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Blood type eating –
for healthy weight loss
& more energy –
Health via Food
Ben Rockefeller, Health Coach, Nutritionist, and Cook
© Ben Rockefeller 2017
Evening - outline
The evening is divided into videos, a presentation,
and question & answers (discussion):
7:00 – 8 Videos – food combining
8 – 8:15 Break – dates
8:15 – 9 Presentation – food combining
9 – 9:15 Break – almonds
9:15 – 10 Q&A (discussion)
Food for thought
“One man’s food can be another man’s poison.”
- Lucretius, 94-55 BC
“Let your food be your medicine.”
- Hippocrates, 460-375 BC
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
- Benjamin Franklin, 1736
•This presentation is not intended to diagnose,
prevent, treat, or cure any disease.
•If you have a medical condition, see a doctor.
•There is no charge for this information, except to
offset the costs of any facility rental and snacks.
Blood type eating
You are still free to choose
what to eat and what not to
eat. (These are simply
suggested guidelines).
Blood type eating - bibliography
Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr. Peter D’Adamo, 1996
Dr. Mozzi's diet. Blood types and food combinations, P. Mozzi, 2017
Blood Types, Body Types And You, Dr. Joe Christiano, 2008
Health via Food, Dr. William Howard Hay, 1929, pdf
“History of lectins …”, Glycobiology, vol. 14, nr. 11, 2004 (Dr. Peter D’Adamo) (Dr. Peter D’Adamo) (Dr. Josh Axe) (Dr. Joe Mercola) (Dr. Mark Hyman) (Dr. Michael Lam)
Blood type eating - outline
•Brief history of blood typing and blood type eating idea
•In a nutshell
•What is the blood type (ABO)?
•What are lectins and antigens?
•Details by blood type (O, A, B, AB) and uncertainty
•FAQ and conclusion
Blood typing - history
• At the end of 19th
century, people were killed with botched blood transfusions.
• In 1901, Dr. Karl Landsteiner, a Viennese physician, observed that some
combinations of blood taken from staff in his lab coagulated slightly
(agglutinated or formed clumps) and some did not. Dr. Landsteiner’s
discovery led to the ABO blood type system - and the possibility to transfuse
blood without killing people. Many other blood type systems are known.
• Independently, in the 1940s, William C. Boyd at Boston University and Karl
O. Renkonen at the University of Helsinki, Finland, discovered the human
blood type specificity of lectins (hemagglutinins). They found that crude
extracts of the lima bean (Phaseolus limensis) agglutinated blood type A red
blood cells but not blood type B or O cells, while extracts of the asparagus pea
(Lotus tetragonolobus) agglutinated blood type O red blood cells specifically.
Blood type eating - history
• These ideas were first published in 1996 by Dr. Peter D’Adamo, a
naturopathic physician, in his book Eat Right 4 Your Type.
• Dr. D’Adamo had continued the research of his father, Dr. James
D’Adamo, also a naturopathic physician, who had worked in
mountain health spas in Germany and Switzerland in the 1960s.
• After surgery and for their health, people were sent to these spas,
where they enjoyed clean mountain air and fresh vegetarian food.
• The father observed that some recovered their health, while some
clearly did not. When he went to his files, he found the pattern
that most of those who did not recover had blood type O.
In a nutshell1. Certain proteins, called lectins, are found in many foods.
2. During and after digestion and absorption, specific lectins
react with the blood and with the digestive system. This
reaction causes the blood either to agglutinate (thicken)
slightly, or to become slightly thinner, or to stay constant in
viscosity, depending on the specific food and the specific
blood type.
3. Certain foods for certain blood types are therefore to be
avoided, to be beneficially consumed, or are neutral, based
on many observations of this reaction, according to doctors
who have studied this. Individual results may vary slightly.
What are lectins?
• A lectin is a protein with a ‘sweet tooth.’ Lectins are made by living organisms, most of
all by legumes (beans) and seafood, but also by other plants, grains and animals. About
1 to 5 % of ingested dietary lectins are absorbed into the blood stream. Lectins tend to
attach to carbohydrates, mainly sugars or glycoproteins. Essentially, lectins are present
in most of the foods that we eat. Because lectins are similar in shape to certain
antibodies, they can behave in a similar way, causing potentially dangerous reactions
with our blood type antigens — depending on one's blood type.
• Also known as hemagglutinins, lectins have been known since the 19th
century when
ricin was isolated. They reduce nutrient absorption and can cause indigestion, bloating
and gas for many people.
• Many lectins are inflammatory, immunotoxic, neurotoxic and cytotoxic. Certain lectins
may also increase blood viscosity, interfere with gene expression and disrupt
endocrine function. (ref. Dr. Mercola)
• Improperly prepared raw grains, dairy, and legumes, such as peanuts and soybeans, are
high in lectins. Cooking, soaking, or fermenting may or may not reduce lectin content.
What are antigens?
• An antigen is a substance that, when introduced into the body,
stimulates the production of an antibody (an immune response).
Antigens include toxins, bacteria, foreign blood cells, and the
cells of transplanted organs.
• The molecule which determines your blood type is an antigen.
Outside of you, it is treated as ‘other’ by a person of another
blood group who carries an antibody against it. The particular
antigens that make a person blood type A, B, AB or O are not
limited to humans nor limited to blood. They are found on other
mammals and on very simple life forms, such as fungi and
bacteria. These antigens are also found on the tongue, lungs,
stomach lining, intestines, pancreas, liver, ovary, prostate, and all
Why thin the blood (slightly)?
• The thicker the blood, the harder the heart pumps to move it
around the body and the more likely it is to form clots inside
arteries and veins.
• To prevent blood clots,
• To let the blood flow everywhere, bringing oxygen to as many
cells as possible.
• To distribute nutrients (minerals and vitamins) everywhere,
What is “metabolism” ?
Metabolism is the total of all processes
and functions of the body to keep itself
healthy and in balance. This includes
digesting food, repairing and renewing
tissues and cells, producing hormones, and
excreting waste.
Healthy eating (and food combining) can
increase your base metabolic rate, that is
the production of energy (ATP) at rest.
This is related to your “metabolic set
The illustration shows the liver and its
metabolic functions.
Blood type O (D’Adamo)
• Meat-eater (“hunter”)
• “Strong, self-reliant, leader”,
• 40-45 % of population in most countries,
• Beneficial - meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices,
• Avoid wheat, grains, beans, legumes, dairy, corn, cabbage,
• Benefits from salt, kelp, liver, red meat, kale, broccoli, spinach,
• Vitamins B (6
) and K, iodine, calcium, licorice,
• Intense, strenuous exercise, such as weight lifting, running, or
martial arts.
Blood type A (D’Adamo)
• Vegetarian (“cultivator”)
• “Settled, co-operative, orderly”,
• 35-40 % of population in most countries,
• Beneficial - vegetables, tofu, seafood, grains, beans, legumes, fruit,
• Avoid red meat, dairy, wheat, bananas, kidney beans, lima beans,
• Benefits from olive oil, flax oil, pineapple,
• Vitamins B, C, and E, hawthorn, milk thistle, garlic, onion,
• Calming, centering exercise, such as yoga or tai chi.
Blood type B (D’Adamo)
• Balanced omnivore (“nomad”)
• “Balanced, flexible, creative”,
• 10-20 % of population in most countries (CN = 20 %),
• Beneficial - meat (but not chicken), dairy, grains, beans, legumes,
vegetables, fruit,
• Avoid chicken, corn, lentils, peanuts, sesame seeds, buckwheat, wheat,
• Benefits from greens, eggs, venison, liver, licorice,
• Magnesium (greens), licorice, ginkgo, green tea,
• Moderate physical exercise, such as hiking, biking, tennis, or
Blood type AB (D’Adamo)
• Mixed diet in moderation (“enigma”)
• “Rare, charismatic, mysterious”,
• 4-6 % of population in most countries,
• Beneficial - tofu, certain seafood, certain dairy, green vegetables, kelp,
• Avoid red meat, kidney beans, lima beans, seeds, corn, buckwheat,
• Benefits from cod, sardine, feta, goat cheese, olive oil, walnuts,
soybeans, oatmeal, millet, spelt, beets, broccoli, sweet potato, …,
• Vitamin C, hawthorn, milk thistle, garlic, onion,
• Yoga, tai chi, hiking, cycling, tennis.
Why cut sugar? How?
Refined white sugar, also known as table sugar, saccharose, or sucrose, is the result of processing
sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) or sugar beets (Beta vulgaris). All nutrients are removed in
the processing, creating an anti-nutrient that depletes the body of minerals and vitamins after
consumption and digestion. Sugar is added to soda, milk, yogurt, cereals, and many packaged
foods to sweeten them. Fructose is a sugar found in fruit and also refined from corn into high
fructose corn syrup used in processed foods. Sugar supplies four calories per gram, similar to
protein, and less than lipids with nine calories per gram. There is no need to count calories to lose
weight. No refined sugar is moderate. Sugar causes weight gain, not fat. You don’t need dairy for
calcium. The calorie theory is a myth.
Eating sugar rapidly increases blood glucose, which then increases insulin levels. Sugar forms
acids in the blood, making the blood and tissues tend to be slightly acidic. Like cocaine and
opium, sugar is physically addictive. Withdrawal is not to be taken lightly nor without a plan.
Sugar depletes the body of vitamins and minerals, which are bound and then excreted with
sugar in the urine
Non-toxic, cheap alternatives are pure, liquid stevioside extracts and dried stevia leaf.
Honey, dates, maple syrup, and molasses also increase blood glucose, but may contain minerals,
vitamins or enzymes that make them tolerable for some healthy people.
Why cut dairy? How?
Pasteurized, cow’s dairy (milk, cheese, and yogurt) has most if not all of
the nutrients removed and the enzymes denatured during the processing.
It also contains a protein called A1-beta casein, which may be slightly
toxic for some people, who break it down to an opioid peptide.
Lactose is a sugar (glucose + galactose) found in dairy that requires an
enzyme in the small intestine called lactase. Some people, particularly
older people, may produce little or no lactase. They are lactase-
deficient. Devoid of the nutrients found in raw dairy and rich in animal
protein, dairy tends to form acids in the blood, making the blood and
tissues slightly acidic. An acidic environment can harbour pathogens,
toxins, and lead to weight gain.
Almond or coco milk and goat or sheep dairy can be easy alternatives
for some people (blood type B), depending on their additives and
process. Mother’s milk can be the best dairy.
Why cut wheat? How?
Milled, refined wheat (Triticum Aestivum) has been genetically modified (hybridized)
for many, many years to satisfy the demands of commercial bakers for elasticity and
shelf-life. The milling and processing removes most if not all of the nutrients found in
the unprocessed dried grains, even from so-called “whole grains”. Wheat contains not
only gluten but also gliadin and other proteins, which can be chronically inflammatory
to the digestive system. Rye and barley also contain gluten, but may be easier for some
to digest, if well fermented or gently processed. You do not require bread for fiber.
Refined grains can slow down or obstruct elimination and prevent absorption of
minerals and vitamins. Devoid of nutrients, processed wheat also rapidly increases
blood sugar (glucose), as rapidly as table sugar. This makes the blood and tissues
slightly acidic. Most of all, wheat contains a protein, a lectin, called wheat germ
agglutinin, which can cause micro-coagulations of the blood. Grains, beans, and
legumes also contain phytic acid, which can interfere with digestion and mineral
absorption. Processing and cooking may or may not remove these anti-nutrients.
Buckwheat, millet, oats, and quinoa can be practical alternatives for some (A, B, AB).
Blood type O - Details
• Beneficial – onion, spinach, broccoli, sweet potato, parsley, garlic, red
pepper, artichoke, parsnips, turnips, pumpkin, kale, horseradish,
plums, figs, cherries, pineapple, (blueberries, apricots, mangoes, lemons,
limes), …
beef, lamb, veal, sardines, cod fish, salmon, (chicken, eggs),
walnuts, pumpkin seeds, olive oil, flaxseed oil, (almonds), adzuki beans,
ginger, carob, cayenne, turmeric, dulse (seaweed), peppermint, slippery elm,
green tea, dandelion, fenugreek, carbonated water, (cilantro), …
• Avoid –wheat, bread, pasta, dairy, potatoes, most beans, lentils, corn,
cabbage, aubergines, coffee, black tea, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, ham,
pork, bacon, blackberries, strawberries, ketchup, pickles, mayonnaise, …
• Supplements – vitamin B, vitamin K, calcium, iodine, bladderwrack,
Blood type A - Details
• Beneficial – onion, spinach, broccoli, parsley, garlic, artichoke, parsnips,
turnips, pumpkin, kale, horseradish, carrots, beet leaves, tofu, chicory,
plums, figs, cherries, pineapple, blueberries, apricots, lemons, grapefruits, …
sardines, cod fish, salmon, …, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed oil, olive oil,
adzuki beans, lentils, amaranth, buckwheat, oats,
ginger, blackstrap molasses, miso, tamari, garlic, slippery elm, green tea,
coffee, red wine, milk thistle, fenugreek, rose hips, hawthorn, valerian, …,
• Avoid – red meat, dairy, wheat, bread, pasta, red pepper, sweet potatoes,
mangoes, bananas, oranges, some beans, cabbage, aubergines, olives,
tomatoes, paprika (sweet peppers), ham, pork, bacon, mussels, cayenne, beer,
liquor, black tea, carbonated water, ketchup, pickles, mayo., vinegar, black
pepper, …
• Supplements – vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron, zinc.
Blood type B - Details
• Beneficial – broccoli, sweet potato, parsley, red pepper, beets, carrots,
cauliflower, kale, artichoke, parsnips, cabbage, aubergines, Bxl sprouts,
bananas, grapes, plums, pineapple, papaya, cranberry, (blueberries, apricots,
mangoes, lemons, limes), …
lamb, rabbit, venison, sardines, cod fish,
feta, goat cheese, kefir, yogurt, olive oil, lima beans, kidney beans,
millet, oatmeal, spelt, brown rice, rice cakes,
ginger, cayenne, horseradish, parsley, peppermint, rose hips, sage, licorice,
green tea, …
• Avoid – corn, lentils, peanuts, sesame seeds, buckwheat, wheat, chicken,
ham, pork, mussels, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, tahini, lentils, adzuki beans,
artichoke, avocado, tomato, olives, pomegranates, persimmons, …
• Supplements – magnesium, licorice, adaptogenic herbs (ginkgo biloba, …).
Blood type AB - Details
• Beneficial – beets, beet leaves, broccoli, sweet potato, parsley, garlic, parsnips,
kale, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, aubergines, tofu, alfalfa sprouts, lemons,
grapes, plums, figs, grapefruit, kiwi, cherries, pineapple, (blueberries, apricots)
lamb, rabbit, turkey, sardines, cod fish, millet, oatmeal, spelt, brown rice, …
cottage cheese, goat cheese, kefir, yogurt, mozzarella, olive oil,
walnuts, chestnuts, peanuts, soybeans, red beans, green lentils,
garlic, horseradish, parsley, miso, ginger, green tea, licorice, hawthorn,
• Avoid – red meat, kidney beans, lima beans, seeds, corn, buckwheat, chicken,
ham, pork, clams, shrimp, smoked salmon, pumpkin seeds, sesame, tahini,
adzuki beans, lima beans, artichoke, avocado, paprika, bananas, mango, oranges,
pomegranates, black pepper, cayenne, pickles, ketchup, aloe, black tea, aloe, …
• Supplements – vitamin C, zinc, selenium, hawthorn, milk thistle.
Other personal typing systems
•Doshas in Ayurveda (Vata, Kappa, Pitta),
•Hot or cold, dry or wet constitutions in traditional
Chinese medicine,
•Body morphology (ectomorph, mesomorph,
endomorph) in Western naturopathy,
•Temperaments/Hippocrates (sanguine, choleric,
melancholic, phlegmatic),
•Metabolic typing (Dr. Mercola and others)
What do the critics say ?
1. The blood type diet has been “debunked” by a study by Dr. Ahmed El-Sohemy, a
professor and researcher at the University of Toronto. (Greger, vegans, study design)
2. There are no proven relationships between lectins and the molecules that determine
blood type. (Research Andrew Weil, Richard Boyd, Martin Nachbar)
3. There is no proof that blood type O is the “original” blood type nor that the other
blood types can be explained by migration and settlement in the last 10,000 years.
4. If you’re seeing results, it is because you are eating better – not because of your
blood type. Wikipedia denounces eating according to your blood type.
5. Nobody has ever done a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial,
nor any clinical trial of this, so there is no evidence for this, and therefore it is not
scientific. Therefore, this is quackery, voodoo, folklore, or merely anecdotes.
6. “Better digestion” cannot be objectively measured, so why bother with this?
7. If this is true, why have we not heard of this before?
Blood type eating –
how to try it – for 2 weeks
1. Know or find out your blood type (O, A, B, AB). Rx required (in BE, yes)?
2. Depending on your blood type and the food type (meats and poultry, seafood,
eggs and dairy, oils and fats, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, cereals,
breads and muffins, grains and pasta, vegetables, fruits, juices and fluids,
spices, condiments, herbal teas, miscellaneous beverages) and the specific
food, skip all foods to be avoided. Cut dairy and wheat (O, A) and sugar.
3. Depending on your blood type, the food type, and the specific food, choose to
eat only foods that are beneficial or neutral.
4. Measure your progress. Keep a log (or not).
Remember food combining and the acid-alkaline balance.
5. If you feel better in 3 weeks, why stop?
Take home message
1. Certain proteins, called lectins, are found in many foods.
2. During and after digestion and absorption, specific lectins
react with the blood and the digestive system. This reaction
causes the blood either to become slightly thicker
(agglutination), or to become slightly thinner, or to stay
constant in viscosity, depending on the specific food and the
specific blood type. Thin blood prevents blood clots.
3. Certain foods for certain blood types are therefore to be
avoided, to be beneficially consumed, or are neutral, based
on many observations of this reaction, according to doctors
who have studied this. Individual results may vary slightly.
What is Happiness ?
+ Pleasure
+ Inner truth (inner peace/light)
= Happiness
After blood type eating …
The most common food intolerances and sensitivities, according to Kathryn Marsden
(and many others):
•Wheat bran and wheat-based breakfast cereals, corn, bread, pasta, cakes, pastry, …
•Food additives (E621, E250, E110, E102, …),
•Cow’s dairy,
•Sugar and sugary foods,
•“Nightshade” family (aubergines, potatoes, tomatoes, paprika),
•Coffee, chocolate, black tea, caffeinated drinks, alcohol
•Soybeans, peanuts,
•Shellfish. – Future Topics
Health via Food
• Detox – why? how? when?
• Paleo, vegan, macrobiotic, ketogenic, Gerson – eating habits compared
• Water
• Minerals & vitamins
• Herbs & spices
• Breakfast, lunch, and dinner – recipes
• Films - “Food Matters”, “What’s in Wheat”, “That Vitamin Movie”,
“Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”, “That Sugar Film”, “What the Health” - ?
• Food combining
• Alkaline-acid balance
• Blood type (ABO)

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Lose weight now - blood type eating

  • 1. Blood type eating – for healthy weight loss & more energy – Health via Food Ben Rockefeller, Health Coach, Nutritionist, and Cook © Ben Rockefeller 2017
  • 2. Evening - outline The evening is divided into videos, a presentation, and question & answers (discussion): 7:00 – 8 Videos – food combining 8 – 8:15 Break – dates 8:15 – 9 Presentation – food combining 9 – 9:15 Break – almonds 9:15 – 10 Q&A (discussion)
  • 3. Food for thought “One man’s food can be another man’s poison.” - Lucretius, 94-55 BC “Let your food be your medicine.” - Hippocrates, 460-375 BC “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” - Benjamin Franklin, 1736
  • 4. Disclaimer •This presentation is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. •If you have a medical condition, see a doctor. •There is no charge for this information, except to offset the costs of any facility rental and snacks.
  • 5. Blood type eating You are still free to choose what to eat and what not to eat. (These are simply suggested guidelines).
  • 6. Blood type eating - bibliography Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr. Peter D’Adamo, 1996 Dr. Mozzi's diet. Blood types and food combinations, P. Mozzi, 2017 Blood Types, Body Types And You, Dr. Joe Christiano, 2008 Health via Food, Dr. William Howard Hay, 1929, pdf “History of lectins …”, Glycobiology, vol. 14, nr. 11, 2004 (Dr. Peter D’Adamo) (Dr. Peter D’Adamo) (Dr. Josh Axe) (Dr. Joe Mercola) (Dr. Mark Hyman) (Dr. Michael Lam)
  • 7. Blood type eating - outline •Brief history of blood typing and blood type eating idea •In a nutshell •What is the blood type (ABO)? •What are lectins and antigens? •Details by blood type (O, A, B, AB) and uncertainty •FAQ and conclusion
  • 8. Blood typing - history • At the end of 19th century, people were killed with botched blood transfusions. • In 1901, Dr. Karl Landsteiner, a Viennese physician, observed that some combinations of blood taken from staff in his lab coagulated slightly (agglutinated or formed clumps) and some did not. Dr. Landsteiner’s discovery led to the ABO blood type system - and the possibility to transfuse blood without killing people. Many other blood type systems are known. • Independently, in the 1940s, William C. Boyd at Boston University and Karl O. Renkonen at the University of Helsinki, Finland, discovered the human blood type specificity of lectins (hemagglutinins). They found that crude extracts of the lima bean (Phaseolus limensis) agglutinated blood type A red blood cells but not blood type B or O cells, while extracts of the asparagus pea (Lotus tetragonolobus) agglutinated blood type O red blood cells specifically.
  • 9. Blood type eating - history • These ideas were first published in 1996 by Dr. Peter D’Adamo, a naturopathic physician, in his book Eat Right 4 Your Type. • Dr. D’Adamo had continued the research of his father, Dr. James D’Adamo, also a naturopathic physician, who had worked in mountain health spas in Germany and Switzerland in the 1960s. • After surgery and for their health, people were sent to these spas, where they enjoyed clean mountain air and fresh vegetarian food. • The father observed that some recovered their health, while some clearly did not. When he went to his files, he found the pattern that most of those who did not recover had blood type O.
  • 10. In a nutshell1. Certain proteins, called lectins, are found in many foods. 2. During and after digestion and absorption, specific lectins react with the blood and with the digestive system. This reaction causes the blood either to agglutinate (thicken) slightly, or to become slightly thinner, or to stay constant in viscosity, depending on the specific food and the specific blood type. 3. Certain foods for certain blood types are therefore to be avoided, to be beneficially consumed, or are neutral, based on many observations of this reaction, according to doctors who have studied this. Individual results may vary slightly.
  • 11. What are lectins? • A lectin is a protein with a ‘sweet tooth.’ Lectins are made by living organisms, most of all by legumes (beans) and seafood, but also by other plants, grains and animals. About 1 to 5 % of ingested dietary lectins are absorbed into the blood stream. Lectins tend to attach to carbohydrates, mainly sugars or glycoproteins. Essentially, lectins are present in most of the foods that we eat. Because lectins are similar in shape to certain antibodies, they can behave in a similar way, causing potentially dangerous reactions with our blood type antigens — depending on one's blood type. • Also known as hemagglutinins, lectins have been known since the 19th century when ricin was isolated. They reduce nutrient absorption and can cause indigestion, bloating and gas for many people. • Many lectins are inflammatory, immunotoxic, neurotoxic and cytotoxic. Certain lectins may also increase blood viscosity, interfere with gene expression and disrupt endocrine function. (ref. Dr. Mercola) • Improperly prepared raw grains, dairy, and legumes, such as peanuts and soybeans, are high in lectins. Cooking, soaking, or fermenting may or may not reduce lectin content.
  • 12. What are antigens? • An antigen is a substance that, when introduced into the body, stimulates the production of an antibody (an immune response). Antigens include toxins, bacteria, foreign blood cells, and the cells of transplanted organs. • The molecule which determines your blood type is an antigen. Outside of you, it is treated as ‘other’ by a person of another blood group who carries an antibody against it. The particular antigens that make a person blood type A, B, AB or O are not limited to humans nor limited to blood. They are found on other mammals and on very simple life forms, such as fungi and bacteria. These antigens are also found on the tongue, lungs, stomach lining, intestines, pancreas, liver, ovary, prostate, and all secretions.
  • 13. Why thin the blood (slightly)? • The thicker the blood, the harder the heart pumps to move it around the body and the more likely it is to form clots inside arteries and veins. • To prevent blood clots, • To let the blood flow everywhere, bringing oxygen to as many cells as possible. • To distribute nutrients (minerals and vitamins) everywhere,
  • 14. What is “metabolism” ? Metabolism is the total of all processes and functions of the body to keep itself healthy and in balance. This includes digesting food, repairing and renewing tissues and cells, producing hormones, and excreting waste. Healthy eating (and food combining) can increase your base metabolic rate, that is the production of energy (ATP) at rest. This is related to your “metabolic set point”. The illustration shows the liver and its metabolic functions.
  • 15. Blood type O (D’Adamo) • Meat-eater (“hunter”) • “Strong, self-reliant, leader”, • 40-45 % of population in most countries, • Beneficial - meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, • Avoid wheat, grains, beans, legumes, dairy, corn, cabbage, • Benefits from salt, kelp, liver, red meat, kale, broccoli, spinach, • Vitamins B (6 ,9 ,12 ) and K, iodine, calcium, licorice, • Intense, strenuous exercise, such as weight lifting, running, or martial arts.
  • 16. Blood type A (D’Adamo) • Vegetarian (“cultivator”) • “Settled, co-operative, orderly”, • 35-40 % of population in most countries, • Beneficial - vegetables, tofu, seafood, grains, beans, legumes, fruit, • Avoid red meat, dairy, wheat, bananas, kidney beans, lima beans, • Benefits from olive oil, flax oil, pineapple, • Vitamins B, C, and E, hawthorn, milk thistle, garlic, onion, • Calming, centering exercise, such as yoga or tai chi.
  • 17. Blood type B (D’Adamo) • Balanced omnivore (“nomad”) • “Balanced, flexible, creative”, • 10-20 % of population in most countries (CN = 20 %), • Beneficial - meat (but not chicken), dairy, grains, beans, legumes, vegetables, fruit, • Avoid chicken, corn, lentils, peanuts, sesame seeds, buckwheat, wheat, • Benefits from greens, eggs, venison, liver, licorice, • Magnesium (greens), licorice, ginkgo, green tea, • Moderate physical exercise, such as hiking, biking, tennis, or swimming.
  • 18. Blood type AB (D’Adamo) • Mixed diet in moderation (“enigma”) • “Rare, charismatic, mysterious”, • 4-6 % of population in most countries, • Beneficial - tofu, certain seafood, certain dairy, green vegetables, kelp, pineapple, • Avoid red meat, kidney beans, lima beans, seeds, corn, buckwheat, wheat, • Benefits from cod, sardine, feta, goat cheese, olive oil, walnuts, soybeans, oatmeal, millet, spelt, beets, broccoli, sweet potato, …, • Vitamin C, hawthorn, milk thistle, garlic, onion, • Yoga, tai chi, hiking, cycling, tennis.
  • 19. Why cut sugar? How? Refined white sugar, also known as table sugar, saccharose, or sucrose, is the result of processing sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) or sugar beets (Beta vulgaris). All nutrients are removed in the processing, creating an anti-nutrient that depletes the body of minerals and vitamins after consumption and digestion. Sugar is added to soda, milk, yogurt, cereals, and many packaged foods to sweeten them. Fructose is a sugar found in fruit and also refined from corn into high fructose corn syrup used in processed foods. Sugar supplies four calories per gram, similar to protein, and less than lipids with nine calories per gram. There is no need to count calories to lose weight. No refined sugar is moderate. Sugar causes weight gain, not fat. You don’t need dairy for calcium. The calorie theory is a myth. Eating sugar rapidly increases blood glucose, which then increases insulin levels. Sugar forms acids in the blood, making the blood and tissues tend to be slightly acidic. Like cocaine and opium, sugar is physically addictive. Withdrawal is not to be taken lightly nor without a plan. Sugar depletes the body of vitamins and minerals, which are bound and then excreted with sugar in the urine Non-toxic, cheap alternatives are pure, liquid stevioside extracts and dried stevia leaf. Honey, dates, maple syrup, and molasses also increase blood glucose, but may contain minerals, vitamins or enzymes that make them tolerable for some healthy people.
  • 20. Why cut dairy? How? Pasteurized, cow’s dairy (milk, cheese, and yogurt) has most if not all of the nutrients removed and the enzymes denatured during the processing. It also contains a protein called A1-beta casein, which may be slightly toxic for some people, who break it down to an opioid peptide. Lactose is a sugar (glucose + galactose) found in dairy that requires an enzyme in the small intestine called lactase. Some people, particularly older people, may produce little or no lactase. They are lactase- deficient. Devoid of the nutrients found in raw dairy and rich in animal protein, dairy tends to form acids in the blood, making the blood and tissues slightly acidic. An acidic environment can harbour pathogens, toxins, and lead to weight gain. Almond or coco milk and goat or sheep dairy can be easy alternatives for some people (blood type B), depending on their additives and process. Mother’s milk can be the best dairy.
  • 21. Why cut wheat? How? Milled, refined wheat (Triticum Aestivum) has been genetically modified (hybridized) for many, many years to satisfy the demands of commercial bakers for elasticity and shelf-life. The milling and processing removes most if not all of the nutrients found in the unprocessed dried grains, even from so-called “whole grains”. Wheat contains not only gluten but also gliadin and other proteins, which can be chronically inflammatory to the digestive system. Rye and barley also contain gluten, but may be easier for some to digest, if well fermented or gently processed. You do not require bread for fiber. Refined grains can slow down or obstruct elimination and prevent absorption of minerals and vitamins. Devoid of nutrients, processed wheat also rapidly increases blood sugar (glucose), as rapidly as table sugar. This makes the blood and tissues slightly acidic. Most of all, wheat contains a protein, a lectin, called wheat germ agglutinin, which can cause micro-coagulations of the blood. Grains, beans, and legumes also contain phytic acid, which can interfere with digestion and mineral absorption. Processing and cooking may or may not remove these anti-nutrients. Buckwheat, millet, oats, and quinoa can be practical alternatives for some (A, B, AB).
  • 22. Blood type O - Details • Beneficial – onion, spinach, broccoli, sweet potato, parsley, garlic, red pepper, artichoke, parsnips, turnips, pumpkin, kale, horseradish, plums, figs, cherries, pineapple, (blueberries, apricots, mangoes, lemons, limes), … beef, lamb, veal, sardines, cod fish, salmon, (chicken, eggs), walnuts, pumpkin seeds, olive oil, flaxseed oil, (almonds), adzuki beans, ginger, carob, cayenne, turmeric, dulse (seaweed), peppermint, slippery elm, green tea, dandelion, fenugreek, carbonated water, (cilantro), … • Avoid –wheat, bread, pasta, dairy, potatoes, most beans, lentils, corn, cabbage, aubergines, coffee, black tea, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, ham, pork, bacon, blackberries, strawberries, ketchup, pickles, mayonnaise, … • Supplements – vitamin B, vitamin K, calcium, iodine, bladderwrack, licorice.
  • 23. Blood type A - Details • Beneficial – onion, spinach, broccoli, parsley, garlic, artichoke, parsnips, turnips, pumpkin, kale, horseradish, carrots, beet leaves, tofu, chicory, plums, figs, cherries, pineapple, blueberries, apricots, lemons, grapefruits, … sardines, cod fish, salmon, …, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed oil, olive oil, adzuki beans, lentils, amaranth, buckwheat, oats, ginger, blackstrap molasses, miso, tamari, garlic, slippery elm, green tea, coffee, red wine, milk thistle, fenugreek, rose hips, hawthorn, valerian, …, • Avoid – red meat, dairy, wheat, bread, pasta, red pepper, sweet potatoes, mangoes, bananas, oranges, some beans, cabbage, aubergines, olives, tomatoes, paprika (sweet peppers), ham, pork, bacon, mussels, cayenne, beer, liquor, black tea, carbonated water, ketchup, pickles, mayo., vinegar, black pepper, … • Supplements – vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron, zinc.
  • 24. Blood type B - Details • Beneficial – broccoli, sweet potato, parsley, red pepper, beets, carrots, cauliflower, kale, artichoke, parsnips, cabbage, aubergines, Bxl sprouts, bananas, grapes, plums, pineapple, papaya, cranberry, (blueberries, apricots, mangoes, lemons, limes), … lamb, rabbit, venison, sardines, cod fish, feta, goat cheese, kefir, yogurt, olive oil, lima beans, kidney beans, millet, oatmeal, spelt, brown rice, rice cakes, ginger, cayenne, horseradish, parsley, peppermint, rose hips, sage, licorice, green tea, … • Avoid – corn, lentils, peanuts, sesame seeds, buckwheat, wheat, chicken, ham, pork, mussels, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, tahini, lentils, adzuki beans, artichoke, avocado, tomato, olives, pomegranates, persimmons, … • Supplements – magnesium, licorice, adaptogenic herbs (ginkgo biloba, …).
  • 25. Blood type AB - Details • Beneficial – beets, beet leaves, broccoli, sweet potato, parsley, garlic, parsnips, kale, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, aubergines, tofu, alfalfa sprouts, lemons, grapes, plums, figs, grapefruit, kiwi, cherries, pineapple, (blueberries, apricots) lamb, rabbit, turkey, sardines, cod fish, millet, oatmeal, spelt, brown rice, … cottage cheese, goat cheese, kefir, yogurt, mozzarella, olive oil, walnuts, chestnuts, peanuts, soybeans, red beans, green lentils, garlic, horseradish, parsley, miso, ginger, green tea, licorice, hawthorn, • Avoid – red meat, kidney beans, lima beans, seeds, corn, buckwheat, chicken, ham, pork, clams, shrimp, smoked salmon, pumpkin seeds, sesame, tahini, adzuki beans, lima beans, artichoke, avocado, paprika, bananas, mango, oranges, pomegranates, black pepper, cayenne, pickles, ketchup, aloe, black tea, aloe, … • Supplements – vitamin C, zinc, selenium, hawthorn, milk thistle.
  • 26. Other personal typing systems •Doshas in Ayurveda (Vata, Kappa, Pitta), •Hot or cold, dry or wet constitutions in traditional Chinese medicine, •Body morphology (ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph) in Western naturopathy, •Temperaments/Hippocrates (sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic), •Metabolic typing (Dr. Mercola and others)
  • 27. What do the critics say ? 1. The blood type diet has been “debunked” by a study by Dr. Ahmed El-Sohemy, a professor and researcher at the University of Toronto. (Greger, vegans, study design) 2. There are no proven relationships between lectins and the molecules that determine blood type. (Research Andrew Weil, Richard Boyd, Martin Nachbar) 3. There is no proof that blood type O is the “original” blood type nor that the other blood types can be explained by migration and settlement in the last 10,000 years. 4. If you’re seeing results, it is because you are eating better – not because of your blood type. Wikipedia denounces eating according to your blood type. 5. Nobody has ever done a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, nor any clinical trial of this, so there is no evidence for this, and therefore it is not scientific. Therefore, this is quackery, voodoo, folklore, or merely anecdotes. 6. “Better digestion” cannot be objectively measured, so why bother with this? 7. If this is true, why have we not heard of this before?
  • 28. Blood type eating – how to try it – for 2 weeks 1. Know or find out your blood type (O, A, B, AB). Rx required (in BE, yes)? 2. Depending on your blood type and the food type (meats and poultry, seafood, eggs and dairy, oils and fats, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, cereals, breads and muffins, grains and pasta, vegetables, fruits, juices and fluids, spices, condiments, herbal teas, miscellaneous beverages) and the specific food, skip all foods to be avoided. Cut dairy and wheat (O, A) and sugar. 3. Depending on your blood type, the food type, and the specific food, choose to eat only foods that are beneficial or neutral. 4. Measure your progress. Keep a log (or not). Remember food combining and the acid-alkaline balance. 5. If you feel better in 3 weeks, why stop?
  • 29. Take home message 1. Certain proteins, called lectins, are found in many foods. 2. During and after digestion and absorption, specific lectins react with the blood and the digestive system. This reaction causes the blood either to become slightly thicker (agglutination), or to become slightly thinner, or to stay constant in viscosity, depending on the specific food and the specific blood type. Thin blood prevents blood clots. 3. Certain foods for certain blood types are therefore to be avoided, to be beneficially consumed, or are neutral, based on many observations of this reaction, according to doctors who have studied this. Individual results may vary slightly.
  • 30. What is Happiness ? Health + Pleasure + Inner truth (inner peace/light) = Happiness
  • 31.
  • 32. After blood type eating … The most common food intolerances and sensitivities, according to Kathryn Marsden (and many others): •Wheat bran and wheat-based breakfast cereals, corn, bread, pasta, cakes, pastry, … •Food additives (E621, E250, E110, E102, …), •Cow’s dairy, •Sugar and sugary foods, •Eggs, •“Nightshade” family (aubergines, potatoes, tomatoes, paprika), •Coffee, chocolate, black tea, caffeinated drinks, alcohol •Soybeans, peanuts, •Shellfish.
  • 33. – Future Topics Health via Food • Detox – why? how? when? • Paleo, vegan, macrobiotic, ketogenic, Gerson – eating habits compared • Water • Minerals & vitamins • Herbs & spices • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner – recipes • Films - “Food Matters”, “What’s in Wheat”, “That Vitamin Movie”, “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”, “That Sugar Film”, “What the Health” - ? • Food combining • Alkaline-acid balance • Blood type (ABO)