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                       SWATI SISODIA
History of Org Behavior
• A Short History of Organizational Behavior

•   F.W. Taylor and Scientific Management
•   Mary Parker Follett
•   Hawthorne Studies
•   Theory X and Y
F W Taylor
• Scientific management: the systematic study
  of relationships between people and tasks for
  the purpose of redesigning the work process
  to increase efficiency
• The amount of and effort each employee
  expends to produce a unit of output can be
  reduced by increasing specialization and the
  division of labor
Principles of Scientific Management

 • Study the way employees perform their tasks,
   gather informal job knowledge that
   employees possess, and experiment with ways
   of improving the way tasks are performed
 • Codify the new methods of performing tasks
   into written rules and standard operating
Principles of Scientific Management
 • Carefully select employees so that they
   possess skills and abilities that match the
   needs of the task, and train them to perform
   the task according to the established rules and
 • Establish an acceptable level of performance
   for a task, and then develop a pay system that
   provides a reward for performance above the
   acceptable level
Other theories
  Mary Parker Follett- Human side
  The “Hawthorne Effect”
  Douglas McGregor:

  Average employee is lazy,           Employees will do what is good
  dislikes work, and will try to do   for the organization when
  as little as possible               committed
  Manager’s task is to supervise      Manager’s task is create a work
  closely and control employees       setting that encourages
  through reward and                  commitment to organizational
  punishment                          goals and provides
                                      opportunities for employees to
                                      be exercise initiative
What is an organization?
Groups of people who work interdependently
toward some purpose
 –Structured patterns of interaction
 –Coordinated tasks
 –Work toward some purpose
Organizational Behavior

 • The study of individual behavior and group
   dynamics in organizations

 • Understand
                       The study and application
 • Predict             of how employees behave
                          within organizations
 • Manage
Levels of Analysis

             Organizational Level

                 Group Level

                Group Level
Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field

                          Attitude, values
                          Job satisfaction
Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field
Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field
Open Systems View of Organization
                       Task environment:
                       Regulatory agencies

Material                                                  Outputs:
Capital    Task                              Technology   Products
Human                                                     Services


                  Organizational Boundary
Why Study Org Behavior?
              Competitive advantage of an organization
            today is represented by:

                Human resource of an organization and
                how they are managed.

                Widely recognized as-
                human capital

                                Describe how people behave under
                                a variety of condition
                                Understand why people behave as
                                they do
                                Predict future employee behaviour

  Implications of globalisation

  New organisational structures
  Different forms of communication
  More competition, change, mergers, downsizing, stress
  Need more sensitivity to cultural differences
More women in workforce and professions
Different needs of Gen-X, Gen-Y and baby-boomers
Diversity has advantages, but firms need to adjust through
Cultural awareness
Family-friendly policies

Employment relationship
Employees perform many tasks, not a specific job
Working from home, usually with a computer connection to the office
Virtual teams
(operate across space, time and organisational boundaries; mainly
communicate through electronic technologies)
Studying Organizational Behavior
What is personality?

 The overall profile or combination of characteristics that
 capture the unique nature of a person as that person
 reacts and interacts with others.
 – Combines a set of physical and mental
 characteristics that reflect how a person looks,
 thinks, acts, and feels.
 – Predictable relationships are expected between
 people’s personalities and their behaviors
Factors affecting personality

    Physical characteristics
                                         Situational factors

Personality and the self-concept

    – Personality dynamics.
    •The ways in which an individual integrates and organizes
    social traits, values and motives ,personal conceptions, and
    emotional adjustments.
    – Self-concept.
    • The view individuals have of themselves as physical,
    social, and spiritual or moral beings.
    • Self-esteem.
    • Self-efficacy.
How do personalities differ?

 “Big Five” personality dimensions.
 – Extraversion
 • Being outgoing, sociable, assertive.
 – Agreeableness.
 • Being good-natured, trusting, cooperative.
 – Conscientiousness.
 • Being responsible, dependable, persistent.
 – Emotional stability.
 • Being unworried, secure, relaxed.
 – Openness to experience.
 • Being imaginative, curious, broad-minded.
Personal conception traits.

   Locus of control.
    Self-monitoring.
Locus of control

– The extent to which a person feels able to control his/her
own life.
– Externals
        •More extraverted in their interpersonal
relationships and more oriented toward the world around
– Internals
         • More introverted and more oriented towards
their own feelings and ideas.
Locus of control
Information processing                  Internals make more attempt to acquire information, are
                                        less satisfied with the amount of information they possess
                                        and are better at utilizing information
Job Satisfaction                        Internals are generally more satisfied, less alienated and
                                        there is strong job satisfaction/ performance relationship for
Performance                             Internals perform better on learning and problem solving
                                        tasks, when performance leads to valued rewards
Self control, risk & anxiety            Internals exhibit better self control, are more cautious,
                                        engage in less risky behavior and are less anxious
Motivation, expectancies' and results   Internals display greater work motivation, see a stronger
                                        relationship between what they do and what happens to
                                        them, expect that working hard leads to good performance,
                                        feel more control over their time.
Response to others                      Internals are more independent, more reliant on their own
                                        judgment and less susceptible to the influence of others ;
                                        they are more likely to accept information on its merit

– Authoritarianism.
• Tendency to adhere rigidly to conventional
values and to obey recognized authority.
– Dogmatism.
• Tendency to view the world as a
threatening place.
high-Machiavellian personality

 Approach situations logically and
 a) Are capable of lying to achieve personal goals.
 b) Are rarely swayed by loyalty, friendships, past
    promises, or others’ opinions.
 c) Are skilled at influencing others.
 d) Try to exploit loosely structured situations.
 e) Perform in a perfunctory or detached manner in
    highly structured situations.

Machiavellianism (Mach) refers to the degree to which an individual is practical in his
approach, maintains an emotional distance from others, and believes that ends justify
the means. Research has revealed that individuals who score high on Mach are good
at manipulating others and try to win by any means. They do not need to be
persuaded to work but instead are able to successfully persuade others. People
having a high Mach perform well in situations that involve face-to-face meetings.
They are especially productive in jobs that require the use of bargaining (persuasion)
skills and in jobs that offer substantial rewards for the achievement of goal
low-Machiavellian personality

  a) Accept direction imposed by others in loosely
     structured situations.
  b) Work hard to do well in highly structured
  c) Are strongly guided by ethical considerations.
  d) Are unlikely to lie or cheat.

– A person’s ability to adjust his/her behavior to
external situational factors.
– High self-monitors.
      • Sensitive to external cues.
      • Behave differently in different situations.
– Low self-monitors.
      • Not sensitive to external cues.
      • Not able to disguise their behaviors
The Basic Motivation Process

What is Motivation?

                       The level and direction
Motivation     =       of EFFORT expended
                       at work.

        Derived from latin word “movere” means to move.
Categories of motivation theories.

 Content theories.                              Process theories.
 • Focus on profiling the needs that people • Focus on people’s thought or cognitive
 seek to fulfill.                           processes. Emphasize controlling behavior
                                            by manipulating its consequences.

 Major content theories.                   Major content theories.
 a) Maslows Hierarchy of needs theory.     a) Vroom’s & Porter theory
 b) Herzberg’s Two factor theory           b) Equity theory
 c) Alderfer’s ERG theory
 d) Mc Clelland
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs

             ESTEEM NEEDS

           LOVE NEEDS


A Hierarchy Of Work Motivation
                   Personal growth,
                   realization of potential
               ESTEEM NEEDS
               Titles, status symbols,
               promotions, banding

            SOCIAL NEEDS
            Formal and informal
            work groups or teams

        Seniority plans, union, health insurance,
        employee assistance plans, severance pay, pension

Hezerberg’s two factor theory

       Hygiene factors in job     Motivators factors in job
       Organisational policies   Achievement
       Quality of supervision    Recognition
       Working conditions        Work itself
       Base salary or wage       Responsibility
       Relationship with peer    Advancement
       Relationship with         Growth

High     Job dissatisfaction           Job satisfaction   High
ERG Theory.                  Mc Clleland’s Theory of needs :
– Existence needs.           Need for achievement (nAch).
• Desire for physiological   • The desire to do something
and material well-being.     better or more efficiently, to
– Relatedness needs.         solve problems, or to master
• Desire for satisfying      complex tasks.
interpersonal                Need for affiliation (nAff).
relationships.               – • The desire to establish and
– Growth needs.              maintain friendly and warm
• Desire for continued       relations with others.
personal growth and          – Need for power (nPower).
development.                 • The desire to control others,
                             to influence their behavior, or
                             to be responsible for others.
McClelland’s High Need Achiever

  Work Preferences
  • Prefers moderately challenging
  • Prefers performance feedback
  • Prefers individual responsibility
Job Satisfaction Trends
   “Who is more likely to be satisfied with a job?”

   •   Internals or Externals
   •   Individualists or Collectivists
   •   Women or Men
   •   Younger workers or Older workers
   •   Less experienced or More experienced
   •   Top management or Rank and file workers
   •   Satisfied in prior jobs or Dissatisfied in prior jobs
   •   Satisfied with life or Dissatisfied with life

      Box 1    Box 2           Box 3

LOW                                    HIGH
               Task Variety
               Skill Variety

      Job                 Job
      Simplification      Enrichment
      Taylor              Herzberg

              Job Enlargement
Automation    & Rotation          Self-

                                    IMPORTANCE OF LEADERSHIP

   According to Koontz and o’       1. Initiates action
   Donnell “it is the art of
                                    2. Motivation
   including the subordinates to
   accomplish their assignments     3. Providing guidance
   with zeal and confidence. Zeal   4. Creating confidence
   reflects ardour, earnestness     5. Building morale
   and intensity in execution of
                                    6. Builds work environment
   work; confidence reflects
   experience and technical         7. Co-ordination
Some Characteristics Of Managers Versus Leaders
In The Twenty-First Century
     Manager Characteristics           Leader Characteristics
 Administers                         Innovates
 A copy                              An original
 Maintains                           Develops
 Focuses on systems and structures   Focuses on people
 Relies on control                   Inspires trust
 Short-range view                    Long-range perspective
 Asks how and when                   Asks what and why
 Eye on the bottom line              Eye on the horizon
 Imitates                            Originates
 Accepts the status quo              Challenges the status quo
 Classic good soldier                Own person
 Does things right                   Does the right thing
LEADERSHIP THEORIES   Keith davis has summarized four of
                      the major traits which might have
                      an impact on successful
                      organizational leadership. They
                      (a)Intelligence (b)Social maturity
                      and breath (c)Inner motivation
                      and achievement drives
                      (d)Human relations attitude

 A. BEHAVIOURAL       Participative or supportive
    APPROACH          Instrumental or instrumental

                      CONTIGENCY THEORY

   Path-goal theory identifies four kinds of leader behavior.

   Directive leader behavior - letting subordinates know what is expected of
   them, giving guidance and direction, and scheduling work.

   Supportive leader behavior - being friendly and approachable, showing
   concern for subordinate welfare, and treating members as equals.

   Participative leader behavior - consulting subordinates, soliciting
   suggestions, and allowing participation in decision making.

   Achievement-oriented behavior - setting challenging goals, expecting
   subordinates to perform at high levels, encouraging subordinates and
   showing confidence in subordinates' abilities.
Path-Goal Situations & Preferred Leader Behavior

Leadership styles refer to a leader’s behaviour.

           AUTOCRATIC                                DEMOCRATIC
           An Autocratic leader will not
                                                            A democratic
           entertain any suggestions or
                                                         leader can win the
           initiative from subordinates.
                                                         cooperation of his
           Under this type of
                                                         group and can
           leadership, one person
                                                         motivate them
           decides for the whole group.
                                                         effectively and
           An autocratic leader does
           not trust anybody.

            PATERNALISTIC                            LAISSEZ FAIRE

                                                   A free rein leader will
        A paternalistic leader takes                       leave the group
                care of his followers                      entirely to itself
                in the way the head                        such as a leader
                of the family takes
                                                           allows maximum
                care of the family
                members                                    freedom to

Conflicts occur when disagreements occur in a social

Conflict is a process that begins when one party perceives
that another party has negatively affected, or is about to
negatively affect, something that the first party cares about.

It could also be defined as the appearance of difference i.e.
difference of opinion , difference of interest.

It can be viewed as a breakdown in the standard mechanism
of decision making.
Conflicts can be constructive or destructive.

Constructive conflict prevents stagnation, encourages creativity,
allows tension to be released.

Excessive conflict can hamper the effectiveness of a group or an
organization, reduces satisfaction of group members, increases
absence and turnover rates, and lowers productivity.

    Conflict is constructive when it
    Improves the quality of decisions.
    Encourages creativity and innovation.
    Develops interest and curiosity.
    Provides medium through which tensions can be released.
    Promotes an environment of self-evaluation and change.
Views About Conflict

 The Traditional View
 • This approach assumes that all conflicts hamper performance.
 • Conflicts occur due to poor communication, lack of openness
   and trust between people, and the failure of managers to be
   open to their employees.
 The Human Relations View
 • This approach assumes that conflicts occur naturally in all
   groups and organizations.
 • It is natural and cannot be avoided, hence it should be
 • It cannot be removed and it may play a role in group

                          Conflict Management                56
Functional vs. Dysfunctional Conflict

  • Functional or constructive conflict supports
    the goals of the group and improves its
  • Conflicts that hamper group performance are
    dysfunctional or destructive conflicts.
  • Task conflicts are related to the content and
    goals of the work.
  • Low to medium levels of task conflict is good
    because it improves group performance.
Levels of Conflict

  Conflicts can be at
  Intrapersonal level (conflict within the
  Interpersonal level (individual to individual
  Inter-group level
  Inter-organizational level
Types of Intrapersonal conflict

  • Approach – approach conflict
  • Avoidance – avoidance conflict
  • Approach – avoidance conflict
Reasons for conflict

  Diversity of Goals
  Competition for scarce resources
  Organisational ambiguities
  Introduction to change
  Nature of Communication
  Difference in work orientation
Conflict Management Approaches
 1. Avoidance – In avoidance, every one shows that the conflict does
    not really exist and hopes that it will finish.

 2. Accommodation – It involves hiding the differences between the
    conflicting parties and showing areas of agreement.

 3. Compromise – It occurs when each party gives up something for
    the sake of the other. No party is fully satisfied.

 4. Competition – It is a victory achieved due to force, superior skill,
    or domination of one party. It is a win-lose situation.

 5. Collaboration – It involves appreciation by all conflicting parties
    that something is wrong and needs attention.

 • Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham (the
   word “Johari” comes from Joseph Luft and Harry
 • The Johari Window is a communication model
   that can be used to improve understanding
   between individuals.
 • Individuals can build trust between themselves
   by disclosing information about themselves.
 • They can learn about themselves and come to
   terms with personal issues with the help of
   feedback from others.
Definition & Characteristics
Group means there are   Characteristics of Group
1. Two or more          Shared values and
   individuals          Norms
2. Interacting &        Interdependence
   interdependent       Activities
3. Come together to     Conformity
   achieve particular
Theories of group formation

Types of work teams

 Problem solving
 Self managed work teams
 Cross functional teams
 Virtual teams
Points to ponder

   A. Describe a situation where you saw evidence of
      power or influence being used in an organization

   B. Describe a time when someone influenced you to
      act a particular way or do a particular thing that you
      would not of otherwise done.
The Meaning of Power

                       Power is the capacity of a
                       person, team, or
                       organization to influence
                          The potential to influence
                          People have power they
                          don’t use and may not
                          know they possess
                          Power requires one person’s
                          perception of dependence
                          on another person
Why does having power
With power you can…

• Intercede favorably on behalf of someone in trouble
• Get a desirable placement for a talented subordinate
• Get approval for expenditures beyond the budget
• Get items on and off agendas
• Get fast access to decision makers
• Maintain regular, frequent contact with decision
• Acquire early information about decisions and policy
Types of Individual Power: A

                     Individual Power

  Position Power
                                          Personal Power
                                        • Referent power
• Legitimate power
                                        • Expert power
• Reward power
• Coercive power
Information and Power
• Control over information flow
   – Based on legitimate power
   – Relates to formal communication network
   – Common in centralized structures (wheel pattern)

• Coping with uncertainty
   – Those who know how to cope with organizational
     uncertainties gain power
      • Prevention
      • Forecasting
      • Absorption
Consequences of Power
    Sources        Consequences
    of Power         of Power

     Power           Compliance

    Coercive         Resistance
Organizational Politics
• Attempts to influence others using
  discretionary behaviours to promote
  personal objectives
   – Discretionary behaviours — neither explicitly
     prescribed nor prohibited

• Politics may be good or bad for the
Organizational Politics: More Likely at the
Extent to Which Political Activity is Likely (range 0-3)

                                                           1.3                           Political activity
                                                           1.2                            is perceived to
                                                                                        increase at higher                 (1.07)
                                                                                       organizational levels
                                                            .8                                                 (.73)
                                                            .6                 (.50)
                                                                 Production and Clerical and Technical and  Lower      Middle     Upper
                                                                   blue collar  white collar professional management management management
                                                                                                                       Organizational Level
Conditions for Organizational Politics

      Personal                     Scarce
    Characteristics               Resources
                              Complex and
     Tolerance of

“ The study of perception is concerned with identifying the process
 through which we interpret and organize sensory information to
produce our conscious experience of objects and object relationship.”

“ Perception is the process of receiving information about and making sense
   of the world around us. It involves deciding which information to notice,
   how to categorize this information and how to interpret it within the
   framework of existing knowledge.

“ A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory
   impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.

Perceptual Process
                                                             Selecting Stimuli
                                                          External factors : Nature,
       Receiving Stimuli                                      Location,Size,contrast,
     (External & Internal)                                Movement,repetition,similarity
                                                          Internal factors : Learning,

                  Interpreting                                 Figure Background ,
           Attribution ,Stereotyping,                          Perceptual Grouping
            Halo Effect, Projection                           ( similarity, proximity,
                                                                closure, continuity)

                                    Covert: Attitudes ,
                                     Overt: Behavior
Factors influencing Perception
                                Factors in the perceiver
                                • Attitudes
                                • Motives
                                • Interests
                                • Experience
                                • Expectations

     Factors in the situation
     • Time
     • Work Setting
     • Social Setting

                                Factors in the Target
                                • Size
                                • Background
                                • Proximity
                                • Similarity

                                                           Organizational Behavior /
Organisational behaviour

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Organisational behaviour

  • 2. History of Org Behavior • A Short History of Organizational Behavior • F.W. Taylor and Scientific Management • Mary Parker Follett • Hawthorne Studies • Theory X and Y
  • 3. F W Taylor • Scientific management: the systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency • The amount of and effort each employee expends to produce a unit of output can be reduced by increasing specialization and the division of labor
  • 4. Principles of Scientific Management • Study the way employees perform their tasks, gather informal job knowledge that employees possess, and experiment with ways of improving the way tasks are performed • Codify the new methods of performing tasks into written rules and standard operating procedures
  • 5. Principles of Scientific Management • Carefully select employees so that they possess skills and abilities that match the needs of the task, and train them to perform the task according to the established rules and procedures • Establish an acceptable level of performance for a task, and then develop a pay system that provides a reward for performance above the acceptable level
  • 6. Other theories  Mary Parker Follett- Human side  The “Hawthorne Effect”  Douglas McGregor: Average employee is lazy, Employees will do what is good dislikes work, and will try to do for the organization when as little as possible committed Manager’s task is to supervise Manager’s task is create a work closely and control employees setting that encourages through reward and commitment to organizational punishment goals and provides opportunities for employees to be exercise initiative
  • 7. What is an organization? Groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose –Structured patterns of interaction –Coordinated tasks –Work toward some purpose
  • 8. Organizational Behavior • The study of individual behavior and group dynamics in organizations • Understand The study and application • Predict of how employees behave within organizations • Manage
  • 9. Levels of Analysis Organizational Level Group Level Individual Group Level Level
  • 10. Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field Learning Motivation Personality Attitude, values Motivation Perception Job satisfaction
  • 13. Open Systems View of Organization Task environment: Competitors Unions Regulatory agencies Clients Structure Inputs: Material Outputs: Capital Task Technology Products Human Services People (Actors) Organizational Boundary
  • 14. Why Study Org Behavior? Competitive advantage of an organization today is represented by: Human resource of an organization and how they are managed. Widely recognized as- human capital Describe how people behave under a variety of condition Understand why people behave as they do Predict future employee behaviour
  • 15. TRENDS GLOBALISATION Implications of globalisation New organisational structures Different forms of communication More competition, change, mergers, downsizing, stress Need more sensitivity to cultural differences
  • 16. TRENDS CHANGING WORKFORCE More women in workforce and professions Different needs of Gen-X, Gen-Y and baby-boomers Diversity has advantages, but firms need to adjust through Cultural awareness Family-friendly policies Empowerment Employment relationship Employees perform many tasks, not a specific job Working from home, usually with a computer connection to the office Virtual teams (operate across space, time and organisational boundaries; mainly communicate through electronic technologies)
  • 20. What is personality? The overall profile or combination of characteristics that capture the unique nature of a person as that person reacts and interacts with others. – Combines a set of physical and mental characteristics that reflect how a person looks, thinks, acts, and feels. – Predictable relationships are expected between people’s personalities and their behaviors
  • 21. Factors affecting personality ENVIORNMENT HERIDITY Cultural Physical characteristics Social Gender Situational factors PERSONALITY
  • 22. Personality and the self-concept – Personality dynamics. •The ways in which an individual integrates and organizes social traits, values and motives ,personal conceptions, and emotional adjustments. – Self-concept. • The view individuals have of themselves as physical, social, and spiritual or moral beings. • Self-esteem. • Self-efficacy.
  • 23. How do personalities differ? “Big Five” personality dimensions. – Extraversion • Being outgoing, sociable, assertive. – Agreeableness. • Being good-natured, trusting, cooperative. – Conscientiousness. • Being responsible, dependable, persistent. – Emotional stability. • Being unworried, secure, relaxed. – Openness to experience. • Being imaginative, curious, broad-minded.
  • 24. Personal conception traits. Locus of control. Authoritarianism/dogmatism. Machiavellianism.  Self-monitoring.
  • 25. Locus of control – The extent to which a person feels able to control his/her own life. – Externals •More extraverted in their interpersonal relationships and more oriented toward the world around them. – Internals • More introverted and more oriented towards their own feelings and ideas.
  • 26. Locus of control Information processing Internals make more attempt to acquire information, are less satisfied with the amount of information they possess and are better at utilizing information Job Satisfaction Internals are generally more satisfied, less alienated and there is strong job satisfaction/ performance relationship for them Performance Internals perform better on learning and problem solving tasks, when performance leads to valued rewards Self control, risk & anxiety Internals exhibit better self control, are more cautious, engage in less risky behavior and are less anxious Motivation, expectancies' and results Internals display greater work motivation, see a stronger relationship between what they do and what happens to them, expect that working hard leads to good performance, feel more control over their time. Response to others Internals are more independent, more reliant on their own judgment and less susceptible to the influence of others ; they are more likely to accept information on its merit
  • 27. Authoritarianism/dogmatism – Authoritarianism. • Tendency to adhere rigidly to conventional values and to obey recognized authority. – Dogmatism. • Tendency to view the world as a threatening place.
  • 28. high-Machiavellian personality Approach situations logically and thoughtfully: a) Are capable of lying to achieve personal goals. b) Are rarely swayed by loyalty, friendships, past promises, or others’ opinions. c) Are skilled at influencing others. d) Try to exploit loosely structured situations. e) Perform in a perfunctory or detached manner in highly structured situations.
  • 29. Note Machiavellianism (Mach) refers to the degree to which an individual is practical in his approach, maintains an emotional distance from others, and believes that ends justify the means. Research has revealed that individuals who score high on Mach are good at manipulating others and try to win by any means. They do not need to be persuaded to work but instead are able to successfully persuade others. People having a high Mach perform well in situations that involve face-to-face meetings. They are especially productive in jobs that require the use of bargaining (persuasion) skills and in jobs that offer substantial rewards for the achievement of goal
  • 30. low-Machiavellian personality a) Accept direction imposed by others in loosely structured situations. b) Work hard to do well in highly structured situations. c) Are strongly guided by ethical considerations. d) Are unlikely to lie or cheat.
  • 31. Self-monitoring – A person’s ability to adjust his/her behavior to external situational factors. – High self-monitors. • Sensitive to external cues. • Behave differently in different situations. – Low self-monitors. • Not sensitive to external cues. • Not able to disguise their behaviors
  • 33. The Basic Motivation Process NEEDS DRIVES INCENTIVES
  • 34. What is Motivation? The level and direction Motivation = of EFFORT expended at work. Derived from latin word “movere” means to move.
  • 35. Categories of motivation theories. Content theories. Process theories. • Focus on profiling the needs that people • Focus on people’s thought or cognitive seek to fulfill. processes. Emphasize controlling behavior by manipulating its consequences. Major content theories. Major content theories. a) Maslows Hierarchy of needs theory. a) Vroom’s & Porter theory b) Herzberg’s Two factor theory b) Equity theory c) Alderfer’s ERG theory d) Mc Clelland
  • 37. A Hierarchy Of Work Motivation SELF- ACTUALIZATION Personal growth, realization of potential ESTEEM NEEDS Titles, status symbols, promotions, banding SOCIAL NEEDS Formal and informal work groups or teams SECURITY NEEDS Seniority plans, union, health insurance, employee assistance plans, severance pay, pension BASIC NEEDS Pay
  • 38. Hezerberg’s two factor theory Hygiene factors in job Motivators factors in job Organisational policies Achievement Quality of supervision Recognition Working conditions Work itself Base salary or wage Responsibility Relationship with peer Advancement Relationship with Growth subordinates Status Security High Job dissatisfaction Job satisfaction High
  • 39. ERG & MC CLLELAND THEORY ERG Theory. Mc Clleland’s Theory of needs : – Existence needs. Need for achievement (nAch). • Desire for physiological • The desire to do something and material well-being. better or more efficiently, to – Relatedness needs. solve problems, or to master • Desire for satisfying complex tasks. interpersonal Need for affiliation (nAff). relationships. – • The desire to establish and – Growth needs. maintain friendly and warm • Desire for continued relations with others. personal growth and – Need for power (nPower). development. • The desire to control others, to influence their behavior, or to be responsible for others.
  • 40. McClelland’s High Need Achiever Work Preferences • Prefers moderately challenging goals • Prefers performance feedback • Prefers individual responsibility
  • 41. Job Satisfaction Trends Question “Who is more likely to be satisfied with a job?” • Internals or Externals • Individualists or Collectivists • Women or Men • Younger workers or Older workers • Less experienced or More experienced • Top management or Rank and file workers • Satisfied in prior jobs or Dissatisfied in prior jobs • Satisfied with life or Dissatisfied with life
  • 42. JOBS CAN BE REDESIGNED Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 LOW HIGH Task Variety Skill Variety Autonomy
  • 43. JOB DESIGN ALTERNATIVES Job Job Simplification Enrichment Taylor Herzberg Job Enlargement Automation & Rotation Self- Managing Teams
  • 44.
  • 46. DEFINITION IMPORTANCE OF LEADERSHIP According to Koontz and o’ 1. Initiates action Donnell “it is the art of 2. Motivation including the subordinates to accomplish their assignments 3. Providing guidance with zeal and confidence. Zeal 4. Creating confidence reflects ardour, earnestness 5. Building morale and intensity in execution of 6. Builds work environment work; confidence reflects experience and technical 7. Co-ordination ability.”
  • 47. Some Characteristics Of Managers Versus Leaders In The Twenty-First Century Manager Characteristics Leader Characteristics Administers Innovates A copy An original Maintains Develops Focuses on systems and structures Focuses on people Relies on control Inspires trust Short-range view Long-range perspective Asks how and when Asks what and why Eye on the bottom line Eye on the horizon Imitates Originates Accepts the status quo Challenges the status quo Classic good soldier Own person Does things right Does the right thing
  • 48. LEADERSHIP THEORIES Keith davis has summarized four of the major traits which might have an impact on successful organizational leadership. They are: A. TRAIT APPROACH (a)Intelligence (b)Social maturity and breath (c)Inner motivation and achievement drives (d)Human relations attitude Autocratic A. BEHAVIOURAL Participative or supportive APPROACH Instrumental or instrumental supportive CONTIGENCY THEORY A. SITUATIONAL THE PATH-GOAL THEORY APPROACH
  • 49. THE PATH-GOAL THEORY: Path-goal theory identifies four kinds of leader behavior. Directive leader behavior - letting subordinates know what is expected of them, giving guidance and direction, and scheduling work. Supportive leader behavior - being friendly and approachable, showing concern for subordinate welfare, and treating members as equals. Participative leader behavior - consulting subordinates, soliciting suggestions, and allowing participation in decision making. Achievement-oriented behavior - setting challenging goals, expecting subordinates to perform at high levels, encouraging subordinates and showing confidence in subordinates' abilities.
  • 50. Path-Goal Situations & Preferred Leader Behavior
  • 51. LEADERSHIP STYLES Leadership styles refer to a leader’s behaviour. AUTOCRATIC DEMOCRATIC An Autocratic leader will not A democratic entertain any suggestions or leader can win the initiative from subordinates. cooperation of his Under this type of group and can leadership, one person motivate them decides for the whole group. effectively and An autocratic leader does positively. not trust anybody. PATERNALISTIC LAISSEZ FAIRE A free rein leader will A paternalistic leader takes leave the group care of his followers entirely to itself in the way the head such as a leader of the family takes allows maximum care of the family members freedom to subordinates.
  • 53. DEFINITION Conflicts occur when disagreements occur in a social situation. Conflict is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about. It could also be defined as the appearance of difference i.e. difference of opinion , difference of interest. It can be viewed as a breakdown in the standard mechanism of decision making.
  • 55. Conflicts can be constructive or destructive. Constructive conflict prevents stagnation, encourages creativity, allows tension to be released. Excessive conflict can hamper the effectiveness of a group or an organization, reduces satisfaction of group members, increases absence and turnover rates, and lowers productivity. Conflict is constructive when it Improves the quality of decisions. Encourages creativity and innovation. Develops interest and curiosity. Provides medium through which tensions can be released. Promotes an environment of self-evaluation and change.
  • 56. Views About Conflict The Traditional View • This approach assumes that all conflicts hamper performance. • Conflicts occur due to poor communication, lack of openness and trust between people, and the failure of managers to be open to their employees. The Human Relations View • This approach assumes that conflicts occur naturally in all groups and organizations. • It is natural and cannot be avoided, hence it should be accepted. • It cannot be removed and it may play a role in group performance. Conflict Management 56
  • 57. Functional vs. Dysfunctional Conflict • Functional or constructive conflict supports the goals of the group and improves its performance. • Conflicts that hamper group performance are dysfunctional or destructive conflicts. • Task conflicts are related to the content and goals of the work. • Low to medium levels of task conflict is good because it improves group performance.
  • 58. Levels of Conflict Conflicts can be at Intrapersonal level (conflict within the individual) Interpersonal level (individual to individual conflict) Inter-group level Inter-organizational level
  • 59. Types of Intrapersonal conflict • Approach – approach conflict • Avoidance – avoidance conflict • Approach – avoidance conflict
  • 60. Reasons for conflict Diversity of Goals Competition for scarce resources Organisational ambiguities Introduction to change Nature of Communication Difference in work orientation
  • 61. Conflict Management Approaches 1. Avoidance – In avoidance, every one shows that the conflict does not really exist and hopes that it will finish. 2. Accommodation – It involves hiding the differences between the conflicting parties and showing areas of agreement. 3. Compromise – It occurs when each party gives up something for the sake of the other. No party is fully satisfied. 4. Competition – It is a victory achieved due to force, superior skill, or domination of one party. It is a win-lose situation. 5. Collaboration – It involves appreciation by all conflicting parties that something is wrong and needs attention.
  • 62. ZOHARI WINDOW • Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham (the word “Johari” comes from Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham). • The Johari Window is a communication model that can be used to improve understanding between individuals. • Individuals can build trust between themselves by disclosing information about themselves. • They can learn about themselves and come to terms with personal issues with the help of feedback from others.
  • 63.
  • 65. Definition & Characteristics Group means there are Characteristics of Group 1. Two or more Shared values and individuals Norms 2. Interacting & Interdependence Interaction interdependent Activities 3. Come together to Conformity achieve particular objectives.
  • 66. Theories of group formation • PROPINQUITY THEORY • EXCHANGE THEORY • BALANCE THEORY
  • 67. Types of work teams Problem solving Self managed work teams Cross functional teams Virtual teams
  • 69. Points to ponder A. Describe a situation where you saw evidence of power or influence being used in an organization B. Describe a time when someone influenced you to act a particular way or do a particular thing that you would not of otherwise done.
  • 70. The Meaning of Power Power is the capacity of a person, team, or organization to influence others. The potential to influence others People have power they don’t use and may not know they possess Power requires one person’s perception of dependence on another person
  • 71. Why does having power matter?
  • 72. With power you can… • Intercede favorably on behalf of someone in trouble • Get a desirable placement for a talented subordinate • Get approval for expenditures beyond the budget • Get items on and off agendas • Get fast access to decision makers • Maintain regular, frequent contact with decision makers • Acquire early information about decisions and policy shifts
  • 73. Types of Individual Power: A Summary Individual Power Position Power Personal Power • Referent power • Legitimate power • Expert power • Reward power • Coercive power
  • 74. Information and Power • Control over information flow – Based on legitimate power – Relates to formal communication network – Common in centralized structures (wheel pattern) • Coping with uncertainty – Those who know how to cope with organizational uncertainties gain power • Prevention • Forecasting • Absorption
  • 75. Consequences of Power Sources Consequences of Power of Power Expert Power Commitment Referent Power Legitimate Power Compliance Reward Power Coercive Resistance Power
  • 76. Organizational Politics • Attempts to influence others using discretionary behaviours to promote personal objectives – Discretionary behaviours — neither explicitly prescribed nor prohibited • Politics may be good or bad for the organization
  • 77. Organizational Politics: More Likely at the Top (1.22) Extent to Which Political Activity is Likely (range 0-3) 1.3 Political activity 1.2 is perceived to increase at higher (1.07) 1.1 organizational levels 1.0 .9 .8 (.73) .7 (.54) .6 (.50) .5 .4 .3 (.18) .2 .1 Production and Clerical and Technical and Lower Middle Upper blue collar white collar professional management management management Organizational Level
  • 78. Conditions for Organizational Politics Personal Scarce Characteristics Resources Conditions Supporting Organizational Politics Complex and Tolerance of Ambiguous Politics Decisions
  • 79.
  • 81.
  • 82. Perception “ The study of perception is concerned with identifying the process through which we interpret and organize sensory information to produce our conscious experience of objects and object relationship.” “ Perception is the process of receiving information about and making sense of the world around us. It involves deciding which information to notice, how to categorize this information and how to interpret it within the framework of existing knowledge. “ A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. 82
  • 83. Perceptual Process Selecting Stimuli External factors : Nature, Receiving Stimuli Location,Size,contrast, (External & Internal) Movement,repetition,similarity Internal factors : Learning, needs,age,Interest, Organizing Interpreting Figure Background , Attribution ,Stereotyping, Perceptual Grouping Halo Effect, Projection ( similarity, proximity, closure, continuity) Response Covert: Attitudes , Motivation, Feeling Overt: Behavior 83
  • 84. Factors influencing Perception Factors in the perceiver • Attitudes • Motives • Interests • Experience • Expectations Factors in the situation Perception • Time • Work Setting • Social Setting Factors in the Target • Size • Background • Proximity • Similarity Organizational Behavior / 84 Perception

Notas do Editor

  1. Frederick Taylor (1856-1915) is best known for defining the techniques of scientific management. Taylor was a manufacturing manager who eventually became a consultant and taught other managers how to apply the principles of scientific management. To discover the most efficient method of performing specific tasks, Taylor studied and measured the ways different employees went about performing their tasks. He used time and motion studies. Once he understood the existing method of performing a task, he would experiment with ways to increase specialization. Employees who could not be trained to the level required were transferred to a job where they were able to reach the minimum required level of proficiency.
  2. Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933) was concerned that Taylor was ignoring the human side of the organization. Her approach was very radical for the time.
  3. Elton Mayo and F.J. Roethlisberger found that employees adopted norms of output to protect their jobs. Those who performed above the norms were called ratebusters and those who performed below the norms were called chisellers. Workgroup members discipline both in order to create a fair pace of work.
  4. Several studies after World War II revealed how assumptions about employees’ attitudes and behavior affect managers’ behaviors. Douglas McGregor proposed that two different sets of assumptions about work attitudes and behaviors dominate the way managers think and affect how they behave in organizations. The Hawthorne Studies refers to a series of studies conducted from 1924 to 1932 at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company. The study was initiated to investigate how the level of lighting would affect employee fatigue and performance. The researchers conducted an experiment in which they systematically measured employee productivity at various levels of illumination. However, no matter whether the lighting was raised or lowered, productivity increased. The researchers were puzzled and invited Elton Mayo to assist them.Mayo proposed the use of the relay assembly test to investigate other aspects of the work context on job performance. Eventually, they found that the employees were responding to the increased attention from the researchers.The Hawthorne Effect suggested that the attitude of employees toward their managers affects the employees’ performance.
  5.  Self Efficacy is a term used in psychology, roughly corresponding to a person's belief in their own competence.
  6. Machiavellianism (Mach) refers to the degree to which an individual is practical in his approach, maintains an emotional distance from others, and believes that ends justify the means. Research has revealed that individuals who score high on Mach are good at manipulating others and try to win by any means. They do not need to be persuaded to work but instead are able to successfully persuade others. People having a high Mach perform well in situations that involve face-to-face meetings. They are especially productive in jobs that require the use of bargaining (persuasion) skills and in jobs that offer substantial rewards for the achievement of goal
  7. Externals individualistic young workers rank and file dissastisfied in privious jobs dissastisfied with life
  8. Intelligence: Research has shown that generally a leader has higher intelligence that the average intelligence of the followers. However the leader cannot be exceedingly much more intelligent than his followersSocial maturity and breath:Leaders tend to be emotionally stable and mature and to have broad interests and activities. They have an assured, respectful self conceptInner motivation and achievement drives:Leaders have relatively intense motivational drives of the achievement type. The strive for intrinsic than extrinsic rewards.Human relations attitude:Successful leaders recognize the worth and dignity of their followers and are able to emphasize with them. According to research studies leaders possess consideration and are employee centered rather than production centered.
  9. Approach – approach conflict:choosing between promotion in the organization or a new job with another firm.Avoidance – avoidance conflict: to make a choice between accepting a job transfer to another town or have the employment terminated.Approach – avoidance conflict: example, accepting or not accepting a job with a higher pay but with increased responsibilities that demand a lot of personal time.
  10. Team with Large open area has strong mutual understanding compared to the ones having large Hidden, Blind , and/or Unknown AreasTeam Leaders should always strive to increase the open AreaThe individual should disclose more information about his/her feelings , experiences , views, etc. to reduce the size of Hidden area.Seeking feedbacks will reduce the Blind area and will overall increase the team performanceSensitive communications, active listening and experience will transfer the unknown area blind or hidden or open areas.