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I nte g ra ting Tra ns po rta tio n a nd
L a nd U s e
     “Connecting People and Places”

 A P W A Florida C ha pter C onferenc e
                           A pril , 2012
Connecting People and Places

        Today’s Presentation
Introduction of Speakers

Vision for the Development of the Regional Mobility

Planning Approach

Implementation: Achieving the Vision
Connecting People and Places

            Today’s Speakers
Harry R eed, AI C P
   Executive Director, Capital Region Transportation
Planning Agency
Beverly Davis, AI C P
   Project Manager, RS&H
 Bruce L andis, PE, AI C P
   Sprinkle Consulting, Inc.
Jack K ostrzewa
   Planning Manager, Capital Region Transportation
Planning Agency
Connecting People and Places

The Vision
Connecting People and Places

The Capital Region…

               Leon       Jefferson

Connecting People and Places

The Capital Region is…
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places

Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places

Growth Patterns
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places

       After 1960
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places

Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places

  Regional Mobility Plan
           for the
Capital Region Transportation
      Planning Agency
Connecting People and Places

    R e g iona l M obility P la n
    Previous L ong R ange Planning Efforts

 L ong R ange       Bicycle and            Transit
Transportatio       Pedestrian           Development
      n               M aster               Plan
     Plan              Plan
Connecting People and Places

R egional M obility Plan
         Transit Development Plan
     Bicycle and Pedestrian Master
      Long Range Transportation
Connecting People and Places

     R e g iona l M obility P la n
Full partnership with transit agency
Focus of the Plan

  Moving people and goods, not autos

  “Complete Streets” designed to provide access and
   mobility to all users

  Interconnectivity and local network

  Identifying needs by corridors
Connecting People and Places

T he Future: G row th P a tterns
Connecting People and Places

The Capital Region in the future…
     Like this?   Or     Like this?
Connecting People and Places

         Regional Mobility Plan
Ultimate Transportation and L and Use M ix
  Maxim land use and density
  Minim environm
        ize      ental and stormwater impacts
  Reduce carbon footprint
  Provide opportunities to generate revenue to support the
   transportation system
Connecting People and Places

The Regional Mobility Plan is
     About the Future
Connecting People and Places

Planning for Regional Mobility:
     Developing the Plan
Connecting People and Places

             Traditional Planning
Traditional transportation planning
  Focus on moving vehicles quickly and efficiently
  Little to no consideration of land use
  Short term solutions with long-term
  Planning separately for transportation
Connecting People and Places

             Traditional Planning
Traditional approach results
  Auto oriented development
  Lack of viable modal
  Continued congestion
  Separation of land uses
  Lack of connectivity
Connecting People and Places

     R e g iona l M obility P la n
Utilizes a New Approach
Focus of the Plan

  Moving people and goods, not autos

  “Complete Streets” designed to provide access and
   mobility to all users

  Interconnectivity and local network

  Identifying needs by corridors
Connecting People and Places

             Regional Mobility Plan
 Data Collection                  Establish                    Goals &
                                Baseline and                  Objectives
                                 Conditions                Future Scenarios

  Determine                        Needs
   Funding                      Assessment                  Sector Analysis
                                                           Corridor Analysis

Prioritize Needs                   Develop                 Regional Mobility
                               Recommendation                   Plan

                   Coordination and Public Participation
Connecting People and Places

A number of initiatives focusing on specific
 transportation issues
Visioning and partnership efforts
Efforts focused on sustainability and environmental
Other regional projects
Projects and studies focused on transit
Connecting People and Places

         Transportation Initiatives
 Tennessee Street
  Improvem Plan
 Woodville Highway
  Corridor Study
 Capital Circle NW/ SW
 Capital Cascades Park
 Multim  odal
  Transportation District
 Transit
Connecting People and Places

          Public Participation
Project C ommittees

  Technical Subcommittees
    Specific areas of expertise
  P ro jec t A dvis ory C o m m ittee
   One representative from each Technical
  Stakeholder Advisory C ommittee
    Agency and governm representative
Connecting People and Places

           Regional Mobility Plan
Transportation Forum
Public Workshops
  Identified issues and opportunities
  Surveys and workshop exercises
  Goals and Objectives
  Developm of future growth scenarios
  Project selection and prioritization
  Regional Mobility Plan draft
Connecting People and Places

             Regional Mobility Plan
 Data Collection                  Establish                    Goals &
                                Baseline and                  Objectives
                                 Conditions                Future Scenarios

  Determine                        Needs
   Funding                      Assessment                  Sector Analysis
                                                           Corridor Analysis

Prioritize Needs                   Develop                 Regional Mobility
                               Recommendation                   Plan

                   Coordination and Public Participation
Connecting People and Places

    Data and Existing Conditions
  Local, State and National sources
  Agencies and local jurisdictions
Existing Conditions
  Com unity Resources
  Travel Patterns
  Intrinsic Resources
     Environmental, Historic and Cultural
Connecting People and Places

             Regional Mobility Plan
 Data Collection                  Establish                    Goals &
                                Baseline and                  Objectives
                                 Conditions                Future Scenarios

  Determine                        Needs
   Funding                      Assessment                  Sector Analysis
                                                           Corridor Analysis

Prioritize Needs                   Develop                 Regional Mobility
                               Recommendation                   Plan

                   Coordination and Public Participation
Connecting People and Places

           Planning Framework
Required planning factors (SAFETEA-LU)
Vision established by CRTPA Board
Goals and objectives
Quality Growth principles

                 CRTPA Vision Statement

  "Create an integrated regional multimodal transportation
  network that provides the most options for moving people
    and goods economically, effectively and safely while
      protecting the environment, promoting economic
   development and maintaining a high quality of life with
             sustainable development patterns.“
Connecting People and Places

           Goals and Objectives
COORDINATION                            PUBLIC

                                    PROTECTION &

                                      SAFETY &
Connecting People and Places

Application of goals and objectives
Prioritization and performance measures
Regional                   * Multimodal access, transit, bicycle and pedestrian, is provided to and between activity centers
                               * Public venues, such as government facilities, recreational facilities, are served by bicycle, pedestrian and transit

                            * Connectivity between transit, pedestrian and bicycle networks
                    Urban      * All parcels within 1/4 mile of a transit stop should be served by a pedestrian facility that operates at LOS C or better
                            * Increase modal share for transit, bicycles and pedestrians
                               * 80% of population and employees should be located within 1/2 mile of a transit stop

                               * 80% of all bicycle and pedestrian facilities should operate at LOS C or better

                            * Modal network gaps are eliminated
                               * Commuter and intra-regional roadways incorporate facilities for transit, bicycles and pedestrians, as appropriate,
                                 and that operate at LOS C or better
                               * Modal networks meet the connectivity index of 50 polygons per square mile in designated growth areas
                            * With new developments, cul-de-sacs should include, at a minimum, pedestrian connections
                            * Safe bicycle and pedestrian connections to schools
                               * Schools are connected to adjacent neighborhoods within 1 mile by pedestrian and bicycle facilities
                            * Mobility options are provided for all populations
                            * Design elements provide for viable, safe and pleasant multimodal usage (complete streets)
                               * Blocks longer than 600 feet should incorporate mid-block pedestrian crossings
                               * Access management techniques are used to maximize capacity
                            * Design elements are in keeping with community character
                               * Facilities incorporate design elements that minimize negative impacts on communities and resources
                            * Design elements minimize negative environmental impacts
                               * Facilities incorporate design elements that minimize negative impacts on communities and resources
                            * Design elements maximize efficiency for freight movement on designated freight routes
                            * Design elements do not impact efficiency on designated evacuation routes
                            * Improvements are coordinated with other plans

                            * Increase modal share for bicycles and pedestrians
                               * Public venues, such as government facilities, recreational facilities, are served by bicycle and pedestrian facilities
                            * Multimodal access, bicycle and pedestrian, is provided to and between activity centers
                            * Commuter options, such as park and ride facilities and/or transit are provided along identified commuter routes
Connecting People and Places

              Future Scenarios
Identification of three scenarios
  Board, committees and public workshop input
  Business As Usual
  Quality Growth
  Quality Growth “Plus”
Identified development constraints
 Conservation areas
 Environmentally sensitive areas
 Other community resources
Identified target growth areas
  Public workshop input
  Coordination with local planning staff and local
    comp plans
Connecting People and Places

           Future Scenarios
Identified target growth areas
 Public workshop input
 Coordination with local planning staff and
   local comp plans
Identify the transportation implications for
 the scenarios
 Increasing densities in growth areas for
  scenarios 2 and 3
 Assign future development based on
  constraints and growth areas
 Utilize regional travel demand model to
  identify future needs
Connecting People and Places

Business As Usual
Connecting People and Places

Quality Growth
Connecting People and Places

Quality Growth Plus
Connecting People and Places

            Costs of Development
Typical Development and Network   C ompact Development and C onnected
                                         M ultimodal Network
Connecting People and Places

             Regional Mobility Plan
 Data Collection                  Establish                    Goals &
                                Baseline and                  Objectives
                                 Conditions                Future Scenarios

  Determine                        Needs
   Funding                      Assessment                  Sector Analysis
                                                           Corridor Analysis

Prioritize Needs                   Develop                 Regional Mobility
                               Recommendation                   Plan

                   Coordination and Public Participation
Connecting People and Places

                Sector Plans
5 Sector Plans
  Com unity character
  Intrinsic resources
  Recom endations and policy developm
        m                             ent
Connecting People and Places

                    Corridor Planning
Identification of
  corridor tiers
   regional/com uter
Identification of
 by tier
Complete Streets
Connecting People and Places

             Regional Mobility Plan
 Data Collection                  Establish                    Goals &
                                Baseline and                  Objectives
                                 Conditions                Future Scenarios

  Determine                        Needs
   Funding                      Assessment                  Sector Analysis
                                                           Corridor Analysis

Prioritize Needs                   Develop                 Regional Mobility
                               Recommendation                   Plan

                   Coordination and Public Participation
Connecting People and Places

         Plan Development
Input from scenario,
 sector, and corridor
 planning efforts
Project identification
Cost estimates
Funding estimates
Project prioritization
Connecting People and Places

             Regional Mobility Plan
 Data Collection                  Establish                    Goals &
                                Baseline and                  Objectives
                                 Conditions                Future Scenarios

  Determine                        Needs
   Funding                      Assessment                  Sector Analysis
                                                           Corridor Analysis

Prioritize Needs                   Develop                 Regional Mobility
                               Recommendation                   Plan

                   Coordination and Public Participation
Connecting People and Places

             Plan Components
L ong R ange Transportation
  Multimodal Cost constrained plan
  Multimodal Vision plan
Transit Development Plan
  Standard planning horizon
  Extended planning horizon
   coordinated with LRTP
Bicycle Pedestrian M aster Plan
  Trail and Greenways
Connecting People and Places

        Financial Resources
Anticipated Revenues
 Information provided by FDOT District 3
 Available funds include anticipated
  state/federal funds and any local funds
 State and Local funds dedicated to specific
  systems, programs and/or projects, such as:
    Maintenance
    Local paving and maintenance
    Transit operating funds
    Blueprint

Cost constrained revenue estimates only
 include federal/state/local non-dedicated funds
Connecting People and Places

          Financial Resources
Federal requirement:
  Project costs and revenues developed in present day
   dollars and in Year of Expenditure dollars
  Inflation factors provided by FDOT District 3
  Adopted TIP (2011 – 2015) considered as com itted
  Revenues and costs inflated by tier
     Tier 1: 2016 – 2020
     Tier 2: 2021 – 2025
     Tier 3: 2026 – 2030
     Tier 4: 2031 – 2035
  Cost feasible plan m balance expenditures to revenues
Connecting People and Places

Development of Cost Feasible Plan
 Identified the following for plan development
   Existing project status
   Major project priority list
      Identified projects to address priorities through operational
       projects, transit, bicycle and/or pedestrian projects
   Project assessm ranking
   Financial balancing by tier
Connecting People and Places
   Cost Feasible Plan Highlights
Quincy By-Pass and Quincy Loop in Tier 1
Expanded transit service
  Express Bus Service – Crawfordville, Monticello,
  Park and Ride Lots and Satellite Transfer Centers
  Expansion of local transit service
Bicycle and Pedestrian improvements comprise the
 majority of improvements
Access Management
  Implementation of medians and service roads (US 319)
Intersection improvements on US 319
Intersection safety improvements
Connecting People and Places
   Cost Feasible Plan Highlights
Shared use paths, including Capital City to the Sea
Development and regular updates of regional Bicycle
Implem  entation of Trails and Greenways Plan
Gadsden County Sector Plans
Operations studies for one-way pairs
Projects funded from other sources
  Strategic Intermodal System
Connecting People and Places

   The Regional Mobility Plan
Integrated, multimodal Cost
 Feasible Plan
Connecting People and Places


Achieving the Vision
Connecting People and Places

Roadway Corridor Strategies
  Local Government Tools
Connecting People and Places

Growth Focus Areas
Connecting People and Places

Roadway Corridor Strategies
 Link and Serve the Growth Focus Centers

 Plan for Fiscally Sustainable Transportation

 “Livability” Focus: Fuel Savings, GHG

 Reduction, More “Active” Transportation
 Optimize the Right-of-Ways; “Complete the

Connecting People and Places

Corridor Strategy Types
 Urban Center Arterials

 Suburban Arterials

 Rural Arterial Roadways

 Small Cities Urban Arterials
Connecting People and Places

Dense Urban Center Arterials
 Function within RMP Vision

 Existing Conditions & Trends

 Recommendations for Actions

 Benefits (Fiscal Sustainability, “Livability”)

 of Actions
Connecting People and Places

Dense Urban Center Arterials
Function within RMP Vision
Existing Conditions & Trends
Recommendations for Actions
Benefits (Fiscal Sustainability, “Livability”)
 of Actions

       Graphic from K2 Urban
Connecting People and Places

  Dense Urban Center Arterials
Function within RMP Vision
Existing Conditions & Trends
Recommendations for Actions
Benefits (Fiscal Sustainability, “Livability”)
 of Actions

                      Auto       D
                     Bicycle     D
                    Pedestrian   D
                     Transit     D
Connecting People and Places

          Recommendations for Actions
                      Dense Urban Center Arterials

                                                         Bicycle Boulevards

                                        Mode                                  Road Re-stripes
                                        Auto        E
                                                                                    or Diets
                                       Bicycle      B

Roadway Optimizations:                Pedestrian    B
Transit, Bicycling & Walking           Transit      B
Connecting People and Places

  Dense Urban Center Arterials
Function within RMP Vision
Existing Conditions & Trends
Recommendations for Actions
Benefits (Fiscal Sustainability, “Livability”)
 of Actions
Connecting People and Places

Corridor Strategy Types
Urban Center Arterials

Suburban Arterials

Rural Arterial Roadways

Small Cities Urban Arterials
Connecting People and Places

Suburban Arterials
 Function within RMP Vision
 Existing Conditions & Trends
 Recommendations for Actions
 Benefits (Fiscal Sustainability, “Livability”)
  of Actions              Travel
                          Auto        E
                         Bicycle      E
                        Pedestrian    E
                         Transit      E
Connecting People and Places

Recommendations for Actions
                  Suburban Arterials

                  LOS                  Suburban Flex-Streetscape
       Auto       C-D
      Bicycle     B-C
     Pedestrian   B-C
      Transit     B-C
Connecting People and Places

Suburban Flex-Streetscape
         Pioneers & Precursors
Connecting People and Places

Recommendations for Actions

                                           Suburban Flex-Streetscape

     Enhanced roadway capacity & safety
     Enhanced business economics
     Compact development
     Reduced reliance on hydrocarbons
     More active transportation, hence population
Connecting People and Places

Recommendations for Actions
                          Suburban Arterials

              Safe & Effective
              Mid-block Pedestrian
                                      Auto     C-D
                                     Bicycle   B-C
                                Pedestrian     B-C          Multi-modal facilities “Pairing”
                                     Transit   B-C

                                Roadway Optimization:
                                Restripes, “Diets” and Buffered Bikelanes
Photo by Sprinkle Consulting,
Connecting People and Places

Local Government Tools
Connecting People and Places

     Source: What
     Fuels will Move
     Us? Barker, Bill.
     ITE Journal.
     July 2010
Connecting People and Places

 One Key to Directing Growth…
1. Plan & Influence Development Economics

                           Graphic from K2 Urban Corp
Connecting People and Places
   Regional Growth “Engines”

50,000 students & employees

                              50,000 + employees

                               15,000 students &
     15,000 students & employees
Connecting People and Places

Land Development Growth   “Pioneers”
Connecting People and Places

Land Development Growth “Roof-top Followers”
Connecting People and Places

RMP Development Scenarios
   “Quality Growth Plus”
   (Compact / Infill)

                             Quality Growth
      Business-as-Usual      (Contiguous / USA fringe)
      (Scattered / Linear)
Connecting People and Places
Long-term Operation & Maintenance Commitment

Public Service            Percent of Avg. Annual Cost

Education………………….. 40%
Public Safety..…………….        8%
Roads………………………. 30%
Wastewater……………….. 11%
Fire/Rescue; Water; Parks; Solid Waste..........
         Source:Duncan and Associates. The Search for Efficient Urban
         Growth Patterns: A Study of Fiscal Impacts of Florida
         Development. Governor’s Task Force on Urban Growth
         Patterns and DCA. Tallahassee FL, 1989.
Connecting People and Places
Impacts on Traffic Activity

Form / Location             Avg. Traffic Trip Length

                            Duncan’89 FDOT (335.067, F.S.) Weighted Avg.

(Scattered / Linear)        8.3 mi         12.1mi             11.2mi

Quality Growth
(Contiguous / USA fringe)   6.4mi          9.6mi             8.8mi

“Quality Growth Plus”
(Compact / Infill)
                            6.8mi          4.9mi             5.4mi
Connecting People and Places

100 lot subdivision
Connecting People and Places

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
Connecting People and Places

       Streets & Roadways Maintenance

* Excluding I-10 Costs and Traffic

           Data Sources: City of Tallahassee Annual Budget, Leon County
           Annual Budget, Leon County CIP, FDOT Historical Work
           Program, and FDOT Countywide VMT Estimate
Connecting People and Places

Costs of Development Location

                                 (P/A, 3%, 35)
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places


Achieving the Vision
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places
Connecting People and Places

              Achieving the Vision
Public and Partner “Buy-I n”
  Stakeholder /Partner C ommittees
   Representatives from federal and state agencies; local
     governm adm
              ent     inistrative, planning and public works
     departm ents; regional agencies; specific technical fields;
     and universities
Connecting People and Places

                                                                             Achieving the Vision
Public and Partner “Buy-I n”

         I ntensive Public Participation

                                                     R g o a Mo i it P a
                                                      e i n l  bl y   l n- C m
                                                                            o m nt S r e
                                                                               u i y u v y

The Capital R egion Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) and StarM etro are wor  king toget her to develop a regional mobi ty plan that wil address
                                                                                                                            li               l
the existing and future mobility needs in the region. The Plan includes Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon and W akulla Counti es. Y U O I I N I N E E !
                                                                                                                          O R    PNO      S   E D D

 P r I: W e e d y u l v ?
  a t    h r   o o   i e                  _____ Gadsden               ____ J  efferson            X L o
                                                                                                      e n              ___ W akulla        City?
                                         _________Z     ip            _________Zi     p       3 3 1 Z pC d
                                                                                                2 0 - i    o e      _________Zip Code      T la a s e
                                                                                                                                            al h s e
                                        Code                                Code
 P r II
   a t   : Pe s
             l a eC  IR L y u c o c a o t t e f l o i g s a e e t c n e n n
                       C E o r h i e b u           h    o l wn       t t m ns o c r i g              S r n l
                                                                                                      t o gy       A r e
                                                                                                                    g e      N i h rA r e
                                                                                                                               et e   g e    Ds g e
                                                                                                                                              i a r e   S r n l
                                                                                                                                                         t o gy
 t et a s o t t o s s e
   h   r n p r a i n y t min t e r g o .
                                    h    e i n                                                        A r e
                                                                                                        g e                  N rD s g e
                                                                                                                               o   i a r e              D a r e
                                                                                                                                                         is g e
      1.    Traffic congestion is a maj  or probl  em i  n my area.                                      5           4             X             2         1
      2.    Traffic congestion is a maj  or problem i    n the four county regi    on.                   5           4             X             2         1
      3.    M ore trav el options are needed t    o help pe   ople get to work.                          5           X             3             2         1
      4.    M ore bi cycle and pedestrian faci   lities are n eeded                                      X           4             3             2         1
      5.    There should be a focus on safe bic      ycle and pedest an access t
                                                                        ri              o schools        X           4             3             2         1
      6.    Regional t ransi servi
                            t      ce should be avai    lable                                            5           X             3             2         1
      7.   Development patterns di     rectly affect tr  ansportat   ion and mobi                  5           4             X             2         1
      8.   I woul d use an alt ernative to my c   ar i i were availabl
                                                      f t                  e and convenient              5           X             3             2         1
 P r II : P e s C R L w i hf c o s y u t i ka e v r i
   a t   I    l a e I C E      hc   a t r     o    hn       r   e y m o t n ,s m w a
                                                                        p r a t     o    e h t        V r
                                                                                                       ey        Im o t n
                                                                                                                   p r a t   S m w a
                                                                                                                               o  e h t       N t
                                                                                                                                                o        D nt
                                                                                                                                                           o ’
 im o t n ,o n t i
     p r a t     r o    m o t n , o w e h r y ud n t k o
                          p r a t    r   h t e      o     o ’   n wo h v n o in o .
                                                                         r a e o p i n             Im o t n
                                                                                                      p r a t                Im o t n
                                                                                                                                 p ra t    Im o t n
                                                                                                                                              p ra t     K o
                                                                                                                                                          n w
      9.   M aintenanc   e of the existing transportati    on faci ties
                                                                  li                                    X           4             3             2          1
      10. Specific designated truc routes are important
                                      k                                                                 5           X             3             2          1
      11. Incor  porating transpor  tati on fac ty designs that rec
                                               ili                       ogniz ed and                   5           X             3             2          1
           enhance the charac    ter of the area
      12. Improving transportati    on c  onnecti  ons between key pl      aces i n the regi on.        5           X            3             2          1
      13. Better public transportati    on opti ons                                                     5           X            3             2          1
      14. M ore mult   imodal options                                                                   5           4            X             2          1
      15. Incor  porating land use and devel    opmen pattt     erns i nt o transportation              5           X            3             2          1
 P r IV I
   a t    : na dt o t
                d i i n o t a s o t t o , pe s
                             r np ra i n        l a ei d c t t ei
                                                         n i a e h       m o t n eo e c
                                                                           p r a c       f a h        V r
                                                                                                       ey        Im o t n
                                                                                                                   p r a t   S m w a
                                                                                                                              o e h t         N t
                                                                                                                                               o         D nt
                                                                                                                                                          o ’
Connecting People and Places

           Achieving the Vision
Agency C oordination

  Florida Department of Transportation
  Florida Department of Environmental Protection
  Florida Department of C ommunity Affairs
  Apalachee R egional Planning C ouncil
  School Boards
  C ommuter Services of North Florida
  1000 Friends of Florida
  Tall Timbers R esearch Station
Connecting People and Places

           Achieving the Vision
R egional L ocal G overnment C oordination
  Elected officials
  Staff
Connecting People and Places

             Parameters for the Project

         Meets Federal and State Requirements

   16 Page Scope of Work vs. 75 Page Scope of Work
                Wide Range of Flexibility
      Gave the Opportunity for New Approaches
Very Little about the Project is Prescriptive, Very Little.
Connecting People and Places

Achieving the Vision (My F Words)
Connecting People and Places

     Keep the participants in the discipline that you are discussing.
Keep the “buzz words” consistent and ensure that there is an understood
           Embrace the fact that you don’t know everything.
                       Play devil’s advocate role.
       Don’t lose sight of what the effort is supposed to produce.
         Give them the freedom to discover how difficult it is.
Connecting People and Places

 You have got to be flexible to make this work.

      Let them explore concepts and ideas.

  Don’t interrupt or interfere with the process.

Take the time to fully develop concepts and ideas.

             Help only when asked.
Connecting People and Places

            Have faith in the people you are working with.
         Have faith that they will debate every idea to death.
         Have faith that they will debate every idea to death.
         Have faith that they will debate every idea to death.
            Have faith that they will try to meet a deadline.
Have faith that they will stick with it through to the end of the project.
                               Have faith.
Connecting People and Places

              There will be failure.

             Failure is a good thing.

     Learn to get the most out of the failure.

It may be more of a step backwards than a failure.

            Deal with it and move on.
Connecting People and Places

                         Stick with it.

Don’t walk out of a meeting frustrated say what you need to say.

         Bite your tongue hard but realize it will heal.

      Keep the task horizon in mind and keep pushing it.
Connecting People and Places

Thank everyone for the time they have put into the process.

             Have “them” present the results.

      Have “them” keep pushing the approved task.

  Do what you have to do to keep “them” on the project.

                  Pizza goes a long way.
Connecting People and Places

             Goals and Objectives

               The Goals and Objectives Committee
Comprised of members from technical, citizens, and multimodal groups.
              Originally started with 25 – 30 members.
               After first meeting… 15 – 20 members.
                After first month… 10 – 12 members.
               After second month… 7 – 10 members.
                        By task end… 5 – 7.
Connecting People and Places

                  Goals and Objectives
In the past…..
Year 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan
       To support and enhance economic vitality of the Capital Region.
Regional Mobility Plan, CRTPA Board from a Retreat….
 The Regional Mobility Plan should be based on a principle of sustainability
                                                        principle of
        that will serve all citizens in the region in the future through an
   interconnected, safe and secure network. The integrated transportation
safe and secure                   integrate                          d
  network will support a prosperous regional economy and help conserve the
network        regional           d                                   natural
                     region’s natural and recreational assets.
               economy           recreational                         and
Connecting People and Places

Leads to this…..
Connecting People and Places

                 Goals and Objectives
The Goals and Objectives Group….
Enhance local and regional connectivity to effectively and safely move people
and goods using multiple modes of transportation.
Economic Development
Create and maintain a transportation infrastructure that provides energy- and
time-efficient intermodal movement of goods, services, and labor to and
within urban areas in the region.
Natural Resource Protection/Conservation
Provide a transportation system that provides access and mobility, supports
compact growth and protects the region’s natural environment.
Connecting People and Places

       Goals and Objectives
     Are they vastly different in content? No.
           Was history re-written? No.
    Are they understandable to citizens? Yes.
       Did the citizens present them? Yes.
  Were they debated by the elected officials? No.
Were they understood by the elected officials? Yes.
   Did the elected officials approve them? Yes.
    Did the citizens stay with the project? Yes.
Connecting People and Places

    Goals and Objectives Timeline
Original Timeline – April 2009 through June 2009

Modified Timeline - April 2009 through November 2009,

Three meetings in July
Three meetings in August
Two meetings in September
Two meetings in October
One in November

Time Invested by Citizens – over 500 hours!!!
Connecting People and Places

Other Phases with Same Approach

Connecting People and Places

           Achieving the Vision
C ontinuing Agency C oordination
Utilization of R egional M obility Plan in
 conjunction with adopted C omprehensive Plan
C FP Project implementation underway:
  L ake Ella median implementation
  6th Street sidewalks
  Franklin Boulevard
  L afayette Street
  Jefferson, Wakulla, and G adsden Bike/Ped studies
Connecting People and Places
I nte g ra ting Tra ns po rta tio n a nd
L a nd U s e
     “Connecting People and Places”

                 QU E S TION S

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APWA Regional Mobility Plan

  • 1. P L A N N I N G FO R R E G I O N A L M OB ILITY: I nte g ra ting Tra ns po rta tio n a nd L a nd U s e “Connecting People and Places” A P W A Florida C ha pter C onferenc e A pril , 2012
  • 2. Connecting People and Places Today’s Presentation Introduction of Speakers Vision for the Development of the Regional Mobility Plan Planning Approach Implementation: Achieving the Vision
  • 3. Connecting People and Places Today’s Speakers Harry R eed, AI C P Executive Director, Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency Beverly Davis, AI C P Project Manager, RS&H  Bruce L andis, PE, AI C P Sprinkle Consulting, Inc. Jack K ostrzewa Planning Manager, Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency
  • 4. Connecting People and Places The Vision
  • 5. Connecting People and Places The Capital Region… Gadsden Leon Jefferson Wakulla
  • 6. Connecting People and Places The Capital Region is…
  • 10. Connecting People and Places What’s Causing This?
  • 12. Connecting People and Places Growth Patterns
  • 14. Connecting People and Places Tallahasse e- After 1960
  • 18. Connecting People and Places Tallahasse e- City Center
  • 20. Connecting People and Places Regional Mobility Plan for the Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA)
  • 21. Connecting People and Places R e g iona l M obility P la n Previous L ong R ange Planning Efforts L ong R ange Bicycle and Transit Transportatio Pedestrian Development n M aster Plan Plan Plan
  • 22. Connecting People and Places R egional M obility Plan Transit Development Plan Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Long Range Transportation Plan
  • 23. Connecting People and Places R e g iona l M obility P la n Full partnership with transit agency Focus of the Plan Moving people and goods, not autos “Complete Streets” designed to provide access and mobility to all users Interconnectivity and local network Identifying needs by corridors
  • 24. Connecting People and Places T he Future: G row th P a tterns
  • 25. Connecting People and Places The Capital Region in the future… Like this? Or Like this?
  • 26. Connecting People and Places Regional Mobility Plan Ultimate Transportation and L and Use M ix Maxim land use and density ize Minim environm ize ental and stormwater impacts Reduce carbon footprint Provide opportunities to generate revenue to support the transportation system
  • 27. Connecting People and Places The Regional Mobility Plan is About the Future
  • 28. Connecting People and Places Planning for Regional Mobility: Developing the Plan
  • 29. Connecting People and Places Traditional Planning Traditional transportation planning Focus on moving vehicles quickly and efficiently Little to no consideration of land use Short term solutions with long-term consequences Planning separately for transportation components
  • 30. Connecting People and Places Traditional Planning Traditional approach results Auto oriented development Lack of viable modal alternatives Continued congestion Separation of land uses Lack of connectivity
  • 31. Connecting People and Places R e g iona l M obility P la n Utilizes a New Approach Focus of the Plan Moving people and goods, not autos “Complete Streets” designed to provide access and mobility to all users Interconnectivity and local network Identifying needs by corridors
  • 32. Connecting People and Places Regional Mobility Plan Data Collection Establish Goals & Baseline and Objectives Future Conditions Future Scenarios Determine Needs Funding Assessment Sector Analysis Constraints Corridor Analysis Prioritize Needs Develop Regional Mobility Recommendation Plan s Coordination and Public Participation
  • 33. Connecting People and Places Coordination A number of initiatives focusing on specific transportation issues Visioning and partnership efforts Efforts focused on sustainability and environmental issues Other regional projects Projects and studies focused on transit
  • 34. Connecting People and Places Transportation Initiatives  Tennessee Street Improvem Plan ent  Woodville Highway Corridor Study  Capital Circle NW/ SW  Capital Cascades Park  Multim odal Transportation District  Transit
  • 35. Connecting People and Places Public Participation Project C ommittees Technical Subcommittees  Specific areas of expertise P ro jec t A dvis ory C o m m ittee One representative from each Technical Subcommittee Stakeholder Advisory C ommittee  Agency and governm representative ent
  • 36. Connecting People and Places Regional Mobility Plan Transportation Forum Public Workshops Identified issues and opportunities Surveys and workshop exercises Goals and Objectives Developm of future growth scenarios ent Strategies Project selection and prioritization Regional Mobility Plan draft
  • 37. Connecting People and Places Regional Mobility Plan Data Collection Establish Goals & Baseline and Objectives Future Conditions Future Scenarios Determine Needs Funding Assessment Sector Analysis Constraints Corridor Analysis Prioritize Needs Develop Regional Mobility Recommendation Plan s Coordination and Public Participation
  • 38. Connecting People and Places Data and Existing Conditions Data Local, State and National sources Agencies and local jurisdictions Existing Conditions Population/Employment Demographics Com unity Resources m Travel Patterns Infrastructure Attractions Intrinsic Resources  Environmental, Historic and Cultural
  • 39. Connecting People and Places Regional Mobility Plan Data Collection Establish Goals & Baseline and Objectives Future Conditions Future Scenarios Determine Needs Funding Assessment Sector Analysis Constraints Corridor Analysis Prioritize Needs Develop Regional Mobility Recommendation Plan s Coordination and Public Participation
  • 40. Connecting People and Places Planning Framework Required planning factors (SAFETEA-LU) Vision established by CRTPA Board Goals and objectives Quality Growth principles CRTPA Vision Statement "Create an integrated regional multimodal transportation network that provides the most options for moving people and goods economically, effectively and safely while protecting the environment, promoting economic development and maintaining a high quality of life with sustainable development patterns.“
  • 42. Connecting People and Places Strategies Application of goals and objectives Prioritization and performance measures Regional * Multimodal access, transit, bicycle and pedestrian, is provided to and between activity centers * Public venues, such as government facilities, recreational facilities, are served by bicycle, pedestrian and transit Urban * Connectivity between transit, pedestrian and bicycle networks Urban * All parcels within 1/4 mile of a transit stop should be served by a pedestrian facility that operates at LOS C or better * Increase modal share for transit, bicycles and pedestrians * 80% of population and employees should be located within 1/2 mile of a transit stop Rural * 80% of all bicycle and pedestrian facilities should operate at LOS C or better * Modal network gaps are eliminated * Commuter and intra-regional roadways incorporate facilities for transit, bicycles and pedestrians, as appropriate, and that operate at LOS C or better * Modal networks meet the connectivity index of 50 polygons per square mile in designated growth areas * With new developments, cul-de-sacs should include, at a minimum, pedestrian connections * Safe bicycle and pedestrian connections to schools * Schools are connected to adjacent neighborhoods within 1 mile by pedestrian and bicycle facilities * Mobility options are provided for all populations * Design elements provide for viable, safe and pleasant multimodal usage (complete streets) * Blocks longer than 600 feet should incorporate mid-block pedestrian crossings * Access management techniques are used to maximize capacity * Design elements are in keeping with community character * Facilities incorporate design elements that minimize negative impacts on communities and resources * Design elements minimize negative environmental impacts * Facilities incorporate design elements that minimize negative impacts on communities and resources * Design elements maximize efficiency for freight movement on designated freight routes * Design elements do not impact efficiency on designated evacuation routes * Improvements are coordinated with other plans * Increase modal share for bicycles and pedestrians Rural * Public venues, such as government facilities, recreational facilities, are served by bicycle and pedestrian facilities * Multimodal access, bicycle and pedestrian, is provided to and between activity centers * Commuter options, such as park and ride facilities and/or transit are provided along identified commuter routes
  • 43. Connecting People and Places Future Scenarios Identification of three scenarios Board, committees and public workshop input Business As Usual Quality Growth Quality Growth “Plus” Identified development constraints Conservation areas Environmentally sensitive areas Other community resources Identified target growth areas Public workshop input Coordination with local planning staff and local comp plans
  • 44. Connecting People and Places Future Scenarios Identified target growth areas Public workshop input Coordination with local planning staff and local comp plans Identify the transportation implications for the scenarios Increasing densities in growth areas for scenarios 2 and 3 Assign future development based on constraints and growth areas Utilize regional travel demand model to identify future needs
  • 45. Connecting People and Places Business As Usual
  • 46. Connecting People and Places Quality Growth
  • 47. Connecting People and Places Quality Growth Plus
  • 48. Connecting People and Places Costs of Development Typical Development and Network C ompact Development and C onnected M ultimodal Network
  • 49. Connecting People and Places Regional Mobility Plan Data Collection Establish Goals & Baseline and Objectives Future Conditions Future Scenarios Determine Needs Funding Assessment Sector Analysis Constraints Corridor Analysis Prioritize Needs Develop Regional Mobility Recommendation Plan s Coordination and Public Participation
  • 50. Connecting People and Places Sector Plans 5 Sector Plans Com unity character m Intrinsic resources Recom endations and policy developm m ent
  • 51. Connecting People and Places Corridor Planning Identification of corridor tiers Inter-regional Intra- regional/com uter m Intra-regional/local Identification of standards/cross-sections by tier Complete Streets
  • 52. Connecting People and Places Regional Mobility Plan Data Collection Establish Goals & Baseline and Objectives Future Conditions Future Scenarios Determine Needs Funding Assessment Sector Analysis Constraints Corridor Analysis Prioritize Needs Develop Regional Mobility Recommendation Plan s Coordination and Public Participation
  • 53. Connecting People and Places Plan Development Input from scenario, sector, and corridor planning efforts Project identification Cost estimates Funding estimates Project prioritization
  • 54. Connecting People and Places Regional Mobility Plan Data Collection Establish Goals & Baseline and Objectives Future Conditions Future Scenarios Determine Needs Funding Assessment Sector Analysis Constraints Corridor Analysis Prioritize Needs Develop Regional Mobility Recommendation Plan s Coordination and Public Participation
  • 55. Connecting People and Places Plan Components L ong R ange Transportation Plan Multimodal Cost constrained plan Multimodal Vision plan Transit Development Plan Standard planning horizon Extended planning horizon coordinated with LRTP Bicycle Pedestrian M aster Plan Trail and Greenways
  • 56. Connecting People and Places Financial Resources Anticipated Revenues Information provided by FDOT District 3 Available funds include anticipated state/federal funds and any local funds State and Local funds dedicated to specific systems, programs and/or projects, such as:  SIS/FIHS  Maintenance  Local paving and maintenance  Transit operating funds  Blueprint Cost constrained revenue estimates only include federal/state/local non-dedicated funds
  • 57. Connecting People and Places Financial Resources Federal requirement: Project costs and revenues developed in present day dollars and in Year of Expenditure dollars Inflation factors provided by FDOT District 3 Adopted TIP (2011 – 2015) considered as com itted m Revenues and costs inflated by tier  Tier 1: 2016 – 2020  Tier 2: 2021 – 2025  Tier 3: 2026 – 2030  Tier 4: 2031 – 2035 Cost feasible plan m balance expenditures to revenues ust
  • 58. Connecting People and Places Development of Cost Feasible Plan Identified the following for plan development Existing project status Major project priority list  Identified projects to address priorities through operational projects, transit, bicycle and/or pedestrian projects Project assessm ranking ent Connectivity Financial balancing by tier
  • 59. Connecting People and Places Cost Feasible Plan Highlights Quincy By-Pass and Quincy Loop in Tier 1 Expanded transit service Express Bus Service – Crawfordville, Monticello, Havana Park and Ride Lots and Satellite Transfer Centers Expansion of local transit service Bicycle and Pedestrian improvements comprise the majority of improvements Access Management Implementation of medians and service roads (US 319) Intersection improvements on US 319 Intersection safety improvements
  • 60. Connecting People and Places Cost Feasible Plan Highlights Shared use paths, including Capital City to the Sea Trail Development and regular updates of regional Bicycle Map Implem entation of Trails and Greenways Plan recommendations Gadsden County Sector Plans Operations studies for one-way pairs Projects funded from other sources Strategic Intermodal System Blueprint Private
  • 61. Connecting People and Places The Regional Mobility Plan Integrated, multimodal Cost Feasible Plan
  • 62. Connecting People and Places Implementation: Achieving the Vision
  • 63. Connecting People and Places Roadway Corridor Strategies and Local Government Tools
  • 64. Connecting People and Places Growth Focus Areas
  • 65. Connecting People and Places Roadway Corridor Strategies  Link and Serve the Growth Focus Centers  Plan for Fiscally Sustainable Transportation  “Livability” Focus: Fuel Savings, GHG Reduction, More “Active” Transportation  Optimize the Right-of-Ways; “Complete the Street”
  • 66. Connecting People and Places Corridor Strategy Types  Urban Center Arterials  Suburban Arterials  Rural Arterial Roadways  Small Cities Urban Arterials
  • 67. Connecting People and Places Dense Urban Center Arterials  Function within RMP Vision  Existing Conditions & Trends  Recommendations for Actions  Benefits (Fiscal Sustainability, “Livability”) of Actions
  • 68. Connecting People and Places Dense Urban Center Arterials Function within RMP Vision Existing Conditions & Trends Recommendations for Actions Benefits (Fiscal Sustainability, “Livability”) of Actions Graphic from K2 Urban Corp
  • 69. Connecting People and Places Dense Urban Center Arterials Function within RMP Vision Existing Conditions & Trends Recommendations for Actions Benefits (Fiscal Sustainability, “Livability”) of Actions Travel LOS Mode Auto D Bicycle D Pedestrian D Transit D
  • 70. Connecting People and Places Recommendations for Actions Dense Urban Center Arterials Bicycle Boulevards Travel LOS Mode Road Re-stripes Auto E or Diets Bicycle B Roadway Optimizations: Pedestrian B Transit, Bicycling & Walking Transit B
  • 71. Connecting People and Places Dense Urban Center Arterials Function within RMP Vision Existing Conditions & Trends Recommendations for Actions Benefits (Fiscal Sustainability, “Livability”) of Actions
  • 72. Connecting People and Places Corridor Strategy Types Urban Center Arterials Suburban Arterials Rural Arterial Roadways Small Cities Urban Arterials
  • 73. Connecting People and Places Suburban Arterials Function within RMP Vision Existing Conditions & Trends Recommendations for Actions Benefits (Fiscal Sustainability, “Livability”) of Actions Travel LOS Mode Auto E Bicycle E Pedestrian E Transit E
  • 74. Connecting People and Places Recommendations for Actions Suburban Arterials Travel LOS Suburban Flex-Streetscape Mode Auto C-D Bicycle B-C Pedestrian B-C Transit B-C
  • 75. Connecting People and Places Suburban Flex-Streetscape Pioneers & Precursors
  • 76. Connecting People and Places Recommendations for Actions Suburban Flex-Streetscape § Enhanced roadway capacity & safety § Enhanced business economics § Compact development § Reduced reliance on hydrocarbons § More active transportation, hence population
  • 77. Connecting People and Places Recommendations for Actions Suburban Arterials Safe & Effective Mid-block Pedestrian Crossings Travel LOS Mode Auto C-D Bicycle B-C Pedestrian B-C Multi-modal facilities “Pairing” Transit B-C Roadway Optimization: Restripes, “Diets” and Buffered Bikelanes Photo by Sprinkle Consulting, Inc.
  • 78. Connecting People and Places Local Government Tools
  • 79. Connecting People and Places Source: What Fuels will Move Us? Barker, Bill. ITE Journal. July 2010
  • 80. Connecting People and Places One Key to Directing Growth… 1. Plan & Influence Development Economics Graphic from K2 Urban Corp
  • 81. Connecting People and Places Regional Growth “Engines” 50,000 students & employees 50,000 + employees 15,000 students & employees 15,000 students & employees
  • 82. Connecting People and Places Land Development Growth “Pioneers”
  • 83. Connecting People and Places Land Development Growth “Roof-top Followers”
  • 84. Connecting People and Places RMP Development Scenarios “Quality Growth Plus” (Compact / Infill) Quality Growth Business-as-Usual (Contiguous / USA fringe) (Scattered / Linear)
  • 85. Connecting People and Places Long-term Operation & Maintenance Commitment Public Service Percent of Avg. Annual Cost Education………………….. 40% Public Safety..……………. 8% Roads………………………. 30% Wastewater……………….. 11% Fire/Rescue; Water; Parks; Solid Waste.......... 11% Source:Duncan and Associates. The Search for Efficient Urban Growth Patterns: A Study of Fiscal Impacts of Florida Development. Governor’s Task Force on Urban Growth Patterns and DCA. Tallahassee FL, 1989.
  • 87. Impacts on Traffic Activity Form / Location Avg. Traffic Trip Length Duncan’89 FDOT (335.067, F.S.) Weighted Avg. Business-as-Usual (Scattered / Linear) 8.3 mi 12.1mi 11.2mi Quality Growth (Contiguous / USA fringe) 6.4mi 9.6mi 8.8mi “Quality Growth Plus” (Compact / Infill) 6.8mi 4.9mi 5.4mi
  • 88. Connecting People and Places 100 lot subdivision
  • 89. Connecting People and Places Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
  • 90. Connecting People and Places Streets & Roadways Maintenance * Excluding I-10 Costs and Traffic Data Sources: City of Tallahassee Annual Budget, Leon County Annual Budget, Leon County CIP, FDOT Historical Work Program, and FDOT Countywide VMT Estimate
  • 91. Connecting People and Places Costs of Development Location (P/A, 3%, 35)
  • 93. Connecting People and Places Implementation: Achieving the Vision
  • 98. Connecting People and Places Achieving the Vision Public and Partner “Buy-I n” Stakeholder /Partner C ommittees Representatives from federal and state agencies; local governm adm ent inistrative, planning and public works departm ents; regional agencies; specific technical fields; and universities
  • 99. Connecting People and Places Achieving the Vision Public and Partner “Buy-I n” I ntensive Public Participation R g o a Mo i it P a e i n l bl y l n- C m o m nt S r e u i y u v y The Capital R egion Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) and StarM etro are wor king toget her to develop a regional mobi ty plan that wil address li l the existing and future mobility needs in the region. The Plan includes Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon and W akulla Counti es. Y U O I I N I N E E ! O R PNO S E D D P r I: W e e d y u l v ? a t h r o o i e _____ Gadsden ____ J efferson X L o e n ___ W akulla City? _________Z ip _________Zi p 3 3 1 Z pC d 2 0 - i o e _________Zip Code T la a s e al h s e Code Code P r II a t : Pe s l a eC IR L y u c o c a o t t e f l o i g s a e e t c n e n n C E o r h i e b u h o l wn t t m ns o c r i g S r n l t o gy A r e g e N i h rA r e et e g e Ds g e i a r e S r n l t o gy t et a s o t t o s s e h r n p r a i n y t min t e r g o . h e i n A r e g e N rD s g e o i a r e D a r e is g e 1. Traffic congestion is a maj or probl em i n my area. 5 4 X 2 1 2. Traffic congestion is a maj or problem i n the four county regi on. 5 4 X 2 1 3. M ore trav el options are needed t o help pe ople get to work. 5 X 3 2 1 4. M ore bi cycle and pedestrian faci lities are n eeded X 4 3 2 1 5. There should be a focus on safe bic ycle and pedest an access t ri o schools X 4 3 2 1 6. Regional t ransi servi t ce should be avai lable 5 X 3 2 1 7. Development patterns di rectly affect tr ansportat ion and mobi 5 4 X 2 1 8. I woul d use an alt ernative to my c ar i i were availabl f t e and convenient 5 X 3 2 1 P r II : P e s C R L w i hf c o s y u t i ka e v r i a t I l a e I C E hc a t r o hn r e y m o t n ,s m w a p r a t o e h t V r ey Im o t n p r a t S m w a o e h t N t o D nt o ’ im o t n ,o n t i p r a t r o m o t n , o w e h r y ud n t k o p r a t r h t e o o ’ n wo h v n o in o . r a e o p i n Im o t n p r a t Im o t n p ra t Im o t n p ra t K o n w 9. M aintenanc e of the existing transportati on faci ties li X 4 3 2 1 10. Specific designated truc routes are important k 5 X 3 2 1 11. Incor porating transpor tati on fac ty designs that rec ili ogniz ed and 5 X 3 2 1 enhance the charac ter of the area 12. Improving transportati on c onnecti ons between key pl aces i n the regi on. 5 X 3 2 1 13. Better public transportati on opti ons 5 X 3 2 1 14. M ore mult imodal options 5 4 X 2 1 15. Incor porating land use and devel opmen pattt erns i nt o transportation 5 X 3 2 1 planning P r IV I a t : na dt o t d i i n o t a s o t t o , pe s r np ra i n l a ei d c t t ei n i a e h m o t n eo e c p r a c f a h V r ey Im o t n p r a t S m w a o e h t N t o D nt o ’
  • 100. Connecting People and Places Achieving the Vision Agency C oordination Florida Department of Transportation Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Department of C ommunity Affairs Apalachee R egional Planning C ouncil School Boards C ommuter Services of North Florida 1000 Friends of Florida Tall Timbers R esearch Station
  • 101. Connecting People and Places Achieving the Vision R egional L ocal G overnment C oordination  Elected officials  Staff
  • 102. Connecting People and Places Parameters for the Project Multimodal Meets Federal and State Requirements 16 Page Scope of Work vs. 75 Page Scope of Work Wide Range of Flexibility Gave the Opportunity for New Approaches Very Little about the Project is Prescriptive, Very Little.
  • 103. Connecting People and Places Achieving the Vision (My F Words)
  • 104. Connecting People and Places Keep the participants in the discipline that you are discussing. Keep the “buzz words” consistent and ensure that there is an understood definition. Embrace the fact that you don’t know everything. Play devil’s advocate role. Don’t lose sight of what the effort is supposed to produce. Give them the freedom to discover how difficult it is.
  • 105. Connecting People and Places You have got to be flexible to make this work. Let them explore concepts and ideas. Don’t interrupt or interfere with the process. Take the time to fully develop concepts and ideas. Help only when asked.
  • 106. Connecting People and Places Have faith in the people you are working with. Have faith that they will debate every idea to death. Have faith that they will debate every idea to death. Have faith that they will debate every idea to death. Have faith that they will try to meet a deadline. Have faith that they will stick with it through to the end of the project. Have faith.
  • 107. Connecting People and Places There will be failure. Failure is a good thing. Learn to get the most out of the failure. It may be more of a step backwards than a failure. Deal with it and move on.
  • 108. Connecting People and Places Stick with it. Don’t walk out of a meeting frustrated say what you need to say. Bite your tongue hard but realize it will heal. Keep the task horizon in mind and keep pushing it.
  • 109. Connecting People and Places Thank everyone for the time they have put into the process. Have “them” present the results. Have “them” keep pushing the approved task. Do what you have to do to keep “them” on the project. Pizza goes a long way.
  • 110. Connecting People and Places Goals and Objectives The Goals and Objectives Committee Comprised of members from technical, citizens, and multimodal groups. Originally started with 25 – 30 members. After first meeting… 15 – 20 members. After first month… 10 – 12 members. After second month… 7 – 10 members. By task end… 5 – 7.
  • 111. Connecting People and Places Goals and Objectives In the past….. Year 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan To support and enhance economic vitality of the Capital Region. Regional Mobility Plan, CRTPA Board from a Retreat…. The Regional Mobility Plan should be based on a principle of sustainability principle of that will serve all citizens in the region in the future through an sustainability interconnecte interconnected, safe and secure network. The integrated transportation safe and secure integrate d network will support a prosperous regional economy and help conserve the network regional d natural region’s natural and recreational assets. economy recreational and assets
  • 112. Connecting People and Places Leads to this…..
  • 113. Connecting People and Places Goals and Objectives The Goals and Objectives Group…. Connectivity Enhance local and regional connectivity to effectively and safely move people and goods using multiple modes of transportation. Economic Development Create and maintain a transportation infrastructure that provides energy- and time-efficient intermodal movement of goods, services, and labor to and within urban areas in the region. Natural Resource Protection/Conservation Provide a transportation system that provides access and mobility, supports compact growth and protects the region’s natural environment.
  • 114. Connecting People and Places Goals and Objectives Are they vastly different in content? No. Was history re-written? No. Are they understandable to citizens? Yes. Did the citizens present them? Yes. Were they debated by the elected officials? No. Were they understood by the elected officials? Yes. Did the elected officials approve them? Yes. Did the citizens stay with the project? Yes.
  • 115. Connecting People and Places Goals and Objectives Timeline Original Timeline – April 2009 through June 2009 Modified Timeline - April 2009 through November 2009, including: Three meetings in July Three meetings in August Two meetings in September Two meetings in October One in November Time Invested by Citizens – over 500 hours!!!
  • 116. Connecting People and Places Other Phases with Same Approach EVERYTHING!!!!
  • 117. Connecting People and Places Achieving the Vision C ontinuing Agency C oordination Utilization of R egional M obility Plan in conjunction with adopted C omprehensive Plan C FP Project implementation underway: L ake Ella median implementation 6th Street sidewalks Franklin Boulevard L afayette Street Jefferson, Wakulla, and G adsden Bike/Ped studies
  • 119. P L A N N I N G FO R R E G I O N A L M OB ILITY: I nte g ra ting Tra ns po rta tio n a nd L a nd U s e “Connecting People and Places” QU E S TION S