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Continuous integration and delivery
A quick guide through the wonders of teamwork with distributed version control systems,
dependency management, build automation, and continuous integration and delivery.
Danilo Pianini
Alma Mater Studiorum—Universit`a di Bologna a Cesena
Paradigmi di Programmazione e Sviluppo
May 12, 2017 - Cesena (Italy)
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 1 / 117
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
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Why continuous? I
Avoid the integration hell
Work in parallel
Don’t waste developers’ time with repetitive tasks
Don’t break stuff
Time is money
Software development used to take several months for “integrating” a
couple of years of development [Fow]
Historically introduced by the extreme programming (XP) community
Today used by companies that do not adopt XP
IMVU [teab] delivers its software up to 50 times per day
Google and Mozilla release at least once a day
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Why continuous? II
Higher frequency, lower risk [Fab]
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Introduction Highway to hell
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
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Introduction Highway to hell
What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell I
Jimmy [teaa] and Elliot develop a software project together.
Diverging histories
Jimmy must develop a new feature, picks the latest Elliot’s code
Jimmy begins, and in the meantime Elliot goes on with the rest
Jimmy completes his part
Jimmy’s code does not work the latest version
Keep your code in sync with the main development line
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Introduction Highway to hell
What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell II
It was working two minutes ago
Jimmy develops a new feature and tests it
Jimmy shows the feature five minutes later to Elliot, it does not work
Jimmy can’t figure out what happened, and needs to spend time
Elliot can’t see the feature, and must wait for Jimmy to iron the
problem out
Make sure you can restore any small change you made
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Introduction Highway to hell
What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell III
Stylish hell
Jimmy and Elliot styles are misaligned
Egyptian parentheses [teaa] vs. Allman
Tabs vs. spaces
Basically anything you can start a religion war upon
Jimmy and Elliot IDEs are configured differently
The project continuously flips from one style to the other,
Becomes impossible to localize changes
Agree on style (possibly using existing shared conventions), and
enforce its adoption
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Introduction Highway to hell
What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell IV
Tests as decorations
Jimmy prepared a lot of nice tests
Jimmy rarely executes them
Jimmy code ends up being broken
Execute your tests for every change you make
Works on my PC
Tests run correctly on Jimmy computer
They don’t on Elliot’s
Time gets wasted to debug the tests to decide whether or not the
code should get debugged
Execute your tests in a fresh environment resembling the production
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Introduction Highway to hell
What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell V
Unexpected merge failure
Jimmy develops a new feature, everything seems to work
The feature gets merged with the mainline
Tests fail
Test the integration before performing it
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Introduction Highway to hell
What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell VI
Dependency hell
Jimmy needs a library
Imports it directly in the code base
This dependency now must be dealt with manually:
Dependency’s dependencies
Big projects can very easily require hundreds of libraries
Automatize the dependency management
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Introduction Highway to hell
What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell VII
Fermented build
The project builds correctly and passes al tests
Nobody touches it, nobody builds it again for weeks
Once a rebuild is required, the project no longer builds or passes tests
Rebuild often
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Introduction Highway to hell
What could possibly get improved? Road to paradise I
Protoduction [teaa]
When prototype code ends up in production
Classically used with a negative meaning
It’s time to rehabilitate it
Make it easy to access and use the latest prototype
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Introduction Highway to hell
What could possibly get improved? Road to paradise II
It’s compiling [Mun]
Make the building process fast!
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Introduction Highway to hell
What could possibly get improved? Road to paradise III
It’s delivering
Business Analysis often needs the latest version of the software to
demonstrate upcoming features
Jimmy’s time gets is spent several times per week just for preparing
alpha releases
Automatize the delivery
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
Keep feature code in sync with the mainline
Make sure you can restore any small change you make
Agree and enforce a style (and report problems)
Execute all tests for every change
Execute your tests on a freshly prepared machine resembling
Test the integration before integrating
Automatize the dependency management
Rebuild often
Automatize the delivery
Make the development artifacts available
All the above, make it fast (non functional!)
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
No silver bullet
No single magic solution to all these problems is available
But they can all be tackled with the right combination of:
Development tools
Development methodologies
Automatization tools
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
Our bullets I
A distributed version control system. Will help with:
Keep feature code in sync with the mainline
Make sure you can restore any small change you make
All the above, make it fast!
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
Our bullets II
A methodology for team development using git. Will help with:
Keep feature code in sync with the mainline
Test the integration before integrating
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
Our bullets III
A git repository hosting with support for forking, pull requesting and code
reviewing. Will help with:
Keep feature code in sync with the mainline
Test the integration before integrating
Make the development artifacts available
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
Our bullets IV
PMD, CPD, FindBugs, Checkstyle, Scalastyle, Scalameta, Scapegoat...
Code quality checkers. Will help with:
Agree and enforce a style (and report problems)
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
Our bullets V
Dependency manager and build automation tool. Will help with:
Agree and enforce a style (and report problems)
Execute all tests for every change
Automatize the delivery
All the above, make it fast!
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
Our bullets VI
Travis CI (+ Docker)
Continuous integration and delivery system (+ software container). Will
help with:
Execute all tests for every change
Execute your tests on a freshly prepared machine resembling
Test the integration before integrating
Rebuild often
Automatize the delivery
All the above, make it fast!
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
Our bullets VII
Maven Central, Bintray,, Heroku, Azure, S3...
Software Distributors. Will help with:
Make the development artifacts available
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Introduction Stairway to heaven
Spoiler: the complete process
fork pull
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
How will the world look like shortly
fork pull
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
Bits of history
In April 2005, BitKeeper, the SCM Linux was developed with,
withdrawn the free (as in beer) use
No other SCM met the requirements of Torvalds
Performance was the real issue with such a code base
Torvalds decided to write his own
The project was successful, and Torvalds appointed maintenance to
Why the name
I’m an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after
myself. First ’Linux’, now ’git’. a
— Linus Torvalds
From the project Wiki. “git” is slang for “pig headed, think they are always correct, argumentative”
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
The git file
GIT - the stupid content tracker
"git" can mean anything, depending on your mood.
- random three-letter combination that is pronounceable, and not
actually used by any common UNIX command. The fact that it is a
mispronounciation of "get" may or may not be relevant.
- stupid. contemptible and despicable. simple. Take your pick from the
dictionary of slang.
- "global information tracker": you're in a good mood, and it actually
works for you. Angels sing, and a light suddenly fills the room.
- "goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t": when it breaks
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
UNIX-oriented: tracks stuff like UNIX file permits.
Distributed development (the whole development history is copied
Diff-based history tracking
Implicit file naming (history preserved on renames)
Very strong support to non-linear development
Written in C
Approximately 10 times faster than Mercurial, 100 times faster than
other DVCS (e.g. Bazaar)
Uses existing protocols (ssh, http, ftp, rsync...)
Pluggable merge strategies (defaults to recursive three-ways merge or
octopus for 3+ heads)
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
The compact guide to git I
Sub-commands in typewritertext, concepts in italic.
Initializes a new repository
The place where git stores the files whose changes will be saved next
add / reset
Moves/Removes files onto/from the stage
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
The compact guide to git II
A file listing the pathspecs that git should ignore even if added
Create a new “snapshot” (it’s actually a changeset) with the contents of
the stage
Associates a symbolic name and message to a commit.
The pointer to the current changeset (commits)
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
The compact guide to git III
A named development line.
The name of the default development line.
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
The compact guide to git IV
Moves the HEAD across commits. Can be used to switch branches or create
new ones (checkout -b). If the commit is not the latest (in the current
branch), git switches to detached head mode.
Lists the existing branches. Can delete them (branch -d).
Unifies a target branch with the current branch, merging the changes and
creating a new commit. The merging algorithm is configurable. In case of
conflicts, they must be manually solved.
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
The compact guide to git V
fast forward
The operation executed by default when a merge is requested and a
branch is simply behind another.
Configures the (possibly remote) locations where copies of this repository
The remote where to execute the remote operation against if not
otherwise specified.
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
The compact guide to git VI
Copies a repository from a possibly remote location. Alternative to init.
Automatically sets the upstream to the cloned location.
Locally copies the changes from an URL or a configured remote.
Equivalent to fetch+merge.
Copies the local changes to an URL or a configured remote. A configured
remote can be set as upstream (push -u).
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
Best practices with git I
Prefer the terminal
Do not use graphical interfaces to the DVCS until you have a complete
grasp of it, only rely on the terminal.
Ignore list
Immediately configure a .gitignore file
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
Best practices with git II
Choose what to track carefully
Track only the files that are not generable (sources, resources, scripts...).
Never ever track
generated sources (e.g. from ANTLR, Xtend, JavaCC...)
generable documentation (e.g. Javadocs)
libraries (if you have a dependency manager)
Failing at doing so will make your repository explode in size.
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
Best practices with git III
Properly configure the behaviour with newlines
The default behaviour is inconsistent between Windows and UNIX,
and you may end up with a mixture
Force the end line of your choice (may your choice be LF)
Disable the autoclrf conversion, frequently use diff to make sure
you’re not messing up
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git
How the world looks like now
fork pull
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow
How will the world look like shortly
fork pull
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow
Git Flow as a development model
Mainline branch: master
Always alive
Development branch: develop
Branches from master
Never merges
New feature: feature-*
Branches from and merges to
New release: release-*
Branches from develop
Merges to master and develop
Creates a new version
Fix a bug on mainline: hotfix-*
Branches from master
Merges to master and develop
Creates a new version
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow
Developing new features
When a new feature must be added to the software, the team responsible
for it should branch a feature-myfeature branch from develop.
git checkout -b feature-myfeature develop
Once all the work has been done, the branch should get merged in
develop and deleted. Even if fast-forward, the merge should be visible, to
prevent history loss.
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff feature-myfeature
git branch -d feature-myfeature
In order to minimize the merging effort, it is a good practice to incorporate
changes from develop from time to time (e.g. when another team
completed another feature).
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow
Releasing a new version
When the status of the develop branch is (besides the very last bits) the
status of the next production release, a release-version should branch
from develop.
git checkout -b release-version develop
In this branch, only things like version number changes or last minute bug
fixes should get incorporated. Once done, we merge the
release-version branch back into develop...
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff release-version
...and master. Plus, we tag master, so that we keep a reference to the
exact repository status at release time. Then, we delete the
release-version branch.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff release-version
git tag -a version
git branch -d release-version
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow
Fix severe bugs affecting the mainline
You spot a bug in your current production branch. The fix must be
delivered immediately.
Start a new hotfix-version branch:
git checkout -b hotfix-version master
Change the version number, fix the bug (also add a regression test). Once
done, repeat the procedure already seen for a normal release.
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff hotfix-version
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff hotfix-version
git tag -a version
git branch -d hotfix-version
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow
git flow
This workflow, first suggested by Vincent Driessen, got very popular.
The command sequence is repetitive, and got automated
A git extension (not part of the git distribution) is available:
Introduces the git flow subcommand
Starts and finishes feature, release, hotfix (and support) branches
Under the hood, it calls exactly the commands listed previously
My suggestion
learn git flow as a development model
Get acquainted with it using standard git
When you are very confident that you know what the tool is doing with
your repository, use git flow
This is a good approach in general to new tools:
understand the idea
learn the basics
understand what goes on under the hood
use the advanced features productively
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow
How the world looks like now
fork pull
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems GitHub
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems GitHub
How will the world look like shortly
fork pull
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems GitHub
GitHub I
Main features
Support for Git repositories hosting
Free for public, open source projects
Issue tracker
Support for defining teams / organizations
Code highlighting
History navigation
Markdown formatting supported
Fork/Pull request support
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems GitHub
GitHub II
Static websites
One static website per project, one per user, one per organization
The gh-pages branch of each repository is implicitly considered a
documentation web page
Support for Jekyll! a
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems GitHub
GitHub III
Why GitHub
By far the largest host of source code in the world
Markdown supported also in comments and issue posts
Beautiful development statistics
De facto standard for open source software
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 49 / 117
Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems Working with forks
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems Working with forks
Back to centralized?
There is no inherent concept of “central repository” in git
The Git flow branching model considers a “central” repository (truth
repo) where every developer insists
The methodology focusses on how to maintain the central repo,
Each developer may have his own copy (fork) of the project
There may be a responsible of the central repository, the only one with
write permits
Other developers request the maintainer to pull from their forks
there is specific support for this workflow in hosting platforms
The maintainer decides when to actually create releases
In git, use remote to easily work with multiple forks
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Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems Working with forks
How the world looks like now
fork pull
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Build automation Dependency management
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
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Build automation Dependency management
How will the world look like shortly
fork pull
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Build automation Dependency management
The concept of dependency
Any software depends on other software
All the runtime base libraries (think of java.lang.* and System.*)
All the other core libraries
Possibly, external resources (e.g., images, sounds, translation files...)
Normally, this software depends on other software
That depend on other software
That depend on other software, and so on...
A normal applications has a tree of dependencies
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Build automation Dependency management
Example: print titles
Write a program that:
Visits (public TV Series database)
Searches for a series
Download the titles of all the episodes
Prints them on screen
Estimate how much code (in Java) you’d need to write
How much code can be just inherited from existing, public libraries?
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Build automation Dependency management
Maybe less code than you may expect
import ...
public final class PrintSeries {
private static final String LANG = "it";
private static final String SERIE = "Breaking Bad";
private PrintSeries() {
public static void main(final String... args) throws IOException {
final String key = IOUtils.toString(PrintSeries.class
.getResourceAsStream("/TheTVDBAPIKey"), Charsets.UTF_8);
final TheTVDBApi api = new TheTVDBApi(key);
api.searchSeries("Breaking Bad", LANG).stream()
.filter(s -> s.getSeriesName().equals(SERIE))
.flatMap(sId -> api.getAllEpisodes(sId, LANG).stream())
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Build automation Dependency management
Trick revealed
I used a few existing libraries!
Google Guava
Used for referencing the UTF-8 Charset without using Strings (less
Apache Commons I/O
Used for converting a resource stream pointing to a String
Omertron’s thetvdbapi
Queries TheTVDB given a valid API key, hiding all the HTTP
communication and XML parsing
But wait, there is more!
I only needed three libraries to get the job done. But are those libraries
using other libraries?
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Build automation Dependency management
The actual dependency tree
+--- -> 19.0-rc2
+--- commons-io:commons-io:+ -> 2.4
--- com.omertron:thetvdbapi:+ -> 1.7
+--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.9
--- org.yamj:api-common:1.2
+--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.3.2
+--- commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:1.4
| --- commons-pool:commons-pool:1.5.4 -> 1.6
+--- commons-pool:commons-pool:1.6
+--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.10
+--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.3.6
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.3.3
| +--- commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.3
| --- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.6 -> 1.10
--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.9
Libraries depend on other libraries
All the libraries must be in the classpath!
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Build automation Dependency management
Towards a dependency hell I
This was a toy program, consisting of a single Java source file of some
twenty lines of code.
Regardless, it requires 12 external libraries in order to run.
Libraries explosion
It is very common for a non-toy project to get past 50 dependencies
Alchemist, big but not huge, counts more than 120 dependencies
Hard to search, download and verify compatibilities by hand
Version conflicts soon arise
one of your direct dependencies uses library A at version 1
another uses library A at version 2
you have a so-called transitive dependency conflict on A
Upgrading by hand requires, time, effort and tons of testing
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Build automation Dependency management
Towards a dependency hell II
Source import
More library code than product code
Extremely difficult to update
Style inconsistencies
Different quality metrics
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Build automation Dependency management
Towards a dependency hell III
Binary import (copy of jars in the repo)
At every update, a new jar must be included, along with all its
Being a compressed binary file, its hard to write diffs
Git must store a copy of the file for each version (even if very little
changed actually)
The repository size explodes
Take a look at [tt] for an anti-pattern
Trust me, you want an automated tool to get you out of this hell.
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Build automation Dependency management
Declarative dependency specification
Automatic fetch and retrieve of the required dependencies
Automatic and configurable version conflict resolution
Multiple dependency scopes:
We need JUnit for our tests, but we don’t want any of our production
sources to use its APIs (test scope differs from compile scope)
also, we don’t want to embed JUnit in our production dependency set
(test scope differs from runtime scope)
We need Logback [teac] for our runtime, but we want our code to
depend only on the SLF4J APIs for reusability (runtime scope larger
than compile scope)
We want ANTLR4 [Par13] for generating some source code, but we
only want its runtime once this phase is concluded (custom scope)
Configurable software sources
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Build automation Dependency management
Possible desired code
repositories {
dependencies {
sourceGeneration 'org.antlr:antlr4:4.7'
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.25'
compile 'org.antlr:antlr-runtime:3.5.2'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
runtime 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.2'
testRuntime 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.2'
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Build automation Dependency management
Moar automation
Dependency management is just the first need that arises.
What you really want to automatize
Dependency management
Software compilation
Test execution compilation
Documentation generation
Reports generation
Artefacts assemblage
Artefacts signing
Everything that goes from declaring what your software needs to
having it ready for deployment
Except actually developing the project
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 63 / 117
Build automation Gradle
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 64 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Gradle I
Pick the best of “declarative” build systems, such as Apache Maven
Dependency resolution
Rich default configuration
Pick the best from “imperative” build systems, such as Apache Ant.
Extreme flexibility
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Build automation Gradle
Gradle II
The build is written in a Groovy based DSL
Inherits from Ant the concept of “task”
Automagic resolution of the order in which tasks should be executed
Built-in dependency resolution as Maven (SBT and Ant rely on
Apache Ivy)
Incremental builds
Parallel task execution
Supports many languages (Java, Scala, Groovy are first class citizens)
Maven-style extensibility via plugins
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 65 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Gradle III
Slowly replacing Ant+Ivy and Maven as reference build system for
Java and other JVM based languages
Gaining momentum also in the C/C++ community (assembler, c,
cpp, objective-c, and objective-cpp are set to be included in the base
Selected by Google as preferred build system for Android
Android Studio by default configures a Gradle build under the hood
Similar to SBT, arguably less tailored towards Scala
Well integrated in Eclipse and (especially) IntelliJ
Eclipse recently included the Gradle Buildship in the classic
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 66 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Gradle IV
Created in 2008 by Gradleware
Mostly implemented in Java 5, with an outer layer in Groovy
Free - both as in freedom (Apache License 2.0) and as in beer (no
fees required)
Source code available on GitHub
Thorough documentation - though some advanced use requires some
good personal initiative...
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 67 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Gradle concepts
Project - from the Gradle documentation
What a project represents depends on what it is that you are doing with
Gradle. For example, a project might represent a library JAR or a web
application. It might represent a distribution ZIP assembled from the
JARs produced by other projects.
A project does not necessarily represent a thing to be built. It might
represent a thing to be done, such as deploying your application to staging
or production environments.
Task - from the Gradle documentation
Each project is made up of one or more tasks.
A task represents some atomic piece of work which a build performs.
This might be compiling some classes, creating a JAR, generating
Javadoc, or publishing some archives to a repository.
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 68 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Under the hood
The Gradle build script is technically a valid Groovy script (if you
consider the Gradle API)
Anything that has not a valid Groovy syntax is not a valid Gradle
build script
Groovy makes it easy to create DSLs, Gradle is built relying on such a
Everything you write is actually proper Groovy code (method calls,
closures, and so on), but (you’ll see) that aspect is very nicely hidden
At the high level, the feeling is to just have to configure an existing
plugin, much like Maven, for most of the things you normally do
When needed, it is easy to configure custom behaviour, or fiddle with
the internals, in a functional or imperative fashion
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 69 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Minimal Java build I
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, world!");
apply plugin: 'java'
Yes, it’s a one-liner.
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 70 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Minimal Java build II
File system before the Gradle execution
$ tree -A
|-- build.gradle
|-- src
|-- main
|-- java
3 directories, 2 files
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 71 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Minimal Java build III
$ gradle build
:processResources NO-SOURCE
:compileTestJava NO-SOURCE
:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:check UP-TO-DATE
Total time: 1.024 secs
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 72 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Minimal Java build IV
File system after the execution
$ tree -A
|-- build
| |-- classes
| | |-- main
| | |-- HelloWorld.class
| |-- libs
| | |-- 06 - Minimal Java.jar
| |-- tmp
| |-- compileJava
| |-- jar
|-- build.gradle
|-- src
|-- main
|-- java
10 directories, 5 files
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 73 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Minimal Java build V
Pretty magic, huh?
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 74 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Let’s build our toy example
import com.omertron.thetvdbapi.TheTVDBApi;
import com.omertron.thetvdbapi.model.Episode;
import com.omertron.thetvdbapi.model.Series;
public final class PrintBreakingBad {
private static final String LANG = "it";
private static final String SERIE = "Breaking Bad";
private PrintBreakingBad() {
public static void main(String... args) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
final String key = IOUtils.toString(PrintBreakingBad.class.getResourceAsStream("/TheTVDBAPIKey"),
final TheTVDBApi api = new TheTVDBApi(key);
api.searchSeries("Breaking Bad", LANG).stream()
.filter(s -> s.getSeriesName().equals(SERIE))
.flatMap(s -> api.getAllEpisodes(s, LANG).stream())
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 75 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Let’s build our toy example
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceCompatibility = "$jdkVersion"
repositories {
dependencies {
compile "$guavaVersion"
compile "commons-io:commons-io:$commonsIoVersion"
compile "com.omertron:thetvdbapi:$tvDbApiVersion"
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 76 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Let’s build our toy example
group = it.unibo.apice
artifactId = printbbepisodes
version = 0.0.0
projectLongName = Breaking Bad Episode Titles
projectDescription = A program that fetches information about Breaking Bad on TheTVDb and prints episodes
licenseName = Apache License 2.0
jdkVersion = 1.8
commonsIoVersion = +
guavaVersion = 19.0
tvDbApiVersion = [1.6, 1.7]
settings.gradle = "$artifactId"
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 77 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Let’s build our toy example
$ gradle clean build
...many transitive dependencies after...
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:test UP-TO-DATE
:check UP-TO-DATE
Total time: 9.002 secs
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 78 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Dependency management in Gradle
Dependencies in Gradle can be specified by defining
Where to retrieve software (Maven Central and JCenter are first class
The list of dependencies for each scope
Some scopes import other scopes (e.g. runtime by default contains
the whole compile scope)
Dependencies can be specified with a specific version, a version range,
or using + as “latest”
With 1.+ meaning “the latest version starting with 1.”
Prefer specific versions or ranges (you must test them)
Transitive dependencies are resolved automatically (if available in the
repository, of course)
Specifying the sourceCompatibility is not required, but
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 79 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Tests as part of the build
As you can see from the output of the previous case, the tests are
executed by default for every build!
Tests and Gradle, how to:
Add the libraries you need to the appropriate dependency scope
Put your test sources in src/test/nameofyourlanguage
build.gradle that enables and uses JUnit
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
dependencies {
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 80 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Multi-language build I
File system before the execution
$ tree -A
|-- build.gradle
|-- src
|-- main
|-- groovy
| |-- HelloGroovy.groovy
|-- java
| |--
| |-- TestXtend.xtend
|-- scala
|-- HelloScala.scala
5 directories, 5 files
println "Hello, Groovy"
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 81 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Multi-language build II
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String... args) {
System.out.println("Hello, world!");
class TestXtend {
def static void main(String... args) {
println("Hello Xtend")
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 82 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Multi-language build III
object HelloScala extends App {
println("Hello Scala")
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 83 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Multi-language build IV
plugins {
id "org.xtext.xtend" version "1.0.0"
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'scala'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.12.2'
compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:2.3.7'
compile 'org.eclipse.xtend:org.eclipse.xtend.lib:2.9.0'
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 84 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Multi-language build V
$ gradle clean build
:processResources NO-SOURCE
:generateTestXtext NO-SOURCE
:compileTestJava NO-SOURCE
:compileTestGroovy NO-SOURCE
:compileTestScala NO-SOURCE
:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:check UP-TO-DATE
Total time: 10.627 secs
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 85 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Multi-language build VI
Build folder after the execution
$ tree -A build
|-- classes
| |-- main
| |-- HelloGroovy.class
| |-- HelloScala.class
| |-- HelloScala$.class
| |-- HelloScala$delayedInit$body.class
| |-- HelloWorld.class
| |-- TestXtend.class
|-- java
| |-- main
|-- libs
| |-- 02-multilang.jar
|-- tmp
| |-- compileGroovy
| | |-- groovy-java-stubs
| |-- compileJava
| |-- compileScala
| |-- jar
| |-- scala
| |-- compilerAnalysis
| |-- compileScala.analysis
| |-- compileScala.analysis.relations
|-- xtend
|-- main
15 directories, 11 files
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 86 / 117
Build automation Gradle
Build system as dependency
If you rely on a build system to build your project, then the build system
itself is a dependency!
Different versions may produce a different outcome
Old versions may not work
Newer version may stop working
The build system is as any other dependency!
The Gradle wrapper
Gradle provides a builtin wrapper task:
Downloads a gradle core jar and a few settings files
Those file must be added to the tracker
gradle wrapper --gradle-version 3.1 downloads version 3.1
./gradlew <task> runs <task> with that exact version
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 87 / 117
Build automation Gradle
IDE integration
IntelliJ integration is straightforward, no additional configuration is
A Gradle integration plugin is included in the Eclipse distribution
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
eclipse {
classpath {
downloadJavadoc = true
downloadSources = true
Downloads from the repositories also sources and javadocs and feeds them
to Eclipse: much easier to develop...
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 88 / 117
Build automation Gradle
How the world looks like now
fork pull
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 89 / 117
Build automation Code quality control
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 90 / 117
Build automation Code quality control
How will the world look like shortly
fork pull
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 90 / 117
Build automation Code quality control
Automatic code quality control
Immediately spot subtle bugs
Early spot sub-optimal code (singular fields, missing finals...)
Enforce encapsulation, spot cut/pastes (normally sign of bad design
Use a coherent style across your code
Prevent style-change commits (“The Leopard commits”)
Particularly important if there are many developers!
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 91 / 117
Build automation Code quality control
Automatic code quality control
Analyzes the bytecode searching for bugs
Source code analyzer for common programming flaws
Finds suspect cut/paste (CPD module)
Works for Java, Javascript, PLSQL, Velocity, XML, XSL
Forces code standard (indentation, formatting, Javadoc...)
Can be configured for working with arbitrary files
Web based
scala-meta is available for Scala
Plugins available for Gradle, Eclipse and IntelliJ
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 92 / 117
Build automation Code quality control
Code quality control advices
Ship the code checkers configuration files with your distribution
Usually just one or two XML files
Make your IDE plugins configuration match exactly your build
automation tool configuration
Always track the IDE configuration with your SCM
New developers will import the configuration automatically if they have
plugins installed
If a bad developer tries to change the configuration, you can spot it
from the commit change set
Pick the rule configuration that suits your project
Some rules are controversial at least
Some rule have default arbitrary limits
Alchemist rules come from several years of tuning, fill free to use them
Require your developers to adhere
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 93 / 117
Build automation Code quality control
How does the world look like now
fork pull
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 94 / 117
Continuous integration Travis CI
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 95 / 117
Continuous integration Travis CI
How will the world look like shortly
fork pull
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 95 / 117
Continuous integration Travis CI
Summary I
We got
Teamwork tools
Proficient teamwork strategies
Project repositories
Dependency management
Tests integrated in the build
Code quality control
Automatic production of the artifacts
Automatic production of reports
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 96 / 117
Continuous integration Travis CI
Summary II
We miss
Execute the whole build for every change
Doing it locally makes development too slow, defeating the purpose of
saving development time
Execute the tests in a fresh environment, resembling the production
We would need to clone a fresh VM, run the build there, then throw it
Automatic deployment
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 97 / 117
Continuous integration Travis CI
Continuous Integration software
Software that promotes the practice of continuous integration
Runs a build for every change in the project
Prepares fresh environments where the builds are hosted
Notifies the results, e.g. if a failure occurs
Provides tools for deploying the produced artifacts
Hosted CI with free plans for open source projects are blossoming:
Circle CI
Travis CI
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 98 / 117
Continuous integration Travis CI
Travis CI
Web based
Well integrated with GitHub
Build results are displayed in the repo without intervention
Automatic build of any pull request
Free for open source projects
Build instances based on Docker
Project-local configuration via YAML (in the .travis.yml file)
Out of the box support for Gradle
Dozens of deployment targets
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 99 / 117
Continuous integration Travis CI
How it works
A web-hook can be registered to your GitHub repository that triggers
Travis CI at each new commit
Travis CI starts a pristine appropriate environment
Can be a container or a full virtual machine, depending on whether
sudo is required [CIa]
The project gets cloned
The system is configured as per .travis.yml settings
The configured commands are executed
The configured deployments are performed
If necessary, project managers are informed of the build status
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 100 / 117
Continuous integration Travis CI
Minimal Travis configuration
language: java
1 Automatically searches for build.gradle
2 If found and gradlew is present runs
1 ./gradlew assemble
2 ./gradlew check
3 Otherwise runs the same commands with the version of Gradle
pre-installed on the instance
The command to be executed can be configured manually (recommended)
language: java
- './gradlew clean build'
Further documentation on building Java-based projects is available [CIb]
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 101 / 117
Continuous integration Travis CI
How will the world looks like noe
fork pull
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 102 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
1 Introduction
Highway to hell
Stairway to heaven
2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems
git flow
Working with forks
3 Build automation
Dependency management
Code quality control
4 Continuous integration
Travis CI
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 103 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
How will the world look like shortly
fork pull
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 103 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
Travis deployments
Travis CI supports deployment on a variety of targets. Two examples:
1 GitHub releases
Creates a new download section on GitHub
Great for storing executable versions (e.g. “fat jars”)
Nice automatic deployment examples are available in the Alchemist
[Piaa] and Protelis [Piab] build configurations
2 hosting
Uploads a static web page on a page
Very handy for web based documentation (e.g. Javadoc)
Nice automatic deployment examples are available in the Alchemist
[Piaa] and Protelis [Piab] build configurations
Details on how to configure the deployments are provided in the Travis
documentation [CIc].
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 104 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
Online repositories
The deployment of your software greatly varies depending on who’s
destined to.
Making the software easy to use
Very common by-product (and sometimes product) of academic
Just shipping source code on GitHub and / or publishing jar files on a
random server is not enough
Especially for libraries or middleware, it is way better to provide a
proper repository, where other projects can just point to and import
the product as Gradle / Maven / Ant / Ivy dependency
Public services exist that offer a free and reliable repository
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 105 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
OSSRH — aka Maven Central
Offered and managed by Sonatype
Default software source for Maven builds
Trivial to setup with any other build automation tool
De-facto standard
No-retract policy: if you publish an artifact, you cannot modify it, no
exception allowed
Gets copied from other repositories, e.g. jCenter
Artifact staging and release through an instance of Sonatype Nexus
Artifacts have a product name and belong to a group
A Sonatype JIRA account and digital signature is required to manage
a group
Digital signature on artifacts required
Strict quality control: sources and documentation must be provided
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 106 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
No retract? What if I make a mistake?
Short answer
Your error will remain in the repositories forever and you will never able to
fix it, you will need to create a new official release with a different version
Anecdotal evidence of why this is good
In March 2016, Azer Ko¸clu unpublished more than 250 of his modules
from NPM, which is a popular package manager used by Javascript
projects to install dependencies, because he was asked to rename the
module “Kik”, whose name is the same of an instant messaging app that
wanted to publish a homonym module.
Unfortunately, one of those dependencies was left-pad, an 11 lines long
Javascript module, used by thousands of projects. This brought
breackages throughout many Javascript products (most notably Node and
Babel). NPM had to un-unpublish left-pad.
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 107 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
Deployment automatization
We have our artifacts, automatically tested and compiled (at least) every
day on our nice automatic build / test / integration framework.
We also want to have automatic deployment to OSSRH, so we need:
1 Generation of all required artifacts: a sources jar file and a javadoc jar
2 An OSSRH account
3 A GPG signature of all these artifacts
4 Creation of a pom.xml file
5 Automatic publication in our target repository
6 Release of final versions of our software
Can be automated, but I prefer to have a manual check if there is a
no-retract policy
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 108 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
Automatize artifact creation
Very easy in Gradle:
A task that runs after classes are compiled (to be sure we don’t pack
non-compiling stuff) that fits in a jar all the source code
A task that runs after the Javadoc has been generated, and
compresses it in a jar file
Configure Gradle to add those files to the generated artifacts
In build.gradle
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:classes) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.allSource
task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:javadoc) {
classifier = 'javadoc'
from javadoc.destinationDir
artifacts {
archives sourcesJar
archives javadocJar
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 109 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
OSSRH account
1 Create and publish your own GPG key
This is personal, and must not be shared
Good setup guide available at:
2 Create a new account on Sonatype’s Jira
3 Create a new ticket, requesting a new group or to be added to an
existing one
4 In about two working days, you will get access to the repository, and
your (signed) artifacts will be considered valid
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 110 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
Automatically sign the artifacts
This is the trickies part.
Signing requires your private key to be exported to the build instance
If the Travis build instance can download it, everybody can
It must be encrypted, and the instance must know how to decrypt it
But nobody else may be able to
In short: use the instance public key to encrypt it
(a secure build it’s actually more complicated than just this)
Once the system is configured with the private GPG key, Gradle can be
told to automatically sign and upload artifacts to Maven Central
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 111 / 117
Continuous integration Deployment
Summary of the whole process
fork pull
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 112 / 117
Bonus track
Picking version numbers
Without compliance to some sort of formal specification, version
numbers are essentially useless for dependency management. By
giving a name and clear definition to the above ideas, it becomes
easy to communicate your intentions to the users of your
— Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (
Semantic versioning
Formally described, with RFC-style wording
Three levels plus optional: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH[-OTHER]
MAJOR — Any incompatible API change
Major 0 is for initial development: anything may change at any time.
MINOR — Add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
PATCH — Backwards-compatible bug fixes
OTHER — Optionally decorates the version with additional information.
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 113 / 117
References I
Travis CI.
The build environment.
Accessed: 2017-05-08.
Travis CI.
Building a java project.
Accessed: 2017-05-08.
Travis CI.
Accessed: 2017-05-08.
Darko Fabijan.
Why we need continuous integration.
Accessed: 2017-05-03.
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 114 / 117
References II
Martin Fowler.
Continuous integration.
Accessed: 2017-05-02.
Randall Munroe.
xkcd: Compiling.
Accessed: 2017-05-03.
Terence Parr.
The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference.
Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2nd edition, 2013.
Danilo Pianini.
Alchemist travis configuration.
Accessed: 2017-05-08.
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 115 / 117
References III
Danilo Pianini.
Protelis travis configuration.
Accessed: 2017-05-08.
The CodingHorror team.
New programming jargon.
Accessed: 2017-05-02.
The IMVU team.
Imvu: 3d avatar free chat, make new friends, dress up, shop.
Accessed: 2017-05-02.
The LogBack team.
Logback project.
Accessed: 2017-05-05.
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 116 / 117
References IV
The tuProlog team.
How not to maintain your dependencies.
Accessed: 2017-05-05.
Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 117 / 117

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Semelhante a Continuous integration guide

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Semelhante a Continuous integration guide (20)

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Mais de Danilo Pianini

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Mais de Danilo Pianini (20)

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Continuous integration guide

  • 1. Continuous integration and delivery A quick guide through the wonders of teamwork with distributed version control systems, dependency management, build automation, and continuous integration and delivery. Danilo Pianini Alma Mater Studiorum—Universit`a di Bologna a Cesena Paradigmi di Programmazione e Sviluppo May 12, 2017 - Cesena (Italy) Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 1 / 117
  • 2. Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 2 / 117
  • 3. Introduction Why continuous? I Avoid the integration hell Work in parallel Don’t waste developers’ time with repetitive tasks Don’t break stuff Time is money Software development used to take several months for “integrating” a couple of years of development [Fow] Historically introduced by the extreme programming (XP) community Today used by companies that do not adopt XP IMVU [teab] delivers its software up to 50 times per day Google and Mozilla release at least once a day Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 3 / 117
  • 4. Introduction Why continuous? II Higher frequency, lower risk [Fab] Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 4 / 117
  • 5. Introduction Highway to hell Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 5 / 117
  • 6. Introduction Highway to hell What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell I Jimmy [teaa] and Elliot develop a software project together. Diverging histories Jimmy must develop a new feature, picks the latest Elliot’s code Jimmy begins, and in the meantime Elliot goes on with the rest Jimmy completes his part Jimmy’s code does not work the latest version Keep your code in sync with the main development line Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 5 / 117
  • 7. Introduction Highway to hell What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell II It was working two minutes ago Jimmy develops a new feature and tests it Jimmy shows the feature five minutes later to Elliot, it does not work anymore Jimmy can’t figure out what happened, and needs to spend time debugging Elliot can’t see the feature, and must wait for Jimmy to iron the problem out Make sure you can restore any small change you made Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 6 / 117
  • 8. Introduction Highway to hell What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell III Stylish hell Jimmy and Elliot styles are misaligned CRLF vs. LF Egyptian parentheses [teaa] vs. Allman Tabs vs. spaces Basically anything you can start a religion war upon Jimmy and Elliot IDEs are configured differently The project continuously flips from one style to the other, inconsistently Becomes impossible to localize changes Agree on style (possibly using existing shared conventions), and enforce its adoption Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 7 / 117
  • 9. Introduction Highway to hell What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell IV Tests as decorations Jimmy prepared a lot of nice tests Jimmy rarely executes them Jimmy code ends up being broken Execute your tests for every change you make Works on my PC Tests run correctly on Jimmy computer They don’t on Elliot’s Time gets wasted to debug the tests to decide whether or not the code should get debugged Execute your tests in a fresh environment resembling the production environment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 8 / 117
  • 10. Introduction Highway to hell What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell V Unexpected merge failure Jimmy develops a new feature, everything seems to work The feature gets merged with the mainline Tests fail Test the integration before performing it Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 9 / 117
  • 11. Introduction Highway to hell What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell VI Dependency hell Jimmy needs a library Imports it directly in the code base This dependency now must be dealt with manually: Updates Bugfixes Dependency’s dependencies Big projects can very easily require hundreds of libraries Automatize the dependency management Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 10 / 117
  • 12. Introduction Highway to hell What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to Hell VII Fermented build The project builds correctly and passes al tests Nobody touches it, nobody builds it again for weeks Once a rebuild is required, the project no longer builds or passes tests Rebuild often Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 11 / 117
  • 13. Introduction Highway to hell What could possibly get improved? Road to paradise I Protoduction [teaa] When prototype code ends up in production Classically used with a negative meaning It’s time to rehabilitate it Make it easy to access and use the latest prototype Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 12 / 117
  • 14. Introduction Highway to hell What could possibly get improved? Road to paradise II It’s compiling [Mun] Make the building process fast! Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 13 / 117
  • 15. Introduction Highway to hell What could possibly get improved? Road to paradise III It’s delivering Business Analysis often needs the latest version of the software to demonstrate upcoming features Jimmy’s time gets is spent several times per week just for preparing alpha releases Automatize the delivery Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 14 / 117
  • 16. Introduction Stairway to heaven Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 15 / 117
  • 17. Introduction Stairway to heaven Summary Keep feature code in sync with the mainline Make sure you can restore any small change you make Agree and enforce a style (and report problems) Execute all tests for every change Execute your tests on a freshly prepared machine resembling production Test the integration before integrating Automatize the dependency management Rebuild often Automatize the delivery Make the development artifacts available All the above, make it fast (non functional!) Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 15 / 117
  • 18. Introduction Stairway to heaven No silver bullet No single magic solution to all these problems is available But they can all be tackled with the right combination of: Development tools Development methodologies Automatization tools Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 16 / 117
  • 19. Introduction Stairway to heaven Our bullets I git A distributed version control system. Will help with: Keep feature code in sync with the mainline Make sure you can restore any small change you make All the above, make it fast! Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 17 / 117
  • 20. Introduction Stairway to heaven Our bullets II git-flow A methodology for team development using git. Will help with: Keep feature code in sync with the mainline Test the integration before integrating Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 18 / 117
  • 21. Introduction Stairway to heaven Our bullets III GitHub A git repository hosting with support for forking, pull requesting and code reviewing. Will help with: Keep feature code in sync with the mainline Test the integration before integrating Make the development artifacts available Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 19 / 117
  • 22. Introduction Stairway to heaven Our bullets IV PMD, CPD, FindBugs, Checkstyle, Scalastyle, Scalameta, Scapegoat... Code quality checkers. Will help with: Agree and enforce a style (and report problems) Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 20 / 117
  • 23. Introduction Stairway to heaven Our bullets V Gradle Dependency manager and build automation tool. Will help with: Agree and enforce a style (and report problems) Execute all tests for every change Automatize the delivery All the above, make it fast! Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 21 / 117
  • 24. Introduction Stairway to heaven Our bullets VI Travis CI (+ Docker) Continuous integration and delivery system (+ software container). Will help with: Execute all tests for every change Execute your tests on a freshly prepared machine resembling production Test the integration before integrating Rebuild often Automatize the delivery All the above, make it fast! Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 22 / 117
  • 25. Introduction Stairway to heaven Our bullets VII Maven Central, Bintray,, Heroku, Azure, S3... Software Distributors. Will help with: Make the development artifacts available Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 23 / 117
  • 26. Introduction Stairway to heaven Spoiler: the complete process prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review deploy fork pull request pushpull ... cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 24 / 117
  • 27. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 25 / 117
  • 28. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git How will the world look like shortly prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 25 / 117
  • 29. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git Bits of history In April 2005, BitKeeper, the SCM Linux was developed with, withdrawn the free (as in beer) use No other SCM met the requirements of Torvalds Performance was the real issue with such a code base Torvalds decided to write his own The project was successful, and Torvalds appointed maintenance to Hamano Why the name I’m an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First ’Linux’, now ’git’. a — Linus Torvalds a From the project Wiki. “git” is slang for “pig headed, think they are always correct, argumentative” Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 26 / 117
  • 30. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git The git file GIT - the stupid content tracker "git" can mean anything, depending on your mood. - random three-letter combination that is pronounceable, and not actually used by any common UNIX command. The fact that it is a mispronounciation of "get" may or may not be relevant. - stupid. contemptible and despicable. simple. Take your pick from the dictionary of slang. - "global information tracker": you're in a good mood, and it actually works for you. Angels sing, and a light suddenly fills the room. - "goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t": when it breaks Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 27 / 117
  • 31. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git Features UNIX-oriented: tracks stuff like UNIX file permits. Distributed development (the whole development history is copied locally) Diff-based history tracking Implicit file naming (history preserved on renames) Very strong support to non-linear development Written in C Approximately 10 times faster than Mercurial, 100 times faster than other DVCS (e.g. Bazaar) Uses existing protocols (ssh, http, ftp, rsync...) Pluggable merge strategies (defaults to recursive three-ways merge or octopus for 3+ heads) Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 28 / 117
  • 32. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git The compact guide to git I Sub-commands in typewritertext, concepts in italic. init Initializes a new repository Stage The place where git stores the files whose changes will be saved next add / reset Moves/Removes files onto/from the stage Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 29 / 117
  • 33. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git The compact guide to git II .gitignore A file listing the pathspecs that git should ignore even if added commit Create a new “snapshot” (it’s actually a changeset) with the contents of the stage tag Associates a symbolic name and message to a commit. HEAD The pointer to the current changeset (commits) Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 30 / 117
  • 34. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git The compact guide to git III Branch A named development line. master The name of the default development line. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 31 / 117
  • 35. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git The compact guide to git IV checkout Moves the HEAD across commits. Can be used to switch branches or create new ones (checkout -b). If the commit is not the latest (in the current branch), git switches to detached head mode. branch Lists the existing branches. Can delete them (branch -d). merge Unifies a target branch with the current branch, merging the changes and creating a new commit. The merging algorithm is configurable. In case of conflicts, they must be manually solved. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 32 / 117
  • 36. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git The compact guide to git V fast forward The operation executed by default when a merge is requested and a branch is simply behind another. remote Configures the (possibly remote) locations where copies of this repository exist. upstream The remote where to execute the remote operation against if not otherwise specified. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 33 / 117
  • 37. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git The compact guide to git VI clone Copies a repository from a possibly remote location. Alternative to init. Automatically sets the upstream to the cloned location. fetch Locally copies the changes from an URL or a configured remote. pull Equivalent to fetch+merge. push Copies the local changes to an URL or a configured remote. A configured remote can be set as upstream (push -u). Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 34 / 117
  • 38. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git Best practices with git I Prefer the terminal Do not use graphical interfaces to the DVCS until you have a complete grasp of it, only rely on the terminal. Ignore list Immediately configure a .gitignore file Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 35 / 117
  • 39. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git Best practices with git II Choose what to track carefully Track only the files that are not generable (sources, resources, scripts...). Never ever track binaries generated sources (e.g. from ANTLR, Xtend, JavaCC...) generable documentation (e.g. Javadocs) libraries (if you have a dependency manager) Failing at doing so will make your repository explode in size. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 36 / 117
  • 40. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git Best practices with git III Properly configure the behaviour with newlines The default behaviour is inconsistent between Windows and UNIX, and you may end up with a mixture Force the end line of your choice (may your choice be LF) Disable the autoclrf conversion, frequently use diff to make sure you’re not messing up Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 37 / 117
  • 41. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git How the world looks like now prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 38 / 117
  • 42. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 39 / 117
  • 43. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow How will the world look like shortly prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 39 / 117
  • 44. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow Git Flow as a development model Mainline branch: master Always alive Development branch: develop Branches from master Never merges New feature: feature-* Branches from and merges to develop New release: release-* Branches from develop Merges to master and develop Creates a new version Fix a bug on mainline: hotfix-* Branches from master Merges to master and develop Creates a new version Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 40 / 117
  • 45. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow Developing new features When a new feature must be added to the software, the team responsible for it should branch a feature-myfeature branch from develop. git checkout -b feature-myfeature develop Once all the work has been done, the branch should get merged in develop and deleted. Even if fast-forward, the merge should be visible, to prevent history loss. git checkout develop git merge --no-ff feature-myfeature git branch -d feature-myfeature In order to minimize the merging effort, it is a good practice to incorporate changes from develop from time to time (e.g. when another team completed another feature). Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 41 / 117
  • 46. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow Releasing a new version When the status of the develop branch is (besides the very last bits) the status of the next production release, a release-version should branch from develop. git checkout -b release-version develop In this branch, only things like version number changes or last minute bug fixes should get incorporated. Once done, we merge the release-version branch back into develop... git checkout develop git merge --no-ff release-version ...and master. Plus, we tag master, so that we keep a reference to the exact repository status at release time. Then, we delete the release-version branch. git checkout master git merge --no-ff release-version git tag -a version git branch -d release-version Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 42 / 117
  • 47. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow Fix severe bugs affecting the mainline You spot a bug in your current production branch. The fix must be delivered immediately. Start a new hotfix-version branch: git checkout -b hotfix-version master Change the version number, fix the bug (also add a regression test). Once done, repeat the procedure already seen for a normal release. git checkout develop git merge --no-ff hotfix-version git checkout master git merge --no-ff hotfix-version git tag -a version git branch -d hotfix-version Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 43 / 117
  • 48. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow git flow This workflow, first suggested by Vincent Driessen, got very popular. The command sequence is repetitive, and got automated A git extension (not part of the git distribution) is available: Introduces the git flow subcommand Starts and finishes feature, release, hotfix (and support) branches Under the hood, it calls exactly the commands listed previously My suggestion learn git flow as a development model Get acquainted with it using standard git When you are very confident that you know what the tool is doing with your repository, use git flow This is a good approach in general to new tools: understand the idea learn the basics understand what goes on under the hood use the advanced features productively Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 44 / 117
  • 49. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git flow How the world looks like now prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 45 / 117
  • 50. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems GitHub Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 46 / 117
  • 51. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems GitHub How will the world look like shortly prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 46 / 117
  • 52. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems GitHub GitHub I Main features Support for Git repositories hosting Free for public, open source projects Issue tracker Support for defining teams / organizations Code highlighting History navigation Markdown formatting supported Fork/Pull request support Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 47 / 117
  • 53. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems GitHub GitHub II Static websites One static website per project, one per user, one per organization The gh-pages branch of each repository is implicitly considered a documentation web page Support for Jekyll! a a Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 48 / 117
  • 54. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems GitHub GitHub III Why GitHub By far the largest host of source code in the world Markdown supported also in comments and issue posts Beautiful development statistics De facto standard for open source software Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 49 / 117
  • 55. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems Working with forks Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 50 / 117
  • 56. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems Working with forks Back to centralized? There is no inherent concept of “central repository” in git The Git flow branching model considers a “central” repository (truth repo) where every developer insists The methodology focusses on how to maintain the central repo, however: Each developer may have his own copy (fork) of the project There may be a responsible of the central repository, the only one with write permits Other developers request the maintainer to pull from their forks there is specific support for this workflow in hosting platforms The maintainer decides when to actually create releases In git, use remote to easily work with multiple forks Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 50 / 117
  • 57. Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems Working with forks How the world looks like now prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 51 / 117
  • 58. Build automation Dependency management Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 52 / 117
  • 59. Build automation Dependency management How will the world look like shortly prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 52 / 117
  • 60. Build automation Dependency management The concept of dependency Any software depends on other software All the runtime base libraries (think of java.lang.* and System.*) All the other core libraries Possibly, external resources (e.g., images, sounds, translation files...) Normally, this software depends on other software That depend on other software That depend on other software, and so on... A normal applications has a tree of dependencies Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 53 / 117
  • 61. Build automation Dependency management Example: print titles Requirements Write a program that: Visits (public TV Series database) Searches for a series Download the titles of all the episodes Prints them on screen Questions Estimate how much code (in Java) you’d need to write How much code can be just inherited from existing, public libraries? Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 54 / 117
  • 62. Build automation Dependency management Maybe less code than you may expect package; import ... public final class PrintSeries { private static final String LANG = "it"; private static final String SERIE = "Breaking Bad"; private PrintSeries() { } public static void main(final String... args) throws IOException { final String key = IOUtils.toString(PrintSeries.class .getResourceAsStream("/TheTVDBAPIKey"), Charsets.UTF_8); final TheTVDBApi api = new TheTVDBApi(key); api.searchSeries("Breaking Bad", LANG).stream() .filter(s -> s.getSeriesName().equals(SERIE)) .map(Series::getId) .flatMap(sId -> api.getAllEpisodes(sId, LANG).stream()) .map(Episode::getEpisodeName) .forEach(System.out::println); } } Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 55 / 117
  • 63. Build automation Dependency management Trick revealed I used a few existing libraries! Google Guava Used for referencing the UTF-8 Charset without using Strings (less error-prone) Apache Commons I/O Used for converting a resource stream pointing to a String Omertron’s thetvdbapi Queries TheTVDB given a valid API key, hiding all the HTTP communication and XML parsing But wait, there is more! I only needed three libraries to get the job done. But are those libraries using other libraries? Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 56 / 117
  • 64. Build automation Dependency management The actual dependency tree +--- -> 19.0-rc2 +--- commons-io:commons-io:+ -> 2.4 --- com.omertron:thetvdbapi:+ -> 1.7 +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.9 --- org.yamj:api-common:1.2 +--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.3.2 +--- commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:1.4 | --- commons-pool:commons-pool:1.5.4 -> 1.6 +--- commons-pool:commons-pool:1.6 +--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.10 +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.3.6 | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.3.3 | +--- commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.3 | --- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.6 -> 1.10 --- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.9 Libraries depend on other libraries All the libraries must be in the classpath! Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 57 / 117
  • 65. Build automation Dependency management Towards a dependency hell I This was a toy program, consisting of a single Java source file of some twenty lines of code. Regardless, it requires 12 external libraries in order to run. Libraries explosion It is very common for a non-toy project to get past 50 dependencies Alchemist, big but not huge, counts more than 120 dependencies Hard to search, download and verify compatibilities by hand Version conflicts soon arise one of your direct dependencies uses library A at version 1 another uses library A at version 2 you have a so-called transitive dependency conflict on A Upgrading by hand requires, time, effort and tons of testing Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 58 / 117
  • 66. Build automation Dependency management Towards a dependency hell II Source import Duplication More library code than product code Extremely difficult to update Style inconsistencies Different quality metrics Duplication Unmaintainable Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 59 / 117
  • 67. Build automation Dependency management Towards a dependency hell III Binary import (copy of jars in the repo) At every update, a new jar must be included, along with all its dependencies Being a compressed binary file, its hard to write diffs Git must store a copy of the file for each version (even if very little changed actually) The repository size explodes Take a look at [tt] for an anti-pattern Trust me, you want an automated tool to get you out of this hell. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 60 / 117
  • 68. Build automation Dependency management Desiderata Declarative dependency specification Automatic fetch and retrieve of the required dependencies Automatic and configurable version conflict resolution Multiple dependency scopes: We need JUnit for our tests, but we don’t want any of our production sources to use its APIs (test scope differs from compile scope) also, we don’t want to embed JUnit in our production dependency set (test scope differs from runtime scope) We need Logback [teac] for our runtime, but we want our code to depend only on the SLF4J APIs for reusability (runtime scope larger than compile scope) We want ANTLR4 [Par13] for generating some source code, but we only want its runtime once this phase is concluded (custom scope) Configurable software sources Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 61 / 117
  • 69. Build automation Dependency management Possible desired code repositories { mavenCentral() jCenter() } dependencies { sourceGeneration 'org.antlr:antlr4:4.7' compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.25' compile 'org.antlr:antlr-runtime:3.5.2' testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' runtime 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.2' testRuntime 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.2' } Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 62 / 117
  • 70. Build automation Dependency management Moar automation Dependency management is just the first need that arises. What you really want to automatize Dependency management Software compilation Test execution compilation Documentation generation Reports generation Artefacts assemblage Artefacts signing Everything that goes from declaring what your software needs to having it ready for deployment Except actually developing the project Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 63 / 117
  • 71. Build automation Gradle Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 64 / 117
  • 72. Build automation Gradle Gradle I Idea Pick the best of “declarative” build systems, such as Apache Maven Dependency resolution Rich default configuration Pick the best from “imperative” build systems, such as Apache Ant. Extreme flexibility Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 64 / 117
  • 73. Build automation Gradle Gradle II Features The build is written in a Groovy based DSL Inherits from Ant the concept of “task” Automagic resolution of the order in which tasks should be executed Built-in dependency resolution as Maven (SBT and Ant rely on Apache Ivy) Incremental builds Parallel task execution Supports many languages (Java, Scala, Groovy are first class citizens) Maven-style extensibility via plugins Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 65 / 117
  • 74. Build automation Gradle Gradle III Diffusion Slowly replacing Ant+Ivy and Maven as reference build system for Java and other JVM based languages Gaining momentum also in the C/C++ community (assembler, c, cpp, objective-c, and objective-cpp are set to be included in the base distribution) Selected by Google as preferred build system for Android Android Studio by default configures a Gradle build under the hood Similar to SBT, arguably less tailored towards Scala Well integrated in Eclipse and (especially) IntelliJ Eclipse recently included the Gradle Buildship in the classic distribution Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 66 / 117
  • 75. Build automation Gradle Gradle IV Details Created in 2008 by Gradleware Mostly implemented in Java 5, with an outer layer in Groovy Free - both as in freedom (Apache License 2.0) and as in beer (no fees required) Source code available on GitHub Thorough documentation - though some advanced use requires some good personal initiative... Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 67 / 117
  • 76. Build automation Gradle Gradle concepts Project - from the Gradle documentation What a project represents depends on what it is that you are doing with Gradle. For example, a project might represent a library JAR or a web application. It might represent a distribution ZIP assembled from the JARs produced by other projects. A project does not necessarily represent a thing to be built. It might represent a thing to be done, such as deploying your application to staging or production environments. Task - from the Gradle documentation Each project is made up of one or more tasks. A task represents some atomic piece of work which a build performs. This might be compiling some classes, creating a JAR, generating Javadoc, or publishing some archives to a repository. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 68 / 117
  • 77. Build automation Gradle Under the hood The Gradle build script is technically a valid Groovy script (if you consider the Gradle API) Anything that has not a valid Groovy syntax is not a valid Gradle build script Groovy makes it easy to create DSLs, Gradle is built relying on such a feature Everything you write is actually proper Groovy code (method calls, closures, and so on), but (you’ll see) that aspect is very nicely hidden At the high level, the feeling is to just have to configure an existing plugin, much like Maven, for most of the things you normally do When needed, it is easy to configure custom behaviour, or fiddle with the internals, in a functional or imperative fashion Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 69 / 117
  • 78. Build automation Gradle Minimal Java build I src/main/java/ public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, world!"); } } build.gradle apply plugin: 'java' Yes, it’s a one-liner. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 70 / 117
  • 79. Build automation Gradle Minimal Java build II File system before the Gradle execution $ tree -A . |-- build.gradle |-- src |-- main |-- java |-- 3 directories, 2 files Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 71 / 117
  • 80. Build automation Gradle Minimal Java build III Terminal $ gradle build :compileJava :processResources NO-SOURCE :classes :jar :assemble :compileTestJava NO-SOURCE :processTestResources NO-SOURCE :testClasses UP-TO-DATE :test NO-SOURCE :check UP-TO-DATE :build BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1.024 secs Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 72 / 117
  • 81. Build automation Gradle Minimal Java build IV File system after the execution $ tree -A . |-- build | |-- classes | | |-- main | | |-- HelloWorld.class | |-- libs | | |-- 06 - Minimal Java.jar | |-- tmp | |-- compileJava | |-- jar | |-- MANIFEST.MF |-- build.gradle |-- src |-- main |-- java |-- 10 directories, 5 files Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 73 / 117
  • 82. Build automation Gradle Minimal Java build V Pretty magic, huh? Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 74 / 117
  • 83. Build automation Gradle Let’s build our toy example src/main/java/it/unibo/ci/ package; import; import; import; import com.omertron.thetvdbapi.TheTVDBApi; import com.omertron.thetvdbapi.model.Episode; import com.omertron.thetvdbapi.model.Series; public final class PrintBreakingBad { private static final String LANG = "it"; private static final String SERIE = "Breaking Bad"; private PrintBreakingBad() { } public static void main(String... args) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { final String key = IOUtils.toString(PrintBreakingBad.class.getResourceAsStream("/TheTVDBAPIKey"), Charsets.UTF_8); final TheTVDBApi api = new TheTVDBApi(key); api.searchSeries("Breaking Bad", LANG).stream() .filter(s -> s.getSeriesName().equals(SERIE)) .map(Series::getId) .flatMap(s -> api.getAllEpisodes(s, LANG).stream()) .map(Episode::getEpisodeName) .forEach(System.out::println); } } Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 75 / 117
  • 84. Build automation Gradle Let’s build our toy example build.gradle apply plugin: 'java' sourceCompatibility = "$jdkVersion" repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile "$guavaVersion" compile "commons-io:commons-io:$commonsIoVersion" compile "com.omertron:thetvdbapi:$tvDbApiVersion" } Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 76 / 117
  • 85. Build automation Gradle Let’s build our toy example group = it.unibo.apice artifactId = printbbepisodes version = 0.0.0 projectLongName = Breaking Bad Episode Titles projectDescription = A program that fetches information about Breaking Bad on TheTVDb and prints episodes licenseName = Apache License 2.0 jdkVersion = 1.8 commonsIoVersion = + guavaVersion = 19.0 tvDbApiVersion = [1.6, 1.7] settings.gradle = "$artifactId" Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 77 / 117
  • 86. Build automation Gradle Let’s build our toy example Execution $ gradle clean build :clean :compileJava Download Download Download Download Download ...many transitive dependencies after... Download Download Download Download Download :processResources :classes :jar :assemble :compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE :processTestResources UP-TO-DATE :testClasses UP-TO-DATE :test UP-TO-DATE :check UP-TO-DATE :build BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 9.002 secs Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 78 / 117
  • 87. Build automation Gradle Dependency management in Gradle Dependencies in Gradle can be specified by defining Where to retrieve software (Maven Central and JCenter are first class citizens) The list of dependencies for each scope Some scopes import other scopes (e.g. runtime by default contains the whole compile scope) Dependencies can be specified with a specific version, a version range, or using + as “latest” With 1.+ meaning “the latest version starting with 1.” Prefer specific versions or ranges (you must test them) Transitive dependencies are resolved automatically (if available in the repository, of course) Specifying the sourceCompatibility is not required, but recommended Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 79 / 117
  • 88. Build automation Gradle Tests as part of the build As you can see from the output of the previous case, the tests are executed by default for every build! Tests and Gradle, how to: Add the libraries you need to the appropriate dependency scope Put your test sources in src/test/nameofyourlanguage build.gradle that enables and uses JUnit apply plugin: 'java' repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' } Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 80 / 117
  • 89. Build automation Gradle Multi-language build I File system before the execution $ tree -A . |-- build.gradle |-- src |-- main |-- groovy | |-- HelloGroovy.groovy |-- java | |-- | |-- TestXtend.xtend |-- scala |-- HelloScala.scala 5 directories, 5 files src/main/groovy/HelloGroovy.groovy println "Hello, Groovy" Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 81 / 117
  • 90. Build automation Gradle Multi-language build II src/main/java/ public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String... args) { System.out.println("Hello, world!"); } } src/main/java/TestXtend.xtend class TestXtend { def static void main(String... args) { println("Hello Xtend") } } Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 82 / 117
  • 91. Build automation Gradle Multi-language build III src/main/scala/HelloScala.scala object HelloScala extends App { println("Hello Scala") } Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 83 / 117
  • 92. Build automation Gradle Multi-language build IV build.gradle plugins { id "org.xtext.xtend" version "1.0.0" } apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'scala' apply plugin: 'groovy' repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.12.2' compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:2.3.7' compile 'org.eclipse.xtend:org.eclipse.xtend.lib:2.9.0' } Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 84 / 117
  • 93. Build automation Gradle Multi-language build V Execution $ gradle clean build :clean :generateXtext :compileJava :compileGroovy :compileScala :processResources NO-SOURCE :classes :jar :assemble :generateTestXtext NO-SOURCE :compileTestJava NO-SOURCE :compileTestGroovy NO-SOURCE :compileTestScala NO-SOURCE :processTestResources NO-SOURCE :testClasses UP-TO-DATE :test NO-SOURCE :check UP-TO-DATE :build BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 10.627 secs Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 85 / 117
  • 94. Build automation Gradle Multi-language build VI Build folder after the execution $ tree -A build build |-- classes | |-- main | |-- HelloGroovy.class | |-- HelloScala.class | |-- HelloScala$.class | |-- HelloScala$delayedInit$body.class | |-- HelloWorld.class | |-- TestXtend.class |-- java | |-- main |-- libs | |-- 02-multilang.jar |-- tmp | |-- compileGroovy | | |-- groovy-java-stubs | |-- compileJava | |-- compileScala | |-- jar | | |-- MANIFEST.MF | |-- scala | |-- compilerAnalysis | |-- compileScala.analysis | |-- compileScala.analysis.relations |-- xtend |-- main |-- 15 directories, 11 files Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 86 / 117
  • 95. Build automation Gradle Build system as dependency If you rely on a build system to build your project, then the build system itself is a dependency! Different versions may produce a different outcome Old versions may not work Newer version may stop working The build system is as any other dependency! The Gradle wrapper Gradle provides a builtin wrapper task: Downloads a gradle core jar and a few settings files Those file must be added to the tracker gradle wrapper --gradle-version 3.1 downloads version 3.1 ./gradlew <task> runs <task> with that exact version Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 87 / 117
  • 96. Build automation Gradle IDE integration IntelliJ integration is straightforward, no additional configuration is required. A Gradle integration plugin is included in the Eclipse distribution (Buildship). build.gradle apply plugin: 'eclipse' eclipse { classpath { downloadJavadoc = true downloadSources = true } } Downloads from the repositories also sources and javadocs and feeds them to Eclipse: much easier to develop... Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 88 / 117
  • 97. Build automation Gradle How the world looks like now prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 89 / 117
  • 98. Build automation Code quality control Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 90 / 117
  • 99. Build automation Code quality control How will the world look like shortly prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 90 / 117
  • 100. Build automation Code quality control Automatic code quality control Why Immediately spot subtle bugs Early spot sub-optimal code (singular fields, missing finals...) Enforce encapsulation, spot cut/pastes (normally sign of bad design choices) Use a coherent style across your code Prevent style-change commits (“The Leopard commits”) Particularly important if there are many developers! Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 91 / 117
  • 101. Build automation Code quality control Automatic code quality control How FindBugs Analyzes the bytecode searching for bugs PMD Source code analyzer for common programming flaws Finds suspect cut/paste (CPD module) Works for Java, Javascript, PLSQL, Velocity, XML, XSL Checkstyle Forces code standard (indentation, formatting, Javadoc...) Can be configured for working with arbitrary files Codacy Web based scala-meta is available for Scala Plugins available for Gradle, Eclipse and IntelliJ Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 92 / 117
  • 102. Build automation Code quality control Code quality control advices Ship the code checkers configuration files with your distribution Usually just one or two XML files Make your IDE plugins configuration match exactly your build automation tool configuration Always track the IDE configuration with your SCM New developers will import the configuration automatically if they have plugins installed If a bad developer tries to change the configuration, you can spot it from the commit change set Pick the rule configuration that suits your project Some rules are controversial at least Some rule have default arbitrary limits Alchemist rules come from several years of tuning, fill free to use them Require your developers to adhere Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 93 / 117
  • 103. Build automation Code quality control How does the world look like now prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 94 / 117
  • 104. Continuous integration Travis CI Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 95 / 117
  • 105. Continuous integration Travis CI How will the world look like shortly prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 95 / 117
  • 106. Continuous integration Travis CI Summary I We got Teamwork tools Proficient teamwork strategies Project repositories Dependency management Tests integrated in the build Code quality control Automatic production of the artifacts Automatic production of reports Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 96 / 117
  • 107. Continuous integration Travis CI Summary II We miss Execute the whole build for every change Doing it locally makes development too slow, defeating the purpose of saving development time Execute the tests in a fresh environment, resembling the production environment We would need to clone a fresh VM, run the build there, then throw it away Automatic deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 97 / 117
  • 108. Continuous integration Travis CI Continuous Integration software Software that promotes the practice of continuous integration Runs a build for every change in the project Prepares fresh environments where the builds are hosted Notifies the results, e.g. if a failure occurs Provides tools for deploying the produced artifacts Hosted CI with free plans for open source projects are blossoming: Circle CI Codefresh Codeship Pipelines Travis CI Wercker ... Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 98 / 117
  • 109. Continuous integration Travis CI Travis CI Web based Well integrated with GitHub Build results are displayed in the repo without intervention Automatic build of any pull request Free for open source projects Cronjobs Build instances based on Docker Project-local configuration via YAML (in the .travis.yml file) Out of the box support for Gradle Dozens of deployment targets Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 99 / 117
  • 110. Continuous integration Travis CI How it works A web-hook can be registered to your GitHub repository that triggers Travis CI at each new commit Travis CI starts a pristine appropriate environment Can be a container or a full virtual machine, depending on whether sudo is required [CIa] The project gets cloned The system is configured as per .travis.yml settings The configured commands are executed The configured deployments are performed If necessary, project managers are informed of the build status Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 100 / 117
  • 111. Continuous integration Travis CI Minimal Travis configuration .travis.yml language: java 1 Automatically searches for build.gradle 2 If found and gradlew is present runs 1 ./gradlew assemble 2 ./gradlew check 3 Otherwise runs the same commands with the version of Gradle pre-installed on the instance The command to be executed can be configured manually (recommended) .travis.yml language: java script: - './gradlew clean build' Further documentation on building Java-based projects is available [CIb] Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 101 / 117
  • 112. Continuous integration Travis CI How will the world looks like noe prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review fork pull request pushpull ... deploy cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 102 / 117
  • 113. Continuous integration Deployment Outline 1 Introduction Highway to hell Stairway to heaven 2 Successful teamwork with distributed control version systems git git flow GitHub Working with forks 3 Build automation Dependency management Gradle Code quality control 4 Continuous integration Travis CI Deployment Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 103 / 117
  • 114. Continuous integration Deployment How will the world look like shortly prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review deploy fork pull request pushpull ... cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 103 / 117
  • 115. Continuous integration Deployment Travis deployments Travis CI supports deployment on a variety of targets. Two examples: 1 GitHub releases Creates a new download section on GitHub Great for storing executable versions (e.g. “fat jars”) Nice automatic deployment examples are available in the Alchemist [Piaa] and Protelis [Piab] build configurations 2 hosting Uploads a static web page on a page Very handy for web based documentation (e.g. Javadoc) Nice automatic deployment examples are available in the Alchemist [Piaa] and Protelis [Piab] build configurations Details on how to configure the deployments are provided in the Travis documentation [CIc]. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 104 / 117
  • 116. Continuous integration Deployment Online repositories The deployment of your software greatly varies depending on who’s destined to. Making the software easy to use Very common by-product (and sometimes product) of academic research Just shipping source code on GitHub and / or publishing jar files on a random server is not enough Especially for libraries or middleware, it is way better to provide a proper repository, where other projects can just point to and import the product as Gradle / Maven / Ant / Ivy dependency Public services exist that offer a free and reliable repository Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 105 / 117
  • 117. Continuous integration Deployment OSSRH — aka Maven Central Offered and managed by Sonatype Default software source for Maven builds Trivial to setup with any other build automation tool De-facto standard No-retract policy: if you publish an artifact, you cannot modify it, no exception allowed Gets copied from other repositories, e.g. jCenter Artifact staging and release through an instance of Sonatype Nexus Artifacts have a product name and belong to a group A Sonatype JIRA account and digital signature is required to manage a group Digital signature on artifacts required Strict quality control: sources and documentation must be provided See: Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 106 / 117
  • 118. Continuous integration Deployment No retract? What if I make a mistake? Short answer Your error will remain in the repositories forever and you will never able to fix it, you will need to create a new official release with a different version number. Anecdotal evidence of why this is good In March 2016, Azer Ko¸clu unpublished more than 250 of his modules from NPM, which is a popular package manager used by Javascript projects to install dependencies, because he was asked to rename the module “Kik”, whose name is the same of an instant messaging app that wanted to publish a homonym module. Unfortunately, one of those dependencies was left-pad, an 11 lines long Javascript module, used by thousands of projects. This brought breackages throughout many Javascript products (most notably Node and Babel). NPM had to un-unpublish left-pad. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 107 / 117
  • 119. Continuous integration Deployment Deployment automatization We have our artifacts, automatically tested and compiled (at least) every day on our nice automatic build / test / integration framework. We also want to have automatic deployment to OSSRH, so we need: 1 Generation of all required artifacts: a sources jar file and a javadoc jar file 2 An OSSRH account 3 A GPG signature of all these artifacts 4 Creation of a pom.xml file 5 Automatic publication in our target repository 6 Release of final versions of our software Can be automated, but I prefer to have a manual check if there is a no-retract policy Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 108 / 117
  • 120. Continuous integration Deployment Automatize artifact creation Very easy in Gradle: A task that runs after classes are compiled (to be sure we don’t pack non-compiling stuff) that fits in a jar all the source code A task that runs after the Javadoc has been generated, and compresses it in a jar file Configure Gradle to add those files to the generated artifacts In build.gradle task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:classes) { classifier = 'sources' from sourceSets.main.allSource } task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:javadoc) { classifier = 'javadoc' from javadoc.destinationDir } artifacts { archives sourcesJar archives javadocJar } Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 109 / 117
  • 121. Continuous integration Deployment OSSRH account 1 Create and publish your own GPG key This is personal, and must not be shared Good setup guide available at: 2 Create a new account on Sonatype’s Jira 3 Create a new ticket, requesting a new group or to be added to an existing one 4 In about two working days, you will get access to the repository, and your (signed) artifacts will be considered valid Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 110 / 117
  • 122. Continuous integration Deployment Automatically sign the artifacts This is the trickies part. Signing requires your private key to be exported to the build instance If the Travis build instance can download it, everybody can It must be encrypted, and the instance must know how to decrypt it But nobody else may be able to In short: use the instance public key to encrypt it (a secure build it’s actually more complicated than just this) Once the system is configured with the private GPG key, Gradle can be told to automatically sign and upload artifacts to Maven Central Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 111 / 117
  • 123. Continuous integration Deployment Summary of the whole process prom ote clone notify release w eb hook review deploy fork pull request pushpull ... cron trigger Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 112 / 117
  • 124. Bonus track Picking version numbers Without compliance to some sort of formal specification, version numbers are essentially useless for dependency management. By giving a name and clear definition to the above ideas, it becomes easy to communicate your intentions to the users of your software. — Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 ( Semantic versioning Formally described, with RFC-style wording Three levels plus optional: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH[-OTHER] MAJOR — Any incompatible API change Major 0 is for initial development: anything may change at any time. MINOR — Add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner PATCH — Backwards-compatible bug fixes OTHER — Optionally decorates the version with additional information. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 113 / 117
  • 125. References References I Travis CI. The build environment. Accessed: 2017-05-08. Travis CI. Building a java project. Accessed: 2017-05-08. Travis CI. Deployment. Accessed: 2017-05-08. Darko Fabijan. Why we need continuous integration. Accessed: 2017-05-03. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 114 / 117
  • 126. References References II Martin Fowler. Continuous integration. Accessed: 2017-05-02. Randall Munroe. xkcd: Compiling. Accessed: 2017-05-03. Terence Parr. The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference. Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2nd edition, 2013. Danilo Pianini. Alchemist travis configuration. 6cec5427836b505486e9e44c247b2ac15821f8f2/.travis.yml. Accessed: 2017-05-08. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 115 / 117
  • 127. References References III Danilo Pianini. Protelis travis configuration. e6ac8910a9107e1c9aab647290919ec4af759656/.travis.yml. Accessed: 2017-05-08. The CodingHorror team. New programming jargon. Accessed: 2017-05-02. The IMVU team. Imvu: 3d avatar free chat, make new friends, dress up, shop. Accessed: 2017-05-02. The LogBack team. Logback project. Accessed: 2017-05-05. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 116 / 117
  • 128. References References IV The tuProlog team. How not to maintain your dependencies. Accessed: 2017-05-05. Pianini (UniBo) Continuous integration and delivery May 12, 2017 117 / 117