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Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 1
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton
Orchestrating the Environment
Understanding the orchestration concepts
Static environment
Also called container environment
Contains predetermined app environment that does not change
through time
Provisioning the data center
Agent monitoring tools
Tools that require software to be installed in the app to monitor
Takes information and moves it to a monitoring server
Agentless monitoring
@Feb 19, 2020
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 2
Tools use preexisting and/or embedded software in the container to
conduct its monitoring activity
Desired state
Predetermined setting that declares how many containers should be
deployed and running at one time
Some utilities will launch new production containers to keep the
desired state
Looking at container orchestration engines
Designed by google
Opensouce orchestration system
Scalable, fault tolerant and easy to learn
Docker swarm orchestration system
Swarm is typically faster then kubernetes when deploying new
distributed systems kernel
provides a conotainer oorchestration system framework only when
paired with marathon
Inspecting cloud and virtualization services
@Feb 18, 2020
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 3
Focusing on VM Tools
Looking at libvirt
A popular virtualization management software collection libvert
 an API library
 A daemon, libvirtd
 command line utilities such as virt-install
Use virsh command to interact with hypervisor and
create,remove,stop and start VMs
Virtual machine manager is a python program for creating and managing
virtual machine
Understanding bootstrapping
installing a new system using a configuration file or image of an earlier
 Create a kickstart file to configure the system
 store the kickstart file on the network or detachable device
 place the installation source where it is accessible
 create a boot medium that will initiate the kickstart process
 kick off the kickstart installation
Kickstart file
file that contains all the installation choices you desire for a new
anaconda file
Red hat based distros only
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 4
this file is created and stored in the /root directory and named
Ubuntu based distros use a product called preseed
Exploring storage issues
Thick provisioning
Virtual disk size is selected and the physical files created on the
physical disk is pre-allocated.
Selecting 50gb for you VM size will instantly use up 50gb on your
harddrive for VM space
Thin provisioning
VM only consumes the amount of disk space actually used for the
virtual drive
large unstructured data such as imagines, video, big data, etc
Understanding cloud and virtualization concepts
What is cloud computing
Infrastructure as a service
low level server resources to host applications such as
physical components including storage, cpu, ram etc
@Feb 18, 2020
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Cloud computing vendor provides the physical server environment as
well as the operating system
cloud computing vendor provides the whole environment such as mail
server, web server, software etc
Understanding virtualization
Run multiple environments on one physical server such as web,
application servers, and database servers
Each server is on the same machine but do not interact with each
Type I Hypervisor
Commonly called bare metal hypervisor
Runs directly on server hardware with no middleman
Linux Kernel-based virtual machine
uses standard linux kernel with a special hypervisor module
Open source standard for hardware virtualization
Supports all types of CPUs
Type II Hypervisors
Run on top of an existing operating system
Open source virtual machine configuration
Open Virtualization Format OVF
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Exploring containers
Gather all needed file to run an application such as libraries,runtime
files, database file etc
Each program runs within container
You can run the container in any environment and expect the
application to work as it did in development
Container software
Open source standard for creating containers
lighter than a full VM but heavier than a normal application
Open source
extremely lightweight
employees a daemon to listen for requests from containers
Controlling versions with Git
Understanding version control
Version control system
provides a common central place to store and merge project file so
that you can access the latest project version
Distributed version control systems
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allows developers to work offline
Distributed VCS
Git terms
Working directory
Where program file are created modified and reviewed
Staging area
also called the index
git creates or updates information in the index file
Local repository
Contains each project file's history
This data is also called a snapshot
Remote repository
Typically a cloud based location but could be another
server on your network
Pros of Git
Setting up your Git Environment
Git is not installed by default, you need to create your own Git
Steps to setting up a Git environment
 Create a working directory mkdir myGitEnvironment
 Initialize the .git/ directory git init
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 Set up local repository options git config —global
 Establish your remote repository (usually github) git remote add origin
Committing with Git
 Create or modify the program file
 Add the file to the staging area
 commit the files to the local repository (use -m to add commit notes)
 Push the files to the remote repository
Merging versions
area within a local repository for a particular project
Automating Jobs
Running scripts without a console
How do you run a shell script in the back
Append & to end of command
Use nohup to run script without tying it to the terminal
Sends output to nohup.txt
Sending signals
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Stopping a process leaves the program still in memory and can be
returned to later
Job control
To restart a stopped job use BG jobnumber
jobs will list all active jobs
Running like clockwork
AT command
Allows you to specify a time for when a specific script will be ran
ATD runs in the background and checks for jobs to run
at [-f filename] time
Reconizes standard hour and minute such as 1015 pm
job queue shows holds jobs submitted by the at command for
atq: Will list the currently pending jobs
ATRM [jobID Removes specific job from queue
Will only run once
Cron Table
Format of crontab: min hour DayOfMonth Month DayOfWeek
day of week can be 06 0 being sunday) or mon,tue, etc
allows for range of values(such as 15 or wildcard (*)
To run a command everyday at 10 15 am
15 10 * * * command
Must use 24hr format
use crontab -e to add items to crontab
use crontab -l to list current crontabs
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Deploying Bash scripts
The basics of shell scripting
0 file descriptor
points to standard input for the shell (normally the keyboard)
1 file descriptor
points to the standard output for the shell (normally the monitor)
2 file descriptor
By default points to STDOUT The monitor)
redirecting STDERR
use 2 instead of >
Exit status of a command that has successfully completed is 0
Troubleshooting application and hardware issues
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@Feb 16, 2020
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Dealing with storage problems
Degraded storage
refers to the storage mediums gradual decay due to improper use
Missing volumes
usually caused by failed device
use pvscan to find
Storage integrity
Bad block
small chunk of a disk drive that will not respond due to corruption
use fsck or badblocks command
Performance issues
provides data for troubleshooting storage device problems
allows you to manage statistics for a particular device
Uncovering Application permission issues
Steps for determining permission issues
 Determine which account runs the application and the account's name
 Discover the specific program action that raised the error
 Find out which files were being read and written during this action
 record any applications it was trying to launch
 Document any services the program was attempting to employ
determine what file permissions the owner has
Check group membership permissions
Check to see if program has sufficient permissions (as well as any
programs it starts)
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Check access control lists
Analyzing application dependencies
apt-get clean
cleans up the database and any temp download files
yum clean all
cleans up the database and any temp download files
zypper clean -a
cleans up the database and any temp download files
Looking at SELinux context violations
Check audit log files by using sealert
Exploring firewall blockages
Unblocking ports
if your application relies on another system service check rules related
to that service's ports
Troubleshooting additional hardware
Desktop management interface
Displays hardware information in human readable format
provides information on system hardware
-short: displays condensed version
What denotes a memory issue?
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slow system performance
hang during memory intensive applications
kernel panics
random corruption of files
Dealing with Linux devices
Communicating with Linux devices
Kernel must recognize device for it to work
If module for device isn't loaded the device will not work
General purpose input/output
Used on raspberry pie
great for supporting communication to external devices
device files
Files the linux kernel creates in the /dev directory to interface with
hardware devices
Character device files
Transfer data one character at a time
Often used for serial devices such as terminals and USB
Block device files
Transfers large blocks of data. Used for high speed data transfer
devices such as hard drives and network cards
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Device mapper
Maps physical block devices to virtual block devices
Important for troubleshooting
Interruption request
allow hardware to indicate when they have data to send to
the cpu
I/O Ports
Locations in memory where cpu can send and receive data
from a hardware device
Can be monitored in /proc/ioports
Direct memory access
Send data from hardware device to memory
provides information about hardware devices that any user can
Working with devices
Finding devices
displays information about hardware devices
displays information about block devices on the system
shows records of kernel level events as they occur
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good for troubleshooting when something isnt working properly
allows you to view currently installed PCI cards
shows information about USB devices
Supporting monitors
Extremely hard to configure
does not auto detect new devices
User friendly
auto detects new devices
Using hot pluggable devices
Cold pluggable devices
Can only be connected to the system when the system is powered
Detecting Dynamic devices
udev device manager
automatically started at boot by init
listens to kernel notification messages and checks the against rule
in /etc/udev/rules.d
allows you to interact with the udev program
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Investigating User Issues
Troubleshooting Access
searches therough /var/log/lastlog for users who have logged into the
searches the /var/log/wtmp for users that have logged in and out
Shows last unsuccessful login attempts
remote connections
add -vvv to ssh
displays a lot of verbose information
Optimizing performance
Looking at processes
Process is a running program
init process
runs scripts that start all other processes running on the system
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@Feb 11, 2020
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Parent process ID
processes that are swapped into virtual memory
Monitoring processes in real time
Displays process information in real time
Managing processes
Nice and renice
change the priority level assigned to an application process
nice -n value command
can be any value between 20 to 19, the lower the number the higher
the priority
renice priority -p pid
default asks program to shut down, does not always work
kill -s KILL will instantly kill process (use with caution, can cause
Allows you to kill process by name instead of process ID
Analyzing system properties and remediation
Troubleshooting the network
@Feb 10, 2020
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Ports vs Sockets
Ports: number used by protocols to identify which service or
application is transmitting data
Network Socket: Single endpoint of a network connection's two
endpoints. That single endpoint is on the local system and bout to a
particular port. Thus uses a combination of an IP and port number
Allows programs to test networking services without needing external
Unix Sockets
Sockets between processes on your local system
Perform inter process communications(IPC)
Better performance than localhost
Viewing network performance
Check for high latency/saturation
Command Description
iperf,iperf3 Perform network throughput tests
iftop -i
Display network bandwidth usage for an adapter
mtr displays approx. travel tiems and packet loss percentages
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Command Description
nc netcat, performs network througput tests
netstat -s displays summary statistics that are broken down by protocol
ping,ping6 perform simple icmp packet throughput tests
ss -s displays summary statistics broken down by socket type
display travel times between each router and discover MTU along
the way
display travel times between each router from the source to
Embracing best security practices
User Security
Developed to support single sign on
Authentication server
users log into the AS to initiate the authentication process
Key distribution center
Authentication server passes the login request to the KDC which
issues the user a ticket granting ticket TGT
Ticket granting service
When user attempts to log into a server the server contacts the
Ticket granting service to determine if the user's ticket is valid
Lightweight directory access protocol LDAP
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Hierarchical tree database structure stores info about users and
Microsoft's active directory builds upon kerberos for user
authentication and LDAP for resource authorization
Remote authentication Dial in User Service Radius)
Old but still used because its fairly simple to setup
Allows authentication server to authenticate user account as well as
other info about user such as ip,phone number, and access privileges.
Terminal access controller access control system TACACS
System Security
Use partitions multiple partitions to separate sensitive data
Prevent unauthroized access to grub
Disable ctrl-alt-delete in /etc/inittab
Blacklist or whitelist users from using cronjobs in
Network security
Deny hosts
blacklist of hosts you dont want connecting to you system
Disable unused services
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Change default ports
Overseeing Linux Firewalls
Providing Access control
Access control list
Identifies which packets are allowed in and out
This is known as packet filtering
Once a packet is identified the ACL determine what happens to the packet
Sends message back to the application sending the packet
Does not send any message back to application
Does not provide any information to outside attacker
List of ports and their services in /etc/services
Ports 11023 are privileged ports, only a super user can run a service on.
Stateless firewalls
Faster because less processing is done on packets
susceptible to attacks spread among multiple packets
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rules are static (requires restart for new rules)
Treats packets as a team
Tracks active network connections
Not vulnerable to attacks that spread themselves among multiple
Keep network info in memory
more vulnerable to DDoS because of tracking of connections
Firewall Technologies
Embedded in Linux Kernel
Allows other packages to implement firewall technologies
network sniffer that is planted in the Linux Kernel and offers up
packet filtering services
Provides packet filtering for IPv4 and IPv6
Network traffic is grouped into a predefined rule set called a zone
Identifies traffic from other systems
Each network connection can only be a member of one zone at a
must place custom zones in /etc/firewalld/zones
predefined configuration set for a particular system services such
as DNS
Runtime environment
configuration actively employed by the firewall service
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Iptabes-save saves current iptables rules as they are not persistent
Firewall service using a series of process called chains to handle
network packets that enter the system
determine the path each packet takes as it tners the system to
reach the appropriate application
Chains in packet processing
handles packets before the routing decision process
Handles packets destined for the local system
handles packets being forwarded to a remote system
Post routing
handles packets being sent to remote systems after the
forward filter
handles packets output from the local system
Each chain contains tables the define rules for handling packets
applies rules to allow or block packets from exiting the
applies rules to change features of the packets before they
exit the chain
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applies rules to change the addresses of the packets
before they exit the chain
applies a NOTRACK setting on packets that are not to be
Applies mandatory access control rules /tbu
Each chain has a policy value that determines how a packet is
handled by default for the chain
Accept: Passes the packet along to the next chain
Drop: Dont pass the packet along to the next chain
UFW (uncomplicated firewall)
Default firewall service on ubuntu distributions
Common arguments
UFW common arguments
Argument Description
sets the rule identied by Identifiers to allow packets
sets the rule identifed by Identifiers to deny (drop)
sets the rule identied by identiers to reject packets
deletes the rule identified by RULE or NUM
insert NUM
inserts rule at index NUM
logging LEVEL
Sets the logging level where LEVEL is
on,off,low,medium,high, or full
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Allows you to create sets of IPs such as and allows you to
manage all users in those sets from firewall ACLs
Implementing Logging Services
Standard logging protocol
timestamp:type:secerity and details
Severity values
Syslog severity
code keyword
0 emerg Event that causes the system to become unstable
1 alert Event that requires immediate attention
2 crit critical but doesnt require immediate attention
3 err error that allows the system or application to continue
4 warning
non-normal warning condition in the system or
5 notice a normal but significant condition message
6 info Information message from the system
7 debug debugging messages for devs
@Feb 9, 2020
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Reads from /etc/systemd/journald.conf configuration file
/run/log/journal is deleted on system reboot, create /var/log/journal to
permanently store event messages
ForwardToSyslog determines if systemd-journald should forward any
messages to a separate syslog program such as rsyslogd
journalctl [options] [matches]
-a: displays all data fields
-e: jumps to the end of the journal
-l: Displays all printable data fields
-n [number]: shows the most recent number journal entries
-r: Reverses the order of the journal entries
Access and identification methods
Getting to know PAM !!!
pluggable authentication modules
provide centralized authentication services for linux
compiled with pam library
configuration files located in /etc/pam.d/
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PKI Concepts
Public key infrastructure helps to protect key integrity
Private keys
Symmetric keys use a single key
encrypt using two keys
Digital signature
encrypted message with users private key sent with cipher text
Using SSH
Employs asymmetric encryption
ssh options username@hostname
Using SSH securely
Use a different port besides 22
Disable root logins via SSH
Manage TCP wrappers
Applying ownership and permissions
Changing file or directory ownership
root user can change owner assigned to file or directory
@Feb 7, 2020
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Changes the group assigned to file or directory
Octal mode permissions
Octal value Permission Meaning
0 —- No permissions
1 —x Execute only
2 -w- write only
3 -wx write and execute
4 r— read only
chmod 664 file.txt sets the owner and group permissions to read and
write but the permissions of all others to 4
Set User ID SUID
tells the linux kernal to run the program with the permissions of
the file owner and not the user running the file
Usually used for server applications that must run as root
Indicated by an S in the execute permission field
chmod u+s myserverapp
chmod 4750 myserverapp 4 at start adds s to file permissions)
Set Group ID GUID
Works differently for files and directories
Uses 2 in front of UGO in octal mode
Chmod g+s /sales
chmod 2660 /sales
Tells linux to run the program file with the files group
Indicated by s in the group execute position
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When GUID bit is set in directory any file users create in the
directory is assigned the group of the directory not the user
Sticky bit
denoted by t in execute position for others: rwxrw-r-t
chmod o+t /sales
chmod 1777 /sales
Managing default permissions
user mask
defines the default permissions linux assigns to the file or
Octal value the represents the bits to be removed from octal
666 for files
777 for directories
user mask value is set with this command
First octal value represents the mask for the SUID GUID and
Next three octal values mask the owner group and other
permission settings
Access control lists
use setfacl and getfacl commands
setfacl -m g:sales:rw test
App armor
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 30
Used on debian based linux
Controls files and network ports
Access based on policies (called profiles)
Understanding linux user types
places a limit on how many computational resources a user can use
Chapter 14 Tending Kernel Modules
Module required to support a kernel are stored in /lib/modules/
kernel module files have a .ko extension
/etc/modprobe.d contain config files generated by the system
/run/modprobe.d/ stores configuration files generated at runtime
displays the current kernel ring buffer
shows brief module information
provides detailed module data
When a module fails it sometimes triggers a kernel message
inserts a single module into linux kernel but not any dependencies
@Feb 5, 2020
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At boot time linux might take a snapshot of your kernel ring buffer and store
the data in /var/log/dmesg
easier to use than insmod
loads module and all of its dependencies
uses the modules.dep file to determine any dependencies
scans through system looking for hardware that was not detected
used for troubleshooting
removes a module but not any dependencies
modprobe -r
removes a module and its dependencies
Chapter 13 Governing software
Working with source code
Downloading source code
retrieves files from servers using ftp,http, etc
retrieves files from servers just like wget but allows for more
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Bundling source code packages
Tar is often used to bundle project files
Compiling source code
Source code needs to be compiled before running on the system
most common tool is gcc (supports most programming languages)
gcc -o hello hello.c outputs
using a make file
run the configure utility to build the application for your
run the make utility by itself to build necessary library files
run the make install as root to install application
ldd displays required library files for a file to run
Packaging applications
Packages consist of all the files required to run a single application
package managers track application files, library dependencies, and
application versions
Debian package tools
Bundles application files into single .deb package files
uses command line tool called dpkg
-i: installs package
P removes installed package
-r: removes but keeps configuration files
-l: shows all installed packages
Red Hat package tools
command line tool called RPM
-e: uninstalls package
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-i: installs package
-u: installs or upgrade package
Contains software packages known to work correctly
Chapter 12 Protecting files
Backup Types
System image
Copy of the operating system binaries, configuration files, and
anything else you need to boot
A copy of all the data. Takes a long time and requires lots of storage
Only makes a backup of data that has been modified since the last
backup (any backup type)
It is crucial to make a full backup regularly to reduce recovery time
Differential makes copy of all the data that has been modified since
the last full backup
Good balance between incremental and full backup.
Takes less time to restore than incremental and has lower disk space
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Uses pointer references for data backups
You can go to any point in time to do a full restore
simulate full backups without taking up the same space or requiring
the same processing power
Snapshot clone
Good for disaster recovery
Good for high IO environments
Has no impact on performance
Compression methods
6070% compression rate
gzip filename to zip
gunzip filename to unzip
Higher compression rate than gzip but takes longer
Can use multiple layers of compression
bzip filename zips
bunzip2 filename Unzips
Higher compression rate than gzup and bzip2
xz filename to zip
unxz filename to unzip
Same as windows zip files
places files inside and replaces original
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zip or unzip
Archive and restore utilities
copy in and out
Used to create an archive
Often used for system image and full backups
commonly used for creating backups
tar -zcvf outputname inputfiles
-z: compresses using gzip
-c: creates a tarball
-v: displays each file name as its processed
-f: designates file name
-t: display a .tar's contents
-x: extracts data
- z: decompresses gzip
Create low level copies of an entire hard drive or partition
dd if=devicebeingcopied of=deviceholdingcopy status=progress
dd if=/dev/zero/ of=disktobewiped status=progress 0's out disk
very fast copying of files locally or remotely
-e: uses openshh
-z: compresses files during data transfer
-a: used to make an archive
Offsite/Off System backups
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 36
uses openSSH
best for small files
C compress files
-r: copies files from the directory's contents and any subdirectory
more interactive than scp
uses openSSH
SFTP commands once connected
bye: exits
get: downloads to local system
put: sends files from local system
ls: displays remote systems working directory
backup integrity
use md5sum
Chapter 11 Handling storage
drive connections
When you connect a device to a linux system a file is created in the
/dev folder
this is a raw device
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Sata connections are called SDx (where x is letter representing the
runs in background
detects new hardware such as USB drives
assigns new storage a place in /dev
Partitioning tools
Most common command line partitioning tool
Allows you to create, view, delete, and modify partitions on any MBR
sudo fdisk /dev/sda
p: displays the current partition scheme on the drive
For working with drives using GPT indexing method
allows you to modify existing partitions
graphical tool for editing partitions
Understanding file systems
File system: a map of data stored on a device
The Virtual Directory
Contains file paths from all the storage devices installed
contains a single base directory called root
Mount points
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 38
a folder placeholder within the virtual directory that points to a
specific physical device
defines core folder names and locations that should be present on
every linux system
Absolute path
full path within virtual directory
always starts from root folder ( / )
relative path
denotes the location of a file relative to your current location within
the virtual directory
when path doesn't start with / linux assumes you're referring to your
current directory
Formatting file systems
A new high performance file system that supports massive file sizes
Enterprise cryptographic file system
Only the operating system that created the file system can read data
from it
descendant of the original linux file system
supports 2 tb file size
supports journaling
Current version of linux file system
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supports files up to 16 tb
created before ext3 and ext4 and is no longer supported
create virtual memory using a physical drive
System can swap data out of normal memory into swap space
essentially enables more memory on your machine
not used for persistent data storage
Method of tracking data not yet written to the drive in a log file
If system fails before data can be written to drive the journal (log)
data can be recovered and stored on next system boot
Non-Linux file systems
Linux can read data stored on devices formatted for other file systems
Supports the following file systems but it is not recommended to use
these for linux systems
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 40
used for creating file systems
-t: specify file system type
Mounting file systems
Must be formatted with a file system
used for mounting drives temporarily (will reset on device restart)
-t: specify the file system type
umount: unmount specified device
Used for permanent storage devices
Managing file systems
displays disk usage by partition
displays disk usage by directory
good for seeing what users or applications are using the most space
displays a real time chart of disk stats
display current partition size and mount points
Used to repair corrupt partitions
/proc and /sys
special file systems kernel uses for recording system statistics
Storage alternatives
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 41
Device mapper multipathing
allows you to configure multiple paths between the linux system
and network storage devices
kernel module that provides multipath support
Logical volume mapper—-
allows you to create virtual drive devices
used to configure software RAID
Chapter 10 Administering users and groups
Adding accounts
-c: Add comment (usually the users full name)
-d: users home directory
-e: expire date
-g: users group
-m: creates users home account
Allows you to view records in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
used to change passwords
@Feb 3, 2020
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-d: deletes password
-e: sets a users password as expired
-i: sets the number of days after a password is expired and has not
been changes that the users account will be deactivated
modify user settings
L locks account
-c: modify the comment field
-d: set a new user home
-g: change the users group
configuration file
control password length, expiration,home directory etc
User identification number UID
Number used to identify user accounts
root always has UID of 0
System accounts
Accounts that provide services (daemons)
If a home directory is created for a user these files are to be copied to
the users account home directory when the account is created.
Account information
/sbin/nologin is used for system services accounts
Managing groups
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 43
Part of linux's discretionary access control
Access to a file is based on group membership permissions
Group identification number GID
if no group is designated then a new group is created with the
username of the new user and assigned a new GID
getent passwd
shows users gid in 4th field
groupadd -g 1042 TestGroup
creates new group with group id of 1042 and names it testgroup
usermod -aG testgroup username
-a: preserves any precious account group memberships
G adds user to group
Setting up the environment
When first logging in bash checks environment files (sometimes called
startup files)
.bashrc file is ran
Global entreis
Modify the working environment and shell sessions for all users using
starting a Bash shell
Querying Users
display what user account you are currently using
provides more data than whoami
allows you to see info about your won account and every user on the
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 44
provides a short summary of uid gid and groups
displays a list of when all users logged in
Managing disk space
enable file system quota support under /etc/fstab
unmount and remount file system
quotacheck -cug /home/user1/quotafstest
Chapter 8 Comparing GUIs
Desktop environments
@Feb 2, 2020
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 45
Launched in late 1990s
File Manager
GNOME FILES (sometimes just called files)
KDE Kool Desktop Environment)
Started in 1998
Now known as KDE plasma
File manager
Used on linux mint
File manager
File manager Caja
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 46
Old no longer developed desktop environment
Set out to have a single UI for desktop and mobile
File manager
Sound Keys
Beeps whenever the capslock or numlock is pressed
Bounce Keys
Helps compensate for single keys pressed multiple times
GUI server
Display server
Program that uses a communication protocol to transmit the user
interaction to the operating system
Communication protocol is called the display server protocol and can
only operate over a network
Arranges display elements within a window to create a screen
image to be passed back to client
Replacement for X11
Simple, secure and easier to develop and maintain compared to
X windows system
Currently being replaced by wayland
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 47
provided information about the X server including different
screen types available
window information
Remote Desktops
Use client/server model
Common remote desktop software
Virtual network computing
Remote frame buffer protocol
Port 5900+n
Allows for persistent and static desktops
Supports RDP
Only provides server side of RDP
Closed source remote desktop
Simple protocol for independent computing environments
Good for providing connections with KVM virtual machines
SSH port forwarding/SSH tunneling
Allows you to redirect a connection from one port to port 22
allowing for ssh security similar to a vpn
To enable SSH forwarding use L switch
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 48
ssh L local-port: Nf user@destination-host
N Lets oopen ssh know that no remote terminal process is
F after SSH is authenticated move ssh to background
X11 forwarding
ssh X user@remote-host
Chapter 7 Configuring Network Features
Network manager
Provides a graphical interface for defining network connections
Command line tools
provides simple text based menu tools
provides a text only command line tool
Route: Displays the current default router
Dhcpcd: Allows you to enable dhcp
tests hostname
queries the DNS server to determine the ip address assigned to the
specified hostname
Also works for resolving IP to hostname
@Jan 31, 2020
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 49
Displays all of the DNS data records associated with a specific host
or network
lists open network connections on the system
-t: only tcp connections
-u: only udp connections
-l: only shows listening ports
-s: shows statistics for different packet types
link which system processes are using which network sockets
Interface bonding
Allows you to aggregate multiple interfaces into new virtual network
Bonding types
Load balancing
Network traffic is shared between two or more interfaces
Two or more network interfaces are combined to create on larger
network pipe
One network interface is live while the other is used as a backup
for fault tolerance
Legacy tools
Ethtool: Displays Ethernet settings for a network interface (allows you to
look inside NIC
Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 50
ifconfig: Displays or sets the IP address and netmask value for a network
ip: Displays or sets the IP address netmask, and router values. Robust,
often used to define network settings.
ip address add ( dev enp0s3
Set default router for network interface: ip route add default via dev enp0s3
Iwconfig: Sets the ssid and encryption
Local loopback interface
Special virtual network interface, any local program can use it to
communicate with other programs as if they were across a network

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Linux textbook notes - Graham Helton

  • 1. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 1 Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton Date: Orchestrating the Environment Notes Understanding the orchestration concepts Static environment Also called container environment Contains predetermined app environment that does not change through time Provisioning the data center Agent monitoring tools Tools that require software to be installed in the app to monitor Takes information and moves it to a monitoring server Agentless monitoring @Feb 19, 2020
  • 2. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 2 Tools use preexisting and/or embedded software in the container to conduct its monitoring activity Desired state Predetermined setting that declares how many containers should be deployed and running at one time Self-healing Some utilities will launch new production containers to keep the desired state Looking at container orchestration engines Kubernetes Designed by google Opensouce orchestration system Scalable, fault tolerant and easy to learn Docker Docker swarm orchestration system Swarm is typically faster then kubernetes when deploying new containers Mesos distributed systems kernel provides a conotainer oorchestration system framework only when paired with marathon Date: Inspecting cloud and virtualization services Notes @Feb 18, 2020
  • 3. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 3 Focusing on VM Tools Looking at libvirt A popular virtualization management software collection libvert library  an API library  A daemon, libvirtd  command line utilities such as virt-install virsh Use virsh command to interact with hypervisor and create,remove,stop and start VMs Virtual machine manager is a python program for creating and managing virtual machine Understanding bootstrapping bootstrapping installing a new system using a configuration file or image of an earlier install Anaconda  Create a kickstart file to configure the system  store the kickstart file on the network or detachable device  place the installation source where it is accessible  create a boot medium that will initiate the kickstart process  kick off the kickstart installation Kickstart file file that contains all the installation choices you desire for a new system anaconda file Red hat based distros only
  • 4. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 4 this file is created and stored in the /root directory and named anaconda-ks.cfg Ubuntu based distros use a product called preseed Exploring storage issues Thick provisioning Virtual disk size is selected and the physical files created on the physical disk is pre-allocated. Selecting 50gb for you VM size will instantly use up 50gb on your harddrive for VM space Thin provisioning VM only consumes the amount of disk space actually used for the virtual drive BLOB large unstructured data such as imagines, video, big data, etc Date: Understanding cloud and virtualization concepts Notes What is cloud computing IaaS Infrastructure as a service low level server resources to host applications such as physical components including storage, cpu, ram etc PaaS @Feb 18, 2020
  • 5. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 5 Cloud computing vendor provides the physical server environment as well as the operating system SaaS cloud computing vendor provides the whole environment such as mail server, web server, software etc Understanding virtualization Hypervisors Run multiple environments on one physical server such as web, application servers, and database servers Each server is on the same machine but do not interact with each other Type I Hypervisor Commonly called bare metal hypervisor Runs directly on server hardware with no middleman Examples KVM Linux Kernel-based virtual machine uses standard linux kernel with a special hypervisor module XEN Open source standard for hardware virtualization Supports all types of CPUs Type II Hypervisors Run on top of an existing operating system OVF Open source virtual machine configuration Open Virtualization Format OVF
  • 6. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 6 Exploring containers Containers Gather all needed file to run an application such as libraries,runtime files, database file etc Each program runs within container You can run the container in any environment and expect the application to work as it did in development Container software LXC Open source standard for creating containers lighter than a full VM but heavier than a normal application Docker Open source extremely lightweight employees a daemon to listen for requests from containers Date: Controlling versions with Git Notes Understanding version control Version control system provides a common central place to store and merge project file so that you can access the latest project version Distributed version control systems @Feb 18, 2020
  • 7. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 7 allows developers to work offline Git Distributed VCS Git terms Working directory Where program file are created modified and reviewed Staging area also called the index git creates or updates information in the index file Local repository Contains each project file's history This data is also called a snapshot Remote repository Typically a cloud based location but could be another server on your network Pros of Git Performance History Accuracy Decentralization Setting up your Git Environment Git is not installed by default, you need to create your own Git environment Steps to setting up a Git environment  Create a working directory mkdir myGitEnvironment  Initialize the .git/ directory git init
  • 8. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 8  Set up local repository options git config —global "youremail"  Establish your remote repository (usually github) git remote add origin [url] Committing with Git  Create or modify the program file  Add the file to the staging area  commit the files to the local repository (use -m to add commit notes)  Push the files to the remote repository Merging versions Branches area within a local repository for a particular project Date: Automating Jobs Notes Running scripts without a console How do you run a shell script in the back Append & to end of command Use nohup to run script without tying it to the terminal Sends output to nohup.txt Sending signals CTRL - Z sends SIGTSTP @Feb 17, 2020
  • 9. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 9 Stopping a process leaves the program still in memory and can be returned to later Job control To restart a stopped job use BG jobnumber jobs will list all active jobs Running like clockwork AT command Allows you to specify a time for when a specific script will be ran ATD runs in the background and checks for jobs to run at [-f filename] time Reconizes standard hour and minute such as 1015 pm job queue shows holds jobs submitted by the at command for processing atq: Will list the currently pending jobs ATRM [jobID Removes specific job from queue Will only run once Cron Table Format of crontab: min hour DayOfMonth Month DayOfWeek command day of week can be 06 0 being sunday) or mon,tue, etc allows for range of values(such as 15 or wildcard (*) To run a command everyday at 10 15 am 15 10 * * * command Must use 24hr format use crontab -e to add items to crontab use crontab -l to list current crontabs
  • 10. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 10 Date: Deploying Bash scripts Notes The basics of shell scripting STDIN 0 file descriptor points to standard input for the shell (normally the keyboard) STDOUT 1 file descriptor points to the standard output for the shell (normally the monitor) STDERR 2 file descriptor By default points to STDOUT The monitor) redirecting STDERR use 2 instead of > Exit status of a command that has successfully completed is 0 Date: Troubleshooting application and hardware issues Notes @Feb 17, 2020 @Feb 16, 2020
  • 11. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 11 Dealing with storage problems Degraded storage refers to the storage mediums gradual decay due to improper use Missing volumes usually caused by failed device use pvscan to find Storage integrity Bad block small chunk of a disk drive that will not respond due to corruption use fsck or badblocks command Performance issues dstat provides data for troubleshooting storage device problems dmstats allows you to manage statistics for a particular device Uncovering Application permission issues Steps for determining permission issues  Determine which account runs the application and the account's name  Discover the specific program action that raised the error  Find out which files were being read and written during this action  record any applications it was trying to launch  Document any services the program was attempting to employ determine what file permissions the owner has Check group membership permissions Check to see if program has sufficient permissions (as well as any programs it starts)
  • 12. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 12 Check access control lists Analyzing application dependencies apt-get clean cleans up the database and any temp download files yum clean all cleans up the database and any temp download files zypper clean -a cleans up the database and any temp download files Looking at SELinux context violations Check audit log files by using sealert Exploring firewall blockages Unblocking ports if your application relies on another system service check rules related to that service's ports Troubleshooting additional hardware lspci lsusb lsdev dmidecode DMI Desktop management interface Displays hardware information in human readable format lshw provides information on system hardware -short: displays condensed version What denotes a memory issue?
  • 13. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 13 slow system performance hang during memory intensive applications kernel panics random corruption of files Date: Dealing with Linux devices Notes Communicating with Linux devices Kernel must recognize device for it to work If module for device isn't loaded the device will not work GPIO General purpose input/output Used on raspberry pie great for supporting communication to external devices device files Files the linux kernel creates in the /dev directory to interface with hardware devices Character device files Transfer data one character at a time Often used for serial devices such as terminals and USB Block device files Transfers large blocks of data. Used for high speed data transfer devices such as hard drives and network cards @Feb 15, 2020
  • 14. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 14 Device mapper Maps physical block devices to virtual block devices /proc Important for troubleshooting IRQ Interruption request allow hardware to indicate when they have data to send to the cpu I/O Ports Locations in memory where cpu can send and receive data from a hardware device Can be monitored in /proc/ioports DMA Direct memory access Send data from hardware device to memory /sys provides information about hardware devices that any user can access Working with devices Finding devices lsdev displays information about hardware devices lsblk displays information about block devices on the system dmesg shows records of kernel level events as they occur
  • 15. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 15 good for troubleshooting when something isnt working properly lspci allows you to view currently installed PCI cards lsusb shows information about USB devices Supporting monitors XFree86 Extremely hard to configure does not auto detect new devices User friendly auto detects new devices Using hot pluggable devices Cold pluggable devices Can only be connected to the system when the system is powered down Detecting Dynamic devices udev device manager automatically started at boot by init listens to kernel notification messages and checks the against rule in /etc/udev/rules.d udevadm allows you to interact with the udev program
  • 16. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 16 Date: Investigating User Issues Notes Troubleshooting Access lastlog searches therough /var/log/lastlog for users who have logged into the system last searches the /var/log/wtmp for users that have logged in and out lastb Shows last unsuccessful login attempts remote connections add -vvv to ssh displays a lot of verbose information Date: Optimizing performance Notes Looking at processes Process is a running program init process runs scripts that start all other processes running on the system PPID @Feb 12, 2020 @Feb 11, 2020
  • 17. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 17 Parent process ID Sleeping processes that are swapped into virtual memory Monitoring processes in real time Top Displays process information in real time Managing processes Nice and renice change the priority level assigned to an application process nice -n value command can be any value between 20 to 19, the lower the number the higher the priority renice priority -p pid kill default asks program to shut down, does not always work kill -s KILL will instantly kill process (use with caution, can cause corruption) pkill Allows you to kill process by name instead of process ID Date: Analyzing system properties and remediation Notes Troubleshooting the network @Feb 10, 2020
  • 18. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 18 Ports vs Sockets Ports: number used by protocols to identify which service or application is transmitting data Network Socket: Single endpoint of a network connection's two endpoints. That single endpoint is on the local system and bout to a particular port. Thus uses a combination of an IP and port number Localhost Allows programs to test networking services without needing external networking Unix Sockets Sockets between processes on your local system Perform inter process communications(IPC) Better performance than localhost Viewing network performance Check for high latency/saturation Command Description iperf,iperf3 Perform network throughput tests iftop -i adapter Display network bandwidth usage for an adapter mtr displays approx. travel tiems and packet loss percentages
  • 19. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 19 Command Description nc netcat, performs network througput tests netstat -s displays summary statistics that are broken down by protocol ping,ping6 perform simple icmp packet throughput tests ss -s displays summary statistics broken down by socket type tracepath display travel times between each router and discover MTU along the way traceroute display travel times between each router from the source to destination Date: Embracing best security practices Notes User Security Kerberos Developed to support single sign on Authentication server users log into the AS to initiate the authentication process Key distribution center Authentication server passes the login request to the KDC which issues the user a ticket granting ticket TGT Ticket granting service When user attempts to log into a server the server contacts the Ticket granting service to determine if the user's ticket is valid Lightweight directory access protocol LDAP @Feb 9, 2020
  • 20. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 20 Hierarchical tree database structure stores info about users and resources Microsoft's active directory builds upon kerberos for user authentication and LDAP for resource authorization Remote authentication Dial in User Service Radius) Old but still used because its fairly simple to setup Allows authentication server to authenticate user account as well as other info about user such as ip,phone number, and access privileges. Terminal access controller access control system TACACS System Security Use partitions multiple partitions to separate sensitive data Prevent unauthroized access to grub grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 Disable ctrl-alt-delete in /etc/inittab Blacklist or whitelist users from using cronjobs in /etc/at.allow /etc/at.deny /etc/con.allow /etc/cron.deny Network security Deny hosts /etc/hosts.deny blacklist of hosts you dont want connecting to you system Disable unused services
  • 21. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 21 Change default ports Date: Overseeing Linux Firewalls Notes Providing Access control Access control list Identifies which packets are allowed in and out This is known as packet filtering Once a packet is identified the ACL determine what happens to the packet Accept Reject Sends message back to the application sending the packet Drop Does not send any message back to application Does not provide any information to outside attacker Log List of ports and their services in /etc/services Ports 11023 are privileged ports, only a super user can run a service on. Stateless firewalls Older Faster because less processing is done on packets susceptible to attacks spread among multiple packets @Feb 9, 2020
  • 22. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 22 rules are static (requires restart for new rules) Stateful Treats packets as a team Tracks active network connections Not vulnerable to attacks that spread themselves among multiple packets Keep network info in memory more vulnerable to DDoS because of tracking of connections Firewall Technologies Netfilter Embedded in Linux Kernel Allows other packages to implement firewall technologies network sniffer that is planted in the Linux Kernel and offers up packet filtering services Firewalld Provides packet filtering for IPv4 and IPv6 Zones Network traffic is grouped into a predefined rule set called a zone Identifies traffic from other systems Each network connection can only be a member of one zone at a time must place custom zones in /etc/firewalld/zones Services predefined configuration set for a particular system services such as DNS Runtime environment configuration actively employed by the firewall service
  • 23. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 23 iptables Iptabes-save saves current iptables rules as they are not persistent Firewall service using a series of process called chains to handle network packets that enter the system Chains determine the path each packet takes as it tners the system to reach the appropriate application Chains in packet processing Prerouting handles packets before the routing decision process Input Handles packets destined for the local system Forward handles packets being forwarded to a remote system Post routing handles packets being sent to remote systems after the forward filter Output handles packets output from the local system Each chain contains tables the define rules for handling packets Filter applies rules to allow or block packets from exiting the chain mangle applies rules to change features of the packets before they exit the chain nat
  • 24. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 24 applies rules to change the addresses of the packets before they exit the chain raw applies a NOTRACK setting on packets that are not to be tracked security Applies mandatory access control rules /tbu Each chain has a policy value that determines how a packet is handled by default for the chain Accept: Passes the packet along to the next chain Drop: Dont pass the packet along to the next chain UFW (uncomplicated firewall) Default firewall service on ubuntu distributions Common arguments UFW common arguments Argument Description allow identifiers sets the rule identied by Identifiers to allow packets deny identifiers sets the rule identifed by Identifiers to deny (drop) packets reject identifiers sets the rule identied by identiers to reject packets delete rule|num deletes the rule identified by RULE or NUM insert NUM RULE inserts rule at index NUM logging LEVEL Sets the logging level where LEVEL is on,off,low,medium,high, or full Untitled
  • 25. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 25 IPset Allows you to create sets of IPs such as and allows you to manage all users in those sets from firewall ACLs Date: Implementing Logging Services Notes syslog Standard logging protocol timestamp:type:secerity and details Severity values Syslog severity code keyword Description 0 emerg Event that causes the system to become unstable 1 alert Event that requires immediate attention 2 crit critical but doesnt require immediate attention 3 err error that allows the system or application to continue 4 warning non-normal warning condition in the system or application 5 notice a normal but significant condition message 6 info Information message from the system 7 debug debugging messages for devs rsyslog @Feb 9, 2020
  • 26. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 26 Rocketfast Configuration Reads from /etc/systemd/journald.conf configuration file /run/log/journal is deleted on system reboot, create /var/log/journal to permanently store event messages ForwardToSyslog determines if systemd-journald should forward any messages to a separate syslog program such as rsyslogd journalctl [options] [matches] -a: displays all data fields -e: jumps to the end of the journal -l: Displays all printable data fields -n [number]: shows the most recent number journal entries -r: Reverses the order of the journal entries Date: Access and identification methods Notes Getting to know PAM !!! PAM pluggable authentication modules provide centralized authentication services for linux compiled with pam library configuration files located in /etc/pam.d/ @Feb 9, 2020
  • 27. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 27 PKI Concepts Public key infrastructure helps to protect key integrity Private keys Symmetric keys use a single key Public/private encrypt using two keys Digital signature encrypted message with users private key sent with cipher text Using SSH Employs asymmetric encryption ssh options username@hostname Using SSH securely Use a different port besides 22 Disable root logins via SSH Manage TCP wrappers Date: Applying ownership and permissions Notes Changing file or directory ownership chown root user can change owner assigned to file or directory chgrp @Feb 7, 2020
  • 28. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 28 Changes the group assigned to file or directory Octal mode permissions Octal value Permission Meaning 0 —- No permissions 1 —x Execute only 2 -w- write only 3 -wx write and execute 4 r— read only chmod 664 file.txt sets the owner and group permissions to read and write but the permissions of all others to 4 Set User ID SUID tells the linux kernal to run the program with the permissions of the file owner and not the user running the file Usually used for server applications that must run as root Indicated by an S in the execute permission field chmod u+s myserverapp chmod 4750 myserverapp 4 at start adds s to file permissions) Set Group ID GUID Works differently for files and directories Uses 2 in front of UGO in octal mode Chmod g+s /sales chmod 2660 /sales files Tells linux to run the program file with the files group permissions Indicated by s in the group execute position
  • 29. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 29 Directory When GUID bit is set in directory any file users create in the directory is assigned the group of the directory not the user Sticky bit denoted by t in execute position for others: rwxrw-r-t chmod o+t /sales chmod 1777 /sales Managing default permissions user mask defines the default permissions linux assigns to the file or directorys Octal value the represents the bits to be removed from octal mode 666 for files 777 for directories umask user mask value is set with this command First octal value represents the mask for the SUID GUID and Sticky Next three octal values mask the owner group and other permission settings Access control lists use setfacl and getfacl commands setfacl -m g:sales:rw test App armor
  • 30. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 30 Used on debian based linux Controls files and network ports Access based on policies (called profiles) Understanding linux user types ulimit places a limit on how many computational resources a user can use Date: Chapter 14 Tending Kernel Modules Notes Module required to support a kernel are stored in /lib/modules/ kernel module files have a .ko extension /etc/modprobe.d contain config files generated by the system /run/modprobe.d/ stores configuration files generated at runtime dmesg displays the current kernel ring buffer lsmod shows brief module information modinfo provides detailed module data When a module fails it sometimes triggers a kernel message insmod inserts a single module into linux kernel but not any dependencies @Feb 5, 2020
  • 31. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 31 At boot time linux might take a snapshot of your kernel ring buffer and store the data in /var/log/dmesg modprobe easier to use than insmod loads module and all of its dependencies uses the modules.dep file to determine any dependencies depmod scans through system looking for hardware that was not detected used for troubleshooting rmmod removes a module but not any dependencies modprobe -r removes a module and its dependencies Date: Chapter 13 Governing software Notes Working with source code Downloading source code wget retrieves files from servers using ftp,http, etc cURL retrieves files from servers just like wget but allows for more protocols @Feb 5, 2020
  • 32. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 32 Bundling source code packages Tar is often used to bundle project files Compiling source code Source code needs to be compiled before running on the system most common tool is gcc (supports most programming languages) gcc -o hello hello.c outputs using a make file run the configure utility to build the application for your environment run the make utility by itself to build necessary library files run the make install as root to install application ldd displays required library files for a file to run Packaging applications Packages consist of all the files required to run a single application package managers track application files, library dependencies, and application versions Debian package tools Bundles application files into single .deb package files uses command line tool called dpkg -i: installs package P removes installed package -r: removes but keeps configuration files -l: shows all installed packages Red Hat package tools command line tool called RPM -e: uninstalls package
  • 33. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 33 -i: installs package -u: installs or upgrade package Repositories Contains software packages known to work correctly Date: Chapter 12 Protecting files Notes Backup Types System image Copy of the operating system binaries, configuration files, and anything else you need to boot Full A copy of all the data. Takes a long time and requires lots of storage Incremental Only makes a backup of data that has been modified since the last backup (any backup type) It is crucial to make a full backup regularly to reduce recovery time Differential Differential makes copy of all the data that has been modified since the last full backup Good balance between incremental and full backup. Takes less time to restore than incremental and has lower disk space @Feb 5, 2020
  • 34. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 34 Snapshot Uses pointer references for data backups You can go to any point in time to do a full restore simulate full backups without taking up the same space or requiring the same processing power Snapshot clone Good for disaster recovery Good for high IO environments Has no impact on performance Compression methods gzip 6070% compression rate gzip filename to zip gunzip filename to unzip bzip2 Higher compression rate than gzip but takes longer Can use multiple layers of compression bzip filename zips bunzip2 filename Unzips xz Higher compression rate than gzup and bzip2 xz filename to zip unxz filename to unzip zip Same as windows zip files places files inside and replaces original
  • 35. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 35 zip or unzip Archive and restore utilities cpio copy in and out Used to create an archive Often used for system image and full backups tar commonly used for creating backups tar -zcvf outputname inputfiles -z: compresses using gzip -c: creates a tarball -v: displays each file name as its processed -f: designates file name -t: display a .tar's contents -x: extracts data - z: decompresses gzip dd Create low level copies of an entire hard drive or partition dd if=devicebeingcopied of=deviceholdingcopy status=progress dd if=/dev/zero/ of=disktobewiped status=progress 0's out disk rsync very fast copying of files locally or remotely -e: uses openshh -z: compresses files during data transfer -a: used to make an archive Offsite/Off System backups
  • 36. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 36 scp uses openSSH best for small files C compress files -r: copies files from the directory's contents and any subdirectory sftp more interactive than scp uses openSSH SFTP commands once connected bye: exits get: downloads to local system put: sends files from local system ls: displays remote systems working directory backup integrity use md5sum Date: Chapter 11 Handling storage Notes drive connections /dev When you connect a device to a linux system a file is created in the /dev folder this is a raw device @Feb 4, 2020
  • 37. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 37 Sata connections are called SDx (where x is letter representing the drive) udev runs in background detects new hardware such as USB drives assigns new storage a place in /dev Partitioning tools fdisk Most common command line partitioning tool Allows you to create, view, delete, and modify partitions on any MBR drive sudo fdisk /dev/sda p: displays the current partition scheme on the drive gdisk For working with drives using GPT indexing method parted allows you to modify existing partitions gparted graphical tool for editing partitions Understanding file systems File system: a map of data stored on a device The Virtual Directory Contains file paths from all the storage devices installed contains a single base directory called root Mount points
  • 38. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 38 a folder placeholder within the virtual directory that points to a specific physical device FHS defines core folder names and locations that should be present on every linux system Absolute path full path within virtual directory always starts from root folder ( / ) relative path denotes the location of a file relative to your current location within the virtual directory when path doesn't start with / linux assumes you're referring to your current directory Formatting file systems btrfs A new high performance file system that supports massive file sizes 16exbibytes) eCryptfs Enterprise cryptographic file system Only the operating system that created the file system can read data from it ext3 descendant of the original linux file system supports 2 tb file size supports journaling ext4 Current version of linux file system
  • 39. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 39 supports files up to 16 tb reiserFS created before ext3 and ext4 and is no longer supported swap create virtual memory using a physical drive System can swap data out of normal memory into swap space essentially enables more memory on your machine not used for persistent data storage Journaling Method of tracking data not yet written to the drive in a log file If system fails before data can be written to drive the journal (log) data can be recovered and stored on next system boot Non-Linux file systems Linux can read data stored on devices formatted for other file systems Supports the following file systems but it is not recommended to use these for linux systems CIFS HFS ISO9660 NFS NTFS SMB UDF VFAT XFS ZFS
  • 40. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 40 mkfs used for creating file systems -t: specify file system type Mounting file systems Must be formatted with a file system mount used for mounting drives temporarily (will reset on device restart) -t: specify the file system type umount: unmount specified device /etc/fstab Used for permanent storage devices Managing file systems df displays disk usage by partition du displays disk usage by directory good for seeing what users or applications are using the most space iostat displays a real time chart of disk stats lsblk display current partition size and mount points fsck Used to repair corrupt partitions /proc and /sys special file systems kernel uses for recording system statistics Storage alternatives
  • 41. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 41 Device mapper multipathing allows you to configure multiple paths between the linux system and network storage devices dm-multipath kernel module that provides multipath support Logical volume mapper—- allows you to create virtual drive devices mdadm used to configure software RAID Date: Chapter 10 Administering users and groups Notes Adding accounts useradd -c: Add comment (usually the users full name) -d: users home directory -e: expire date -g: users group -m: creates users home account getent Allows you to view records in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow passwd used to change passwords @Feb 3, 2020
  • 42. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 42 -d: deletes password -e: sets a users password as expired -i: sets the number of days after a password is expired and has not been changes that the users account will be deactivated usermod modify user settings L locks account -c: modify the comment field -d: set a new user home -g: change the users group /etc/login.defs configuration file control password length, expiration,home directory etc User identification number UID Number used to identify user accounts root always has UID of 0 System accounts Accounts that provide services (daemons) /etc/skel If a home directory is created for a user these files are to be copied to the users account home directory when the account is created. /etc/passwd Account information /sbin/nologin is used for system services accounts Managing groups
  • 43. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 43 Part of linux's discretionary access control Access to a file is based on group membership permissions Group identification number GID if no group is designated then a new group is created with the username of the new user and assigned a new GID getent passwd shows users gid in 4th field groupadd -g 1042 TestGroup creates new group with group id of 1042 and names it testgroup usermod -aG testgroup username -a: preserves any precious account group memberships G adds user to group Setting up the environment When first logging in bash checks environment files (sometimes called startup files) .bashrc file is ran Global entreis Modify the working environment and shell sessions for all users using starting a Bash shell Querying Users whoami display what user account you are currently using Who provides more data than whoami allows you to see info about your won account and every user on the system id
  • 44. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 44 provides a short summary of uid gid and groups last displays a list of when all users logged in Managing disk space enable file system quota support under /etc/fstab unmount and remount file system quotacheck -cug /home/user1/quotafstest Date: Chapter 8 Comparing GUIs Notes Desktop environments GNOME @Feb 2, 2020
  • 45. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 45 Launched in late 1990s File Manager GNOME FILES (sometimes just called files) KDE Kool Desktop Environment) Started in 1998 Now known as KDE plasma File manager Dolphin Cinnamon Used on linux mint File manager Nemo MATE File manager Caja Unity
  • 46. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 46 Old no longer developed desktop environment Set out to have a single UI for desktop and mobile File manager Nautilus Accessibility Sound Keys Beeps whenever the capslock or numlock is pressed Bounce Keys Helps compensate for single keys pressed multiple times GUI server Display server Program that uses a communication protocol to transmit the user interaction to the operating system Communication protocol is called the display server protocol and can only operate over a network Compositor Arranges display elements within a window to create a screen image to be passed back to client Wayland Replacement for X11 Simple, secure and easier to develop and maintain compared to x11 Compositor Weston X11 X windows system Currently being replaced by wayland
  • 47. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 47 xdpyinfo provided information about the X server including different screen types available xwininfo window information Remote Desktops Use client/server model Common remote desktop software VNC Virtual network computing Remote frame buffer protocol Port 5900+n Allows for persistent and static desktops Xrdp Supports RDP Only provides server side of RDP NX Closed source remote desktop Spice Simple protocol for independent computing environments Good for providing connections with KVM virtual machines Forwarding SSH port forwarding/SSH tunneling Allows you to redirect a connection from one port to port 22 allowing for ssh security similar to a vpn To enable SSH forwarding use L switch
  • 48. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 48 ssh L local-port: Nf user@destination-host N Lets oopen ssh know that no remote terminal process is desired F after SSH is authenticated move ssh to background X11 forwarding ssh X user@remote-host Date: Chapter 7 Configuring Network Features Notes Network manager Provides a graphical interface for defining network connections Command line tools Nmtui provides simple text based menu tools nmcli provides a text only command line tool Route: Displays the current default router Dhcpcd: Allows you to enable dhcp host tests hostname queries the DNS server to determine the ip address assigned to the specified hostname Also works for resolving IP to hostname @Jan 31, 2020
  • 49. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 49 DIG Displays all of the DNS data records associated with a specific host or network Netstat lists open network connections on the system -t: only tcp connections -u: only udp connections -l: only shows listening ports -s: shows statistics for different packet types SS link which system processes are using which network sockets Interface bonding Allows you to aggregate multiple interfaces into new virtual network device Bonding types Load balancing Network traffic is shared between two or more interfaces aggregation Two or more network interfaces are combined to create on larger network pipe active/passive One network interface is live while the other is used as a backup for fault tolerance Legacy tools Ethtool: Displays Ethernet settings for a network interface (allows you to look inside NIC
  • 50. Linux+ Notes - Graham Helton 50 ifconfig: Displays or sets the IP address and netmask value for a network interface ip: Displays or sets the IP address netmask, and router values. Robust, often used to define network settings. ip address add ( dev enp0s3 Set default router for network interface: ip route add default via dev enp0s3 Iwconfig: Sets the ssid and encryption Local loopback interface Special virtual network interface, any local program can use it to communicate with other programs as if they were across a network