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Discover. Collaborate. Deploy.
Traditional Java Apps
with Docker
Eric Smalling
Solution Architect at Docker Inc
Who Am I?
● Eric Smalling
○ Solution Architect
Docker Customer Success Team
● ~25 years in software development,
architecture, version control admin, etc…
● ~10 years in build & test automation
● Docker user since pre-1.0 days
● Java developer since 1.1.x days
Workshop Agenda
Section 1: Docker 101 (50 minutes)
What is Docker / What is Docker Not
Basic Docker Commands
Building Images & Running Containers
Anatomy of images and containers
Section 2: MTA with Java (60 minutes)
How Docker applies to these
Moving a legacy Java app into Docker
Sustainably modernizing applications
Hands on exercises mixed throughout
Section 3: Going to production with
your “Dockerized” apps (20 minutes)
Automated Health Checks
Warnings about running JVM’s in
App Configuration
Docker Secrets
CI/CD with Docker EE
Section 1: Docker 101
A quick overview of Docker
Docker containers are NOT VMs
• Easy connection to make
• Fundamentally different architectures
• Fundamentally different benefits
• Standardized packaging for
software and dependencies
• Isolate apps from each other
• Share the same OS kernel
• Works for all major Linux
• Containers native to Windows
Server 2016
What is a container?
They’re different, not mutually exclusive
Docker Image
The basis of a Docker container. Represents a full application
Some Docker vocabulary
Docker Engine
Creates, ships and runs Docker containers deployable on a physical
or virtual, host locally, in a datacenter or cloud service provider
Docker Container
The standard unit in which the application service resides and
Registry Service (Docker Hub or Docker Trusted Registry)
Cloud or server based storage and distribution service for your
Building a Docker image
The docker client command
“build” = build an image
“-t” = apply a name and optional build
Image name and optional tag
Path to build context and Dockerfile
Running the image in a container
The docker client command
“run” = start a container
“--rm” = delete container when it exits
“-t” = run with a tty (for console i/o)
“-i” = run in interactive mode
These often are used in combination like this
Image name and optional tag
Before we start hands-on labs
Make sure you can get to this site:
Hands-on exercise #1: The basics
1. Open “Play With Docker” in your browser:
2. Optional: Run “apt-get update” & “apt-get install nano”
(skip this if you like vim)
3. Create a Dockerfile in the current directory with the following content:
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update -y
#Install JDK
RUN apt-get install -y default-jdk
CMD java -version
4. Run “docker build -t myapp:1 .” to build your image and tag it. There will be a lot of output
ending in something like:
Successfully built b3fec78836f9
Successfully tagged myapp:1
5. Run “docker run --rm -ti myapp:1” to run your container, you should see output similar to:
openjdk version "1.8.0_151"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-8u151-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-b12)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)
Hands-on exercise #1: Results
The Docker Image
Take a look at the image you just created:
$ docker image ls myapp
myapp 1 33c38ae31747 21 hours ago 498MB
Hands-on exercise #1: Results
Docker Image Layers
$ docker image history myapp:1
33c38ae31747 21 hours ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh" "-c" "java… 0B
334a9f1fdb99 21 hours ago /bin/sh -c apt-get install -y default-jdk 347MB
0786492ffc8b 21 hours ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update -y 39.6MB
0458a4468cbc 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"] 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c mkdir -p /run/systemd && echo 'do… 7B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/^#s*(deb.*universe)$… 2.76kB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c set -xe && echo '#!/bin/sh' > /… 745B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:a3344b835ea6fdc56… 112MB
(consists of its own layers, pulled from registry)
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y default-jdk
<meta: CMD= “java -version”/>
Docker File System
Images, Layers & Containers
● Logical file system by grouping different file system
primitives into branches (directories, file systems,
subvolumes, snapshots)
● Each branch represents a layer in a Docker image
● Allows images to be constructed / deconstructed as
needed vs. a huge monolithic image (ala traditional virtual
● When a container is started a writeable layer is added to
the “top” of the file system
Hands-on exercise #1.5: Optimizing
1. Edit your Dockerfile to match the following content:
FROM openjdk:8-alpine
CMD java -version
2. Run “docker build -t myapp:1.5 .” to build your image and tag it. There will be a lot of output
ending in something like:
Successfully built 14840ef6b00e
Successfully tagged myapp:1.5
3. Run “docker run --rm -ti myapp:1.5” to run your container, you should see output similar to:
openjdk version "1.8.0_151"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.6.0) (Alpine 8.151.12-r0)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)
Hands-on exercise #1.5: Results
Compare Docker Images
Now, compare the two images:
$ docker image ls myapp
myapp 1.5 14840ef6b00e 9 minutes ago 102MB
myapp 1 33c38ae31747 21 hours ago 498MB
Hands-on exercise #1.5: Results
Optimized Docker Image Layers
$ docker image history myapp:1.5
14840ef6b00e 12 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh" "-c" "java… 0B
224765a6bdbe 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c set -x && apk add --no-cache o… 97.4MB
<missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_ALPINE_VERSION=8… 0B
<missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_VERSION=8u151 0B
<missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PATH=/usr/local/sbin:… 0B
<missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jv… 0B
<missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c { echo '#!/bin/sh'; echo 'set… 87B
<missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 0B
<missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"] 0B
<missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:093f0723fa46f6cdb… 4.15MB
(consists of its own layers, pulled from registry)
<meta: CMD= “java version”/> 0B
Docker File System
Containers & Copy on Write
● Super efficient:
Sub second instantiation times for containers
New container can take <1 Mb of space
● Containers appears to be a copy of the original image
But, it is really just a link to the original shared image
● If someone writes a change to the file system, a copy of
the affected file/directory is “copied up”
Running containers
One Container
Ubuntu Linux
apt-get update -u
apt-get install -y default-jdk
<meta: CMD= “java version”/>
R/W Layer
Running containers
Two containers from same image
Ubuntu Linux
apt-get update -u
apt-get install -y default-jdk
<meta: CMD= “java version”/>
R/W Layer R/W Layer
Running containers
Three containers from same image
Ubuntu Linux
apt-get update -u
apt-get install -y default-jdk
<meta: CMD= “java version”/>
R/W Layer R/W Layer R/W Layer
Dockerfile - Linux + Java
Example: Initial state
Dockerfile - Linux + Java
Example: Optimization step 1
Dockerfile - Linux + Java
Example: Optimization step 2
Dockerfile - Linux + Java
Example: Fully Optimized
Docker File System
What about data persistence?
● Volumes allow you to specify a directory in the container
that exists outside of the docker file system structure
● Can be used to share (and persist) data between
● Directory persists after the container is deleted
Unless you explicitly delete it
● Can be created in a Dockerfile or via CLI
Break time!
Section 2: MTA
Modernizing Traditional Java Applications
Internal External
LAMP Stack
No idea what the app
is made of
Original app authors are
no longer around
When was it last
Don’t change it! Don’t
break it
Common Challenges
Of A Legacy App
Modernize Traditional Apps with Docker
Enterprise Edition to get
portability, security and efficiency of
apps without changing the code
You have to cut into the
To Fuel The Innovation
Docker EE Gives Legacy Applications Modern Capabilities
without any re-coding or refactoring of the app
Efficient Portable Secure
Optimize CapEx
and OpEx costs
Independent Apps
Reduce risk and
enforce new controls
Size of Infrastructure
Deployment Speed MTTR for Patching
up to
up to
Docker EE saves time and money
Optimize CapEx
and OpEx costs
Reduce Total IT Costs by 50%
• Consolidate infrastructure
• Reduce software costs
• Gain operational efficiency
Eliminate the outdated app runbook for a simple
Before After
● VMs contain a full OS instance within each VM
● Containers share the kernel of a single OS instance on the physical or virtual server
● Average infrastructure consolidation is 50%
Streamline configuration management
100 Page Binder
● Replace the printed (often out of date) runbooks for
app deployment and ops documentation
● Dockerfile contains all commands to assemble a
Docker container
● Define instructions including: ports, volumes,
environment variables, healthchecks and more
Single Text File
● Dockerfile containing all the instructions to
deploy your app.
● Enables consistent deployments across
multiple environments, and eliminates the
problem of “snowflake infrastructure”
Eliminate the outdated app runbook for a simple Dockerfile
Simplify app configuration management
● define app configs in Dockerfile (single container) or Stack file
Eliminate configuration drift
● No more patching in place, deploy new
● New deployment = new container image and tag in registry
● `docker diff` command shows exactly what’s changed in the container
compared to the dockerfile
Improve asset management
● Centrally manage all container
images in a private registry
● Keep a record of all versions
(tags) of images available for
Improve app operations: deployments, rollback with built in
app reliability
● Copy and paste or single command to
deploy apps and define state
● Rolling updates reduce the risk of new
● Easy roll back to previous known container
● Built in health checks continually monitor
● Automatic rescheduling of containers in
the event of a failure
Docker EE ensures hybrid cloud portability
Deploy any app anywhere
• Applications can move across
multiple infrastructures
• Infrastructure agnostic propertiesPortable
Independent Apps
Containers abstract applications from infrastructure
• Eliminates the “works on my machine” problem
• Containers packages code and dependencies
together into an isolated process
• Containers standardize any workload: legacy,
microservices, ISV apps (Windows and Linux)
• App configurations “travel” with the app, are not built
to the infrastructure
• Easy app composition of simple to complex apps
with security, networks, storage, env variables, ports
Container architecture provides infrastructure agnostic
packaging and tooling
Disparate IT Infrastructure
Host OS
Docker EE
App A
Linux Mainframe AWS Azure
Public Clouds
App B
App C
App D
App E
Get infrastructure flexibility and portability for legacy apps
Dev Test Prod
Developer can work in
whatever environment
they're used to
Application gets moved
into Test/QE
Application can then be
promoted to production on any
public, private, or hybrid
Reduce risk profile
• More secure environment
• Reduce surface area
• Vulnerability management
Reduce risk and
enforce new controls
Docker EE enhances application security
Reduce the attack surface area of legacy apps
• Reduce risk associated with older code
and components
• Default out of the box settings provide
greater security
• Configurable settings allow admins to
further isolate the app
• Eliminate all unnecessary syscalls,
process, and access to host resources
pid namespace
mnt namespace
net namespace
uts namespace
user namespace
uid/gid drop
cap drop
all cgroups
1. Out of the box
default settings and
2. Granular controls
to customize settings
Run apps on the most secure environment
• The most secure container runtime and
orchestration architecture
• Secure by default with out of the box
• Cryptographic node identity
• Automatic mutual TLS across all nodes
within the Docker cluster
• Transparent and automatic cert rotation
• External CA integration
• Optionally encrypt container to container
Make apps safer with vulnerability scanning and monitoring
• Security scanning performs binary level
scanning of application
• Detailed BOM provides security profile of
application packages
• Make informed decisions before
• BOM is maintained and continuously
monitored against leading CVE
Leverage a secure and automated software supply chain
• Establish chain of trust with apps as they move across environments
• Digitally sign containers and only run verified containers
• Freshness guarantee ensures no tampering and latest container is running
• Automate workflow with immutable repos and automated image promotion
Granular access control for users, apps and nodes
• Restrict access to apps and resources
• Leverage predefined or custom roles
available to manage access and
• Create logical or physical isolation
between apps and teams
Docker 2017 - Confidential
MTA Process
Methodology: Docker EE Modernizes
Apps and Infrastructure
Integrate to CI/CD
and automation
Convert to a
with Docker EE
Built on premise, in the
cloud, or as part of a
hybrid environment.
Add new services or
start peeling off
services from monolith
code base
Breaking down the deployment savings
App deployments before and after Docker
~100 man
~<24 man
Before: Traditional App Deployment : Manual, Risky, Slow
Take Offline Deploy Smoke Test Acceptance Test Go/No-Go
• Long running
processes with several
manual steps
• Scheduled out of
• Disruption to users
• Lengthy Install
Guide(50 pages, 100
man hours to write)
usually word
document and mostly
• Bloated App binaries
• Bloated App files
• Bloated test
• Requires prior
knowledge of the app
• Manual tests requires
Dev and Ops
• Manual bloated
regression pack, takes
multi hours
• Low confidence rate
• Rollback is repeat of
the entire process
After with Docker: Modern App Deployment : Automated, Proven, Fast
Take Offline Deploy Acceptance test Go/No-Go
• Need not be
scheduled out of hours
• No disruption to users
• ONE single command
• ONE light Docker
• Built in health checks
• Automated
Regression Pack
• Rapid addition of new
• High confidence rate
• Fast rollback
After : Modern App Deployment : Automated, Proven, Fast
Before : Traditional App Deployment : Manual, Risky, Slow
Docker 2017 - CONFIDENTIAL
Before we start hands-on labs
Make sure you can get to these sites:
Hands-on exercise #2:
Migrate a JEE application Docker
1. Open
2. Navigate to movieplex7
and open “Dockerfile”
• Multi-stage
• Stage 1 builds .war
• Stage 2 builds
deployable image
Hands-on exercise #2 (cont’):
Migrate a JEE application to Docker
3. Open
(if PWD session is not already open)
4. Click the “DTR” link and login if prompted
User: admin - Password: admin1234
5. Click “System” on left and turn on the “Create Repository on Push”
toggle near bottom of page.
Hands-on exercise #2 (cont’):
Migrate a JEE application to Docker
6. Return to Play-With-Docker page, open the “manager1”
terminal and run:
git clone
7. cd javaee-demo/movieplex7
8. docker login [your DTR hostname]
9. docker build -t [your DTR hostname]/admin/movieplex7:1 .
10. docker push [your DTR hostname]/admin/movieplex7:1
Deploying to Clusters
Services, Stacks and Swarms
More terminology
Current Clustering
● Swarm
○ A group of docker hosts, connected and running as
a cluster
○ 1-n managers
○ 1-n workers
● Service
○ An application (or part of an application) that
provides a specific function (catalog lookup, web
front end, payment processing)
● Stack
○ A way of representing multi-service applications
○ Made up of 1-n services
Hands-on exercise #2.5:
Deploy to cluster
1. In GitHub page, navigate to movieplex7 subdirectory and
open “docker-stack.yml”, copy contents of file.
2. Open UCP dashboard (link on Play With Docker page)
3. In UCP under “Shared Resources”, Click “Stacks” and then click
“Create Stack” in top right.
4. Enter any name, chose “Swarm Services” in “Mode” dropdown and
paste above yml into the “Compose.Yml” editor field.
5. Change the “image:” value to:
[Your DTR host]/admin/movieplex7:1
6. Change the “ports:” value to: “-18080:8080”
Hands-on exercise #2.5 (cont’):
Hands-on exercise #2.5 (cont’):
Deploy to cluster
7. Click “Create” in bottom-right
8. Output in next page should look similar to
9. Click “Done” to return to the
UCP Dashboard:
10. You should now see your stack in the table
11. Click on it, and then “Services” from the
“Inspect Resource” dropdown on the right:
Hands-on exercise #2.5 (cont’):
Deploy to cluster
12. Your service should be in the list:
13. Click on it, and then the URL under
“Published Endpoints” on the right:
Hands-on exercise #2.5 (cont’):
Deploy to cluster
14. The Apache Tomcat manager should come up
15. Add “movieplex7” to the url and you should see the
application front page.
You have containerized
a JEE webapp!
Hands-on exercise #2.5 (cont’):
Deploy to cluster
Hands-on exercise #3:
Adding services
1. Return to GitHub,navigate to the react-client directory
and open “Dockerfile”
• Also multi-stage
• Stage 1 builds NodeJS
• Stage 2 builds
deployable image
Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’):
Adding services
2. Return to Play-With-Docker page, open the “manager1”
terminal and get back into the top directory of your git
checkout (javaee-demo directory)
3. Run “./” to add an ENV line to the
react-client/Dockerfile (feel free to look at it)
4. cd react-client
5. docker build -t [your DTR hostname]/admin/react-client:1 .
6. docker push [your DTR hostname]/admin/react-client:1
7. In GitHub page, navigate to top directory and
open “docker-stack.yml”, copy contents of file.
8. Open UCP dashboard (link on Play With Docker page)
9. In UCP under “Shared Resources”, Click “Stacks” and then click
“Create Stack” in top right.
10. Enter any name, chose “Swarm Services” in “Mode” dropdown and
paste above yml into the “Compose.Yml” editor field.
11. Change the “image:” values respectively:
• [Your DTR host]/admin/movieplex7:1
• [Your DTR host]/admin/react-client:1
Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’):
Adding services
Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’):
Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’):
Adding Services
12. Click “Create” in bottom-right
13. Output in next page should look similar to
14. Click “Done” to return to the
UCP Dashboard:
15. You should now see your stack in the table
16. Click on it, and then “Services” from the
“Inspect Resource” dropdown on the right:
Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’):
Adding Services
17. There should be a service with a name ending in
18. Click on it, and then the URL under
“Published Endpoints” on the right:
Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’):
Deploy to cluster
19. You should see the new UI for the application.
You have added a new
front-end to the JEE
Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’):
Deploy to cluster
Break time!
Section 3:
Going to production
Health Checks
Helping Docker help you
● HEALTHCHECK instruction in DockerFile
● Tells Docker how to test a container to check that it is still
● New status added to container lists
● Adds “(healthy)” to Status column in a “docker ps
Health Checks
Helping Docker help you
● Examples:
○ HEALTHCHECK CMD curl --fail http://localhost || exit 1
○ HEALTHCHECK --interval=12s --timeout=12s --start-period=30s 
CMD node /healthcheck.js
● References:
○ Documentation:
○ Elton Stoneman blog about not using curl/iwr:
JVM Memory
Tips and tricks
● Always explicitly specify JVM heap size with “-Xmx”
○ By default, J2SE 5.0+ will use up to 25% of the
host machine’s RAM or 1GB (whichever is smaller)
○ Container memory limits (enforced via cgroups) are
ignored pre-Java 9*
○ It’s just a good practice to specify it anyway
● Do use Docker cpu and memory reservations and limits
to avoid over-subscribing your host machines
○ --memory
○ --memory-reservation
○ --cpus
○ etc…
● If limiting cpu, be sure to update GC Thread limiter in
○ -XX:ParallelGCThreads
Dealing with application logs
● Docker EE Reference Architecture document about this:
● Do not output logs into the container’s RW layer
○ slow
○ have to exec or cp out of the container to see them
● Option 1: send logs to stdout (see logging drivers below)
○ Visible via “docker logs” command
○ Visible via Docker UCP web console
● Option 2: send logs to volume
○ Many use a centralized NAS/SAN volume for this
● Option 3: Docker logging drivers
Docker Log Drivers
Log drivers available (as of 2/16/18)
Latest always available at:
Application Log Drivers
Consider the following when selecting application log drivers:
● syslog and splunk:
○ Good options if log data is highly sensitive since
they can be configured to use TLS for transporting
● journald:
○ great for retaining the usage of docker logs as well
as logging Docker daemon logs
○ allows for easier troubleshooting and log portability
at the same time
○ logs write first locally, so that there is less reliance
on logging infrastructure.
● awslogs or gcplogs:
○ Only if cluster exist solely on a single cloud provider
Application Log Drivers
Consider the following when selecting application log drivers:
● gelf and fluentd:
○ good choice if there's a NoSQL database somewhere in the environment where the
logs can be stored.
Again, see for much more detail on logging.
How to use Java tools with container based JVMs
● JVM command line tools via docker exec
○ GC Stats: jstat --gcutil
○ Heap dumps/histograms: jmap
● Expose JMX ports for jconsole or other utilities
● Intelligent health checks
○ More than just “port 8080 is listening”
● Check third party monitoring tools for updated to be “container aware”
○ i.e. Licensing issues with older monitoring tools because each container appears
as a new host
● Also, docker specific commands/tools:
○ docker stats
○ ctop
Application Configuration
Managing multi-environment config’s
Application Configuration
Deploying to disparate environments with identical images
● Build artifacts are your Docker images, not .war files or similar
● Build images in CI, store in registry, deploy same images everywhere
● Patterns and tools to deal with configuration differences
○ Separate Stack yaml files
○ Docker secrets
○ Application configuration via volume mounts
○ Third party configuration tools such as Consul and/or Vault
■ consul-template
■ Joyent Containerpilot
■ Roll-your-own
Environment specific Stacks
● Different environment variable values
● Services that mock production endpoints
○ db
○ web service
Docker Secrets
● Stored encrypted in swam
● Exposed only to nodes that run services that need them
● Presented in container via RAM only tmpfs files
○ never persisted to disk in encrypted format
○ when container stops, secret is no longer present
● All communications between swam nodes via TLS, so
secret never in the clear on the wire either
● Different secret values per environment using tags
● UCP can manage who/where secrets are available
Application configuration in
volume mounts
● Use volumes that are only available in physical environment they apply to
● Contain environment-specific application configuration properties
● DO NOT store secrets in these (use Docker Secrets or other secure mechanism)
● You can bind mount files (doesn’t have to be full directory structures)
CI / CD With Docker EE
● Docker Reference Architecture: Development Pipeline Best Practices Using Docker EE
CI / CD With Docker EE
● Integrating CI/CD with Docker EE Webinar with GitLab demo:
So much to talk about, so little time to do so!
● Docker Resources:
○ Development Pipeline Best Practices Using Docker EE:
○ Logging Reference Architecture:
○ Integrating CI/CD with Docker EE Webinar:
○ Training:
■ Instructor led
■ Self paced with “Play With Docker”
○ Want Docker to help you with an MTA effort?
● SquareSpace Blog: Understanding Linux Container Scheduling (with JVMs)
Bonus Content!
Docker Enterprise Edition
Docker Community Edition
The best container
development workflow
The best enterprise
container security and
Native Kubernetes
integration provides full
compatibility Industry-standard
container runtime
Docker with Swarm and Kubernetes
Discover. Collaborate. Deploy.
Using Docker to build, ship and run
Kubernetes applications
Patrick Chanezon
Chief Developer Advocate at Docker, Inc.
11:30 AM-12:15 PM | Thursday, Feb. 22
Moscone West/Level 2, Room 2005
Session type: Breakout Session
Track: Cloud, Containers & Infrastructure
Docker Desktop and Enterprise Edition now both include
Kubernetes as an optional orchestration component. This
talk will explain how to use Docker Desktop (Mac or
Windows) to develop and debug a cloud native application,
then how Docker Enterprise Edition helps you deploy it to
Kubernetes in production.!?id=5461
DockerCon San Francisco
June 12-15
Use code ‘Index2018’ for 10% off

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IBM Index 2018 Conference Workshop: Modernizing Traditional Java App's with Docker

  • 1. Discover. Collaborate. Deploy. Modernizing Traditional Java Apps with Docker Eric Smalling Solution Architect at Docker Inc @ericsmalling
  • 2. 2 Who Am I? ● Eric Smalling ○ Solution Architect Docker Customer Success Team ● ~25 years in software development, architecture, version control admin, etc… ● ~10 years in build & test automation ● Docker user since pre-1.0 days ● Java developer since 1.1.x days
  • 3. Workshop Agenda Section 1: Docker 101 (50 minutes) What is Docker / What is Docker Not Basic Docker Commands Building Images & Running Containers (Hands-on) Anatomy of images and containers Volumes Break Section 2: MTA with Java (60 minutes) Challenges How Docker applies to these challenges Moving a legacy Java app into Docker (Hands-on) Sustainably modernizing applications (Hands-on) Break Hands on exercises mixed throughout Section 3: Going to production with your “Dockerized” apps (20 minutes) Automated Health Checks Warnings about running JVM’s in containers Logging Troubleshooting App Configuration Docker Secrets CI/CD with Docker EE
  • 4. Section 1: Docker 101 A quick overview of Docker
  • 5. 5 Docker containers are NOT VMs • Easy connection to make • Fundamentally different architectures • Fundamentally different benefits
  • 8. • Standardized packaging for software and dependencies • Isolate apps from each other • Share the same OS kernel • Works for all major Linux distributions • Containers native to Windows Server 2016 What is a container?
  • 9. 9 They’re different, not mutually exclusive
  • 10. Docker Image The basis of a Docker container. Represents a full application Some Docker vocabulary Docker Engine Creates, ships and runs Docker containers deployable on a physical or virtual, host locally, in a datacenter or cloud service provider Docker Container The standard unit in which the application service resides and executes Registry Service (Docker Hub or Docker Trusted Registry) Cloud or server based storage and distribution service for your images
  • 11. Building a Docker image The docker client command “build” = build an image “-t” = apply a name and optional build Image name and optional tag Path to build context and Dockerfile
  • 12. Running the image in a container The docker client command “run” = start a container “--rm” = delete container when it exits “-t” = run with a tty (for console i/o) “-i” = run in interactive mode These often are used in combination like this Image name and optional tag
  • 13. 13 Before we start hands-on labs Make sure you can get to this site:
  • 14. Hands-on exercise #1: The basics 1. Open “Play With Docker” in your browser: 2. Optional: Run “apt-get update” & “apt-get install nano” (skip this if you like vim) 3. Create a Dockerfile in the current directory with the following content: FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt-get update -y #Install JDK RUN apt-get install -y default-jdk CMD java -version 4. Run “docker build -t myapp:1 .” to build your image and tag it. There will be a lot of output ending in something like: Successfully built b3fec78836f9 Successfully tagged myapp:1 5. Run “docker run --rm -ti myapp:1” to run your container, you should see output similar to: openjdk version "1.8.0_151" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-8u151-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-b12) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)
  • 15. Hands-on exercise #1: Results The Docker Image Take a look at the image you just created: $ docker image ls myapp REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE myapp 1 33c38ae31747 21 hours ago 498MB
  • 16. Hands-on exercise #1: Results Docker Image Layers $ docker image history myapp:1 IMAGE CREATED CREATED BY SIZE COMMENT 33c38ae31747 21 hours ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh" "-c" "java… 0B 334a9f1fdb99 21 hours ago /bin/sh -c apt-get install -y default-jdk 347MB 0786492ffc8b 21 hours ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update -y 39.6MB 0458a4468cbc 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"] 0B <missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c mkdir -p /run/systemd && echo 'do… 7B <missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/^#s*(deb.*universe)$… 2.76kB <missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 0B <missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c set -xe && echo '#!/bin/sh' > /… 745B <missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:a3344b835ea6fdc56… 112MB ubuntu:16.04 (consists of its own layers, pulled from registry) apt-get update -y apt-get install -y default-jdk <meta: CMD= “java -version”/>
  • 17. Docker File System Images, Layers & Containers ● Logical file system by grouping different file system primitives into branches (directories, file systems, subvolumes, snapshots) ● Each branch represents a layer in a Docker image ● Allows images to be constructed / deconstructed as needed vs. a huge monolithic image (ala traditional virtual machines) ● When a container is started a writeable layer is added to the “top” of the file system
  • 18. Hands-on exercise #1.5: Optimizing 1. Edit your Dockerfile to match the following content: FROM openjdk:8-alpine CMD java -version 2. Run “docker build -t myapp:1.5 .” to build your image and tag it. There will be a lot of output ending in something like: Successfully built 14840ef6b00e Successfully tagged myapp:1.5 3. Run “docker run --rm -ti myapp:1.5” to run your container, you should see output similar to: openjdk version "1.8.0_151" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.6.0) (Alpine 8.151.12-r0) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)
  • 19. Hands-on exercise #1.5: Results Compare Docker Images Now, compare the two images: $ docker image ls myapp REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE myapp 1.5 14840ef6b00e 9 minutes ago 102MB myapp 1 33c38ae31747 21 hours ago 498MB
  • 20. Hands-on exercise #1.5: Results Optimized Docker Image Layers $ docker image history myapp:1.5 IMAGE CREATED CREATED BY SIZE COMMENT 14840ef6b00e 12 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh" "-c" "java… 0B 224765a6bdbe 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c set -x && apk add --no-cache o… 97.4MB <missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_ALPINE_VERSION=8… 0B <missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_VERSION=8u151 0B <missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PATH=/usr/local/sbin:… 0B <missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jv… 0B <missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c { echo '#!/bin/sh'; echo 'set… 87B <missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 0B <missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"] 0B <missing> 4 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:093f0723fa46f6cdb… 4.15MB openjdk:8-alpine (consists of its own layers, pulled from registry) <meta: CMD= “java version”/> 0B 102MB 14840ef6b00e 224765a6bdbe
  • 21. Docker File System Containers & Copy on Write ● Super efficient: Sub second instantiation times for containers New container can take <1 Mb of space ● Containers appears to be a copy of the original image But, it is really just a link to the original shared image ● If someone writes a change to the file system, a copy of the affected file/directory is “copied up”
  • 22. Running containers One Container Kernel Ubuntu Linux apt-get update -u apt-get install -y default-jdk <meta: CMD= “java version”/> R/W Layer
  • 23. Running containers Two containers from same image Kernel Ubuntu Linux apt-get update -u apt-get install -y default-jdk <meta: CMD= “java version”/> R/W Layer R/W Layer
  • 24. Running containers Three containers from same image Kernel Ubuntu Linux apt-get update -u apt-get install -y default-jdk <meta: CMD= “java version”/> R/W Layer R/W Layer R/W Layer
  • 25. Dockerfile - Linux + Java Example: Initial state
  • 26. Dockerfile - Linux + Java Example: Optimization step 1
  • 27. Dockerfile - Linux + Java Example: Optimization step 2
  • 28. Dockerfile - Linux + Java Example: Fully Optimized
  • 29. Docker File System What about data persistence? ● Volumes allow you to specify a directory in the container that exists outside of the docker file system structure ● Can be used to share (and persist) data between containers ● Directory persists after the container is deleted Unless you explicitly delete it ● Can be created in a Dockerfile or via CLI
  • 31. Section 2: MTA Modernizing Traditional Java Applications Jav ^
  • 32. Internal External LAMP Stack Java Linux .NET .NET IIS Windows No idea what the app is made of Original app authors are no longer around When was it last updated? Don’t change it! Don’t break it Common Challenges Of A Legacy App
  • 33. Modernize Traditional Apps with Docker Enterprise Edition to get portability, security and efficiency of apps without changing the code You have to cut into the 80% To Fuel The Innovation
  • 34. Docker EE Gives Legacy Applications Modern Capabilities without any re-coding or refactoring of the app Efficient Portable Secure Optimize CapEx and OpEx costs Infrastructure Independent Apps Reduce risk and enforce new controls Size of Infrastructure 50% Reduction Deployment Speed MTTR for Patching up to 90% Faster up to 90% Faster
  • 35. Docker EE saves time and money Efficient Optimize CapEx and OpEx costs Reduce Total IT Costs by 50% • Consolidate infrastructure • Reduce software costs • Gain operational efficiency
  • 36. Eliminate the outdated app runbook for a simple Dockerfile Before After ● VMs contain a full OS instance within each VM ● Containers share the kernel of a single OS instance on the physical or virtual server ● Average infrastructure consolidation is 50%
  • 37. Streamline configuration management Before 100 Page Binder ● Replace the printed (often out of date) runbooks for app deployment and ops documentation ● Dockerfile contains all commands to assemble a Docker container ● Define instructions including: ports, volumes, environment variables, healthchecks and more After Single Text File ● Dockerfile containing all the instructions to deploy your app. ● Enables consistent deployments across multiple environments, and eliminates the problem of “snowflake infrastructure”
  • 38. Eliminate the outdated app runbook for a simple Dockerfile Simplify app configuration management ● define app configs in Dockerfile (single container) or Stack file (multi-container) Eliminate configuration drift ● No more patching in place, deploy new ● New deployment = new container image and tag in registry ● `docker diff` command shows exactly what’s changed in the container compared to the dockerfile
  • 39. Improve asset management ● Centrally manage all container images in a private registry ● Keep a record of all versions (tags) of images available for
  • 40. Improve app operations: deployments, rollback with built in app reliability ● Copy and paste or single command to deploy apps and define state ● Rolling updates reduce the risk of new deployments ● Easy roll back to previous known container ● Built in health checks continually monitor containers ● Automatic rescheduling of containers in the event of a failure
  • 41. Docker EE ensures hybrid cloud portability Deploy any app anywhere • Applications can move across multiple infrastructures • Infrastructure agnostic propertiesPortable Infrastructure Independent Apps
  • 42. Containers abstract applications from infrastructure • Eliminates the “works on my machine” problem • Containers packages code and dependencies together into an isolated process • Containers standardize any workload: legacy, microservices, ISV apps (Windows and Linux) • App configurations “travel” with the app, are not built to the infrastructure • Easy app composition of simple to complex apps with security, networks, storage, env variables, ports
  • 43. Container architecture provides infrastructure agnostic packaging and tooling Disparate IT Infrastructure Host OS Docker EE Container App A Bins/Lib Linux Mainframe AWS Azure Other Public Clouds Windows Container App B Bins/Lib Container App C Bins/Lib Container App D Bins/Lib Container App E Bins/Lib
  • 44. Get infrastructure flexibility and portability for legacy apps Dev Test Prod Developer can work in whatever environment they're used to Application gets moved into Test/QE environment Application can then be promoted to production on any public, private, or hybrid infrastructure Security Scan Security Scan
  • 45. Reduce risk profile • More secure environment • Reduce surface area • Vulnerability management Secure Reduce risk and enforce new controls Docker EE enhances application security
  • 46. Reduce the attack surface area of legacy apps • Reduce risk associated with older code and components • Default out of the box settings provide greater security • Configurable settings allow admins to further isolate the app • Eliminate all unnecessary syscalls, process, and access to host resources pid namespace mnt namespace net namespace uts namespace user namespace pivot_root uid/gid drop cap drop all cgroups selinux apparmor seccomp 1. Out of the box default settings and profiles 2. Granular controls to customize settings
  • 47. Run apps on the most secure environment • The most secure container runtime and orchestration architecture • Secure by default with out of the box configurations • Cryptographic node identity • Automatic mutual TLS across all nodes within the Docker cluster • Transparent and automatic cert rotation • External CA integration • Optionally encrypt container to container traffic Certificate Authority TLS Certificate Authority TLS Certificate Authority TLS TLS TLSTLS
  • 48. Make apps safer with vulnerability scanning and monitoring • Security scanning performs binary level scanning of application • Detailed BOM provides security profile of application packages • Make informed decisions before deployment • BOM is maintained and continuously monitored against leading CVE databases
  • 49. Leverage a secure and automated software supply chain • Establish chain of trust with apps as they move across environments • Digitally sign containers and only run verified containers • Freshness guarantee ensures no tampering and latest container is running • Automate workflow with immutable repos and automated image promotion
  • 50. Granular access control for users, apps and nodes • Restrict access to apps and resources • Leverage predefined or custom roles available to manage access and permissions • Create logical or physical isolation between apps and teams
  • 51. Docker 2017 - Confidential MTA Process
  • 52. Methodology: Docker EE Modernizes Apps and Infrastructure Existing Application Modern Methodologies Integrate to CI/CD and automation system Convert to a container with Docker EE Modern Infrastructure Built on premise, in the cloud, or as part of a hybrid environment. Modern Microservices Add new services or start peeling off services from monolith code base App
  • 53. Breaking down the deployment savings App deployments before and after Docker 53 ~100 man hours ~<24 man hours Before: Traditional App Deployment : Manual, Risky, Slow Take Offline Deploy Smoke Test Acceptance Test Go/No-Go • Long running processes with several manual steps • Scheduled out of hours • Disruption to users • Lengthy Install Guide(50 pages, 100 man hours to write) usually word document and mostly inaccurate • Bloated App binaries • Bloated App files • Bloated test documents • Requires prior knowledge of the app • Manual tests requires Dev and Ops • Manual bloated regression pack, takes multi hours • Low confidence rate • Rollback is repeat of the entire process After with Docker: Modern App Deployment : Automated, Proven, Fast Take Offline Deploy Acceptance test Go/No-Go • Need not be scheduled out of hours • No disruption to users • ONE single command • ONE light Docker image • Built in health checks • Automated Regression Pack • Rapid addition of new features • High confidence rate • Fast rollback repeatable After : Modern App Deployment : Automated, Proven, Fast Before : Traditional App Deployment : Manual, Risky, Slow Docker 2017 - CONFIDENTIAL
  • 54. 54 Before we start hands-on labs Make sure you can get to these sites:
  • 55. Hands-on exercise #2: Migrate a JEE application Docker 1. Open 2. Navigate to movieplex7 and open “Dockerfile” • Multi-stage • Stage 1 builds .war • Stage 2 builds deployable image
  • 56. Hands-on exercise #2 (cont’): Migrate a JEE application to Docker 3. Open (if PWD session is not already open) 4. Click the “DTR” link and login if prompted User: admin - Password: admin1234 5. Click “System” on left and turn on the “Create Repository on Push” toggle near bottom of page.
  • 57. Hands-on exercise #2 (cont’): Migrate a JEE application to Docker 6. Return to Play-With-Docker page, open the “manager1” terminal and run: git clone 7. cd javaee-demo/movieplex7 8. docker login [your DTR hostname] 9. docker build -t [your DTR hostname]/admin/movieplex7:1 . 10. docker push [your DTR hostname]/admin/movieplex7:1
  • 58. Deploying to Clusters Services, Stacks and Swarms
  • 59. More terminology Current Clustering ● Swarm ○ A group of docker hosts, connected and running as a cluster ○ 1-n managers ○ 1-n workers ● Service ○ An application (or part of an application) that provides a specific function (catalog lookup, web front end, payment processing) ● Stack ○ A way of representing multi-service applications ○ Made up of 1-n services
  • 60. Hands-on exercise #2.5: Deploy to cluster 1. In GitHub page, navigate to movieplex7 subdirectory and open “docker-stack.yml”, copy contents of file. 2. Open UCP dashboard (link on Play With Docker page) 3. In UCP under “Shared Resources”, Click “Stacks” and then click “Create Stack” in top right. 4. Enter any name, chose “Swarm Services” in “Mode” dropdown and paste above yml into the “Compose.Yml” editor field. 5. Change the “image:” value to: [Your DTR host]/admin/movieplex7:1 6. Change the “ports:” value to: “-18080:8080”
  • 62. Hands-on exercise #2.5 (cont’): Deploy to cluster 7. Click “Create” in bottom-right 8. Output in next page should look similar to this: 9. Click “Done” to return to the UCP Dashboard:
  • 63. 10. You should now see your stack in the table 11. Click on it, and then “Services” from the “Inspect Resource” dropdown on the right: Hands-on exercise #2.5 (cont’): Deploy to cluster
  • 64. 12. Your service should be in the list: 13. Click on it, and then the URL under “Published Endpoints” on the right: Hands-on exercise #2.5 (cont’): Deploy to cluster
  • 65. 14. The Apache Tomcat manager should come up 15. Add “movieplex7” to the url and you should see the application front page. Congratulations! You have containerized a JEE webapp! Hands-on exercise #2.5 (cont’): Deploy to cluster
  • 66. Hands-on exercise #3: Adding services 1. Return to GitHub,navigate to the react-client directory and open “Dockerfile” • Also multi-stage • Stage 1 builds NodeJS application • Stage 2 builds deployable image
  • 67. Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’): Adding services 2. Return to Play-With-Docker page, open the “manager1” terminal and get back into the top directory of your git checkout (javaee-demo directory) 3. Run “./” to add an ENV line to the react-client/Dockerfile (feel free to look at it) 4. cd react-client 5. docker build -t [your DTR hostname]/admin/react-client:1 . 6. docker push [your DTR hostname]/admin/react-client:1
  • 68. 7. In GitHub page, navigate to top directory and open “docker-stack.yml”, copy contents of file. 8. Open UCP dashboard (link on Play With Docker page) 9. In UCP under “Shared Resources”, Click “Stacks” and then click “Create Stack” in top right. 10. Enter any name, chose “Swarm Services” in “Mode” dropdown and paste above yml into the “Compose.Yml” editor field. 11. Change the “image:” values respectively: • [Your DTR host]/admin/movieplex7:1 • [Your DTR host]/admin/react-client:1 Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’): Adding services
  • 69. Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’):
  • 70. Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’): Adding Services 12. Click “Create” in bottom-right 13. Output in next page should look similar to this: 14. Click “Done” to return to the UCP Dashboard:
  • 71. 15. You should now see your stack in the table 16. Click on it, and then “Services” from the “Inspect Resource” dropdown on the right: Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’): Adding Services
  • 72. 17. There should be a service with a name ending in “_react-client” 18. Click on it, and then the URL under “Published Endpoints” on the right: Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’): Deploy to cluster
  • 73. 19. You should see the new UI for the application. Congratulations! You have added a new front-end to the JEE webapp! Hands-on exercise #3 (cont’): Deploy to cluster
  • 75. Section 3: Going to production
  • 76. Health Checks Helping Docker help you ● HEALTHCHECK instruction in DockerFile ● Tells Docker how to test a container to check that it is still working ● New status added to container lists ● Adds “(healthy)” to Status column in a “docker ps response”
  • 77. Health Checks Helping Docker help you ● Examples: ○ HEALTHCHECK CMD curl --fail http://localhost || exit 1 ○ HEALTHCHECK --interval=12s --timeout=12s --start-period=30s CMD node /healthcheck.js ● References: ○ Documentation: ○ Elton Stoneman blog about not using curl/iwr:
  • 78. JVM Memory Tips and tricks ● Always explicitly specify JVM heap size with “-Xmx” arguments ○ By default, J2SE 5.0+ will use up to 25% of the host machine’s RAM or 1GB (whichever is smaller) ○ Container memory limits (enforced via cgroups) are ignored pre-Java 9* ○ It’s just a good practice to specify it anyway ● Do use Docker cpu and memory reservations and limits to avoid over-subscribing your host machines ○ --memory ○ --memory-reservation ○ --cpus ○ etc… ● If limiting cpu, be sure to update GC Thread limiter in JVM ○ -XX:ParallelGCThreads
  • 79. Logging Dealing with application logs ● Docker EE Reference Architecture document about this: ● Do not output logs into the container’s RW layer ○ slow ○ have to exec or cp out of the container to see them ● Option 1: send logs to stdout (see logging drivers below) ○ Visible via “docker logs” command ○ Visible via Docker UCP web console ● Option 2: send logs to volume ○ Many use a centralized NAS/SAN volume for this ● Option 3: Docker logging drivers
  • 80. Docker Log Drivers Log drivers available (as of 2/16/18) Latest always available at:
  • 81. Application Log Drivers Consider the following when selecting application log drivers: ● syslog and splunk: ○ Good options if log data is highly sensitive since they can be configured to use TLS for transporting logs. ● journald: ○ great for retaining the usage of docker logs as well as logging Docker daemon logs ○ allows for easier troubleshooting and log portability at the same time ○ logs write first locally, so that there is less reliance on logging infrastructure. ● awslogs or gcplogs: ○ Only if cluster exist solely on a single cloud provider
  • 82. Application Log Drivers (continued) Consider the following when selecting application log drivers: ● gelf and fluentd: ○ good choice if there's a NoSQL database somewhere in the environment where the logs can be stored. Again, see for much more detail on logging.
  • 83. Troubleshooting How to use Java tools with container based JVMs ● JVM command line tools via docker exec ○ GC Stats: jstat --gcutil ○ Heap dumps/histograms: jmap ● Expose JMX ports for jconsole or other utilities ● Intelligent health checks ○ More than just “port 8080 is listening” ● Check third party monitoring tools for updated to be “container aware” ○ i.e. Licensing issues with older monitoring tools because each container appears as a new host ● Also, docker specific commands/tools: ○ docker stats ○ ctop
  • 85. Application Configuration Deploying to disparate environments with identical images ● Build artifacts are your Docker images, not .war files or similar ● Build images in CI, store in registry, deploy same images everywhere ● Patterns and tools to deal with configuration differences ○ Separate Stack yaml files ○ Docker secrets ○ Application configuration via volume mounts ○ Third party configuration tools such as Consul and/or Vault ■ consul-template ■ Joyent Containerpilot ■ Roll-your-own
  • 86. Environment specific Stacks ● Different environment variable values ● Services that mock production endpoints ○ db ○ web service prod.yml dev.yml
  • 87. Docker Secrets ● Stored encrypted in swam ● Exposed only to nodes that run services that need them ● Presented in container via RAM only tmpfs files ○ never persisted to disk in encrypted format ○ when container stops, secret is no longer present ● All communications between swam nodes via TLS, so secret never in the clear on the wire either ● Different secret values per environment using tags ● UCP can manage who/where secrets are available
  • 88. Application configuration in volume mounts ● Use volumes that are only available in physical environment they apply to ● Contain environment-specific application configuration properties ● DO NOT store secrets in these (use Docker Secrets or other secure mechanism) ● You can bind mount files (doesn’t have to be full directory structures)
  • 89. CI / CD With Docker EE ● Docker Reference Architecture: Development Pipeline Best Practices Using Docker EE ○
  • 90. CI / CD With Docker EE ● Integrating CI/CD with Docker EE Webinar with GitLab demo: ○
  • 91. Resources So much to talk about, so little time to do so! ● Docker Resources: ○ Development Pipeline Best Practices Using Docker EE: ○ Logging Reference Architecture: ○ Integrating CI/CD with Docker EE Webinar: ○ Training: ■ Instructor led ■ Self paced with “Play With Docker” ○ Want Docker to help you with an MTA effort? ■ ● SquareSpace Blog: Understanding Linux Container Scheduling (with JVMs)
  • 93. Docker Enterprise Edition Docker Community Edition containerd 1 2 3 4 The best container development workflow The best enterprise container security and management Native Kubernetes integration provides full ecosystem compatibility Industry-standard container runtime Docker with Swarm and Kubernetes
  • 94. Discover. Collaborate. Deploy. Using Docker to build, ship and run Kubernetes applications Patrick Chanezon Chief Developer Advocate at Docker, Inc. 11:30 AM-12:15 PM | Thursday, Feb. 22 Moscone West/Level 2, Room 2005 Session type: Breakout Session Track: Cloud, Containers & Infrastructure Docker Desktop and Enterprise Edition now both include Kubernetes as an optional orchestration component. This talk will explain how to use Docker Desktop (Mac or Windows) to develop and debug a cloud native application, then how Docker Enterprise Edition helps you deploy it to Kubernetes in production.!?id=5461
  • 95. DockerCon San Francisco June 12-15 Use code ‘Index2018’ for 10% off