fondazione fiera milano fiere exhibitionist exhibitionist fiera big data meet the media guru storytelling visitor experience artificial intelligence intelligenza artificiale customer experience digital visitor engagement ges eddie newquist harry potter walt disney design manifattura digitale community eddie choi customer brand fjord accenture interactive accenture mark curtis value green csr sostenibilità destinations events sustainability facebook spotify processing power data models problem solving emotional intelligence technology design creativity analytical thinking present minority report future digital marketing tecnologia digital transformation ai fandom the wizard of oz the narnia chronicle game of thrones star wars universal transmedia storytelling tempo di libri interattività musica informazione contenuti identità di stazione contatto libertà autoradio mobilità familiarità targetability format claudio astorri radio #dataanalysis #bigdata #datascience digitale mch group art basel hybrid model phisical touchpoints digital touchpoints customer journey stephan peyer research lab 3d printing robótica alessandra lanza internet economy internet of things industria 4.0 cloud computing rivoluzione industriale internet of services manifattura additiva prometeia entertainment booth stand tradeshow chief creative director pixar interaction experience exposure communications social media football business awards eventi digital marketing show great british entrepreneur awards simon burton andrea lissoni mostre visitatore display hangar bicocca collezioni tate modern curatore esperienze di vista musei digital fabrication digital design denis santachiara 3d print download design ispo technology scouting product testing stefan rummel open innovation co-creation innocentive digital strategy eyetracking retail richard winter popai touch point lead generation milton exhibits group frontiers digital reed exhibitions publishing hackathon bea steven rosato bookexpo america l'arte funzionale infografica alberto cairo
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