learning analytics datatel linked data education handover learning recommender systems data competition patient safety recommender laceproject privacy ethics evaluation framework linkedup health2.0 recsys data mashups data in education open web data medicine2.0 technology enhanced learning health20 tel remashed networks trust group concept mapping educational data mining e-health learning networks ple mupple technology informal big data educational data surf sig learning analytics science2.0 educational datasets workshop datasets emergence web2.0 simulation systems enhanced e-learning educational technologies bachelor multimodal master thesis gdpr checklist higher education xapi surf sig la leaning analytics medical education patient empowerment lasi13 evaluation criteria open science open access celstec change management privacy protection community web20 elearning research tencompetence collaborative_filtering tcws09 system technoogy-enhanced educational technology smart-speaker germany analytics code of conduct policy associative learning smart-watch multi-channel learning experimental study computer science dancing salsa tutor kinect avg dsgvo dashboard efla evaluation snola learning design lasi spain emadrid solar watchme pelars eco project data standards interoperability lace project open education ep4la transparency university workplace school #sr2015 #learninganalytics #sr15heerlen future studies onderwijsdagen vision policy delphi owd2015 lrs learning record store ims caliper metadata standards #lak14 empirical study #lakdata14 data competition comprable results stakeholder analysis mobile learning analytics learning analytics research overview pilot studies master class learning analytics framework lasi amsterdam medical distance education data mining tutorial visualisation one year report empirical studies curriculum mobile apps in health tel4health hospital discharge discharge letters medical error mobile learning communication skills mobile applications near field communication. apps app handover health2.0 medicine2.0 mobile device p patient_safety handover patient_project gma_confer patient #kennisnet #surf sig la #mc_la learning theories amsterdam lak13 data challenge lak13 open web data applications academic analytics recommender system data pool ounl open data live impact factor mlearn2012 mobile learning handover discharge lett recsystel challenges ectel data mendeley lak best paper recsystel12 ectel2012 cscw ods participative design open discovery space lak12 international survey lak12 lald datatel linkededucation lak12 learning_analytics linked_data web_of_data lald siks adaptation personalization 6_tel informel learning organisational innovation special interest group community of practice edcuational datamining legal protection sa_la recommnder systems data driven learning research2.0 kmi podium benchmarking lecture introduction technoogy-enhanced learning stellarnet arv11 datatel11 arv2011 data sharing patient care informal learning networked based learning intervention knowledge management health medical intervention research20 europe organisational change educational ectel10 open innovation reserach science20 data products digital ecosystems medical analysis methodology data tel recsystel ectel2010 datatel icl2010 roundtable icl2010 ltfll torell wookie widget interwidgetcomm learning networks digital ecosystems recommendersy handover community medical intervention patient sa recommender system mashup adaptation informal lear arcar09 stellar informal learning phd defense recommender navigation learningnetwork ectel09 mupple09 icl09 sirtel09 icwl09 aggregator flickr delicious youtube twitter slideshare zend online learning_network recommeder up bottom netlogo winterschool 2009 rescope experiment pecha_kucha vle mash-up recommender_system recommendations personal_learning_environments blackboard moodle virtual_learning_environments onlineeduca lms 2008 sirtel08 social science
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