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Martin Skarsaune
Java Developer and Co-Owner
A peek into the OpenJDK compiler :
goto java;
GOTO Statements in Java!
GOTO Statement – Objective
• Syntax
goto identifier;
• Runtime
• Program control moves to target statement
• Other Semantics
• Target (statement label) must be defined in same
scope, compilation error if not
• Potential circular gotos should give compilation
GOTO Statement – Means
• OpenJDK
• Open source Java implementation
• Javac is implemented in plain Java 
• Modify compiler to support GOTO
public class GotoSuccess {
public static void main(String[] args) {
one: System.out.print("goto ");
two: System.out.print(”J");
goto four;
three: System.out.print(”2017");
goto five;
four: System.out.print(”Fokus ");
goto three;
five: System.out.print("!");
Success Case
Dijkstra 1968:
programmerquality =100 1-
What is a Compiler?
What is a Compiler?
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• Syntax: goto identifier;
• First convert character stream to token stream
[g][o][t][o][ ][f][o][u][r][;]
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• goto is already a reserved word in Java!
• Lucky for us, goto is therefore defined as a
• GOTO(“goto”)
• The scanner therefore works out of the box!
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final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false);
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final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false);
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final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false);
assertThat(”First token is GOTO”, scanner.token().kind, is(GOTO));
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final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false);
assertThat(”First token is GOTO”, scanner.token().kind, is(GOTO));
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final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false);
assertThat(”First token is GOTO”, scanner.token().kind, is(GOTO));
assertThat("Second token is IDENTIFIER", scanner.token().kind,
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final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false);
assertThat(”First token is GOTO”, scanner.token().kind, is(GOTO));
assertThat("Second token is IDENTIFIER", scanner.token().kind,
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final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false);
assertThat(”First token is GOTO”, scanner.token().kind, is(GOTO));
assertThat("Second token is IDENTIFIER", scanner.token().kind,
assertThat("Third token is SEMI", scanner.token().kind, is(SEMI));
Abstract Syntax Tree
[g][o][t][o][ ][f][o][u][r][;]
Wikipedia: “the visitor design pattern is a way of
separating an algorithm from an object
structure on which it operates”
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Class Interface
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Interface based visitors
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Class based visitors
public void visitGoto(JCGoto tree) {
try {
print("goto " + tree.label + ";");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
public void visitGoto(JCGoto tree) {
//TODO implement
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public static class JCLabeledStatement extends JCStatement
implements LabeledStatementTree {
public GotoResolver handler;
public class GotoResolver {
Map<GotoTree, Name> gotos;
Map<Name, LabeledStatementTree> targets;
List<StatementTree> statementsInSequence;
Helper object
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case GOTO: {
Name label = ident();
JCGoto t = to(, getGotoResolver());
return t;
public JCGoto Goto(Name label, GotoResolver resolver) {
JCGoto tree = new JCGoto(label, resolver);
tree.pos = pos;
return tree;
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• Basic sanity testing of
compilation unit:
• File name and folder location
• Duplicate class names
• Corrections
• Add default constructor if no
constructors are declared
Default Constructor
public class SimpleClass {
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Default Constructor
public class SimpleClass {
public SimpleClass() {
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• Process Annitations
• Annotation processing API
• Part of ordinary javac process since Java
• Plugin API (see javac documentation)
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• Output controlled by command line
- proc:only – only process annotations, do not compile
- proc:none – do not process annotations
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• Attribution
• Semantic checks
• Corrections
–Add required calls to super constructor
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Ensure target label exists in current scope
public class GotoMissingLabel {
public static void main(String[] args) {
one: System.out.print("goto ");
two: System.out.print(”Java");
goto six;
three: System.out.print(”2016");
goto five;
four: System.out.print(”One ");
goto three;
five: System.out.print("!");
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public void visitGoto(JCGoto that) {
log.error(that.pos(), "undef.label", that.label);
result = null;
class JCGoto:
public void findTarget() { = (JCLabeledStatement)this.handler.findTarget(this);
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Flow analysis
• Detect unreachable code
• Verify assignments
• Ensure proper method return
• Verify (effectively) final
• Check exception flow
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Detect circular gotos
public class GotoCircularWarning {
public static void main(String[] args) {
one: System.out.print("goto ");
two: System.out.print(”Java");
goto four;
three: System.out.print(”2016");
goto five;
four: System.out.print(”One ");
goto three;
five: System.out.println("!");
goto one;//forms infinite loop
Flow.FlowAnalyzer class:
public void visitGoto(JCGoto tree) {
if (tree.handler.detectCircularGotoPosition(tree))
log.warning(tree.pos, "circular.goto");
compiler.warn.circular.goto=circular goto
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Erase generic types
public class Bridge implements Comparator {
Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
TransTypes Unlambda Lowerpublic interface Comparator<T> {
int compare(T o1, T o1);
}or<T> {
Erase generic types
public class Bridge implements Comparator<Integer> {
public int compare(Integer first, Integer second) {
return first - second;
TransTypes Unlambda Lower
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public interface Comparator<T> {
int compare(T o1, T o1);
} or<T> {
Erasure - Runtime
public class Bridge implements Comparator {
public int compare(Integer first, Integer second) {
return first - second;
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Erasure - Bridge
public class Bridge implements Comparator {
public int compare(Integer first, Integer second) {
return first - second;
public int compare(Object first, Object second) {
return, (Integer)second);
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Extract inner class
public class Outer {
private void foo() { }
public Runnable fooRunner() {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Extract inner class
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public class Outer {
private void foo() { }
public Runnable fooRunner() {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Extract inner class
public class Outer {
private void foo() { }
public Runnable fooRunner() {
return new Outer$1(this);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
class Outer$1 implements Runnable {
final Outer this$0;
Outer$1(final Outer this$0) {
this.this$0 = this$0;
public void run() {
Extract inner class
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
public class Outer {
private void foo() { }
public Runnable fooRunner() {
return new Outer$1(this);
class Outer$1 implements Runnable {
final Outer this$0;
Outer$1(final Outer this$0) {
this.this$0 = this$0;
public void run() {
TransTypes Unlambda Lower
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Extract inner class
public class Outer {
private void foo() { }
public Runnable fooRunner() {
return new Outer$1(this);
static void access$000(
Outer x0) {;
class Outer$1 implements Runnable {
final Outer this$0;
Outer$1(final Outer this$0) {
this.this$0 = this$0;
public void run() {
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(1, 2);
for (Integer i : list) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i * 2);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(1, 2);
for (Integer i : list) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i * 2);
public static <T> List<T> asList(T... a) {
return new ArrayList<>(a);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2));
for (Integer i : list) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i * 2);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2));
for (Integer i : list) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i * 2);
Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
TransTypes Unlambda Lower
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2));
for (Integer i : list) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2));
for (Integer i : list) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2);
public static <T> List<T> asList(T... a) {
return new ArrayList<>(a);
Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
TransTypes Unlambda Lower
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2));
for (Integer i : list) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2);
public static <T> List<T> asList(T... a) {
return new ArrayList<>(a);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
Varargs - runtime
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)});
for (Integer i : list) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
For each loop
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)});
for (Integer i : list) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
For each loop
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)});
for (Integer i : list) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2);
public interface Iterable<T> {
Iterator<T> iterator();
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
For each loop
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)});
for (;;) {
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2);
TransTypes Unlambda Lower
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For each loop
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)});
for (Iterator i$ = list.iterator();;) {
Integer i
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
For each loop
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)});
for (Iterator i$ = list.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) {
Integer i
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2);
TransTypes Unlambda Lower
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For each loop
List<Integer> list =
Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)});
for (Iterator i$ = list.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) {
Integer i = (Integer)i$.next();
System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
public enum Status {
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Enums - constructor
public enum Status {
private Status(String $enum$name, int $enum$ordinal) {
super($enum$name, $enum$ordinal);
public static final Status TRUE = new Status("TRUE", 0);
public static final Status FALSE = new Status("FALSE", 1);
public static final Status MAYBE = new Status("MAYBE", 2);
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Enums - valueOf
public enum Status {
private Status(String $enum$name, int $enum$ordinal) {
super($enum$name, $enum$ordinal);
public static Status valueOf(String name) {
return (Status)Enum.valueOf(Status.class, name);
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Enums - values
public enum Status {
private Status(String $enum$name, int $enum$ordinal) {
super($enum$name, $enum$ordinal);
public static Status valueOf(String name) {
return (Status)Enum.valueOf(Status.class, name);
private static final Status[] $VALUES = new Status[]{
Status.YES, Status.NO, Status.MAYBE};
public static Status[] values() {
return (Status[])$VALUES.clone();
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Enum switch statement
public class SwitchStatus {
void switchStatus(Status status) {
switch (status) {
case MAYBE:
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Enum switch statement
public class SwitchStatus {
void switchStatus(Status status) {
switch (status) {
case MAYBE:
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Enum switch statement
public class SwitchStatus {
void switchStatus(Status status) {
switch (SwitchStatus$1.$SwitchMap$Status[(status).ordinal()]) {
case 1:
class SwitchStatus$1 {
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Enum switch statement
public class SwitchStatus {
void switchStatus(Status status) {
switch (SwitchStatus$1.$SwitchMap$Status[(status).ordinal()]) {
case 1:
class SwitchStatus$1 {
static final int[] $SwitchMap$Status = new
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Enum switch statement
public class SwitchStatus {
void switchStatus(Status status) {
switch (SwitchStatus$1.$SwitchMap$Status[(status).ordinal()]) {
case 1:
class SwitchStatus$1 {
static final int[] $SwitchMap$Status = new
int[Status.values().length]; [0][0][0]
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Enum switch statement
public class SwitchStatus {
void switchStatus(Status status) {
switch (SwitchStatus$1.$SwitchMap$Status[(status).ordinal()]) {
case 1:
class SwitchStatus$1 {
static final int[] $SwitchMap$Status = new
int[Status.values().length]; [0][0][1]
static {
try {
SwitchStatus$1.$SwitchMap$Status[Status.MAYBE.ordinal()] = 1;
} catch (NoSuchFieldError ex) { }
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• Organize initializers
• String concatenation
• Generate bytecodes
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• Organize <init> (Constructor)
public class InstanceInitialization {
String key="key";
String value;
public InstanceInitialization(String value) {
this.value = value;
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• Organize <init> (Constructor)
public class InstanceInitialization {
String key="key";
String value;
public InstanceInitialization(String value) {
this.value = value;
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• Organize <init> (Constructor)
public class InstanceInitialization {
String key;
String value;
public InstanceInitialization(String value) {
key = ”key”;
this.value = value;
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• Organize <init> (Constructor)
public class InstanceInitialization {
String key;
String value;
public void <init> () {
key = ”key”;
this.value = value;
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• Organize <clinit> (static initialization)
public class StaticInitialization {
static String key="key";
static {
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• Organize <clinit> (static initialization)
public class StaticInitialization {
static String key;
static {
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• Organize <clinit> (static initialization)
public class StaticInitialization {
static String key;
static void <clinit>() {
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String concatenation
Source code “Generated code”
”string” + value
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String concatenation
Source code “Generated code”
”string” + value new StringBuilder()
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String concatenation
Source code “Generated code”
”string” + value new StringBuilder()
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String concatenation
Source code “Generated code”
”string” + value new StringBuilder()
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String concatenation
Source code “Generated code”
”string” + value new StringBuilder()
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• Goto generation
–Luckily for us there is a GOTO byte code
–goto <addr>
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if (<test>)
Source code Byte codeCI
9 ifeq
22 <ifblock>
29 <codeafter>
Java >= 1.6:
Stack map frames must be
embedded at target of jump
Code generator (
marked as not alive.
Goto instruction added to list of
pending jumps (
Pending jumps processed
Normal GOTO usage
Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
Source code Byte codeCI
label: <somecode>
goto label;
… goto 20
Used by goto?
Must emit stackmap
Emit goto to label
and turn code
generation on again
GOTO scenario 1 : jump back
Source code Byte codeCI
GOTO scenario 2 : jump forward
goto label;
label: <somecode>
29 <somecode>
Label position not yet known?
• emit goto
• add to list of pending gotos
• turn generation on again
Label used?
• emit stack frame
• patch pending
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• Goto generation
– , visitor for code generation
–Modify for LabelledStatement
–Add implementation for Goto
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• – Labelled Statement
public void visitLabelled(JCLabeledStatement tree) {
// if the label is used from gotos, have to emit stack map
if (tree.handler.isUsed(tree))
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• – Goto
public void visitGoto(JCGoto tree) {
tree.handler.addBranch(new Chain(code.emitJump(goto_), null,
//normally goto marks code as not alive, turn generation on
Target position known?
• Yes – patch immediately
• No – add to list of pending gotos
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• Lambda implementation in Java 8
–Language change
–Runtime support
• Many interesting design considerations
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
Simple Example
public Comparator<String> lambdaExample() {
return (String a, String b) -> a.compareTo(b);
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public Comparator<String> lambdaExample() {
return (String a, String b) -> a.compareTo(b);
private static int
) {
return ;
final String a
final String b
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public Comparator<String> lambdaExample() {
return <invokedynamic>LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
private static int
final String a,
final String b) {
return a.compareTo(b);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
Lookup(LambdaExample), /*caller*/
()Comparator, /*MethodType*/
(Object,Object)int, /*MethodType*/
(String,String)int); /*MethodType*/
final class LambdaExample$$Lambda$1/1834188994
implements Comparator {
private LambdaExample$$Lambda$1/1834188994()
public int compare(Object,Object)
public interface Comparator {/*erased*/
int compare(Object o1, Object o2);
Runtime implementation
• metaFactory(…)
• altMetaFactory(…)
Lambda Class
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
• Possible to back port ?
–Capture generated class ?
–Compile time generation of inner class!
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
Step 1:
public boolean allowLambda() {
return compareTo( ) >= 0;
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Step 2: Special handling
boolean mustBackportLambda() {
return < 0;
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Step 3: Call backport
if(!this.attr.mustBackportLambda()) {
result = makeMetafactoryIndyCall(...);
result = new LambdaBackPorter(...).implementLambdaClass(...);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
Example implementation
private static final class Lambda$$2 implements Comparator<String> {
Lambda$$2 {
public int compare(String arg0, String arg1) {
return LambdaExample.lambda$lambdaExample$0(arg0, arg1);
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
return, (String)o2);
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TransTypes Unlambda Lower
Example invoking
public Comparator<String> lambdaExample() {
return LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(...);return new Lambda$$2();
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• <invokedynamic> “playground”
1. @InvokeIndy annotation on method with
reference to boostrap method
2. Annotation processor that validates
3. Compiler plugin that replaces method
invocation with invokedynamic
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public class SomeService {
//must refer to a valid public static method
//with certain characteristics
method= "dummyMethod")
public static void doStuff() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("...");
Hooking in the processor:
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Annotation processor: setup, compliance + mapping
@SupportedSourceVersion(SourceVersion.RELEASE_8)//Java version
public class IndyAnnotationChecker extends AbstractProcessor {
public boolean process(Set<...> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
for (TypeElement annotation : annotations) {
for (Element element : roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(annotation)) {
//...raise error if earlier than Java 7 or missing plugin
IndyMethod indyMethodRef = element.getAnnotation(IndyMethod.class);
if (indyMethodRef != null) {
//...check existance of type and compliance of method ...
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.ERROR,"...", element);
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<!-- Disable annotation processing for ourselves. -->
Disable annotation processing in the project that
implements the plugin (!): pom.xml :
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• Compiler plugin
–Hook straight into the compilation process
–Respond to events from compilation process
–Make changes to AST
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Hooking in the plugin:
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public class IndyPlugin implements Plugin {
public String getName() {
return "IndyPlugin";
public void init(JavacTask paramJavacTask,
String... paramArrayOfString) {
new GenerateInvokeDynamicHandler());
Typical plugin definition:
• Unique name
• Delegate to task listener(s)
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public class GenerateInvokeDynamicHandler implements TaskListener {
public void started(TaskEvent start) {
if(start.getKind() == Kind.GENERATE) {
for (Tree tree : start.getCompilationUnit().getTypeDecls()) {
tree.accept(new IndyMethodInvocationReplacer(), tree);
Task listener:
• Receive callback, check stage
• Insert visitor to process ASTs
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public class IndyMethodInvocationReplacer extends TreeScanner {
public Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, Tree p) {
{//...various checks on the method call
//...see if annotation processor has created mapping for it
MethodSymbol replacementMethod = IndyMethodMappings.getInstance().
mappingFor((MethodSymbol) identifier.sym);
if(replacementMethod!= null) {//insert reference to bootstrap
identifier.sym=new Symbol.DynamicMethodSymbol(...);
return super.visitMethodInvocation(node, p);
• Make modifications
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• Enable plugin in compilation
Wrap Up
• The Java compiler is written in pure Java
• Compilation is done in phases
• Programming language advances (syntactic sugar)
require good compiler support
• Lambdas are compiled in a forward compatible manner
• Annotation processors and compiler plugins may be
used to tailor the compilation process to specific needs
• OpenJDK
• Source:
• Compiler hacking tutorial
• Sample code:
• Slide pack:
• 60 minute video (Devoxx) :
Questions or
Comments?Martin Skarsaune
Java Developer and Co-Owner
Thank You for
Your Time!Martin Skarsaune
Java Developer and Co-Owner

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goto java; (Jfokus)

  • 1. @MSkarsaune Martin Skarsaune Java Developer and Co-Owner A peek into the OpenJDK compiler : goto java; 高 馬 丁
  • 3. @MSkarsaune GOTO Statement – Objective • Syntax goto identifier; • Runtime • Program control moves to target statement • Other Semantics • Target (statement label) must be defined in same scope, compilation error if not • Potential circular gotos should give compilation warning.
  • 4. @MSkarsaune GOTO Statement – Means • OpenJDK • Open source Java implementation • Javac is implemented in plain Java  • Modify compiler to support GOTO
  • 5. @MSkarsaune public class GotoSuccess { public static void main(String[] args) { one: System.out.print("goto "); two: System.out.print(”J"); goto four; three: System.out.print(”2017"); goto five; four: System.out.print(”Fokus "); goto three; five: System.out.print("!"); } } Success Case
  • 7. @MSkarsaune What is a Compiler? Compiler
  • 8. @MSkarsaune What is a Compiler? front end back end
  • 9. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate processAnnotations(enterTrees(… parseFiles(…))),…) … generate(desugar(flow(attribute(…))))
  • 10. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate processAnnotations(enterTrees(… parseFiles(…))),…) … generate(desugar(flow(attribute(…))))
  • 11. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate • Syntax: goto identifier; • First convert character stream to token stream ( GOTO IDENTIFIER SEMI [g][o][t][o][ ][f][o][u][r][;]
  • 12. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate • goto is already a reserved word in Java! • Lucky for us, goto is therefore defined as a TokenKind. • GOTO(“goto”) • The scanner therefore works out of the box!
  • 13. @MSkarsaune ... import; ... Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false);
  • 14. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false); scanner.nextToken();
  • 15. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false); scanner.nextToken(); assertThat(”First token is GOTO”, scanner.token().kind, is(GOTO));
  • 16. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false); scanner.nextToken(); assertThat(”First token is GOTO”, scanner.token().kind, is(GOTO)); scanner.nextToken();
  • 17. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false); scanner.nextToken(); assertThat(”First token is GOTO”, scanner.token().kind, is(GOTO)); scanner.nextToken(); assertThat("Second token is IDENTIFIER", scanner.token().kind, is(IDENTIFIER));
  • 18. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false); scanner.nextToken(); assertThat(”First token is GOTO”, scanner.token().kind, is(GOTO)); scanner.nextToken(); assertThat("Second token is IDENTIFIER", scanner.token().kind, is(IDENTIFIER)); scanner.nextToken();
  • 19. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate final Scanner scanner=factory.newScanner(”goto identifier;”, false); scanner.nextToken(); assertThat(”First token is GOTO”, scanner.token().kind, is(GOTO)); scanner.nextToken(); assertThat("Second token is IDENTIFIER", scanner.token().kind, is(IDENTIFIER)); scanner.nextToken(); assertThat("Third token is SEMI", scanner.token().kind, is(SEMI));
  • 20. @MSkarsaune visitClassDef(..) visitMethodDef(.. ) visitIf(..) Abstract Syntax Tree [g][o][t][o][ ][f][o][u][r][;] Wikipedia: “the visitor design pattern is a way of separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates” Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 21. @MSkarsaune Class Interface Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 22. @MSkarsaune Interface based visitors Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 23. @MSkarsaune Class based visitors public void visitGoto(JCGoto tree) { try { print("goto " + tree.label + ";"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } public void visitGoto(JCGoto tree) { //TODO implement } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 24. @MSkarsaune public static class JCLabeledStatement extends JCStatement implements LabeledStatementTree { … public GotoResolver handler; … } public class GotoResolver { Map<GotoTree, Name> gotos; Map<Name, LabeledStatementTree> targets; List<StatementTree> statementsInSequence; ... } Helper object Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 25. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate JavacParser.parseStatement() case GOTO: { nextToken(); Name label = ident(); JCGoto t = to(, getGotoResolver()); accept(SEMI); return t; } public JCGoto Goto(Name label, GotoResolver resolver) { JCGoto tree = new JCGoto(label, resolver); tree.pos = pos; return tree; }
  • 27. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate processAnnotations(enterTrees(… parseFiles(…))),…) … generate(desugar(flow(attribute(…))))
  • 28. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate processAnnotations(enterTrees(… parseFiles(…))),…) … generate(desugar(flow(attribute(…))))
  • 29. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate • Basic sanity testing of compilation unit: • File name and folder location • Duplicate class names • Corrections • Add default constructor if no constructors are declared
  • 30. @MSkarsaune Default Constructor public class SimpleClass { } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 31. @MSkarsaune Default Constructor public class SimpleClass { public SimpleClass() { super(); } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 32. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate processAnnotations(enterTrees(… parseFiles(…))),…) … generate(desugar(flow(attribute(…))))
  • 34. @MSkarsaune • Process Annitations • Annotation processing API • Part of ordinary javac process since Java 1.6 • Plugin API (see javac documentation) Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 35. @MSkarsaune • Output controlled by command line switches @ - proc:only – only process annotations, do not compile - proc:none – do not process annotations Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 36. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate processAnnotations(enterTrees(… parseFiles(…))),…) … generate(desugar(flow(attribute(…))))
  • 37. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate processAnnotations(enterTrees(… parseFiles(…))),…) … generate(desugar(flow(attribute(…))))
  • 38. @MSkarsaune • Attribution • Semantic checks –Types –References • Corrections –Add required calls to super constructor Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 39. @MSkarsaune Ensure target label exists in current scope public class GotoMissingLabel { public static void main(String[] args) { one: System.out.print("goto "); two: System.out.print(”Java"); goto six; three: System.out.print(”2016"); goto five; four: System.out.print(”One "); goto three; five: System.out.print("!"); } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 40. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate @Override public void visitGoto(JCGoto that) { that.findTarget(); if( log.error(that.pos(), "undef.label", that.label); result = null; } class JCGoto: … public void findTarget() { = (JCLabeledStatement)this.handler.findTarget(this); }
  • 42. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate processAnnotations(enterTrees(… parseFiles(…))),…) … generate(desugar(flow(attribute(…))))
  • 44. @MSkarsaune Flow analysis • Detect unreachable code • Verify assignments • Ensure proper method return • Verify (effectively) final • Check exception flow Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 45. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate Detect circular gotos public class GotoCircularWarning { public static void main(String[] args) { one: System.out.print("goto "); two: System.out.print(”Java"); goto four; three: System.out.print(”2016"); goto five; four: System.out.print(”One "); goto three; five: System.out.println("!"); goto one;//forms infinite loop } }
  • 46. @MSkarsaune Flow.FlowAnalyzer class: @Override public void visitGoto(JCGoto tree) { if (tree.handler.detectCircularGotoPosition(tree)) log.warning(tree.pos, "circular.goto"); } ... compiler.warn.circular.goto=circular goto ... Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 49. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate processAnnotations(enterTrees(… parseFiles(…))),…) … generate(desugar(flow(attribute(…))))
  • 50. @MSkarsaune Erase generic types public class Bridge implements Comparator { } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lowerpublic interface Comparator<T> { int compare(T o1, T o1); }or<T> {
  • 51. @MSkarsaune Erase generic types public class Bridge implements Comparator<Integer> { public int compare(Integer first, Integer second) { return first - second; } } TransTypes Unlambda Lower Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate public interface Comparator<T> { int compare(T o1, T o1); } or<T> {
  • 52. @MSkarsaune Erasure - Runtime public class Bridge implements Comparator { public int compare(Integer first, Integer second) { return first - second; } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 53. @MSkarsaune Erasure - Bridge public class Bridge implements Comparator { public int compare(Integer first, Integer second) { return first - second; } /*synthetic*/ public int compare(Object first, Object second) { return, (Integer)second); } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 54. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Extract inner class public class Outer { private void foo() { } public Runnable fooRunner() { return new Runnable() { public void run() { foo(); } }; } }
  • 55. @MSkarsaune Extract inner class Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower public class Outer { private void foo() { } public Runnable fooRunner() { return new Runnable() { public void run() { foo(); } }; } }
  • 56. @MSkarsaune Extract inner class public class Outer { private void foo() { } public Runnable fooRunner() { return new Outer$1(this); } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower class Outer$1 implements Runnable { final Outer this$0; Outer$1(final Outer this$0) { this.this$0 = this$0; super(); } public void run() { this$; } }
  • 57. @MSkarsaune Extract inner class Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower public class Outer { private void foo() { } public Runnable fooRunner() { return new Outer$1(this); } } class Outer$1 implements Runnable { final Outer this$0; Outer$1(final Outer this$0) { this.this$0 = this$0; super(); } public void run() { this$; } }
  • 58. @MSkarsaune TransTypes Unlambda Lower Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate Extract inner class public class Outer { private void foo() { } public Runnable fooRunner() { return new Outer$1(this); } /*synthetic*/ static void access$000( Outer x0) {; } } class Outer$1 implements Runnable { final Outer this$0; Outer$1(final Outer this$0) { this.this$0 = this$0; super(); } public void run() { Outer.access$000(this$0); } }
  • 59. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Boxing List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2); for (Integer i : list) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i * 2); }
  • 60. @MSkarsaune Boxing Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2); for (Integer i : list) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i * 2); } public static <T> List<T> asList(T... a) { return new ArrayList<>(a); }
  • 61. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Boxing List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)); for (Integer i : list) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i * 2); }
  • 62. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Unboxing List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)); for (Integer i : list) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i * 2); }
  • 63. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Unboxing List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)); for (Integer i : list) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2); }
  • 64. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Varargs List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)); for (Integer i : list) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2); } public static <T> List<T> asList(T... a) { return new ArrayList<>(a); }
  • 65. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Varargs List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)); for (Integer i : list) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2); } public static <T> List<T> asList(T... a) { return new ArrayList<>(a); }
  • 66. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Varargs - runtime List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)}); for (Integer i : list) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2); }
  • 67. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower For each loop List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)}); for (Integer i : list) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2); }
  • 68. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower For each loop List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)}); for (Integer i : list) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2); } public interface Iterable<T> { Iterator<T> iterator(); }
  • 69. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower For each loop List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)}); for (;;) { System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2); }
  • 70. @MSkarsaune TransTypes Unlambda Lower Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate For each loop List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)}); for (Iterator i$ = list.iterator();;) { Integer i System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2); }
  • 71. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower For each loop List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)}); for (Iterator i$ = list.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) { Integer i System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2); }
  • 72. @MSkarsaune TransTypes Unlambda Lower Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate For each loop List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)}); for (Iterator i$ = list.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) { Integer i = (Integer)i$.next(); System.out.println(”Double: “ + i.intValue() * 2); }
  • 73. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Enums public enum Status { YES, NO, MAYBE }
  • 74. @MSkarsaune TransTypes Unlambda Lower Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate Enums - constructor public enum Status { YES, NO, MAYBE private Status(String $enum$name, int $enum$ordinal) { super($enum$name, $enum$ordinal); } } public static final Status TRUE = new Status("TRUE", 0); public static final Status FALSE = new Status("FALSE", 1); public static final Status MAYBE = new Status("MAYBE", 2);
  • 75. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Enums - valueOf public enum Status { YES, NO, MAYBE private Status(String $enum$name, int $enum$ordinal) { super($enum$name, $enum$ordinal); } public static Status valueOf(String name) { return (Status)Enum.valueOf(Status.class, name); } }
  • 76. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Enums - values public enum Status { YES, NO, MAYBE private Status(String $enum$name, int $enum$ordinal) { super($enum$name, $enum$ordinal); } public static Status valueOf(String name) { return (Status)Enum.valueOf(Status.class, name); } private static final Status[] $VALUES = new Status[]{ Status.YES, Status.NO, Status.MAYBE}; public static Status[] values() { return (Status[])$VALUES.clone(); } }
  • 77. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Enum switch statement public class SwitchStatus { void switchStatus(Status status) { switch (status) { case MAYBE: return; default: break; } } }
  • 78. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Enum switch statement public class SwitchStatus { void switchStatus(Status status) { switch (status) { case MAYBE: return; default: break; } } }
  • 79. @MSkarsaune TransTypes Unlambda Lower Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate Enum switch statement public class SwitchStatus { void switchStatus(Status status) { switch (SwitchStatus$1.$SwitchMap$Status[(status).ordinal()]) { case 1: return; default: break; } } } class SwitchStatus$1 { }
  • 80. @MSkarsaune TransTypes Unlambda Lower Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate Enum switch statement public class SwitchStatus { void switchStatus(Status status) { switch (SwitchStatus$1.$SwitchMap$Status[(status).ordinal()]) { case 1: return; default: break; } } } class SwitchStatus$1 { static final int[] $SwitchMap$Status = new int[Status.values().length]; }
  • 81. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Enum switch statement public class SwitchStatus { void switchStatus(Status status) { switch (SwitchStatus$1.$SwitchMap$Status[(status).ordinal()]) { case 1: return; default: break; } } } class SwitchStatus$1 { static final int[] $SwitchMap$Status = new int[Status.values().length]; [0][0][0] }
  • 82. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Enum switch statement public class SwitchStatus { void switchStatus(Status status) { switch (SwitchStatus$1.$SwitchMap$Status[(status).ordinal()]) { case 1: return; default: break; } } } class SwitchStatus$1 { static final int[] $SwitchMap$Status = new int[Status.values().length]; [0][0][1] static { try { SwitchStatus$1.$SwitchMap$Status[Status.MAYBE.ordinal()] = 1; } catch (NoSuchFieldError ex) { } } }
  • 83. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate processAnnotations(enterTrees(… parseFiles(…))),…) … generate(desugar(flow(attribute(…))))
  • 85. @MSkarsaune • Organize initializers • String concatenation • Generate bytecodes Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 86. @MSkarsaune • Organize <init> (Constructor) public class InstanceInitialization { String key="key"; String value; public InstanceInitialization(String value) { this.value = value; } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 87. @MSkarsaune • Organize <init> (Constructor) public class InstanceInitialization { String key="key"; String value; public InstanceInitialization(String value) { super(); this.value = value; } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 88. @MSkarsaune • Organize <init> (Constructor) public class InstanceInitialization { String key; String value; public InstanceInitialization(String value) { super(); key = ”key”; this.value = value; } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 89. @MSkarsaune • Organize <init> (Constructor) public class InstanceInitialization { String key; String value; public void <init> () { super(); key = ”key”; this.value = value; } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 90. @MSkarsaune • Organize <clinit> (static initialization) public class StaticInitialization { static String key="key"; static { init(); } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 91. @MSkarsaune • Organize <clinit> (static initialization) public class StaticInitialization { static String key; static { key="key"; init(); } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 92. @MSkarsaune • Organize <clinit> (static initialization) public class StaticInitialization { static String key; static void <clinit>() { key="key"; init(); } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 93. @MSkarsaune String concatenation Source code “Generated code” ”string” + value Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 94. @MSkarsaune String concatenation Source code “Generated code” ”string” + value new StringBuilder() Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 95. @MSkarsaune String concatenation Source code “Generated code” ”string” + value new StringBuilder() .append(”string”) Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 96. @MSkarsaune String concatenation Source code “Generated code” ”string” + value new StringBuilder() .append(”string”) .append(value) Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 97. @MSkarsaune String concatenation Source code “Generated code” ”string” + value new StringBuilder() .append(”string”) .append(value) .toString() Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 98. @MSkarsaune • Goto generation –Luckily for us there is a GOTO byte code –goto <addr> Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 99. @MSkarsaune if (<test>) { <ifblock> } else { <elseblock> } <codeafter> Source code Byte codeCI 9 ifeq <elseblock> goto <stackmap> 22 <ifblock> 22 <stackmap> 29 <codeafter> 29 Java >= 1.6: Stack map frames must be embedded at target of jump instruction Code generator ( marked as not alive. Goto instruction added to list of pending jumps ( Pending jumps processed Normal GOTO usage Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 100. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate Source code Byte codeCI … label: <somecode> … goto label; … 20 … goto 20 <stackmap> <somecode> Used by goto? Must emit stackmap Emit goto to label and turn code generation on again GOTO scenario 1 : jump back
  • 101. @MSkarsaune Source code Byte codeCI GOTO scenario 2 : jump forward … goto label; … label: <somecode> … … 29 <somecode> goto <stackmap> Label position not yet known? • emit goto • add to list of pending gotos • turn generation on again 29 Label used? • emit stack frame • patch pending gotos Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 102. @MSkarsaune • Goto generation – , visitor for code generation –Modify for LabelledStatement –Add implementation for Goto Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 103. @MSkarsaune • – Labelled Statement public void visitLabelled(JCLabeledStatement tree) { // if the label is used from gotos, have to emit stack map if (tree.handler.isUsed(tree)) code.emitStackMap(); … } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 104. @MSkarsaune • – Goto public void visitGoto(JCGoto tree) { tree.handler.addBranch(new Chain(code.emitJump(goto_), null, code.state.dup()),; //normally goto marks code as not alive, turn generation on code.entryPoint(); } Target position known? • Yes – patch immediately • No – add to list of pending gotos Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 108. @MSkarsaune • Lambda implementation in Java 8 –Language change –Compilation –Runtime support • Many interesting design considerations Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 109. @MSkarsaune Simple Example public Comparator<String> lambdaExample() { return (String a, String b) -> a.compareTo(b); } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 110. @MSkarsaune public Comparator<String> lambdaExample() { return (String a, String b) -> a.compareTo(b); } /*synthetic*/ private static int lambda$lambdaExample$0( , ) { return ; } final String a final String b a.compareTo(b) Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 111. @MSkarsaune Runtime public Comparator<String> lambdaExample() { return <invokedynamic>LambdaMetafactory.metafactory( } /*synthetic*/ private static int lambda$lambdaExample$0( final String a, final String b) { return a.compareTo(b); } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower Lookup(LambdaExample), /*caller*/ "compare", ()Comparator, /*MethodType*/ (Object,Object)int, /*MethodType*/ lambda$lambdaexample$0,/*MethodHandle*/ (String,String)int); /*MethodType*/ final class LambdaExample$$Lambda$1/1834188994 implements Comparator { private LambdaExample$$Lambda$1/1834188994() public int compare(Object,Object) } public interface Comparator {/*erased*/ int compare(Object o1, Object o2); }
  • 112. @MSkarsaune Runtime implementation LambdaMetaFactory • metaFactory(…) • altMetaFactory(…) InnerClassLambdaMetafactory ASM Lambda Class Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 114. @MSkarsaune • Possible to back port ? –Capture generated class ? –Compile time generation of inner class! Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 115. @MSkarsaune Step 1: public boolean allowLambda() { return compareTo( ) >= 0; } JDK1_8JDK1_ 5 Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 116. @MSkarsaune Step 2: Special handling boolean mustBackportLambda() { return < 0; } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 117. @MSkarsaune Step 3: Call backport if(!this.attr.mustBackportLambda()) { result = makeMetafactoryIndyCall(...); } else { result = new LambdaBackPorter(...).implementLambdaClass(...); } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 118. @MSkarsaune Example implementation private static final class Lambda$$2 implements Comparator<String> { Lambda$$2 { super(); } public int compare(String arg0, String arg1) { return LambdaExample.lambda$lambdaExample$0(arg0, arg1); } public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return, (String)o2); } } Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 119. @MSkarsaune Example invoking public Comparator<String> lambdaExample() { } return LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(...);return new Lambda$$2(); Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate TransTypes Unlambda Lower
  • 124. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate • <invokedynamic> “playground” 1. @InvokeIndy annotation on method with reference to boostrap method 2. Annotation processor that validates reference 3. Compiler plugin that replaces method invocation with invokedynamic
  • 125. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate @IndyMethod public class SomeService { //must refer to a valid public static method //with certain characteristics @IndyMethod( implementation="no.kantega.jvm.indy.example.SomeProvider", method= "dummyMethod") public static void doStuff() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("..."); } }
  • 126. @MSkarsaune no.kantega.jvm.indy.compiler.plugin.IndyAnnotationChecker Hooking in the processor: META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor: Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate
  • 127. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate Annotation processor: setup, compliance + mapping @SupportedAnnotationTypes("no....IndyMethod") @SupportedSourceVersion(SourceVersion.RELEASE_8)//Java version public class IndyAnnotationChecker extends AbstractProcessor { //... public boolean process(Set<...> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) { for (TypeElement annotation : annotations) { for (Element element : roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(annotation)) { //...raise error if earlier than Java 7 or missing plugin IndyMethod indyMethodRef = element.getAnnotation(IndyMethod.class); if (indyMethodRef != null) { //...check existance of type and compliance of method ... processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.ERROR,"...", element); } } //...
  • 128. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate ... <build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <!-- Disable annotation processing for ourselves. --> <compilerArgument>-proc:none</compilerArgument> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build> ... Disable annotation processing in the project that implements the plugin (!): pom.xml :
  • 129. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate • Compiler plugin –Hook straight into the compilation process –Respond to events from compilation process –Make changes to AST
  • 130. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate no.kantega.jvm.indy.compiler.plugin.IndyPlugin Hooking in the plugin: META-INF/services/com.sun.source.util.Plugin:
  • 131. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate public class IndyPlugin implements Plugin { public String getName() { return "IndyPlugin"; } public void init(JavacTask paramJavacTask, String... paramArrayOfString) { paramJavacTask.addTaskListener( new GenerateInvokeDynamicHandler()); } } Typical plugin definition: • Unique name • Delegate to task listener(s)
  • 132. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate public class GenerateInvokeDynamicHandler implements TaskListener { public void started(TaskEvent start) { if(start.getKind() == Kind.GENERATE) { for (Tree tree : start.getCompilationUnit().getTypeDecls()) { tree.accept(new IndyMethodInvocationReplacer(), tree); } } } Task listener: • Receive callback, check stage • Insert visitor to process ASTs
  • 133. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate public class IndyMethodInvocationReplacer extends TreeScanner { public Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, Tree p) { {//...various checks on the method call //...see if annotation processor has created mapping for it MethodSymbol replacementMethod = IndyMethodMappings.getInstance(). mappingFor((MethodSymbol) identifier.sym); if(replacementMethod!= null) {//insert reference to bootstrap identifier.sym=new Symbol.DynamicMethodSymbol(...); } } } } return super.visitMethodInvocation(node, p); } } Visitor: • Make modifications
  • 134. @MSkarsaune Parse Enter Process Attribute Flow Desugar Generate <build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <compilerArgs> <arg>-Xplugin:IndyPlugin</arg> </compilerArgs> <source>1.8</source> <target>1.8</target> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build> Users: • Enable plugin in compilation
  • 136. @MSkarsaune Wrap Up • The Java compiler is written in pure Java • Compilation is done in phases • Programming language advances (syntactic sugar) require good compiler support • Lambdas are compiled in a forward compatible manner • Annotation processors and compiler plugins may be used to tailor the compilation process to specific needs
  • 137. @MSkarsaune Resources • OpenJDK • Source: • Compiler hacking tutorial • • Sample code: • • • Slide pack: • • 60 minute video (Devoxx) : •
  • 139. @MSkarsaune Thank You for Your Time!Martin Skarsaune Java Developer and Co-Owner

Notas do Editor

  1. Hello everyone. My name is Martin Skarsaune, developer working for Kantega. Today we are going to have a peek into the compiler. I assume everyone here rely on a Java compiler in their everyday work. Just out of curiosity, have anyone had a look at the compiler source code ? I guess a lot of clever developers out here have read articles, have debugged a lot of Java applications and disassempled class files to see what your Java code turns into on the other end. So some of the stuff may be known to you, never the less I think it is worth while to look at the process step by step from the inside and see with out own eyes what goes on.
  2. A compiler is a tool that accepts input in some sort of programming language and produces output targeted for another language or instruction set.
  3. A common compiler architecture is to try to decouple the input from the output. The front end deals with specifics handling, checks and optimizations for the given programming language, and the back end deals with generation, dependencies and optimizations for a given target platform. This separation is an obvious choice for compilers that generate native code. I was involved in a big project over several years, where we developed tools and routines for automated translation from Smalltalk to Java. In that project we did exactly this, we reused the parser and internal representation from the built in Smalltalk compiler, but instead of generating Smalltalk byte codes, we generated Java source code.