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Event Sourcing with Cassandra
Luke Tillman
Technical Evangelist
• Evangelist with a
focus on
– Long-time
Developer on
RDBMS (lots of
• I still write a lot of
code, but now I also
do a lot of teaching
and speaking
Who are you?
A Quick Recap of Event Sourcing
Persistence with Event Sourcing
• Instead of keeping the
current state, keep a journal
of all the deltas (events)
• Append only (no UPDATE or
• We can replay our journal of
events to get the current
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item_id= 9134
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Event Sourcing in Practice
• Typically two kinds of storage:
– Event Journal Store
– Snapshot Store
• A history of how we got to the
current state can be useful
• We've also got a lot more data
to store than we did before
Shopping Cart (id = 1345)
user_id= 4762
created_on= 7/10/2015…
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item_id= 7621
quantity= 1
price= 19.99
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item_id= 9134
quantity= 2
price= 16.99
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item_id= 9134
quantity= 1
Why use Cassandra for Event Sourcing?
• Transactional (OLTP) Workload
• Sequentially written, immutable data
– Looks a lot like time series data
• Easy to scale out to capture more events
Event Sourcing Example: Akka Persistence
Akka Persistence Journal API Summary
• Write Method
– For a given actor, write a group
of messages
• Delete Method
– For a given actor, permanently
or logically delete all messages
up to a given sequence number
• Read Methods
– For a given actor, read back all
the messages between two
sequence numbers
– For a given actor, read the
highest sequence number that's
been written
An Event Journal in Cassandra
Data Modeling for Reads and Writes
A Simple First Attempt
• Use persistence_id as partition key
– all messages for a given persistence Id
• Use sequence_number as clustering
– order messages by sequence number
inside a partition
• Read all messages between two
sequence numbers
• Read the highest sequence number
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
sequence_number bigint,
message blob,
persistence_id, sequence_number)
SELECT * FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
AND sequence_number >= ?
AND sequence_number <= ?;
SELECT sequence_number FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
ORDER BY sequence_number DESC LIMIT 1;
A Simple First Attempt
• Write a group of messages
• Use a Cassandra Batch statement to
ensure all messages (success) or no
messages (failure) get written
• What's the problem with this data
model (ignoring implementing deletes
for now)?
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
sequence_number bigint,
message blob,
persistence_id, sequence_number)
INSERT INTO messages ... ;
INSERT INTO messages ... ;
INSERT INTO messages ... ;
Unbounded Partition Growth
• Cassandra has a hard limit of 2
billion cells in a partition
• But there's also a practical limit
– Depends on row/cell data size, but
likely not more than millions of rows
INSERT INTO messages ...
Fixing the Unbounded Partition Growth Problem
• General strategy: add a column to
the partition key
– Compound partition key
• Can be data that's already part of
the model, or a "synthetic" column
• Allow users to configure a partition
size in the plugin
– Partition Size = number of rows per
– This should not be changeable once
messages have been written
• Partition number for a given
sequence number is then easy to
– (seqNr – 1) / partitionSize
(100 – 1) / 100 = partition 0
(101 – 1) / 100 = partition 1
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
sequence_number bigint,
message blob,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
Fixing the Unbounded Partition Growth Problem
• Read all messages between two
sequence numbers
• Read the highest sequence number
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
sequence_number bigint,
message blob,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
SELECT * FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
AND partition_number = ?
AND sequence_number >= ?
AND sequence_number <= ?;
SELECT sequence_number FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
AND partition_number = ?
ORDER BY sequence_number DESC LIMIT 1;
(repeat until we reach sequence number or run out of partitions)
(repeat until we run out of partitions)
Fixing the Unbounded Partition Growth Problem
• Write a group of messages
• A Cassandra Batch statement
might now write to multiple
partitions (if the sequence numbers
cross a partition boundary)
• Is that a problem?
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
sequence_number bigint,
message blob,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
INSERT INTO messages ... ;
INSERT INTO messages ... ;
INSERT INTO messages ... ;
RTFM: Cassandra Batches Edition
"Batches are atomic by default. In the context of a Cassandra batch
operation, atomic means that if any of the batch succeeds, all of it will."
- DataStax CQL Docs
"Although an atomic batch guarantees that if any part of the batch succeeds,
all of it will, no other transactional enforcement is done at the batch level.
For example, there is no batch isolation. Clients are able to read the first
updated rows from the batch, while other rows are still being updated on the
- DataStax CQL Docs
Atomic? That's kind of a loaded word.
Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario
RF = 3
Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario
RF = 3
Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario
RF = 3
Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario
• Once written to the
Batch Log successfully,
we know all the writes
in the batch will
succeed eventually
RF = 3
Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario
• Once written to the
Batch Log successfully,
we know all the writes
in the batch will
succeed eventually
RF = 3
Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario
• Once written to the
Batch Log successfully,
we know all the writes
in the batch will
succeed eventually
• Batch has been
partially applied
RF = 3
Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario
• Once written to the
Batch Log successfully,
we know all the writes
in the batch will
succeed eventually
• Batch has been
partially applied
• Possible to read a
partially applied batch
since there is no batch
RF = 3
- writeType = BATCH
RTFM: Cassandra Batches Edition Part 2
"For example, there is no batch isolation. Clients are able to read the first
updated rows from the batch, while other rows are still being updated on the
server. However, transactional row updates within a partition key are
isolated: clients cannot read a partial update."
- DataStax CQL Docs
What we really need is Isolation.
When writing a group of messages, ensure that
we write the group to a single partition.
Logic Changes to Ensure Batch Isolation
• Still use configurable Partition Size
– not a "hard limit" but a "best attempt"
• On write, see if messages will all fit in the
current partition
• If not, roll over to the next partition early
• Reading is slightly more complicated
– For a given sequence number it might be in
partition n or (n+1)
seq_nr = 97
seq_nr = 98
seq_nr = 1
partition_nr = 1
partition_nr = 2
Accounting for Deletes
Option 1: Mark Individual Messages as Deleted
• Add an is_deleted column
to our messages table
• Read all messages between
two sequence numbers
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
sequence_number bigint,
message blob,
is_deleted bool,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
SELECT * FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
AND partition_number = ?
AND sequence_number >= ?
AND sequence_number <= ?;
(repeat until we reach sequence number or run out of partitions)
... sequence_number message is_deleted
... 1 0x00 true
... 2 0x00 true
... 3 0x00 false
... 4 0x00 false
Option 1: Mark Individual Messages as Deleted
• Pros:
– On replay, easy to check if a
message has been deleted (comes
included in message query's data)
• Cons:
– Messages not immutable any
– Issue lots of UPDATEs to mark
each message as deleted
– Have to scan through a lot of rows
to find max deleted sequence
number if we want to avoid
issuing unnecessary UPDATEs
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
sequence_number bigint,
message blob,
is_deleted bool,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
Option 2: Write a Marker Row for Each Deleted Row
• Add a marker column and
make it a clustering column
– Messages written with 'A'
– Deletes get written with 'D'
• Read all messages between
two sequence numbers
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
sequence_number bigint,
marker text,
message blob,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
sequence_number, marker)
SELECT * FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
AND partition_number = ?
AND sequence_number >= ?
AND sequence_number <= ?;
(repeat until we reach sequence number or run out of partitions)
... sequence_number marker message
... 1 A 0x00
... 1 D null
... 2 A 0x00
... 3 A 0x00
Option 2: Write a Marker Row for Each Deleted Row
• Pros
– On replay, easy to peek at next
row to check if deleted (comes
included in message query's data)
– Message data stays immutable
• Cons
– Issue lots of INSERTs to mark
each message as deleted
– Have to scan through a lot of rows
to find max deleted sequence
number if we want to avoid
issuing unnecessary INSERTs
– Potentially twice as many rows to
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
sequence_number bigint,
marker text,
message blob,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
sequence_number, marker)
Looking at Physical Deletes
• Physically delete messages to a
given sequence number
• Still probably want to scan
through rows to see what's
already been deleted first
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
sequence_number bigint,
marker text,
message blob,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
sequence_number, marker)
DELETE FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
AND partition_number = ?
AND marker = 'A'
AND sequence_number = ?;
• Can't range delete, so we have
to do lots of individual
Looking at Physical Deletes
• Read all messages between
two sequence numbers
• With how DELETEs work in
Cassandra, is there a potential
problem with this query?
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
sequence_number bigint,
marker text,
message blob,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
sequence_number, marker)
SELECT * FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
AND partition_number = ?
AND sequence_number >= ?
AND sequence_number <= ?;
(repeat until we reach sequence number or run out of partitions)
Tombstone Hell: Queue-like Data Sets
Journal persistence_id
Tombstone Hell: Queue-like Data Sets
Journal persistence_id
Delete messages to a sequence number
DELETE FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = '57ab...'
AND partition_nr = 1
AND marker = 'A'
AND sequence_nr = 1;
Tombstone Hell: Queue-like Data Sets
Journal persistence_id
Delete messages to a sequence number
DELETE FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = '57ab...'
AND partition_nr = 1
AND marker = 'A'
AND sequence_nr = 1;
Tombstone Hell: Queue-like Data Sets
• At some point compaction runs and we
don't have two versions any more, but
tombstones don't go away immediately
– Tombstones remain for gc_grace_seconds
– Default is 10 days
Journal persistence_id
Tombstone Hell: Queue-like Data Sets
Journal persistence_id
Read all messages between 2 sequence numbers
SELECT * FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = '57ab...'
AND partition_number = 1
AND sequence_number >= 1
AND sequence_number <= [max value];
Avoid Tombstone Hell
We need a way to avoid reading
tombstones when replaying messages.
SELECT * FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
AND partition_number = ?
AND sequence_number >= ?
AND sequence_number <= ?;
AND sequence_number >= ?
If we know what sequence number we've already deleted to
before we query, we could make that lower bound smarter.
A Third Option for Deletes
• Use marker as a clustering
column, but change the
clustering order
– Messages still 'A', Deletes 'D'
• Read all messages between
two sequence numbers
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
marker text,
sequence_number bigint,
message blob,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
marker, sequence_number)
SELECT * FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
AND partition_number = ?
AND marker = 'A'
AND sequence_number >= ?
AND sequence_number <= ?;
(repeat until we reach sequence number or run out of partitions)
... sequence_number marker message
... 1 A 0x00
... 2 A 0x00
... 3 A 0x00
A Third Option for Deletes
• Messages data no longer has
deleted information, so how do we
know what's already been deleted?
• Get max deleted sequence number
• Can avoid tombstones if done
before getting message data
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
marker text,
sequence_number bigint,
message blob,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
marker, sequence_number)
SELECT sequence_number FROM messages
WHERE persistence_id = ?
AND partition_number = ?
AND marker = 'D'
sequence_number DESC
A Third Option for Deletes
• Pros
– Message data stays immutable
– Issue a single INSERT when
deleting to a sequence number
– Read a single row to find out
what's been deleted (no more
– Can avoid reading tombstones
created by physical deletes
• Cons
– Requires a separate query to find
out what's been deleted before
getting message data
CREATE TABLE messages (
persistence_id text,
partition_number bigint,
marker text,
sequence_number bigint,
message blob,
(persistence_id, partition_number),
marker, sequence_number)
Lessons Learned
• Seemingly simple data models can
get a lot more complicated
• Avoid unbounded partition growth
– Add data to your partition key
• Be aware of how Cassandra Logged Batches work
– If you need isolation, only write to a single partition
• Avoid queue-like data sets and be aware of how tombstones might
impact your queries
– Try to query with ranges that avoid tombstones

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Event Sourcing with Cassandra (from Cassandra Japan Meetup in Tokyo March 2016)

  • 1. Event Sourcing with Cassandra Luke Tillman Technical Evangelist @LukeTillman
  • 2. • Evangelist with a focus on Developers – Long-time Developer on RDBMS (lots of .NET) • I still write a lot of code, but now I also do a lot of teaching and speaking Who are you? 2
  • 3. A Quick Recap of Event Sourcing 3
  • 4. Persistence with Event Sourcing • Instead of keeping the current state, keep a journal of all the deltas (events) • Append only (no UPDATE or DELETE) • We can replay our journal of events to get the current state 4 Shopping Cart (id = 1345) user_id= 4762 created_on= 7/10/2015… Cart Created item_id= 7621 quantity= 1 price= 19.99 Item Added item_id= 9134 quantity= 2 price= 16.99 Item Added Item Removed item_id= 7621 Qty Changed item_id= 9134 quantity= 1
  • 5. Event Sourcing in Practice • Typically two kinds of storage: – Event Journal Store – Snapshot Store • A history of how we got to the current state can be useful • We've also got a lot more data to store than we did before 5 Shopping Cart (id = 1345) user_id= 4762 created_on= 7/10/2015… Cart Created item_id= 7621 quantity= 1 price= 19.99 Item Added item_id= 9134 quantity= 2 price= 16.99 Item Added Item Removed item_id= 7621 Qty Changed item_id= 9134 quantity= 1
  • 6. Why use Cassandra for Event Sourcing? • Transactional (OLTP) Workload • Sequentially written, immutable data – Looks a lot like time series data • Easy to scale out to capture more events 6
  • 7. Event Sourcing Example: Akka Persistence 7
  • 8. Akka Persistence Journal API Summary • Write Method – For a given actor, write a group of messages • Delete Method – For a given actor, permanently or logically delete all messages up to a given sequence number • Read Methods – For a given actor, read back all the messages between two sequence numbers – For a given actor, read the highest sequence number that's been written 8
  • 9. An Event Journal in Cassandra Data Modeling for Reads and Writes 9
  • 10. A Simple First Attempt • Use persistence_id as partition key – all messages for a given persistence Id together • Use sequence_number as clustering column – order messages by sequence number inside a partition • Read all messages between two sequence numbers • Read the highest sequence number 10 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, sequence_number bigint, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( persistence_id, sequence_number) ); SELECT * FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? AND sequence_number >= ? AND sequence_number <= ?; SELECT sequence_number FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? ORDER BY sequence_number DESC LIMIT 1;
  • 11. A Simple First Attempt • Write a group of messages • Use a Cassandra Batch statement to ensure all messages (success) or no messages (failure) get written • What's the problem with this data model (ignoring implementing deletes for now)? 11 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, sequence_number bigint, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( persistence_id, sequence_number) ); BEGIN BATCH INSERT INTO messages ... ; INSERT INTO messages ... ; INSERT INTO messages ... ; APPLY BATCH;
  • 12. Unbounded Partition Growth • Cassandra has a hard limit of 2 billion cells in a partition • But there's also a practical limit – Depends on row/cell data size, but likely not more than millions of rows 12 Journal INSERT INTO messages ... persistence_id= '57ab...' seq_nr= 1 seq_nr= 2 message= 0x00... message= 0x00... ∞?
  • 13. Fixing the Unbounded Partition Growth Problem • General strategy: add a column to the partition key – Compound partition key • Can be data that's already part of the model, or a "synthetic" column • Allow users to configure a partition size in the plugin – Partition Size = number of rows per partition – This should not be changeable once messages have been written • Partition number for a given sequence number is then easy to calculate – (seqNr – 1) / partitionSize (100 – 1) / 100 = partition 0 (101 – 1) / 100 = partition 1 13 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, sequence_number bigint, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), sequence_number) );
  • 14. Fixing the Unbounded Partition Growth Problem • Read all messages between two sequence numbers • Read the highest sequence number 14 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, sequence_number bigint, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), sequence_number) ); SELECT * FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? AND partition_number = ? AND sequence_number >= ? AND sequence_number <= ?; SELECT sequence_number FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? AND partition_number = ? ORDER BY sequence_number DESC LIMIT 1; (repeat until we reach sequence number or run out of partitions) (repeat until we run out of partitions)
  • 15. Fixing the Unbounded Partition Growth Problem • Write a group of messages • A Cassandra Batch statement might now write to multiple partitions (if the sequence numbers cross a partition boundary) • Is that a problem? 15 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, sequence_number bigint, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), sequence_number) ); BEGIN BATCH INSERT INTO messages ... ; INSERT INTO messages ... ; INSERT INTO messages ... ; APPLY BATCH;
  • 16. RTFM: Cassandra Batches Edition 16 "Batches are atomic by default. In the context of a Cassandra batch operation, atomic means that if any of the batch succeeds, all of it will." - DataStax CQL Docs "Although an atomic batch guarantees that if any part of the batch succeeds, all of it will, no other transactional enforcement is done at the batch level. For example, there is no batch isolation. Clients are able to read the first updated rows from the batch, while other rows are still being updated on the server." - DataStax CQL Docs Atomic? That's kind of a loaded word.
  • 17. Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario 17 Journal RF = 3
  • 18. Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario 17 Journal BEGIN BATCH ... APPLY BATCH; CL = QUORUM RF = 3
  • 19. Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario 17 Journal BEGIN BATCH ... APPLY BATCH; Batch Log Batch Log Batch Log CL = QUORUM RF = 3
  • 20. Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario • Once written to the Batch Log successfully, we know all the writes in the batch will succeed eventually (atomic?) 17 Journal BEGIN BATCH ... APPLY BATCH; CL = QUORUM RF = 3
  • 21. Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario • Once written to the Batch Log successfully, we know all the writes in the batch will succeed eventually (atomic?) 17 Journal BEGIN BATCH ... APPLY BATCH; CL = QUORUM RF = 3
  • 22. Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario • Once written to the Batch Log successfully, we know all the writes in the batch will succeed eventually (atomic?) • Batch has been partially applied 17 Journal BEGIN BATCH ... APPLY BATCH; CL = QUORUM RF = 3
  • 23. Multiple Partition Batch Failure Scenario • Once written to the Batch Log successfully, we know all the writes in the batch will succeed eventually (atomic?) • Batch has been partially applied • Possible to read a partially applied batch since there is no batch isolation 17 Journal BEGIN BATCH ... APPLY BATCH; CL = QUORUM RF = 3 WriteTimeout - writeType = BATCH
  • 24. RTFM: Cassandra Batches Edition Part 2 24 "For example, there is no batch isolation. Clients are able to read the first updated rows from the batch, while other rows are still being updated on the server. However, transactional row updates within a partition key are isolated: clients cannot read a partial update." - DataStax CQL Docs What we really need is Isolation. When writing a group of messages, ensure that we write the group to a single partition.
  • 25. Logic Changes to Ensure Batch Isolation • Still use configurable Partition Size – not a "hard limit" but a "best attempt" • On write, see if messages will all fit in the current partition • If not, roll over to the next partition early • Reading is slightly more complicated – For a given sequence number it might be in partition n or (n+1) 25 seq_nr = 97 seq_nr = 98 seq_nr = 1 99 100 101 partition_nr = 1 partition_nr = 2 PartitionSize=100
  • 27. Option 1: Mark Individual Messages as Deleted • Add an is_deleted column to our messages table • Read all messages between two sequence numbers 27 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, sequence_number bigint, message blob, is_deleted bool, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), sequence_number) ); SELECT * FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? AND partition_number = ? AND sequence_number >= ? AND sequence_number <= ?; (repeat until we reach sequence number or run out of partitions) ... sequence_number message is_deleted ... 1 0x00 true ... 2 0x00 true ... 3 0x00 false ... 4 0x00 false
  • 28. Option 1: Mark Individual Messages as Deleted • Pros: – On replay, easy to check if a message has been deleted (comes included in message query's data) • Cons: – Messages not immutable any more – Issue lots of UPDATEs to mark each message as deleted – Have to scan through a lot of rows to find max deleted sequence number if we want to avoid issuing unnecessary UPDATEs 28 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, sequence_number bigint, message blob, is_deleted bool, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), sequence_number) );
  • 29. Option 2: Write a Marker Row for Each Deleted Row • Add a marker column and make it a clustering column – Messages written with 'A' – Deletes get written with 'D' • Read all messages between two sequence numbers 29 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, sequence_number bigint, marker text, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), sequence_number, marker) ); SELECT * FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? AND partition_number = ? AND sequence_number >= ? AND sequence_number <= ?; (repeat until we reach sequence number or run out of partitions) ... sequence_number marker message ... 1 A 0x00 ... 1 D null ... 2 A 0x00 ... 3 A 0x00
  • 30. Option 2: Write a Marker Row for Each Deleted Row • Pros – On replay, easy to peek at next row to check if deleted (comes included in message query's data) – Message data stays immutable • Cons – Issue lots of INSERTs to mark each message as deleted – Have to scan through a lot of rows to find max deleted sequence number if we want to avoid issuing unnecessary INSERTs – Potentially twice as many rows to store 30 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, sequence_number bigint, marker text, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), sequence_number, marker) );
  • 31. Looking at Physical Deletes • Physically delete messages to a given sequence number • Still probably want to scan through rows to see what's already been deleted first 31 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, sequence_number bigint, marker text, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), sequence_number, marker) ); BEGIN BATCH DELETE FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? AND partition_number = ? AND marker = 'A' AND sequence_number = ?; ... APPLY BATCH; • Can't range delete, so we have to do lots of individual DELETEs
  • 32. Looking at Physical Deletes • Read all messages between two sequence numbers • With how DELETEs work in Cassandra, is there a potential problem with this query? 32 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, sequence_number bigint, marker text, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), sequence_number, marker) ); SELECT * FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? AND partition_number = ? AND sequence_number >= ? AND sequence_number <= ?; (repeat until we reach sequence number or run out of partitions)
  • 33. Tombstone Hell: Queue-like Data Sets 33 Journal persistence_id '57ab...' partition_nr 1 message= 0x00... seq_nr=1 marker='A' ... message= 0x00... seq_nr=2 marker='A'
  • 34. Tombstone Hell: Queue-like Data Sets 33 Journal persistence_id '57ab...' partition_nr 1 message= 0x00... seq_nr=1 marker='A' ... Delete messages to a sequence number BEGIN BATCH DELETE FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = '57ab...' AND partition_nr = 1 AND marker = 'A' AND sequence_nr = 1; ... APPLY BATCH; message= 0x00... seq_nr=2 marker='A'
  • 35. Tombstone Hell: Queue-like Data Sets 33 Journal persistence_id '57ab...' partition_nr 1 message= 0x00... seq_nr=1 marker='A' seq_nr=1 marker='A' Tombstone NO DATA HERE ... Delete messages to a sequence number BEGIN BATCH DELETE FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = '57ab...' AND partition_nr = 1 AND marker = 'A' AND sequence_nr = 1; ... APPLY BATCH; message= 0x00... seq_nr=2 marker='A' seq_nr=2 marker='A' Tombstone NO DATA HERE
  • 36. Tombstone Hell: Queue-like Data Sets • At some point compaction runs and we don't have two versions any more, but tombstones don't go away immediately – Tombstones remain for gc_grace_seconds – Default is 10 days 33 Journal persistence_id '57ab...' partition_nr 1 seq_nr=1 marker='A' Tombstone NO DATA HERE ... seq_nr=2 marker='A' Tombstone NO DATA HERE
  • 37. Tombstone Hell: Queue-like Data Sets 37 Journal persistence_id '57ab...' partition_nr 1 seq_nr=1 marker='A' Tombstone NO DATA HERE ... Read all messages between 2 sequence numbers SELECT * FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = '57ab...' AND partition_number = 1 AND sequence_number >= 1 AND sequence_number <= [max value]; seq_nr=2 marker='A' Tombstone NO DATA HERE seq_nr=3 marker='A' Tombstone NO DATA HERE seq_nr=4 marker='A' Tombstone NO DATA HERE
  • 38. Avoid Tombstone Hell 38 We need a way to avoid reading tombstones when replaying messages. SELECT * FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? AND partition_number = ? AND sequence_number >= ? AND sequence_number <= ?; AND sequence_number >= ? If we know what sequence number we've already deleted to before we query, we could make that lower bound smarter.
  • 39. A Third Option for Deletes • Use marker as a clustering column, but change the clustering order – Messages still 'A', Deletes 'D' • Read all messages between two sequence numbers 39 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, marker text, sequence_number bigint, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), marker, sequence_number) ); SELECT * FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? AND partition_number = ? AND marker = 'A' AND sequence_number >= ? AND sequence_number <= ?; (repeat until we reach sequence number or run out of partitions) ... sequence_number marker message ... 1 A 0x00 ... 2 A 0x00 ... 3 A 0x00
  • 40. A Third Option for Deletes • Messages data no longer has deleted information, so how do we know what's already been deleted? • Get max deleted sequence number • Can avoid tombstones if done before getting message data 40 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, marker text, sequence_number bigint, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), marker, sequence_number) ); SELECT sequence_number FROM messages WHERE persistence_id = ? AND partition_number = ? AND marker = 'D' ORDER BY marker DESC, sequence_number DESC LIMIT 1;
  • 41. A Third Option for Deletes • Pros – Message data stays immutable – Issue a single INSERT when deleting to a sequence number – Read a single row to find out what's been deleted (no more scanning) – Can avoid reading tombstones created by physical deletes • Cons – Requires a separate query to find out what's been deleted before getting message data 41 CREATE TABLE messages ( persistence_id text, partition_number bigint, marker text, sequence_number bigint, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ( (persistence_id, partition_number), marker, sequence_number) );
  • 43. Summary • Seemingly simple data models can get a lot more complicated • Avoid unbounded partition growth – Add data to your partition key • Be aware of how Cassandra Logged Batches work – If you need isolation, only write to a single partition • Avoid queue-like data sets and be aware of how tombstones might impact your queries – Try to query with ranges that avoid tombstones 43