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Real World Applications of MQTT
Manoj Gudi
Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics
27th August 2017
Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics
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Content & Scope
What is MQTT?
MQTT Characteristics and Features
Who are we and what do we do?
Real world use for indoor positioning- I
Real world use for indoor positioning- II
Code samples
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What is MQTT..
MQ Telemetry Transport: lightweight pub/sub messaging
Designed for constrained devices (low bandwidth — high
latency — unreliable networks)
Built to minimize network bw and device resource
Offers various reliability levels of message delivery
MQTT v3.1.1 is OASIS standard (2014)
Initially developed by IBM and Eurotech for M2M
communication for embedded devices
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..What is MQTT
Pub/Sub model
Publishers: sensors like temperature sensors
Open source: Mosquitto(Eclipse Project), EMQ(Apache v2
Enterprise services: HiveMQ, Azure IoT Hub, IBM Websphere
Subscribers: entities which consume data, mobile phones etc.
A MQTT client can be publisher or a subscriber or both
Topics allow clients to exchange information with definedManoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics
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Designed App with killer features
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By the time it hits production
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MQTT Characteristics
Network model:
Lightweight: 2 byte header overhead per packet
Three main components: data producer(publisher) — data
consumer (subscriber) — queue like structure (topics)
MQTT requires TCP/IP Stack (i.e. way to deliver packets in
order reliably). Can’t be used over UDP.
MQTT-SN for sensor networks, doesn’t require TCP/IP stack.
Works directly over transport layer (like ZigBee)
Suitable for asynchronous communication model with events
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MQTT Message format..
Message format:
2 byte fixed-length header
Optional message-specific variable length header and message
Very lean message format. Tries to save and reuse bytes as
much as possible.
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..MQTT Message format..
Message Type (Description/Values):
0: Reserved 5: PUBREL 10: UNSUBSCRIBE
DUP: Duplicate flag(==1) to indicate re-delivery of an earlier
PUBLISH packet(as of 3.1.1)
QoS Level: Possible values are 0, 1, 2
Remaining Length: encodes(length(variable length header) +
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..MQTT Message format..
For a PUBLISH message instructing server to keep the
message for this topic
Last known good value.
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..MQTT Message format
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MQTT QoS levels..
MQTT provides 3 levels of QoS (Quality of Service)
Although uses TCP/IP, but data loss can still occur if network
is disrupted (lost messages)
Automatic retransmission and delivery guarantees for certain
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At most once delivery
Minimal guarantee. Receiver doesn’t acknowledge reception
of message
Sender doesn’t store message for redelivery
Same guarantee as underlying TCP protocol
Also has the least overhead in comparison
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At least once delivery
QoS1 guarantees that a message will be delivered at least
once to receiver.
Duplicate messages maybe received (identified by DUP = 1)
Sender stores the message until it gets PUBACK
PUBLISH and PUBACK associated by packetId
Re-transmission of packet by sender if PUBACK not receivedManoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics
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Exactly once delivery
Highest QoS, guarantees each message is received only once
Slowest QoS because of two flows between sender-receiver.
Critical to your application to receive all messages exactly once
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..MQTT QoS levels
QoS0: when you have stable connection, once a while packet
drop is OK.
QoS1: when you need to get every message and your app can
handle duplicates
QoS2: when it’s critical to your app to receive all messages
exactly once.
QoS levels defined when creating a connection by the client.
QoS Downgrade possible if subscribing client has lower QoS
then publishing client
What if publisher is QoS1 and subscriber is QoS2?
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Message Persistence..
Non Persistent Session:
Defined by client to broker in CONNECT packet
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..Message Persistence..
Persistent topics:
Broker doesn’t unsubscribe the client on disconnection
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..Message Persistence
What’s stored in a session?
All messages in a QoS 1,2 flow
PUBACK while client was offline
All received QoS2 messages, which are not yet confirmed to
the client
Session identified uniquely to a client by clientID in
A client identifies a stored session by session flag in
Useful if client is in patchy networks and has to consume all
Max number of messages usually limited by memory of
Mosquitto can write persistent messages to file, reload when
broker restarts
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A UTF-8 string used by broker to filter messages for each
Hierarchical. Can contain one or more topic levels
Supports wildcards
A ”+” is single-level wildcard
A ”#” is multilevel-level wildcard (Must be at end)
There can be null sub-topics myhome//kitchen/
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Other Features
Last Will and Testament: used to notify other clients by
broker when a client is disconnected abruptly
MQTT supports TLS, but you lose low overhead benefits
For a long-living TCP connections with MQTT, TLS overhead
MQTT broker typically runs at 1883(TCP) and 8883(TLS)
Free test broker at
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Who are we?
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What do we do?
Outdoor: GPS — Indoors: ?
Directly lifted from marketing pitch deck
I didn’t make this
I don’t know why there is a magnifying glass
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We work with
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Indoor Positioning in a Large Warehouse..
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..Indoor Positioning in a Large Warehouse..
Warehouse usually situated in very remote places
Metal mesh floors (Weak cellular network)
Operates 24X7
XXL: One misplaced item in inventory takes about a month to
Idea is to able to quickly trace people movements in realtime
and retrospectively.
We need to precisely position a warehouse worker up to a foot
With users expecting faster delivery times, misplaced
inventory problem is critical
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Solution # 1
Upside: Very fast and 110% accurate!
Downside: Very complicated and available only in Sirsa(now
in Rohtak)
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..Indoor Positioning in a Large Warehouse..
UWB (Ultra Wide Band) based positioning system:
Low energy, high-bandwidth communication over a large
spectrum(3.1 to 10.6 GHz)
Minimum 3 Anchors(known position) and 1 Tag(position to be
Leverages Time of Flight (TOF) method to come up with
position of tag
Accuracy 1 foot and less susceptible to interferenceManoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics
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..Indoor Positioning in a Large Warehouse..
UWB (Ultra Wide Band) based positioning system:
Accuracy 1 foot and less susceptible to interference
Anchors can talk up to 60M distance in LOS, spread across the
entire warehouse section
Each worker carries a tag with their inventory tracking gadget
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..Indoor Positioning in a Large Warehouse
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Indoor Positioning in Retail Spaces..
A simple android SDK. Integrate, and done.
We send you location of your users. On phone and if required
on your server
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..Indoor Positioning in Retail Spaces..
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..Indoor Positioning in Retail Spaces
Whenever a big client comes on board, with in 24 hrs 30-40%
of their users come on board as well.
A chunk of the location data comes when users are in non
retail places
What if there’s a way where other users coarsely predict other
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Small Confession
That network traffic graph you saw was of a VM, running
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Location Prediction of Users in a distributed way..
This is in a prototype stage.
The idea is to leverage large number of mobile phones in same
area help predict each other while
Avg 140 smart phone per sq km in India. Density increases in
Save us $$$ on network and server costs
It should work even when our prediction engine is down
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..Location Prediction of Users in a distributed way..
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..Location Prediction of Users in a distributed way..
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..Location Prediction of Users in a distributed way
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Enough of talk, show me some code!
def getDataAndPubish (sensorData , client , ):
Get sensor data and publish to broker
topic = "client/warehouse/f1/s1"
sensorData["timestamp"] = int(time.time () * 1000)
client.publish(topic , 
json.dumps(sensorData), qos=1, retain=False)
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Enough of talk, show me some code!
def onConnect(client , userData , msg):
subscribe when (CONNACK)
print("Successfully Connected")
client.subscribe("client/warehouse /#", qos =1)
def onMessage(client , userData , msg):
call locationEngine main and get prediction
anchorCoordinates = userData
print("Got Message ..")
data = json.loads(msg.payload.decode("utf -8")
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Enough of talk, show me some code!
def main ():
anchorCoordinates = [[1, 12, 123], [32, 123, 32],
# Get MQTT connection paramers
brokerIP = "localhost"
brokerPort = 1883
defaultTimeout = 60
client = mqtt.Client ()
# Pass baseInstance and session tuple to callbacks
client.on_connect = onConnect
client.on_message = onMessage
# Set anchorCoordinates
client.user_data_set( anchorCoordinates )
client.connect(brokerIP , brokerPort , defaultTimeou
client.loop_forever ()
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Some caveats
If implementing on MQTT on battery constrained devices,
select keep-alive intervals carefully
Too short keep-alive can impact battery profile because of
Although Mosquitto (MQTT broker) allows horizontal scaling
between two brokers by bridging. It can be tricky if you need
more brokers or a cluster with Mosquitto
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Eclipse Paho Project
Hive MQTT Essentials
IoT For Tiny Devices (MQTT-SN), Stefan Roth, Zuehlke
Power profiling MQTT on android:
Mosquitto Bridging http://www.steves-internet-
An Introduction to MQTT, A Protocol for M2M and IoT
Applications. Peter R. Egli INDIGOO.COM
Mosquitto broker docs
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Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics
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This seems cool, can I join?
Sure! — +91-9920909145
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Real World Applications of MQTT

  • 1. Real World Applications of MQTT Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics 27th August 2017 Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 1 / 45
  • 2. Content & Scope What is MQTT? MQTT Characteristics and Features Who are we and what do we do? Real world use for indoor positioning- I Real world use for indoor positioning- II Code samples Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 2 / 45
  • 3. What is MQTT.. MQ Telemetry Transport: lightweight pub/sub messaging protocol Designed for constrained devices (low bandwidth — high latency — unreliable networks) Built to minimize network bw and device resource requirements Offers various reliability levels of message delivery MQTT v3.1.1 is OASIS standard (2014) Initially developed by IBM and Eurotech for M2M communication for embedded devices Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 3 / 45
  • 4. ..What is MQTT Pub/Sub model Publishers: sensors like temperature sensors Brokers Open source: Mosquitto(Eclipse Project), EMQ(Apache v2 license) Enterprise services: HiveMQ, Azure IoT Hub, IBM Websphere etc. Subscribers: entities which consume data, mobile phones etc. A MQTT client can be publisher or a subscriber or both Topics allow clients to exchange information with definedManoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 4 / 45
  • 5. Why MQTT? Designed App with killer features Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 5 / 45
  • 6. Why MQTT? By the time it hits production Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 6 / 45
  • 7. MQTT Characteristics Network model: Lightweight: 2 byte header overhead per packet Three main components: data producer(publisher) — data consumer (subscriber) — queue like structure (topics) MQTT requires TCP/IP Stack (i.e. way to deliver packets in order reliably). Can’t be used over UDP. MQTT-SN for sensor networks, doesn’t require TCP/IP stack. Works directly over transport layer (like ZigBee) Suitable for asynchronous communication model with events (messages) Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 7 / 45
  • 8. MQTT Message format.. Message format: 2 byte fixed-length header Optional message-specific variable length header and message payload Very lean message format. Tries to save and reuse bytes as much as possible. Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 8 / 45
  • 9. ..MQTT Message format.. Message Type (Description/Values): 0: Reserved 5: PUBREL 10: UNSUBSCRIBE 1: CONNECT 6: PUBCOMP 11: UNSUBACK 2: PUBLISH 7: SUBSCRIBE 12: PINGREQ 3: PUBACK 8: SUBACK 13: PINGRESP 4: PUBREC 9: UNSUBSCRIBE 14: DISCONNECT 15: RESERVED DUP: Duplicate flag(==1) to indicate re-delivery of an earlier PUBLISH packet(as of 3.1.1) QoS Level: Possible values are 0, 1, 2 Remaining Length: encodes(length(variable length header) + length(payload)) Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 9 / 45
  • 10. ..MQTT Message format.. RETAIN: For a PUBLISH message instructing server to keep the message for this topic Last known good value. Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 10 / 45
  • 11. ..MQTT Message format Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 11 / 45
  • 12. MQTT QoS levels.. MQTT provides 3 levels of QoS (Quality of Service) Although uses TCP/IP, but data loss can still occur if network is disrupted (lost messages) Automatic retransmission and delivery guarantees for certain QoS by MQTT Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 12 / 45
  • 13. MQTT QoS 0 At most once delivery Minimal guarantee. Receiver doesn’t acknowledge reception of message Sender doesn’t store message for redelivery Same guarantee as underlying TCP protocol Also has the least overhead in comparison Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 13 / 45
  • 14. MQTT QoS 1 At least once delivery QoS1 guarantees that a message will be delivered at least once to receiver. Duplicate messages maybe received (identified by DUP = 1) Sender stores the message until it gets PUBACK PUBLISH and PUBACK associated by packetId Re-transmission of packet by sender if PUBACK not receivedManoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 14 / 45
  • 15. MQTT QoS 2 Exactly once delivery Highest QoS, guarantees each message is received only once Slowest QoS because of two flows between sender-receiver. Critical to your application to receive all messages exactly once Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 15 / 45
  • 16. ..MQTT QoS levels Net-Net: QoS0: when you have stable connection, once a while packet drop is OK. QoS1: when you need to get every message and your app can handle duplicates QoS2: when it’s critical to your app to receive all messages exactly once. QoS levels defined when creating a connection by the client. QoS Downgrade possible if subscribing client has lower QoS then publishing client What if publisher is QoS1 and subscriber is QoS2? Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 16 / 45
  • 17. Message Persistence.. Non Persistent Session: Defined by client to broker in CONNECT packet Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 17 / 45
  • 18. ..Message Persistence.. Persistent topics: Broker doesn’t unsubscribe the client on disconnection Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 18 / 45
  • 19. ..Message Persistence What’s stored in a session? All messages in a QoS 1,2 flow PUBACK while client was offline All received QoS2 messages, which are not yet confirmed to the client Session identified uniquely to a client by clientID in CONNECT A client identifies a stored session by session flag in CONNACK Useful if client is in patchy networks and has to consume all packets Max number of messages usually limited by memory of broker/client Mosquitto can write persistent messages to file, reload when broker restarts Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 19 / 45
  • 20. Topics A UTF-8 string used by broker to filter messages for each client Hierarchical. Can contain one or more topic levels Supports wildcards A ”+” is single-level wildcard myhome/groundfloor/+/temperature A ”#” is multilevel-level wildcard (Must be at end) myhome/groundfloor/# There can be null sub-topics myhome//kitchen/ Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 20 / 45
  • 21. Other Features Last Will and Testament: used to notify other clients by broker when a client is disconnected abruptly MQTT supports TLS, but you lose low overhead benefits For a long-living TCP connections with MQTT, TLS overhead negligible MQTT broker typically runs at 1883(TCP) and 8883(TLS) Free test broker at Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 21 / 45
  • 22. Who are we? Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 22 / 45
  • 23. What do we do? Outdoor: GPS — Indoors: ? Directly lifted from marketing pitch deck I didn’t make this I don’t know why there is a magnifying glass Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 23 / 45
  • 24. We work with Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 24 / 45
  • 25. Indoor Positioning in a Large Warehouse.. Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 25 / 45
  • 26. ..Indoor Positioning in a Large Warehouse.. Challenges Warehouse usually situated in very remote places Metal mesh floors (Weak cellular network) Operates 24X7 XXL: One misplaced item in inventory takes about a month to find Idea is to able to quickly trace people movements in realtime and retrospectively. We need to precisely position a warehouse worker up to a foot level. With users expecting faster delivery times, misplaced inventory problem is critical Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 26 / 45
  • 27. Solution # 1 Upside: Very fast and 110% accurate! Downside: Very complicated and available only in Sirsa(now in Rohtak) Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 27 / 45
  • 28. ..Indoor Positioning in a Large Warehouse.. UWB (Ultra Wide Band) based positioning system: Low energy, high-bandwidth communication over a large spectrum(3.1 to 10.6 GHz) Minimum 3 Anchors(known position) and 1 Tag(position to be determined) Leverages Time of Flight (TOF) method to come up with position of tag Accuracy 1 foot and less susceptible to interferenceManoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 28 / 45
  • 29. ..Indoor Positioning in a Large Warehouse.. UWB (Ultra Wide Band) based positioning system: Accuracy 1 foot and less susceptible to interference Anchors can talk up to 60M distance in LOS, spread across the entire warehouse section Each worker carries a tag with their inventory tracking gadget Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 29 / 45
  • 30. ..Indoor Positioning in a Large Warehouse Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 30 / 45
  • 31. Indoor Positioning in Retail Spaces.. A simple android SDK. Integrate, and done. We send you location of your users. On phone and if required on your server Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 31 / 45
  • 32. ..Indoor Positioning in Retail Spaces.. Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 32 / 45
  • 33. ..Indoor Positioning in Retail Spaces Whenever a big client comes on board, with in 24 hrs 30-40% of their users come on board as well. A chunk of the location data comes when users are in non retail places What if there’s a way where other users coarsely predict other users? Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 33 / 45
  • 34. Small Confession That network traffic graph you saw was of a VM, running HAProxy Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 34 / 45
  • 35. Location Prediction of Users in a distributed way.. This is in a prototype stage. The idea is to leverage large number of mobile phones in same area help predict each other while Avg 140 smart phone per sq km in India. Density increases in city. Save us $$$ on network and server costs It should work even when our prediction engine is down Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 35 / 45
  • 36. ..Location Prediction of Users in a distributed way.. Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 36 / 45
  • 37. ..Location Prediction of Users in a distributed way.. Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 37 / 45
  • 38. ..Location Prediction of Users in a distributed way Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 38 / 45
  • 39. Enough of talk, show me some code! def getDataAndPubish (sensorData , client , ): """ Get sensor data and publish to broker """ topic = "client/warehouse/f1/s1" sensorData["timestamp"] = int(time.time () * 1000) client.publish(topic , json.dumps(sensorData), qos=1, retain=False) Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 39 / 45
  • 40. Enough of talk, show me some code! def onConnect(client , userData , msg): ’’’ subscribe when (CONNACK) ’’’ print("Successfully Connected") client.subscribe("client/warehouse /#", qos =1) def onMessage(client , userData , msg): """ call locationEngine main and get prediction """ anchorCoordinates = userData print("Got Message ..") data = json.loads(msg.payload.decode("utf -8") ### DO SECRET STUFF Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 40 / 45
  • 41. Enough of talk, show me some code! def main (): anchorCoordinates = [[1, 12, 123], [32, 123, 32], # Get MQTT connection paramers brokerIP = "localhost" brokerPort = 1883 defaultTimeout = 60 client = mqtt.Client () # Pass baseInstance and session tuple to callbacks client.on_connect = onConnect client.on_message = onMessage # Set anchorCoordinates client.user_data_set( anchorCoordinates ) client.connect(brokerIP , brokerPort , defaultTimeou client.loop_forever () Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 41 / 45
  • 42. Some caveats If implementing on MQTT on battery constrained devices, select keep-alive intervals carefully Too short keep-alive can impact battery profile because of PINGREQ/PINGRESP Although Mosquitto (MQTT broker) allows horizontal scaling between two brokers by bridging. It can be tricky if you need more brokers or a cluster with Mosquitto Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 42 / 45
  • 43. References/Links Eclipse Paho Project Hive MQTT Essentials IoT For Tiny Devices (MQTT-SN), Stefan Roth, Zuehlke Power profiling MQTT on android: android Mosquitto Bridging http://www.steves-internet- An Introduction to MQTT, A Protocol for M2M and IoT Applications. Peter R. Egli INDIGOO.COM Mosquitto broker docs Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 43 / 45
  • 44. Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 44 / 45
  • 45. This seems cool, can I join? Sure! — +91-9920909145 Thanks! Manoj Gudi Ex-R.A. IIT Bombay — CTO — Focus Analytics Real World MQTT 45 / 45