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Professional Presence

The Hard Facts about
     Soft Skills

In business, professional relationships are enhanced when people understand and
practice business protocol. Every time an associate presents or accepts a business
card, greets a customer with a handshake, or attends a business lunch or dinner, they
will exemplify the polish and professionalism that communicates exceptional customer
service and market leadership. In today’s more casual business dealings, that rare
individual is easily distinguished from the competition. Business protocol and etiquette
is also a foundation for individuals developing their leadership potential. It makes an
immediate and noticeable difference in how an individual is perceived and in their
effectiveness in business and social interaction.

                                         Ellen Reddick
                                         Impact Factory
What is Business Presence?
A powerful business presence exudes high-level professionalism in attire, posture,
conduct, and verbal skills as well as displaying confidence, leadership, and personal
power in a businesslike manner. A powerful business presence conveys on the nonverbal
level: "I am intelligent; I have choices; I am resourceful; I can be authoritative, easily
managing and inspiring other people; and I am capable of handling any business
situation, including conflict and curve balls."

Know the components of business presence, and learn how to use them to your

   •   Attire - all aspects of your clothing selections, including accessories such as
       shoes, jewelry, eye-glasses, etc.
   •   Hair - style, color, condition, length
   •   Grooming - overall cleanliness, and personal presentation, including fragrances
       use and abuse
   •   Posture - confidence in the way you hold yourself
   •   Demeanor - mannerisms, and body language
   •   Business Accessories -such as briefcases, pens, technology tools, etc.
   •   Communication Skills - articulation, eye contact, and effective listening
   •   Etiquette Skills - the right handshake, business protocols, and courtesies

                                       Ellen Reddick
                                       Impact Factory
First Impressions

                     Appearance + Actions + Attitude

When someone meets you for the first time, they will make up to eleven
assumptions about your personal or professional life. These assumptions are
made fast – within three to seven seconds. Right or wrong, correct or incorrect,
your appearance, actions, and attitude prompt immediate speculation –
conclusions accepted as true without any real proof.

Age ~ This assumption is largely based on physical aspects. Make sure you pay
attention to your appearance.

Level of Education ~ Education can refer to textbook knowledge as well as
worldly exposure. Appearance, action & attitude – will strongly affect this

Moral Character ~ This assumption is based on whether you project an
understanding of what is morally and socially right or wrong.

Likability ~ Your actions, particularly nonverbal body language, can greatly
affect this assumption. A friendly smile, sincerity, politeness and good listening
habits can push this assumption to the positive side.

Position in Company ~ Of the three’s A’s, attitude is the most helpful here,
Have you noticed the upper management tend to exude confidence and a
positive attitude? Body language is important – walk taller, hold shoulders back,
and make excellent eye contact.

Income ~ This assumption often reverts back to appearance, one that you can
correct quickly.

Level of Success ~ As we mentioned earlier, attitude is contagious.

Name & Model of Car ~ This is an odd one and one I have never figured out.

Marital Status ~ While it is not appropriate to ask people often assume that
married people are more stable.

Level of Confidence ~ This assumption is based on your attitude, experience,
and self- esteem, which in turn is affected by your appearance 7 actions

Company Image ~ Remember…You are the company. The way you present
yourself is precisely how others perceive the company you work for.

                                     Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
Body Language Basics
Body language is the single most important means we have of getting our point
across. Over 50% of our communication is accomplished through our posture
and gestures. Body language can add to or detract from your professional


Good posture, whether sitting or standing, presents a confident image.
  • Stand and sit up straight
  • Head up
  • Shoulders back
  • Feet flat on the ground approximately shoulder width apart
  • Arms should be relax at your side


When entering a room, walk in with confidence and purpose. Maintain good
posture. Keep you head up and your eyes off the floor. Lift your feet up, avoid
dragging them along the ground. Keep your arms at your side, a nice easy swing
that matches your stride. A relaxed yet purposeful walk communicates high self-
esteem and commendable confidence.


Be aware of your gestures at all times. When speaking with others, make certain
your gestures enhance your message and don’t detract from it. Gestures should
be open and friendly. Avoid doing anything that is going to detract from your
professionalism and the message you are trying to convey.

Eye Contact

Eye contact is builds trust and develops rapport with others. Looking people in
the eye lets them know you are interested in what is happening, you are
involved, you are self-confident and a professional. Avoiding eye contact makes
people believe you lack confidence, are nervous and unprepared, and worst of all
you might not be trust worthy.

It is recommended that you maintain eye contact approximately 95% of the time
when you are engaged in a one-on-one conversation, and up to 50% of the time
when in a group setting.

                                   Ellen Reddick
                                   Impact Factory
Facial Expressions

Your face offers a veritable wealth of information, not just your age and heritage.
Your expressions, or sometimes lack of, give away your innermost attitudes.
Some expressions may make you appear unfriendly, angry, or disinterested. A
warm sincere smile on the other hand, allows you to appear friendly, open, and
approachable, and may be one of your best accessories.


Americans traditionally shake hands when meeting or leaving someone for the
first time, or when reconnecting with a person. An appropriate handshake is
between right hands only (unless your right hand is disabled), web-to-web
contact with locked thumbs, and care given to not grab the other person’s
knuckles. A firm grasp that lasts long enough for two to five substantial pumps is

Every handshake should begin from a standing position, ladies as well as men.
There is no gender distinction in business today. The rest goes as follows:
extend your right hand, initiate eye contact, say an enthusiastic hello, slowly and
clearly state your first and last name, and be sure to smile.

The handshakes you should avoid:

   •   The limp, dead fish handshake
   •   The double-handed handshake, often called the politician or pastoral
   •   The bone-crusher handshake
   •   The cold, clammy handshake

Business Tip: Name Badge

 Always place your name badge on your right shoulder where it can be readily
  seen. The nametag’s purpose is to reinforce your name. When you meet
  someone and shake hands, their gaze will automatically follow your right arm
  up to your shoulder and then to your face. Place your nametag high enough
  on your right shoulder to be easily see.

                                     Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
There are two kinds of introductions: self-introductions and three-party introductions.

When do you introduce yourself? When you recognize someone and he or she doesn’t recognize
you, whenever you’re seated next to someone you don’t know, when the introducer doesn’t
remember your name and when you’re the friend of a friend. Extend your hand, offer your first
and last names and share something about yourself or the event you’re attending.

Tip: In a self-introduction, never give yourself an honorific such as Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.

In a three-person introduction, your role is to introduce two people to each other. In a business or
business/social situation, one must take into consideration the rank of the people involved in
order to show appropriate deference. Simply say first the name of the person who should be
shown the greatest respect. And remember, gender doesn’t count in the business world; protocol
is based upon rank. Senior employees outrank junior employees, customers or clients outrank
every employee (even the CEO), and officials (Mayor, Senator, etc.) outrank non-officials.

Begin with the superior’s name, add the introduction phrase, say the other person’s name and
add some information about the second person. Then reverse the introduction by saying the
second’s name, followed by the introduction phrase and the superior’s name and information.
When a three-party intro is done correctly, the two people being introduced should be able to start
some small talk based upon what you shared about each of them. Introductions should match, so
if you know the first and last names of both people, say both. If you know only the first name of
one person, say only the first names of both. If you add an honorific for one person, the other
should also have one.

“Mr. Brown, I’d like to introduce Ms. Ann Smith, who started yesterday in the mailroom. Ann, this
is Douglas Brown, our CEO.”
(Ann would be wise to call the CEO “Mr. Brown” right away and not assume she may call him by
his first name. Always use the last names of superiors and clients until you are invited to do

“Pete, I’d like to introduce to you Doug Brown, our CEO. Doug, I’d like you to meet, Pete
Johnson, who’s considering our firm for his ad campaign.”

Tip: Don’t say “I’d like to introduce you to..”, but rather “I’d like to introduce to you…”

Tip: Always stand for an introduction.

Social skills are important prerequisites to succeeding in business. Knowing how to shake hands
and handle introductions can set you apart from the competition, convey confidence and project a
professional image. Practice these simple skills and you will reap the benefits!

                                            Ellen Reddick
                                            Impact Factory
The Twenty Most Distracting Behaviors
              Every Professional Should Avoid
Adopting distracting behaviors is easy and most people don’t even
realize what they are doing. Be aware of your actions.

  •   Interrupting repeatedly
  •   Dominating the conversation
  •   Inconsistent eye contact
  •   Standing too close, invading "personal space"
  •   Taking a cell phone call or even letting it ring
  •   Chewing anything, unless you're at a luncheon
  •   Arriving late
  •   Being longwinded
  •   Risky humor
  •   Wrinkled clothing
  •   Checking your watch frequently
  •   Not listening, missing key points
  •   Poor table manners
  •   Boasting (I call it "I" disease)
  •   Looking and sounding bored
  •   Complaining about anything
  •   Distracting noises, such as tapping on a table
  •   Notebook or briefcase needing replacement
  •   Power Point that won't work
  •   Cluttered office when someone visits you

                               Ellen Reddick
                               Impact Factory
Seven Body Language Killers

In many ways, listeners hear with their eyes. What is your body language saying
about you? When you give a presentation or run a sales meeting, are you
coming across as authoritative, confident and credible, or insecure, disreputable
and out of your league?

When it comes to body language, simply avoiding the most common mistakes
and replacing them with more confident movements will make a big difference.

Killer #1- Avoiding eye contact
What it says about you: You lack confidence; you are nervous and unprepared.

What to do instead: Spend 90% or more of your presentation time looking into
the eyes of your listeners. The vast majority of people spend far too much time
looking down at notes, PowerPoint slides or at the table in front of them. Not
surprisingly, most speakers can change this behavior instantly simply by
watching video of themselves. Powerful business leaders look at their listeners
directly in the eye when delivering their message.

During the recent confirmation hearings for U.S Chief Justice nominee John
Roberts, newspapers praised him for "looking self-assured." How did Roberts
project this image? Instead of reading his statements from notes, Roberts looked
his audience of Senators straight in the eye as he delivered his remarks.

Killer #2- Slouching
What it says about you: You are non-authoritative; you lack confidence.

What to do instead: When standing stationary, place feet at shoulder width and
lean slightly forward. Pull your shoulders slightly forward as well -- you'll appear
more masculine. Head and spine should be straight. Don't use a tabletop or
podium as an excuse to lean on it.

Killer #3- Fidgeting, rocking or swaying
What it says about you: You are nervous, unsure or unprepared.

What to do instead: Well, stop fidgeting. Fidgeting, rocking and swaying don't
serve any purpose. I recently worked with the top executive of computer
company who had to deliver the news of a product delay to a major investor. He
and his team actually had the event under control, and had learned valuable
lessons from the failure. But his body language suggested otherwise.

Killer #4- Standing in place
What it says about you: You are rigid, nervous, boring -- not engaging or

                                     Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
What to do instead: Walk. Move. Most men who come to me for presentation
coaching think they need to stand ridged in one place. What they don't realize is
that movement is not only acceptable, it's welcome. Some of the greatest
business speakers walk into the audience, and are constantly moving... but with

For example, a dynamic speaker will walk from one side of the room to another
to deliver their message. But if there's no one in a corner of the room, it doesn't
make sense to go there -- it's not moving with purpose. When I tape my clients
on video, I actually want to see that they move out of frame once in a while.
Otherwise, they appear too rigid.

Killer #5- Keeping hands in pocket
What it says about you: You are uninterested, uncommitted or nervous.

What to do instead: The solution here is too simple: Take your hands out of
your pocket. I've seen great business leaders who never once put both hands in
their pockets during a presentation. One hand is acceptable -- as long as the free
hand is gesturing.

Killer #6- Using phony gestures
What it says about you: You are over coached, unnatural or artificial.

What to do instead: Use gestures; just don't overdo it. Researchers have shown
that gestures reflect complex thought. Gestures leave listeners with the
perception of confidence, competence and control. But the minute you try to copy
a hand gesture, you risk looking contrived -- like a bad politician.

Killer #7- Jingling coins, tapping toes & other annoying movements
What it says about you: You are nervous, unpolished or insufficiently
concerned with details.

What to do instead: Use a video camera to tape yourself. Play it back with a
critical eye. Do you find annoying gestures that you weren't aware of? I once
watched an author who had written a book on leadership discuss his project. He
couldn't help but jingle all the coins in his pocket throughout the entire talk. He
didn't sell very many books that day, and he certainly didn't score points on the
leadership scale.

Nervous energy will reflect itself in toe-tapping, touching your face or moving
your leg up and down. It's an easy fix once you catch yourself in the act!

                 Use your body as a positive communication tool!

                                     Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
How to Write a Handwritten Note
       Only three or four sentences long, a thank you/hand written note is a
       golden opportunity to make the sort of personal connection that builds
stronger professional relationships.

Hand write a note whenever possible. It says you took the time to think about
what you were writing. The person receiving your note will appreciate your
thoughtfulness and will not be grading your penmanship.

A simple fold-over note card, a black or blue pen, a stamp and little effort are
all you need. A good thank you/hand written note that gets mailed is better
than the perfect one that never gets written.

The six elements of a basic thank you note:

                                            Ellen Reddick
                                            Impact Factory
1. Salutation                              Dear Jay,

A surprising number of writers forget
this, but people like to see their own

If you are on a first-name basis, use
it, otherwise use the more formal Mr.
or Ms. greeting.

2. Express your appreciation               Thanks so much for the the tickets to
                                           Noises Off.
Thank you is more formal; thanks is
more casual.

3. Describe the gift or experience         Al and I have always loved going to the
                                           theater, especially when it's a comedy.
Mention how an object looks or how         The performances were great, and we
you will use it. Mention your              laughed until our sides ached. It was
enjoyment of an event. People want         wonderful of you to think of us.
to know they made you happy.

Even if there was a problem with the
gift, keep negatives to yourself. If the
gift or event wasn’t to your taste,
focus on the giver and the thought.
Everyone wants to be appreciated.
The time and energy are more
important than the gift.

4. Mention a connection                    We hope to see you when you are in town
Discuss the past, allude to the future
or mention something you have in
common with the giver. If you can’t
think of anything else express your
desire to see or talk to the person

5. Thanks again for                        Thanks again for a wonderful evening.

It’s not overkill to say it again

6. Close                                   Sincerely,

Any of the following are suitable for

    •    Sincerely
    •    Sincerely yours
    •    Cordially
                                            Ellen Reddick
                                            Impact Factory
What to Say: Ideas for Business Greetings
Thank You: General

   •   With special thanks and much appreciation.
   •   Sincere thanks for your extra efforts.
   •   Your thoughtfulness is appreciated so much more than words can say.
   •   With sincere gratitude for all you have done.
   •   You’re the best!
   •   You made my day!
   •   It was a pleasure to work with you.
   •   Thank you for thinking of us.
   •   Many thanks for all you do.

Thank You: For Business/Order

   •   Thank you for your order. Continuing to serve you will be a pleasure.
   •   Your business is always appreciated.
   •   Thank you for choosing us.
   •   Thank you for your friendship, your business and the opportunity to serve you.
   •   Your business is sincerely appreciated. We look forward to continuing to serve
   •   Success is having you for a customer.
   •   We appreciate your business and your confidence in us.
   •   Thank you for your continued business. We look forward to working with you in
       the future.

Thank You: For Referral

   •   Thank you for the referral. Your confidence and trust in us is sincerely
   •   Thank you for referring _______ to our firm. We sincerely appreciate your
       confidence in us.

                                         Ellen Reddick
                                         Impact Factory
•   Thanks for thinking of me. Your referral is very much appreciated.
   •   Thank you for the vote of confidence.
   •   Many thanks for referring _______ to me. I’ll make sure he/she gets VIP service.

Thank You: For Time/Conversation

   •   Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.
   •   It was a pleasure talking with you. I hope we can speak again soon.
   •   Thanks for your time. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.
   •   Thank you for meeting with me. If you need anything, I’m only a phone call
   •   Thanks for squeezing me in. I know how busy you are.
   •   Many thanks for your inquiry. I’m sure we can meet your needs.

It is Your Birthday

   •   Wishing you a wonderful day.
   •   Sincere good wishes on your special day.
   •   Best wishes on your birthday for good health and happiness throughout the
   •   Warmest greetings on your birthday with every good wish for the coming year.
   •   With friendly thoughts and best wishes for your birthday.
   •   Sending you sincere wishes for good health and happiness on your birthday.

   •   All the best to you for a very special birthday.
   •   May you have an unforgettable day filled with happiness.
   •   Wishing you life’s best!
   •   May this day and every day be filled with joy.
   •   Wishing you every happiness today and always.
   •   Have a sensational day!
   •   May all of your dreams come true.
   •   Warm wishes on your birthday and always.

Business Anniversary

   •   Happy Anniversary! Thank you for being a part of our success now and in the

                                          Ellen Reddick
                                          Impact Factory
•   Thanks for another great year!
   •   You’ve made our success possible. Thank you!
   •   Thanks from all of us for ______ years of your business. We look forward to
       many more.
   •   Many thanks for being our customer for _______ years. We value that
   •   Your business is appreciated. Thank you for choosing us.


   •   A hearty welcome from all of us.
   •   Welcome aboard! It’s good to have you with us.
   •   A very warm welcome. We’re glad you joined us.
   •   We’re glad you’re here.
   •   A warm welcome. Thank you for choosing us!
   •   Welcome! We look forward to serving you.
   •   A warm welcome from all of us. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.


   •   Congratulations on a job well done.
   •   Hoping the best things in life will always be yours.
   •   This is a day to remember.
   •   It’s great to see good things happen for someone so deserving.
   •   Congratulations on a well-deserved promotion.

   •   Congratulations on an outstanding accomplishment.
   •   Your achievement is an inspiration.
   •   Kudos to you! You’ve earned them.
   •   Just want to add my good wishes to those you’ve already received.
   •   Bravo! You’ve accomplished great things.

   •   With every good wish for your retirement. May this be the start of your best
   •   Congratulations on your retirement. Best wishes for a great future.
   •   Wishing you life's best today and always.
   •   Congratulations on achieving a milestone. Here's to a great future.
                                          Ellen Reddick
                                          Impact Factory
•   Best wishes for today and every day in the future.
   •   Congratulations on your special day. May the future be filled with much

Get Well

   •   May every day find you feeling better!
   •   Thinking of you. May you feel better soon.
   •   Our warmest thoughts are with you. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
   •   We’re sick without you. Get well soon.
   •   Hoping this finds you well on the way to recovery.
   •   Take care of yourself and feel better soon.
   •   You are in my thoughts. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.
   •   You are missed! Get well soon and hurry back.


   •   Please accept my/our deepest sympathy
   •   My/Our sympathy and thoughts are with you and your family.
   •   Offering my/our sincerest condolences to you and your family
   •   With concern and caring sympathy.
   •   May your sorrow be eased by good memories.
   •   With heartfelt sympathy. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
   •   Hoping these words of sympathy will comfort you in your time of sorrow.
   •   Words are inadequate at a time like this. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy.

Keeping in Touch

   •   Just a note to keep in touch. Let’s talk soon.
   •   Thinking of you—hope all is well. Let me know if I can help in any way.
   •   Sorry I missed you. Hope to talk with you soon.
   •   Just touching base with you.
   •   Sending this just to say hi.

                                             Ellen Reddick
                                             Impact Factory
How Does Your Office Welcome Clients?

A new client is coming to visit--and panic sets in. What will they think? Will they
have a favorable experience that encourages them to do business with you? Or
will they leave your facilities wondering how to contact your competition?

When customers visit, they form an impression of your business. That impression
becomes your image. Whether the visit involves a business transaction, a service
call or a corporate event--whether it's for only an hour or a full day--you need to
create positive impressions for everyone.

Here are some tips for receiving visitors graciously:

   •   Create a welcoming atmosphere

                                     Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
Have you trained your receptionist (or the first person your clients see) to smile
and greet every visitor who comes to the office? That first contact can affect
perceptions about the company. If this person is on the phone or occupied with
another customer, do they acknowledge the visitor with a glance or a smile? Or
do they ignore the visitor? Do customers have to hunt around for someone to
assist them?

If you know ahead of time that the client is coming, make sure everyone knows
the name of the visitor. The receptionist should be prepared with a name badge
or a visitor's pass. Be sure every visitor is greeted in a friendly and helpful way.

   •   Set professional standards

A client visited a car dealership on a Saturday afternoon. The sales
representative who greeted her was dressed in a white tank top that exposed her
belly button; she also wore a pair of tight black jeans and black-and-white
sneakers. The client took one look at her and decided to go to another
dealership--her competitor.

Are your employees appropriately dressed? Do they always project a
professional image, even on business-casual days? Or are they dressed a little
too casually? Your employees represent the company; their appearance should
reflect that at all times. Think about how their appearance can enhance or detract
from your corporate image.

   •   Act as the host

When you receive visitors, you are the host. The way you greet them in your
office can affect the outcome of the meeting. So set the tone for a positive

Don't keep your visitors waiting. If the receptionist is escorting them to your
office, be sure to come out from behind your desk to greet them. Stand to shake
hands, and shake "web to web"--that is, grasp the other hand fully with your
hand-don't simply clasp the other person's fingers. Shake in the same manner
with men and women alike.

To create the best impression, personally greet the visitors in the waiting room.
Shake hands with your guests and escort them to your office, letting them follow
                                  Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
you. Upon arrival at your office, allow them to proceed first into the room, and
indicate where they should sit. Do not seat your guests directly across from your
desk; instead, place their chairs to the side of the desk.

Don't accept calls or interruptions during the meeting. When the meeting is over,
stand, shake hands once again and walk your guests back to the waiting room.

   •   Make the proper introductions

Introductions may seem like a trivial item in the grand scheme of business
interactions, but they are crucial to setting a professional tone in the office. If
clients are at your location for the entire day, make an effort to introduce them to
your senior executives. This simple gesture will help your guests to feel welcome.

As you escort a client through the office, you may run into company employees.
Be sure to make the proper introductions. When deciding who should be
introduced first, use the following order, regardless of gender: client, senior
executives, and junior executives. Provide information about each person you
introduce, so these people can start a conversation. For example: "Mr. Harris
(client), I would like you to meet Ms. Jones (company president). Mr. Harris is our
new client from Chicago; Ms. Jones is our company president." Show equal
respect and gracious behavior to everyone in your office. Your clients will notice
how you treat everyone.

   •   Be conscious of office courtesies

When escorting a client for a product demonstration or a company tour, use
proper office courtesies. One should never, for instance, discuss office gossip or
talk negatively about company employees in front of guests. I have sat in
reception areas and overheard employees talk about things and people that gave
me a very unflattering view of the company. The same should be applied to
employees that walk through the office talking on their cell phone. You never
know who may overhear a remark that should not be heard at all.

Know the appropriate way to handle entrances, exits, revolving doors and
elevators. As the host, when you get to a door, open it. This rule applies
regardless of gender. It is polite to hold the door for your guest to enter. At
revolving doors, the host enters the door first, leading the way for guests. As you
enter, you might want to say, "I'll wait for you on the other side." Then do so. If
there is more than one person with you, wait until everyone is through the
revolving door before you proceed.

When navigating stairs and escalators, the host leads the way, whether you are
going up or down. When using elevators, allow your guests to enter before you
do; upon exiting, leave the elevator first and hold the door for those following.
                                   Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
People at the front of the elevator should step off to make room when those in
the back need to exit. Hold the door, allow them to leave and step back into the
elevator. This is much nicer than cramming your body to the sidewall so that they
have room to leave.

Companies that want to stand out from their competition pay attention to making
visitors welcome. Manners make the difference. Greet your visitors graciously,
know what to do during their visit, be considerate of others and create positive
impressions that last and last.

Make a client visit to your company another selling opportunity and reaffirm that
your company deserves their business.

Sound as Good as You Look

Speaking with Ease

Every time you open your mouth and speak, your professionalism is on display.
What you say and how you say it is extremely important to your professional

What we say is not as important as how we make people feel.

Make certain your speech doesn’t detract from your professionalism by paying
attention to the following:

                                    Ellen Reddick
                                    Impact Factory
•   Listen to the sound of your own voice. Keep it warm and inviting.
       People with a higher than normal voice are thought to be less intelligent
       than those with a lower voice. One way to improve the sound of your
       voice is to read out loud to yourself every day for 5 or 10 minutes. Read
       quality literature, the Bible, poetry, Shakespeare, the classics.
   •   Speak slowly, clearly and distinctly. Make it easy for the person you
       are speaking with to hear and understand what it is you are saying.
   •   Eliminate the use of non-words. Non-words are meaningless fillers that
       speckle our speech, distract from our message, drain our impact, and
       annoy our listener. The most common non-words are “uhh,” “ahh,” and
       “um.” They also include words such as “like,” “you know,” “well,” “so,”
       “okay?” and “sort of.” The excessive use of non-words can undermine
       your credibility and make you appear weak and ill-prepared.
   •   Always use proper grammar. Nothing detracts from your
       professionalism faster than using the incorrect tense of a verb or an
       incorrect word.
   •   Avoid using slang such as “hi guys,” “how ya doin,” or casual phrases
       like whatever” while rolling your eyes.
       NEVER refer to a group of people as “You guys.”
   •   Avoid poor diction. Often people don’t realize they are using poor
       diction because it becomes a verbal habit.


                            Be An Interesting Person

Selected Shorts –

Each week on National Public Radio, great actors from stage, screen and
television bring short stories to life. Selected Shorts is an award-winning, one-
hour program featuring readings of classic and new short fiction, recorded live at
New York’s Symphony Space. One of the most popular series on the airwaves,
this unique show is hosted by Isaiah Sheffer and produced for radio by
Symphony Space and WNYC Radio.
see: KCPW & KRCL radio stations

What you will learn: The power of a quality voice and the importance of using
your voice as a tool.
                                    Ellen Reddick
                                    Impact Factory
C-SPAN2 Booknotes –

48 hours of non-fiction book programming, all weekend, every weekend on C-
SPAN2. It includes book events related to History, Biography, Business, and also
Encore Booknotes programs. Book TV airs from Saturday at 8am ET through
Monday at 8am ET
Also the show: After Words. This Saturday, November 11 at 9:00 pm and
Sunday, November 12 at 6:00 pm and at 9:00 pm Book TV presents After Words:
Nicholas Lemann, author of "Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War"
interviewed by Herman Belz, a professor of history at the University of Maryland



The Elements of Style                                William Strunk Jr. & E. B. White

Global Business Etiquette: A Guide                   Jeanette S. Martin and Lillian H.
to International Communication                       Chaney
and Customs

Primal Branding                                      Patrick Hanlon – A Power Guide                     Fredrica Cere Kussin

First Impressions                                    Ann Demarais, Ph.D
 What You Don’t Know About How Others See You

                                    Ellen Reddick
                                    Impact Factory
The Art of The Table                                   Suzanne Von Drachenfels

Verbal Advantage                                       Charles Harrington Elster

Women’s Dress for Success                              John T. Malloy

Voice Power                                            Renee Grant-Williams
 Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade and Command Attention

The Networking Survival Guide                          Diane Darling

Social Intelligence                                    Daniel Goleman

Poetry Speaks                                          Narrated by Charles Osgood

The Hard Truth About Soft Skills                       Peggy Klaus

Subscribe to:

The New York Review of Books                 

Financial Times                              

Web Sites:

Syntax Training                              
         Tools for Better Writing

Catalyst Organization                 
                             The Lifetime Reading Plan

       The Beginning

   1. Homer. The Iliad.
   2. Homer. The Odyssey.
   3. Herodotus. The Histories.
   4. Thucydides. The History of the Peloponnesian War.
   5. Plato. Selected Works.
   6. Aristotle. Ethics; Politics.
   7. Aeschylus. The Oresteia.
   8. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone
   9. Euripides. Alcestis; Medea; Hipploytus; Trojan Women; Electra; Bacchae.
   10. Lucretius. Of the Nature of Things.
   11. Virgil. The Aeneid.
   12. Marcus Aurelius. Meditations.

                                      Ellen Reddick
                                      Impact Factory
The Middle Ages

13. Saint Augustine. Confessions.
14. Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy.
15. Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales.


16. William Shakespeare. Complete Works.
17. Molière. Selected Plays.
18. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Faust.
19. Henrik Ibsen. Selected Plays.
20. George Bernard Shaw. Selcted Plays and Prefaces.
21. Anton Chekhov. Uncle Vanya; Three Sisters; The Cherry Orchard.
22. Eugene O'Neill. Mourning Becomes Electra; The Iceman Cometh; Long
    Day's Journey into Night.
23. Samuel Beckett. Waiting for Godot; Endgame; Krapp's Last Tape.
24. Contemporary Drama, edited by E. Bradlee Watson and Benfield Pressey.


25. John Bunyan. Pilgrim's Progress.
26. Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe.
27. Jonathan Swift. Gulliver's Travels; A Modest Proposal; Meditations upon a
    Broomstick; Resolutions when I Come to be Old.
28. Laurence Sterne. Tristram Shandy.
29. Henry Fielding. Tom Jones.
30. Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice; Emma.
31. Emily Brontë. Wuthering Heights.
32. William Makepeace Thackeray. Vanity Fair.
33. Charles Dickens. Pickwick Papers; David Copperfield; Bleak House; Great
    Expectations; Hard Times; Our Mutual Friend; Little Dorrit.
34. George Eliot. The Mill on the Floss; Middlemarch.
35. Lewis Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Through the Looking-
36. Thomas Hardy. The Mayor of Casterbridge.
37. Joseph Conrad. Nostromo.
38. E. M. Forster. A Passage to India.
39. James Joyce. Ulysses.
40. Virginia Woolf. Mrs. Dalloway; To the Lighthouse; Orlando; The Waves.
41. D. H. Lawrence. Sons and Lovers; Women in Love.
42. Aldous Huxley. Brave New World; Collected Essays.
43. George Orwell. Animal Farm; Nineteen Eighty-Four.
44. Thomas Mann. The Magic Mountain.
45. Franz Kafka. The Trial; The Castle; Selected Short Stories.
46. François Rabelais. Gargantua and Pantagruel.
                                Ellen Reddick
                                Impact Factory
47. Voltaire. Candide and Other Works.
48. Stendhal. The Red and the Black.
49. Honoré de Balzac. Père Goriot; Eugénie Grandet.
50. Gustave Flaubert. Madame Bovary.
51. Marcel Proust. Remembrance of Things Past.
52. André Malraux. Man's Fate.
53. Albert Camus. The Plague; The Stranger.
54. Edgar Allan Poe. Short Stories and Other Works.
55. Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Scarlet Letter; Selcted Tales.
56. Herman Melville. Moby Dick; Bartleby the Scrivener.
57. Mark Twain. Huckleberry Finn.
58. Henry James. The Ambassadors.
59. William Faulkner. The Sound and the Fury; As I Lay Dying.
60. Ernest Hemingway. Short Stories.
61. Saul Bellow. The Adventures of Augie March; Herzog; Humboldt's Gift.
62. Miguel de Cervantes de Saavedra. Don Quixote.
63. Jorge Luis Borges. Labyrinths Dreamtigers.
64. Gabriel Garcia Márquez. One Hundred Years of Solitude.
65. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. Dead Souls.
66. Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. Fathers and Sons.
67. Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment; The Brothers
68. Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. War and Peace.
69. Vladimir Nabokov. Lolita; Pale Fire; Speak, Memory.
70. Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn. The First Circle; Cancer Ward.

   Philosophy, Psychology, Politics, Essays

71. Thomas Hobbes. Leviathan.
72. John Locke. Second Treatise of Government.
73. David Hume. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.
74. John Stuart Mill. On Liberty.
75. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto.
76. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Thus Spake Zarathustra; Selected Other
77. Sigmund Freud. Selected Works.
78. Niccolò Macchiavelli. The Prince.
79. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne. Selected Essays.
80. René Descartes. Discourse on Method.
81. Blaise Pascal. Thoughts (Pensées).
82. Alexis de Tocqueville. Democracy in America.
83. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Selected Works.
                               Ellen Reddick
                               Impact Factory
84. Henry David Thoreau. Walden; Civil Disobedience.
      85. William James. The Principles of Psychology; Pragmatism and Four
          Essays from The Meaning of Truth; The Varieties of Religious Experience.
      86. John Dewey. Human Nature and Conduct.
      87. George Santayana. Skepticism and Animal Faith; Selected Other Works.


      88. John Donne. Selected Works.
      89. John Milton. Paradise Lost; Lycidas; On the Morning of Christ's Nativity;
          Sonnets; Areopagitica.
      90. William Blake. Selected Works.
      91. William Wordsworth. The Prelude; Selected Shorter Poems; Preface to
          the Lyrical Ballads, 1800.
      92. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The Ancient Mariner; Christabel; Kubla Khan;
          Biographia Literaria; Writings on Shakespeare.
      93. William Butler Yeats. Collected Poems; Collected Plays; The
      94. T. S. Eliot. Collected Poems, Collected Plays.
      95. Walt Whitman. Selected Poems; Democratic Vistas; Preface to the first
          issue of Leaves of Grass (1855); A Backward Glance O'er Travel'd Roads.
      96. Robert Frost. Collected Poems.
      97. Poets of the English Language, edited by W.H. Auden and Norman
          Holmes Pearson.
      98. The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, edited by Richard Ellmann and
          Robert O'Clair.

         History, Biography, Autobiography

99. Basic Documents in American History, edited by Richard B. Morris; The
    Federalist Papers, edited by Clinton Rossiter.
100.Jean Jacques Rousseau. Confessions.
101.James Boswell. The Life of Samuel Johnson.
102.Henry Adams. The Education of Henry Adams.
103.Fernand Braudel. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the
    Age of Philip II; Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century.


 I.      William H. McNeill. The Rise of the West; Will and Ariel Durant. The Story
         of Civilization.

                                      Ellen Reddick
                                      Impact Factory
II.      Samuel Eliot Morison. The Oxford History of the American People;Page
          Smith. A People's History of the United States.
III.      Alfred North Whitehead. Science and the Modern World.
IV.       Alfred North Whitehead. An Introduction to Mathematics.
 V.       E. H. Gombrich. The Story of Art.
VI.       Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren. How to Read a Book

                                  Social Intelligence

       In his new book Social Intelligence, Daniel Goleman wrote “Listening poorly is
       the common cold of social intelligence. And it is being made worse by
       technology. To have a human moment, you need to be fully present. You
       have to be away from your laptop, put down your BlackBerry, you end your
       daydream and you pay full attention to the person you are with. It may sound
       rudimentary but think about how often we just keep multitasking and half pay
       attention. We each need to live in the moment fully engaged in what we are

                                       Ellen Reddick
                                       Impact Factory
The use of etiquette or true professionalism is exactly that
             – being fully present!


Self-awareness, self-control and empathy form the foundation of strong
emotional intelligence, followed by social expertness, personal
influence and mastery of vision.

• Self-awareness. Knowing what influences our feelings, positively or negatively,
is critical. It’s very important to realize what kinds of situations can put us over
the edge before we get there.

• Self-control. Once we know our “triggers,” we can implement coping
mechanisms. For instance, just knowing that getting cut off on the highway

                                     Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
produces intense feelings of rage (self-awareness), we can decide to cope better
while driving by listening to soothing music or a recorded
book (self-control).

• Empathy. We must cultivate the ability to look at a situation from another’s
perspective. In our driving example, consider that the driver who cut you off might
have been someone helping an expectant
mother get to the hospital.

• Social expertness. The ability to build relationships requires empathy,
excellent communication skills, and the ability to listen well.

• Personal influence. All leaders are, by definition, required to influence and
persuade others to follow them. This is impossible to do without the qualities
listed above.

• Mastery of vision. A mission statement of sorts outlines intentions and values.

                       Cell Phones - The Worst Offenses

On the topic of wireless "faux pas," respondents in the Yahoo! HotJobs survey ranked
these five unacceptable behaviors, from most reprehensible to least.

1. Accepting a personal call while in a meeting or presentation
2. Answering the phone or emails while at a business dinner
3. Talking on the phone while in the bathroom
4. Talking on the phone while in close quarters (such as a train, plane, or bus)
5. Answering a work call or email during personal time after work hours

                                       Ellen Reddick
                                       Impact Factory
The Top Eight Rules of Proper Cell Phone Etiquette at Work

A recent study showed that at least 40% of U.S. companies now have a
published cell phone usage policy at work. That percentage will most certainly
rise in the near future. It might be more difficult for the employees of the majority
of firms that have yet to adopt an acceptable use policy. To avoid suffering a
career detour from unacceptable cell phone use in your office, consider the
following generally accepted rules of good cell phone behavior.

   1. Turn your ringer OFF or set to “vibrate”. Unless your cell phone is a
      company-issued handset for business use, set your unit to vibrate while at
      your desk. Even if you’ve selected a tasteful ring tone, repetitive incoming
      calls will be noticed (negatively) by co-workers and management.
   2. Let “bread and milk” and other unimportant calls go to voicemail.
      While it’s wonderful to have a live connection to the important people in
      your life, children, parents, other family and friends, frequent chatty calls
      during your workday will often reflect negatively on your perceived
      concentration on your duties.
   3. When you must use your cell phone, find a private, quiet place to
      make your calls. Regardless of where you are, most etiquette advisors
      agree you should always observe the “ten-foot rule”. Maintain a buffer
      zone of at least ten feet from others while you’re using your cell phone.
      While at work, you should make every attempt to expand basic etiquette
      and find locations that do not infringe on co-workers trying to perform their
   4. Don’t bring your cell phone to meetings. Neglecting this one rule can
      do career damage even when you adhere to most of the other
      recommendations. Some etiquette gurus recommend that, should an
      important call be expected, either for business or a family emergency, you
      could put your cell phone on “vibrate” and bring it with you. Treat this
      exception with extreme caution, however. Regardless of the urgency of
      the expected call, your boss will most certainly take a very dim view of a
      meeting interruption because of your cell phone. It is a far better idea to
      leave your cell phone at your desk to avoid any “interruption temptation”.
   5. Never use your cell phone in restrooms. This rule may, at first, appear
      frivolous, but the statistics indicate it is an important component of cell
      phone etiquette. Why? You often do not know who else may be using the
      facilities. Should you communicate private information or sensitive work
      issues, you may easily be overheard without your knowledge. There are
      some well-documented horror stories of information delivered into the
      wrong hands by this simple, innocuous rule violation.
   6. Eliminating embarrassing ring tones. Should you have a psychological
      need to use a cutesy or outrageous ring tone while away from your job, be
      very careful when you are at work. Either keep your cell phone on vibrate
      at all times at work or change to a more professional ring tone during your
                                     Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
work day. Along with annoying both co-workers and supervisors, a silly
      ring tone can negatively impact your career by displaying a less than
      professional, serious image to management.
   7. Maintain a low voice during cell phone conversations. Often called
      “holding court”, having loud conversations about nothing, a loud voice can
      be extremely annoying to anyone within earshot. Often, the ten-foot rule
      becomes useless during one of these situations. Unless you are in the
      middle of a loud construction site, you should understand that cell phone
      microphones are very sensitive and only inches away from your mouth.
      There is normally no need to increase your voice to levels used by
      seminar leaders talking without microphones.
   8. Use text messages instead of voice calls to maintain
      professionalism. If you need to communicate on a personal level and
      understand that voice calls would be inappropriate, send a text message
      to your caller. It’s quiet, fast, and to the point. Unless you’re trying to set a
      world’s record for the largest thumbs on the planet, a few text messages
      during the workday keeps your lines of communications open without
      wasting your time or annoying co-workers.

Try to remember that, through most of recorded history, the world of business
operated quite effectively without constant cell phone use. The basic substance
of successful business operations contains no requirement that cell phones
contribute mightily to your company’s bottom line. Be ready for a formal company
policy regarding cell phone use at work. More and more firms, many reaching
unacceptable levels of frustration, will be joining those who have already
published regulations and publishing restrictive policies.

By following the current rules of good cell phone etiquette, you’ll not only be
ahead of the curve, you may enhance your professional standing at work by
displaying this considerate behavior. Some of your cell phone etiquette may even
be transferred to your friends who might be in need of some guidelines, too.

                    Professional e-mail Etiquette Guidelines

"There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are
evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how
we say it." - Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) American Educator

When it comes to your business e-mail communications, you need to make an
impression that can lend to the determination that you are a credible professional
enterprise and someone that will be easy and a pleasure to do business with. You only
have one chance to make that first impression which will be invaluable to building trust
and confidence.

                                        Ellen Reddick
                                        Impact Factory
Top 10 Business Email Etiquette issues that need to be considered with every
commercial e-mail sent.

 SUBJECT              The window into your e-mail and can determine if your e-mail will be

 Level of Formality   Try to avoid the prevailing assumption that e-mail by its very nature
                      allows you to be informal in your business e-mail.

 Addressing           How do you address your new contacts?

 TO, From,            These fields can make or break you:
 TO                   Type the contacts name formally-John B. Doe - not john b doe or JOHN
                      B DOE.

 FROM                 Make sure you have your full name formally typed

 BCC                  Use this field when e-mailing a group of contacts who do not personally
                      know each other

 CC                   Use this field when there are a handful of associates involved
                      in a discussion that requires all be on the same page

 Formatting           Refrain from using any formatting in your day-to-day business e-mail

 Attachments          If you need to send a large size file business courtesy dictates you ask
                      the recipient first if it is O.K.

 Using Previous       Always start a new e-mail and add your contacts to your address book.
 Correspondence       Don’t give the perception that you are lazy

 Down Edit            Do not just hit reply and start typing. Use common courtesy
                      Be careful with signatures

There you have it! The above Top 10 items will certainly allow your business
communications to rise above the majority who do not take the time to
understand and master these issues. When forging new business relationships
and solidifying established partnerships, the level of professionalism and
courtesy you relay in your business e-mail communications will always gain
clients over the competition that may be anemic, uninformed or just plain lazy in
this area.

                                     Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
When it comes to business, regardless of mode of communication used,
professionalism and courtesy never go out of style!

Business email etiquette speaks volumes about the sender and the
company where the message was originated.

Keep your professional image at all times following these simple
rules. They are not hard and all the benefits will be yours.

                         Top 10 List of SMS Etiquette

Text messaging is one of the simplest and most useful means of mobile
communication. No one can doubt the popularity of text messaging and short
messaging service (SMS) in particular - more than 50 billion SMS messages
were sent across the world's GSM networks in the first quarter of 2005, a fivefold
increase over the previous year - and there's no slowdown in sight.
    1. Common courtesy still rules. Contrary to popular belief, composing an
       SMS while you're in a face-to-face conversation with someone is just
       about as rude as taking a voice call.
    2. Remember that SMS is informal. SMS shouldn't be used for formal
       invitations or to dump your girlfriend or boyfriend. The casualness of SMS
       diminishes the strength and meaning of the message.

                                    Ellen Reddick
                                    Impact Factory
3. Don't get upset if you don't get a reply. Before you text someone and get
       frustrated at the lack of a response, be sure that they're familiar with how
       to use the service, and that their carrier will accept messages from yours.
   4. Be aware of your tone. It is extremely difficult to discern tone in text
       messages, just as in e-mail. What seems to you to be a completely
       innocuous message may be grossly misinterpreted by the recipient,
       causing certain discomfort if not irreparable harm.
   5. Don't SMS while you're driving. Talking on the phone is bad enough. You
       won't know what hit you - or what you hit - if you are pounding out a
       message on your keyboard.
   6. Leave the slang to the kids. Don't expect your stodgy superiors at work to
       be hip to the lingo of the SMS streets. And don't expect to win points with
       your kids by trying to be cool, either.
   7. Remember that SMS can be traced. Anonymous messages - if you must
       send them -are still best sent from Web sites.
   8. Be conscientious of others' schedules. Don't assume that because you are
       awake, working, not busy, or sober that the person you're texting is as
       well. Many a pleasant slumber have been interrupted by recurring "beep-
       beep...beep-beeps" of messages.
   9. If it's immediate, make a voice call. If you can't get through and your text
       message is ignored, there's probably a good reason. There are still some
       times when people don't even have a thumb free to respond.
   10. Remember that your phone does have an off button. There are very, very
       few things in the world that absolutely cannot wait.

General Dining Etiquette
It is important to know how to conduct oneself properly at the table. The rules of
dining etiquette are fairly straightforward and mostly require common sense.

Table Setting. It can be very confusing to be presented with a variety of eating
utensils. (See below) Remember the guideline “to start at the outside and work
your way in.” If you have been given two forks, which are the same size, begin
with the fork on the outside. Many restaurants use the same size of fork for both
the salad and main course.

                                    Ellen Reddick
                                    Impact Factory
Napkin. When dining with others place your napkin on your lap after everyone at
your table has been seated. Do not open your napkin in mid-air. As you remove
your napkin from the table begin to open below the table level and place on your
lap. If you must leave a meal, do so between courses, and place your napkin on
your chair or to the left of your plate. When a meal is completed, place your
napkin to the right of your plate – never on the plate.

Served. Wait for everyone at your table to be served before beginning to eat.
However, if an individual who has not been served encourages you to begin
eating, you may do so. Eat slowly while waiting for their food to be served.

Soup. When eating soup, think of making a circle: spoon away from you, bring
around to your mouth and back to the bowl. Soup is taken from the side of the
soup spoon –it is not inserted into your mouth. Do not slurp or make noises when
eating soup.

Sorbet. This item is often served between courses to cleanse the palate. It is a
light, sherbet texture and depending on when served may be eaten with a fork or
a spoon.

Utensils. Be careful how you hold your utensils. Many people tend to make a fist
around the handle of the utensil – this is the way a young child would grasp a
utensil (not an adult). There are two acceptable ways to use the knife and fork:
continental fashion and American standard. Continental fashion—the diner cuts
the food usually one bite at a time and uses the fork in the left hand, tines

                                    Ellen Reddick
                                    Impact Factory
pointing down, to spear the food and bring it to the mouth. American standard—a
few bites are cut, the knife is laid across the top of the plate, sharp edge toward
you, and the fork is switched to the right hand, if right-handed, tines up to bring
the food to the mouth. (Do not cut more than two or three bites at a time.)

Dessert Utensils. Dessert utensils may be found placed across the top of the
place setting. Place these utensils down for use after the main course is removed
(fork to the left and spoon to the right).

Passing. Pass “community food” such as the breadbasket, salt and pepper, and
salad dressing to the right. Always pass the salt and pepper together. When
passing items such as a creamer, syrup pitcher or gravy boat, pass it with the
handle pointing toward the recipient.

Seasoning. Always taste your food first before using any seasonings. Do not
assume it needs to be seasoned.

Sweeteners. Do not be excessive with sugar or sweetener packets. The rule of
thumb is no more than two packets per meal. Do not crumble the packets but
partially tear off a corner, empty the contents and place to the side.

Bread. Bread/rolls should never be eaten whole. Break into smaller, more
manageable pieces, buttering only one bite at a time. Toast and garlic bread
however may be eaten as whole pieces since they are usually already buttered.
If you are served a piping hot muffin or biscuit, you may break in half crosswise,
butter and put back together. However when ready to actually eat, break it into
small pieces.

Glasses. A variety of types and sizes of glasses can be used throughout the
meal. Remember your items to drink will be located in the area above your knife
and spoon. Coffee cups may be located to the right of the knife and spoon.

Alcohol. Alcohol, if consumed, should be in moderation. In most cases you may
have a drink during the social hour and wine(s) with the dinner. You do not have
to finish your drink. In fact slowly sipping is recommended. If you do not want an
alcoholic drink politely decline.

Buffets. Buffets provide an opportunity to select items you enjoy. Do not
overload your plate. Select a balanced variety of food items.

Pre-Set Meals. With a pre-set meal the host/hostess has already made the
selections and the individuals are served. If allergic, religious or vegetarian
issues arise, quietly deal with these as the server is at your side. For vegetarian
ask if you may have a vegetable plate; with allergies or religion provide the
                                    Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
server with some options (ex. Allergic to shellfish—ask if they have cod or
flounder and be ready with your preference). This lets the server know what you
can eat. Always eat a little of all items served to you.

Ordering from Menu. As the guest select an item that is in the mid-price range,
easy to eat and you will enjoy. Consider asking your host/hostess for a
recommendation before making your decision. As the host it is helpful to take the
lead in ordering appetizers and wine, if these are to be served.

Finished. When finished with a course, leave your plates in the same position
that they were presented to you. In other words, do not push your plates away or
stack them.

Guest. If you are someone’s guest at a meal, ask the person what he/she
recommends. By doing this, you will learn price range guidelines and have an
idea of what to order. Usually order an item in the mid price range. Also keep in
mind, the person who typically initiates the meal will pay. Remember to thank
them for the meal.

Restaurant Staff. Wait staff, servers, Maitre d’, etc. are your allies. They can
assist you with whatever problem may arise. Quietly get their attention and speak
to them about the issue.

                              12 Common Dining Mistakes

Today more business is done while dining than ever before. Sales can be lost and careers short-
circuited when poor table manners are displayed. Remember, your table manners are a gift you
give those with whom you dine. They also indicate whether or not you know how to show respect
for others. The following are the most common mistakes noted while dining.

   1. Misusing silverware
       Gripping the fork and knife incorrectly is the most obvious and common faux pas. Knives
       are meant to cut, not saw. The fork and knife should never teeter half off the plate onto
       the table. Don't wave your silverware in the air while talking. Silverware placed at the top

                                         Ellen Reddick
                                         Impact Factory
of the plate is for dessert. Place only the silverware that you have used on the plate when
   2.    Using the wrong butter plate
         There's a simple rule to remember: liquids to the right, solids to the left. Your butter plate
         will be near your fork, not your knife.
   3.    Buttering an entire roll
         Bread and rolls are meant to be torn, not cut. A large roll would be torn in half first, then a
         smaller piece can be torn off, buttered and eaten. Toast is the exception. The entire piece
         can be buttered at once.
   4.    Improper use of the napkin
         The napkin comes off the table only after everyone is seated. It is used to dab the lips,
         not scrub the face. If leaving the table temporarily mid-meal, place the napkin on your
         chair. At the end of the meal, place it on the table next to your plate, never on the plate,
   5.    Eating too fast or too slow
         Pacing is important when dining with others. Slow down if you notice you're faster than
         everyone else. Speed up or leave some food if you're a slow eater. You should never
         leave your guest to dine alone, which happens if you're finished way ahead of your guest.
   6.    Showing food in mouth
         This happens when you've taken too big of a bite and then chew with your mouth open,
         or continue to talk. This is very unappetizing for others to observe. Small bites are
         necessary when trying to converse while eating.
   7.    Seasoning food before tasting
         Without tasting your food, how would you know it really needs seasoning? This can be
         seen as an insult to the chef and host. It also can indicate that you jump to conclusions.
   8.    Washing food down with liquids
         The mouth should be cleared of food before beverages are sipped. It's a good habit to
         get into, especially with wine. Wine is meant to cleanse the palate and its taste can't fully
         be appreciated with food still in the mouth.
   9.    Passing food incorrectly
         The salt is always passed with the pepper. Anything with a handle, such as the creamer,
         is passed so the handle is facing the person receiving the item. This is why the correct
         way to pass food the first time around is to the right=counterclockwise.
   10.   Leaving lipstick marks
         Lipstick should be well blotted so not to leave marks on cups and glasses. It's a real
   11.   Grooming at the table
         This is another turnoff. Don't touch your hair or apply makeup while at the table. And
         certainly don't pick your teeth at the table. Excuse yourself from the table to remove
         something from your teeth...or to apply makeup.
   12.   Poor posture
         Sit up straight, don't lean on your elbows or forearms, don't rock in your chair, and keep
         your elbows close to your side.

                                      When You are the Host

Doing business over meals is a ritual that has existed for centuries. Taking
clients to breakfast, lunch or dinner has long been an effective way to build
relationships, make the sale or seal the deal. These business meals are
essentially business meetings. Knowledge of your product or your service is

                                            Ellen Reddick
                                            Impact Factory
crucial to the success of the meeting, but so are your manners. Too many people
jeopardize an opportunity because they fail to use good dining etiquette. Here
are a few basic rules to make the experience pleasurable and profitable:

• Know your duties as the host. You are in charge. It is up to you to see that
things go well and that your guests are comfortable. You need to attend to every
detail, from extending the invitation to paying the bill.

• Plan ahead when you issue the invitation. Allow a week for a business
dinner and three days for lunch. Be certain that the date works for you. That
might sound obvious, but if you have to cancel or postpone, you can look
disorganized and disrespectful of your client's time.

• Select a restaurant that you know, preferably one where you are known. This
is no time to try out the latest hot spot. Being confident of the quality of the food
and service leaves you free to focus on business.

• Consider the atmosphere. Does it lend itself to conversation and discussion?
If you and your clients cannot hear each other over the roar of the diners and
dishes, you will have wasted your time and money.

• Let the staff know that you will be dining with clients. If your guests suggest
a restaurant new to you, call ahead and speak with the maître d'. Make it clear
that you will be having a business meal and picking up the check.

• Arrive early. This is the perfect time to give your credit card to the maître d’,
and avoid the awkwardness that can accompany the arrival of the bill.

• Take charge of seating. Your guests should have the prime seats—the ones
with the view. As the host, take the least desirable spot—the one facing the wall,
the kitchen or the restrooms.

• Allow your guests to order first. However, you might suggest certain dishes
to be helpful. By recommending specific items, you are indicating a price range.
Order as many courses as your guests, no more and no less, to facilitate the flow
of the meal. It is awkward if one of you orders an appetizer or dessert and the
others do not

• As the host, you are the one who decides when to start discussing
business. That will depend on a number of factors such as the time of day and
how well you know your clients. At breakfast, time is short, so get down to
business quickly. At lunch, wait until you have ordered so you will not be
interrupted. Dinner, which tends to be the most social meal, is a time for building
rapport. Limit the business talk, and do it after the main course is completed.

                                      Ellen Reddick
                                      Impact Factory
• When you know your clients well, you have more of a basis for small talk.
However, because you have established a business friendship, you can eliminate
some of the chitchat when time is an issue. When you don't know your clients
well, spend more time getting acquainted before launching your shoptalk.

• Handle ANY disasters with grace. With all your attention to detail, things can
still go wrong. The food may not be up to your standards, the waiter might be
rude or the people at the next table boisterous and out of control. Whatever
happens, be part of the solution not the problem. Excuse yourself to discuss any
problems with the staff.

• Limit the alcohol you drink. The three-martini lunch is mostly a thing of the
past. However, cocktails and wine are still part of the business dinner. Since
alcohol can have the same effect as truth serum, keep your consumption to one
or two glasses. When guests are drinking liberally and you sense trouble, excuse
yourself and discreetly ask the server to hold back on refilling the wine glasses or
offering another cocktail.

Your conduct throughout the meal will determine professional success. If you pay
attention to the details and make every effort to see that your clients have a
pleasant experience, they will assume that you will handle their business the
same way. You are laying a foundation for a solid, powerful business relationship
by paying attention to details.

                            When You are the Guest

The business meal has become standard operating procedure in business. Over
half of all business is finalized at some type of a meal and job interviews often
include a meal as part of the interview process. Many times we are put on the
spot and our behavior and manners are on display. Knowing what it takes to be
someone’s guest at a business meal is as important as being the host. The

                                     Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
following guidelines will help you make a positive impression when you are the

   •   Confirm the day and time if the invitation was made more than a week in
   •   Arrive on time. Call ahead if you will be more than five minutes late. If
       you cannot reach your host directly, call the restaurant and leave a
       message with the maitre d’.
   •   Follow your host’s lead in ordering beverages.
   •   Order an entrée from the menu in the average price range. Ask for
       suggestions from the host. Don’t order the most expensive item on the
   •   Do everything in moderation. It is not your last meal, so don’t stuff
       yourself. If you are on an interview, don’t drink alcohol. Otherwise, if the
       occasion calls for a drink, never over do it.
   •   Do not complain about the service or the meal. Remember that your host
       is paying for the meal and you should behave graciously,
   •   Set a comfortable atmosphere and ask questions to encourage
   •   If you must cancel, call personally, apologize and suggest a rescheduling.
   •   Thank your host for the meal and their time. Send a thank you note to
       your host. It takes a short time but makes a big impression

                  The Power of Professional Presence

                                     Ellen Reddick
                                     Impact Factory
• In the business environment, you plan every
              move with potential clients.
• You arrange for the appointment, you prepare
        for the meeting, you rehearse for the
  presentation, you prepare as a host for dining
    with clients, but in spite of your best efforts,
         potential clients pop up in the most
   unexpected places. Leave nothing to chance.
     Every time you walk out of your office, be
   ready to make a powerful first impression…it
             is the best selling technique.

      The 5 Ps of Professional Success

                        Ellen Reddick
                        Impact Factory
o Proper

o Preparation

o Prevents

o Poor

o Performance


                       Ellen Reddick
                       Impact Factory

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Professional Presence Handouts Impact Factory Winter 2009

  • 1. Professional Presence The Hard Facts about Soft Skills Handouts
  • 2. In business, professional relationships are enhanced when people understand and practice business protocol. Every time an associate presents or accepts a business card, greets a customer with a handshake, or attends a business lunch or dinner, they will exemplify the polish and professionalism that communicates exceptional customer service and market leadership. In today’s more casual business dealings, that rare individual is easily distinguished from the competition. Business protocol and etiquette is also a foundation for individuals developing their leadership potential. It makes an immediate and noticeable difference in how an individual is perceived and in their effectiveness in business and social interaction. Ellen Reddick 2 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 3. What is Business Presence? A powerful business presence exudes high-level professionalism in attire, posture, conduct, and verbal skills as well as displaying confidence, leadership, and personal power in a businesslike manner. A powerful business presence conveys on the nonverbal level: "I am intelligent; I have choices; I am resourceful; I can be authoritative, easily managing and inspiring other people; and I am capable of handling any business situation, including conflict and curve balls." Know the components of business presence, and learn how to use them to your advantage: • Attire - all aspects of your clothing selections, including accessories such as shoes, jewelry, eye-glasses, etc. • Hair - style, color, condition, length • Grooming - overall cleanliness, and personal presentation, including fragrances use and abuse • Posture - confidence in the way you hold yourself • Demeanor - mannerisms, and body language • Business Accessories -such as briefcases, pens, technology tools, etc. • Communication Skills - articulation, eye contact, and effective listening • Etiquette Skills - the right handshake, business protocols, and courtesies Ellen Reddick 3 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 4. First Impressions Appearance + Actions + Attitude When someone meets you for the first time, they will make up to eleven assumptions about your personal or professional life. These assumptions are made fast – within three to seven seconds. Right or wrong, correct or incorrect, your appearance, actions, and attitude prompt immediate speculation – conclusions accepted as true without any real proof. Age ~ This assumption is largely based on physical aspects. Make sure you pay attention to your appearance. Level of Education ~ Education can refer to textbook knowledge as well as worldly exposure. Appearance, action & attitude – will strongly affect this assumption. Moral Character ~ This assumption is based on whether you project an understanding of what is morally and socially right or wrong. Likability ~ Your actions, particularly nonverbal body language, can greatly affect this assumption. A friendly smile, sincerity, politeness and good listening habits can push this assumption to the positive side. Position in Company ~ Of the three’s A’s, attitude is the most helpful here, Have you noticed the upper management tend to exude confidence and a positive attitude? Body language is important – walk taller, hold shoulders back, and make excellent eye contact. Income ~ This assumption often reverts back to appearance, one that you can correct quickly. Level of Success ~ As we mentioned earlier, attitude is contagious. Name & Model of Car ~ This is an odd one and one I have never figured out. Marital Status ~ While it is not appropriate to ask people often assume that married people are more stable. Level of Confidence ~ This assumption is based on your attitude, experience, and self- esteem, which in turn is affected by your appearance 7 actions Company Image ~ Remember…You are the company. The way you present yourself is precisely how others perceive the company you work for. Ellen Reddick 4 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 5. Body Language Basics Body language is the single most important means we have of getting our point across. Over 50% of our communication is accomplished through our posture and gestures. Body language can add to or detract from your professional image. Posture Good posture, whether sitting or standing, presents a confident image. • Stand and sit up straight • Head up • Shoulders back • Feet flat on the ground approximately shoulder width apart • Arms should be relax at your side Walk When entering a room, walk in with confidence and purpose. Maintain good posture. Keep you head up and your eyes off the floor. Lift your feet up, avoid dragging them along the ground. Keep your arms at your side, a nice easy swing that matches your stride. A relaxed yet purposeful walk communicates high self- esteem and commendable confidence. Gestures Be aware of your gestures at all times. When speaking with others, make certain your gestures enhance your message and don’t detract from it. Gestures should be open and friendly. Avoid doing anything that is going to detract from your professionalism and the message you are trying to convey. Eye Contact Eye contact is builds trust and develops rapport with others. Looking people in the eye lets them know you are interested in what is happening, you are involved, you are self-confident and a professional. Avoiding eye contact makes people believe you lack confidence, are nervous and unprepared, and worst of all you might not be trust worthy. It is recommended that you maintain eye contact approximately 95% of the time when you are engaged in a one-on-one conversation, and up to 50% of the time when in a group setting. Ellen Reddick 5 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 6. Facial Expressions Your face offers a veritable wealth of information, not just your age and heritage. Your expressions, or sometimes lack of, give away your innermost attitudes. Some expressions may make you appear unfriendly, angry, or disinterested. A warm sincere smile on the other hand, allows you to appear friendly, open, and approachable, and may be one of your best accessories. Handshake Americans traditionally shake hands when meeting or leaving someone for the first time, or when reconnecting with a person. An appropriate handshake is between right hands only (unless your right hand is disabled), web-to-web contact with locked thumbs, and care given to not grab the other person’s knuckles. A firm grasp that lasts long enough for two to five substantial pumps is essential. Every handshake should begin from a standing position, ladies as well as men. There is no gender distinction in business today. The rest goes as follows: extend your right hand, initiate eye contact, say an enthusiastic hello, slowly and clearly state your first and last name, and be sure to smile. The handshakes you should avoid: • The limp, dead fish handshake • The double-handed handshake, often called the politician or pastoral handshake • The bone-crusher handshake • The cold, clammy handshake Business Tip: Name Badge  Always place your name badge on your right shoulder where it can be readily seen. The nametag’s purpose is to reinforce your name. When you meet someone and shake hands, their gaze will automatically follow your right arm up to your shoulder and then to your face. Place your nametag high enough on your right shoulder to be easily see. Ellen Reddick 6 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 7. Introductions There are two kinds of introductions: self-introductions and three-party introductions. When do you introduce yourself? When you recognize someone and he or she doesn’t recognize you, whenever you’re seated next to someone you don’t know, when the introducer doesn’t remember your name and when you’re the friend of a friend. Extend your hand, offer your first and last names and share something about yourself or the event you’re attending. Tip: In a self-introduction, never give yourself an honorific such as Mr., Ms., Dr., etc. In a three-person introduction, your role is to introduce two people to each other. In a business or business/social situation, one must take into consideration the rank of the people involved in order to show appropriate deference. Simply say first the name of the person who should be shown the greatest respect. And remember, gender doesn’t count in the business world; protocol is based upon rank. Senior employees outrank junior employees, customers or clients outrank every employee (even the CEO), and officials (Mayor, Senator, etc.) outrank non-officials. Begin with the superior’s name, add the introduction phrase, say the other person’s name and add some information about the second person. Then reverse the introduction by saying the second’s name, followed by the introduction phrase and the superior’s name and information. When a three-party intro is done correctly, the two people being introduced should be able to start some small talk based upon what you shared about each of them. Introductions should match, so if you know the first and last names of both people, say both. If you know only the first name of one person, say only the first names of both. If you add an honorific for one person, the other should also have one. Examples: “Mr. Brown, I’d like to introduce Ms. Ann Smith, who started yesterday in the mailroom. Ann, this is Douglas Brown, our CEO.” (Ann would be wise to call the CEO “Mr. Brown” right away and not assume she may call him by his first name. Always use the last names of superiors and clients until you are invited to do otherwise.) “Pete, I’d like to introduce to you Doug Brown, our CEO. Doug, I’d like you to meet, Pete Johnson, who’s considering our firm for his ad campaign.” Tip: Don’t say “I’d like to introduce you to..”, but rather “I’d like to introduce to you…” Tip: Always stand for an introduction. Social skills are important prerequisites to succeeding in business. Knowing how to shake hands and handle introductions can set you apart from the competition, convey confidence and project a professional image. Practice these simple skills and you will reap the benefits! Ellen Reddick 7 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 8. The Twenty Most Distracting Behaviors Every Professional Should Avoid Adopting distracting behaviors is easy and most people don’t even realize what they are doing. Be aware of your actions. • Interrupting repeatedly • Dominating the conversation • Inconsistent eye contact • Standing too close, invading "personal space" • Taking a cell phone call or even letting it ring • Chewing anything, unless you're at a luncheon • Arriving late • Being longwinded • Risky humor • Wrinkled clothing • Checking your watch frequently • Not listening, missing key points • Poor table manners • Boasting (I call it "I" disease) • Looking and sounding bored • Complaining about anything • Distracting noises, such as tapping on a table • Notebook or briefcase needing replacement • Power Point that won't work • Cluttered office when someone visits you Ellen Reddick 8 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 9. Seven Body Language Killers In many ways, listeners hear with their eyes. What is your body language saying about you? When you give a presentation or run a sales meeting, are you coming across as authoritative, confident and credible, or insecure, disreputable and out of your league? When it comes to body language, simply avoiding the most common mistakes and replacing them with more confident movements will make a big difference. Killer #1- Avoiding eye contact What it says about you: You lack confidence; you are nervous and unprepared. What to do instead: Spend 90% or more of your presentation time looking into the eyes of your listeners. The vast majority of people spend far too much time looking down at notes, PowerPoint slides or at the table in front of them. Not surprisingly, most speakers can change this behavior instantly simply by watching video of themselves. Powerful business leaders look at their listeners directly in the eye when delivering their message. During the recent confirmation hearings for U.S Chief Justice nominee John Roberts, newspapers praised him for "looking self-assured." How did Roberts project this image? Instead of reading his statements from notes, Roberts looked his audience of Senators straight in the eye as he delivered his remarks. Killer #2- Slouching What it says about you: You are non-authoritative; you lack confidence. What to do instead: When standing stationary, place feet at shoulder width and lean slightly forward. Pull your shoulders slightly forward as well -- you'll appear more masculine. Head and spine should be straight. Don't use a tabletop or podium as an excuse to lean on it. Killer #3- Fidgeting, rocking or swaying What it says about you: You are nervous, unsure or unprepared. What to do instead: Well, stop fidgeting. Fidgeting, rocking and swaying don't serve any purpose. I recently worked with the top executive of computer company who had to deliver the news of a product delay to a major investor. He and his team actually had the event under control, and had learned valuable lessons from the failure. But his body language suggested otherwise. Killer #4- Standing in place What it says about you: You are rigid, nervous, boring -- not engaging or dynamic. Ellen Reddick 9 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 10. What to do instead: Walk. Move. Most men who come to me for presentation coaching think they need to stand ridged in one place. What they don't realize is that movement is not only acceptable, it's welcome. Some of the greatest business speakers walk into the audience, and are constantly moving... but with purpose! For example, a dynamic speaker will walk from one side of the room to another to deliver their message. But if there's no one in a corner of the room, it doesn't make sense to go there -- it's not moving with purpose. When I tape my clients on video, I actually want to see that they move out of frame once in a while. Otherwise, they appear too rigid. Killer #5- Keeping hands in pocket What it says about you: You are uninterested, uncommitted or nervous. What to do instead: The solution here is too simple: Take your hands out of your pocket. I've seen great business leaders who never once put both hands in their pockets during a presentation. One hand is acceptable -- as long as the free hand is gesturing. Killer #6- Using phony gestures What it says about you: You are over coached, unnatural or artificial. What to do instead: Use gestures; just don't overdo it. Researchers have shown that gestures reflect complex thought. Gestures leave listeners with the perception of confidence, competence and control. But the minute you try to copy a hand gesture, you risk looking contrived -- like a bad politician. Killer #7- Jingling coins, tapping toes & other annoying movements What it says about you: You are nervous, unpolished or insufficiently concerned with details. What to do instead: Use a video camera to tape yourself. Play it back with a critical eye. Do you find annoying gestures that you weren't aware of? I once watched an author who had written a book on leadership discuss his project. He couldn't help but jingle all the coins in his pocket throughout the entire talk. He didn't sell very many books that day, and he certainly didn't score points on the leadership scale. Nervous energy will reflect itself in toe-tapping, touching your face or moving your leg up and down. It's an easy fix once you catch yourself in the act! Use your body as a positive communication tool! Ellen Reddick 10 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 11. How to Write a Handwritten Note Only three or four sentences long, a thank you/hand written note is a golden opportunity to make the sort of personal connection that builds stronger professional relationships. Hand write a note whenever possible. It says you took the time to think about what you were writing. The person receiving your note will appreciate your thoughtfulness and will not be grading your penmanship. A simple fold-over note card, a black or blue pen, a stamp and little effort are all you need. A good thank you/hand written note that gets mailed is better than the perfect one that never gets written. The six elements of a basic thank you note: Ellen Reddick 11 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 12. 1. Salutation Dear Jay, A surprising number of writers forget this, but people like to see their own names. If you are on a first-name basis, use it, otherwise use the more formal Mr. or Ms. greeting. 2. Express your appreciation Thanks so much for the the tickets to Noises Off. Thank you is more formal; thanks is more casual. 3. Describe the gift or experience Al and I have always loved going to the theater, especially when it's a comedy. Mention how an object looks or how The performances were great, and we you will use it. Mention your laughed until our sides ached. It was enjoyment of an event. People want wonderful of you to think of us. to know they made you happy. Even if there was a problem with the gift, keep negatives to yourself. If the gift or event wasn’t to your taste, focus on the giver and the thought. Everyone wants to be appreciated. The time and energy are more important than the gift. 4. Mention a connection We hope to see you when you are in town again. Discuss the past, allude to the future or mention something you have in common with the giver. If you can’t think of anything else express your desire to see or talk to the person soon. 5. Thanks again for Thanks again for a wonderful evening. It’s not overkill to say it again 6. Close Sincerely, Any of the following are suitable for business: • Sincerely • Sincerely yours • Cordially Ellen Reddick 12 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 13. What to Say: Ideas for Business Greetings Thank You: General • With special thanks and much appreciation. • Sincere thanks for your extra efforts. • Your thoughtfulness is appreciated so much more than words can say. • With sincere gratitude for all you have done. • You’re the best! • You made my day! • It was a pleasure to work with you. • Thank you for thinking of us. • Many thanks for all you do. Thank You: For Business/Order • Thank you for your order. Continuing to serve you will be a pleasure. • Your business is always appreciated. • Thank you for choosing us. • Thank you for your friendship, your business and the opportunity to serve you. • Your business is sincerely appreciated. We look forward to continuing to serve you. • Success is having you for a customer. • We appreciate your business and your confidence in us. • Thank you for your continued business. We look forward to working with you in the future. Thank You: For Referral • Thank you for the referral. Your confidence and trust in us is sincerely appreciated. • Thank you for referring _______ to our firm. We sincerely appreciate your confidence in us. Ellen Reddick 13 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 14. Thanks for thinking of me. Your referral is very much appreciated. • Thank you for the vote of confidence. • Many thanks for referring _______ to me. I’ll make sure he/she gets VIP service. Thank You: For Time/Conversation • Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. • It was a pleasure talking with you. I hope we can speak again soon. • Thanks for your time. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. • Thank you for meeting with me. If you need anything, I’m only a phone call away. • Thanks for squeezing me in. I know how busy you are. • Many thanks for your inquiry. I’m sure we can meet your needs. It is Your Birthday • Wishing you a wonderful day. • Sincere good wishes on your special day. • Best wishes on your birthday for good health and happiness throughout the year. • Warmest greetings on your birthday with every good wish for the coming year. • With friendly thoughts and best wishes for your birthday. • Sending you sincere wishes for good health and happiness on your birthday. • All the best to you for a very special birthday. • May you have an unforgettable day filled with happiness. • Wishing you life’s best! • May this day and every day be filled with joy. • Wishing you every happiness today and always. • Have a sensational day! • May all of your dreams come true. • Warm wishes on your birthday and always. Business Anniversary • Happy Anniversary! Thank you for being a part of our success now and in the future. Ellen Reddick 14 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 15. Thanks for another great year! • You’ve made our success possible. Thank you! • Thanks from all of us for ______ years of your business. We look forward to many more. • Many thanks for being our customer for _______ years. We value that relationship. • Your business is appreciated. Thank you for choosing us. Welcome • A hearty welcome from all of us. • Welcome aboard! It’s good to have you with us. • A very warm welcome. We’re glad you joined us. • We’re glad you’re here. • A warm welcome. Thank you for choosing us! • Welcome! We look forward to serving you. • A warm welcome from all of us. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Congratulations • Congratulations on a job well done. • Hoping the best things in life will always be yours. • This is a day to remember. • It’s great to see good things happen for someone so deserving. • Congratulations on a well-deserved promotion. • Congratulations on an outstanding accomplishment. • Your achievement is an inspiration. • Kudos to you! You’ve earned them. • Just want to add my good wishes to those you’ve already received. • Bravo! You’ve accomplished great things. Retirement • With every good wish for your retirement. May this be the start of your best years. • Congratulations on your retirement. Best wishes for a great future. • Wishing you life's best today and always. • Congratulations on achieving a milestone. Here's to a great future. Ellen Reddick 15 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 16. Best wishes for today and every day in the future. • Congratulations on your special day. May the future be filled with much happiness. Get Well • May every day find you feeling better! • Thinking of you. May you feel better soon. • Our warmest thoughts are with you. Wishing you a speedy recovery. • We’re sick without you. Get well soon. • Hoping this finds you well on the way to recovery. • Take care of yourself and feel better soon. • You are in my thoughts. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. • You are missed! Get well soon and hurry back. Sympathy • Please accept my/our deepest sympathy • My/Our sympathy and thoughts are with you and your family. • Offering my/our sincerest condolences to you and your family • With concern and caring sympathy. • May your sorrow be eased by good memories. • With heartfelt sympathy. You are in my thoughts and prayers. • Hoping these words of sympathy will comfort you in your time of sorrow. • Words are inadequate at a time like this. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. Keeping in Touch • Just a note to keep in touch. Let’s talk soon. • Thinking of you—hope all is well. Let me know if I can help in any way. • Sorry I missed you. Hope to talk with you soon. • Just touching base with you. • Sending this just to say hi. Ellen Reddick 16 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 17. How Does Your Office Welcome Clients? A new client is coming to visit--and panic sets in. What will they think? Will they have a favorable experience that encourages them to do business with you? Or will they leave your facilities wondering how to contact your competition? When customers visit, they form an impression of your business. That impression becomes your image. Whether the visit involves a business transaction, a service call or a corporate event--whether it's for only an hour or a full day--you need to create positive impressions for everyone. Here are some tips for receiving visitors graciously: • Create a welcoming atmosphere Ellen Reddick 17 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 18. Have you trained your receptionist (or the first person your clients see) to smile and greet every visitor who comes to the office? That first contact can affect perceptions about the company. If this person is on the phone or occupied with another customer, do they acknowledge the visitor with a glance or a smile? Or do they ignore the visitor? Do customers have to hunt around for someone to assist them? If you know ahead of time that the client is coming, make sure everyone knows the name of the visitor. The receptionist should be prepared with a name badge or a visitor's pass. Be sure every visitor is greeted in a friendly and helpful way. • Set professional standards A client visited a car dealership on a Saturday afternoon. The sales representative who greeted her was dressed in a white tank top that exposed her belly button; she also wore a pair of tight black jeans and black-and-white sneakers. The client took one look at her and decided to go to another dealership--her competitor. Are your employees appropriately dressed? Do they always project a professional image, even on business-casual days? Or are they dressed a little too casually? Your employees represent the company; their appearance should reflect that at all times. Think about how their appearance can enhance or detract from your corporate image. • Act as the host When you receive visitors, you are the host. The way you greet them in your office can affect the outcome of the meeting. So set the tone for a positive encounter. Don't keep your visitors waiting. If the receptionist is escorting them to your office, be sure to come out from behind your desk to greet them. Stand to shake hands, and shake "web to web"--that is, grasp the other hand fully with your hand-don't simply clasp the other person's fingers. Shake in the same manner with men and women alike. To create the best impression, personally greet the visitors in the waiting room. Shake hands with your guests and escort them to your office, letting them follow Ellen Reddick 18 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 19. you. Upon arrival at your office, allow them to proceed first into the room, and indicate where they should sit. Do not seat your guests directly across from your desk; instead, place their chairs to the side of the desk. Don't accept calls or interruptions during the meeting. When the meeting is over, stand, shake hands once again and walk your guests back to the waiting room. • Make the proper introductions Introductions may seem like a trivial item in the grand scheme of business interactions, but they are crucial to setting a professional tone in the office. If clients are at your location for the entire day, make an effort to introduce them to your senior executives. This simple gesture will help your guests to feel welcome. As you escort a client through the office, you may run into company employees. Be sure to make the proper introductions. When deciding who should be introduced first, use the following order, regardless of gender: client, senior executives, and junior executives. Provide information about each person you introduce, so these people can start a conversation. For example: "Mr. Harris (client), I would like you to meet Ms. Jones (company president). Mr. Harris is our new client from Chicago; Ms. Jones is our company president." Show equal respect and gracious behavior to everyone in your office. Your clients will notice how you treat everyone. • Be conscious of office courtesies When escorting a client for a product demonstration or a company tour, use proper office courtesies. One should never, for instance, discuss office gossip or talk negatively about company employees in front of guests. I have sat in reception areas and overheard employees talk about things and people that gave me a very unflattering view of the company. The same should be applied to employees that walk through the office talking on their cell phone. You never know who may overhear a remark that should not be heard at all. Know the appropriate way to handle entrances, exits, revolving doors and elevators. As the host, when you get to a door, open it. This rule applies regardless of gender. It is polite to hold the door for your guest to enter. At revolving doors, the host enters the door first, leading the way for guests. As you enter, you might want to say, "I'll wait for you on the other side." Then do so. If there is more than one person with you, wait until everyone is through the revolving door before you proceed. When navigating stairs and escalators, the host leads the way, whether you are going up or down. When using elevators, allow your guests to enter before you do; upon exiting, leave the elevator first and hold the door for those following. Ellen Reddick 19 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 20. People at the front of the elevator should step off to make room when those in the back need to exit. Hold the door, allow them to leave and step back into the elevator. This is much nicer than cramming your body to the sidewall so that they have room to leave. Companies that want to stand out from their competition pay attention to making visitors welcome. Manners make the difference. Greet your visitors graciously, know what to do during their visit, be considerate of others and create positive impressions that last and last. Make a client visit to your company another selling opportunity and reaffirm that your company deserves their business. Sound as Good as You Look Speaking with Ease Every time you open your mouth and speak, your professionalism is on display. What you say and how you say it is extremely important to your professional image. What we say is not as important as how we make people feel. Make certain your speech doesn’t detract from your professionalism by paying attention to the following: Ellen Reddick 20 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 21. Listen to the sound of your own voice. Keep it warm and inviting. People with a higher than normal voice are thought to be less intelligent than those with a lower voice. One way to improve the sound of your voice is to read out loud to yourself every day for 5 or 10 minutes. Read quality literature, the Bible, poetry, Shakespeare, the classics. • Speak slowly, clearly and distinctly. Make it easy for the person you are speaking with to hear and understand what it is you are saying. • Eliminate the use of non-words. Non-words are meaningless fillers that speckle our speech, distract from our message, drain our impact, and annoy our listener. The most common non-words are “uhh,” “ahh,” and “um.” They also include words such as “like,” “you know,” “well,” “so,” “okay?” and “sort of.” The excessive use of non-words can undermine your credibility and make you appear weak and ill-prepared. • Always use proper grammar. Nothing detracts from your professionalism faster than using the incorrect tense of a verb or an incorrect word. • Avoid using slang such as “hi guys,” “how ya doin,” or casual phrases like whatever” while rolling your eyes. NEVER refer to a group of people as “You guys.” • Avoid poor diction. Often people don’t realize they are using poor diction because it becomes a verbal habit. Resources Be An Interesting Person Selected Shorts – Each week on National Public Radio, great actors from stage, screen and television bring short stories to life. Selected Shorts is an award-winning, one- hour program featuring readings of classic and new short fiction, recorded live at New York’s Symphony Space. One of the most popular series on the airwaves, this unique show is hosted by Isaiah Sheffer and produced for radio by Symphony Space and WNYC Radio. see: KCPW & KRCL radio stations What you will learn: The power of a quality voice and the importance of using your voice as a tool. Ellen Reddick 21 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 22. C-SPAN2 Booknotes – 48 hours of non-fiction book programming, all weekend, every weekend on C- SPAN2. It includes book events related to History, Biography, Business, and also Encore Booknotes programs. Book TV airs from Saturday at 8am ET through Monday at 8am ET Also the show: After Words. This Saturday, November 11 at 9:00 pm and Sunday, November 12 at 6:00 pm and at 9:00 pm Book TV presents After Words: Nicholas Lemann, author of "Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War" interviewed by Herman Belz, a professor of history at the University of Maryland See: Resources Books The Elements of Style William Strunk Jr. & E. B. White Global Business Etiquette: A Guide Jeanette S. Martin and Lillian H. to International Communication Chaney and Customs Primal Branding Patrick Hanlon – A Power Guide Fredrica Cere Kussin First Impressions Ann Demarais, Ph.D What You Don’t Know About How Others See You Ellen Reddick 22 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 23. The Art of The Table Suzanne Von Drachenfels Verbal Advantage Charles Harrington Elster Women’s Dress for Success John T. Malloy Voice Power Renee Grant-Williams Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade and Command Attention The Networking Survival Guide Diane Darling Social Intelligence Daniel Goleman Poetry Speaks Narrated by Charles Osgood The Hard Truth About Soft Skills Peggy Klaus Subscribe to: The New York Review of Books Financial Times Web Sites: Syntax Training Tools for Better Writing Catalyst Organization The Lifetime Reading Plan The Beginning 1. Homer. The Iliad. 2. Homer. The Odyssey. 3. Herodotus. The Histories. 4. Thucydides. The History of the Peloponnesian War. 5. Plato. Selected Works. 6. Aristotle. Ethics; Politics. 7. Aeschylus. The Oresteia. 8. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone 9. Euripides. Alcestis; Medea; Hipploytus; Trojan Women; Electra; Bacchae. 10. Lucretius. Of the Nature of Things. 11. Virgil. The Aeneid. 12. Marcus Aurelius. Meditations. Ellen Reddick 23 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 24. The Middle Ages 13. Saint Augustine. Confessions. 14. Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy. 15. Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales. Plays 16. William Shakespeare. Complete Works. 17. Molière. Selected Plays. 18. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Faust. 19. Henrik Ibsen. Selected Plays. 20. George Bernard Shaw. Selcted Plays and Prefaces. 21. Anton Chekhov. Uncle Vanya; Three Sisters; The Cherry Orchard. 22. Eugene O'Neill. Mourning Becomes Electra; The Iceman Cometh; Long Day's Journey into Night. 23. Samuel Beckett. Waiting for Godot; Endgame; Krapp's Last Tape. 24. Contemporary Drama, edited by E. Bradlee Watson and Benfield Pressey. Narratives 25. John Bunyan. Pilgrim's Progress. 26. Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. 27. Jonathan Swift. Gulliver's Travels; A Modest Proposal; Meditations upon a Broomstick; Resolutions when I Come to be Old. 28. Laurence Sterne. Tristram Shandy. 29. Henry Fielding. Tom Jones. 30. Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice; Emma. 31. Emily Brontë. Wuthering Heights. 32. William Makepeace Thackeray. Vanity Fair. 33. Charles Dickens. Pickwick Papers; David Copperfield; Bleak House; Great Expectations; Hard Times; Our Mutual Friend; Little Dorrit. 34. George Eliot. The Mill on the Floss; Middlemarch. 35. Lewis Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Through the Looking- Glass. 36. Thomas Hardy. The Mayor of Casterbridge. 37. Joseph Conrad. Nostromo. 38. E. M. Forster. A Passage to India. 39. James Joyce. Ulysses. 40. Virginia Woolf. Mrs. Dalloway; To the Lighthouse; Orlando; The Waves. 41. D. H. Lawrence. Sons and Lovers; Women in Love. 42. Aldous Huxley. Brave New World; Collected Essays. 43. George Orwell. Animal Farm; Nineteen Eighty-Four. 44. Thomas Mann. The Magic Mountain. 45. Franz Kafka. The Trial; The Castle; Selected Short Stories. 46. François Rabelais. Gargantua and Pantagruel. Ellen Reddick 24 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 25. 47. Voltaire. Candide and Other Works. 48. Stendhal. The Red and the Black. 49. Honoré de Balzac. Père Goriot; Eugénie Grandet. 50. Gustave Flaubert. Madame Bovary. 51. Marcel Proust. Remembrance of Things Past. 52. André Malraux. Man's Fate. 53. Albert Camus. The Plague; The Stranger. 54. Edgar Allan Poe. Short Stories and Other Works. 55. Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Scarlet Letter; Selcted Tales. 56. Herman Melville. Moby Dick; Bartleby the Scrivener. 57. Mark Twain. Huckleberry Finn. 58. Henry James. The Ambassadors. 59. William Faulkner. The Sound and the Fury; As I Lay Dying. 60. Ernest Hemingway. Short Stories. 61. Saul Bellow. The Adventures of Augie March; Herzog; Humboldt's Gift. 62. Miguel de Cervantes de Saavedra. Don Quixote. 63. Jorge Luis Borges. Labyrinths Dreamtigers. 64. Gabriel Garcia Márquez. One Hundred Years of Solitude. 65. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. Dead Souls. 66. Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. Fathers and Sons. 67. Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment; The Brothers Karamazov. 68. Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. War and Peace. 69. Vladimir Nabokov. Lolita; Pale Fire; Speak, Memory. 70. Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn. The First Circle; Cancer Ward. Philosophy, Psychology, Politics, Essays 71. Thomas Hobbes. Leviathan. 72. John Locke. Second Treatise of Government. 73. David Hume. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. 74. John Stuart Mill. On Liberty. 75. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto. 76. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Thus Spake Zarathustra; Selected Other Works 77. Sigmund Freud. Selected Works. 78. Niccolò Macchiavelli. The Prince. 79. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne. Selected Essays. 80. René Descartes. Discourse on Method. 81. Blaise Pascal. Thoughts (Pensées). 82. Alexis de Tocqueville. Democracy in America. 83. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Selected Works. Ellen Reddick 25 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 26. 84. Henry David Thoreau. Walden; Civil Disobedience. 85. William James. The Principles of Psychology; Pragmatism and Four Essays from The Meaning of Truth; The Varieties of Religious Experience. 86. John Dewey. Human Nature and Conduct. 87. George Santayana. Skepticism and Animal Faith; Selected Other Works. Poetry 88. John Donne. Selected Works. 89. John Milton. Paradise Lost; Lycidas; On the Morning of Christ's Nativity; Sonnets; Areopagitica. 90. William Blake. Selected Works. 91. William Wordsworth. The Prelude; Selected Shorter Poems; Preface to the Lyrical Ballads, 1800. 92. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The Ancient Mariner; Christabel; Kubla Khan; Biographia Literaria; Writings on Shakespeare. 93. William Butler Yeats. Collected Poems; Collected Plays; The Autobiography. 94. T. S. Eliot. Collected Poems, Collected Plays. 95. Walt Whitman. Selected Poems; Democratic Vistas; Preface to the first issue of Leaves of Grass (1855); A Backward Glance O'er Travel'd Roads. 96. Robert Frost. Collected Poems. 97. Poets of the English Language, edited by W.H. Auden and Norman Holmes Pearson. 98. The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, edited by Richard Ellmann and Robert O'Clair. History, Biography, Autobiography 99. Basic Documents in American History, edited by Richard B. Morris; The Federalist Papers, edited by Clinton Rossiter. 100.Jean Jacques Rousseau. Confessions. 101.James Boswell. The Life of Samuel Johnson. 102.Henry Adams. The Education of Henry Adams. 103.Fernand Braudel. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II; Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century. Annex I. William H. McNeill. The Rise of the West; Will and Ariel Durant. The Story of Civilization. Ellen Reddick 26 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 27. II. Samuel Eliot Morison. The Oxford History of the American People;Page Smith. A People's History of the United States. III. Alfred North Whitehead. Science and the Modern World. IV. Alfred North Whitehead. An Introduction to Mathematics. V. E. H. Gombrich. The Story of Art. VI. Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren. How to Read a Book Social Intelligence In his new book Social Intelligence, Daniel Goleman wrote “Listening poorly is the common cold of social intelligence. And it is being made worse by technology. To have a human moment, you need to be fully present. You have to be away from your laptop, put down your BlackBerry, you end your daydream and you pay full attention to the person you are with. It may sound rudimentary but think about how often we just keep multitasking and half pay attention. We each need to live in the moment fully engaged in what we are doing.” Ellen Reddick 27 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 28. The use of etiquette or true professionalism is exactly that – being fully present! SIX KEYS TO STRONG EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Self-awareness, self-control and empathy form the foundation of strong emotional intelligence, followed by social expertness, personal influence and mastery of vision. • Self-awareness. Knowing what influences our feelings, positively or negatively, is critical. It’s very important to realize what kinds of situations can put us over the edge before we get there. • Self-control. Once we know our “triggers,” we can implement coping mechanisms. For instance, just knowing that getting cut off on the highway Ellen Reddick 28 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 29. produces intense feelings of rage (self-awareness), we can decide to cope better while driving by listening to soothing music or a recorded book (self-control). • Empathy. We must cultivate the ability to look at a situation from another’s perspective. In our driving example, consider that the driver who cut you off might have been someone helping an expectant mother get to the hospital. • Social expertness. The ability to build relationships requires empathy, excellent communication skills, and the ability to listen well. • Personal influence. All leaders are, by definition, required to influence and persuade others to follow them. This is impossible to do without the qualities listed above. • Mastery of vision. A mission statement of sorts outlines intentions and values. Cell Phones - The Worst Offenses On the topic of wireless "faux pas," respondents in the Yahoo! HotJobs survey ranked these five unacceptable behaviors, from most reprehensible to least. 1. Accepting a personal call while in a meeting or presentation 2. Answering the phone or emails while at a business dinner 3. Talking on the phone while in the bathroom 4. Talking on the phone while in close quarters (such as a train, plane, or bus) 5. Answering a work call or email during personal time after work hours Ellen Reddick 29 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 30. The Top Eight Rules of Proper Cell Phone Etiquette at Work A recent study showed that at least 40% of U.S. companies now have a published cell phone usage policy at work. That percentage will most certainly rise in the near future. It might be more difficult for the employees of the majority of firms that have yet to adopt an acceptable use policy. To avoid suffering a career detour from unacceptable cell phone use in your office, consider the following generally accepted rules of good cell phone behavior. 1. Turn your ringer OFF or set to “vibrate”. Unless your cell phone is a company-issued handset for business use, set your unit to vibrate while at your desk. Even if you’ve selected a tasteful ring tone, repetitive incoming calls will be noticed (negatively) by co-workers and management. 2. Let “bread and milk” and other unimportant calls go to voicemail. While it’s wonderful to have a live connection to the important people in your life, children, parents, other family and friends, frequent chatty calls during your workday will often reflect negatively on your perceived concentration on your duties. 3. When you must use your cell phone, find a private, quiet place to make your calls. Regardless of where you are, most etiquette advisors agree you should always observe the “ten-foot rule”. Maintain a buffer zone of at least ten feet from others while you’re using your cell phone. While at work, you should make every attempt to expand basic etiquette and find locations that do not infringe on co-workers trying to perform their jobs. 4. Don’t bring your cell phone to meetings. Neglecting this one rule can do career damage even when you adhere to most of the other recommendations. Some etiquette gurus recommend that, should an important call be expected, either for business or a family emergency, you could put your cell phone on “vibrate” and bring it with you. Treat this exception with extreme caution, however. Regardless of the urgency of the expected call, your boss will most certainly take a very dim view of a meeting interruption because of your cell phone. It is a far better idea to leave your cell phone at your desk to avoid any “interruption temptation”. 5. Never use your cell phone in restrooms. This rule may, at first, appear frivolous, but the statistics indicate it is an important component of cell phone etiquette. Why? You often do not know who else may be using the facilities. Should you communicate private information or sensitive work issues, you may easily be overheard without your knowledge. There are some well-documented horror stories of information delivered into the wrong hands by this simple, innocuous rule violation. 6. Eliminating embarrassing ring tones. Should you have a psychological need to use a cutesy or outrageous ring tone while away from your job, be very careful when you are at work. Either keep your cell phone on vibrate at all times at work or change to a more professional ring tone during your Ellen Reddick 30 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 31. work day. Along with annoying both co-workers and supervisors, a silly ring tone can negatively impact your career by displaying a less than professional, serious image to management. 7. Maintain a low voice during cell phone conversations. Often called “holding court”, having loud conversations about nothing, a loud voice can be extremely annoying to anyone within earshot. Often, the ten-foot rule becomes useless during one of these situations. Unless you are in the middle of a loud construction site, you should understand that cell phone microphones are very sensitive and only inches away from your mouth. There is normally no need to increase your voice to levels used by seminar leaders talking without microphones. 8. Use text messages instead of voice calls to maintain professionalism. If you need to communicate on a personal level and understand that voice calls would be inappropriate, send a text message to your caller. It’s quiet, fast, and to the point. Unless you’re trying to set a world’s record for the largest thumbs on the planet, a few text messages during the workday keeps your lines of communications open without wasting your time or annoying co-workers. Try to remember that, through most of recorded history, the world of business operated quite effectively without constant cell phone use. The basic substance of successful business operations contains no requirement that cell phones contribute mightily to your company’s bottom line. Be ready for a formal company policy regarding cell phone use at work. More and more firms, many reaching unacceptable levels of frustration, will be joining those who have already published regulations and publishing restrictive policies. By following the current rules of good cell phone etiquette, you’ll not only be ahead of the curve, you may enhance your professional standing at work by displaying this considerate behavior. Some of your cell phone etiquette may even be transferred to your friends who might be in need of some guidelines, too. Professional e-mail Etiquette Guidelines "There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it." - Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) American Educator When it comes to your business e-mail communications, you need to make an impression that can lend to the determination that you are a credible professional enterprise and someone that will be easy and a pleasure to do business with. You only have one chance to make that first impression which will be invaluable to building trust and confidence. Ellen Reddick 31 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 32. Top 10 Business Email Etiquette issues that need to be considered with every commercial e-mail sent. SUBJECT The window into your e-mail and can determine if your e-mail will be opened. Level of Formality Try to avoid the prevailing assumption that e-mail by its very nature allows you to be informal in your business e-mail. Addressing How do you address your new contacts? TO, From, These fields can make or break you: BCC, CC TO Type the contacts name formally-John B. Doe - not john b doe or JOHN B DOE. FROM Make sure you have your full name formally typed BCC Use this field when e-mailing a group of contacts who do not personally know each other CC Use this field when there are a handful of associates involved in a discussion that requires all be on the same page Formatting Refrain from using any formatting in your day-to-day business e-mail communications. Attachments If you need to send a large size file business courtesy dictates you ask the recipient first if it is O.K. Using Previous Always start a new e-mail and add your contacts to your address book. E-mail New Correspondence Don’t give the perception that you are lazy Down Edit Do not just hit reply and start typing. Use common courtesy Be careful with signatures There you have it! The above Top 10 items will certainly allow your business communications to rise above the majority who do not take the time to understand and master these issues. When forging new business relationships and solidifying established partnerships, the level of professionalism and courtesy you relay in your business e-mail communications will always gain clients over the competition that may be anemic, uninformed or just plain lazy in this area. Ellen Reddick 32 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 33. When it comes to business, regardless of mode of communication used, professionalism and courtesy never go out of style! Business email etiquette speaks volumes about the sender and the company where the message was originated. Keep your professional image at all times following these simple rules. They are not hard and all the benefits will be yours. Top 10 List of SMS Etiquette Text messaging is one of the simplest and most useful means of mobile communication. No one can doubt the popularity of text messaging and short messaging service (SMS) in particular - more than 50 billion SMS messages were sent across the world's GSM networks in the first quarter of 2005, a fivefold increase over the previous year - and there's no slowdown in sight. 1. Common courtesy still rules. Contrary to popular belief, composing an SMS while you're in a face-to-face conversation with someone is just about as rude as taking a voice call. 2. Remember that SMS is informal. SMS shouldn't be used for formal invitations or to dump your girlfriend or boyfriend. The casualness of SMS diminishes the strength and meaning of the message. Ellen Reddick 33 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 34. 3. Don't get upset if you don't get a reply. Before you text someone and get frustrated at the lack of a response, be sure that they're familiar with how to use the service, and that their carrier will accept messages from yours. 4. Be aware of your tone. It is extremely difficult to discern tone in text messages, just as in e-mail. What seems to you to be a completely innocuous message may be grossly misinterpreted by the recipient, causing certain discomfort if not irreparable harm. 5. Don't SMS while you're driving. Talking on the phone is bad enough. You won't know what hit you - or what you hit - if you are pounding out a message on your keyboard. 6. Leave the slang to the kids. Don't expect your stodgy superiors at work to be hip to the lingo of the SMS streets. And don't expect to win points with your kids by trying to be cool, either. 7. Remember that SMS can be traced. Anonymous messages - if you must send them -are still best sent from Web sites. 8. Be conscientious of others' schedules. Don't assume that because you are awake, working, not busy, or sober that the person you're texting is as well. Many a pleasant slumber have been interrupted by recurring "beep- beep...beep-beeps" of messages. 9. If it's immediate, make a voice call. If you can't get through and your text message is ignored, there's probably a good reason. There are still some times when people don't even have a thumb free to respond. 10. Remember that your phone does have an off button. There are very, very few things in the world that absolutely cannot wait. General Dining Etiquette It is important to know how to conduct oneself properly at the table. The rules of dining etiquette are fairly straightforward and mostly require common sense. Table Setting. It can be very confusing to be presented with a variety of eating utensils. (See below) Remember the guideline “to start at the outside and work your way in.” If you have been given two forks, which are the same size, begin with the fork on the outside. Many restaurants use the same size of fork for both the salad and main course. Ellen Reddick 34 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 35. Napkin. When dining with others place your napkin on your lap after everyone at your table has been seated. Do not open your napkin in mid-air. As you remove your napkin from the table begin to open below the table level and place on your lap. If you must leave a meal, do so between courses, and place your napkin on your chair or to the left of your plate. When a meal is completed, place your napkin to the right of your plate – never on the plate. Served. Wait for everyone at your table to be served before beginning to eat. However, if an individual who has not been served encourages you to begin eating, you may do so. Eat slowly while waiting for their food to be served. Soup. When eating soup, think of making a circle: spoon away from you, bring around to your mouth and back to the bowl. Soup is taken from the side of the soup spoon –it is not inserted into your mouth. Do not slurp or make noises when eating soup. Sorbet. This item is often served between courses to cleanse the palate. It is a light, sherbet texture and depending on when served may be eaten with a fork or a spoon. Utensils. Be careful how you hold your utensils. Many people tend to make a fist around the handle of the utensil – this is the way a young child would grasp a utensil (not an adult). There are two acceptable ways to use the knife and fork: continental fashion and American standard. Continental fashion—the diner cuts the food usually one bite at a time and uses the fork in the left hand, tines Ellen Reddick 35 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 36. pointing down, to spear the food and bring it to the mouth. American standard—a few bites are cut, the knife is laid across the top of the plate, sharp edge toward you, and the fork is switched to the right hand, if right-handed, tines up to bring the food to the mouth. (Do not cut more than two or three bites at a time.) Dessert Utensils. Dessert utensils may be found placed across the top of the place setting. Place these utensils down for use after the main course is removed (fork to the left and spoon to the right). Passing. Pass “community food” such as the breadbasket, salt and pepper, and salad dressing to the right. Always pass the salt and pepper together. When passing items such as a creamer, syrup pitcher or gravy boat, pass it with the handle pointing toward the recipient. Seasoning. Always taste your food first before using any seasonings. Do not assume it needs to be seasoned. Sweeteners. Do not be excessive with sugar or sweetener packets. The rule of thumb is no more than two packets per meal. Do not crumble the packets but partially tear off a corner, empty the contents and place to the side. Bread. Bread/rolls should never be eaten whole. Break into smaller, more manageable pieces, buttering only one bite at a time. Toast and garlic bread however may be eaten as whole pieces since they are usually already buttered. If you are served a piping hot muffin or biscuit, you may break in half crosswise, butter and put back together. However when ready to actually eat, break it into small pieces. Glasses. A variety of types and sizes of glasses can be used throughout the meal. Remember your items to drink will be located in the area above your knife and spoon. Coffee cups may be located to the right of the knife and spoon. Alcohol. Alcohol, if consumed, should be in moderation. In most cases you may have a drink during the social hour and wine(s) with the dinner. You do not have to finish your drink. In fact slowly sipping is recommended. If you do not want an alcoholic drink politely decline. Buffets. Buffets provide an opportunity to select items you enjoy. Do not overload your plate. Select a balanced variety of food items. Pre-Set Meals. With a pre-set meal the host/hostess has already made the selections and the individuals are served. If allergic, religious or vegetarian issues arise, quietly deal with these as the server is at your side. For vegetarian ask if you may have a vegetable plate; with allergies or religion provide the Ellen Reddick 36 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 37. server with some options (ex. Allergic to shellfish—ask if they have cod or flounder and be ready with your preference). This lets the server know what you can eat. Always eat a little of all items served to you. Ordering from Menu. As the guest select an item that is in the mid-price range, easy to eat and you will enjoy. Consider asking your host/hostess for a recommendation before making your decision. As the host it is helpful to take the lead in ordering appetizers and wine, if these are to be served. Finished. When finished with a course, leave your plates in the same position that they were presented to you. In other words, do not push your plates away or stack them. Guest. If you are someone’s guest at a meal, ask the person what he/she recommends. By doing this, you will learn price range guidelines and have an idea of what to order. Usually order an item in the mid price range. Also keep in mind, the person who typically initiates the meal will pay. Remember to thank them for the meal. Restaurant Staff. Wait staff, servers, Maitre d’, etc. are your allies. They can assist you with whatever problem may arise. Quietly get their attention and speak to them about the issue. 12 Common Dining Mistakes Today more business is done while dining than ever before. Sales can be lost and careers short- circuited when poor table manners are displayed. Remember, your table manners are a gift you give those with whom you dine. They also indicate whether or not you know how to show respect for others. The following are the most common mistakes noted while dining. 1. Misusing silverware Gripping the fork and knife incorrectly is the most obvious and common faux pas. Knives are meant to cut, not saw. The fork and knife should never teeter half off the plate onto the table. Don't wave your silverware in the air while talking. Silverware placed at the top Ellen Reddick 37 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 38. of the plate is for dessert. Place only the silverware that you have used on the plate when finished. 2. Using the wrong butter plate There's a simple rule to remember: liquids to the right, solids to the left. Your butter plate will be near your fork, not your knife. 3. Buttering an entire roll Bread and rolls are meant to be torn, not cut. A large roll would be torn in half first, then a smaller piece can be torn off, buttered and eaten. Toast is the exception. The entire piece can be buttered at once. 4. Improper use of the napkin The napkin comes off the table only after everyone is seated. It is used to dab the lips, not scrub the face. If leaving the table temporarily mid-meal, place the napkin on your chair. At the end of the meal, place it on the table next to your plate, never on the plate, however. 5. Eating too fast or too slow Pacing is important when dining with others. Slow down if you notice you're faster than everyone else. Speed up or leave some food if you're a slow eater. You should never leave your guest to dine alone, which happens if you're finished way ahead of your guest. 6. Showing food in mouth This happens when you've taken too big of a bite and then chew with your mouth open, or continue to talk. This is very unappetizing for others to observe. Small bites are necessary when trying to converse while eating. 7. Seasoning food before tasting Without tasting your food, how would you know it really needs seasoning? This can be seen as an insult to the chef and host. It also can indicate that you jump to conclusions. 8. Washing food down with liquids The mouth should be cleared of food before beverages are sipped. It's a good habit to get into, especially with wine. Wine is meant to cleanse the palate and its taste can't fully be appreciated with food still in the mouth. 9. Passing food incorrectly The salt is always passed with the pepper. Anything with a handle, such as the creamer, is passed so the handle is facing the person receiving the item. This is why the correct way to pass food the first time around is to the right=counterclockwise. 10. Leaving lipstick marks Lipstick should be well blotted so not to leave marks on cups and glasses. It's a real turnoff. 11. Grooming at the table This is another turnoff. Don't touch your hair or apply makeup while at the table. And certainly don't pick your teeth at the table. Excuse yourself from the table to remove something from your teeth...or to apply makeup. 12. Poor posture Sit up straight, don't lean on your elbows or forearms, don't rock in your chair, and keep your elbows close to your side. When You are the Host Doing business over meals is a ritual that has existed for centuries. Taking clients to breakfast, lunch or dinner has long been an effective way to build relationships, make the sale or seal the deal. These business meals are essentially business meetings. Knowledge of your product or your service is Ellen Reddick 38 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 39. crucial to the success of the meeting, but so are your manners. Too many people jeopardize an opportunity because they fail to use good dining etiquette. Here are a few basic rules to make the experience pleasurable and profitable: • Know your duties as the host. You are in charge. It is up to you to see that things go well and that your guests are comfortable. You need to attend to every detail, from extending the invitation to paying the bill. • Plan ahead when you issue the invitation. Allow a week for a business dinner and three days for lunch. Be certain that the date works for you. That might sound obvious, but if you have to cancel or postpone, you can look disorganized and disrespectful of your client's time. • Select a restaurant that you know, preferably one where you are known. This is no time to try out the latest hot spot. Being confident of the quality of the food and service leaves you free to focus on business. • Consider the atmosphere. Does it lend itself to conversation and discussion? If you and your clients cannot hear each other over the roar of the diners and dishes, you will have wasted your time and money. • Let the staff know that you will be dining with clients. If your guests suggest a restaurant new to you, call ahead and speak with the maître d'. Make it clear that you will be having a business meal and picking up the check. • Arrive early. This is the perfect time to give your credit card to the maître d’, and avoid the awkwardness that can accompany the arrival of the bill. • Take charge of seating. Your guests should have the prime seats—the ones with the view. As the host, take the least desirable spot—the one facing the wall, the kitchen or the restrooms. • Allow your guests to order first. However, you might suggest certain dishes to be helpful. By recommending specific items, you are indicating a price range. Order as many courses as your guests, no more and no less, to facilitate the flow of the meal. It is awkward if one of you orders an appetizer or dessert and the others do not • As the host, you are the one who decides when to start discussing business. That will depend on a number of factors such as the time of day and how well you know your clients. At breakfast, time is short, so get down to business quickly. At lunch, wait until you have ordered so you will not be interrupted. Dinner, which tends to be the most social meal, is a time for building rapport. Limit the business talk, and do it after the main course is completed. Ellen Reddick 39 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 40. • When you know your clients well, you have more of a basis for small talk. However, because you have established a business friendship, you can eliminate some of the chitchat when time is an issue. When you don't know your clients well, spend more time getting acquainted before launching your shoptalk. • Handle ANY disasters with grace. With all your attention to detail, things can still go wrong. The food may not be up to your standards, the waiter might be rude or the people at the next table boisterous and out of control. Whatever happens, be part of the solution not the problem. Excuse yourself to discuss any problems with the staff. • Limit the alcohol you drink. The three-martini lunch is mostly a thing of the past. However, cocktails and wine are still part of the business dinner. Since alcohol can have the same effect as truth serum, keep your consumption to one or two glasses. When guests are drinking liberally and you sense trouble, excuse yourself and discreetly ask the server to hold back on refilling the wine glasses or offering another cocktail. Your conduct throughout the meal will determine professional success. If you pay attention to the details and make every effort to see that your clients have a pleasant experience, they will assume that you will handle their business the same way. You are laying a foundation for a solid, powerful business relationship by paying attention to details. When You are the Guest The business meal has become standard operating procedure in business. Over half of all business is finalized at some type of a meal and job interviews often include a meal as part of the interview process. Many times we are put on the spot and our behavior and manners are on display. Knowing what it takes to be someone’s guest at a business meal is as important as being the host. The Ellen Reddick 40 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 41. following guidelines will help you make a positive impression when you are the guest: • Confirm the day and time if the invitation was made more than a week in advance. • Arrive on time. Call ahead if you will be more than five minutes late. If you cannot reach your host directly, call the restaurant and leave a message with the maitre d’. • Follow your host’s lead in ordering beverages. • Order an entrée from the menu in the average price range. Ask for suggestions from the host. Don’t order the most expensive item on the menu. • Do everything in moderation. It is not your last meal, so don’t stuff yourself. If you are on an interview, don’t drink alcohol. Otherwise, if the occasion calls for a drink, never over do it. • Do not complain about the service or the meal. Remember that your host is paying for the meal and you should behave graciously, • Set a comfortable atmosphere and ask questions to encourage conversation. • If you must cancel, call personally, apologize and suggest a rescheduling. • Thank your host for the meal and their time. Send a thank you note to your host. It takes a short time but makes a big impression The Power of Professional Presence Ellen Reddick 41 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 42. • In the business environment, you plan every move with potential clients. • • You arrange for the appointment, you prepare for the meeting, you rehearse for the presentation, you prepare as a host for dining with clients, but in spite of your best efforts, potential clients pop up in the most unexpected places. Leave nothing to chance. Every time you walk out of your office, be ready to make a powerful first impression…it is the best selling technique. The 5 Ps of Professional Success Ellen Reddick 42 Impact Factory 801.581.0369
  • 43. o Proper o Preparation o Prevents o Poor o Performance 11/09 Ellen Reddick 43 Impact Factory 801.581.0369