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Fun with PBR, VRFs, and NetNS on Linux
What is it, how does it work, and what can I do with it?
Maximilian Wilhelm
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1. Motivation
2. Routing basics
3. Policy-based routing
4. VRFs
5. NetNS
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Who's who Maximilian Wilhelm
OpenSource Hacker
Fanboy of
(Debian) Linux
(Linux) networking
By day: Network Engineer at Cloudflare
By night: Infrastructure Archmage, Freifunk Hochstift
In between: Freelance Infrastructre Architect for hire
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Who's who
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Who's who
Example 1 - University in need of magic routing (PBR)
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Who's who
Example 2 - Freifunk Hochstift Backbone
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Example 3 - A small ISP
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Who's who
Example 3 - A small ISP
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Who's who
Use cases
Policy-based routing
Route IPv4 traffic leaving the network to CGN boxes
Route non-interactive traffic across cheaper link
Keep Internet and internal routing domains seperated
Provide LB/proxy to internal services but don't expose hosts completely
Provide overlays for customers / different routing domains
Full-blown separation for applications (-> containers)
vEth + NetNS for debugging purposes
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Who's who
Routing (on Linux)
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Who's who
Every device speaking IP has a routing table
German translation according to IBM: "Leitwegtabelle"
Packets are forwarded according to longest prefix match
Default Gateway or Gateway of last resort used if no entry matches
Hot Potato principle
Packets forwarded to next hop w/o knowledge of their routing table
Asymmetric routing
Path to destination and return path don't have to be identical
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Who's who
Routing table
Possible routing table of your laptop when using company VPN:
Prefix Iface Next-hop tun0 tun0 wlan0 wlan0
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Who's who
Source address selection
With every routing decision for a locally originated connection a source address is
selected based on the routing table.
Usually the (primary) IP configured on the outgoing interface
May be explicitly set to any IP
For example IP on loopback interface
Prefix Iface Next-hop Src address tun0 tun0 wlan0 wlan0  
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Who's who
Source address selection - ICMP erros
What IP will answer on errors?
# icmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddr - BOOLEAN
# If zero, icmp error messages are sent with the primary address of
# the exiting interface.
# If non-zero, the message will be sent with the primary address of
# the interface that received the packet that caused the icmp error.
# This is the behaviour many network administrators will expect from
# a router. And it can make debugging complicated network layouts
# much easier.
# Note that if no primary address exists for the interface selected,
# then the primary address of the first non-loopback interface that
# has one will be used regardless of this setting.
# Default: 0
net.ipv4.icmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddr = 1
IPv6: It's complicated, see RFC6724
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Who's who
Routing tables
Every Linux box has a number of routing tables
$ ip route help
Usage: ip route { list | flush } SELECTOR
SELECTOR := ... [ table TABLE_ID ]
TABLE_ID := [ local | main | default | all | NUMBER ]
By default routing table main is used
So ip route show and ip route show table main show the same thing
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Who's who
Default Routing Tables on Linux
Table local
Contains all routes to
Locally connected IPs
Broadcast addresses
Table main
Contains "usual" routes
Locally connected subnets
Routes to remote subnets
Table default
Usually empty
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Who's who
Default Routing Tables on Linux
Table local
$ ip route show table local
broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src
local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src
broadcast dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src
local dev wlan0 proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src
Table main
$ ip route show [table main]
default via dev wlan0 proto dhcp metric 600 dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src metric 600
Table default
$ ip route show table default
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Who's who
What happens on link-down?
By default Linux will try to use routes with link down
Behaviour can be controlled via sysctl
# ip r
default via dev eth2 dev eth2 proto kernel scope link src
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth2/ignore_routes_with_linkdown
# ip r
default via dev eth2 dead linkdown dev eth2 proto kernel scope link src dead linkdown
# ping
connect: Network is unreachable
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Who's who
PBR Policy-based routing
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Who's who
Policy-based routing
Available since Linux 2.2 (1999)
Allows to influence routing decision depending on (e.g.)
Ingress interface
Source address
Source/destination port
Something netfilter can match
Beware to close loopholes
Rule for IPv4
Rule for IPv6
Rule for incoming interface
ICMP errors might still get routed by main table
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Who's who
Defaut routing policy on every Linux box
Remember the routing tables from before?
$ ip rule
0: from all lookup local
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup default
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Who's who
PBR rules
$ ip rule help
Usage: ip rule { add | del } SELECTOR ACTION
ip rule { flush | save | restore }
ip rule [ list [ SELECTOR ]]
SELECTOR := [ not ] [ from PREFIX ] [ to PREFIX ] [ tos TOS ] [ fwmark FWMARK[/MASK] ]
[ iif STRING ] [ oif STRING ] [ pref NUMBER ] [ l3mdev ]
[ uidrange NUMBER-NUMBER ]
[ ipproto PROTOCOL ]
[ dport [ NUMBER | NUMBER-NUMBER ] ]
ACTION := [ table TABLE_ID ]
[ protocol PROTO ]
[ nat ADDRESS ]
[ goto NUMBER ]
SUPPRESSOR := [ suppress_prefixlength NUMBER ]
[ suppress_ifgroup DEVGROUP ]
TABLE_ID := [ local | main | default | NUMBER ]
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Who's who
PBR rules - examples
Half our users are special
# ip rule add from table 178
Web traffic is special
# ip rule add dport 80 table 80
# ip rule add dport 443 table 80
Packets arriving at eth0 are special
# ip rule add iif eth0 table 23
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Who's who
Virtual Routing and Forwarding
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Who's who
Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRFs)
Independent routing instances, provides Layer 3 separation
Commonly used for
(OOB) mgmt access
L3-VPNs, usually in combination with MPLS
VRFs on Linux
VRF interface is master for “real” (member) interfaces
Maps to a (numeric) routing table
Netfilter rules shared across VRFs
Introduced in Kernel 4.[345] (use >= 4.9)
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Who's who
Con guring VRFs
By foot
ip link add vrf_external type vrf table 1023
ip link set eth0 master vrf_external # Option 1: generic
ip link set eth0 vrf vrf_external # Option 2: VRF specific
ifupdown2 / ifupdown-ng
auto eth0
iface eth0
address 2002:db8:23:42::2/64
gateway 2001:db8:23:42::1/64
vrf vrf_external
auto vrf_external
iface vrf_external
vrf-table 1023
Device routes move from table main and local to table 1023
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Who's who
VRFs: Under the hood - IPv4
A VRF is like a routing table with benefits:
$ ip r s vrf vrf_external
default via dev eth0 metric 1 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
$ ip r s table 1023
default via dev eth0 metric 1
broadcast dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
local dev eth0 proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
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Who's who
VRFs: Under the hood - IPv6
A VRF is like a routing table with benefits:
$ ip -6 r s vrf vrf_external
anycast 2001:db8:23:42:: dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
2002:db8:23:42::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 linkdown pref medium
anycast fe80:: dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
default via 2001:db8:23:42::1 dev eth0 metric 1 pref medium
$ ip -6 r s table 1023
anycast 2001:db8:23:42:: dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
local 2001:db8:23:42::2 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
2002:db8:23:42::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 linkdown pref medium
anycast fe80:: dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
local fe80::222:19ff:fe65:b835 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
default via 2001:db8:23:42::1 dev eth0 metric 1 pref medium
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Who's who
VRFs: Under the hood - Plumbing
Remember PBR? Setting up a VRF adds a global VRF rule:
$ ip rule
0: from all lookup local
1000: from all lookup [l3mdev-table]
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup default
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Who's who
Connecting VRFs
Requires vEth pair
Like a virtual network cable within the box
A end in main VRF, Z end in VRF “foo”
Usual routing
Bird talking BGP to itself
ARP didn't work recently (didn't debug :))
Static entries helped
ND worked though
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Who's who
Connecting VRFs
By foot
# ip link add VETH_END1 type veth peer name VETH_END2
ifupdown2* / ifupdown-ng
iface veth_ext2int
link-type veth
veth-peer-name veth_int2ext
vrf vrf_external
iface veth_int2ext
link-type veth
veth-peer-name veth_ext2int
* Merged with PR25, unsure if still works 31 / 45
Who's who
Leaking Routes
Similar to vendor boxes
Leaking VRF -> GRT (eth2 part of GRT):
# ip route add default via dev eth2 vrf vrf_foo
Leaking GRT -> VRF
# ip route add dev vrf_foo
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Who's who
VRF awareness for applications
By default applications only use main table
Packets received in VRF table reach application
Reply sent out via main table
There's help:
# tcp_l3mdev_accept - BOOLEAN
# Enables child sockets to inherit the L3 master device index.
# Enabling this option allows a "global" listen socket to work
# across L3 master domains (e.g., VRFs) with connected sockets
# derived from the listen socket to be bound to the L3 domain in
# which the packets originated. Only valid when the kernel was
# compiled with CONFIG_NET_L3_MASTER_DEV.
# Default: 0 (disabled)
net.ipv4.tcp_l3mdev_accept = 1
This switch has influence on IPv6, too!
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Who's who
Real World Applications for VRFs
LB / Web proxy/frontend
External interface is part of vrf_external
tcp_l3mdev_accept set to 1
nginx as reverse proxy
Listens on ip in GRT + IP in vrf_external
Uses main table for connections to internal services
Can serve queries from external + internal clients
External interface in VRF
External interface is part of vrf_external
GRE / OpenVPN tunnel sent / receive encapsulated packets over VRF
Local tunnel endpoint is in GRT
No risk of leaking stuff from GRT by accident
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Who's who
Real World Applications - Tunnels / GRE
Outer and/or inner side of tunnel can be part of a VRF
Outer side in VRF
# ip link add DEVICE type gre remote ADDR local ADDR dev PHYS_DEV
If PHYS_DEV is within a VRF, all encapsulated packets are send/received in VRF
Inner side in VRF
Pushing the inner side of a tunnel into a VRF is equally simple:
# ip link set DEVICE master VRF
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Who's who
Real World Applications - Tunnel / OpenVPN
Pushing the inner side of an OpenVPN tunnel into a VRF is as simple as before.
Sending/receiving encapsulated packets into/from a VRF needs application support.
My patch from October 2016 finally made it into OpenVPN 2.5 :)
# openvpn --config your_config.cfg --bind-dev VRF
This is used to glue remote POPs of Freifunk Hochstift together
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Who's who
Real World Applications - VRFs + MPLS
In need of L3VPN? It's in the cards, too!
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Who's who
Real World Applications - VRFs + MPLS
The plumbing:
# modprobe mpls_iptunnel # Active MPLS
# sysctl -w net.mpls.platform_label=1000000 # Set max. label
# sysctl -w net.mpls.conf.ethX.input=1 # Active MPLS decap on ethX
Encap traffic with MPLS label 2342, send it to neighbor on ethX (in GRT)
# ip route add encap mpls 2342 via inet6 2001:d8:42::1 dev ethX vrf vrf_x
Decap traffic with label 4223 and send it to VRF vrf_x
# ip -M route add 4223 dev vrf_x
Swap labels on the path (100 -> 200)
# ip -M route add 100 as 200 via inet6 2001:db8:4711::1
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Who's who
Network Namespaces (NetNS)
Layer 1 separation
An interface is part of exactly one NetNS
Similar to VRFs on vendor gear
Own set of routing tables
VRFs and PBR available within NetNS
Own set of netfilter rules
Processes can be bound to a NetNS
Introduced in Kernel 2.6.29
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Who's who
Network Namespaces and net lter
There may be side effects when traffic enters NetNS via vEth/macvlan
Already went through conntrack
NAT might not work as expected
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Who's who
Con guring Network Namespaces
$ ip netns help
Usage: ip netns list
ip netns add NAME
ip netns set NAME NETNSID
ip [-all] netns delete [NAME]
ip netns identify [PID]
ip netns pids NAME
ip [-all] netns exec [NAME] cmd ...
ip netns monitor
ip netns list-id
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Who's who
Connecting Network Namespaces
You guessed it, vEth to the rescue
# ip link add veth_grt type veth peer name veth_client
# ip netns add "${netns}"
# ip link set veth_client netns "${netns}"
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Who's who
Real world applications
All your containers
Testing networking stuff
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Who's who
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Who's who
Further Reading
Contemporary Linux Networking - DENOG9 (2017)
OpenVPN and VRFs
MPLS Lab – Playing with static LSPs and VRFs on Linux
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[오픈소스컨설팅] Linux Network Troubleshooting
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Fun with PRB, VRFs and NetNS on Linux - What is it, how does it work, what can I do with it?

  • 1. Fun with PBR, VRFs, and NetNS on Linux What is it, how does it work, and what can I do with it? Maximilian Wilhelm 1 / 45
  • 2. Agenda 1. Motivation 2. Routing basics 3. Policy-based routing 4. VRFs 5. NetNS 2 / 45
  • 3. Who's who Maximilian Wilhelm Networker OpenSource Hacker Fanboy of (Debian) Linux (Linux) networking Occupation: By day: Network Engineer at Cloudflare By night: Infrastructure Archmage, Freifunk Hochstift In between: Freelance Infrastructre Architect for hire Contact @BarbarossaTM 3 / 45
  • 5. Who's who Motivation Example 1 - University in need of magic routing (PBR) 5 / 45
  • 6. Who's who Motivation Example 2 - Freifunk Hochstift Backbone 6 / 45
  • 7. Who's who Motivation Example 3 - A small ISP 7 / 45
  • 8. Who's who Motivation Example 3 - A small ISP 8 / 45
  • 9. Who's who Motivation Use cases Policy-based routing Route IPv4 traffic leaving the network to CGN boxes Route non-interactive traffic across cheaper link VRFs Keep Internet and internal routing domains seperated Provide LB/proxy to internal services but don't expose hosts completely Provide overlays for customers / different routing domains NetNS Full-blown separation for applications (-> containers) vEth + NetNS for debugging purposes 9 / 45
  • 11. Who's who Motivation Routing Routing Every device speaking IP has a routing table German translation according to IBM: "Leitwegtabelle" Packets are forwarded according to longest prefix match Default Gateway or Gateway of last resort used if no entry matches Hot Potato principle Packets forwarded to next hop w/o knowledge of their routing table Asymmetric routing Path to destination and return path don't have to be identical 11 / 45
  • 12. Who's who Motivation Routing Routing table Possible routing table of your laptop when using company VPN: Prefix Iface Next-hop tun0 tun0 wlan0 wlan0 12 / 45
  • 13. Who's who Motivation Routing Source address selection With every routing decision for a locally originated connection a source address is selected based on the routing table. Usually the (primary) IP configured on the outgoing interface May be explicitly set to any IP For example IP on loopback interface Prefix Iface Next-hop Src address tun0 tun0 wlan0 wlan0   13 / 45
  • 14. Who's who Motivation Routing Source address selection - ICMP erros What IP will answer on errors? # icmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddr - BOOLEAN # # If zero, icmp error messages are sent with the primary address of # the exiting interface. # # If non-zero, the message will be sent with the primary address of # the interface that received the packet that caused the icmp error. # This is the behaviour many network administrators will expect from # a router. And it can make debugging complicated network layouts # much easier. # # Note that if no primary address exists for the interface selected, # then the primary address of the first non-loopback interface that # has one will be used regardless of this setting. # # Default: 0 net.ipv4.icmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddr = 1 IPv6: It's complicated, see RFC6724 14 / 45
  • 15. Who's who Motivation Routing Routing tables Every Linux box has a number of routing tables $ ip route help Usage: ip route { list | flush } SELECTOR ... SELECTOR := ... [ table TABLE_ID ] ... TABLE_ID := [ local | main | default | all | NUMBER ] By default routing table main is used So ip route show and ip route show table main show the same thing 15 / 45
  • 16. Who's who Motivation Routing Default Routing Tables on Linux Table local Contains all routes to Locally connected IPs Broadcast addresses Table main Contains "usual" routes Locally connected subnets Routes to remote subnets Table default Usually empty 16 / 45
  • 17. Who's who Motivation Routing Default Routing Tables on Linux Table local $ ip route show table local broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src local dev lo proto kernel scope host src local dev lo proto kernel scope host src broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src broadcast dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src local dev wlan0 proto kernel scope host src broadcast dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src Table main $ ip route show [table main] default via dev wlan0 proto dhcp metric 600 dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src metric 600 Table default $ ip route show table default $ 17 / 45
  • 18. Who's who Motivation Routing What happens on link-down? By default Linux will try to use routes with link down Behaviour can be controlled via sysctl # ip r default via dev eth2 dev eth2 proto kernel scope link src # echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth2/ignore_routes_with_linkdown # ip r default via dev eth2 dead linkdown dev eth2 proto kernel scope link src dead linkdown # ping connect: Network is unreachable 18 / 45
  • 20. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR Policy-based routing Available since Linux 2.2 (1999) Allows to influence routing decision depending on (e.g.) Ingress interface Source address Source/destination port Something netfilter can match Drawbacks Beware to close loopholes Rule for IPv4 Rule for IPv6 Rule for incoming interface ICMP errors might still get routed by main table 20 / 45
  • 21. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR Defaut routing policy on every Linux box Remember the routing tables from before? $ ip rule 0: from all lookup local 32766: from all lookup main 32767: from all lookup default 21 / 45
  • 22. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR PBR rules $ ip rule help Usage: ip rule { add | del } SELECTOR ACTION ip rule { flush | save | restore } ip rule [ list [ SELECTOR ]] SELECTOR := [ not ] [ from PREFIX ] [ to PREFIX ] [ tos TOS ] [ fwmark FWMARK[/MASK] ] [ iif STRING ] [ oif STRING ] [ pref NUMBER ] [ l3mdev ] [ uidrange NUMBER-NUMBER ] [ ipproto PROTOCOL ] [ sport [ NUMBER | NUMBER-NUMBER ] [ dport [ NUMBER | NUMBER-NUMBER ] ] ACTION := [ table TABLE_ID ] [ protocol PROTO ] [ nat ADDRESS ] [ realms [SRCREALM/]DSTREALM ] [ goto NUMBER ] SUPPRESSOR SUPPRESSOR := [ suppress_prefixlength NUMBER ] [ suppress_ifgroup DEVGROUP ] TABLE_ID := [ local | main | default | NUMBER ] 22 / 45
  • 23. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR PBR rules - examples Half our users are special # ip rule add from table 178 Web traffic is special # ip rule add dport 80 table 80 # ip rule add dport 443 table 80 Packets arriving at eth0 are special # ip rule add iif eth0 table 23 23 / 45
  • 25. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRFs) Independent routing instances, provides Layer 3 separation Commonly used for (OOB) mgmt access L3-VPNs, usually in combination with MPLS VRFs on Linux VRF interface is master for “real” (member) interfaces Maps to a (numeric) routing table Netfilter rules shared across VRFs Introduced in Kernel 4.[345] (use >= 4.9) 25 / 45
  • 26. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs Con guring VRFs By foot ip link add vrf_external type vrf table 1023 ip link set eth0 master vrf_external # Option 1: generic ip link set eth0 vrf vrf_external # Option 2: VRF specific ifupdown2 / ifupdown-ng auto eth0 iface eth0 address 2002:db8:23:42::2/64 gateway 2001:db8:23:42::1/64 vrf vrf_external auto vrf_external iface vrf_external vrf-table 1023 Device routes move from table main and local to table 1023 26 / 45
  • 27. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs VRFs: Under the hood - IPv4 A VRF is like a routing table with benefits: $ ip r s vrf vrf_external default via dev eth0 metric 1 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src $ ip r s table 1023 default via dev eth0 metric 1 broadcast dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src local dev eth0 proto kernel scope host src broadcast dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src 27 / 45
  • 28. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs VRFs: Under the hood - IPv6 A VRF is like a routing table with benefits: $ ip -6 r s vrf vrf_external anycast 2001:db8:23:42:: dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium 2002:db8:23:42::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 linkdown pref medium anycast fe80:: dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium multicast ff00::/8 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium default via 2001:db8:23:42::1 dev eth0 metric 1 pref medium $ ip -6 r s table 1023 anycast 2001:db8:23:42:: dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium local 2001:db8:23:42::2 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium 2002:db8:23:42::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 linkdown pref medium anycast fe80:: dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium local fe80::222:19ff:fe65:b835 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 0 pref medium fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium multicast ff00::/8 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium default via 2001:db8:23:42::1 dev eth0 metric 1 pref medium 28 / 45
  • 29. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs VRFs: Under the hood - Plumbing Remember PBR? Setting up a VRF adds a global VRF rule: $ ip rule 0: from all lookup local 1000: from all lookup [l3mdev-table] 32766: from all lookup main 32767: from all lookup default 29 / 45
  • 30. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs Connecting VRFs Requires vEth pair Like a virtual network cable within the box A end in main VRF, Z end in VRF “foo” Usual routing Static Bird talking BGP to itself Drawback: ARP didn't work recently (didn't debug :)) Static entries helped ND worked though 30 / 45
  • 31. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs Connecting VRFs By foot # ip link add VETH_END1 type veth peer name VETH_END2 ifupdown2* / ifupdown-ng iface veth_ext2int link-type veth veth-peer-name veth_int2ext vrf vrf_external iface veth_int2ext link-type veth veth-peer-name veth_ext2int * Merged with PR25, unsure if still works 31 / 45
  • 32. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs Leaking Routes Similar to vendor boxes Leaking VRF -> GRT (eth2 part of GRT): # ip route add default via dev eth2 vrf vrf_foo Leaking GRT -> VRF # ip route add dev vrf_foo 32 / 45
  • 33. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs VRF awareness for applications By default applications only use main table Packets received in VRF table reach application Reply sent out via main table There's help: # tcp_l3mdev_accept - BOOLEAN # # Enables child sockets to inherit the L3 master device index. # Enabling this option allows a "global" listen socket to work # across L3 master domains (e.g., VRFs) with connected sockets # derived from the listen socket to be bound to the L3 domain in # which the packets originated. Only valid when the kernel was # compiled with CONFIG_NET_L3_MASTER_DEV. # # Default: 0 (disabled) net.ipv4.tcp_l3mdev_accept = 1 This switch has influence on IPv6, too! 33 / 45
  • 34. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs Real World Applications for VRFs LB / Web proxy/frontend External interface is part of vrf_external tcp_l3mdev_accept set to 1 nginx as reverse proxy Listens on ip in GRT + IP in vrf_external Uses main table for connections to internal services Can serve queries from external + internal clients External interface in VRF External interface is part of vrf_external GRE / OpenVPN tunnel sent / receive encapsulated packets over VRF Local tunnel endpoint is in GRT No risk of leaking stuff from GRT by accident 34 / 45
  • 35. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs Real World Applications - Tunnels / GRE Outer and/or inner side of tunnel can be part of a VRF Outer side in VRF # ip link add DEVICE type gre remote ADDR local ADDR dev PHYS_DEV If PHYS_DEV is within a VRF, all encapsulated packets are send/received in VRF Inner side in VRF Pushing the inner side of a tunnel into a VRF is equally simple: # ip link set DEVICE master VRF 35 / 45
  • 36. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs Real World Applications - Tunnel / OpenVPN Pushing the inner side of an OpenVPN tunnel into a VRF is as simple as before. Sending/receiving encapsulated packets into/from a VRF needs application support. My patch from October 2016 finally made it into OpenVPN 2.5 :) # openvpn --config your_config.cfg --bind-dev VRF This is used to glue remote POPs of Freifunk Hochstift together 36 / 45
  • 37. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs Real World Applications - VRFs + MPLS In need of L3VPN? It's in the cards, too! 37 / 45
  • 38. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs Real World Applications - VRFs + MPLS The plumbing: # modprobe mpls_iptunnel # Active MPLS # sysctl -w net.mpls.platform_label=1000000 # Set max. label # sysctl -w net.mpls.conf.ethX.input=1 # Active MPLS decap on ethX Encap traffic with MPLS label 2342, send it to neighbor on ethX (in GRT) # ip route add encap mpls 2342 via inet6 2001:d8:42::1 dev ethX vrf vrf_x Decap traffic with label 4223 and send it to VRF vrf_x # ip -M route add 4223 dev vrf_x Swap labels on the path (100 -> 200) # ip -M route add 100 as 200 via inet6 2001:db8:4711::1 38 / 45
  • 39. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs NetNS Network Namespaces (NetNS) Layer 1 separation An interface is part of exactly one NetNS Similar to VRFs on vendor gear Own set of routing tables VRFs and PBR available within NetNS Own set of netfilter rules Processes can be bound to a NetNS Introduced in Kernel 2.6.29 39 / 45
  • 40. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs NetNS Network Namespaces and net lter There may be side effects when traffic enters NetNS via vEth/macvlan Already went through conntrack NAT might not work as expected 40 / 45
  • 41. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs NetNS Con guring Network Namespaces $ ip netns help Usage: ip netns list ip netns add NAME ip netns set NAME NETNSID ip [-all] netns delete [NAME] ip netns identify [PID] ip netns pids NAME ip [-all] netns exec [NAME] cmd ... ip netns monitor ip netns list-id NETNSID := auto | POSITIVE-INT 41 / 45
  • 42. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs NetNS Connecting Network Namespaces You guessed it, vEth to the rescue # ip link add veth_grt type veth peer name veth_client # ip netns add "${netns}" # ip link set veth_client netns "${netns}" 42 / 45
  • 43. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs NetNS Real world applications All your containers Testing networking stuff 43 / 45
  • 45. Who's who Motivation Routing PBR VRFs NetNS Links Further Reading Contemporary Linux Networking - DENOG9 (2017) VRFs Documentation/networking/vrf.rst OpenVPN and VRFs MPLS Lab – Playing with static LSPs and VRFs on Linux 45 / 45