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Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
Home of hope for the hopeless
JAAH is a Community Based Organization (CBO) with its roots in Busia County, Kenya. It focuses
on helping needy and under-privileged women in or surviving from abusive relationships. It
aims at addressing gender based violence (GBV) and associated socio-economic challenges that
indigent and vulnerable women in Busia face through intervention in the areas of capacity
building, advocacy, skills development and information for victims of violence.
Throughout Kenya's history, women have been subjugated to consistent rights abuses while
shouldering an overwhelming amount of responsibilities.
Prominent example of this relates to agriculture, which creates over 80 percent of Kenya's jobs
and 60 percent of income.
Currently, women in Busia do the vast majority of agricultural work and produce/market the
majority of food. Yet they earn only a fraction of the income generated and own a nominal
percentage of assets. Statistics show that only 29 percent of those earning a formal wage
throughout the country are women, leaving a huge percentage of women to work in the
informal sector without any federal support. The effect is severe with nearly 40 percent of
households run solely by women, and, because of a lack of fair income, nearly all these homes
suffer from poverty or extreme poverty.
Our organization was instituted in 2015, in response to various highlighted occupational risks,
for example, gender targeted work place exploitation and stigmatization that hampers
development within a society. Women and Gender Based Violence in Busia therefore focuses
on community mobilization against violence against women as well as enabling the vulnerable
and abused women and girls to know their rights and strengthen their capacity to overcome
economic deprivation.
The name of the group (hereafter referred to as the Organization) shall be JAEL’S ARM OF
HOPE (JAAH) Community Based Organization. (C.B.O)
Our Vision
We seek to reduce and prevent violence against women in Busia County by sensitizing and
raising awareness of the issue among selected target groups while creating an enabling
environment for violated women to secure their well-being and reduce their vulnerability to
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
Our Mission
We exist to advance the health, social and economic well-being of women and girl survivors of
sexual violence in rural villages of Busia County through training to build the capacity of rural
health care providers to assist GBV survivors, develop culturally appropriate mediation tools for
community leaders and health practitioners to raise awareness of GBV, facilitate survivors’
reintegration in their families and communities and provide avenues to improve the economic
stability of rural women victims of GBV.
Our Core Values
The organization and its members shall operate and abide by the following core values;
1. MUTUAL RESPECT, requiring them to recognize the innate worthy of all people and the
value of diversity.
2. EQUITY AND JUSTICE, requiring them to work to ensure equal opportunity for everyone,
irrespective of race,gender,age,HIV status,color,class,ethnicity,disability,location or
3. HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY, being accountable at all levels for the effectiveness of
their actions and open their judgments’ and communications with others.
4. SOLIDARITY WITH THE POOR, POWERLESS AND EXCLUDED, shall be the only bias in their
commitment in the fight against poverty.
5. COURAGE OF CONVICTION, requiring them to be creative and radical, bold and
innovative – without fear of failure – in pursuit of making the greatest possible impact
on the courses of poverty and GBV.
6. INDEPENDENCE, from any religious or party political affiliation
7. HUMILITY in their presentation and behavior, recognizing that they are part of a wider
network or alliance against poverty and GBV.
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
We aim mobilize human and material resources to uplift our members' wellbeing. In particular,
we seek to;
1. Promote Women’s Rights by focusing on education and assisting women survivors of
GBV through training of community health workers, conducting outreach events and
short documentaries of GBV survivor stories.
2. Reduce stigma and promote Economic Empowerment for Women and Girl Survivors of
3. Eliminate GBV, marginalization and discrimination against survivors.
4. To increase knowledge of and promote attitudes opposing the violence against women
and related issues within the community through the dissemination of appropriate and
relevant information. Awareness activities will be implemented to increase the
knowledge and skills of individuals and groups to express their opinions on gender
based violence and interventions will consist of:
a) Education sessions for both female and male adolescents
b) Group discussions with elder women, and mothers’ in-law;
c) Awareness campaigns for young mothers;
d) Special efforts to reach and change the attitudes and practices of the practitioners of
GBV; and
e) community-wide dissemination of information, in the form of pamphlets, posters,
brochures that include right health messages with regard to violence.
5. Assist victims’ access legal services, train organizations and individuals. Provide shelter
and counseling to victims of gender violence, Efforts such as ‘know-your-rights’
publications, fact finding surveys, legal advocacy, and networking and campaigns, will
leave the victims better equipped to combat violations of their rights.
6. Increase Access to Justice, Psychosocial and Rehabilitative Services for Victims of
Commercial Exploitation and Domestic Violence, (Small Grants Initiative)
7. The overall program strategy seeks to contribute to the prevention and elimination of
commercial sex exploitation of children and adolescents and of domestic violence in
Busia County. The project comprises of two distinct components, which include;
a) Inter-agency collaboration and coordination for the education, care, protection, and
rehabilitation of victims and their families,
b) Increased access to justice for survivors of commercial sex exploitation and domestic
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
8. Leadership Training and Community Building for Eliminating Gender-Based Violence.
This shall focus on providing training on defining, identifying, and sensitizing and
teaching others about GBV; conducting community-based outreach programs,
conducting institutional outreach and capacity building interventions and, offering
counseling and medical support services to teach participants effective coping strategies
and healthy life style choices to eliminate GBV from their lives and communities. The
components of the project are in tandem with the national program to create a safer
environment in which residents can equitably participate in the sustainable socio-
economic development of Kenya.
9. To capitalize on the growing mobile phone and internet connectivity in the country and
the latest information and communication technology, to create a digital and interactive
program that contributes to the prevention and elimination of GBV. This will be by
providing on-line information, advice, capacity building, and participation for
empowerment of Kenya’s youth located in the poorest and most remote areas of the
10. Offer vocational trainings, hold group therapy sessions, and cultivate various self-help
groups that support the emotional and economic stability of households run by children,
widows, and single parents.
11. Aid the development of microenterprises by offering basic business skills workshops and
helping to cultivate lending and savings programs for potential borrowers.
12. Train female students to be peer educators at their schools and within their
communities to disseminate information about rights and other social/health issues.
2.1: Eligibility:
Membership is open to Kenyan citizens of either origin (profession, age, sex, religious, social,
economic, political and cultural group), residing in the project area –Busia county. Direct
membership is limited to 50 while indirect membership is limitless.
2.2: Membership/Entrance fee:
Any individual person qualifying for membership admission shall be required to pay a non-
refundable membership fee of Kshs.1500.00 (One thousand five hundred shillings only),
payable once. All members will also pay a quarterly membership subscription of KShs.500.00 as
running expenses for the Organization. This translates to an annual subscription of
Kshs.2000.00 (Two thousand shillings only). These figures are subject to change as deemed
2.3: Relinquishing of membership:
Any individual member shall automatically relinquish membership due to:
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
a) Natural attrition;
b) Failure to subscribe as per article 2.2;
c) Resignation (from the organization, through a written notice;
d) Expulsion from the organization,
2.4: Refund fee:
Any individual person that relinquishes membership shall not be refunded any monies as the
Kshs. 500.00 quarterly subscriptions will be used to offset the running costs of the organization.
3.1: The Board of Management and the Secretariat shall run the organization.
3.2: The Board of Management shall comprise nine (9) members as follows:
1) Board Chairperson
2) Vice Chairperson
3) Executive Secretary
4) Assistant Secretary
5) Treasurer
6) Programs Coordinator and
7) Three (3) special committee members.
3.3: The Secretariat shall comprise five (5) members as follows:
1) The Chairperson,
2) The Secretary
3) The Organizing Secretary
4) The publicity officer and
5) One committee member
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
4.1: The Board of Management:
a) Shall be formed by members and shall comprise nine (9) members as stipulated in article
b) Shall be formed through elections or by-elections.
4.2: The Secretariat:
a) Shall be formed through elections or by-elections,
b) Shall comprise five (5) members as outlined in article 3.3
5.1: Board of Management:
5.1.1: Board Chairman:
a) Shall be the general director of the group/team/project;
b) Shall ensure accurate two-way communication between the local and the wider
c) Shall chair all Board of Management meetings.
d) Shall be a signatory to the Bank Account.
5.1.2: Vice-Chairperson:
a) Shall assume all duties of the Chairperson in the latter's absence or any other duties
assigned to him/her by the Board Chairperson.
5.1.3: Executive Secretary:
a) Shall be the official correspondent of the organization;
b) Shall be the custodian of the constitution and the copies of the organization's documents;
c) Shall keep all members posted with new developments and procedures within the
d) Shall take minutes for the Board of Management meetings and the General
Meetings and
e) Shall be a signatory to the Bank Account
5.1.4: Assistant Secretary:
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
a) Shall assume all duties of the Secretary in the latter's absence or as directed by the Board
Chairperson or his/her Vice.
5.1.5: Treasurer:
a) Shall be responsible for the organization's infrastructure (finances, web-sites, books,
brochures, & other organizational materials;
b) Shall give financial reports and statements as necessary
c) Shall be a signatory to the Bank Account
5.1.6: Programs Coordinator:
a) Shall make follow-ups of the schedules activities discussed in meetings;
b) Shall co-ordinate all seminars, workshops, and other activities for the organization;
c) Shall articulate the organizational aims/objectives and activities;
d) Shall link up the organization to the wider society;
e) Shall help in planning works and projects for the organization.
f) Shall co-ordinate all the activities of the organization;
5.1.7: Special Committee members:
a) Shall participate in all Board meetings;
b) Shall help formulate policies, activities and schedules of organization; and
c) Shall help articulate the organizational policies and activities.
5.2: Secretariat:
5.2.1: Chairperson:
a) Shall preside over all meetings of the organization but for the Board's meetings;
b) Shall participate in formulation of agenda for the meetings;
c) Shall delegate duties to members and officials as need arises;
d) Shall authorize and direct resolutions passed by members in meetings; and
e) Shall be a member of the Board of Management.
5.2.2: Secretary:
a) Shall take minutes of all organizational meetings but for Board meetings;
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
b) Shall keep the Board of Management informed of all the organizational discussions,
activities and recommendations from members for consideration and possible adoption;
c) Shall be a member of the Board; and
d) Shall keep members informed of the meetings, resolutions and other organizational
5.2.3: Organizing Secretary:
a) Shall organize all field activities, seminars, discussion and other programs together with the
b) Shall Organize Staff development Programs including that of Indirect and Volunteer
5.2.4: Committee Members:
a) Shall participate in formulation of agenda, policies and projects for the organization;
b) Shall help recommend, develop and implement possible organizational projects; and
c) Shall participate in decision making in the respective organ as outlined in article 3.5.
6.1: General Elections:
a) Shall be carried out after every three years for the Board and two years for the Secretariat;
b) Shall be called for by the Chairperson and presided over by a Special Elections Council
appointed by members;
c) An official shall be elected by a simple majority vote following secret balloting;
6.2: By-elections:
a) Shall take place in the event of resignation, natural attrition or a vote of no confidence;
b) The term of officials elected through a by-election shall end as the calendar year term of
general elections ends as in article 6.1;
c) The elections shall be carried out as per article 6.1(a-c)
6.3: Vote of no Confidence:
a) An official of the Board of Management or Secretariat who fails to perform may be voted out
through a vote of no confidence;
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
b) A vote of no confidence will be successful only following a simple 2/3 majority vote and shall
be "non-expert";
c) The elections will then be held as in article 6.2.
Disqualification of Members of the Board
The office of a member of the Board shall be vacated:
i. If a receiving order is made against him/her or he/she makes an arrangement(s) or
composition with his/her creditors;
ii. If he/she becomes of unsound mind;
iii. If he/she fails to attend the meetings of the Board for a period of six months, except by
special leave of the Board.
iv. If by notice in writing to the Organization he/she resigns his/her office;
v. If he/she is removed from office by resolution duly passed under this constitution;
vi. If he/she is removed from membership of the Organization pursuant to a resolution of the
vii. If he/she engages in active politics or holds a political office.
viii. If he/she is directly or indirectly interested in any contract with the Organization and fails
to declare the nature of his interest
7.1: Board of Management Meetings:
a) Shall be called for and chaired by Board's Chairperson as deemed necessary;
b) Resolutions passed in this meetings shall be passed to the general organizational members
7.2: Executive Meetings:
a) Shall be called for and chaired by the Secretariat's Chairman;
b) May involve the Board of Management members as ex-officio (but for chairperson and
secretary); and
c) Shall formulate policies and programs for implementation by organizational members.
7.4: Seasonal Meetings:
a) Shall be held on the 21st day of March, June, September and December of every year;
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
b) Shall be attended by all registered organizational members, both direct and Indirect;
c) Shall evaluate and reflect the quarterly strategies for the past quarter and draw up those for
the next; and
d) Shall review organizational programs and policies recommended and pass them to all
members for perusal, verification and possible adoption.
7.5: Annual General Meetings (AGM):
a) Shall be held once annually;
b) Shall be chaired by the Board of Management Chairperson or his/her representative;
c) Shall be attended by all organizational members.
7.6: Extra-Ordinary Meetings:
a) Shall be held on special occasions or emergencies;
b) Shall be chaired by the Board's Chairperson or his or her representative; and
c) Shall be attended by all those involved in one way or the other.
8.1: The organization shall function independently but shall seek to form close networks with
other interested groups and individuals.
8.2: The Programs Coordinator shall liaise with other bodies and as such shall be the public
relations officer and official spokesperson of the organization.
A number of mistakes may call upon disciplinary measures taken against the offender of the
general organizational structure.
9.1: Disciplinary mistakes shall comprise:
a) Spreading of malicious rumors against the organization;
b) Violation of the organization's objectives and constitution; and
c) Any other mistake that shall be deemed necessary and worth disciplinary action.
9.2: Disciplinary Body and procedures:
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
a) The Board of Management and the Secretariat shall appoint an independent Disciplinary
committee to discipline errant members wherever need arises;
b) The disciplinary action shall be taken without " mens rea"(criminal intent) and shall range
from expulsion, suspension, fining and any other measure deemed viable and in the spirit of
justice and fairness;
c) Harsh disciplinary actions as expulsion shall only be recommended by the Disciplinary
Committee against members that threaten the very existence of the organization and shall only
be adopted for consideration and effected by the Board of Management;
d) Officials missing to attend three consecutive meetings without acceptable reasons and/or
prior notice shall pay a fine not exceeding Kshs. 200.00. Lateness in meetings without valid
reasons will also be considered as per the decision of the members and shall attract fines not
exceeding Kshs. 100.00.
10.1: Sources:
Funding sources to the organization shall include membership fees, fines, donations from
individual/group/company well-wishers, public fund raisings, small entrepreneurial
organizational projects and any other viable legal source.
10.2: Management:
A special Finance Committee shall be set up by members to foresee the management of the
organization's kitty and shall be chaired by the Treasurer. The committee will be required to
give feedback (officially) to members from time to time and as need arises.
10.3: Lending:
Financial lending to organizational projects shall be considered on merit and on condition of
availability of funds in the lending kitty. The Finance Committee shall be in charge of lending
following consultations with members. Merit qualifiers shall involve:
a) Validity and productivity of the project;
b) The population served by the project i.e. project beneficiaries;
c) Any other viable consideration as shall be recommended by the Finance Committee from
time to time.
10.4: Trustees:
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
There shall be a panel of trustees who shall oversee the organization’s property on assets
including land, buildings, Trust funds, investments and Securities acquired by the organization.
i. The trustees shall be not less than two (2) and not more than three (3) in number.
ii. The Board' notified by an Annual General Meeting from the past office bearers and Board
Members shall appoint trustees.
iii. The trustees shall hold office for two (2) terms of five (5) years and thereafter retire to leave
room for new trustees.
iv. A General Meeting shall have the power to remove or retire any trustee and all vacancies
accruing by removal, resignation or death of trustee shall be filled at the same or the next
general meeting.
10.5: Funds and Resource Utilization:
10.5.1: Application of Funds and Assets:
The funds and assets of the Organization shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the
objectives of the Organisation as set forth in this constitution; and no portion thereof shall be
paid or transferred directly, or indirectly by way of dividend, gift, bonus or otherwise by way of
profit to the member of the Organisation, provided that nothing herein shall prevent the
payment, in good faith of reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let by any
member to the Organisation.
Provided also that non-executive members of the Board of the Organisation shall be appointed
to any salaried office of the Organisation paid by fees, and that no remuneration or other
benefit in money or money’s worth shall be given by the Organisation to any such Board
Member except repayment of out-of-pocket expenses and interest at the rate aforesaid on
money lent, or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let to the Organisation.
10.5.2: Disclosure of Interest in Contracts
A member of the Board who in anyway, whether directly or indirectly, is interested in a
contract or proposed contract with the Organisation shall disclose the nature of his/her interest
at a meeting of the Board at which the question of entering into contract may be taken into
consideration. A member of the Board shall not vote in respect of any contract or arrangement
in which he/she is interested and if he/she shall do so, his/her vote shall not be counted
10.5.3: Accounts
It shall be the work of the treasurer to cause the accounts to be kept in particular as regards:
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
a) The sum of money received and expended by the Organisation and the matters in respect of
which such receipts and expenditures take place.
b) The assets and liabilities of the Organisation. The books of accounts shall be kept at the
office or at such other place or places as the Board thinks fit, and shall
always be open to the inspection of the members of the Board during business hours.
At the Annual General Meeting in every year, the Board shall lay before the members present a
proper income and expenditure account for the period since the last preceding account made
up to a date more than nine (9) months before such meeting. A proper Balance Sheet as at the
date on which the income-expenditure account is made up shall be prepared every year, and
laid before the members present at the Annual General Meeting. Every such balance sheet shall
be accompanied by proper reports of the Board and the Auditors.
Copies of the income and expenditure account, balance sheet and reports, all of which shall be
framed in accordance with any statutory requirements for the time being in force, and of any
other document required by the law to be annexed or attached thereto or to accompany the
same shall, in less than twenty one (21) days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, be
sent to the Auditors and to all other persons entitled to receive notices of such meetings in the
prescribed manner.
10.5.4: Auditors:
1. The Organization shall at each Annual General Meeting appoint an Auditor or Auditors to
hold office until the next Annual Meeting. Provided that a member of the Board or other officer
of the Organization shall not qualify to be appointed Auditor of the Organization.
2. The Board may fill any casual vacancy in the office of the Auditor, but while any such vacancy
continues, the surviving or continuing Auditor(s), if any, may act.
3. The remuneration of the Auditor(s) of the Organization shall be fixed at the Annual General
Meeting, except that the Board may fix the remuneration of any auditor(s) appointed to fill any
casual vacancy.
4. Every Auditor of the Organization shall have a right to see all relevant vouchers, and shall be
entitled to access at all times, the books and accounts he/she requires from the Board:
i. Whether or not they have obtained all the information and explanations they have required;
ii. Whether or not, in their opinion, the balance sheet referred to in the report is properly
drawn up to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the Organizations affairs.
10.5.5: Inspection:
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
The books of accounts and all documents relating thereto and list of members of the
Organization shall be available for inspection at the office by any member of the Organization
on giving not less than seven (7) days notice in writing to the Organization, provided that the
books of accounts and all documents relating thereto and list of members shall always be open
for inspection by members of the Board during business hours.
10.5.6: Financial Year
The financial year of the Organization shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last
day of December or at such other times as the Board may from time to time determine.
11.1: Dissolution:
The Organization shall not be dissolved or wound up except by resolution passed at a General
Meeting of members by a two-thirds majority votes of the members present. The quorum at
the meeting shall be over 67 percent of all the members of the Organization. If no quorum is
obtained, the proposal to dissolve or wind up the
Organization shall be submitted to a further General Meeting, which shall be held one month
later. Notice of this meeting shall be given to all members of the organization at least 14 days
before the date of the meeting. The quorum for this second meeting shall be the number of
members present. The organization will not dissolve itself without prior consent in writing from
the Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Board obtained upon a written application
addressed to the Executive Director of the Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination
Board and signed by three of the officials of the Organization.
11.2: Disposal of Residual Assets on Winding up or Dissolution
If upon winding up or dissolution of the Organisation there remains after the satisfaction of all
its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed
amongst the members of the Organisation, but shall be given or transferred to some other
institution or institutions having objectives similar to the Organization’s, and which shall
prohibit the distributions of its or their income and property amongst its or their members to
an extent at least as great as is imposed on the Organisation. Provided that such institution or
institutions is or are to be determined by the members of the organization at or before the time
of dissolution, and in default thereof, by a judge of the High Court of Kenya, and if and so far as
effect cannot be given to the aforesaid provision, then to some other charitable object.
11.3: Indemnity of Board Members
Every member of the Board and other officers or servants of the Organisation shall be
indemnified against (and it shall be the duty of the Board, out of funds of the Organisation to
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
pay) all cost, losses and expenses which any such person may incur or become liable for by
reason of any contract entered into, or act or such thing done by him/her in good faith in the
capacity aforesaid, in any way in the discharge of his duties, including travelling expenses, and
the Board may give to any officer or employee of the Organisation who has incurred or may be
about to incur any liability at the request or for the benefit of the Board, such security by way
of indemnity as it may think proper.
11.4: Members' Contribution to Assets on Winding up
Every member of the Organisation undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Organisation
in the event of it being dissolved or wound up while he is a member, or within one year of his
ceasing to be a member, and the costs, charges and expenses of dissolution or winding up for
the adjustment of the rights of the contributors amongst themselves, such sum as may be
required not exceeding the sum of shillings one hundred only (KShs. 100/-)
12.1: Amendments:
a) Subject to the provision of Regulation 21(1) of the NGO Regulation, the Organization may by
special resolution passed modify or repeal this constitution or adopt a new constitution or
change the name of the Organization, provided that no such alteration, amendment or
modification shall be made which shall impair or prejudice the effectiveness of the prohibitions
contained in this constitution against distribution of income, property and assets of the
Organization to the members. Its remaining assets shall be distributed to another
Organization(s) with similar objectives.
b) The constitution shall be amended as shall be considered necessary by organizational
c) The call of 11.a) above shall be by a simple majority;
d) A committee shall be formed to look into areas to be amended and come up with an
amended draft;
e) The amendments shall after ratification and approval by members, be adopted and
incorporated into the organization's constitution as an integral part of the same; and
f) Members will be required to familiarize themselves with the amended constitution and
abide by it.
Article 13:Adoption of The Constitution
This constition was adopted by the members present at the AGM held
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(Chair)
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....(Secretary)
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..((Treasurer)
4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Co-Ordinator)
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Vice Chair)
6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(V/ Secretary)
7. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......(Member)
8. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Member)
9. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
10. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
11. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
12. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
13. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Member)
14. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
15. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
16. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
17. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
18. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
19. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
20. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
21. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
22. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
23. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
24. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
25. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member)
26. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
27. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member)
28. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
29. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
30. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
31. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
32. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
33. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….(Member)
34. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member)
35. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
36. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
37. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
38. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member)
Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
39. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
40. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….(Member)
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Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
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Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre-
Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy
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  • 1. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 1 CONSTITUTION OF JAEL’S ARM OF HOPE (JAAH) CENTRE Home of hope for the hopeless DEFINITION AND INTRODUCTION JAAH is a Community Based Organization (CBO) with its roots in Busia County, Kenya. It focuses on helping needy and under-privileged women in or surviving from abusive relationships. It aims at addressing gender based violence (GBV) and associated socio-economic challenges that indigent and vulnerable women in Busia face through intervention in the areas of capacity building, advocacy, skills development and information for victims of violence. Throughout Kenya's history, women have been subjugated to consistent rights abuses while shouldering an overwhelming amount of responsibilities. Prominent example of this relates to agriculture, which creates over 80 percent of Kenya's jobs and 60 percent of income. Currently, women in Busia do the vast majority of agricultural work and produce/market the majority of food. Yet they earn only a fraction of the income generated and own a nominal percentage of assets. Statistics show that only 29 percent of those earning a formal wage throughout the country are women, leaving a huge percentage of women to work in the informal sector without any federal support. The effect is severe with nearly 40 percent of households run solely by women, and, because of a lack of fair income, nearly all these homes suffer from poverty or extreme poverty. Our organization was instituted in 2015, in response to various highlighted occupational risks, for example, gender targeted work place exploitation and stigmatization that hampers development within a society. Women and Gender Based Violence in Busia therefore focuses on community mobilization against violence against women as well as enabling the vulnerable and abused women and girls to know their rights and strengthen their capacity to overcome economic deprivation. The name of the group (hereafter referred to as the Organization) shall be JAEL’S ARM OF HOPE (JAAH) Community Based Organization. (C.B.O) Our Vision We seek to reduce and prevent violence against women in Busia County by sensitizing and raising awareness of the issue among selected target groups while creating an enabling environment for violated women to secure their well-being and reduce their vulnerability to violence.
  • 2. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 2 Our Mission We exist to advance the health, social and economic well-being of women and girl survivors of sexual violence in rural villages of Busia County through training to build the capacity of rural health care providers to assist GBV survivors, develop culturally appropriate mediation tools for community leaders and health practitioners to raise awareness of GBV, facilitate survivors’ reintegration in their families and communities and provide avenues to improve the economic stability of rural women victims of GBV. Our Core Values The organization and its members shall operate and abide by the following core values; 1. MUTUAL RESPECT, requiring them to recognize the innate worthy of all people and the value of diversity. 2. EQUITY AND JUSTICE, requiring them to work to ensure equal opportunity for everyone, irrespective of race,gender,age,HIV status,color,class,ethnicity,disability,location or religion. 3. HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY, being accountable at all levels for the effectiveness of their actions and open their judgments’ and communications with others. 4. SOLIDARITY WITH THE POOR, POWERLESS AND EXCLUDED, shall be the only bias in their commitment in the fight against poverty. 5. COURAGE OF CONVICTION, requiring them to be creative and radical, bold and innovative – without fear of failure – in pursuit of making the greatest possible impact on the courses of poverty and GBV. 6. INDEPENDENCE, from any religious or party political affiliation 7. HUMILITY in their presentation and behavior, recognizing that they are part of a wider network or alliance against poverty and GBV.
  • 3. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 3 ARTICLE 1. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES We aim mobilize human and material resources to uplift our members' wellbeing. In particular, we seek to; 1. Promote Women’s Rights by focusing on education and assisting women survivors of GBV through training of community health workers, conducting outreach events and short documentaries of GBV survivor stories. 2. Reduce stigma and promote Economic Empowerment for Women and Girl Survivors of GBV 3. Eliminate GBV, marginalization and discrimination against survivors. 4. To increase knowledge of and promote attitudes opposing the violence against women and related issues within the community through the dissemination of appropriate and relevant information. Awareness activities will be implemented to increase the knowledge and skills of individuals and groups to express their opinions on gender based violence and interventions will consist of: a) Education sessions for both female and male adolescents b) Group discussions with elder women, and mothers’ in-law; c) Awareness campaigns for young mothers; d) Special efforts to reach and change the attitudes and practices of the practitioners of GBV; and e) community-wide dissemination of information, in the form of pamphlets, posters, brochures that include right health messages with regard to violence. 5. Assist victims’ access legal services, train organizations and individuals. Provide shelter and counseling to victims of gender violence, Efforts such as ‘know-your-rights’ publications, fact finding surveys, legal advocacy, and networking and campaigns, will leave the victims better equipped to combat violations of their rights. 6. Increase Access to Justice, Psychosocial and Rehabilitative Services for Victims of Commercial Exploitation and Domestic Violence, (Small Grants Initiative) 7. The overall program strategy seeks to contribute to the prevention and elimination of commercial sex exploitation of children and adolescents and of domestic violence in Busia County. The project comprises of two distinct components, which include; a) Inter-agency collaboration and coordination for the education, care, protection, and rehabilitation of victims and their families, b) Increased access to justice for survivors of commercial sex exploitation and domestic violence.
  • 4. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 4 8. Leadership Training and Community Building for Eliminating Gender-Based Violence. This shall focus on providing training on defining, identifying, and sensitizing and teaching others about GBV; conducting community-based outreach programs, conducting institutional outreach and capacity building interventions and, offering counseling and medical support services to teach participants effective coping strategies and healthy life style choices to eliminate GBV from their lives and communities. The components of the project are in tandem with the national program to create a safer environment in which residents can equitably participate in the sustainable socio- economic development of Kenya. 9. To capitalize on the growing mobile phone and internet connectivity in the country and the latest information and communication technology, to create a digital and interactive program that contributes to the prevention and elimination of GBV. This will be by providing on-line information, advice, capacity building, and participation for empowerment of Kenya’s youth located in the poorest and most remote areas of the country. 10. Offer vocational trainings, hold group therapy sessions, and cultivate various self-help groups that support the emotional and economic stability of households run by children, widows, and single parents. 11. Aid the development of microenterprises by offering basic business skills workshops and helping to cultivate lending and savings programs for potential borrowers. 12. Train female students to be peer educators at their schools and within their communities to disseminate information about rights and other social/health issues. ARTICLE 2: MEMBERSHIP: 2.1: Eligibility: Membership is open to Kenyan citizens of either origin (profession, age, sex, religious, social, economic, political and cultural group), residing in the project area –Busia county. Direct membership is limited to 50 while indirect membership is limitless. 2.2: Membership/Entrance fee: Any individual person qualifying for membership admission shall be required to pay a non- refundable membership fee of Kshs.1500.00 (One thousand five hundred shillings only), payable once. All members will also pay a quarterly membership subscription of KShs.500.00 as running expenses for the Organization. This translates to an annual subscription of Kshs.2000.00 (Two thousand shillings only). These figures are subject to change as deemed necessary. 2.3: Relinquishing of membership: Any individual member shall automatically relinquish membership due to:
  • 5. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 5 a) Natural attrition; b) Failure to subscribe as per article 2.2; c) Resignation (from the organization, through a written notice; d) Expulsion from the organization, e)Death 2.4: Refund fee: Any individual person that relinquishes membership shall not be refunded any monies as the Kshs. 500.00 quarterly subscriptions will be used to offset the running costs of the organization. ARTICLE 3: ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE & GOVERNANCE: 3.1: The Board of Management and the Secretariat shall run the organization. 3.2: The Board of Management shall comprise nine (9) members as follows: 1) Board Chairperson 2) Vice Chairperson 3) Executive Secretary 4) Assistant Secretary 5) Treasurer 6) Programs Coordinator and 7) Three (3) special committee members. 3.3: The Secretariat shall comprise five (5) members as follows: 1) The Chairperson, 2) The Secretary 3) The Organizing Secretary 4) The publicity officer and 5) One committee member ARTICLE 4: FORMATION OF THE ORGANS OF ORGANIZATION:
  • 6. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 6 4.1: The Board of Management: a) Shall be formed by members and shall comprise nine (9) members as stipulated in article 3.2. b) Shall be formed through elections or by-elections. 4.2: The Secretariat: a) Shall be formed through elections or by-elections, b) Shall comprise five (5) members as outlined in article 3.3 ARTICLE 5: DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: 5.1: Board of Management: 5.1.1: Board Chairman: a) Shall be the general director of the group/team/project; b) Shall ensure accurate two-way communication between the local and the wider organization; c) Shall chair all Board of Management meetings. d) Shall be a signatory to the Bank Account. 5.1.2: Vice-Chairperson: a) Shall assume all duties of the Chairperson in the latter's absence or any other duties assigned to him/her by the Board Chairperson. 5.1.3: Executive Secretary: a) Shall be the official correspondent of the organization; b) Shall be the custodian of the constitution and the copies of the organization's documents; c) Shall keep all members posted with new developments and procedures within the organization; d) Shall take minutes for the Board of Management meetings and the General Meetings and e) Shall be a signatory to the Bank Account 5.1.4: Assistant Secretary:
  • 7. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 7 a) Shall assume all duties of the Secretary in the latter's absence or as directed by the Board Chairperson or his/her Vice. 5.1.5: Treasurer: a) Shall be responsible for the organization's infrastructure (finances, web-sites, books, brochures, & other organizational materials; b) Shall give financial reports and statements as necessary c) Shall be a signatory to the Bank Account 5.1.6: Programs Coordinator: a) Shall make follow-ups of the schedules activities discussed in meetings; b) Shall co-ordinate all seminars, workshops, and other activities for the organization; c) Shall articulate the organizational aims/objectives and activities; d) Shall link up the organization to the wider society; e) Shall help in planning works and projects for the organization. f) Shall co-ordinate all the activities of the organization; 5.1.7: Special Committee members: a) Shall participate in all Board meetings; b) Shall help formulate policies, activities and schedules of organization; and c) Shall help articulate the organizational policies and activities. 5.2: Secretariat: 5.2.1: Chairperson: a) Shall preside over all meetings of the organization but for the Board's meetings; b) Shall participate in formulation of agenda for the meetings; c) Shall delegate duties to members and officials as need arises; d) Shall authorize and direct resolutions passed by members in meetings; and e) Shall be a member of the Board of Management. 5.2.2: Secretary: a) Shall take minutes of all organizational meetings but for Board meetings;
  • 8. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 8 b) Shall keep the Board of Management informed of all the organizational discussions, activities and recommendations from members for consideration and possible adoption; c) Shall be a member of the Board; and d) Shall keep members informed of the meetings, resolutions and other organizational activities. 5.2.3: Organizing Secretary: a) Shall organize all field activities, seminars, discussion and other programs together with the Coordinator. b) Shall Organize Staff development Programs including that of Indirect and Volunteer members. 5.2.4: Committee Members: a) Shall participate in formulation of agenda, policies and projects for the organization; b) Shall help recommend, develop and implement possible organizational projects; and c) Shall participate in decision making in the respective organ as outlined in article 3.5. ARTICLE 6: ELECTIONS: 6.1: General Elections: a) Shall be carried out after every three years for the Board and two years for the Secretariat; b) Shall be called for by the Chairperson and presided over by a Special Elections Council appointed by members; c) An official shall be elected by a simple majority vote following secret balloting; 6.2: By-elections: a) Shall take place in the event of resignation, natural attrition or a vote of no confidence; b) The term of officials elected through a by-election shall end as the calendar year term of general elections ends as in article 6.1; c) The elections shall be carried out as per article 6.1(a-c) 6.3: Vote of no Confidence: a) An official of the Board of Management or Secretariat who fails to perform may be voted out through a vote of no confidence;
  • 9. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 9 b) A vote of no confidence will be successful only following a simple 2/3 majority vote and shall be "non-expert"; c) The elections will then be held as in article 6.2. Disqualification of Members of the Board The office of a member of the Board shall be vacated: i. If a receiving order is made against him/her or he/she makes an arrangement(s) or composition with his/her creditors; ii. If he/she becomes of unsound mind; iii. If he/she fails to attend the meetings of the Board for a period of six months, except by special leave of the Board. iv. If by notice in writing to the Organization he/she resigns his/her office; v. If he/she is removed from office by resolution duly passed under this constitution; vi. If he/she is removed from membership of the Organization pursuant to a resolution of the Organization. vii. If he/she engages in active politics or holds a political office. viii. If he/she is directly or indirectly interested in any contract with the Organization and fails to declare the nature of his interest ARTICLE 7: MEETINGS: 7.1: Board of Management Meetings: a) Shall be called for and chaired by Board's Chairperson as deemed necessary; b) Resolutions passed in this meetings shall be passed to the general organizational members 7.2: Executive Meetings: a) Shall be called for and chaired by the Secretariat's Chairman; b) May involve the Board of Management members as ex-officio (but for chairperson and secretary); and c) Shall formulate policies and programs for implementation by organizational members. 7.4: Seasonal Meetings: a) Shall be held on the 21st day of March, June, September and December of every year;
  • 10. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 10 b) Shall be attended by all registered organizational members, both direct and Indirect; c) Shall evaluate and reflect the quarterly strategies for the past quarter and draw up those for the next; and d) Shall review organizational programs and policies recommended and pass them to all members for perusal, verification and possible adoption. 7.5: Annual General Meetings (AGM): a) Shall be held once annually; b) Shall be chaired by the Board of Management Chairperson or his/her representative; c) Shall be attended by all organizational members. 7.6: Extra-Ordinary Meetings: a) Shall be held on special occasions or emergencies; b) Shall be chaired by the Board's Chairperson or his or her representative; and c) Shall be attended by all those involved in one way or the other. ARTICLE 8: AD-HOC ASSOCIATIONS & RELATIONS WITH OTHER ORGANIZED GROUPS/TEAMS & GENERAL PUBLIC: 8.1: The organization shall function independently but shall seek to form close networks with other interested groups and individuals. 8.2: The Programs Coordinator shall liaise with other bodies and as such shall be the public relations officer and official spokesperson of the organization. ARTICLE 9: DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS: A number of mistakes may call upon disciplinary measures taken against the offender of the general organizational structure. 9.1: Disciplinary mistakes shall comprise: a) Spreading of malicious rumors against the organization; b) Violation of the organization's objectives and constitution; and c) Any other mistake that shall be deemed necessary and worth disciplinary action. 9.2: Disciplinary Body and procedures:
  • 11. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 11 a) The Board of Management and the Secretariat shall appoint an independent Disciplinary committee to discipline errant members wherever need arises; b) The disciplinary action shall be taken without " mens rea"(criminal intent) and shall range from expulsion, suspension, fining and any other measure deemed viable and in the spirit of justice and fairness; c) Harsh disciplinary actions as expulsion shall only be recommended by the Disciplinary Committee against members that threaten the very existence of the organization and shall only be adopted for consideration and effected by the Board of Management; d) Officials missing to attend three consecutive meetings without acceptable reasons and/or prior notice shall pay a fine not exceeding Kshs. 200.00. Lateness in meetings without valid reasons will also be considered as per the decision of the members and shall attract fines not exceeding Kshs. 100.00. ARTICLE 10: FINANCES: 10.1: Sources: Funding sources to the organization shall include membership fees, fines, donations from individual/group/company well-wishers, public fund raisings, small entrepreneurial organizational projects and any other viable legal source. 10.2: Management: A special Finance Committee shall be set up by members to foresee the management of the organization's kitty and shall be chaired by the Treasurer. The committee will be required to give feedback (officially) to members from time to time and as need arises. 10.3: Lending: Financial lending to organizational projects shall be considered on merit and on condition of availability of funds in the lending kitty. The Finance Committee shall be in charge of lending following consultations with members. Merit qualifiers shall involve: a) Validity and productivity of the project; b) The population served by the project i.e. project beneficiaries; c) Any other viable consideration as shall be recommended by the Finance Committee from time to time. 10.4: Trustees:
  • 12. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 12 There shall be a panel of trustees who shall oversee the organization’s property on assets including land, buildings, Trust funds, investments and Securities acquired by the organization. i. The trustees shall be not less than two (2) and not more than three (3) in number. ii. The Board' notified by an Annual General Meeting from the past office bearers and Board Members shall appoint trustees. iii. The trustees shall hold office for two (2) terms of five (5) years and thereafter retire to leave room for new trustees. iv. A General Meeting shall have the power to remove or retire any trustee and all vacancies accruing by removal, resignation or death of trustee shall be filled at the same or the next general meeting. 10.5: Funds and Resource Utilization: 10.5.1: Application of Funds and Assets: The funds and assets of the Organization shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the Organisation as set forth in this constitution; and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly, or indirectly by way of dividend, gift, bonus or otherwise by way of profit to the member of the Organisation, provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith of reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let by any member to the Organisation. Provided also that non-executive members of the Board of the Organisation shall be appointed to any salaried office of the Organisation paid by fees, and that no remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth shall be given by the Organisation to any such Board Member except repayment of out-of-pocket expenses and interest at the rate aforesaid on money lent, or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let to the Organisation. 10.5.2: Disclosure of Interest in Contracts A member of the Board who in anyway, whether directly or indirectly, is interested in a contract or proposed contract with the Organisation shall disclose the nature of his/her interest at a meeting of the Board at which the question of entering into contract may be taken into consideration. A member of the Board shall not vote in respect of any contract or arrangement in which he/she is interested and if he/she shall do so, his/her vote shall not be counted 10.5.3: Accounts It shall be the work of the treasurer to cause the accounts to be kept in particular as regards:
  • 13. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 13 a) The sum of money received and expended by the Organisation and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place. b) The assets and liabilities of the Organisation. The books of accounts shall be kept at the office or at such other place or places as the Board thinks fit, and shall always be open to the inspection of the members of the Board during business hours. At the Annual General Meeting in every year, the Board shall lay before the members present a proper income and expenditure account for the period since the last preceding account made up to a date more than nine (9) months before such meeting. A proper Balance Sheet as at the date on which the income-expenditure account is made up shall be prepared every year, and laid before the members present at the Annual General Meeting. Every such balance sheet shall be accompanied by proper reports of the Board and the Auditors. Copies of the income and expenditure account, balance sheet and reports, all of which shall be framed in accordance with any statutory requirements for the time being in force, and of any other document required by the law to be annexed or attached thereto or to accompany the same shall, in less than twenty one (21) days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, be sent to the Auditors and to all other persons entitled to receive notices of such meetings in the prescribed manner. 10.5.4: Auditors: 1. The Organization shall at each Annual General Meeting appoint an Auditor or Auditors to hold office until the next Annual Meeting. Provided that a member of the Board or other officer of the Organization shall not qualify to be appointed Auditor of the Organization. 2. The Board may fill any casual vacancy in the office of the Auditor, but while any such vacancy continues, the surviving or continuing Auditor(s), if any, may act. 3. The remuneration of the Auditor(s) of the Organization shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting, except that the Board may fix the remuneration of any auditor(s) appointed to fill any casual vacancy. 4. Every Auditor of the Organization shall have a right to see all relevant vouchers, and shall be entitled to access at all times, the books and accounts he/she requires from the Board: i. Whether or not they have obtained all the information and explanations they have required; and ii. Whether or not, in their opinion, the balance sheet referred to in the report is properly drawn up to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the Organizations affairs. 10.5.5: Inspection:
  • 14. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 14 The books of accounts and all documents relating thereto and list of members of the Organization shall be available for inspection at the office by any member of the Organization on giving not less than seven (7) days notice in writing to the Organization, provided that the books of accounts and all documents relating thereto and list of members shall always be open for inspection by members of the Board during business hours. 10.5.6: Financial Year The financial year of the Organization shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December or at such other times as the Board may from time to time determine. ARTICLE 11. DISSOLUTION AND DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY 11.1: Dissolution: The Organization shall not be dissolved or wound up except by resolution passed at a General Meeting of members by a two-thirds majority votes of the members present. The quorum at the meeting shall be over 67 percent of all the members of the Organization. If no quorum is obtained, the proposal to dissolve or wind up the Organization shall be submitted to a further General Meeting, which shall be held one month later. Notice of this meeting shall be given to all members of the organization at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. The quorum for this second meeting shall be the number of members present. The organization will not dissolve itself without prior consent in writing from the Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Board obtained upon a written application addressed to the Executive Director of the Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Board and signed by three of the officials of the Organization. 11.2: Disposal of Residual Assets on Winding up or Dissolution If upon winding up or dissolution of the Organisation there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the members of the Organisation, but shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions having objectives similar to the Organization’s, and which shall prohibit the distributions of its or their income and property amongst its or their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on the Organisation. Provided that such institution or institutions is or are to be determined by the members of the organization at or before the time of dissolution, and in default thereof, by a judge of the High Court of Kenya, and if and so far as effect cannot be given to the aforesaid provision, then to some other charitable object. 11.3: Indemnity of Board Members Every member of the Board and other officers or servants of the Organisation shall be indemnified against (and it shall be the duty of the Board, out of funds of the Organisation to
  • 15. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 15 pay) all cost, losses and expenses which any such person may incur or become liable for by reason of any contract entered into, or act or such thing done by him/her in good faith in the capacity aforesaid, in any way in the discharge of his duties, including travelling expenses, and the Board may give to any officer or employee of the Organisation who has incurred or may be about to incur any liability at the request or for the benefit of the Board, such security by way of indemnity as it may think proper. 11.4: Members' Contribution to Assets on Winding up Every member of the Organisation undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Organisation in the event of it being dissolved or wound up while he is a member, or within one year of his ceasing to be a member, and the costs, charges and expenses of dissolution or winding up for the adjustment of the rights of the contributors amongst themselves, such sum as may be required not exceeding the sum of shillings one hundred only (KShs. 100/-) ARTICLE 12: AMENDMEND OF THE CONSTITUTION: 12.1: Amendments: a) Subject to the provision of Regulation 21(1) of the NGO Regulation, the Organization may by special resolution passed modify or repeal this constitution or adopt a new constitution or change the name of the Organization, provided that no such alteration, amendment or modification shall be made which shall impair or prejudice the effectiveness of the prohibitions contained in this constitution against distribution of income, property and assets of the Organization to the members. Its remaining assets shall be distributed to another Organization(s) with similar objectives. b) The constitution shall be amended as shall be considered necessary by organizational members; c) The call of 11.a) above shall be by a simple majority; d) A committee shall be formed to look into areas to be amended and come up with an amended draft; e) The amendments shall after ratification and approval by members, be adopted and incorporated into the organization's constitution as an integral part of the same; and f) Members will be required to familiarize themselves with the amended constitution and abide by it. Article 13:Adoption of The Constitution This constition was adopted by the members present at the AGM held on………………………………………………
  • 16. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 16 Signed 1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(Chair) 2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....(Secretary) 3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..((Treasurer) 4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Co-Ordinator) 5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Vice Chair) 6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(V/ Secretary) 7. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......(Member) 8. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Member) 9. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 10. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 11. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 12. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 13. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Member) 14. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 15. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 16. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 17. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 18. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 19. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 20. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 21. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 22. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 23. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 24. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 25. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 26. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 27. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 28. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 29. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 30. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 31. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 32. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 33. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….(Member) 34. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 35. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 36. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 37. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 38. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member)
  • 17. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 17 39. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 40. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….(Member) 41. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 42. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..(Member) 43. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 44. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 45. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….(Member) 46. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 47. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 48. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 49. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 50. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 51. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….(Member) 52. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 53. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 54. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 55. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 56. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 57. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 58. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 59. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 60. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 61. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 62. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 63. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 64. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 65. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 66. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 67. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 68. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 69. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 70. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 71. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 72. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 73. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member)
  • 18. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 18 74. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 75. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 76. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 77. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 78. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....(Member) 79. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 80. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 81. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 82. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 83. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 84. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 85. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 86. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 87. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 88. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 89. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 90. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 91. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 92. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 93. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 94. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 95. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Member) 96. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 97. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 98. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Member) 99. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Member) 100. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 101. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 102. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 103. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 104. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 105. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 106. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Member) 107. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 108. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Member) 109. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 110. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 111. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 112. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 113. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member) 114. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Member)
  • 19. Jael’s Arm Of Hope Centre- Touching The Vulnerable and Hurting with God’s Love, Care and Mercy 19 115. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Member) 116. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….….(Member) 117. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…(Member) 118. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….….(Member) 119. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….……….(Member)