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Garrett, Allegany, and western Washington Counties Geologic Map

                                                                                                                                                                                      Geologic Map of Garrett, Allegany, and western Washington Counties, Maryland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      David K. Brezinski and Robert Conkwright

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0                                                   5                                                10 miles

                                                                                                 Description of Map Units
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Geologic Map Compilation Sources
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Juniata Formation
                                                                                               Alluvium                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Oriskany F ormation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rockwell Formation                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Interbedded, reddish brown to br ownish red, fine- to medium-grained,                                                                                           2
                                                                                               Unconsolidated reddish b rown to tan, sand, silt, pebb les and cobbles that                                                                                                                                                      Interbedded, medium to dark gray, siliceous shale and sandy and cherty                                         Oj                                                                                                           14                      10            7          4                     2      1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Interbedded, gray, s ilty shale, light gray to tan sandstone, and coaly and                                                                                                                                                          medium- to th ick-bedded, cross-bedded sands tone and micaceous                   16     15              13      13              8                       3
                                                                            Quaternary   Qal   weathers yellow, orange, and orange -brown. Mapped alluvium de posits include                            MDr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     reddish shale. In Allegany and Washington counties a reddish brown to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                limestone near the base (Shriver Shale M ember); overlain by tan fine-grained,                                            siltstone and silty shale. The Juniata Formation is up to 300 f eet thick
                                                                                               those formed along mod ern and ancient streams, and marsh depos its formed                                                                                                                                                       calcareous sandstone ; and then by light gray, medium- to coa rse-grained, thin-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     gray, polymictic diamictite marks the base of the formation. The                                                                                                                                                                     in western Allegany County (90 m).
                                                                                               over older bog deposits.                                                                                                                                                                                                         to thick-bedded, calcareous sandstone a t the top (Ridgely Member). The                           Ordovician                                                                                                                                               8      6      5                         2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rockwell Formation is more than 400 feet thick in west ern Washingt on                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  16    17      16      15      12      9                                                      1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     County; thins to less than 100 fee t in southern Garrett County ( 30-120                                   Oriskany Formation is approximately 50 feet thick in western Washington
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     m).                                                                                                        County and thicken s westward into Allegany Count y where it is up to 30 0 feet                                           Martinsburg Shale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                thick (15-90 m).                                                                                                          Medium to dark gray, fissi le shale at the base, o verlain by medium
                                                                                               Dunkard Formation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Om                                                                                          17       17      17     15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          gray, silty shale and thinly interbedded medium-grained sandstone; and                                           11
                                                                            Permian?           Interbedded, me dium gray t o dark gr ay, carbonaceou s, silty shale an d siltstone;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          then by thick-bedded, medium-grained, fining- upward s andstone at the
                                                                                         Pd    light to medium gray, micaceous, medium- to coars e-grained sandstone; and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hampsh ire Form ation                                                                                                                                                                                                                top of the for mation. The Martinsburg is up to 5,000 feet thick in the
                                                                                               thin, discontinuous nodular limestone, and thin coal beds. The Dunkard                                    Dh                                                                                                                     Keyser-Helderberg Form ations (undivided)                                                                                                                                                                   18     17     17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Interbedded, reddish brown to brownish red, locally greenish gray                                                                                                                                                                    Washington County (1 ,500 m).
                                                                                               Formation cap s several hills in the Geo rges Creek S yncline, and may be as                                                                                                                                                     The Keyser Limestone consists of light gray, coarsely crystalline crinoidal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     sandstone, reddi sh brown si ltstone, shale, and rooted claystone. The
                                                                                               much as 250 feet (76 m) thick.                                                                                                                                                                                    DSkh           limestone in the lower 50 feet (15 m), becoming, medium to dark gray, medium-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     thickness of the Hampshire va ries from approximately 2,000 f eet in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to thick-bedded, nodular, fossiliferous li mestone containing dark gray chert                                                                                                                               18
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Garrett County to mor e than 3,000 f eet in eastern Alleg any and western
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Washington counties (600-900m).                                                                            nodules. The upper Keyser is thin-bedded, che rty, fossiliferous limestone. The                 Cambrian and              Older Cambrian and Ordovician strata
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Keyser is up to 300 feet thick in western Washington County and thins to                                                  Illustrated in cross-section only.
                                                                                               Monongahela Group                                                                                                                                                                                                                approximately 200 feet in thickness in western Allegany County (60-90 m).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ordovician    C-O
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1. Clear Spring and Hedgesville quadrangles (Maryland part). Mapping by D.K. Brezinski and J.D.
                                                                                               Interbedded, me dium gray t o dark gr ay, carbonaceou s, silty shale an d siltstone;                                                                                                                                             The Helderberg Limestone cons ists of medium gray, medium-bedded, c herty,
                                                                                         Pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Glaser.
                   Explanation of Map Symbols                                                  light to medium gray, micaceous, medium- to coarse-grained sandstone, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Foreknobs Formation                                                                                        crinoidal limestone (New Creek M ember); overlain in western Washington                                                                                                                               2. Geologic Map of Portions of the Hancock, Cherry Run, and Big Pool quadrangles, Washington County,
                                                                                               thin, discontinuous, nodular li mestone, and coal beds. The thicknes s of the                                                                                                                                                    County by a light gr ay, cross-bedded calcareous sandstone (Elbow Ridge                                                                                                                                   Maryland. J .D. Glaser, 2 003, Maryland Ge ological Survey digit al geological map, scale 1:24,000. Field
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Df          Interbedded, olive-gray medium- to coarse-grained, cross-bedded
                                                                                               Monongahela Group is 225 to 250 f eet (68 to 76 m) .                                                                                                                                                                             Sandstone ); then a medium-gray fossiliferous limestone containing beds of                                                                                                                                checked and modified by D.K. Brezi nski 2012.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     sandstone; greenish gray to dusky red, fos siliferous shale and siltstone.
                                   Contacts                                                                                                                                                                          Thick (>30 feet, 10m) s andstone int ervals occur both nea r the bas e and                                 brown-weathering chert (Corriganvi lle Limestone); which is succeeded by                                                                                                                              3. Geologic map of the Bellegrove Quadrangle, Allegany and Washington counties, Maryland. J.D.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     near the top of the f ormation. The Foreknobs ranges f rom 1,200 feet                                      interbedded, c herty, dark-gray limestone, and dark calcareo us shale (Licking                                                                                                                            Glaser, 1994, Maryland Geological Survey Open-File Geologic Map, scale 1:24,000. Fi eld checked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     thick in Garrett County to more then 1, 500 feet in thickness in easter n                                  Creek Member) ; and topped by a thin, black, brittle shale (Mandata Shale). The                                                                                                                           and modifi ed by D .K. Brezinski, 2 012.
                              Geologic contacts; approximately located                         Conemaugh Group (Undivided)                                                                                                                                                                                                      Helderberg Limestone is 150 to 180 feet thick in western Maryland (30-55 m).                                                                                                                          4. Geologic ma p of the Artemas Quad rangle, Allegany County, Maryland. J.D. Glaser, 1 994, Maryland
                                                                                               Interbedded, light gray, micaceous sandstone and gray silty shale a nd thin, dark                                     Allegany County (365-460 m).
                              dotted where concealed                                      Pc                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Geological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000. Field chec ked and modified by D.K.
                                                                                               gray, marine shales in the lower half of the group, and greenish-gray and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Brezinski, 2012.
                                                                                               reddish brown to va riegated mudstone, sh ale, claystone, and nodu lar nonmarine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       5. Geologic map of the PawPaw Quadrangle, Allegan y County, Maryland. J.D. Glaser, 19 94, Maryland
                                                                                               limestone in its upper part. The Conemaugh Group is 800 to 900 feet thick (245                                                                                                                                                   Tonoloway Form ation                                                                                                                                                                                      Geological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000, field checked and m odified by D.K.
                                                                                               to 275 m) .                                                                                                           Harrell-Brallier-Sherr Formations (undivided)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Brezinski, 1999.
                                                                         Pennsylvanian                                                                                                                  Dhbs         The Harrell Shale is a dark gray, fissile, calcareous, thinly laminated,                       Sto         Medium to light gray, fine-grained, thinly laminated, mudcracked, dolomit ic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      6. Geologic map o f the Oldtown Quad rangle, Allegany County, Maryland. J.D. Glaser, 1994, Maryland
                    U            High angle Fault-U upthrown block                                                                                                                                                   shale that w eathers to thin yellowish gray s hale chips. The base of the                                  limestone with thin layers of medium gray, fine-grained limestone, and tan,
                                 D-downthrown block dotted where                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Geological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000. Field chec ked and modified by D.K.
                        D                                                                                                                                                                                            Harrell is marked by the black, ve ry fissile Burket Shale Member. The                                     laminated dolomite. The Tonoloway Limestone is approximat ely 400 feet thick
                                  concealed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Brezinski, 2012.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Harrell grades eastward into the Brallier Formation. The Harrell Shale                                     (120 m ).
                                                                                               All egh en y Formation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 7. Geologic ma p of the F lintstone Quadran gle, Allegany County, M aryland. J.D. Gla ser, 1994, Maryl and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     is up to 150 feet thick (45m).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Geological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000. Field chec ked and modified by D.K.
                                                                                         Pa    Interbedded, medium to da rk gray shale and siltstone, tan to li ght gray
                                                                                               sandstone, claystone, and mineable coal beds. The Allegheny Formation is                                              The Brallier Formation is a success ion of thinly interbedded, gray to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Brezinski, 2012.
                                                                                               between 200 t o 250 feet thick (61 to 76 m) .                                                                         olive-gray shale and siltstone and thin, fine-grained sandstone. The                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             8. Bedrock Geology of the Evitts Creek and Pa tterson Creek Quadrangles Maryl and, Pennsylvania, and
                                                                                                                                                                                         Devonian                    Brallier is 2,000 to 2,500 feet thick (600-760 m) .                                                        Wills Creek Formation                                                                                                                                                                                     West Virginia, W, de Witt and G.W. Colton, 1964, US Geological Survey Bulletin 1173.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Swc            Interbedded, greenish gray to light gray, calcareous shale, and tan, dolomitic
                                 Thrust fault- triangles point to                                                                                                                                                    The Sherr For mation is interbedde d, reddish-brown to grayish brown                                                                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES                                                        9. Geology of the Cresaptown quadrangle, Allegany County, Maryland. J.D. Glaser, 1994, Maryland
                                 upthrown block                                                                                                                                                                      shale; thin, gray siltstone; and fine-grained, bioturbated and fossiliferous                               shale containing mud crac ks, laminations, and salt and gypsum casts. The                                                                                                                                 Geological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                thickness of the Wills Creek is approxima tely 400 feet (120 m).                                                       John R. Griffin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     sandstone. The thickness of the Sherr i s approximately 1,000 feet in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            10. Geologic Map of th e Cumberland quadrangle, Allegany C ounty, Maryland. J.D. Glaser and D.K.
                                                                                               Pottsville Formation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Secretary                                                                        Brezinski, 1994, Maryland Ge ological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000. Modified by
                                                                                               Dominantly light gray to tan, medium- to coarse-grained s andstone and                                                Garrett County and becomes indistinct in eastern Allegany and western
                                                                                         Pp                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               D.K. B rezinski, 2012.
                                                                                               conglomerate with subordinate amounts of dark gray shale, siltstone, and coal.                                        Washington counties (300 m).
                                     A’                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Joseph P. Gill                                                                11. Geology of the Keyser Quadrangle, J.M. Dennison, 1963. West Virginia Geologic Quadrangle Maps
                                                                                               Total thickness for the unit is 180 to 200 feet (55 to 61 m).                                                                                                                                        Silurian                    Mckenzie - Bloomsburg Form ations (undivided)                                                                          Deputy Secretary                                                                   GM 1, scale 1:24,000.
                                           Cross section line                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Smb              Interbedded, greenish gray, calcareous shale and medium to da rk gray, thinly                                                                                                                         12. Geologic map of the Lonaconing Quadrangle, Allegany and Garrett counties, Maryland, J.D. Glaser and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sm    bedded, foss iliferous limestone (Sm McKenzie Formation); overlain by                                                                                                                                     D.K. Brezinski, 1998, Maryland Geological Survey Open-File Geologic Map, scale 1:24,000.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mahantango Formation
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dm                                                                                                                      interbedded, r eddish gray to brownish gray, fine-grained sandstone an d hackly                                                                                                                       13. Geologic map of the Avilton and Fr ostburg quadrangles, Allegan y and Garrett counties, Marylan d,
               A                                                                               Mauch Chunk Formation                                                                                                 Medium gray to olive-gray, massive siltstone to fine-grained sandstone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                shale to mudrock (Sb Bloomsburg Form ation). The M cKenzie Formation is up                                                                                                                                D.K. Brezinski, 1989, Maryland Geological Survey, scale 1:24,000.
                                                                                         Mmc   Interbedded, reddish brown shale; variegated, root-mottled mudstone and                                               near the base and top of the formation; interbedde d with these siltstone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to 300 feet thick ( 90 m), and the Bloomsburg Formation rar ely exceeds 100 feet                                                                                                                      14. Coal Geology of the Castleman coal field, Garrett County, Maryland. P.C.Lyons, E.F. Jacobsen, and
                                                                                               siltstone, and reddish brown to greenish gray lenticular sandstone. The Mauch                                         intervals are thinly interbedded s iltstone, sandstone, and silty, ha ckly                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           B.K. Scott, 1985, US Geological Survey Coal Investigations Map C-98.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     shale. W eathers brownish gr ay to grayis h brown. The Mahantango                                          (30 cm) in thickness.
                   Base Map Symbols                                                            Chunk Formation i s approximately 60 0 feet thick in Allega ny County and thins                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15. Unpublished Geologic Mapping o f the Barton a nd Westernport Quadrangles, D.K. Brezins ki. 1988-
                                                                                               westward to 300 feet in thickness in western Garrett County (90 -180 m).                                              Formation is approximately 1,400 feet thick in A llegany County and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1999.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     thins westward to less than 1,000 feet in thickness in the subsurface of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         16. Coal Geology of the Lower Youghiogheny coal field, Garrett County, Maryland. E.F. J acobsen and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Garrett County (300-425 m) .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         P.C.Lyons, 1985, US Ge ological Survey Coal Investigations Ma p C-101. Modified by D.K. Brezinski ,
                        68             Interstate Highway                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Rose Hill-Keefer Formations (undivided)                                                                        MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY                                                                 2012.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Rose Hill Formation (Sr) consists of pale olive-gray to pale reddish gray,                                         Jeffrey Halka
                                                                                               Greenbrie r For mation                                                                                                                                                                                          Srk                                                                                                                                                                                                                    17. Unpublished geologic mapping of the Deer Park, Gorman, Kitzmiller, McHenry, Oakland , Sang Run
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sr   fissile shale. Shales are loc ally interbedded with fine-grained, thinly laminated                                       Director
                        40             U.S. Highway                                      Mg    Light gray, cross-bedded, s andy limestone to calcareous sandstone at the base                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and Ac cident quadrangles, D.K. Brezinski. 1997-1999.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Needmore -Marcellus Shales                                                                                 to cross-laminated sandstone . The Rose Hill is overlain b y the Keefer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      18. Geology of the Davis and T able Rock quadrangles in Maryland. D. K. Brezinski a nd J.D. Glaser 20 02,
Map Location            615           State Numbered Highway
                                                                                               (Loyalhanna Member); overl ain by interbedded, reddish, fossilife rous
                                                                                               mudstone, and tan to reddish brown, fine-grained sandstone , and reddish brown                           Dnm          The Needmore Shale is a dark-brownish-gray to medium-dark gray,                                            Sandstone (Sk), a light gray to tan, fine to medium-grained, thin- to medium-                                                                                                                             Maryland Geological Survey D igital Geologic ma p, scale 1 :24,000.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     calcare ous, fossiliferous shale, with thin (1 foot, 30 cm) beds of dark                                   bedded, biotur bated sandstone, that is mapped separa tely in eastern Allegany
                                                                                               siltstone and variegat ed s hale (Savage D am Member); succ eeded by thin- to                                                                                                                                                    and western Washington counties. The approximate thickness of the Rose Hill
                                                                         Mississippian         medium-bedded, light to medium gray, argillaceous, fossiliferous limestone at                                         gray, argillaceous limestone . The upper Needmore Shale consis ts of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     approximately 35 f eet (10 m) of interbed ded, dark gra y, argillaceous                                    Formation and Keefer Formation combi ned is 300 feet (90 m).
                                           Stream                                              the top (Wymps G ap Member). The Greenbrier Formation is 150 to 200 f eet
                                                                                               thick (45-60 m).                                                                                                      limestone and black shale. This interval is correlative with the
                                          Water body                                                                                                                                                                 Onondaga Limestone of New York. The top of the Needmore Shale is
                                           (eg. lakes, ponds, rivers)                                                                                                                                                marked by the Tioga Bentonite, a bro wn, tuffaceous cla ystone. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Needmore Shale is 150 feet thick in Allegany County (45 m).                                                Tusca rora Sands tone                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Map available as printable version and GIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Marcellus Shale consists of black, brittle, fissile shale i n the lower                     St         Light-gray, fine- to medium-grained, medium-bedded, dense sandstone.                                                 STATE OF MARYLAND                                                                                                        coverage from the Maryland
                                                                                               Purslane Formation                                                                                                                                                                                                               Locally, sandstone layers are interbedded with thin, gray shale . The thickness                                        Martin O’Malley
                                                                                         Mp                                                                                                                          100 feet (30 m); interbedded, t hinly bedded, black limestone and sha le                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Geological Survey website
                                                                                               Light gray, tan, and red dish brown, coarse-grained to conglomeratic , thick-                                                                                                                                                    of the Tuscarora Sandstone varies from less than 50 feet in Wa shington County                                            Governor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in the middle ; and very dark g ray, fissile s hale co ntaining thin ( 0.5-1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                               bedded to c ross-bedded sandstone and thin beds of gray shale, and coaly shale.                                                                                                                                                  to up to 380 f eet in w estern Allegany C ounty (15-115 m).                                                                                                                                                                                     Version:WMD2013.1.0
                                                                                               The Purslane is more tha n 300 feet thick in w estern Washing ton County and                                          inch, 1-2 cm) siltstone beds at the top. The Marcellus Shale is more the
                                                                                               thins westward to approximately 150 feet thick in western Garrett County (45-                                         350 feet thic k in western Washington Co unty and thins to approximately                                                                                                                                                         Anthony G. Brown
                                                                                               90 m).                                                                                                                150 feet in the subsurface at Keysers Ridge (45-105 m).                                                                                                                                                                          Lieutenant Governor

                                                                                                                                                                                                Interpretive Geologic Cross Section for A – A’

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Geologic Map of Garrett, Allegany, and Western Washington Counties

  • 1. Garrett, Allegany, and western Washington Counties Geologic Map Geologic Map of Garrett, Allegany, and western Washington Counties, Maryland David K. Brezinski and Robert Conkwright 2013 0 5 10 miles Description of Map Units Geologic Map Compilation Sources Juniata Formation Alluvium Oriskany F ormation Rockwell Formation Interbedded, reddish brown to br ownish red, fine- to medium-grained, 2 Unconsolidated reddish b rown to tan, sand, silt, pebb les and cobbles that Interbedded, medium to dark gray, siliceous shale and sandy and cherty Oj 14 10 7 4 2 1 Interbedded, gray, s ilty shale, light gray to tan sandstone, and coaly and medium- to th ick-bedded, cross-bedded sands tone and micaceous 16 15 13 13 8 3 Quaternary Qal weathers yellow, orange, and orange -brown. Mapped alluvium de posits include MDr reddish shale. In Allegany and Washington counties a reddish brown to Do limestone near the base (Shriver Shale M ember); overlain by tan fine-grained, siltstone and silty shale. The Juniata Formation is up to 300 f eet thick those formed along mod ern and ancient streams, and marsh depos its formed calcareous sandstone ; and then by light gray, medium- to coa rse-grained, thin- gray, polymictic diamictite marks the base of the formation. The in western Allegany County (90 m). over older bog deposits. to thick-bedded, calcareous sandstone a t the top (Ridgely Member). The Ordovician 8 6 5 2 Rockwell Formation is more than 400 feet thick in west ern Washingt on 16 17 16 15 12 9 1 County; thins to less than 100 fee t in southern Garrett County ( 30-120 Oriskany Formation is approximately 50 feet thick in western Washington m). County and thicken s westward into Allegany Count y where it is up to 30 0 feet Martinsburg Shale thick (15-90 m). Medium to dark gray, fissi le shale at the base, o verlain by medium Dunkard Formation Om 17 17 17 15 gray, silty shale and thinly interbedded medium-grained sandstone; and 11 Permian? Interbedded, me dium gray t o dark gr ay, carbonaceou s, silty shale an d siltstone; then by thick-bedded, medium-grained, fining- upward s andstone at the Pd light to medium gray, micaceous, medium- to coars e-grained sandstone; and Hampsh ire Form ation top of the for mation. The Martinsburg is up to 5,000 feet thick in the thin, discontinuous nodular limestone, and thin coal beds. The Dunkard Dh Keyser-Helderberg Form ations (undivided) 18 17 17 Interbedded, reddish brown to brownish red, locally greenish gray Washington County (1 ,500 m). Formation cap s several hills in the Geo rges Creek S yncline, and may be as The Keyser Limestone consists of light gray, coarsely crystalline crinoidal sandstone, reddi sh brown si ltstone, shale, and rooted claystone. The much as 250 feet (76 m) thick. DSkh limestone in the lower 50 feet (15 m), becoming, medium to dark gray, medium- thickness of the Hampshire va ries from approximately 2,000 f eet in to thick-bedded, nodular, fossiliferous li mestone containing dark gray chert 18 Garrett County to mor e than 3,000 f eet in eastern Alleg any and western Washington counties (600-900m). nodules. The upper Keyser is thin-bedded, che rty, fossiliferous limestone. The Cambrian and Older Cambrian and Ordovician strata Keyser is up to 300 feet thick in western Washington County and thins to Illustrated in cross-section only. Monongahela Group approximately 200 feet in thickness in western Allegany County (60-90 m). Ordovician C-O 1. Clear Spring and Hedgesville quadrangles (Maryland part). Mapping by D.K. Brezinski and J.D. Interbedded, me dium gray t o dark gr ay, carbonaceou s, silty shale an d siltstone; The Helderberg Limestone cons ists of medium gray, medium-bedded, c herty, Pm Glaser. Explanation of Map Symbols light to medium gray, micaceous, medium- to coarse-grained sandstone, and Foreknobs Formation crinoidal limestone (New Creek M ember); overlain in western Washington 2. Geologic Map of Portions of the Hancock, Cherry Run, and Big Pool quadrangles, Washington County, thin, discontinuous, nodular li mestone, and coal beds. The thicknes s of the County by a light gr ay, cross-bedded calcareous sandstone (Elbow Ridge Maryland. J .D. Glaser, 2 003, Maryland Ge ological Survey digit al geological map, scale 1:24,000. Field Df Interbedded, olive-gray medium- to coarse-grained, cross-bedded Monongahela Group is 225 to 250 f eet (68 to 76 m) . Sandstone ); then a medium-gray fossiliferous limestone containing beds of checked and modified by D.K. Brezi nski 2012. sandstone; greenish gray to dusky red, fos siliferous shale and siltstone. Contacts Thick (>30 feet, 10m) s andstone int ervals occur both nea r the bas e and brown-weathering chert (Corriganvi lle Limestone); which is succeeded by 3. Geologic map of the Bellegrove Quadrangle, Allegany and Washington counties, Maryland. J.D. near the top of the f ormation. The Foreknobs ranges f rom 1,200 feet interbedded, c herty, dark-gray limestone, and dark calcareo us shale (Licking Glaser, 1994, Maryland Geological Survey Open-File Geologic Map, scale 1:24,000. Fi eld checked thick in Garrett County to more then 1, 500 feet in thickness in easter n Creek Member) ; and topped by a thin, black, brittle shale (Mandata Shale). The and modifi ed by D .K. Brezinski, 2 012. Geologic contacts; approximately located Conemaugh Group (Undivided) Helderberg Limestone is 150 to 180 feet thick in western Maryland (30-55 m). 4. Geologic ma p of the Artemas Quad rangle, Allegany County, Maryland. J.D. Glaser, 1 994, Maryland Interbedded, light gray, micaceous sandstone and gray silty shale a nd thin, dark Allegany County (365-460 m). dotted where concealed Pc Geological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000. Field chec ked and modified by D.K. gray, marine shales in the lower half of the group, and greenish-gray and Brezinski, 2012. reddish brown to va riegated mudstone, sh ale, claystone, and nodu lar nonmarine 5. Geologic map of the PawPaw Quadrangle, Allegan y County, Maryland. J.D. Glaser, 19 94, Maryland limestone in its upper part. The Conemaugh Group is 800 to 900 feet thick (245 Tonoloway Form ation Geological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000, field checked and m odified by D.K. to 275 m) . Harrell-Brallier-Sherr Formations (undivided) Brezinski, 1999. Pennsylvanian Dhbs The Harrell Shale is a dark gray, fissile, calcareous, thinly laminated, Sto Medium to light gray, fine-grained, thinly laminated, mudcracked, dolomit ic 6. Geologic map o f the Oldtown Quad rangle, Allegany County, Maryland. J.D. Glaser, 1994, Maryland U High angle Fault-U upthrown block shale that w eathers to thin yellowish gray s hale chips. The base of the limestone with thin layers of medium gray, fine-grained limestone, and tan, D-downthrown block dotted where Geological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000. Field chec ked and modified by D.K. D Harrell is marked by the black, ve ry fissile Burket Shale Member. The laminated dolomite. The Tonoloway Limestone is approximat ely 400 feet thick concealed Brezinski, 2012. Harrell grades eastward into the Brallier Formation. The Harrell Shale (120 m ). All egh en y Formation 7. Geologic ma p of the F lintstone Quadran gle, Allegany County, M aryland. J.D. Gla ser, 1994, Maryl and is up to 150 feet thick (45m). Geological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000. Field chec ked and modified by D.K. Pa Interbedded, medium to da rk gray shale and siltstone, tan to li ght gray sandstone, claystone, and mineable coal beds. The Allegheny Formation is The Brallier Formation is a success ion of thinly interbedded, gray to Brezinski, 2012. between 200 t o 250 feet thick (61 to 76 m) . olive-gray shale and siltstone and thin, fine-grained sandstone. The 8. Bedrock Geology of the Evitts Creek and Pa tterson Creek Quadrangles Maryl and, Pennsylvania, and Devonian Brallier is 2,000 to 2,500 feet thick (600-760 m) . Wills Creek Formation West Virginia, W, de Witt and G.W. Colton, 1964, US Geological Survey Bulletin 1173. Swc Interbedded, greenish gray to light gray, calcareous shale, and tan, dolomitic Thrust fault- triangles point to The Sherr For mation is interbedde d, reddish-brown to grayish brown DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 9. Geology of the Cresaptown quadrangle, Allegany County, Maryland. J.D. Glaser, 1994, Maryland upthrown block shale; thin, gray siltstone; and fine-grained, bioturbated and fossiliferous shale containing mud crac ks, laminations, and salt and gypsum casts. The Geological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000. thickness of the Wills Creek is approxima tely 400 feet (120 m). John R. Griffin sandstone. The thickness of the Sherr i s approximately 1,000 feet in 10. Geologic Map of th e Cumberland quadrangle, Allegany C ounty, Maryland. J.D. Glaser and D.K. Pottsville Formation Secretary Brezinski, 1994, Maryland Ge ological Survey Open-File Geological Map, scale 1:24,000. Modified by Dominantly light gray to tan, medium- to coarse-grained s andstone and Garrett County and becomes indistinct in eastern Allegany and western Pp D.K. B rezinski, 2012. conglomerate with subordinate amounts of dark gray shale, siltstone, and coal. Washington counties (300 m). A’ Joseph P. Gill 11. Geology of the Keyser Quadrangle, J.M. Dennison, 1963. West Virginia Geologic Quadrangle Maps Total thickness for the unit is 180 to 200 feet (55 to 61 m). Silurian Mckenzie - Bloomsburg Form ations (undivided) Deputy Secretary GM 1, scale 1:24,000. Sb Cross section line Smb Interbedded, greenish gray, calcareous shale and medium to da rk gray, thinly 12. Geologic map of the Lonaconing Quadrangle, Allegany and Garrett counties, Maryland, J.D. Glaser and Sm bedded, foss iliferous limestone (Sm McKenzie Formation); overlain by D.K. Brezinski, 1998, Maryland Geological Survey Open-File Geologic Map, scale 1:24,000. Mahantango Formation Dm interbedded, r eddish gray to brownish gray, fine-grained sandstone an d hackly 13. Geologic map of the Avilton and Fr ostburg quadrangles, Allegan y and Garrett counties, Marylan d, A Mauch Chunk Formation Medium gray to olive-gray, massive siltstone to fine-grained sandstone shale to mudrock (Sb Bloomsburg Form ation). The M cKenzie Formation is up D.K. Brezinski, 1989, Maryland Geological Survey, scale 1:24,000. Mmc Interbedded, reddish brown shale; variegated, root-mottled mudstone and near the base and top of the formation; interbedde d with these siltstone to 300 feet thick ( 90 m), and the Bloomsburg Formation rar ely exceeds 100 feet 14. Coal Geology of the Castleman coal field, Garrett County, Maryland. P.C.Lyons, E.F. Jacobsen, and siltstone, and reddish brown to greenish gray lenticular sandstone. The Mauch intervals are thinly interbedded s iltstone, sandstone, and silty, ha ckly B.K. Scott, 1985, US Geological Survey Coal Investigations Map C-98. shale. W eathers brownish gr ay to grayis h brown. The Mahantango (30 cm) in thickness. Base Map Symbols Chunk Formation i s approximately 60 0 feet thick in Allega ny County and thins 15. Unpublished Geologic Mapping o f the Barton a nd Westernport Quadrangles, D.K. Brezins ki. 1988- westward to 300 feet in thickness in western Garrett County (90 -180 m). Formation is approximately 1,400 feet thick in A llegany County and 1999. thins westward to less than 1,000 feet in thickness in the subsurface of 16. Coal Geology of the Lower Youghiogheny coal field, Garrett County, Maryland. E.F. J acobsen and Garrett County (300-425 m) . P.C.Lyons, 1985, US Ge ological Survey Coal Investigations Ma p C-101. Modified by D.K. Brezinski , 68 Interstate Highway Sk Rose Hill-Keefer Formations (undivided) MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 2012. The Rose Hill Formation (Sr) consists of pale olive-gray to pale reddish gray, Jeffrey Halka Greenbrie r For mation Srk 17. Unpublished geologic mapping of the Deer Park, Gorman, Kitzmiller, McHenry, Oakland , Sang Run Sr fissile shale. Shales are loc ally interbedded with fine-grained, thinly laminated Director 40 U.S. Highway Mg Light gray, cross-bedded, s andy limestone to calcareous sandstone at the base and Ac cident quadrangles, D.K. Brezinski. 1997-1999. Needmore -Marcellus Shales to cross-laminated sandstone . The Rose Hill is overlain b y the Keefer 18. Geology of the Davis and T able Rock quadrangles in Maryland. D. K. Brezinski a nd J.D. Glaser 20 02, Map Location 615 State Numbered Highway (Loyalhanna Member); overl ain by interbedded, reddish, fossilife rous mudstone, and tan to reddish brown, fine-grained sandstone , and reddish brown Dnm The Needmore Shale is a dark-brownish-gray to medium-dark gray, Sandstone (Sk), a light gray to tan, fine to medium-grained, thin- to medium- Maryland Geological Survey D igital Geologic ma p, scale 1 :24,000. calcare ous, fossiliferous shale, with thin (1 foot, 30 cm) beds of dark bedded, biotur bated sandstone, that is mapped separa tely in eastern Allegany siltstone and variegat ed s hale (Savage D am Member); succ eeded by thin- to and western Washington counties. The approximate thickness of the Rose Hill Mississippian medium-bedded, light to medium gray, argillaceous, fossiliferous limestone at gray, argillaceous limestone . The upper Needmore Shale consis ts of approximately 35 f eet (10 m) of interbed ded, dark gra y, argillaceous Formation and Keefer Formation combi ned is 300 feet (90 m). Stream the top (Wymps G ap Member). The Greenbrier Formation is 150 to 200 f eet thick (45-60 m). limestone and black shale. This interval is correlative with the Water body Onondaga Limestone of New York. The top of the Needmore Shale is (eg. lakes, ponds, rivers) marked by the Tioga Bentonite, a bro wn, tuffaceous cla ystone. The Needmore Shale is 150 feet thick in Allegany County (45 m). Tusca rora Sands tone Map available as printable version and GIS The Marcellus Shale consists of black, brittle, fissile shale i n the lower St Light-gray, fine- to medium-grained, medium-bedded, dense sandstone. STATE OF MARYLAND coverage from the Maryland Purslane Formation Locally, sandstone layers are interbedded with thin, gray shale . The thickness Martin O’Malley Mp 100 feet (30 m); interbedded, t hinly bedded, black limestone and sha le Geological Survey website Light gray, tan, and red dish brown, coarse-grained to conglomeratic , thick- of the Tuscarora Sandstone varies from less than 50 feet in Wa shington County Governor in the middle ; and very dark g ray, fissile s hale co ntaining thin ( 0.5-1 bedded to c ross-bedded sandstone and thin beds of gray shale, and coaly shale. to up to 380 f eet in w estern Allegany C ounty (15-115 m). Version:WMD2013.1.0 The Purslane is more tha n 300 feet thick in w estern Washing ton County and inch, 1-2 cm) siltstone beds at the top. The Marcellus Shale is more the thins westward to approximately 150 feet thick in western Garrett County (45- 350 feet thic k in western Washington Co unty and thins to approximately Anthony G. Brown 90 m). 150 feet in the subsurface at Keysers Ridge (45-105 m). Lieutenant Governor Interpretive Geologic Cross Section for A – A’