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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Israr Hussain Yousafzai
BS (Anaesthesia) PGRT MSPH
Senior Respiratory Therapist, HMC Peshawar
 C = Cardio (heart)
 P = Pulmonary (lungs)
 R = Resuscitation (recover)
 A series of well-defined steps and protocol to revive a collapsed patient
to deliver oxygen to the heart and brain to restore native circulation and
 A series of steps used to establish artificial ventilation and circulation in
the patient who is not breathing and has no pulse
• Restore cardiopulmonary functioning
• Prevent irreversible brain damage from anoxia
 Cardiac arrest
 Respiratory arrest
 Combination of both
 Diagnosis:
1) Loss of consciousness
2) Loss of apical & central pulsations (carotid, femoral)
3) Apnea
Blood pressure measurement
Taking the pulse on peripheral arteries
Auscultation of cardiac tones
Loss of time
 Asystole (isoelectric line)
 Ventricular fibrillation (VF)
 Pulseless ventricular tachycardia
 PEA: pulseless electrical activity
1) Hypoxia.
2) Hypotension.
3) Hypothermia.
4) Hypoglycaemia.
5) Acidosis (H+).
6) Hypokalaemia (electrolyte disturbance).
1) Cardiac Tamponade.
2) Tension pneumothorax.
3) Thromboembolism (pulmonary, coronary).
4) Toxicity (eg. Drugs overdose, insecticides)
 What is basic cardiac life support (BCLS)?
It is life support without the use of special equipment (domestic level)
 What is Advanced cardiac Life Support (ACLS)?
It is life support with the use of advance techniques and special
equipment (eg. Airway, endotracheal tube, defibrillator and drugs)
1. Team leader (right side, doctor)
2. Cardiac compression (left side, doctor)
3. Airway management (head end, anesthetist)
4. Drug administration (right side, nurse)
5. Runner (left side, nurse)
6. Documentation (foot end, Nurse)
 During cardiac arrest the team leader should allocate and assign the
various roles and tasks to the team members
 Assign one person for each of the following roles:
 Airway management & ventilation (Eg.bag & mask. Intubation).
 Chest compressions
 IV drug administration.
 Defibrillation (DC shock)
 Timing and documentation.
 The person responsible for the airway may take turns with the person
responsible for chest compressions in order to diminish fatigue &
 It is also the responsibility of the team leader to use the 2-minute periods
of chest compressions to plan tasks, give orders and eliminate & exclude/
correct the reversible causes of cardiac arrest
► 3S steps before the initiation of
resuscitation for management of
a collapsed patient
1) Ensure your own Safety.
2) Check the level of
responsiveness by gently
Shaking the patient and
Shouting: “are you alright?”
3) Shout for help.
► Then check for carotid pulsations
for 10 seconds (unilaterally)
► Apnea (cessation of respiration) is
confirmed by (For at least 10
1) Look: to see chest wall movement.
Seesaw (paradoxical) movement of
the chest wall indicates airway
2) Listen: breath of sounds from the
3) Feel: air flow from nose
There are 4 corner stones for optimising the outcome following cardiac
 Early recognition & call for help: to prevent cardiac arrest.
 Early CPR (with minimal interruptions):
 Early defibrillation: to restart the heart.
 Post resuscitation care: to restore quality of life & minimize
neurological insult.
A= Airway
B= Breathing
C= Circulation
 The human brain cannot survive more than 3 minutes with lack of
circulation. So chest compressions must be started immediately for any
patient with absent central pulsations
 Loss of consciousness often results in airway obstruction due to loss of
tone in the muscles of the airway and falling back of the tongue
 Basic techniques for airway patency:
1. Head tilt, chin lift: one hand is placed on the forehead and the other
on the chin, the head is tilted upwards to cause anterior
displacement of the tongue.
2. Jaw thrust: mandibular angle
3. Finger sweep: Sweep out foreign body in the mouth by index finger
(in unconscious patients only. This is NOT advised in a conscious or
convulsing patient.
Head Tilt, Chin Lift Jaw Thrust
4. Heimlich manoeuvre:
 If the patient is conscious or the
foreign body cannot be removed by a
finger sweep. It is done while the
patient is standing up or lying down
 This is a sub diaphragmatic abdominal
thrust that elevates the diaphragm
expelling a blast of air from the lungs
that displaces the foreign body
 In infants it can be done by a series of
blows on he back and chest thrusts
1. Mouth to mouth breathing: with the airway held open, pinch the
nostrils closed, take a deep breath and seal your lips over he patients
mouth. Blow steadily into the patients mouth watching the chest rise.
2. Mouth to nose breathing: seal the mouth shut and breathe steadily
though the nose.
3. Mouth to mouth and nose: is used in infants and small children.
 Expired air contains 16% O2, so supplemental 100% O2 should be used
as soon as possible.
 Successful breathing is achieved by delivery of a tidal volume of 800-
1200 ml in adults at a rate of 10-12 breaths/min
Chest compressions (cardiac massage):
 The human brain cannot survive more than 3 minutes with
lack of circulation
 So chest compressions must be started immediately for any
patient with absent central pulsations
Technique of chest compressions:
- Patient must be placed on a hard surface (wooden board).
- The palm of one hand is placed in the concavity of the lower half of the
sternum 2 fingers above the xiphoid process. (Avoid xiphisternal injury)
 The other hand is placed over the hand on the sternum.
 Shoulders should be positioned directly over the hands with the elbows
locked straight and arms extended.
 Sternum must be depressed 4-5 cm in adults, and 2-4 cm in children, 1-2
cm in infants
 Must be performed at a rate of
 During CPR the ratio of chest
compressions to ventilation
should be as follows:
 Single rescuer = 30:2
 In the presence of 2 rescuers
chest compressions should not
be interrupted for ventilation
Infants (0-12 months) Child
Complications of chest compressions:
 Fractured ribs (MOST commonly).
 Pneumothorax.
 Sternal fracture.
 Anterior mediastinal hemmorrhage.
 Injury to abdominal viscera (liver laceration or rupture).
 Rarely injury to the heart and great vessels (myocardial contusion)
 AVOIDABLE by performing the technique correctly.
 Contraction of pupil
 Improved color of the skin
 Free movement of the chest wall
 Swallowing attempts
 Struggling movements
 Circulation by cardiac massage
 Airway management by equipments
 Breathing by advanced techniques
 Defibrillation by manual defibrillator
 Drugs
1. Face Mask
 Easy. Does not require
skilled personnel
 Transparent to detect
 Stomach inflation
 Not protective against
regurgitation & aspiration of
gastric contents
2. Oropharyngeal (Geudal) airway:
 Advantages:
 Easy. Does not require highly skilled personnel.
 Disadvantages:
 Not protective against regurgitation & aspiration of gastric contents
 Poorly tolerated by conscious patients (gag reflex)
3. Nasopharyngeal airway:
 Lubricated and inserted through the nose.
 Better tolerated in conscious patients.
 Contraindicated:
 Fractured skull base
 Coagulopathy
► Disadvantages:
 Not protective against regurgitation & aspiration of gastric contents.
4. Laryngeal mask airway (LMA):
 Available in a variety of pediatric and
adult sizes.
 Advantages:
 Easy. Does not require highly skilled
 Stomach inflation
 Not protective against regurgitation &
aspiration of gastric contents
5. Endotracheal tube:
 Advantages:
 Ensures proper lung ventilation
 No gastric inflation
 No regurgitation or aspiration of gastric contents.
 Disadvantages: Requires insertion by highly skilled personnel
6. Combitube:
 Advantages:
 Easy to use. Does
not require highly
skilled personnel
7. Cricothyrotomy (Surgical Airway)
 It is done either by a commercially available cannula in a specialized
cricothyrotomy set or a large bore IV cannula 12-14 gauge.
 Is done in case of difficult endotracheal intubation.
 Nu-trake cannula is specially designed to allow ventilation by a self-
inflating bag (AMBU-automated manual breathing unit)
 An IV cannula needs a special connection to a high pressure source to
generate sufficient gas flow (trans-tracheal jet ventilation)
8. Tracheostomy (Surgical Airway)
1. Self-inflating resuscitation bag (AMBU bag):
 When used without a source of O2 (room air) gives 21% O2.
 When connected to a source of O2 (10-15 L/min) gives 45% O2.
 If a reservoir bag is added it can give up to 85% O2.
2. Mechanical ventilator:
1. Chest compressions (BLS & ACLS)
2. IV access (ACLS)
3. Drugs (ACLS)
4. Defibrillation (ACLS)
 Capnography:
 End-tidal (expired CO2)
 Successful CPR is indicated by expired CO2 > 20 mmHg
 Central venous saturation >30%
 Pulsation in the big arteries
 Chest compressions must be continued for 2 minutes before re-
assessment of cardiac rhythm (2 minutes = equivalent to 5 cycles
Golden rules:
 Ensure high quality chest compressions: rate, depth, recoil.
 Plan actions before interrupting CPR.
 Minimize interruption of chest compressions.
 Early defibrillation of shockable rhythm
 A pre-existing central venous line is ideal in CPR, but if it is not present
it will be time-consuming
 Drug administration must be followed by 10 ml IV fluid bolus
 Peripheral IV line is associated with significant delay between drug
administration and delivery to the heart, since peripheral blood flow is
drastically reduced during resuscitation
 So drug administration must be followed by 20 ml IV fluid bolus in
adults and elevation of the limb to ensure delivery to the central
 In case of difficult venous access, intra-osseous drug and fluid
administration can be performed.
Ventricular Tachycardia (VT): shockable
 Broad bizarre-shaped complexes.
 Rapid rate: 120-250/min.
Ventricular fibrillation (VF): shockable
 Bizarre irregular waveform.
 No recognizable QRS complexes..
Asystole (non-shockable)
 Check that all leads are attached.
 Adrenaline 1 mg IV every 4 minutes (2 cycles) until a shockable
rhythm is achieved
PEA: Pulseless Electrical Activity: non-shockable
 Exclude / treat reversible causes.
 Adrenaline 1 mg IV every 4 minutes (2 cycles) (until a shockable
rhythm is reached).
Position of Paddles:
 One paddle is placed in the right infraclavicular region, while the other is
placed in the left 5th-6th intercostal space anterior axillary line
 Biphasic
 V/T and V/F 120-200J
 Better: low burn incidence
 Monophasic
 200-360J
 Make sure the paddles have conducting gel on them: (Why??)
1. The electricity will not be properly transmitted to the chest wall without it.
2. Even with the gel, these paddles will often cause a second-degree skin burn.
 Make sure that you have cleared the bed:
1. make sure that no one is in contact with the bed otherwise this person may be
electrocuted and develop VT or VF
 Hold the paddles down firmly: 25 pounds of pressure = 11 kg)
1. Chest compressions must be continued for 2 minutes after DC shock before
reassessment of cardiac rhythm.
 Complications of defibrillation:
1. Skin burn, injury to myocardium and elevation of cardiac enzymes,
electrocution of person in contact with the bed.
 Given as a vasopressor
 Dose: 1 mg (0.01 mg/kg) IV every 4 minutes (alternating cycles) while
continuing CPR
 Immediately in non-shockable rhythm (non-VT/VF)
 In VF or VT given after the 3rd shock.
 Once adrenaline → ALWAYS adrenaline
 Dose: 300 mg IV bolus (5 mg/kg)
 In shockable rhythm after the 3rd shock.
 If unavailable give lidocaine 100 mg IV (1-1.5 mg/kg)
 Dose: 2 g IV
 VF / VT with hypomagnesaemia
 Digoxin toxicity
Vasopressin : 40 IU single dose once.
 Dose: 10 ml of 10% Calcium chloride IV.
 Indications: PEA caused by: hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia,
hypermagnesemia, and overdose of calcium channel blockers
 Do NOT give calcium solutions and NaHCO3 simultaneously by the
same route
IV Fluids:
 Infuse fluids rapidly if hypovolemia is suspected
 Use normal saline (0.9% NaCl) or Ringer’s solution.
 Avoid dextrose which is redistributed away from the intravascular
space rapidly and causes hyperglycaemia which may worsen
neurological outcome after cardiac arrest
 Dextrose is indicated only if there is documented hypoglycaemia
 Fibrinolytic therapy is considered when cardiac arrest is caused by proven
or suspected acute pulmonary embolism
 If a fibrinolytic drug is used in these circumstances consider performing
CPR for at least 60-90 minutes before termination of resuscitation attempts
 Its routine use in PEA and asystole is not beneficial
 Indicated: sinus Bradycardia or AV block causing hemodynamic instability.
 Dose: 0.5 mg IV. Repeated up to a maximum of 3 mg (full atropinization)
Sodium bicarbonate:
1. Severe metabolic acidosis (pH < 7.1)
2. Life-threatening hyperkalemia.
3. Tricyclic antidepressant overdose
Avoid its routine use due to its complications:
1- Increases CO2 load
2- Inhibits release of O2 to tissues
3- Impairs myocardial contractility
4- Causes hypernatremia
 Maintain Airway and Breathing
 Check for Circulation
 Disability optimizing neurological recovery
 Sedation
 Control of seizure
 Temperature control
 Treatment of hyperpyrexia
 Treatment of hypothermia
 Blood glucose level
CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Steps and Techniques

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CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Steps and Techniques

  • 1. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Israr Hussain Yousafzai BS (Anaesthesia) PGRT MSPH Senior Respiratory Therapist, HMC Peshawar
  • 2. WHAT DOES CPR STANDS FOR?  C = Cardio (heart)  P = Pulmonary (lungs)  R = Resuscitation (recover) 2
  • 3. DEFINITION OF CPR  A series of well-defined steps and protocol to revive a collapsed patient to deliver oxygen to the heart and brain to restore native circulation and ventilation  A series of steps used to establish artificial ventilation and circulation in the patient who is not breathing and has no pulse • Restore cardiopulmonary functioning • Prevent irreversible brain damage from anoxia
  • 4. INDICATION  Cardiac arrest  Respiratory arrest  Combination of both  Diagnosis: 1) Loss of consciousness 2) Loss of apical & central pulsations (carotid, femoral) 3) Apnea 4
  • 5. DIAGNOSIS OF CARDIAC ARREST Blood pressure measurement  Taking the pulse on peripheral arteries  Auscultation of cardiac tones Loss of time
  • 6. TYPES (FORMS) OF CARDIAC ARREST  Asystole (isoelectric line)  Ventricular fibrillation (VF)  Pulseless ventricular tachycardia  PEA: pulseless electrical activity
  • 7. CAUSES OF CARDIAC ARREST (6H & 4T) 1) Hypoxia. 2) Hypotension. 3) Hypothermia. 4) Hypoglycaemia. 5) Acidosis (H+). 6) Hypokalaemia (electrolyte disturbance).
  • 8. CAUSES OF CARDIAC ARREST (6H & 4T) 1) Cardiac Tamponade. 2) Tension pneumothorax. 3) Thromboembolism (pulmonary, coronary). 4) Toxicity (eg. Drugs overdose, insecticides)
  • 9. STAGES OF CPR  What is basic cardiac life support (BCLS)? It is life support without the use of special equipment (domestic level)  What is Advanced cardiac Life Support (ACLS)? It is life support with the use of advance techniques and special equipment (eg. Airway, endotracheal tube, defibrillator and drugs) (Hospital)
  • 10. CPR TEAM 1. Team leader (right side, doctor) 2. Cardiac compression (left side, doctor) 3. Airway management (head end, anesthetist) 4. Drug administration (right side, nurse) 5. Runner (left side, nurse) 6. Documentation (foot end, Nurse)
  • 11. CPR TEAM  During cardiac arrest the team leader should allocate and assign the various roles and tasks to the team members  Assign one person for each of the following roles:  Airway management & ventilation (Eg.bag & mask. Intubation).  Chest compressions  IV drug administration.  Defibrillation (DC shock)  Timing and documentation.
  • 12. CPR TEAM  The person responsible for the airway may take turns with the person responsible for chest compressions in order to diminish fatigue & exhaustion.  It is also the responsibility of the team leader to use the 2-minute periods of chest compressions to plan tasks, give orders and eliminate & exclude/ correct the reversible causes of cardiac arrest
  • 13. BCLS ► 3S steps before the initiation of resuscitation for management of a collapsed patient 1) Ensure your own Safety. 2) Check the level of responsiveness by gently Shaking the patient and Shouting: “are you alright?” 3) Shout for help. ► Then check for carotid pulsations for 10 seconds (unilaterally)
  • 14. BCLS ► Apnea (cessation of respiration) is confirmed by (For at least 10 seconds): 1) Look: to see chest wall movement. Seesaw (paradoxical) movement of the chest wall indicates airway obstruction. 2) Listen: breath of sounds from the mouth. 3) Feel: air flow from nose
  • 15. CHAIN OF SURVIVAL There are 4 corner stones for optimising the outcome following cardiac arrest:  Early recognition & call for help: to prevent cardiac arrest.  Early CPR (with minimal interruptions):  Early defibrillation: to restart the heart.  Post resuscitation care: to restore quality of life & minimize neurological insult.
  • 16.
  • 18. AIR WAY  The human brain cannot survive more than 3 minutes with lack of circulation. So chest compressions must be started immediately for any patient with absent central pulsations  Loss of consciousness often results in airway obstruction due to loss of tone in the muscles of the airway and falling back of the tongue
  • 19. AIR WAY  Basic techniques for airway patency: 1. Head tilt, chin lift: one hand is placed on the forehead and the other on the chin, the head is tilted upwards to cause anterior displacement of the tongue. 2. Jaw thrust: mandibular angle 3. Finger sweep: Sweep out foreign body in the mouth by index finger (in unconscious patients only. This is NOT advised in a conscious or convulsing patient.
  • 20. AIR WAY Head Tilt, Chin Lift Jaw Thrust
  • 21. AIR WAY 4. Heimlich manoeuvre:  If the patient is conscious or the foreign body cannot be removed by a finger sweep. It is done while the patient is standing up or lying down  This is a sub diaphragmatic abdominal thrust that elevates the diaphragm expelling a blast of air from the lungs that displaces the foreign body  In infants it can be done by a series of blows on he back and chest thrusts
  • 22.
  • 23. BREATHING 1. Mouth to mouth breathing: with the airway held open, pinch the nostrils closed, take a deep breath and seal your lips over he patients mouth. Blow steadily into the patients mouth watching the chest rise. 2. Mouth to nose breathing: seal the mouth shut and breathe steadily though the nose. 3. Mouth to mouth and nose: is used in infants and small children.  Expired air contains 16% O2, so supplemental 100% O2 should be used as soon as possible.  Successful breathing is achieved by delivery of a tidal volume of 800- 1200 ml in adults at a rate of 10-12 breaths/min
  • 24. CIRCULATION Chest compressions (cardiac massage):  The human brain cannot survive more than 3 minutes with lack of circulation  So chest compressions must be started immediately for any patient with absent central pulsations
  • 25. CIRCULATION Technique of chest compressions: - Patient must be placed on a hard surface (wooden board). - The palm of one hand is placed in the concavity of the lower half of the sternum 2 fingers above the xiphoid process. (Avoid xiphisternal injury)  The other hand is placed over the hand on the sternum.  Shoulders should be positioned directly over the hands with the elbows locked straight and arms extended.  Sternum must be depressed 4-5 cm in adults, and 2-4 cm in children, 1-2 cm in infants
  • 26. CIRCULATION  Must be performed at a rate of 100-120/min  During CPR the ratio of chest compressions to ventilation should be as follows:  Single rescuer = 30:2  In the presence of 2 rescuers chest compressions should not be interrupted for ventilation
  • 28. CIRCULATION Complications of chest compressions:  Fractured ribs (MOST commonly).  Pneumothorax.  Sternal fracture.  Anterior mediastinal hemmorrhage.  Injury to abdominal viscera (liver laceration or rupture).  Rarely injury to the heart and great vessels (myocardial contusion)  AVOIDABLE by performing the technique correctly.
  • 29. ASSESSMENT OF RESTORATION  Contraction of pupil  Improved color of the skin  Free movement of the chest wall  Swallowing attempts  Struggling movements
  • 31. ALS COMPONENTS  Circulation by cardiac massage  Airway management by equipments  Breathing by advanced techniques  Defibrillation by manual defibrillator  Drugs
  • 32. AIRWAY PATENCY 1. Face Mask Advantages:  Easy. Does not require skilled personnel  Transparent to detect regurgitation Disadvantages:  Stomach inflation  Not protective against regurgitation & aspiration of gastric contents
  • 33. AIRWAY PATENCY 2. Oropharyngeal (Geudal) airway:  Advantages:  Easy. Does not require highly skilled personnel.  Disadvantages:  Not protective against regurgitation & aspiration of gastric contents  Poorly tolerated by conscious patients (gag reflex)
  • 34.
  • 35. AIRWAY PATENCY 3. Nasopharyngeal airway:  Lubricated and inserted through the nose.  Better tolerated in conscious patients.  Contraindicated:  Fractured skull base  Coagulopathy ► Disadvantages:  Not protective against regurgitation & aspiration of gastric contents.
  • 36. AIRWAY PATENCY 4. Laryngeal mask airway (LMA):  Available in a variety of pediatric and adult sizes.  Advantages:  Easy. Does not require highly skilled personnel Disadvantages:  Stomach inflation  Not protective against regurgitation & aspiration of gastric contents
  • 37. AIRWAY PATENCY 5. Endotracheal tube:  Advantages:  Ensures proper lung ventilation  No gastric inflation  No regurgitation or aspiration of gastric contents.  Disadvantages: Requires insertion by highly skilled personnel
  • 38. AIRWAY PATENCY 6. Combitube:  Advantages:  Easy to use. Does not require highly skilled personnel
  • 39. AIRWAY PATENCY 7. Cricothyrotomy (Surgical Airway)  It is done either by a commercially available cannula in a specialized cricothyrotomy set or a large bore IV cannula 12-14 gauge.  Is done in case of difficult endotracheal intubation.  Nu-trake cannula is specially designed to allow ventilation by a self- inflating bag (AMBU-automated manual breathing unit)  An IV cannula needs a special connection to a high pressure source to generate sufficient gas flow (trans-tracheal jet ventilation)
  • 40.
  • 41. AIRWAY PATENCY 8. Tracheostomy (Surgical Airway)
  • 42. BREATHING 1. Self-inflating resuscitation bag (AMBU bag):  When used without a source of O2 (room air) gives 21% O2.  When connected to a source of O2 (10-15 L/min) gives 45% O2.  If a reservoir bag is added it can give up to 85% O2. 2. Mechanical ventilator:
  • 44. CIRCULATION 1. Chest compressions (BLS & ACLS) 2. IV access (ACLS) 3. Drugs (ACLS) 4. Defibrillation (ACLS)
  • 45. ASSESSMENT OF THE ADEQUACY OF CHEST COMPRESSIONS  Capnography:  End-tidal (expired CO2)  Successful CPR is indicated by expired CO2 > 20 mmHg  Central venous saturation >30%  Pulsation in the big arteries  Chest compressions must be continued for 2 minutes before re- assessment of cardiac rhythm (2 minutes = equivalent to 5 cycles 30:2)
  • 46. ASSESSMENT OF THE ADEQUACY OF CHEST COMPRESSIONS Golden rules:  Ensure high quality chest compressions: rate, depth, recoil.  Plan actions before interrupting CPR.  Minimize interruption of chest compressions.  Early defibrillation of shockable rhythm
  • 47. IV ACCESS  A pre-existing central venous line is ideal in CPR, but if it is not present it will be time-consuming  Drug administration must be followed by 10 ml IV fluid bolus  Peripheral IV line is associated with significant delay between drug administration and delivery to the heart, since peripheral blood flow is drastically reduced during resuscitation  So drug administration must be followed by 20 ml IV fluid bolus in adults and elevation of the limb to ensure delivery to the central circulation  In case of difficult venous access, intra-osseous drug and fluid administration can be performed.
  • 49. DEFIBRILLATION Ventricular Tachycardia (VT): shockable  Broad bizarre-shaped complexes.  Rapid rate: 120-250/min.
  • 50. DEFIBRILLATION Ventricular fibrillation (VF): shockable  Bizarre irregular waveform.  No recognizable QRS complexes..
  • 51. DEFIBRILLATION Asystole (non-shockable)  Check that all leads are attached.  Adrenaline 1 mg IV every 4 minutes (2 cycles) until a shockable rhythm is achieved
  • 52. DEFIBRILLATION PEA: Pulseless Electrical Activity: non-shockable  Exclude / treat reversible causes.  Adrenaline 1 mg IV every 4 minutes (2 cycles) (until a shockable rhythm is reached).
  • 53. DEFIBRILLATION Position of Paddles:  One paddle is placed in the right infraclavicular region, while the other is placed in the left 5th-6th intercostal space anterior axillary line  Biphasic  V/T and V/F 120-200J  Better: low burn incidence  Monophasic  200-360J
  • 54. PRECAUTIONS  Make sure the paddles have conducting gel on them: (Why??) 1. The electricity will not be properly transmitted to the chest wall without it. 2. Even with the gel, these paddles will often cause a second-degree skin burn.  Make sure that you have cleared the bed: 1. make sure that no one is in contact with the bed otherwise this person may be electrocuted and develop VT or VF  Hold the paddles down firmly: 25 pounds of pressure = 11 kg) 1. Chest compressions must be continued for 2 minutes after DC shock before reassessment of cardiac rhythm.  Complications of defibrillation: 1. Skin burn, injury to myocardium and elevation of cardiac enzymes, electrocution of person in contact with the bed.
  • 55. DRUGS Adrenaline:  Given as a vasopressor  Dose: 1 mg (0.01 mg/kg) IV every 4 minutes (alternating cycles) while continuing CPR  Immediately in non-shockable rhythm (non-VT/VF)  In VF or VT given after the 3rd shock.  Once adrenaline → ALWAYS adrenaline
  • 56. DRUGS Amiodarone:  Dose: 300 mg IV bolus (5 mg/kg)  In shockable rhythm after the 3rd shock.  If unavailable give lidocaine 100 mg IV (1-1.5 mg/kg) Magnesium:  Dose: 2 g IV  VF / VT with hypomagnesaemia  Digoxin toxicity
  • 57. DRUGS Vasopressin : 40 IU single dose once. Calcium:  Dose: 10 ml of 10% Calcium chloride IV.  Indications: PEA caused by: hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hypermagnesemia, and overdose of calcium channel blockers  Do NOT give calcium solutions and NaHCO3 simultaneously by the same route
  • 58. DRUGS IV Fluids:  Infuse fluids rapidly if hypovolemia is suspected  Use normal saline (0.9% NaCl) or Ringer’s solution.  Avoid dextrose which is redistributed away from the intravascular space rapidly and causes hyperglycaemia which may worsen neurological outcome after cardiac arrest  Dextrose is indicated only if there is documented hypoglycaemia
  • 59. DRUGS Thrombolytic:  Fibrinolytic therapy is considered when cardiac arrest is caused by proven or suspected acute pulmonary embolism  If a fibrinolytic drug is used in these circumstances consider performing CPR for at least 60-90 minutes before termination of resuscitation attempts Atropine:  Its routine use in PEA and asystole is not beneficial  Indicated: sinus Bradycardia or AV block causing hemodynamic instability.  Dose: 0.5 mg IV. Repeated up to a maximum of 3 mg (full atropinization)
  • 60. DRUGS Sodium bicarbonate: 1. Severe metabolic acidosis (pH < 7.1) 2. Life-threatening hyperkalemia. 3. Tricyclic antidepressant overdose Avoid its routine use due to its complications: 1- Increases CO2 load 2- Inhibits release of O2 to tissues 3- Impairs myocardial contractility 4- Causes hypernatremia
  • 61. POST RESUSCITATION CARE  Maintain Airway and Breathing  Check for Circulation  Disability optimizing neurological recovery  Sedation  Control of seizure  Temperature control  Treatment of hyperpyrexia  Treatment of hypothermia  Blood glucose level 61