patent analysis patent patent research intellectual property patseer patenttrends patents patentlandscape patentanalysis ip analysis find patents patent landscape patent database ip searching patent management ip research patent trend metallurgy material science near field communication data sharing medical mobile payment smart poster nfc patseer projects ip management patent search patent landscaping patent mapping soft robotics patentoffice technology innovation biomimicry biomimetics actuator robots robotics bioinspired robot soft materials soft components soft robots mobile microcloud mobile computing follow me cloud fog computing fog architecture edge computing cloud technologies cloudlet cloud games cloud datacenter automobiles augmented reality systems augmented reality #patent #patenttrends #patentanalysis #patentlandscape #patents #iot #telesurgical #remotesurgeon #telepresence #telepresencesurgery #telehealth #surgery #telesurgery #remotesurgical #remotesurgery spaceexploration space satellitesystems satellites satelliteimagery satellitedata satellitecommunications satellitecommunication satellite nanosatellites nanosatellite launchvehicle earth observation cubesat astronomy visualprosthesis retinitispigmentosa retinaprosthesis retinalprostheses retinalimplant retinaldegeneration retinal retina bioniceye shape-morphing systems plastic molding fabrication bioengineering active origami 4d printing 4d bioprinting software analytics artificial intelligence business intelligence engineering machine learning digital simulation internet of things digital twin physical deposition sputtering plating atomic layer deposition competitive intelligence ip energy harvesting spin coating chemical deposition medical devices patent insight pro substrates thin film batteries neural networks dynamic time warping hands free communication navigation pronunciation translation multimodal interaction telematics hidden markov models speech to text speech recognition voice recognition patseer project access control data processing nrz coding modified miller manchester coding wireless communication information sharing patseer premier patseer database patent searching wind energy crowbar doubly fed induction generator motor/generator wind power wind motors ac/dc converter & regulators dfig dynamo-electric machines controllers & regulators power storage & distribution double fed induction generator
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