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Why and When Leader Experience Psychological Contract Breach? The role
of Self-affirmation
1. Introduction and Literature Review
Negative Workplace Gossip (NWG) can be viewed as a form of indirect attack, aggression
(Beersma& Kleef, 2012), or victimization (Ellwardt et al., 2012a) which is likely to provoke
moral and judgmental responses (Noon & Delbridge, 1993). Since negative WG invades one’s
privacy, erodes one’s sense of control, and undermines one’s reputation and social image, the
target is unlikely to feel valued or fairly treated by the organization and its members (Colquitt et
al., 2001). The notion of NWG underlies the believe that, other members of an organization view
an individual negatively, which suggests that it may be particularly detrimental to one's self-
esteem at work (Korman, 1970; Leary, Tambor, Terdal, & Downs, 1995).Gilmore (1978)
observed that gossip is different when it is about individuals with greater power and
status.Accordingly, since gossip is considered as a social comparison process, gossipers would
be expected to gossip less about a supervisor to gather self-relevant information than about a co-
worker who is of greater similarity. Thus, it can be expected that, the target of the NWG can be
supervisors which can demoralize their self-esteem. We assume that, upon perceiving NWG,
supervisor's self-esteem is undermined which leads towards the supervisor's perception of the
contribution breach. This is because, the psychological contract can underpin the social exchange
relationship between an employee and his or her supervisor (Shore et al., 2004).
Moreover, if supervisor has unfavorable experiences in the form of NWG from subordinates, it
might have negative repercussions for the subordinates as well (Hoobler & Brass, 2006). Based
on Self affirmation theory (Steele, 1988), we further provide that upon given an opportunity to
affirm self-integrity will lead to a decline in defensive reactions to threatening information.
Typically, self-affirmation procedures occur when people are asked to identify an important
value or aspect of life and subsequently are given the opportunity to reflect upon this self-
relevant aspect (McQueen & Klein, 2006). Using self-affirmation as a moderating mechanism, it
is expected that, high self-affirmation can act as cushion to reduce the negative effect of NWG
on the supervisor's threat to self-esteem.
Negative WG about
Self Esteem Employee cognition
Figure 1. Research Model
We thus, hypothesize that;
H1= Perceived Negative Workplace Gossip will be positively related to Threat to supervisor's
H2= PNWG will be positively related to supervisor's perception of contribution breach
H3= Threat to supervisor's self-esteem mediates the relationship between perceived NWG and
supervisor's perception of contribution breach.
H4= Supervisor's Self affirmation will moderate the relationship between perceived NWG and
threat to supervisor's self-esteem in such a way that, high self-affirmation will buffer the negative
relationship between Perceived NWG and Supervisor's self esteem
3. Method
In this study we’ll examine the impact of employee’s negative workplace gossip toward
supervisor on supervisor perception of contribution breach with the mediating role of threat to
supervisor self esteem and moderating role of supervisor’s self affirmation as coping
phenomenon. It includes the research design, population and sample, instrumentation, the
methods associated with data analysis and data collection management.
3.1 Research Design
Research design is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure"
(Sellitz, Jahoda, Deutsch & Cook., 1965 p.50, Terre Blanche &Durrheim, 1999 p. 29). It is a
comprehensive process for managing the research process and included details of the study,
regarding study type, study settings, unit of analysis and time horizon which are discussed
3.1.2 Study Setting
We'll conduct two studies
1. Study 1 Field study
The current study will be a field study because participants, i.e. employees and their Supervisors
will be contacted at their jobs and they will fill the survey questionnaires for a quantitative data
in their natural work environment (Brennan, Chugh& Kline, 2002).
3.1.3 Unit of Analysis
The unit of analysis will be dyadic, because the hypothesized variables are from leader-followers
relationship. In this situation unit of analysis will be dyad (Thompson & Walker, 1982).
3.1.4 Time Horizon
The data for this study will be collected in five (5) to six months. This will be the time lag data.
The data regarding predictor variable (employee's negligence) will collect in time one in two
months, after the time 1 lag, in time 2 the data regarding mediator (supervisor's perception of
contribution breach) will collect from the same supervisors. In the same time lag 2, the data
regarding criterion variable (leader's support and leader coercive behavior) will be collected form
3.2 Population and Sampling
The population of this study will be the Nurses and their supervisors from hospital emergency
department. Hospital sector selected for data collection. The reason behind the selection of
hospital emergency department is that the possibility of employee's negligence in emergency
department maybe high because of nurses several roles at the same time. This serious type of
activities negatively triggers supervisor's perception and cognition in case of discrepancy
(Keenan & Newton,1984) but individual behavior varies on the basis of distortional factors (e.g.
3.3 Measurement
We'll collect responses by using five pointlikert scale 1_storngly disagree; 5_strongly agree
To address potential problems with same-source response bias, supervisor will fill the
questionnaires regarding employee's negative gossips toward supervisor and supervisor
contribution breach with the mediating role of threat to supervisor self esteem Finally the
response regarding supervisor support and supervisor coercive power will collect from
employees (i.e. immediate subordinates).
3.3.1 Employees' Negative workplace Gossips toward supervisor
We’ll measure Employees' Negative workplace Gossips toward supervisor by five items
developed by Brady, Brown, and Liang, (2017). (e.g. “questioned your supervisor’s abilities
while talking to a work colleague "; 1_strongly disagree, 5_strongly agree).
3.3.2 Threat to supervisor self esteem
We’ll assess supervisor self esteem by using seven items developed by Schroth, Holly A.
(2000). (e.g. “I feel confident about my abilities"; 1_strongly disagree, 5_strongly agree).
3.3.3 Supervisor perception of contribution breach
We'll adop Perceived contribution breach seven items scale by De Vos, Buyens, and Schalk
(2003) and three items from scale developed by Takleab and Taylor (2003) to assess PCB. These
ten items were used by Chen et al., 2008, the reliability was 0.82.
3.3.4 Personality factor. Supervisor's self affirmation
We’ll use four items of self affirmation developed by Irmak , Caglar , Beth Vallen , and Sankar
Sen, (2010) (e.g. “negative aspects of myself - positive aspects of myself”)
Control variables
Given that recent meta-analyses (Mackey et al., 2015) suggest that supervisor demographic
variables may be associated with outcome variables. The supervisor participants' age, gender,
and organizational tenure etc maybe associated with Despotic Leadership that will be decided on
the basis of one way ANOVA test.
Study 2: Method (Experiment)
Participants, Design, and Procedure
The sample will be MBA's final year's students from a public sector university of Pakistan. We'll
engage participants in a scenario based study during schedule meeting; participants will be
served with high tea and credit hours for completion of study. We'll use a between subject design
in which participants will be randomly assigned to one of two conditions (high vs. low
employees negative gossip toward supervisor). After reading a scenario, and looking a video
about (high vs. low employees negative gossip toward supervisor), they will complete a survey
in which they will be asked to rate their perception and reactions about negligent employees as a
supervisory leader. In this design, participants will complete manipulation check items and a
measure of their reactions from their immediate perceptions.
We’ll use all same measurement as we mentioned in field study
Manipulation Check
To assess the effectiveness of our manipulation, we'll ask participants to think about the
employees in the scenario and indicate how strongly they agree the employee will exhibit the
behavior from the four items of employee's employee’s negative gossip toward supervisor scale
(a_.7). Sample item is “Pat criticized me while talking to a work colleague” (1_strongly disagree
to 5_strongly agree). We'll do analysis one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to examine the
main effect for employee's employee’s negative workplace gossip’s manipulation; we'll use F
state to differentiate employee's High and Low negligent workplace behavior on the basis of p
Data Analysis Techniques
We'll use mplus model number 7 from macros to conduct analysis of the first field study in
second experimental study we'll analysis significance difference in high and low employee's
negligence by ANOVA test.
Title: ARM Assignment
DATA: FILE IS "Reg.dat";
CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 CB6 CB7 CB8 CB9 CB10
SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4;
BOOTSTRAP = 10000;
Y BY CB1-CB10;
[Y] (b0);
Y ON M (b1);
Y ON X (cdash);
Y ON GenSGenE Age Expe;
[M] (a0);
M ON X (a1);
M ON W (a2);
M ON XW (a3);
HW = 1;
MW = 0;
LW = -1;
IND_HW = a1*b1 + a3*b1*HW;
IND_MW = a1*b1 + a3*b1*MW;
IND_LW = a1*b1 + a3*b1*LW;
TYPE = plot2;
STDYX TECH4 TECH3 CINT (bcbootstrap);
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Advanced research methods research paper

  • 1. Why and When Leader Experience Psychological Contract Breach? The role of Self-affirmation 1. Introduction and Literature Review Negative Workplace Gossip (NWG) can be viewed as a form of indirect attack, aggression (Beersma& Kleef, 2012), or victimization (Ellwardt et al., 2012a) which is likely to provoke moral and judgmental responses (Noon & Delbridge, 1993). Since negative WG invades one’s privacy, erodes one’s sense of control, and undermines one’s reputation and social image, the target is unlikely to feel valued or fairly treated by the organization and its members (Colquitt et al., 2001). The notion of NWG underlies the believe that, other members of an organization view an individual negatively, which suggests that it may be particularly detrimental to one's self- esteem at work (Korman, 1970; Leary, Tambor, Terdal, & Downs, 1995).Gilmore (1978) observed that gossip is different when it is about individuals with greater power and status.Accordingly, since gossip is considered as a social comparison process, gossipers would be expected to gossip less about a supervisor to gather self-relevant information than about a co- worker who is of greater similarity. Thus, it can be expected that, the target of the NWG can be supervisors which can demoralize their self-esteem. We assume that, upon perceiving NWG, supervisor's self-esteem is undermined which leads towards the supervisor's perception of the contribution breach. This is because, the psychological contract can underpin the social exchange relationship between an employee and his or her supervisor (Shore et al., 2004). Moreover, if supervisor has unfavorable experiences in the form of NWG from subordinates, it might have negative repercussions for the subordinates as well (Hoobler & Brass, 2006). Based on Self affirmation theory (Steele, 1988), we further provide that upon given an opportunity to affirm self-integrity will lead to a decline in defensive reactions to threatening information. Typically, self-affirmation procedures occur when people are asked to identify an important value or aspect of life and subsequently are given the opportunity to reflect upon this self- relevant aspect (McQueen & Klein, 2006). Using self-affirmation as a moderating mechanism, it is expected that, high self-affirmation can act as cushion to reduce the negative effect of NWG on the supervisor's threat to self-esteem. Negative WG about supervisor Self Esteem Employee cognition Self-affirmation
  • 2. Figure 1. Research Model We thus, hypothesize that; H1= Perceived Negative Workplace Gossip will be positively related to Threat to supervisor's self-esteem H2= PNWG will be positively related to supervisor's perception of contribution breach H3= Threat to supervisor's self-esteem mediates the relationship between perceived NWG and supervisor's perception of contribution breach. H4= Supervisor's Self affirmation will moderate the relationship between perceived NWG and threat to supervisor's self-esteem in such a way that, high self-affirmation will buffer the negative relationship between Perceived NWG and Supervisor's self esteem 3. Method In this study we’ll examine the impact of employee’s negative workplace gossip toward supervisor on supervisor perception of contribution breach with the mediating role of threat to supervisor self esteem and moderating role of supervisor’s self affirmation as coping phenomenon. It includes the research design, population and sample, instrumentation, the methods associated with data analysis and data collection management. 3.1 Research Design Research design is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure" (Sellitz, Jahoda, Deutsch & Cook., 1965 p.50, Terre Blanche &Durrheim, 1999 p. 29). It is a comprehensive process for managing the research process and included details of the study, regarding study type, study settings, unit of analysis and time horizon which are discussed below. 3.1.2 Study Setting We'll conduct two studies 1. Study 1 Field study The current study will be a field study because participants, i.e. employees and their Supervisors will be contacted at their jobs and they will fill the survey questionnaires for a quantitative data in their natural work environment (Brennan, Chugh& Kline, 2002).
  • 3. 3.1.3 Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis will be dyadic, because the hypothesized variables are from leader-followers relationship. In this situation unit of analysis will be dyad (Thompson & Walker, 1982). 3.1.4 Time Horizon The data for this study will be collected in five (5) to six months. This will be the time lag data. The data regarding predictor variable (employee's negligence) will collect in time one in two months, after the time 1 lag, in time 2 the data regarding mediator (supervisor's perception of contribution breach) will collect from the same supervisors. In the same time lag 2, the data regarding criterion variable (leader's support and leader coercive behavior) will be collected form subordinates. 3.2 Population and Sampling The population of this study will be the Nurses and their supervisors from hospital emergency department. Hospital sector selected for data collection. The reason behind the selection of hospital emergency department is that the possibility of employee's negligence in emergency department maybe high because of nurses several roles at the same time. This serious type of activities negatively triggers supervisor's perception and cognition in case of discrepancy (Keenan & Newton,1984) but individual behavior varies on the basis of distortional factors (e.g. Personality). 3.3 Measurement We'll collect responses by using five pointlikert scale 1_storngly disagree; 5_strongly agree To address potential problems with same-source response bias, supervisor will fill the questionnaires regarding employee's negative gossips toward supervisor and supervisor contribution breach with the mediating role of threat to supervisor self esteem Finally the response regarding supervisor support and supervisor coercive power will collect from employees (i.e. immediate subordinates). 3.3.1 Employees' Negative workplace Gossips toward supervisor We’ll measure Employees' Negative workplace Gossips toward supervisor by five items developed by Brady, Brown, and Liang, (2017). (e.g. “questioned your supervisor’s abilities while talking to a work colleague "; 1_strongly disagree, 5_strongly agree). 3.3.2 Threat to supervisor self esteem We’ll assess supervisor self esteem by using seven items developed by Schroth, Holly A. (2000). (e.g. “I feel confident about my abilities"; 1_strongly disagree, 5_strongly agree).
  • 4. 3.3.3 Supervisor perception of contribution breach We'll adop Perceived contribution breach seven items scale by De Vos, Buyens, and Schalk (2003) and three items from scale developed by Takleab and Taylor (2003) to assess PCB. These ten items were used by Chen et al., 2008, the reliability was 0.82. 3.3.4 Personality factor. Supervisor's self affirmation We’ll use four items of self affirmation developed by Irmak , Caglar , Beth Vallen , and Sankar Sen, (2010) (e.g. “negative aspects of myself - positive aspects of myself”) Control variables Given that recent meta-analyses (Mackey et al., 2015) suggest that supervisor demographic variables may be associated with outcome variables. The supervisor participants' age, gender, and organizational tenure etc maybe associated with Despotic Leadership that will be decided on the basis of one way ANOVA test. Study 2: Method (Experiment) Participants, Design, and Procedure The sample will be MBA's final year's students from a public sector university of Pakistan. We'll engage participants in a scenario based study during schedule meeting; participants will be served with high tea and credit hours for completion of study. We'll use a between subject design in which participants will be randomly assigned to one of two conditions (high vs. low employees negative gossip toward supervisor). After reading a scenario, and looking a video about (high vs. low employees negative gossip toward supervisor), they will complete a survey in which they will be asked to rate their perception and reactions about negligent employees as a supervisory leader. In this design, participants will complete manipulation check items and a measure of their reactions from their immediate perceptions. Measures We’ll use all same measurement as we mentioned in field study Manipulation Check To assess the effectiveness of our manipulation, we'll ask participants to think about the employees in the scenario and indicate how strongly they agree the employee will exhibit the behavior from the four items of employee's employee’s negative gossip toward supervisor scale (a_.7). Sample item is “Pat criticized me while talking to a work colleague” (1_strongly disagree to 5_strongly agree). We'll do analysis one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to examine the main effect for employee's employee’s negative workplace gossip’s manipulation; we'll use F
  • 5. state to differentiate employee's High and Low negligent workplace behavior on the basis of p value. Data Analysis Techniques We'll use mplus model number 7 from macros to conduct analysis of the first field study in second experimental study we'll analysis significance difference in high and low employee's negligence by ANOVA test. MPLUS SYNTAX Title: ARM Assignment DATA: FILE IS "Reg.dat"; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE GenSGenE Age Expe NG1 NG2 NG3 NG4 CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 CB6 CB7 CB8 CB9 CB10 SE1 SE2 SE3 SE4 SE5 SE6 SE7 SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4; USEVARIABLES ARE X W M Y XW GEN GenE; DEFINE: XW= X*W; ANALYSIS: TYPE = GENERAL; ESTIMATOR = ML; BOOTSTRAP = 10000; MODEL: X BY NG1-NG4; W BY SA1-SA4; M BY SE1-SE7; Y BY CB1-CB10; [Y] (b0); Y ON M (b1); Y ON X (cdash); Y ON GenSGenE Age Expe; [M] (a0); M ON X (a1); M ON W (a2); M ON XW (a3); MODEL INDIRECT: Y IND X; MODEL CONSTRAINT: NEW(HW MW LW IND_HW IND_MW IND_LW); HW = 1; MW = 0; LW = -1; IND_HW = a1*b1 + a3*b1*HW;
  • 6. IND_MW = a1*b1 + a3*b1*MW; IND_LW = a1*b1 + a3*b1*LW; PLOT: TYPE = plot2; OUTPUT: STDYX TECH4 TECH3 CINT (bcbootstrap); References
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