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By Keren Joani L. Morales
• The name "Egypt" is believed to have come from
the original name of Egypt's ancient capital
Memphis, "Hout ka-Ptah,"
- meaning
• "Castle of the ka (soul –vital spark) of Ptah.“
• This name was often used even for the country as a
The name came to be shortened and slightly
transformed. Considering the original consonants h-
t-k-p-t (pronounced), the three latter survived into
respectively "k-p-t", "q-p-t" or "g-p-t."
• This was rendered into the Greek, 'Aegyptus', and
later English: Egypt.
• Definition of EGYPT
- country of northeastern Africa bordering on
the Mediterranean and Red seas and site of an
early and long enduring civilization of the
ancient world; capital Cairo area 386,900
square miles (1,002,071 square
kilometers), population 72,798,03
EGYPT Before and Now
EGYPT’s Biblical Role
• One of the great powers of the ancient Near
East, Egypt dominated the international stage
during the prestate life of Israel.
EGYPT’s Biblical Role
• Throughout the Bible, Egypt fulfills a dual role
both as a place of refuge and a place of
oppression, a place to "come up out of" and a
place to flee to. This role begins with
Abraham. He seeks refuge in Egypt because
"there was a famine in the land" ( Gen 12:10 );
yet he must leave when Pharaoh wants to
place Sarah in the royal harem.
EGYPT’s Biblical Role
• The story of Joseph gives a much more
detailed picture of Egypt and the ambiguity of
its role.
EGYPT’s Biblical Role
• From this position of great power Joseph is
able to provide a refuge from famine for his
EGYPT’s Biblical Role
• Egypt is a place of oppression, the land of
slavery when "a new king, who did not
know about Joseph, came to power in
Egypt during the time of Moses -
EGYPT’s Biblical Role
• Egypt is a place of oppression, the land of
slavery when "a new king, who did not
know about Joseph, came to power in
Egypt during the time of Moses -
EGYPT’s Biblical Role
• Egypt is a place of oppression, the land of
slavery when "a new king, who did not
know about Joseph, came to power in
Egypt during the time of Moses -
EGYPT’s Biblical Role
• Egypt is a place of oppression, the land of
slavery when "a new king, who did not
know about Joseph, came to power in
Egypt during the time of Moses -
Egyptians’ Great Descendant
HAM• Ham as a Nationality (30 Nations came out of Ham):
The name given, in Psalms 105:23,17; 106:22 (compare 78:51), to Egypt as a
descendant of Ham, son of Noah.
• As Shem means "dusky," or the like, and Japheth "fair," it has been
supposed that Ham meant, as is not improbable, "black."
• This is supported by the evidence of Hebrew and Arabic, in which the word
chamam means "to be hot" and "to be black," the latter signification being
derived from the former.
• It is interesting to note that the Biblical record defines Egypt as the Land of
-- Psalm 105: 23 "Israel also came into Egypt...the land of Ham.“
Egyptians’ Great Descendant
• Meaning of the Word - Egypt:
That Ham is connected with the native name of
Egypt, Kem, or, in full pa ta' en Kem, "the land of
Egypt," in Bashmurian Coptic Kheme, is unlikely, as
this form is probably of a much later date than the
composition of Gen, and, moreover, as the Arabic
shows, the guttural is not a true kh, but the hard
breathing h, which are both represented by the
Hebrew cheth.
Egyptians’ Great Descendant
• Four Sons of Ham :
1. Mizraim (Egypt)
2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia)
3. Put (Lybia)
4. Canaan (Hivites, Jebusites, Arvadites,
Girgashites, Amorites, Arkites, Sinites,
• Starting around 5500 BCE
• Egyptian civilization started at the
Nile River
• Historians call them Upper Egypt and Lower
• Around 3200 BCE, Egypt was brought together
under one ruler—King Narmer (sometimes
called Menes)
• Egyptian hieroglyphs
- were the formal writing system used in Ancient
- Contributed much of the development in the
history of writing
- is a more advanced form of writing than was
evident in Sumerian times at that date
Sumerian cuneiform Egyptian hieroglyphs
• The Egyptians were fully aware that the year
was about 365 days, and divided it into 12
months of 30 days, with five ceremonial,
intercalary days, called the Epagomenal days,
Stellar Clock
• This calendar lost one day every four years, and
they made little attempt to correct this. Instead,
they developed another calendar based around
the star Sirius, which also consisted of 365 days
but which included the extra quarter day.
Strangely, they also kept a 360 day ceremonial
calendar, running concurrently with the others,
and these calendars coincided every 1461 years,
which was seen as a time of great celebration and
the start of a new age.
• The Great Pyramid of Giza is filled with
astronomical significance, based largely upon
religious beliefs but with its roots in
astrological phenomena. Within the Great
Pyramids are southern facing airshafts that
point to the star Sirius, with its significance in
marking the start of the Egyptian year, and to
Orion, associated with death and rebirth,
another recurring theme in Egyptian
• The Great Pyramid of Giza is filled with
astronomical significance, based largely upon
religious beliefs but with its roots in astrological
phenomena. Within the Great Pyramids are
southern facing airshafts that point to the star
Sirius, with its significance in marking the start of
the Egyptian year, and to Orion, associated with
death and rebirth, another recurring theme in
Egyptian mythology. In addition, the north-facing
air shafts point to the circumpolar stars, called
‘The Immortals’ by Egyptians, because they never
• The Royal Library of Alexandria or Ancient Library of
Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the largest
and most significant libraries of the ancient world.
Flourished under the patronage of the Ptolemaic
dynasty and functioned as a major center of
scholarship from its construction in the 3rd century BC
until the Roman conquest of Egypt in 30 BC, with
collections of works, lecture halls, meeting rooms, and
gardens. The library was part of a larger research
institution called the Musaeum of Alexandria, where
many of the most famous thinkers of the ancient world
• Religion was a the center of Egyptian
• Egyptians believed in many gods, so
they were polytheistic.
• They have more than 2,000 gods
EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses
• Top 10 most worshipped Ancient Egyptian Gods
1) AMUN-Ra “The Hidden One”
- is considered as Kings of Gods
and Goddesses.
- Believed as the
Father of the Pharaohs
EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses
2) MUT “The Mother Goddess”
- Mut meaning Mother in Egyptian language,
- is a primal deity in Egyptian who wears
two crowns on her head each representing
Upper and Lower Egypt.
- Also titled as “She who gives birth,
but was herself not born of any”,
EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses
3) OSIRIS “The King of Living”
- Considered as an oldest child of Earth God ZEB
and Sky Goddess NUT,
- Osiris is worshipped as God of the afterlife
as Egyptian believe there is life after death
- Painted with green skin in the portrayals,
Osiris was a god of vegetation
which indicated Renewal and Growth
and took in charge for the fertile flooding
and the vegetation around the Nile banks
EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses
4) ANUBIS “The Divine Embalmer”
- Before Osiris took over, Anubis patrolled the Afterlife.
- Being a psychopomps Anubis was the offspring
of Ra and Nephthys
- was known for mummifying the dead ones and guiding
the dead soul towards the afterlife
- Having his skin tone black, is symbolized as
the dark Nile deposits which eased off farming
and making it a successful one
- With the head of a jackal and a body of the man Anubis
was also symbolized Renaissance and the staining
of the dead bodies after the embalming
EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses
5) RA “The God of Sun & Radiance”
- A midday sun as identified Ra or Re
- holds important position in the
Egyptian history.
- The God of Sun who has a sun disk
around his head
is believed to have created this world
- Every sunrise and sunset was symbolized
as renewal process.
EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses
6) HORUS “God of Vengeance”
- Considered as the offspring of the Osiris and Isis,
- he avenged his father’s death and ruled Egypt
- Worshipped as the God of Sky, War,
Protection, Light
- The eye of Horus or the Wedjat Eye was personified
as the goddess Wadjet and was popularly
known as “The Eye of the Ra”.
- It symbolized that everything is being watched
upon from above.
EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses
7) THOTH “God of Knowledge and Wisdom”
- An arbitrator who settled the disputes
between good and evil,
- considered as the god self created
- Master of both physical and divine laws,
maintained the universe by the mastery in calculations.
- Acknowledge as an author of science, philosophy and magic
- An ibis or baboon headed man was considered
to be the most learned god in the ancient history
- recognized as the one who created a 365 day calendar.
EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses
8) HATHOR “Goddess of Motherhood”
- “Mistress of the West”,
- worshipped as she welcomed the dead
into the next life
- she exemplified motherhood and feminine love.
- Goddess of Music, Dance
- elieved to provide a blessing as a helper of women
during pregnancy and childbirth
- Affectionate, Humble and Kind to all dead and living
- known as Lady of Heaven, Earth and Underworld
EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses
9) SEKHMET “Goddess of War and Healing”
- Leading and Protecting the Pharaohs in the war
who is the daughter of Ra
- Sekhmet is depicted as a lioness in ancient Egypt
known for her fierce characters
- Also known as “The Powerful One”
she demolished the enemies of her allies
EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses
10) GEB “God of Earth”
- the Father of Snakes
- was a provider of a crop and healing
- With goose on his head this bearded
man was believed to have caused earthquakes
whenever he laughed
- has an important role in the Book of the Dead
as who weighs the heart of the dead in the
Judgment Hall of Orisis
- Egyptians believe that he will keep
hold of the soul of the wicked
• Egyptians had many religious rituals and ceremonies.
• The most well-known ritual was mummification.
• Egyptians believed in life after death, and they wanted
the body to look life-like. Anyone could be mummified
if they had enough money. First they removed the
organs. Then they removed as much moisture from
the body as possible using a salt called natron to
preserve the body and then wrapped it in linen cloth.
• The body was placed in a sarcophagus, which is similar
to a coffin.
Egyptian Mummy
2,000-year-old Egyptian mummy
Tutankhamun's golden canopic coffinette,
Egyptian Kings
• The Egyptian king was the absolute ruler, and owner of
all the land, water, people, etc. in his or her kingdom.
• Later Egyptians would call their kings
“pharaoh”. Egyptian people believed the pharaoh was
a living god, so the Egyptians developed a theocracy,
or a government ruled by religious leaders.
• This is important to understanding why Egyptian
people were so willing to give their grain to the
Pharaoh and build him or her incredible temples—they
thought the Pharaoh was a living god that would be
with them forever in eternity.
Egyptian Pharaohs
• Narmer c. 31st century BC - (1st Dynasty)
• The first true pharaoh of Egypt
was Narmer (sometimes called Menes), who
united Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. He was
the first king of the First Dynasty, the
beginning of the Old Kingdom. Egypt was once
divided into two kingdoms.
Egyptian Pharaohs
• Khufu (reigned 2589 ‒ 2566 BC)
- Khufu (/ˈkuːfuː/ KOO-foo), originally Khnum-
Khufu (/ˈknuːmˈkuːfuː/ KNOOM-koo-foo),
- is the birth name of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, who
ruled during the Fourth Dynasty in the first half of
the Old Kingdom period (26th century BC).
- Khufu was the second pharaoh of the 4th dynasty; he
followed his possible father, king Sneferu, on the
throne. He is generally accepted as having
commissioned the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of
the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Egyptian Pharaohs
• Hatshepsut (reigned 1498 ‒ 1483 BC)
- Hatshepsut (or Hatchepsut, IPA: /hætˈʃɛpsʊt/), meaning, Foremost of Noble
Ladies, was the fifth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of Ancient Egypt.
- She is generally regarded by Egyptologists as one of the most successful
pharaohs, reigning longer than any other woman of an indigenous
Egyptian dynasty. Hatshepsut's reign was long and prosperous.
- She was successful in warfare early in her reign, but is generally considered to
be a pharaoh who inaugurated a long peaceful era. She re-established trading
relationships lost during a foreign occupation and brought great wealth to
Egypt. That wealth enabled Hatshepsut to initiate building projects that raised
the calibre of Ancient Egyptian architecture to a standard, comparable
to classical architecture, that would not be rivaled by any other culture for a
thousand years.
• King Tutankhamen (or Tutankhamun)
• ruled Egypt as pharaoh for 10 years until his death at
age 19, around 1324 B.C. Although his rule was notable
for reversing the tumultuous religious reforms of his
father, Pharaoh Akhenaten, Tutankhamen’s legacy was
largely negated by his successors.
• His tomb’s vast hoard of artifacts and treasure,
intended to accompany the king into the afterlife,
revealed an incredible amount about royal life in
ancient Egypt, and quickly made King Tut the world’s
most famous pharaoh.
Egyptian Pharaohs
Egyptian Pharaohs
• Cleopatra VII (51 ‒ 30 BC)
- Cleopatra came to power in Egypt at the age of 17
- Lover of Julius Caesar & Mark Antony
- Cleopatra VII was the eldest surviving daughter
of Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos
( Auletes =”flute player”) and Cleopatra VI.
- was an historical queen and last pharaoh of Egypt
whose story has been retold in countless stories,
plays, and movies.
• Finally, there is coming a very remarkable change
for Egyptians when they turn completely to Jesus
Christ and become converted. Through Isaiah, God
predicts a time when He will say, “Blessed is Egypt
My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and
Israel My inheritance” (Isaiah 19:25).
So, despite all of Egypt’s idolatrous history and resistance to the one true God, the day will come
when God will say, “Blessed is Egypt My people.”
So, despite all of Egypt’s idolatrous history and resistance to
the one true God, . . .
. . . the day will come when God will say,
“Blessed is Egypt My people.”

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Egyptian civilization

  • 1. By Keren Joani L. Morales
  • 2. EGYPT • The name "Egypt" is believed to have come from the original name of Egypt's ancient capital Memphis, "Hout ka-Ptah," - meaning • "Castle of the ka (soul –vital spark) of Ptah.“
  • 3. EGYPT • This name was often used even for the country as a whole. The name came to be shortened and slightly transformed. Considering the original consonants h- t-k-p-t (pronounced), the three latter survived into respectively "k-p-t", "q-p-t" or "g-p-t." • This was rendered into the Greek, 'Aegyptus', and later English: Egypt.
  • 4. Egypt • Definition of EGYPT - country of northeastern Africa bordering on the Mediterranean and Red seas and site of an early and long enduring civilization of the ancient world; capital Cairo area 386,900 square miles (1,002,071 square kilometers), population 72,798,03
  • 6. EGYPT’s Biblical Role • One of the great powers of the ancient Near East, Egypt dominated the international stage during the prestate life of Israel.
  • 7. EGYPT’s Biblical Role • Throughout the Bible, Egypt fulfills a dual role both as a place of refuge and a place of oppression, a place to "come up out of" and a place to flee to. This role begins with Abraham. He seeks refuge in Egypt because "there was a famine in the land" ( Gen 12:10 ); yet he must leave when Pharaoh wants to place Sarah in the royal harem.
  • 8. EGYPT’s Biblical Role • The story of Joseph gives a much more detailed picture of Egypt and the ambiguity of its role.
  • 9. EGYPT’s Biblical Role • From this position of great power Joseph is able to provide a refuge from famine for his family.
  • 10. EGYPT’s Biblical Role • Egypt is a place of oppression, the land of slavery when "a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt during the time of Moses - EXODUS.
  • 11. EGYPT’s Biblical Role • Egypt is a place of oppression, the land of slavery when "a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt during the time of Moses - EXODUS.
  • 12. EGYPT’s Biblical Role • Egypt is a place of oppression, the land of slavery when "a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt during the time of Moses - EXODUS.
  • 13. EGYPT’s Biblical Role • Egypt is a place of oppression, the land of slavery when "a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt during the time of Moses - EXODUS.
  • 14. Egyptians’ Great Descendant HAM• Ham as a Nationality (30 Nations came out of Ham): The name given, in Psalms 105:23,17; 106:22 (compare 78:51), to Egypt as a descendant of Ham, son of Noah. • As Shem means "dusky," or the like, and Japheth "fair," it has been supposed that Ham meant, as is not improbable, "black." • This is supported by the evidence of Hebrew and Arabic, in which the word chamam means "to be hot" and "to be black," the latter signification being derived from the former. • It is interesting to note that the Biblical record defines Egypt as the Land of Ham. -- Psalm 105: 23 "Israel also came into Egypt...the land of Ham.“
  • 15. Egyptians’ Great Descendant • Meaning of the Word - Egypt: That Ham is connected with the native name of Egypt, Kem, or, in full pa ta' en Kem, "the land of Egypt," in Bashmurian Coptic Kheme, is unlikely, as this form is probably of a much later date than the composition of Gen, and, moreover, as the Arabic shows, the guttural is not a true kh, but the hard breathing h, which are both represented by the Hebrew cheth.
  • 16. Egyptians’ Great Descendant • Four Sons of Ham : 1. Mizraim (Egypt) 2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia) 3. Put (Lybia) 4. Canaan (Hivites, Jebusites, Arvadites, Girgashites, Amorites, Arkites, Sinites, Hittites,
  • 17. EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION’S BEGINNING • Starting around 5500 BCE • Egyptian civilization started at the Nile River
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  • 21. EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION’S BEGINNING • Historians call them Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. • Around 3200 BCE, Egypt was brought together under one ruler—King Narmer (sometimes called Menes)
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  • 24. EGYPTIAN INNOVATION • Egyptian hieroglyphs - were the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt. - Contributed much of the development in the history of writing - is a more advanced form of writing than was evident in Sumerian times at that date
  • 26. EGYPTIAN ASTRONOMY • The Egyptians were fully aware that the year was about 365 days, and divided it into 12 months of 30 days, with five ceremonial, intercalary days, called the Epagomenal days, added.
  • 28. • This calendar lost one day every four years, and they made little attempt to correct this. Instead, they developed another calendar based around the star Sirius, which also consisted of 365 days but which included the extra quarter day. Strangely, they also kept a 360 day ceremonial calendar, running concurrently with the others, and these calendars coincided every 1461 years, which was seen as a time of great celebration and the start of a new age. EGYPTIAN ASTRONOMY
  • 30. • The Great Pyramid of Giza is filled with astronomical significance, based largely upon religious beliefs but with its roots in astrological phenomena. Within the Great Pyramids are southern facing airshafts that point to the star Sirius, with its significance in marking the start of the Egyptian year, and to Orion, associated with death and rebirth, another recurring theme in Egyptian mythology.
  • 31. • The Great Pyramid of Giza is filled with astronomical significance, based largely upon religious beliefs but with its roots in astrological phenomena. Within the Great Pyramids are southern facing airshafts that point to the star Sirius, with its significance in marking the start of the Egyptian year, and to Orion, associated with death and rebirth, another recurring theme in Egyptian mythology. In addition, the north-facing air shafts point to the circumpolar stars, called ‘The Immortals’ by Egyptians, because they never set.
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  • 37. EGYPTIANS PRIDE • The Royal Library of Alexandria or Ancient Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. Flourished under the patronage of the Ptolemaic dynasty and functioned as a major center of scholarship from its construction in the 3rd century BC until the Roman conquest of Egypt in 30 BC, with collections of works, lecture halls, meeting rooms, and gardens. The library was part of a larger research institution called the Musaeum of Alexandria, where many of the most famous thinkers of the ancient world studied.
  • 39. EGYPTIAN BELIEFS • Religion was a the center of Egyptian life. • Egyptians believed in many gods, so they were polytheistic. • They have more than 2,000 gods
  • 40. EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses • Top 10 most worshipped Ancient Egyptian Gods 1) AMUN-Ra “The Hidden One” - is considered as Kings of Gods and Goddesses. - Believed as the Father of the Pharaohs
  • 41. EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses 2) MUT “The Mother Goddess” - Mut meaning Mother in Egyptian language, - is a primal deity in Egyptian who wears two crowns on her head each representing Upper and Lower Egypt. - Also titled as “She who gives birth, but was herself not born of any”,
  • 42. EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses 3) OSIRIS “The King of Living” - Considered as an oldest child of Earth God ZEB and Sky Goddess NUT, - Osiris is worshipped as God of the afterlife as Egyptian believe there is life after death - Painted with green skin in the portrayals, Osiris was a god of vegetation which indicated Renewal and Growth and took in charge for the fertile flooding and the vegetation around the Nile banks
  • 43. EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses 4) ANUBIS “The Divine Embalmer” - Before Osiris took over, Anubis patrolled the Afterlife. - Being a psychopomps Anubis was the offspring of Ra and Nephthys - was known for mummifying the dead ones and guiding the dead soul towards the afterlife - Having his skin tone black, is symbolized as the dark Nile deposits which eased off farming and making it a successful one - With the head of a jackal and a body of the man Anubis was also symbolized Renaissance and the staining of the dead bodies after the embalming
  • 44. EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses 5) RA “The God of Sun & Radiance” - A midday sun as identified Ra or Re - holds important position in the Egyptian history. - The God of Sun who has a sun disk around his head is believed to have created this world - Every sunrise and sunset was symbolized as renewal process.
  • 45. EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses 6) HORUS “God of Vengeance” - Considered as the offspring of the Osiris and Isis, - he avenged his father’s death and ruled Egypt - Worshipped as the God of Sky, War, Protection, Light - The eye of Horus or the Wedjat Eye was personified as the goddess Wadjet and was popularly known as “The Eye of the Ra”. - It symbolized that everything is being watched upon from above.
  • 46. EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses 7) THOTH “God of Knowledge and Wisdom” - An arbitrator who settled the disputes between good and evil, - considered as the god self created - Master of both physical and divine laws, maintained the universe by the mastery in calculations. - Acknowledge as an author of science, philosophy and magic - An ibis or baboon headed man was considered to be the most learned god in the ancient history - recognized as the one who created a 365 day calendar.
  • 47. EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses 8) HATHOR “Goddess of Motherhood” - “Mistress of the West”, - worshipped as she welcomed the dead into the next life - she exemplified motherhood and feminine love. - Goddess of Music, Dance - elieved to provide a blessing as a helper of women during pregnancy and childbirth - Affectionate, Humble and Kind to all dead and living - known as Lady of Heaven, Earth and Underworld
  • 48. EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses 9) SEKHMET “Goddess of War and Healing” - Leading and Protecting the Pharaohs in the war who is the daughter of Ra - Sekhmet is depicted as a lioness in ancient Egypt known for her fierce characters - Also known as “The Powerful One” she demolished the enemies of her allies
  • 49. EGYPTIAN gods and goddesses 10) GEB “God of Earth” - the Father of Snakes - was a provider of a crop and healing - With goose on his head this bearded man was believed to have caused earthquakes whenever he laughed - has an important role in the Book of the Dead as who weighs the heart of the dead in the Judgment Hall of Orisis - Egyptians believe that he will keep hold of the soul of the wicked
  • 50. EGYPTIAN BELIEFS • Egyptians had many religious rituals and ceremonies. • The most well-known ritual was mummification. • Egyptians believed in life after death, and they wanted the body to look life-like. Anyone could be mummified if they had enough money. First they removed the organs. Then they removed as much moisture from the body as possible using a salt called natron to preserve the body and then wrapped it in linen cloth. • The body was placed in a sarcophagus, which is similar to a coffin.
  • 53. Egyptian Kings • The Egyptian king was the absolute ruler, and owner of all the land, water, people, etc. in his or her kingdom. • Later Egyptians would call their kings “pharaoh”. Egyptian people believed the pharaoh was a living god, so the Egyptians developed a theocracy, or a government ruled by religious leaders. • This is important to understanding why Egyptian people were so willing to give their grain to the Pharaoh and build him or her incredible temples—they thought the Pharaoh was a living god that would be with them forever in eternity.
  • 54. Egyptian Pharaohs • Narmer c. 31st century BC - (1st Dynasty) • The first true pharaoh of Egypt was Narmer (sometimes called Menes), who united Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. He was the first king of the First Dynasty, the beginning of the Old Kingdom. Egypt was once divided into two kingdoms.
  • 55. Egyptian Pharaohs • Khufu (reigned 2589 ‒ 2566 BC) - Khufu (/ˈkuːfuː/ KOO-foo), originally Khnum- Khufu (/ˈknuːmˈkuːfuː/ KNOOM-koo-foo), - is the birth name of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, who ruled during the Fourth Dynasty in the first half of the Old Kingdom period (26th century BC). - Khufu was the second pharaoh of the 4th dynasty; he followed his possible father, king Sneferu, on the throne. He is generally accepted as having commissioned the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
  • 56. Egyptian Pharaohs • Hatshepsut (reigned 1498 ‒ 1483 BC) - Hatshepsut (or Hatchepsut, IPA: /hætˈʃɛpsʊt/), meaning, Foremost of Noble Ladies, was the fifth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of Ancient Egypt. - She is generally regarded by Egyptologists as one of the most successful pharaohs, reigning longer than any other woman of an indigenous Egyptian dynasty. Hatshepsut's reign was long and prosperous. - She was successful in warfare early in her reign, but is generally considered to be a pharaoh who inaugurated a long peaceful era. She re-established trading relationships lost during a foreign occupation and brought great wealth to Egypt. That wealth enabled Hatshepsut to initiate building projects that raised the calibre of Ancient Egyptian architecture to a standard, comparable to classical architecture, that would not be rivaled by any other culture for a thousand years.
  • 57. • King Tutankhamen (or Tutankhamun) • ruled Egypt as pharaoh for 10 years until his death at age 19, around 1324 B.C. Although his rule was notable for reversing the tumultuous religious reforms of his father, Pharaoh Akhenaten, Tutankhamen’s legacy was largely negated by his successors. • His tomb’s vast hoard of artifacts and treasure, intended to accompany the king into the afterlife, revealed an incredible amount about royal life in ancient Egypt, and quickly made King Tut the world’s most famous pharaoh. Egyptian Pharaohs
  • 58. Egyptian Pharaohs • Cleopatra VII (51 ‒ 30 BC) - Cleopatra came to power in Egypt at the age of 17 - Lover of Julius Caesar & Mark Antony - Cleopatra VII was the eldest surviving daughter of Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos ( Auletes =”flute player”) and Cleopatra VI. - was an historical queen and last pharaoh of Egypt whose story has been retold in countless stories, plays, and movies.
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  • 60. • Finally, there is coming a very remarkable change for Egyptians when they turn completely to Jesus Christ and become converted. Through Isaiah, God predicts a time when He will say, “Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance” (Isaiah 19:25).
  • 61. So, despite all of Egypt’s idolatrous history and resistance to the one true God, the day will come when God will say, “Blessed is Egypt My people.” So, despite all of Egypt’s idolatrous history and resistance to the one true God, . . . . . . the day will come when God will say, “Blessed is Egypt My people.”

Notas do Editor

  1. psy·cho·pomp ˈsīkōˌpämp/ noun plural noun: psychopomps (in Greek mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the dead. the spiritual guide of a living person's soul.
  2. psy·cho·pomp ˈsīkōˌpämp/ noun plural noun: psychopomps (in Greek mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the dead. the spiritual guide of a living person's soul.
  3. psy·cho·pomp ˈsīkōˌpämp/ noun plural noun: psychopomps (in Greek mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the dead. the spiritual guide of a living person's soul.
  4. psy·cho·pomp ˈsīkōˌpämp/ noun plural noun: psychopomps (in Greek mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the dead. the spiritual guide of a living person's soul.
  5. psy·cho·pomp ˈsīkōˌpämp/ noun plural noun: psychopomps (in Greek mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the dead. the spiritual guide of a living person's soul.
  6. psy·cho·pomp ˈsīkōˌpämp/ noun plural noun: psychopomps (in Greek mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the dead. the spiritual guide of a living person's soul.
  7. psy·cho·pomp ˈsīkōˌpämp/ noun plural noun: psychopomps (in Greek mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the dead. the spiritual guide of a living person's soul.