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Politics and the African Writer
Author(s): Kolawole Ogungbesan
Source: African Studies Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Apr., 1974), pp. 43-53
Published by: African Studies Association
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Accessed: 06/02/2011 09:20

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                           AND AFRICAN

                               Kolawole Ogungbesan

         The African writer has been very much influenced by politics,
probably because the African intellectual          is a part of the political
elite.     The writer is a sensitive      point within his society.      Thus,
African literature       has tended to reflect   the political    phases on the
continent.      Chinua Achebe is a very suitable example.         Beginning during
the colonial days his writing spans the succession of political             crises
which has beset Nigeria.         Also, more than any other Nigerian writer, he
has made statements on the role of the writer in his society.              His con-
ception of the writer's        duty has also tended to change with the polit-
ical situation       in his country.   By examining both his creative writing
and his pronouncements, we can obtain an interesting           picture of how the
quality of a literature        can be directly  influenced by the degree of the
writer's    political    cammitment.
        Achebe's first   statement on the social responsibility   of the
African writer was made in a lecture entitled     "The Role of the Writer in
a New Nation," delivered to the Nigerian Library Association      in 1964.
Although he had cast the title     of his lecture in rather general terms,
Achebe talked specifically     about the role of the writer in what he called
the new Nigeria.    The major problem all over the world, he said, was the
debate between white and black over black humanity, a subject which pre-
sented the African writer with a great challenge:

                It is inconceivable    to me that a serious
                writer could stand aside frcn this debate,
                or be indifferent    to this argument which
                calls his full humanity in question.       For
                me, at any rate, there is a clear duty to
                make a statement.     This is my answer to
                those who say that a writer should be
                writing about contemporary issues--about
                politics   in 1964, about city life,   about
                the last coup d'etat.      Of course, these
                are legitimate    themes for the writer but
                as far as I am concerned the fundamental
                theme must first be disposed of.      This
                theme--put quite simply--is     that African
                peoples did not hear of culture for the
                first time from Europeans; that their
                societies   were not mindless but frequently
                had a philosophy of great depth and value

44                         AFRICANSTUDIESREVIEW

               and beauty, that they had poetry and, above
               all, they had dignity.   It is this dignity
               that many African peoples all but lost in
               the colonial period, and it is this dignity
               that they must now regain.    The worst thing
               that can happen to any people is the loss
               of their dignity and self-respect.     The
               writer's  duty is to help them regain it by
               showing them in human terms what happened
               to them, what they lost.    There is a saying
               in Ibo that a man who can't tell where the
               rain began to beat him cannot know where he
               dried his body. The writer can tell the
               people where therain began to beat them.
               After all the novelist's   duty is not to beat
               this morning's headline in topicality,     it is
               to explore in depth the human condition.      In
               Africa he cannot perform this task unless he
               has a proper sense of history (Achebe 1964,
               p. 157).

         Thus, the African writer should be both a cultural nationalist,
explaining the traditions     of his people to a largely hostile   world, and
a teacher, instilling    dignity into his own people.    Achebe reaffirmed
this position    later the same year at the Conference on Commonwealth
Literature held in Leeds. Although his paper, entitled        "The Novelist as
Teacher," was largely a restatement of his earlier      stand, Achebe was
more eloquent and more assertive,      perhaps because he was arguing his
case before an international     audience.

         He refused to believe that an African writer could be alienated
frcm his society.    In spite of the fact that the education of Africans
was largely Western-oriented,    the relationship    between European writers
and their audience will not autamatically      reproduce itself    in Africa.
In Africa, Achebe said, society expects the writer to be its leader.           He
revealed that many people have asked him to bring out more forcefully
the lessons to be learned from his stories.       Not that Achebe writes to
please his readers; indeed, he believes      that no self-respecting    writer
will take direction   from his audience and that he must remain free to
disagree with his society if it becomes necessary.         However, the writer's
duty is more fundamental than that of the journalist.         The period of
subjection to alien races has brought disaster upon the African psyche.
In fact, all over the continent people still       suffer from the traumatic
effects   of their confrontation  with Europe:

               Here, then is an adequate revolution        for me
               to espouse--to    help my society regain its
               belief  in itself   and put away the complexes
               of the years of denigration      and self-denigra-
               tion.   And it is essentially     a question of
               education in the best sense of that word.
               Here, I think, my aims and the deepest aspira-
               tions of my society meet.      For no thinking
                        POLITICS  THEAFRICAN
                                           WRITER                             45

              African     can escape      the pain of the wound in
              our   soul....The       writer   cannot    expect   to be
              excused fram the task of re-education and
              regeneration that must be done. In fact he
              should    march     right   in front....    I for   one would
              not wish to be excused.     I would be quite
              satisfied   if my novels (especially    the ones I
              set in the past) did no more than teach my
              readers that their past--with    all its imperfec-
              tions--was    not one long night of savagery frcm
              which the first Europeans acting on God's be-
              half delivered them. Perhaps what I write is
              applied art as distinct    fram pure.    But who
              cares? Art is important but so is education
              of the kind I have in mind. And I don't see
              that the two need be mutually exclusive
              (Achebe 1965, pp. 204-205).

        Two years later Achebe published his fourth novel, A Man of the
People.   The tone of this book was foreshadowed by an article  entitled
"The Back Writer's Burden," which Achebe wrote for Presence Africaine
in 1965 but which was not published until after the novel came out early
in 1966. Presence Africaine was founded in 1917 by a group of African
and West Indian blacks to propagate African culture.   Achebe's burning
zeal in his article matches that of the founding fathers of that maga-
zine.   He opens on an avowedly militant  tone:

              Without subscribing to the view that Africa
              gained nothing at all in her long encounters
              with Europe, one could still      say, in all
              fairness,  that she suffered many terrible      and
              lasting misfortunes.     In terms of human dig-
              nity and human relations     the encounter was
              almost a ccanplete disaster    for the black races.
              It has warped the mental attitudes      of both
              black and white.     In giving expression to the
              plight of their people, black writers have
              shown again and again how strongly this trau-:
              matic experience can possess the sensibility.
              They have found themselves drawn irresistibly
              to writing about the fate of black people in
              a world progressively    recreated by white men
              in their own image, to their glory and for
              their profit,   in which the Negro became the
              poor motherless child of the spirituals       and
              of so many Nigedan folk tales (Achebe 1966,
              p. 135).
        Obviously, the need for the writer to lead his people to reclaim
their dignity has became even more urgent.   However, Achebe goes further,
by saying that now the greatest task confronting the African writer is
that he should "expose and attack injustice"   all over the world, but
46                          AFRICANSTUDIESREVIEW

particularly within his own society in Africa.      African writers should
be free to criticise  their societies   without being accused of supplying
ammunition to the enemies of Africa.     "Wemust seek the freedon to ex-
press our thought and feeling,   even against ourselves,   without the
anxiety that what we say might be taken in evidence against our race."
Africans have for too long behaved as criminals in a law court.       "We
have stood in the dock too long pleading and protesting     before ruffians
and frauds masquerading as disinterested     judges" (Achebe 1966, p. 139).

        Thus, Achebe has given the African writer a second duty, that of
the social critic.    As in 1964 it was the condition of his society that
moved him to assume this second role.        The situation  in Nigeria in 1964-
1965 can best be summed up in the words of a character in Wole Soyinka's
novel, The Interpreters    (1965):   "Next to death, shit is the most ver-
nacular atmosphere of our beloved country."         Achebe wrote A Man of the
People under this disgusting     atmosphere.    Here he has forsaken his
earlier  duty to give back to his people their dignity;       now he focusses
his gaze on the evils inflicted     on African societies,    not by an alien
race, but by Africans themselves.      Yet the fundamental belief      remains--
that the writer can and must influence his society.         This would explain
the much-vaunted prophetic ending of the book: "But the Army obliged us
by staging a coup at that point and locking up every member of the Gov-
ernment."   The point is not so much that in January 1966 this became a
prophetic statement, but that the writer, like a journalist,         is so con-
scious of his role in his society,     and his involvement in its fate, as
to put forward solutions    to the problems facing his people.

        Achebe may have foreseen the military   coup of January 1966, but
there is very little  doubt that subsequent events caught him, like
everyone else in the country, unaware. In May several hundred Ibo were
killed in parts of the Northern Region.     In July a counter-coup overthrew
the government of General Ironsi; most of the military     officers who were
killed were Ibo, including Achebe's brother.     In September there was
another massacre of Ibo in the North, and Colonel Ojukwu asked all Ibo
people to return to their homes in the East.     As events moved inexorably
towards war, Achebe became an Ibo nationalist.     When war actually broke
out, he became a diplomat, acting as one of the roving ambassadors for
the Republic of Biafra.

          Achebe now said that the role of the African writer should be that
of a social transformer and revolutionary.         In a paper presented at a
political    science seminar in Makerere in 1968, entitled        "The Duty and
Involvement of the African Writer," he said that a writer is only "a
human being with heightened sensitivities"        and, therefore,    "must be aware
of the faintest     nuances of injustice    in human relations.     The African
writer cannot therefore be unaware of or indifferent          to the monumental
injustioewhich     his people suffer."    African writers are committed to a
new society which will affirm their validity        and accord them identity    as
Africans,    as people; "they are all working actively       in this cause for
which Christopher Okigbo died.        I believe that our cause is right and
just.     And this is what literature    in Africa should be about today--right
and just causes" (Achebe 1970, p. 163).
POLITICS ANDTHEAFRICANWRITER                          47

         In a period of conflict,  priorities change, and people tend to
reinterpret   their lives and roles in new lights.    In an interview at the
University   of Texas at Austin in November 1969, Achebe gave a new reading
of his novels, calling himself a protest writer.      Indeed, all African
literature,   he said, is protest writing.

               I believe it's impossible to write anything
               in Africa without some kind of commitment,
               same kind of message, some kind of protest
               ....In   fact I should say all our writers,
               whether they are aware of it or not, are
               committed writers.    The whole pattern of
               life demands that you should protest,    that
               you should put in a word for your history,
               your traditions,   your religion, and so on
               (Lindfors 1970, p. 18).
        Achebe has moved from criticising     his society to directly    taking
a hand in remoulding it.    He claimed that, in addition to recording the
past and the current revolutions    and changes that are going on, the
African writer has a great influence      in determining Africa's   future, for
by recording what had gone on before, he is in a way helping to set the
tone of what is going to happen.      "This is important because at this
stage it seems to me that the writer's      role is more in determining than
merely reporting.   In other words, his role is to act rather than to
react" (Lindfors 1970, p. 18).

       Achebe is consistent   in his belief   that the writer has a function
in his society,  that he could and diould influence his society.      Yet
some sort of revolution   has taken place in his view of his society.
Whereas in A Man of the People Achebe had called the ccamon people "the
real culprits"  of the social malaise in Nigeria, two years later he saw
them as the vanguard of the revolution;     if anything, it is now the turn
of the artist to learn one or two things from his society:

               This has been the problem of the African
               artist:     he has been left far behind by
               the people who make culture,     and he must now
               hurry and catch up with them--to borrow the
               beautiful    expression of Fanon--in that zone
               of occult instability     where the people dwell.
               It is there that customs die and cultures are
               born.     It is there that the regenerative
               powers of the people are most potent.       These
               powers are manifest today in the African revo-
               lution,    a revolution that aims toward true
               independence, that moves towards the creation
               of modern states in place of the new colonial
               enclaves we have today, a revolution      that is
               informed with African ideologies.
               What is the place   of the writer   in this
48                          AFRICANSTUDIESREVIEW

               movement? I suggest that his place is right
               in the thick of it--if     possible,    at the head
               of it.    Scne of my friends say:       "No, it's
               too rough there.     A writer has no business
               being where it is so rough. He should be on
               the sidelines   with his note-paper and pencil,
               he can observe with objectivity."          I say that
               a writer in the African revolution who steps
               aside can only write footnotes        or a glossary
               when the event is over.      He will became like
               the contemporary intellectual        of futility  in
               many other places,    asking questions like:
               "Whoam I? What's the meaning of my exis-
               tence?    Does this place belong to me or to
               somebody else?     Does my life belong to me or
               to same other person?"--questions        that no
               one can answer (Lindfors 1970, pp. 16-17).

        Immediately after the war ended, Achebe was faced with the problem
of reconciling     his different    positions.     He sought to establish    same
sort of continuity     in his ideas by viewing the civil war as only a crisis
which has brought out more nakedly the dilemma between the African writer
and his society.      He attempted to adapt his latest position,         that of the
writer as a revolutionary,       to the situation     in postwar Nigeria.    "I have
come to the belief that you cannot separate the creativity            from the revo-
lution that is inevitable      in Africa.      Not just the war, but the post-
independence period in Africa is bound to create in the writer a new
approach.    This, maybe, was sharpened by the war, but in my case it was
already there" (Emenyonu 1972, p. 25).           African literature   in its present
form, he said, is really not sufficiently          relevant to the issues of the
day. "I think what is meaningful is what takes into account the past
and the present."      African writers cannot forget the past because the
present ccmes out of it; but they should not be mesmerized or immobilized
by their contemplation of the past to the exclusion of the contemporary
scene. "The most meaningful work that African writers can do today will
take into account our whole history:           how we got here, and what it is
today; and this will help us to map out our plans for the future" (Emenyonu
1972, pe 25).

          Nonetheless,  Achebe has been chastened by the war. Now, he claims
to understand the plight of South Africans who used to say that they could
not afford to write novels--only       poetry or short stories.     During the
war, he had found, like them, that there was no time, everything was too
pressing,    novel writing was a luxury, and poetry seemed to meet the de-
mands of the time.      Even two years after the end of the war, Achebe has
not felt the urge to write a novel.         "I'd like to try my hand at a play."
On the relationship     between politics    and the writer, he says that scene
measure of politics     is bound to intrude into writing,     especially  in
Africa.     He himself could not abstain, although he would not deny the
right of any writer to do so. For him, however, "one can only avoid can-
mitment by pretending or by being insensitive"        (West Africa March 3,
POLITICS ANDTHEAFRICANWRITER                              49

        Achebe is correct that politics        and social affairs     cannot be kept
out of literature   in Africa, at least not for same time.            Yet the writer's
approach to these issues will be crucial to the quality of his work. In
order to be objective,    he must be detached, must not become emotionally
involved.    This is the case with Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God, the
two books on which Achebe's reputation still          rests.    Achebe realised that
the writer as a teacher must watch his attitudes           very carefully.     There
would always be a strong temptation for him to idealise            his past--"to
extol its good points and pretend that the bad never existed."               This is
where the writer's   objectivity      comes in.    If he becomes emotionally     can-
mitted to the extent of selecting        only those facts that flatter       him, he
will have branded himself an untrustworthy witness.             More important, he
would thereby flaw his art.        "The credibility    of the world he is attempt-
ing to recreate will be called to question and he will defeat his own
purpose if he is suspected of glossing over inconvenientfacts"              (Achebe
1964, p. 158).    Viewed objectively,      the African past will be seen, not
as "one long, technicolour      idyll,"   but possessing,    like any other people's
past, its good as well as its bad sides.

         Objectivity   is not the preserve of the writer, but is a prereq-
uisite   in all intellectual     pursuits.    Indeed, the writer as teacher was
in very good canpany, for his task, "to help my society regain its belief
in itself,"     was not exclusively     that of the creative writer.      There were
other intellectuals     to whma objectivity     mattered as much as to the
writer--historians,      anthropologists,    sociologists,  and political    scien-
tists--who    were devoted to the task of giving back to Africa the pride
and self-respect     it lost during the colonial period.

         The African writer's   role as a teacher, as Achebe himself real-
ised, could only be a temporary measure, sacmething dictated by the polit-
ical logics of the time.      Once the lesson had been learned, the teacher's
duty falls into abeyance.      In 1964 Achebe was not saying that he did not
accept the present-day as a proper subject for the novelist.        After all,
his second book, No Longer at Ease, had been about the present-day,        and
as he promised then, the forthcaning one, A Man of the People, would
again came to date.     "But what I mean is that     owing to the peculiar
nature of our situation    it would be futile   to try and take off before we
have repaired our foundations.      We must first  set the scene which is
authentically   African; then what follows will be meaningful and deep"
(Achebe 1964, p. 158).

        Thus, the writer's      role as a social critic      is a logical  sequence
to his role as a teacher.        Having repaired the foundations of his society
by establishing    the validity     of African traditions,     the writer can now
afford to take an unflinching        look at his society and its shortccmanings.
However, the writer's    role as a social critic       is higher than his role as
a teacher,    since it can go beyond the requirements of the moment. Writ-
ers all over the world have always been called upon to play this role.
But it demands more of the writer than the role of a teacher.              It demands
more than objectivity;     it demands considerable       detachment.    The writer
may not have found it difficult        to be detached when writing about the
past, but this quality becomes doubly necessary when writing about the
50                          AFRICANSTUDIESREVIEW


         This is where Achebe as social critic fails.     His righteous in-
dignation with his corrupt society,    however justified,   does not permit
detachment.    A Man of the People is an authentic picture of the Nigeria
of 1964-1965, as would be confirmed by anyone who had lived in the
country or, for that matter, anyone who has read the newspapers of the
time.    But the authenticity of the novel is that of journalism rather
than that of creative literature.     Achebe had said in 1964 that "the
novelist's   duty is not to beat this morning's headline in topicality,     it
is to explore in depth the human condition."      Less than a year later he
seemed to have forgotten this.    As he was writing A Man of the People,
Achebe must 1ave been repeatedly muttering to himself with impatience:
"Perhaps what I write is applied art.     But who cares?"

         The logical   conclusion of his efforts       at producing applied art
are the poems and short stories Achebe wrote during the war. The role
of a freedom fighter has very little          to do with creative writing,    as we
can see by the example of Achebe's fellow countryman, the late Christopher
Okigbo, who stopped writing poetry during the war, took to running guns,
and finally met his death on the war front.            Unable, or unwilling,   to
make the distinctions     which seemed so clear to Okigbo, Achebe was forced
to term as creative any activity        engaged in by a creative writer.       This
is nothing short of denigrating        the creative impulse itself.      Achebe
labelled   as half-truth    the belief that creativity      is saomething that must
ccne fran a kind of contemplation,          quiet, or repose; and that it is dif-
ficult   to keep the artistic     integrity    of one's writing while being totally
involved in political     situations:

               I can create, but of course not the kind of
               thing I created when I was at ease.           I can't
               write a novel now; I wouldn't want to.           And
               even if I wanted to, I couldn't.          So that
               particular    artistic   form is out for me at
               the mPnent. I can write poetry--scmething
               short, intense, more in keeping with my
               mood. I can write essays.          I can even
               lecture.     All this is creating in the con-
               text of our struggle.        At home I do a lot
               of writing,    but not fiction,      scmething more
               concrete, more directly       related to what is
               going on. What I am saying is that there are
               forms of creativity      which suit different mo-
               ments.     I wouldn't consider writing a poem
               on daffodils    particularly     creative in my
               situation    now. It would be foolish;        I
               couldn't do it (Lindfors 1970, pp. 17-18).

       Achebe seems here to be confusing the words "creative" and "use-
ful."  It is only by stretching  the meaning of the term "creative litera-
ture" to the point of absurdity that we could apply it to the propaganda
which Achebe wrote for Radio Biafra or the lectures he delivered in
POLITICS ANDTHE AFRICANWRITER                            51

Europe and America during the war. Okigbo's gun-running and enlistment
in the Biafran army were more concrete than anything Achebe ever did and
were '"more directly related to what was going on." Yet the poet would
have disdained to call his efforts   "creative" in any artistic sense.
There could be no poetic way of firing a gun. In an interview in 1965,
Okigbo had said that he took his work seriously   because it was the only
reason he was alive.

                I believe that writing poetry is a necessary
                part of my being alive, which is why I have
                written nothing else.     I hardly write prose.
                I've not written a novel.      I've not written
                a play.   Because I think that somehow the
                medium itself  is sufficiently     elastic to say
                what I want to say, I haven't felt the need
                for some other medium (Whitelaw 1970, p. 37).

So during the war we had the ironic situation whereby Okigbo the poet,
realising that this was not the time to say anything, foresook his medium
for more direct intervention, whereas Achebe the novelist  took to writing

         Achebe's war poems, such as "Air Raid," "Refugee Mother and Child,"
and "He Loves Me: He Loves Me Not," show a closeness         of observation and
an intense emotional involvement in the situation.          The same could be
said for the short stories       "Girls at War" and "Civil Peace."      Achebe has
minutely recapitulated       the ugly facts of life in Biafra during and
immediately after the war. Unfortunately,         neither a photographic atten-
tion to details     nor an emotional involvement in people's      suffering  is
sufficient    in itself   to make a good work of art.     Achebe's "creative"
efforts--whether     they be pure propaganda, poems or short stories--on        be-
half of Biafra invite comparison with the products of newspapermen, radio
and television     journalists   who recorded what they saw in the beleaguered
enclave.     A work of art should create, not just copy.

         The mood of anger, frustration,         and despair which Achebe has dem-
onstrated since 1965, and which he finds in South African writers,               is
characteristic    of the intelligentsia--not        just writers--all    over Africa
today.    Yet it constitutes    a serious danger to art.         Righteous political
indignation    as the primary impetus for writing belongs more to the world
of propaganda than to creative        literature.     In the writer, it accentuates
the personal impulse to write protest and militates            against detachment.
         One way out, if the situation   beccnes too oppressive to allow
roam for detachment, is to suspend writing and take a direct hand in in-
fluencing the situation.     This was Okigbo's solution.    This was the solu-
tion recommended by the South African writer-in-exile,       Lewis Nkosi, who
advised his fellow countrymen to stop writing until the political        problem
in the country is solved rather than continue to grind out third-rate
hackneyed stories    (Nkosi 1965, p. 132).   Another way out is that followed
by Nkosi himself and a host of South African writers--Mphalele,       Abrahams,
Hutchinson, amongst others--who have quit their country and settled else-
where, although, significantly,     none of them is now living in an African
52                             AFRICANSTUDIESREVIEW

country.   Abroad, they have been able to write with the leisure and de-
tachment that their country did not permit them. It speaks enough for
their caomitment that even in exile they have all written about South
Africa.   But they have been able to produce other art forms longer and
more artful than the short story.     Even if their autobiographical   works
are considered as anti-apartheid    propaganda, it is a better propaganda
than the protest writing they did in South Africa.     Paradoxically,    at a
distance of several thousand miles frcm their society,     they have been
able to see it more clearly and attack it more effectively.       Because
they are now better able to restrain their emotions, they are also better
able to discipline  their art.    As Mphalele said five years after leaving
South Africa, "Excessive protest poisons one's system, and thank goodness
I'm emancipated frcm that.     The anger is there, but I can harness it"
(1957, p. 54).
          All over Africa, the writer needs to harness his anger in order
to write well.     There is a very strong temptation for the writer within
a young literary    tradition     to embark on a crusade, either on behalf or
against his society,     to attempt to educate the world about his people's
civilisation,    or to teach his own people how to behave.          This crusading
spirit can damage his art as irretrievably         as any governmental or party
control in totalitarian       states.   In order to criticise    his society most
effectively,    he needs to be detached fram it.        With greater control over
his emotions, he can sharpen his focus on his society and aim more care-
fully at his target.       For sane time to ccne, the political       situation  on
the continent would tax to the utmost the African writer's            emotional in-
volvement in the fate of his society.         Alienation    is a much-abused word.
But the African writer needs at le ast to be disengaged, if he does not
necessarily    need to be alienated,     from his society if he is to produce
a lasting work of art.


Achebe, Chinua.       "The Role of the Writer in a New Nation."                Nigeria
       Magazine,      No. 81 (June 1964).

             "The Novelist     as Teacher."        In John Press,      ed.     Ccmmonwealth
        Literature.      Leeds,   1965.
             "The Burden     of the    Black   Writer."     Presence    Africaine,       Vol.
       XXXI, No. 59 (1966).
             "The Duty and Involvement          of the    African   Writer."         In Wilfred
        Cartey,   ed.    The African      Reader: Independent       Africa.      New York,
Emenyonu, Ernest. "Accountable to Our Society." Interview                      with Chinua
      Achebe. Africa Report, Vol. XVII, No. 5 (May 1972).
POLITICSAND THEAFRICANWRITER                            53

Lindfors, Bernth.    "Achebe on Ccmmitment and African Writers."       Africa
        Report, Vol. XV, No. 3 (March 1970).

Mphalele,   Ezekiel.   The African    Image.   London, 1957.

Nkosi,   Lewis.       and Exile.
                  Haome               London, 1965.

Whitelaw, Marjory.  "Interview with Christopher Okigbo, 1965."         Journal
        of CaommonwealthLiterature, No. 9 (July 1970).

                                   Department of English and Modern Languages
                                                       Ahmadu Bello University
                                                                Zaria, Nigeria

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History of africa

  • 1. Politics and the African Writer Author(s): Kolawole Ogungbesan Source: African Studies Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Apr., 1974), pp. 43-53 Published by: African Studies Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 06/02/2011 09:20 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . . Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact African Studies Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to African Studies Review.
  • 2. POLITICS THE AND AFRICAN WRITER Kolawole Ogungbesan The African writer has been very much influenced by politics, probably because the African intellectual is a part of the political elite. The writer is a sensitive point within his society. Thus, African literature has tended to reflect the political phases on the continent. Chinua Achebe is a very suitable example. Beginning during the colonial days his writing spans the succession of political crises which has beset Nigeria. Also, more than any other Nigerian writer, he has made statements on the role of the writer in his society. His con- ception of the writer's duty has also tended to change with the polit- ical situation in his country. By examining both his creative writing and his pronouncements, we can obtain an interesting picture of how the quality of a literature can be directly influenced by the degree of the writer's political cammitment. Achebe's first statement on the social responsibility of the African writer was made in a lecture entitled "The Role of the Writer in a New Nation," delivered to the Nigerian Library Association in 1964. Although he had cast the title of his lecture in rather general terms, Achebe talked specifically about the role of the writer in what he called the new Nigeria. The major problem all over the world, he said, was the debate between white and black over black humanity, a subject which pre- sented the African writer with a great challenge: It is inconceivable to me that a serious writer could stand aside frcn this debate, or be indifferent to this argument which calls his full humanity in question. For me, at any rate, there is a clear duty to make a statement. This is my answer to those who say that a writer should be writing about contemporary issues--about politics in 1964, about city life, about the last coup d'etat. Of course, these are legitimate themes for the writer but as far as I am concerned the fundamental theme must first be disposed of. This theme--put quite simply--is that African peoples did not hear of culture for the first time from Europeans; that their societies were not mindless but frequently had a philosophy of great depth and value 43
  • 3. 44 AFRICANSTUDIESREVIEW and beauty, that they had poetry and, above all, they had dignity. It is this dignity that many African peoples all but lost in the colonial period, and it is this dignity that they must now regain. The worst thing that can happen to any people is the loss of their dignity and self-respect. The writer's duty is to help them regain it by showing them in human terms what happened to them, what they lost. There is a saying in Ibo that a man who can't tell where the rain began to beat him cannot know where he dried his body. The writer can tell the people where therain began to beat them. After all the novelist's duty is not to beat this morning's headline in topicality, it is to explore in depth the human condition. In Africa he cannot perform this task unless he has a proper sense of history (Achebe 1964, p. 157). Thus, the African writer should be both a cultural nationalist, explaining the traditions of his people to a largely hostile world, and a teacher, instilling dignity into his own people. Achebe reaffirmed this position later the same year at the Conference on Commonwealth Literature held in Leeds. Although his paper, entitled "The Novelist as Teacher," was largely a restatement of his earlier stand, Achebe was more eloquent and more assertive, perhaps because he was arguing his case before an international audience. He refused to believe that an African writer could be alienated frcm his society. In spite of the fact that the education of Africans was largely Western-oriented, the relationship between European writers and their audience will not autamatically reproduce itself in Africa. In Africa, Achebe said, society expects the writer to be its leader. He revealed that many people have asked him to bring out more forcefully the lessons to be learned from his stories. Not that Achebe writes to please his readers; indeed, he believes that no self-respecting writer will take direction from his audience and that he must remain free to disagree with his society if it becomes necessary. However, the writer's duty is more fundamental than that of the journalist. The period of subjection to alien races has brought disaster upon the African psyche. In fact, all over the continent people still suffer from the traumatic effects of their confrontation with Europe: Here, then is an adequate revolution for me to espouse--to help my society regain its belief in itself and put away the complexes of the years of denigration and self-denigra- tion. And it is essentially a question of education in the best sense of that word. Here, I think, my aims and the deepest aspira- tions of my society meet. For no thinking
  • 4. AND POLITICS THEAFRICAN WRITER 45 African can escape the pain of the wound in our soul....The writer cannot expect to be excused fram the task of re-education and regeneration that must be done. In fact he should march right in front.... I for one would not wish to be excused. I would be quite satisfied if my novels (especially the ones I set in the past) did no more than teach my readers that their past--with all its imperfec- tions--was not one long night of savagery frcm which the first Europeans acting on God's be- half delivered them. Perhaps what I write is applied art as distinct fram pure. But who cares? Art is important but so is education of the kind I have in mind. And I don't see that the two need be mutually exclusive (Achebe 1965, pp. 204-205). Two years later Achebe published his fourth novel, A Man of the People. The tone of this book was foreshadowed by an article entitled "The Back Writer's Burden," which Achebe wrote for Presence Africaine in 1965 but which was not published until after the novel came out early in 1966. Presence Africaine was founded in 1917 by a group of African and West Indian blacks to propagate African culture. Achebe's burning zeal in his article matches that of the founding fathers of that maga- zine. He opens on an avowedly militant tone: Without subscribing to the view that Africa gained nothing at all in her long encounters with Europe, one could still say, in all fairness, that she suffered many terrible and lasting misfortunes. In terms of human dig- nity and human relations the encounter was almost a ccanplete disaster for the black races. It has warped the mental attitudes of both black and white. In giving expression to the plight of their people, black writers have shown again and again how strongly this trau-: matic experience can possess the sensibility. They have found themselves drawn irresistibly to writing about the fate of black people in a world progressively recreated by white men in their own image, to their glory and for their profit, in which the Negro became the poor motherless child of the spirituals and of so many Nigedan folk tales (Achebe 1966, p. 135). Obviously, the need for the writer to lead his people to reclaim their dignity has became even more urgent. However, Achebe goes further, by saying that now the greatest task confronting the African writer is that he should "expose and attack injustice" all over the world, but
  • 5. 46 AFRICANSTUDIESREVIEW particularly within his own society in Africa. African writers should be free to criticise their societies without being accused of supplying ammunition to the enemies of Africa. "Wemust seek the freedon to ex- press our thought and feeling, even against ourselves, without the anxiety that what we say might be taken in evidence against our race." Africans have for too long behaved as criminals in a law court. "We have stood in the dock too long pleading and protesting before ruffians and frauds masquerading as disinterested judges" (Achebe 1966, p. 139). Thus, Achebe has given the African writer a second duty, that of the social critic. As in 1964 it was the condition of his society that moved him to assume this second role. The situation in Nigeria in 1964- 1965 can best be summed up in the words of a character in Wole Soyinka's novel, The Interpreters (1965): "Next to death, shit is the most ver- nacular atmosphere of our beloved country." Achebe wrote A Man of the People under this disgusting atmosphere. Here he has forsaken his earlier duty to give back to his people their dignity; now he focusses his gaze on the evils inflicted on African societies, not by an alien race, but by Africans themselves. Yet the fundamental belief remains-- that the writer can and must influence his society. This would explain the much-vaunted prophetic ending of the book: "But the Army obliged us by staging a coup at that point and locking up every member of the Gov- ernment." The point is not so much that in January 1966 this became a prophetic statement, but that the writer, like a journalist, is so con- scious of his role in his society, and his involvement in its fate, as to put forward solutions to the problems facing his people. Achebe may have foreseen the military coup of January 1966, but there is very little doubt that subsequent events caught him, like everyone else in the country, unaware. In May several hundred Ibo were killed in parts of the Northern Region. In July a counter-coup overthrew the government of General Ironsi; most of the military officers who were killed were Ibo, including Achebe's brother. In September there was another massacre of Ibo in the North, and Colonel Ojukwu asked all Ibo people to return to their homes in the East. As events moved inexorably towards war, Achebe became an Ibo nationalist. When war actually broke out, he became a diplomat, acting as one of the roving ambassadors for the Republic of Biafra. Achebe now said that the role of the African writer should be that of a social transformer and revolutionary. In a paper presented at a political science seminar in Makerere in 1968, entitled "The Duty and Involvement of the African Writer," he said that a writer is only "a human being with heightened sensitivities" and, therefore, "must be aware of the faintest nuances of injustice in human relations. The African writer cannot therefore be unaware of or indifferent to the monumental injustioewhich his people suffer." African writers are committed to a new society which will affirm their validity and accord them identity as Africans, as people; "they are all working actively in this cause for which Christopher Okigbo died. I believe that our cause is right and just. And this is what literature in Africa should be about today--right and just causes" (Achebe 1970, p. 163).
  • 6. POLITICS ANDTHEAFRICANWRITER 47 In a period of conflict, priorities change, and people tend to reinterpret their lives and roles in new lights. In an interview at the University of Texas at Austin in November 1969, Achebe gave a new reading of his novels, calling himself a protest writer. Indeed, all African literature, he said, is protest writing. I believe it's impossible to write anything in Africa without some kind of commitment, same kind of message, some kind of protest ....In fact I should say all our writers, whether they are aware of it or not, are committed writers. The whole pattern of life demands that you should protest, that you should put in a word for your history, your traditions, your religion, and so on (Lindfors 1970, p. 18). Achebe has moved from criticising his society to directly taking a hand in remoulding it. He claimed that, in addition to recording the past and the current revolutions and changes that are going on, the African writer has a great influence in determining Africa's future, for by recording what had gone on before, he is in a way helping to set the tone of what is going to happen. "This is important because at this stage it seems to me that the writer's role is more in determining than merely reporting. In other words, his role is to act rather than to react" (Lindfors 1970, p. 18). Achebe is consistent in his belief that the writer has a function in his society, that he could and diould influence his society. Yet some sort of revolution has taken place in his view of his society. Whereas in A Man of the People Achebe had called the ccamon people "the real culprits" of the social malaise in Nigeria, two years later he saw them as the vanguard of the revolution; if anything, it is now the turn of the artist to learn one or two things from his society: This has been the problem of the African artist: he has been left far behind by the people who make culture, and he must now hurry and catch up with them--to borrow the beautiful expression of Fanon--in that zone of occult instability where the people dwell. It is there that customs die and cultures are born. It is there that the regenerative powers of the people are most potent. These powers are manifest today in the African revo- lution, a revolution that aims toward true independence, that moves towards the creation of modern states in place of the new colonial enclaves we have today, a revolution that is informed with African ideologies. What is the place of the writer in this
  • 7. 48 AFRICANSTUDIESREVIEW movement? I suggest that his place is right in the thick of it--if possible, at the head of it. Scne of my friends say: "No, it's too rough there. A writer has no business being where it is so rough. He should be on the sidelines with his note-paper and pencil, he can observe with objectivity." I say that a writer in the African revolution who steps aside can only write footnotes or a glossary when the event is over. He will became like the contemporary intellectual of futility in many other places, asking questions like: "Whoam I? What's the meaning of my exis- tence? Does this place belong to me or to somebody else? Does my life belong to me or to same other person?"--questions that no one can answer (Lindfors 1970, pp. 16-17). Immediately after the war ended, Achebe was faced with the problem of reconciling his different positions. He sought to establish same sort of continuity in his ideas by viewing the civil war as only a crisis which has brought out more nakedly the dilemma between the African writer and his society. He attempted to adapt his latest position, that of the writer as a revolutionary, to the situation in postwar Nigeria. "I have come to the belief that you cannot separate the creativity from the revo- lution that is inevitable in Africa. Not just the war, but the post- independence period in Africa is bound to create in the writer a new approach. This, maybe, was sharpened by the war, but in my case it was already there" (Emenyonu 1972, p. 25). African literature in its present form, he said, is really not sufficiently relevant to the issues of the day. "I think what is meaningful is what takes into account the past and the present." African writers cannot forget the past because the present ccmes out of it; but they should not be mesmerized or immobilized by their contemplation of the past to the exclusion of the contemporary scene. "The most meaningful work that African writers can do today will take into account our whole history: how we got here, and what it is today; and this will help us to map out our plans for the future" (Emenyonu 1972, pe 25). Nonetheless, Achebe has been chastened by the war. Now, he claims to understand the plight of South Africans who used to say that they could not afford to write novels--only poetry or short stories. During the war, he had found, like them, that there was no time, everything was too pressing, novel writing was a luxury, and poetry seemed to meet the de- mands of the time. Even two years after the end of the war, Achebe has not felt the urge to write a novel. "I'd like to try my hand at a play." On the relationship between politics and the writer, he says that scene measure of politics is bound to intrude into writing, especially in Africa. He himself could not abstain, although he would not deny the right of any writer to do so. For him, however, "one can only avoid can- mitment by pretending or by being insensitive" (West Africa March 3, 1972).
  • 8. POLITICS ANDTHEAFRICANWRITER 49 Achebe is correct that politics and social affairs cannot be kept out of literature in Africa, at least not for same time. Yet the writer's approach to these issues will be crucial to the quality of his work. In order to be objective, he must be detached, must not become emotionally involved. This is the case with Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God, the two books on which Achebe's reputation still rests. Achebe realised that the writer as a teacher must watch his attitudes very carefully. There would always be a strong temptation for him to idealise his past--"to extol its good points and pretend that the bad never existed." This is where the writer's objectivity comes in. If he becomes emotionally can- mitted to the extent of selecting only those facts that flatter him, he will have branded himself an untrustworthy witness. More important, he would thereby flaw his art. "The credibility of the world he is attempt- ing to recreate will be called to question and he will defeat his own purpose if he is suspected of glossing over inconvenientfacts" (Achebe 1964, p. 158). Viewed objectively, the African past will be seen, not as "one long, technicolour idyll," but possessing, like any other people's past, its good as well as its bad sides. Objectivity is not the preserve of the writer, but is a prereq- uisite in all intellectual pursuits. Indeed, the writer as teacher was in very good canpany, for his task, "to help my society regain its belief in itself," was not exclusively that of the creative writer. There were other intellectuals to whma objectivity mattered as much as to the writer--historians, anthropologists, sociologists, and political scien- tists--who were devoted to the task of giving back to Africa the pride and self-respect it lost during the colonial period. The African writer's role as a teacher, as Achebe himself real- ised, could only be a temporary measure, sacmething dictated by the polit- ical logics of the time. Once the lesson had been learned, the teacher's duty falls into abeyance. In 1964 Achebe was not saying that he did not accept the present-day as a proper subject for the novelist. After all, his second book, No Longer at Ease, had been about the present-day, and as he promised then, the forthcaning one, A Man of the People, would again came to date. "But what I mean is that owing to the peculiar nature of our situation it would be futile to try and take off before we have repaired our foundations. We must first set the scene which is authentically African; then what follows will be meaningful and deep" (Achebe 1964, p. 158). Thus, the writer's role as a social critic is a logical sequence to his role as a teacher. Having repaired the foundations of his society by establishing the validity of African traditions, the writer can now afford to take an unflinching look at his society and its shortccmanings. However, the writer's role as a social critic is higher than his role as a teacher, since it can go beyond the requirements of the moment. Writ- ers all over the world have always been called upon to play this role. But it demands more of the writer than the role of a teacher. It demands more than objectivity; it demands considerable detachment. The writer may not have found it difficult to be detached when writing about the past, but this quality becomes doubly necessary when writing about the
  • 9. 50 AFRICANSTUDIESREVIEW present. This is where Achebe as social critic fails. His righteous in- dignation with his corrupt society, however justified, does not permit detachment. A Man of the People is an authentic picture of the Nigeria of 1964-1965, as would be confirmed by anyone who had lived in the country or, for that matter, anyone who has read the newspapers of the time. But the authenticity of the novel is that of journalism rather than that of creative literature. Achebe had said in 1964 that "the novelist's duty is not to beat this morning's headline in topicality, it is to explore in depth the human condition." Less than a year later he seemed to have forgotten this. As he was writing A Man of the People, Achebe must 1ave been repeatedly muttering to himself with impatience: "Perhaps what I write is applied art. But who cares?" The logical conclusion of his efforts at producing applied art are the poems and short stories Achebe wrote during the war. The role of a freedom fighter has very little to do with creative writing, as we can see by the example of Achebe's fellow countryman, the late Christopher Okigbo, who stopped writing poetry during the war, took to running guns, and finally met his death on the war front. Unable, or unwilling, to make the distinctions which seemed so clear to Okigbo, Achebe was forced to term as creative any activity engaged in by a creative writer. This is nothing short of denigrating the creative impulse itself. Achebe labelled as half-truth the belief that creativity is saomething that must ccne fran a kind of contemplation, quiet, or repose; and that it is dif- ficult to keep the artistic integrity of one's writing while being totally involved in political situations: I can create, but of course not the kind of thing I created when I was at ease. I can't write a novel now; I wouldn't want to. And even if I wanted to, I couldn't. So that particular artistic form is out for me at the mPnent. I can write poetry--scmething short, intense, more in keeping with my mood. I can write essays. I can even lecture. All this is creating in the con- text of our struggle. At home I do a lot of writing, but not fiction, scmething more concrete, more directly related to what is going on. What I am saying is that there are forms of creativity which suit different mo- ments. I wouldn't consider writing a poem on daffodils particularly creative in my situation now. It would be foolish; I couldn't do it (Lindfors 1970, pp. 17-18). Achebe seems here to be confusing the words "creative" and "use- ful." It is only by stretching the meaning of the term "creative litera- ture" to the point of absurdity that we could apply it to the propaganda which Achebe wrote for Radio Biafra or the lectures he delivered in
  • 10. POLITICS ANDTHE AFRICANWRITER 51 Europe and America during the war. Okigbo's gun-running and enlistment in the Biafran army were more concrete than anything Achebe ever did and were '"more directly related to what was going on." Yet the poet would have disdained to call his efforts "creative" in any artistic sense. There could be no poetic way of firing a gun. In an interview in 1965, Okigbo had said that he took his work seriously because it was the only reason he was alive. I believe that writing poetry is a necessary part of my being alive, which is why I have written nothing else. I hardly write prose. I've not written a novel. I've not written a play. Because I think that somehow the medium itself is sufficiently elastic to say what I want to say, I haven't felt the need for some other medium (Whitelaw 1970, p. 37). So during the war we had the ironic situation whereby Okigbo the poet, realising that this was not the time to say anything, foresook his medium for more direct intervention, whereas Achebe the novelist took to writing poetry. Achebe's war poems, such as "Air Raid," "Refugee Mother and Child," and "He Loves Me: He Loves Me Not," show a closeness of observation and an intense emotional involvement in the situation. The same could be said for the short stories "Girls at War" and "Civil Peace." Achebe has minutely recapitulated the ugly facts of life in Biafra during and immediately after the war. Unfortunately, neither a photographic atten- tion to details nor an emotional involvement in people's suffering is sufficient in itself to make a good work of art. Achebe's "creative" efforts--whether they be pure propaganda, poems or short stories--on be- half of Biafra invite comparison with the products of newspapermen, radio and television journalists who recorded what they saw in the beleaguered enclave. A work of art should create, not just copy. The mood of anger, frustration, and despair which Achebe has dem- onstrated since 1965, and which he finds in South African writers, is characteristic of the intelligentsia--not just writers--all over Africa today. Yet it constitutes a serious danger to art. Righteous political indignation as the primary impetus for writing belongs more to the world of propaganda than to creative literature. In the writer, it accentuates the personal impulse to write protest and militates against detachment. One way out, if the situation beccnes too oppressive to allow roam for detachment, is to suspend writing and take a direct hand in in- fluencing the situation. This was Okigbo's solution. This was the solu- tion recommended by the South African writer-in-exile, Lewis Nkosi, who advised his fellow countrymen to stop writing until the political problem in the country is solved rather than continue to grind out third-rate hackneyed stories (Nkosi 1965, p. 132). Another way out is that followed by Nkosi himself and a host of South African writers--Mphalele, Abrahams, Hutchinson, amongst others--who have quit their country and settled else- where, although, significantly, none of them is now living in an African
  • 11. 52 AFRICANSTUDIESREVIEW country. Abroad, they have been able to write with the leisure and de- tachment that their country did not permit them. It speaks enough for their caomitment that even in exile they have all written about South Africa. But they have been able to produce other art forms longer and more artful than the short story. Even if their autobiographical works are considered as anti-apartheid propaganda, it is a better propaganda than the protest writing they did in South Africa. Paradoxically, at a distance of several thousand miles frcm their society, they have been able to see it more clearly and attack it more effectively. Because they are now better able to restrain their emotions, they are also better able to discipline their art. As Mphalele said five years after leaving South Africa, "Excessive protest poisons one's system, and thank goodness I'm emancipated frcm that. The anger is there, but I can harness it" (1957, p. 54). All over Africa, the writer needs to harness his anger in order to write well. There is a very strong temptation for the writer within a young literary tradition to embark on a crusade, either on behalf or against his society, to attempt to educate the world about his people's civilisation, or to teach his own people how to behave. This crusading spirit can damage his art as irretrievably as any governmental or party control in totalitarian states. In order to criticise his society most effectively, he needs to be detached fram it. With greater control over his emotions, he can sharpen his focus on his society and aim more care- fully at his target. For sane time to ccne, the political situation on the continent would tax to the utmost the African writer's emotional in- volvement in the fate of his society. Alienation is a much-abused word. But the African writer needs at le ast to be disengaged, if he does not necessarily need to be alienated, from his society if he is to produce a lasting work of art. REFERENCES CITED Achebe, Chinua. "The Role of the Writer in a New Nation." Nigeria Magazine, No. 81 (June 1964). "The Novelist as Teacher." In John Press, ed. Ccmmonwealth Literature. Leeds, 1965. "The Burden of the Black Writer." Presence Africaine, Vol. XXXI, No. 59 (1966). "The Duty and Involvement of the African Writer." In Wilfred Cartey, ed. The African Reader: Independent Africa. New York, 1970. Emenyonu, Ernest. "Accountable to Our Society." Interview with Chinua Achebe. Africa Report, Vol. XVII, No. 5 (May 1972).
  • 12. POLITICSAND THEAFRICANWRITER 53 Lindfors, Bernth. "Achebe on Ccmmitment and African Writers." Africa Report, Vol. XV, No. 3 (March 1970). Mphalele, Ezekiel. The African Image. London, 1957. Nkosi, Lewis. and Exile. Haome London, 1965. Whitelaw, Marjory. "Interview with Christopher Okigbo, 1965." Journal of CaommonwealthLiterature, No. 9 (July 1970). Department of English and Modern Languages Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria