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Normal Gait =
– Series of rhythmical , alternating
movements of the trunk & limbs which
result in the forward progression of the
center of gravity
– series of ‘controlled falls’
Gait Cycle
–Single sequence of functions by one
–Begins when reference font contacts
the ground
–Ends with subsequent floor contact of
the same foot
Gait Cycle - Definitions:
Step Length =
–Distance between corresponding
successive points of heel contact of
the opposite feet
–Rt step length = Lt step length (in
normal gait
Stride Length =
–Distance between successive points of
heel contact of the same foot
–Double the step length (in normal gait)
Walking Base =
–Side-to-side distance between the line
of the two feet
–Also known as ‘stride width’
Normal Gait
STANCE (60-62% gait cycle)
Initial Contact: The moment the foot contacts
the ground.
Loading Response: Weight is rapidly transferred
onto the outstretched limb, the first period of
double-limb support.
Midstance: The body progresses over a
single, stable limb.
Terminal Stance: Progression over the stance
limb continues. The body moves ahead of the
limb and weight is transferred onto the forefoot.
Pre-swing: A rapid unloading of the limb occurs
as weight is transferred to the contralateral
limb, the second period of double-limb support
SWING (38-40% gait cycle)
Initial Swing: The thigh begins to
advance as the foot comes up off the
Mid Swing: The thigh continues to
advance as the knee begins to extend, the
foot clears the ground.
Terminal Swing: The knee extends, the
limb prepares to contact the ground.
The contact period
- Objective: adapt to terrain, shock
absorption, forward progression
- 0-10% of gait cycle (HC to FFC)
- at HC: hip flexed, knee extended, ankle
in neutral (90°), STJ supinated
- from HC to FFC: knee flexes, ankle
plantarflexes, STJ pronates
Muscle activity:
- long extensors decelerate plantarflexion
- tibialis posterior decelerates pronation
- gastrocnemius decelerates internal tibial
- objective: progression over stationary foot, limb
and trunk stability
- 10 - 30% of gait cycle (FFC to HO)
- knee and hip start to extend
- subtalar joint pronation should have ceased (ie.
Muscle activity:
- tibialis posterior and soleus start to supinate
- peroneus longus stabilizes first ray
- triceps surae decelerate forward displacement
of tibia, and plantarflex ankle joint
- objective: forward progression, foot becomes
'rigid lever'
- 30 - 60% of gait cycle (HO to TO)
- knee flexes, ankle plantarflexes
- subtalar joint rapidly supinates
- first ray plantarflexes
- 1st MPJ dorsiflexes: toe-off through tip of hallux
Muscle activity:
- soleus and tibialis posterior assist heel lift
- peroneus longus stabilizes first ray
- FHL, FHB, AbH, AdH stabilize hallux
- EHL dorsiflexes hallux
Swing phase
- objective: forward progression, ground
- 60-100% of gait cycle
- hip continues to flex
- knee extends from flexed position
- ankle dorsiflexes
- STJ slightly pronated at toe-off
Muscle activity:
- long extensors dorsiflex foot for toe clearance
- tibialis anterior dorsiflexes the first ray
The Functional Phases of the
Gait Cycle
Stance (62%)
Weight Acceptance
Single Limb
Swing (38%)
Swing Limb
Normal Stride Characteristics
A. Cadence: steps / timeAdult: approx. 2
Females (20 - 69 years old): 121 ∀ 8.5
Males (20 - 69 years old): 111 ∀ 7.6
Cadence =
– Number of steps per unit time
– Normal: 100 – 115 steps/min
– Cultural/social variations
Comfortable Walking Speed
(CWS) =
–Least energy consumption per unit
–Average= 80 m/min (~ 5 km/h , ~
3 mph)
–Velocity =
Distance covered by the body in unit
Usually measured in m/s
Instantaneous velocity varies during
the gait cycle
Average velocity (m/min) = step length
(m) x cadence (steps/min)
Stance Phase: Swing Phase:
reference limb reference limb
in contact not in
with the floor with the floor
(1) Single Support: only one foot in contact
with the floor
(2) Double Support: both feet in contact
with floor
Stance phase:
1. Heel contact: ‘Initial contact’
2. Foot-flat: ‘Loading response’, initial contact of
forefoot w. ground
3. Midstance: greater trochanter in alignment w.
vertical bisector of foot
4. Heel-off: ‘Terminal stance’
5. Toe-off: ‘Pre-swing’
Swing phase:
1. Acceleration: ‘Initial swing’
2. Midswing: swinging limb overtakes the limb in
3. Deceleration: ‘Terminal swing’
Time Frame:
A. Stance vs. Swing:
Stance phase = 60% of gait cycle
Swing phase = 40%
B. Single vs. Double support:
Single support= 40% of gait cycle
Double support= 20%
With increasing walking speeds:
Stance phase: decreases
Swing phase: increases
Double support: decreases
By definition: walking without double support
Ratio stance/swing reverses
Double support disappears. ‘Double swing’
Path of Center of Gravity
Center of Gravity (CG):
– midway between the hips
– Few cm in front of S2
Least energy consumption if CG
travels in straight line
Path of Center of Gravity
Vertical displacement:
Rhythmic up & down
Highest point: midstance
Lowest point: double
Average displacement:
Path: extremely smooth
sinusoidal curve
Lateral displacement:
Rhythmic side-to-side
Lateral limit: midstance
Average displacement:
Path: extremely smooth
sinusoidal curve
Sum of vertical &
Figure ‘8’
movement of CG
as seen from AP
Determinants of Gait :
Six optimizations used to minimize
excursion of CG in vertical &
horizontal planes
Reduce significantly energy
consumption of ambulation
Classic papers: Sanders, Inman
 Pelvic rotation:
Forward rotation of the pelvis in the horizontal
plane approx. 8o on the swing-phase side
Reduces the angle of hip flexion & extension
Enables a slightly longer step-length w/o
further lowering of CG
Pelvic tilt:
5o dip of the swinging side (i.e. hip adduction)
In standing, this dip is a positive
Trendelenberg sign
Reduces the height of the apex of the curve of
Knee flexion in stance phase:
Approx. 20o dip
Shortens the leg in the middle of stance
Reduces the height of the apex of the
curve of CG
Ankle mechanism:
Lengthens the leg at heel contact
Smoothens the curve of CG
Reduces the lowering of CG
Foot mechanism:
Lengthens the leg at toe-off as
ankle moves from dorsiflexion to
Smoothens the curve of CG
Reduces the lowering of CG
Lateral displacement of body:
The normally narrow width of the
walking base minimizes the lateral
displacement of CG
Reduced muscular energy consumption
due to reduced lateral acceleration &
Gait Analysis – Forces
Forces which have the most
significant Influence are due to:
(1) gravity
(2) muscular contraction
(3) inertia
(4) floor reaction
The force that the foot
exerts on the floor due
to gravity & inertia is
opposed by the ground
reaction force
Ground reaction force
(RF) may be resolved
into horizontal (HF) &
vertical (VF)
Understanding joint
position & RF leads to
understanding of
muscle activity during
At initial heel-contact: ‘heel
At heel-contact:
Ankle: DF
Knee: Quad
Hip: Glut. Max&Hamstrings
Low muscular demand:
– ~ 20-25% max. muscle strength
– MMT of ~ 3+
A. Antalgic Gait
B. Lateral Trunk bending
C. Functional Leg-Length
D. Increased Walking Base
E. Inadequate Dorsiflexion Control
F. Excessive Knee Extension
Hip abductor load & hip joint reaction force
Hip abductor load & hip joint reaction force
Swing leg: longer than stance leg
4 common compensations:
A. Circumduction
B. Hip hiking
C. Steppage
D. Vaulting
Functional Leg-Length Discrepancy
Increased Walking Base
Normal walking base: 5-10 cm
Common causes:
– Deformities
Abducted hip
Valgus knee
– Instability
Cerebellar ataxia
Proprioception deficits
Inadequate Dorsiflexion Control
In stance phase (Heel contact – Foot
Foot slap
In swing phase (mid-swing):
Toe drag
– Weak Tibialis Ant.
– Spastic plantarflexors
Excessive knee extension
Loss of normal knee flexion during
stance phase
Knee may go into hyperextension
Genu recurvatum: hyperextension
deformity of knee
Common causes:
–Quadriceps weakness (mid-stance)
–Quadriceps spasticity (mid-stance)
–Knee flexor weakness (end-stance)
Lateral Trunk bending
Trendelenberg gait
Usually unilateral
Bilateral = waddling gait
Common causes:
A. Painful hip
B. Hip abductor weakness
C. Leg-length discrepancy
D. Abnormal hip joint
Antalgic Gait
Gait pattern in which stance phase
on affected side is shortened
Corresponding increase in stance on
unaffected side
Common causes: OA, Fx, tendinitis
Velocity: distance/time
Adult: 1.4 m/sec
Females (20 - 69 years old): 79.3 ∀
9.5 m/min
Males (20 - 69 years old): 82.1 ∀
10.3 m/min
C. Stride length: right heel strike to
right heel strike
Adult: 1.5 m
Females (20 - 69 years old): 1.32 ∀
.13 m
Males (20 - 69 years old): 1.48 ∀ .15
Abnormalities during Weight Acceptance:
Joint Deviation: Possible Cause
Backward lean: To decrease demand
on hip extensors (glut max)
Forward lean: Due to increased hip
flexion (joint contracture or mm weakness)
Lateral Lean: R/L Weak hip abductors
Contralateral drops: Weak hip
abductors on reference limb
Ipsilateral drops: Compensation for
shortened limb
Hip Excessive flexion:
Hip flexion contracture, excessive knee flexion
Limited flexion: Weakness of hip flexors, decreased
hip flexion
Excessive flexion: Knee pain, weak quads, short leg
on opposite side
Hyperextension: Decreased dorsiflexion, weak quads
Extension thrust: Intention to increase limb stability
Forefoot contact: Heel pain, excessive knee
flexion, pf contracture
Foot flat contact: Dorsiflexion contracture, weak
Foot slap: Weak dorsiflexors
Toes Up: Compensation for weak anterior tib
Abnormalities during Single Limb Support:
Joint Deviation: Possible Cause
Backward lean: To decrease demand
on hip extensors (glut max)
Forward lean: Due to increased hip
flexion (joint contracture or mm
Lateral Lean: R/L Weak hip
Contralateral drops: Weak hip abductors on
reference limb
Ipsilateral drops: Compensation for shortened limb
Anterior Pelvic Tilt: Hip flexion contracture
Limited flexion: Weakness of hip flexors, decreased
hip flexion
Internal Rotation: Weak external rotators, femoral
External Rotation: Retroversion, limited dorsiflexion
Abduction: Reference limb longer
Adduction: Secondary to contralateral pelvic drop
Excessive flexion: Knee pain, weak quads,
short leg on opposite side
Hyperextension: Decreased dorsiflexion,
weak quads
Extension thrust: Intention to increase
limb stability
Wobbles: Impaired proprioception
Varus: Joint instability, bony deformity
Valgus: Lateral trunk lean, Joint
instability, bony deformity
Excessive plantarflexion: Weak
quads, Impaired
proprioception, ankle pain
Early heel off: Tight dorsiflexors,
Increased pronation: STJ deformity,
Toes Up: Compensation for weak
anterior tib
Abnormalities during Swing Limb Advance:
Joint Deviation: Possible Cause
Backward lean: To decrease demand on hip
extensors (glut max)
Forward lean: Due to increased hip flexion (joint
contracture or mm weakness)
Lateral Lean: R/L Weak hip abductors
Hikes: Clear swing limb
Ipsilateral drops: Weak hip abductors on
contralateral side
Limited flexion: Weakness of hip
flexors, decreased hip flexion, hip pain
Limited flexion: Excess hip flexion, knee pain
Excess flexion: Knee contracture, weak quads
Excessive plantarflexion: Weak quads, Impaired
proprioception, ankle pain
Drag: Secondary to limited hip flexion, knee flexion or excess
Contralateral Vaulting: Compensation for limited flexion of
swing or long swing
Inadequate extension:Limited joint motion, forefoot pain, no
heel off
Clawed/hammered: Imbalance of long toe extensors and
intrinsics, weak pf
Running Gait
Variations from walking
STANCE (30 - 40%)
Foot Strike:
Take-off (propulsion)
SWING (60 - 70%)
Follow through:
Forward swing:
Foot descent:
list of common overuse injuries associated
with poor gait biomechanics:
Shin splints
Plantar fasciits
Iliotibial band syndrome (runners knee)
Patella tendonitis (jumpers knee)
Patello-femoral knee pain
Achilles tendonitis
Lower back pain
Shock absorption and energy conservation are
important aspects of efficient gait. Altered joint
motion or absent muscle forces may increase
joint reaction (contact) forces and lead
subsequently to additional pathology. In early
stance, nearly 60% of one's body weight is
loaded abruptly (less than 20 milliseconds) onto
the ipsilateral limb. This abrupt impact is
attenuated at each of the lower extremity joints.
Loading response plantar flexion is
passive, substantially restrained by eccentric
work of pretibial muscles. The absorptive work by
pretibial muscles delays forefoot contact until late
in the initial double support period (7-8% GC).
At initial contact, external (ground
reaction) forces applied to the contact foot
produce a tendency toward knee flexion.
Repositioning the knee (recurvatum)
increases knee mechanical stability, but at
the cost of increased contact forces and
shock generation. A balance between knee
stability and shock absorption is achieved
by eccentric quadriceps contractions
during loading response. The impact of
loading is minimized at the hip during
single support through hip abductor
muscle contraction.
Energy conservation
Ambulation always is associated with
metabolic costs. These costs are
relatively minor in normal adults
performing free speed level walking.
The self-selected walking speed in
normal adults closely matches the
velocity that minimizes metabolic

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  • 2. DEFINITION Normal Gait = – Series of rhythmical , alternating movements of the trunk & limbs which result in the forward progression of the center of gravity – series of ‘controlled falls’
  • 3. Gait Cycle –Single sequence of functions by one limb –Begins when reference font contacts the ground –Ends with subsequent floor contact of the same foot
  • 4. Gait Cycle - Definitions: Step Length = –Distance between corresponding successive points of heel contact of the opposite feet –Rt step length = Lt step length (in normal gait
  • 5. Stride Length = –Distance between successive points of heel contact of the same foot –Double the step length (in normal gait)
  • 6. Walking Base = –Side-to-side distance between the line of the two feet –Also known as ‘stride width’
  • 7. Normal Gait STANCE (60-62% gait cycle) Initial Contact: The moment the foot contacts the ground. Loading Response: Weight is rapidly transferred onto the outstretched limb, the first period of double-limb support. Midstance: The body progresses over a single, stable limb. Terminal Stance: Progression over the stance limb continues. The body moves ahead of the limb and weight is transferred onto the forefoot. Pre-swing: A rapid unloading of the limb occurs as weight is transferred to the contralateral limb, the second period of double-limb support
  • 8. SWING (38-40% gait cycle) Initial Swing: The thigh begins to advance as the foot comes up off the floor. Mid Swing: The thigh continues to advance as the knee begins to extend, the foot clears the ground. Terminal Swing: The knee extends, the limb prepares to contact the ground.
  • 9. The contact period - Objective: adapt to terrain, shock absorption, forward progression - 0-10% of gait cycle (HC to FFC) - at HC: hip flexed, knee extended, ankle in neutral (90°), STJ supinated - from HC to FFC: knee flexes, ankle plantarflexes, STJ pronates Muscle activity: - long extensors decelerate plantarflexion - tibialis posterior decelerates pronation - gastrocnemius decelerates internal tibial rotation
  • 10. Midstance - objective: progression over stationary foot, limb and trunk stability - 10 - 30% of gait cycle (FFC to HO) - knee and hip start to extend - subtalar joint pronation should have ceased (ie. neutral) Muscle activity: - tibialis posterior and soleus start to supinate STJ - peroneus longus stabilizes first ray - triceps surae decelerate forward displacement of tibia, and plantarflex ankle joint
  • 11. Propulsion - objective: forward progression, foot becomes 'rigid lever' - 30 - 60% of gait cycle (HO to TO) - knee flexes, ankle plantarflexes - subtalar joint rapidly supinates - first ray plantarflexes - 1st MPJ dorsiflexes: toe-off through tip of hallux Muscle activity: - soleus and tibialis posterior assist heel lift - peroneus longus stabilizes first ray - FHL, FHB, AbH, AdH stabilize hallux - EHL dorsiflexes hallux
  • 12. Swing phase - objective: forward progression, ground clearance - 60-100% of gait cycle - hip continues to flex - knee extends from flexed position - ankle dorsiflexes - STJ slightly pronated at toe-off Muscle activity: - long extensors dorsiflex foot for toe clearance - tibialis anterior dorsiflexes the first ray
  • 13.
  • 14. The Functional Phases of the Gait Cycle Stance (62%) IC LR Weight Acceptance MS TS Single Limb Support Swing (38%) PSw ISw MSw TSw Swing Limb Advance
  • 15. Normal Stride Characteristics A. Cadence: steps / timeAdult: approx. 2 steps/sec Females (20 - 69 years old): 121 ∀ 8.5 steps/min Males (20 - 69 years old): 111 ∀ 7.6 steps/min Cadence = – Number of steps per unit time – Normal: 100 – 115 steps/min – Cultural/social variations
  • 16. Comfortable Walking Speed (CWS) = –Least energy consumption per unit distance –Average= 80 m/min (~ 5 km/h , ~ 3 mph)
  • 17. –Velocity = Distance covered by the body in unit time Usually measured in m/s Instantaneous velocity varies during the gait cycle Average velocity (m/min) = step length (m) x cadence (steps/min)
  • 18. Phases: Stance Phase: Swing Phase: reference limb reference limb in contact not in contact with the floor with the floor
  • 19. Support: (1) Single Support: only one foot in contact with the floor (2) Double Support: both feet in contact with floor
  • 20. Stance phase: 1. Heel contact: ‘Initial contact’ 2. Foot-flat: ‘Loading response’, initial contact of forefoot w. ground 3. Midstance: greater trochanter in alignment w. vertical bisector of foot 4. Heel-off: ‘Terminal stance’ 5. Toe-off: ‘Pre-swing’
  • 21. Swing phase: 1. Acceleration: ‘Initial swing’ 2. Midswing: swinging limb overtakes the limb in stance 3. Deceleration: ‘Terminal swing’
  • 22.
  • 23. Time Frame: A. Stance vs. Swing: Stance phase = 60% of gait cycle Swing phase = 40% B. Single vs. Double support: Single support= 40% of gait cycle Double support= 20%
  • 24. With increasing walking speeds: Stance phase: decreases Swing phase: increases Double support: decreases Running: By definition: walking without double support Ratio stance/swing reverses Double support disappears. ‘Double swing’ develops
  • 25. Path of Center of Gravity Center of Gravity (CG): – midway between the hips – Few cm in front of S2 Least energy consumption if CG travels in straight line
  • 26.
  • 27. Path of Center of Gravity Vertical displacement: Rhythmic up & down movement Highest point: midstance Lowest point: double support Average displacement: 5cm Path: extremely smooth sinusoidal curve
  • 28. Lateral displacement: Rhythmic side-to-side movement Lateral limit: midstance Average displacement: 5cm Path: extremely smooth sinusoidal curve
  • 29. Overall displacement: Sum of vertical & horizontal displacement Figure ‘8’ movement of CG as seen from AP view
  • 30. Determinants of Gait : Six optimizations used to minimize excursion of CG in vertical & horizontal planes Reduce significantly energy consumption of ambulation Classic papers: Sanders, Inman (1953)
  • 31.  Pelvic rotation: Forward rotation of the pelvis in the horizontal plane approx. 8o on the swing-phase side Reduces the angle of hip flexion & extension Enables a slightly longer step-length w/o further lowering of CG
  • 32. Pelvic tilt: 5o dip of the swinging side (i.e. hip adduction) In standing, this dip is a positive Trendelenberg sign Reduces the height of the apex of the curve of CG
  • 33. Knee flexion in stance phase: Approx. 20o dip Shortens the leg in the middle of stance phase Reduces the height of the apex of the curve of CG
  • 34. Ankle mechanism: Lengthens the leg at heel contact Smoothens the curve of CG Reduces the lowering of CG
  • 35. Foot mechanism: Lengthens the leg at toe-off as ankle moves from dorsiflexion to plantarflexion Smoothens the curve of CG Reduces the lowering of CG
  • 36. Lateral displacement of body: The normally narrow width of the walking base minimizes the lateral displacement of CG Reduced muscular energy consumption due to reduced lateral acceleration & deceleration
  • 37. Gait Analysis – Forces Forces which have the most significant Influence are due to: (1) gravity (2) muscular contraction (3) inertia (4) floor reaction
  • 38. The force that the foot exerts on the floor due to gravity & inertia is opposed by the ground reaction force Ground reaction force (RF) may be resolved into horizontal (HF) & vertical (VF) components. Understanding joint position & RF leads to understanding of muscle activity during gait
  • 39. At initial heel-contact: ‘heel transient’ At heel-contact: Ankle: DF Knee: Quad Hip: Glut. Max&Hamstrings
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. Low muscular demand: – ~ 20-25% max. muscle strength – MMT of ~ 3+
  • 43. COMMON GAIT ABNORMALITIES A. Antalgic Gait B. Lateral Trunk bending C. Functional Leg-Length Discrepancy D. Increased Walking Base E. Inadequate Dorsiflexion Control F. Excessive Knee Extension
  • 44. Hip abductor load & hip joint reaction force
  • 45. Hip abductor load & hip joint reaction force
  • 46. Swing leg: longer than stance leg 4 common compensations: A. Circumduction B. Hip hiking C. Steppage D. Vaulting Functional Leg-Length Discrepancy
  • 47. Increased Walking Base Normal walking base: 5-10 cm Common causes: – Deformities Abducted hip Valgus knee – Instability Cerebellar ataxia Proprioception deficits
  • 48. Inadequate Dorsiflexion Control In stance phase (Heel contact – Foot flat): Foot slap In swing phase (mid-swing): Toe drag Causes: – Weak Tibialis Ant. – Spastic plantarflexors
  • 49. Excessive knee extension Loss of normal knee flexion during stance phase Knee may go into hyperextension Genu recurvatum: hyperextension deformity of knee Common causes: –Quadriceps weakness (mid-stance) –Quadriceps spasticity (mid-stance) –Knee flexor weakness (end-stance)
  • 50. Lateral Trunk bending Trendelenberg gait Usually unilateral Bilateral = waddling gait Common causes: A. Painful hip B. Hip abductor weakness C. Leg-length discrepancy D. Abnormal hip joint
  • 51. Antalgic Gait Gait pattern in which stance phase on affected side is shortened Corresponding increase in stance on unaffected side Common causes: OA, Fx, tendinitis
  • 52.
  • 53. Velocity: distance/time Adult: 1.4 m/sec Females (20 - 69 years old): 79.3 ∀ 9.5 m/min Males (20 - 69 years old): 82.1 ∀ 10.3 m/min
  • 54. C. Stride length: right heel strike to right heel strike Adult: 1.5 m Females (20 - 69 years old): 1.32 ∀ .13 m Males (20 - 69 years old): 1.48 ∀ .15 m
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. Abnormalities during Weight Acceptance: Joint Deviation: Possible Cause Trunk Backward lean: To decrease demand on hip extensors (glut max) Forward lean: Due to increased hip flexion (joint contracture or mm weakness) Lateral Lean: R/L Weak hip abductors Pelvis Contralateral drops: Weak hip abductors on reference limb Ipsilateral drops: Compensation for shortened limb
  • 58. Hip Excessive flexion: Hip flexion contracture, excessive knee flexion Limited flexion: Weakness of hip flexors, decreased hip flexion Knee Excessive flexion: Knee pain, weak quads, short leg on opposite side Hyperextension: Decreased dorsiflexion, weak quads Extension thrust: Intention to increase limb stability Ankle Forefoot contact: Heel pain, excessive knee flexion, pf contracture Foot flat contact: Dorsiflexion contracture, weak dorsiflexors Foot slap: Weak dorsiflexors Toes Up: Compensation for weak anterior tib
  • 59. Abnormalities during Single Limb Support: Joint Deviation: Possible Cause Trunk Backward lean: To decrease demand on hip extensors (glut max) Forward lean: Due to increased hip flexion (joint contracture or mm weakness) Lateral Lean: R/L Weak hip abductors
  • 60. Pelvis Contralateral drops: Weak hip abductors on reference limb Ipsilateral drops: Compensation for shortened limb Anterior Pelvic Tilt: Hip flexion contracture Hip Limited flexion: Weakness of hip flexors, decreased hip flexion Internal Rotation: Weak external rotators, femoral anteversion External Rotation: Retroversion, limited dorsiflexion Abduction: Reference limb longer Adduction: Secondary to contralateral pelvic drop
  • 61. Knee Excessive flexion: Knee pain, weak quads, short leg on opposite side Hyperextension: Decreased dorsiflexion, weak quads Extension thrust: Intention to increase limb stability Wobbles: Impaired proprioception Varus: Joint instability, bony deformity Valgus: Lateral trunk lean, Joint instability, bony deformity
  • 62. Ankle Excessive plantarflexion: Weak quads, Impaired proprioception, ankle pain Early heel off: Tight dorsiflexors, Increased pronation: STJ deformity, Toes Up: Compensation for weak anterior tib
  • 63. Abnormalities during Swing Limb Advance: Joint Deviation: Possible Cause Trunk Backward lean: To decrease demand on hip extensors (glut max) Forward lean: Due to increased hip flexion (joint contracture or mm weakness) Lateral Lean: R/L Weak hip abductors Pelvis Hikes: Clear swing limb Ipsilateral drops: Weak hip abductors on contralateral side Hip Limited flexion: Weakness of hip flexors, decreased hip flexion, hip pain
  • 64. Knee Limited flexion: Excess hip flexion, knee pain Excess flexion: Knee contracture, weak quads Ankle Excessive plantarflexion: Weak quads, Impaired proprioception, ankle pain Drag: Secondary to limited hip flexion, knee flexion or excess pf Contralateral Vaulting: Compensation for limited flexion of swing or long swing limb Toes Inadequate extension:Limited joint motion, forefoot pain, no heel off Clawed/hammered: Imbalance of long toe extensors and intrinsics, weak pf
  • 65. Running Gait Variations from walking STANCE (30 - 40%) Foot Strike: Mid-support: Take-off (propulsion) SWING (60 - 70%) Follow through: Forward swing: Foot descent:
  • 66.
  • 67. list of common overuse injuries associated with poor gait biomechanics: Shin splints Plantar fasciits Iliotibial band syndrome (runners knee) Patella tendonitis (jumpers knee) Patello-femoral knee pain Achilles tendonitis Lower back pain
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71. Shock absorption and energy conservation are important aspects of efficient gait. Altered joint motion or absent muscle forces may increase joint reaction (contact) forces and lead subsequently to additional pathology. In early stance, nearly 60% of one's body weight is loaded abruptly (less than 20 milliseconds) onto the ipsilateral limb. This abrupt impact is attenuated at each of the lower extremity joints. Loading response plantar flexion is passive, substantially restrained by eccentric work of pretibial muscles. The absorptive work by pretibial muscles delays forefoot contact until late in the initial double support period (7-8% GC).
  • 72. At initial contact, external (ground reaction) forces applied to the contact foot produce a tendency toward knee flexion. Repositioning the knee (recurvatum) increases knee mechanical stability, but at the cost of increased contact forces and shock generation. A balance between knee stability and shock absorption is achieved by eccentric quadriceps contractions during loading response. The impact of loading is minimized at the hip during single support through hip abductor muscle contraction.
  • 73. Energy conservation Ambulation always is associated with metabolic costs. These costs are relatively minor in normal adults performing free speed level walking. The self-selected walking speed in normal adults closely matches the velocity that minimizes metabolic work.