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Self Leading
kids cooking tools
for creativity
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Doyoon Chee
Supervisor : Sungshik Lee
Second supervisor : Jongho Lee
1.  Background
2.  Thesis Aim (+Scope of study)
3.  Research Question
4.  Research plan + Goal
5.  Initial research–
6.  Initial finding analysis
7.  Hypothesis
8.  Next schedule
9.  References
understand make1
3 4
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
[101 Design method] –process
Vijay Kumar
1.) Literature review
2) Ethnography(observation)
3) Interview
2) Activity network
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“What I did last semester”
I really love kids and
I want them to grow healthy and happily.
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class”
Education philosopher 하이드브랜드
“One of the best activity that kids are interested in is cooking”
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class”
The purpose of children’s cooking is to have a chance
to participate in cooking activity and feel sense of
achievement, not to cook food tasty and pretty.
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class”
Cooking activity helps kids to improve their creativity
and perceptual ability. It is a integrated education
process that is very interesting and effective.
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class”
But it is difficult for parents to cook with
their kids at home for many reasons,
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class”
Parents are looking for cooking class where kids can
learn cooking as a education concept, and kids can
learned from professional teachers.
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class” - creativity
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class” - creativity
The result of the analysis shows significant difference that after participating
cooking class, whole creativity value has been increased.
요리활동이 유아의 창의성에 미치는 영향 (김정희,2012)
COOKING ACTIVITY Kids’ creativity development
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class” – creativity definition
What is creativity for kids?
Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed.
Children tend to do research and study by following their interest and curiosity, so that
creativity education is more effective when the target is children.
(심성경 외, 2003)
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class” - creativity 살펴보기 - problem statement
After visiting, I found kids are very self leading and willing to do
cooking activity spontaneously.
(observation, interview)
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class” - problem statement
Kids participate in cooking activity with self directedness
because they feel like they are doing ‘adult's field’.
But they are following teacher’s recipe and instruction,
So voluntariness level of creativity is low.
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class” - problem statement
Kids participate in cooking activity with self directedness
because they feel like they are doing ‘adult's field’.
But they are following teacher’s recipe and instruction,
So voluntariness level of creativity is low.
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class” – creativity- self directedness
To arose creativity, it is important to set up environment that kids can experience various
things. And this start with ‘play’. Methods of play must be employed and took into consideration.
유아기 창의성을 위한 색채교육 개선 방안 연구, (안수영,2013)
MOTHOD OF PLAY Kids’ creativity development
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class” – relationship (thread) between play and self leading
Characteristic of ‘play’ that scholars claimed commonly,
is voluntariness, in other word ,self leading, and it is
correspond with core concept of creativity.
유아기 창의성을 위한 색채교육 개선 방안 연구, (안수영,2013)
Kids’ self LeadingMOTHOD OF PLAY
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Among characteristic of play, Physical voluntariness,
Cognitive intuition, Social Spontaneity is related to
‘self leading’
유아기 창의성을 위한 색채교육 개선 방안 연구, (안수영,2013)PLAYFULNESS
Physical voluntariness
Cognitive intuition
Social Spontaneity
Expression of joy
Sense of humor
<characteristic of play>
Background “Kids cooking class” – creativity- self directedness
신체적 자발성, 인지적 자발성, 사회적 자발성
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class”
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class”
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class”
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class”
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
“Kids cooking class”
Thesis Aim (scope of the study)
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
To suggest maximized ‘SELF LEADING’ design, which is sub elements of
‘playing environment’ to increase the value of cooking class’ creativity effect.
Thesis Aim (scope of the study)
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Among various kids creativity development activity, I chose ‘cooking activity’
as a domain of study 	
Maximize ‘SELF LEADING’ factor which is sub elements of ‘playing
To provide ‘playful environment’ for better development of creativity.
Research Question
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Research Question 1 :
What is structure of experience that construct ‘play’ environment?
Research Question 2 :
What is ‘kids self leading’ in cooking class?
Research Question 3
What is structure of ‘self leading’ experience in cooking class
(-include problem, the problem’s cause)
Research Question 4 :
Any other possible solutions that is related to ‘self leading’? (in other field)
Research Plan & Goal
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
User group definition (target : kids) 으로 유저를 이해한 후 다음 리서치 진행
- To understand structure of ‘self leading experience’ in kids cooking class
-  Find unmet needs
Observation plan & goal
1)  4/3 신촌 청정원 어린이 요리 공방 visiting
and observation
11:00 -12:30
2) 4/21 yomiyomi 여의도점 4/20 3:00pm
Specific visiting plan
Research Plan & Goal
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
2.Interview – parents
-To understand structure of ‘self leading experience’ in kids cooking class
-can see parents’ inner needs.
Interview plan & goal
1) Parents with kids who participate cooking
class frequency is low.
1.  동협오빠 사촌누나(예정) 아빠와 함께하는 도시락
만들기 요리수업에 참여한 경험이 있다.
2) Kids who attend cooking class often.
3) Parents with kids who participate cooking
class frequency is high.
1.  8세 여아 어머니 –phone interview ok
2.  7세 여아 어머니) - phone interview ok
4) Kids who attend cooking class usually.
1. 요미요미 요리학원에서 어린이 포토 인터뷰(예정)
Specific interview plan
Research Plan & Goal
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
2.Interview – expert
-To understand structure of ‘self leading experience’ in kids cooking class
-Verify importance of ‘self leading’ through interview.
Interview plan & goal
1) 교사1 :고아름 (경력: 1년, 24세, 초등학교 어린이
방과후 활동으로 과학요리활동 지도중)
2) 교사2 : 요미요미 교사 (경력:1년이상)
Specific interview plan
Research Plan & Goal
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
*interview + observation= ethnography
open coding – “AEIOU frame work” -to analysis and categorize each experience
To analyze users’ unmet needs related to ‘self leading’ (to find why).
Initial Research – literature review ( about self leading, play, and creativity)
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
교사가 어린이들에게 요리활동의 재료나 기구를 일방적으로 시범만을 보이는 교사주도 요
리활동보다는 유아들이 활동, 재료의 조리방법과 장비의 조절, 활동의 계획, 탐색활동, 조리
과정에 참여하는 유아 주도적 요리활동의 교수방법으로 진행되어야 할 것이다. 유아가 과정
을 중시하고 사물을 조작하며 사고할 수 있는 충분한 기회가 제공되어져야 할 것이다. 요리
활동에서 교사의 태도나 교사가 취하는 교수방법, 유아와의 상호작용, 교수 자료등은 매우
중요하다. (cosgrove,1991 ; Dajl,1998 ; Kamii&Devries,1992)
요리활동에서 교수전략은 유아에 의해 능동적 학습을 강조하여 유아 스스로 발견하도록 도
와주고 유아 자신이 사고자일 뿐 아니라 학습자로서 유아 스스로 탐구 학습하는 과정에서
성취감을 맛보도록 기회를 제공해 주는 것이다. (이경우-이정환,1992)
유아들이 직접 재료를 측정하고, 혼합하고, 냄새 맡고, 맛보고, 느끼게 해야 하고, 꼭 필요할
떄를 제외하고 요리과정에서 질문하고 유아들이 스스로 답을 찾게 도와주도록 한다.
유아들에 있어 음식을 만들어 보는 경험은 놀랍고 흥미로운 일이다. 이것은 유 아의 놀이인
동시에 학습이 될 수 있다. 왜냐하면 유치원에서의 요리활동은 많 은 것을 발견할 수 있는
기회를 제공하여 주며 무엇을 만든다는 성취감과 무엇 을 해내었다는 기쁨을 준다. 그리고
요리과정에서의 오감을 이용하여 여러 가 지 재료를 보고, 마지고, 냄새 맡고, 썰고, 끓이면
서 직접적인 조작과 실제적인 경험을 하게 된다. 더불어 여러 재료들의 물리적, 화학적인
변화, 예를 들면 음 식물이 고체에서 액체로 변하는 것, 물이 끓을 때의 수증기, 모양과 색의
변화, 요리
시 사용하는 가스나 전기 등 에너지의 개념 등은 다양한 과학적 개념을 길러주며 나아가
요리활동을 통해 친구, 교사와 언어적 상호작용 하기, 요리과 정이나 결과를 그리고 쓰기 등
을 통해 언어발달을 돕고, 요리활동을 통해 실제 생활에서의 측정, 분류하기, 숫자 세기 등
의 수 개념을 익히며, 요리는 여러 나 라 민족의 다양한 요리법을 포함하므로 자신의 세계와
그 밖의 다른 세계에 대 한 이해를 증진시키는 다문화적 개념도 포함한다. 이처럼 요리활동
은 먹는다는 즐거움이 수반되면서도 모든 영역이 통합된 교육과정으로 다학문적 접근이 가
장 잘되는 매우 효과적이고 흥미 있는 활동이다. 그러므로 유아교육 현장에서 요리활동에
대한 보다 다양한 연구와 개발이 이루어져야 할 것이다. (김정영,2002)
놀이의 방법으로 교육하는 것은 비단 색채교육 뿐 아니라 유아를 대상으로 한 교육이 라면
어떤 분야에서도 적용이 되는 내용이라고 할 수 있다. 놀이는 이처럼 유아와 구 분지어 생각
할 수 없는 좋은 배움의 수단이며 특히 유아기의 창의성 발달을 위해서는 필수적인 교육의
수단이 된다. 놀이라는 행위는 유아의 자발성이 전제되어 있다. 하지만 우리나라의 실제 교
육 현장 에서는 놀이의 방법으로 교수 학습 방법이 계획되어 있으나 교육 현장의 실제 과정
에 있어서의 자발성과 주도성은 유아들이 아닌 교사와 부모에게 있는 경우가 대부분이었
다. 놀이가 유아 교육에 있어서 중요한 의미를 가짐에도 불구하고 놀이지도의 실태는 많은
문제점을 가지고 있었다. (안수영,2013)
Form 1992 to 2016)
Initial Research – observation
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
4/3 신촌 청정원 어린이 요리 공방 visiting and observation
11:00 -12:30
Which is public class.
Took photo and document specific action and
Initial Research – observation
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
4/21 요미요미 여의도점 3:30 방문
Which is private class (2-5 kids in one class)
Initial Research – interview
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Interview Question list
During interview -voice record, key word note taking
Initial finding analysis
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
AEIOU-spontaneity categorized
Among characteristic of play, Physical voluntariness,
Cognitive intuition, Social Spontaneity is related to
‘self leading’
유아기 창의성을 위한 색채교육 개선 방안 연구, (안수영,2013)PLAYFULNESS
Physical voluntariness
Cognitive intuition
Social Spontaneity
Expression of joy
Sense of humor
<characteristic of play>
Initial finding analysis -AEIOU
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Each of the elements are the
fact and needs that I found
from interview and observation
Initial finding analysis -AEIOU
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Initial finding analysis -AEIOU
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Initial finding analysis _ summary
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
AEIOU-experience categorized
< Structure of self leading experience of cooking class>
Controlled kids. Voluntariness exploration using 5 senses (try smell, try touch..) self washing hands.
Teach kids to grip Pan and knife (which can be dangerous) well so that kids can use actively. Kids play
with (plastic)knife actively.
kids communication with parents constantly. Use public(common) tools and ingredients.-need give and
take. Competition of speed with friends. Teacher’s demonstration and kids task alternate with each
other. Because of time and space restraints ‘group’ activity is very common – kids cooperation
Induce answer through question. decrease spontaneous from fear of danger. Induce science, mathematical
thought through question. Commend dangerous task to parent/teacher’s care. Even voluntarily separate
the trash. they feel like they are doing ‘adult's field’. Voluntariness according to ingredient friendliness (if
kids don’t like the ingredient level of self leading is very low). Character + tools and ingredients.
Initial finding analysis _ summary
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Step 2
Step 3
Experts, parents interview
Literature review & desk research
Goal : -To understand structure of
‘self leading experience’ kids cooking
Teacher can’t give free environment that
kids can play since kids should be controlled
for safety issue.
Usually ‘group’ cooking is very common-
cooperation have positive effects on creativity.
Goal : -To understand structure of ‘self
leading experience’ kids cooking class
Goal : - To define what is kids self
leading in cooking class.
Hypothesis (possible concept)
Hypothesis (possible concept)
Hypothesis (possible concept)
If there is a tool that is safe enough for
kids to use themselves, kids’ sense of
self leading will be improved.
If kids are using tools that helps kids’
cooperation, kids’ sense of self leading will
be improved.
Kids self leading in cooking class is limited to
‘only interesting’ things.
Through friendly tools which maximized
5 senses, kids’ sense of self leading will be
Voluntariness exploration using 5 senses.
playful kids
‘interesting task is mine . Scary task is mom’s’
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Through friendly play environment which maximized 5 senses, kids’ sense of self
leading will be improved
If there is a tool that is safe enough for kids to use themselves, kids’ sense of self
leading will be improved.
If kids are using tools that helps kids’ cooperation, kids’ sense of self leading will be
Hypothesis - Activity Network
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
Next schedule
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
강앵(1993). 유치원에서의 요리활동에 대한 아동의 반응 연구. 한국 교원대학교 대학원 석
사학위 논문.
강원경(1991). 유치원에서의 요리활동에 관한 사례연구. 이화여자대학교 석사학위 논문
김정영(2002). 교육계획안에 나타난 요리활동 분석. 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 석사학위
김정희(2012). 요리활동이 유아의 창의성에 미치는 영향. 수원대학교 교육대학원 석사학위
Article: 잘 노는 아이가 머리도 좋다, (안민경 기자,2013, 브레인 미디어)
안수영(2013). 유아기 창의성을 위한 색채교육 개선방안 연구. 이화여자대학교 대학원 디
자인학부 석사학위 논문
Dahl,k (1998). Why cooking in the curriculum?, Young children,
Thank you

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Kids cooking creativity with self-leading tools

  • 1. Self Leading kids cooking tools for creativity SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University Doyoon Chee Supervisor : Sungshik Lee Second supervisor : Jongho Lee
  • 2. Contents 1.  Background 2.  Thesis Aim (+Scope of study) 3.  Research Question 4.  Research plan + Goal 5.  Initial research– 6.  Initial finding analysis 7.  Hypothesis 8.  Next schedule 9.  References abstract Real understand make1 2 3 4 5 SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University [101 Design method] –process Vijay Kumar 1.) Literature review 2) Ethnography(observation) 3) Interview 1) AEIOU 2) Activity network
  • 3. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “What I did last semester” I really love kids and I want them to grow healthy and happily.
  • 4. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” Education philosopher 하이드브랜드 “One of the best activity that kids are interested in is cooking”
  • 5. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” The purpose of children’s cooking is to have a chance to participate in cooking activity and feel sense of achievement, not to cook food tasty and pretty. (강앵,1993;  강원경,1991)    
  • 6. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” Cooking activity helps kids to improve their creativity and perceptual ability. It is a integrated education process that is very interesting and effective.
  • 7. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” But it is difficult for parents to cook with their kids at home for many reasons, (김정영,2002)      
  • 8. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” Parents are looking for cooking class where kids can learn cooking as a education concept, and kids can learned from professional teachers.
  • 9. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” - creativity Parents’  interest  toward  kids’  crea;vity   +   Cooking  helps  kids  to  develop  their  crea;vity  
  • 10. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” - creativity The result of the analysis shows significant difference that after participating cooking class, whole creativity value has been increased. 요리활동이 유아의 창의성에 미치는 영향 (김정희,2012) COOKING ACTIVITY Kids’ creativity development
  • 11. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” – creativity definition What is creativity for kids? Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. Children tend to do research and study by following their interest and curiosity, so that creativity education is more effective when the target is children. (심성경 외, 2003)
  • 12. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” - creativity 살펴보기 - problem statement After visiting, I found kids are very self leading and willing to do cooking activity spontaneously. (observation, interview)
  • 13. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” - problem statement Kids participate in cooking activity with self directedness because they feel like they are doing ‘adult's field’. But they are following teacher’s recipe and instruction, So voluntariness level of creativity is low. (observation/interview)
  • 14. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” - problem statement Kids participate in cooking activity with self directedness because they feel like they are doing ‘adult's field’. But they are following teacher’s recipe and instruction, So voluntariness level of creativity is low. (observation/interview) problem  
  • 15. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” – creativity- self directedness To arose creativity, it is important to set up environment that kids can experience various things. And this start with ‘play’. Methods of play must be employed and took into consideration. 유아기 창의성을 위한 색채교육 개선 방안 연구, (안수영,2013) MOTHOD OF PLAY Kids’ creativity development
  • 16. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” – relationship (thread) between play and self leading Characteristic of ‘play’ that scholars claimed commonly, is voluntariness, in other word ,self leading, and it is correspond with core concept of creativity. 유아기 창의성을 위한 색채교육 개선 방안 연구, (안수영,2013) Kids’ self LeadingMOTHOD OF PLAY
  • 17. SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University Among characteristic of play, Physical voluntariness, Cognitive intuition, Social Spontaneity is related to ‘self leading’ 유아기 창의성을 위한 색채교육 개선 방안 연구, (안수영,2013)PLAYFULNESS Physical voluntariness Cognitive intuition Social Spontaneity Expression of joy Sense of humor <characteristic of play> Physical voluntariness cognitive intuition social spontaneity Background “Kids cooking class” – creativity- self directedness 신체적 자발성, 인지적 자발성, 사회적 자발성
  • 18. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” Kids  crea;vity  
  • 19. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” Playful   environment   Kids  crea;vity  
  • 20. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” Playful   environment   Physical voluntariness cognitive intuition social spontaneity Characteris;cs   of  play   Kids  crea;vity  
  • 21. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” Playful   environment   Physical voluntariness cognitive intuition social spontaneity Characteris;cs   of  play   Self  leading   Kids  crea;vity  
  • 22. Background SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University “Kids cooking class” Playful   environment   Physical voluntariness cognitive intuition social spontaneity Self  leading   Characteris;cs   of  play   Ul;mate   goal   Cooking  class   Kids  crea;vity  
  • 23. Thesis Aim (scope of the study) SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University To suggest maximized ‘SELF LEADING’ design, which is sub elements of ‘playing environment’ to increase the value of cooking class’ creativity effect.
  • 24. Thesis Aim (scope of the study) SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University What How Why Among various kids creativity development activity, I chose ‘cooking activity’ as a domain of study   Maximize ‘SELF LEADING’ factor which is sub elements of ‘playing environment’   To provide ‘playful environment’ for better development of creativity.
  • 25. Research Question SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University Research Question 1 : What is structure of experience that construct ‘play’ environment? Research Question 2 : What is ‘kids self leading’ in cooking class? Research Question 3 What is structure of ‘self leading’ experience in cooking class (-include problem, the problem’s cause) Research Question 4 : Any other possible solutions that is related to ‘self leading’? (in other field)
  • 26. Research Plan & Goal SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University User group definition (target : kids) 으로 유저를 이해한 후 다음 리서치 진행 1.Observation - To understand structure of ‘self leading experience’ in kids cooking class -  Find unmet needs Observation plan & goal 1)  4/3 신촌 청정원 어린이 요리 공방 visiting and observation 11:00 -12:30 2) 4/21 yomiyomi 여의도점 4/20 3:00pm Specific visiting plan
  • 27. Research Plan & Goal SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University 2.Interview – parents -To understand structure of ‘self leading experience’ in kids cooking class -can see parents’ inner needs. Interview plan & goal 1) Parents with kids who participate cooking class frequency is low. 1.  동협오빠 사촌누나(예정) 아빠와 함께하는 도시락 만들기 요리수업에 참여한 경험이 있다. 2) Kids who attend cooking class often. 3) Parents with kids who participate cooking class frequency is high. 1.  8세 여아 어머니 –phone interview ok 2.  7세 여아 어머니) - phone interview ok 4) Kids who attend cooking class usually. 1. 요미요미 요리학원에서 어린이 포토 인터뷰(예정) Specific interview plan
  • 28. Research Plan & Goal SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University 2.Interview – expert -To understand structure of ‘self leading experience’ in kids cooking class -Verify importance of ‘self leading’ through interview. Interview plan & goal 1) 교사1 :고아름 (경력: 1년, 24세, 초등학교 어린이 방과후 활동으로 과학요리활동 지도중) 2) 교사2 : 요미요미 교사 (경력:1년이상) Specific interview plan
  • 29. Research Plan & Goal SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University *interview + observation= ethnography open coding – “AEIOU frame work” -to analysis and categorize each experience To analyze users’ unmet needs related to ‘self leading’ (to find why).
  • 30. Initial Research – literature review ( about self leading, play, and creativity) SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University 교사가 어린이들에게 요리활동의 재료나 기구를 일방적으로 시범만을 보이는 교사주도 요 리활동보다는 유아들이 활동, 재료의 조리방법과 장비의 조절, 활동의 계획, 탐색활동, 조리 과정에 참여하는 유아 주도적 요리활동의 교수방법으로 진행되어야 할 것이다. 유아가 과정 을 중시하고 사물을 조작하며 사고할 수 있는 충분한 기회가 제공되어져야 할 것이다. 요리 활동에서 교사의 태도나 교사가 취하는 교수방법, 유아와의 상호작용, 교수 자료등은 매우 중요하다. (cosgrove,1991 ; Dajl,1998 ; Kamii&Devries,1992) 요리활동에서 교수전략은 유아에 의해 능동적 학습을 강조하여 유아 스스로 발견하도록 도 와주고 유아 자신이 사고자일 뿐 아니라 학습자로서 유아 스스로 탐구 학습하는 과정에서 성취감을 맛보도록 기회를 제공해 주는 것이다. (이경우-이정환,1992) 유아들이 직접 재료를 측정하고, 혼합하고, 냄새 맡고, 맛보고, 느끼게 해야 하고, 꼭 필요할 떄를 제외하고 요리과정에서 질문하고 유아들이 스스로 답을 찾게 도와주도록 한다. (Dshl,1998) 유아들에 있어 음식을 만들어 보는 경험은 놀랍고 흥미로운 일이다. 이것은 유 아의 놀이인 동시에 학습이 될 수 있다. 왜냐하면 유치원에서의 요리활동은 많 은 것을 발견할 수 있는 기회를 제공하여 주며 무엇을 만든다는 성취감과 무엇 을 해내었다는 기쁨을 준다. 그리고 요리과정에서의 오감을 이용하여 여러 가 지 재료를 보고, 마지고, 냄새 맡고, 썰고, 끓이면 서 직접적인 조작과 실제적인 경험을 하게 된다. 더불어 여러 재료들의 물리적, 화학적인 변화, 예를 들면 음 식물이 고체에서 액체로 변하는 것, 물이 끓을 때의 수증기, 모양과 색의 변화, 요리 시 사용하는 가스나 전기 등 에너지의 개념 등은 다양한 과학적 개념을 길러주며 나아가 요리활동을 통해 친구, 교사와 언어적 상호작용 하기, 요리과 정이나 결과를 그리고 쓰기 등 을 통해 언어발달을 돕고, 요리활동을 통해 실제 생활에서의 측정, 분류하기, 숫자 세기 등 의 수 개념을 익히며, 요리는 여러 나 라 민족의 다양한 요리법을 포함하므로 자신의 세계와 그 밖의 다른 세계에 대 한 이해를 증진시키는 다문화적 개념도 포함한다. 이처럼 요리활동 은 먹는다는 즐거움이 수반되면서도 모든 영역이 통합된 교육과정으로 다학문적 접근이 가 장 잘되는 매우 효과적이고 흥미 있는 활동이다. 그러므로 유아교육 현장에서 요리활동에 대한 보다 다양한 연구와 개발이 이루어져야 할 것이다. (김정영,2002) 놀이의 방법으로 교육하는 것은 비단 색채교육 뿐 아니라 유아를 대상으로 한 교육이 라면 어떤 분야에서도 적용이 되는 내용이라고 할 수 있다. 놀이는 이처럼 유아와 구 분지어 생각 할 수 없는 좋은 배움의 수단이며 특히 유아기의 창의성 발달을 위해서는 필수적인 교육의 수단이 된다. 놀이라는 행위는 유아의 자발성이 전제되어 있다. 하지만 우리나라의 실제 교 육 현장 에서는 놀이의 방법으로 교수 학습 방법이 계획되어 있으나 교육 현장의 실제 과정 에 있어서의 자발성과 주도성은 유아들이 아닌 교사와 부모에게 있는 경우가 대부분이었 다. 놀이가 유아 교육에 있어서 중요한 의미를 가짐에도 불구하고 놀이지도의 실태는 많은 문제점을 가지고 있었다. (안수영,2013) Form 1992 to 2016)
  • 31. Initial Research – observation SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University 4/3 신촌 청정원 어린이 요리 공방 visiting and observation 11:00 -12:30 Which is public class. Took photo and document specific action and communication
  • 32. Initial Research – observation SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University 4/21 요미요미 여의도점 3:30 방문 Which is private class (2-5 kids in one class)
  • 33. Initial Research – interview SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University Interview Question list During interview -voice record, key word note taking
  • 34. Initial finding analysis SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University AEIOU-spontaneity categorized Among characteristic of play, Physical voluntariness, Cognitive intuition, Social Spontaneity is related to ‘self leading’ 유아기 창의성을 위한 색채교육 개선 방안 연구, (안수영,2013)PLAYFULNESS Physical voluntariness Cognitive intuition Social Spontaneity Expression of joy Sense of humor <characteristic of play> Physical voluntariness cognitive intuition social spontaneity
  • 35. Initial finding analysis -AEIOU SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University Kids Each of the elements are the fact and needs that I found from interview and observation
  • 36. Initial finding analysis -AEIOU SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University Parents
  • 37. Initial finding analysis -AEIOU SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University Teacher
  • 38. Initial finding analysis _ summary SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University AEIOU-experience categorized < Structure of self leading experience of cooking class> Controlled kids. Voluntariness exploration using 5 senses (try smell, try touch..) self washing hands. Teach kids to grip Pan and knife (which can be dangerous) well so that kids can use actively. Kids play with (plastic)knife actively. kids communication with parents constantly. Use public(common) tools and ingredients.-need give and take. Competition of speed with friends. Teacher’s demonstration and kids task alternate with each other. Because of time and space restraints ‘group’ activity is very common – kids cooperation Physical voluntariness Cognitive intuition Social spontaneity Induce answer through question. decrease spontaneous from fear of danger. Induce science, mathematical thought through question. Commend dangerous task to parent/teacher’s care. Even voluntarily separate the trash. they feel like they are doing ‘adult's field’. Voluntariness according to ingredient friendliness (if kids don’t like the ingredient level of self leading is very low). Character + tools and ingredients.
  • 39. Initial finding analysis _ summary SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University Step 2 observation Step 3 Experts, parents interview Step1 Literature review & desk research Goal : -To understand structure of ‘self leading experience’ kids cooking class Teacher can’t give free environment that kids can play since kids should be controlled for safety issue. Usually ‘group’ cooking is very common- cooperation have positive effects on creativity. Goal : -To understand structure of ‘self leading experience’ kids cooking class Goal : - To define what is kids self leading in cooking class. Insight Hypothesis (possible concept) Insight Hypothesis (possible concept) Insight Hypothesis (possible concept) If there is a tool that is safe enough for kids to use themselves, kids’ sense of self leading will be improved. If kids are using tools that helps kids’ cooperation, kids’ sense of self leading will be improved. Kids self leading in cooking class is limited to ‘only interesting’ things. Through friendly tools which maximized 5 senses, kids’ sense of self leading will be improved Voluntariness exploration using 5 senses. playful kids ‘interesting task is mine . Scary task is mom’s’
  • 40. Hypothesis SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University Through friendly play environment which maximized 5 senses, kids’ sense of self leading will be improved If there is a tool that is safe enough for kids to use themselves, kids’ sense of self leading will be improved. If kids are using tools that helps kids’ cooperation, kids’ sense of self leading will be improved. Hypothesis1.   Hypothesis2.   Hypothesis3.  
  • 41. Hypothesis - Activity Network SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • 42. Next schedule SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • 43. References SADI Mdes –Cardiff Metropolitan University 강앵(1993). 유치원에서의 요리활동에 대한 아동의 반응 연구. 한국 교원대학교 대학원 석 사학위 논문. 강원경(1991). 유치원에서의 요리활동에 관한 사례연구. 이화여자대학교 석사학위 논문 김정영(2002). 교육계획안에 나타난 요리활동 분석. 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 석사학위 논문 김정희(2012). 요리활동이 유아의 창의성에 미치는 영향. 수원대학교 교육대학원 석사학위 눈문 Article: 잘 노는 아이가 머리도 좋다, (안민경 기자,2013, 브레인 미디어) 안수영(2013). 유아기 창의성을 위한 색채교육 개선방안 연구. 이화여자대학교 대학원 디 자인학부 석사학위 논문 Dahl,k (1998). Why cooking in the curriculum?, Young children,