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Tours to
  Spain       heritage
   2010        culture








                         san sebastián





            trips to spain
an unforgettable experience

                                A language trip abroad is an unforgettable experience!   Students
                                are so enthusiastic about their time with us that even years later,
                                we hear from former students about their transformation:         “I
                                arrived not knowing a word of Spanish” to “I didn’t want to go
                                home yet” to “this program changed my life!”

                                We are fully convinced that traveling through the North of Spain,
                                visiting a diversity of places and learning Spanish will be an
                                experience you will never forget.

                                We offer adult students and teachers complete educational and
                                cultural language trips in Spain for individuals and groups to learn
                                Spanish language and discover a diversity of places in Spain:
                                Madrid, Toledo, Burgos, Vitoria, San Sebastian, La Rioja,
                                Pamplona, and Bilbao, as well as lovely small villages in the North
                                of Spain.

                                Individuals and groups can choose one of our Scheduled
                                Language Tours or one of our Standard Spanish Programs:

                                A unique Summer Vacation in Spain from June 3 r d to 21 s t .
                                Language tour in Spain from June 24 t h – July 11 t h .
                                Autumn Language Holidays and Wine Tasting experience in
                                Standard Spanish language programs throughout the year

                                Language study tours are intended for adults or young adults:
                                public   schools,   universities   and  colleges, organizations,
                                professionals, groups of friends and families.

                                Educational Tour & Group Travel Programs for School, College &
                                Adult Groups or individuals are programs organized in
                                cooperation between ZadorSpain Spanish Schools and U.S.
                                language Professor Vonna Breeze-Martin.

                                If you have any questions about our language trips, the itineraries
                                in Spain, safety, guides, Spanish teachers, other staff, meals,
                                etc., please email or call us and we will be happy to answer any
                                question you might have.

                                We’re available to address any doubt or request, or, of course, for
                                your registration in a language trip in Spain!!
zadorspain Spanish schools

Zador Spanish schools is a language company with two
language schools in Spain, in Vitoria and in Alicante, and
long and accredited experience teaching the Spanish

Zador offers professionalism, reliability and efficiency. Since
ZadorSpain opened its first Spanish language school in 1990,
they have broadened and refined their Spanish programs
thanks to the priceless feedback from the companies and
educational organizations for whom they have organized
Spanish courses and, fundamentally, to the experience that
comes from our daily work with students.

Vonna Breeze-Martin has more than two decades of
experience as Professor of Spanish at Columbia College in
California. During her tenure, she has traveled with groups of
students to Oaxaca, Cuernavaca and Guadalajara, Mexico,
as well as to the Zador Institute in Vitoria, Spain.

On the Columbia campus, Vonna Breeze-Martin has
coordinated an intercultural and educational program for
students from Central America and the Caribbean under
Georgetown University's C.A.S.S. program (Cooperative
Association of States for Scholarships), as well as directed the
Columbia Center of the Colorado-based Spring International
Language Center, an intensive EFL program.

Her love of the Spanish language and its many cultures is
well known to her students and colleagues, who voted her
“Teacher of the Year” for 2009.

She relishes the challenges, rewards and joys of language
learning and intercultural and multilingual connections."

a unique summer vacation in spain in june
from 3 rd to 21 st June. 18 days
focus on discovering places and gastronomy
everything organized for you

T R A NS P OR TS I NC L U DE D                                               1 st day: Arrival in Madrid. Transfer to the hotel. Lunch at a
                                                                             restaurant near the hotel, guided sightseeing tour, Reina
arrival and departure from Madrid                                            Sofia Museum and dinner.
                                                                             2 nd day in Madrdid: Prado Museum in the morning and
E ve ry t hi ng i ncl ud ed : cu l t u r a l v isi t s, ex cur s i o n s     Palacio Real after having lunch. Free time.
                                                                             3 rd day: excursion to Toledo.
a n d t r i p s , f o ur s t ar h o t e l a cc om m od ati o n i n
                                                                             4 th day: From Madrid to Vitoria, guided visit to Segovia and
M a dr id , Mu s e um en tr a nc e f ees , s i ghts e ei n g,
                                                                             lunch. Arrival in Vitoria. Accommodation, time to rest and
S pa n is h l es s on s w it h t ea c h in g m a t e r i a l , h o st
                                                                             welcome dinner.
f am i ly s in g le r oom w it h b r e a kf as t a n d d in n er or          5 th day: Spanish lessons. Group lunch –set menu in a nearby
a p ar t m e nt a c c om mo d at i on f or 2 / 3 p e op l e i n              restaurant. Guided visit in Vitoria city center.
V it or i a – on l y a cc om m o d at ion - , al l m ea l s at               6 th day: Spanish lessons. Lunch. Cathedral and Medieval
m id d ay i n r e s t au r a nt s , a r r iv a l a n d d ep ar t ur e        Walls. Tapa and wine near the cathedral.
t r a ns f e r , m e d i ca l a n d a cc i de nt i n s ur an c e a nd        7 th day: Spanish lessons. Lunch. Basque Museum of
a p er s o n a c c om p any i n g y o u du r i ng y o ur s t a y             Contemporary Art in Vitoria.
i n S p a in .                                                               8 th day: Excursion to La Rioja. Wine Cellars.
C it i es vi s ite d: M ad r id, T o le do , Se gov i a , Bu rgo s ,         9 th day: Spanish lessons. Free afternoon and tapas evening
S an        S e ba s t i a n,   Pam p l on a ,    B i l ba o ,  R i o ja     through the city centre bars and taverns.
R e g io n , an d V it o r ia . T h i s To ur P a c ka g e s t a r t s       10 th day: Excursion to Pamplona.
a n d f i n is hes i n M a dr i d.                                           11 th day: Excursion to Bilbao. Guggenheim Museum.
Sp ani sh P rog ram : 2 w e ek w it h 4 l e ss on s / da y .                 12 th day: Spanish lessons and visit to the Basque Parliament
K i nd o f t o ur : C u ltu r a l v i s i t s a nd S pa n i s h              13 th day: Spanish lessons. Shopping or Fine Arts Museum
P r o gr am f or i nd iv i du a ls a nd gr oup s .                           14 th day: Spanish lessons. Archaeology and Playing Card
                                                                             Museums and Montehermoso Palace in the Medieval area
                                                                             15 th day: Excursion to Burgos.
PRICES                                                                       16 th day: Spanish lessons and free afternoon.
h o st f am il y a c comm od at i o n i n V it or i a          € 2,980       17 th day: Excursion to San Sebastian
a p ar t m e nt a c c om m od at i o n i n V it or i a         € 2,930       18th day: Free morning. Farewell lunch.
S U PLE ME N TS                                                              Departure day: Transfer from Vitoria to Madrid airport or
s i n gle r o om at t h e ho te l i n Mad r id                    € 120      Bilbao airport
all the services included in the trip
Pr iv at e coa c h t ra n sfe r to th e h ot e l i n Ma d ri d ● 3 n i gh ts f our st ar s
h ot e l i n M a d r i d c it y c e nt r e w it h br ea kf a s t i n t w in / do u b le r oom —
s i n g le r o om u p on r eq u e s t w it h a s up p leme nt ● S i gh t s e e in g To u r i n
M a dr id ● T i c k ets f o r P r ad o and R ei n a S o f i a M us eu m s an d R oy a l
P a l a ce ● 2 m e a ls an d 2 d i nn er s i n r es t a ur a nts an d 1 t a p as d in n er i n
M a dr id ● F u l l d ay ex c ur s io n in p u bl i c o r p r i v at e co a c h t o To l e do ,
g u i d ed v is i t s , a nd lun c h ● Guided v i sit t o S e govia with lunch ●
Transport to Vit oria ● Tr a ns f e r t o t h e ac c om m o d at ion : h os t f am i ly or
a p ar t m e nt ● . 1 5 n i gh t s h os t f am i ly ac c om m o d at ion w it h br ea k f a s t
a n d d i n ne r o r 15 n i ght s a pa r t m en t a c comm od at io n w it h out m ea l s —
2 / 3 pe o pl e i n m od er n ap art m en t s w it h ki t c h e n an d t w i n r o om f or 2
p e o pl e or 2 r oom s f or 3 or 4 p e op l e ● 8 d ay s I nt en s iv e S pa n i s h
C ou r s e w it h 4 l es s o ns p er da y w i t h t ea c h ing m at e r ia l ● Gr ou p l un c h
— 8 s et m en u s i n a r es t a ur a nt i n V i t o r i a c it y c e nt r e ● Gu id e d v is i ts in
V it or i a —o ri e nt at i on vi s it t hr ou gh Vi to ri a ci ty ce nt re , c at he dr a l, o ld
r amp ar ts , m us eum s ● I nf o o n a ct iv it i e s , e v e nt s a nd s ho ws in V it or i a
● 1 t a p as d i n n er and 1 f ar ew e l l d i nn er i n r es t a ur an t s ● F u l l d a y
e x c ur s i o ns t o S a n S e ba s t i a n, B i l ba o , R i o ja , B ur g os a nd P am p l o na —
p u b l ic or p r iv at e t r a ns po r t s d e p en d in g o n t h e e x c ur s i o n— w it h
g u i d ed v is it s , lu n ch a n d f r ee t i m e ● Tr av e l, h e a lth a nd a c cid e nt
i n s ur an c e ● D ep ar t u r e t r an s f e r f r om V it or i a t o M a d r i d or B i l b a o
airpor ts ● Pr e-t ri p or ie nt at i on an d a n or i en ta ti o n u po n a rr iv a l a t t h e
d e s t i nat i o n i n S pa i n .

some notes about services included
     accommodation in Madrid                          host family accommodation
    F o ur st ar s H ot e l in Madrid cit y           I n di v i d ua l o r d o ub l e , w it h S pa n ish -
    c e nt r e . Tw in r o om. S in g l e r o om      s p ea k i n g f am i l i es . U s u a l l y t h er e is
    upon           request        w it h       a      o n l y 1 s t ud e nt or a c o u p le pe r
    s u pp l em ent .                                 h o st f am i ly. Stu d en t ha s br ea kf as t
                                                      and          di n ne r    w it h    t he       f am i ly .
                                                      Breakf as t usually consist on fruit,
                                                      cereals or biscuits, yoghurt an d
                                                      c o f f e e. Din n er in S pa i n i s u s ua l l y
                                                      a r ou n d 2 1: 0 0 or 2 1: 30 .
        Transfer from/to airport                                 Excursions & Visits
    T h er e i s o n l y o ne p i c k- up or             T r an s po r t s c o u ld be i n pr iv at e
    d r op -o ff      s e rv ic e in M ad r id           c o a ch es         or     wi t h    pu b l ic
    a i r p or t . I f y o u n e ed t r an s f er        transport s.
    from /t o other airport other da y,                  F u l l d ay ex c ur s io n las t s ar ou n d
    w e c an p r ov id e th e s erv i ce                 8 - 9 h o ur s .
    u p o n r e qu e s t w it h a n e xt r a             V i s its l as t b e tw ee n 1h 30 or
    cost.                                                2 h o ur s .
             Meals in Vitoria                                       Spanish lessons
   S et m en u s i n r e s t a ur a nts n e ar           T w o w e e ks o f S pa n is h c l a s s es
   t he la n gua g e s ch oo l in V it or i a            f or 4 d ay s p e r w e e k, f o u r
   c i ty centr e. Us ua l l y t h e m enu               l e s so ns pe r d ay - 3 hou r s- i n t he
   h a s 2 c ou r s e s w it h 2 o r 3 o pt io ns        m or ni n gs , in g r o u ps no l ar g er
   t o ch o os e f r om , w i n e o r w at er . I n      t ha n 8 a nd g r ou pe d by s k i l l
   s om e cas e s, me nu i nc l ud es                    level.
   c o ff e e bu t n ot a lw ays . I n t h os e
   c a s e s , c of f e e is no t i nc l u de d .

10 days language tour in july
from 24 th June to 4th July. 11 days (10 nights)
focus on excursions, visits and language
something organized & something on your own

                                                                             itinerary with the excursions
                                                                                1 st day: Arrival in Madrid. Transfer from the airport to
T R A NS P OR TS I NC L U DE D                                                  the hotel. Lunch at a restaurant near the hotel, guided
arrival Madrid departure Bilbao                                                 sightseeing tour, Reina Sofia Museum and dinner.
                                                                                2 nd day in Madrid: Prado Museum in the morning and
                                                                                after having lunch Palacio Real. Free time.
I n c l uded : 3 d a y s i n M a dr id w it h g u i d ed t o u r s
                                                                                3 rd day: excursion to Toledo. Guided visit and lunch.
and four star Hotel with br ea kfast, op tional full
                                                                                4 th day: From Madrid to Vitoria (train). Arrival in
d a y e xc ur s i o n t o T ol ed o , t r an s po r t f r om M a d r i d
                                                                                Vitoria. Accommodation, time to rest and welcome
t o V it or ia i n pr iv at e c o ac h o r t r a in , 1 w e ek                  lunch to taste different kind of tapas in a restaurant.
l a n g ua g e p r ogr am in V it or ia w it h a c com m o -                    5 th day: Spanish lessons. Guided visit in Vitoria city
d at i o n i n R e s i de n ce or a pa r t m e nt , 4 d ay l un c h             center. Santa Maria Cathedral and Medieval Ramparts.
i n r e s t a ur an t s i n V it or i a , o pt i on al e xc ur s i ons t o      6 th day: Spanish lessons in the morning. Optional half day
S an S eb as t ia n , R i o ja , B ur g os, B i l b ao w it h                   excursion to Burgos in the afternoon or Playing Cards
G u g g e nh e im M u s e um, g ui d ed t o u r s i n V it o r ia               Museum in Vitoria.
a n d o pt i ona l de p ar t ure t r a n s f er f r om B i lb a o.              7 th day: Spanish lessons. Basque Museum of
Sp ani sh P rog ram : 1 w e ek w it h 4 l e ss on s / da y .                    Contemporary Art in Vitoria.
                                                                                8 th day: Full day Excursion to La Rioja. Visit one Wine
PRIC ES f or t he pr o gr am w it h 3 da y s i n M adr i d                      Cellar, tasting 2 wines. Lunch in a restaurant.
1 0 d ay s r es i d en c e /d or m it or y i n V i t or ia € 1,300              9 th day: Spanish lessons. Free afternoon, wine tasting and
1 0 d ay s a pa r t m ent i n V it or i a                  € 1,4 0 0            farewell dinner in a typical restaurant in Vitoria.
S U PLE ME N TS                                                                 10 th day: Full day excursion to San Sebastian. Guided
                                                                                visit, lunch in a restaurant to taste typical Basque cuisine
Single room at the hotel in Madrid                           € 160
Full day trip to Toledo, visits and lunch                                       and free afternoon to stroll through the city or beach.
                                                             € 110
Full day trip to La Rioja, 2 Wine Cellars,                                      11 th day: Excursion to Bilbao. Guggenheim Museum.
                                                             € 105
Tasting at least 4 wines and typical meal                                       Lunch. Transfer to Bilbao airport.
Full day excursion to San Sebastian, guided
                                                                      € 99
visit, lunch to taste Basque cuisine
Excursion      to    Bilbao,  guided    visit,                       € 104
Guggenheim Museum, lunch                                                     * Transfer from Vitoria to Madrid, other airports or different
Half day excursion Burgos with guide                                  € 37   time than scheduled upon request.
Transfer from Bilbao (1person -1way)                                 € 105
all the services included in the trip
Pr iv at e coa c h t ra n sfe r fr om t he ai rp or t to t he h ot el i n M a dr id – o ne
g r ou p t r a ns f er ● 3 n ig h t s f o ur s t ar s h ot e l in M ad r i d c i t y ce nt r e w it h
b r ea kf a st in tw in /d oub l e r o om — s in gl e roo m u po n r e qu es t w it h a
s u pp l em ent ● S i g ht s e e i n g To ur i n M a dr id ● Ti ckets for Pr ad o and
R e i na S o f ia M us eum s a n d R o y al P a l a ce ● 2 m eals in r e staur a nts and
1 t a p as d in n er i n M a d r i d ● Tra n sp or t to V it or i a ● Transfer to the
a c c om m od at i o n ●. 7 n i gh t s r es i d en c e /d or m it or y — s in g l e r oom— or
a p ar t m e nt a c c om mo d at i on w it ho ut m ea ls — 2 /3 p eo p l e in m o d er n
a p ar t m e nts w it h k it c he n a n d t w in r oom for 2 people or 2 rooms for 3
o r 4 p eo p le ● 4 d ay s I nt en s ive S p a n is h C ou r s e w it h 4 l e s s o ns per da y
w it h t e ac h in g mat er i al ● Gr ou p l u n c h — 4 s et m e nu s i n a r es t a ur a nt
i n V it or i a c i t y c ent r e ● G u ide d v i s it s in V it or i a — or i e nt at io n v is it
t hr o ugh V it o r ia c it y ce nt r e , c at he d r a l , o l d r am p art s , m us eum s ● I nf o
o n act iv it ie s , ev e nt s a n d s ho w s i n V it or i a ● 1 t a p as l u n ch or d i n n er
a n d 1 f ar ew e l l d in n er i n r es t a ur a nt s i n V it o r ia ● Tr av e l, he a lt h a n d
a c c id e nt in s ur a nc e ● De pa rtur e t ra ns f er f r om V it ori a to M ad ri d o r
B i l ba o a i r po r t s u po n r e q u est ● Pr e-t ri p o r ie nt at i on an d an or i en ta ti on
u p o n ar r iv a l at t he de s t i n at io n in S p a in .

optional excursions
● F u l l da y e x c ur s io n t o T o le d o: t r a ns p ort , s i gh t s e e in g , t i ck et
e nt r a n ce , lu n c h.
● F u l l d ay e x c ur s i o n t o L a R i o ja : p r i v at e c oa c h , g u id ed v i s it M ar q u e s
d e R i s c a l W i ne r y w it h t a s t in g 2 w in e s, g u i d ed v i si t t o La g ua r di a,
v i s i t i n g a t r a d it i on a l w i n e r y , t a s t in g 2 w i ne s . L un c h.
● F u l l d ay e x c ur si o n to S a n Se ba st i a n: p r iva te co a ch, f un i cu l ar t o a
m ou nt a in o v e r S a n S eb a s t ia n t o e nj o y s p ec t a c ul ar v ie w s o f L a
C on c ha B ay , g ui d ed t o u r b y “tr ain ” a nd w a lk i n g t ou r , lu n c h t o s av o ur
t y p i ca l B a s q u e c u is i ne . F r e e a f t e r no o n t o e n j oy t h e b e a ch .
● F u l l da y e x c ur s i o n t o B i lb a o: pr iv at e c o a ch , s i gh t s e e in g , t i c k et
e nt r a n ce f o r Gu g g enh e im M us eu m w it h au d i o- g ui d e, l u nc h in t he
r e s t a ur a nt o f a f o ur s t a r s h ot e l an d f r e e t im e .
● B ur go s — p u b l ic or pr iv at e t r a ns p o r t — s i g ht s e e i ng a nd g u i de v i s i t t o
t he C at hed r al .

some notes
     accommodation in Madrid                                     Residence in Vitoria
   Four stars Hotel in Madrid city                       It   is   a   residence/dormitory for
   centre. Twin room. Single room                        University students during the year:
   upon request with a supplement.                       basic single room, with bathroom in-
                                                         site, fridge, microwave, table…
         Transfer from/to airport                                    Excursions & Visits
   There is only one pick-up service in                  Transports    could   be   in  private
   Madrid airport. If you need transfer                  coaches or with public transports.
   at other time than scheduled, we                      Full day excursion lasts around 8-9
   can provide it upon request with an                   hours.
   extra cost.                                           Visits last between 1h30 or 2hours.
                Meals in Vitoria                                       Spanish lessons
   Set menus in restaurants near the                     1 week of Spanish classes for 4 days
   language school in the city centre.                   per week, four lessons per day -3
   Usually the menu has 2 courses with                   hours- in the mornings, in groups no
   2 or 3 options to choose from, wine                   larger than 8 and grouped by skill
   or water. In some cases, menu                         level.
   includes coffee but not always. In
   those cases, coffee is not included                                                             
   in the price.
study spanish

discover madrid

see northern spain

savor spanish gastronomy

taste rioja wine

                        for more details

                                   In the US
             contact: Vonna Breeze-Martin
                       tel.: (209) 605-1230

              informational meetings
                 to know dates and times of
             informational meetings, please
                       Vonna Breeze-Martin

                                    In SPAIN
                     Zadorspain Vitoria
                      Tel.: +34 945 15 17 19

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Semelhante a Discover Green Spain Tours 2010 (20)

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Discover Green Spain Tours 2010

  • 1. spanish Tours to Spain heritage Summer 2010 culture gastronomy wine madrid toledo segovia burgos vitoria san sebastián bilbao pamplona barcelona rioja language trips to spain 2010
  • 2. an unforgettable experience A language trip abroad is an unforgettable experience! Students are so enthusiastic about their time with us that even years later, we hear from former students about their transformation: “I arrived not knowing a word of Spanish” to “I didn’t want to go home yet” to “this program changed my life!” We are fully convinced that traveling through the North of Spain, visiting a diversity of places and learning Spanish will be an experience you will never forget. We offer adult students and teachers complete educational and cultural language trips in Spain for individuals and groups to learn Spanish language and discover a diversity of places in Spain: Madrid, Toledo, Burgos, Vitoria, San Sebastian, La Rioja, Pamplona, and Bilbao, as well as lovely small villages in the North of Spain. Individuals and groups can choose one of our Scheduled Language Tours or one of our Standard Spanish Programs: A unique Summer Vacation in Spain from June 3 r d to 21 s t . Language tour in Spain from June 24 t h – July 11 t h . Autumn Language Holidays and Wine Tasting experience in September Standard Spanish language programs throughout the year Language study tours are intended for adults or young adults: public schools, universities and colleges, organizations, professionals, groups of friends and families. Educational Tour & Group Travel Programs for School, College & Adult Groups or individuals are programs organized in cooperation between ZadorSpain Spanish Schools and U.S. language Professor Vonna Breeze-Martin. If you have any questions about our language trips, the itineraries in Spain, safety, guides, Spanish teachers, other staff, meals, etc., please email or call us and we will be happy to answer any question you might have. We’re available to address any doubt or request, or, of course, for your registration in a language trip in Spain!!
  • 3. zadorspain Spanish schools Zador Spanish schools is a language company with two language schools in Spain, in Vitoria and in Alicante, and long and accredited experience teaching the Spanish language. Zador offers professionalism, reliability and efficiency. Since ZadorSpain opened its first Spanish language school in 1990, they have broadened and refined their Spanish programs thanks to the priceless feedback from the companies and educational organizations for whom they have organized Spanish courses and, fundamentally, to the experience that comes from our daily work with students. Vonna Breeze-Martin has more than two decades of experience as Professor of Spanish at Columbia College in California. During her tenure, she has traveled with groups of students to Oaxaca, Cuernavaca and Guadalajara, Mexico, as well as to the Zador Institute in Vitoria, Spain. On the Columbia campus, Vonna Breeze-Martin has coordinated an intercultural and educational program for students from Central America and the Caribbean under Georgetown University's C.A.S.S. program (Cooperative Association of States for Scholarships), as well as directed the Columbia Center of the Colorado-based Spring International Language Center, an intensive EFL program. Her love of the Spanish language and its many cultures is well known to her students and colleagues, who voted her “Teacher of the Year” for 2009. She relishes the challenges, rewards and joys of language learning and intercultural and multilingual connections."
  • 4. a unique summer vacation in spain in june from 3 rd to 21 st June. 18 days focus on discovering places and gastronomy everything organized for you P RI C E PE R P ER S O N D OU B LE o r TWI N R O OM itinerary T R A NS P OR TS I NC L U DE D 1 st day: Arrival in Madrid. Transfer to the hotel. Lunch at a restaurant near the hotel, guided sightseeing tour, Reina arrival and departure from Madrid Sofia Museum and dinner. 2 nd day in Madrdid: Prado Museum in the morning and E ve ry t hi ng i ncl ud ed : cu l t u r a l v isi t s, ex cur s i o n s Palacio Real after having lunch. Free time. 3 rd day: excursion to Toledo. a n d t r i p s , f o ur s t ar h o t e l a cc om m od ati o n i n 4 th day: From Madrid to Vitoria, guided visit to Segovia and M a dr id , Mu s e um en tr a nc e f ees , s i ghts e ei n g, lunch. Arrival in Vitoria. Accommodation, time to rest and S pa n is h l es s on s w it h t ea c h in g m a t e r i a l , h o st welcome dinner. f am i ly s in g le r oom w it h b r e a kf as t a n d d in n er or 5 th day: Spanish lessons. Group lunch –set menu in a nearby a p ar t m e nt a c c om mo d at i on f or 2 / 3 p e op l e i n restaurant. Guided visit in Vitoria city center. V it or i a – on l y a cc om m o d at ion - , al l m ea l s at 6 th day: Spanish lessons. Lunch. Cathedral and Medieval m id d ay i n r e s t au r a nt s , a r r iv a l a n d d ep ar t ur e Walls. Tapa and wine near the cathedral. t r a ns f e r , m e d i ca l a n d a cc i de nt i n s ur an c e a nd 7 th day: Spanish lessons. Lunch. Basque Museum of a p er s o n a c c om p any i n g y o u du r i ng y o ur s t a y Contemporary Art in Vitoria. i n S p a in . 8 th day: Excursion to La Rioja. Wine Cellars. C it i es vi s ite d: M ad r id, T o le do , Se gov i a , Bu rgo s , 9 th day: Spanish lessons. Free afternoon and tapas evening S an S e ba s t i a n, Pam p l on a , B i l ba o , R i o ja through the city centre bars and taverns. R e g io n , an d V it o r ia . T h i s To ur P a c ka g e s t a r t s 10 th day: Excursion to Pamplona. a n d f i n is hes i n M a dr i d. 11 th day: Excursion to Bilbao. Guggenheim Museum. Sp ani sh P rog ram : 2 w e ek w it h 4 l e ss on s / da y . 12 th day: Spanish lessons and visit to the Basque Parliament K i nd o f t o ur : C u ltu r a l v i s i t s a nd S pa n i s h 13 th day: Spanish lessons. Shopping or Fine Arts Museum P r o gr am f or i nd iv i du a ls a nd gr oup s . 14 th day: Spanish lessons. Archaeology and Playing Card Museums and Montehermoso Palace in the Medieval area 15 th day: Excursion to Burgos. PRICES 16 th day: Spanish lessons and free afternoon. h o st f am il y a c comm od at i o n i n V it or i a € 2,980 17 th day: Excursion to San Sebastian a p ar t m e nt a c c om m od at i o n i n V it or i a € 2,930 18th day: Free morning. Farewell lunch. S U PLE ME N TS Departure day: Transfer from Vitoria to Madrid airport or s i n gle r o om at t h e ho te l i n Mad r id € 120 Bilbao airport
  • 5. all the services included in the trip Pr iv at e coa c h t ra n sfe r to th e h ot e l i n Ma d ri d ● 3 n i gh ts f our st ar s h ot e l i n M a d r i d c it y c e nt r e w it h br ea kf a s t i n t w in / do u b le r oom — s i n g le r o om u p on r eq u e s t w it h a s up p leme nt ● S i gh t s e e in g To u r i n M a dr id ● T i c k ets f o r P r ad o and R ei n a S o f i a M us eu m s an d R oy a l P a l a ce ● 2 m e a ls an d 2 d i nn er s i n r es t a ur a nts an d 1 t a p as d in n er i n M a dr id ● F u l l d ay ex c ur s io n in p u bl i c o r p r i v at e co a c h t o To l e do , g u i d ed v is i t s , a nd lun c h ● Guided v i sit t o S e govia with lunch ● Transport to Vit oria ● Tr a ns f e r t o t h e ac c om m o d at ion : h os t f am i ly or a p ar t m e nt ● . 1 5 n i gh t s h os t f am i ly ac c om m o d at ion w it h br ea k f a s t a n d d i n ne r o r 15 n i ght s a pa r t m en t a c comm od at io n w it h out m ea l s — 2 / 3 pe o pl e i n m od er n ap art m en t s w it h ki t c h e n an d t w i n r o om f or 2 p e o pl e or 2 r oom s f or 3 or 4 p e op l e ● 8 d ay s I nt en s iv e S pa n i s h C ou r s e w it h 4 l es s o ns p er da y w i t h t ea c h ing m at e r ia l ● Gr ou p l un c h — 8 s et m en u s i n a r es t a ur a nt i n V i t o r i a c it y c e nt r e ● Gu id e d v is i ts in V it or i a —o ri e nt at i on vi s it t hr ou gh Vi to ri a ci ty ce nt re , c at he dr a l, o ld r amp ar ts , m us eum s ● I nf o o n a ct iv it i e s , e v e nt s a nd s ho ws in V it or i a ● 1 t a p as d i n n er and 1 f ar ew e l l d i nn er i n r es t a ur an t s ● F u l l d a y e x c ur s i o ns t o S a n S e ba s t i a n, B i l ba o , R i o ja , B ur g os a nd P am p l o na — p u b l ic or p r iv at e t r a ns po r t s d e p en d in g o n t h e e x c ur s i o n— w it h g u i d ed v is it s , lu n ch a n d f r ee t i m e ● Tr av e l, h e a lth a nd a c cid e nt i n s ur an c e ● D ep ar t u r e t r an s f e r f r om V it or i a t o M a d r i d or B i l b a o airpor ts ● Pr e-t ri p or ie nt at i on an d a n or i en ta ti o n u po n a rr iv a l a t t h e d e s t i nat i o n i n S pa i n . some notes about services included accommodation in Madrid host family accommodation F o ur st ar s H ot e l in Madrid cit y I n di v i d ua l o r d o ub l e , w it h S pa n ish - c e nt r e . Tw in r o om. S in g l e r o om s p ea k i n g f am i l i es . U s u a l l y t h er e is upon request w it h a o n l y 1 s t ud e nt or a c o u p le pe r s u pp l em ent . h o st f am i ly. Stu d en t ha s br ea kf as t and di n ne r w it h t he f am i ly . Breakf as t usually consist on fruit, cereals or biscuits, yoghurt an d c o f f e e. Din n er in S pa i n i s u s ua l l y a r ou n d 2 1: 0 0 or 2 1: 30 . Transfer from/to airport Excursions & Visits T h er e i s o n l y o ne p i c k- up or T r an s po r t s c o u ld be i n pr iv at e d r op -o ff s e rv ic e in M ad r id c o a ch es or wi t h pu b l ic a i r p or t . I f y o u n e ed t r an s f er transport s. from /t o other airport other da y, F u l l d ay ex c ur s io n las t s ar ou n d w e c an p r ov id e th e s erv i ce 8 - 9 h o ur s . u p o n r e qu e s t w it h a n e xt r a V i s its l as t b e tw ee n 1h 30 or cost. 2 h o ur s . Meals in Vitoria Spanish lessons S et m en u s i n r e s t a ur a nts n e ar T w o w e e ks o f S pa n is h c l a s s es t he la n gua g e s ch oo l in V it or i a f or 4 d ay s p e r w e e k, f o u r c i ty centr e. Us ua l l y t h e m enu l e s so ns pe r d ay - 3 hou r s- i n t he h a s 2 c ou r s e s w it h 2 o r 3 o pt io ns m or ni n gs , in g r o u ps no l ar g er t o ch o os e f r om , w i n e o r w at er . I n t ha n 8 a nd g r ou pe d by s k i l l s om e cas e s, me nu i nc l ud es level. c o ff e e bu t n ot a lw ays . I n t h os e c a s e s , c of f e e is no t i nc l u de d .
  • 6. 10 days language tour in july from 24 th June to 4th July. 11 days (10 nights) focus on excursions, visits and language something organized & something on your own P RI C E PE R P ER S O N D OU B LE o r TWI N R O OM itinerary with the excursions 1 st day: Arrival in Madrid. Transfer from the airport to T R A NS P OR TS I NC L U DE D the hotel. Lunch at a restaurant near the hotel, guided arrival Madrid departure Bilbao sightseeing tour, Reina Sofia Museum and dinner. 2 nd day in Madrid: Prado Museum in the morning and after having lunch Palacio Real. Free time. I n c l uded : 3 d a y s i n M a dr id w it h g u i d ed t o u r s 3 rd day: excursion to Toledo. Guided visit and lunch. and four star Hotel with br ea kfast, op tional full 4 th day: From Madrid to Vitoria (train). Arrival in d a y e xc ur s i o n t o T ol ed o , t r an s po r t f r om M a d r i d Vitoria. Accommodation, time to rest and welcome t o V it or ia i n pr iv at e c o ac h o r t r a in , 1 w e ek lunch to taste different kind of tapas in a restaurant. l a n g ua g e p r ogr am in V it or ia w it h a c com m o - 5 th day: Spanish lessons. Guided visit in Vitoria city d at i o n i n R e s i de n ce or a pa r t m e nt , 4 d ay l un c h center. Santa Maria Cathedral and Medieval Ramparts. i n r e s t a ur an t s i n V it or i a , o pt i on al e xc ur s i ons t o 6 th day: Spanish lessons in the morning. Optional half day S an S eb as t ia n , R i o ja , B ur g os, B i l b ao w it h excursion to Burgos in the afternoon or Playing Cards G u g g e nh e im M u s e um, g ui d ed t o u r s i n V it o r ia Museum in Vitoria. a n d o pt i ona l de p ar t ure t r a n s f er f r om B i lb a o. 7 th day: Spanish lessons. Basque Museum of Sp ani sh P rog ram : 1 w e ek w it h 4 l e ss on s / da y . Contemporary Art in Vitoria. 8 th day: Full day Excursion to La Rioja. Visit one Wine PRIC ES f or t he pr o gr am w it h 3 da y s i n M adr i d Cellar, tasting 2 wines. Lunch in a restaurant. 1 0 d ay s r es i d en c e /d or m it or y i n V i t or ia € 1,300 9 th day: Spanish lessons. Free afternoon, wine tasting and 1 0 d ay s a pa r t m ent i n V it or i a € 1,4 0 0 farewell dinner in a typical restaurant in Vitoria. S U PLE ME N TS 10 th day: Full day excursion to San Sebastian. Guided visit, lunch in a restaurant to taste typical Basque cuisine Single room at the hotel in Madrid € 160 Full day trip to Toledo, visits and lunch and free afternoon to stroll through the city or beach. € 110 Full day trip to La Rioja, 2 Wine Cellars, 11 th day: Excursion to Bilbao. Guggenheim Museum. € 105 Tasting at least 4 wines and typical meal Lunch. Transfer to Bilbao airport. Full day excursion to San Sebastian, guided € 99 visit, lunch to taste Basque cuisine Excursion to Bilbao, guided visit, € 104 Guggenheim Museum, lunch * Transfer from Vitoria to Madrid, other airports or different Half day excursion Burgos with guide € 37 time than scheduled upon request. Transfer from Bilbao (1person -1way) € 105
  • 7. all the services included in the trip Pr iv at e coa c h t ra n sfe r fr om t he ai rp or t to t he h ot el i n M a dr id – o ne g r ou p t r a ns f er ● 3 n ig h t s f o ur s t ar s h ot e l in M ad r i d c i t y ce nt r e w it h b r ea kf a st in tw in /d oub l e r o om — s in gl e roo m u po n r e qu es t w it h a s u pp l em ent ● S i g ht s e e i n g To ur i n M a dr id ● Ti ckets for Pr ad o and R e i na S o f ia M us eum s a n d R o y al P a l a ce ● 2 m eals in r e staur a nts and 1 t a p as d in n er i n M a d r i d ● Tra n sp or t to V it or i a ● Transfer to the a c c om m od at i o n ●. 7 n i gh t s r es i d en c e /d or m it or y — s in g l e r oom— or a p ar t m e nt a c c om mo d at i on w it ho ut m ea ls — 2 /3 p eo p l e in m o d er n a p ar t m e nts w it h k it c he n a n d t w in r oom for 2 people or 2 rooms for 3 o r 4 p eo p le ● 4 d ay s I nt en s ive S p a n is h C ou r s e w it h 4 l e s s o ns per da y w it h t e ac h in g mat er i al ● Gr ou p l u n c h — 4 s et m e nu s i n a r es t a ur a nt i n V it or i a c i t y c ent r e ● G u ide d v i s it s in V it or i a — or i e nt at io n v is it t hr o ugh V it o r ia c it y ce nt r e , c at he d r a l , o l d r am p art s , m us eum s ● I nf o o n act iv it ie s , ev e nt s a n d s ho w s i n V it or i a ● 1 t a p as l u n ch or d i n n er a n d 1 f ar ew e l l d in n er i n r es t a ur a nt s i n V it o r ia ● Tr av e l, he a lt h a n d a c c id e nt in s ur a nc e ● De pa rtur e t ra ns f er f r om V it ori a to M ad ri d o r B i l ba o a i r po r t s u po n r e q u est ● Pr e-t ri p o r ie nt at i on an d an or i en ta ti on u p o n ar r iv a l at t he de s t i n at io n in S p a in . optional excursions ● F u l l da y e x c ur s io n t o T o le d o: t r a ns p ort , s i gh t s e e in g , t i ck et e nt r a n ce , lu n c h. ● F u l l d ay e x c ur s i o n t o L a R i o ja : p r i v at e c oa c h , g u id ed v i s it M ar q u e s d e R i s c a l W i ne r y w it h t a s t in g 2 w in e s, g u i d ed v i si t t o La g ua r di a, v i s i t i n g a t r a d it i on a l w i n e r y , t a s t in g 2 w i ne s . L un c h. ● F u l l d ay e x c ur si o n to S a n Se ba st i a n: p r iva te co a ch, f un i cu l ar t o a m ou nt a in o v e r S a n S eb a s t ia n t o e nj o y s p ec t a c ul ar v ie w s o f L a C on c ha B ay , g ui d ed t o u r b y “tr ain ” a nd w a lk i n g t ou r , lu n c h t o s av o ur t y p i ca l B a s q u e c u is i ne . F r e e a f t e r no o n t o e n j oy t h e b e a ch . ● F u l l da y e x c ur s i o n t o B i lb a o: pr iv at e c o a ch , s i gh t s e e in g , t i c k et e nt r a n ce f o r Gu g g enh e im M us eu m w it h au d i o- g ui d e, l u nc h in t he r e s t a ur a nt o f a f o ur s t a r s h ot e l an d f r e e t im e . ● B ur go s — p u b l ic or pr iv at e t r a ns p o r t — s i g ht s e e i ng a nd g u i de v i s i t t o t he C at hed r al . some notes accommodation in Madrid Residence in Vitoria Four stars Hotel in Madrid city It is a residence/dormitory for centre. Twin room. Single room University students during the year: upon request with a supplement. basic single room, with bathroom in- site, fridge, microwave, table… Transfer from/to airport Excursions & Visits There is only one pick-up service in Transports could be in private Madrid airport. If you need transfer coaches or with public transports. at other time than scheduled, we Full day excursion lasts around 8-9 can provide it upon request with an hours. extra cost. Visits last between 1h30 or 2hours. Meals in Vitoria Spanish lessons Set menus in restaurants near the 1 week of Spanish classes for 4 days language school in the city centre. per week, four lessons per day -3 Usually the menu has 2 courses with hours- in the mornings, in groups no 2 or 3 options to choose from, wine larger than 8 and grouped by skill or water. In some cases, menu level. includes coffee but not always. In those cases, coffee is not included in the price.
  • 8. study spanish discover madrid see northern spain savor spanish gastronomy taste rioja wine for more details In the US contact: Vonna Breeze-Martin email: tel.: (209) 605-1230 informational meetings to know dates and times of informational meetings, please contact Vonna Breeze-Martin In SPAIN Zadorspain Vitoria Tel.: +34 945 15 17 19 email: