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Volumetric Lighting for Many Lights
in Lords of the Fallen
Benjamin Glatzel

Engine/Graphics Programmer

Deck13 Interactive GmbH
Who are we?
• One of Germany’s leading game studios
• Currently working on “Lords of the Fallen” in
cooperation with CI Games
• We’re using our own proprietary multi-platform
technology called “Fledge”
• We’ve shipped numerous titles primarily on PC but also
on Xbox 360, iOS and PS3 (maybe you know Jack
Keane, Ankh, Venetica, Blood Knights or Tiger and
Lords of the Fallen
• Lords of the Fallen is a challenging Action-RPG for PC,
Xbox One and PlayStation 4
• Will be released fall 2014
• For an in-depth view into the rendering guts of Fledge,
visit Philips talk tomorrow
Who am I?
• Engine/Graphics Programmer since 2 years
• Mainly responsible for the GNM/PS4 version of
• Apart from that I'm behind everything related to
physics, our software rasterisation based culling
system, our IK system, …
Light Scattering
Participating media
• Simple light shafts as a screen space post-processing
effect [1] sure are shiny, but…
Light shafts as a post-processing effect
Light shafts as a post-processing effect
• Billboards can be neat, but…
“Billboard volumetrics”
“Billboard volumetrics”
• We wanted something more dynamic and flexible that
could be tightly integrated into our lighting system
• It should work with a lot of small to medium sized light
• Our artists tend to place a whole lot of lights
• Thus a negligible performance penalty on all
supported platforms was critical
State of the Art
Deep Down
Killzone 4
Crysis 3
State of the Art
• Many recent implementations seem to be based on the
work of Toth et. al. [2]:
• Ray marching in light view space while evaluating the
shadow map
• Often combined with a special sampling approach to
reduce the workload per fragment
• Many other approaches/optimisations popped up
over the recent years: Epipolar sampling [3],
sampling planes shaded in light space [4], …
Our Approach
Our Approach
• Loosely based on “Real-time Volumetric Lighting in
Participating Media” (Toth et. al. [2])
• Straightforward ray marching
• Usage of “Interleaved Sampling” to reduce the overall
sample count needed per fragment
• Utilises low-resolution rendering to reduce the
fragment workload even further
Our Approach
• Works with multiple lights and light types
• Custom bilateral blurring and depth-aware up-
sampling to work around the obvious artefacts
• Various tweaks and optimisations per light type
• Completely implemented using good old pixel and
vertex shaders - no compute
Basic Algorithm
Radiative Transport Equation [2]
~x(s) = ~x0 + ~!s
L(~x(s), ~!)
, ~!)
Ray equation, where ω is the direction of the ray
Change of radiance along the ray
Probability of collision
Scattering probability after collision
Phase function
dL(~x(s), ~!)
= ⌧L(~x(s), ~!) + ⌧a
L(~x(s), ~!)P(~!0
, ~!)d!0
L(~x(s), ~!) = e ⌧s
L(~x0, ~!) +
Z s
Li(~x(l), ~!)e ⌧(s l)
L(~x(s), ~!) ⇡ L(~x0, ~!)e ⌧s
Li(~x(ln), ~!)e ⌧(s ln)
Ignore multiple scattering
Li(~x, ~!) = ⌧a
v(~x)e ⌧d
P(~!l, ~!) In-scattering term
s Total ray marching distance
d Distance to the light source
l Traveled distance on the ray
l Step size
v(~x) Visibility function
Source power of the light
Direction from the
ray position to
the light source
Basic Algorithm
• Let’s start with a simple
fullscreen pass for a
directional light
• Start the ray marching on the
position of the current
fragment in light space
• Evaluate and accumulate the
in-scattering term for each of
the n samples and march in
equidistant steps towards the
position of the viewer
#define NUM_SAMPLES 128!
#define NUM_SAMPLES_RCP 0.0078125!
// Fallback if we can't find a tighter limit!
float raymarchDistanceLimit = 999999.0 ;!
// Reduce noisyness by truncating the starting position!
float raymarchDistance = trunc ( clamp ( length ( cameraPositionLightVS . xyz - positionLightVS . xyz ) , !
0.0, raymarchDistanceLimit ) ) ;!
// Calculate the size of each step!
float stepSize = raymarchDistance * NUM_SAMPLES_RCP ;!
float3 rayPositionLightVS = positionLightVS . xyz ;!
// The total light contribution accumulated along the ray!
float3 VLI = 0.0 ;!
// ... start the actual ray marching!
[loop] for ( float l = raymarchDistance; l > stepSize ; l -= stepSize ) !
executeRaymarching(...) ;!
f_out . color . rgb = light_color_diffuse . rgb * VLI ;!
return f_out ;!
#define TAU 0.0001!
#define PHI 10000000.0!
#define PI_RCP 0.31830988618379067153776752674503!
void executeRaymarching(...)!
rayPositionLightVS . xyz += stepSize * invViewDirLightVS . xyz ;!
// Fetch whether the current position on the ray is visible form the light's perspective - or not!
float3 shadowTerm = getShadowTerm ( shadowMapSampler, shadowMapSamplerState, rayPositionLightSS . xyz ) . xxx ;!
// Distance to the current position on the ray in light view-space!
float d = length ( rayPositionLightVS . xyz ) ; ;!
float dRcp = rcp ( d ) ;!
// Calculate the final light contribution for the sample on the ray...!
float3 intens = TAU * ( shadowTerm * (phi * 0.25 * PI_RCP) * dRcp * dRcp ) * exp( -d * TAU ) * exp ( -l * TAU ) *
stepSize ;!
// ... and add it to the total contribution of the ray!
VLI += intens ;!
From One to Many
From One to Many
• Render the back faces of the
light volume for each
volumetric light (depth test/
write disabled)
• Start the ray marching on the
fragment of the light geometry
instead of the scene geometry
• If the light volume intersects
the scene geometry, the
starting position gets clamped
to the closest fragment
position relatively to the
From One to Many
• Calculate the in-scattering term as depicted before
• In addition to that evaluate the attenuation function for each
given light type and “modulate” it with the in-scattering
• March the ray in light view and in world space in parallel -
less costly than transforming between spaces for each step
• Accumulate the volumetric lighting contribution for each
visible light to an accumulation buffer using additive
From One to Many
• Constrain the taken samples to the area inside the
light volume to increase the precision
• For box and point lights we simply clamp the total ray
marching distance to the attenuation ranges of the
• In the case of spotlights we actually calculate the
intersection points between the current ray and the
light volume and calculate the range in-between
Much slow
So sample
How to Make it Fast
How to Make it Fast
• Everything I told you so far needs far too many
samples to achieve visually pleasing results
• 128+ samples per fragment for each light rendered to a
full resolution target does not sound like the ideal
How to Make it Fast
• We ended up rendering all volumetrics to a half or
quarter resolution target
• We use an additional depth aware up-sampling pass
to hide this fact - often referred to as ”Nearest Depth
Up-Sampling“ [5]
Without depth-aware up-sampling
With depth-aware up-sampling
How to Make it Fast
• Only using half-resolution rendering will not suffice to
make it fast enough for multiple light sources on the
• We can “abuse” the fact that the in-scattered light
value at a given fragment position is either equal or at
least close to one or more of the surrounding values
How to Make it Fast
• We spread the evaluation of
the in-scattering term from a
single pixel to multiple pixels
• We ended up using 8x8 pixel
tiles, where each pixel of a
tile evaluates 16 samples
• This makes a total of 8x8x16
= 1024 potential samples
• Each pixel of one tile
evaluates a different region of
the ray
How to Make it Fast
• Assign an unique index i ∊ [0..64) to each pixel of the tile
- the indices repeat for each tile
• Reduce the total ray marching distance by one step
• Offset the ray marching starting position for each pixel of
the tile according to i
• Randomising the indices trades the obvious repetitive
sampling pattern for some less noticeable noise
ray = i
// Calculate the offsets on the ray according to the interleaved sampling pattern!
float2 interleavedPos = fmod ( f_in . position . xy, INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE ) ; !
float index = ( interleavedPos . y * INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE + interleavedPos . x ) ;!
// light_volumetric_random_ray_samples contains the values 0..63 in a randomized order!
// The indices are packed to float4s => { (0,1,2,3), (4,5,6,7), ... }!
float rayStartOffset = light_volumetric_random_ray_samples [ index * 0.25 ] [ fmod ( index, 4.0 ) ] * ( stepSize *
float rayStartOffset = ( interleavedPos . y * INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE + interleavedPos . x ) * ( stepSize *
float3 rayPositionLightVS = rayStartOffset * invViewDirLightVS . xyz + positionLightVS . xyz ;!
Accumulation buffer before the gather pass
How to Make it Fast
• To achieve the final results we use an additional blur
pass before the up-sampling pass
• We use a simple bilateral blur filter to avoid bleeding
over the edges of any geometry inside or behind the
Accumulation buffer after the gather pass
Non-bilateral blur
Bilateral blur
Non-bilateral blur
Bilateral blur
Render light geometry
for each volumetric and
execute ray marching
1/2 Resolution
Apply horizontal and
vertical bilateral
Gaussian Blur
Accumulation Pass
Gather Pass
Apply depth-aware up-
Upscale Pass
Composite Pass
Add final up-scaled
buffer to the scene
Native Resolution
Final Scene
Extending the System
2D projector texture (gobo/cookie)
3D noise texture
IES profilesTop down perspective
Isostropic scattering
Anisotropic scattering
(Henyey-Greenstein phase function)
p(⇥) =
1 g2
(1 + g2 + 2g cos ⇥)1.5
Anisotropic scattering
(Schlick phase function)
p(⇥) =
1 k2
(1 + k cos ⇥)2
k ⇡ 1.55g 0.55g3
Without temporal re-projection
With temporal re-projection
Pass PC (GTX 700 Series GPU) PS4/GNM
Accumulation* 0.362 ms 0.161 ms
Gather 0.223 ms 0.375 ms
Upscale 0.127 ms 0.321 ms
= 0.712 ms = 0.857 ms
*measured using a half resolution render target
No volumetrics
Volumetrics active
No volumetrics
Volumetrics active
“Faked” multiple scattering
Thanks for listening! :)
• Benjamin Glatzel <>
• @begla
• [1] Volumetric Light Scattering as a Post-Process - http://
• [2] Real-time Volumetric Lighting in Participating Media - http://
• [3] Epipolar Sampling for Shadows and Crepuscular Rays in Participating
Media with Single Scattering -
• [4] Light Shafts - Rendering Shadows in Participating Media - http://
• [5] Fast Rendering of Opacity Mapped Particles using DirectX 11 Tessellation
and Mixed Resolutions -
Bonus Slides
½-Resolution accumulation buffer
¼-Resolution accumulation buffer
static const float gauss_filter_weights[] = {!
0.14446445, 0.13543542, 0.11153505, 0.08055309, 0.05087564, 0.02798160, 0.01332457, 0.00545096!
} ;!
#define BLUR_DEPTH_FALLOFF 1000.0!
float4 gatherGauss ( in float2 blurDirection , in float2 uv )!
uvOffset = r * blurDirection * rendertarget_size . zw ;!
kernelSample = SAMPLE ( inputSampler, uv + uvOffset ) . rgba ;!
kernelDepth = getLinearDepth ( depthSampler, depthSamplerState, uv + uvOffset ) ;!
// Simple depth-aware filtering!
depthDiff = abs ( kernelDepth - centerDepth ) ;!
r2 = BLUR_DEPTH_FALLOFF * depthDiff ;!
g = exp ( -r2*r2 ) ;!
weight = g * gauss_filter_weights [ abs ( r ) ] ;!
accumResult += weight * kernelSample . rgb ;! !
accumWeights += weight ;!
return float4 ( accumResult . rgb / accumWeights , 1.0 ) ;!
float4 ps_gather_horz ( VERTEX_OUTPUT f_in ) : SV_Target!
return gatherGauss ( float2 ( 1.0, 0.0 ), f_in . uv0 ) ;!
float4 ps_upsample ( VERTEX_OUTPUT f_in ) : SV_Target!
// Better choose something relative to the far clip distance here!
const float upsampleDepthThreshold = 0.0001 ;!
float minDepthDiff = 1.0 ;!
uint nearestDepthIndex = 0 ;!
float currentDepthDiff = abs ( sampleDownsampledDepth[0] - fullResDepth ) ;!
bool rejectSample = currentDepthDiff < upsampleDepthThreshold ;!
if ( currentDepthDiff < minDepthDiff )!
minDepthDiff = currentDepthDiff ;!
nearestDepthIndex = 0 ;!
currentDepthDiff = abs ( sampleDownsampledDepth[1] - fullResDepth ) ;!
rejectSample = rejectSample && currentDepthDiff < upsampleDepthThreshold ; !
if ( currentDepthDiff < minDepthDiff )!
minDepthDiff = currentDepthDiff ;!
nearestDepthIndex = 1 ;!
// Repeat this for the remaining 2 samples!
// Avoid blocky artefacts using edge detection!
if (rejectSample)!
return float4 ( SAMPLE ( inputSampler, f_in . uv0 ) . rgb, 1.0 ) ;!
return float4 ( sampleR[nearestDepthIndex], sampleG[nearestDepthIndex], sampleB[nearestDepthIndex], 1.0 ) ;!

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Volumetric Lighting for Many Lights in Lords of the Fallen

  • 1. Volumetric Lighting for Many Lights in Lords of the Fallen Benjamin Glatzel Engine/Graphics Programmer Deck13 Interactive GmbH
  • 2. Who are we? • One of Germany’s leading game studios • Currently working on “Lords of the Fallen” in cooperation with CI Games • We’re using our own proprietary multi-platform technology called “Fledge” • We’ve shipped numerous titles primarily on PC but also on Xbox 360, iOS and PS3 (maybe you know Jack Keane, Ankh, Venetica, Blood Knights or Tiger and Chicken)
  • 3. Lords of the Fallen • Lords of the Fallen is a challenging Action-RPG for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 • Will be released fall 2014 • For an in-depth view into the rendering guts of Fledge, visit Philips talk tomorrow
  • 4. Who am I? • Engine/Graphics Programmer since 2 years • Mainly responsible for the GNM/PS4 version of “Fledge” • Apart from that I'm behind everything related to physics, our software rasterisation based culling system, our IK system, …
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  • 10. Motivation • Simple light shafts as a screen space post-processing effect [1] sure are shiny, but…
  • 11. Light shafts as a post-processing effect
  • 12. Light shafts as a post-processing effect
  • 13. Motivation • Billboards can be neat, but…
  • 16. Motivation • We wanted something more dynamic and flexible that could be tightly integrated into our lighting system • It should work with a lot of small to medium sized light sources • Our artists tend to place a whole lot of lights • Thus a negligible performance penalty on all supported platforms was critical
  • 19. State of the Art • Many recent implementations seem to be based on the work of Toth et. al. [2]: • Ray marching in light view space while evaluating the shadow map • Often combined with a special sampling approach to reduce the workload per fragment • Many other approaches/optimisations popped up over the recent years: Epipolar sampling [3], sampling planes shaded in light space [4], …
  • 21. Our Approach • Loosely based on “Real-time Volumetric Lighting in Participating Media” (Toth et. al. [2]) • Straightforward ray marching • Usage of “Interleaved Sampling” to reduce the overall sample count needed per fragment • Utilises low-resolution rendering to reduce the fragment workload even further
  • 22. Our Approach • Works with multiple lights and light types • Custom bilateral blurring and depth-aware up- sampling to work around the obvious artefacts • Various tweaks and optimisations per light type • Completely implemented using good old pixel and vertex shaders - no compute
  • 24. Radiative Transport Equation [2] ~x(s) = ~x0 + ~!s L(~x(s), ~!) ⌧ a P(~!0 , ~!) Ray equation, where ω is the direction of the ray Change of radiance along the ray Probability of collision Scattering probability after collision Phase function dL(~x(s), ~!) ds = ⌧L(~x(s), ~!) + ⌧a Z ⌦0 L(~x(s), ~!)P(~!0 , ~!)d!0
  • 25. L(~x(s), ~!) = e ⌧s L(~x0, ~!) + Z s 0 Li(~x(l), ~!)e ⌧(s l) dl L(~x(s), ~!) ⇡ L(~x0, ~!)e ⌧s + NX n=0 Li(~x(ln), ~!)e ⌧(s ln) l Ignore multiple scattering Li(~x, ~!) = ⌧a 4⇡d2 v(~x)e ⌧d P(~!l, ~!) In-scattering term s Total ray marching distance d Distance to the light source l Traveled distance on the ray l Step size v(~x) Visibility function Source power of the light Direction from the ray position to the light source ~!l
  • 26. Basic Algorithm • Let’s start with a simple fullscreen pass for a directional light • Start the ray marching on the position of the current fragment in light space • Evaluate and accumulate the in-scattering term for each of the n samples and march in equidistant steps towards the position of the viewer
  • 27. #define NUM_SAMPLES 128! #define NUM_SAMPLES_RCP 0.0078125! ! FRAGMENT_OUT ps_main(VERTEX_OUTPUT f_in)! {! // Fallback if we can't find a tighter limit! float raymarchDistanceLimit = 999999.0 ;! ! [...]! ! // Reduce noisyness by truncating the starting position! float raymarchDistance = trunc ( clamp ( length ( cameraPositionLightVS . xyz - positionLightVS . xyz ) , ! 0.0, raymarchDistanceLimit ) ) ;! ! // Calculate the size of each step! float stepSize = raymarchDistance * NUM_SAMPLES_RCP ;! float3 rayPositionLightVS = positionLightVS . xyz ;! ! // The total light contribution accumulated along the ray! float3 VLI = 0.0 ;! ! // ... start the actual ray marching! [loop] for ( float l = raymarchDistance; l > stepSize ; l -= stepSize ) ! {! executeRaymarching(...) ;! }! ! f_out . color . rgb = light_color_diffuse . rgb * VLI ;! return f_out ;! }
  • 28. #define TAU 0.0001! #define PHI 10000000.0! ! #define PI_RCP 0.31830988618379067153776752674503! ! void executeRaymarching(...)! {! rayPositionLightVS . xyz += stepSize * invViewDirLightVS . xyz ;! ! [...]! ! // Fetch whether the current position on the ray is visible form the light's perspective - or not! float3 shadowTerm = getShadowTerm ( shadowMapSampler, shadowMapSamplerState, rayPositionLightSS . xyz ) . xxx ;! ! // Distance to the current position on the ray in light view-space! float d = length ( rayPositionLightVS . xyz ) ; ;! float dRcp = rcp ( d ) ;! ! // Calculate the final light contribution for the sample on the ray...! float3 intens = TAU * ( shadowTerm * (phi * 0.25 * PI_RCP) * dRcp * dRcp ) * exp( -d * TAU ) * exp ( -l * TAU ) * stepSize ;! ! // ... and add it to the total contribution of the ray! VLI += intens ;! }
  • 29.
  • 30. From One to Many
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  • 33. From One to Many • Render the back faces of the light volume for each volumetric light (depth test/ write disabled) • Start the ray marching on the fragment of the light geometry instead of the scene geometry • If the light volume intersects the scene geometry, the starting position gets clamped to the closest fragment position relatively to the viewer
  • 34. From One to Many • Calculate the in-scattering term as depicted before • In addition to that evaluate the attenuation function for each given light type and “modulate” it with the in-scattering term • March the ray in light view and in world space in parallel - less costly than transforming between spaces for each step • Accumulate the volumetric lighting contribution for each visible light to an accumulation buffer using additive blending
  • 35. From One to Many • Constrain the taken samples to the area inside the light volume to increase the precision • For box and point lights we simply clamp the total ray marching distance to the attenuation ranges of the lights • In the case of spotlights we actually calculate the intersection points between the current ray and the light volume and calculate the range in-between
  • 36. Much slow Wow So sample How to Make it Fast
  • 37. How to Make it Fast • Everything I told you so far needs far too many samples to achieve visually pleasing results • 128+ samples per fragment for each light rendered to a full resolution target does not sound like the ideal solution
  • 38. How to Make it Fast • We ended up rendering all volumetrics to a half or quarter resolution target • We use an additional depth aware up-sampling pass to hide this fact - often referred to as ”Nearest Depth Up-Sampling“ [5]
  • 41. How to Make it Fast • Only using half-resolution rendering will not suffice to make it fast enough for multiple light sources on the screen • We can “abuse” the fact that the in-scattered light value at a given fragment position is either equal or at least close to one or more of the surrounding values
  • 42. How to Make it Fast • We spread the evaluation of the in-scattering term from a single pixel to multiple pixels • We ended up using 8x8 pixel tiles, where each pixel of a tile evaluates 16 samples • This makes a total of 8x8x16 = 1024 potential samples • Each pixel of one tile evaluates a different region of the ray vs.
  • 43. How to Make it Fast • Assign an unique index i ∊ [0..64) to each pixel of the tile - the indices repeat for each tile • Reduce the total ray marching distance by one step • Offset the ray marching starting position for each pixel of the tile according to i • • Randomising the indices trades the obvious repetitive sampling pattern for some less noticeable noise ray = i stepSize 64
  • 44. #define INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE 8! #define INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE_SQR 64! #define INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE_SQR_RCP 0.015625! ! [...]! ! // Calculate the offsets on the ray according to the interleaved sampling pattern! float2 interleavedPos = fmod ( f_in . position . xy, INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE ) ; ! ! #if defined (USE_RANDOM_RAY_SAMPLES)! float index = ( interleavedPos . y * INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE + interleavedPos . x ) ;! // light_volumetric_random_ray_samples contains the values 0..63 in a randomized order! // The indices are packed to float4s => { (0,1,2,3), (4,5,6,7), ... }! float rayStartOffset = light_volumetric_random_ray_samples [ index * 0.25 ] [ fmod ( index, 4.0 ) ] * ( stepSize * INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE_SQR_RCP ) ;! #else! float rayStartOffset = ( interleavedPos . y * INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE + interleavedPos . x ) * ( stepSize * INTERLEAVED_GRID_SIZE_SQR_RCP ) ;! #endif // USE_RANDOM_RAY_SAMPLES! ! float3 rayPositionLightVS = rayStartOffset * invViewDirLightVS . xyz + positionLightVS . xyz ;! ! [...]
  • 45. Accumulation buffer before the gather pass
  • 46. How to Make it Fast • To achieve the final results we use an additional blur pass before the up-sampling pass • We use a simple bilateral blur filter to avoid bleeding over the edges of any geometry inside or behind the volumetrics
  • 47. Accumulation buffer after the gather pass
  • 52. Render light geometry for each volumetric and execute ray marching R11G11B10 1/2 Resolution Apply horizontal and vertical bilateral Gaussian Blur Accumulation Pass Gather Pass Apply depth-aware up- sampling Upscale Pass Composite Pass Add final up-scaled buffer to the scene R11G11B10 Native Resolution Final Scene
  • 54. 2D projector texture (gobo/cookie)
  • 56. IES profilesTop down perspective
  • 58. Anisotropic scattering (Henyey-Greenstein phase function) p(⇥) = 1 g2 (1 + g2 + 2g cos ⇥)1.5
  • 59. Anisotropic scattering (Schlick phase function) p(⇥) = 1 k2 (1 + k cos ⇥)2 k ⇡ 1.55g 0.55g3
  • 63.
  • 64. Pass PC (GTX 700 Series GPU) PS4/GNM Accumulation* 0.362 ms 0.161 ms Gather 0.223 ms 0.375 ms Upscale 0.127 ms 0.321 ms = 0.712 ms = 0.857 ms *measured using a half resolution render target
  • 71. Thanks for listening! :) Questions?
  • 72. Contact • Benjamin Glatzel <> • @begla •
  • 73. References • [1] Volumetric Light Scattering as a Post-Process - http:// • [2] Real-time Volumetric Lighting in Participating Media - http:// • [3] Epipolar Sampling for Shadows and Crepuscular Rays in Participating Media with Single Scattering - tx_vispublications/espmss10.pdf • [4] Light Shafts - Rendering Shadows in Participating Media - http:// • [5] Fast Rendering of Opacity Mapped Particles using DirectX 11 Tessellation and Mixed Resolutions - gamedev/files/sdk/11/OpacityMappingSDKWhitePaper.pdf
  • 77. static const float gauss_filter_weights[] = {! 0.14446445, 0.13543542, 0.11153505, 0.08055309, 0.05087564, 0.02798160, 0.01332457, 0.00545096! } ;! ! #define NUM_SAMPLES_HALF 7! #define BLUR_DEPTH_FALLOFF 1000.0! ! float4 gatherGauss ( in float2 blurDirection , in float2 uv )! {! [...]! ! [unroll]! for ( REAL r = -NUM_SAMPLES_HALF; r <= NUM_SAMPLES_HALF; ++r )! {! uvOffset = r * blurDirection * rendertarget_size . zw ;! kernelSample = SAMPLE ( inputSampler, uv + uvOffset ) . rgba ;! kernelDepth = getLinearDepth ( depthSampler, depthSamplerState, uv + uvOffset ) ;! ! // Simple depth-aware filtering! depthDiff = abs ( kernelDepth - centerDepth ) ;! r2 = BLUR_DEPTH_FALLOFF * depthDiff ;! g = exp ( -r2*r2 ) ;! weight = g * gauss_filter_weights [ abs ( r ) ] ;! ! accumResult += weight * kernelSample . rgb ;! ! accumWeights += weight ;! }! ! return float4 ( accumResult . rgb / accumWeights , 1.0 ) ;! }! ! float4 ps_gather_horz ( VERTEX_OUTPUT f_in ) : SV_Target! {! return gatherGauss ( float2 ( 1.0, 0.0 ), f_in . uv0 ) ;! }! ! [...]
  • 78. float4 ps_upsample ( VERTEX_OUTPUT f_in ) : SV_Target! {! [...]! ! // Better choose something relative to the far clip distance here! const float upsampleDepthThreshold = 0.0001 ;! ! float minDepthDiff = 1.0 ;! uint nearestDepthIndex = 0 ;! ! float currentDepthDiff = abs ( sampleDownsampledDepth[0] - fullResDepth ) ;! bool rejectSample = currentDepthDiff < upsampleDepthThreshold ;! ! [branch]! if ( currentDepthDiff < minDepthDiff )! {! minDepthDiff = currentDepthDiff ;! nearestDepthIndex = 0 ;! }! ! currentDepthDiff = abs ( sampleDownsampledDepth[1] - fullResDepth ) ;! rejectSample = rejectSample && currentDepthDiff < upsampleDepthThreshold ; ! ! [branch]! if ( currentDepthDiff < minDepthDiff )! {! minDepthDiff = currentDepthDiff ;! nearestDepthIndex = 1 ;! }! ! // Repeat this for the remaining 2 samples! [...]! ! // Avoid blocky artefacts using edge detection! if (rejectSample)! return float4 ( SAMPLE ( inputSampler, f_in . uv0 ) . rgb, 1.0 ) ;! ! return float4 ( sampleR[nearestDepthIndex], sampleG[nearestDepthIndex], sampleB[nearestDepthIndex], 1.0 ) ;! }