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Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner
to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a
trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans.
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Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
The biggest threat to self-developers is lacking the energy to
reach their goals. This can happen in three main ways. We
may lack energy through physical tiredness, hunger or
illness. We may become mentally exhausted particularly
when things don't go our way. We may become emotionally
fatigued when others let us down or fail to do their part in
our plans. These three energy drains can be restored with
three kinds of energy source. Physical energy is available if
we learn to stay fit and look after ourselves. Mental energy
is available if we learn how to deal with negative thinking.
Emotional energy is available if we align ourselves to the
right way to work with others. Together, all three energy
sources give us Super-energy.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Apart from being good fun, exercise is a reminder that we
are free and can act rather than be acted upon. A
programme of regular exercise and aerobic fitness creates
the energy necessary to see us through to our goals.
Aerobic exercise is any exercise which is done "with air". It
includes walking, ski-ing, running, jogging, rowing, physical
lovemaking and aerobic machines.
The benefit of aerobic exercise is that it sends messages to
the brain that we need more blood. The body responds by
increasing the amount of blood in circulation, ups the level
of red blood cells, haemoglobin and plasma and creates
masses of additional blood capillaries.
The result is more energy and vitality to do what we want.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Aerobic exercise can have beneficial effects on all parts of
the body:
1. On the lungs. Aerobic exercise draws replenishing
oxygen into the capillaries of the lungs and helps to
eliminate waste
2. On the heart. A healthy heart beats less per minute
than an unhealthy heart. This means that it has less
work to do and so is more efficient.
3. On the brain. 40% of our blood supply goes to the brain
and feeds it oxygen. The more blood we produce as a
result of aerobic fitness, the more productive are our
4. On the muscles. The muscles become leaner, finer and
longer. When they are strong, they also act as mini-
pumps for the heart.
5. Other effects. Other effects of aerobic fitness are that
the digestive system is massaged and cleansed; we
sleep better; and we feel psychologically better.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Deep breathing is essential in creating a healthy
bloodstream, the foundation of all good health.
Breathing controls the flow of lymph fluid in our bodies.
Lymph fluid is vital in keeping our cells healthy by taking
oxygen from the blood and excreting toxins in return.
Without this exchange, blood proteins and excess fluid
around the lymph cells would kill us inside 24 hours.
Deep breathing, particularly from the diaphragm activates
the lymph system - which has no movement of its own - and
the system works like a vacuum cleaner or sewage system
oxygenating each cell and removing waste.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Breathing is life. When we think of life, we think of
animation and the Latin root for animation, "anima", means
both "breath" and "soul".
Breathing is the soul of life. Yet many people do not breath
properly. They breath in shallow bursts, erratically and only
with the lungs. The result is that they do not attain a state of
relaxation or full energy.
There are two keys to deep breathing:
1. exhale all the air from your body before you breath in
2. inhale using your abdominal muscles. As you fill your
abdomen with air, your lungs also expand and gradually you
fill with air up to your throat.
As well as filling you with fresh air, abdominal breathing
relaxes the solar plexus, the source of much of our tension,
and internally massages the stomach muscles.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
The quality, quantity and type of food you eat makes a
significant difference to your health and fitness and so to
your energy levels. Put simply, you are what you eat.
A number of dietary principles have been established for
years as being the basis of good health. The first two are:
1. Eat fresh food as often as possible. Top of the list of
nutritious food are fruit and vegetables grown by you or
at least locally and eaten with little processing such as
raw or lightly steamed. Next on this list is any food such
as fish which is found naturally close to you.
2. Eat a diet that is varied. Varying the diet avoids the risk
of clogging up your digestive system with excessive
amounts of one kind of food or of depleting it because
of the lack of essential nutrients.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
The following are three important principles of diet and
health to give you super-energy:
1. Eat plenty of water-rich foods. 80% of the human body
is made up of water. This liquid needs to be regularly
cleansed, diluted and eliminated. Drinking copious
supplies of water only floods the system, so the best
way to add water as nutrition is by eating water-rich
food such as fruit, salads and vegetables.
2. Eat less. In a famous study at Cornell University, Dr Clive
McCay cut the food of rats and doubled their life span.
Small meals have also been found to be the one
common factor in longevity amongst centenarians.
3. Listen to your body. Much of our eating behaviour is
habit and laziness. We eat what we've always eaten,
what is quick and easy or what appeals to our indulgent
taste buds. Eating sensibly means listening to our body's
needs and choosing wisely.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
The brain needs to be well-nourished to provide all the
energy it is capable of. Writer Tony Buzan believes that
drinking eight glasses of water a day prevents your brain
from shrinking through dehydration.
Foods that are good for the brain include:
1. oils from fish such as mackerel and salmon
2. carrots which contain vitamin A, good for scavenging up
free radicals that can attack the brain
3. vitamin B1, found in wholemeal bread, vegetables and
cereals, which helps burn up the carbohydrates which
provide the brain with its energy
4. iron in liver, eggs and leafy vegetables assists in bringing
oxygen to the brain
5. linoleic acid, part of the make-up of brain membranes,
is found in polyunsaturated fats.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
The "chains of the past" are the mental chains which drag us
down like prisoners and keep us shackled to old ideas and
limitations. In doing so, they deprive us of mental energy.
Two such chains of the past are labels and flat-world beliefs:
1. Labels from the past. These are the labels others gave us
when we were growing up and that we incorporate into the
identity of who we are.
"John's no good at maths."
"He'll never do as well as his sister."
2. Flat-world beliefs. Flat-world beliefs are paradigms or
ways of seeing the world that are taken for granted as
accepted wisdom in the cultures in which we live, eg
"Women don't make tough managers."; "All male managers
are aggressive."
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Three chains of the past that deprive us of mental energy
are scotomas, habits and musts:
1. Scotomas. A scotoma is a blind spot on the eye due to a
disease of the retina. It comes from the Greek word
"scotos" meaning "darkness". When we have scotomas, we
have blind spots in the way we see ourselves and others.
"He thinks he's too young to be Chief Executive."; "She
thinks they won't accept a coloured person for the job."
2. Habits. Many beliefs we have about ourselves are the
result of habit. If we habitually put ourselves down, despite
our real capabilities, we are likely to get stuck in
unproductive ways of thinking and acting.
3. Musts. The "musts" in our lives are the beliefs imposed by
others on us. They are the views expressed with the words
"must", "should" and "ought". "I must do things right."; "I
must work harder." "I must please others."
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Earl Nightingale tells the story of the farmer who, early in
the growing season, found a one-gallon jug beside his field
of pumpkins and, for no particular reason, poked a small
pumpkin into the jug without damaging the vine.
Later when the pumpkins were full grown and were being
picked and stacked, he came across the jug again, this time
completely filled with the pumpkin he’d poked inside. The
pumpkin had filled the jug completely, and had stopped
growing; it was the size and shape of the jug.
Earl realised that, just like the pumpkin in the jug, we often
stop growing by accepting the chains of our past. If we wind
up in spaces too small, it's because we make the decision
not to grow any more. We poke ourselves into a small
However, just as we have the power to limit our growth, we
also have the power to break through the limitations and
become all we can be.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Albert Ellis, originator of Rational Emotive Therapy, said that
we all carry around with us certain irrational beliefs which
limit our mental capacities. These are "evil spells" or chains
of the past.
When we scrutinise each irrational belief carefully - such as
the "musts" in our lives, the labels we give ourselves, and
the culturally-acquired thinking patterns - we are on the
road to breaking free of them.
"Look closely at those infantile suggestions of the
unconscious, such as "I can't do this", "I'm not allowed to do
that." Determine not to let them dominate you. Pull them
up by the roots, examine them and reject them one by
one." (Bertrand Russell)
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Finding reasons for not pursuing our goals is one of the chief
blocks to mental energy. It is the disease of excusitis.
Excusitis may be the result of the following blocks:
1. fear of failure
2. excessive concern for what's going on here and now and
little focus on the future
3. blaming others
4. · unresolved business tying you to the past
5. your excuse that you don't have enough information to
6. the excuse that you don't have permission to act
7. being too busy doing other less important things
8. lack of forward planning
9. idleness
"Success comes in cans, not cannots."
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
When you set yourself up to achieve big goals, it is
inevitable that you will meet setbacks at some point.
Setbacks may be caused by rejections, early failures to
achieve targets and frustration at what appears to be a
hopeless task. But it is how you deal with setbacks that
determines how long it will be before you are back on
course and on the way to winning.
Here are four tips to help you overcome your setbacks:
1. don't be discouraged; think of the "geniuses" of history
who faced far worse and came through
2. learn something from every setback; there's a message in
there for you
3. get back to work and achieve any kind of success
4. recognise that adversity builds mental muscles.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
One man who was a true example of
persistence in the face of setbacks was Abraham
Lincoln. Just look at his list of failures:
1816 His family was forced out of their home
and he had to work to support them.
1818 His mother died.
1831 He failed in business.
1832 He ran for state legislature and lost.
l832 He also lost his job, wanted to go to law
school but couldn't get in.1
1833 He borrowed some money from a friend
to begin a business and by the end of the year
he was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years of
his life paying off this debt.
1835 He was engaged to be married, but his
sweetheart died and his heart was broken.
1836 He had a total nervous breakdown and
was in bed for six months.
1838 He sought to become speaker of the state
legislature and was defeated.
1840 He sought to become elector and was
1843 He ran for Congress and lost.
1848 He ran for re-election to Congress and lost.
1849 He sought the job of land officer in his
home state and was rejected.
1854 He ran for Senate of the United States and
1856 He sought the Vice-Presidential
nomination at his party's national convention
and got less than 100 votes.
1858 He ran for U.S. Senate again and again he
Finally, in 1860, he was elected President of the
United States
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Those who achieve their goals know how to handle worry.
Worry arises when we start to let doubts creep in about
what could happen to us if things should go wrong.
Here's a worry relief manual:
1. turn worrying thoughts inside out. Instead of thinking
about the worst that could happen, think about the best
that could happen. Worry in positives.
2. keep so busy that you have no time for worrying
3. live in day-tight compartments where you can take one
step at a time
4. don't let a small niggle or failure cloud the rest of what
you've achieved.
5. don't over-react to worries. The chances are that what
you fear won't happen anyway.
6. write your worries in the sand and let the tide carry
them away. Then forget them.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Stephen Covey tells a story written by Arthur
Gordon called "The Turn of the Tide".
In it, Gordon recalls a time when he was
consumed by worry. In the end, he went to see
a physician who told him to spend the following
day in the place where he had been happiest as
a child. Then he gave him four prescriptions in
sealed envelopes, to be opened at 9, 12, 3 and 6
o'clock the next day.
Gordon duly went back to his favourite retreat
beside the sea. At 9 o'clock, he opened the first
prescription. It read: "Listen carefully." Gordon
did as instructed. For the rest of the morning he
tuned in to the sounds of the birds and the sea
and felt a growing peace.
At noon he opened the second prescription. It
read: "Try Reaching Back." Gordon thought
about the meaning of this phrase and, reaching
back, he recalled times of happiness,
achievement and fulfilment.
When three o'clock came, he opened
prescription three and read: "Examine Your
Motives". Gordon thought of the work he was
engaged on at present. Slowly it dawned on him
that all his present endeavours were aimed at
satisfying his own needs. He changed his
motives so that they were aimed at helping the
needs of others.
Finally, at six o'clock, Gordon opened the last
prescription and read: "Write your worries in
the sand." He did as instructed, writing the few
remaining worries he had and turned
homeward, knowing that the lapping waves
would soon wash all his worries away.
(Re-printed with permission)
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Self-developers achieve most when they work with others,
rather than against them or in isolation from them. Knute
Rockner, an American baseball coach, never played anyone
who didn't like all his teammates.
1. Self-developers listen more than they talk.
2. Self-developers develop the likeability personality.
3. Self-developers don't see people as superior or inferior
to them; just as people.
4. Self-developers take advice from others.
5. Self-developers welcome criticism non-defensively.
6. Self-developers don't use comparisons with others to
put themselves or others down.
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming
interested in other people than in two years by trying to get
other people interested in you." (Dale Carnegie)
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
President Lyndon Johnson of the United States had a
remarkable affinity for getting to know and like people and
for getting them to know and like him in return.
This is Johnson's 10-point plan for getting along with others:
1. learn to remember people's names
2. be an "old-shoe person" - someone who is easy to get
along with
3. acquire an easy-going nature, so things don't ruffle you
4. guard against the impression that you know it all
5. cultivate the quality of being interesting
6. study to get the "scratchy" features out of your
7. drain off your grievances; heal your misunderstandings
8. practise liking people until you genuinely do
9. never miss a chance to praise people
10. give spiritual strength to people and they'll give genuine
affection back.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Mike George of says that you don't need to be a
religious person to give out spiritual strength to others. All it
needs is an awareness of "God within us". Literally, this
translates into "enthusiasm". When someone has this
quality in a group, they are like the sun coming out on a
cloudy day.
Such people have the following features:
a. they never see the dark side of things
b. they are energetically proactive
c. they don't seek the limelight
d. they bubble with ideas
e. they infect others with their upbeat nature
f. they respect everyone they meet
g. there is a sparkle in their eyes
h. they live in the moment.
Like the sun, such people have a great attraction about
them. By demonstrating super-energy, they are natural
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
A key feature of maximising potential is to ally our strengths
to the opportunities we see around us.
Opportunities abound everywhere where people have
needs for service and solutions. When we tap in to this
energy, by offering our services to others, we flow with it.
This kind of win-win, mutually beneficial working is often
referred to as a form of aikido, the Japanese martial art of
self-defence. Aikido teaches its proponents to notice the
strength and direction of an opponent's energy and, instead
of blocking it, to go with it, merging it with their own
energy. In this way opposition can be re-directed and added
to your strength. In the same way we can notice the
opportunities around us and become stronger by going with
See the opportunities, seize them. Carpe diem: seize the
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Various writers have alluded to a curious phenomenon that
happens when you tune in to other people. Without
exchanging words you can have the same thoughts. The
psychologist, Carl Jung, called it "synchronicity" or
meaningful chance. Others might call it coincidence or a
synergistic response.
What has been found is that when you tune in to others,
you are able to tap into a collective consciousness as if all
resources and knowledge came from a higher existence.
Scientists have discovered it when they produce similar
work at the same time but with no contact. It has also been
discovered in the natural world when animals in different
parts of the globe adopt similar behaviours at the same
time. And in a mundane way, it is what happens when you
and a colleague have the same thoughts, hum the same
tune and do the same thing at the same time.
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
Maximising Your Potential
MTL Course Topics
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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  • 1. 1 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics MAXIMISING YOUR POTENTIAL Super-Energy
  • 2. 2 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION The biggest threat to self-developers is lacking the energy to reach their goals. This can happen in three main ways. We may lack energy through physical tiredness, hunger or illness. We may become mentally exhausted particularly when things don't go our way. We may become emotionally fatigued when others let us down or fail to do their part in our plans. These three energy drains can be restored with three kinds of energy source. Physical energy is available if we learn to stay fit and look after ourselves. Mental energy is available if we learn how to deal with negative thinking. Emotional energy is available if we align ourselves to the right way to work with others. Together, all three energy sources give us Super-energy.
  • 5. 5 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics PHYSICAL ENERGY Apart from being good fun, exercise is a reminder that we are free and can act rather than be acted upon. A programme of regular exercise and aerobic fitness creates the energy necessary to see us through to our goals. Aerobic exercise is any exercise which is done "with air". It includes walking, ski-ing, running, jogging, rowing, physical lovemaking and aerobic machines. The benefit of aerobic exercise is that it sends messages to the brain that we need more blood. The body responds by increasing the amount of blood in circulation, ups the level of red blood cells, haemoglobin and plasma and creates masses of additional blood capillaries. The result is more energy and vitality to do what we want.
  • 6. 6 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics AEROBIC EXERCISE Aerobic exercise can have beneficial effects on all parts of the body: 1. On the lungs. Aerobic exercise draws replenishing oxygen into the capillaries of the lungs and helps to eliminate waste 2. On the heart. A healthy heart beats less per minute than an unhealthy heart. This means that it has less work to do and so is more efficient. 3. On the brain. 40% of our blood supply goes to the brain and feeds it oxygen. The more blood we produce as a result of aerobic fitness, the more productive are our brains. 4. On the muscles. The muscles become leaner, finer and longer. When they are strong, they also act as mini- pumps for the heart. 5. Other effects. Other effects of aerobic fitness are that the digestive system is massaged and cleansed; we sleep better; and we feel psychologically better.
  • 7. 7 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics DEEP BREATHING Deep breathing is essential in creating a healthy bloodstream, the foundation of all good health. Breathing controls the flow of lymph fluid in our bodies. Lymph fluid is vital in keeping our cells healthy by taking oxygen from the blood and excreting toxins in return. Without this exchange, blood proteins and excess fluid around the lymph cells would kill us inside 24 hours. Deep breathing, particularly from the diaphragm activates the lymph system - which has no movement of its own - and the system works like a vacuum cleaner or sewage system oxygenating each cell and removing waste.
  • 8. 8 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics BREATHING IS LIFE Breathing is life. When we think of life, we think of animation and the Latin root for animation, "anima", means both "breath" and "soul". Breathing is the soul of life. Yet many people do not breath properly. They breath in shallow bursts, erratically and only with the lungs. The result is that they do not attain a state of relaxation or full energy. There are two keys to deep breathing: 1. exhale all the air from your body before you breath in 2. inhale using your abdominal muscles. As you fill your abdomen with air, your lungs also expand and gradually you fill with air up to your throat. As well as filling you with fresh air, abdominal breathing relaxes the solar plexus, the source of much of our tension, and internally massages the stomach muscles.
  • 9. 9 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics DIET The quality, quantity and type of food you eat makes a significant difference to your health and fitness and so to your energy levels. Put simply, you are what you eat. A number of dietary principles have been established for years as being the basis of good health. The first two are: 1. Eat fresh food as often as possible. Top of the list of nutritious food are fruit and vegetables grown by you or at least locally and eaten with little processing such as raw or lightly steamed. Next on this list is any food such as fish which is found naturally close to you. 2. Eat a diet that is varied. Varying the diet avoids the risk of clogging up your digestive system with excessive amounts of one kind of food or of depleting it because of the lack of essential nutrients.
  • 10. 10 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics DIET AND HEALTH The following are three important principles of diet and health to give you super-energy: 1. Eat plenty of water-rich foods. 80% of the human body is made up of water. This liquid needs to be regularly cleansed, diluted and eliminated. Drinking copious supplies of water only floods the system, so the best way to add water as nutrition is by eating water-rich food such as fruit, salads and vegetables. 2. Eat less. In a famous study at Cornell University, Dr Clive McCay cut the food of rats and doubled their life span. Small meals have also been found to be the one common factor in longevity amongst centenarians. 3. Listen to your body. Much of our eating behaviour is habit and laziness. We eat what we've always eaten, what is quick and easy or what appeals to our indulgent taste buds. Eating sensibly means listening to our body's needs and choosing wisely.
  • 11. 11 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics BRAINFOOD The brain needs to be well-nourished to provide all the energy it is capable of. Writer Tony Buzan believes that drinking eight glasses of water a day prevents your brain from shrinking through dehydration. Foods that are good for the brain include: 1. oils from fish such as mackerel and salmon 2. carrots which contain vitamin A, good for scavenging up free radicals that can attack the brain 3. vitamin B1, found in wholemeal bread, vegetables and cereals, which helps burn up the carbohydrates which provide the brain with its energy 4. iron in liver, eggs and leafy vegetables assists in bringing oxygen to the brain 5. linoleic acid, part of the make-up of brain membranes, is found in polyunsaturated fats.
  • 12. 12 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics MENTAL ENERGY The "chains of the past" are the mental chains which drag us down like prisoners and keep us shackled to old ideas and limitations. In doing so, they deprive us of mental energy. Two such chains of the past are labels and flat-world beliefs: 1. Labels from the past. These are the labels others gave us when we were growing up and that we incorporate into the identity of who we are. "John's no good at maths." "He'll never do as well as his sister." 2. Flat-world beliefs. Flat-world beliefs are paradigms or ways of seeing the world that are taken for granted as accepted wisdom in the cultures in which we live, eg "Women don't make tough managers."; "All male managers are aggressive."
  • 13. 13 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics CHAINS OF THE PAST Three chains of the past that deprive us of mental energy are scotomas, habits and musts: 1. Scotomas. A scotoma is a blind spot on the eye due to a disease of the retina. It comes from the Greek word "scotos" meaning "darkness". When we have scotomas, we have blind spots in the way we see ourselves and others. "He thinks he's too young to be Chief Executive."; "She thinks they won't accept a coloured person for the job." 2. Habits. Many beliefs we have about ourselves are the result of habit. If we habitually put ourselves down, despite our real capabilities, we are likely to get stuck in unproductive ways of thinking and acting. 3. Musts. The "musts" in our lives are the beliefs imposed by others on us. They are the views expressed with the words "must", "should" and "ought". "I must do things right."; "I must work harder." "I must please others."
  • 14. 14 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics THE PUMPKIN IN THE JUG Earl Nightingale tells the story of the farmer who, early in the growing season, found a one-gallon jug beside his field of pumpkins and, for no particular reason, poked a small pumpkin into the jug without damaging the vine. Later when the pumpkins were full grown and were being picked and stacked, he came across the jug again, this time completely filled with the pumpkin he’d poked inside. The pumpkin had filled the jug completely, and had stopped growing; it was the size and shape of the jug. Earl realised that, just like the pumpkin in the jug, we often stop growing by accepting the chains of our past. If we wind up in spaces too small, it's because we make the decision not to grow any more. We poke ourselves into a small space. However, just as we have the power to limit our growth, we also have the power to break through the limitations and become all we can be.
  • 15. 15 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics RATIONALISING Albert Ellis, originator of Rational Emotive Therapy, said that we all carry around with us certain irrational beliefs which limit our mental capacities. These are "evil spells" or chains of the past. When we scrutinise each irrational belief carefully - such as the "musts" in our lives, the labels we give ourselves, and the culturally-acquired thinking patterns - we are on the road to breaking free of them. "Look closely at those infantile suggestions of the unconscious, such as "I can't do this", "I'm not allowed to do that." Determine not to let them dominate you. Pull them up by the roots, examine them and reject them one by one." (Bertrand Russell)
  • 16. 16 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics EXCUSITIS Finding reasons for not pursuing our goals is one of the chief blocks to mental energy. It is the disease of excusitis. Excusitis may be the result of the following blocks: 1. fear of failure 2. excessive concern for what's going on here and now and little focus on the future 3. blaming others 4. · unresolved business tying you to the past 5. your excuse that you don't have enough information to act 6. the excuse that you don't have permission to act 7. being too busy doing other less important things 8. lack of forward planning 9. idleness "Success comes in cans, not cannots."
  • 17. 17 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics SETBACKS When you set yourself up to achieve big goals, it is inevitable that you will meet setbacks at some point. Setbacks may be caused by rejections, early failures to achieve targets and frustration at what appears to be a hopeless task. But it is how you deal with setbacks that determines how long it will be before you are back on course and on the way to winning. Here are four tips to help you overcome your setbacks: 1. don't be discouraged; think of the "geniuses" of history who faced far worse and came through 2. learn something from every setback; there's a message in there for you 3. get back to work and achieve any kind of success 4. recognise that adversity builds mental muscles.
  • 18. 18 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S "SETBACKS" One man who was a true example of persistence in the face of setbacks was Abraham Lincoln. Just look at his list of failures: 1816 His family was forced out of their home and he had to work to support them. 1818 His mother died. 1831 He failed in business. 1832 He ran for state legislature and lost. l832 He also lost his job, wanted to go to law school but couldn't get in.1 1833 He borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business and by the end of the year he was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years of his life paying off this debt. 1835 He was engaged to be married, but his sweetheart died and his heart was broken. 1836 He had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months. 1838 He sought to become speaker of the state legislature and was defeated. 1840 He sought to become elector and was defeated. 1843 He ran for Congress and lost. 1848 He ran for re-election to Congress and lost. 1849 He sought the job of land officer in his home state and was rejected. 1854 He ran for Senate of the United States and lost. 1856 He sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party's national convention and got less than 100 votes. 1858 He ran for U.S. Senate again and again he lost. Finally, in 1860, he was elected President of the United States
  • 19. 19 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics WORRY Those who achieve their goals know how to handle worry. Worry arises when we start to let doubts creep in about what could happen to us if things should go wrong. Here's a worry relief manual: 1. turn worrying thoughts inside out. Instead of thinking about the worst that could happen, think about the best that could happen. Worry in positives. 2. keep so busy that you have no time for worrying 3. live in day-tight compartments where you can take one step at a time 4. don't let a small niggle or failure cloud the rest of what you've achieved. 5. don't over-react to worries. The chances are that what you fear won't happen anyway. 6. write your worries in the sand and let the tide carry them away. Then forget them.
  • 20. 20 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics THE TURN OF THE TIDE Stephen Covey tells a story written by Arthur Gordon called "The Turn of the Tide". In it, Gordon recalls a time when he was consumed by worry. In the end, he went to see a physician who told him to spend the following day in the place where he had been happiest as a child. Then he gave him four prescriptions in sealed envelopes, to be opened at 9, 12, 3 and 6 o'clock the next day. Gordon duly went back to his favourite retreat beside the sea. At 9 o'clock, he opened the first prescription. It read: "Listen carefully." Gordon did as instructed. For the rest of the morning he tuned in to the sounds of the birds and the sea and felt a growing peace. At noon he opened the second prescription. It read: "Try Reaching Back." Gordon thought about the meaning of this phrase and, reaching back, he recalled times of happiness, achievement and fulfilment. When three o'clock came, he opened prescription three and read: "Examine Your Motives". Gordon thought of the work he was engaged on at present. Slowly it dawned on him that all his present endeavours were aimed at satisfying his own needs. He changed his motives so that they were aimed at helping the needs of others. Finally, at six o'clock, Gordon opened the last prescription and read: "Write your worries in the sand." He did as instructed, writing the few remaining worries he had and turned homeward, knowing that the lapping waves would soon wash all his worries away. (Re-printed with permission)
  • 21. 21 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics THE ENERGY FROM OTHERS Self-developers achieve most when they work with others, rather than against them or in isolation from them. Knute Rockner, an American baseball coach, never played anyone who didn't like all his teammates. 1. Self-developers listen more than they talk. 2. Self-developers develop the likeability personality. 3. Self-developers don't see people as superior or inferior to them; just as people. 4. Self-developers take advice from others. 5. Self-developers welcome criticism non-defensively. 6. Self-developers don't use comparisons with others to put themselves or others down. "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." (Dale Carnegie)
  • 22. 22 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics THE GET-ALONG GUIDE President Lyndon Johnson of the United States had a remarkable affinity for getting to know and like people and for getting them to know and like him in return. This is Johnson's 10-point plan for getting along with others: 1. learn to remember people's names 2. be an "old-shoe person" - someone who is easy to get along with 3. acquire an easy-going nature, so things don't ruffle you 4. guard against the impression that you know it all 5. cultivate the quality of being interesting 6. study to get the "scratchy" features out of your personality 7. drain off your grievances; heal your misunderstandings 8. practise liking people until you genuinely do 9. never miss a chance to praise people 10. give spiritual strength to people and they'll give genuine affection back.
  • 23. 23 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics GIVE SPIRITUAL STRENGTH Mike George of says that you don't need to be a religious person to give out spiritual strength to others. All it needs is an awareness of "God within us". Literally, this translates into "enthusiasm". When someone has this quality in a group, they are like the sun coming out on a cloudy day. Such people have the following features: a. they never see the dark side of things b. they are energetically proactive c. they don't seek the limelight d. they bubble with ideas e. they infect others with their upbeat nature f. they respect everyone they meet g. there is a sparkle in their eyes h. they live in the moment. Like the sun, such people have a great attraction about them. By demonstrating super-energy, they are natural leaders.
  • 24. 24 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics CARPE DIEM! A key feature of maximising potential is to ally our strengths to the opportunities we see around us. Opportunities abound everywhere where people have needs for service and solutions. When we tap in to this energy, by offering our services to others, we flow with it. This kind of win-win, mutually beneficial working is often referred to as a form of aikido, the Japanese martial art of self-defence. Aikido teaches its proponents to notice the strength and direction of an opponent's energy and, instead of blocking it, to go with it, merging it with their own energy. In this way opposition can be re-directed and added to your strength. In the same way we can notice the opportunities around us and become stronger by going with them. See the opportunities, seize them. Carpe diem: seize the day.
  • 25. 25 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics SYNCHRONICITY Various writers have alluded to a curious phenomenon that happens when you tune in to other people. Without exchanging words you can have the same thoughts. The psychologist, Carl Jung, called it "synchronicity" or meaningful chance. Others might call it coincidence or a synergistic response. What has been found is that when you tune in to others, you are able to tap into a collective consciousness as if all resources and knowledge came from a higher existence. Scientists have discovered it when they produce similar work at the same time but with no contact. It has also been discovered in the natural world when animals in different parts of the globe adopt similar behaviours at the same time. And in a mundane way, it is what happens when you and a colleague have the same thoughts, hum the same tune and do the same thing at the same time.
  • 26. 26 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 27. 27 | Super-Energy Maximising Your Potential MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn