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Alexander Khokhlov
ClojureScript journey
From little script,
to CLI program,
to AWS Lambda function
Code Comments
Confluence / DokuWiki / Wiki system
Add docs for block of code,
function, module, file,
commit or branch
Notes, Tied
to Code
Easy to Discover
Easy to Explore
Easy to Get Scope
Easy to Ask and Discuss
01 •
We Track
You always know what’s fresh
and what’s not.
Promotes keeping docs
Rewarding when everything is ✅
01 •
Discuss with
your Team
You won’t loose a dispute
that is written down.
It’s tied and has context
01 •
And many
Integration with GitHub
IDE/Editors plugins
Markdown formatting
GitHub PR as a Note
One-on-one conversations
01 •
The task:
Detect comment scope
02 • The task
AST is the best
But tokens are good enough


02 • The task
02 • The task
var vsctm = require('vscode-textmate');
var registry = new vsctm.Registry({
loadGrammar: function (scopeName) {
var path = ‘./javascript.tmbundle/Syntaxes/JavaScript.plist';
if (path) {
return new Promise((c, e) => {
fs.readFile(path, (error, content) => {
if (error) { e(error); } else {
var rawGrammar = vsctm.parseRawGrammar(
return null;
// Load the JavaScript grammar and any other grammars included by it async.
registry.loadGrammar('source.js').then(grammar => {
// at this point `grammar` is available...
var lineTokens = grammar.tokenizeLine(
'function add(a,b) { return a+b; }');
for (var i = 0; i < lineTokens.tokens.length; i++) {
var token = lineTokens.tokens[i];
console.log('Token from ' + token.startIndex +
‘ to ' + token.endIndex);
02 • The task
{ tokens:
[ { startIndex: 0,
endIndex: 1,
[ 'source.js',
'punctuation.definition.string.begin.js' ],
text: "'",
line: 0 },
{ startIndex: 1,
endIndex: 11,
scopes: [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.single.js' ],
text: 'use strict',
line: 0 },
{ startIndex: 11,
endIndex: 12,
[ 'source.js',
'punctuation.definition.string.end.js' ],
text: "'",
line: 0 },
{ startIndex: 12,
endIndex: 13,
scopes: [ 'source.js', 'punctuation.terminator.statement.js' ],
text: ';',
line: 0 },
Tool which works
great with sequences
02 • The task
03 • CLJS
03 • CLJS
03 • CLJS
Dialect of LISP
Compiled to JS
03 • CLJS
03 • CLJS
03 • CLJS
98 functions to work
with collections🔥
Isn’t that enough?
03 • CLJS
"It is better to have 100 functions
operate on one data structure than 10
functions on 10 data structures." 

—Alan Perlis
03 • CLJS
All together now
03 • CLJS
;; Globals
;; alert("Hello!")
(js/alert "Hello!")
;; Function Call
;; "string".toUpperCase()
(.toUpperCase "string")
;; Properties
;; "string".length
(.-length "string")
with JS
03 • CLJS
;; Chain calls
;; "string".toUpperCase().charCodeAt(1).toString()
(.toString (.charCodeAt (.toUpperCase "string") 1))
(.. "string" (toUpperCase) (charCodeAt 1) (toString))
(.. "string" toUpperCase (charCodeAt 1) toString)
(-> "string" .toUpperCase (.charCodeAt 1) .toString)
;; Chain properties
;; document.body.lastChild.innerHTML.length
(.. js/document -body -lastChild -innerHTML -length)
(-> js/document .-body .-lastChild .-innerHTML .-length)
with JS
03 • CLJS
(ns myapp)
(defn ^:export func [a]
(str "Hey, " a))
;; in JS:
;; myapp.func("NodeUA!");
How we did it
04 • How we did it
(require '[ :as b])
(b/build "src"
{:main 'notsapp.citation.core
:optimizations :simple
:target :nodejs
:npm-deps {:vscode-textmate “4.1.1”}
:install-deps true
:output-to "notsapp_citation.js"})
04 • How we did it
Get tokens
(ns notsapp.citation.registry
(:require [vscode-textmate :as vstm]
[cljs-node-io.core :as io]
[cljs-node-io.fs :as fs]))
(def reg (new vstm/Registry))
(defn load-all-grammars []
(->> (fs/readdir “grammars")
(filter #(re-find #".json$" %))
#(let [grammar-path (str "grammars/" %)
grammar (io/slurp grammar-path)]
(->> (vstm/parseRawGrammar
grammar grammar-path)
(.addGrammar reg))))))
(defn tokenize-file [file source scope-name]
(when-let [grammar-promise
(.grammarForScopeName reg scope-name)]
(.then grammar-promise
#(.tokenizeLine % source)))))
04 • How we did it
(defn common-block-scopes [input-tokens]
(let [last-idx (-> input-tokens count dec)]
(fn [idx token]
(when (or
(-> token
(str/replace #"[ t]+" "")))
(= idx last-idx))
(cons 0)
(partition 2 1)
(map (fn [[start end]]
(subvec input-tokens (inc start) end))))))
stream of tokens
04 • How we did it
Transform to CLI
05 • Transform to CLI
Transform to CLI
{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.9.0"}
org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "0.4.490"}
org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.439"}
cljs-node-io {:mvn/version "1.1.2"}
org.clojure/tools.cli {:mvn/version "0.4.1"}
Transform to CLI
(ns notsapp.citation.core
(:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
[ :as cli]))
(def cli-options
[["-l" "--lang LANG" "Language of a source code file passed via stdin"]
["-s" "--scope LINENUMBER" "Get the scope by given line number"
:parse-fn #(js/parseInt %)]
["-c" "--comments" "Show comments scopes"]
["-h" "--help"]])
(defn -main [& args]
(let [opts (cli/parse-opts args cli-options)
file (-> opts :arguments first)
lang (-> opts :options :lang)
scope-line-number (-> opts :options :scope)
show-comments? (-> opts :options :comments)]
(.exit nodejs/process 0))
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)
05 • Transform to CLI
Transform to CLI
(defn read []
(fn on-readable []
(let [string
(loop [buf (.alloc js/Buffer 0)]
(if-let [data (.read stdin)]
(recur (.concat js/Buffer #js [buf data]))
(.toString buf "utf8")))]
(.removeListener stdin "readable" on-readable)
05 • Transform to CLI
Transform to CLI
(ns notsapp.citation.stdout
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]))
(def stdout (.-stdout nodejs/process))
(defn write [data]
(let [buf (.from js/Buffer data)
data-len (.-length buf)
len-buf (.alloc js/Buffer 4)]
(.writeUInt32BE len-buf data-len 0)
(->> #js [len-buf buf]
(.concat js/Buffer)
(.write stdout))))
05 • Transform to CLI
Compile & exec
> clj build.clj
> node notsapp_citation.js
(require '[ :as b])
{:main 'notsapp.citation.core
:optimizations :simple
:target :nodejs
:npm-deps {:vscode-textmate “4.1.1”}
:install-deps true
:output-to "notsapp_citation.js"})build.clj
05 • Transform to CLI
Houston …
06 • AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda
simple to
;(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)
(set! (.-exports js/module) #js {:scopelambda scopelambda})
(defn scopelambda [event ctx cb]
(if-let [body (.parse js/JSON (.-body event))]
#js {:statusCode 200
:headers #js {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body "Hey There!"})
;or else return BAD REQUEST response
#js {:statusCode 500
:headers #js {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body "Cannot parse request body"})))
06 • AWS Lambda
(require '[ :as b])
{:main 'notsapp.citation.core
:optimizations :simple
:target :nodejs
:npm-deps {:vscode-textmate “4.1.1”}
:install-deps true
:output-to "notsapp_citation.js"})
$ clj build.clj
06 • AWS Lambda
Deploy & exec
$ serverless deploy
- notsapp_citation.js
- node_modules/**
- grammars/**
- src/**
- .git/**
- out/**
handler: notsapp_citation.scopelambda
$ serverless invoke -f citation -l
06 • AWS Lambda
07 • Testing
Entry point
(ns notsapp.citation.core-test
(:require [cljs.test :as t]
[cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
(defn -main [& args]
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)
The test
(ns notsapp.citation.js-test
(:require [cljs.test
:refer-macros [deftest is]
:as t]))
{:before load-all-grammars})
(deftest js-scopes-arrow
(is (= (js-scope-arrow-funciton)
[[ 2, 2 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 7, 8 ]])))
07 • Testing
Async tests
(deftest js-scopes-arrow
(fn [tokens]
(let [scope (js-scope-arrow tokens)]
(is (= scope [[2 2] [4 5] [7 8]])))
07 • Testing
Build & Execute
> clj build.clj
> node notsapp_tests.js
(require '[ :as b])
(b/inputs "test" "src")
{:main 'notsapp.citation.core-test
:optimizations :none
:target :nodejs
:output-to "notsapp_tests.js"
:npm-deps {:vscode-textmate "3.3.3" }
:install-deps true
:output-dir "out_tests"})
07 • Testing
Final thoughts
08 • Final thoughts
Simple, Elegant & Readable
Easy to reason about
Small compassable libraries, not frameworks
Rich collection manipulation functions
FP, immutability, purity, first-class functions
High level data manipulation
CLJ/CLJS code reuse
Seamless interop with JS/Node.js
Learning curve, but it’s just an initial hump
Need to study FP
Good to deep dive into CLJ philosophy
Additional JS code added by CLJS itself
Still tangled error messages
Compiled code is hard to read
Need time to fully master the language
Know what you do
08 • Final thoughts
Best Fit
If the task is dedicated
If the team is skilled enough
If you see limit of your current stack
If you’re curious enough
If you want to broaden yours horizons
If you want to be 10x productive
In our opinion
08 • Final thoughts
Thank you
Alexander Khokhlov

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"ClojureScript journey: from little script, to CLI program, to AWS Lambda function" Alexander Khokhlov

  • 1. Alexander Khokhlov ClojureScript journey From little script, to CLI program, to AWS Lambda function
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 7. Add docs for block of code, function, module, file, commit or branch 01
  • 8. Notes, Tied to Code Easy to Discover Easy to Explore Easy to Get Scope Easy to Ask and Discuss 01 •
  • 9. We Track Relevance You always know what’s fresh and what’s not. Promotes keeping docs up-to-date. Rewarding when everything is ✅ 01 •
  • 10. Discuss with your Team You won’t loose a dispute that is written down. It’s tied and has context 01 •
  • 11. And many more Integration with GitHub IDE/Editors plugins Markdown formatting @mentions GitHub PR as a Note Attachments One-on-one conversations … 01 •
  • 15. vscode-textmate 02 • The task var vsctm = require('vscode-textmate'); var registry = new vsctm.Registry({ loadGrammar: function (scopeName) { var path = ‘./javascript.tmbundle/Syntaxes/JavaScript.plist'; if (path) { return new Promise((c, e) => { fs.readFile(path, (error, content) => { if (error) { e(error); } else { var rawGrammar = vsctm.parseRawGrammar( content.toString(), path); c(rawGrammar); }});});} return null; }}); // Load the JavaScript grammar and any other grammars included by it async. registry.loadGrammar('source.js').then(grammar => { // at this point `grammar` is available... var lineTokens = grammar.tokenizeLine( 'function add(a,b) { return a+b; }'); for (var i = 0; i < lineTokens.tokens.length; i++) { var token = lineTokens.tokens[i]; console.log('Token from ' + token.startIndex + ‘ to ' + token.endIndex); } }); Sample
  • 16. vscode-textmate 02 • The task { tokens: [ { startIndex: 0, endIndex: 1, scopes: [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.single.js', 'punctuation.definition.string.begin.js' ], text: "'", line: 0 }, { startIndex: 1, endIndex: 11, scopes: [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.single.js' ], text: 'use strict', line: 0 }, { startIndex: 11, endIndex: 12, scopes: [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.single.js', 'punctuation.definition.string.end.js' ], text: "'", line: 0 }, { startIndex: 12, endIndex: 13, scopes: [ 'source.js', 'punctuation.terminator.statement.js' ], text: ';', line: 0 }, Output
  • 17. Tool which works great with sequences 02 • The task 🤔
  • 21. 03 • CLJS Dialect of LISP Dynamic Immutable Persistent Compiled to JS Homoiconic Data-Driven
  • 24. 03 • CLJS 98 functions to work with collections🔥 Isn’t that enough?
  • 25. 03 • CLJS "It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures." 
 —Alan Perlis
  • 26. 03 • CLJS All together now
  • 27. 03 • CLJS Interop ;; Globals ;; alert("Hello!") (js/alert "Hello!") ;; Function Call ;; "string".toUpperCase() (.toUpperCase "string") ;; Properties ;; "string".length (.-length "string") Interoperability with JS
  • 28. 03 • CLJS Interop ;; Chain calls ;; "string".toUpperCase().charCodeAt(1).toString() (.toString (.charCodeAt (.toUpperCase "string") 1)) (.. "string" (toUpperCase) (charCodeAt 1) (toString)) (.. "string" toUpperCase (charCodeAt 1) toString) (-> "string" .toUpperCase (.charCodeAt 1) .toString) ;; Chain properties ;; document.body.lastChild.innerHTML.length (.. js/document -body -lastChild -innerHTML -length) (-> js/document .-body .-lastChild .-innerHTML .-length) Interoperability with JS
  • 29. 03 • CLJS Interop (ns myapp) (defn ^:export func [a] (str "Hey, " a)) ;; in JS: ;; myapp.func("NodeUA!");
  • 30. How we did it 04 🏗
  • 32. vscode-textmate (require '[ :as b]) (b/build "src" {:main 'notsapp.citation.core :optimizations :simple :target :nodejs :npm-deps {:vscode-textmate “4.1.1”} :install-deps true :output-to "notsapp_citation.js"}) 04 • How we did it
  • 33. Get tokens (ns notsapp.citation.registry (:require [vscode-textmate :as vstm] [cljs-node-io.core :as io] [cljs-node-io.fs :as fs])) (def reg (new vstm/Registry)) (defn load-all-grammars [] (->> (fs/readdir “grammars") (filter #(re-find #".json$" %)) (map #(let [grammar-path (str "grammars/" %) grammar (io/slurp grammar-path)] (->> (vstm/parseRawGrammar grammar grammar-path) (.addGrammar reg)))))) (defn tokenize-file [file source scope-name] (when-let [grammar-promise (.grammarForScopeName reg scope-name)] (.then grammar-promise #(.tokenizeLine % source))))) 04 • How we did it
  • 34. (defn common-block-scopes [input-tokens] (let [last-idx (-> input-tokens count dec)] (->> input-tokens (keep-indexed (fn [idx token] (when (or (re-find #"((r)?n){2,}" (-> token :text (str/replace #"[ t]+" ""))) (= idx last-idx)) idx))) (cons 0) distinct (partition 2 1) (map (fn [[start end]] (subvec input-tokens (inc start) end)))))) Transform stream of tokens 04 • How we did it
  • 36. 05 • Transform to CLI Transform to CLI deps.edn {:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.9.0"} org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "0.4.490"} org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.439"} cljs-node-io {:mvn/version "1.1.2"} org.clojure/tools.cli {:mvn/version "0.4.1"} }}
  • 37. Transform to CLI (ns notsapp.citation.core (:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs] [ :as cli])) (def cli-options [["-l" "--lang LANG" "Language of a source code file passed via stdin"] ["-s" "--scope LINENUMBER" "Get the scope by given line number" :parse-fn #(js/parseInt %)] ["-c" "--comments" "Show comments scopes"] ["-h" "--help"]]) (defn -main [& args] (let [opts (cli/parse-opts args cli-options) file (-> opts :arguments first) lang (-> opts :options :lang) scope-line-number (-> opts :options :scope) show-comments? (-> opts :options :comments)] (.exit nodejs/process 0)) (set! *main-cli-fn* -main) 05 • Transform to CLI
  • 38. Transform to CLI stdin (defn read [] (.on stdin "readable" (fn on-readable [] (let [string (loop [buf (.alloc js/Buffer 0)] (if-let [data (.read stdin)] (recur (.concat js/Buffer #js [buf data])) ;else (.toString buf "utf8")))] (.removeListener stdin "readable" on-readable) string)))) 05 • Transform to CLI
  • 39. Transform to CLI stdout (ns notsapp.citation.stdout (:require [clojure.string :as str] [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs])) (def stdout (.-stdout nodejs/process)) (defn write [data] (let [buf (.from js/Buffer data) data-len (.-length buf) len-buf (.alloc js/Buffer 4)] (.writeUInt32BE len-buf data-len 0) (->> #js [len-buf buf] (.concat js/Buffer) (.write stdout)))) 05 • Transform to CLI
  • 40. Compile & exec > clj build.clj > node notsapp_citation.js (require '[ :as b]) (b/build "src" {:main 'notsapp.citation.core :optimizations :simple :target :nodejs :npm-deps {:vscode-textmate “4.1.1”} :install-deps true :output-to "notsapp_citation.js"})build.clj 05 • Transform to CLI
  • 42. 06 • AWS Lambda AWS Lambda
  • 43. Surprisingly simple to transform ; WAS ;(set! *main-cli-fn* -main) ;NOW (set! (.-exports js/module) #js {:scopelambda scopelambda}) (defn scopelambda [event ctx cb] (if-let [body (.parse js/JSON (.-body event))] (cb nil #js {:statusCode 200 :headers #js {"Content-Type" "text/plain"} :body "Hey There!"}) ;or else return BAD REQUEST response (cb nil #js {:statusCode 500 :headers #js {"Content-Type" "text/plain"} :body "Cannot parse request body"}))) 06 • AWS Lambda
  • 44. Compile build.clj (require '[ :as b]) (b/build "src" {:main 'notsapp.citation.core :optimizations :simple :target :nodejs :npm-deps {:vscode-textmate “4.1.1”} :install-deps true :output-to "notsapp_citation.js"}) $ clj build.clj 06 • AWS Lambda
  • 45. Deploy & exec $ serverless deploy serverless.yml package: include: - notsapp_citation.js - node_modules/** - grammars/** exclude: - src/** - .git/** - out/** functions: citation: handler: notsapp_citation.scopelambda $ serverless invoke -f citation -l 06 • AWS Lambda
  • 47. 07 • Testing Testing Entry point (ns notsapp.citation.core-test (:require [cljs.test :as t] [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs] [notsapp.citation.js-test])) (nodejs/enable-util-print!) (defn -main [& args] (t/run-tests 'notsapp.citation.js-test)) (set! *main-cli-fn* -main)
  • 48. Testing The test (ns notsapp.citation.js-test (:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is] :as t])) (t/use-fixtures :once {:before load-all-grammars}) (deftest js-scopes-arrow (is (= (js-scope-arrow-funciton) [[ 2, 2 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 7, 8 ]]))) 07 • Testing
  • 49. Testing Async tests (deftest js-scopes-arrow (t/async done (-> (tokenize-and-prepare-file "samples/js/arrow-functions.js") (.then (fn [tokens] (let [scope (js-scope-arrow tokens)] (is (= scope [[2 2] [4 5] [7 8]]))) (done)))))) 07 • Testing
  • 50. Testing Build & Execute > clj build.clj > node notsapp_tests.js (require '[ :as b]) (b/build (b/inputs "test" "src") {:main 'notsapp.citation.core-test :optimizations :none :target :nodejs :output-to "notsapp_tests.js" :npm-deps {:vscode-textmate "3.3.3" } :install-deps true :output-dir "out_tests"}) 07 • Testing
  • 52. 08 • Final thoughts Pros Simple, Elegant & Readable Easy to reason about Small compassable libraries, not frameworks Rich collection manipulation functions FP, immutability, purity, first-class functions High level data manipulation CLJ/CLJS code reuse Macros Seamless interop with JS/Node.js
  • 53. Cons Learning curve, but it’s just an initial hump Need to study FP Good to deep dive into CLJ philosophy Additional JS code added by CLJS itself Still tangled error messages Compiled code is hard to read Need time to fully master the language Know what you do 08 • Final thoughts
  • 54. Best Fit If the task is dedicated If the team is skilled enough If you see limit of your current stack If you’re curious enough If you want to broaden yours horizons If you want to be 10x productive In our opinion 08 • Final thoughts