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The Economics of
1. A Glimpse of a New Ecological Civilization
2. Our Ocean of Troubles
3. What are the Fundamental Causes of our Troubles?
4. A New Economy based on the Economics of Kindness
5. Where COVID-19 Meets the New Ecological Civilization
Let’s move from
COVID-19 to
C O U R A G E20
C O U R A G E20
Let’s move from
COVID-19 to
United and
All Together
on our one
What might it
look like?
But first,
we must
Our Ocean of Trouble
Our Ocean of Trouble
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Selfish Finance
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Huge Debt Overload
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Huge Debt Overload
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Huge Debt Overload
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Crude Nationalism & Racism
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Violence and War
Huge Debt Overload
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Crude Nationalism & Racism
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Violence and War
Affordable Housing Crisis
Huge Debt Overload
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Crude Nationalism & Racism
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Violence and War
Affordable Housing Crisis
Crisis of Work
Huge Debt Overload
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Crude Nationalism & Racism
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Violence and War
Collapsing Communities
Affordable Housing Crisis
Crisis of Work
Huge Debt Overload
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Crude Nationalism & Racism
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Slowing Economic Growth
Violence and War
Collapsing Communities
Affordable Housing Crisis
Crisis of Work
Huge Debt Overload
Loss of Trust
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Crude Nationalism & Racism
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Increasing Loneliness
Slowing Economic Growth
Violence and War
Collapsing Communities
Affordable Housing Crisis
Crisis of Work
Huge Debt Overload
Loss of Trust
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Crude Nationalism & Racism
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Increasing Loneliness
Slowing Economic Growth
Violence and War
Opioids, mental illness
Collapsing Communities
Affordable Housing Crisis
Crisis of Work
Huge Debt Overload
Loss of Trust
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Crude Nationalism & Racism
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Increasing Loneliness
Slowing Economic Growth
Violence and War
Collapsing Communities
Affordable Housing Crisis
Crisis of Work
Huge Debt Overload
Loss of Trust
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Loss of Civilizational Purpose
Crude Nationalism & Racism
Opioids, mental illness
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Increasing Loneliness
Slowing Economic Growth
Violence and War
Collapsing Communities
Affordable Housing Crisis
Crisis of Work
Huge Debt Overload
Loss of Trust
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Loss of Civilizational Purpose
Crude Nationalism & Racism
Opioids, mental illness
Guy Dauncey 2013
Humans are motivated by dreams of life and wholeness,
not by nightmares of death and collapse.
Our Ocean of Trouble
Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
Ecological Overshoot
Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens
Selfish Finance
Increasing Loneliness
Slowing Economic Growth
Violence and War
Spiritual Collapse
Collapsing Communities
Affordable Housing Crisis
Crisis of Work
Huge Debt Overload
Loss of Trust
The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
Loss of Civilizational Purpose
Crude Nationalism & Racism
David Korten Phil Clayton
Jeremy Lent Matthew Fox Vandana Shiva
What are the Fundamental Causes of
our Ocean of Trouble?
Four Fundamental Causes
1. Faulty Economic Ideas
French National Assembly, 1789
Based on Marx’s
dialectical materialism,
class struggle, and faith
in a workers’
Based on the primacy
of rational self-interest,
following the so-called
‘laws’ of neoclassical
We are not subject to any supposed laws
of Marxist dialectical materialism
or of modern neoclassical economics.
We have consciousness, which gives us agency.
When we couple our agency with intelligence,
creativity, hard work, imagination,
research, teamwork, cooperation and love,
it enables us to do amazing things.
Both deny us free human agency
• Selfishness is enshrined as an economic law
• Kindness and cooperation are dismissed
• The free market with free trade will supposedly bring
all the progress we want
• The role of governments is minimized
• Nature is ignored. The climate emergency is ignored
• The realities of power and ownership are ignored
• The instinct of workers to cooperate is suppressed
• The realities of money, banking and debt are ignored
• All other realities of human existence are ignored
• Free trade rules - the need for resilience is ignored
• Neoclassical economics blesses all this with quasi-
religious mathematical zeal
What’s Wrong with Capitalism?
Neoliberalism, based on Neoclassical Economics
All based on faulty economic ideas
This Awful Struggle
Capitalism vs. Communism
World War II, The Holocaust
The Cold War, Threat of Nuclear Holocaust
Capitalism is not an Economic System
It is a cultural system of selfish values
expressed in the economy
through the use of capital.
These values become locked into
systems of property, ownership and law,
but fundamentally it’s not the system
that’s the problem:
It’s the values.
“Yes Sammy, the planet got destroyed.
But for a beautiful moment in time our fathers’ corporations
created a lot of value for their shareholders.”
The Economics of Kindness
is a cultural system of compassionate values
expressed in the economy
through the use of democracy.
is a cultural system of selfish values
expressed in the economy
through the use of capital.
What is the Second Fundamental
Cause of our Ocean of Trouble?
2. Our Ancient Impulse to Dominate
To understand how all this came
about, we need to go back …
… way back.
Six million years ago
Humans and Chimps share 98% of our DNA
We have the same maternal impulse
The same playful impulses
The same caring impulse
The same aggressive impulse to dominate
The same hierarchical impulses
Fear - Submission – I’m Friendly
The same cooperative and altruistic impulses.
Caring for non-kin with no personal genetic
advantage. Group selection advantage.
David Sloan Wilson
Biologist &
“Selfishness beats altruism within groups.
Altruistic groups beat selfish groups.
Everything else is commentary.”
The same murderous impulse.
Non-alpha males resent domination,
and will sometimes even kill their leader.
When our ancestors invented bows and arrows
and spears, working together as a team
became all-important.
The alpha-males lost their physical advantage.
All across the world, hunter-gatherers are
egalitarian and cooperative.
They go out of their way to suppress upstarts and self-
importance. They lived by this code for 300,000 years.
To dominate or cooperate?
That is the question.
Our Primate Ancestors:
Six million years of life
in hierarchical, dominating cultures
with tough Alpha-Males
Our Hunter-Gatherer Ancestors:
300,000 years of
egalitarian, cooperative cultures,
suppressing domination
With the coming of agriculture and food surpluses,
egalitarian societies gave way to
‘achievement societies’
Over time, however, successful achievers obtained
inheritances for their children,
enabling the return of domination.
The return of domination brought war, conquest,
slavery, colonies and empire
And yet more war, conquest, slavery,
colonies and empire.
Centuries of it. Millennia of it.
Our Economies
For as long as 5,000 years,
almost all societies that were not
hunter-gatherer or achievement societies
have developed their economies
within a cultural landscape of
Domination by the wealthy and powerful:
Private property, private land ownership,
Private banks, private debts, debt-slavery
Domination by a Communist State:
State-owned and controlled property, land,
businesses, banks and debts.
China’s Tang Dynasty, 7th Century
The market is highly cooperative
The Silk Road
Most trade is highly cooperative
Achievement Societies
Mutual Aid Societies
The Commons
The Market, Trade
Social Finance
Community Banks
Community Economics
Wellbeing Economics
Doughnut Economics
• Guided by self-interest
• Investors/CEO control
• Maximize shareholder returns
• Share buy-backs for owners
• Vulnerability to investors
• Labour union suppression
• Insecure work
• 900:1 wage ratio
• Flat wages since 1975
• Tax evasion
• Relocate to low wage countries
• Lobby for minimal workplace
and environmental regulations
• Guided by social purpose
• Workers self-control
• Maximize overall success
• Workers become owners
• Self-financed through savings
• Labour unions full partners
• Secure long-term work
• 8:1 wage ratio
• Wages based on shared
productivity gains
• Taxes paid fairly
• Commitment to community
• Lobby for social and
environmental purpose
• Guided by self-interest
• Investors/CEO control
• Maximize shareholder returns
• Share buy-backs for owners
• Vulnerability to investors
• Labour union suppression
• Insecure work
• 900:1 wage ratio
• Flat wages since 1975
• Tax evasion
• Relocate to low wage countries
• Lobby for minimal workplace
and environmental regulations
• Guided by social purpose
• Workers self-control
• Maximize overall success
• Workers become owners
• Self-financed through savings
• Labour unions full partners
• Secure long-term work
• 8:1 wage ratio
• Wages based on shared
productivity gains
• Taxes paid fairly
• Commitment to community
• Lobby for social and
environmental purpose
Principles of
Principles of
a New
What is the Third Fundamental Cause
of our Ocean of Trouble?
3. Ecological Ignorance and Abuse
Guy Dauncey 2013
of the
Guy Dauncey 2013
of the
increases GDP
Guy Dauncey 2013
of the
increases GDP
For economists,
the loss of the
rainforest itself is
an unfortunate
Don’t you go worrying
yourself, my dear. It’s just
another externality.
The carbon cycle? Why do I
need to know what that is?
The carbon cycle? Why do I
need to know what that is?
My gut microbiome? Why do I
need to know what that is?
The carbon cycle? Why do I
need to know what that is?
My gut microbiome? Why do I
need to know what that is?
Where all our waste goes?
Why do I need to know that?
The carbon cycle? Why do I
need to know what that is?
My gut microbiome? Why do I
need to know what that is?
Where all our waste goes?
Why do I need to know that?
The role of keystone species?
Why do I need to know that?
The carbon cycle? Why do I
need to know what that is?
My gut microbiome? Why do I
need to know what that is?
The ecological origin of pandemics?
Why do I need to know that?
Where all our waste goes?
Why do I need to know that?
The role of keystone species?
Why do I need to know that?
The carbon cycle? Why do I
need to know what that is?
My gut microbiome? Why do I
need to know what that is?
The ecological origin of pandemics?
Why do I need to know that?
Where all our waste goes?
Why do I need to know that?
The role of keystone species?
Why do I need to know that?
Maybe I do need
to know these
So what are
you proposing?
All students seeking entry
to any university in
Canada must first pass
Ecology 101
Solution #1: Could be done very quickly
Welcome to Canada
All businesses must operate
within Nature’s
resilience boundaries
Solution #2: A lot more complex
Look! We’re coming to
an economy that’s in
harmony with Nature
What is the Fourth Fundamental
Cause of our Ocean of Trouble?
4. The Loss of our Civilizational Story
We have a perennial need for a story
to tell us what’s really happening.
Where do we come from?
What are we? Where are we going?
We need to know
Yes, seriously,
Humanism, Rationalism
National Socialism
Democratic Socialism
Guy Dauncey 2013
Neo-Classical Economism
Grief and Despairism
Throughout existence,
having a positive intention of a future outcome
has been a precondition for success
Throughout existence,
having a positive intention of a future outcome
has been a precondition for success
As we build our green cooperative economy,
we are also building our New Ecological Civilization
Standard Model
of the Economy
Kate Raworth
“Today’s economy is divisive and
degenerative by default.
Tomorrow’s economy must be
distributive and regenerative
by design.”
- Kate Raworth
Doughnut Economics: 7 Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist
The Nine Resilience Boundaries
We do not inhabit one economy
We inhabit FOUR intertwined economies
Standard Model
Nature’s Economy
Nature’s Economy
The Social
Nature’s Economy
The Social
Nature’s Economy
The Social
The Public
Cooperators Dominators
Kindness Status, Power
Business Banking
Energy Farming
Work Manufacturing
Health Care Housing
How Can We Build an Economics of Kindness?
Fiscal Policy
Cooperators Dominators
Monetary PolicyTrade Policy
Business Banking
Energy Farming
Work Manufacturing
Health Care Housing
Fiscal Policy
Cooperators Dominators
Monetary PolicyTrade Policy
We Need to Transform Each of These Realms
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
We need legislation that would apply to every
business above a certain size: that over a set
period of time, such as a Ten Year Transition,
every business must adopt a
Social Business Charter, embracing these
Ten Big Commitments
B Corps
1. To state its larger purpose, including a legally
recognized commitment to consider the
interests of all stakeholders, and to pursue
social and ecological purpose in addition
to financial purpose.
Ten Big Commitments
2. To report annually on
progress, using Integrated
Reporting to track natural,
social and human capital as
well as financial capital.
Ten Big Commitments
3. To meet standards of social and
environmental performance
that increase each year,
as we make the transition to a
New Ecological Civilization.
Ten Big Commitments
4. To pledge not to lobby
for any toxic, fossil fuel
or tax-avoiding industry.
Ten Big Commitments
5. To engage in profit-sharing,
and to offer an equity stake in ownership of the
business to all employees who have worked with
the business for more than two years.
Ten Big Commitments
6. To strive to have at least
50% women
on the board of directors.
Ten Big Commitments
7. To encourage workplace democracy,
allowing workers in larger companies to form a
union and enabling them to elect
40% of the company directors.
Ten Big Commitments
8. In the event of sale, closure or impending
bankruptcy, to grant first right of refusal to
workers or community organizations
who may wish to buy the business.
Ten Big Commitments
9. To pay taxes fairly,
and not engage in transfer pricing,
offshore banking,
or any use of tax havens.
Ten Big Commitments
10. For larger corporations,
to appoint a public board of trustees
who would be accountable
to the larger public good.
Ten Big Commitments
As soon as a business signs the new
Social Purpose Charter
it would pay lower taxes,
and get priority treatment in bids on
government contracts.
Ten Big Commitments
After the agreed period of time,
every business that has not signed the
Social Purpose Charter
would be denied a license to operate.
Ten Big Commitments
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
We need similar legislation that would apply to
every Financial Institution (FI) above a certain
size: That over a set period of time, such as a
Ten Year Transition, every FI must become
socially responsible, embracing similar
Ten Big Commitments
Ten Big Commitments
As soon as a Financial Institution signs
the new Social Purpose Charter
it would pay lower taxes,
and get priority treatment in bids on
government contracts.
After the agreed period,
every Financial Institution that has
not signed the Social Purpose Charter
would lose its
$100,000 customer deposit insurance
and any future support from the Central Bank.
Ten Big Commitments
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
We need legislation that would apply to every farm
above a certain size: that over a set period of time,
every farm must become
socially and environmentally responsible,
embracing similar big commitments, including…
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
1. To phase out all chemical pesticides and fertilizers
2. To develop and activate a wildlife regeneration plan
3. To develop and activate a soil regeneration plan
4. To secure a non-hybrid open-pollinated seed supply
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
We also need
to grow much
more local
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
We need federal and
provincial legislation to
1. Set a target for 100%
renewable energy by 2040
for all purposes – electricity,
heat, transportation.
2. Embrace the 164 practical
policies and programs in
Climate Emergency: A 26-
Week Transition Program for
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
It was fossil fuels
that launched the Industrial Age
and the modern world.
It is fossil fuels
that have made advanced engineering,
solar PV and electric vehicles possible.
More solar energy reaches Earth in an hour
than humans use in a year.
With every passing year,
solar technology gets
better and cheaper.
The Age of Fossil Fuels is the
for a New Ecological Civilization
300,000 years
Solar Firewood
The Age of Fossil Fuels is the
for a New Ecological Civilization
300,000 years
Solar Firewood
300 years
Solar Fossil Fuels
The Age of Fossil Fuels is the
for a New Ecological Civilization
300,000 years
Solar Firewood
300 years
Solar Fossil Fuels
Two billion years
Solar Electricity
2,000 – Far Future
Farewell and Thank
You, Fossil Fuels
Solar Age!
A transition to a world powered by 80% wind, water and solar
energy by 2030 (100% by 2050) is possible for 143 countries.
Globally, the use of renewables would:
• Reduce global energy demand by 57% due to the inherent
efficiencies of electric vehicles and heat pumps.
• Reduce private energy costs from $17.7 to $6.8 trillion a year.
• Reduce the full social cost (private + healthcare/mortality +
climate) by 91%, from $76 to $6.8 trillion a year.
• Create 28.6 million more long-term full-time new jobs than are
lost in the transition.
• Use only 0.65% of the available land in the 143 countries
Stanford University Solutions Project
• Climate Action Bonds issued by the Government, bought by the
Bank of Canada using Green Quantitative Easing: $8.3 billion
per year
• 5% Green Bonds, equivalent to War Bonds, issued by the
government, guaranteed by the Bank of Canada as buyer of last
resort. For purchase by the public. $13.8 billion per year
• Interest-Free Loans issued by a network of Public Banks,
guaranteed by the Bank of Canada. $7 billion per year
• Pay-As-You-Save (PAYS) Utility Loans and Property-Assessed
Clean Energy (PACE) Municipal Loans, guaranteed by the Bank
of Canada. $19.5 billion per year
• Fossil Fuel Subsidy Transfers. $10 billion per year
No increase in taxation. No increase in government debt.
Carbon tax rising to $280/tonne by 2030, 100% revenue-neutral,
returned to families as a January cheque in the mail.
How Can We Finance the Transition?
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Which will it be?
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Workers’ Cooperatives
Employee Share-Owning Programs
Trade Union Rights
Flexicurity, as in Denmark
Workers’ Representation on the Board
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Workers’ Cooperatives
Study Circles, Incubators,
Financing, and Support
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Fair Taxation
A Wealth Tax
Inheritance taxes
End all use of Tax Havens
A Social Wealth Fund
Ecological Restoration Taxes
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
• A nationwide shift to organic regenerative farming,
phasing out the pesticides and fertilizers that do so
much harm to insects, birds and wildlife.
• Local ecological restoration maps
• Plans for how each critical area can be restored
over the next several years.
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
A Nature Restoration Corps
Jobs for 50,000 young people a year
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
• A nationwide shift to ecosystem-
based forestry, phasing out the use
of clearcutting.
• The phasing out of timber for pulp
and paper, substituting alternative
and recycled fibres
• The permanent protection of all
remaining ancient forests
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
20th Century 21st Century
Personal Wealth Community Wealth
Great Public
Great Public
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Urban Food
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Great Schools
Urban Food
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Great Schools
Urban Food
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Great Schools
A Sharing
Urban Food
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
A Sharing
Urban Food
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Great Urban
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Great Urban
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Great Urban
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Basic Income
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Great Urban
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Basic Income
Free College
Great Public
Safe Bike Lanes
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Great Urban
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Basic Income
Free College
Great Public
Social Purpose
Banks & Coops
Safe Bike Lanes
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Great Urban
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Basic Income
Free College
Great Public
Social Purpose
Banks & Coops
Safe Bike Lanes
& Non-Profits
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Great Urban
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Basic Income
Free College
Great Public
Social Purpose
Banks & Coops
A Cooperative Local Economy
Safe Bike Lanes
& Non-Profits
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Great Urban
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Basic Income
Free College
Great Public
Social Purpose
Banks & Coops
A Cooperative Local Economy
Safe Bike Lanes
& Non-Profits
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Great Urban
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Basic Income
Free College
Great Public
Social Purpose
Banks & Coops
A Cooperative Local Economy
Safe Bike Lanes
& Non-Profits
Lots of
Green Space
Great Schools
Great Urban
Solar Energy
A Sharing
Urban Food
Basic Income
Free College
Great Public
Social Purpose
Banks & Coops
A Cooperative Local Economy
Safe Bike Lanes
& Non-Profits
Cooperative Public Renewal (CPR)
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Free Trade Zones
• Reduced trade tariffs
• Open competition
• Race to the regulatory
• Trade tribunals to
protect capital, not
Nature, countries or
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Free Trade Zones
• Reduced trade tariffs
• Open competition
• Race to the regulatory
• Trade tribunals to
protect capital, not
Nature, countries or
Ethical Trade Zones
• Trade tariffs based on
compliance with human
rights, labor rights,
climate protection, etc
• Race to the regulatory top
• Trade tribunals to protect
Nature, countries and
workers, as well as capital
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
In 2015, violence and war drained $13.6 trillion from the global
economy: $150 a month for everyone on the planet.
45% for military expenditure, 26% for internal security,
the rest for financial losses due to conflict and violence.
We currently spend 100x more on war than we do on peace.
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
Where COVID-19 Meets the Emerging
New Ecological Civilization
Now is the time to be working out the
practical details of a Rapid Transition
to a New Ecological Civilization
A Green/Just COVID Recovery Plan
A Green New Deal
Corporate Bail-out Clauses
A Debt Jubilee
If Transition Projects are not
Shovel-Ready, the COVID-19 Economic
Recovery will revert to Business-As-Usual
Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
We need legislation that would apply to every
business above a certain size: that over a set
period of time, such as a Ten Year Transition,
every business must adopt a
Social Business Charter, embracing these
Ten Big Commitments
Companies which pay out dividends to shareholders,
buy back own shares or are registered in tax havens
won’t be eligible for any of Denmark’s aid programs
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Stronger public healthcare
Much greater local resilience
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Stronger public healthcare
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Stronger public healthcare
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
Ecological restoration
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
Ecological restoration
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Strong caring neighbourhoods
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
Ecological restoration
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
Affordable housing for all
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Strong caring neighbourhoods
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
Ecological restoration
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
A permanent end to homelessness
Affordable housing for all
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Strong caring neighbourhoods
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
Community wealth
Ecological restoration
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
A permanent end to homelessness
Affordable housing for all
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Strong caring neighbourhoods
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
Community wealth
Ecological restoration
The Economics of Kindness
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
A permanent end to homelessness
Affordable housing for all
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Strong caring neighbourhoods
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
Community wealth
Ecological restoration
The Economics of Kindness
100% renewable energy
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
A permanent end to homelessness
Affordable housing for all
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Strong caring neighbourhoods
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
Ethical trade
Community wealth
Ecological restoration
The Economics of Kindness
100% renewable energy
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
A permanent end to homelessness
Affordable housing for all
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Strong caring neighbourhoods
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
An end to war
Ethical trade
Community wealth
Ecological restoration
The Economics of Kindness
100% renewable energy
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
A permanent end to homelessness
Affordable housing for all
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Strong caring neighbourhoods
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
An end to war
Ethical trade
Community wealth
Ecological restoration
The Economics of Kindness
100% renewable energy
Much greater local resilience
More locally-grown food
A permanent end to homelessness
Affordable housing for all
Continuing compassion
for the most vulnerable
Strong caring neighbourhoods
One world
working together
Progress for kindness
and wellbeing,
not just more money
Stronger public healthcare
Let’s build
ourselves a
new ecological
Let’s build
ourselves a
new ecological
Let’s build
ourselves a
new ecological
And thank YOU
Guy Dauncey, April 2020

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A New Ecological Civilization based on The Economics of Kindness

  • 3.
  • 4. 1. A Glimpse of a New Ecological Civilization 2. Our Ocean of Troubles 3. What are the Fundamental Causes of our Troubles? 4. A New Economy based on the Economics of Kindness 5. Where COVID-19 Meets the New Ecological Civilization
  • 5.
  • 7. C O U R A G E20
  • 8. C O U R A G E20 Let’s move from COVID-19 to Caring Open-Hearted United and Resilient All Together on our one Green Earth
  • 9.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 30. Our Ocean of Trouble
  • 31. Our Ocean of Trouble
  • 32. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency
  • 33. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency
  • 34. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Selfish Finance
  • 35. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance
  • 36. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth
  • 37. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth
  • 38. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth
  • 39. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth Huge Debt Overload
  • 40. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth Huge Debt Overload The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy
  • 41. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth Huge Debt Overload The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Crude Nationalism & Racism
  • 42. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth Violence and War Huge Debt Overload The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Crude Nationalism & Racism
  • 43. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth Violence and War Affordable Housing Crisis Huge Debt Overload The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Crude Nationalism & Racism
  • 44. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth Violence and War Affordable Housing Crisis Crisis of Work Huge Debt Overload The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Crude Nationalism & Racism
  • 45. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth Violence and War Collapsing Communities Affordable Housing Crisis Crisis of Work Huge Debt Overload The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Crude Nationalism & Racism
  • 46. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Slowing Economic Growth Violence and War Collapsing Communities Affordable Housing Crisis Crisis of Work Huge Debt Overload Loss of Trust The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Crude Nationalism & Racism
  • 47. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Increasing Loneliness Slowing Economic Growth Violence and War Collapsing Communities Affordable Housing Crisis Crisis of Work Huge Debt Overload Loss of Trust The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Crude Nationalism & Racism
  • 48. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Increasing Loneliness Slowing Economic Growth Violence and War Opioids, mental illness Collapsing Communities Affordable Housing Crisis Crisis of Work Huge Debt Overload Loss of Trust The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Crude Nationalism & Racism
  • 49. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Increasing Loneliness Slowing Economic Growth Violence and War Collapsing Communities Affordable Housing Crisis Crisis of Work Huge Debt Overload Loss of Trust The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Loss of Civilizational Purpose Crude Nationalism & Racism Opioids, mental illness
  • 50. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Increasing Loneliness Slowing Economic Growth Violence and War Collapsing Communities Affordable Housing Crisis Crisis of Work Huge Debt Overload Loss of Trust The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Loss of Civilizational Purpose Crude Nationalism & Racism Opioids, mental illness
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54. Guy Dauncey 2013 Humans are motivated by dreams of life and wholeness, not by nightmares of death and collapse.
  • 55. Our Ocean of Trouble Climate Emergency Biodiversity Emergency Ecological Overshoot Dramatic Inequality Plutocratic Tax Havens Selfish Finance Increasing Loneliness Slowing Economic Growth Violence and War Spiritual Collapse Collapsing Communities Affordable Housing Crisis Crisis of Work Huge Debt Overload Loss of Trust The Plutocratic Corruption of Democracy Loss of Civilizational Purpose Crude Nationalism & Racism
  • 56. David Korten Phil Clayton Jeremy Lent Matthew Fox Vandana Shiva
  • 58. What are the Fundamental Causes of our Ocean of Trouble?
  • 59.
  • 62. French National Assembly, 1789 LEFT RIGHT Jacobins Constitutional Monarchists Girondins
  • 63. LEFT Socialist Based on Marx’s dialectical materialism, class struggle, and faith in a workers’ revolution.
  • 64. RIGHT Capitalist Based on the primacy of rational self-interest, following the so-called ‘laws’ of neoclassical economics.
  • 65. We are not subject to any supposed laws of Marxist dialectical materialism or of modern neoclassical economics. We have consciousness, which gives us agency. When we couple our agency with intelligence, creativity, hard work, imagination, research, teamwork, cooperation and love, it enables us to do amazing things. BOTH ARE WRONG Both deny us free human agency
  • 66. • Selfishness is enshrined as an economic law • Kindness and cooperation are dismissed • The free market with free trade will supposedly bring all the progress we want • The role of governments is minimized • Nature is ignored. The climate emergency is ignored • The realities of power and ownership are ignored • The instinct of workers to cooperate is suppressed • The realities of money, banking and debt are ignored • All other realities of human existence are ignored • Free trade rules - the need for resilience is ignored • Neoclassical economics blesses all this with quasi- religious mathematical zeal What’s Wrong with Capitalism?
  • 67. Neoliberalism, based on Neoclassical Economics All based on faulty economic ideas This Awful Struggle Capitalism vs. Communism Fascism World War II, The Holocaust The Cold War, Threat of Nuclear Holocaust
  • 68. Capitalism is not an Economic System It is a cultural system of selfish values expressed in the economy through the use of capital. These values become locked into systems of property, ownership and law, but fundamentally it’s not the system that’s the problem: It’s the values.
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71. “Yes Sammy, the planet got destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time our fathers’ corporations created a lot of value for their shareholders.”
  • 72.
  • 73. The Economics of Kindness is a cultural system of compassionate values expressed in the economy through the use of democracy. Capitalism is a cultural system of selfish values expressed in the economy through the use of capital.
  • 74. What is the Second Fundamental Cause of our Ocean of Trouble?
  • 75. 2. Our Ancient Impulse to Dominate
  • 76. To understand how all this came about, we need to go back … … way back.
  • 78. Humans and Chimps share 98% of our DNA
  • 79. We have the same maternal impulse
  • 80. The same playful impulses
  • 81. The same caring impulse
  • 82. The same aggressive impulse to dominate
  • 83. The same hierarchical impulses Fear - Submission – I’m Friendly
  • 84. The same cooperative and altruistic impulses. Caring for non-kin with no personal genetic advantage. Group selection advantage.
  • 85. David Sloan Wilson Biologist & anthropologist “Selfishness beats altruism within groups. Altruistic groups beat selfish groups. Everything else is commentary.”
  • 86. The same murderous impulse. Non-alpha males resent domination, and will sometimes even kill their leader.
  • 87. When our ancestors invented bows and arrows and spears, working together as a team became all-important. The alpha-males lost their physical advantage.
  • 88. All across the world, hunter-gatherers are egalitarian and cooperative. They go out of their way to suppress upstarts and self- importance. They lived by this code for 300,000 years.
  • 89. To dominate or cooperate? That is the question.
  • 90. Our Primate Ancestors: Six million years of life in hierarchical, dominating cultures with tough Alpha-Males
  • 91. Our Hunter-Gatherer Ancestors: 300,000 years of egalitarian, cooperative cultures, suppressing domination
  • 92. With the coming of agriculture and food surpluses, egalitarian societies gave way to ‘achievement societies’
  • 93. Over time, however, successful achievers obtained inheritances for their children, enabling the return of domination.
  • 94. The return of domination brought war, conquest, slavery, colonies and empire
  • 95. And yet more war, conquest, slavery, colonies and empire. Centuries of it. Millennia of it.
  • 96. Our Economies For as long as 5,000 years, almost all societies that were not hunter-gatherer or achievement societies have developed their economies within a cultural landscape of Domination
  • 97. Domination by the wealthy and powerful: Private property, private land ownership, Private banks, private debts, debt-slavery
  • 98. Domination by a Communist State: State-owned and controlled property, land, businesses, banks and debts.
  • 99. China’s Tang Dynasty, 7th Century The market is highly cooperative
  • 100. The Silk Road Most trade is highly cooperative
  • 102. Cooperative Hunter-Gatherers Achievement Societies Mutual Aid Societies The Commons The Market, Trade Social Finance Insurance Cooperatives Community Banks Community Economics Wellbeing Economics Doughnut Economics
  • 103. • Guided by self-interest • Investors/CEO control • Maximize shareholder returns • Share buy-backs for owners • Vulnerability to investors • Labour union suppression • Insecure work • 900:1 wage ratio • Flat wages since 1975 • Tax evasion • Relocate to low wage countries • Lobby for minimal workplace and environmental regulations Cooperative Business Dominating Business • Guided by social purpose • Workers self-control • Maximize overall success • Workers become owners • Self-financed through savings • Labour unions full partners • Secure long-term work • 8:1 wage ratio • Wages based on shared productivity gains • Taxes paid fairly • Commitment to community • Lobby for social and environmental purpose
  • 104. • Guided by self-interest • Investors/CEO control • Maximize shareholder returns • Share buy-backs for owners • Vulnerability to investors • Labour union suppression • Insecure work • 900:1 wage ratio • Flat wages since 1975 • Tax evasion • Relocate to low wage countries • Lobby for minimal workplace and environmental regulations Cooperative Business Dominating Business • Guided by social purpose • Workers self-control • Maximize overall success • Workers become owners • Self-financed through savings • Labour unions full partners • Secure long-term work • 8:1 wage ratio • Wages based on shared productivity gains • Taxes paid fairly • Commitment to community • Lobby for social and environmental purpose Operating Principles of Capitalism Operating Principles of a New Ecological Civilization
  • 105. What is the Third Fundamental Cause of our Ocean of Trouble?
  • 107.
  • 108. Guy Dauncey 2013 GDP = Gross Depletion of the Planet
  • 109. Guy Dauncey 2013 GDP = Gross Depletion of the Planet YEA! Rainforest destruction increases GDP
  • 110. Guy Dauncey 2013 GDP = Gross Depletion of the Planet YEA! Rainforest destruction increases GDP OOPS! For economists, the loss of the rainforest itself is an unfortunate externality
  • 111. CLIMATE CRISIS Don’t you go worrying yourself, my dear. It’s just another externality.
  • 112. The carbon cycle? Why do I need to know what that is?
  • 113. The carbon cycle? Why do I need to know what that is? My gut microbiome? Why do I need to know what that is?
  • 114. The carbon cycle? Why do I need to know what that is? My gut microbiome? Why do I need to know what that is? Where all our waste goes? Why do I need to know that?
  • 115. The carbon cycle? Why do I need to know what that is? My gut microbiome? Why do I need to know what that is? Where all our waste goes? Why do I need to know that? The role of keystone species? Why do I need to know that?
  • 116. The carbon cycle? Why do I need to know what that is? My gut microbiome? Why do I need to know what that is? The ecological origin of pandemics? Why do I need to know that? Where all our waste goes? Why do I need to know that? The role of keystone species? Why do I need to know that?
  • 117. The carbon cycle? Why do I need to know what that is? My gut microbiome? Why do I need to know what that is? The ecological origin of pandemics? Why do I need to know that? Where all our waste goes? Why do I need to know that? The role of keystone species? Why do I need to know that? Hmm. Maybe I do need to know these things. COVID-19
  • 118. So what are you proposing?
  • 119. IMPORTANT NOTICE All students seeking entry to any university in Canada must first pass Ecology 101 Solution #1: Could be done very quickly
  • 120. Welcome to Canada All businesses must operate within Nature’s resilience boundaries Solution #2: A lot more complex
  • 121.
  • 122. Look! We’re coming to an economy that’s in harmony with Nature
  • 123. What is the Fourth Fundamental Cause of our Ocean of Trouble?
  • 124. 4. The Loss of our Civilizational Story
  • 125. We have a perennial need for a story to tell us what’s really happening. Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?
  • 126. We need to know Yes, seriously,
  • 138.
  • 139. Throughout existence, having a positive intention of a future outcome has been a precondition for success
  • 140. Throughout existence, having a positive intention of a future outcome has been a precondition for success
  • 141. As we build our green cooperative economy, we are also building our New Ecological Civilization
  • 144. “Today’s economy is divisive and degenerative by default. Tomorrow’s economy must be distributive and regenerative by design.” - Kate Raworth Doughnut Economics: 7 Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist
  • 145. The Nine Resilience Boundaries
  • 146.
  • 147.
  • 148. Important We do not inhabit one economy We inhabit FOUR intertwined economies Standard Model
  • 154. Business Banking Energy Farming Work Manufacturing Taxation Investments Health Care Housing Welfare How Can We Build an Economics of Kindness? Education Wildlife Fiscal Policy Forestry Income Cooperators Dominators Community Monetary PolicyTrade Policy
  • 155.
  • 157.
  • 158.
  • 159. Business Banking Energy Farming Work Manufacturing Taxation Investments Health Care Housing Welfare Education Wildlife Fiscal Policy Forestry Income Cooperators Dominators Community Monetary PolicyTrade Policy We Need to Transform Each of These Realms
  • 160. BUSINESSES & CORPORATIONS Transition to a New Ecological Civilization We need legislation that would apply to every business above a certain size: that over a set period of time, such as a Ten Year Transition, every business must adopt a Social Business Charter, embracing these Ten Big Commitments
  • 162. 1. To state its larger purpose, including a legally recognized commitment to consider the interests of all stakeholders, and to pursue social and ecological purpose in addition to financial purpose. Ten Big Commitments
  • 163. 2. To report annually on progress, using Integrated Reporting to track natural, social and human capital as well as financial capital. Ten Big Commitments
  • 164. 3. To meet standards of social and environmental performance that increase each year, as we make the transition to a New Ecological Civilization. Ten Big Commitments
  • 165. 4. To pledge not to lobby for any toxic, fossil fuel or tax-avoiding industry. Ten Big Commitments
  • 166. 5. To engage in profit-sharing, and to offer an equity stake in ownership of the business to all employees who have worked with the business for more than two years. Ten Big Commitments
  • 167. 6. To strive to have at least 50% women on the board of directors. Ten Big Commitments
  • 168. 7. To encourage workplace democracy, allowing workers in larger companies to form a union and enabling them to elect 40% of the company directors. Ten Big Commitments
  • 169. 8. In the event of sale, closure or impending bankruptcy, to grant first right of refusal to workers or community organizations who may wish to buy the business. Ten Big Commitments
  • 170. 9. To pay taxes fairly, and not engage in transfer pricing, offshore banking, or any use of tax havens. Ten Big Commitments
  • 171. 10. For larger corporations, to appoint a public board of trustees who would be accountable to the larger public good. Ten Big Commitments
  • 172. As soon as a business signs the new Social Purpose Charter it would pay lower taxes, and get priority treatment in bids on government contracts. Ten Big Commitments
  • 173. After the agreed period of time, every business that has not signed the Social Purpose Charter would be denied a license to operate. Ten Big Commitments
  • 174. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Transition to a New Ecological Civilization We need similar legislation that would apply to every Financial Institution (FI) above a certain size: That over a set period of time, such as a Ten Year Transition, every FI must become socially responsible, embracing similar Ten Big Commitments
  • 175. Ten Big Commitments As soon as a Financial Institution signs the new Social Purpose Charter it would pay lower taxes, and get priority treatment in bids on government contracts.
  • 176. After the agreed period, every Financial Institution that has not signed the Social Purpose Charter would lose its $100,000 customer deposit insurance and any future support from the Central Bank. Ten Big Commitments
  • 177. FARMING Transition to a New Ecological Civilization We need legislation that would apply to every farm above a certain size: that over a set period of time, every farm must become socially and environmentally responsible, embracing similar big commitments, including…
  • 178. FARMING Transition to a New Ecological Civilization 1. To phase out all chemical pesticides and fertilizers 2. To develop and activate a wildlife regeneration plan 3. To develop and activate a soil regeneration plan 4. To secure a non-hybrid open-pollinated seed supply
  • 179. FARMING Transition to a New Ecological Civilization We also need to grow much more local food
  • 180. ENERGY Transition to a New Ecological Civilization We need federal and provincial legislation to 1. Set a target for 100% renewable energy by 2040 for all purposes – electricity, heat, transportation. 2. Embrace the 164 practical policies and programs in Climate Emergency: A 26- Week Transition Program for Canada.
  • 181. ENERGY Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 182. It was fossil fuels that launched the Industrial Age and the modern world.
  • 183. It is fossil fuels that have made advanced engineering, solar PV and electric vehicles possible.
  • 184. More solar energy reaches Earth in an hour than humans use in a year.
  • 185. With every passing year, solar technology gets better and cheaper.
  • 186. The Age of Fossil Fuels is the LAUNCH RAMP for a New Ecological Civilization 300,000 years Solar Firewood
  • 187. The Age of Fossil Fuels is the LAUNCH RAMP for a New Ecological Civilization 300,000 years Solar Firewood 300 years Solar Fossil Fuels 1740-2040
  • 188. The Age of Fossil Fuels is the LAUNCH RAMP for a New Ecological Civilization 300,000 years Solar Firewood 300 years Solar Fossil Fuels 1740-2040 Two billion years Solar Electricity 2,000 – Far Future
  • 189. Farewell and Thank You, Fossil Fuels
  • 191. A transition to a world powered by 80% wind, water and solar energy by 2030 (100% by 2050) is possible for 143 countries. Globally, the use of renewables would: • Reduce global energy demand by 57% due to the inherent efficiencies of electric vehicles and heat pumps. • Reduce private energy costs from $17.7 to $6.8 trillion a year. • Reduce the full social cost (private + healthcare/mortality + climate) by 91%, from $76 to $6.8 trillion a year. • Create 28.6 million more long-term full-time new jobs than are lost in the transition. • Use only 0.65% of the available land in the 143 countries Stanford University Solutions Project
  • 192. • Climate Action Bonds issued by the Government, bought by the Bank of Canada using Green Quantitative Easing: $8.3 billion per year • 5% Green Bonds, equivalent to War Bonds, issued by the government, guaranteed by the Bank of Canada as buyer of last resort. For purchase by the public. $13.8 billion per year • Interest-Free Loans issued by a network of Public Banks, guaranteed by the Bank of Canada. $7 billion per year • Pay-As-You-Save (PAYS) Utility Loans and Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Municipal Loans, guaranteed by the Bank of Canada. $19.5 billion per year • Fossil Fuel Subsidy Transfers. $10 billion per year No increase in taxation. No increase in government debt. Carbon tax rising to $280/tonne by 2030, 100% revenue-neutral, returned to families as a January cheque in the mail. How Can We Finance the Transition?
  • 193. WORK AND INCOME Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 194. WORK AND INCOME Transition to a New Ecological Civilization Which will it be?
  • 195. WORK AND INCOME Transition to a New Ecological Civilization Workers’ Cooperatives Employee Share-Owning Programs Trade Union Rights Flexicurity, as in Denmark Workers’ Representation on the Board
  • 196. WORK AND INCOME Transition to a New Ecological Civilization Workers’ Cooperatives Study Circles, Incubators, Financing, and Support
  • 197. WORK AND INCOME Transition to a New Ecological Civilization Fair Taxation A Wealth Tax Inheritance taxes End all use of Tax Havens A Social Wealth Fund Ecological Restoration Taxes
  • 198. ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 199. ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION Transition to a New Ecological Civilization • A nationwide shift to organic regenerative farming, phasing out the pesticides and fertilizers that do so much harm to insects, birds and wildlife. • Local ecological restoration maps • Plans for how each critical area can be restored over the next several years.
  • 200. ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION Transition to a New Ecological Civilization A Nature Restoration Corps Jobs for 50,000 young people a year
  • 201.
  • 202. FORESTRY Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 203. FORESTRY Transition to a New Ecological Civilization • A nationwide shift to ecosystem- based forestry, phasing out the use of clearcutting. • The phasing out of timber for pulp and paper, substituting alternative and recycled fibres • The permanent protection of all remaining ancient forests
  • 204. COMMUNITY Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 205. 20th Century 21st Century Personal Wealth Community Wealth
  • 212. Great Schools Affordable Childcare Urban Food Affordable Housing Great Public Transport Safe Bike Lanes COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 214. Great Schools Affordable Childcare A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Affordable Housing Great Public Transport Safe Bike Lanes COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 215. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Affordable Childcare A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Affordable Housing Great Public Transport Safe Bike Lanes COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 216. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Affordable Housing Great Public Transport Safe Bike Lanes COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 217. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Great Urban Spaces Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Affordable Housing Great Public Transport Safe Bike Lanes COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 218. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Great Urban Spaces Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Affordable Housing Great Public Transport Safe Bike Lanes Community currencies COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 219. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Great Urban Spaces Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Basic Income Affordable Housing Great Public Transport Safe Bike Lanes Community currencies COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 220. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Great Urban Squares Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Basic Income Affordable Housing Free College Education Great Public Transport Safe Bike Lanes Community currencies COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 221. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Great Urban Squares Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Basic Income Affordable Housing Free College Education Great Public Transport Social Purpose Businesses, Banks & Coops Safe Bike Lanes Community currencies COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 222. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Great Urban Squares Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Basic Income Affordable Housing Free College Education Great Public Transport Social Purpose Businesses, Banks & Coops Safe Bike Lanes Community currencies Social Enterprises & Non-Profits COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 223. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Great Urban Squares Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Basic Income Affordable Housing Free College Education Great Public Transport Social Purpose Businesses, Banks & Coops A Cooperative Local Economy Safe Bike Lanes Community currencies Social Enterprises & Non-Profits COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 224. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Great Urban Squares Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Basic Income Affordable Housing Free College Education Great Public Transport Social Purpose Businesses, Banks & Coops A Cooperative Local Economy Safe Bike Lanes Community currencies Social Enterprises & Non-Profits COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 225. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Great Urban Squares Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Basic Income Affordable Housing Free College Education Great Public Transport Social Purpose Businesses, Banks & Coops A Cooperative Local Economy Safe Bike Lanes Community currencies Social Enterprises & Non-Profits COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 226. Lots of Green Space Great Schools Great Urban Squares Affordable Childcare Solar Energy A Sharing Economy Urban Food Work-sharing Basic Income Affordable Housing Free College Education Great Public Transport Social Purpose Businesses, Banks & Coops A Cooperative Local Economy Safe Bike Lanes Community currencies Social Enterprises & Non-Profits COMMUNITY WEALTH
  • 228.
  • 229.
  • 230. GLOBAL TRADE Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 231. GLOBAL TRADE Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 232. GLOBAL TRADE Transition to a New Ecological Civilization Free Trade Zones • Reduced trade tariffs • Open competition • Race to the regulatory bottom • Trade tribunals to protect capital, not Nature, countries or workers
  • 233. GLOBAL TRADE Transition to a New Ecological Civilization Free Trade Zones • Reduced trade tariffs • Open competition • Race to the regulatory bottom • Trade tribunals to protect capital, not Nature, countries or workers Ethical Trade Zones • Trade tariffs based on compliance with human rights, labor rights, climate protection, etc • Race to the regulatory top • Trade tribunals to protect Nature, countries and workers, as well as capital
  • 234. CONFLICT AND WAR Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 235. CONFLICT AND WAR Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 236. CONFLICT AND WAR Transition to a New Ecological Civilization In 2015, violence and war drained $13.6 trillion from the global economy: $150 a month for everyone on the planet. 45% for military expenditure, 26% for internal security, the rest for financial losses due to conflict and violence. We currently spend 100x more on war than we do on peace.
  • 237. CONFLICT AND WAR Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 238. Where COVID-19 Meets the Emerging New Ecological Civilization
  • 239. Now is the time to be working out the practical details of a Rapid Transition to a New Ecological Civilization
  • 240. A Green/Just COVID Recovery Plan A Green New Deal Corporate Bail-out Clauses A Debt Jubilee
  • 241. If Transition Projects are not Shovel-Ready, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery will revert to Business-As-Usual
  • 242. BUSINESSES & CORPORATIONS Transition to a New Ecological Civilization We need legislation that would apply to every business above a certain size: that over a set period of time, such as a Ten Year Transition, every business must adopt a Social Business Charter, embracing these Ten Big Commitments
  • 243. Companies which pay out dividends to shareholders, buy back own shares or are registered in tax havens won’t be eligible for any of Denmark’s aid programs
  • 244.
  • 248.
  • 249. Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable
  • 250. Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Stronger public healthcare
  • 251. Much greater local resilience Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Stronger public healthcare
  • 252. Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Stronger public healthcare
  • 253. Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 254. Ecological restoration Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 255. Ecological restoration Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Strong caring neighbourhoods Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 256. Ecological restoration Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food Affordable housing for all Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Strong caring neighbourhoods Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 257. Ecological restoration Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food A permanent end to homelessness Affordable housing for all Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Strong caring neighbourhoods Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 258. Community wealth Ecological restoration Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food A permanent end to homelessness Affordable housing for all Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Strong caring neighbourhoods Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 259. Community wealth Ecological restoration The Economics of Kindness Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food A permanent end to homelessness Affordable housing for all Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Strong caring neighbourhoods Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 260. Community wealth Ecological restoration The Economics of Kindness 100% renewable energy Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food A permanent end to homelessness Affordable housing for all Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Strong caring neighbourhoods Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 261. Ethical trade Community wealth Ecological restoration The Economics of Kindness 100% renewable energy Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food A permanent end to homelessness Affordable housing for all Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Strong caring neighbourhoods Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 262. An end to war Ethical trade Community wealth Ecological restoration The Economics of Kindness 100% renewable energy Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food A permanent end to homelessness Affordable housing for all Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Strong caring neighbourhoods Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 263. An end to war Ethical trade Community wealth Ecological restoration The Economics of Kindness 100% renewable energy Much greater local resilience More locally-grown food A permanent end to homelessness Affordable housing for all Continuing compassion for the most vulnerable Strong caring neighbourhoods One world working together Progress for kindness and wellbeing, not just more money Stronger public healthcare
  • 264.
  • 265. Let’s build ourselves a new ecological civilization
  • 266. Let’s build ourselves a new ecological civilization
  • 267. Let’s build ourselves a new ecological civilization And thank YOU Guy Dauncey, April 2020