negative sentence: If I don’t go to the game, I will have to wait for one year. Interrogative sentence: What can you do, if you want to improve your English? D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 76. Unit Three: Who?74 EXAMPLES If I have money, I’ll visit my grandparents next week. If Leo doesn’t call you, you can call him. If you practice a lot, you may become a member of the team. If it rains, we must wear our raincoats and boots and take our umbrellas. Will you come back tomorrow if he is busy now? Worried / ConcernedSatisRed Tidy / Neat Messy Proud E. VOCABULARY
  • 77. Unit Three: Who? 75 Read the following text and think about it. If you think about relationships in your life, you will realize that you don’t just have a boyfriend / girlfriend. You have a mother and a father, brothers and sisters, neighbors, teachers, classmates and many others. Some relationships are good and positive; others, unfortunately, are negative or dibcult. If you have a good relationship, you will have respect, care, support and trust. If you are in a negative relationship, you will 8nd bullying, pressure, lack of con8dence, and abuse. What kind of relationships are you in, good or bad? In your notebook, change the following sentences into the negative form. If she works hard, she will pass the English test. If you have positive relationships with your parents, you will be successful. If we respect our friends, we will be respected too. Mom, I want to talk about a very important thing. I’m worried. What happened? Nothing really. If I get a tattoo, will you get mad at me? A tattoo? This is a very important decision. You have to consider that it will be permanent and dangerous for your health. Tattoos can cause problems in your future: you will never be able to donate organs, if you want to. Besides, some academies don’t accept people with tattoos. And there are some other things. Really? I didn’t know that. I will 8nd out a little bit more before making a decision. Thanks for asking and considering my opinion. Girl: Mother: Girl: Mother: Girl: Mother: F. READING AND REFLECTING G. LET’S APPLY H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 78. Unit Three: Who?76 Match the de8nition with the appropriate word. Write the letter of the word on the line given. a) tidy - b) satisRed - c) worried - d ) proud 1. Pleased because you have achieved something. _______ 2. Feeling pleased and satis8ed about something that you own or have done. _______ 3. Thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen. _______ 4. Arranged neatly and in order. _______ Dictation Listen to your teacher and write the sentences in your notebook. J. ALL EARS I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 79. Unit Three: Who? 77 In your notebook, a. Change the following sentences to zero conditional. 1. She’ll be grounded for a month if she gets bad grades this term. 2. You will be respected if you show respect for the people here. 3. If I want to learn about technology I will read more research papers. b. Write four sentences on your own: two with zero conditional and two with conditional type 1. Write questions to the following answers. 1. Teenagers ask their parent if they can get home late. 2. No, parents should not abuse their adolescent children. 3. If parents and children communicate, they will have good relationships. Add two more of your own. L. ASK ME... K. LET’S CREATE
  • 80. Read and enjoy the following poem. For Whom The Bell Tolls John Donne No man is an island, Entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As well as if a promontory were. As well as if a manner of thine own Or of thine friend’s were. Each man’s death diminishes me, For I am involved in mankind. Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee. LET´S HAVE FUN
  • 81.
  • 82. Lesson 10 If I... Conditions...? Unit Four: Conditions...?80 “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”. Look at the pictures. Describe them. Planet Earth is our home, and people are damaging it, ignoring the consequences of their actions. The planet is home to millions of species of life, including humans. It means that the damage they cause aWects everything.The human perspective regarding the Earth is widely viewed from a globally integrated perspective. This is reMected in a growing environmental movement that is concerned about humankind’s eWects on the planet. There are serious environmental issues we are facing. Ignorance may be bliss, but it’s getting increasingly dibcult to ignore the damage we are doing to the environment, especially when we see and feel the eWects so close to us. These are some of the biggest environmental threats that Mother Earth and consequently society is facing: a) Climate Change; b) Deforestation; c) Pollution; d) Loss of diversity; e) Melting Polar Ice-Caps and Rising Sea Levels; f) Oceanic Dead Zones; g) Explosive Population Growth. Answer the following questions: 1. What consequences of climate change do you know? 2. Why is it important to know about the melting polar Ice-caps? B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND A. LET’S EXPLORE!
  • 83. Unit Four: Conditions...? 81 Read the following dialog and practice it. César Did you watch the news about global warming? Lina Yes, I did. I was surprised to know about that phenomenon. César Now I know why we had such heavy rains. Lina Yes, precipitation increased across the globe, on average. César Besides, ice is melting worldwide. Lina How does it impact us in Venezuela? César The sea level gets higher and impacts the coastal area. Lina If we knew about this issue, we would be more careful on how to use our resources. IF CONDITIONAL TYPE II If clause Main clause Simple past form + would + verb (base form)could might D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 84. 82 Unit Four: Conditions...? EXAMPLES 1. If we knew about climate change, we would make a campaign about it. What would you do if you knew about climate change? 2. The teacher could explain about global warming this week to the class if she had time. When could the teacher explain about global warming to the class? 3. Yes. If people stopped throwing trash in the sea, diversity loss might decrease. Might diversity loss decrease If people stopped throwing trash in the sea? Greenhouse gasses It is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbsandemitsradiationwithin the thermal infrared range. CFC - ChloroMuorocarbon It is an organic compound that containscarbon,chlorine,hydrogen andMuorine,producedasavolatile derivative of methane and ethane. Ice-cap It is an ice mass that covers less than 50,000 km² of land area. Compact Muorescent light bulb Fossil fuels E. VOCABULARY
  • 85. 83Unit Four: Conditions...? Look at the picture. Read the passage and discuss it with your partners. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and scientists are almost 95% certain that it is primarily caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Most countries are Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The 8nal objective of the Convention is to prevent dangerous human interference of the climate system. Now that you know about global warming, please 8nd out about its eWects. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in parenthesis. 1. If people _______ (replace) regular light bulbs with compact Muorescent light bulbs, they would save energy. 2. Would you ________ (turn oW) the TV if you were not watching it? 3. If we _______ (plant) more trees, we might have better possibilities of breathing clean oxygen. 4. If you drove less, you ______ _______ (crate) fewer emissions. F. READING AND REFLECTING G. LET’S APPLY
  • 86. 84 Unit Four: Conditions...? Read the passage, discuss with your partner As the past two decades have shown, trying to get global agreement on tackling climate change seems to be futile. By comparison, more focused and limited interests of elites, however, are easier to push through, such as wars based on geopolitical threats (real and imaginary), or economic crises (where banks and other elites most responsible for the crises are bailed out by ordinary citizens). Furthermore, as the West has generally shown in the past decade or more (even when their economies were doing well) paying now for something that seems to be a problem in the future is hard to accept. It is easier, therefore, to stall and keep blaming China, India and other emerging nations despite the historical inequality of those emissions. But ignoring that makes it easier to hope these emerging nations will pick up the burden of addressing emission rises. Doha 2012. 18th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference conference a. Based on the readings, debate the topics in small groups. b.ListrecommendationstoavoidtheeWectsoftheenvironmentalthreats. I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 87. 85Unit Four: Conditions...? Listen to your teacher carefully and mark T (true) or F (false). Correct the false ones. Remember to use your notebook. 1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss the meaning of the following proverbs. Then write your own reMection “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” Mahatma Gandhi Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last 8sh been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. Indian Proverb J. ALL EARS K. LET’S CREATE
  • 88. 86 Unit Four: Conditions...? In your notebook translate the following answers in English. Then write the questions. 1. Muchas personas están preocupadas por los daños al ambiente. 2. Si, estamos sufriendo el aumento de la temperatura en el planeta. 3. En la convención del cambio climático las naciones toman decisiones. 4. Si. El aumento de los gases causa incremento en la temperatura. 5. El objetivo de la convención es prevenir la contaminación del planeta. Read and discuss the following sayings. Practice them. Then, write one of your own. “Green revolution a best solution to arrest pollution”. “Modern technology owes ecology an apology”. L. ASK ME... LET´S HAVE FUN
  • 89.
  • 90. Lesson 11 What would...if...? 88 Unit Four: Conditions...? Conditions...? “We never know the worth of water till the well is dry”. Read the following passage. Water is essential for all dimensions of life. Over the past few decades, the use of water has increased, and in many places water availability is falling into crisis levels. More than eighty countries, with forty percent of the world’s population, are already facing water shortages, while by year 2020 the world’s population will double. The costs of water infrastructure have risen dramatically. The quality of water in rivers and underground has deteriorated, due to the pollution by waste and contaminants from cities, industry and agriculture. Ecosystems are being destroyed, sometimes permanently. Over one billion people lack safe water, and three billion lack sanitation; eighty per cent of infectious diseases are waterborne, killing millions of children each year. Taken from Water Policy Reform Program, 1999 Were you aware of this situation? A. LET’S EXPLORE!
  • 91. 89Unit Four: Conditions...? Please write (T) for true or (F) false to the following statements. 1. Water is an essential element for human survival. 2. The world water crisis just started. 3. Millions of children die because of poor sanitation. 4. The quality of water in river has got better. Read and practice the following dialogue Antonio I didn’t know that there was a global water crisis. Yanire How come? It has been on TV. Antonio But I watch TV and I haven’t seen anything about tha Yanire Well, the crisis is not just with water, our planet Earth has been aWected by human beings wrong doings. Antonio So, it is something to worry about, because we live in it Yanire Of course, it is a serious concern. Antonio So we’d better start taking care of it as we do with our plan IF CONDITIONAL TYPE III If clause Main clause If …had +verb (past participle form)… + would have + verb (past participle form) could might D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 92. 90 Unit Four: Conditions...? EXAMPLES 1. If we had known about the water crisis, we would have made a campaign at school. What would you have done if you had known about the water crisis before? 2. Governments worldwide could have prevented water pollution if they had controlled industries’waste disposals long ago. What could governments have done to prevent water pollution? 3. Yes. If people had had better living conditions, sanitation might have been improved. Might sanitation have been improved if people had had better living conditions? SANITATION It refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and feces. It also refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions, through services such as garbage collection and wastewater disposal. (Adapted from WHO) http://www.who. int/topics/sanitation/en/ These are systems that protect human health, through prevention of human contact with the risks of wastes as well as the treatment and proper disposal of sewage wastewater. If we hadn’t had the appropriate care with the sanitation service, we would have been openly exposed to risks that can be physical, microbiological, biological or chemical agents of disease. Wastes that can cause health problems include human and animal feces, solid wastes, domestic wastewater, industrial wastes and agricultural wastes. What would have happened in the world if we hadn’t had sanitation service? E. VOCABULARY
  • 93. 91Unit Four: Conditions...? Read the following facts. Taken from United Nations report (2015) What does the article say about drinking water and sanitation facilities in our planet? Do you have this service in your neighborhood? Target 7.C: (Millennium Development Goals) Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. !
  • 94.
  • 95. #$%
  • 96.
  • 97. source of drinking water and, at the current pace, 605 million people will still lack coverage in 2015.
  • 98. %'
  • 99. ())*
  • 100. +'
  • 101. ,*(*
  • 102. developing regions as a whole. The greatest progress was achieved in Eastern and Southern Asia. -
  • 103. ,.+
  • 105. 92 Unit Four: Conditions...? Complete with the appropriate verb form. Water ________ (cover) 71% of the Earth’s surface. On Earth, 96.5% of the planet’s water is _______ (8nd) in oceans, 1.7% in groundwater, 1.7% in glaciers and in the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland, a small fraction in other large water bodies, and 0.001% in the air and precipitation. Only 2.5% of the Earth’s water is _________ (consider) freshwater, and 98.8% of that water is _______(locate) in ice and groundwater. Less than 0.3% of all freshwater _____(be) in rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere. Discuss the following two ideas. 1.“Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink”. We are surrounded by things you cannot make use of. (There is so much salt water that you can’t drink. Freshwater is only 2.5%. Out of it just 1.3% is surface water, which serves most of life’s needs).” “More than one-half of the world’s major rivers are being seriously depleted and polluted, degrading and poisoningthesurroundingecosystems,thusthreatening the health and livelihood of people who depend upon them for irrigation, drinking and industrial water” Serageldin - Chairman of the World Commission on Water for the 21st Century - (1999) Write two conclusions. Report to the class. G. LET’S APPLY H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 106. 93Unit Four: Conditions...? a. Based on the readings debate the topics in small groups. b. List recommendations to have a rational use of water. Listen to your teacher carefully and mark T (true) or F (false). Correct the false ones. 1. 2. 3. 4. J. ALL EARS I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 107. 94 Unit Four: Conditions...? Write a short dialog based on the video suggested below. Translate the proverbs and its meanings. Then write a question to each one. Blood is thicker than water. (Family is more important than anyone or anything else). In deep water. (In a place you are not feeling comfortable). He is wet behind the ears. (He still has a lot to learn about life). To discover warm water. (Something that is very obvious). To be in troubled waters. (To be in a dibcult position). To have water up to the throat. (To have few chances to succeed). “Water is too precious to be wasted”(41”) What can we do? Translate these sayings. Can you 8nd a similar one in your own language? “They are like water and 8re/ They are like devil and holy water”. (These two people are absolutely contrasting). “It is raining cats and dogs”. It is raining heavily. L. ASK ME... K. LET’S CREATE LET´S HAVE FUN
  • 108.
  • 109. 96 Unit Four: Conditions...? “I make green look good because I recycle, reduce reuse.” Look at the pictures and read the passage. The world population is growing, and currently each human being adds signi8cant waste to the planet over his or her lifetime. The natural resources on our planet earth are limited so we must do our best to conserve, recycle and reuse whenever possible. Not only are natural resources limited, but recycling eWorts can signi8cantly reduce additional waste that will not only harm the planet today, but future generations as well. The danger of global climate change has forced people to take drastic measures to cut down on pollution levels to slow down since we haven’t been able to eradicate this phenomenon. In view of this serious situation, necessary targets for recycling are also being set by governments around the world. Adapted from Are you familiar with the term recycling? Do you recycle? Please write (T) for true or (F) false to the following statements. Correct the false ones. Support your statements. 1 The world population is getting smaller 2 There is not much waste. 3 Natural resources are limited. 4 Recycling is a way to cut down pollution. B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND A. LET’S EXPLORE!
  • 110. 97Unit Four: Conditions...? Read and practice the following dialogue. Luisy What is recycling? Lina Recycling is to reduce trash? Aless Well, it is a process to change materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials Luisy But it is something very complex. Lina No, it isn’t. Anybody can recycle. Aless If we wanted we could recycle materials made of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles. Luisy I understand, so recycling could be done at home but also industries could do it. Alex If everybody had participated in recycling activities and programs, our planet would have been in better conditions. “IF”CONDITIONAL TYPE 2 “IF”CONDITIONAL TYPE 3 if + Simple Past, main clause with Conditional I (= would + In8nitive) if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle) Example: If I knew about recycling, I would recycle all the material I have at home. Example: If I had had known about recycling, I would have recycled all the material I had at home. It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be ful8lled. It is impossible that the condition will be ful8lled because it refers to the past. D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 111. 98 Unit Four: Conditions...? Exceptions for Conditional Sentences EXAMPLES Condition refers to: IF Clause Main Clause future action Simple Present If they want paper… Future I …they will get it. Imperative …get it. Modal Auxiliary …they can get it. action going on now Present Progressive If Felix is taking a rest, … Future I …I won’t talk to him now. Imperative …don’t talk to him now Modal Auxiliary …you cannot talk to him now. 8nished action Present Perfect If Laura has got a new job, Future I …I will call her Imperative …call her. Modal Auxiliary …we can call her. improbable action should + InRnitive Should Henry pass math this term, … Future I …I will help him. Imperative …help him Modal Auxiliary …we can help him present facts Simple Present If I get a good grade, Simple Present …I am happy. Conditional Sentences Type I (likely) Conditional Sentences Type II (unlikely) Condition refers to: IF Clause Main Clause past Simple Past If I had a lot of time, … Conditional I …I would help him. consequence in the past Simple Past If I saw her, … Conditional II …I would greet her. Conditional Sentences Type III (impossible) Condition refers to: IF Clause Main Clause past Past Perfect If I had had them, … Conditional III …I would have handed them out. past Past Perfect If Ann had studied more Conditional III …she would have passed the test.
  • 112. 99Unit Four: Conditions...? The word WASTE Uncultivated land Gradual loss or decrease by use, wear, or decay Garbage, rubbish, excrement —often used in plural. 1. Bring your own reusable cloth bag to purchase groceries. If you forget it, insist on paper, and pack as many goods in one bag as possible. 2. Try to reduce the amount of packagingyoupurchasebybuying products in bulk. 3. Have any paper statements that are normally mailed to you such as bills, 8nancial statements, newsletters, etc, e-mailed to you, instead. 4. Buy products that are packaged incardboardorpaperboardinstead of Styrofoam. 5. Try to avoid disposable items, such as paper plates, cups, and utensils. 6. When wrapping presents, opt for reusable gift bags instead of wrapping paper - or maybe even reuse wrapping paper. Ways to reduce the amount of trash we create F. READING AND REFLECTING E. VOCABULARY
  • 113. 100 Unit Four: Conditions...? In your notebook, complete the sentences using “If” conditional II or III, according to the situation. 1 They are ecologists, so if they sent you a present, they … 2 If I had known about the damage caused by plastic bags, I … 3 I would have bought just recycle products if I… 4 If I had known that so many tress were being cut I … Live green Love green Be Green We are just mankind…without the earth we’re nothing. “OneMan’sWasteCanbeAnother Man’s Treasure”. G. LET’S APPLY H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT Read the poem. Talk about it.
  • 114. 101Unit Four: Conditions...? Watch the following videos and write your impressions. The origin of stuW (7’35”) Part 1 The origin of stuW (9’13”) Part 2 3 What did you know about the story of things? What do you think about the story of things? Dictation Listen to your teacher carefully. And write the dictation in your notebook. J. ALL EARS I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND Write your own conversation There are many things we can recycle. Look at the following videos: How To Recycle HDPE Plastic (High Density Polyethylene) - a simple method (14’56”) 1000 creative ideas to recycle plastic bottles K. LET’S CREATE
  • 115. 102 Unit Four: Conditions...? In your notebooks, write questions to the following answers. Then translate them into Spanish. .
  • 116. . /
  • 117. 0
  • 118.
  • 119. . 1 (**2 . 3
  • 120. 4
  • 121. . 1
  • 122. 5
  • 123. . ,6
  • 124. . The following stanza belongs to the song‘Is this the world we created...?’It was written by Freddie Mercury Brian May. What do you think it is about? Is this the world we created What did we do it for Is this the world we invaded Against the law So it seems in the end Is this what we’re all living for today The world that we created. You can listen to the whole version in the following link: L. ASK ME... LET´S HAVE FUN
  • 125.
  • 126. 104 Unit Five: It... “Step by step, one goes a long way.” When you decide to practice a sport you have to evaluatewhatkindofskillsyoupossess.Youcanpractice sport for recreational or competitive purposes. Many competitive sports begin at early ages. For instance, gymnastics is a sport that girls begin when they are 4 or 5 years old and practice it for about ten or more years. There are diWerent disciplines within this sport such as: artistic gymnastics (men women), rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline, aerobics, and acrobatics. In artistic gymnastics it’s easy for a gymnast to do wonderful exercises for example: cartwheel, round oW, Mic-Mac, and so on. In our country gymnastics has had an interesting history since the 1960s. In the last Olympic Games in London 2012, Jessica Lopez, from Venezuela, was the only Venezuelan gymnast in this event. For more information check http.//www.mindeporte. Read the following passage … Read the following sentences about the previous paragraph and write in your notebooks“T”for True or“F” for False. Correct the false ones. Support your answers. 1. Children begin to practice gymnastics at the age of 2 2. Gymnasts do Mic-Mac. 3. There are no disciplines in gymnastics. 4. Skills are not important to practice a sport. A. LET’S EXPLORE! B. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 127. 105Unit Five: It... Complete the following paragraph. Jessica López practices _______________. Gymnastics is divided in diWerent disciplines such as: ____________________, ________________________, ________________, _________________ and ________________________. Some exercises in artistic gymnastics are: ___________________________ , _____________________ and ___________________. Jessica participated in ____________ Olympic Games in 2012. She is from ________________. USE OF“IT”IN IMPERSONAL STATEMENTS IT+VERB TO BE + ADJECTIVE + FOR +PRONOUN / NOUN+ TO+ VERB TO BE+ IT+ FOR+ PRONOUN/NOUN+TO+? IS IT EASY FOR YOU TO PRACTICE GYMNASTICS? NO+ IT+VERB TO BE+ NOT+ADJECTIVE+FOR+PRONOUN / NOUN+ TO NO, IT IS NOT EASY FOR ME TO PRACTICE GYMNASTICS. EXAMPLES 1. Is it easy for you to practice gymnastics? 2. It`s not easy for me to practice gymnastics. It`s dibcult. 3. Is it easy for a fencer to play table tennis? 4. No, it`s not easy for him to play table tennis. D. GRAMMAR EMPHASIS C. NOW LET´S PRACTICE
  • 128. 106 Unit Five: It... Dalia Contreras -Taekwondoist Andreina Pinto - Swimmer Fabiola Ramos - Table tennis player Daniela Larreal - Cyclist Alejandra Benítez - Fencer Leidys Brito - Archer Angel Aponte - Karateka Oscar Monterola - Paralympic runner Paralympic athletes E. VOCABULARY
  • 129. 107Unit Five: It... Read the following paragraph and answer the questions In our country there are several sports that athletes are practicing in all states. Some sports are more popular than others; they could be practiced for recreational purposes or competitive ones if you want to get to international level competitions or even the Olympic or Paralympic Games. Some sports are: gymnastics (rhythmic and artistic), archery, swimming, fencing, table tennis, tae kwon do, boxing, athletics, cycling, and so on. To practice a sport you need skills and dedication. Sometimes when friends are having holidays you are training in the morning and in the afternoon. It’s normal for high performance athletes to do their trainings but it’s dibcult for their friends to understand it. But the satisfaction the athlete feels when representing his/her country is unique! 1. Is it easy to practice an Olympic or a Paralympic sport? 2. Do you think that practicing a competitive sport is easy? 3. Are you interested in practicing a sport that includes trainings six days a week? 4. Would you like to become an Olympic athlete? 1. – It’s _______for Jessica to take a 4 hour gymnastics training a day. 2. - It`s ______for a swimmer to train every day. 3. - It`s easy for a _______________ to use a sword, but it`s ______________ for her to practice archery. 4. - ______ easy for Dalia to practice taekwon do, but it`s ______________for her to swim. Valeria Do you practice a sport? Juan José Yes, I love swimming. And you? Valeria I practice gymnastics. I’m training hard because I have a competition next month. Juan José Really? You are a talented girl. Valeria Well, It’s easy for me to train gymnastics every day, but it`s dibcult for me to play volleyball. Juan José Ha, ha, ha. It’s easy for me to swim, but it’s dibcult for me to practice archery. Valeria Ha, ha, ha! For me too. F. READING AND REFLECTING G. LET’S APPLY H. DISCUSS AND REFLECT
  • 130. 108 Unit Five: It... Naomi Soazo is the 8rstVenezuelan woman to compete in the Paralympic Games and win a Gold medal! She competed in judo events for the visually impaired and blind. She is so far the only Venezuelan, in any sport, to have won a gold medal at the Paralympic Games. Beijing 2008 Read the information above again and then, in your notebook, write: a. questions with“what”,“when”,“where”. b. a short paragraph about the athletes who participated in the Olympics. Listen to your teacher and the select the appropriate option. 1 Swimmer ____ Player ____ Judoka _____ 2 Fencing_____ Cycling ____ Wrestling_____ 3. Cyclist _____ Archer___ Taekwondoist___ J. ALL EARS I. ACTIVATING YOUR MIND
  • 131. 109Unit Five: It... Rubén Limardo in 2012 won Venezuela’s second gold medal in the Olympic Games. He competed in the individual épée competition winning Venezuela’s 8rst ever fencing medal. Write about any of these athletes. Medal Name Games Sport Event 3 Bronze Arnoldo Devonish 1952 Helsinki Athletics Men’s triple jump 3 Bronze Enrico Forcella 1960 Rome Shooting Men’s 50 metre riMe prone 1 Gold Francisco Rodriguez 1968 Mexico City Boxing Men’s light Myweight 2 Silver Pedro Gamarro 1976 Montreal Boxing Men’s welterweight 2 Silver Bernardo Piñango 1980 Moscow Boxing Men’s bantamweight 3 Bronze Marcelino Bolivar 1984 Los Angeles Boxing Men’s light Myweight 3 Bronze Omar Catari 1984 Los Angeles Boxing Men’s featherweight 3 Bronze Rafael Vidal 1984 Los Angeles Swimming Men’s 200m butterMy 3 Bronze Adriana Carmona 2004 Athens Taekwondo Women +67 kg 3 Bronze Israel Jose Rubio 2004 Athens Weightlifting Men’s featherweight 3 Bronze Dalia Contreras 2008 Beijing Taekwondo Women −49 kg 1 Gold Rubén Limardo 2012 London Fencing Men’s épée K. LET’S CREATE
  • 132. 110 Unit Five: It... Write questions to the following answers. 1. _______________? 1. Noemi Soazo. 2. _______________? 2. Judo. 3. _______________? 3. Fencing. 4. _______________? 4. He won a Gold medal. Find the following sports: fencing, cycling, football, swimming, gymnastics, table tennis, archery, tae kwon do in the alphabet soup. Good luck. G Y M N A S T I C S F H T V P W C T E I O E K A Y I Y A Q O O B N R U M C B Z U T L P C K M L L I L B Z S H I I I E Y J A C J E N N N T P T L Q W R B G G E L E L Y C Y I S T N F R X T A E K W O N D O G Y H N J O T I C S P H G S X C L S N V L. ASK ME... LET´S HAVE FUN