aws amazon web services cloud computing cloud event ian massingham ec2 cloud school events intro training awsome day introduction 101 s3 roadshow dublin london education usergroup rds aws lambda meetup serverless iot internet of things websummit ian-massingham analytics customer-presentation edinburgh masterclass scaling hadoop mobile cambridge devops jan-16-awsomeday infosec information security aws usergroup tco scalability emr bristol manchester software development reinvent raspberry pi amazon elastic mapreduce storage emeawebinars cost optimisation best practices getting started cloudschool gaming casual gaming testing continuous integration continuous delivery user-group bigdata elasticmapreduce big-data haven power awsroadshow workspaces kinesis appstream developer marketing marketing developer relations devrel machine learning software aws codestar mongodb architecture technology aws iot awesome day security glasgow impala. emr budget big-date amazon emr aws analytics amazon s3 spark apache spark glacier amazon glacier data analysis hue webinar user infrastructure as code automation aws cloudformation runnning cloudformation ebs cloudformation test development aws marketplace development and test dev and test marketplace wales newport web web applications web sites reduce cost optimise optimize economics containers deployment docker elasticbeanstalk python flask eb consoles fps pc wwc women who code telecommunications carriers operator monitoring leanstartup experiment lean innovation user group hull hpc big data mobileanalytics zocalo sdk mobilesdk cognito liverpoolfc proxama haven codebase incubator skillpages partner leeds leedsdevops
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