Berlin 2017 Podojo Talk

Dave Gray Há 7 anos

Visual Design Thinking Workshop

Alli McKee Há 8 anos

Service oriented change and collaboration

Paddy Baxter Há 7 anos

The Sketchnote Mini-Workshop

Mike Rohde Há 8 anos

Value Proposition Design

Yves Pigneur Há 9 anos

What is a happy startup?

The Happy Startup School Há 11 anos

WTF is the Happy Startup School anyway?

The Happy Startup School Há 8 anos

Principles of Microservices - NDC 2014

Sam Newman Há 9 anos

Why Visual Content Works

Matt Siltala Há 9 anos

Patterns of resilience

Uwe Friedrichsen Há 9 anos

Change checklist

Dave Gray Há 9 anos

Culture mapping: Space and place

Dave Gray Há 9 anos

Squiggle birds

Dave Gray Há 9 anos