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Noname manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor)
What Is Mirror Matter?
Relics of the rst instant of time?
Douglas Leadenham
Received: date / Accepted: date
Abstract Dark matter modeled as black strings must contain a strong energy eld
that keeps them from collapsing. Matter composed of dyons or Dirac monopoles, as
they were once known, oers a possible source of this energy. Antimatter in this model
comprises half of the substance of normal matter, and leaves open another kind of
matter with electric charges reversed. The reversal can be illustrated with a mirror
reection, so that all normal matter has a mirror counterpart. This counterpart must
be stable only at extremely high energy, such as would exist at the very beginning of the
universe. The mirror matter, as it will be called, is asymmetric with normal matter in
that its mass-energy is much larger. Mirror matter would evaporate into normal matter,
releasing energy that becomes the energy that lls our universe. The mirror matter
that does not evaporate in The First Instant is enclosed in a horizon that becomes all
black holes and black strings. These will seed galaxy and star formation. The energy
dierence between mirror matter and normal matter is called chiral asymmetry, and
the time when normal matter emerges is called chiral symmetry breaking. Neutrinos
and anti-neutrinos are left-right mirror counterparts, exhibiting chirality according to
the right-hand rule. Precise measurement of their respective masses will answer the
question of parity non-conservation, essential to an understanding of the Big Bang
beginning of the observed universe.
Keywords · Parity non-conservation · Mirror asymmetry · Dark matter · Chiral
symmetry breaking
PACS 11.30.Rd · 11.30.Qc · 95.35.+d
Mathematics Subject Classication (2010) 81R40
Grants or other notes about the article that should go on the front page should be placed here.
General acknowledgments should be placed at the end of the article.
D. Leadenham
675 Sharon Park Drive, #247, Menlo Park, California 94025
Tel.: 650-233-9859
2 Douglas Leadenham
Table 1 Revised Neutrino Model
Neutrino Model Mirror Model Anti-neutrino
ν? + NS − − NS + ντ
ντ + NS − − NS + ν?
νµ + NS − − NS + νe
νe + NS − − NS + νµ
If antimatter makes up half of normal matter, then matter that settled or decayed
into observed normal matter-antimatter particles at low energy must be dierent from
another form of matter that is stable only at such extremely high energy that it is
not observed. Or is it? Neutrinos are known to have a right-left asymmetry that is not
seen in other normal matter. Once neutrino masses are measured it may be possible
to extend the asymmetry model of left-right or chiral matter.
Anti-neutrinos are the only standard model particles thus far observed that exhibit
mirror symmetry. In high energy physics parlance this is called chirality, left-right
symmetry. Neutrinos are said to have left-handed helicity while anti-neutrinos have
right-handed helicity.[/wiki/Neutrino] Table 1 shows the model of neutrinos and anti-
neutrinos as paired dyons with their helicity, comprising the four neutrinos and their
anti-neutrino antiparticles, as rst suggested in Ch.5, Ÿ12, of the following book.[Leadenham]
Neutrinos have left-handed helicity, and anti-neutrinos have right-handed helicity. Ta-
ble 2 shows the dyons with their helicity that comprise the neutrinos.
These particles show a redundancy or degeneracy as respective antiparticles or
mirror particles, so one could expect to see ne structure in their energies or masses.
Although neutrinos are known to have small masses, no individual neutrino mass has
yet been measured. The best that has been done is to measure a range of masses for
the three observed types.[/wiki/Neutrino]
Many models, including one this author employs, predict a fourth type of neutrino
ν?, called a sterile neutrino because it does not interact by means of any known stan-
dard model process. In the composite model, a neutrino or anti-neutrino is made of a
tightly bound pair of dyons or Dirac monopoles, as dyons were formerly known. These
components as now understood have both an electric charge and a vastly stronger
magnetic charge. The opposite magnetic charges attract and bind the dyons, but the
comparatively weak electric charges have little eect. For neutrinos the two electric
charges are opposite and cancel. For electrons, positrons and quarks, the dyon electric
charges sum to give these fundamental, observed particles a net positive or negative
charge. The opposite electric charges are supplied by their antiparticle counterparts,
and the so called north-south magnetic charges each have antiparticles. This makes 8
possibilities. Neutrinos have no net electric charge, so the composite model predicts
a fourth neutrino.[/wiki/Sterile_neutrino] Its mass is unknown but thought by some
investigators to be roughly 700 eV.
Mirror Matter 3
Table 2 Fundamental Dyon Model
Dyon Mirror Dyon
+ N − N
S − S +
S + S −
− N + N
Table 2 shows the 8 truly fundamental particles of the composite model that comprise
particles observed in terrestrial experiments or astrophysical observations. The mirror
reection analogy changes the sign of electric charge, because charge is thought to be
a twist in a small dimension. Reection does not change the magnetic charge, but it
does reverse the twist. These charges may correspond to color charges used in quantum
chromodynamics. They are dierent if the color that corresponds to electric charge is
changed in a mirror reection but the colors that correspond to magnetic charges are
not. This electric-right-left color charge is not only vastly stronger than a magnetic
charge, but its asymmetry under reection shows how parity asymmetry leaks through
to our experiments. Which of the three colors the electric-right-left charges correspond
to is not known.
4Color charge
Do the dyons of Ÿ3 actually have three charges? There are electric and magnetic, as
Dirac thought, but is the right-left component a charge? The strong nuclear force is
thought to require three. Color charges in the nuclear theory make very strong energy
elds lled with color-sensitive force carriers called gluons. These elds make up the
bulk of the mass-energy of nucleons. How they relate to the dyons under discussion is
unknown. Below is an illustration of color charges in nuclei.
ByMaschen − Ownwork, CC0, https : // = 20886266
4 Douglas Leadenham
Table 3 Stable particles formed at electro-weak symmetry breaking
electron diagram down-quark diagram up-quark diagram
−e/6 S N −e/6
N −e/6 −e/6 S
−e/6 S N −e/6
−e/6 S N −e/6
N +e/6 +e/6 S
−e/6 S N −e/6
+e/6 S N +e/6
N +e/6 −e/6 S
+e/6 S N +e/6
electron in matrix notation down-quark in matrix notation up-quark in matrix notation
− NS −
− NS −
− NS −
− NS −
− NS −
+ NS +
+ NS +
+ NS +
+ NS −
no net helicity no net helicity left-handed net helicity
Fields due to color charges, as in quarks (G is the gluon eld strength tensor).
These are colorless combinations. Top: Color charge has ternary neutral states
as well as binary neutrality (analogous to electric charge). Bottom: Quark/antiquark
5Dyons make particles
Tables 3 and 4 show where helicity could show up in fundamental particles like electrons
and quarks in nuclei. Table 3 shows that only the up-quark has helicity, left-handed as it
were, and Table 4 shows that the anti-up-quark has right-handed helicity. In a nucleus
rapid motion with other quarks would overwhelm most of the up-quark's helicity, so
that it is not observed. That raises the possibility that the parity violation that is
observed in beta decay is the residual asymmetry of this helicity.[Wu, C.-S., et al.]
5.1 Parity violation in the famous Wu experiment
Here we illustrate β−
decay in 60
Co, the substance of Wu's experiment. The reaction
equation that follows is what was studied in the experiment.
27Co →60
28 Ni + e−
+ νe + 2γ
At the time of the experiment, quarks had not yet been theorized, let alone con-
rmed by experiment, and neutrinos were assumed to be massless like photons. Neu-
trinos had been detected directly only a year before, so little if any of their properties
were known to Wu and her collaborators. The Wu experiment just ignored them. In β−
decay, a single neutron in the unstable nucleus is converted to a proton with emission
of an electron and an anti-neutrino. The photons are emitted a bit later by the excited
28Ni nucleus, when it settles into its stable ground state. The photon pair would be
emitted oppositely in random directions, and so were used as a control to see if any
directionality or polarization of the decay could be detected. Parity violation would
show up if the polarization of emitted electrons corresponded to polarization of the
decaying nuclei. Parity conservation would be conrmed if the polarization of nuclei
had no eect on the direction of emitted electrons. Parity conservation requires that
the eects are consistent and unchanged with reection in a mirror. Polarization is
unchanged in a mirror; that is, the north pole of a magnet is still north in the mirror,
and the south pole also remains a south pole. The Wu experiment reversed the nuclear
Mirror Matter 5
polarizations with a magnetic eld at a temperature of 0.003 K, and found that the
emitted electrons also reversed direction.
5.2 Parity of quarks and neutrinos made of dyons
Here is a tabular illustration of the 60
27Co →60
28 Ni beta-decay weak interaction. The tab-
ular notation of quarks is contracted to a more compact matrix notation. A single 60
neutron decays to a proton in β−
decay, or equivalently a down-quark changes to an up-
quark. The neutron, n0
(udd), can be displayed as
Nuclei are shrouded by a meson cloud, where virtual particles wink in and out of exis-
tence. The high energy boson called W−
mediates the weak interaction. Although high
energy virtual particles are rare, a lab sample of 60
Co with many atoms, each with a
half-life of 5.2714 years, oers many 60
27Co →60
28 Ni decays to study. Virtual mesons in
this cloud form randomly in time in high energy eld locations as particle-antiparticle
pairs. In this decay model the following conguration of particle-anti-particle pairs we
will call X0
forms very close to one of the d-quarks in the neutron:
+NS+ +NS−
−NS− −NS+
Write the matrices in a row.
 +NS+ +NS−
−NS− −NS+
In close proximity to the d-quark the energy density is large enough to allow com-
ponents to exchange places. The positive charge part of a d-quark trades places with
the negative charge part of the X0
. Exchange of a W−
boson has long been used to
describe β−
-decay, so this illustration is merely an adjustment of the model component
exchanges. Rewrite the result:
 +NS+ +NS−
+NS+ −NS+
Rewriting these matrices in standard notation, we see (udu)e−
and a tiny leftover,
−NS+. That is the anti-neutrino, νe, that is emitted along with the electron. Notice
that the down-quark has no net helicity. It changes to an up-quark with left handed
helicity with emission of an electron with no helicity and an anti-neutrino with right
handed helicity. In the Wu experiment a photon pair is also emitted by the exited 60
nucleus on settling down to its ground state. At any rate, the parity Wu measured is
not conserved, but the net helicity does remain the same over the weak interaction.
So what is parity here? Is it helicity or not? Wu's experiment measured electrons and
photons, but not anti-neutrinos. There is a question here.
The answer is that Wu and her theorist collaborators did not believe that magnetic
charges exist or that electric charge results from a twist in a small dimension in anti-de
Sitter space. The mirror model described in this work does make that assumption for
electric and magnetic charges, as would be present with dyon building blocks of matter.
Wu's mirror for testing parity violation did not change the sign of electric charges, and
6 Douglas Leadenham
Table 4 Known particles that last only briey
positron diagram anti-down-quark diagram anti-up-quark diagram
+e/6 S N +e/6
N +e/6 +e/6 S
+e/6 S N +e/6
+e/6 S N +e/6
N −e/6 −e/6 S
+e/6 S N +e/6
−e/6 S N −e/6
N −e/6 +e/6 S
−e/6 S N −e/6
positron in matrix notation anti-down-quark in matrix notation anti-up-quark in matrix notation
+ NS +
+ NS +
+ NS +
+ NS +
+ NS +
− NS −
− NS −
− NS −
− NS +
no net helicity no net helicity right-handed net helicity
trusted that all magnetic elds result from moving electric charges. In Wu's experiment
the mirror changes the direction of circulating electric charges and thus the direction
of magnetic elds, while electric charges remained constant. Still, it would be a mistake
to say that there is a conict between the Wu experiment and the model presented
here, because the assumptions are very dierent.
5.3 Reconciling the Wu experiment with the composite model of quarks and neutrinos
What Wu's experiment does conrm is that there is a parity dierence between the Co
and Ni nuclei. The dyon model is suggesting that the neutrino Wu and her colleagues
ignored carries away the missing piece that makes up the parity dierence. The dyon
model portrays the electron as a Möbius band, and its antiparticle, the positron, is
its mirror image. The Möbius band has a twist that in reection is reversed, thus
changing the sign of the charge.[Leadenham] This is explained in Chapter 6 of the
referenced book. If Wu's experiment does not prove that parity is not conserved in
the weak interaction, then it must instead prove that electrons, quarks and neutrinos
cannot be modeled as point particles. Doing so is an oversimplication that leads to a
wrong conclusion. It is possible that parity is not conserved, but that would happen
at the chiral symmetry breaking point, whereby right-handed particles have higher
energy than left-handed ones. Neutrino masses are the key to a full understanding of
the theory. Moreover, parity non-conservation is essential at chiral symmetry breaking,
if so much high energy mirror matter is left behind to be enclosed in a horizon that
becomes dark matter.
6Color charge and dark matter
Electrons and positrons are color-neutral, because they exist in our sector of the uni-
verse. Quarks have the color property and exist in anti-de Sitter space (AdS), but not
in our de Sitter space sector. The three colors, R, G, B, must correspond to N, S,
and likewise for their anti-particle counterparts, but which is which is not known. At
any rate, particles with color interactions have higher energy than color-neutral ones
and can be stable only in an environment with high ambient energy, such as exists in
anti-de Sitter space, the inside of a nucleon.
Because particles and antiparticles are well dened in de Sitter space, and mirror
particles appearing there are only the three anti-neutrinos, one may conclude that all
other mirror particles in general were stable only at the rst instant of the observed
Mirror Matter 7
Table 5 Possible dyon pairings that have not been seen, mirror diagrams
mirror positron diagram mirror anti-down-quark diagram mirror anti-up-quark diagram
−e/6 S N −e/6
N −e/6 −e/6 S
−e/6 S N −e/6
−e/6 S N −e/6
N +e/6 +e/6 S
−e/6 S N −e/6
+e/6 S N +e/6
N +e/6 −e/6 S
+e/6 S N +e/6
mirror positron in matrix notation mirror anti-down-quark in matrix notation mirror anti-up-quark in matrix notation
− NS −
− NS −
− NS −
− NS −
− NS −
+ NS +
+ NS +
+ NS +
+ NS −
6 mixed matter dyons with no net helicity 6 mixed matter dyons with no net helicity 6 mixed matter dyons with left-handed helicity
Table 6 Mirror diagrams of observed particles
mirror electron diagram mirror down-quark diagram mirror up-quark diagram
+e/6 S N +e/6
N +e/6 +e/6 S
+e/6 S N +e/6
+e/6 S N +e/6
N −e/6 −e/6 S
+e/6 S N +e/6
−e/6 S N −e/6
N −e/6 +e/6 S
−e/6 S N −e/6
mirror electron in matrix notation down-quark in matrix notation up-quark in matrix notation
+ NS +
+ NS +
+ NS +
+ NS +
+ NS +
− NS −
− NS −
− NS −
− NS +
6 mixed matter dyons with no net helicity 6 mixed matter dyons with no net helicity 6 mixed matter dyons with right-handed helicity
universe or possibly could exist within the horizon of a black hole. The rst instant of
the known universe would be the point where Rees's number Q was dened. He cited a
value of 10−5
, but it is now known to be 10−7
, or precisely 4πµ0α.[Leadenham] This
precise value resulted from an analysis of the dark matter forming galaxies, explained
in Ch. 3 of 21st Century Physics. Recent measurements narrowed the uncertainty in
Q to ∼ 10−6
, as cited by Natarajan.[Natarajan, pp. 197-198] It is thought that the
horizons of black holes and black strings enclosed the very highest energy particles and
their ambient elds at that rst instant, and the resulting enclosures became the dark
matter now known as the seeds of galaxies and stars. The very highest energy particles
could very well be mirror particles.
7Mirror particles
Tables 5 and 6 show the mirror particles made of 6 paired dyons. Note that only the
mirror up-quark and mirror anti-up-quark show helicity. Why mirror particles have
higher energy than observed particles is subject for contemplation.
Such high energy makes mirror matter the answer to the question of why Rees's
Q and 4πµ0α dier by a factor of 100. Rees assumed that normal matter formed
the irregularities showing in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), but how these
condensations can occur without some seeding is a major problem with the model. Very
high energy and very high mass particles fragmenting at the universe's beginning oers
a possible solution. The fragmented matter quickly decays to lower energy particles and
releases vast radiation energy. This would be the normal matter and radiation of which
we see the remains today. The relic mirror matter would be quickly encapsulated in a
horizon. Lumps would become black holes of all sizes, and syrupy strings would become
black strings. Dark matter is thus formed, and it seeds the inhomogeneities in density
8 Douglas Leadenham
Table 7 Dyons as right-left mirror pairs
R qb
− N + N
S + S −
S + S −
− N + N
that show up in the CMB. Thus Q can be 10−7
instead of 10−5
. In that case all is
well with the model.
8Chiral symmetry breaking
The dyons of Ÿ3 are the left-right pairs that form when the primordial radiation eld
begins to condense into particles. This is called chiral symmetry breaking. Table 7
shows the dyons of Ÿ3 reorganized as these pairs. Prevailing theory identies these as
quarks, but they are actually dyons that precede and form the quarks. The origin of
the symmetry breaking may be described as an analog to magnetization, the fermion
condensate (vacuum condensate of bilinear expressions involving the quarks in the
QCD vacuum), as the prevailing theory predicts.[/wiki/Chiral_symmetry_breaking]
In the model presented here, the so-called quarks qa
L are actually precursors of
Acknowledgements If you'd like to thank anyone, place your comments here.

[Leadenham] Douglas Leadenham, Topics in 21st Century Physics: The
Universe As Presently Understood, (2016)
[Natarajan, pp. 197-198] Priyamvada Natarajan, Mapping the Heavens: The Radi-
cal Scientic Ideas that Reveal the Cosmos, 197-198. Yale
University Press, New Haven (2016)
[Rees, p. 115] Martin Rees, Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces that
Shape the Universe, 115. Basic Books, New York (2000)
[Wu, C.-S., et al.] Chien-Shiung Wu, E. Ambler, R. W. Hayward, D. D.
Hoppes, R. P. Hudson, Experimental Test of Parity Con-
servation in Beta Decay, Physical Review 105(4), 1413-
1415 (1957)

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  • 1. Noname manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor) What Is Mirror Matter? Relics of the rst instant of time? Douglas Leadenham Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract Dark matter modeled as black strings must contain a strong energy eld that keeps them from collapsing. Matter composed of dyons or Dirac monopoles, as they were once known, oers a possible source of this energy. Antimatter in this model comprises half of the substance of normal matter, and leaves open another kind of matter with electric charges reversed. The reversal can be illustrated with a mirror reection, so that all normal matter has a mirror counterpart. This counterpart must be stable only at extremely high energy, such as would exist at the very beginning of the universe. The mirror matter, as it will be called, is asymmetric with normal matter in that its mass-energy is much larger. Mirror matter would evaporate into normal matter, releasing energy that becomes the energy that lls our universe. The mirror matter that does not evaporate in The First Instant is enclosed in a horizon that becomes all black holes and black strings. These will seed galaxy and star formation. The energy dierence between mirror matter and normal matter is called chiral asymmetry, and the time when normal matter emerges is called chiral symmetry breaking. Neutrinos and anti-neutrinos are left-right mirror counterparts, exhibiting chirality according to the right-hand rule. Precise measurement of their respective masses will answer the question of parity non-conservation, essential to an understanding of the Big Bang beginning of the observed universe. Keywords · Parity non-conservation · Mirror asymmetry · Dark matter · Chiral symmetry breaking PACS 11.30.Rd · 11.30.Qc · 95.35.+d Mathematics Subject Classication (2010) 81R40 Grants or other notes about the article that should go on the front page should be placed here. General acknowledgments should be placed at the end of the article. D. Leadenham 675 Sharon Park Drive, #247, Menlo Park, California 94025 Tel.: 650-233-9859 E-mail:
  • 2. 2 Douglas Leadenham Table 1 Revised Neutrino Model Neutrino Model Mirror Model Anti-neutrino ν? + NS − − NS + ντ ντ + NS − − NS + ν? νµ + NS − − NS + νe νe + NS − − NS + νµ 1Introduction If antimatter makes up half of normal matter, then matter that settled or decayed into observed normal matter-antimatter particles at low energy must be dierent from another form of matter that is stable only at such extremely high energy that it is not observed. Or is it? Neutrinos are known to have a right-left asymmetry that is not seen in other normal matter. Once neutrino masses are measured it may be possible to extend the asymmetry model of left-right or chiral matter. 2Anti-neutrinos Anti-neutrinos are the only standard model particles thus far observed that exhibit mirror symmetry. In high energy physics parlance this is called chirality, left-right symmetry. Neutrinos are said to have left-handed helicity while anti-neutrinos have right-handed helicity.[/wiki/Neutrino] Table 1 shows the model of neutrinos and anti- neutrinos as paired dyons with their helicity, comprising the four neutrinos and their anti-neutrino antiparticles, as rst suggested in Ch.5, Ÿ12, of the following book.[Leadenham] Neutrinos have left-handed helicity, and anti-neutrinos have right-handed helicity. Ta- ble 2 shows the dyons with their helicity that comprise the neutrinos. These particles show a redundancy or degeneracy as respective antiparticles or mirror particles, so one could expect to see ne structure in their energies or masses. Although neutrinos are known to have small masses, no individual neutrino mass has yet been measured. The best that has been done is to measure a range of masses for the three observed types.[/wiki/Neutrino] Many models, including one this author employs, predict a fourth type of neutrino ν?, called a sterile neutrino because it does not interact by means of any known stan- dard model process. In the composite model, a neutrino or anti-neutrino is made of a tightly bound pair of dyons or Dirac monopoles, as dyons were formerly known. These components as now understood have both an electric charge and a vastly stronger magnetic charge. The opposite magnetic charges attract and bind the dyons, but the comparatively weak electric charges have little eect. For neutrinos the two electric charges are opposite and cancel. For electrons, positrons and quarks, the dyon electric charges sum to give these fundamental, observed particles a net positive or negative charge. The opposite electric charges are supplied by their antiparticle counterparts, and the so called north-south magnetic charges each have antiparticles. This makes 8 possibilities. Neutrinos have no net electric charge, so the composite model predicts a fourth neutrino.[/wiki/Sterile_neutrino] Its mass is unknown but thought by some investigators to be roughly 700 eV.
  • 3. Mirror Matter 3 Table 2 Fundamental Dyon Model Dyon Mirror Dyon + N − N S − S + S + S − − N + N 3Dyons Table 2 shows the 8 truly fundamental particles of the composite model that comprise particles observed in terrestrial experiments or astrophysical observations. The mirror reection analogy changes the sign of electric charge, because charge is thought to be a twist in a small dimension. Reection does not change the magnetic charge, but it does reverse the twist. These charges may correspond to color charges used in quantum chromodynamics. They are dierent if the color that corresponds to electric charge is changed in a mirror reection but the colors that correspond to magnetic charges are not. This electric-right-left color charge is not only vastly stronger than a magnetic charge, but its asymmetry under reection shows how parity asymmetry leaks through to our experiments. Which of the three colors the electric-right-left charges correspond to is not known. 4Color charge Do the dyons of Ÿ3 actually have three charges? There are electric and magnetic, as Dirac thought, but is the right-left component a charge? The strong nuclear force is thought to require three. Color charges in the nuclear theory make very strong energy elds lled with color-sensitive force carriers called gluons. These elds make up the bulk of the mass-energy of nucleons. How they relate to the dyons under discussion is unknown. Below is an illustration of color charges in nuclei. ByMaschen − Ownwork, CC0, https : // = 20886266
  • 4. 4 Douglas Leadenham Table 3 Stable particles formed at electro-weak symmetry breaking electron diagram down-quark diagram up-quark diagram −e/6 S N −e/6 N −e/6 −e/6 S −e/6 S N −e/6 −e/6 S N −e/6 N +e/6 +e/6 S −e/6 S N −e/6 +e/6 S N +e/6 N +e/6 −e/6 S +e/6 S N +e/6 electron in matrix notation down-quark in matrix notation up-quark in matrix notation  − NS − − NS − − NS −     − NS − − NS − + NS +     + NS + + NS + + NS −   no net helicity no net helicity left-handed net helicity Fields due to color charges, as in quarks (G is the gluon eld strength tensor). These are colorless combinations. Top: Color charge has ternary neutral states as well as binary neutrality (analogous to electric charge). Bottom: Quark/antiquark combinations.[/wiki/Color_charge] 5Dyons make particles Tables 3 and 4 show where helicity could show up in fundamental particles like electrons and quarks in nuclei. Table 3 shows that only the up-quark has helicity, left-handed as it were, and Table 4 shows that the anti-up-quark has right-handed helicity. In a nucleus rapid motion with other quarks would overwhelm most of the up-quark's helicity, so that it is not observed. That raises the possibility that the parity violation that is observed in beta decay is the residual asymmetry of this helicity.[Wu, C.-S., et al.] 5.1 Parity violation in the famous Wu experiment Here we illustrate β− decay in 60 Co, the substance of Wu's experiment. The reaction equation that follows is what was studied in the experiment. 60 27Co →60 28 Ni + e− + νe + 2γ At the time of the experiment, quarks had not yet been theorized, let alone con- rmed by experiment, and neutrinos were assumed to be massless like photons. Neu- trinos had been detected directly only a year before, so little if any of their properties were known to Wu and her collaborators. The Wu experiment just ignored them. In β− decay, a single neutron in the unstable nucleus is converted to a proton with emission of an electron and an anti-neutrino. The photons are emitted a bit later by the excited 60 28Ni nucleus, when it settles into its stable ground state. The photon pair would be emitted oppositely in random directions, and so were used as a control to see if any directionality or polarization of the decay could be detected. Parity violation would show up if the polarization of emitted electrons corresponded to polarization of the decaying nuclei. Parity conservation would be conrmed if the polarization of nuclei had no eect on the direction of emitted electrons. Parity conservation requires that the eects are consistent and unchanged with reection in a mirror. Polarization is unchanged in a mirror; that is, the north pole of a magnet is still north in the mirror, and the south pole also remains a south pole. The Wu experiment reversed the nuclear
  • 5. Mirror Matter 5 polarizations with a magnetic eld at a temperature of 0.003 K, and found that the emitted electrons also reversed direction. 5.2 Parity of quarks and neutrinos made of dyons Here is a tabular illustration of the 60 27Co →60 28 Ni beta-decay weak interaction. The tab- ular notation of quarks is contracted to a more compact matrix notation. A single 60 Co neutron decays to a proton in β− decay, or equivalently a down-quark changes to an up- quark. The neutron, n0 (udd), can be displayed as   +NS+ +NS+ +NS−     −NS− −NS− +NS+     −NS− −NS− +NS+  . Nuclei are shrouded by a meson cloud, where virtual particles wink in and out of exis- tence. The high energy boson called W− mediates the weak interaction. Although high energy virtual particles are rare, a lab sample of 60 Co with many atoms, each with a half-life of 5.2714 years, oers many 60 27Co →60 28 Ni decays to study. Virtual mesons in this cloud form randomly in time in high energy eld locations as particle-antiparticle pairs. In this decay model the following conguration of particle-anti-particle pairs we will call X0 forms very close to one of the d-quarks in the neutron: +NS+ +NS− −NS− −NS+ . Write the matrices in a row.   +NS+ +NS+ +NS−     −NS− −NS− +NS+     −NS− −NS− +NS+   +NS+ +NS− −NS− −NS+ In close proximity to the d-quark the energy density is large enough to allow com- ponents to exchange places. The positive charge part of a d-quark trades places with the negative charge part of the X0 . Exchange of a W− boson has long been used to describe β− -decay, so this illustration is merely an adjustment of the model component exchanges. Rewrite the result:   +NS+ +NS+ +NS−     −NS− −NS− +NS+     −NS− −NS− −NS−   +NS+ +NS− +NS+ −NS+ Rewriting these matrices in standard notation, we see (udu)e− and a tiny leftover, −NS+. That is the anti-neutrino, νe, that is emitted along with the electron. Notice that the down-quark has no net helicity. It changes to an up-quark with left handed helicity with emission of an electron with no helicity and an anti-neutrino with right handed helicity. In the Wu experiment a photon pair is also emitted by the exited 60 Ni nucleus on settling down to its ground state. At any rate, the parity Wu measured is not conserved, but the net helicity does remain the same over the weak interaction. So what is parity here? Is it helicity or not? Wu's experiment measured electrons and photons, but not anti-neutrinos. There is a question here. The answer is that Wu and her theorist collaborators did not believe that magnetic charges exist or that electric charge results from a twist in a small dimension in anti-de Sitter space. The mirror model described in this work does make that assumption for electric and magnetic charges, as would be present with dyon building blocks of matter. Wu's mirror for testing parity violation did not change the sign of electric charges, and
  • 6. 6 Douglas Leadenham Table 4 Known particles that last only briey positron diagram anti-down-quark diagram anti-up-quark diagram +e/6 S N +e/6 N +e/6 +e/6 S +e/6 S N +e/6 +e/6 S N +e/6 N −e/6 −e/6 S +e/6 S N +e/6 −e/6 S N −e/6 N −e/6 +e/6 S −e/6 S N −e/6 positron in matrix notation anti-down-quark in matrix notation anti-up-quark in matrix notation  + NS + + NS + + NS +     + NS + + NS + − NS −     − NS − − NS − − NS +   no net helicity no net helicity right-handed net helicity trusted that all magnetic elds result from moving electric charges. In Wu's experiment the mirror changes the direction of circulating electric charges and thus the direction of magnetic elds, while electric charges remained constant. Still, it would be a mistake to say that there is a conict between the Wu experiment and the model presented here, because the assumptions are very dierent. 5.3 Reconciling the Wu experiment with the composite model of quarks and neutrinos What Wu's experiment does conrm is that there is a parity dierence between the Co and Ni nuclei. The dyon model is suggesting that the neutrino Wu and her colleagues ignored carries away the missing piece that makes up the parity dierence. The dyon model portrays the electron as a Möbius band, and its antiparticle, the positron, is its mirror image. The Möbius band has a twist that in reection is reversed, thus changing the sign of the charge.[Leadenham] This is explained in Chapter 6 of the referenced book. If Wu's experiment does not prove that parity is not conserved in the weak interaction, then it must instead prove that electrons, quarks and neutrinos cannot be modeled as point particles. Doing so is an oversimplication that leads to a wrong conclusion. It is possible that parity is not conserved, but that would happen at the chiral symmetry breaking point, whereby right-handed particles have higher energy than left-handed ones. Neutrino masses are the key to a full understanding of the theory. Moreover, parity non-conservation is essential at chiral symmetry breaking, if so much high energy mirror matter is left behind to be enclosed in a horizon that becomes dark matter. 6Color charge and dark matter Electrons and positrons are color-neutral, because they exist in our sector of the uni- verse. Quarks have the color property and exist in anti-de Sitter space (AdS), but not in our de Sitter space sector. The three colors, R, G, B, must correspond to N, S, and likewise for their anti-particle counterparts, but which is which is not known. At any rate, particles with color interactions have higher energy than color-neutral ones and can be stable only in an environment with high ambient energy, such as exists in anti-de Sitter space, the inside of a nucleon. Because particles and antiparticles are well dened in de Sitter space, and mirror particles appearing there are only the three anti-neutrinos, one may conclude that all other mirror particles in general were stable only at the rst instant of the observed
  • 7. Mirror Matter 7 Table 5 Possible dyon pairings that have not been seen, mirror diagrams mirror positron diagram mirror anti-down-quark diagram mirror anti-up-quark diagram −e/6 S N −e/6 N −e/6 −e/6 S −e/6 S N −e/6 −e/6 S N −e/6 N +e/6 +e/6 S −e/6 S N −e/6 +e/6 S N +e/6 N +e/6 −e/6 S +e/6 S N +e/6 mirror positron in matrix notation mirror anti-down-quark in matrix notation mirror anti-up-quark in matrix notation  − NS − − NS − − NS −     − NS − − NS − + NS +     + NS + + NS + + NS −   6 mixed matter dyons with no net helicity 6 mixed matter dyons with no net helicity 6 mixed matter dyons with left-handed helicity Table 6 Mirror diagrams of observed particles mirror electron diagram mirror down-quark diagram mirror up-quark diagram +e/6 S N +e/6 N +e/6 +e/6 S +e/6 S N +e/6 +e/6 S N +e/6 N −e/6 −e/6 S +e/6 S N +e/6 −e/6 S N −e/6 N −e/6 +e/6 S −e/6 S N −e/6 mirror electron in matrix notation down-quark in matrix notation up-quark in matrix notation  + NS + + NS + + NS +     + NS + + NS + − NS −     − NS − − NS − − NS +   6 mixed matter dyons with no net helicity 6 mixed matter dyons with no net helicity 6 mixed matter dyons with right-handed helicity universe or possibly could exist within the horizon of a black hole. The rst instant of the known universe would be the point where Rees's number Q was dened. He cited a value of 10−5 , but it is now known to be 10−7 , or precisely 4πµ0α.[Leadenham] This precise value resulted from an analysis of the dark matter forming galaxies, explained in Ch. 3 of 21st Century Physics. Recent measurements narrowed the uncertainty in Q to ∼ 10−6 , as cited by Natarajan.[Natarajan, pp. 197-198] It is thought that the horizons of black holes and black strings enclosed the very highest energy particles and their ambient elds at that rst instant, and the resulting enclosures became the dark matter now known as the seeds of galaxies and stars. The very highest energy particles could very well be mirror particles. 7Mirror particles Tables 5 and 6 show the mirror particles made of 6 paired dyons. Note that only the mirror up-quark and mirror anti-up-quark show helicity. Why mirror particles have higher energy than observed particles is subject for contemplation. Such high energy makes mirror matter the answer to the question of why Rees's Q and 4πµ0α dier by a factor of 100. Rees assumed that normal matter formed the irregularities showing in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), but how these condensations can occur without some seeding is a major problem with the model. Very high energy and very high mass particles fragmenting at the universe's beginning oers a possible solution. The fragmented matter quickly decays to lower energy particles and releases vast radiation energy. This would be the normal matter and radiation of which we see the remains today. The relic mirror matter would be quickly encapsulated in a horizon. Lumps would become black holes of all sizes, and syrupy strings would become black strings. Dark matter is thus formed, and it seeds the inhomogeneities in density
  • 8. 8 Douglas Leadenham Table 7 Dyons as right-left mirror pairs qa R qb L − N + N S + S − S + S − − N + N that show up in the CMB. Thus Q can be 10−7 instead of 10−5 . In that case all is well with the model. 8Chiral symmetry breaking The dyons of Ÿ3 are the left-right pairs that form when the primordial radiation eld begins to condense into particles. This is called chiral symmetry breaking. Table 7 shows the dyons of Ÿ3 reorganized as these pairs. Prevailing theory identies these as quarks, but they are actually dyons that precede and form the quarks. The origin of the symmetry breaking may be described as an analog to magnetization, the fermion condensate (vacuum condensate of bilinear expressions involving the quarks in the QCD vacuum), as the prevailing theory predicts.[/wiki/Chiral_symmetry_breaking] In the model presented here, the so-called quarks qa Rqb L are actually precursors of quarks. Acknowledgements If you'd like to thank anyone, place your comments here. References [Leadenham] Douglas Leadenham, Topics in 21st Century Physics: The Universe As Presently Understood, (2016) [Natarajan, pp. 197-198] Priyamvada Natarajan, Mapping the Heavens: The Radi- cal Scientic Ideas that Reveal the Cosmos, 197-198. Yale University Press, New Haven (2016) [Rees, p. 115] Martin Rees, Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces that Shape the Universe, 115. Basic Books, New York (2000) [/wiki/Neutrino] [/wiki/Sterile_neutrino] [/wiki/Color_charge] [/wiki/Chiral_symmetry_breaking] [Wu, C.-S., et al.] Chien-Shiung Wu, E. Ambler, R. W. Hayward, D. D. Hoppes, R. P. Hudson, Experimental Test of Parity Con- servation in Beta Decay, Physical Review 105(4), 1413- 1415 (1957)