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          Inspire people to
Université d’été TYPO3, Annecy          Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
Inspire People to Translate

  TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST
  Say bye bye to OpenOffice
           T3UNIFR - 25 juin 2012

    Dominique Feyer
    François Suter
    Xavier Perseguers
   Qui sommes-nous ?

   Le support de XLIFF dans TYPO3 4.6

   Serveur de traduction

   ReStructured Text, le nouveau format pour la documentation

                                                          Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                  share
A propos

Xavier Perseguers

     Fondateur de Causal Sàrl - Fribourg

     TYPO3 Core Team depuis 2009

     Release Manager TYPO3 4.6

     Twitter: @xperseguers @causal_sarl

                                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                   share
A propos

Dominique Feyer
     Cofondateur de ttree sàrl - lausanne

     Père d’une petite fille de 5 ans

     Plus de 10 ans d’expérience sur TYPO3

     TYPO3 translation team “leader”

     Twitter: @dfeyer @ttreeagency

                                             Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                     share
A propos

François Suter

     Développeur TYPO3 depuis 2004

     TYPO3 Core Developper

     Documentation team “leader”

     Twitter: @fsuter

                                     Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST             share

Un TYPO3 respectant
plus de standards

Le support de XLIFF dans TYPO3 4.6

                             Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST    share

Le support de XLIFF dans TYPO3 4.6
     Unifié avec FLOW3

                             Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST    share

      Le support de XLIFF dans TYPO3 4.6
             Unifié avec FLOW3

             Nouveau format d’échange pour la localisation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    <meta type="array">
        <description>Labels for Extension Manager</description>
    <data type="array">
        <languageKey index="fr" type="array">
            <label index="">Mettre à jour la liste des extensions</label>
            <label index="tasks_updateExtensionlistTask.description">Mise à jour de la liste [...]</label>

                                                                                          Inspiring people to
      TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                                            share

      Le support de XLIFF dans TYPO3 4.6
             Unifié avec FLOW3

             Nouveau format d’échange pour la localisation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff version="1.0">
    <file source-language="EN" target-language="fr" product-name="em">
            <trans-unit id="" approved="yes">
                <source>Update Extension List</source>
                <target state="translated">Mettre à jour la liste des extensions</target>
            <trans-unit id="tasks_updateExtensionlistTask.description" approved="yes">
                <source>Update the extension list on a regular basis. Once a day is a [...]</source>
                <target state="translated">Mise à jour de la liste des extensions sur une [...]</target>

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      TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                                            share

XLIFF, le format d’échange
     1 fichier/langue




                                     Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST             share

XLIFF, le format d’échange
     1 fichier/langue

Anglais                            locallang.xlf



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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                             share

Conversion LL-XML ➔ XLIFF
     LL-XML ➔ XLIFF avec l’extension “extdeveval”

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                            share

Chaîne de dépendance complexe

                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share

Chaîne de dépendance complexe
     Reconfigurer les dépendances entre les locales

                                                     Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                             share

Chaîne de dépendance complexe
     Reconfigurer les dépendances entre les localesfr_CA ➔ fr ➔ default

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                       share

Chaîne de dépendance complexe
     Reconfigurer les dépendances entre les locales

                                                 ja_KA ➔ ja ➔ default

      大阪弁             標準語

                                                             Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                     share

Chaîne de dépendance complexe
     Reconfigurer les dépendances entre les locales

                                                         ja_KA ➔ ja_NR ➔ ja ➔

      大阪弁             東京弁             標準語

                                                     Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                             share

XLIFF avant la 4.6
     Ajoutez une dépendance à l’extension “xliff” disponible sur le TER

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                      share

XLIFF avant la 4.6
     Ajoutez une dépendance à l’extension “xliff” disponible sur le TER

                            Conversion automatique de vos fichiers
                            XLIFF en
                            LL-XML si la version de TYPO3 le nécessite

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                      share

Les prochaines étapes
     Synchronisation automatique TER -> Pootle

     Nouvelle version des scripts de construction des “language packs”

     Nouvelle API

        Support des pluriels

        Support des traductions par sources

        JS / ExtJS

                                                              Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                     share

Les prochaines étapes
     Synchronisation automatique TER -> Pootle

     Nouvelle version des scripts de construction des “language packs”

     Nouvelle API

        Support des pluriels

        Support des traductions par sources

        JS / ExtJS

                                  TYPO3 6.x
                                                              Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                     share
Highlights of TYPO3 4.6

Le serveur de traduction

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
Le serveur de traduction

Contribuer à l’effort de traduction

                                Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST       share
Le serveur de traduction

Contribuer à l’effort de traduction

                                    Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST            share
Le serveur de traduction

Contribuer à l’effort de traduction

     Intégrer avec le SSO de

                                         Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                 share
Le serveur de traduction

Contribuer à l’effort de traduction

     Intégrer avec le SSO de

     Pootle: PO-based Online Translation / Localization Engine
           “Pootle est un portail orienté utilisateur
           pour faciliter le processus de traduction. Il
           permet une traduction en ligne, la
           génération de statistique et permet un
           contribution simple et rapide.

                                                             Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                     share
Motivé de
faire tout
passer au
  vert ?
Le serveur de traduction

Projet “Terminologie”

                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
Le serveur de traduction

Projet “Terminologie”
     Dictionnaire de mots clés avec
     leur traduction

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST              share
Le serveur de traduction

Projet “Terminologie”
     Dictionnaire de mots clés avec
     leur traduction

     Gestion de la terminologie par les
     “team leaders”

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                  share
Le serveur de traduction

Traduire hors ligne

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
Le serveur de traduction

Traduire hors ligne
     Parce que la vrai vie c’est hors

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
Le serveur de traduction

Traduire hors ligne
     Parce que la vrai vie c’est hors

     Support des équipes de
     traduction externe

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
Le serveur de traduction

Traduire hors ligne
     Parce que la vrai vie c’est hors

     Support des équipes de
     traduction externe

     Société spécialisée

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
Le serveur de traduction

                             p 0
                            o 3
Contribuer à l’effort de traduction

                           h 6h
                          s 1
     N’importe qui avec un compte

                    o r k
  W 26 juin
 a rd i,
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST
                                              Inspiring people to
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text

                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
     Unifié avec FLOW3

                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

      ReStructured Text
             Unifié avec FLOW3

             Nouveau format de documentation

3: Use the upgrade wizard
Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site.

(If you have password/access problems, please see the section about
the Install Tool in this document).

|img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the
“Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards
provided. You should start by using the “Version Compatibility”
wizard, which sets the compatibility version of your TYPO3
installation to the new version. Afterwards you will get redirected to
the next wizard. Please note that some wizards provide optional
features, like installing system extension (for example simulate

                                                                          Inspiring people to
      TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                            share
ReStructured Text


                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text


                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text


        Pratique pour la mise en page

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text


        Pratique pour la mise en page

        Facile à utiliser

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text


        Pratique pour la mise en page

        Facile à utiliser


                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text


        Pratique pour la mise en page

        Facile à utiliser


        Cohérence de style

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text


        Pratique pour la mise en page

        Facile à utiliser


        Cohérence de style

        Format binaire

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text


        Pratique pour la mise en page

        Facile à utiliser


        Cohérence de style

        Format binaire


                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text


        Pratique pour la mise en page

        Facile à utiliser


        Cohérence de style

        Format binaire


                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text

                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text

        Format texte

                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text

        Format texte

        Multiples fichiers et images référencées

                                                  Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                          share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text

        Format texte

        Multiples fichiers et images référencées

        Automatisation du rendu

                                                  Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                          share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text

        Format texte

        Multiples fichiers et images référencées

        Automatisation du rendu


                                                  Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                          share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text

        Format texte

        Multiples fichiers et images référencées

        Automatisation du rendu


        Peu connu du monde PHP

                                                  Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                          share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text

        Format texte

        Multiples fichiers et images référencées

        Automatisation du rendu


        Peu connu du monde PHP

        Plus technique que OpenOffice

                                                  Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                          share
ReStructured Text


                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

     Convergence avec FLOW3

                              Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST      share
ReStructured Text

     Convergence avec FLOW3

     Homogénéité du rendu

                              Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST      share
ReStructured Text

     Convergence avec FLOW3

     Homogénéité du rendu

     Rendus dans de multiples formats

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text

     Convergence avec FLOW3

     Homogénéité du rendu

     Rendus dans de multiples formats

     URLs permanentes

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text

     Convergence avec FLOW3

     Homogénéité du rendu

     Rendus dans de multiples formats

     URLs permanentes

     Liens croisés entre documents

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text

     Convergence avec FLOW3

     Homogénéité du rendu

     Rendus dans de multiples formats

     URLs permanentes

     Liens croisés entre documents

     Gestion de version

                                        Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                share
ReStructured Text


                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

     ReStructured Text

                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

     ReStructured Text


                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

     ReStructured Text



                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

     ReStructured Text




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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

     ReStructured Text




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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

     ReStructured Text





                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text

                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST    share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard


                            Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST    share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard


Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site.

                                                                     Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                             share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard


Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site.

(If you have password/access problems, please see the section about

                                                                      Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                              share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard


Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site.

(If you have password/access problems, please see the section about

the Install Tool in this document).

                                                                      Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                              share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard


Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site.

(If you have password/access problems, please see the section about

the Install Tool in this document).

|img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the

                                                                          Inspiring people to
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ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard


Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site.

(If you have password/access problems, please see the section about

the Install Tool in this document).

|img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the

“Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards

                                                                          Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                                  share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard


Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site.

(If you have password/access problems, please see the section about

the Install Tool in this document).

|img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the

“Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards

provided. You should start by using the “Version Compatibility”

                                                                          Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                                  share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard


Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site.

(If you have password/access problems, please see the section about

the Install Tool in this document).

|img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the

“Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards

provided. You should start by using the “Version Compatibility”

wizard, which sets the compatibility version of your TYPO3

                                                                          Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                                  share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard


Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site.

(If you have password/access problems, please see the section about

the Install Tool in this document).

|img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the

“Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards

provided. You should start by using the “Version Compatibility”

wizard, which sets the compatibility version of your TYPO3

installation to the new version. Afterwards you will get redirected to

                                                                          Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                                  share
ReStructured Text

ReStructured Text
3: Use the upgrade wizard


Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site.

(If you have password/access problems, please see the section about

the Install Tool in this document).

|img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the

“Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards

provided. You should start by using the “Version Compatibility”

wizard, which sets the compatibility version of your TYPO3

installation to the new version. Afterwards you will get redirected to

the next wizard.

                                                                          Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                                  share
ReStructured Text


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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text

     Manuels officiels déjà migrés

                                     Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST             share
ReStructured Text

     Manuels officiels déjà migrés

     Nouveau processus de documentation du Core

                                                  Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                          share
ReStructured Text

     Manuels officiels déjà migrés

     Nouveau processus de documentation du Core

     Conversion automatique disponible pour extensions

                                                         Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                 share
ReStructured Text

     Manuels officiels déjà migrés

     Nouveau processus de documentation du Core

     Conversion automatique disponible pour extensions

     Bientôt, les extensions systèmes

                                                         Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                 share
ReStructured Text

Les prochaines étapes
     Définition des conventions pour liens croisés

     Automatisation du rendu (FLOW3)

     URLs définitives

     Interactions avec EM et TER

     Intégration dans

                                                    Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                            share
ReStructured Text

Traduction de la documentation
     Documentation “pur texte”

     Comment tirer partie de Pootle ?

     Sphinx a une solution :

                                                              Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                      share
ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation

Vue d’ensemble

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ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation

Exemple pratique




                                                         Inspiring people to
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Extension Name
=================     Text - Traduction de la documentation
:Extension name: Extension Name
:Extension key: extension_key
:Description: manuals covering TYPO3 basics
:Language: en
:Author: Author Name <>
:Creation date: 18-12-2010
:Generation date: |time|
:Licence: Open Content License available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3 - a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2


What does it do?

First of all, if you have any idea how this template can be improved, please, drop a note to our team_. Documentation
is written in reST format. Please, refer to Help writing reStructuredText to get some insight regarding syntax and
existing reST editors on the market.

                                                                                         Inspiring people to
      TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                                           share
Extension Name
=================     Text - Traduction de la documentation
:Extension name: Extension Name
:Extension key: extension_key
:Description: manuals covering TYPO3 basics
:Language: en
:Author: Author Name <>
:Creation date: 18-12-2010
:Generation date: |time|
:Licence: Open Content License available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3 - a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

.. toctree::                    Fichier .rst                              Fichier .pot
    :maxdepth: 2


What does it do?

First of all, if you have any idea how this template can be improved, please, drop a note to our team_. Documentation
is written in reST format. Please, refer to Help writing reStructuredText to get some insight regarding syntax and
existing reST editors on the market.

                                                                                         Inspiring people to
      TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                                           share
ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Extension Name 1.0n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-25 15:13n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONEn"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bitn"

#: ../../Index.rst:12
#: ../../Index.rst:14
msgid "Extension Name"
msgstr ""

#: ../../Index.rst:15
msgid "extension_key"
msgstr ""

#: ../../Index.rst:16
msgid "manuals covering TYPO3 basics"
msgstr ""

                                                           Inspiring people to
      TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                             share
ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Extension Name 1.0n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-25 15:13n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONEn"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bitn"
                                Fichier .pot
#: ../../Index.rst:12
#: ../../Index.rst:14
msgid "Extension Name"
msgstr ""

#: ../../Index.rst:15                                      Pootle
msgid "extension_key"
msgstr ""

#: ../../Index.rst:16
msgid "manuals covering TYPO3 basics"
msgstr ""

                                                                    Inspiring people to
      TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                      share

                           Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST   share
ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation

                                                     Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                             share
ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation

                                                     Fichier .po


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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                           share
ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation

      Fichier .po pour le français

#: ../../Index.rst:12
#: ../../Index.rst:14
msgid "Extension Name"
msgstr "Nom de l’extension"

#: ../../Index.rst:15
msgid "extension_key"
msgstr "extension_key"

#: ../../Index.rst:16
msgid "manuals covering TYPO3 basics"
msgstr "manuel couvrant les fonctions de base de TYPO3"


                                                           Inspiring people to
      TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                             share
ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation

                            Fichier .rst

                                                     Fichier .po
                                                        / .mo

                          Document en          Document localisé
                            anglais              pour français

                                                                   Inspiring people to
TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                           share
ReStructured Text

Distribution des traductions via le


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Plus d’informations
Plus d’informations

     Serveur de traduction:

     Translation Team (Forge):


     Listes de diffusion:


         Liste française pour la traduction:


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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                                         share
Plus d’informations

Pour aller plus loin
     Traduction d’un site TYPO3 : Extension l10nmgr

           Importation/Exportation en XLIFF

     Installation de son extension sur Pootle


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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST                              share
inspiring people to share & translate

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TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST

  • 1. Text Inspire people to translate Université d’été TYPO3, Annecy Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 2. Inspire People to Translate TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST Say bye bye to OpenOffice T3UNIFR - 25 juin 2012 Dominique Feyer @dfeyer François Suter @fsuter Xavier Perseguers @xperseguers
  • 3. Résumé Qui sommes-nous ? Le support de XLIFF dans TYPO3 4.6 Serveur de traduction ReStructured Text, le nouveau format pour la documentation Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 4. A propos Xavier Perseguers Fondateur de Causal Sàrl - Fribourg TYPO3 Core Team depuis 2009 Release Manager TYPO3 4.6 Twitter: @xperseguers @causal_sarl Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 5. A propos Dominique Feyer Cofondateur de ttree sàrl - lausanne Père d’une petite fille de 5 ans Plus de 10 ans d’expérience sur TYPO3 TYPO3 translation team “leader” Twitter: @dfeyer @ttreeagency Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 6. A propos François Suter Développeur TYPO3 depuis 2004 TYPO3 Core Developper Documentation team “leader” Twitter: @fsuter Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 8. TYPO3 & XLIFF Le support de XLIFF dans TYPO3 4.6 Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 9. TYPO3 & XLIFF Le support de XLIFF dans TYPO3 4.6 Unifié avec FLOW3 Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 10. TYPO3 & XLIFF Le support de XLIFF dans TYPO3 4.6 Unifié avec FLOW3 Nouveau format d’échange pour la localisation <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <T3locallang> <meta type="array"> <type>module</type> <description>Labels for Extension Manager</description> </meta> <data type="array"> <languageKey index="fr" type="array"> <label index="">Mettre à jour la liste des extensions</label> <label index="tasks_updateExtensionlistTask.description">Mise à jour de la liste [...]</label> </languageKey> ... Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 11. TYPO3 & XLIFF Le support de XLIFF dans TYPO3 4.6 Unifié avec FLOW3 Nouveau format d’échange pour la localisation <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xliff version="1.0"> <file source-language="EN" target-language="fr" product-name="em"> <header/> <body> <trans-unit id="" approved="yes"> <source>Update Extension List</source> <target state="translated">Mettre à jour la liste des extensions</target> </trans-unit> <trans-unit id="tasks_updateExtensionlistTask.description" approved="yes"> <source>Update the extension list on a regular basis. Once a day is a [...]</source> <target state="translated">Mise à jour de la liste des extensions sur une [...]</target> </trans-unit> Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 12. TYPO3 & XLIFF XLIFF, le format d’échange 1 fichier/langue Anglais locallang.xml locallang.xlf fr.locallang.xlf Français Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 13. TYPO3 & XLIFF XLIFF, le format d’échange 1 fichier/langue Anglais locallang.xlf locallang.xml fr.locallang.xlf Français Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 14. TYPO3 & XLIFF Conversion LL-XML ➔ XLIFF LL-XML ➔ XLIFF avec l’extension “extdeveval” Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 15. TYPO3 & XLIFF Chaîne de dépendance complexe Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 16. TYPO3 & XLIFF Chaîne de dépendance complexe Reconfigurer les dépendances entre les locales Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 17. TYPO3 & XLIFF Chaîne de dépendance complexe standard: Reconfigurer les dépendances entre les localesfr_CA ➔ fr ➔ default Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 18. TYPO3 & XLIFF Chaîne de dépendance complexe Reconfigurer les dépendances entre les locales standard: ja_KA ➔ ja ➔ default 大阪弁 標準語 Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 19. TYPO3 & XLIFF Chaîne de dépendance complexe Reconfigurer les dépendances entre les locales user-defined: ja_KA ➔ ja_NR ➔ ja ➔ default 大阪弁 東京弁 標準語 Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 20. TYPO3 & XLIFF XLIFF avant la 4.6 Ajoutez une dépendance à l’extension “xliff” disponible sur le TER Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 21. TYPO3 & XLIFF XLIFF avant la 4.6 Ajoutez une dépendance à l’extension “xliff” disponible sur le TER Conversion automatique de vos fichiers XLIFF en LL-XML si la version de TYPO3 le nécessite Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 22. TYPO3 & XLIFF Les prochaines étapes Synchronisation automatique TER -> Pootle Nouvelle version des scripts de construction des “language packs” Nouvelle API Support des pluriels Support des traductions par sources JS / ExtJS Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 23. TYPO3 & XLIFF Les prochaines étapes Synchronisation automatique TER -> Pootle Nouvelle version des scripts de construction des “language packs” Nouvelle API Support des pluriels Support des traductions par sources JS / ExtJS TYPO3 6.x Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 24. Highlights of TYPO3 4.6 Le serveur de traduction Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 25. Le serveur de traduction Contribuer à l’effort de traduction Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 26. Le serveur de traduction Contribuer à l’effort de traduction Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 27. Le serveur de traduction Contribuer à l’effort de traduction Intégrer avec le SSO de Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 28. Le serveur de traduction Contribuer à l’effort de traduction Intégrer avec le SSO de Pootle: PO-based Online Translation / Localization Engine “Pootle est un portail orienté utilisateur pour faciliter le processus de traduction. Il permet une traduction en ligne, la génération de statistique et permet un contribution simple et rapide. Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 29.
  • 31. Le serveur de traduction Projet “Terminologie” Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 32. Le serveur de traduction Projet “Terminologie” Dictionnaire de mots clés avec leur traduction Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 33. Le serveur de traduction Projet “Terminologie” Dictionnaire de mots clés avec leur traduction Gestion de la terminologie par les “team leaders” Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 34. Le serveur de traduction Traduire hors ligne Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 35. Le serveur de traduction Traduire hors ligne Parce que la vrai vie c’est hors ligne Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 36. Le serveur de traduction Traduire hors ligne Parce que la vrai vie c’est hors ligne Support des équipes de traduction externe Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 37. Le serveur de traduction Traduire hors ligne Parce que la vrai vie c’est hors ligne Support des équipes de traduction externe Société spécialisée Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 38. Le serveur de traduction p 0 o 3 Contribuer à l’effort de traduction h 6h s 1 N’importe qui avec un compte o r k W 26 juin a rd i, m TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST Inspiring people to share
  • 39. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 40. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Unifié avec FLOW3 Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 41. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Unifié avec FLOW3 Nouveau format de documentation 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site. (If you have password/access problems, please see the section about the Install Tool in this document). |img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the “Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards provided. You should start by using the “Version Compatibility” wizard, which sets the compatibility version of your TYPO3 installation to the new version. Afterwards you will get redirected to the next wizard. Please note that some wizards provide optional features, like installing system extension (for example simulate Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 42. ReStructured Text OpenOffice Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 43. ReStructured Text OpenOffice Avantages Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 44. ReStructured Text OpenOffice Avantages Pratique pour la mise en page Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 45. ReStructured Text OpenOffice Avantages Pratique pour la mise en page Facile à utiliser Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 46. ReStructured Text OpenOffice Avantages Pratique pour la mise en page Facile à utiliser Désavantages Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 47. ReStructured Text OpenOffice Avantages Pratique pour la mise en page Facile à utiliser Désavantages Cohérence de style Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 48. ReStructured Text OpenOffice Avantages Pratique pour la mise en page Facile à utiliser Désavantages Cohérence de style Format binaire Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 49. ReStructured Text OpenOffice Avantages Pratique pour la mise en page Facile à utiliser Désavantages Cohérence de style Format binaire Monolithique Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 50. ReStructured Text OpenOffice Avantages Pratique pour la mise en page Facile à utiliser Désavantages Cohérence de style Format binaire Monolithique Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 51. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 52. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Avantages Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 53. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Avantages Format texte Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 54. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Avantages Format texte Multiples fichiers et images référencées Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 55. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Avantages Format texte Multiples fichiers et images référencées Automatisation du rendu Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 56. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Avantages Format texte Multiples fichiers et images référencées Automatisation du rendu Désavantages Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 57. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Avantages Format texte Multiples fichiers et images référencées Automatisation du rendu Désavantages Peu connu du monde PHP Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 58. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Avantages Format texte Multiples fichiers et images référencées Automatisation du rendu Désavantages Peu connu du monde PHP Plus technique que OpenOffice Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 59. ReStructured Text Objectifs Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 60. ReStructured Text Objectifs Convergence avec FLOW3 Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 61. ReStructured Text Objectifs Convergence avec FLOW3 Homogénéité du rendu Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 62. ReStructured Text Objectifs Convergence avec FLOW3 Homogénéité du rendu Rendus dans de multiples formats Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 63. ReStructured Text Objectifs Convergence avec FLOW3 Homogénéité du rendu Rendus dans de multiples formats URLs permanentes Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 64. ReStructured Text Objectifs Convergence avec FLOW3 Homogénéité du rendu Rendus dans de multiples formats URLs permanentes Liens croisés entre documents Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 65. ReStructured Text Objectifs Convergence avec FLOW3 Homogénéité du rendu Rendus dans de multiples formats URLs permanentes Liens croisés entre documents Gestion de version Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 66. ReStructured Text Outils Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 67. ReStructured Text Outils ReStructured Text Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 68. ReStructured Text Outils ReStructured Text Sphinx Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 69. ReStructured Text Outils ReStructured Text Sphinx Intersphinx Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 70. ReStructured Text Outils ReStructured Text Sphinx Intersphinx LaTeX Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 71. ReStructured Text Outils ReStructured Text Sphinx Intersphinx LaTeX Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 72. ReStructured Text Outils ReStructured Text Sphinx Intersphinx LaTeX GIT Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 73. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 74. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 75. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 76. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site. Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 77. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site. (If you have password/access problems, please see the section about Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 78. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site. (If you have password/access problems, please see the section about the Install Tool in this document). Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 79. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site. (If you have password/access problems, please see the section about the Install Tool in this document). |img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 80. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site. (If you have password/access problems, please see the section about the Install Tool in this document). |img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the “Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 81. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site. (If you have password/access problems, please see the section about the Install Tool in this document). |img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the “Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards provided. You should start by using the “Version Compatibility” Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 82. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site. (If you have password/access problems, please see the section about the Install Tool in this document). |img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the “Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards provided. You should start by using the “Version Compatibility” wizard, which sets the compatibility version of your TYPO3 Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 83. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site. (If you have password/access problems, please see the section about the Install Tool in this document). |img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the “Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards provided. You should start by using the “Version Compatibility” wizard, which sets the compatibility version of your TYPO3 installation to the new version. Afterwards you will get redirected to Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 84. ReStructured Text ReStructured Text 3: Use the upgrade wizard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the Install Tool at '.../typo3/install/' on your TYPO3 site. (If you have password/access problems, please see the section about the Install Tool in this document). |img-14| TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard for easy upgrading. Go to the “Upgrade Wizard” section and take a look at the different wizards provided. You should start by using the “Version Compatibility” wizard, which sets the compatibility version of your TYPO3 installation to the new version. Afterwards you will get redirected to the next wizard. Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 85. ReStructured Text Migration Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 86. ReStructured Text Migration Manuels officiels déjà migrés Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 87. ReStructured Text Migration Manuels officiels déjà migrés Nouveau processus de documentation du Core Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 88. ReStructured Text Migration Manuels officiels déjà migrés Nouveau processus de documentation du Core Conversion automatique disponible pour extensions Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 89. ReStructured Text Migration Manuels officiels déjà migrés Nouveau processus de documentation du Core Conversion automatique disponible pour extensions Bientôt, les extensions systèmes Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 90. ReStructured Text Les prochaines étapes Définition des conventions pour liens croisés Automatisation du rendu (FLOW3) URLs définitives Interactions avec EM et TER Intégration dans Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 91. ReStructured Text Traduction de la documentation Documentation “pur texte” Comment tirer partie de Pootle ? Sphinx a une solution : Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 92. ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation Vue d’ensemble Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 93. ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation Exemple pratique git:// Index.rst AdministratorManual.rst ... Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 94. ================= Extension Name ReStructured ================= Text - Traduction de la documentation :Extension name: Extension Name :Extension key: extension_key :Description: manuals covering TYPO3 basics :Language: en :Author: Author Name <> :Creation date: 18-12-2010 :Generation date: |time| :Licence: Open Content License available from The content of this document is related to TYPO3 - a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 UserManual AdministratorManual TyposcriptReference DeveloperCorner ProjectInformation RestructuredtextHelp What does it do? ================= First of all, if you have any idea how this template can be improved, please, drop a note to our team_. Documentation is written in reST format. Please, refer to Help writing reStructuredText to get some insight regarding syntax and existing reST editors on the market. Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 95. ================= Extension Name ReStructured ================= Text - Traduction de la documentation :Extension name: Extension Name :Extension key: extension_key :Description: manuals covering TYPO3 basics :Language: en :Author: Author Name <> :Creation date: 18-12-2010 :Generation date: |time| :Licence: Open Content License available from The content of this document is related to TYPO3 - a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from .. toctree:: Fichier .rst Fichier .pot :maxdepth: 2 UserManual AdministratorManual TyposcriptReference DeveloperCorner ProjectInformation RestructuredtextHelp What does it do? ================= First of all, if you have any idea how this template can be improved, please, drop a note to our team_. Documentation is written in reST format. Please, refer to Help writing reStructuredText to get some insight regarding syntax and existing reST editors on the market. Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 96. ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Extension Name 1.0n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-25 15:13n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONEn" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>n" "MIME-Version: 1.0n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bitn" #: ../../Index.rst:12 #: ../../Index.rst:14 msgid "Extension Name" msgstr "" #: ../../Index.rst:15 msgid "extension_key" msgstr "" #: ../../Index.rst:16 msgid "manuals covering TYPO3 basics" msgstr "" Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 97. ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Extension Name 1.0n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-25 15:13n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONEn" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>n" "MIME-Version: 1.0n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bitn" Fichier .pot #: ../../Index.rst:12 #: ../../Index.rst:14 msgid "Extension Name" msgstr "" #: ../../Index.rst:15 Pootle msgid "extension_key" msgstr "" #: ../../Index.rst:16 msgid "manuals covering TYPO3 basics" msgstr "" Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 98. Topictext Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 99. ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 100. ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation Fichier .po Pootle Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 101. ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation Fichier .po pour le français #: ../../Index.rst:12 #: ../../Index.rst:14 msgid "Extension Name" msgstr "Nom de l’extension" #: ../../Index.rst:15 msgid "extension_key" msgstr "extension_key" #: ../../Index.rst:16 msgid "manuals covering TYPO3 basics" msgstr "manuel couvrant les fonctions de base de TYPO3" ... Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 102. ReStructured Text - Traduction de la documentation Fichier .rst Fichier .po / .mo Document en Document localisé anglais pour français Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 103. ReStructured Text Distribution des traductions via le Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 105. Plus d’informations Resources Serveur de traduction: Translation Team (Forge): translation ReST: Listes de diffusion: Traduction: Liste française pour la traduction: Documentation: Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 106. Plus d’informations Pour aller plus loin Traduction d’un site TYPO3 : Extension l10nmgr Importation/Exportation en XLIFF Installation de son extension sur Pootle ... Inspiring people to TYPO3 meets XLIFF + reST share
  • 107.
  • 108. inspiring people to share & translate

Notas do Editor

  1. Kon&apos;nichiwa Ky&amp;#x14D;to\n
  2. \n
  3. \n
  4. \n
  5. \n
  6. \n
  7. XLIFF and localization\nForm project\nExtbase\nTypoScript\n
  8. - XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format)\n- XML-based format created to standardize localization\n- Standardized by OASIS in 2002 (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)\n- Global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards\n- Plural forms (tree / trees / many trees)\n
  9. - XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format)\n- XML-based format created to standardize localization\n- Standardized by OASIS in 2002 (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)\n- Global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards\n- Plural forms (tree / trees / many trees)\n
  10. - XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format)\n- XML-based format created to standardize localization\n- Standardized by OASIS in 2002 (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)\n- Global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards\n- Plural forms (tree / trees / many trees)\n
  11. - XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format)\n- XML-based format created to standardize localization\n- Standardized by OASIS in 2002 (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)\n- Global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards\n- Plural forms (tree / trees / many trees)\n
  12. - XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format)\n- XML-based format created to standardize localization\n- Standardized by OASIS in 2002 (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)\n- Global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards\n- Plural forms (tree / trees / many trees)\n
  13. \n
  14. \n
  15. \n
  16. \n
  17. ll-XML (locallang XML) &amp;#x2794; \n
  18. - Before 4.6: language X &amp;#x2794; English (default) !\n- French (Canada) &amp;#x2794; French &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo / lingua franca) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; (T&amp;#x14D;ky&amp;#x14D;-ben) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Dependencies taken into account in EM (tab: language packages)\n
  19. - Before 4.6: language X &amp;#x2794; English (default) !\n- French (Canada) &amp;#x2794; French &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo / lingua franca) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; (T&amp;#x14D;ky&amp;#x14D;-ben) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Dependencies taken into account in EM (tab: language packages)\n
  20. - Before 4.6: language X &amp;#x2794; English (default) !\n- French (Canada) &amp;#x2794; French &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo / lingua franca) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; (T&amp;#x14D;ky&amp;#x14D;-ben) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Dependencies taken into account in EM (tab: language packages)\n
  21. - Before 4.6: language X &amp;#x2794; English (default) !\n- French (Canada) &amp;#x2794; French &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo / lingua franca) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; (T&amp;#x14D;ky&amp;#x14D;-ben) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Dependencies taken into account in EM (tab: language packages)\n
  22. - Before 4.6: language X &amp;#x2794; English (default) !\n- French (Canada) &amp;#x2794; French &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo / lingua franca) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; (T&amp;#x14D;ky&amp;#x14D;-ben) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Dependencies taken into account in EM (tab: language packages)\n
  23. - Before 4.6: language X &amp;#x2794; English (default) !\n- French (Canada) &amp;#x2794; French &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo / lingua franca) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; (T&amp;#x14D;ky&amp;#x14D;-ben) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Dependencies taken into account in EM (tab: language packages)\n
  24. - Before 4.6: language X &amp;#x2794; English (default) !\n- French (Canada) &amp;#x2794; French &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo / lingua franca) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; (T&amp;#x14D;ky&amp;#x14D;-ben) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Dependencies taken into account in EM (tab: language packages)\n
  25. - Before 4.6: language X &amp;#x2794; English (default) !\n- French (Canada) &amp;#x2794; French &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo / lingua franca) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; (T&amp;#x14D;ky&amp;#x14D;-ben) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Dependencies taken into account in EM (tab: language packages)\n
  26. - Before 4.6: language X &amp;#x2794; English (default) !\n- French (Canada) &amp;#x2794; French &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo / lingua franca) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; (T&amp;#x14D;ky&amp;#x14D;-ben) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Dependencies taken into account in EM (tab: language packages)\n
  27. - Before 4.6: language X &amp;#x2794; English (default) !\n- French (Canada) &amp;#x2794; French &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo / lingua franca) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Osaka-ben (region Kansai-chih&amp;#x14D;) &amp;#x2794; (T&amp;#x14D;ky&amp;#x14D;-ben) &amp;#x2794; Japanese (hy&amp;#x14D;jungo) &amp;#x2794; English\n- Dependencies taken into account in EM (tab: language packages)\n
  28. ll-XML (locallang XML) &amp;#x2794; \n
  29. ll-XML (locallang XML) &amp;#x2794; \n
  30. - XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format)\n- XML-based format created to standardize localization\n- Standardized by OASIS in 2002 (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)\n- Global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards\n- Plural forms (tree / trees / many trees)\n
  31. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  32. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  33. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  34. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  35. - Filter by project / language\n- Filter out unknown languages\n- Top contributors, ...\n
  36. - Filter by project / language\n- Filter out unknown languages\n- Top contributors, ...\n
  37. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  38. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  39. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  40. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  41. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  42. - SSO: Single Sign On\n- Any number of &amp;#x201C;sources&amp;#x201D; (here French+English)\n- Terminology\n- Fuzzy: consider this as not being &amp;#x201C;ready&amp;#x201D;\n- Comment / Context\n- Submit for &amp;#x201C;admin&amp;#x201D; / Suggest for everybody\n- Nothing lost when // work =&gt; suggestion\n
  43. - XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format)\n- XML-based format created to standardize localization\n- Standardized by OASIS in 2002 (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)\n- Global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards\n- Plural forms (tree / trees / many trees)\n
  44. - XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format)\n- XML-based format created to standardize localization\n- Standardized by OASIS in 2002 (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)\n- Global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards\n- Plural forms (tree / trees / many trees)\n
  45. - XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format)\n- XML-based format created to standardize localization\n- Standardized by OASIS in 2002 (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)\n- Global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards\n- Plural forms (tree / trees / many trees)\n
  46. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  47. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  48. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  49. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  50. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  51. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  52. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  53. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  54. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  55. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  56. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  57. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  58. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  59. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  60. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  61. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  62. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  63. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  64. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  65. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  66. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  67. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  68. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  69. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  70. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  71. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  72. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  73. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  74. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  75. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  76. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  77. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  78. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  79. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  80. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  81. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  82. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  83. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  84. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  85. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  86. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  87. - Problems with old TYPO3 website:\n- single login/language =&gt; hard to know who does what\n- no suggestion =&gt; replicated world wide =&gt; fear to &amp;#x201C;break something&amp;#x201D;\n- 2 workers at the same time =&gt; &amp;#x201C;last one saving wins&amp;#x201D;\n- PO: gettext Portable Object (Part of the GNU translation project)\n- Move to XLIFF -&gt; XLOTLE :) \n
  88. ll-XML (locallang XML) &amp;#x2794; \n
  89. \n
  90. sphinx-build gettext (.rst =&gt; .pot)\nmsgfmt (.po =&gt; .mo)\nsphinx-build -Dlanguage=fr\n
  91. \n
  92. \n
  93. \n
  94. \n
  95. \n
  96. \n
  97. \n
  98. \n
  99. \n
  100. \n
  101. ll-XML (locallang XML) &amp;#x2794; \n
  102. \n
  103. \n