big data presentation j on the beach distributed systems software development microservices java jvm marbella scala graalvm ai devops timeseries kubernetes software infrastructure server agile functional programming continuous delivery red hat cloud native serverless api spain programming iot jonthebeach postgresql aws architecture acoustic industry 4.0 influxdb databases microsoft orleans virtual streams virtual actors deployment dawid furman marcus biel docker ebury victor tuson fintech cloud computing maggie lieu mars euclid astrology esa lightbend markus eisele jakarta ee florence hudson ieee michael barton the guardian neo4j elasticsearch data leaks barry s stahl blazor webassembly milan savic raft axon moisés macero software processes ldfi chaos monkey jaana b dogan failure architectures concurrent systems maritn thompson protocols david reche intersystems openapi ionut balosin c2 performance liz keogh leadership development leadership tomtom maths machine learning ivan kelly bookkeeper streamio messaging system apache pulsar nicolas kuhaupt google deep reinforcement learning akka crdts chaos engineering lars hupel spire alex soto service mesh istio oleg selajev oracle kotlin kai schroeder cisco ewan slater oss fn project ghida ibrahim refugee integration artificial intelligence trustin h lee grpc armeria lili cosic operators motif discovery eamonn keogh matrix profile jenkinsx vespa stream processing real time nosql sql data processing excel science biological information processing sara jane dunn microsoft life programming biotechnology jdk9 reactive streams problem solving distributed transactions promql prometheus yolo object detection service malaga analytics valo
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