Presentazione baratono uni ais_nov_21

UNI - Ente Italiano di Normazione Há 2 anos

2nd Dynamo Meetup Workshop Workflow

Claudio Vittori Antisari Há 6 anos

BIM & Sustainability

Elrond Burrell Há 8 anos

AEC Excellence Awards 2016 Finalists

Autodesk AEC Há 7 anos

Interoperabilità dei modelli informativi

BIM group @ University of Padua Há 9 anos

Rsa 2016 Boston Borin_Visualize the relationships

BIM group @ University of Padua Há 8 anos

BIM Software and Hosting Options - what package should you use #BIM4M2help

BIM4M2: BIM for Manufacturers & Manufacturing Há 8 anos

Why Manufacturers Need BIM - #BIM4M2help

BIM4M2: BIM for Manufacturers & Manufacturing Há 8 anos

Future of Making Things for AEC Overview

Autodesk AEC Há 8 anos

Open BIM Benefits - Howard Jeffrey

School of the Built Environment - University of Salford Há 12 anos