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05.09.2019 Przemysław Malak – Chmurowisko
Łukasz Dorosz - Chmurowisko
Cloud Architect - Chmurowisko
Przemek Malak
Head of AWS Architecture/
Cloud Architect - Chmurowisko
Łukasz Dorosz
About us
Cloud Adoption
Cloud Implementation
Cloud Security
Cloud Migration Plan AI/ML BIG DATA Trainings
1. Docker
2. ECS
4. EKS
6. Q&A PIN: #8365
7. Contest
What you can expect
Have a question? Just ask us in SLI.DO #8365
Questions: #8365
What is Docker?
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Docker is an open
platform that allows you
to build, ship, and run
distributed applications,
whether on laptop, data
center VMs or the Cloud.
Docker packages
software into
standardised units called
Containers allow you to easily
package an application’s code,
dependencies and configuration
into easy to use building blocks.
It’s provide environmental
consistency, operational
efficiency and version control.
Questions: #8365
How it different from virtualization?
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Advantages of Containerisation
Forget about dependencynightmares
Consistent progression from DEV -> TEST -> QA -> PROD
Isolation- performance or stabilityissues of App A in containerA, wont impact App B in containerB.
Better resource management.
Extreme code portability
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Docker components
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Docker images
Docker container
Layers / Union file system
Docker Engine
Docker Client
Docker registries / Docker hub
Questions: #8365
Containers are everywhere
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
AWS Lambda
AWS Elastic
Amazon EC2
AWS Batch
Amazon Elastic
Container Service
Questions: #8365
Amazon Elastic Container Service
Amazon Elastic Container Service (AmazonECS) is a highly scalable, high-performance container
orchestration service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run and scale
containerized applications on AWS.
With simple API calls, you can launch and stop Docker-enabled applications, query the complete
state of your application, and access many familiar features such as IAM roles, security groups, load
balancers, AmazonCloudWatch Events, AWS CloudFormation templates, and AWS CloudTrail logs.
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Features of Amazon ECS
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Amazon ECS is a regional service that simplifies running application containers in a highly available manner across multiple
Availability Zones within a region. You can create Amazon ECS clusters within a new or existing VPC.
To deploy applications on Amazon ECS, your application components must be architected to run in containers.
A Docker container is a standardized unit of software development, containing everything that your software application
needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, etc. Containers are created from a read-only template called an
Images are typically built from a Dockerfile, a plain text file that specifies all of the components that are included in the
These images are then stored in a registry from which they can be downloaded and run on your cluster.
Questions: #8365
Containers and Images
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Container Registry
(Amazon ECR, Docker Hub,
Create container image
Publish image
Questions: #8365
Task definition
To prepare your application to run on Amazon ECS, you create a task definition.
The task definition is a text file, in JSON format, that describes one or more containers, up to a
maximum of ten, that form your application. Task definitions specify various parameters for your
application like:
• Imagefor containers in your task
• CPU and RAM for each container
• Networking mode
• IAM Role for task
• Environment Variables passed into containers
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Task scheduler
The Amazon ECS task scheduler is responsible for placing tasks
within your cluster.
There are several different scheduling options available.
For example, you can define a service that runs and maintains a
specified number of tasks simultaneously.
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Scheduled Tasks
• Fixed interval:
• Minutes
• Hours
• Days
• cron expression
• cron(0 1 * * ? *) – run daily at 1AM (UTC)
• cron(0 19 ? * 2L *) – run 19 last Monday of the month
• cron(0/15 * * * ? *) – run every 15 minutes
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Task Placement Strategies
Algorithm that spreads tasks across instances in ECS cluster.
• CPU requirements
• Memory requirements
• Available resources
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Task Placement Strategies
Available strategies
• Binpack – places tasks n the least available CPU or memory. Used to minimize stances in use.
• Spread – places tasks evenly based on an attriguite of an instance i.e. AZ
• Random – places task on any random instance
Binpack Spread
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
When you run tasks using AmazonECS, you place them on a cluster, which is a logical grouping of
If you use the Fargate launch type with tasks within your cluster, AmazonECS manages your cluster
If you use the EC2 launch type, then your clusters will be a group of container instances you
Amazon ECS downloads your container images from a registry that you specify, and runs those
images within your cluster.
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Container Agent
The container agent runs on each infrastructure resource within an AmazonECS cluster. It sends
information about the resource's current running tasks and resource utilization to Amazon ECS, and
starts and stops tasks whenever it receives a request from Amazon ECS.
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Container Registry
(Amazon ECR,Docker Hub,
ECS Agent
Run tasks
Schedule task
Amazon ECS Cluster
Download container
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Task Lifecycle
Start End
Failed on startup
Pull container image
and start
Run task or
exits with error
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Service supervises task.
It keeps tasks running.
Exposes tasks to outside world.
Tracks where in the cluster task is running.
Directs traffic to the correct instsance and port.
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Dynamic Host Port Mapping
tcp/80 tcp/80 tcp/80 tcp/80
"portMappings": [
"hostPort": 0,
"protocol": "tcp",
"containerPort": 80
tcp/32678 tcp/32679 tcp/32680 tcp/32681
Task 1
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
OK AZ Outage
High Availability
Availability Zone
ECS Host
ECS Host
Availability Zone
ECS Host
ECS Host
Availability Zone
ECS Host
ECS Host
Availability Zone
ECS Host
ECS Host
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Service Discovery
AWS Cloud
Amazon Route 53
Multivalue Answer Routing
Namespace: local
Availability Zone
Availability Zone
SubnetECS Cluster
Task Registrations
Health Checks
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Path Based Routing
Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3
web auth web serviceservice service
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Availability Zone
ECS Host
ECS Host
Availability Zone
ECS Host
ECS Host
ECS Cluster
Scale in/out
Add or
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
AWS Fargate
AWS Fargate is a technology for AmazonECS and EKS* that allows you to run containers without
having to manageservers or clusters.
*maybe in future
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Cost Optimization
Right-sizing instances
• Measure utilization in CloudWatch
• Select the cheapest instance that satisfies requirements
• Look at memory, CPU, network and storage
Do not use reserved instances at the beginning. Only after right sizing.
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Cost Optimization
On-demand price Specs CloudWatch Metrics
139 $ 4 vCPUs
35% CPU
On-demand price Specs Savings
83 $ 2 vCPUs
~ 42 %
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Cost Optimization
Turn off non production instances
• Dev or test environments
• Automate– AWS Instance Scheduler
Enable autoscaling in production
• Combine on-demand instances with reserved instances
• Scale up and down based on demand
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
cost = instances * hours * instance hourly price
30 days * 5 t3.small instances
720 * 5 * 0,024$ = 86,4$/mo
Pricing Models
Availability Zone Availability Zone
ECS Cluster
EC2 instances EC2 instances
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Sum of:
• hours * vCPUs * vCPU hourly price
• hours * memory * memory hourly price
30 days, 1 v CPU, 2GiB
720 * 1 vCPU * 0,04048$ = 29,15$
720 * 2 GiB * 0.004445$ = 6,40$
29,15 + 6,40 = 35,55$/mo
Pricing Models
Availability Zone Availability Zone
ECS Cluster
Fargate Fargate
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
EC2 vs Fargate – What to choose?
• Batch jobs
• Short-running tasks
• Long-running tasks
• Services
• Access underlying instance
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
EC2 vs Fargate – What to choose?
• Batch jobs
• Short-running tasks
• Long-running tasks
• Services
• Access underlying instance
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
EC2 vs Fargate – What to choose?
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Fargate Cluster
Amazon Route 53
Amazon Elastic
Container Service
for Kubernetes
Questions: #8365
What is Kubernetes?
Open source conatiner orchestration system written i GoLang
Automatic deployment, scaling and management
Developed by Google based on Borg
Young: Released on July 2015
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Kubernetes architecture
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
What Is Amazon EKS?
Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) is a managedservice that makes it
easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to stand up or maintain your own
Kubernetes control plane.
Amazon EKS runs Kubernetes control plane instances across multiple Availability Zones to ensure
high availability.
Amazon EKS automaticallydetects and replaces unhealthy control plane instances, and it provides
automated version upgrades and patching for them.
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Introducing Amazon EKS
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3
Questions: #8365
Introducing Amazon EKS
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3
Masters (AWS Managed)
Questions: #8365
Introducing Amazon EKS
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3
Masters (AWS Managed)
Workers (Customer Managed)
Questions: #8365
Introducing Amazon EKS
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3
Masters (AWS Managed)
Workers (Customer Managed)
Questions: #8365
Introducing Amazon EKS
• Applications running on Amazon EKS are fully compatible with applications running on any
standard Kubernetes environment.
• Amazon EKS automaticallyruns K8s with three masters across three AZs to protect againsta
single point of failure.
• Amazon EKS also automatically detects and replaces unhealthy masters, and it provides
automated version upgrades and patching for the masters.
• Amazon EKS is integrated with a number of key AWS features such as Elastic Load Balancing for
load distribution, IAM for authentication, Amazon VPC for isolation, AWS PrivateLink for private
network access, and AWS CloudTrail for logging.
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
How Does Amazon EKS Work?
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Additional tools
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
CSI driver for Amazon EBS
CSI Driver for Amazon EFS
CSI Driver of AmazonFSx
Automatically mounts volumes
Attach storage directly to containers
Container Storage Interface
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
It provides IAM based authentication for Kubernetes cluster
Allow users to services access to resources
Ex. Connect to cluster and get a list of deployed pods
For permission control Kubernetes RBAC is used
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
VPC with Kubernetes pods
The CNI plugin is responsible for allocating VPC IP addresses to Kubernetes nodes and configuring
the necessary networking for pods on each node.
• Bridge between the K8s land – AmazonVPC
• Thin layer – no performance impact
• Pod IP ENI Secondary IP
• Security Group is attached to the ENI
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
VPC with Kubernetes pods
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Calico Policy
Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Project Calico is a network policy engine for Kubernetes.
Implement network segmentation and tenant isolation.
You can assignnetwork policies to pods using pod selectors and labels.
Questions: #8365Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
Questions: #8365
Amazon EKS Workshop
10.09.2019 Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
Jak nazywa się usługa, która pozwala nam
zarządzać naszymi mikro serwisami za pomocą
Service Discovery?

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Containers in AWS

  • 1. RUNNING CONTAINERS 05.09.2019 Przemysław Malak – Chmurowisko Łukasz Dorosz - Chmurowisko IN AMAZONWEB SERVICES WEBINAR
  • 2. Cloud Architect - Chmurowisko Przemek Malak Head of AWS Architecture/ Cloud Architect - Chmurowisko Łukasz Dorosz About us
  • 3. Cloud Adoption Strategy WHAT WE DO Cloud Implementation Guide Executive Consulting Cloud Security Cloud Migration Plan AI/ML BIG DATA Trainings
  • 4. Agenda 1. Docker 2. ECS 3. DEMO 4. EKS 5. DEMO 6. Q&A PIN: #8365 7. Contest What you can expect Have a question? Just ask us in SLI.DO #8365
  • 5. Questions: #8365 What is Docker? Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. Docker is an open platform that allows you to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptop, data center VMs or the Cloud. Docker packages software into standardised units called Containers. Containers allow you to easily package an application’s code, dependencies and configuration into easy to use building blocks. It’s provide environmental consistency, operational efficiency and version control. 10.09.2019
  • 6. Questions: #8365 How it different from virtualization? Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 7. Questions: #8365 Advantages of Containerisation Forget about dependencynightmares Consistent progression from DEV -> TEST -> QA -> PROD Isolation- performance or stabilityissues of App A in containerA, wont impact App B in containerB. Better resource management. Extreme code portability Microservices Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 8. Questions: #8365 Docker components Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. Docker images Docker container Layers / Union file system DockerFile Docker Engine Docker Client Docker registries / Docker hub 10.09.2019
  • 9. Questions: #8365 Containers are everywhere Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. AWS Lambda AWS Elastic Beanstalk Amazon EC2 10.09.2019 AWS Batch
  • 11. Questions: #8365 Amazon Elastic Container Service Amazon Elastic Container Service (AmazonECS) is a highly scalable, high-performance container orchestration service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. With simple API calls, you can launch and stop Docker-enabled applications, query the complete state of your application, and access many familiar features such as IAM roles, security groups, load balancers, AmazonCloudWatch Events, AWS CloudFormation templates, and AWS CloudTrail logs. Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 12. Questions: #8365 Features of Amazon ECS Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. Amazon ECS is a regional service that simplifies running application containers in a highly available manner across multiple Availability Zones within a region. You can create Amazon ECS clusters within a new or existing VPC. To deploy applications on Amazon ECS, your application components must be architected to run in containers. A Docker container is a standardized unit of software development, containing everything that your software application needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, etc. Containers are created from a read-only template called an image. Images are typically built from a Dockerfile, a plain text file that specifies all of the components that are included in the container. These images are then stored in a registry from which they can be downloaded and run on your cluster. 10.09.2019
  • 13. Questions: #8365 Containers and Images Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. Container Registry (Amazon ECR, Docker Hub, self-hosted) Container Image Dockerfile Create container image Publish image 10.09.2019
  • 14. Questions: #8365 Task definition To prepare your application to run on Amazon ECS, you create a task definition. The task definition is a text file, in JSON format, that describes one or more containers, up to a maximum of ten, that form your application. Task definitions specify various parameters for your application like: • Imagefor containers in your task • CPU and RAM for each container • Networking mode • IAM Role for task • Environment Variables passed into containers Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 15. Questions: #8365 Task scheduler The Amazon ECS task scheduler is responsible for placing tasks within your cluster. There are several different scheduling options available. For example, you can define a service that runs and maintains a specified number of tasks simultaneously. Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 16. Questions: #8365 Scheduled Tasks • Fixed interval: • Minutes • Hours • Days • cron expression • cron(0 1 * * ? *) – run daily at 1AM (UTC) • cron(0 19 ? * 2L *) – run 19 last Monday of the month • cron(0/15 * * * ? *) – run every 15 minutes Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 17. Questions: #8365 Task Placement Strategies Algorithm that spreads tasks across instances in ECS cluster. • CPU requirements • Memory requirements • Available resources Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 18. Questions: #8365 Task Placement Strategies Available strategies • Binpack – places tasks n the least available CPU or memory. Used to minimize stances in use. • Spread – places tasks evenly based on an attriguite of an instance i.e. AZ • Random – places task on any random instance TASK DEFINITION TASK DEFINITION Binpack Spread Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 19. Questions: #8365 Clusters When you run tasks using AmazonECS, you place them on a cluster, which is a logical grouping of resources. If you use the Fargate launch type with tasks within your cluster, AmazonECS manages your cluster resources. If you use the EC2 launch type, then your clusters will be a group of container instances you manage. Amazon ECS downloads your container images from a registry that you specify, and runs those images within your cluster. Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 20. Questions: #8365 Container Agent The container agent runs on each infrastructure resource within an AmazonECS cluster. It sends information about the resource's current running tasks and resource utilization to Amazon ECS, and starts and stops tasks whenever it receives a request from Amazon ECS. Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 21. Questions: #8365 Container Registry (Amazon ECR,Docker Hub, self-hosted) ECS Agent Tasks Run tasks Schedule task Amazon ECS Cluster Download container image Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 22. Questions: #8365 Task Lifecycle PENDING RUNNING STOPPED Start End Failed on startup Pull container image and start Run task or exits with error Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 23. Questions: #8365 Service Service supervises task. It keeps tasks running. Exposes tasks to outside world. Tracks where in the cluster task is running. Directs traffic to the correct instsance and port. Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 24. Questions: #8365 Dynamic Host Port Mapping tcp/80 tcp/80 tcp/80 tcp/80 "portMappings": [ { "hostPort": 0, "protocol": "tcp", "containerPort": 80 } ], tcp/32678 tcp/32679 tcp/32680 tcp/32681 Task 1 tcp/80 Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 25. OK AZ Outage High Availability VPC Availability Zone Subnet ECS Host ECS Host Availability Zone Subnet ECS Host ECS Host VPC Availability Zone Subnet ECS Host ECS Host Availability Zone Subnet ECS Host ECS Host Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 26. Questions: #8365 Service Discovery AWS Cloud Amazon Route 53 Multivalue Answer Routing Namespace: local service1server.local VPC Availability Zone Subnet Availability Zone SubnetECS Cluster IP/port Task Registrations Health Checks Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 27. Questions: #8365 Path Based Routing Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 web auth web serviceservice service /web* /auth* /service* Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 28. Questions: #8365 Autoscaling VPC Availability Zone Subnet ECS Host ECS Host Availability Zone Subnet ECS Host ECS Host ECS Cluster CloudWatch ECS Metrics Scale in/out policies Add or Remove tasks Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 29. Questions: #8365 AWS Fargate AWS Fargate is a technology for AmazonECS and EKS* that allows you to run containers without having to manageservers or clusters. *maybe in future Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 30. Questions: #8365 Cost Optimization Right-sizing instances • Measure utilization in CloudWatch • Select the cheapest instance that satisfies requirements • Look at memory, CPU, network and storage Do not use reserved instances at the beginning. Only after right sizing. Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 31. Questions: #8365 Cost Optimization c5.xlarge m5.large On-demand price Specs CloudWatch Metrics 139 $ 4 vCPUs 8 GiB RAM 35% CPU On-demand price Specs Savings 83 $ 2 vCPUs 8 GiB RAM ~ 42 % Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 32. Questions: #8365 Cost Optimization Turn off non production instances • Dev or test environments • Automate– AWS Instance Scheduler Enable autoscaling in production • Combine on-demand instances with reserved instances • Scale up and down based on demand Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 33. EC2 COST cost = instances * hours * instance hourly price Example: 30 days * 5 t3.small instances 720 * 5 * 0,024$ = 86,4$/mo Pricing Models VPC Availability Zone Availability Zone ECS Cluster EC2 instances EC2 instances Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 34. Fargate COST Sum of: • hours * vCPUs * vCPU hourly price • hours * memory * memory hourly price Example: 30 days, 1 v CPU, 2GiB 720 * 1 vCPU * 0,04048$ = 29,15$ 720 * 2 GiB * 0.004445$ = 6,40$ 29,15 + 6,40 = 35,55$/mo Pricing Models VPC Availability Zone Availability Zone ECS Cluster Fargate Fargate Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 35. Questions: #8365 EC2 vs Fargate – What to choose? FARGATE: • Batch jobs • Short-running tasks EC2: • Long-running tasks • Services • Access underlying instance Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 36. Questions: #8365 EC2 vs Fargate – What to choose? FARGATE: • Batch jobs • Short-running tasks EC2: • Long-running tasks • Services • Access underlying instance Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 37. Questions: #8365 EC2 vs Fargate – What to choose? PEOPLE COST Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 39. Questions: #8365 DEMO FARGATE WEB SERVICE SERVICE 1 Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 40. Questions: #8365 DEMO FARGATE Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. Fargate Cluster web service1 /* Amazon Route 53 service1 service1 10.09.2019
  • 42. Questions: #8365 What is Kubernetes? Open source conatiner orchestration system written i GoLang Automatic deployment, scaling and management Developed by Google based on Borg Young: Released on July 2015 Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 43. Questions: #8365 Kubernetes architecture Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 44. Questions: #8365 What Is Amazon EKS? Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) is a managedservice that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to stand up or maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. Amazon EKS runs Kubernetes control plane instances across multiple Availability Zones to ensure high availability. Amazon EKS automaticallydetects and replaces unhealthy control plane instances, and it provides automated version upgrades and patching for them. Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 45. Questions: #8365 Introducing Amazon EKS Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3 10.09.2019
  • 46. Questions: #8365 Introducing Amazon EKS Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3 Masters (AWS Managed) 10.09.2019
  • 47. Questions: #8365 Introducing Amazon EKS Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3 Masters (AWS Managed) Workers (Customer Managed) 10.09.2019
  • 48. Questions: #8365 Introducing Amazon EKS Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. Availability Zone 1 Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3 Masters (AWS Managed) Workers (Customer Managed) kubectl 10.09.2019
  • 49. Questions: #8365 Introducing Amazon EKS • Applications running on Amazon EKS are fully compatible with applications running on any standard Kubernetes environment. • Amazon EKS automaticallyruns K8s with three masters across three AZs to protect againsta single point of failure. • Amazon EKS also automatically detects and replaces unhealthy masters, and it provides automated version upgrades and patching for the masters. • Amazon EKS is integrated with a number of key AWS features such as Elastic Load Balancing for load distribution, IAM for authentication, Amazon VPC for isolation, AWS PrivateLink for private network access, and AWS CloudTrail for logging. Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 50. Questions: #8365 How Does Amazon EKS Work? Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 51. Questions: #8365 Additional tools CSI-DRIVERS AWS-IAM-AUTHENTICATOR AMAZON-VPC-CNI-K8S more Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 52. AWS-CSI-DRIVER for: CSI driver for Amazon EBS CSI Driver for Amazon EFS CSI Driver of AmazonFSx Automatically mounts volumes Attach storage directly to containers Container Storage Interface Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 53. Questions: #8365 aws-iam-authenticator It provides IAM based authentication for Kubernetes cluster Allow users to services access to resources Ex. Connect to cluster and get a list of deployed pods For permission control Kubernetes RBAC is used Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 54. Questions: #8365 VPC with Kubernetes pods The CNI plugin is responsible for allocating VPC IP addresses to Kubernetes nodes and configuring the necessary networking for pods on each node. • Bridge between the K8s land – AmazonVPC • Thin layer – no performance impact • Pod IP ENI Secondary IP • Security Group is attached to the ENI Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 55. Questions: #8365 VPC with Kubernetes pods Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 56. Questions: #8365 Calico Policy Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o. Project Calico is a network policy engine for Kubernetes. Implement network segmentation and tenant isolation. You can assignnetwork policies to pods using pod selectors and labels. 10.09.2019
  • 57. Questions: #8365Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.10.09.2019
  • 58. Questions: #8365 Amazon EKS Workshop 10.09.2019 Chmurowisko Sp. z o.o.
  • 59. Q&A
  • 61. Jak nazywa się usługa, która pozwala nam zarządzać naszymi mikro serwisami za pomocą Service Discovery?