Hadoop with Python

Donald Miner Há 9 anos

Bigdive 2014 - RDF, principles and case studies

Diego Valerio Camarda Há 9 anos

26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20

Étienne Garbugli Há 11 anos

What happened to the Semantic Web?

Peter Mika Há 6 anos

Creating a full stack web app with python, npm, webpack and react

Angela Kristine Juvet Branaes Há 6 anos

How to Publish Open Data

Richard Cyganiak Há 12 anos

Tabular Data on the Web

Gregg Kellogg Há 8 anos

DCAT-AP exchanging metadata

Bart Hanssens Há 8 anos

Building an ecosystem of networked references

Hugo Manguinhas Há 8 anos