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Advanced sharding techniques with Spider

                          Kentoku SHIBA
             kentokushiba at gmail dot com
How to shard database
    without stopping the service
How to shard database

What is database sharding?
 When the data volume increases or the updating traffic
 increases, your updating database server cannot process
 We often use the technique for dividing data into two or
 more databases to solve the problem. This is database

   Here, I will explain how to shard a data,
        without stopping the service.
Initial Structure

Create table tbl_a (
  col_a int,           DB1
  col_b int,
  primary key(col_a)
) engine = InnoDB;

       There is 1 MySQL server without Spider.
Step 1 (for sharding)

 Create table tbl_a3 (                               Create table tbl_a (
   col_a int,                   tbl_a     tbl_a        col_a int,
   col_b int,                                          col_b int,
   primary key(col_a)                      DB2         primary key(col_a)
                                                     ) engine = InnoDB;
 ) engine = Spider
 Connection ‘                   tbl_a2
   table “tbl_a”,                        col_a%2=1
   user “user”,                                      Create table tbl_a4 (
   password “pass”                                      col_a int,
                                tbl_a3    tbl_a         col_b int,
 partition by list(                                     primary key(col_a)
   mod(col_a, 2)) (
   partition pt1 values in(0)
                                           DB3       ) engine = VP
                                                     Comment ‘
   comment ‘host “DB2”’,                                cit "2",
   partition pt2 values in(1)   tbl_a4                  cil "2",
   comment ‘host “DB3”’                                 ctm “1”,
 );                             DB1                     ist “1”,
                                                        zru “1”,
                                                        tnl “tbl_a2 tbl_a3”
                     Create table on DB2 and DB3.    ‘;

                      Then create tables on DB1.
Step 2

                        tbl_a2      tbl_a

                        tbl_a3      tbl_a

                Rename table on DB1.
(rename table tbl_a2 to tbl_a5, tbl_a to tbl_a2, tbl_a4 to tbl_a)
Step 3

                      tbl_a2       tbl_a

                       tbl_a3      tbl_a

   Copy data from tbl_a2 to tbl_a3 on DB1.
     (select vp_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘tbl_a2’, ‘tbl_a3’))
Step 4

                        tbl_a2      tbl_a

                         tbl_a      tbl_a

                Rename table on DB1.
         (rename table tbl_a to tbl_a4, tbl_a3 to tbl_a)


                   tbl_a      tbl_a


             Drop table on DB1.
         (drop table tbl_a2, tbl_a4, tbl_a5)
How to re-shard database
      without stopping the service
How to re-shard database

What is re-sharding?
 When the data volume increases or the updating traffic
 increases so much, even if you had your database sharded,
 your updating database server cannot process right again.
 So we solve that problem by increasing the number of
 servers and distributing the load.
 It is called re-sharding to increase the number of servers,
 and to distribute the load.

      Here, I will explain how to re-shard
        without stopping the service.
Initial Structure
                               col_a%2=0   col_a%2=1
Create table tbl_a (
  col_a int,
  col_b int,
  primary key(col_a)
                                tbl_a       tbl_a
) engine = Spider
Connection ‘
                                 DB2         DB3
  table “tbl_a”,
  user “user”,
  password “pass”
partition by list(
  mod(col_a, 2)) (               tbl_a
  partition pt1 values in(0)
  comment ‘host “DB2”’,
  partition pt2 values in(1)
  comment ‘host “DB3”’

 There are 1 MySQL server with Spider and 2 remote
            MySQL servers without Spider.
Step 1 (for re-sharding)
                                col_a%2=0   col_a%2=1   col_a%4=1

 Create table tbl_a3 (
   col_a int,                    tbl_a       tbl_a       tbl_a
   col_b int,
   primary key(col_a)             DB2                     DB4
 ) engine = Spider
 Connection ‘                                tbl_a2
   table “tbl_a”,                                       col_a%4=3
   user “user”,
   password “pass”
                                  tbl_a      tbl_a3      tbl_a
 partition by list(
   mod(col_a, 4)) (
   partition pt1 values in(1)     DB1                     DB5
                                                              Create table tbl_a4 (
   comment ‘host “DB4”’,
   partition pt2 values in(3)                tbl_a4              col_a int,
   comment ‘host “DB5”’                                          col_b int,
                                                                 primary key(col_a)
 );                                           DB3             ) engine = VP
                                                              Comment ‘
                                                                 cit "2",
                     Create table on DB4 and DB5.                cil "2",
                                                                 ctm “1”,
                      Then create tables on DB3.                 ist “1”,
                                                                 zru “1”,
                                                                 tnl “tbl_a2 tbl_a3”
Step 2
                       col_a%2=0   col_a%2=1   col_a%4=1

                         tbl_a      tbl_a2      tbl_a
                         DB2                     DB4

                         tbl_a      tbl_a3      tbl_a

                         DB1                     DB5

                Rename table on DB3.
(rename table tbl_a2 to tbl_a5, tbl_a to tbl_a2, tbl_a4 to tbl_a)
Step 3
                     col_a%2=0   col_a%2=1   col_a%4=1

                       tbl_a      tbl_a2       tbl_a
                       DB2                      DB4

                       tbl_a       tbl_a3      tbl_a

                        DB1                     DB5

   Copy data from tbl_a2 to tbl_a3 on DB3.
     (select vp_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘tbl_a2’, ‘tbl_a3’))
Step 4
                                 col_a%2=0   col_a%2=1   col_a%4=1

                                  tbl_a       tbl_a2        tbl_a
Alter table tbl_a
partition by list(                 DB2                       DB4
  mod(col_a, 4)) (
  partition pt1 values in(0,2)
  comment ‘host “DB2”’,
  partition pt2 values in(1)
  comment ‘host “DB4”’,
  partition pt2 values in(3)       tbl_a      tbl_a         tbl_a
  comment ‘host “DB5”’
                                   DB1                       DB5
                                              tbl_a4     Rename table
                                                          tbl_a to tbl_a4,
                                               DB3        tbl_a3 to tbl_a;

                             Rename table on DB3.
                            Then alter table on DB1.
         col_a%2=0    col_a%4=1

          tbl_a        tbl_a
           DB2          DB4

           tbl_a       tbl_a

           DB1          DB5

          Drop DB3.
How to add an index
   without stopping the service
How to add an index

If you add an index in MySQL, you cannot
update your data until the process is completed.
When it comes to a big table, it takes
a long time to complete, sometimes you cannot
use the service during the change.

   Here, I will explain how to add an index,
   without stopping the update of your data.
Initial Structure

Create table tbl_a (
  col_a int,                  DB1
  col_b int,
  primary key(col_a)
) engine = InnoDB;

                       There is 1 MySQL server.
Step 1 (for adding an index)

Create table tbl_a2 (
  col_a int,                 tbl_a
  col_b int,
  primary key(col_a)
) engine = InnoDB;                    Create table tbl_a4 (
                             tbl_a2      col_a int,
                                         col_b int,
                                         primary key(col_a)
Create table tbl_a3 (                 ) engine = VP
  col_a int,                 tbl_a3   Comment ‘
  col_b int,                             cit "2",
  primary key(col_a),                    cil "2",
  key idx1(col_b)                        ctm “1”,
) engine = InnoDB;           tbl_a4      ist “1”,
                                         zru “1”,
                                         tnl “tbl_a2 tbl_a3”
                             DB1      ‘;

                        Create tables on DB1.
Step 2





                Rename table on DB1.
(rename table tbl_a2 to tbl_a5, tbl_a to tbl_a2, tbl_a4 to tbl_a)
Step 3





   Copy data from tbl_a2 to tbl_a3 on DB1.
     (select vp_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘tbl_a2’, ‘tbl_a3’))
Step 4





                Rename table on DB1.
         (rename table tbl_a to tbl_a4, tbl_a3 to tbl_a)



             Drop table on DB1.
         (drop table tbl_a2, tbl_a4, tbl_a5)
How to change the schema
      without stopping the service
How to change the schema

If you change schema in MySQL, you cannot
update your data until the process is completed.
When it comes to a big table, it takes
a long time to complete, sometimes you cannot
use the service during the change.

  Here, I will explain how to change schema,
   without stopping the update of your data.
Initial Structure

Create table tbl_a (
  col_a int,                  DB1
  col_b int,
  primary key(col_a)
) engine = InnoDB;

                       There is 1 MySQL server.
Step 1 (for adding a column)

Create table tbl_a2 (
  col_a int,                     tbl_a
  col_b int,
  primary key(col_a)
) engine = InnoDB;                        Create table tbl_a4 (
                                 tbl_a2      col_a int,
                                             col_b int,
                                             primary key(col_a)
Create table tbl_a3 (                     ) engine = VP
  col_a int,                     tbl_a3   Comment ‘
  col_b int,                                 cit "2",
  col_c int default null,                    cil "2",
  primary key(col_a)                         ctm “1”,
) engine = InnoDB;               tbl_a4      ist “1”,
                                             zru “1”,
                                             tnl “tbl_a2 tbl_a3”
                                 DB1      ‘;

                            Create tables on DB1.
Step 2





                Rename table on DB1.
(rename table tbl_a2 to tbl_a5, tbl_a to tbl_a2, tbl_a4 to tbl_a)
Step 3





   Copy data from tbl_a2 to tbl_a3 on DB1.
     (select vp_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘tbl_a2’, ‘tbl_a3’))
Step 4





                Rename table on DB1.
         (rename table tbl_a to tbl_a4, tbl_a3 to tbl_a)



             Drop table on DB1.
         (drop table tbl_a2, tbl_a4, tbl_a5)
How to set up a cluster
  for fault tolerance
     without stopping the service
How to set up a cluster for fault tolerance

Spider can set up a cluster for fault tolerance
by each table.

    Here, I will explain how to set up cluster,
            without stopping service.

'Monitoring node' in this slide is a node that works to observe
the trouble of each node that composes clustering.
'Spider_copy_tables' in this slide is in development , so please
wait for a while to use it.
Initial Structure

                        tbl_a   Create table tbl_a (
                                  col_a int,
                        DB2       col_b int,
                                  primary key(col_a)
Create table tbl_a (            ) engine = InnoDB;
   col_a int,
   col_b int,
   primary key(col_a)
) engine = Spider
Connection ‘            tbl_a
   table “tbl_a”,
   user “user”,
   password “pass”,
   host “DB2”

 There are 1 MySQL server with Spider and 1 remote
             Mysql servers without Spider.
Step 1 (for clustering)

              tbl_a       tbl_a              tbl_a
              DB2         DB3                 DB4

              tbl_a               Create table tbl_a (
                                    col_a int,
              DB1                   col_b int,
                                    primary key(col_a)
                                  ) engine = InnoDB;

Add new data nodes(DB3 and DB4) and tables.
Step 2

            tbl_a     tbl_a     tbl_a
            DB2       DB3       DB4
                                   Create table tbl_a (
                                      col_a int,
                                      col_b int,
                                      primary key(col_a)
                                   ) engine = Spider
            tbl_a                  Connection ‘
                                      table “tbl_a”,
            DB1         tbl_a
                      DB7             user “user”,
                                      password “pass”,
                       DB6            host “DB2 DB3 DB4”
                         DB5       ‘;

          Add new monitoring nodes
         (DB5, DB6, DB7) and tables.
Step 3
     insert into mysql.spider_link_mon_servers
     (db_name, table_name, link_id, sid, server, scheme, host, port, socket, username, password)
                             tbl_a                   tbl_a                  tbl_a
     ('db_name', 'tbl_a', 0, DB5_sid, null, 'mysql', 'DB5', 3306, null, 'user', 'pass‘),
     ('db_name', 'tbl_a', 0, DB6_sid, null, 'mysql', 'DB6', 3306, null, 'user', 'pass‘),
                              DB2                    DB3                     DB4
     ('db_name', 'tbl_a', 0, DB7_sid, null, 'mysql', 'DB7', 3306, null, 'user', 'pass‘);
Alter table tbl_a
Connection ‘
   table “tbl_a”,
   user “user”,
   password “pass”,
   host “DB2 DB3 DB4”,       tbl_a
   mbk “2”, mkd “2”,
   msi “DB5_sid”,             DB1                      tbl_a
   link_status “0 2 2”                                DB6
‘;                                                      DB5

         Register monitornig node information to
              MySQL servers with Spider.
                Then alter table on DB1.
Step 4

           tbl_a         tbl_a                      tbl_a
           DB2            DB3                       DB4

           tbl_a   Select spider_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘’, ‘’);

           DB1              tbl_a

    Copy data from DB2 to DB3 and DB4.

                         tbl_a     tbl_a        tbl_a
                         DB2       DB3          DB4
Alter table tbl_a
Connection ‘
   table “tbl_a”,
   user “user”,
   password “pass”,
   host “DB2 DB3 DB4”,   tbl_a
   mbk “2”, mkd “2”,
   msi “DB5_sid”,
   link_status “0 1 1”
                         DB1         tbl_a

                          Alter table on DB1.
How to add new node
   after failover
    and preparing new server
   without stopping the service
Create a table of a new node to the clustered table

You need to create a new node, in order to
maintain redundancy, when there is a trouble
at the node that composes the cluster.

  Here, I will explain how to add a table of a
  new node, without stopping the service.
'Monitoring node' in this slide is a node that works to observe
the trouble of each node that composes clustering.
'Spider_copy_tables' in this slide is still in development , it will
   be available in future releases.
Initial Structure

               tbl_a         tbl_a        tbl_a
                DB2          DB3           DB4

                DB1            tbl_a

         There are 4 MySQL servers with Spider
            (include 3 monitoring nodes) and
 3 MySQL servers without Spider (including 1 broken node).
Step 1

     tbl_a             tbl_a   tbl_a     tbl_a
     DB8               DB2     DB3       DB4

Create table tbl_a (   tbl_a
  col_a int,
  col_b int,
                       DB1       tbl_a
  primary key(col_a)
) engine = InnoDB;

            Add new data node(DB8) and table.
Step 2

  tbl_a       tbl_a      tbl_a     tbl_a
  DB8          DB2       DB3       DB4

                                      Alter table tbl_a
              tbl_a                   Connection ‘
                                         table “tbl_a”,
                                         user “user”,
               DB1         tbl_a
                         DB7             password “pass”,
                          DB6            host “DB2 DB4 DB8”
                            DB5       ‘;

          Alter table on monitoring nodes
               (DB5, DB6 and DB7).
Step 3

      tbl_a              tbl_a     tbl_a        tbl_a
       DB8               DB2       DB3          DB4
Alter table tbl_a
Connection ‘
   table “tbl_a”,
   user “user”,
   password “pass”,
   host “DB2 DB4 DB8”,   tbl_a
   mbk “2”, mkd “2”,
   msi “DB5_sid”,        DB1         tbl_a
   link_status “0 0 2”              DB6
‘;                                    DB5

                          Alter table on DB1.
Step 4

  tbl_a      tbl_a         tbl_a                      tbl_a
  DB8        DB2            DB3                       DB4

             tbl_a   Select spider_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘’, ‘’);

             DB1              tbl_a

          Copy data from DB2 to DB8.

      tbl_a              tbl_a     tbl_a        tbl_a
       DB8               DB2       DB3          DB4
Alter table tbl_a
Connection ‘
   table “tbl_a”,
   user “user”,
   password “pass”,
   host “DB2 DB4 DB8”,   tbl_a
   mbk “2”, mkd “2”,
   msi “DB5_sid”,        DB1         tbl_a
   link_status “0 0 1”              DB6
‘;                                    DB5

                          Alter table on DB1.
How to avoid table partitioning
 UNIQUE column limitation
         without stopping the service
How to avoid table partitioning UNIQUE column limitation

Right now, there is a restriction of MySQL that
you cannot partition in other columns when
there is a PK or UNIQUE.

Here, I will show you how to partition a table by
 any columns even if there is a PK or
Initial Structure

Create table tbl_a (
  col_a int,                  DB1
  col_b int,
  primary key(col_a)
) engine = InnoDB;

                       There is 1 MySQL server.
Step 1 (for avoiding partitioning limitation)
Create table tbl_a3 (
  col_a int,                                  Create table tbl_a2 (
  primary key(col_a)                 tbl_a      col_a int,
) engine = InnoDB                               col_b int,
partition by                                    primary key(col_a)
  linear hash(col_a)                 tbl_a2   ) engine = InnoDB;
  partitions 4;
                                              Create table tbl_a5 (
Create table tbl_a4 (                tbl_a3      col_a int,
  col_a int,                                     col_b int,
  col_b int,                                     primary key(col_a)
  key idx1(col_a),                   tbl_a4   ) engine = VP
  key idx2(col_b)                             Comment ‘
) engine = InnoDB                                ctm “1”, ist “1”,
partition by list(                               zru “1”, pcm “1”
  mod(col_b, 2)) (                   tbl_a5   ‘
  partition pt1 values in(0),                 Connection ‘

  partition pt2 values in(1)         DB1      ‘;
                                                 tnl “tbl_a2 tbl_a3 tbl_a4”

                                Create tables on DB1.
Step 2






                Rename table on DB1.
(rename table tbl_a2 to tbl_a6, tbl_a to tbl_a2, tbl_a5 to tbl_a)
Step 3






 Copy data from tbl_a2 to tbl_a3 and tbl_a4.
  (select vp_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘tbl_a2’, ‘tbl_a3 tbl_a4’))
Step 4



                     Alter table tbl_a
           tbl_a4    Comment ‘
                        ctm “1”, ist “1”,
                        pcm “1”
            tbl_a    Connection ‘
                        tnl “tbl_a3 tbl_a4”
            DB1      ‘;

         Alter table tbl_a.




              Drop table.
         (drop table tbl_a2, tbl_a6)
Case study
About MicroAd

        MicroAd is an advatising company.

       This company can advertise efficiently
      using "behavioral targeting" technology.

                         【MicroAd, Inc.]
The previous architecture

   ……                                                   ……
          AP             AP          AP         AP


         Slave         Slave
          DB            DB      Register new statistical rules
               replication      from batch server

Batch processing updates new statistical rules every day.
    (For every advertisers, every advertising medias
                   and every users)
The problem with business expansion

Increase data and request.
  At that time the limit of updates were 20 million
  records a day.
  They needed to update 100 million records a day.

  They also wanted to improve the performance of
  the reference slave by decreasing the amount of
  the update by one slave.

  They did not want to change or modify their
  application to support the increase.

           Then, Spider was used.
The architecture with Spider
 ……         AP                AP                  AP               AP         ……
        with Spider       with Spider         with Spider      with Spider
Spider sharding
           LVS                          LVS                        LVS

   SlaveDB      SlaveDB      SlaveDB      SlaveDB           SlaveDB     SlaveDB
         replication              replication                   replication
         MasterDB                 MasterDB                      MasterDB

Spider sharding                                         Register new
                                  statistical rules from batch server
        (MySQL with Spider)                                   Batch

             They created the shards with
              the unit of the replication.
Resolved the problem

As a result,
  They achieved update 100 million records a day
  and improved the performance of the reference.

  They didn't need to change or modify their
  applications so much.

  They are planning in the near future of
  resharding, when they expand the business.
Any Questions?

Thank you for taking
    your time!!

  Kentoku SHIBA (kentokushiba at gmail dot com)

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Advanced Sharding Techniques with Spider (MUC2010)

  • 1. Advanced sharding techniques with Spider Kentoku SHIBA kentokushiba at gmail dot com
  • 2. How to shard database without stopping the service
  • 3. How to shard database What is database sharding? When the data volume increases or the updating traffic increases, your updating database server cannot process effectively. We often use the technique for dividing data into two or more databases to solve the problem. This is database sharding. Here, I will explain how to shard a data, without stopping the service.
  • 4. Initial Structure tbl_a Create table tbl_a ( col_a int, DB1 col_b int, primary key(col_a) ) engine = InnoDB; There is 1 MySQL server without Spider.
  • 5. Step 1 (for sharding) col_a%2=0 Create table tbl_a3 ( Create table tbl_a ( col_a int, tbl_a tbl_a col_a int, col_b int, col_b int, primary key(col_a) DB2 primary key(col_a) ) engine = InnoDB; ) engine = Spider Connection ‘ tbl_a2 table “tbl_a”, col_a%2=1 user “user”, Create table tbl_a4 ( password “pass” col_a int, ‘ tbl_a3 tbl_a col_b int, partition by list( primary key(col_a) mod(col_a, 2)) ( partition pt1 values in(0) DB3 ) engine = VP Comment ‘ comment ‘host “DB2”’, cit "2", partition pt2 values in(1) tbl_a4 cil "2", comment ‘host “DB3”’ ctm “1”, ); DB1 ist “1”, zru “1”, tnl “tbl_a2 tbl_a3” Create table on DB2 and DB3. ‘; Then create tables on DB1.
  • 6. Step 2 col_a%2=0 tbl_a2 tbl_a DB2 tbl_a5 col_a%2=1 tbl_a3 tbl_a DB3 tbl_a DB1 Rename table on DB1. (rename table tbl_a2 to tbl_a5, tbl_a to tbl_a2, tbl_a4 to tbl_a)
  • 7. Step 3 col_a%2=0 tbl_a2 tbl_a DB2 tbl_a5 col_a%2=1 tbl_a3 tbl_a DB3 tbl_a DB1 Copy data from tbl_a2 to tbl_a3 on DB1. (select vp_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘tbl_a2’, ‘tbl_a3’))
  • 8. Step 4 col_a%2=0 tbl_a2 tbl_a DB2 tbl_a5 col_a%2=1 tbl_a tbl_a DB3 tbl_a4 DB1 Rename table on DB1. (rename table tbl_a to tbl_a4, tbl_a3 to tbl_a)
  • 9. Finish col_a%2=0 tbl_a DB2 col_a%2=1 tbl_a tbl_a DB3 DB1 Drop table on DB1. (drop table tbl_a2, tbl_a4, tbl_a5)
  • 10. How to re-shard database without stopping the service
  • 11. How to re-shard database What is re-sharding? When the data volume increases or the updating traffic increases so much, even if you had your database sharded, your updating database server cannot process right again. So we solve that problem by increasing the number of servers and distributing the load. It is called re-sharding to increase the number of servers, and to distribute the load. Here, I will explain how to re-shard without stopping the service.
  • 12. Initial Structure col_a%2=0 col_a%2=1 Create table tbl_a ( col_a int, col_b int, primary key(col_a) tbl_a tbl_a ) engine = Spider Connection ‘ DB2 DB3 table “tbl_a”, user “user”, password “pass” ‘ partition by list( mod(col_a, 2)) ( tbl_a partition pt1 values in(0) comment ‘host “DB2”’, partition pt2 values in(1) DB1 comment ‘host “DB3”’ ); There are 1 MySQL server with Spider and 2 remote MySQL servers without Spider.
  • 13. Step 1 (for re-sharding) col_a%2=0 col_a%2=1 col_a%4=1 Create table tbl_a3 ( col_a int, tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a col_b int, primary key(col_a) DB2 DB4 ) engine = Spider Connection ‘ tbl_a2 table “tbl_a”, col_a%4=3 user “user”, password “pass” ‘ tbl_a tbl_a3 tbl_a partition by list( mod(col_a, 4)) ( partition pt1 values in(1) DB1 DB5 Create table tbl_a4 ( comment ‘host “DB4”’, partition pt2 values in(3) tbl_a4 col_a int, comment ‘host “DB5”’ col_b int, primary key(col_a) ); DB3 ) engine = VP Comment ‘ cit "2", Create table on DB4 and DB5. cil "2", ctm “1”, Then create tables on DB3. ist “1”, zru “1”, tnl “tbl_a2 tbl_a3” ‘;
  • 14. Step 2 col_a%2=0 col_a%2=1 col_a%4=1 tbl_a tbl_a2 tbl_a DB2 DB4 tbl_a5 col_a%4=3 tbl_a tbl_a3 tbl_a DB1 DB5 tbl_a DB3 Rename table on DB3. (rename table tbl_a2 to tbl_a5, tbl_a to tbl_a2, tbl_a4 to tbl_a)
  • 15. Step 3 col_a%2=0 col_a%2=1 col_a%4=1 tbl_a tbl_a2 tbl_a DB2 DB4 tbl_a5 col_a%4=3 tbl_a tbl_a3 tbl_a DB1 DB5 tbl_a DB3 Copy data from tbl_a2 to tbl_a3 on DB3. (select vp_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘tbl_a2’, ‘tbl_a3’))
  • 16. Step 4 col_a%2=0 col_a%2=1 col_a%4=1 tbl_a tbl_a2 tbl_a Alter table tbl_a partition by list( DB2 DB4 mod(col_a, 4)) ( partition pt1 values in(0,2) tbl_a5 col_a%4=3 comment ‘host “DB2”’, partition pt2 values in(1) comment ‘host “DB4”’, partition pt2 values in(3) tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a comment ‘host “DB5”’ ); DB1 DB5 tbl_a4 Rename table tbl_a to tbl_a4, DB3 tbl_a3 to tbl_a; Rename table on DB3. Then alter table on DB1.
  • 17. Finish col_a%2=0 col_a%4=1 tbl_a tbl_a DB2 DB4 col_a%4=3 tbl_a tbl_a DB1 DB5 Drop DB3.
  • 18. How to add an index without stopping the service
  • 19. How to add an index If you add an index in MySQL, you cannot update your data until the process is completed. When it comes to a big table, it takes a long time to complete, sometimes you cannot use the service during the change. Here, I will explain how to add an index, without stopping the update of your data.
  • 20. Initial Structure tbl_a Create table tbl_a ( col_a int, DB1 col_b int, primary key(col_a) ) engine = InnoDB; There is 1 MySQL server.
  • 21. Step 1 (for adding an index) Create table tbl_a2 ( col_a int, tbl_a col_b int, primary key(col_a) ) engine = InnoDB; Create table tbl_a4 ( tbl_a2 col_a int, col_b int, primary key(col_a) Create table tbl_a3 ( ) engine = VP col_a int, tbl_a3 Comment ‘ col_b int, cit "2", primary key(col_a), cil "2", key idx1(col_b) ctm “1”, ) engine = InnoDB; tbl_a4 ist “1”, zru “1”, tnl “tbl_a2 tbl_a3” DB1 ‘; Create tables on DB1.
  • 22. Step 2 tbl_a2 tbl_a5 tbl_a3 tbl_a DB1 Rename table on DB1. (rename table tbl_a2 to tbl_a5, tbl_a to tbl_a2, tbl_a4 to tbl_a)
  • 23. Step 3 tbl_a2 tbl_a5 tbl_a3 tbl_a DB1 Copy data from tbl_a2 to tbl_a3 on DB1. (select vp_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘tbl_a2’, ‘tbl_a3’))
  • 24. Step 4 tbl_a2 tbl_a5 tbl_a tbl_a4 DB1 Rename table on DB1. (rename table tbl_a to tbl_a4, tbl_a3 to tbl_a)
  • 25. Finish tbl_a DB1 Drop table on DB1. (drop table tbl_a2, tbl_a4, tbl_a5)
  • 26. How to change the schema without stopping the service
  • 27. How to change the schema If you change schema in MySQL, you cannot update your data until the process is completed. When it comes to a big table, it takes a long time to complete, sometimes you cannot use the service during the change. Here, I will explain how to change schema, without stopping the update of your data.
  • 28. Initial Structure tbl_a Create table tbl_a ( col_a int, DB1 col_b int, primary key(col_a) ) engine = InnoDB; There is 1 MySQL server.
  • 29. Step 1 (for adding a column) Create table tbl_a2 ( col_a int, tbl_a col_b int, primary key(col_a) ) engine = InnoDB; Create table tbl_a4 ( tbl_a2 col_a int, col_b int, primary key(col_a) Create table tbl_a3 ( ) engine = VP col_a int, tbl_a3 Comment ‘ col_b int, cit "2", col_c int default null, cil "2", primary key(col_a) ctm “1”, ) engine = InnoDB; tbl_a4 ist “1”, zru “1”, tnl “tbl_a2 tbl_a3” DB1 ‘; Create tables on DB1.
  • 30. Step 2 tbl_a2 tbl_a5 tbl_a3 tbl_a DB1 Rename table on DB1. (rename table tbl_a2 to tbl_a5, tbl_a to tbl_a2, tbl_a4 to tbl_a)
  • 31. Step 3 tbl_a2 tbl_a5 tbl_a3 tbl_a DB1 Copy data from tbl_a2 to tbl_a3 on DB1. (select vp_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘tbl_a2’, ‘tbl_a3’))
  • 32. Step 4 tbl_a2 tbl_a5 tbl_a tbl_a4 DB1 Rename table on DB1. (rename table tbl_a to tbl_a4, tbl_a3 to tbl_a)
  • 33. Finish tbl_a DB1 Drop table on DB1. (drop table tbl_a2, tbl_a4, tbl_a5)
  • 34. How to set up a cluster for fault tolerance without stopping the service
  • 35. How to set up a cluster for fault tolerance Spider can set up a cluster for fault tolerance by each table. Here, I will explain how to set up cluster, without stopping service. 'Monitoring node' in this slide is a node that works to observe the trouble of each node that composes clustering. 'Spider_copy_tables' in this slide is in development , so please wait for a while to use it.
  • 36. Initial Structure tbl_a Create table tbl_a ( col_a int, DB2 col_b int, primary key(col_a) Create table tbl_a ( ) engine = InnoDB; col_a int, col_b int, primary key(col_a) ) engine = Spider Connection ‘ tbl_a table “tbl_a”, user “user”, password “pass”, DB1 host “DB2” ‘; There are 1 MySQL server with Spider and 1 remote Mysql servers without Spider.
  • 37. Step 1 (for clustering) tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a DB2 DB3 DB4 tbl_a Create table tbl_a ( col_a int, DB1 col_b int, primary key(col_a) ) engine = InnoDB; Add new data nodes(DB3 and DB4) and tables.
  • 38. Step 2 tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a DB2 DB3 DB4 Create table tbl_a ( col_a int, col_b int, primary key(col_a) ) engine = Spider tbl_a Connection ‘ table “tbl_a”, DB1 tbl_a DB7 user “user”, password “pass”, DB6 host “DB2 DB3 DB4” DB5 ‘; Add new monitoring nodes (DB5, DB6, DB7) and tables.
  • 39. Step 3 insert into mysql.spider_link_mon_servers (db_name, table_name, link_id, sid, server, scheme, host, port, socket, username, password) values tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a ('db_name', 'tbl_a', 0, DB5_sid, null, 'mysql', 'DB5', 3306, null, 'user', 'pass‘), ('db_name', 'tbl_a', 0, DB6_sid, null, 'mysql', 'DB6', 3306, null, 'user', 'pass‘), DB2 DB3 DB4 ('db_name', 'tbl_a', 0, DB7_sid, null, 'mysql', 'DB7', 3306, null, 'user', 'pass‘); Alter table tbl_a Connection ‘ table “tbl_a”, user “user”, password “pass”, host “DB2 DB3 DB4”, tbl_a mbk “2”, mkd “2”, msi “DB5_sid”, DB1 tbl_a DB7 link_status “0 2 2” DB6 ‘; DB5 Register monitornig node information to MySQL servers with Spider. Then alter table on DB1.
  • 40. Step 4 tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a DB2 DB3 DB4 tbl_a Select spider_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘’, ‘’); DB1 tbl_a DB7 DB6 DB5 Copy data from DB2 to DB3 and DB4.
  • 41. Finish tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a DB2 DB3 DB4 Alter table tbl_a Connection ‘ table “tbl_a”, user “user”, password “pass”, host “DB2 DB3 DB4”, tbl_a mbk “2”, mkd “2”, msi “DB5_sid”, link_status “0 1 1” DB1 tbl_a DB7 ‘; DB6 DB5 Alter table on DB1.
  • 42. How to add new node after failover and preparing new server without stopping the service
  • 43. Create a table of a new node to the clustered table You need to create a new node, in order to maintain redundancy, when there is a trouble at the node that composes the cluster. Here, I will explain how to add a table of a new node, without stopping the service. 'Monitoring node' in this slide is a node that works to observe the trouble of each node that composes clustering. 'Spider_copy_tables' in this slide is still in development , it will be available in future releases.
  • 44. Initial Structure tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a DB2 DB3 DB4 tbl_a DB1 tbl_a DB7 DB6 DB5 There are 4 MySQL servers with Spider (include 3 monitoring nodes) and 3 MySQL servers without Spider (including 1 broken node).
  • 45. Step 1 tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a DB8 DB2 DB3 DB4 Create table tbl_a ( tbl_a col_a int, col_b int, DB1 tbl_a DB7 primary key(col_a) DB6 ) engine = InnoDB; DB5 Add new data node(DB8) and table.
  • 46. Step 2 tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a DB8 DB2 DB3 DB4 Alter table tbl_a tbl_a Connection ‘ table “tbl_a”, user “user”, DB1 tbl_a DB7 password “pass”, DB6 host “DB2 DB4 DB8” DB5 ‘; Alter table on monitoring nodes (DB5, DB6 and DB7).
  • 47. Step 3 tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a DB8 DB2 DB3 DB4 Alter table tbl_a Connection ‘ table “tbl_a”, user “user”, password “pass”, host “DB2 DB4 DB8”, tbl_a mbk “2”, mkd “2”, msi “DB5_sid”, DB1 tbl_a DB7 link_status “0 0 2” DB6 ‘; DB5 Alter table on DB1.
  • 48. Step 4 tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a DB8 DB2 DB3 DB4 tbl_a Select spider_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘’, ‘’); DB1 tbl_a DB7 DB6 DB5 Copy data from DB2 to DB8.
  • 49. Finish tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a tbl_a DB8 DB2 DB3 DB4 Alter table tbl_a Connection ‘ table “tbl_a”, user “user”, password “pass”, host “DB2 DB4 DB8”, tbl_a mbk “2”, mkd “2”, msi “DB5_sid”, DB1 tbl_a DB7 link_status “0 0 1” DB6 ‘; DB5 Alter table on DB1.
  • 50. How to avoid table partitioning UNIQUE column limitation without stopping the service
  • 51. How to avoid table partitioning UNIQUE column limitation Right now, there is a restriction of MySQL that you cannot partition in other columns when there is a PK or UNIQUE. Here, I will show you how to partition a table by any columns even if there is a PK or UNIQUE.
  • 52. Initial Structure tbl_a Create table tbl_a ( col_a int, DB1 col_b int, primary key(col_a) ) engine = InnoDB; There is 1 MySQL server.
  • 53. Step 1 (for avoiding partitioning limitation) Create table tbl_a3 ( col_a int, Create table tbl_a2 ( primary key(col_a) tbl_a col_a int, ) engine = InnoDB col_b int, partition by primary key(col_a) linear hash(col_a) tbl_a2 ) engine = InnoDB; partitions 4; Create table tbl_a5 ( Create table tbl_a4 ( tbl_a3 col_a int, col_a int, col_b int, col_b int, primary key(col_a) key idx1(col_a), tbl_a4 ) engine = VP key idx2(col_b) Comment ‘ ) engine = InnoDB ctm “1”, ist “1”, partition by list( zru “1”, pcm “1” mod(col_b, 2)) ( tbl_a5 ‘ partition pt1 values in(0), Connection ‘ ); partition pt2 values in(1) DB1 ‘; tnl “tbl_a2 tbl_a3 tbl_a4” Create tables on DB1.
  • 54. Step 2 tbl_a2 tbl_a6 tbl_a3 tbl_a4 tbl_a DB1 Rename table on DB1. (rename table tbl_a2 to tbl_a6, tbl_a to tbl_a2, tbl_a5 to tbl_a)
  • 55. Step 3 tbl_a2 tbl_a6 tbl_a3 tbl_a4 tbl_a DB1 Copy data from tbl_a2 to tbl_a3 and tbl_a4. (select vp_copy_tables(‘tbl_a’, ‘tbl_a2’, ‘tbl_a3 tbl_a4’))
  • 56. Step 4 tbl_a2 tbl_a6 tbl_a3 Alter table tbl_a tbl_a4 Comment ‘ ctm “1”, ist “1”, pcm “1” ‘, tbl_a Connection ‘ tnl “tbl_a3 tbl_a4” DB1 ‘; Alter table tbl_a.
  • 57. Finish tbl_a3 tbl_a4 tbl_a DB1 Drop table. (drop table tbl_a2, tbl_a6)
  • 59. About MicroAd MicroAd is an advatising company. This company can advertise efficiently using "behavioral targeting" technology. 【MicroAd, Inc.]
  • 60. The previous architecture …… …… AP AP AP AP LVS Slave Slave DB DB Register new statistical rules replication from batch server Master Batch DB Batch processing updates new statistical rules every day. (For every advertisers, every advertising medias and every users)
  • 61. The problem with business expansion Increase data and request. At that time the limit of updates were 20 million records a day. They needed to update 100 million records a day. They also wanted to improve the performance of the reference slave by decreasing the amount of the update by one slave. They did not want to change or modify their application to support the increase. Then, Spider was used.
  • 62. The architecture with Spider …… AP AP AP AP …… with Spider with Spider with Spider with Spider Spider sharding LVS LVS LVS SlaveDB SlaveDB SlaveDB SlaveDB SlaveDB SlaveDB replication replication replication MasterDB MasterDB MasterDB Spider sharding Register new statistical rules from batch server SpiderDB (MySQL with Spider) Batch They created the shards with the unit of the replication.
  • 63. Resolved the problem As a result, They achieved update 100 million records a day and improved the performance of the reference. They didn't need to change or modify their applications so much. They are planning in the near future of resharding, when they expand the business.
  • 64. Any Questions? Thank you for taking your time!! Kentoku SHIBA (kentokushiba at gmail dot com)